e e to USA City Hall this is a regular City Commission meeting it is Thursday June the 20th 2024 6:01 p.m. if you would like to join us for a moment of silence and then for pledge allegiance uh given by commissioner Gary Ashcraft please join us by standing amen Gary ion please Jo join me for the pledge I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all go ahead and officially call our meeting to order is there a for present and proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much Tom an agenda update sir uh nothing sir nothing perfect next we have approval of minutes we have our minutes from the June 6th 2024 City commission meeting so move thank you all right first and second any further discussion not hear any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I next next we have presentations G3 C2 Tom so yes I'll get started with that so uh before we get started uh first of all rather than a formal presentation this is more of a discussion uh an opportunity for the commission to ask questions uh the the city commission at a previous meeting asked if representatives of G3 C2 uh could come and uh talk a little bit about the status of the partnership uh before we go into that I'd like to talk a little bit about where we are with the master plan process so uh we are moving forward uh with the process uh we've had some uh a couple of uh staff reviews of a draft document um we now have a um a a a draft that has been uh reviewed a couple of times by City staff uh we are in a position now where we want to make that draft available to the city commission and what we'd like to do is is uh we were are planning to have a public meeting at some point uh to present the draft to the public but before we do that I'd like to meet uh individually with commission uh get you a copy of it ahead of that meeting with staff uh give you an opportunity to uh look it over whether that's a hard copy or an electronic copy then give you an opportunity to meet one-on-one with staff ask questions uh allow us to maybe Point some things out and go over the document with you and then once you're comfortable with the draft then have a public meeting where we would present it to the public uh and so if there are no objections that's how I'd like to move forward and I think we are probably the the latest draft we received from the consultant late last week early this week so I think we're in a position where we can get you that draft so you can start taking a look at it uh does anybody have any objections to moving forward in that way have they seen the draft uh the develop development team has not seen the draft yet uh honestly because it was um staff wanted to go through and make those revisions uh that we felt were necessary before we presented it uh but the uh the developer uh would also get a copy of it prior to it uh going to a public meeting um and I've committed to the development team uh that they would get a copy of it before it goes to the public meeting how long how long have has this process going on um they start I would the entire process no no with or the the revision uh draft process where the beginning yeah um that's probably been a month and a half um it's uh we have we have received I guess three drafts initial draft staff review second draft second staff review and now we have the the third draft um and it's taken about a month and a half for for that uh iterative process okay so we will um like I said we'll get you a draft um we can do it electronically or hard copy or both and then we'll set up individual meetings uh to go through it if there are no other questions I'd like to invite um well you are there any other questions I'm good with moving ahead yeah yeah yeah we're long overdue I'm ready for this to absolutely does it does it hurt for them once we're sure well after we decide that everything's still a go with with the developers is it good for them to look at it while we're looking at it yeah absolutely and I I I've committed to them that we'll do that now I I don't want you to think that they haven't been involved in the process M um the uh development team has been involved we had um meetings every two weeks with the Consultants now the development team wasn't in on every one of those meetings every two weeks uh but they were regularly part of those meetings uh had an opportunity to talk to the developer about the market study results and then the preliminary um preliminary layouts uh that the um Consultants uh presented so um the the development team has been involved in the process uh but I I also want to point out that the development team is not going to build exactly what the consultant has laid out in the plan right um they have to do their own market analysis and they've been engaged in that but they have to look at what they feel the market can support what is financeable uh what is leasable and so I think the master plan is a guide the master master plan did kind of a preliminary Market study and they've laid out what they think will be successful but in the end the development team has to build it and and make some money on it um so the master plan is not the end game it's not the be all endall uh we're going to have to work through that as a team to get there but they've had the opportunity to at least think about what we have going on and kind of start formulating in their their head absolutely um there there's it's been a little bit of a back and forth with the Consultants um in again including the development team as to um the consultant would say here's what we think would work and we as staff and the development team have had an opportunity to say have you thought about this or have you looked at this or what do you think about changing that uh so it has been a collaborative process I'd say okay all right okay all right ahead so I'd like to invite um representatives of G3 C2 to come up and uh if they disagree with anything I say they're welcome to to let you know but I think I think I've laid out kind