e good evening everyone and welcome to eustus City Hall this is a regular City Commission meeting it is Thursday April 18th 2024 at 6: p.m. if you would like to join us for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance led by commissioner cob please stand thank you amen commissioner cob if you'll please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and jce for thank you officially call us to order is there a qu present proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much Tom agenda updates uh yes sir if we could add an item under presentations Chief Swanson would like to do an introduction perfect thank you so much all right next we have approval of minutes from our March 21st 20124 City commission meeting and our April the 4th 2024 City commission meeting what's the commission move for approval from vice mayor second all right we'll give that to Gary so first and a second any further discussion roll call please commissioner cob I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi Chief Swanson oh good evening evening I'm Chief Swanson um I'd just like to take a minute to introduce you to our uh new training Captain we brought in the fire department he hit the ground running so we haven't been able to get him in here because of uh training we actually hired new firefighters and uh he went right into training our new firefighters and threw together a leadership class for us uh so I got him here tonight just to introduce him to you uh we call him Captain Coots come on come on up um uh he was worried you know getting the job and I told him the only thing that I got against hiring him is is his last name I can't say it right so cus cantos vantos so uh we're really proud to have him he's an excellent uh asset he's actually an international fire instructor he's taught all over the world and we're just really lucky to have him and he's here for the right reason he wants to make a difference to the department that wants wants change Captain Welcome to our family good afternoon thank you for having me my name is Nicholas cavanos I'm the new training Captain with eustus fire department I'm happy to be here absolutely welcome thank you how you spell your name how do you spell it spell it it's long a lot of vows c u Von c o u t s o u v like Victor a n o s c sanos CS for short once he learned how to spell his name he learned he could I want I want the spelling be I was going to say this guy with the spelling be welcome and we look forward to working with you thank you so much thank you and this is the first time the usess fire department has had three people in admin so it's it's been a remarkable uh process for us so thank you for that thank you thank you and next we've got the presentation of our recognition of our new Miss Eustace ladies Miranda thank you mayor Holland Miranda Mir um events and tourism manager for the city of Eustace um tonight I asked our royalty to come um be introduced in front of the commission so that everybody can certainly have a face with a name if you haven't already already had an opportunity to meet them these girls hit the ground running after they were crowned in February and they have already been so many places in throughout the community if you've been following our Facebook page you will have noticed the many many places and and things that they have done to represent us so well already this year so and we look forward to much more um I would like to start with our tiny Miss Eustace Blake Beal and Blake if you want to come up here and stand our little Miss Eustace arah Waters our Junior Miss Eustace Lucy dorfler our Teen Miss Eustace Sydney CB Miss Eustace Khloe CB and our Miss georgefest Caroline shansky and if you aren't familiar with Miss George Fest that's probably because it was brand new this year um she is our first Miss George Fest congratulations Caroline and Caroline will be representing our area at the Miss Florida um organization scholarship pageant in June but along with Caroline we are very excited to announce that Khloe SE is going to join her as her Miss George Fest Teen um it's an awesome opportunity that Khloe um was awarded through the Miss Eustace pageant so we are a very excited to watch these girls represent us on the Miss Florida stage in June um and they have too been working very very hard if you're not familiar with Miss Florida it also contains a community service component to that and these girls have gone above and beyond with their community service platform and tonight we're going downstairs to practice interview skills again with them um they are working very hard to do an excellent job at Miss Florida and they will represent Eustace and Miss George Fest amazingly when they get there I know they will thank you so thank you and if you guys could take a picture let's bring the Commission in yall stay right there we're going to come in behind you Rand you need to be in the picture too as the Director not you're going to come up with us okay all right ladies every every time that I open Facebook anymore there is a post from our Miss Eustace pageant and you all are all over the State of Florida and I couldn't be prouder this is more than just a beauty pageant you all are the best ambassadors we have as a city so thank you so much Miranda thank you for taking on the Miss eustus Pageant thank you for working hard to get us connected back to the Miss Florida pageant I think it's going to do a lot to help our city and to promote us as we go forward thank you so much ladies thank [Applause] you all right next we're coming down to audience to be heard if you would like to speak to the commission about something that's not on the agenda this is your opportunity Tom do you have any cards yes uh first card is Randy June and as you come up just remember you have three minutes at the microphone thank you mayor Commissioners my name is Randy June and I actually want to talk about an item I think is on the agenda for discussion later about you ilities and I'm happy to defer that discussion there's going to be a public spot there to speak rather than bore you now so uh mayor there at your request there is an item on the agenda under other business uh discussion item about development we do not generally open those discussion items to audience to be heard um and so I it's it's the will of the commission as to whether you'd like to hear this now or uh later on let's go ahead and hear it now okay thank you well my name is Randy June again at 23 uh West Joiner Street in Winter Garden and I'm the engineer and developer of the white rose proposed subdivision at uh 44 and 437 just half mile west of Publix um we have been in the process and I say the process with you guys for uh providing us utilities since early 2021 um we've gone through a zoning process whereby we need need your input and approval I'm providing you to utilities for zoning uh Next Step was our preliminary subdivision plan which we've done that as well um and I think in conjunction with you guys and now we're in the final construction plan phase the last six six months or so um whereby we have got uh plans resubmitted to you all and the utility folks uh with comments from our review of our uh final construction plans also have submitted back to Lake County very near approval with them uh very near approval not near approval but submitted for traffic light at Cardinal Lane um U so we've been working with the project for a couple of years and I know you guys have concerns with the uh utility um plan out there and and in your search for additional information but as you can imagine we are you know way down the road with this project and had some dependency on on getting utilities from you guys and just wanted to reject that with all your you know future uh analysis of the of the utilties out there we are located right next door um to the plant um I think it'll be a great customer for somebody someday and I just wanted to Roach out with you guys now and let let you know and hopes that we could keep progressing with the review of our project and hopes that you you uh provide us utilities thank you Randy Happ to answer any questions I think we're good thank you sir thank you Gail Isaac Thomas good evening Commissioners city manager and attorney I have but one question and it's about the community redevelopment committee that was formed about two years ago what has happened Tom can get back with you later we're not going to answer questions at this time tonight okay okay all right and while I'm here I just want to say that Mr Jones is not here Horus and I just want to let you all know that my cousin marjerie Carol Buckner that was on the board for the housing department transition on Tuesday so please keep my family in in prayer Miss margerie was here a couple meetings back with Dale she sat on the front row with the oxygen on yeah I yeah gaale you're in our thoughts and prayers we loved her Tom yes uh chrisy chiarelli hi Christie hello good evening everyone I'm back um the issue that I have tonight that I wanted to bring to your attention is we have a sidewalk