e e e e everyone and welcome to H City Hall this is a regular me meeting of the Eustace City commission it is 6: p.m. on Thursday March 21st 2024 if you would like to join us in a moment of silence and the pledge allegiance to the flag if you'd please stand amen Madam vice mayor please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you officially call our meeting to order Tom is there any uh agenda updates yes sir uh based on the action at the local planning agency uh we would like to request that item 6.2 6.3 6 .4 6.5 and 6.7 be moved to April 4th for consideration all right you need a motion on that or anything consensus we need a motion yes all right looking for a motion to move those thank you a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Rob I commissioner Hawkins I mayor Holland I Christine is there a quum president proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much uh next we have approval of minutes from our uh March 7th 2024 regular City commission meeting so move second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins mayor Holland I next we have presentations usess police Department recognitions Chief Karine Mr Mayor thank you thank you commission thank you we got a couple presentations tonight from the police department our first presentation is going to be we're going to honor a a legend here in Houston TR Mor you come on up please Riley has worked this intersection for George Fest Parade for 39 years 41 years total working in the parade so and he doesn't get paid he volunteers his services to do this every year for George vest for 41 years 39 of those years right out here at the intersection of orange and Grove so we want to honor him tonight and uh we want to thank you for your enduring commitment to the city of Eustace and to the George best parade and everything he done for us not only we get him this nice plaque I'm sure he probably has a couple hundred he's been doing this for a long I think your first vehicle was a horse [Laughter] right of the FP guys want to come on up I got my sidekick here helping me today that we also have this right here is a plaque that we're dedicating that's going to be put out here at the intersection and it'll be there for forever and it's it's Trooper uh Ry intersection dedicated to Rich rally FHP 9006 in recognition of his enduring commitment to the city of eustus Washington Day Parade so we want to let you know that'll be there so when you're out there next year you can look at it and see it and then when you come back in the next 20 30 Years it'll still be [Applause] there and I'd be remiss if I didn't everything that FHP does for us absolutely they help us out year round tremendously these Troopers do a phenomenal job uh and let me tell you to be a trooper it's one of the hardest jobs to do most of the time you're by yourself in the middle of nowhere with no backup you got to be a good talker you got to be strong and you got to be committed these guys that's what they they do I'm telling you we we have a great relationship all agencies in throughout Florida and Lake County especially with the FHP we call them they come and they help us out so thank you gentlemen [Applause] for all right next we have another great uh Milestone I gu you want to call another great day in the US Police Department weote two people today so I always said first line Frontline supervisors are the most important part of any organization being a chief that's all cool and stuff but I really I'm not I'm just the face of the organization I'm only as good as the people that work for me I'm just the mouthpiece and I have a big mouth don't say nothing so that being said sergeant and Corporal are very important because the troops out on the streets they're looking to the Corporal and the sergeant for advice and so I always said a bad Sergeant can take out a good police chief a good Captain a good Lieutenant but you know what you know a bad a good Sergeant can overcome a bad Chief so Sergeant is the most important position and corpal corpal more importantly because they're just kind of in that phase where they're really one-on-one with the troops and then as they Advance the sergeant which I'm sure these two gentlemen will you will see the the growth progression so first one up is Adam had on the side we call up been with our agency for about seven years and Adam's worked the last two and a half years uh in CIB criminal investigations division he's done a lot of good cases there uh done a great job for us he's one of the guys you want on the streets because at night when I'm home sleeping and everybody else is sleeping the Corporal and the sergeant are the deaco police chief they're making de I'm counting on them to get the message out so it's a very important position so uh he's been with us a long time he's earned this position coming up to the ranks and I think his wife Kelsey's coming on up to pin him kelse you come on up now we have a little contest if you draw blood get an autograph 8 by1 of [Laughter] America need a bobble head I'm telling you everybody that's I said we got here we I just want to say thank you to the AG gu through the way and I really forward to the challenge our new officers from here next up I know a lot of you seen him here he works a lot of these meetings he's also a seven-year officer with us Police Department spend the last three years in the criminal investigation division as you see now we got to replace a couple detectives here running out get promoted which is a good thing so William St will you come on up has been here for seven years the last three in C um he's our go-to guy with you know some of these investigations get complex and he's very he's solved a lot of cases done a lot of great job for us and I know he's going to do even better job out the streets once again mentoring our young officers we have a very young Police Department I'm proud to say we have 46 members now because we added to to the organization and we have only one opening that says something that says something we only have one opening so we have a lot of young people a lot of young officers these these Corps are going to be doing their job mirand up and P he is from labur get the same priz that is a downfall believe throw a commissioner Willie Hawkins 5 [Laughter] by10 [Applause] guy [Laughter] us I appreciate you for the opportunity I look forward to the challenge that we have ahead of us we are young so I look forward to training new hires and officers be below me and I can't wait to face opportunity thank [Applause] you we get a picture all of you everybody with epd come on [Music] up come on sh captain captain Captain Fanning Captain Fanning come on you can hide behind somebody I can tell you your city is safe one of the safest cities in Lake County going stay that way I can promise you that that's my commitment to you we're going to do things the right way we're going to be transparent Contin to thanks [Applause] you thank you Chief congratulations to everybody and thank you for a great Police Department that we have next we have recognition of you uh University of Florida ifas extension wait ain't nobody paying attention can't here pay attention we'll let him get out we'll start again all right next we H next we have recognition of University of Florida ifas extension Lake County 4 public speaking contest winner uh commissioner Cobb has been involved with this program so I'm going to turn it over to her good evening everyone I had the pleasure on February 27th for the second year in a row to be a judge for the public speaking contest for 4 and this is one of the things I like to showcase the kids because we have a lot of great great talent here in Lake County um whether they're from usus or not it doesn't matter you know there's a lot more to 4 than just an animal and so I always knew there's sewing there's public speaking there's many many facets to 4 and so I think this is one of the most important things it's very hard to do for public speaking and these kids are amazing so I wanted to bring up the first one this is Miss Emma and she was the the overall winner and she is in the fifth grade and she she attends Cypress Ridge Elementary School and I'd like for her to go ahead and if you want to step up here miss Emma and go ahead and give your speech beautiful remember she's in fifth grade teachers come in every weekday teach students do with students grade papers plan lessons and much more but above all that many of them never get the respect they deserve I'm Emma Leslie and I'll be telling you a few reasons about why we also treat our teachers well with generosity and respect including what could happen if teachers decided to just quit first and foremost teachers work hard preparing us for the next grade ahead unfortunately many teachers don't feel respected by the nation as they should be and more than half of the population of that Nation are students would you be happy happy if you knew your teacher was coming home each day wishing they didn't have to go to work the next day maybe even regretting the decision of becoming a teacher this brings me to my second point when teachers are strict they aren't necessarily doing it to be rude or mean they're