e welcome to eust City Hall for commission meeting it is 6:00 p.m. Thursday May 16th 2024 if you would like to join us in the invocation and for the pledge we're going to ask you to stand Shakita will you come up and lead us in a prayer please and then our pledge will be done by uh commissioner Hawkins hi Bri if you can please bow your hands please father we thank you for this day we thank you for your many blessings we pray that you will bless each and every last one of these chamber members and all the city officials and all who are connected and those who are in attendance here we ask that you will let everything be decent in order in your precious son's name amen amen I pled ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all officially call our meeting to order is there a form Pro presentent a proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much next we have agenda updates Tom uh nothing sir thank you next we have approval of minutes from our March 14th 2024 City commission Workshop strategic planning and our April 18th 20 uh 24 City commission meeting F thank you ma'am a second we have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi next we have presentations acceptance of our 2022 23 annual uh comprehensive financial report Mike you going to do that one for us yes sir all right mayor members of commission Mike sheeper Finance director Deputy Finance director I'm sorry uh this will be the last time I do this thank you for your thank you for your service Mike I appreciate you all having me come back it's been a good four and a half years and I'm sticking around for a little bit to help out you helped us when we needed it most so thank you so much I hope I did you did all right um we're getting the act for it's almost finished as soon as it is uh we will get either hard copies to you or if you PR prefer a PDF we'll do that too or both whichever y'all prefer um this is the uh technical part of it lots and lots of numbers to look at most of them you won't know what they mean but uh this is the end product the budget which we're working on right now is the is the groundwork for next year's AER and it's just the the budget is a road map and the a is the destination um we were awarded again the oh I'm sorry I got to quit talking we awarded again the uh excellence in financial reporting for the 34th year um many changes have happened most of them are with pensions the latest one is uh it's on purchase of software they're making us capitalize them and amortize them over whatever period of time that we bought it for and and implied interest rates are included in there uh so that was fun the uh they changed the name to AER recently uh a couple years ago uh because in South Africa the the named cfer which is comprehensive annual financial report was somehow um racist and they changed it worldwide uh all the all cities and states or all cities counties state must get a audited financial statement from an independent auditor every year we'll be later on will bring a a new contract back or an engagement letter back for the next uh three years um we we've got that in the process I still don't do this all right that's the way the the the format of the book is every year just has the introductory it has the management discussion analysis it takes the information that's in the back of the book brings it Forward tries to make pertinent in discussions on certain items in there uh some of them are required some of them are you know uh more ad lied um then you have the basic financial statements has the all the funds except for the Enterprise funds which is water and sewer water and sewer is done on a full acral basis you capitalize ize the assets on all the other funds a capital expenditure is an expenditure the only time it doesn't when you roll it up it becomes you have to roll up the assets that you have the depreciation on it and that's the the to rollup and the two are combined into government and uh Enterprise and that's at the very front of the book and then as you go backwards you get more of a the the Enterprise funds are just like any other Enterprise the general fund on back is basically on a cash basis with with a modified acral in there for the year end and it has the statistical section in there the uh profile of the city is in the introductory session and uh it it just gives you some information about who we are and what we do uh and some of the long-term uh plans that we have these are the funds the Enterprise funds uh are hold the water and sewer water and sewer renewal and replacement renewal and replacement has been done to make sure that we qualif qualify the requirements of the bonds that we do have they want to make sure that we each year we make a a concerted effort to keep the system up and and and moving forward so we do a lot of work on that and you'll see in the CIP program that that's a lot of the materials that we're looking at and the cost um the water and sewer impact key funds are in there uh you get to use those funds when you have new and improvements to the system uh after that uh we're doing a study a rate study for water and sewer inside the city and it looks like we're going to do one for outside City too see what we have out there that's for the Eastern plant trust and agency funds that includes the the impact fee funds for police fire recreation in library library spends most of theirs every year on books uh the others have to be for new and improvements to their to their force and so forth Cemetery funds and their Economic Development and police and fire pensions they're they're uh they're treated all separately they have a qualified uh contri or qualified no not qualified geez I'm sorry uh defined benefit program where the rest of the city has a cont contribution program and the contribution the difference is the contribution program we give the money to the uh people if they here for five years they're 100% vested and uh it's theirs when they leave um the next oh go back does it go back yeah this this is the the one that's uh the statement on there where it shows the water and sewer and the total um we have we had um change in that position which is the revenues over expenditures that was uh 1 million n in the water and sewer fund part of that and the and the other part in in well that's a comparison I'm sorry he still goes forward and I did it again how do you go back small huh small sure you're right thank you okay this is the uh called it a super summarized one but it has the combined U all the general fund and the uh the governmental or the uh can't think anyway um water and sewer and general funds uh it getes a summary of what that what we're looking at there the next one should be the uh general fund comparison from 22 to 23 uh some of the differences in there I tried to explain uh give a number to them up top there and go down to the bottom and you can see the explanation for it uh we had uh last we've had arpa to deal with um in there the previous year we got money this year and then we had to defer some of the money the deferral came in this year we had to recognize deferral and we had uh non-cash contributions from developers both in the water and the Wastewater fund which we we take in the water and sewer lines the lift station what have you the streets land and storm water and put it into the into the city's coffers there is no cash transaction we just we accept those from the developers so we end up having revenues from that it's it's uh it it doesn't really give us much money to work with but then uh values they went up by 8% but the total when uh new construction and so forth uh the total came in at nine and it also depends on when they pay it too they get a bigger discount if they pay early the longer they wait then we we get uh some addition funds coming in uh then we had uh like I said the developers we had streets sidewalks and uh the transfer of funds the previous year was 1 million3 that was to buy the the fire ladder fire truck so we had that and uh like I said earlier the the current gasby requirement we had to impute the interest rate and then capitalize some of the software that we just lease on a year-to-year basis and then the CRA had a bigger about $127,000 more went into the CRA because of their value increases this is the water and sewer uh we had some of the same things happening in there um that the the increase is 10% we had a two and a half% increase in rates we had usage and uh growth within the year so that makes it difference too uh so the total came up to about 10% uh then we had the influx of uh the American Recovery we had to recognize uh the Deferred revenues and the we had the donations and here also for the water and sewer lines uh interest rates for both all the funds across the board went up substantially and then at the end of the year we also put monies into uh High interest bearing CD uh at 5% averaging about 5% so we got another 75 basis points over and above what they were giving us on the on the uh checking account and that that took a we converted we used to be a compensating balance for gosh I guess going back to the 70s and uh this company came in and said you try ought to try this and they worked with our bank and we are one of the few cities that operate that way now so we got we got a a nice increase from that these are some of the other funds that we have uh not all of them but uh it kind of gives you all of them did fairly well um you look at the change in fund balance and that's your revenues over expenditures if you see a negative that's not good but all these are positive you go back to that last one the last one okay huh the one on to the last one to or the second one in from the end that's the sales tax revenue fund all those monies are meant to be spent what over time uh that'll come down to zero the next one I believe it ends in 2032 uh and then probably a year or two before there the the whole countyy is going to have to vote on whether or not to keep that and the city usually participates in that in that program uh this is just a picture of how our debt situation looks uh water and sewer is at 9.2 the uh general fund is uh 2.9 and and that's that is the C that's what we have left on the CRA that we borrow money on that it was a 5year loan with a or a 20-year loan amortised with a 5-year balloon and so overall 12 million for where we're at is pretty we're in pretty good shape we're pretty much a cash base uh City well funded um again if you have any questions this is the 23 we'll be sure to get you the actual hard copy if you'd rather have a PDF we'll do that or we can do both so can you go back three three uh slides I believe keep going there keep going uhhuh one one more yeah go back one more okay for charges for service on number four it says increase in Recreation fees during the year as well as SRO with that's for the school resource officers we got some increases on that we should get another increase this year um based on this how do we know how much the school board gives us and how much we make in on this you we I did not put that dollar amount in there but I can get it to you if you like that that'd be fine it's uh those are the two substantial ones that I I I thought I should recognize or fines and forfeiture does that include just the the city fines and forfeitures or is that uh police department that would also be the code enforcement would be in there we had a lot of money we received last year for this