that is in the 4 4 gables on Cotton court that is under um a a barricade two signs that have been moved around several times I put a call in after a couple of the homeowners did before February 3rd and I know it was before February 3rd because the first picture I have of the barricade in the two signs is February 3rd so we've been letting it go we've had two meetings since homeowners want to know what is going on the sidewalk is blocked we have that's one of our amenities for our 44 Gables the beautiful walking trails we have through there it is not a private Community it is open to the public so we do have people that come through because it is known for being able to walk safely around the neighborhood um the barricade is still there the signs are still there the signs have now been pushed into the Landscaping the barricade has been shifted over I called I left a message for Chris Helms I never did get a response I waited and waited we had another meeting April 15th we talked about it again I called on the 16th spoke with Sally Sally advised that I email her pictures which I did and they are dated and I have that here the dates of the pictures February 3rd March 6th April 4th I told her I didn't take any pictures April 15th after the meeting because it was dark and it's a mute point at this point because we have the documentation Sally called me back to tell me that they're not going to get any repairs done for sidewalks until after all of the repaving is done ironically the same day I called one of my other homeowners Tom called um and also sent an email he did get a response back from Chris late in the afternoon and the response he got was that currently the Public Works Street Maintenance crew is working on repaving several streets in the city and all Manpower is dedicated to that job once they have completed all Paving for the season they'll get back to smallest Street and sidewalk repairs that are needed we're hoping to be back to our normal schedule before the end of the month feel free to reach out with any other questions before I read that I had spoken with Sally she told me that the 1 of May they'll probably get started on those projects I also called back and I spoke with Christine who was extremely helpful and told me that I could certainly email you all and I explain to her that you have bigger things to do I don't want to bother you with this little project however what I think got to me was when I went on Facebook and I saw that the mulch was done by the public works department I understand we want to beautify our city but we as homeowners are paying taxes and we would like our sidewalks to be safe so I express my concern that I do not want to hear any of anybody getting hurt any accidents or injuries or anything like that and I just think it's about time that we decide as the public works there on that TI of a schedule that we have no one that can go out and look at this sidewalk so hopefully we'll see them soon in the neighborhood director of Public Works is in here tonight I'm sure he heard that so fantastic thank you and again thank you for your time and great to see you all again thank you thank you thank you Kristen Nelson I don't do you have a card sir hi there um my name is Kristen Nelson I live um 2928 Tangerine Court leeburg Florida and I'm here with my friend stevenh salski on behalf of um prolife um Endeavor um personhood cities so I just thought I would um read a um some scripture if that's okay um so I guess I'll start in um deuteron oh by the way did anyone know that and I don't know I didn't know this until recently I mean very recently that um fetus in Latin means um little one you know that anyone want to raise your hand if you knew that already I'm just kidding okay um Deuteronomy 7 um so this is just um and no okay know therefore that the Lord thy God he is God and faithful God which keepeth Covenant and mercy with him that love him keep his Commandments to the a thousand generations and um repay at them that hate him to their face to destroy them he will not be slacked to him that that hateth him he will repay him face to face um actually wait a minute um this is from Psalm 139 says I will praise thee I am fearfully and wonderfully made that would be in my mother's womb right uh marvelous are are thy works and and that my soul knoweth right well my substance was not hid from the When I Was Made and SE secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth Thine Eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them so uh Isaiah 44:24 um sing oh ye Heavens okay thus sayith the Lord um the Redeemer and he that formed the from the womb I am the Lord that maketh all things that stretches forth the heavens alone that spreadeth abroad the Earth by himself that frustrate the tokens of the liars and maketh divers mad that turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolish okay that was um 44 and there was there's one more verse Oh yeah this is good stuff here um for to be carnally M for they that are after The Flesh do not mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit but to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace thank you amen uh that's it as far as cards did you fill out a card yes someone up and and give us your name please thank you beloved mayor Commissioners citizens I'm lay brother Steven Gerard sidlowski I'm here a second time as a wonderful pro-life speaker I am here to speak for the baby person peacefully developing the pregnant mother's womb so that this precious little person will always be preserved and protected and safe in your wonderful city of Eustace the baby is a person in the womb we all started our journey of Life of personhood in our mother's wombs with my MBA credentials from Xavier University in Cincinnati Ohio where I graduated in 1997 and with my bwe engineering credentials from Purdue University in West lafay Indiana which I graduated in 1985 I will be researching and analyzing your demographics and conservative vote Tendencies key words for Eustace and various other cities and towns in Lake County and throughout Florida since I served honorably in the US Navy both as enlisted and as commissioned officer I will defend the new constitutionality of new personage cities in Eustace and Florida and throughout the USA we can all do this because the US Supreme Court threw out the 1973 row decision in 20122 with the new dos decision H to SM and city council you now have another flyer in front of you with a wonderful Bible bookmark citizens if you don't have that please see me afterward but please once you have reviewed the proposed personhood resolution please then collectively guide your wonderful city manager Tom if it's Sereno or Kino I'm not sure Kino to Kino to place this wonderful person to resolution on the next agenda so that it can be considered and then voted on between the upcoming Mother's and Father's Day season that's now upon us and since Mother's Day is on the horizon I want to give a special loving appreciation for my mother Arlene Marie who gave me the gift of birth and the gift of breath okay also please remember everybody the upcoming National Day of Prayer is May 2nd the first Thursday of May I hope everybody will find a location to attend I hope actually hope Eustace has a National Day of Prayer I don't know if that's true or not but please start praying for future personhood cities not just in Eustace but the 14 cities and towns that exist in Lake County I've done a little bit of your analysis and I know know Lake county is very conservative remember prayer from the heart it's a start even for a new Eustace person in city thank you God bless you all I I I'm going to I don't normally do this and I usually don't encourage the commission to do this but tonight I'm going to respond to you a little bit um my personal beliefs align with yours okay and I think that this is a very Christian based City commission uh we're involved in our local churches we we care I as a mayor have to watch and do things in this city that that pertain to everyone in our community I'm going to PLL the commission real quick to see if they want Tom to go any further uh with any type of decisions that way you're not having to come back and forth um and we're just going to do it that way I you know I I refuse to do proclamations all the time because they do not fit a certain demographic or or belief system and it's because we represent Christian non-Christian we we represent all Races and that's the way that's the why we are nonpartisan in the way we hold our elections in our cities here in Florida um like I said my personal belief aligns very much with yours but I represent 25,000 people not segments of this community so I'm going to pull the commission real quick so Tom has a clear direction from this city commission and we can put this down Gary do you feel like Tom needs to do anything to bring back to us no I don't vice mayor no Willie no n no sir okay Tom you have a clear direction from the city commission I appreciate you being here um but that's where the city commission is at this