e e e e e good evening everyone welcome to eustus City Hall this is a regular City Commission meeting it is 6: pm. Thursday February 15 2024 if you would like to join us for a moment of silence and a pledge allegiance to the flag please join us by standing amen commissioner cob if you'll join me in the pledge please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you officially call our meeting to order is there a quum presentent proper notice B given yes mayor thank you so much next we come down to uh agenda updates Tom anything to update nothing sir thank you approval of minutes from our February the 1st 2024 City commission meeting so moov thank you have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi now next day we come down to presentations handin hand Lake County and Company donation Chief Capri David welcome good to see you as well hello Mr dlas how well tonight's a great night we're able to help out in our community on behalf of the police department and City commission who Works hand in hand with us we have a zero tolerance for drug activity in the city unfortunately there's people that get addicted to drugs and it really is a disease and we can't arrest our way out of these problems it's not going to happen so we have to get to the RO CA and get help for people that are addicted to drugs and tonight on behalf of the city commission and the US Police Department we want to donate ,00 to hand in hand to helps app you do Doug thank you keep up the good fight Mr Douglas started this on his own for years using his own money time and efforts and it's really taking off and it's making a difference it's helping people it's getting people into the rehab they need and rebuilding their lives and getting that second chance so I know the commission is going to instruct me and I'm going to do it also is whatever it takes to keep this program going absolutely absolutely yes you want to say you want to well it didn't bounce you want to say anything that's a good you're welcome to if you'd like to yeah it's just it's been a pleasure to to be a part of this uh Community for the last 10 years of operating hand in hand I am actually a retired mailman from here in the city of hust so I've been here for 40 plus years this is my home and this is a calling that I have to help those who truly want to be able to help themselves we currently have five houses with 52 beds of and women progam and we are there to give assistance to those who want to make those changes in their life and what a better City to do it in than you absolutely next we have future Business Leaders of America eustus High School District 10 activities update all dressed up hi hi thank you for the uh extending the invitation to speak with you today uh it's an honor to stand before you guys my name is Sam Peterson and I'm an 18-year-old senior at usus high school and the proud president of eus High School uh Futures Business Leaders of America chapter my journey with FBLA began in sixth grade and continued throughout middle school before rejoining as a junior in high school and it's been a valuable extracurricular activity for me as I transition to adult Hood under the guidance of our dedicated chapter adviser Miss White FBA has become a Cornerstone for Community engagement at usus high school we've made concerted efforts to deepen our ties with the local community whether it's been through whether it's been through donations to places like the Henderson house or attending events like the upcoming black Heritage parade at Kurt W these experiences not only enrich our understanding of social responsibility but also instill in us a sense of empathy and interconnectedness with those around us and we have been recipients on the other end of generosity as well local businesses last year were generous enough to purchase jackets and ties for members and this year we received briefcase donations reflecting on my journey with fpla it's clear how my perception of the organization is evolved what initially drew me was the alert of professionalism and competing in events how however as I dwell deeper into the organization I've discovered the wealth of personal benefits attending last year's state competition in Orlando as eye openening the seminar is conducted by season business professionals offered in valuable insights and advice tail tailored to our our interests and aspirations these interactions were not only informative but also incredibly inspiring igniting a passion for business and Leadership for the past two years I've competed in the business law event gaining confidence and expertise with each competition the thrill of competing against peers within the district and state not only sharpens their skills but bolsters our confidence in our respected Fields moreover participating in state competitions exposes us to a diverse array of perspectives and also Fosters connections with like-minded individuals this year I'm proud to say that our fbaa chapter is sending 10 students to States some of whom will be experienced it for the very first time however achieving this feat wouldn't be possible without the support of our local community which brings me to the purpose of our gathering today we humbly request the support of the city of Eustace in facilitating our journey to the state competition your support will not only enable us to represent our school with pride but also serve as a testament to the power of community backing and nurturing the leader of Tomorrow last year it would not have been possible for us to attend states without the support of the local community in closing I want to express my deepest gratitude for your attention and consideration together let's Foster a culture of Leadership Excellence and Community engagement through organizations like FBLA thank you gentlemen y'all did a great job thank you so much I'm very proud and as you're going to speak too excellent okay so hello everyone