and uh so it's it's getting it was fairly substantial as you can tell where is the money from that we get from other agencies working with our police departments where we get with our Police Department where we get four fures and uh oh th those would there's a separate fund for for fites it's a fund 12 and we get uh either County funds which would be State and then there's uh federal funds and the federal funds they keep track of those uh do they keep track of them and over the years uh before they submit the money to you they have to make sure that everybody who has a claim against those money right get their money so at the end when they're satisfied we get some we get our share of the dollars and it's based on their our how do we keep track of that on here though on here it is in this in this uh adiss law enforcement I combine the Law Enforcement Education and the trust fund or the uh forfeiture fund together the law the the education fund is money from traffic tickets and we can spend that those monies and that's the 11 fund we can spend that on um training and um and Equipment electronic equipment so that's what th those funds are for and then the other funds uh would be the uh the uh forfeitures are included in there they they are in the Auto report they're both reported separately I just did this so okay it fit in here that's my thing is just make sure that money is kept separately oh it it all is it's it's in one pulled account but each account has its own piece of that pie M and every fund has that piece so at any moment the the uh uh the police chief can look and see how much money he has he'll call me and I'll tell him all right okay any other questions for Mike Mike do you need us to formally accept this if you just if you would go ahead and accept it so we can uh when we do get it done we'll uh submit it to gfoa for their certification again and then start sending it to the state agencies and everybody else who needs one thank you Mike looking for a motion to accept thank you I second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi thank you Mike thank you and thank you for your support over the last four thank you sir next we have presentation regarding a lake eustus uh tour booat this young man I met a couple it's been a couple months now ago and um after talking to him and being with him for a little bit kind of got excited about what he wanted to bring forward and share with us so excited that I got a group from our chamber together um some business business people uh Al with economic development uh and Tom and we sat down and I wanted him to do a quick presentation to our commission tonight we've always talked about we've got one of the nicest Lateef fronts in Central Florida and I think Fred can help us get to where we're going this is Fred Cunningham Fred how's it going guys thank you so much good evening thank you so much for having me uh thank you so much I appreciate for those of you that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting my name is Fred Cunningham uh been in Lake County for over 25 years years now and uh my family's business is right here locally in Lake County and we build uh the world's largest pontoon boats commercial pontoon door boats they are Coast Guard certified here right in town so the presentation I'm excited to show you about tonight is uh an idea that I've had and hopefully we'll uh we'll move forward with the city of Eustace uh let's see if I get perfect so the picture you're looking at is our 25,000 square foot facility it's located on Lake idmir uh the boat picture it is taken it's made in Voyage uh it's its first Splash if you will right there in Lake idir before it uh moved up to dtin Florida where it'll have its final destination that particular boat is kind of a you know party boat that'll go up to Crab Island and take people out for the day and and allow them to go out there and spend time with family and friends so over the past 101 15 years of being entrenched in my family's business I've seen all these boats go out and grow these municipalities and grow the offerings of what they have to offer to their not only their citizens but to the people that are coming into the area area and it's uh it's been exciting to create this this idea that hopefully we can we can have right here in Eustace so that was the Inception of why not water excursions so about I would say seven eight months ago uh my dad and I were sitting down and I said let's take a flyer let's let's build a really cool boat let's make it to where adults families everyone can come come somewhere where and do something on the water especially locally and have something to do outside of the norm uh the reason I'm here tonight is to hopefully initiate the beginning stages of a long lasting partnership and fun expansion to the offerings of Lake eustus uh upon meeting mayor Holland and a couple others locally it the fit just seemed perfect uh I'm really excited this idea hasn't been pitched or shown any any other municipalities this something I just think would be a perfect fit for Lake Eustace uh as it says our our missions to ignite the spirit of Adventure and celebration while bolstering tourism in Eustace we celebrate uh specialize in curating Unforgettable experience uh board our US Coast Guard certified vessel where individuals and companies come together to embark on the Journey of a lifetime this is really just about getting people out of the water and having fun creating memories that are super positive draw people to Eustace uh something outside the norm to where when they come to Lake County it's their first stop and maybe even their last uh lake eus has the most beautiful sunsets uh vibrant downtown and with the continued growth of the population in Central Florida I think no better time to offer our locals and visitors another exciting reason to make uses the first stop so on the screen is uh the boat that we've been building it's got some very vibrant colors on it definitely made to draw attention uh it is currently still under construction so what you're seeing isn't a finished product uh there's uh still stages of finishing the upholstery the wiring um it's going to have a nice 15ft bar on it a really cool sound system a full bathroom and again it's going to be accessible to everyone in the community so it's not just going to be some big party bar it's going be something that's going to be familyfriendly we hope to offer uh this opportunity for anyone that wants to celebrate a birthday or a bachelor party or even a celebration of life something to get people out in the water and do something a little more unconventionally uh the whole purpose of why not is to offer private Charter cruises the name holiday C ation cruises especially around Eustace it's great I you know I came down here and I was joking with my best friend Logan who's going to be a partner in the business as well and we were joking about what we do around holidays and I was like well we find every city and they all do everything on different nights and we go eat really bad chicken tenders in four different cities and find something to do right so this is hopefully another tool to bring people out do something fun and and really focus around the Waterfront of Lake Eustace because there are so many beautiful sunsets and there are so many events that Focus around the water and this will get people that typically wouldn't have the opportunity to get out on the water a really easy fun way to do so and take some awesome pictures have a great time and hopefully bring family and friends that aren't from Central Florida into the area to experience it as well customize events uh like I touched on birthday parties Bachelor parties bachette parties um we have amazing musicians that come from eustus we have talented people that come from all over the world to perform here it's just another way to we could dock it outside of the Bandshell we could watch a great event from the water we could have a bunch of offerings to really bring something new to the city so with the Inception of the idea we took a look around pulled out my measuring tape I'm not always in a button- down shirt I usually look kind of greasy and kind of nasty and you know walking around town trying to find something and we looked and we found this beautiful dock that's outside the chamber that um I would say could be could be utilized a little bit more with some really minor expansion it would fit the why not vessel perfectly and also offer the ability for expansion so my proposal is that we get the ability to dock the boat there do some minor expanding to again make it friendly to everyone in the community anyone who's maybe in a Mobility device um make it really senior friendly make it easy to access for everyone in the community there's ample parking and on the left is a a picture of a boat that we shipped to Wakulla Springs and a custom ramp that we built to accommodate uh people that are going to State Park up there that was actually a boat that was purchased by the D so they had a need for three boats we built in for them as well as the ability to accommodate any of their passengers and they've seen a a great uptick in in uh visitation since we've added those boats there uh going into why not uh like I said this is a a venture that was started by me and I've gained a lot of friends and uh Partners in the process um we have a team of of about five people at this point that all have wildly different backgrounds that complement the business from Hospitality restaurant uh Marine all over all over the uh spectrum and for me this is probably the first step of a really long lasting relationship I'd love to help enrich the Waterway with not only a tour booat which I think could be great fun profitable not only for myself but the city alike we look forward to Partnerships with local businesses in the community whether it be restaurants that maybe could help us cater on the boat but also anything to support the uh municipality as well as the schools offer something different to the students of the high school middle school elementary school and just kind of the first step so there's a lot of things that in our business we have the ability to accommodate maybe a little easier and you know cut some of the difficulty as far as you know getting fuel on the on the lake or you know offering something that's just that next step that how do we get people when they come to Lake usus it's not a stop it's the destination so this is uh this is what I'm proposing and hoping to really partner with you guys on Fred thank you uh one of the things when we were talking last that I'd like for you to share with the commission is when we were talking about food or catering yes that the desire would be maybe to use our local restaurants to help with that certainly absolutely that's that's a big draw for us um some of the other markets that have been really successful all over Florida in particular they will have a boat that will maybe offer a a BYOB package or something like that but then they cater locally from restaurants so our goal or our idea is to partner with maybe you know three to half a dozen restaurants locally in Eustace to where when let's say um a group is looking for something to do in Central Florida and they want to make it their destination maybe they're going to Disney for you know their birthday or bachette party gives them something different to do they brings them