e e e e e e e e everyone welcome to hust City Hall um if it is Thursday February 1st 2024 it is 605 p.m. if you would like to join us in a moment of silence and a pledge of allegiance to the flag being led by Gary Ashcraft please join us in Stand amen commissioner ashra please join me for the pledge PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all officially call the meeting to order is there a COR presentent proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much coming down to agenda updates Tom uh nothing sir thank you next we have approval of minut minutes we have before us the uh January 18th 2024 City commission workshop and January 18th 2024 City commission meeting so move I second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi next we have presentations we're going to start with the first one and if I could get Miss Carla to come forward um and the rest of her committee Willie I know I want you to go down because I know you're part of the committee and the vice mayor I'm G to ask you to step down with them I'm going to read the proclamation and then uh vice mayor will present the proclamation I always enjoy doing this Proclamation and I'm sorry I'm not coming down to floor level with you tonight I was in we were in Tallahassee at the first part of the week and I took a pretty bad fall and I am not moving the way I should so right there is fine and we will go ahead with the proclamation noi whereas in 1926 the month of February was designated as a time of national observance of the many contributions and achievements of African-Americans and whereas the Heritage vegetable mentors Vivian Carla Mitchell Patricia Wright and Kimberly Kelly Cameron came together for Unity the neighborhoods in touch with the youth and unity was later named the eustus African-American Heritage celebration committee and whereas throughout the month of February the eustus African-American Heritage celebration committee celebrates Black History Month each year and whereas the 31st Annual African-American Heritage celebration will feature events and activities in the city of Eustace in recognition of African-Americans and their Heritage and the accomp accomplishments and whereas on Saturday February the 17th 2024 the African-American Heritage celebration committee will will host a daylong festival celebrating the African culture and the enjoyment of our entire community and whereas in recognition of black history month and the African-American Heritage celebration the city of eustus joins with the communities in recognition of significant contributions achievements that impact the African-Americans have made in the growth and development of our nation our state our County and our city now therefore I Michael Holland mayor of the city of eustus Florida proclaim the month of February 2024 as Black History Month in the city of Eustace I call upon all citizens of the city of eustus to participate in the 31st Annual African-American Heritage celebration as well as other activities designed to celebrate recognize and honor African-Americans and their history I want to thank this committee and tell everyone this is one of the best events held in this city please come out and support it you will not be disappointed vice mayor Carla would you like to say anything of course of course good evening good evening May harand commit Commissioners my name is Carla Miller Mitchell I'm 80 years old look good for age don't I was born in hou been here all my life I would just like to thank the commissioner uh and the city city manager for your outstanding outstanding contribution and the things that you've done for us this could not have not has been possible without your cooperation what all you've done we have provided you with we have some flyers that we would like to give give you each each one of you with all of our activities all about you can are we going to pass them out for you all of our activities for the week but we want to thank you all so much and please come out to uh our events celebrating black history thank you so much for everything and we look forward to seeing you thank you Miss car we appreciate you yes [Applause] sir next I have on my list the food Drive are we still waiting Mike on do you want do you want to do anything right now do you want us to hold and we can hold to the end of the meeting and see if she shows up all right perfect you need to come up to the microphone for because I want I want M I want I want Mount Dora to hear this so all right so uh during the food drive there was a challenge made Mount Dora in eustus all I mean taries is in it too but the race really is between Mount Dora and eustus and uh the Mount Dora Fire Chief and uh uh I don't know where it came from but he said that if if they win I have to ride on their truck and if we win he has to ride on our truck for a day and I agreed to it because I'm you know I got him a seat cleaned up on one of our trucks uh but we won so he's got to come right on our truck it uh they they Mount Dora they Mount Dora did about 77,000 pounds and we did just shy of 17,000 pound oh wow so I I should get two days out of him riding on our truck absolutely yeah but anyways thanks for all the support I mean that uh uh we had a a plaque we were going to give because she helps the police department too with food drives uh Shea she's just a fantastic person and does a lot of work for us and a lot of the community helps her with the stuff that she does for us so we were just going to try and recognize her tonight um she's she gets pretty busy so Lord knows where she's at