my name is Aaron Cross and I'm the vice president of FBA at usus high school now before I begin I want to say thank you all for allowing us to come here and express how you all can help us and help other students now before I got into FBA I didn't know how to properly present myself in front of people now you might you might be saying like what do you mean so um I didn't know how to like properly you know say stuff the right way I would always you know stuff or you know my words would be choppy but now you know and most of the times in middle school I would be involved in a lot of stuff in school and outside of school and I didn't know how to organize myself so I was pretty messy so um my freshman year of high school someone introduced me into f it was one of the members from FBA and at first I was like okay I guess but now that over the years I've seen how I've grown and and how you know it's impacted impacted me and in my life so now that I'm in fpla for over at least three years um I've now you know grown into this business personality that I have you know unlocked U of this other side of myself I'm involved in like a lot of stuff in high school and I'm I'm involved in a lot of stuff in high school and outside of high school and I've learned how to you know plan out my plan out my days and I have my own you know um sorry I have my own I have my own um to-do list that I use every day to plan out my days and organize myself that would you know prevent prevent me from being messy so I've also learn how to you know pronounce my words clearly it's not as good but you know I'm getting better and I've learned to you know not be as nervous when times like this comes and I could present myself um and I see that this is a trend in FBA now this is where you come in we want to be able to continue this success in this organization and we want to be able to help other students like me to you know grow in themselves and express themselves more thank you just wanted to let you all know that both of these gentlemen placed first place in their event in the district Aaron placs first place in public speaking and Sam place first place in business law event which progressed them to state a eustus high school graduate I want to tell you that I very proud of you all very proud of future Business Leaders of America I encourage our residents and business owners to give generously to this program because we are missing the boat when we don't give back to those folks that are out there to make the difference in the Next Generation so we'll try to do all we can to help you get to where you need to go and I encourage our community to do the same thank you all for being here tonight thank you next we come down to appointments and we've got reappointments uh to the eustus Memorial Library Board of Trustees we've got Betsy doen uh Carol Martin and Vivian Carla uh Miller Mitchell any of these ladies here tonight no no all right looking for a motion to reappoint these ladies to the uh trustee board so I'll second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi next we come down to our audience to be heard Tom uh yes Ivon Gonzalez please keep your comments to three minutes please thank you three minutes for me three minutes for him no 3 minutes one minute and a half good try good evening first of all I want to congratulate the two young [Music] men make sure that nobody steals your dreams do the right thing because at some point I was in your shoes so I want to congratulate you person and you have my respect this message is for H Rodriguez so several months ago the mayor and he speaking directly to H so it seems like he decided to ignore because he hasn't done anything he has disrespected myself and my neighbors he has disrespected me over and over and he could actually avoid everything that it's been happening yesterday my mom the by the administration's negligence caus uh an issue directly with him by management so my mom just got heart surgery and it was today right today right now she's right now at the hospital I never thought I would see my mom this way when we lived in Virginia I told my mom that I wanted a beautiful place and we found eustus and there's a lot of great people and I try to be a great person and a better person every single day Mama my mom is the only thing that I have and all of us is respect for my mom and they keep disrespecting her and I can't understand that they keep saying that the property is private but the city can't do anything I can't understand why the city it's allowing this people keep doing the nonsense that they've been doing mistreating all the residents and I keepes um I come over here representing everybody that is scared to speak out I'm asking the city to please do an investigation at Sharps and that the law it's actually abide so we can be every day better people youus these are my last words thank you Eustace thank you Sasha have you been in contact with the attorney and our request to have the owner of the park come back in front of us for an update yes but I haven't heard back as far as the time for him to come back okay um but I I will reach out again they have been working on the individual complaints that we received at a prior meeting and um Miss Apprentice Danielle Apprentice is the one that's been responding to to those individually as far as the private issues that are happening at the park okay we didn't have a date that we had did we didn't set a date no no it it was just after for to come after year shame on us I we'll follow up all right well we'll whenever we have him back in front we'll we'll send out a notice okay and now will be out to the attorneys and have them watch tonight's video as well which is what I did last time when they came to make sure that they're informed of what's going on because our hands are tied legally unfortunately that's the case so Tom uh Juan aguo today I'm going to speak Spanish she can be dep