to Eustace and then we're able to enrich the local businesses by saying not only can we get you on the boat not only will we have the ability ility to you know have drinks and do all that but you'll also be able to get a great meal from one of our local uh vendor Partners so I know we have a lot of new restaurants as well as you know um longstanding ones that we'd love to partner with and in the beginning stages I I think it's great I think it's the opportunity for everyone to syn their teeth in and it's really exciting for me to grow those relationships and I think we don't know what we don't know but I really am anticipating it could be a huge opportunity for not only us but the local vendor Partners I think this is just the beginning of maybe something really great for us as the city of us and and Fred and I we've known each other for a while too yeah and he spoke to me about this and Fred really loves Eustace he does he goes Gary I want I want to be on Eustace so he loves the town I'm I'm really excited about it and it's funny because um you know this started really just as an idea and we said let's just build it you know build it and they'll come right and um now we're getting there I'm like well we built it you know we probably better get the other part figured out right and I think no place better than Eustace I'm really excited I mean when ites comes to events when it comes to just the heart of downtown it's so vibrant there's so much opportunity that's untapped in my opinion I'm so excited to be a part of it and our business you know Although our facility is you know into varies I'll tell you there's so much opportunity that we want to be a part of the community of Eustace you know we've built docks and boats and done all these things and I think the the partnership aspect is what I'm most excited about I think this is going to be a great opportunity I think what's to come phase two phase phase four is really really really excites me as well anybody have any questions for yes ma'am so like on a daily basis would you just you'd be there people can individuals can come on but then other people can reserve it for groups but on a daily basis somebody could just go with you and yes ma'am so uh the thought process and it will likely evolve as we see the business that dictates it is that we would offer a more um general public booking on the busier days like a Friday Saturday Sunday so someone could go online they book a ticket for a really reasonable price be able to get on board no matter what they're what they're looking for so if they want to just go for a boat ride it's affordable they're welcome to do so I forgot to mention that the boat will um the accommodation of how many passengers it will fit is to be determined but it will likely be 49 or somewhere right in that range so the goal is uh you know a group of four a group of 10 have something to do that's not overly expensive but something that's really good experence experience we're thinking uh probably the 2 to three hour range for a tour is likely where we'll start at on those weekend days and then they would likely evolve and then during the weekday uh I come from not only the boat background but I worked in Corporate America for a little while where we would always be on these raw raw trips or activities and like we're all going to go throw axes at a wall for three hours like great just what we want to do with our you know co-workers this is something that Monday through Thursday we would hopefully really bring in business that's this is kind of the part that I'm really excited about all my counterparts are from the hospitality industry and they are far better at it than I am but coming from the corporate atmosphere being able to draw in businesses and large groups of people into Eustace is what's really exciting to me not only to get them on the boat but now we get them dining now we get them staying here now we get them engaging in other businesses in the area so Monday through Thursday kind of a private Charter you can book it there'll likely be a minimum just for the cost to operate you know if four people want to go on there it's probably not prohibited for cost but if a group of 20 say hey we want to do this thing we're from you know Bob's whatever business and we want to come rent the boat out and just go have fun for two three hours that'd be the weekday offering and on the weekend there' be a couple different sailings to accommodate you know during the day a Sunset Cruise and a little more vibrant than what you've seen in the past so luckily uh my customers with my 9 to-5 job that I have currently are um are likely to be what would look to be the competitors of this business but they're not you know they embrace the beauty of the canal and that natural offering where they get to go through that this would really be a more vibrant fun we're going to stay in Eustace we're going to show what Eustace has to offer because of the size of the boat it is 50 ft long by 12T wide so it's really really really large uh think about twice the length and about 50% more in beam than the conventional boat will it do the canal it will not no sir okay no will you have snacks like are obviously you going to have music and then the bar so you'll have snacks that they could get or if they will they be able to come on with their own or how are you going to do that we're we're certainly still working out the mechanics of that uh the whole thought process is we want it to be friendly and inclusive to everyone so it's it's the opposite of the no aspect and that's kind of how we came up with the name uh you want to go on the boat today why not you know you want what do you know why don't we go for the celebration of life for our grandmother that we love that loved the water instead of doing on land why not do it on the boat and and so we want to embrace the spirit of you know uh just the ability for everyone to feel like they're having fun and take two three hours and check out and just have a great time so to answer your question we're going to find out a way to accommodate all our guests that we can where we have snacks we have you know not only a bar because we don't want it to be just a booze cruise right we want it to be really inclusive and we may have that later Cruise or that uh that nighttime Cruise be a little more vibrant a little more fun maybe an adults only but during the day you know what's to say that a teacher can't you know take her whole class and go on the boat and not have fun and we get a lunch and we get it from you know a restaurant in Eustace and it really just be a memorable experience we're not only they're going there listening to good music having a good time but they're able to learn a little bit about Eustace the history of Eustace we're going to have the the labor model is well have a captain on Deck we'll have a deck hand uh and again this will be Coast Guard certified so there are very strict safety requirements we've built these boats for over 20 years and I'll tell you that uh the way they inspect them not only prior to operation but during is very stringent so it'll we'll have a captain and a deck hand that are experienced we'll have a um a bartender that sits behind the bar and then we'll also have uh kind of an MC so someone to walk around uh have fun with people engage play music take song requests uh part of the Inception of this idea was my best friend Logan and I we went on a uh we went on a bus in Nashville and it was for a celebration uh his wedding and they started passing an iPad around and everyone's picking their favorite song we're having a great time and we're just going down Broad Street in Nashville we're seeing the same buildings we probably all seen half a dozen times but the experience was just so engaging and exciting that you know it made it it made it memorable it made it difference so the same thought process there where everyone's engaged everyone's a part of it it's not just a kind of a stiff boat ride will you have a minimum amount of yes sir yes sir and we're still determining that um as far as uh analyzing uh what's what's going to be uh conducive to being you know profitable and being able to stay open but it's the minimum won't be what you think it is it's not going to be we have to have 30 people it's a fairly low operating cost obviously with the ability for us to build the boat in house we've been able to be really lucky and getting in and bootstrapping the project not taking on an immense amount of debt and doing it a way to where we can let the business organically grow and not have pressure to force it down people's throats we really want everyone to feel like they're welcome on the boat we want to have a really exciting kickoff that's part of the fun for us we want you know we have the ability we have semi- trucks with trailers that accommodate these huge boats we've done a lot of work uh at Trident to uh build this up to where hopefully you know my goal or my idea is we have a huge parade down town and we drive it right down the street and every goes what the heck is that ugly thing right and I think I think it's going to be exciting there's definitely um a lot of tasks ahead to accommodate it not only in the city but on our end to finish the boat and we want to work as partners with the city to do that we have plenty of skin in the game and we want the city to feel that and um we're really excited it's more of a fun boat than a party boat oh it's fun yeah it's fun and and and that's the thing the the term the term party I think we're we're not even advertising with that word because to me it's it's just fun it's exciting it's inclusive and and we want it to be an adventure we want everyone to make it whatever they want it's luxurious I mean it is a top-of-the line um you know very high-end boat but it's also something right here nestled in our hometown you know it's something you can jump on once a month and do something fun to get out on the water if you don't have a boat or you don't have the opportunity to do that and it can be a fun two three hour getaway and then end it in Eustace and hopefully as it expands we can bring people from surrounding cities that are connected through our Lake throughout the canal to usus I think we have a lot of opportunity north of us where we could probably bring people that aren't venturing this far by car and partner um to bring them into Eustace and that's that's another exciting uh maybe you could get some mini boats and send them where you can't go just go off on the boat certainly can uh the world is our oy sure if this takes off I mean there's nothing to say um that we couldn't expand it to as many vessels as we can fit uh as long as we have people to ride on them and people to drive them will will expand as long as the the city sees fit and and the need is there we're we're excited for this and there there's no limitations in that regard okay let's talk about fuel well that's that's that's something yeah it's we don't have anything on Lake Eustace and that is a further conversation we've had that in our group as we've spoken uh the ch has been involved with that as well so that what I want to ask the commission tonight is for permission for our staff Tom Al to go ahead and have the conversations with Fred to move forward and then to explore the fuel and and what else needed to move this project forward it may come back to us and it's just not feasible but right