##VIDEO ID:MDfjJnyn4Og## for good evening everyone and welcome to eustus City Hall it is 600 pm on Thursday September the 5th 2024 uh if you would like to join us actually uh Theo Bob would you come up and lead us in a moment of of prayer uh and then commissioner Ashcraft if you'll lead us in the pledge if you'd like to join us please stand yes sir amen thank you Mr Mayor and Commissioners and fellow citizens I'm thankful I tell you I told Linda told my wife and said I think I'll you know I don't dress like this anymore I wear I wear shorts and a t-shirt that says paparella Pap so I said I better not go like that tonight though thank you for opportunity let's pray together Father in heaven we thank you and we praise you God because this is another day that you've made Lord so thank you that we can rejoice and be glad in it and Lord we thank you tonight that we can come peacefully and do the business of this city and God we just ask for your wisdom your guidance and and our tolerance and not not not only tolerance but our love for each other uh let us keep that in the Forefront of our minds that we can love each other as you've loved us we just give you praise and honor is all kinds of stuff we got to deal with but Lord we know with your help we can do it and do it well so we thank you and we praise you tonight in Jesus name amen amen all right God bless you please join me for theedge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all we'll officially call our meeting to order is there a quum present properly notes been given yes mayor thank you so much Tom an agenda update no sir all right coming down to approval of minutes we have before us July 10th 2024 City commission budget meeting August 1st 2024 City commission meeting and August 12 2024 City commission special meeting second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I coming down to presentations Mr Jones you want to come up with the usess Housing Authority good evening horis Jones executive director Eustace Housing Authority thank you for allowing me the opportunity to make this presentation actually I have two presentations uh first one is the community center for the housing authority and the second one is the choice neighborhood program what if you want to put the okay yeah this is um the Housing Authority has been working on a project a community center project for a couple of years now and we came before this board last year uh regarding getting some financial assistance for it but at the time the funding wasn't available so we decided to go back and regroup and do the project in phases so we broke it up to two phases phase one and phase two this is a rendering of the proposed plan uh there are 24 parking spaces for this project this is the community center and the laundry facility you probably won't be able to see this but the hatched area up top is the laundry facility that particular project is underway uh there are six washers and dryers uh bathroom uh 20 20in folding tables but the main area I wanted to talk talk about this evening is the community center and that's the main area uh that area consists of and let me get my notes before I the community center is 1,682 square feet it seeks 96 individuals has a serving area of 109 square feet for the kitchen area and the storage area for chairs is 99 Square fet this complex also has an office area for individuals who may want to or organizations who may want to utilize this facility and I'm thinking primarily of the uh eustus africanamerican Heritage may may choose to utilize this or for the eustus Community Alliance Center uh we have some activities going on with that program and the eustus Community Alliance Center we have a FSS program that we just started with that group as a matter of fact we contracted with the ECA to provide uh an FSS family self-sufficiency program and I'll talk a little bit more about that later but this particular uh phase phase two if you will uh is what I'm seeking financial assistance for um this is an area that we are going to change it's it's designated as the kitchen reception and uh desk area but the items that are listed here are not what I had proposed or not what I sent to the architect so we're going to revise that but my main issue or my main uh request this evening we talk about possible funding and if you would can you put up the uh the budget for Comm Center okay uh total development costs this entire project including the laundry facility and the community center is projected to cost 1,210 380 again that is for two phases phase one we've already contracted for that process or that particular component of the project is already under way the architect and Engineering cost is 72,2 40 for total development cost of uh $1,104 200$ 1, 10424 I mean 1 million 1,142 40 now I highlighted the other contractual Services because I wanted to kind of explain that because that is included in the total the grand total of 1, 210,000 and those costs are listed here and these costs will be uh paid by the Housing Authority uh interior design you can see the cost there 20,600 civil engineering 39,7 landscape design 9,800 survey 11,000 permitting 15,000 and furniture and Equipment design we put in 10,000 but that may be more or less so the total other contractor Services paid by the Housing Authority is $16,400 now as I indicated the first phase is underway we've already contracted with that uh that particular component the cost was $372,400 uh I applied for a grant with the cdbg program for the county and was awarded $214,000 uh the Housing Authority contributed $86,000 to the uh $300,000 construction cost so if you add the 214 from cdbg and the one and the 86,000 for from the Housing Authority that equals to 300,000 that would satisfy the construction cost there was also architect and Engineering cost associated with that cost of $ 72,2 40 making a grand total of 3, $372,400 so phase one it was just informational I really want to talk about phase two and phase two as I indicated is the big Community Center with the uh offices and Executive offices and so forth the estimated construction cost based on the architectures uh numbers is $732,000 I met with the c CBG director a month ago and indicated that I would be applying for second phase of this project and she assured me to go ahead and uh submit my application nothing is ever G guaranteed but we will be pursuing that what I'm asking for from the city of EES in order to come up with it the remainder is uh some funds from the CRA and I've broken it out into twoyear increments uh the first year being the fiscal year 2425 year 175,000 and the second second increment of same amount 175,000 for the fiscal year 2526 and to that the Housing Authority will add 4,200 to give us a grand total of $732,000 to complete uh the second phase of this community C so this is the total projected funding allocation by entity if you will Us's Housing Authority is going to be contributing 346,000 180 uh if everything goes right tonight uh we get an obligation from the city of juus for 350,000 from the CRA and the cdbg allocation would be 54,000 and that will give us the grand total of 1,210 80 so um I'm happy to answer any questions you may have um I understand the first time we came with this particular Project funding was not available so we redirected our efforts to make it work uh as I indicated phase one is no issue in terms of funding I'm asking for consideration of utilizing CRA funds to make up the balance any questions support at this time um how um you you say that that U everyone will be able to use the facility Well if it's for a feasible purpose this is a community center and I I don't want to limit it to any particular agency is open to anybody who can can use it and it's a worthwhile uh activity uh sure there be a char people are using no at this point no now that may change once operations start but at this point uh it's not anticipated to charge however for the community center if we have functions there there will be a charge for utilizing that Center because it does have a kitchen area and we can accommodate I think 96 people so I can foresee activities being held there um wedding receptions group activities I mean whatever but yeah it's it's going to be a community center for for the city of Eustace I would like you just to refresh our memories it's been a while so the purpose when you said Community Center what is the purpose of it and you say the purpose yeah why are we doing this other than we have meetings and then you said you for to rent out perhaps a weddings yeah so you just want to General make a general it's it's a center where number one the Housing Authority has no facility for Resident meetings so that can be the first thing that we're going to utilize it for and any other agency that may have a need to have a facility for a group meeting or anything that requires a group Gathering um I think it's something that's needed it's something that's uh people have approached me about in the past and we've kind of put it off until we de let's just go for it and see what we can do how how many residents uh do you have public housing has 60 units uh my rural development apartment has 56 uh in to in terms of total residents I'm not certain but those are the the number of apartments that we have Tom funding wise where are we at with CRA funds so um we have um the the since 1990 the values within the CRA have gone up uh the CRA is pretty healthy at this point um the um you are going to approve uh the budget this evening um what I would say the uh the oneyear uh revenues versus expenses um you have about 300,000 to the positive this year Revenue over expenses um that said uh you do you have a lot of priorities in the CRA um the commission may remember that uh vice mayor Emily Lee is working on a educational facility uh we're going to have a presentation next from uh FTE Foundation uh that's interested in doing something in the C um and so um I guess my answer uh to the city commission would be um you can fund this if you choose to do it but you have a lot of competing priorities and so um if you remember there was a question about could we fund something out of the general fund recently and my response was uh yes but you have to decide what your priorities are um as far as whether it's legal what I would say is uh the uh training at the F will tell you three things uh you have to look there's a three question test as to whether you can fund it uh one is it within the district and the answer is yes uh two is it in your plan and I think we developed the plan uh to incorporate projects like this so I think it's if you read the plan you could say yes uh it is in the plan and then the third is is it in the budget and that is something that you'll have to decide as to uh whether it ends up in the budget but we would if you approve the budget tonight and then want to fund this project we would have to do a budget amendment and then we have to notify our funding Partners which are uh the county uh the ambulance service and the Water Authority which are all part of the county at this point so we would have to notify the county that we're amending the budget and so uh this the simple answer is um you could fund this if you choose to do it if it's a priority of yours understanding that there are a lot of priorities in the c i why why didn't you bring this to us earlier before we had the budget I'm just curious it it it's when you say why did I bring it earlier well I mean why why not you know why not bring it earlier before you know we had budget talks and where we could where we could look okay okay okay where we could look where we could find the funding sure sure I wanted to ensure that I had probable reasonable expectations from cdbg because that's going to be the primary fun and once I got that resolution was comfortable with it then I said I would approach the city okay uh what is our what is our ow Lois is probably not the best word uh where is our our level that we're comfortable with where as far as what what level of funding would we be comfortable with I I mean it it varies by project um when the city commission created the residential rehab program we funded that at $250,000 uh we are talking about adding 41,000 uh to this budget uh we have about 59,000 left over from that initial 250 uh and so the direction from the CRA board was to supplement that with another 41,000 uh so that was uh 250 and it will be 290,000 when all is said and done when we add the the other 40 um I you know project it varies project by project um we we have in the budget a seaw wall project we initially budgeted that several years ago that's that's a city project um but we budgeted about 400,000 that is not enough so we're supplementing that this year with another 550 um we had budgeted uh 400,000 for a basketball shade structure uh I think in talking about uh where we're heading uh the presentation from uh the next group I don't think uh the basketball shade structure is the way we're looking to go especially in conversations with our new recreation director but that was in the budget for 400,000 and so I don't I don't think there's I we have programs like the Gateway grant that is a much smaller program we're up to 7500 per Gateway Grant on that that's again an off-the-shelf program but much smaller in scale uh so I don't know if there's an easy answer to what would we traditionally do for a project like this the thing that that can can you go back to the um the first or second slide yes which one phase one or phase two let's do phase two this is phase two yeah okay how how much how much has Housing Authority put out maybe it was the next oh is uh 346 but that would be our total commitment for the entire project it'll come back the phase one the Housing Authority has put out about $200,000 with the balance of it being in phase two we just did not have the budget to support more than what we've already given so that was a reason for coming for the C assistance this a decision is this a decision we have to make tonight yeah thank you what I what I was going to recomend we're going to have to look at the look at the budget I mean we're getting ready to approve a budg tonight I mean I mean I I mean I think the Project's it's a great project I I just wish we had more time to look at the budget to see what we could do to to make to make other priorities um what I was going to ask the commission is um is this