give I me our yeah s for at this time I'd like to call to order the  uh April 8th meeting of the opioid batement   funding Advisory board if you would please uh  turn off your cell phones or to vibrate or or   off U public speakers if you would fill  out a card if you want to speak address   the board fill out a card hand it to the  ladies over here and uh you'll be allowed   2 minutes of for the uh open Forum with  that if you would please stand and pledge allegiance everyone's had a chance to uh  review the minutes from the last meeting   of entertain a motion to approve I approve  second second all in favor I I I okay next   that brings us to the public speakers I have one  uh request to speak at this present moment Mr Brad Bishop good morning my name is Brad bishop  and I'm at 221 West Fairfield Pensacola   Florida so I have started a nonprofit  that is dedicated to fighting against   overdose opioid addiction and it's expanded  into human trafficking with the way opioids   work and um we are Narcan Distributors and  I wanted to throw our name in the Hat for   the uh Narcan vending machines we can stop  we have a great location um I don't know if   I'm in the right place to do that this  is my first time so um that's why I'm here have any questions Mr Bishop okay yes uh could you say some more  about exactly what what your organization   is and how you operate okay so in we received  our 501c3 in December 2023 we organized ized   in June um as a result of my brother passing  away of overdose in may we started awareness   videos and just trying to kind of Enlighten  everybody on what's going on in Pensacola and   in the streets what's what's really taking place  out here with fentel and the opioid epidemic um   through that we ended up getting introduced to  the core program uh we partnered with them in   the beginning uh they came to our office and  um we discussed what their program was and so   they were going into homeless camps and trap  houses and places that are a little dangerous   for them to go they're also dangerous for the  people that they're going to treat um and they   asked us if we would invite those people to our  office and so that's where our partnership kind   of started um through that we've developed  a bunch of resources for detox rehab um uh   Mental Health and recently just we've got  into human trafficking and we've developed   a lot of resources for placing women that we're  rescuing um that in a nutshell is where we're at today thank you with that it brings us to uh review  and make recommendation for changes and   approve the scami county opioid  abatement notice of funding 2024   draft um all of you have this in front of  you here and is quite extensive um and uh   sure you've had a chance to review  it and have some comments ready for us I have a question about did this come  from the purchasing department of the county I believe yes I believe this did come from  the purchasing department I believe they used the   Lee County maybe as a draft to kind of go by but  they took it and um revised everything as it would   relate to Escambia County specifically okay thank  you K actually Jim from our ethics Department   did this and he is here if you'd like him to  speak certainly Jim come forward and talk to us my name is Jim Ward I work for the county  har of Ethics office of compliance and ethics   and um Liz came to me we she had a um an  example from a draft version from I think   it's Lee County I took Lee counties and  changed it back from to a Word document   and then edit it to fit our needs and  that's what you have there in front of you anyone have any questions of him this time  yeah are you famili familiar with the content   in in the oh yes okay um on page five the in  terms of Eligibility uh applicants must meet   the following requirements demonstrate  funding received from sources other than   local governments in an amount at least equal  to the amount requested from the county so is   that saying in terms of entity must have  an operating budget at least equal to or   I'm not sure exactly what that mean yes have to  read it I man know I know it's a real specific question hey my name is Tammy PL I'm new  with the county but I've been involved in   the clerk's office for seven years okay I edited  this a little bit this week just to correct some   punctuation and spelling and things that did not  change the document at all so you're asking about   the um match or the tell me what page you're  on page five at the bottom under applicant eligibility the very last uh bullet point okay what I believe that you guys  meant by this is that we can't be their   sole source of funding they have to have funding  sources outside of what Escambia County gives them okay but in an amount at least equal to  what es SK county is going to give them okay   for me that's pretty restrictive uh in terms  of the type of programs that could be funded   by this money um so is that a accounting  requirement I cannot answer that for you   I can appreciate that I know if you listen  to the board meetings when they talk about   what they're going to give to community part  Partners they ask those kind of questions so   I think it is I can't say it's a common practice  but it it is questioned when they do the outside Partners okay yeah I I just I think it kind  of hamstrings what we're asking people to do   particularly if we're talking about startups  or um what level of funding and that's not to   you I'm I'm saying I'm just speaking to to the  issue uh this is a draft so you okay change it   does that strike anybody else on the board as I  tend to agree with you doctor that that's pretty   restrictive there you had that requirement  further clarification I agree with that okay excuse me Mr chairman like go ahead so if we  if we not um in agree with that how do we go   now how do we um correct that uh do we need to  just change I know we're this is kind of like   a draft things yeah because you can see up up  ahead I mean top of it the critical dates they   weren't filled in I had just wanted to uh let  you know that there is a time period but they're   not even filled in yet so it can be changed it  can be altered if I may um Liz Liz's goal for   today was hopefully that you guys would