now I'm really excited because we've all been looking for a catch on Lake Eustace and this could be the start of something really good so Gary are you good with moving forward Emily will only if I get dibs on the first oh we get the VIP tree we the one after that yeah yeah Willie you and Miss Lee will have custom Captain's hats that I make for you that will really nice okay I'm first man you good of course you I want a hat but yes Fred from here on out I'll let you work with Tom and with Al and we look forward to a great product we look forward to getting it going soon I gra greatly appreciate y time thank you so much really look forward to the project thank you next we have audience to be heard when you have filled out a card if you'd like to come forward and speak um we're going to ask that um you keep your comments to three minutes please the time okay okay got any cards I have no cards at this point oh my Marie you want to come up I see your hand up out there oh she's going to she's going to run too in a minute she's got rehearsal tonight yeah it's a hit and run here um I just want to say that uh I had met uh Fred previously a couple years ago and um uh he's the age of my daughter and they were friends and when he came in and kind of recognized me and I recognized him we talked and I'm sitting there and I'm thinking you know everybody says all the time why why why and I like the fact that he said why not and I kind of feel like that's what you need to revitalize and re-energize and move forward and so let's not think about the past and of course he doesn't have a past in this um but you know the same thing happened with the chamber and so I came in and said why are we doing it this way why not try this so I think this is an opportunity I think it's what the the uh city has needed for quite a while it's just the um stars have aligned and I think all the people involved are great people and they love the city as much as we do and I'm fine with him being a neighbor and they are already chamber members and we are ready to go so I um encourage you to to uh work with him and and make this happen all right well since you're leaving us tell us where you're going oh I am going to um the rehearsal for hair I'm in hair um there are several people from our community in hair uh the theater last night won an award for the county for um uh Bay Street players um one for the cultural and arts and um they're celebrating their 50th year Bay Street players not the theater but Bay Street players 50th year here and um the next season will is already announced but um we're going to have a an open house and we're going to do some things there at the theater um because again this is it's an anchor it's part of our community it's been part of our community and we want to see it flourish and I think there's a again a Resurgence a reset if you will on a lot of different things going on in town so um I'm on board I'm your biggest cheerleader I was never a cheerleader high school but I am now um and I can't do cartwheels and splits but I sure will get the word out whatever you need me to do so thanks Marie you're welcome and the Chamber is doing great under your direction thank you for all you're doing we are having a good time appreciate it thank you thank you anyone else that would like to speak about something that's not on the agenda this evening not see we're going to move ahead we have three items on the consent agenda is there anything anybody would like pulled for discussion uh three number three we'll pull it anything else all right so we've got one and two make motion for approval of uh uh items one and two on the consent agenda so moved second have a first and second any further discussion not hearing you roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland I commissioner Hawkins resolution number 24.4 4 or- 43 yes it's the appointment of legal counsel for city code enforcement board uhuh uh will we have the opportunity uh as a city to uh to decide who we want to fill in uh just in case the uh the person that we're looking to get can't make it Tom you want to answer that sure well Sasha maybe can speak to that and we also have uh Matt Fry is in the audience today he is the attorney that will be representing the code board per this agreement uh but Sasha maybe you can speak to that yes um uh I spoke with Mr Fry and part of the agreement indicates he is a primary attorney and he will provide us notice if he's unable to make a meeting of which member of the firm would be attending in his dead um if there's any issue then we will certainly postpone a meeting if we have to accommodate that or look for a third party that would be recommended just to cover that particular meeting okay and and it goes directly to the code enforcement and they allowed to decide correct it would be coming to uh the city manager and to myself okay you comfortable with that yeah I'm comfortable Matt do you mind coming up and introducing yourself if you don't mind thank you hi good evening uh I'm Matt Fry I work at camp on Hackney across the street uh we apply for the city code enforcement board uh application to be their lawyer to help them with the due process and to make sure that they're running a good ship as far as hearing the respondents who come in for the code violations I sat in the meeting uh leave on Monday and guys are doing great so um happy to be a part of it if you guys improve any questions of Matt all right thank you Matt thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor I haven't read since we did pull it from the consent agenda I need to read the resolution number let you read it um but I just wanted to say that I did ask Matt fairly late today uh to join us so um you know I do appreciate you coming out yes um it was last minute so I did think it was a high schooler coming in same thing all right so let me just go ahead and uh for the record we have resolution number 2443 a resolution of the city Commission of the City of hce Lake County Florida appointing Council for the city's code enforcement board pursuant to chapter 162 Florida Statutes and chapter 2 article 3 section 2571 C of the city ofus code of ordinances and authorizing the city manager to executes that agreement um do we have any further questions uh commission is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on this item okay seeing none go back to you Mr commissioners before us we have resolution 2443 what's the will of our commission so moved thank you have a first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi m thank you Matt have a good evening okay we have resolution number 24-25 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida authorizing a budget amendment to the fiscal year 2023-24 police forfeiture fund budget authorizing a donation to The Eustace Junior Panthers football program and authorizing the finance director to make the necessary budget amendment and providing for an effective date uh Chief Capri would you like to say anything on this item I if I could quickly I just want to point out that uh there were some changes to the resolution you have the updated version in front of you and that's what we'll be asking you to approve this evening yes and for the record the changes are just uh some minor language to address that the chief certifies that these funds uh from forfeiture are being used for lawful purposes as far as um chapter before you hand it over we need to vote chapter 192 that's what I was going to say you read it all or we ready to go I already read the the ordinance I'm sorry the resolution yes go does any of the commission have any questions on this we're going to go ahead and present yes okay are there no questions from the commission no ma'am would anyone in the audience like to comment on resolution number 24-25 okay seeing none it's good okay it's good we're good okay go ahead all right commissioners before us we have resolution number 24-25 what's the will of this commission have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I mayor Holland I congratulations coach Chief the police department donate money to the Panther Johnny does a great job with this program anytime we can partner with youth in the community and be able to get kids off the streets and playing sports especially football is a very popular sport right now and Johnny runs a great program here and his program is second to n uh it's not just a fall program it's a year round program so uh compliments of our friendly neighborhood drug dealers and money that we SE want to give this money back to you from the police department to thank you and and get uniforms for these kids and these kids will have uniforms that have the police department's name on so what a better way to partnership uh with Community with the kids that then give them money to get what they need and then that money is not coming from the taxpayers it's coming from the criminals that want to go out here and commit crimes on our city so I want to present you with a check for $10,000 from the h Police Department the junior Panthers so you can get you guys some uniforms and you look sharp out there on the field and anything we can do for you and I'm sure the city feels the same way as far as helping the program move forward so it lasts and it goes on when we're long G us Junior Panthers will still be here so thank you for all you do [Applause] appreciate y'all want to come in for a picture coach congratulations thank you wonderful she's going to to picture classes I know right and I can assure you the money is going to be is authorized to be used Madam attorney next to next item I have a question referring to this remember we were given funds to and we can make a contribution yes ma'am and I did and I think some us did to on Coach Johny so did that ever happen I gave I I handed my check to coach yeah yeah we a check my money so we'll we'll take a look um Mike Shepard went through all the meeting minutes and watched the videos and then distributed the checks accordingly and so we'll we'll take a look and uh we'll get back to you okay thank you than you $500 Madam attorney back to you thank you Mr Mayor resolution number 2441 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida approving a site plan with waivers for a self storage facility on approximately 1.07 plus or minus Acres located at David Walker Drive and huff settler Drive alternate key number 385 3069 Mr Richardson okay again uh Jeff Richardson deputy director for development services uh we have a proposed resolution 2441 to approve a site plan with waivers for used to self-service storage um property owner is atc2 LLC with Michael Carter as uh designated representative uh no Barnett P from bz LLC as the engineer um the waivers being requested are waivers to section 115-1 which is building facade it talks about the entrances um waivers to section 115 6.1d uh which is uh talks about fenestration window fenestration window coverage um waiver to section 1151 16.1 e uh building orientation again this is about the entrance to the building and waiver to 11561 2B which is metal buildings um we will get in and explain just the one each of those as we kind of go through uh location of the site as you can see this is the end out parcel the tail out parcel at huffstetler Road and David Walker or huffstetler drive and David Walker Drive uh for the bells public Plaza um the property has the MCI future land use as well as a Suburban Corridor