somewhere to food drive probably thank you for all your hard work with it thank you to the Rotary Club for all the hard work they put into this and of course Lake car's food pantry they do an absolutely tremendous job for all of us and the number of people that they serve in this community is overwhelming so thank and we ended up fixing Ru uh car tire for her she had she pulled up with a flat tire thanks Chief we appreciate it next we've got uh audience to be heard Tom do we have anyone Dale did you want to speak under audience to be heard Gail Isaac Thomas hello Miss scale good evening how are you all doing Chris want put I just wanted to let you all know that on Saturday was Miss Lake County pageant and our very own first black female firefighter won the Miss Miss Lake County Elite which is none other but Alexis Allen [Laughter] so anyway I called him up so he can kind of exploded a little bit about Alexis but she in the fire department she is yes she is yes she is but anyway anyway anyway the first black she was EMS she the first black she was EMS but anyway Alexis was the first black female to be on a fire truck okay with the firefighters in the city of eustus but anyway I just wanted to let you all know that she is Miss Lake County Elite it was a beautiful ceremony I had never attended but it was very beautiful and and her daughter which is my great granddaughter won two years in a row Miss Lake County toddler and Miss Lake County peee so to have a mother and a daughter that's awesome we also have Mrs Lake County too don't we and we also have M Lake County who has been with the probation State prob with the state for over 25 years outstanding and that is outstanding absolutely and every I mean they were beautiful beautiful so it's it's it's a pleasure to know that hustus was very well represented on Saturday absolutely thank you Miss Dale you're welcome and whether Alexis is is the first or not is beyond the the issue she's a great employee she's doing a great job we're really really really proud to have her um she's a local houstonian and she is all about the city of usus and is a great representation of both the department in the city we're excited for absolutely Tom anyone else uh I have a card but it's at the time of the item anyone else like to speak to the commission about something that's not on the agenda this evening not seeing we'll move on down we have three items under the consent agenda is there anyone anything anybody wants P for discussion not hearing looking for a motion to approve thank you vice mayor second I have a first and a second any further discussion on the desent agenda roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I Madame attorney thank you Mr Mayor for second reading we have ordinance number 24-5 in ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 6.67 Acres of a real property at alternate key numbers 121 3355 and 121 3347 on the west side of South Fish Camp Road north of County Road 44 do we have any additional presentation no additional okay are there any questions from Mr Richardson from the commission any any uh more communication from any of the residents in that area Jeff okay thank you sir is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance 24-5 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-5 what's the will of our commission so moved second thank you both any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi second reading we have ordinance number 24- 06 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 67. 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 6.67 Acres of real property at alterate Key numbers 121 3355 and 121 3347 on the west side of South pit Camp Road north of County Road 44 from Urban low in Lake County to mixed commercial residential in the city of Eustace any additional presentation on this item are there any questions for Mr Richardson from the commission hearing none is there anyone in the audience that would like to comment on ordinance number 24-6 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-6 what's the will of our commission so move thank you second thank you ma'am any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland I second reading we have ordinance number 24-7 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban Corridor Design District District designation to approximately 6.67 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 121 3355 and 121 3347 on the west side of South Fish Camp Road north of County Road 44 we have no additional presentation is there any uh additional uh question that needs to be answered for the commission no anyone in the audience would like to speak on ordinance number 24-7 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24- 07 what's the will of our commission so moved thank you second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland I also under second reading we have ordinance number 24-11 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Lake County Florida enacting article 7 school zone speed enforcement chapter 90 of the city of eustus code of ordinances providing for purpose intent and definitions establishing a school own speed enforcement program and authorizing the use of speed detection systems within the city providing for program implementation requirements and designation of school zones providing for enforcement and administrative procedures providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date we had a presentation on this at our last commission meeting um and we did amend the ordinance to include the um the ninth grade um