something you want to take a look at if so we could put it on a future agenda item where it's sitting tonight we really can't vote on it anyway right exactly um so um is this something that we want to forward to the next meeting have an open discussion and see by then where the funding all falls into place and what our priorities are because we've all talked about different projects that we want to get done over the next year so is this something you want to push to another meeting here vice mayor yeah I think we should now I won't be at yeah so we probably have to push it to yeah probably yeah or or it's the second one in October me in October Tom can we put that on the second meeting in October uh yes Horus are you under any uh Time Guidelines from the county for your other Grant no the cdbg grant is due uh July of 25 all right but my concern is the architect that we've hired for this project um he's kind of waiting to see what which way we're going to go because he didn't want to come and do one section me uh being the laundry facility and not do the other that's just not worth this time so uh the sooner the better that I have an answer for him because I don't want to proceed down this path if it's not going to be something that's favorable that's yeah but I mean but we'll have you know unless you wanted we'll have a full we'll have a full commission then to Second meeting in October October 17 yeah so let's bring it back on October 17th hor does that work for you sir sure thank you but I do have one other project if I may I know you've got another presentation let me just can you put up the um Source neighborhood program I want to talk brief about uh the choice neighborhood planning Grant this is a HUD Grant that's very popular is very powerful uh and it encourages uh redeveloping uh certain areas and let me just kind of run through what the chice neighborhood planning Grant is all about uh it's funding to assist communities in developing a comprehensive neighborhood transformation plan and building support necessary for the plan to be successfully implemented uh the grant is awarded to phas public housing authorities cities nonprofits and tribal entities the maximum Grant award is 500,000 that's for the uh planning Grant there is an implementation grant that the maximum is 50 million but the one I'm speaking about tonight is the planning Grant the term is 30 months and since 2010 they there have been 131 Grants awarded totaling over $63 million these are the required and eligible costs for the planning Grant household asset and needs assessment relocation strategy market assessment environmental assessment dor preservation review technical planning uh capacity training for res and staff salaries ineligible activities uh supporter services are not allowed uh incentives for Recruitment and participation or completion of any planning activities are not allowed Housing Development including acquisition relocation Demolition and Remediation those types of costs are not allowed some agencies and I've Speak I've spoken with some housing authorities who undertaken this particular Grant and they said it's best to get an early start on early activities and those would include uh anything that would create momentum for a positive change uh building a neighborhood confidence and facilitating transition from planning to implementing SK that most recently these are the Florida housing authorities that have received the 2024 Choice neighborhood planning Grant Orlando Housing Authority 500,000 Gainesville Housing Authority 500,000,000 Winter Park Housing Authority 500,000 key Partners if we decide to pursue this particular Grant uh Lake County Schools Lake County Board of Commissioners Lake Sun State College Lake Tech Habitat for Humanity and homes in Partnership I I took the time to some of the uh the activities that were listed when we had the March 10th public input meeting and all of these activities listed under here uh can be captured or or are done with the choice neighborhood Grant particularly uh there's been a lot of discussion about establishing a linkage between the downtown and East usas neighborhood business district that's been a topic of a lot of discussion so um after talked with some Consultants regarding this particular Grant and they're all saying that it's a good Grant it's a powerful Grant it's positive however um there's going to require it's going to require some upfront early um assessment if you will uh it's not free so I wanted to the Housing Authority pays the city of usess annually a pilot payment P lot payment of taxes and it averages 15 to $20,000 a year is what the Housing Authority pays the city I'm asking for consideration to wave that from the Housing Authority this year so that we can pursue some of these activities to kind of get a better understanding of what we're getting ourselves into before we go any further so I was talking with uh Tom about it he said that's something that the city commission has to uh address so that's why it's it's being presented this evening I got questions on that you know I've uh full disclosure I I talked to haris about the Grant and and the possibilities and if if it's $155,000 to at least get it moving in the right direction I'm not opposed to it I is it can we find that in the budget somewhere I me we we've spent weeks and weeks and weeks doing a budget and no it's it's money that we normally give to the city I'm asking to wave it so we don't have to that but we were we were counting on that money coming in is not part of the budget that's income coming in correct it it it is it's it would be realized as Revenue um that said uh at that amount um I you will get the budget presentation overall the city's revenues exceed as it's it's expenses and so if we were to wave between 15 and 20,000 we would still be to the positive overall for the city so so explain I saw the things that it so what what is your plan how would you implement that Grant when you say the grant the the 20,000 that I'm asking for Grant the overall Grant how implemented yes oh yeah it's the planning Grant itself would be a a partnership between Housing Authority City ofers L County schols L County School Board U it's going to be a collaboration uh and everybody's going to have some input in terms of how the grant is developed and how the grant is submitted so it's not going to be this is not going to be a Housing Authority project it's going to be a joint effort as a matter of fact it won't work without the joint efforts all the other entities and I've reached out to the school board I've reached out to the county I've reached out to Habitat I've reached out to uh homes and partnership all of those entities are on board so before I got too far down I wanted to see I wanted to further explore the possibilities before we got to for the planning Grant is due um April of 2025 but we you know we got to stop planning now and what would be the activities are the kinds of things that would be done basically consultant fees uh you know this is new to everybody I'm going to reach out to Orlando Housing Authority who's already been awarded this grant gains of Housing Authority these are Housing Authority that have done it and how how did they utilize the funds what kind of things did they do I haven't gotten that for yet that's my plan to reach out to them I don't want to reinvent the already been successful I think it be our best interest to see what they've done tweak it a little bit to fit this area may I ask a question uh Horus you talked about pregrant activities and that the waving of the pilot would help fund those do you have an idea of what those total costs are going to be and would the Housing Authority also have to aside from the pilot amounts I don't know it's too early the pilot payment was just one mechanism that I knew we could say okay we got at least this amount and then what happens after that I don't know it's just too early but the consultant they're not going to be true and this planning Grant we won't get that for two years so my thinking was that close to City see if we can get that pilot payment wave is it wave for just this year I heard you say two years of just this year or two years one year one year the planning Grant um implementation Grant is two years but the pile of payment that I'm requesting to be waved is just for this year the upcoming year says you plan uh and you put this together you'll do it in conjunction with the city absolutely okay so you work hand in hand with absolutely this this is going to be a partnership are you getting any concessions from any any other entity do you need any concession well I want to know if anyone else is is like is is Lake County putting any money in not yet okay all right not that I'm aware of you you're going to need more funds to supplement what we if we contribute to that right that's a good I don't know until I get into it I mean I got to have some seed money and I was talking with the consultant he said well you going to need Le 15 maybe 20 maybe 30 he says it depends on how far you want to get into it so this is just the first step and many steps in terms of moving forward but I didn't want to move forward if I first didn't have the U the agreement from the city to wave that amount we can't do anything you know the typical success rate on this I know there's three or four municipalities that have benefited from this do you know the success rate outside of those three I I don't okay I don't I myself personally am not against this I want more information before I can vote that's my only hesitancy yes if you can find out from other cities what has happened how much money you think you're actually going to need I would feel a lot more comfortable voting on it at the end of the day it's taxpayer money and I just I just want to know more about it and what you're going to need from your heart and and on paper before I can vote for it to be honest with you yeah I that's my own personal I I think you probably need to to have the conversation with the other Commissioners that you had with me I think you need to have that conversation okay so are we talking about a conversation regarding how much in the pre-planning I I think budget or I'm a little bit confused I think I think the concern is that I don't think they understand what your big picture is and I think you need to have that conversation about what your big picture is as as a PO you're asking for money to get 500,000 what are you going to do with the 500,000 once you get and are we the only contributors yeah so you know are are will everybody contribute the planning Grant will delineate how the money is going to be SP it's a comprehensive program it's a comprehensive Grant there's a comprehensive budget and it will itemize how those dollars will be spent based on based on what you put together with Al the school board and absolutely it's going to be a joint planning session it's not going to be a Housing Authority program all of these ENT entities will have a voice and to say so in terms of plan Grand is structure and how that money is going to be D up an equal an equal voice absolutely okay that's the only way to make it work I think you have a better concept of what this is about than we have and I think he's right you probably need to converse with us more because I understand it's a grant but I'm not sure I understand the purpose of it and we and that you are pulling together partners and I guess I'm relating because I wrote the planning grant for the um Lear Coalition but we had definite um ideas and definite goals that we were to meet to reach so we had to write the planning Grant to that so I'm not sure about the planning Grant planning for what you know I I need a little bit more clarification and I would like a one-onone with absolutely I have no problems with that I think I think that'll go a long way just same yeah absolutely yeah we need more so horse you can either reach out to us individually or uh get with Christine or go through Ellis in the city manager's office she can schedule times with each one of us um and that way you happen to do that I think that'll go a long way um like I told you I'm not against it I just need to know more about it oh problem all right so thank you thank you all right next we have presentation from kte Foundation how are you hi I uh uh before she gets started uh over the over the summer we the city of hustus developed a relationship with kte and Keon Ellis and and at the beginning of that that uh that relationship we decided that we wanted to put on a basketball game in conjunction with parks and recck uh that has turned into um uh hopefully a a collabor a collaborative uh relationship and uh I've asked Letta to come in and talk about what it looks like from their okay the floor is is yours when you're ready okayo everybody hello I have minutes no everybody behind everybody in front of me my name is Loretta Taylor Evans I'm the ex kte Foundation um the purpose of this presentation is basically to give you some insight of what kte Foundation is how we want to collaborate with Community to see how we can either do a sports complex or a building which would help assisted you um so my first slide it says uh the KT Foundation while we're a nonprofit and we haven't been engaged as KT Foundation locally for a long time in the community we have been in the community for over 10 years and when I say over 10 years I myself um KT is backed by Keon ellises Ellis um he currently plays for sacamento so he's H native where he went to high school middle school went to lebur So I myself and my husband we had the priv actually him I like to we had the privilege of like coaching him and and actually seeing him grow to become not only an excellent basketball academic um so I'll go to my next slide so if you see the first slide it says talks about Community involvement um this is the overview of kte foundation you'll see that I have Community involvement in the far left corner you'll see a photo of actually that's a really old photoon and some of our old a players um even though we weren't currently under kte Foundation in the community actively we had over three or four a teams we had I call it a mentorship program because all the boys still come back um home may come see us in actual guidance um the next slide I'll go to is our proposal for a kte fitness and education complex I like to speak things into existence so kte