designation um The Proposal is for four bill buildings um not recalling the total number of units right now but it's fitting on the site um meeting all of the open space requirements as well as the um maximum perious surface requirements um so the building facade waiver and the orientation waiver which kind of follow each other because they both deal with the same thing this particular facility does not have a office it is all outside units they are all facing internal to the site nothing is facing external which you'll see in some of the facades as we kind of go through here um so obviously no customer entrance it is basically a drive into the facility um with the um clients for the units basically they reserving online through agent I'm not sure what the mechanism is that the uh that the owners are going to use um the second waiver being being requested is to allow for windowless buildings essentially this is a storage facility Windows do not generally go well with storage facility unless you start to get into the really really high-end ones and the last request is for metal buildings in this particular case um the MCI does allow certain conditions for metal buildings um unfortunately this particular site doesn't quite meet those so they are requesting the waiver to be able to utilize the metal building structure one of the things that you will notice as we go through again a copy of the site plan with the four buildings um the rear building which is closest to the parking lot the doors are facing interior to the site the building all the way up on the end again the doors are facing interior to the site and we'll see in the elevations what they proposed um actually to to meet the other guidelines for longer buildings and they match that with the smaller building in the front too uh landscape plan it will be apparently fairly heavily landscaped I was going to cover try to color this up a little bit for yall to kind of give you an indication realized I couldn't quite do it with the software packages that I had uh I think I missed one of my oh no I didn't miss it I'm going to go back and kind of talk a little bit about what they did with the facad here um the longer building which is the one that is on the right or my right at least which I guess would be your right too a little bit confused with orientation here but um they actually did do the offsets with the threefoot offset bringing some of the building out making larger units in those areas so they did provide some lack of better term texture and relief to the building structures as they were as they were building them or as they were designing them uh staff is recommending approval of this particular site plan they did meet all of the other criteria of the Land Development regulations including the design standards except for those waivers that are being asked and those waivers are really kind of unique to this type of facility Jeff is that the entrance uh to the facility is it going to be off of the B's parking lot uh that is what it appears to be yes uh so it will be coming off the bell's parking lot in the end there's a small small section of about four to five spaces that are kind of set off separately I think that was actually set out to be able to provide that as as an access so a 26 footer could go in there with no problem um might be a I'm not quite sure about the turn movements they didn't give us a turn movement diagram but it should be able to probably coming in and utilizing the parking lot to make the turns I would say at the very least that's what it would have to do yeah I think I want to know a little bit more about that and I'm I'm assuming there's going to be a fence off all around them uh the applicant will have to talk to that we didn't review that actually as part of the site plan I don't think they included it I do remember during the DRC asking the engineer I just don't remember what his response back was okay you have a better rendering um I think your site plan packages should have had the f I meant tonight oh this is as big as I can blow it up I meant like a better picture other than that small one that we had uh there's the fulls siiz ones that are part of the package as far as for what I can display here I don't have anything like can you go back to the one before this one the site plan L out the applicant can probably talk about that turn movement too yeah that concerns me would the commission like to hear from the applicant now or are there additional questions for Mr Richardson the applicant want speak on it we could probably learn a little bit more yeah sir corn can we have the applicant come up and address the questions for the commission please I thought you in the parking lot I'm like hi if you could sit your name and address for the record yes hi I'm uh no Barnett uh n o b r NE um the engineer are working on the project um and I just want want to um and good evening everybody um The Turning movements we did run um as far as getting into and out of the site we ran it for um a garbage truck we we've got um a trash enclosure like on the side and we've got the garbage truck able to get in and out of the site um those I know it's like a a smaller picture and it's it's hard to see but um those internal like radi they're all at least 12 ft and it's a 24t lane um so there's plenty of room to get around even though it probably doesn't look here we're very confident that we can get you know vehicles in and out of the site uh very easily um so in that that one I don't know if you can see it on yeah I guess you can see it right kind of at the bottom left uh side that one turn coming off of David Walker directly into the site that radius is is very big it's like 40 ft um get fire truck around it okay yeah is there any reason why you put it in this parking lot as opposed to on the other side on hofstead um there isn't instead of coming from the rear um originally we had two accesses um and we eliminated one of them in favor of the dumpster um it's very very low traffic um we we didn't see the need for two um if there's really no Rhyme or reason why we select one versus the other honestly um it's just the way it ended up um now David Walker feels like a a busier busier roadway so I me I guess we'd want our entrance closer to the busier roadway and sorry once again is there a plan for a fence all the way around the say it again sorry a plan for a fence no there's not there's not really we have a very robust landscape screen around the perimeter m um we'll also be building a new sidewalk you can see it on that plan there around the entire perimeter um but no fence um there is a retaining wall there's there's a decent uh grade differential between the the be shopping center and in our site so if you see on the left side of um that sheet there is kind of this black dashed line uh that's a 3 to 4 foot high retaining wall on that side okay um and there'll be fall protection on top of that okay thank you but no sorry but the retaining wall is only going to butt up against theil site yes yep it's right in the back of I don't know if you can read on your your plan but building one okay a question for you if you're going to all the trouble to put the doors facing in and not to have the windows why wouldn't you put up a fence why wouldn't you put fence all about security yeah no I I understand I wish I had a better answer for you um client said no no offense Sor I mean you know it's it's his investment and he didn't want to offense so um but yeah I hear you I understand and and we um the development staff or Land Development was very clear that hey if you do want to do the fence you're going to have to come back through this process with the site plan we had the option they gave it to us and and declined it um so we understand that if you know they run into some problems and they need off fence where we're going to have to come back and see you guys again duy noted thank you any additional questions from the commission all right um do we have anyone in the audience wishing to speak on this item we see none uh would the commission like to proceed with this tonight or maybe table it and give some feedback to the app for his for his sake what I'm feeling up here right now he might want this tabled yes that's to if it's the sense I got correct absolutely okay so um you've heard what the commission said this evening and you may want to take that back to your client um for a consideration so I'm going to ask for a motion to table this item which means that you'll be able to come back uh within a reasonable time frame instead of having to wait nine months if there's a vote this evening so I I would like to say one thing and I know that they were talking about the no window those and I get it with the storage units but I will tell you especially given the location you know when you're going down and it's a it's a place it's a boat place in taries when you're headed to how uh to hoe and the hills and they basically have just fake like little windows on the outside okay just kind of gives that look that there is a window given that the area it is I would just something to think about well and a lot of the Dollar Generals are built that way exactly they're fake windows they're fake Windows just something to just it's facade uhuh that's we we did do um on anything from the street yeah I understand what you're saying I don't know if you can see the elevations but they did do some some pretty nice treatments with um just the undulation um with a 3- foot like offset and a brick veneer um I see like on the on the outside of the buildings definitely anything facing the street and you know you're driving by on either of the streets um you're only seeing the side of the buildings it's very hard to see the metal rollup doors but you know the classic rollup doors for storage fa about that I'm just talking about the facade on the outside yeah it's very hard to see them from the street I did I see a gate um yes there is a gate if it's automated it'll be like key access um that yeah it's just whoever to let people in and out but a gate a gate with but then you got got you got Landscaping so people can still access the property right um PE well I mean you would need a security key it's going to be no I'm saying it's pretty open with just landscaping and not a fence oh right right right right so people could still go on the ground yeah yeah there's nothing preventing them yep and there is a hedge I mean as much as a hedge will do for you but it's you know a continuous hedge so somebody would have to trample through a hedge to get the proper and you made the the suggestions correct yeah I understand yeah no they're they're good suggestions I I I so um can I get a motion to table this to further to another meeting so Lov second I have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins was it there we're taing it yeah let's table it yes that being I I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi Sasha thank you we have ordinance number 24-22 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 3.03 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 142 8360 and 142 8386 on 1436 Pine Grove Road and 1451 Pine Grove Road Mr Richardson uh this will for the record Jeff Richardson de deputy director for development services um this presid presentation will cover uh actually all three of the ordinances 2422 2423 and 2424 uh for the annexation the future land use and design district