location so uh if there are any questions from the Comm I'd be happy to try to answer those okay do we have a card on this item Tom no I Mr Yokum you want to speak on 6.7 specifically is that right yes okay thank you so no cards on this item all right is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-11 seeing none we'll close public comment uh Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-11 what's the will of our commission so second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi all right next we have resolution number 24-10 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida designating the city code enforcement board as a local off hearing officer pursuant to chapter 20231 74 laws of Florida providing for conflict providing for cability and providing for an effective date um I don't believe we have a formal presentation on this uh we did have that report it's just part of the requirement um that we designate a local hearing officer the code enforcement board is the recommended appointee so if there any questions from the commission on this and that was recommendation from the state legislature is that correct it it was included in the statute it could be um the the current uh code enforcement board or special magistrate or any other design if the municipality didn't have one so thank you yep okay anyone in the audience would like to comment on resolution number 24-10 okay seeing none public comment will be closed and Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution number 24-10 what's the will of our commission so move thank you thank you so much any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland I thank you we have resolution number 24-11 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida appointing existing staff to serve as the clerk to the city's local hearing officer pursuant to chapter 20 20123 d174 laws of Florida providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date um also a component of the the ordinance that we just uh went through um we have the chief designated as the clerk or the chief's design and it's specifically for our Police Department so it's the usus police uh Chief um or his or her design that will account for changes in staff um but it will allow us to have that person determined by the police department okay are there any questions from the commission on this item is there anyone in the audience that would like to comment on resolution number 24-11 seeing none we'll close by a comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-11 what's the will of our commission so moved second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commiss Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi and last we have resolution number 24-15 a resolution by the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida authorizing the approval of a photo enforcement Services agreement between the city of eustus and ultimate Inc and providing an effective date so I can provide a brief presentation and then I will uh turn it over to the City attorney uh so you have an agreement before you I mean you uh understand the statute the ordinance uh was approved uh the local hearing officer and staff support has been approved um so you have had several items related to this uh we have been uh talking uh for some time with a vendor that will handle the administration of this for us uh in uh ultimate Incorporated uh they uh the agreement specifically uh has some key Provisions they're going to provide the necessary monitoring equipment and ongoing maintenance and support of that equipment um they'll also provide a number of administrative Services related to this including mailing all citations processing payments and providing a customer service call center related to um any citations uh the agreement also says that they'll provide any necessary training and support uh to City staff uh related to uh the um the effort uh also um one item that's in the agreement is it's a five-year term with uh two threeyear extensions uh when I turn it over to the City attorney uh the City attorney will outline um some items uh that that we're looking at in the agreement that's one of them uh and then also uh the system is provided on a uh cost neutral basis what that means is we have no out-of-pocket expenses but Ultimate Will be retaining some um a portion of those fines as their payment in effect so it's cost neutral in that the city has no out-of pocket expenses uh but ultimate does retain some of those um fines uh I will uh turn it over to the City attorney who uh has um been talking with the folks from altimate about some concerns with the or not concerns but some potential changes to the agreement just and then we do we do have a a speaker's card on this item all right um I was just informed because of there are some Provisions that I'm recommending uh for uh revision if uh the company does not agree to those then they are they're going to reserve the right not to sign the agreement just so that the commission knows um so one of the items that uh Tom mentioned was of course the term the statute does not allow for the renewal of the contract to just take place without there being a public hearing so it cannot be automatic so as written what we wanted to do was not make it automatic but give us the option to renew in compliance with the statutory constraints um and I believe that they were fine with that uh change the um other item as far as the term is concerned it would be giving the city the option to cancel the contract with 60 days notice for convenience so