doing it to get their P's attention which usually means the students aren't listening just consider it if teachers weren't strict in a class full of unruly students how would anyone learn anything how would anything get done in time those teachers might even get in trouble with their bosses if that happens way too many times teachers could get fired from the jobs and sometimes it's not all their fault last but definitely not least how many of us thought that a community of many disrespected teachers could lead to a community without teachers I bet most kids who don't like school as much as others might not think about that question but another question pops up when you talk about this what happens when there are no teachers left in society how would you learn the important things like how to be a strong leader and how to be a kind person in society in conclusion teachers are definitely important to our nation they pass on knowledge Foster critical thinking skills and play a role in the comprehensive development of children I sincerely hope you realize how important the nation's teachers are and next time you see someone treating a teacher with little to no respect or you are that person try and making them feel welcome and better as a teacher it just might end up making their day 10 times [Applause] better thank you Miss Emma now do you all see why I wanted them here what an awesome job and the next young man he wasn't necessarily a first second or third place winner but he was certainly a winner in my heart um this next young man his name is Jace and he is from The Villages Elementary School and he is in the fourth grade and um come on up Jace and I was uh I knew what he was uh going to speak on I was one of the Jud I was the only judge that knew what he was going to speak on so uh I was uh very proud of that and uh he does just an awesome job and just uh pay close attention to jaay in my life I'm going for a grand slam but not the kind of grand slam you hit in baseball I'm talking about the national Wild Turkey federation's most popular recognized Grand Slam to achieve the national wild turkey federations also known as the nwtf Grand Slam you must Harvest and register all four turkey species in the United States the four types of turkey in the slam are the Eastern Rio Grand miam and Oola just over 1,500 Hunters have ever completed the Grand Slam it's impressive and encouraging me that four Hunters on the list are from my hometown it takes some Hunters of course of a lifetime to complete this challenge but for me I'm halfway there and only 10 years old let's talk turkey Oola turkey live in Florida can only be found on the Florida Peninsula lucky for me I live in floor my dad caught an Oola Tom and for me OAS have long legs a strong gobble very long Spurs but usually shorter beard this is my first harvest on my way to the Grand Slam Eastern Turkey living will be found throughout the Eastern side of the United States the color of a turkey's head and throat changes colors depending on its mood feeling stressed it turns bright red feeling excited it turns blue hunting Eastern Turkey especially in Georgia can be some the most toughest hunting any turkey hunter will find fine wait a minute I've harvested one of these too I wish I can tell you more about the mar and Mario grd but I haven't met these turkeys yet they live in Colorado the mar the Rio the marry I'm in the foresty mountain while the Rio Grand on the Eastern side of that state so just bear with me and stay tuned I'm headed for a grand slam and I love to talk turkey oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jace this is another side of 4 that you probably didn't know that existed but public speaking is very difficult and when you start them at a young age it's it's so much more beneficial for them but um thank you all again very much I'm so proud of you you all did a wonderful job and thank you for for coming and sharing your speeches thank you so much guys thank you we're very proud of you folks don't let anybody tell you we're falling behind in education right here proves what we've got going on in our schools and if we as a community will stand up and back what's going on in the schools we all win as a community you're going to hear from our high school and just a little bit about some of the things that went on today at eustus high school and they were outstanding standing so thank you all thank you guys for being with us tonight all right next we have um recognition of our 2023 Chamber of Commerce community service award winners and these are outstanding members of our community Marie it was a pleasure and an honor to have the awardees uh show up tonight uh on short notice but uh some of them are here and the community service awards are put on by the Lake eustus Area Chamber of Commerce and this year we had different we have different categories I'm just going to call them up one by one and then um we can get a picture with all of them that are here arts and culture is Bay Street players and James Irving is on the Bay Street Players Board and he's representing Bay Street players education meaningful Milestones Patrick and Stacy Callahan leadership our own Jerry [Applause] Cobb can you do that sport uh Sports um Public Service George spotti Sports Britany B Bell I don't see coach she's working she's working yeah uh humanitarian Dr summer young Eustace Lakeside down [Applause] okay Public Safety our own shaita Hill all [Music] right also this is Lake County correct yes can y'all shift that direction a little bit that way we get everybody again thank you our youth uh he had an audition this evening but I believe his teachers here oh oh there you are okay I'm sorry honey uh is Aaron Cross he's a junior junior from eustus high school and volunteer Robin [Applause] RoR for the nonprofit Amazing Race for charity Tim Totton is here or you're doing both okay she's she's doing double duty tonight okay that's fine uh healthc care provider Roslin Chapel I don't see Ros rosin small business All-American is not here either uh medium business above and beyond Pest Control sailor yeah and then large business SE Co bank and Todd will represent them and this was a very heartfelt uh community service ceremony for me it's my first one and everybody that was nominated was well deserved and we appreciate you being in our community we don't want you to go anywhere else we want you to stay in our community and continue to do the good things that you do here please there you thank you can you guys move in together and they can get you in a a picture yeah kind of act like you know each other that's good too there you go and we do have several members of the eus chamber in here also Chuck MCM Stephanie Carter is here Pam Ras has been helping and our assistant Christine gel guys thank you all so much you're what make the community great you guys all all right next we're coming down to audience to be heard uh Tom's got some list of some folks that are of signed cards to speak tonight when you come to the podium uh please limit your time to three minutes Tom uh yes uh Kim meanon hi I'm here today at the request of my 14-year-old daughter Addison who's going to speak to you next in regards to the scholarship pageant that took place during George Fest the city put rules into place and disclosed to the community however they did not follow these rules rules specifically about eligibility they provided contestants this prevented contestants from receiving their rightful titles and scholarships the rules were provided to applicants and parents who both must sign rule specifically that was not followed was eligibility which states individuals may compete the year after giving up their current title she may not hold a title compete at the same time this is exactly what the city allowed to happen contestants were allowed to compete without sitting out a year they held a title and competed for a new one the city should have notified the contestant and the parent that they were not eligible failure to do so was a breach in trust between the city and its citizens it was brought to the attention of the city however the city manager stated he did not recognize the Queens as he opinion was one pageant ended and a new one began I pointed out the press release that the city provided in August that stated the long history of the pageant the many directors it had and that it was now under the direction of the city department for tourism the Queens have been represented throughout the year and they were listed in the 2024 brochure as Queens giving up their titles the city manager was quick to point out in my discussions with some of y'all rule number nine that the judges decisions were final I agree judges decisions are final based on the eligible candidates the judges would have entrusted that the city did their job and followed the rules that they put in place it is sad that this has happened and it's even sadder that a candidate and a parent would have read the rules and continued to to apply for that ability to compete and that the city would allow that deception it's not comfortable standing here today in front of you addressing this however at the end of the day I must do what is right