assignments uh property owner is 1436 Pine Grove re LLC Chris Cree is the applicant uh this is a request for annexation assignment of future land use and Design District on approximately 3.3 Acres on Grove um Road um as you can see site location the property is a or these two properties are adjacent to the city directly to the north um with similar uh land uses um occurring within the existing Municipal boundary aerial for going of see both sites actually are developed with building being used for uh Warehouse industrial distribution storage oper ations um the property is within the joint planning area uh according to the excuse me according to Florida Statutes um the property has been noticed to Lake County on or about or actually on April 22nd letters went out that morning um notice twice in the newspaper uh May 6th and May 13th um signs were posted on the properties for all three actions being taken place today uh the request has been reviewed per chapter 163 3187 Flor statutes for the city of um eustace's future land use element and per chapter 102 of the Land Development regulations Uh current future land use is urban low uh which allows up to four dwelling unit breaker as a residential as well as a s um additional uses um be they commercial multif family Etc um the request is for General industrial um this matches the uses that are currently occurring on the property as well as those that are directly occurring within current Municipal boundaries to the north uh the request is consistent with the surrounding future land use designations um and actual operational uses be unincorporated or Incorporated um uh facilities are available right now water service is available to the property it is actually being served there are meter boxes actually on both properties um property is not located within the 100-year plane flood plane and is not located within gra study area existing development on the property there has been similar uses to what the applicant is intending with the property ongoing on this properties again water is available to the property um subject properties are not in 100-year flood plane there is a little bit of wetland on the property um if that has not already been taken care of the Wetland is a generalized line based on the national Wetlands inventory um moderate recharge at 48 inches per year in this area the soils are Candler Sands uh very well drained uh subject properties are in a partial Enclave uh between the City of eustus Lake County and city of taries current city limits are directly to the north of the property uh the requested Design District is going to be Suburban neighborhood um whereas the city Design District has predominantly residential uses in some smaller scale commercial uses um as noted in the staff report we did talk a little bit about the Suburban neighborhood versus the Suburban District the surrounding areas including the existing General Industrial in the city are still within the Suburban neighborhood designed District therefore we continued that line and continued that request uh recommendation is for approval of ordinances ordinance numbers 2422 2423 and 2424 um it is within the jpa it is consistent with surrounding future land uses um and would be a consistent addition to the city thank you Jeff does the commission have any questions for Jeff uh for the annexation this one doesn't have sewer either uh sewer is not available on this on to the west of the railroad tracks apparently uh which would include uh the the fuel Place uh what was light speed um as well as these properties and then the unincorporated properties to the South are all on septic tank sorry didn't finish my thought anything further would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-22 okay seeing none we'll close by a comment Mr Mayor commissioners before we have or it's number 24-22 what's the will of our commission so moved second have a first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi next is ordinance number 24-23 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 16331 187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 3.03 Acres of real properties at alternate key numbers 14283 60 and 1428 386 on 1436 Pine Grove Road and 1451 Pine Grove Road from Urban low in Lake County to General Industrial in the city of Eustace we've had presentation does the commission have any questions for Mr Richardson anyone in the audience wishing to speak on ordinance number 24-23 seeing none we'll close public comment um Mr Mayor thank you commissioners before us we have ordinance 24-23 what's the will of our commission so moved thank you a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any rooll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland I the last group is of this ordinance is ordinance number 24-24 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 3.03 Acres of real properties at alterate Key numbers 4 28360 and 142 8386 on 1436 Pine Grove Road and 1451 Pine Grove Road we've had presentation or there Comm questions from the commission for Mr Richardson anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-24 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance 24-24 what's the will of our commission so move thank you second have a first and a second we'll give that to n any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner cob hi mayor Holland hi thank you thank you Sasha you're welcome next we come down to Future agenda items and comments um since you've been gone Gary start us off well I have been gone um it's been a while since we've been here yeah um so the only thing I'd like to say is I've been I've been following the Eustace High School School softball team absolutely and they are truly amazing um they are playing tomorrow for the Regional Championship and I'm I'm just amazed how these girls come together yeah um and never get rattled even when they're down they're they're teamwork is definitely a tribute of you know coach Coach Lee and them working together but I encourage everyone to go out and see the game tomorrow and and cheer them on it's 7 o' at the field on all thingss absolutely anything else that's all we want to congratulate you on your wedding thank you thank you very much welcome back thank you and if you would um I leave on vacation please text me tomorrow me up dat I'll be jumping up and down and I would like to go ahead and ask City staff since I will be out of town uh as these girls progress along and when they win that state championship we do want to do a parade and a celebration down in faren park absolutely um so if we could go ahead and start start getting ready for that okay Dan yes sir um couple things I would like to call for a workshop on the live local act especially the two updates that have been recently last week in as of today the governor sign the governor signed off on them today and we definitely definitely definitely have to take a look at that because it's um it's impacting us so I would like to call for a workshop sooner than later so I don't know maybe you want to do that at the time of yeah I we can so I know uh the mayor has some obligations after the June 6th meeting uh do you would you like to do a workshop prior to the June 6th meeting do we have any pre- meetings on June 6th we're going to take a separate Workshop by itself oh so we do not want to do it on a commission evening it's too much need more time June 6th we do have a 5:45 LPA okay live locals it's too important it's too big I I I think to very dealt with this last night um I asked Tom to reach out to John Drury to see what the city of tares is looking at my meeting that I have on June 6 following our commission meeting I am be going to be driving to Fort Lauderdale for the league of cities right and I'm hoping to get more information down there for that okay if we could maybe do it the foll or the following week after June 6 I'm hoping uh we can get enough information from taries uh and from the Florida leue of cities is how to best approach this we know we've got a problem and I think our local legislative delegation understands we have a problem yes what does June 11th look like for everybody June 11th I'm good I'm not not going to be available out of the country um so 13 no you won't be available what about so kind on 13th mayor is heading out of town um so I'm trying to figure out if there's an opportunity to do it yet in May um we lose will we yeah oh you leave okay how about the 10th of June the third when do you leave Sasha the seventh the seventh the third I'm available the third that's the uh let's see 10th of June is code board uh so there would be a conflict with the room and um the is open third is it's not good for me I think the mayor said the six you have a discussion with the Florida League of cities so actually the next day but I'm going to have to leave here right after our commission meeting to be able to get down there because it's an early morning meeting okay you want to do it after that preferably preferably it would be better I think after the sixth oh cuz I got the fourth and the fifth open the sixth uh Thursday the 13th is an off it is a non-commission Thursday I don't know I will be in Orlando okay well depending the time I might be available that night but the daytime I'm just waiting on a time frame all right why don't why don't we go ahead and is the 13th okay with everyone Sasha yes let's put it on the on the 13th I'll try to get just earli appoint um we'll go ahead and set it for 5:30 okay and um then we'll adjust accordingly as we get closer yeah as soon as I know the time then I will let you guys know Christine what kind of time frame do you need for advertisement to know for sure for a workshop yeah that's all we need to do yes okay 5:30 5:30 530 thank you some they anything else yes sir um Rick down on um on the corner of Grand Island Shores in 44 I know the the little bit of a mess had been there and then our guys went out and we had some water issues could you just please send the the claw truck out there to clean scoop that mess up yeah okay I appreciate that and uh just a couple more things for you uh um if you can give me an update on the islands and then give the commission an update on the Lake County Water Authority Grant please sir sir um so the islands we are progressing with it um since the design was done um yes some of the material is gotten a little bit rougher than it was when we picked everything out excuse me I'm still carrying a little cough for my trip um and then also we had a uh there was a vehicle that went up in the islands and actually took out a bunch of the material that was in good shape um that's happened a couple times now so we just executed a second change order so as they're out there we're looking at stuff at what we need to do we're not done um we've heard some good feedback we're not going to get that feedback if we leave it the way it is right now um we know that so yeah we're we're going back there's areas that we're going to do we are putting in some more Juniper to replace some of the other Juniper rather than tearing it all out I know that's not your favorite um ugly but it's if we can get a nice full beted of it it'll be it'll be better and it's um but a lot of it where if if there's an area where it there's a lot of it that been damaged then it comes comes out and gets replaced with something else but the the project was not a full replacement of everything but when we get