it wouldn't limit us to just the items that are in the contract if for whatever reason the city needs to cancel this agreement they can do that with written notice of 60 days one of the other changes was um this liability cap on page 10 it's in all caps um that's a provision that we recommended for removal and indemnification provision subsequent to that is also uhu being requested to be removed the governing law we wanted to make some just minor modifications that the venue would be Lake County and um that nothing in this agreement would wave sovereign immunity for the city and just um slight modifications to the notices of to add the title and address so that we know exactly who needs to be notified in the event something with a contract U needs to be take place we will know exactly who it goes to an address an address and uh I did ask for clarification on the distribution of funds which is on page seven because the statute does outline that the um the violation fine is a $100 but we don't get to keep all of that there's a portion that goes to the Department of Revenue portion of that goes to the school district where the violation occurred and then there's a portion that has to be reserved for the school crossing guard program that the statute requires and um the the funds are being placed in a lockbox account but that distribution has to happen with the Department of Revenue on a weekly basis so I wanted to ensure that that would happen and we wouldn't be in violation of the statute because the the portion that would belong to the city which would U likely be retained by ultimate would be done on a monthly basis which would not be in compliance with the statutes but I was under I'm under the impression based on my conversation with the representative who's here that they will be handling the weekly distributions to the entities per the statute with the understanding that only $60 of those funds would be the cities and or altim mons depending on the monitoring fee provision and where we are with that so yeah okay and if you want to just come up and address the commission make sure we covered all the points we talked about earlier yes hi Lorraine Johnson yeah if there's any questions um yes so tentatively we're fine with making all of those adjustments we just reserve the right there was just you know since it was last minute um but most of the changes that you've put in here we've already talked about and they're fine to make those adjustments and the fees are paid weekly So within compliance with the statute are there any other questions does the does the agreement does it give a blanket for the cameras because we want to add possibly another one at the high school correct yeah and and so does it is it specifically spelled out it does say there is a number like we put four cameras in here initially but yes there's a possibility to add as many cameras as you want so yes and if we need to do an amendment for that we're happy to add that in um that's not a problem yeah so I mean when we're making these changes if you would like me to make that well we would need data to support uh the high school uh for the commission to consider that before we can amend the agreement I thought we say we have all that I've submitted all that we have four we have the four schools are part of the ordinance already yeah and I thought we requested data for the new font stock font stock right and it it was provided we have those scores I'm not sure if there's another one that you're speaking about because we did add that well no we added bit which is ninth grent but we also asked for fond stock which is at the main yes sir it's uh chief capre police department's all done all the data is done already so we're just waiting to we'll come back with that probably in a couple weeks and get moving on that once we get so you have the data but the commission hasn't seen it yet is that correct they have not seen it yet we have it we have it in hand we just haven't got it to you yet and that that's going to be a multi-step process because we also have to amend the ordinance MH that's cor to add the fifth school so we had three we added the fourth in the um Kurt Right Center uh Ninth Grade Center was added uh now we're going to have to add the main campus and so we'll have to amend the ordinance and come back and amend the agreement okay that's what I was ask once we have that we'll put a part of the presentation because we didn't have it at the time of the ordinance I believe questions thank any other questions from the commission no do we have a yes ven been a while Vance yeah my name is Vance Yokum for those of you that not familiar with me I write the blog fiscal rangers.com covering local Lake County cities I haven't been here in maybe a year a year and a half because uh uh the mayor keeps telling me there's no problem here I don't need to come uh but I was looking at your agenda and I love contracts my background is Corporate internal auditor and Fortune 500 companies Information Systems auditor anti-corruption manager in Iraq and Afghanistan and so I look at this and I'm also chair of the audit committee for the school board um and so I was looking at this and uh as lawyers do they have it's everything is approach oriented towards legalities but I look at it from the standpoint of having having audited many contracts over the years and the holes that are in it especially related to current technology issues just today Congress had a hearing on uh uh cyber security and uh they were relating a lot of the major problems that are happening uh with scams