for the well-being of a young person who is asked to have her voice heard she has represented throughout the city for the LA since she was four years old she can now read the application and understand it she doesn't understand why her voice is not being heard I want to let her no Addison I am so proud of you you make me a better person with speaking out and your courage hopefully today your voice will be heard changes will be made and other people will be better for you as well thank you thanks K uh Addison Melanson hi I'm Addison I have been representing Eustace since I was four years old with many different titles and I grew to trust in the process and the city leaders it makes me sad to feel that the city I love can push me aside when they don't want to admit their mistakes and fix a bad situation that they created I tried to use my voice to be heard individually but no one would fix the problem they just kept asking me to give them time time to get through the festivities one city official read the rules and he said he would address this because the rules are the rules however I never heard back and nothing changed he said this made him sad and apologized to me but no one stood up for me and made it right pageant taught me to be comfortable on stage and to believe in myself I trusted in that now I'm learning to doubt what I thought was true and in others you see this affects me and my personal goals however there are other girls who should have received titles and trophies they are time to shine and confidence in the this has taken that away from them they were not experienced patner girls and they are not comfortable using their voice so I will stand and use mine for all of us I ask that you hear me and that you make this right that you read rule number five and place judges scores according to the eligible contestants as the application says I believe in Pro promoting intelligent strong young ladies with the power to change the world thank you thanks Addis thank you uh Sonia white you've had a busy day Miss Sonia yes super busy day but on behalf of FBLA and the students of uses high school I would like to thank the city of hustace for helping us tremendously I want to thank mayor Holland commissioner cop commissioner Hawkins commissioner ascra even though the city did give us a monetary seeds these individuals went a little extra and also business owner Mr George I want to thank you so very much I proud to say that we took 10 students to the state um florer FBLA future Business Leaders um leadership conference in Orlando um I'm super proud of them we had one student Kelly un who will progress to the National she came in first place for accounting that is the first in the history of usus high school and not to the other 10 that went they came in first second and third in the district level but they took home a great experience they met new friends they attended a whole lot of business workshops so thank you so very much I really appre appreciate that and also Emma and where J Jay left but Emma thank you so much I am a proud teacher at usess high school and it's just good to know that students appreciate what we do and I just I look so forward to working with the city bringing more students they are very very excited that not only is their teacher their school behind them but their city is behind them and from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you thank you so much that's all I have for cards mayor anyone else that would like to speak to the commission about something that's not on our agenda this evening not see any we'll go ahead and close that we go down to the consent agenda now there are three items on the consent agenda is there anything anybody wants pulled for discussion not hearing a looking for a motion to approve oh you want to pull something uh 5.2 5.2 let's go ahead and talk about it real quick and see if we can push it back in okay um you know I understand the uh the recording of the Lans for delinquent uh utility accounts my issue is that uh there's a contract between the city and the Tenant why do we put the landlord in the middle of it and make him respons Tom can you answer that um um I'm sorry could you could you ask the question again no I am I'm pulling up the um I'm pulling up the item we um uh when someone comes to the city uh to have the water turned on there's a contract between the tenant and the city why are we putting the landlord in the middle and putting the lean on the landlord's property because I think that's the only recourse we have I mean Sasha I don't know we we I'm I'm sorry Mike Shepard is ill today so he's not here this evening this would be a question for Mike but I think I think what we're doing is we are we're we are we only have certain teeth and so that's why uh that's why we do that that because we only have certain teeth does not make it right the landlord should not be punished because he has a tenant it should be the city's responsibility to go after the tenant whatever means necessary but to go after the landlord I think that's wrong um commissioner the the lean can only be placed on the actual property which would be the landlord and we don't know if each instance involves a tenant situation the service is being provided to the residents so that's what the statute sites if the contract is between a tenant who comes and he brings his lease and he signs and the bill comes back to that tenant it should be between the city and that tenant it should not be with the landlord in my opinion so I will I I'll what's the other option then uh the other option is you put it on their credit uh you go after them that way but it just does not seem right to me and I have a I'm a I'm a a landlord I I'll put that out front and I haven't had an issue with this but it just doesn't sound right to me that we would go after the landlord when it's not the landlord's uh issue Sasha is it is it allowable legal to ask at the application do you rent or do you own for purposes of this utility services yes it's allowable so then I mean just following up to what he's saying it's just a thought normally and then where would we go from there normally when you go for utility services you need to provide proof of whether you're of how you're obtaining Services there so it's either a lease or a deed um I don't that's a procedure generally says that's why I'm asking yes I know that when there are people that come they have to bring a rental agreement uh right if they're bringing a rental agreement why would you go why would we go after the landlord when the landlord didn't consume any of that it seems like we're taking the easy way out and we're punishing an innocent third party I have a question as to why would it go three and four months you know it seems like that's a long period of time after one month it should be it shouldn't even be allowed but three and four months to and then yeah do that I just I will tell you that this process has become more frequent we are actually coming to you with the delinquencies more frequently because it was the will of the commission that uh we weren't doing it often enough we weren't trying to recoup this uh this money often enough so we are I think we're doing it once a month now we're bringing to you something each month um and we're doing it more frequently because that's what the commission asked I um you know I can commit to you working with the finance department to better understand our process we can look at what other uh utility providers do what's best practice but I think the short answer to your question is we'd probably have to write off a lot more bad debt if we didn't go after the property owner but I understand what you're saying it's the tenants responsibility um but we would probably other than uh security other than deposits which we do uh occasionally require from people signing up for service uh other than going after their deposits beyond the deposit there is no recourse uh other than going after a property owner uh but I understand what you're saying is it best for us to require a deposit and or if we do to increase it but make it so that if they do they lose you have your money in the deposit and do we run a do we run a credit report on understanding is and I don't know I don't know the different levels of reporting but my understanding is we run we basically pull a credit score I don't know if we do a full credit check with all of the information but my understanding is that we run a credit score and based on that credit worthiness we will require a deposit or not require a deposit why don't you just make it 45 days and be done with it you've got 30 days and you got additional 15 days to pay it cut it off and and and even jum it makes it a little bit easier to go four months and then require it's not it's not fair it's not acceptable four months whether who whoever it falls I could say if I could jump in quick as someone who sees credit reports on a daily basis I mean there are collections on many of the credit report reports I see for utility accounts so maybe it is something we should we should consider but I agree with Tom the likelihood of us re recouping at is going to be mhm shorten the time span yeah yeah