done it'll be pretty solid and established so we did execute that change order I think Tom signed off on it yesterday um and we're going to make sure by the time we're done everything is filled in so we'll be good uh oh Lake County Water Authority I got noticed today um that it appears two pro two of the grants um are being recommended from the technical advisory team to go to the board next Wednesday um city of eus coolage is um one that is being moved for the board for recommendation uh we had asked for 900,000 because that is the total amount that Lake County Water Authority had so I asked for it all um we were short 1.5 million from Appropriations shoot for the fences so absolutely so the the max award they have for any project is 500,000 and what they do they award off of a point system so as a project qualifies um I think we qualified for 303 points which in turn relates to $33,000 for the grant so that will go Wednesday um I'm planning on going um I believe Tom's going um and commissioner cob will go as well um and I will have a presentation prepared I've already spoken to some of the board members over there they said don't really come in with a formal presentation but have one in your pocket in case you need to address it so um it's looking good for us it's looking good and it helps that'll help the sign at the Clifford Taylor house looks wonderful yeah and uh our our Sign Guy Lee Lee love it he um we did that in- housee did you so yeah yeah we're able to do that with that new equipment we got a couple years ago so came out really nice it looks good great rickk Rick before you move yes sir um I know that and I know the answer to this but because of people listening um the flooding problem that we had with the bad storm at Pine Meadows the other day can you just do it just a quick what we're doing to address some of that yeah so we went out actually it was um I had been out that day um it wasn't a super intense rain and things it it was wet but it looked okay um that night I saw the video that was passed forward um we went out looked at it there was some erosion there's some areas where Cil fence is down and some flooding and um Joby went out and spoke to the contractor the contractors had the the site guys had demobilized because basically they got so much rain out there that it was unworkable uh but they were to address it this morning and I believe J went out and checked on it today to see what they can do you know a lot of it when you have the the neighborhood under construction and you're in the construction phase you protect the inlets the storm inlets and you put barriers in there and and maybe a a normal Inlet takes 5 cubic feet of per second of water once you put those barricades in to keep the sil and mud in rather than 5 cubic feet you're probably getting like .5 cubic feet so the water will stage up it won't go into the inlets as quickly so everything will stage and drop on the super high intensity rains that we get it's going to Stage higher than normal and at that point it ran out over into Pine Meadows Golf Course Road um part of the construction um we've talked to the contractor the contractor out there has been fairly responsive when we've had concerns and I would expect that to be the case we're going to keep an eye on it um you know the last week really we just start getting our normal seasonal rains always at the beginning you kind of get that crust over the the Earth on your first rainfalls the the intensity is up and you don't have the percolation rates once it starts breaking out you get a little better percolation but we'll we'll keep an eye on it and make sure they're doing what they need to do and it was a large amount of rain it was very high no very high intensity it wasn't typical rain no there was there was a lot of a lot of flooding but it's more of a staging because you can't handle the water and then it's going going down where where we get really concerned and need to do engineering designs when it doesn't go back down so there the water will stage up but I just wanted everybody to be able to hear that I know we've got watch I just have two more things I promise um when you're going down what the West Crooked Lake okay and the road right I'm just drawing a complete blank the road right there at Bennett Park Center Center grow grow we go to grow so you know how we have the the inlets that go in back in the today the water run off clearly wet in the leg that's what was allowable at the time and I talked to Mike bristen about this before and I'm not sure where it kind of landed but when we have these rains what's going on is going in the drains the people are littering there's cups there's cans cigarette butts and we if we can get some kind of a drain there not those socks you know those big sock things those are awful is there any kind of a drain system something we can put in there so it'll let the water go through but collect the trash so it doesn't go into the lake yeah what the the problem is when you when you put those catch containers they fill up so quick they're not really easy to get into like you know normal manhole to put something in the normal manhole to catch in the inlet um to get in there and clean them out is really difficult because your access points to get in so they get blocked up and then it restricts the flow once the garbage gets in we've got a couple of them out at faren but we when we did the storm water job we went in with massive structures so you can open them up and pull the grates out and do it why don't we is there something that we can put on there and then after a storm we just have to check it I mean I we don't have it's it's there we we have what we have we cannot do that but what is to say that we can't send somebody out after these major storms you know and and just clean them out I mean is there something that we can put just something that we can other than those socks those socks are awful yeah I I can look at I mean if you wouldn't mind looking we can do it but we have I think like 700 manholes throughout the city and it and it's everywhere you know it happens everywhere at this for me it was just talking about West Crooked Lake if we could just start one at a time and see how it works to see how it works and then um and that's it one other thing I know we got we received an email about these charging stations we have a gentleman in Lake County Ben Fon he's a member of Lake 100 and he's probably the the the southeast largest provider of these charging stations could we please contact him and take these other ones out because they're very outdated it's very old um Hardware I know we're not in uh we we're out of the uh we're out of the uh um Le leas thank you vice mayor we're out of the lease right now and can we get get a handle on this please so Ellis has been working with charge point because it's it's we are we are done with our lease Arrangement and they have sent a proposal to install new equipment and do a new lease Arrangement uh the direction from commission previously was clearly we need to start charging yes for people to charge we need to recoup our costs yes it doesn't need to be a revenue generator but we should be recouping our cost and so they have submitted a proposal for 1 three and fiveyear leases uh and we're in the process of reviewing that uh if there is no interest to go with charge point we can look at other uh options I'd like to have us at least get get a second opinion or second quote you know second lease option just take a look at that because they clearly don't take care of what they have so that's it thank you Willie okay you sure I can be to all right I um just give me a couple of minutes on this please um I think that the high school is actually own to something with their uh uh with the coaches that Joe as an addition you know he brought the uh uh the blue and gold game to U Cory rolfield last Friday and it was amazing um it was great to see people from all over the city at that Park enjoying the football game uh and it actually brought life to that that part of the city uh that night and that was cooperation between the school and parks and wreck and the police department and kudos to all involved um we only had a week to turn it around and make it happen and everybody jumped in and and uh and made it go um I know you all have probably heard this um the uh the power poles they are hideous they they are and shame on me and and I take to blame because if I had known that they were going to be that big I would have would have uh opposed anything that they tried to do uh talking to uh Nancy they're coming before us again in October for the next phas I'm not happy I looked at the pictur that that Fred put up of the uh the city of hustus from the air and from the water those poles are totally going to destroy what our city looks like I drove along 441 through Mount Dora they have high po but there nothing like that stuff that they put going through our city and I for one happy with them uh I know that it would be expensive to have gone underground and I don't know if anyone else knew what they were proposing but I'm not happy with I will tell you Carla before she passed she was on the commission she approached underground I the was not an option the answer was no the only other option and we were very blessed to be able to not have it run through faen park because you know that was the initial that was the initial path was faren Park but they're so big you may as well have Tak them through faen Park yeah uh but I'm I'm just not happy with it and I don't know if there think any of us like it there's something that they can do to make them look a little bit nicer from where he's trying to put his business you know from our l u you know to look back at the um at the Horizon uh and see those from Lake I think but we still want you to come exactly well you know I know in some cities they've painted them up to a certain height and maybe we should do that cuz they they do they look Terri I thought Chief had a good idea he said put like Pine of Christmas trees on of them you know lights or some something but yeah something to to make them you know look a little uh a little bit nicer um last night we had the opportunity to to uh to go to a function that was uh uh supported by um Advent Health uh they've come before us and we've all said that you know they're a great partner uh Gary and I have gone out to the clinic and we see they do great work out there um this is a city of compassion I'd like to think Late Community Action late cares uh and the schools when they're in need uh junior Panthers so this is a city of compassion we have a clinic in our city limits that needs some help and I I'd like to have a conversation at some point about how we can partner with them in some way you talking about the Advent Clinic yeah the Advent Clinic they are um the property level has gone is 300% they're uping it to 300% now they've seen so far probably 300 more people than they saw this time last year and I suspect the numbers are going to be higher um and and they need help um I'm not saying that we give them $100,000 but I I'd like to have a discussion about how we can at least ease some of them you know some of the burden that they have and it's up to us to figure out what that looks like but I think that's a conversation convers that we need to have uh they come to us and I mean and they pretty much asked us when they came they told us