of a pretty accurate uh process of of what we've been doing so welcome gentlemen thank you gentlemen for coming it's good to have you back in front of us it's been a while since we've had you both here so thank you for your involvement so far um I don't know if you want to start off with any type of statement um or you just want the commission to ask you some questions it's at whatever you desire the only I guess statement to what commissioner Hawkins said I mean it's been almost two years since we started this process and we like Tom said we've been very involved Derk and I and our team with giving input um for the master plan and you know we're ready to get started we' love to see the the product too and go through it um obviously you know it's they've got a lot of our input and we may have some other ideas but we're you know we're ready to get started drick and I Derek anything from your side my friend all I want to say is I think that uh the vision that we envisioned when we first came with the idea that downtown had to be Master planed in order for you to develop the uh the central business district uh what I think came out of that particular process is Master planning is exactly where I think you need going forward and and trying to redevelop not just the central business district but downtown us okay thank you um I'm going to start off with a question and this is just me we only have one chance to get this right we are an Envy of most cities not only in the State of Florida but probably in the country by having three blocks in its Central downtown district uh that can be developed um do you see any roadblocks of you guys being able to work together to bring this project to a complete close for us no okay I I don't think there'll be any rlock with Derrick and I I mean we deal with the economy and so but yeah Derrick and I D and I yeah my question is really just the the the company itself being able to work together um to be able to make that happen I know we've we've all got to watch the economy um and that's going to play a big part of where we go with this we and we understand that I think as a commission I think we've all been hurt by the local economy lately um so that is just my main question I'm going to let the rest of the commission um go go ahead and ask questions if you would like I'd like you to tell us a little bit about how you plan to work together well we we we have an the company has operating agreement okay and basically it's running an organization the way you run a development organization where we identify projects that will be good not just from from what we've seen you'll see in master plan but things that may come up with other organizations having some input to say we can do this so I don't think it's going to wind up that we do everything or we going to do everything with other people involved in Project perfect you have any comments no like like Derek said I mean our goal is to revitalize downtown Eustace and dererk and I personally may not do everything but we'll bring in the resources that do because other people have specialties that Derek and I may not have and we'll be made aware as you go of what you're doing and why 100% you got to approve everything we do yeah if if if there's an issue who do we reach out to when you say issue yeah if there's something that this commission is not happy about who do we reach out to who does the city reach out to are you looking for IND both of you well you break it to is this 5050 is this joint responsib it's 5050 so D I mean you can reach out to any of us but it's it's mutual decision compan going to respond okay so you make sure that you're satisfied with what we're doing okay all right okay yeah I I think I'm like my my my main concern is that that it's a relationship that builds our downtown yeah I I I think think we both understand where we are with this particular project and from from day one I've understood that this is very important to uses that we don't you don't skip or hop or anything and this go very smoothly we we both totally understand the need for this project to go smoothly so you you you you can uh rely on us not to bring any uh internal stuff I think this what you interal stuff to this particular project we'll focus on revitalizing downtown uh us and you both in it for the long haul all the way okay okay 100% okay all the way okay Gary I'm good you both uh ask the same question I would have so well gentlemen we hope to be able to get something started real soon we're looking forward to being able to see this report working with you uh to revitalize Eustace as a whole all right thank you for your time here tonight we appreciate that Tom let's go down to audience to be heard um if and then we'll do something different here in a minute so you have anybody I do Nan cob oh that means that means I'm gonna go down here thank you good evening Commission I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to serve on the eusta city commission it has been an honor and a privilege to work alongside such a dedicated and passionate friends I am thankful for the trust and support extended to me during my time in office and I'm grateful for the chance to make a positive impact in our community I have truly appreciated the opportunity to contribute to our shared goals and values and I am proud of the work we have accomplished together I am thankful for the support and encouragement I received from constituents and colleagues alike I want to say thank you to the eustus employees I know you guys are standing behind me but they don't like it when we turn around so I am grateful for the trust and support you all have shown me and I am proud of the work we have accomplished together your passion and teamwork have truly made a positive impact in Eustace and I thankful for your support hard work and dedication you always gave to me I know at times it was challenging be quiet Rick but it was for the betterment of Eustace together we made things happen I will