Fitness education Sports Complex may seem big and bizarre but I like to manifest things in a education complex for use this in the surrounding areas would be great in the sense that we technically have it but we don't have it um as you can see while we're a nonprofit get going to go over the actual for a new building um expanding the community in our Outreach Services so in thinking about what we have currently in us I feel as though and I can speak for other people that I speak to in the community having a new facility as far as like an education and sports complex um allow us to have like a hub area for kids to actually come not only just kids adults to there not area um it's also it's been since we had our basketball I've been getting numerous phone calls and actual messages asking when we're going to actually be a do another clinic or host any type of uh programs but due to the limitations of what we have in the area we're kind of like limited and also to with funding so we want to make sure everything is Affordable um and when it comes to kte Foundation as far as like trying to assist the youth we're kind of like limited on what we can do because either we have this fa whether it has anything to do with basketball education we just don't have like a a center where we all can actually come and actually help to do that supporting education and physical wellbe that's a big one for me um because I know I'm actually presenting this as like a a request for a sports uh facility education is huge for me you can't really get anywhere in life without having education and I feel like that's a huge lapse um one of the key things that I do speak on is even though um to me I think the biggest thing of getting in to kids when it come to education is Athletics that's like the door the opening door um in the sense of even if they're not the greatest kids athletically you always are able to reach kids and I can speak for myself on that being that I've been in sports myself um and also being around so many different kids in the community um not having that particular recreational space not having any spaces for them to be able to go it's just been kind of difficult to actually be able to mentor and truly guide and Aid kids from a younger age all the way up to high school it's just not I haven't I'm actually I wouldn't say I'm a usess native but I graduated from us High School graduated in 04 we had college readiness things and I've seen a decline in it from 04 to now like and I've also seen a decline in it when it comes to following Keon from him going from lebg to going to Alabama to you know just a different transition there not a lot of resources for the kids be able to say hey here's a facility or here's a place I can go to that's going to add to help me to be able to say I need to have a certain GPA to be able to graduate or if Sports is not something that I want to do what do I want to do as far as a trade like there's not too many programs out here that we can even I see different things but there's not something that stays that sticks that can say each year we could have a a good number of saying how many kids graduated what did they do when they left Lake County or when they left do they have an idea of what they want to do for their future there's not too many places in Lake County that have that right now empowering through education and fitness and I'll go back to that as a big one um I myself it's it's hard touching a youth as a whole but you have to get them involved and unfortunately people don't like to say sports is the main way to get kids but it truly is not even with basketball just across the board I mean if you guys could have been at the basketball clinic that we had uh which was a free clinic which was so cool because we got kids that didn't have any athletic ability first time playing for kids who been in AU programs from eight and up and when I say it was just an amazing experience to be able to have kids come uh before you go on could you tell us about the remember the young man that uh the first day oh my I I I love kids to my friend cash yeah cash so the very first day of the camp we had a a young fell who basically he he just didn't want to stay just for some strange reason all the k excited because of course Keon's in the NV that was the first thing they wanted to say was oh when is Keon be here so that was an excitement we had cash she just did not want to participate and so I had opportunity like each day to say come you know come talk come sit with me cash and by I say by the camp was four days by day two or three Cash was a totally different kid um when I say he was participating um he just I got an opportunity to be able to with him by dat two to say Okay I want to come back or when are you guys want to have the next Camp um so that's just like one of the different things that happened throughout the camp it was just a lot of different things of where kids drove from that was my biggest thing too because we had kids that came from Orlando we had kids that came from Wildwood we had kids that came from Claremont it was just so many different kids from the surrounding areas that got an opportunity to be able to get quality training that most people have to pay for and not only that we incorporate different things to teach them life skills in the sense of I like to play little games the sense of even though it's geared geared towards basketball I'm big on listening big on hey in order for you to be able to be good at anything you have to be a good listener so it was an opportunity to be able to incorporate different I shouldn't say academics but different skills that are teach them outside of sports itself um so that's the whole purpose of why I need it because you just reach kids in a different way than you would um without having them having a CER to go that too safe environment I want to touch place on that too um I remember when I was younger too I'm a talker too Nott comfortable now so I'm ready to talk I was younger how my My grandmother used to tell me all the time you you can go outside but you need to come in before the street fights come in I don't think we can do that anymore um and it's fine that we can't do that anymore but I feel as though if we can't do that we least to have least we need to have a place for kids to be able to enjoy themselves kids to be able to have a safe environment to be able to say hey if things are going on at home or just feel comfortable to have a safe place I'm big on having a I don't feel like there's too many safe places here in Lake County there are but it's just where at the closest uh recreational center I can say is probably like lebur yeah we have the hustace wck but it's big on being able to be able to afford it and then how many kids can you reach there's only a certain amount of kids that can go to the rec at a given time so just even if just having a centralized area to be able to reach more kids reach parents to I like this if I'm able to reach a child and get them on the same track or get them on a good track I'm also build in a good relationship with a parent too and I'm able to provide them resources which will also pass throughout the community and it allow Community people to actually come together to be able to come up with good things that we need to be able to get our kids where we need them to be so that's pretty much the end of my presentation my last slide is in regards to funding um we haven't technically talked about funding um but I know that will there will be some financial responsibilities when it comes to the actual Sports Complex or building or we decided to a gym I know there going to be funding but I don't know the aspects of that as of yet funding from kte correct correct and in in conclusion um we just invite you and I like this part too so I'm going to say it for sorry we invite partners and to our assess in a transformative project I'm hoping by me presenting this it's opening up your eyes for me being an actual person in the community that's been here for over 20 years just giving you Insight of someone that was born and raised here and I saw them go from stage one to Stage I would even know what stage I start to go through a bunch of stages from being a middle school student in eustus to being an NBA player in it was not an easy process and when I say it wasn't an easy process not because of the resources wasn't people just don't even know that they're here and they don't have a place or a person they can reach out to to say what's step one step two step three it's like you have to kind of like find different people in the community to be able to say if a child is fing what can I do um so that concludes my presentation and I'm open for any questions do um uh do you have uh any idea if the NBA is going to be part of a possible part of anything that we do or is that a conversation that Keon and his people need to have so that's a conversation Keon would have to have with the NBA but I believe if I was to get more insight on what the city's takee would be with the idea of having a sports complex then we can have more idea and more details on what we would be able to provide as far as like budget now uh we we we sat down and we had a a conversation and we met with was Sam and and Tom as well we talked about the possibilities U but I I wanted to make sure that you all knew you know what we were talking about I think it's pretty good anybody else thank you for your presentation Tell Keon hello for us we're proud of him um and what he did during the basketball camp and the next day um out of the backpack giveaway was phenomenal thank you coming down now audience to be heard if there's anyone that like to speak to the commission about something that's not on the agenda this is your opportunity to do that keep in mind you have three minutes at the microphone Tom uh Steve molden hey Steve hi St hi good evening Sten molden 5 Street haven't been here in a while but it's great to see everybody again I am I here in official capacity at all but as a member I to thank commission for support few you guys had a blast really did what I would like to say though is bve onun we have new board members we haveit all I to say Steve I will tell you Willie and I got to attend the dollies we had a great time there um and look forward to being back involved all right thank you thank you there's no better value for entertainment in yeah yeah and and really helps our whole downtown Corridor uh helps our restaurants and everything so I appreciate that next time uh those are all the cards for audience to be heard we have one card at the time of the item anyone else like to address the commission about something that's not on the agenda this evening not seeing anyone we're going to move on then to consent agenda there are five items under the consent agenda is there anything anybody wants pulled for discussion not hearing or looking for a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second thank you so much any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi madam attorney thank you Mr Mayor all right the first two resolutions that we have tonight a resolution 24- 64 and 24-65 this is a public caring to hear and consider the comments and questions regarding the city's tentative millage rate and proposed annual budget for the coming fiscal year of 2024 2025 resolution number 24- 64 is a resolution by the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida adopting the tentative millage rate of ADV valorum taxes for the City of eus Lake County for the fiscal year of 20 24 2025 providing for an effective date the city of eustus hereby proposes a tentative millage rate of 75810 the tenative millage rate reflects a 7.78 increase from the roll back rate of 7.34 Ms the reason for the increase is that the tentative Mill millage rate is higher than the rollback rate of 7.34 in order to cover increased costs and operation and Miss car will be presenting welcome thank you Lor will you do me a favor and pull that microphone down a little bit thank you so much thank you okay I'm going to go through my presentation um a little bit quicker I know we have already discussed the budget uh you have looked at it in detail so we're just going to go over the slides and uh feel free if I do go too fast to ask any questions okay so we have just a few steps as you know we have the trim um Florida uh requirements that we have to meet truth and millage we're having our first tenative meeting tonight we will advertise the um newspaper advertising on the 16th which will fall within the three days that we have prior to the next meeting uh so we will meet that deadline SE 19th we will finalize the adoption of the budget on the 27th we will um certify it the Lake County cert we will certify to the Lake County property appraiser and they will certify it back then September 30th we will actually have the adopted budget we will distribute the final books if not before then and then October 1st we will have our brand new budget to start the new year and there a hand out before the meeting of the changes that have occurred since the budget Workshop um and we did address all the things that you had asked some of them were just a couple hundred dollars a thousand dollars here and there I did not put those on there but those changes did occur you know excuse me I'm looking at it and just how many things associated with parks and wck that we moved uh or removed yes there were there was a lot of going back and forth with the capital projects and and and Sam and Tom feel free to chime in we decided that some of the projects probably needed to be done sooner rather than later so what we chose to do was to fund about 5 25,000 I have the number later um out of fund balance so that we could get those projects done because we do have such a healthy fund balance and so we decided that we were going to put that some of those monies towards our parks and get those up to speed good okay so typically we know that Personnel costs are the majority of all of our costs sometimes Capital can be more than that depending on what kind of projects we have going on um our our health and life insurance increased by 12.9% which we had actually initially budgeted a little bit more than that I think 14 15% so uh the total increase over last year is 181,000 uh in the general fund uh 128,000 in water and sewer and uh almost 400,000 Citywide with a total cost of 4.8 million