that they needed help and we all no thank you for coming you do a great job I I spoke to Abel last night and when I get back I will arrange a a meeting with him and we can sit down and have something out yeah and then bring it back to the commission if that's okay yeah that would be great because I'd like to know you know what what their true needs are and and well what a partnership may look like with them well talking to to edley uh they they were trying to get uh someone in to help uh because I guess a lot of their funding was cut it was and uh the person they were trying to get it was 38,000 and she's like well I don't expect that uh if we could get something that would help but I don't expect that so anything would help uh but they take care of a lot of people they can't take care of themselves and again we are and a lot of people may not like to hear it but we are the city of compassion I will tell you I was uh the North Lake Hospital taxing district is has a meeting tonight and they are in the starting of discussions of pre militate what that looks like because there's some issues there with the funding and I and I I would get in trouble with this and but I I'm gonna say this we've got folks that are a member of the same political party that I'm from that fight that right North Lake County Hospital tax constantly we've got to take care of our people that money is going to come from somewhere we're going to pay it as individuals or we can spread it throughout our community to try to help people we going to have to have a bigger conversation and I would ask our citizens to go attend those meetings those are open meetings by law people need to know when those meetings are they need to go to those meetings because at the end of the day we're hurting our own folks and we're all just one heartbeat away from needing that clinic especially in the economy we're today yeah yeah so I I would like to seriously have that conversation that's fine fine anything else Willie nope that's it thank you for bringing that forward over Vice Mayer first I want to congratulate Rick and Neil those roads in the cemetery are so good so much better and drives up and down I I don't have to go over a speed bump anymore speed them speed bumps were rough take an axle out so it's so much better thank you so much for that it's just the beginning I know and um thank you for the work on the cliff house yep we are going to have um continue working on the uh American Blom and and uh I'm so proud of our first effort worker with the Clifford house and um I think it's going to be spectacular come June all the plans that are going on um I think that's about oh the city of Huston spirit Spirit awards that was really great and we saw so many new people and the and the building was just bursting it seems with so many staff and people were who work for the city it was really great and I hope next year we could kind of meet them uh do a better job of getting to know who they are where they belong and all of that so but I thought that was really awesome um to see the I don't know it's just like a good feeling a positive feeling everybody there had a really good feeling and and and uh and interacting with each other so I really really enjoy that and thank thank you guys for putting it on for them and um oh and I attended the Lake Tech CTE graduation 8:30 in the morning but it was so worth it it was really really nice yes and you got to see me yeah and I got to see the mayor at 8:30 in the morning that was such a joy and then uh we also had graduation at the college it was awesome too we even had fireworks I'm glad that um Mr Swanson wasn't Chief Swanson wasn't there because he probably put it out but it was really spectacular and so I've had really great experiences in the things that I've done and how our community comes together to make things happen and and en joyous for everybody that's my thank you so much Tom yes anything um the um just a couple of things um everybody I think knows that we've been working with the county uh on uh setting up a joint um Workshop or joint meeting uh we had to reschedule uh but we are I'm working with County staff on um possible dates and so I'll be in touch with the related to that um couple of big projects um master plan downtown master plan uh we are uh we had gotten a uh draft document from our Consultants uh several staff members reviewed the draft um had some edits uh they're working on the edits we should have those shortly uh but I did want to uh one of the the Consultants on the project team has uh left the company and so uh we're working with the uh Consultants to kind of uh work on those uh edits and uh get the commission a draft document so working on that um strategic plan uh working with the consultant to do uh a better job of uh fleshing out uh what exactly is happening and when so we can get information to you about that process uh so that you can be uh prepared uh for the various steps in that process so more to come on that and we'll have uh we'll be proposing some dates uh on the next steps for that uh also working with our land use Consultants uh we had individual meetings the city commission uh we're also having some meetings with uh developers uh we've got one set up with Mr keing uh who clearly is a a huge player in the future development of Eustace um and has a huge interest in uh working as part of the process so uh we've got that meeting set up uh coming up for uh him to engage with the consultants and we'll keep you informed on uh future steps for that uh I think that's all I have say something it I wish that we could move faster than we're moving towards the things we have to do we've been this Redevelopment Redevelopment and it seems like it's a snail's paste I don't know what we have to do to activate it or or go at fastest speed but is there any possibility that we can I thought that last September because that was the thing that I was concerned about we we were told that it would be probably about 6 to n months not so much nothing and at this and at this rate at at at this rate we're going to go another five years before anything is done so related to the master plan uh we are like I said we did get a draft document we're making edits to that we're asking them to incorporate those edits into the document um I we can't control uh turnover at the uh Consultants that we've used but uh we're working through that and uh we'll have something to you shortly that brings up another question that I have and and I hate to even bring this up how are our developers working together um because my my greatest fear is that we have this master plan ready to go and that there is infighting or a problem with them and then we're going to sit another six months trying to get another group together for this development um is it time for us to sit back down with them or have them come back in front of us and and have a conversation of how they're getting along um I'm just throwing it out there I mean you know we're we all go to different meetings and we hear different things and I just I if there is a problem there we as a commission need to know about it sooner than later and think and and I think it needs to me be a meeting in front of the commission uh because you you you're you're less likely to go the other way and as commission C said sooner rather than later exactly yeah yes I agree yeah I guess what I can say to that is they've all been engaged in the process they've been part of the um the meetings that we had with the Consulting team uh as to how are they getting along I think I think they have different ideas on how to move forward uh but we can set up a meeting uh where we can ask them to come before commission and talk a little bit about how they're feeling about the process because I can tell you this commission can make a decision quickly on how to move forward I know that I can and I know the the other four can as well yeah time cuz we we when was the last time they came before us together yeah it's been a while yeah it's been a long and if we're requiring people to come before us on updates they're a huge part of what we're doing I'd like to see them that's a 70 to1 million project exactly come to us with updates together yeah so I did have one thing just on a lighter note I forgot to mention last night was the community service Awards eustus cleaned house cleaned up we won about nine of the awards we did very very well and one of them was my husband Jerry I was very proud of him for that he won the Hall of Fame award but we had many many in eustus win um Bay Street players our high school our high schoolers so we we were very well represent Mr George Georgie Georgie was shita oh she left yeah there was many many people represented from and I I'm very proud of us and I'm very proud of our people and uh we showed up and showed almost everywhere we go eust shows up that's right almost everything just was in the house we're the only one with five Commissioners there too yeah that's exactly correct consistently anywhere we oh I'm Sor I have no reports Madam attorney no reports nothing the uh Community Service Awards were great and sitting there as a full commission we were very proud of our community and and the representation that we had the awards that were won were beautiful and it shows the dedication to our of our citizens to the city uh that they're in so it was great looking forward to uh hopefully a state championship softball team um and uh being able to celebrate those young ladies I I I'm a full believer even if they don't bring home trophy but I think they are that we need to have some kind of celebration for them anyway because going as far as they've done and they're beating schools a lot bigger than us um just very proud all to all in all proud of our education system here within the city and I want to thank this commission for working as diligently as you do each one of us are involved with those schools and we're out there with them so um Lake Tech attended that graduation not only did I attend the one with Emily but I was able to attend um the graduation for folks that have gone through the GED program and was very proud of that all in all Lake Tech graduated about 800 students last week we've got a gym right in our city that we have not really fully engaged um and wrapped our arms around and I think it's now time that we do that as well there is so much going on out there in our eustus campus and so much more that their executive director wants to do here in Eustace and I think we've shunned it in the past but we need to wrap our arms around it that relationship and then the relationship that we have with Lake Sumpter State College um just very excited about where we've got where we what's in front of us so I might add like some to broke their records as the M graduating also next year there won't be room in the J gym for either one of them almost we probably have to do something outside there's been so many because I believe there'll be about 900 or more next year absolutely wow and so we've got to kind of help them with those situations also we need to help them with it we also need to be able to help them with the growth project projection that they have coming forward and and be able to be uh the city that's going to help them grow as well so folks thank you I wanted to be out of here about an hour ago but it was it was a good meeting and I thank you all for staying with us we are a charm