and everything else uh and we know that the Chinese are trying to break into systems and everything else well I didn't see anything in this contract that says anything about cyber security controls uh I would recommend that the city do have a look for certification they didn't mention any certification by any kind of professional entity uh you know like one of the big four accounting firms and there are firms specialize in reviewing the software they also didn't say where the data is going to be stored or processed is it in China um will it be in China um I would not recommend any system that did that is it all going to be handled the processing and uh the data servers and processing be done here in the US um and now I'm going to be corrected but that's fine that's I wanted to bring these things out um the I have a whole list I have over 22 different items that I picked up by briefing that contract uh mostly related towards fiscal issues or control issues that have not been described in this so um the uh there's no references from uh companies maybe you did do that in due diligence somewhere but that was not mentioned I look at what is presented in the agenda online uh for uh you know information and those kind of things weren't there there's no right to audit or review the data or the collection processes uh that I could see there was some things that are a little confusing so maybe that's what they meant but wasn't in plain English that an auditor would understand because the way I look at it is I should be able to understand those as a former auditor and be able to tell you what to check to make sure that you don't have some risks that you've not been that you're not aware of scares me I look forward to his response well first of all sir thank you for your service I appreciate you but uh we are sieges compliant so it's everything's federally compliant as far as the information and as far as um you said we don't buy any products from China we don't none of this stuff is from China you can get you can get get on right data is all housed here so uh the company is based out of Maryland everything is processed and handled right here in the US uh the Texs are going to be servicing the equipment live right here in Florida so all of our development everything is done here everything is done by our company our employees here in the US we build manufactur and design our own equipment the parts are sourced either in the us if we can't get them here Canada uh Europe or the UK and um Germany so that's where if if and we've sourced the us first so we go outside if we aren't able to Source everything here Tes so we are sieges compliant everyone I just took the test like a month ago so um in order to get access so because we do look at registered vehicle information we have to have the highest level of security and we are audited for that so we have we have to manage all of that so we do have all of those certificates and things like that The Radars the cameras they're third party certified as per the statute so we do meet all the legal requirements uh for the security we have multiactor authentification just to log into the system all those processes are in place well you know he um he actually does make a good point about maybe a data breach How would how would you know would we be allowable for the data data breach um I'm assuming no but right no I mean all of the information so I mean and and the data the other thing is there are specific rules on the data and storage of that data in the legislation so the information for individual can only be stored for so many days after that citation is disposed of so there isn't we're not storing and collecting and holding on to that data and we also have to certify annually to the to you to the city that we have followed all of those policies and rules and that is reported to the state that's good to know well he's 100% right because I read articles today I keep up with this stuff and there was a major uh law enforcement move this this today as far as hitting a lot of places through the United States where China has embedded themselves with servers and whatnot so cyber security is our biggest threat to this country right now China and Russia and North Korea are enemies and we need to do everything we can to strengthen our um our I I probably say Our IT department is top shelf we had an issue yesterday where we thought one of our computers was hacked we immediately those guys got on it immediately turned out it wasn't a hack it was just an update issue but there's checks and balances in place even at the minor level something like that so we're very uh cognizant of that and we we use the best security we can C just compliant and I think this is a wakeup call for America just what you're seeing now coming from the FBI director as the big he put something out today as the biggest threat is China and so hopefully we can we can protect ourselves uh from from data breaches and whatnot so thank you anybody else have any questions do we is there anyone else in the audience that would like to comment on this resolution okay saying none I'll close public comments Mr Mayor thank you mayor uh commissioners before us we have resolution number 24-15 what's the will of our commission some second have a first and a second any further discussion just to know U Mr Mayor with the revisions that um I stated for the record um and we'll work those through okay any other discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi thank you Madame attorney my pleasure come down to other business now um Tom anything