shorten the time span and a deposit yes covers it well and and again I I I apologize um uh Mike is not here this evening I think our process for cut off is pretty quick meaning we don't go three or four months before non-payment and cut off I think what we are what do we do wait a couple of months before we file a lean on a property um but but a cut off happens pretty quickly after non-payment um and when I say pretty quickly I think you know I I then how does it get to four months yeah that's what I saw on the report I saw a lot of four months I don't I don't think I I'll have to talk to finance uh about it yeah you know my thing is it just it just doesn't seem right uh you know a lot of these uh a lot of these landlords you know this is their business uh and and what we're doing is we're penalizing you know the business on it's to me it's just not right yeah I do you know everybody's the loser exactly the longer term when I say long you you mentioned three or four months I think we um if we reach out to someone and say you're delinquent and we get no response or they say I'm just not going to be able to pay you the cut off happens pretty quickly if someone says hey I'm waiting on my next paycheck uh I can in other words we try to work with people uh we we we don't want to be in the business of cutting people off from utilities and so if someone uh agrees to a payment plan or if someone says hey I will I I I promise I will work on this we we generally will not just go out and cut them off so that may be some of the longer term stuff that you're seeing but but using using that that that premise what you're doing is you're giving the we're giving the tenants when they come to us and say give me extra time we're giving them the opportunity to go three four months and then they don't pay and then we penalize the the the landlord well let's add something else to that Willie not only that when they move if it's if it's empty that that landlord has to still pay the water bill a certain amount so you got double yeah amounts to pay I mean we need go ahead I was going say Tom is it our practice and and I know Mike's not here but we do do we send collections out for these tenants or we just doing we do and and more so than ever we've we have staff making calls uh that's something we're doing do we negatively report it to a credit bureau uh I don't know I want I believe probably will cost money to do that I'm pretty sure it will I don't know at what point we send someone to uh or report something to the credit bureaus but we again we have staff more often now than we did in the past calling users uh calling customers saying hey you're delinquent uh you know what can we do to to work with you on this well clearly it's happening more often than ever so I think we need to change the process and bring this back to the commission I I I just looked up something and and had something sent to me under Florida law um if the utility bill is not in the landlord's name we they the landlord cannot be held responsible so we need to take a good look at that and in just a little bit we're going to be hiring a new Finance director I do believe and I think there's going to be a lot of practices sorry that need to be looked at that may be oldfashioned the way we're doing bus so um you know um so I think we probably just need to review it all what I'm going to do right now I'm going to pull five 52 and we'll vote on it separately um at this time I'm going to ask the commission um for a motion to approve 5.1 and 5.3 under the consent agenda so mov second all right have a first and a second any further discussion roll call please vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins I mayor Holland I now we're going to come back to 5.1 uh two which is resolution number 24-34 looking for a motion for approval on that and if you'd like to hold off until we can get you more information we can do that somebody want to make a motion to hold I a motion make a motion to the table yes okay so we've got um we'll give it to uh Gary to make the motion Emily will second that motion all in FA any further discussion roll call please vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi mayor Holland hi madam attorney yes first we have resolution number 24-33 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of ECE Florida approving the appointment of Lori AAR as a City abusus Finance director effective April 11th 2024 good evening Bill how Director of Human Resources first of all I think she's still interested in the position I was just about to ask City Charter requires um the appointment of the finance director to be made by the city manager with approval of the city Commission city managers reviewed a number of applications for the positions we conducted interviews and he selected Lori Carr to fill the position of finance director with your approval Lori meets all the qualifications for the position she signed a conditional offer of employment with a start date of April 11th she has a bachelor's degree she has a master's degree in Business Administration she's been for 16 years certified as a government finance officer she's got more than 24 years of experience in both Municipal and County um agencies is a deputy Finance director business and business manager you've had an opportunity to meet with Lori last week she's here again tonight uh should you have any questions for either her or I are there any questions would anyone in the audience like to comment on this resolution before we hear from Miss Carr okay seeing none we'll close a public comment there peace hello again I sounds like I've got my work cut out for me already I'm happy to be here and I certainly hope the chair is excited to bring me on board as I am to join you thank you all right Mr Mayor all right commissioners before us we have resolution number 24-33 what's the will of our commission I'll second it first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi mayor Holland hi we look forward to working with you congratulations conations next we have ordinance number 24-19 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida approving a conditional use permit to allow a 10,640 ft commercial retail store in a general industrial land use District at the eustus Commerce Park on Paradise Lane and County Road 452 Mr lanee good evening for the record Mike Lane development services director uh you have before you tonight a request or an application for a retail store in a general industrial uh future land use district and of course the property in question is in the Eustace Commerce Park it is presently owned by jdc Management Group and uh the contact person or the applicant is uh con development Inc uh our code actually references in the use regulations or the um table of use uh table of uses in the Land Development regulations uh specifically that a a retail establishment is a conditional use in a general industrial category therefore they have to come before you guys in order to uh uh actually get an approval so um again the the issue as I pointed out it we're looking at the uh the eustus Commerce Park and this retail store is going to be at that southwest corner of Paradise Lane and uh County Road Three 452 the as as I said General industrial is the actual future land use the Design District is Suburban the applicant submitted uh the proposed building elevations and of course they are subject for your review uh and approval this is the actual site plan that was proposed and submitted a community meeting was held on Tuesday March the 5th uh there were 11 uh attendees uh two staff uh I believe it was two representatives from Valencia uh in neutrals and the remainder were representatives of the property owner and the actual applicant uh our conditional use uh review actually entails uh reviewing to ensure that it meets the comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations and of course at at this hearing the commission can actually uh attach conditions and uh and limitations to a particular project if the commission does approve this there are some conditions that staff would suggest and that's it's an typical development review type uh condition um that is to submit the applications to uh the plans and the actual fecp is what we refer to it or the final uh engineering construction plans to our DRC for review and basically uh go through a a process where uh we will uh have a um a preconstruction conference with them they will need to submit for a building permit we will anticipate a a separate application for signs and then of course uh they will uh obtain a bet or business tax receipt with the city at that point and uh of course the public hearing U requirements have been uh met with this uh we did uh send out notices and we did advertise in the newspaper and post signs on the property and in conclusion uh over the the last few months we have heard the commission uh expressed concerns about the the limitations on industrial property that we have in the city and uh of course the US's Commerce Park is one of the industrial areas that we do have in the city and uh at this point in time the only appli or the only tenant in the park is actually the um the neutral uh plant that