point thank you Tom anybody else sir uh yes got a card from Darius Carrison Darius I didn't see you back there I'm sorry he just walked in okay I snuck in under the wire there uh darus Carrison um usus resident um I just wanted to come before uh the commission and the people today to say uh thank you for uh this past Saturday for the usess hometown comedy Music Festival um we have another one in the books um we had great weather great food phenomenal people and I just want to say thank you to everybody that made it possible help uh parks and WS thank y'all thank you thank you thank you thank you dar it's great thank you anyone else Tom that's it as far as cards anybody else that would like to speak to the commission about something that's not on our agenda this evening not not seeing any we'll come down to our consent agenda we have one item on the consent agenda any discussion may we have someone in the we had one more who oh come on up I'm sorry I didn't see you back there I guess I should start wearing my glasses did you fill over no I'm wondering if I missed some cards me to come on up come on up come on up all right my name is Nathan Hicks I live at uh in Eustace here I'm kind of a nomad actually but uh we'll just say for that for the public record um I have a SL you have the right up all right good evening a situation occurred this week at my resident in Residence in houon that backs to Highway 19 near the wind Dixie in Publix I arrived home just after usus PD ride at my property from a call they received my neighbors witnessed a man on foot vandalizing my car I had parked on my driveway on Highway 19 for sale after hitting my front window at least five or six times with a rail tie he rammed it through my front wind window damaging the entire front window metal went frame dashboard among other damages convertible top as well my neighbor took a photo of the person who did it whom the officer's ided as a man who lives in a group home down the street with a history of mental mental issues based on this information they would not pursue any arrests or Consequences to this person I'm here to find out I hope I'm misunderstanding my perception of the issue that is mental issues have given this man a get out of jail free card excuse me I received the police report this morning I looked it over made me get some more inside into the situation however I'm more confused now with how I proceed this because I'm told that there can't be any restitution because this person has mental illness he's not even being held for a violent crime that was committed in my neighborhood so I guess I'm here to find out what is the city of Us's stance on people with mental illness in group homes and what are they accountable for and who is in the end is accountable for those people okay chief can you talk to Nathan a little bit would would you giving your card and naan and Nathan once you talk yeah once you talk to the chief I would also like assistance in pursuing what I'm being told that I have to go through the state department DHS or the the Department of Children Affairs or whoever is responsible for this to get restitution for my damages on my property I think Chief can help you out there but if if you need to call further get my number from City give us a call okay so will there be any response to my question tonight he right there right there I hear word you said back there the ACs ARB I can't hear back there I'm kind of [Laughter] old well to add to that the officer that I had but four or five officers out there and the senior officer said said to me there's nobody else to explain the situation to me and that was I didn't think that was an acceptable approach no it's not I'm sure we get ITV I'm good at fixing problems thank you got a PhD in Street anyone else that would like to speak to the commission about something that's not on the agenda bless his heart all right not hearing anything we're going to come down to the consent now um anybody want to pull this for discussion no looking for a motion to approve the consent agenda so move a second a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner cob I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I Madam attorney thank you Mr Mayor uh we have a number of second readings tonight um we have ordinance number 24-15 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 3 acres of real property at alterate Key numbers one6 4309 coolage Street and Swan Avenue on North side of swan Avenue uh Miss taloo presented last time will there be any additional presentation on this are there any questions for Miss taloo for the from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioner before we have ordinance number 24-15 what's the will of our commission so I second okay have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi next is ordinance number 24-16 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of e Leake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 163 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately. 3 acres of real property at alternate key number 106 4309 on coolage street and Swan Avenue on North side of swan Avenue from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of Eustace again we had presentation anything additional to that um Miss taloo no any questions from the commission for Miss taloo on this item would anyone in the public like to speak on this item thank you if you could please come up to the podium state your name and address for the record Brian Broomfield uh resident of the city of Eustace uh I want to first thank uh the city manager for meeting with uh myself and and some of the other residents and some of the um um just people that are right there in that uh particular area and we talked about a few things I think we made progress but I just want to um further express our concerns our concerns our main concern is is the densities that will directly impact the the existing residents that are there and uh and because of the and I think this was the the time that I needed to speak on this you know with what it will do to such a small piece of property and um going back to uh plotting that was established in the n in 1924 um uh if Will you know and and US backing up and having to you know go with those densities please please once again uh consider the infrastructure that's existing right now uh before uh we start to uh build the densities there I think it's would be a wise decision in in in my belief uh to make sure that we have the infrastructure in place uh ahead of the development so that's what we talked about we had a positive meeting and I do appreciate you know you setting this up and you initiating Mr Mayor and uh thank you for taking the time to uh meet with us thank you thank you would anyone else in the public like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24- 16 what's the will of our commission so moved thank you second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I next is ordinance number 24-17 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately. 3 acres of real property at alternate key number 10 6 4309 on coolage street and Swani Avenue on the north side of Swani Avenue will there be any additional presentation on this item Miss T any questions from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item okay seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioner Perce we have ordinance 24-17 what's the will of our commission so move thank you sir thank you ma'am any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner cob I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I next we have ordinance number 24-8 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 63. 3187 subsection 1 changing the future land use designation of approximately 1.99 Acres of real property located northwest of the intersection of Grand Island Shores Road and County Road 44 from Suburban residential Sr to Urban residential Ur we had presentation on this on April 4th by Mr Lane is there any additional presentation Mr Lane does the commission have any additional questions for Mr Lane on this item anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-18 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor Commissioners Perce we have ordinance number 24-8 what's the will of our commission move it approve a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner cob I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland I next we have ordinance number 24-20 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida amending the Land Development regulations Section 118 construction standards providing for codification severability and an effective date we had presentation from Mr Lane um on April 4th are there any additional presentations on this item no any questions from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item okay same none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-20 what's the will of our commission those thank you ma'am I'll second thank you ma'am any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner cob I commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi and the last last item for second reading is ordinance number 24-21 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of usus Lake County Florida approving a conditional use permit for a monopine communication Tower located within Pine Meadow subdivision on future Acorn Meadows Loop Street a we had presentation on April 4th from Miss talo are there any additional items to add to this any questions from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance 24-21 okay saying none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance 24-21 what's the will of our commission so move second thank you both any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland I now we have under first reading um ordinance number 24-9 before I read the ordinance um just want to clarify this was on the agenda back in uh for the March 21st City commission meeting and it did die for lack of emotion um I was contacted by Council for the applicant Logan opsol regarding what the procedure would be since no vote had been taken either way and and it's because it's no vote was taken it's not inconsistent with our rules to bring it back to the commission for reconsideration as uh as a new item just completely you know over so that's why it's on first reading tonight okay um so we have ordinance number 24-19 and ordinance of the city Commission of the City of usus Lake County Florida approving a conditional use permit to allow a 10,640 ft² commercial retail store in a general industrial land use District at the Eustace Commerce Park on Paradise Lane and County Road 452 and we'll have presentation by Mr Lane hi Mike hello good evening Mike Lane development services director this property is actually um roughly two acres within the Eustace Commerce Park the current property owner is jdc Management Group LLC and the applicant is concept development within our comprehensive plan uh or actually within our Land Development code the the use of a retail store within uh a general industrial category uh requires a conditional use permit and this is actually why it's before you tonight the site is actually as I pointed out within the usus Commerce Park at Paradise Lane and County Road 452 across the street from Southern Pines and uh Mobile Home Park and RV park the district designations future land use is General industrial Design District is Suburban District the proposed building build elevations were presented to us by the applicant and uh as well as the site development plan u a proposed development plan which shows their proposed 10,640 foot building there was a community meeting held on March the 5th uh there were 11 uh participants or uh attendees uh two of them were actually from the Valencia neutral plant uh the main concern was traffic we have looked at this in our typical conditional use standards of review as is typical with all of our commercial type projects we typically run them through five different categories or five different steps if you will um site plan final engineering and um construction plans uh preconstruction conference uh before they get a building permit um at the uh the time they get the building permit um we expect uh to see a a separate sign application uh for their signage and uh last but not least is their BTR application which is the business tax receip uh if they um before they open up so um we did uh meet all public notification requirements even for this particular meeting here and in conclusion uh the commission actually has expressed concern concerns in the past about our limited industrial lands here in the city particularly as it relates to them being converted to commercial type uses uh at present the eustus Commerce Park has one tenant and that is an industrial category or an industrial use and that is that neutraceutical plant that is actually at the end of the um the the subdivision if you will there so um if you have any questions the is here with their representatives okay and um I will pass it along does the commission have any questions for Mr Lane um I have one question for you uh Mike do we have um a precedent of any conditional use permit being granted in this um the general industrial zone for retail services not that I'm aware of okay all right then we'll go ahead and uh hear from the applicant or the representative first um good evening for the record Logan opsol 25 North Yola drive and I want to just be stinct here since you've heard this before I'm going to have some PowerPoints just to show some Aerials but uh I want to hit on a few things appreciate Mike for all his work communication uh City attorney as well she's been very helpful and thank you for your time and hearing this I just want to run through the process correctly um and and make sure we're hitting on a few things uh I'm uh pleased to be here tonight with uh representative from the development team uh I know the the owners are here as well and I think they're going to have some words to say but um uh without further Ado I want to dive into to this project and the request before you uh today uh so again this is that that aerial uh Mike talked about this it's just to the to the east side of Paradise Lanes they're at the intersection of 452 and Paradise Lane which the county road now we did have that uh community meeting and some of the discussions were the traffic as I mentioned in the last meeting uh we're required to meet with the county and and and have a traffic study to to look at CRA traffic calming measures those sorts of items so um although it wasn't necessarily an issue at the community meeting it was certainly a talking point just like with any community meeting we have because it's an important point for residences now I like this I like this aerial and I'm going to come back here just for a few moments uh to Circle back to this one because it shows uh how this property butts up against the the roadway and the existing uh residential use across the street now we touched on the community me and I'm happy to go back to any of these including the Tia um but but your own comprehensive plan talk has a policy and it relates to Industrial uses adjacent to residential uses and it says that they shall be light to protect protect residences from adverse impacts now also too we're here for a reason and Mike touched on this the the conditional use uh in an industrial space and that's what it's all about I know you know we didn't get too much feedback from from the last meeting and um Mike has been great in delivering you know some of the insights uh from the city one of which being there's limited industrial space in the city of Eustace and and and we hear that and we see that um the fact remains the the neutraceuticals that has been there existing has existed for some time uh other industrial uses have have simply not come they have not been developed now the market and the industry continues to recognize uh that retail and Commercial uses spur industrial growth and so what that what the market in the real world has recognized is this retail use coming along in this particular property because it's a nice blend of uses between commercial industrial and residential to serve your residences now another thing I'm going to point out in a in a future slide and again I promise to be efficient here uh is that all of the uh architectural and elevation details being provided are consistent with the industrial performance standards so tonight we're talking about this specific property this specific use that's what requires a conditional use permit but looking forward which is of course you know heavy on the minds of of of the commissioner this body uh is is future uses and and so that will continue to have to abide by and be consistent with the industrial uh the industrial performance standards um but one thing I wanted to Circle back to on the comprehensive plan as it relates to uh the protection of residences um this uses retail and it provides a buffering to the residences from further industrial uses that we hope uh come to this area uh Dollar General wants to service those uses I know the owner wants to develop the remainder of this property with industrial uses things like Car Sales heavy industrial um outdoor kennels this is just permitted uses I'm just grabbing a few uh vehicle part sales and even cell phone towers and so when you think about those things in industrial area the retail use here at this specific Corner can provide a buffer so it's an opportunity for this industrial space as well and the future growth of that space um and then why are we here the conditional use permit um what Mike showed on his slide and what your code shows uh as part of this process is that a use being proposed for a conditional use permit has to be consistent with your comprehensive plan Your Land Development code your performance standards and it's got to be compatible with the area so we wouldn't even be here if your if your professional staff has not made that determination now and the section it's 10230 says the purpose is to provide uses that are