approve  this with edits so this is your document if you   want it to say something else you can indicate  those edits today and we will write them in and   make those changes but you can approve it with  edits today to keep it moving if that's your choice I mean I would entertain  striking that completely that   bullet completely CU I like I said  just I think it's too restrictive for   especially like doctor said a startup  agency or something that wants to get involved you need a motion to that effect or how  do we need handle it that's a good question I say   with a motion we could go ahead sorry I'm sorry  to interrupt you I know this thing pretty well   I've been on it for the past um several hours so  you also have in here that they have to have two   years worth of tax returns right and two years  worth of financial statements I just heard you   say the word startup so this will not not like  a startup brand new there are other places in   here that will preclude those organizations as  well yeah yeah I'm aware of that yeah okay sorry   okay put in maybe put in like if applicable if  you know if they hadn't been around they don't   have to but if they have been in for two years  then then they submit their tax returns put like   if applicable so that would allow a non 2ear old  like a start well I guess that's the question is   it is is that a requirement of your board that  they be in business for two years and serving   a scambia county for two years because that's  what's in here right I can go ahead I can see   that um it's just the fact of even people that has  been in the community serving for that time frame   you know um sometimes is you know they don't have  just matching funds just sitting around because   all these fund is kind of like you know is is  gone out towards service and and operational   cost so to to uh accomplish a greater Mission  you know they may not have just a lump sum of   matching funds but they're needing to um help  help us to accomplish the greater mission of   the county on page seven it says that no match  fund is no match is required for this funding so   I take okay go ahead I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't  I don't I agree I don't think they're asking for   matching funds they're just asking that you  have another source of funds equal to what a   skia county is going to provide and again that's  just for clarification this is your choice but the   way Dr Williams um described it out is that it  was almost as a m that they would have to come   to if you're talking about they had to come to uh  with the equal amounts in which they're asking for   that's isn't that kind of a match no sir a match  is when if if a scambia county gives you $5,000   you have to have $5,000 of other money to spend  on the same program that's not what I see this   saying it's just saying that scambia County cannot  be your primary or sole source of funding okay okay [Music] so it's just demonstrating  the funding demonstrating that they've   received other funding and but at the  same at the same level in which they're   asking for correct so that's almost  kind of like indirectly you have to match if you you have to demonstrate you  got the same amount from another source   that you're asking for it's not saying that  you have to match for the particular project   but it's almost like you you you have to match  what you're asking for which could be complex   for like you say some smaller organizations  that's already been operating at two years   or more also so I'm kind of inclined with  the chairman to kind of like strike that   language out of it the two-year returns and  things of that nature I think that's that's   that's great um but the um that other language  that Dr Williams speaking of I think that would   make it really complex for some of our smaller  organizations to be able to access um these findings so I guess the question is structurally  how do we what do we need to do to strike the language I would entertain ENT a motion to strike   that particular bullet point there so  moved second second all in favor I I I and you excuse me if you don't I Ma and you  want to leave in the uh submit a copy your   organization's most two recent financial  statements with Audits and it does say   if applicable yes so I mean if they're new they  don't have to abide by this but yeah but I agree   that does sort of confusing with the matching  thing so well they won't have to provide an   audit because not all organizations are large  enough to require an audit but they will have   to provide according to this financial records  and tax returns yes right moving on from that one is this pretty much a standard  bowler plate we only found it like   through like Liz found it through  Lee yeah okay but it's required to   have these procedures in place to receive  this money These funds okay that's what that Mr chairman I have one more  question about this document on page 18 there's a completeness checklist and the one  you you had in your email from the last meeting   it um down in required attachments it went from  B to letter G and letter G was the proof of 501c3   status so what I did is I went back and changed  the alphabetical and made it the same as what is   on the top of page 18 for required attachments  so my one question about that is is if you'll   look at the the two bullet points numbered a  lettered a they're a little bit different so   I I think I need some clarification on what you  want for that a because maybe maybe it's an an   additional letter you're talking about on top  of page 18 bullet point a yes and then at the   bottom of page 18 the two A's are different so  I need to know if you all want both of those or   change one of them to the other one which a are  you I see 18 but I you on top of page 18 there's   uh documents showing the applicate applicant  is located in and provided Services of escamia   County correct and then at the bottom there's an  A okay required attachments and it's different   documentation of partnership oh okay I think you  can kind of put that that a as um at the you can   almost kind of leave it really because unless you  just Shi that a up to like a u subcategory of of   be up under the the you like an example