is in there so the applicant is or the applicant's representative is here and uh at this point in time if you don't have any questions of me I will turn the podium back over to him okay any questions from Mr Lan from the commission would you like to hear from the public first before uh we have the app and representative or let's hear hear from the repres representative first okay um the representative good evening uh Logan opsol 215 North Yola Drive great to be with the commission tonight um quick introduction I'm land use Council on this project um and we also have representatives from the development team here tonight also saw the the owners um as well as uh some neighbors as well um so great to be with with the commission appreciate Mike for his presentation as well as his involvement kind of as we've collaborated over this project and his involvement in the community meeting which we had some nice discussions as well um I'll thank you very much uh just a brief presentation because Mike did a good job I just want to provide another aerial to show the area of course we've seen the map was kind of that swath of industrial uh but a point Mike brought up in one of his slides and and and I'll note too uh is is we're here requesting a conditional use permit for some retail use within the industrial future land use designation and of course we have to conduct the condition we have to follow the procedure for a conditional use permit uh which notes that this use is generally consistent with the goals and policies objectives of the comprehensive plan uh and compatible to the area of course the conditional use permit uh comes through this body and and empowers this body uh to take a look at uh you know those very things compatibility with the area um as well as uh any conditions uh that would be deemed appropriate uh I will note that we are in agreement with the staff's conditions um and those uh additional submittals to make sure those procedures uh are required uh you can see from the aerial you have some residential we we noted the the neutral uh use nearby uh and and one one thing I wanted to point out on on the uh notion of consistency with the policies of the comprehensive plan um and I was just going through the comp plan and and one of the the policies 3.1.4 uh discussing industrial uses um and and they Peg those uses as adjacent when they're adjacent to residential uses uh to be light if industrial to protect residences from any adverse impacts you'd you'd come to anticipate from normal industrial uses um here of course we're asking for retail and this specific site one opportunity it provides um is a retail to service the residential it provides a mix of uses so uh again buffering setbacks from residential when you think about industrial what this what this retail use has to offer is giving some of that natural buffering uh to the residential area I think I have one slide which shows it um and so as as we put in this retail use it allows for uh servicing the retail servicing the industry industrial and Mike noted this is the only occupant in this Commerce Center now um and so what we've seen uh not just in this jurisdiction but in others is that these retail uses particularly since industrial has exploded so much uh since 2019 2020 for various reasons uh continues to grow actually the industrial areas and Service uh the uses there and again uh blending properly and appropriately uh with the residential uses as well as well um so summary of the community meeting some of the things that were addressed of course we know we're on County Road 452 traffic's you know always an issue speeds things like that it has that natural Bend IN 452 so everyone's looking at sight distance issues those sort of items um those were something that were were generally uh addressed uh we're working with the county we we have to uh conducting traffic studies to to understand uh the traffic conditions um here one positive of a retail is it captures traffic from the roadway people coming off the road to to visit this Dollar General the proposed use there um but again this is a county road so we're we're working directly with them but we want to partner with the city and of course he the residents's concerns uh and discussions among traffic um when when you think about industrial uses you know it's something not just this traffic study but looking far in the future uh to to be considered industrial uses have a lot of uh semi- trailers uh big long trailers have to make it out of those turns given those traffic conditions that's something that can be avoided here um and as we progress through with proposing this use uh and working with the county they're going to conduct those studies forward-looking uh about those uses in the future so we have an opportunity to get out in front of that and and have those discussions sooner uh rather than later uh the other thing was uh the understanding right now Paradise Lane is is a dead end as built right now so want to be sure that we provide notice to uh any vehicular traffic that there's no Outlet so some signage uh there in the area would would be appropriate as well um and uh just again just a quick touch on 452 there was some discussions with staff uh my understanding is it was just brought up of of residential you know how could we provide maybe like a golf cart uh Crossing or something like that of course given 452 we've all driven through it uh the county has deemed that unsafe so those were our main points of of discussion uh which I'm happy to revisit specifically with you as well um with that we we talked about the traffic impact analysis and this would be a good segue for me to bring up Holly uh part of the development team she's going to tell you a little bit about uh concept development and their work on uh Dollar General and and what they do and who they are uh I will remain uh right here to answer any specific questions and and we'll wrap up our presentation thank you hello commission Holly Irish with Concept development do you want my address okay um so I work with Concept development and uh concept has developed over $200 General Stores um many are very unique to the surrounding area and are built to suit what's you know fits the area um and fits the commission wishes for uh what the actual Aesthetics are for where the where the Dollar General is actually located so here of course we are in an industrial zoned area which is suitable for commercial um with the commission approval of the conditional use permit of that um so the store is very much taking into account the residential area the industrial zoning and just playing into all of the surrounding area that we have there at hand but um to get into some of the traffic study analysis um there's a lot of numbers here but um cliff notes that the traffic engineer gave us um if there were a yellow highlighted box on this uh traffic analysis there's both a intersection analysis for the morning time which is um 6 to 8 a.m. or 7 to 9: a.m. and then for the pm. time which is 4: to 6:00 p.m. so if any of those boxes were highlighted with yellow that would indicate a deficiency as it exists right now um and then if a box were highlighted with red that would indicate an A deficiency because of the project coming on board um so the lack of any highlighting within that that um indicates that there's no def deficiencies and the intersection operates um functionally existing and both with the proposed project traffic so um this does show that um there's no you know significant delays or anything here as it exists and there will not be if the project comes on board as well um just in general the conclusions uh I don't know if you all have a copy of the traffic study but I do have one that I can present to you if you would like to view that but um just in general the summary from the traffic study just states that based on the findings of the study that the intersection and roadway segment will operate as intended um and that no improvements are necessary for this particular project um as Logan mentioned they do have you know future industrial plan and everything there and there would be more opportunity for reconsideration as additional development comes on into the future so this is focusing just on this commercial retail store coming on board um getting into some of the architectural elevations that Mr Lane shared um some of the upgrades included and again this is very much trying to take into account and tow the line between an industrial complex and residential in the area but also suiting some commercial upgrades as well so there was a canopy added to the corner entrance here um and then a raised parit over the entrance of that canopy um and windows a lot added along the walls on the sides of the entrance and then CMU weight and scotting which just adds a little more um detail and complexity to um the long wall adjacent to the entrance so like I said this is intended to provide commercial upgrades in addition to what the code has but also still kind of suit the industrial area that it will be the anchor to serve um just in summary there was a lot of um talk about compliance with Comprehensive plan which um you know some points were made on that