for other business from you sir um no sir I have I have an item under reports but no other business okay uh future agenda items and comments um Willie your turn tonight okay all right um I I brought this up uh I believe at the last the last meeting and I think a couple of us have expressed some concerns about this and that's an assistant for our city management um and I know that uh he wishes it would go away but I'm going to mention it every meeting until you know we decide what to do um you know we uh commissioner Ashcraft at the last meeting uh you he and I agreed on something and and again I think we all kind of agree on this that uh it it just takes so long for us to get things accomplished uh in the city um we're growing uh we're growing pretty fast and I don't know if we're able to keep up at the way that we're growing and I'm wondering if we need to have a workshop or something to kind of figure out how to streamline you know some of the Departments and uh and I don't mean in Personnel but I mean in you know uh how they perform some of their duties yeah I I I think that um sometimes we continue to do things because that's the way we've always done and I think it' be great for us to at least you know sit back and take a look and see if there's something we can do to kind of improve you know how we put out you know our product um and this is for the chief uh Chief uh I think we talked um a couple of months ago about cameras in the park did we cameras at uh in faen park yes uh are we are we where are we on that we're still working on it we got proposals we did a a site survey with one of the companies and then the company kind of our contact left the company went to another company that's going to give us a better deal okay and uh so we're kind of in transition I talk with Greg from it we're kind of been joined at the hip with a lot of this stuff we're trying to tie everything in we got quotes for um the Sunset Park is ready to go Sunset Park is ready to go we got the the estimate for Fen Park ready to go and eventually the goal is to tie downtown down the road into that too so all in the same system all tied into the real-time crime Center which is with the sheriff's office which we're a part of and and right now it's open from about 800 in the morning till about 78 at night it's looking at going later 2 or 3 in the morning but all those cameras are going to be key tied into that so yeah we we we were just we're dealing with vendors and we're dealing with companies that are kind of we're trying to get the best deal and the best product but technolog is evolving daily so I'm trying to get us a good deal but uh we will get a good deal and it's it's it's definitely on the table city manager aware of it and we're working through it okay great thanks appreciation um see Gail brought up the the miss Eustace Miss uh Lake County yeah Miss Miss Lake County I'm sorry uh yes s I'm good commissioner P yes uh under comments I just want to State something for the record when we were doing the second reading on 6.3 the the the the last of the uh alternate key numbers the 1 2 1 3 34 there was no seven at the end I just want to make sure we have that corrected in the notes okay okay should be 347 it just ended at 34 so if we could just correct that okay okay was that the ordinance or uh no that was ordinance 24- 07 and it was the alternate key number the last alternate key number 1 2 1 3 3 4 there's a seven missing okay okay in my version here I think I read it correctly so we'll just make sure we have it I just want to make sure for for the that we on paper we have it perfect and uh um I also just want to say that uh we got back from Tallahassee and uh we had a a uh very fast and F Furious couple days um I want to thank our our staff for gearing us up and getting us ready for the um um Appropriations that we are asking for for our water projects at infrastructure sure great job Tom you did a beautiful job representing us very very well you and uh it was fast and furious but uh good work was done this week good work and I thank you all very much for your for your hard work and uh I'm glad we uh were able to have a a u successful week absolutely anything else that's it Mar uh no future agenda items and my only comment is I want to I want to give a shout out to our Communications team Kay and Marissa um I don't know if you noticed they're they're really putting out some good some good content on the uh on the Facebook um it's um it's nice to see that there and it's uh it's really good to see it more often so I just wanted to say thank you thank you vice mayor yes I'd like to comment upon um will his comments about the city manager uh we have made some assumptions and we do feel like he needs to um help but I don't think we've ever ask the city manager what he thinks about this and his get feedback from him um maybe our assumptions are not what we think they are or maybe we need more indepth um help or whatever but I think that we should also give him a chance to let us know what it is that he feels that he needs so just that um I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the um senior fashion show I participated in that um with the America um African-American Heritage committee and I I really enjoyed it and um had a good time I saw some really fancy seniors who really put on a good show and Miss Carla did a magnificent job too so um that was fun and I wish more people would consider it next year and attend and participate in it the only other comment I going to make in the future agenda item would be our aib committee um