up under  the first a of documents that you know that you   can show that you're already operating and and  have that you're operating in in the cter you   can kind of like show this an example and they  can provide that but I see what you're saying   you have it twice on that on the uh on the on  the requirements but um that's uh those are   pretty strong um documentation there Theus and  letters of commitments or contracts that that   they're already providing services so it kind of  sa satisfies the the first a and the uh required attachments if I may um looks like B  needs to be rescinded as well cuz that's good yeah yeah I agree any other comments do we need a a motion to  resend B to change B I think it   pretty much included in the first one around first okay no other comments uh Kathy you  have anything I just had a question   um in terms of the evaluation  process it mentions what what   page do yeah I'm trying to find  that before I go back to um oh SE section yeah uh section 4 page 10 uh  performance evaluation and ranking   committee and I'm wondering who that is is  that us or is that who who who constitutes   that committee where you at sorry um page  10 right section four the uh for performance   evaluation and ranking committee that we'll  be doing the scoring of the applications page 10 section four yes y all yall are sorry okay just  wanted to be clear I didn't know   if that included others in these  five this five board five member   board or exactly who that was that's  the intent yes you okay okay thank you no other comments entertain a motion to accept  this as with the changes made move forward so move   second second all in favor I I I okay very  good thank you for your work on that both of you next is on the agenda is discussion  of and you have in your paperwork here   a list of the various locations of naram  availability discuss that somewhere in my paperwork I was personally I was not aware  of the number of locations that we do   have and I'm sure it's not enough  but uh quite a few looking at the list any discussion on the matter we in the last meeting um Mr chairman  if I may we discussed um possibly at the um   the fire department on um svanes of possibly  placing one there um I'm looking at the list   um do we have um any updates on speaking  of to our County Lea zones any updates on   possibly placing how placing how does  that placing going um do we we know of that I'm sorry the only information we have out  believe is this list that list prepared she did   she did not give me any updates on anything else  on uh Miss Liz yes okay okay um but I will be sure   to ask her no I know we was talking about that and  then with the last meeting we found out that three   at Lake View and and like you say um Mr chairman  this list has grown since the last meeting of uh   the all the noran machine that we uh we knew of  the three at Lake View and it was one other but   the list has definitely grown and that's good  to know so thank you for your research on that sh brings us to new business hearing none okay we need to  go about setting of next meeting date then you want to look the first week of uh June I I wonder in terms of our next meeting  how it corresponds with the um notice of funding   availability that's going to be distributed and  when we would been needing to meet to review   applications so that's what I was going to ask  so now that we kind of got a structure so that   we now have to wait for that structure to get  updated and approved by the board I would think   at the next meeting to go to the board and then we  can kind of lay out our rfps or like what things   that we want to kind of like um you know based  on our priorities what like treatment expansion   recovery and support how we're going to lay out  what we want that to look like and then put out   rfps for for that those particular Services uh  because once we finish that structure then it's   kind of like time to put the uh the rubber to the  road so we kind of got to know you know we have   to start thinking about where we moving in that  direction and what we want that to look like and   what we're are going to be requesting for from you  know these different agencies and organizations   um in the future so um you don't want to try to  tackle that next meeting or are you saying what   you would prefer to have a meeting in May no no no  I'm just saying like our you know kind of get our   line up because I guess in the meeting the next  meeting we're going to have I guess they'll come   back before us with a a uh finalized um draft  and we if we approve that then we kind of have   to then start to put together our our request  from the from the public of what we want to   start um you know requesting These funds to go  go for now what's my understanding that that's   what we just approved uh to go to the board if  the if the County Board approves this process   then the county will then issue these notice of a  fund availability and the next thing for us will   be to review the appliations that come in that  that's my understanding of of what our process   is going forward okay that's mine as well okay  so that we're so we're not going to kind of like   put out what we're looking for people we're just  expecting people to just come in and just say hey   here we are and this is what we like to offer  it out it outlines all of the things that they   can apply for within those right so it gives them  that information right um okay it kind of outlines   it but we as a well I guess we as a board can  then kind of kind of discuss how we want to   allocate towards that what we once they make the  application then we'll review the application okay okay so with that said is June the  next appropriate time for our next   June by time this goes to County to the  commission you know for their approval of their what about June 3rd how does it look  looks good I'll be out of town okay will you   be out of town the entire week yes yes okay  let's let's move to the tth then so want your   input tth works for me can you check the  uh availability of the room for the 10th   okay all right so we will set at 10 to Le  or we'll set the meeting for June 10th at 10:00 no other um information come forward we stand adjourned