and in general the Land Development code we have met with staff we've had a pre-application meeting um the community meeting now and staff is really great about coordinating with us we've emailed them a lot of times to uh make sure that we're proposing a site plan that does meet the code criteria and we believe what we've presented does that um and we've also worked with Lake County as was mentioned had some communication with them just to get started on traffic study they've been involved in the methodology that was used to create the traffic study and just any preliminary coordination and uh concerns that they had so um in general with the upgraded architectural site plan layout and everything that we've presented here um we've really tried to take into account All City requirements and then you know go a little above and beyond that as well for the area so I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have any questions from the commission all right we're going to open it up to the public thank you do we have any cards on this item Tom no cards would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item please come up to the podium state your name how are you folks how you doing good how are you um my name is George Carrera and pamel Pam and this is my father uh dog ver TOA uh we're actually the owners of the uh us Commerce now um and uh first of all thank you for your time um we're a hardworking family we have a pre-cast company um in Eustace so um our future plans for the usess Commerce is to continue to build industrial because as as we're aware um it's only about 30 there's only about 34 Acres of industrial land in Eustace and we own 32 of them so so our future plans and I would love to hear what your guys' you know ideal situation for industrial in Eustace what that would be you know we're considering Flex space so um there's a perfect example out in Umatilla that uh just built out in two acres about 4 6,000 foot buildings that have 2,000t uh bays and they can rent them out to you know car wrapping companies uh AC companies things like that so that would be our our vision and our plan to build out the uses Commerce in in sections um is that something that you guys would be open to or would like to see or is there anything in particular that that would be a good opportunity there if you have any IDE Al are you in here I am that's the gentleman you need to talk to okay right there okay if you'll if you'll get out you have a card on you all right yeah we live in this community we vote in this community we're looking to have job in this community we're we're vested in this community thank you approving the condition would help us fin thank you for your time thank you all thank you is there anyone else that would like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close a public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-19 what's the will of this Commission anybody want to make a motion I'm going to ask one more time anybody want to make a motion not hearing a motion it dies on the lack of a motion all right so that's it Madam attorney anything else from your end there are no uh additional items based on the updates earlier all right this evening thank you coming down now to other business uh and that's the transfer of additional land to Lake Sumpter State College uh for construction of CDL in line uh work training facility Al Al ader economic development director um Commissioners previously you approved uh a donation for four acres of land to uh Lakes hter uh State College to uh construct a uh CDL and uh line worker training facility uh subsequent to your approval this college was notified that uh they needed additional um space in order to have a um wider turning radius uh and more capabilities for um conducting the training of the CDL Drivers um subsequently they have come back um and asked for additional land um that land also would accommodate um uh retention on the property uh Bruce Duncan from the college is here if you've got any specific questions um but uh what we originally discussed and what is in the staff report is 2.5 acres but um when we look at uh the irregular size of the lot that would be left it would be almost inaccessible and not very uh user friendly for another purpose and so uh it makes sense to just um for staff to recommend to you that uh you give them four acres an additional four ACR uh which would be a um a uniform shaped property that um you know they could make full utilization of also um I am aware that um um other colleges have talked to us about Partnerships UCF uh Lake Tech and uh Beacon college and Lake Sumter has said that they would be very engaged um in um exploring those potential Partnerships so the recommendation is to um you know staff recommendation is for the donation of an additional four acres uh I do have and that's the outline of the four acres uh but I have architectural dra uh drawings of the um it's not not in there okay are you sure do you guys have this okay uh all right that was included as part of the packet K I don't know if you have access to the um if you have access to the internet and you can pull up the packet item maybe HTML um but so again we made as uniform a um land division as possible uh the college will um provide the city access to any easements on property uh they will also do the surveying and write the legal description uh and once again that they will explore Partnerships with uh other colleges and universities any questions for just one yes sir are they are they planning to use all of that land or just they only need another portion to get what they need they are planning to use uh for sure the additional 2.5 but again the remaining portion odd shaped portion on the western lower Western end of the uh of the property uh would not necessarily be easily accessible and you know it's got wet Wetlands it just makes more sense to allow the college to have access to that too especially considering future growth um of um educational programs with the other colleges and universities okay thank you the lower part of that property that add I just want to see it all used as I guess is what I was getting the lower part of that has a good part of that that can't be used because of w land are sitting on okay and because of hicks not Hicks Ditch Road but actual Hicks ditch um the remainder portion is largely inaccessible to other users including us you would have to access it through the fire station uh as opposed to if Lake Sumpter were to get that land and and only a portion of is is developable because of wetlands uh but they'd be more likely to use it than we would uh because of where it is and how to access it I have walked it as well I I W went across street and walked it and it it makes sense nice so there there's that there's the part that they actually requested but we've added to the bottom of that Emily yeah I had some comments I'm happy to hear this because as we looked at all of how the buildings would be set and the pad that needed to be there and all this will allow them to have a little bit more distance between the two programs and that's that's a safety issue there so I'm happy about that I also being on the on the trustee board um had a discussion and with the president and we talked about their plans would be to utilize it and to expand programs expand the programs we already have in place and so they came up with some ideas I was just going to I thought it was very exciting they talked about um solar energy program electrical engineering um and Agra Science Program construction management Water Management robotics 3D printing Logistics and but the main thing that they are concerned about is getting with the city of uses and finding out what is it that we need for them to develop these programs these are all thoughts but what is it that we want for usus to develop our Workforce um and that's the kind of programs they would create in conjunction and in partnership with the other uh learning institutions so I'm happy about what we have and I know that they will be and I it's something I always wanted to to have Lake sup to involved our the educational even Lake Tech I mean they located here so we have an opportunity to expand and I'm really really focused on developing our Workforce and in opportunities to to grow up our kids into these kind of environments so thank you this has been something that this commission has worked on for a long time is education and I think the abilities here are unbelievable and talking to Dr Bard I I know uh that she's wanting to expand the type of education that's offered to our community um I'm terribly excited about that and then on the other side meeting with um late Tech there's some great things going on out there and with the marriage of the two schools it it's it's really a great thing for the city of hustus and our residents and it's good to hear Beacon College that's another entity that would be exciting to work with li you know one of the and and I I think it's great that we're doing it but I think uh most of the commission remembers that that when we did the initial one of one of my request was that we we make sure that we take care of some of our eustus high school