for coverage for all employees and um as we had already discussed we provided for a 5% um Cola increase for all employees plus an additional $1,000 to their base and that one it helps the lower income employees more and it also helps us make sure that we are in compliance with the $15 an hour minimum wage mandate in 26 uh that total cost is 172,000 to the general fund and 227,000 City that does not include the police department but you all just prove through consent the negotiated terms of the police department and that has all been accounted for within the budget uh the State of Florida has provided uh some of our bigger estimates the estimated um Municipal sharing is 1.6 mil million the half cent sales tax is 2.8 million and the discretionary sales tax comes in at 6 uh or I'm sorry the um communication tax comes in at 644,000 the general liability and work increase uh was at 9.2 which was better than we had anticipated as well and that's a total Citywide cost of 125,000 uh which really in the overall scheme of things for our insurances is not too bad uh our fire pension rate actually decreased slightly however the cost increased due to increased payroll Fe fig and the rate in the uh for the pension police did go up just a little bit and that was a total increase of 158,000 and if you go looking on the the slide uh it tells you what our fund balances were and as I referenced earlier the general fund fund balance is quite healthy and that's why we felt comfortable taking the 500,000 plus for some of those part projects and in total we are um looking really good in all of our funds we're meeting our city Reserve policy of 25% of or three months worth of operating costs and so at the end of the day and end of the budget our total fund balance would be 119,000 our total budget for this year when you take into account what we're adding to fund balance what we're taking from fund balance and various funds is uh our total budget's about 69 million and as you can see here it just shows you uh where the revenues are coming from and where the um proposed expenditures are coming from no surprises there they're the typical and I'm sure the charts are very same from similar from year to year and our budget is based on a millage rate of 7.58 and this is the nth year that it has not been changed uh the roll back rate is 7.03 4 which is an increase of uh what percent was it 7.78% uh over so it will be advertised as a tax increase um the average home assuming it's a $200,000 home lesser Homestead of 50,000 each resident would have an increase of about $683 a month which that impact on the taxpayer has a lot is a lot less than the city as the whole when you accumulate that and we have um this has been presented before and Mike has assisted with this one the Millard rate comparisons with the Northern Area cities which are really the ones that are comparable to us um as you see we are uh we are the second lowest when you take all the various components that other City cities have and Lori could I jump in a little bit to maybe explain the functional millage because it is complicated uh what we like to say is um we are very transparent in in our uh tax rate the amount we are taxing people in in that uh we are charging people for their Municipal Services as part of their property tax and what I mean by that is uh there are other jurisdictions that make large transfers from their utility funds and they are in effect overcharging utility customers to help pay for municipal services or uh another example would be uh fire assessments where uh other jurisdictions charge a fire assessment uh we do not charge a fire assessment and so what this chart does is it looks at what other cities in North Lake County transfer from their utility accounts to pay for municipal services and also what they charge in fire assessments to pay for municipal Services again we feel our model is more transparent and what you see there is uh some large transfers from utility funds and then we calculate we we convert that to what effect would that have on the millage uh and then fire assessments and and what you can see here is when you compare us to leberg uh Mount Dora and taries uh Leber's rate is lower when you take all of those things into account uh we would be number two uh Mount Dora would be number three and then taries would be number four again our goal is to uh to be transparent and and show you uh that your your tax dollars are going to Municipal services and we're not we're not playing a shell game or moving money around uh to artificially deflate that millage rate so um if anybody has any questions I'd be happy to try to answer and this chart just shows us uh our adjusted taxable value um for the last 10 years so we have uh continually increased especially since the when the housing market dropped we do not increase as much as the other cities but we are definitely having our share of increased property values and with that I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions from the commission no no would anyone in the audience like to comment on this item seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24 4-64 what's the will of our commission so move second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi the uh next resolution is 24-65 a resolution by the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida adopting the tentative budget for the fiscal year 20242 providing for an effective date we had the present ation on this item are there any questions from Miss car from the commission would anyone in the audience like to comment on resolution 24-65 seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-65 what's the will of our commission so a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland I next item see we have is the resolution number 24-70 all right um a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida approving a preliminary subdivision plot for the Eustace sr19 subdivision with waiver for lot with Dimension a 275 lot single family residential subdivision on approximately 51 87 Acres of property located on the west side of State Road 19 north of the intersection with County Road 19a all key numbers are 178 2414 384 6883 and 109 4739 Mr Richardson thank you very I'll R this down now thank you very much Jeff Richardson deputy director for development services uh before you we have a request for approval of a presidential preliminary Subdivision plat for used to State Route 19 residential subdivision uh this does incl include a request for waiver um property owner is LBD LLC um again this is a request on approximately 51.87787 attached and 216 attached I think I got my numbers wrong 59 sorry single family detached and 216 town home um background this was submitted to the development review um sorry development services department to enter into the development Review Committee process on November 15 2023 um DRC eventually found after several rounds found the plans technically sufficient on June 18th 2024 um here is a representation of the layout for the subdivision the northern part of the property is going to be the town home section the southern part will be single family residential um in this particular case the um areas that will be developed actually are completely avoiding any of the environmental um there is a wetland area to the South kind of around where the ponds are just to the south of where the uh ponds are located which are the little bit darker Green in shade um and any of that flood plane area is also being avoided this is pasture area so there really were no environmental constraints on the property other than that area uh often just north of powers um one thing that was noted when we were putting this presentation together that was missed Andor missed the comment as coming through um to be included as a waiver the town home lots do have Corner lots that are proposed at about 10 feet um technically this would require one additional waiver to be added to this the advertisements were sent out actually more as a general so the advertisements for the newspaper ads as well as the um mailings went out as a that this was coming forward as a preliminary Subdivision plat with waivers we did not itemize what those waivers particularly were um in this particular case if they elect to continue forward with the design with a 10- foot second side setback or secondary Street setback it would require approval of a waiver um as part of this process uh again approximately 5187 Acres um total developable net developable acres is 48 .17 uh the town lots are all proposed at 55 by 120s the townhouse lots are proposed at minimum of a 22 by 80 maximum of a 34 by2 this is where the waiver that um was analyzed and did come in um is taken into account the based on the town home section of the design districts where the town home lot type it is a maximum of a32 so they are looking for a little bit wider lot for their Corner lots and for their internal lot and unit Lots so where you have a run of Five Town Homes each of the ends would basically be the 34 foot Lots um again 59 house Lots 26 town home lots comes out with a net density of 5.7 dwelling units per acre a gross density of 5.3 dwelling units per acre um open space minimum is 25% required 31% is provided um park space 2.75 Acres were required 4.34 are being provided um any of the buffers are actually all being proposed pursuant to Cod um here are the three properties again just north of 19a Po Road um Marshall Road and 19 um little bit of an explanation on the land uses as well but this is a mixture of mixed commercial residential and General commercial The Design District is entirely Suburban neighborhood um based on the uh section 102-115 if a property is split by two different land uses the majority land use can dictate in this particular case the um mixed commercial residential on the two parcels which are outlined in yellow did come out as the majority and that's why we applied it as a the mixed commercial residential as the land use for the entire property um the northern parcel was 6.16 acres in um mixed commercial residential and 2.49 in General commercial uh 17.87% um where this stands right now this is again the preliminary subdivision plan um with a waiver for the maximum lot width and the applicant would if they're going to continue with that 10- foot secondary side setback for the town homes we would need to apply that as well um preliminary sub diffusion plan again was submitted on October actually in these the right ones know October 24th 2023 first DRC was held on December 5th 2023 and the final DRC was June 204 um the applicant did submit a traffic analysis with a total of 2,216 trips um am peak hour would be 39 entering 114 exiting per hour uh 112 uh the PM Peak 112 entering 75 exiting for uh TR trips generated by this project would require turn lane work on state R 19 uh environmental U assessment was submitted also with the application um environmental assessment report did not indicate any significant um natural habit or native habitats um it did report that or did not indicate that there were any in or invasive species any protected species on the property um however it did go on to report that prior to actual approval of the final engineering construction plans and initiation of site development work that for the floorida go for toris they should go back through and reinvestigate again um thec staff has completed the technical review um it has met the tech minimum technical requirements um therefore we are bringing this forward for your consideration for approval Jeff could I could I jump in we are recommending approval assuming that we can resolve whatever issues that secondary potential waiver yes okay the applicant is here and I believe they would like to speak that's fine truthfully I I do not I will not vote on this until I have if there's another waiver I I don't I will not do it until the waivers proven into the city of eustus that's my own personal opinion there is another waiver we have the the initial waiver was and this was indicated by the U by the applicant on the face of the plat was for the maximum lot width for the town home lots to be increased from 32 feet to 34 feet in preparing the presentation here and looking at the um and we can go back to that you put it back up again back up to this I don't know if you can see it well it does indicate a 10 and then it indicates a 20 below it as a Max I think when um it was being reviewed the 20 was seen the 10 was not seen so we didn't make a comment to staff to hey by the way you have to include the additional waiver and typically we have put it on the applicant hey what do you need a waiver for put it on the face of the plat in this particular case it was missed um but this is what is being proposed as the typ lot typical for those town home LS would you also go back to the full site map of everything for me that one yeah do we know if they're going to put a light there um in reading through the traffic analysis it didn't indicate signal warrant but it did have turn lanes that would be needed as part of the final design they may have to go back through and do an additional traffic analysis to as to whether we need uh sorry a turn lane warrant a turn sign or a signal a turn lane to try and correct all that mess they have up there now two two uh see one emergency exit 278 acres oh 275 Lots on 51.87787 are there any other amenities um Parks or locks or anything I'm sorry are there any other amenities that might be included um Park area I don't think we necessarily talk they've got the parks the walking trails they do have a community center um just north of the entry Road there or just south of the entry Road there now it's mixed juice and we took the larger uh of the parcels to to make it correct yes yes yes so it has both mixed commercial residential future land use and General commercial future land use but because the mixed commercial residential is the larger amount uh the the applicant can use that designation that is reviewed on each parcel as well that's that's what that one graphic that I um had in the presentation and there's no no commercial anything going in here the two Parcels are up to the on the North side are both still in The General commercial they are just not part of this project so on the entry Road the one just below and the one just north and they're owned by other folks they are owned by other folks I believe part of