gener generally compatible with the use characteristics of a land use District but require individual review of their location design intensity configuration and public facility impact in order to determine appropriateness and compatibility with adjacent uses and that's what we want to offer the city today you know we have a unique opportunity and and and I prefer codes that are written this way because it empowers this body to look at this specific design which again is consistent with the industrial design standards and have an opportunity to uh provide a natural buffer to the existing residential uses while continuing be being able to uh serve those residences uh today um so with that we respectfully request uh that this body approve the conditional use permit for for retail and the industrial land use designation with the industrial performance standards and we're in agreement with uh the staff's conclusions and their conditions of approval as well happy to answer any specific questions I may be took more time than you thought but I appreciate your time any questions from the commission have questions uh one okay maybe a couple uh did you say that retail Spurs industrial growth yes commissioner okay um so that would be retail anywhere within the area correct retail and Commercial okay so retail and Commercial in our downtown eustus would spur industrial growth there well it's a good distinction I appreciate you making it when you have existing industrial uses that are underdeveloped like we have here the introduction of retail and Commercial Spurs more industrial growth it wouldn't necessarily be the case in downtown here that would an industrial wouldn't be compatible with the area uh because it's you know not designated and you got to always think right when you're looking at how to put a use and where to designate these areas certainly you want to blend those uses uh but industrial specifically the design uh District in the area likely wouldn't spur industrial growth in downtown okay thank you for that anything else Willie no I'm do okay um before we open it up to the public what any of the owners or other members like to speak thank you thank you how are you guys hello first of all I want to say thank you to uh the mayor and uh Mrs C for uh spending some time and taking time out of the day to have a conversation with me very very generous of them um Logan did a phenomenal job on all the Talking Points um just from a owner standpoint I respect everybody's decision here you guys are going to make your decision it is what it is and uh you know and I look forward as a young man in the community to to grow within grow with you guys and and help develop that land um whether this deal goes through or not but the the the benefit of it going through um would be obviously from a financial standpoint um you know and an infrastructure standpoint to will as to your point you know if we have a Dollar General there first of all I put some money in our pocket and also to help start our moving our our industrial business um which the whole purpose of this uh property when we initially purchased it was to move our business there so that that would just be an easier stepping stone um and um we just got to work harder to uh to to see our our vision for Flex space and and other uh opportunities that that are our way so I would love to work with you guys as well um get pointed in the right direction as to as to how we can facilitate any future growth in that um on that property so hope you guys uh take it into consideration and uh I'd love to see it come to flourish so okay thank you thank you so much all right we'll open this up to the public is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on this item yes okay your name and address for the record please Brian Broomfield 625 East McDonald LA new eustus um I Heard the commission say that uh you just has limited industrial space uh so if it's limited then I think our first priority should be to see if we can spur uh the use that it's already designated for um explore all of those Avenues I know uh I can find me a Dollar General store already is plenty and they're easy to find uh so and I can find some auto part stores um here in the city so let's just think about the future growth of the city you know and what we really want to do do we want to bring in you know uh different industries that are compatible to what the zoning is already uh so we want to think about that I know they have a business opportunity you know uh but let's consider uh the uh employment opportunities that you know weigh them out against what you know those uh that retail store that small retail store will bring uh in as as to in in comparison to what the uh you know a a wellth thought out industrial use would bring to the community thank you thank you Brian thank you yes come on good evening Cindy Newton uh District 4 um I want to um agree with Mr Bloomfield and also you've got the incubator coming in and you're looking to grow business industry and you don't have much use here you know you're limited on this usage with this incubator coming in I think it would be wise to keep the land and use it for what it was purposed for thank you thank you thank you Miss Newton yes come on on chrisy chiarelli 2737 Gables drive and I'm sorry I didn't think I was going to stand up on this but kudos to you I see someone young energetic ready to make some business here in Eustace thank you for bringing that up yes we have a gazillion Dollar Generals Family Dollars you name it however if that property is sitting with nothing on it it's doing no good to any of us so if you put a building up there and you make a buffer and the businesses may come we are not going to know unless we try I would be all for it I would love to see it and I would probably be a first customer so I hope the building we plans go through that's okay that's okay it's your idea that that's okay because then you can maybe bring your business to that property so I I would be in favor of that I would like to see more growth regardless of what it is I think our city needs it and with all this new development coming in we're going to have loads of people that are going to need to shop and we can't fit in $1 General so the more the Maria thank you we have one more person thanks my name is Rick Gonzalez I live just outside the city of usas I was neutral first employee I was also the first person they fired but the [Laughter] um that's beside the point I help Mike WR the grant that that built the hustus Commerce part and it was part and parcel with the fact that Jerry Brown had a customer for 10 acres of it which made it feasible for some 20 something years I beat the bushes trying to find other companies to come to that property and finally the Carrera showed up and they planned to put whatever monies they get from this invest from this project directly back in that property building more Flex space and putting their company there it makes sense to incentivize them by giving them the resources to realize what they want to do that's the fact I understand that you want something else there but we're not the Nexus of the highways we never will be so I know the cobs are doing fantastic out there on the highway this is not the highway this is a side street well we're on a bypass so keep that in mind when you think about your decision thanks thank you thank you anyone else in the audience wanting to speak on this item seeing none would the commission like to hear from the applicant or the representative again um I know that there was a mentioned that there was a conversation yeah I I wanted to say that I I did speak to George yesterday probably about 15 minutes on the phone I applaud you as a young man stepping forward and doing what you're doing tremendous job and enjoy our conversation yesterday no matter how this vote goes I want you to know that I will get our economic development team behind you if if this isn't what needs to sit there we'll find we'll help you find what needs to sit there okay your energy is what we need in this city young people that care and want to develop this area is what we need okay as I told you yesterday my biggest concern is that land use change we have very little industrial land left and that was the thing I told you yesterday so um I'm gonna let the I know that I I think you mentioned commissioner Cobb talked to you so I'm going to let her because we have to let people know that we spoke to you so I'm gonna let her talk real quick we have full transparency yes we had a great conversation today and I'm glad you reached out and and again the concern we had and I told you was that whole that land use it's very little we have very little of it and to Echo his comments and I think you know from the conversation we had we want you here we want you here and we'll help you okay thank you thank you both absolutely all right um then we'll go ahead and close public comment unless there's anything further sure of course come on up I'm sure this is heavy on everyone's mind as well but this isn't a