always cherish the experience and relationships developed during my time in office I am humbled and honored by the chance to serve and represent the citizens of Eustace thank you for allowing me to be part of this important team I can't thank you all enough thank you very much uh my three and a half years was just uh just phenomenal up here and I thank you for all indulging me at times and uh uh it was truly an honor thank you for the reception tonight that was very thank you Karina's catering so it was very nice thank you for the flowers and and the gifts and I appreciate it very much and um you're going to you're going to be missed thank you very much I'm I miss miss you guys and I love you all very much thank you n before you go sit down every retiring City Commissioner gets one of these so I'd like to present this to you on behalf of the city commission the residents of eustus and our employees the city of eustus proudly recognizes Nan cob for her honorable and faithful service to the city of culture opportunity and vitality as a member of the eustus city commission from January 2021 to June 2024 and recognition of her four years a service as a commissioner presented this 20th day of June 2024 thank you mayor thank you let's go down need get further away congratulations thank you so much [Music] before we um start or go on with the meeting there's uh one thing I want to address with the city commission real quick this week you'll see news articles you've seen social media you've seen it on the news that I was campaign treasurer for someone running for office I want this commission to know that I've never sought to embarrass this city or this commission and I will not do that I have resigned as a com as the treasur for that campaign it never was my intention to cause any problem or any ill will in our community I want this commission to know that I'm dedicated to what we need to do to move things forward and I just wanted to apologize to you and I'm doing it from here because when I signed that form to be a treasurer for a campaign I did it as a citizen I did not sign that as a mayor of the city of hustus I know you can't take the Pats on and off but my intentions were never to do it as the mayor of the city of eustus so my apologies to you if you're getting bombarded with telephone calls or with text I apologize to you let's go back to work let's not let the interference stop anything we have going forward so just wanted to clear that up thank you all no thank you thank you m all right next we have the consent agenda it's uh three items on the consent consent agenda is there anything anybody wants pulled for discussion do I'm I'm sorry do we need to ask if there's any additional a can anybody else have anything they like to say I don't have any more cards okay anybody like to address the commissional anything that's not on the agenda not see anything we'll move right on to the cons agenda there's three items anything anybody wants to pull for discussion not hearing any uh let's see here we've got the three agenda looking for a motion for the consent agenda so moveed a second first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland hi Madame attorney thank you Mr Mayor we have resolution number 2449 a resolution of the city Commission of city of Eustace Florida approving a final Subdivision plat for Johnson's Point Town Homes a 14 unit town home sub subdivision on approximately 1.9 98 Acres of property located at Northwest side of the intersection of County Road 44 and Grand Isle Shores Road alternate key number 285 7340 Mr Lane good evening commissioner uh for the record Mike Lan development services director um you've seen this plat before back in April we actually uh or you actually changed the uh future land use district from Suburban residential to Urban residential and of course tonight they're actually bringing the plat forward so um again for those who don't know real quick again it's at Grand Island Shores Road uh at um County Road 44 property owner is JP Town Homes LLC the representative is uh Logan Wilson uh again uh the future land use District Urban residential the um the Design District uh did not change it remains Suburban neighborhood uh again it's a 2-acre parcel seven duplexes on there the plat actually has 14 Lots on it uh in essence the duplexes are becoming uh individual Lots there are waivers that are I guess need to actually be looked at primarily just two one is the the townhouse Lots our code says that the townhouse lots are generally uh 16 by 80 uh for uh the urban residential type uh District but uh in this case the typical uh size is going to be 47 by 124 ft so they're a lot larger than our our our typical Urban residential type town home lots the the second issue is the buffer uh when we're doing uh subdivisions the land of elment code requires anything from a 15 to a 24t buffer along the public RightWay and because this is a a develop area uh we believe that uh you know it is um it's not necessary to include that front buffer the the rear property uh of each of these units are already buffered against that residential neighborhood to the north so all the public notification uh basically has been met uh we did advertise in the newspaper on June the 10th for this hearing and at this point we are recommending approval uh along with the waivers any questions the applicant and their representative is here any questions from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on resolution number 24- 49 okay seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor thank you ma'am commissioners before us we have resolution number 24- 49 what's the will of this commission so movees a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi all right coming down now to Future agenda items and comments we we are moving really fast tonight are you complaining here any any future agenda items or comments uh Willie you want to start us off tonight uh comment you know I've uh over the last three or four years