this design um for the subdivision includes providing storm water for those Parcels that that's an agreement between the property owners so it really wasn't part of our review all right so let's go ahead and hear from the um applicant first before we open it up to public comment so the uh the card the one card I have for this item is from the owner and applicant okay great if you could please come up and state your name for the record yes um good evening my name is David fedak I live at 1110 Brightwaters Boulevard Northeast in St Petersburg Florida 33704 um I am the owner of the property and I'm also the applicant um the ownerships in the entity lbbh LLC I just I won't speak long um attorney Logan abaw is going to make the presentation uh to you this evening to give you a little more background on the property and I just wanted to introduce myself to the mayor as the commissioner as the City attorney city manager and the city cler so pretty nice to meet you nice meet you good evening for the record Logan opsol 215 North Yola Drive great to be with the commission this evening um we got a good overview and introductions uh I'm going to be brief because we have a lay of the land I think we know it's before us we um we we just kind of learned of of the issue related the second um setback issue and so we want to address that Mr Mayor I think there's a couple things we might be able to accomplish but I'm just going to briefly go through this answer specific questions then we can work through that together um so here we are we we know what we're here for I just wanted to give the aerial uh because I think it's it's a nice aerial to show the topography and what's been described by Jeff out there on the environmental side can you go back to that sure slide is that number one part of this development that so yeah you know on Lake County's website in order to get it all it just it it oh okay clipped that one okay yeah good catch commissioner um okay we've gone through the future land use um and and so again I I know from uh the the question was really to mix zoning and how we do that on a parcel by parcel basis so you know not necessarily an entitlement or density you know question we just look to the overarching Future land use and apply those standards um in that site design criteria with respect to the topography which we just covered um so here is the project and the breakdown of what Jeff relayed to you I think you got a sense from some of the timeline the iterations we went through with the RC to to uh preserve some of that Comm commercial piece and that's why that was carved out commissioner there as well um so we we we reworked some things we talked about uh Madame vice mayor the amenities which I'll touch on briefly as well so this was the waiver and if you'll indulge me I'm very briefly I'm just bring at the project Engineers to why we're here on this waiver in the first place and then I'll transition into you know some some options as well even Commission victure Huggin with L7 and partners uh 3810 ndale Boulevard Tamp Florida spe 100 so to increase the lot size we have there's a minimum maximum lot size of 32 feet for this designation our units are 24t wide so for a 10 foot setback it takes you 34t that's why the increase in the waer for the for the um the lot WI and the code if we were to um stick with the code for 32 feet our maximum unit width would only be 12 12T wide because there are 20 foot setbacks as required Jeff mentioned so what we may propos is to just have one waiver instead of 34t make it a 44 foot wide side yard so should be just one waiver for 44t to get the 24ot to get the 20 foot set back as required is that what was part of the presentation Jeff the Lots were shown on the preliminary plat as 34t um we did have discussions during DRC about not going to you said a 44t wide we could get a 4 a 44 foot wide and loock we didn't have that discussion but we did have a discussion was they potentially doing open space instead of a secondary side setback and that way they just have an internal 5 foot side set that we do that too um we can take a look at those I mean generally a larger lot on an home just kind of increases the pr that I woulde pay correct haven't reviewed it yet don't have turb for you but I can't see where it's I don't want to make a decision or talk about it until you all have figured out what you're going to do together yeah but but why you're here I mean you're here yeah right um what what's going to be in the amenity Center you you've got a lot of houses here and there should be more things for the people to do so what's what's included in the medum in Center yeah I have a couple snapshots of that commissioner it's a pool and Clubhouse Cabana amenity uh so it's something you know this concept was drawn from similar products I have two photos there as an exterior and then kind of an interior inside of that amenity well and I know the next question that commissioner Hawkins is going to ask is is where's the playground there's a lot there's there's a lot of PE a lot of people here and I'm assuming there going to be a lot of kids where's the playground MH yeah so I know we have a an excess of open space so you know that's something we can but most of it most of it's uh Pawn am I correct yeah on the south side to to respect that Wetland yes and then and and then once again while you're here with with all this General commercials space available facing 19 besides the one parcel why not why not try to incorporate some kind of other retail retail establishments in in into the site retail establishments in this plat well I mean I'm assuming that's what the commercial is going to be up here right the the corner lot by the I'm going to go to the aial so I know it's not theirs but it's General commercial I'm assuming it's going to be General commercial um that would be the overarching future land use like a like a restaurant or um um anything else but all that General commercial um facing along along 19 I would just like to see a mix of a little bit of commercial as well as as well as residential yeah understood and and Jeff did mention that's outside of our ownership in this plat um but I I I candidly don't have the full permitted use list for General en commercial for purposes of this discussion but that's something we can look at all right and then lastly um po Road I mean I'm assuming that is a an access to the properties behind there how it looks like according to this that the road may go through some of the development yeah I think there's a there's an existing easement right yeah exactly but is it is it is the the road going to go through the through the through the and some of the the well the current P road is outside Eastman in some areas so we're going to try to redirect it back to where it needs to be okay um or provide him a new easement where we reconfig that road accordingly okay and then um and is there any future plans to build to build anything below Powers Road with the um okay I can't tell from yeah okay um okay that's all I have so do you have space available that you could put in uh a Tot Lot or or playground or whatever on this property uh yes I'm looking yes we do okay because that's important to me yes we do well I'm going to say it and I don't care if any anyone doesn't like it that's a lot of stuff in here that's a lot you know I'm I'm concerned about I'm concerned about the traffic uh I'm concerned about the turn LAN um that's just a lot of stuff uh on 51 Acres no 20 is it 51 it's 5 51 51 yeah on 51 Acres 275 homes that's a lot did have we sent anything out to the neighbors yet Jeff did we send anything out to the neighbors yet uh the applicant did not out do a community meeting so the only thing we did we did advertise and do our Public Notices for this resolution uh believe there were only 29 within the hund within the 500 feet it's 29 30 something like okay that's still 29 people that I want to hear from we didn't hear anything other than the folks that may be here today I think I have emails from two people possibly um there may have been more that have come in um from others it sounds like this might be tabled but I we do have members of the public here that want to speak so if there's nothing uh more from I'll I'll just conclude with this since we have some moving parts and I I'm not sure staff is totally sound on the waiver right Commissioners Mr Mayor we're we're comfortable tabling this or continue to ad dat certain so we can provide you the plan to look at and and have some specificity there so and it'll be good for you to get some empathy from the public as well sure so uh we'll be clear about that we can if you'd like me to make a formal request for continuance I'm happy to do that at this time thank you thank you we'll go ahead and open it up for the public to comment on this item do you have cards I do not okay but I did see some hands all right we'll start with you oh I'll start with you sir if you could come up and state your name oh wait are you who's might have to give ticket numbers like Del's yeah your name I'm Chuck Powers uh my father Hughes Powers owns 50 acres of the property right behind the subdivision Mike and Jo and the other 45 or 50 our big concern is pow Road where's it going to go and how do it get to our property it's and and if it's relocated through the subdivision how do we access the back of the subdivision is there going to be a wall built there for privacy and to keep people off of our property so those are big concerns because right now really see that involved in you know they're just showing a road going through there but that's our access so we're going to have to deal with that okay and because of that corner 19a and 19 that's the most one of the most dangerous intersections going so exactly Mr Powers would you make sure that Jeff gets your information he's right behind you that way y'all can kind of talk a little bit yeah thank you sir Mr upol I don't know if you want to address any of these Mr upol if you want to address any of of these as no I know um at the end or just do it at offline okay just wanted to give you the opportunity um I saw other hand yes ma'am if you could please come up and state your name and address for the record you were first hi I'm Kathleen Wiggum I live on the corner of 19 and 198 the traffic is very busy um several accidents I've lived there since 1979 I can't tell you how many times I've heard a crash and I've run out to assist we've and people come through there and they don't stop they do not stop at 19a they cut across because when I'm coming to the house I'll cut in po Road and go across this little bit up to my property because it's safer to do that then come down 19 from the north entrance and turn into my house because my house there's a turning lane to go down 198 by my house and I can't tell you how many times I've been almost rear ended so the traffic is extremely extremely bad so with the Housing Development there'll be with that many houses I just just can't see putting that many homes or town homes there it's a lot it's a lot you know we've got sidewalks now there's a lot of people walking bicycling because they can't afford cars so I don't know what else to tell you that's my feeling thank you thank you um I saw other hands come on do I direct my question to you or to to the commission if you could just say your name again so if I calculated correctly the amount of homes that's going to be in that area what happens to the education for the kids how do they get to and from school and what schools are they going to go to has there been any research done on that so was there expectation of how many kids or potentially will be in that area and how will they there's a mandatory study that's done through the school system is that to the public public what's that is that for the public schools okay so that's all been figured out in the sense of they already have transportation to school they'll have a school that they'll go to but it's a lot of homes so I mean you said single family homes but it's not really going to be a single family home you may have like five kids in one home is that accounted for I think they do the average all they do an average okay that's all I wanted thank you thank you be yes ma'am you oh we'll start with you back hi your name and address for the record please and then you be Megan Campbell and I live in rree Harbor on Lake Yale I want to know what the impact is going to be to Lake Yale we already have so many problems with the lake as it is with pollution and it's just getting worse I also want to know who's going to be responsible for repairing the roads when these dump trucks are you know 20,000 a day trips who's who's responsible for that the taxpayers we're not the ones that want all these houses that's what I want to know thank you ma'am ma'am think you had your hand up been waiting for a while ma'am did you have a question in the white yes you're okay up just please state your name and address for the record my name is Susan Frasier and I live at 1668 North County Road 452 and my concern is with approximately a thousand people or something like that there's going to be a huge impact on County Road 44 and County Road 452 which which is the intersection of the fairgrounds there it already is a horrendous mess with roads that are two lanes wide three lanes wide automatic right turns left turns um future development of the fairgrounds every Thursday we have traffic we have Sirens um I believe that the traffic impact Beyond 19 should be reviewed and especially the intersection at 45 52 and 44 it just can't take anything more we're getting 18 wheelers up 452 probably at least three an hour if not more the motorcycle traffic is horrendous um and I ask that the planning department expand their view of the traffic that will be created by this many homes I drove the site today um there's one little notice of a meeting off on PO Road nothing on 19 I think that was a little underhanded um I don't understand just two exits for safety purposes being allowed in the eustus community um that's a lot of people to try and get out of two exits onto 19 thank you do we have anyone else in the audience wishing to speak okay sir we'll take you your name and address for the record please um I'm Mike gamb and I live at 2615 Water viiew Drive in lakei landing the subdivision off 452 um I just want to back up what the last person said about the