land use change it's going to remain industrial the conditional use permit applies to the use and so the two acres will remain industrial it's the use that it will per I just wanted to clarify that thank you m thank you okay well we'll go ahead and close public comment at this point and I'll give it back to you Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-19 what's the will of our commission move it approve I'm going to Second so we have a first and is second any further discussion any other not hearing any roll call please commissioner cob n commissioner Hawkins nay vice mayor Lee nay commissioner Ashcraft nay mayor Holland nay again please reach out to us let us work with you and try to help you you have a great role model right there with what they've done with their industrial part and you know lean on her a little bit lean on lean on our Economic Development team okay we want you involved all right thank you so much app all right next we're coming down to other business um and it's development discussion and that's something I brought up at the last excuse me the last meeting um as as we as we've been annexing properties in which I don't have a problem with we need to grow but we need we need to take a look at how we are we need to take a look at our land use regulations as a whole I I believe that um we are kind of getting things a little bit out in front of us too far um we're looking at our water plant we still don't have our study back from our water Eastern water plant with the capabilities what it's going to cost us what it's costing the taxpayers of the city of eustus to maintain that water plant um and when we get that back we're going to make some some be able to make some better decisions I just wanted to I don't know if anybody else is feeling this way but I just want us to be very careful as we move forward with as much as we Annex and with the densities that we're bringing forward in some of our developments um I think also that I'm hearing a lot when I'm around in different communities and in our community people are tired of the cookie cutter type developments they want somebody to use an imagination and bring something in that will really wow people you know we as a city are probably one of the most economically challenged cities in Lake County you look at our tax role you look at the per income that our citizens have we have the power to change that by the land use regulations that we bring into play and by the way that we grow from here on out that's what I wanted to bring back to the commission I know that we've got Tom's going to bring us in a little bit um about a meeting a joint meeting that we're going to have with Lake County I think Lake County's happen to face up to some of those challenges as well right now um it's not that I want to stop growth I you know and I'm not even going to use the word moratorium because I hate that word I think that word stunted eustace's growth a couple a few years back before I was even on the commission and I think it hurt this city but I think we as stewards that the taxpayers have given us to do need to really be careful and watch where we go going forward for a little bit until we have a really clear road map we've got an expert in Mike and I I think that Mike does a fine job for us and I think Mike and his team can bring us back some land use regulations we already started with looking at at when we have a neighborhood having different size properties in it so it gives it a different look um and I know the state kind of regulates and throws stuff at us all the time but we as a city are going to have to just push back at times and say enough's enough we need to control our own destiny so that's all I have it I I brought this forward just so you all can join in because since the State of Florida says we can't talk to each other I I wanted to bring It Forward well Mr Mayor I totally I totally agree with you on that and I think we we should focus on infill Development I've been say I've been saying it for years we need to maybe find a a tool something to incentivize infield development I really do I think that's where we should be focusing on and not annexing annexing all these properties on the outside of us and and there's plenty of there's plenty of lots and land here to do it but and Carri another thing we haven't been able to control and take care of what we have already I think that's a would be a big plus to us is let's focus with what we already have the infield Logan the program the the project that you've brought forward by taking that little development out there and redoing what you're doing that's what we need to be doing as a city well yeah it's the model for that right yeah we have we we we already have the infrastructure here for the infield development yes so we should we should really find a tool to help to help incentivize people to to build inside the city when it's already I I I had spoken to Sasha about it that was my concerns too and and I just call it a pause for us to look at what we're doing why we're doing how we're going to do it and um I I just see anything and everything could come in because we don't have a handle on it and I think what you're suggesting is definitely what we need okay I I agree uh I don't think we have a handle on it uh I agree with the infield uh but I also think that and that may be part of the conversation that we have with the county is we got to to work on en Clays Bing yeah we need we need to deal with that um we have our hands full uh you know we we're doing all this stuff downtown and I don't think we have control of that no because I think everything is in a snail space now so I think we need to kind of step back and kind of regroup and figure out Revitalize what we're trying to do absolutely I'm in 100% agreement uh you know nobody none of us want to use the word moratorium nobody does and I will tell you that said this has been years ago times were different then but it also set the city back 20 years we're in a different time now it is out of control we have to pump the brakes and take a pause we need to we talked about the um land use regulations we've got to remember we and we're trying to implement now downtown there's design standards but we don't have design standards for the most part on all our other things twofold when you start major design standards that also bumps the price of the house up with a lot of gingerbread also too and if I I think I'm correct on this um I believe Lake County had wanted to do some design standards on down to the door and windows I believe they had to pull that back state legisl state legislature said differently so we can impose only so much okay but I do believe that so we're careful with the design standards I agree with them but we don't go too far and you know we don't need to Jack the price of the house up look given the situation we're in now so I I I wholeheartedly agree with that um you know I I'm I'm an anxious to see what the uh results are from the water plant and um I'm I'm just 100% we need to continue to work on our infill and just take care of what we have we need to take care of what we have first and so we're going to have to come up with something I know another I know another city on the East Coast they did do a moratorium they did it for nine months it wasn't years they did it for nine months just to take a pause to see where they were and to work on their their regulations so that's just I don't remember what city it was but it was on the East Coast I do remember that so where do we go from here I I think what I would like to ask discuss is this a discussion yeah I I think what I would like to ask is Tom has a a meeting with our leadership team tomorrow um I would like him to discuss uh a a plan um with with the leadership team get back with Sasha and let them review um some of the state guidelines that we're going to have to follow to um and then go go from there and bring back a little bit of a plan you kind of hear the desires of the commission and I know we just created a large amount of work for all of us as well that's correct but um I think it's important that we got to get it right yes we have very little left we have very little industrial land left we have very little growth area left and it's all to the East and we all better realize that it's in protected areas that is correct you know um so what we do we've got to get right the first time this downtown project it's got to be perfect we don't get another chance at this so that's why I brought it up I appreciate your input Tom I'm sorry I was walking over again no problem um just um some updates on kind of the more immediate stuff so uh we had asked our rate study consultant to take a look at separating out out of City Utilities versus in city um we we've actually had some uh back and forth with them this week they needed some additional data we're getting them that additional data but uh Rick uh has been talking to them this week it sounds like they're planning to have something back to us in May um both on the rate study side and