because I'm associate missioner today um good evening Tom n cop Michael Emily here Gary and Susan Sasha s so what's happening lately is that every time we come over here and talk to you they use that against us so his mom is the second person having a heart attack his wife just had it recently and that's not fair for them so the only person without disrespecting anybody else that he is very grateful is Chief Capri so he's having issues with um some some people they came he doesn't want to name names they came over and spoke regarding the complex and these same people are the ones mistreating them and accusing them so he I I told Chief Capri and the police when they came over that they're not allowed to be in my house and if they try to come to my house I'm either going to go to jail or I'm going to end up dead because I'm defending my wife and my myself yeah chief how many so how many times have I called you guys regarding the sewage situation SE several times Chief CI Police Department I've actually went out to the property there is a sewage Leaf underneath his his home m home mobile home and I told the park guy I said look you need to fix it and he's oh I'm going to get a plumber out there I'm going get a plumber out there he was saying that the car paring the pipes are causing the problem but I don't have a car park you can't park a car underneath somebody's house so there's definitely something with the pipes there that's one of the issues we were having there there was some other friction with some of the neighbors um back and forth and two neighbors came down today and that were involving uh Amy and Italy from the other night some kind of disturbance and I said it's best stay away from them they'll stay away from you and if you can't talk nice just don't go over there they went over the other day there was some problem somebody threw a garbage bag at somebody somebody threw food at somebody uh there is an issue with the one part with the pipe and I've already told the management twice about fixing it that's the park manager uh Robert yes yes but uh I probably get feel anywhere from about 10 to 12 phone calls a week from the park sometimes as late as 8:00 9:00 at night I don't mind doing it I just got it's part of my job but uh uh the park has gotten better in some areas but nobody should have to live with that sewage coming up out of the ground I saw it my own two eyes it's still the same I told him he said he was send the the plumber out there to fix it twice I got it he said he fixed it but something's breaking so they're trying to put some new pipes in or something I don't know I'm not a plumber but uh it's definitely an issue there but a lot of it's uh confrontation between some neighbors and I told those guys I told you right stay away from ignore him and then they tried to to his vehicle one night which caused a problem with the record company and I don't know sometimes I think things are getting blown out Portion by the management side as far as twing vehicles and then there's some friction between some neighbors but the only problem I see as far as public health is that that open the pipe where it's coming up from underneath his mo mobile home with raw sewage so so that issue has been going on for over a year I'm not a prison thanks to Chief Capri I had it okay his mom is very sick I mean his wife's very sick and and Ivan's mom's very sick and it's just you know I'm just trying to get a resolution there but it's if we get this guy Hansel he did a great job here Academy Award winning performance here a couple months ago if we can get him back here to talk we get this I've been denying their offers I'm requesting a specific amount and they keep counter offering and I keep denying them so every time I I don't want to take any offers other stuff keep happening and and it's getting worse I love eus however you know if you don't see me again I'm either in prison dead or out of us thank you for always listening to me yeah like cancel I'm listen English now cancel I know you get your hand tight but remember this a family day I came to my house couple of days ago told me you got courage you know what is me courage I step against the abuse of this park I know my English not perfect but guys thank you for is's listening to us thank you Chief yes sir this is my last time you going get see me not because I'm not back up because I know you got tied or listen to us I know mayor your hand is tie but this had to be nice stop don't give it break to hand it don't give it to nobody else here thank you very much have a good night guys your wife and your mom are in our thoughts and prayers thank you and he calls me and I I talk to him all time but if we just get this Handel guy here that if he could fix the problem at his motor home mobile home if I'm saying it right that's going to solve a lot of problems it's gotten better out there let let be honest with you but they need some more relief and I think the problem will be solved Chief is is the um is this something the Department of Health could get involved I don't know they refus I don't know uh knowing politics and how that stuff works I would say no just get a plumber out there and fix the pipe it's really and I told the guy that several times and I don't know what the delay is or how hard it is there is some kind of friction with him the park manager and him Bute heads and I told the park manager you got to work with this with the residents here you can't come in up here all the time you got to come here and listen to people and they just don't like each other but you got to keep but you got to keep it businesslike if you don't like somebody I there's a lot of people I don't like but I have to deal with them and you deal with them and you deal with them you be professional I think we need to get this guy handled on the phone and the best way to do that is throw some fines and tell them you know we're going