we've come up with a our first project will be the Clifford house and we're very blessed that Rick and his team has caught the vision and they're helping us um by creating a plan so we'll be bringing that back to update you on what we're doing and what we're accomplishing and that's all I have and I enjoy talahasse and I really really feel like a lot of good things are going to come out of our vision our visit there that's it thank you thank you ma'am Tom sure um so um I uh message received uh related to Tom needs help um I and and so I've already met with a couple Commissioners my intention is to meet with each commissioner uh talk a little bit about the vision and then um I you know I need to talk to HR which I've already done but um I need to get a feel for where I think the gaps are but I also need to talk to the Commissioners individually to get their opinion on where the gaps are and figure out how best to fill those gaps and so again I've met with a couple of you already I do plan to meet with with each of you to uh work through that and uh recently I have come to the realization that Tom probably does need a little help but U we'll we'll figure that out uh we'll work on it together um just uh another item uh talking a little bit about uh Tallahassee specifically about our Appropriations requests um so we we learned that uh the coolage project is in the house budget uh what we were told on the trip was um this year um not many projects are making it into both the house and and the Senate budget so you're you're making it into one or the other uh and then there will be some reconciliation at some point and then uh they will make the sausage and um we'll see but we were told that it was a big win uh for us to get into the house budget we're in at 1.9 million uh which is below our re request of about 3.2 but we've been told that there's still a lot of work to be done and that number may change um in tallah we really focused on on coolage because that's what we were told made the budget and that is our priority uh however uh just today I received a text from uh one of our um lobbyists uh so Tom deamo who uh became known as Tommy D so as not to be confused with Tommy C on the Tallahassee trip uh but Tommy D uh texted me saying that bat Avenue is now in the Senate budget um only at only at $350,000 uh we requested uh I think 3.8 on that project we're in the budget at 350,000 but again there's a lot of work to be done and that number may change and so um I I also I sent an email to commission with uh our our uh lobbyist put together a summary of the trip uh and I want to thank them because they put a lot of work into the organization of the trip uh their contacts gained us access to a lot of people that we wouldn't have access to otherwise and then they're going to kind of continue lobbying for those Appropriations projects and so I want to thank them for everything they've done and thank the commission uh for all the support um thank the staff for all the work they did on the Appropriations projects there's a lot of information that goes into those uh requests so um often with these trips you don't know the success of the trip until months later when you find out did we get any money and did we make an impact on policy and legislation so we probably won't know until several months down the road uh but this felt like a successful trip um really positive and uh lots of good stuff so that's it thank you sir Madame attorney no reports all right um again I would like to thank the citizens of hustus for allowing us to take this trip to tallaha in my years of of serving on this commission it was probably I felt the most successful trip that I have had to Talahassee our lobbyists really put us in front of people that um you normally don't get a chance to sit in front of when you're sitting in front of the governor staff when you're sitting in front of uh people with d with fdot and these people are right at the top of their game and they're really an earshot of the people making making all the decisions there our legislative team that is working in Tallahassee for us are doing a tremendous job from representative trunow to Senator Baxley um and to even uh representative darowski that represents South Lake they're working tirelessly trying to bring money back home to Lake County and at one time I thought you know I hate seeing all this money floating around but you know what we as taxpayers have put that money there and we should be the recipient to get it back here to help us with the things we need help with so um as I said I think I really feel we're going to bring probably close to probably four to five million dollars back home this time uh as we take a look at that so um great trips and I I again thank you all we have a great month ahead of us this is one of my favorite times of year here in the city of eustus it's exhausting but it's well worth it with the African-American Heritage celebration to George Fest if you want something to do we're going to have it going on for you and we are terribly proud to present every bit of that for you the food the entertainment the parade for the African-American Heritage Festival is always above board and I will tell you George Fest this year the entertainment that's been lined up for it and the number of of uh vendors coming into town are second to none and the both parades are enormous this year from what I can tell come out enjoy your time in beautiful downtown Eustace as we all celebrate our heritage thank you for being with us tonight it was a fairly quick meeting and we're adjourned