traffic I had to go to the office this morning I normally work from home and to about 8 o' this morning it took me five light cycles to get from 452 on to 444 because with the uh the Thursday farmers Market you got people coming in from Grand Island like something needs to be done about our roads before we start bringing in all these people thank that's all I had I think we've heard uh enough from the public and you've taken your notes so um we're going to close up input I'm going to make a a recommendation that we table this item Mr Mayor and if so I'd like to things clarify though one I believe Jeff was saying something about um something that had been missed it was a 20 and it was a 10 under and you didn't see the 10 I I'd like that clarified again and I believe I heard that there was going to be a second traffic study second environmental study what the recommendation in the environmental report had stated was that um prior to actual site development it's actually part of the permitting process that they need to go through on the environmental and to to clear it out is that basically if I take a look at something today but I'm not going to touch it for three months six months if I don't see a go for tortois today that doesn't mean that there haven't been six that have moved in and that's simply what I was stating that would be the second one second second traffic study done not a necessarily a traffic study but if the tri if the trips warranted and I'm saying that I'm not a traffic engineer I read the study I don't recall I don't know everything about traffic engineering um but there may be at some point they may need to do a signal study and that is a certain number of trips and the thresholds they need to meet before warrants that the state would even allow to permit to put a traffic light there okay and the 2010 the 2010 oh the 2010 issue that apparently was not noticed as we were going through the development review process it was brought up today um Street setbacks according to the town home lot have to be 20 feet from the streets in this case they showed a 10 foot maximum 20 foot I don't know whether it was misinterpreted coming through but it dropped out as a comment on the development review staff so it was an error the applicant may have intended for it to become a waiver it did simply did not get included on the face of the plans as a request for a waiver for that specific thing okay je the uh the the overhead with the um uh I don't know if it was the old Pond was that an Old Pond that was there on the property more than likely I think it's been P it's been Pastor since I've been in Lake County which is moving up on 30 years now okay how far you know is that from Lake Gale uh this property is actually I'm not going to say quite some distance but it's it's definitely not right on top um can we put the I um I've got the property pher pulled up so are you asking so from from the from the western edge of the Wetland to the bank of Lake Yale is 4,278 Ft all right let's um that's a straight line as the okay we're going to have some time to figure this out Sasha what what's your recommendation I recommend that that the commission consider a motion to table this item for reconsideration at a later date I'll make a motion to table second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any rooll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I thank you Mr Mayor could we take a brief break just to allow the m members of the public that would like to leave um the head out let's take a 5 minute recess thank you thank you m e for e e e e for e e e e all right we're going to go ahead and resume the meeting Madam attorney back to you yes thank you all right we are starting with our first reading of ordinances uh the first group of ordinances that we will have presentation on is uh ordinance 24- 26-27 and- 28 we'll start with ordinance 24-26 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 0.25 Acres of real property at alterate Key number 1 17341 93 end of bla Street unimproved South of the intersection of bla Street and Maine Avenue on the west side of Blaine Mr Richardson um so this particular request was actually brought to you um back in June um of this year uh it did go before the LPA the LPA did elct to transmit it to the city commission um at the city commission meeting um you all had a couple of questions one about access in particular um and you elected to table until the applicant could address that um the applicant did address that he has said that he will um provide a paved access to the property or a paved Street driveway to the property um to be able to make that work um to kind of resolve um any potential future issues um in that regard uh so the again the uh applicant is e Zack Huer this is approximately 0.25 Acres on the west side of unimproved Blain Street thus the question about the street driveway and a paved access from the PVE uh publicly paved Road um General location uh surrounding area is uh this is another one of those small onclave areas in the city so we have uh the property as currently Urban low um to the north is also uh Lake County Urban low South is the city of eustus suburban residential and Suburban neighborhood districts um to the east is uh the church U public institutional in the Suburban neighborhood Design District and to the West is also Lake County Urban Ro um the request has been reviewed based on chapter 163 3187 as well as City used as future land use um element and the chapter on chapter 102 of Land Development regulations um again uh currently the property is Lake County Urban low it is directly adjacent to City of HED as suburban residential in The Enclave area um the request is for Suburban residential um it is directly adjacent and would be consistent with the the remaining of the area even the uh property sizes um newspaper ads were sent to um were run sorry on August 26th uh and again on September 1st mailing notices were sent out on August 26th um properties were was also Pro posted on uh August 26th and the notice for the annexation was sent to Lake County um actually the entire package for the annexation future land use designation and Design District wall Cent Lake County on August 16th um property is within joint planning area it is directly adjacent to the uh current city limits um request of future land use um aligns with the land use to the South and is consistent with the area um that is not impacted by flood plane it is not infected by Wetlands again it is only two point or 0.25 acres in size so it is a quarter acre um piece of property it is being Annex um access to water and access to sewer I believe will require line extensions to the property um but it is available and no flood plane um property is located on the east side of eustus so it is within the within the W have study area um uh soils are actually good and developable uh property is in a partial Enclave um and this would be good to close that enclave and again assignment of the Design District asking for the Suburban neighborhood which would match the rest of the city to the uh to the South and to the east staff recommends approval of ordinances 2426 24 27 and 2428 or the annexation of the property assignment of future Landes and Design District are there any questions for Jeff from the commission I'm not sure whether the applicant is here if they can directly address questions any cards uh is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-26 okay seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners before we have ordinates number 24 -26 what's the will of the commission so move second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I mayor Holland I the next on this group is ordinance number 24-27 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 163 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 25 acres of real property at alternate key number 1 17341 93 end of Blain Street unapproved south of the intersection of Blaine Street and Main Avenue on the west side of Blaine from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of Eustace we've had presentation from Mr Richardson are there any further questions for him on this item would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-27 seeing none we will Clos public input Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-27 what's the will of our commission second have a first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi and the last ordinance from this group is ordinance 24-28 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of usus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 25 acres of real property at alterate Key number 173 4193 on end of Lane Street unimproved South of the intersection of Lane Street and Maine Avenue on the west side of Blaine we've had presentations any question from commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance 24-28 okay seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-28 what's the will of the commission some move second first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi our next item is ordinance number 24-21 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida approving the annual update of the 5-year Capital Improvement schedule of the comprehensive plan under Florida statute 163 3177 subsection 35b providing for conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date Miss Carr L Car Finance director Deputy Finance director one be guard okay uh you have seen we've discussed the capital imp fiveyear Capital Improvement this is just the formal uh tenative adoption of this [Music] um and capital Improvement is any expenditure over 25,000 which has a useful life of five years or more it can include facility renovations if it extends the life of this facil facility Machinery equipment uh repairs and maintenances if they also extend the life of something um as well as new infrastructure and the purpose of a capital Improvement plan is to identify your capital projects equipment uh maintenance and repair over the next five years uh you definitely want to consider your funding sources for the next five years so that you can actually complete these projects uh you want to evaluate um competing needs at the same time just like you talked about a little bit earlier with the CRA money having competing needs the same as goes for Capital uh needs you uh need to determine how you're going to fund those needs you need to fulfill your uh requirements of State Statute and it also serves as a a public relations and economic uh de development tool to to uh benefit eustus some of the factors that you want to consider when evaluating and priority proi projects is your risk um you want to identify any safety concerns that may be presenting a hazardous condition uh you have facilities that uh are in need of repair we no longer meet regulations things of that nature uh you want to identify anything that is no longer efficient and as I said are not properly functioning you want to identify existing Andor attending compliance requirements from regulatory bodies which U really pertains mostly to the utility funds as we all know and you want to maintain your assets at an adequate level to protect the city's interest and minimize future maintenance so you want to address needs sooner rather than later before they become much larger needs you want to uh evaluate your return on investment which is your benefits of the project outweighing the cost of the project and the potential to generate U Economic Development within the city you want to uh consider maintaining your levels of cerice and also improving your levels of service with your capital projects and these are the more significant major projects that we have scheduled for the next this is just for 2425 and this represents all different funds U um particularly the uh general fund but you have transport I'm sorry uh most of these are Public Works you have the utilities the uh Transportation streets and Roads things of that nature and then as was mentioned earlier there's quite a few uh Parks projects in here and I just to clarify um you had said this is for 2425 it's for the 2425 fiveyear plan those particular projects were 24 25 the I think these are fiveyear projects oh I'm sorry are yeah because Public Safety was on there and that's I'm sorry that's my fault you roll back one more please pleas maybe that's see the Aquatic Center inovation what was that that's uh redoing the pool and that's that's several years out at his current location that's yes a 3.2 million well we that pull 70 years old but but there's a possibility we may do something else yeah well I thinking on what our downtown plan is okay yes it's in a future year there's flexibility with it but yes I'm not sure that's the best spot for that pool not with what we're going to be doing yeah that's when that pool was put in 70 something years ago it was the center of town it no longer is yeah so that's that's something we'll have to work through with the commission as to what the priorities are where you know if not at that location where and how do we pull that together I'm Sor it's not the entire seaw wall it's on the the back portion of it why is it the entire seaw the um the seaw wall Improvement is over by the splash pad and pool it's not the entire SE correct it's it's where we're having failure okay and we anticipate that happening like really soon we have most of the money for that going we when with the approval of the October one budget the money will all be in place now we have we have already done the engineering for the seaw wall now it's a matter of the actual so we would have to take the engineering package bid it out and then get a Contractor on board but yes with October one we should have the construction money in place unimproved roads are those that are not paved correct correct those are there are there are dirt roads in the city where we have no responsibility and those are the responsibility of the property owners but there are also dirt roads in the city of Eustace that are City maintained and what that is is uh a plan to start getting those PID you can come on thank you and this chart simply so shows our different funding sources excuse me and as you can see the majority of it will be coming from our sales tax revenue which I believe is up in 2032 32 so um you know hopefully that will be renewed but we never know until then I mean we probably need to with our