to reneg on the deal that he made and I guarantee he'll be here in three hours s would you please reach out to that attorney and her either she comes or he comes or they both come at our next meeting okay I will do that fix this problem we need we need to we need to speak face to face again I'm going to go out there tomorrow mayor and I'm going to stay there till they get a plumber there to fix it I'll be out there tomorrow morning after my unless I get excused from the staff meeting um I will I will be out there in the morning and I will stand by there with you till the fix you call me after I'm here all day thank you Chief all right thanks next uh that's it as far as cards all right thank you anyone else that like to address the commission about something that's not on the agenda not see anything Madame attorney I'm going to turn it over to you the consent agenda what's that I'd rather turn it over to you five items on the consent is there anything anybody wants pulled for discussion not hearing any looking for approval of the consent agenda Some Mo second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I now Madam attorney thank you Mr Mayor uh we have back for you resolution number 2415 this is a resolution by the city Commission of the city of Eustace Lake County Florida authorizing the approval of a photo enforcement Services agreement between the city and Timon Inc and providing an effective date I've gone ahead and updated the staff report uh essentially last meeting we did have the ultimate uh representative here and she's actually here this evening as well and there were some changes to the contract that were discussed on the record but there was a reservation of rights to sign on behalf of the company based on that the language that we agreed upon and as a result we don't really have an agreement um so it's not enforceable so what we did is we worked through um those changes and came up with an agreement that was acceptable for for both sides based on what we discussed last um last meeting and now that agreement is before you this evening again with the revisions signed by the CEO of the company so we have a signed agreement and just to give you a brief overview of what those changes were we had um ultimum provide the city with the 30-day sagittary warning public awareness campaign at no cost to the city the city will only be liable for any equipment damage um that results from uh the city's direct neglect or misuse of the equipment not theft or anything like that that's outside of our control the distribution of funds section was clarified to include the weekly reconciliation of funds um to the Department of Revenue and other entities confidentiality provision was completely overhaul to protect the state with regard to public records requests and compliance we have a mini presentation later on today on that and um the contract will not renew automatically there's going to be an option to renew in compliance with uh the law the termination provision was updated for convenience uh termination which essentially any reason as long as we provide 30-day notice there was a update to the insurance and liability for Altamont for $5 million which was a substantial more than substantial increase than what we had on there before and uh the indemnification provision was also overhauled to provide the city with unilateral protection uh for any services that they provide under this contract uh we updated the notice provision and venue to specify Lake County as well as a city manager and um a person specifically at Altimont with regard to the contract and we went ahead and updated the monitoring systems from 4 to 8 to cover the four schools that were identified in the ordinance um which was approved that was ordinance 24-1 and that will get us pretty much started so just a brief summary on that are you comfortable with the contract yes are you comfortable that we are meeting State Statute everything in there is in there so far and if there needs to be a change the contract provides for that as well I mean the intent is to comply with what the legislature um has in mind of course this is a new program there there might be some changes later on but it's clear that the intent of both parties is to comply with Florida law okay thank you okay um are there any questions from the audience on resolution 24-15 seeing none I'll turn it back to you Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-15 what's the will of our commission so move thank you second have a first a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi okay uh next we have ordinance number 24-2 we will have presentation on 24-2 03 and 04 and we'll go through each ordinance um it's ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 1.88 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 11123 461 on the south side of East Spates Avenue at 2596 East Spates Avenue Mr Richardson there we go okay uh for the record my name is Jeff Richardson I'm the deputy director for development services um this is a presentation for proposed ordinances 2402 for annexation 2403 for assignment of future land use and 2404 for Design District assignment this is all pertaining to property 2596 East based Avenue uh which is owned by Habitat for Humanity of lake and Sumpter approximately 1.88 Acres um property is adjacent to current city boundaries on the west side and on the south side of the property with a small 35 to 50 foot Hiatus that is owned by The Oaks at summer Glend homeowners association um I bring this up as because you will see some kind of mismatched colors in certain places where it's a little strip coming down in between there we will plan on researching that to make sure that it truly hasn't been annexed um potentially contacting the homers Association and see if they're willing to bring that in so that we complete that boundary along um along base Avenue um this property is located in the quote