kids uh because we're doing this in this additional I'd like to see them them at the very least give a scholarship whatever amount they deem to a deserving uh High School senior based on this really I want to um let you know to one of the things that we talked about is having round tables discussion with the schools with the city with businesses with mega Workforce me all of us coming together to look at what needs to be done but we are looking at our students and what is it that they need from the educational component in the high school and and I'm glad Mo it to the middle school cuz we got to do Sim programs and things like that I'm glad but I'd still like to see a scholarship can you take that message back to Dr Bard and the board please all right thank you one last Point great looking building yeah that's what I was going to say um you were very adamant about the fact that you wanted a the look and feel that was similar to the college you didn't want a u you know lower uh class facility and they are honoring that request as you can see by the architectural rendering I will tell you Comm you had me at agroscience so and and also Bruce if you could find out they give out millions of dollars of scholarships the foundation does how many us to students get the scholarships thank you yeah I've been I've attended the the award ceremony and I know that they do at least one or two to yeah uh at the very least but based on us giving away uh you know four acres uh I'd like to see us and and it could be $500 because for a deserving kid that's a lot of money that's a lot of money so yeah all right we're not going to vote on this Nan are you good with the extra four acres absolutely Willie yes Gary yes sir vice mayor yes and I'm a guess all right thank you so much congratulations so if it's acceptable to commission I will will ask Sasha to draft so this we are not going to amend the existing agreement because that was the that was the first land transfer and that kind of has happened and so we really can't amend the existing agreement we have to write up a new agreement and so if that's acceptable to you we'll have Sasha start working on that and we'll prepare a resolution for your consideration I wouldn't let it follow the same wording in the contract is what the the first one did please yes we'll track that as well thank you all right anything else on that nothing else we're moving along future agenda items um if you have a future agenda item and a report we'd love to hear it uh commissioner Cobb well good evening um I had mentioned it before and then I have recently uh gotten with um our attorney Miss Sasha in regarding a semi ordinance and we're going to have to get that sooner than later it is getting worse and worse and worse and uh so I'd like to for us to take a look at that and uh if you just kind of work on that a little bit and then uh we'll bring something back to commission absolutely okay uh also too uh nothing really I do I I'd like an update on what is going on with that seems like defunct apartment complex downtown eust uh actually I just spoke with the building official uh this week about it uh they are actually on the inside doing work they're doing some insulation uh so there is work going going on inside the building um but um it did slow for a while um but they did make some water connections um and they are inside doing some work uh so work is being done um I as part of a another project there were some questions about um a um another project where there there didn't seem to be much activity and in talking to to the the building official and code enforcement um you uh a um someone who has pulled a permit has six months between um approved uh or passed inspections and so I have asked the building official to be to watch that project very closely and so it's on our radar but he told me this week that they are inside doing work on the inside okay couple things along with that was this project bonded has to be I it has to be you and I both know that I'm asking a question was it bonded and the reason why I asked that is because you know let's get it finished okay let's get it finished the other thing too is um when you're when you go down because it goes downhill towards Genie's restaurant and we all know that that sand and they didn't do the the thing the proper way and it is clogged that drain and I know that you're leaving it up to him to do you know I'd rather us be proactive and take care of our own drain and whenever it cost tack it on to his bill and he won't get a he won't get a uh COI until he pays it I just I want us to take care of that please because I've had more complaints about that dirt clogged in that drain we'll take a look at it all righty the other thing too is is what going on with the defunct swimming pool on lakes Shore Drive that's the other project I was referencing okay that's been so they passed an inspection October 25th and they have six months from October 25th to pass another inspection now we did go out and we ask them to uh re-erect some fencing around it but they are in they are compliant uh there's nothing so I think they're just working on it as they can um I but they are again we've gotten some complaints on it but they're compliant and there's not much we can do until April 21st there's no contractor I I believe he's doing the work himself n from what I understand I there's no fence around how you build a poop on your own if you okay I've got two calls on this we're working on it um he is in compliance to April but we're on top of it I'm trying to meet with him he works for NASA so he's got a lot going on but I think uh after I talk with him I think we'll be able to get this project done pretty quickly so we we're on top of it okay we're dealing with a lot of issues there on lakes Shore uh with the speeding um we just so you know we wrote last year about 650 citations on lakes Shore citations so I know some of the people there were a little unhappy uh I don't know what else we can do we're doing everything we can over there we have been out there so you're dealing with the speeding and that's great I don't yeah we're dealing with a lot of stuff that that pool needs to be be taken care of so it's been that way hopefully here we'll we have some an update for you at the next meeting but I feel very confident that uh we'll get compliance and we'll get this thing done thank you very much it's on my list of stuff that I've been working on daily honestly so we're on top of it thank you thank you and I I will say that six months between a um past permits is state law um and so we work within the confines of state law but we're we're working to get some movement on it okay um I had the pleasure uh this past St Patrick's Day weekend to attend the Eustace chil Cookoff and it was just wonderful the Chamber of Commerce did a great job and I also went to leeburg barbecue uh uh St Patrick's Day barbecue U Chile Cook Off and is Greg here tonight there he is our own what how did you did you place we did not we we got about the same score we got last year okay but there were some pretty good teams there this year that ranked up the state so it pushed us down in the rank well our very own Greg dobins with the water department he did a great job representing used to so I want to thank you [Applause] are you done we no Gary I'm going to be I'm going to be brief the only thing I'd like us to consider is putting some picnic tables in the in faen park I I really there's I've had many people come up to me and ask why we don't have any picnic tables in Burn Park I mean I'm not talking 10 but can we get a few I think the chief took care of the problem for us is the reason why but they were sleeping on them um so that I I will speak to that um the you know the there we were going for a certain aesthetic with the redesign of fen Park and it didn't include picnic tables now what I will tell you is so there's there's the area where the big Christmas tree goes and that area um when the Christmas tree comes out everything in that that kind of triangle is dead and we can't plant it and get it regrown before George Fest and so in discussions with public works I think what we're going to do is we're going to concrete that area where the Christmas tree goes and for eight months out of the year we're going to put some picnic tables there so they're they're coming they'll go in that one specific area Okay uh and then during the holidays that's where the Christmas tree will be so that's that's the plan right now thank you anything else scary no that's all yes speaking of concrete Tom what do we think about concreting in front of the bans that's because we wear that grass out it the during George F it was it looked terrible even if we could just expend extend the PAAD that's exactly yeah I will talk to Public Works about it and it also would have eliminated when it rain the mud being yeah yeah I don't know if we have any utilities there that we need easy access to or but we'll we'll talk to public work about I know there's something kind of in the middle but yeah will we do the lights and sound um I only have one thing believe it or not um and and if Nan comes up with something else then I will you're not