partners start that process there is talks about it already yeah because it's difficult for we are getting to the point where we can't do our fiveyear plan uh because it's it's on the horizon and then of course after that will be the Utility Fund and um as we had discussed in the prior meetings a lot of the Eastern plant uh projects had been moved out in future years until we determine what we're going to do with that plant and these are just the funding sources by or these are just the type of projects that we're doing and most of that is our vehicles and equipment in new construction um in existing infrastructure and the projections are based on a 2 and a half% revenue increase uh for water and sewer and 3% % for all the other funds per year and the expense projections are uh include five years or 5% a year for the full five years and the um project expenditures are based on the estimated costs for the requested projects with the best numbers that we have available to us at this time and this goes into the fiveyear funding analysis and and as you'll see on sales tax we are spending um more than we are bringing in for the next several years but we have a positive fund balance and as you see as we get out further is when we really start to have the deficit and I believe that big project that's out there is the public safety complex on year five so I I would imagine that will hinge on whether that is renewed or not at some point moving on to the street Improvement fund um we again have the same problem that we are running deficits in the in the years but we are uh using fund balance that we do have we will need to look at other funding sources right now the general fund does give quite a bit of money to this fund and we'll have to um evaluate that the funding down the road in order to be able to continue these programs Lori are there grants out there for some of these things we're looking to do that we can start doing now apply I really don't know the answer to that we do have a grants writer now that we can have that discussion with and see what she's able to locate I'm not real familiar with those types of Grants because you know it it'll take a couple years for us to to to realize anything from them so it' be good to try yeah and and I I guess I would answer it depends on the project I mean Street Improvement fund these are pretty routine Street repaving there's probably not a lot of Grant funds out for Street Improvement fund but uh some of the other projects there are definitely some opportunities out there in this particular fund that's mostly operational Personnel such the fund before that sales tax that's where you see more the streets M and what the city of eust does is our public work department unlike other departments we build our own streets right we using so we got our money goes a lot further than others well I the reason I ask I see that you know three or four years down the road you know we start to get into the big project so if there's something that we can do you know if there's possibilities out there like us to start exploring those possibilities now yeah Public Safety should have something imagine yeah public safety building I would expect some of our Recreation projects uh you know fap and I know um sorry L I know Al Al's out today but I did email about you know what are we registered with in trying to find gr grants I me we yeah yeah it's it's a big part of getting some of these things done I also talked to Tom and Miranda today about us going ahead with our consulted in Tallahassee and starting to work on on state grants for things like this so yeah it's uh I got a call and an email saying it's time to start thinking about Appropriations which we're we're actually just filing the paperwork for the current appropriation um and so but it is time to start thinking about it and um we'll we'll get there would be bonding but this fund like Tom said earlier the time is running out for bondage promoting uh probably do it next year start is it that early yes sir because we only have seven years left that's okay moving to the uh CRA and I know that was a discussion earlier um we again are projecting uh this current year to um have a negative fund balance or revenues expenditures exceeding revenues we have some big uh capital project but next year as we had discussed earlier we have about 300,000 this figure has not yet been updated to reflect the 41,000 that was moved to the the rehab and uh so you do have some flexibility there and you also do have a decent fund balance here and uh it looks like it at this point it's continuing to grow so there are some options there with your competing needs on on this within the CRA and your storm water fund um again is running very short on funds and will be running a negative balance at some point uh my understanding is that there's not been a storm water increase in at least one maybe not two decades and it's definitely time to consider that or we will have to supplement it uh some more with from the general fund or do financing so that's a fund we will definitely have to have some future conversations about and then the water and sewer fund um the 19,000 19 million shortfall in the estimated current year is 10 million of that m is arpa funds Revenue that was received in the prior year as you all are aware we had about uh we use about 9 million of our profunds for for the water expans and then so we had recognized the revenue in a previous year so it it really distorts that number and then um I have also discovered that there is a a budgeting error overlap of 7.5 million so in reality that numbers only two to three million say that again I'd rather not but I will I I I've discovered a a budgeting carryover error of um having to do with the Bates water plant or Wastewater Plant and it was duplicated from a carryover and that's money has not been spent it's not been spent and it won't and I'll be adjusting that budget um but that represents about seven and a half million of it good job sounds better yeah yes yes so so of the 19 million we can account for about 16 17 of it and and again the aror money we got earlier we have to spend it so the revenue is in one year the the other thing is we have this includes the 40 fund which is water sewer operations that includes 42 fund which we fund every year for to make sure the is uh all the plants are running properly continue on and change that's our renal and replacement and the other two are the water and sewer impact which we can allocate monies for new projects are not available to us but the 42 fund has some extra cash stuff in there so that we do have money there available and sometimes that go into a deficit but you see at the end of the the period uh a 5e period we just 18 and actually you can add the 15 million that we're aware of well actually the 10 truly is spent but the seven and a half million we added to that figure so what's next uh very similar to the uh adoption of the budget and the Tenant and Village rate you approve the first reading of the next five years fiscal years 2425 through fiscal 28 29 uh then you will on September uh 19th you will do the second and final reading it will be adopted into our um Capital Improvement ordinance then we will as we've already done those projects are incorporated into the 2425 budget for the current year that we're adopting um that you will adopt those projects with the second reading of the budgets and then we just will continually monitor our CIP plan and adjust accordingly and you know definitely taking into account whatever it is that happens with the Eastern plant because that is a big big factor in our fiveyear plan and that is it any questions since since you brought it up what when are we expecting the figures for the the options for the Eastern plan oh that I've not been involved again yeah so uh we're working with um working with public works and utilities to bring a consultant on board okay uh the cost of that consultant is going to be uh I think in about $30,000 and that consultant will help us uh evaluate the value of the system system um help us with various uh options so there if if it's complicated but if we sell to a public agency the process is completely different than if we sell to a private utility provider and so we need help mapping out the different routes uh including what's it going to cost to evaluate the system what's it going to cost in legal fees because we will need specialized Legal Services uh what will it cost in Consulting fees to engineer any improvements that need to be done so that is all on the way um but we're working with a consultant to help us pull that together any questions for Miss car from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item okay seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor uh commissioners before us we have ordinance 24-31 what's the will of our commission a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I thank you Lori the next group of ordinances we will have presentation on is uh 24-32 33 and 34 ordinance number 24-32 is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 19 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 142 7118 on coolage street and Swan Avenue on the north side of swan Avenue Mr Richardson again I request for annexation future Landes and Design District assignment for another property within the coolage swan Avenue area um Blanca Romano is the owner of this property and has made the request uh property again is 01 n acres in size um it directly adjacent to an annexation that we did uh a couple of months ago um the property is currently Lake County Urban low um the City properties to the north and to the East are Suburban residential Suburban neighborhood the South and the West are still Blake County Urban low again as I said Enclave that we are beginning to close up slowly surely um this request has been reviewed based on chapter 163 as well as the city of eust as future land use element and chapter 102 Land Development regulations um the property is essentially at the corner of Swani and coolage except the coolage area is the unimproved portion at this point in time um the request uh will be uh bringing in the same as the surrounding properties as a Suburban residential um and the Design District as a Suburban neighborhood um that is again same surrounding um that did not work those are wrong dates uh these are the same August 26 was when the property owners were run or when the ads were run um September 1st uh signs were posted o uh August 26th as well as the mailings were done on August 26th um Lake County was noticed on o August 16th um site is located within the joint planning area uh as well as within the natural growth boundary for the city um no flood plane is present on the property it is on the east side of the city therefore it is within the wava study area um it is also within the kulage rosenal gardens area which we are going to be doing some work um water and SE should be available to the property and no flood plane um have a study area good soils on the property um already directly adjacent on two sides The Design District going to a Suburban neighborhood which is the same as the surrounding properties staff recommends approval of ordinances 24-32 24-33 and 24-34 as the request is logical consistent uh I think the future Landes are consistent with the surrounding area and the Design District is surrounding with consist surrounding area okay any questions for Mr Richardson from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close public input Mr Mayor Commissioners reps we have ordinance number 24-32 what's the will of our commission move have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I next from this group is ordinance number 24-33 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida amending the city of Us's comprehensive plan pursu into Florida statute 163 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 9 Acres of real property at alterate Key number 14271 one8 on kage street and Swani Avenue on the north side of Swani Avenue from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of Eis we've had presentation any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson on this would anyone in the audience like to comment on this ordinance seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor before us we have ordinance 24-33 what's the will of our commission so move have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi and the final ordinance on this group is 24-24 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eis Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 19 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 142 7118 on coolage Street in Swan Avenue on the north side of Swani Avenue we've had a presentation any questions from the commission from for this item would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item seeing none we will close public UT Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-34 what's the will of our commission so move thank you both any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland I thank you madam you're welcome Tom you got the next one organization and event support Grant actually Mike Shephard is come up member of the finance department can't get away can you mik can't get away I'm like a boomerang uh this is probably the last year we'll do it under this uh program for the organizational grants we budgeted 30,000 as you're all aware you had about 2500 I believe that you each of you had money to to give out and then I think we previously funded uh The Amazing Race which we'll be taking over next year and proceeds from uh next year's race will will be U determined how much we'll be handing out um we had eight applicants or nine eight applicants one of them did not provide a 501 seat and that's critical to this whole program the uh on the last page we have we have eight like I said we had 71,000 that was requested and we uh the the committee who met was uh city manager um Economic Development uh development services uh Finance director myself and uh what we did we we issued uh 25,800 and 6,500 has already been issued like I said earlier to the amazing rates because they had things they had to do before we got to this um the list uh they on the last page there's a list of what they requested and what we are uh the committee uh is suggested if there are any adjustments that you all would like to make