on the breakout side initially we're going to have to look at that at staff level to kind of understand the data uh go back and forth with them a little bit to fine-tune it but then I expect at some point in May uh hopefully bringing something back to you on that uh financial data uh and then um not quite as far-reaching as what you are all discussing but we have secured the services of kimley horn um commission at uh their workshop uh had talked to us about varied lot widths uh residential design guidelines and how do we work with develop developers to get a more varied um uh product um to avoid the cookie cutter look that's right and uh so Kim leorn we have uh individual meetings set up with the commission I believe on the 20 April 25th yes uh and so they can talk to you at that point a little bit about some beginning level stuff um to address some of what you're talking about but it sounds like what you're talking about is much bigger picture than that but my my update though is that we are working on kind of that loow hanging fruit uh you're going to have an opportunity to give gimly horn some feedback as to what you'd like to try to accomplish they can talk to you about their experience and and what they've accomplished in other places and depending on how we want to move forward we could um potentially engage kimly horn kind of in an expanded role uh to take this further if that's what you would like to do uh ask them for tools to uh focus on infill development um so what what I'm trying to say is uh We've started the process uh we're going to have an opportunity in a week or two to talk more about it individually with you uh and then we we will we'll figure out where to go uh after that uh so uh I appreciate your feedback and uh the message is we're starting down that road but there's there's a lot of work to do I I do want to bring up something mayor in the midst of all of this we need to bring the live local act and get everybody up to speed legally especially Sasha you know that yes that came down from Tallahassee so there's been two amendments yes okay can you research that and bring that back to us in maybe a form that we can all understand exactly what that's going to do to us yes absolutely i' I've been monitoring it I'm just waiting for a full passage on that I know the governor has not signed that bill yet yeah he hasn't yet he hasn't okay but we just I just need to make sure that we're all legal with what we do because we can't get anybody into a frivolous lawsuit as well that live local act can be very detrimental to our cities here in the State of Florida and how that passed well that is why the city east pump the bricks I know okay so um neither here or there if you'll research it and bring that back to us in a way we can all understand it and and a way that the community can understand it as well okay certainly yeah and then I'm sorry a couple of final items uh it's been mentioned uh we do we are working with the county to schedule a joint Workshop uh that is really uh a discussion specific to a specific project out on Thrill Hill uh and inter local a site specific interlocal service boundary agreement um but the I mean I think where we're heading is maybe a larger discussion than just that site uh but that said we are uh moving forward we're scheduled for 6 pm on June 4th that's a Tuesday evening it'll be at the Eustace Community Center uh and staff at the city and staff at the county are kind of working on you know all of the um notifications the agenda content and then we'll have to work together on you know things like who's recording the meeting and how are we going to stream it and how are we going to get the word out about it while that we have them in front of us and we're working together can we not limit it to just that development can we have a broader discussion we need to have a broader discussion let me talk to the county about how we advertise it and and how we we should have enough time to do it now so if we do it the right way because this conversation we're having will be for for nothing exactly yeah because they're the ones that keep approving things and they kind of shoehorn us into have to provide certain services for it um and then we get into a mess ourselves okay and and the final thing I'd like to point out um you know we have so we have uh we're a utility provider and Randy spoke earlier we have Representatives here also from uh Santa that is a project where the conversation as far as it relates to us will be specifically about utility providing utilities it will be the County's responsibility to do the platting and the the subdivision approvals those projects are well outside the city and so would not be impacted by any kind of ldr changes we did or design guidelines and so that's those projects are specifically about utility provision and then we have other projects that are either on the boundaries of the city and will be annexed in or are in the city where it's again that larger discussion about not just utilities but the look The feel uh the approvals and so I just wanted to point out there are some projects where we really have no control over the the the subdivision the layout the ldrs the approvals and others where we certainly do do we have anything in the queue and what I mean by this and you'll understand Pine Meadows that was worked on years ago do we I don't think we have anything in the queue right now that's been worked on that far in advance anymore do we uh you mean like developments like that only the only thing we would have had would be Thrill Hill but that one is still in the infancy stages because that ISB that was a mini ISB work isba worked on that was done years and years ago before you know we were here I don't think we have anything else do we no not to my knowledge and Tom I think truthfully on these developments that that that the representatives are here tonight I think that's one of those conversations that we're going to have to wait till we get that that report back yes and then we as a commission if it's may we can make a decision in May and I I know that they've bought property and I know that they've got things on hold and they're ready to go um just waiting some final approvals from the county and we're the kind of the hold up there a little bit but let us get that report back and then we can bring it before this Commission y okay so all right let's go some reports real quick Gary you want to anything report U Want to Thank uh Darius for the hometown comedy and music festival what a great time that was comedians were funny well attended um all the vendors uh the the health screenings that were there really really uh an exciting time and I I laugh a lot so thanks for that and then uh the only other thing is I'm excited about the uh African American Heritage Festival parade this Saturday I encourage everybody to come out and be a part of that that and the festival that goes with that the food is tremendous yes all right man yes um I don't have a lot um the Lake County we just had the Lake County Fair um yeah the tennis was pretty good and uh the last Saturday was extremely extremely busy um I know they had a record number of uh swine that they sold for the for the kids and it was about 27 7 something which is wow no 170 something I'm sorry so which was more than they've ever had steers were declined a little bit only because of the what it cost to to to maintain them and buy them and so forth what about chickens you didn't buy no $700 chicken did you no I didn't buy any $700 chickens this year really nope I didn't go okay Saturday night to swine night cuz the parking yes ma'am Saturday night was the swine sale yes and so it was the that was I now have I seen been going to that fair for years we've been set up for years was that a record breaker no we've seem busier but it was packed so it's the largest uh attendance they've had in quite some time so um other than that I mean I just I just been busy just busy with City stuff and uh just uh going from there working on continually working on projects and uh trying to follow some things through and uh that that's what I know thank you really okay I'm going to be quick as well uhuh I am write it down yeah I am um I'd like to uh send a shout out and a thanks to to Darius as well um for the comedy show uh but also for a project that he and I talked about we started about two years ago I'll sparkle and shine yes for uh adults with disabilities um if you haven't been uh uh you missed out we probably had a hundred um adults uh to show up and in their finest uh they were greeted uh by all of our royalty to miss George Fest Miss hustus call the pictures yeah Miss Lake County uh we had students from the high school to come out and uh uh also uh hype them up when they came in uh they stayed with the senator danced and it was just a great time uh it so much that um you know Darius got a call the next morning you know he was they want to know when we're doing the next one but um you know one of the things I'd like to say is you know we have a city manager that