uh our relationship at least as I see it with the uh uh the schools in the area has been outstanding yes sir uh we had the opportunity as a city to uh to answer a call um from the high school one of the teachers uh uh alone uh you know a longterm teacher uh went into hospice and and they reached out to us to be a part of a uh parade for her and you know there's a lot of things that we do and there's a lot of times I say that you know I I've never done anything like this has been great but to see the amount of people uh that followed our police uh vehicles uh that preceded our fire vehicles uh that drove past her house um it it was something uh for anyone that says eustus is you know uh you know we're getting too big um they just need to to slow down and just see that we're we're a small town and we care about each other I'd have to say that there was probably 10050 cars that drove past her house and what was even more important that the majority of the people in those cars were the kids so so good job uh Chief both Chiefs thank you the family has kind of reached out to me too um about uh when something happens about maybe having a celebration of life up on the pool deck one evening when it's cooler um she is one of our swim coaches for eustus high school so um you know it it does make us special yeah anything else Willie no no that I'm sure there's other stuff but this this all happened so fast I ain't had time to think don't give him time uh yeah just uh just we keeping it somewhat brief tonight the first thing I want to comment on is the uh is the museum and the re rededication for that that was truly awesome I'm sorry all all inspiring to see what the art evance team did to get that back open so I'd like to give them a big a big shout out for that uh Miranda and her team team I don't know how long they worked or how many hours they put in but they've got it looking really good and I I can't wait till we're starting uh to do uh to do tours you know history is a part of uh Eustace so we want to we want to celebrate it and then the last thing um Darius from um Hometown comedy has asked me to give him a shout out for the laugh freely clean comedy show at the used to eus Plaza Plaza theater uh Saturday July 6th um these are the same communties I think that do the hometown Hometown event they're extremely funny familyfriendly um and tickets can be done at Advent bright.com so and I'm actually going so I hope hope we all can be there as am I okay you know that's also on the six uh coach Johnny uh they're doing an event um uh remote control RC boats okay um on on on the lake so I think it's going to be yeah so do that in the morning and then do comedy at night so it should be a good weekend and that's all for you have nothing else Gary nope that's it Willie the last meeting you had mentioned a celebration for Miss Carla what date was that on that is going to be August the 31st so it's next weekend August the 31st August oh August 31st okay perfect it's going to be at the uh community center community center okay do we need to get a table as a City for that it is invite only okay so I think that the majority of you will be invited perfect well we'll see all right I love how he says majority majority no we we we won't need to get a table I'll every one set for us thank you madam vice mayor yes I'd like to introduce my oldest son Richard my granddaughters Lexi and Lea and uh I'm I've just had a good time with them this week and um I'm glad they're here I'd just like to payback on um the cliffland house because it was awesome the inside we had two teams the interior team which is advent Department I mean event Department yeah department and um we also had the American Bloom eustus and Bloom um committee who worked Rick headed that up and when you see all of the Landscaping all around the house the painting everything that was done it was through eustus and Bloom and I thank you Rick and your crew for all that you did and it looks I mean you actually see the house now so we appreciate what the ort that was done the second thing is on um Tuesday we had a a meeting with the downtown Merchants to talk about how we're going to beautify downtown youris and Bloom is a um chapter of American Bloom and their whole idea is to get cities in America to beautify with plants and trees and to increase our pollinators and um so we're working with them on that and we started off Clifford house the U better talk about the evaluators came out and they evaluated American Bloom evaluators um gave us a report for uses and their primary focus was the Clifford house so we chose that as our first project and it was very successful so now we're moving it to downtown and we had a a a coffee and donuts session with the business people downtown and that's our next move we also with Rick working with us are going to get Planters so you're going to see a beautiful downtown and we'll move throughout the city and the next I think is our Cemetery so a lot of things are planned and we wanted to share that with the downtown business people they were enthusiastic about it and so we're going to go forward with it and you'll begin to see it and we're going to harvest a a crop of volunteers who will come and help us to plant to plan and to get things done in the city of Houston so I just want to remind everybody or make you aware of what we're doing and why we're doing it and when you see all the lovely Planters you'll know why and um I appreciate the help from the events department and um Rick and his team and my committee they are awesome I just think of something we talk about it done and I appreciate that so much so I have to give them kudos for all the work that they've done for it thank you thank you ma'am Tom yes uh just a couple of items uh one I just want to REM remind everyone that uh we have cancelled the commission meeting for July 4th uh we do have the hometown celebration on July 5th and so you should be getting some information from the events team if you haven't