you're not deferring any time to her um oh I do actually I forgot to write it down but I do I'd like to know we uh and I asked this question probably two three months ago uh uh we as a commission we you know as part of that thousand that we got we all kind of decided we wanted to go somewhere yep no we're um so I Mike Shepard did Mike Shepard pulled meeting minutes he's going through the meeting minutes to make sure that we are getting money to everything that the commission committed to so we are working on that uh it's just taking some time to make sure we didn't miss anything or anyone does that include interest now I as far as I know we have not tacked on any interest I know mine went to the eust junior Panthers yeah it's pretty simple but that that was my thing I I I'd like for them to get it comes around again I we are committed to doing that and we're the reason we're working on it is uh we've had some questions about um other organizations and so we're like I said we're going through meeting minutes we're pulling all of that and we will if we need you know we may need documentation from folks about W9 or 501c3 and and so we'll work on all that but it's it's happening okay will that's it all right man what your forget oh Rick it'll just make your life easier do not pull him to the microphone after last time he was at the microphone he took three hours please the remaining benches that have all of the plaques please get the plaques and please put them on the wall because we have no inventory and it it's just it's just a mess and then if the benches are cracked and broken then we gave you permission to get that concrete Crusher throw them in the crusher but please take all those plaques please please please thank you place mayor yes I have a couple of concerns that I'd like something addressed one Nana's already spoke to and that's all the the the trucks the big trucks parking I have numerous pictures over at the County fairgrounds and around town of them anytime I get a chance to I stop I take pictures I got pictures proof that is happening that explains the traffic Chang and then the second thing is I am really concerned about the uh auto repair shop on kurk street across from East Heights Elementary I have pictures of that too the traffic um it impedes the traffic they park across the street cars are trying to come out of there and it's just so many close accidents and it's been going on for quite a while we're fixing air strike him tomorrow I've no I've had enough with him yeah uh somebody stole our signs out of there too so what I I promise you this you're going to see a couple trow trucks lined up there and we're going to tow every car every day out of that place we just met with um uh somebody from Land develop we're trying to find the exact what our property was so we're exactly and we're going to actually mark it with paint and I'm I'm done with them I'm done with them and uh you know it's the county it's this and you know and it's it goes back and forth It's like a hot potato nobody wants to do anything well I tell you we're going to do something about it and I gave him warning after warning and I'm just going to show up with an army of to trucks and I'm going to tow every car out of there and guess what I'm going to come back the next day and the next day until I hammer it into his head and it starts hitting him in the pocketbook in his pallet and then he'll figure it out but I'm over it I'm over it and I'm done he even added U-Haul trucks to that I mean that's just crazy well that's on on the county side yeah uh as far as that but anything on the Street's fair game you know song and a dance typical you know try to tell us what we want to hear and that might work for some people doesn't work for me so uh we're we're going to deal with him he's going to be dealt with and my goal is to financially hit him as hard as I can so he understands be compliant be a good neighbor be a good business owner it goes back to my greed Merchant Theory there's there's greed Merchants out there all they care about is a dollar and they don't care about anybody else so we'll deal with that and matter of fact we're going there tomorrow we even talked about it thank you Chief okay and then I attended the cops and bobber event that was fun I didn't even know there was a lake behind Lee a Lee Academy but so Serene it's very nice and and everybody seem to be enjoying it I still can't cast but I tried and um that was a very nice event and um then I'm also very enthusiastic about the progress at the Clifford house and all the Landscaping I don't know if you've noticed it you can see the house now because the trees have been cleared out and cleaned up it's amazing and uh there's still more to come and we're getting very close that we're going to be ready for the Mother's Day tea in May and I can only thank Rick about it he's excited about it and we've been working even on the cemetery so you're going to see some beautiful changes in these two projects and more to come and that's it mayor thank you Tom uh yes um um did you um mayor did you want to bring up uh whether the um comedy show yeah yeah are you going to bring that up yeah I was going to bring it up under mine okay uh so I just want to say uh thank you to everyone as you know I've been working through some personal things and uh things are going well everybody's on the menend but uh thank you to the team thank you to the commission and everybody uh and then I also wanted to reference we had uh a week ago we had a strategic planning session um Al and I did have a phone call with Jason today um I think um we we did not do um a good job of preparing you for last Thursday what last Thursday was all about what the strategic planning process is all about and so we're going to be working with Jason to better prepare you for the steps of this process moving forward uh so that uh you know what's happening when it's happening and what kind of inform we'll get you the information you need to be prepared for that process and so uh we will uh get you more information on strategic planning and um in the end I think we're going to have a product that we can all be proud of um you know chart our course have our vision have our mission and then have good measurable actions that um the commission can hold staff accountable for us accomplishing what you want us to accomplish so that's that's all coming as part of that process and that's all I have do we also have a um and a consulting firm who's working with us for the U development of the hospital property we do so that is the master plan process and that's going on concurrently and uh we have uh meetings with the Consulting team and the developers every two weeks or so we had one actually just today uh and I will be working with the commission um they have uh some documents that are about ready for draft form to be reviewed and so what I will probably do is try to schedule one-on-one meetings with each commissioner uh to uh we we will present you a draft give you some time to review that draft and then meet with you to get feedback from you on what you would like to see incorporated into the final um so that is that's moving forward it's a separate process um and that's um that process has had a lot of public input and I think I think we were we're on the cusp of reviewing about a 200 Page document and uh we'll be getting that to you for review as well so lots of information all right that it uh yes thank you sir Madame attorney no reports from me nothing report from you uh Chile Cookoff was outstanding enjoyed being out with everybody the weather was good for us um great time there um coming up April 13th is Laugh Out Loud Comedy uh from 4 to 9 out in fren Park and what I need to know from the commit is anybody interested in us getting a table uh for that comedy show do you still have something available to daras for the for the commission okay um Gary you go be around I will you want to be a be a part of that sure absolutely I have something okay Willie I already you already have a table n tentatively I have I had to move Arbor Day so I'm going to have to get through Arbor Day first that'll be in the morning that'll be in the morning that's right I'm extremely busy right now and and so I plan on being there but I got to get through Arbor Day to make sure all that gets squared away cleaned up is it okay with the commission if we get a table sure good okay all right uh Darius put us down for a table you work with Tom and get payment okay right all right um I encourage the community to come out to that event it's a fun fun event Darius is trying to get 10,000 people in the park and we need to do all we can to help him get the folks out there okay so that being and he's also turned it up a notch he's turned it up a notch with the the health care and the community yeah he's got a lot of community involvement a lot of vendors coming out so we need to support it anything else Darius yeah sobody take of free um what time does it start 4 to 9 49 yeah what time is the actual comedy show Darius comedy show will start at 6 six o'clock all right thank you all right folks thanks for staying with us tonight this concludes our meeting and we are adjourned