no matter what we're doing he's in the middle of it Y and I heard someone say that uh he has a servant's heart uh to see him there uh you know on the line the buffet line serving food I apologize for burning your mother and I was going to bring that [Laughter] up and you know burning my 80y old mother you know but he uh I handed her a hot plate it was bad we got through it though yeah yeah she keyed his car after that uh you know but he also you know he came out to the the comedy show and he was there you know with his picking up tables and chairs and I I just can't say enough uh you know about Tom Corino I really appreciate what you do I think you need help there's that however second that yeah I I think that uh we need to Fast Track getting you some help I know that that's something you prom probably don't want to hear but I think it's important with everything that we're talking about tonight and uh everything that we want to do you still have job security as far as I know but I I think we need to Fast Track you know getting you some help thank you but uh for everyone that uh wants to be a part of sparkling shine we're going to do it again this time next year have a couple of small events that we're going to do uh you know for the adults with disabilities as well this year so I look forward to all of you coming out and we had a lot of downtown Merchants to uh to assist and they gave out raffle items and things like that so so I think we're getting bigger and Tim T who who is that who is yeah quarterback yeah yeah you don't know Willie I want to thank you for your leadership with those programs too because it takes somebody like you helping to push that and I I appreciate you doing that and you're right about Tom he is the only city manager that I've been able to work with since my time here that runs around faen park at events with trash with with trash bags empty in trash cans our other city managers would never do stuff like that and um it shows his dedication and love for this city um the dedication he has to everything that he does so thank you Tom thank you Willie vice mayor I don't have much but I would say oh [Applause] yeah what I I concur with everything they've said about Tom and that's what I pinned on him a servant's heart because he has he even takes care of us look I mean he's always there for us whatever we need and I was driving down orang Avenue and there was Tom nothing going on but he was walking to faren park with his little notebook and on his way to par and park and all I could figure out is something was going on there and he was going to go check it out but that's the way he is and I agree he does need help and we're going to see to that you get it um the only thing that I would comment on is we had a um a an American Bloom meeting it was very successful we got a lot of things done and we've changed I mentioned the last time about the uh the Mother's Day tea we're not going to do that we're going bigger so we're going to wait until probably I think July before we do anything with it and have a big event but we're working on it and when you drive um on on Bas Street you can see the difference you see the building and that's what's important to us and so we're working on both the inside and the outside and I think everybody would just be amazed at what has been accomplished and what will be accomplished by then and that's all I have thank you thank you Tom uh sure uh so I had on my list the uh joint meeting which we've already discussed uh I wanted to bring up um the um code board um I don't know if you uh know the setup at the code board but both the the city is represented by an attorney and then the cboard is represented by an attorney yes and uh we received uh resignation from the code board attorney uh which is provided by Stone and girkin um but uh the police department uh is working and Sasha got us a name of a uh local attorney that does practice uh code enforcement law and uh sitting with the police department we met with him um and we're comfortable uh we've asked him to attend the next code board meeting because um while the city pays for that attorney it is technically the code board's representation and so we need to be comfortable with attorney as the one paying for those services but they also to be comfortable as the the group that's being represented so I wanted to let you know that we're working uh on filling that um stoden girkin uh has agreed to represent the code board at the May meeting uh we are going to invite uh the prospect um to take that service over also to the May meeting to to make sure that they're comfortable with that but I wanted to let you know that that's going on and then um I uh I appreciate everything that's been said but we really I mean we have a great team uh and it does it takes a great team to to do what we do and um you know uh we you know Sam is on board and Sam was at sparkle and shine and Sam was also at um the comedy show and uh so it's great uh that we're we have a great team but we're building uh on on the fact that we have a great team uh Lori uh is with us and she has jumped right in um uh Mike Shepard is still with us but he happened to be going on vacation just as Lori was starting and so she's jumped right in and we appreciate that and uh appreciate the entire team for everything they do so uh thank you to everyone uh it uh HR guy it Nan said something about the HR guy HR gu such a so anyway um we uh I think um we want to provide the best service to to you and the citizens of Eustace and we have the team to do it and so thank you to to everything everybody does that's it go ahead you know and and this came up tonight there was U uh we had someone to to come in and and and addresses and the chief had never heard anything about it uh I think it's important if you don't contact us we don't know what's going on um I called Tom day before yesterday about a pothole on baits and the the person that reported it to me said they had been calling calling calling and um see click fix I I don't think that was going work and and and based on the uh the bra coming up I mean it was a a sizable hole um I called Tom he and I looked at it and within 24 hours it was done so I think the important thing that we can tell you know everyone is just reach out to us um we're all approachable um we all answer our well most of the time we answer our PHS uh but before you go nuclear just reach out to us please call us all right thank you something Sasha the reports I've got my homework you got your homework thank you well I want to thank this commission again like I've said the past uh been serving since 2008 it's the best commission I've worked with we work together we sometimes disagree but at the end of the day we make a decision best for the community and we move forward another thing that as we get blasted from time to time I want people to really sit back and think we live in this community also so it's not like we're outside the city limits we live in other cities that the decisions that we make as as a commission we have to live with those same decisions so please keep that in mind you can come at us but we live under your the same same rules that we make for you all we make for ourselves so that's why I've been adamant over the years if you don't live in the city of usce you don't need to be sitting in one of these seats it's kind of hard to make rules and regulations and taxation policy if you're not sitting up here and if you don't live within the city limits of Eustace so except for Cindy except for Cindy um I but I I want to thank you all for being here tonight there were some there was one hard decision made tonight yes but I think it's for the betterment and I hope George heard me when when I say we're dedicated to help him get that development done in some manner something that's fitting that property and that's what we want to do for the other developments that are sitting out there you have our word that as soon as we get the water reports back from out there City staff will get you in front of us as quickly as we possibly can and we can make a decision on you all going forward I know it's tying a lot of money up out there and our apologies but we've got to make the right decision that's best for the 25,000 people that live within our city limits so again thank you all for being here tonight before you leave please keep Al laimer our Economic Development p uh director in your thoughts and prayers I cut short tonight because I didn't let public speak at our CRA meeting um and I want people to know why his mom is under Hospice Care and is not doing well it was in our his best interest and ours that we got him out of here and to his mom this evening so that is why I did not allow public input at that CRA meeting it was more of an informational for the commission tonight anyway if you are out there and you heard that CRA meeting if you have questions please call me call Tom and let us walk you through what you did here and if you've got concerns we will address them again thank you for being here and we're ajour