already about the schedule of events um we have also canell August 15th because the commission a majority of Comm commission will be traveling for the Florida League of cities um and then I would like to ask if we can do a shade meeting uh prior to the July 18th commission meeting um so we have a regularly scheduled uh commission meeting on July 18th that's the second meeting in July uh I'd like to do 5:00 pm uh because we do have uh we may potentially touch on three different contracts at that meeting we have uh the uh Police contract firefighter contract uh both due on October 1 and then fire lieutenants which is ongoing and so we may potentially be talking about three different contracts uh so I'd like to do 5:00 pm um so that we uh we have time to talk um about um any of the three if necessary uh and then the regularly scheduled meeting would start at uh 6: p.m. I'm good Willie you okay uh looks good to me I'm good yeah yes okay and then one other thing um I the uh budget workshops uh coming up in July 8th 9th 10th 11th uh I think we have uh rescheduled those to 6:30 p.m. um is that mayor was it you and I that talked about that we talked about it commissioner Ashcraft is being is working that week until 6 and we need to be able to get him in but we will put a a strict cut off okay I'm not going to be here at 6:15 at 8 we'll put a straight cut off at 8:00 okay on each one of those meetings and if we have to add another meeting to the back in that's what we will do okay okay what were those dates again so it is Monday the 8th of a Monday the 8th of July Tuesday the 9th of July Wednesday the 10th of July and Thursday the 11th of July and rather than start at 5:30 we will start at 6:30 sorry and we will provide food well then that makes it all difference and we all be here cering will be will be in action so little change in our calendars uh yes we will update that on your calendars okay and that's all I have and those meetings are so important to us from the standpoint that we get to get line by line on that bud staff gets to talk with us and we understand exactly what their needs are but it also gives the public the ability to come in and understand what we're trying to do in our next budget Cycles so it's important and I haven't forgotten I think it was commissioner Hawkins that brought up uh more opportunities for the commission to interact with staff yes I think we'll I mean we'll have this budget process coming up in July and so it probably won't be until after that budget process that we do something but but I do I do remember you asking for that if anybody out there wants to know what the city budget looks like that big book sitting in front of Tom is the city's budget for next year so we go line by line in that whole book to make sure we understand exactly where where our money's going and what's being requested so I think it'll be good for all of us so thank you Tom Sasha no report all right Sasha I think one of the things I need to ask you about real quick is um I think we've all had um the gentleman that has called many of us and talked about First Fridays with a concern that he has and then we have our concerns as Commissioners about politicians running rampid over our First Fridays and not staying within the areas that we've asked them to do um we do need to bring something back to us we need to have an open conversation about what is legal what is not legal what is constitutional what is not constitutional um so I think that needs to be back to us as quickly as we can um and if you could reach back out to that gentleman I will also and tell him when that meeting is going to be he can come and he can talk to us at that meeting I'll certainly notify him I did um schedule a meeting with u Miranda just to go over um just essentially the special events process and the application so I can get a better understanding of what we do on the back end so that it can all match up okay perfect yeah we definitely don't want people's constitutional rights trampled on but of course we also have to work within a a format that where we're protecting our citizens as well um so you know how the two merge that's that's your department yes yes of course and I have spoken to him um several times already but I I will certainly notify him of when we have that meeting so I expect to I'll meet with her I'll meet with with Miranda next week and by next commission meeting beautiful we'll have that thank you um couple things that I have again they've all uh kind of touched on it the Clifford house what an amazing event that was um the food was great the the the house looks tremendous the interaction with the actors that were there just just an amazing job it almost brought the house to life so events in tourism you're knocking it out of the park is always public Works those grounds you have spent many hours working on those grounds um and it's hot out there we appreciate it that the place has not looked so good I don't think I've ever seen it look as good as it has and remember I grew up around it so um I remember when it was Landscaping too with the flower gardens and all yeah it's going to be beautiful um and the Citrus Museum the new mural on that is absolutely beautiful um so we've got a lot of great things going on um wanted to remind everyone that this coming Sunday at from 3: to 5: at Brick and Barrel we are having a sendoff party for our Miss Eustace and Miss George Fest that are going to miss Florida that contest is coming up everyone is invited to that we would like you to come out and help us send our young ladies off I have been in some interview uh interviews with them uh trying to get get them ready as well as events our events and tourism staff those young women are sharp um and I'm I think that we're going to do very well in junior miss Florida and Miss Florida contest so we're excited about that um again thank you for being a part of our city thank you for interacting with us and uh let's keep moving forward we're adjourned for