we can make those contact the uh participants and have them come in and and provide uh you with a an accounting of how they spent their money and then we can award the the money to them any I got any questions or challenges with what was done everybody pulling it up one one concern I had it seems like there's so many requests um for funds to buy food to provide food to provide food um and it seems like there's a lot of it that goes on in the community and it would be a better way if they could connect with each other and work together yeah um I think uh maybe it was when one Ministry or maybe it was active hope one before number of years ago they do the backpack and food and at one point I thought we you know we should partner with them and uh do because we do our own backpack program we we issue we collect food at Christmas time and Thanksgiving the fire department has challenges with the other fire departments in the area so we're constantly doing those types of things to help our community uh Lake cares is uh the big one for the food the others uh I guess love extensions Maybe ul's does uh good good solid work with with the elderly and people that are in the hospital and uh maybe assisted living homes I I would say we do as part of our review process we do look at duplication of services and if there's if there's a request that's clearly a duplication then we take that into account active Hope was did have food and and back or back to school programs but they failed on the 501c3 what you think yeah I'm okay uh just and I I I think Tom we may have started a conversation on next year's money going towards I don't know if we'll be a to finish that conversation but my concern is how much to aming race next year well the so we're taking over Amazing Race and we have budgeted for $30,000 to be distributed as part which is a $30,000 that we give out to everyone in the community it seems to me like we're going to be shortened some people in the community will not be I I I agree what you what you're saying is there will be less money contributed to these organizations because right now uh both the city race are contributing and the total will be will be less if if everything stays the same that's my concern I understand I I don't think we ever finished that conversation I think it's worth having again um so um do you need us to vote on this as a formal acceptance of this final recommendation we do I mean not you're not approving by resolution or ordinance but we need consensus that you're okay with these amounts and and this distribution yes sir okay you got it okay you'll notify everybody and try to set up times for they come in and do their presentation to you thank you okay appreciate it uh folks we're coming down now to Future agenda items and comments Gary you want to start a all yeah sure I've got actually a few um I've had a couple calls from from residents this week about the condition of the railroad I know it's not ours but do we have a contact for someone that can help cut and and weed and starting from 452 all the way through town I mean it is it is getting bad especially on the north end of town so I didn't know if we had a contact we'll see if we we can try railroad is a tough enough to crack know because they are totally federally regulated and they basically can do so I mean so they can I mean and it goes to the park so they can just let the weeds grow three feet tall and okay anyway can we find them with code enforcement I and why not so I so let me years ago we had a meeting with a represent I don't know if you remember but so it's owned by CSX CSX subes to the local Freight Rail and then they further suas to the the tourist train and we had a meeting with the tourist train folks and they brought a Hu bigger than my budget books um they brought bigger than your wallet they brought they brought a book like this and they said this is the Federal Railroad regulations and this is my Bible and this is what we're been holding to and so the difficulty is the federal government I mean this goes way back to inter you know the Intercontinental Railroad the feds gave them huge power uh to get the railroads built and operated and uh we'll look we'll try um and we'll we'll try to uh get in touch with them um but I'm not sure if there's anything we can do to force them if our Trails go uh next to that there's nothing that we can do well I I think a lot of people try to do Trails on Railroad property we're going to have to well I if we if there's right of way if there's room to do it we can and through fa and maybe there's room to do it but everywhere else it's going to be really tight to parallel it the alternative is to engage them in negotiations but you I mean you've probably heard the stories about tar and Mount Dora working with the railroad for years and then the railroad just suddenly saying we're out we're done we're not doing it so well all I can I can commit that we'll work on it um and we'll try to we'll try to find a good partner with the rail I say I say enforcement C enforcement yeah and if you go 452 and just where the railroad tracks are and look either way I mean we know they're not using the tracks the grass literally has to be 8T tall so y okay I I just want to make a comment on that would it be possible when we went to North Carolina for America Bloom the railroad partnered with them and actually have like a a a whole distin area where people go to visit but they the tracks is still there maybe we could get some kind of a relationship going where we could get that kind of support from this Railroad and it's labeled as the railroad so something like that we can try and I know Mike Stevens has said there's new leadership at CSX and they're more amable to stuff like that the um like I said the problem is we're dealing with two sometimes three entities uh on the railroad so we what we think I think that's the thing is no one wants to challenge it code enforcement no no no no s willly we're gonna send Miranda back to you Gary yes thank you I appreciate that um um can we get an um an update on the master plan and when that's going to be done and presented yeah so we just wrapped up a meetings with the Commissioners individually uh we need to um we have a final um pretty final draft we need to schedule a um a public meeting to present it and then we have to bring it back to commission for final approval um do you uh commissioner Hawkins I know you're going to be traveling a bit um do you want us to wait uh to have that public meeting are you okay with us well we can we can wait to bring it back to you for final approval when you're back in town but do you do we want to have the public meeting while you're out of town I don't want to slow us down anymore okay so we'll look at calendars uh we'll work with the commission uh to make sure that they're available it's not a commission meeting uh it's a meeting to present it to the public the consultant will facilitate but we'll want to make sure commission can attend if they choose to do so uh but you won't you won't be engaging or part be part of the conversation uh so we'll work to get that scheduled uh then we'll work to get it scheduled at the commission for acceptance so um yeah just a couple last things just so we're all on the on on the same page the special meeting for next week for the appointment how is that going to because I've never I wasn't on the commission were they doing a presentation or was it just Q&A is there a timeline on the presentation so can we get that now down agenda that'll be put out tomorrow hopefully uh with that we'll follow uh what we've done in the past so we'll have a complete agenda okay um and we do ask for presentations I think that she did hand you uh applications tonight you'll get those electronically tomorrow as well um and we can go from there okay all right and one last thing yes um just want to give out a big shout out to Public Works are they still here Craig's there oh hey um the Clifford House Museum the sidewalks the lights the everything um all the landscaping for downtown I mean it looks marvelous so I just wanted to give you guys a big a big shout out I know it's hot and I know you're working hard but it's the downtown's looking really good thank you and I'm done and I'm done really uh yes um I don't know if a lot of people realize that the the Police Department uh has the ability to to have funds that are seized from criminals drug dealers uh and that money is used to uh give back to the community and and I want to say here uh tonight that our police department does an outstanding job uh with those for fiture funds uh the chief uh and the police department they funded uh coach Johnny's helmets I mean uniforms uh they've helped to fund the uh basketball camp and this past week we had Mark marrow who was a motivational speaker to come and talk to the kids at the Middle School uh the Ninth Grade Center and Ali academy uh so they are doing an excellent job with those so I appreciate that um since this will be the last Commission meeting that I have before the panther pride in the park I think I may have one more um the high school does Panther pride in the Park which is a uh booster program uh where we have a community event uh down at uh the community center and we we fund the sports at the School uh October the 19th a Saturday night uh I'll probably be asking the city or uh to buy a table U but please come out and support that uh all the money goes back to our kids um and you know based on what's happening at the high school now we we we're going to need as much funding as we can to make it happen so yeah for those that don't know the way the State of Florida just allowed high schoolers to be treated like college players and be paid uh it makes a big difference and it's showing up unfortunately in our football program this year it is because we've lost so much talent that have gone to other cities that are able to pay unfortunately sorry about that no no so please consider C supporting that October 19th anything else no that's it vice mayor want to follow up with commissioner Ashcraft public work has done a wonderful not only have they done all of the things he mentioned but now we have bat houses and um they added those last year I'm not seeing it last week we and there's more to come we're working towards downtown we'll have Planters and beautiful flowers and I really was want I can only imagine my vision would be at Christmas time with the decorations and having more flowers so there's more to come and we're pretty excited about it I want to give a shout out to commissioner Hawkins who did an excellent job of coordinating um Miss Carla Mitchell's retirement it was it was a nice very nice occasion and uh after all these years she deserved it and I want to thank you for that absolutely commissioner Hopkins um the other thing that I had was um I think that with a CRA we we really need to have a discussion as I listened to everybody wanting this wanting that including me it sounds like some of it is overlapping and we need to start working on what is it that we want out of this and what can we pour into and kind of um work together on it so I really would like to see us have more of a discussion of all the CRA demands that are being made um so I'd like to see that and um um that's about it I'm done okay I think so Tom uh yes um it's already been mentioned but just a reminder special City commission meeting uh Wednesday September 11th at 5:30 that is uh it is not a workshop because you do have to take action so it is a special City commission meeting we will have a draft uh resolution for you uh and we will we will complete that resolution that evening and you will vote on it uh that evening uh and uh commissioner assuming that uh you can come to consensus um uh that person will be seated that evening um so just a reminder on that and um just we're we're not uh to the finish line yet on the budget uh we have our uh final readings on September 19th but I just want to I want to thank everyone I want to thank the city commission I want to thank uh the team um all the folks that we've had involved the um Stacks and stacks of documents and the meetings um but uh I appreciate uh the city commission taking the time to go through uh the budget in detail give us feedback on a lot of items U but uh also uh the staff in that uh we were able to present to you something that uh maintains your priorities uh but balances the budget is financially uh responsible and so thank you to everyone that kind of helps make that happen it I mean we start this process in April and uh we're wrapping it up here in September but uh thank you to everyone that's involved that's Madam attorney nothing for me nothing for you okay okay is there are there any activities for 911 yes in the city yes there's one at the uh Middle School okay the um also the Moose Lodge uh in Eustace is doing like they did last year and I'll get I'll make sure that information gets out I just got notification today on that okay so they're providing a meal and everything so anything else no I too want to thank the city staff um not only Public Works Police Department fire department finance department you all do such a great job for us and representing us on a daily basis um you know you get to go and travel to other cities and through the league of cities I'm exposed to a lot of different cities around the State of Florida um and we're doing something special here um you know we agree to disagree at times um but we pull together we make things happen for our community so thank you Sam you're doing a great job with uh R parks and wreck also for being new on staff you're you're really handling things well out there so congratulations keep up the good work so um I just want to thank everybody um also just let you know that um like I said 911 services are coming up please pay attention to Cal your county calendars on that be out support our Public Safety departments um and um September 15th at the community center at 6 o'clock it's a Sunday the eustus chamber is going to be doing a karaoke night and it is a fundraiser that is supporting the deputy that we lost and the two injured deputies uh should be a fun night for us to gather as a community to raise money for all of those families come out enjoy it and join us it's going to be a great night so um Community is what it's all about thank you all for staying so late with us we're a drunk