unquote doughnut Hall type area that is on the Eastern side of the city where we have kind of the uh still some underlying or outlying um Lake County Urban low uh future land use properties um slowly but surely we those properties and the property owners are asking to bring uh come into the city of eustus um for the annexation the property was properly noticed uh notice was prior to the county on January 26th of 2024 notices were posted in the newspaper as well as the sign postings on the property and mailings were done approximately February um going back I'm counting back the days because I didn't write it down in here um believe the properties were posted on or about the February 6th time frame um as well as the newspaper ads were run on February 6th as well as on February 27th so that we had the two two consecutive weeks prior to the uh public hearing uh future land use was reviewed based on Florida Statutes as well as the city of used is comprehensive land and Land Development regulations um the property's current future land use in the county is Lake County Urban low with the request to come to City of eustus suburban residential Urban low allows up to four dwelling units per acre with the purpose of the land use category in Lake County also being primarily residential city of Eustace with the Suburban residential is primarily a residential future landies as well at five dwell units per acre um the request uh requested future land use assignment is consistent with the surrounding properties in the area all of those properties being uh within the city of Eustace the Suburban residential um the remaining Lake County properties are all also Urban low um for uh this particular property water uh should just say Utilities in general are available to the property the property is not located or impacted by 100-year flood or Wetland um however it does reside in the moderate to um High recharge area at approximately 12 to 20 inches per year again water is located along uh Bates Avenue as well as sewer um the property again is contiguous to on the western side and on the southern side it appears that the property was potentially cleared at some point with minor canopy on the Eastern side of the property and southern side of the property uh recharge again is at the in the 12 to 20 year uh inches per year range uh the soil types on the property are directly impacting or directly associated with the property are St Lucy Sands which are very well- drained soils um again the property is within the partial Enclave area on the Eastern side of the city um the requested Design District is for Suburban neighborhood which is consistent with the already assigned design districts um for those properties within the city with development patterns um matching both the Suburban residential future land use as well as the Suburban neighborhood Design District criteria with the subdivisions to the South uh staff is recommending approval for all three ordinances ordinance 242 243 and 244 for the annexation assignment of future land use and assignment of Design District for this particular piece property hey Jeff could you go back in your presentation there was a map um that said something about the city of Mount Dora but I don't yeah it's a goof on the graphic it had some a um I know where you're talking about the nope I'm not finding it now here it is there it is yeah so that that's not the city of mandora that is the city of houas the it was a graphic typo typo on the thank you on mat apologize for that that's all I just wondered how that was happening I'm funny like that all right are there any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson okay do we have any cards on this Tom uh no cards on this is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-2 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 20 24-02 what's the will of our commission so moved second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb hi vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland I from this group we have ordinance number 24-3 an ordinance of the City Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 163 3187 of the Florida Statutes changing the future land use designation of approximately 1.88 Acres of real property at alternate key number 1123 461 on the south side of East Spates Avenue at 2596 East Spates Avenue from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of Eustace we've had presentation on this item are there additional questions from the commission Mr Richardson is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-3 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24- 03 what's the will of our commission moved second first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I the last ordinance on this item is ordinance number 24-4 and ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 1.88 Acres seral property at alternate key numbers 112 3461 on the south side of East Bates Avenue at 2596 East Bates Avenue we've had presentation are there any questions on this item for Mr Richardson on from the commission see is there anyone in the audience that would like to comment on ordinance number 24-4 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before we have ordinance 24-4 what's the will of our commission some moved thank you have a first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I next we'll have presentation on ordinance numbers 24809 and 10 starting with ordinance number 24-8 and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 13.72% alternate key numbers 178 469 281 4128 and 281 4144 on the south side of getford road east of coolage Street and West of gat road Mr Richardson and for the record Jeff Richardson deputy director for development services uh this is for proposed ordinances 2408 2409 and 2410 for the annexation assignment of future land use and assignment of Design District for uh the subject property at uh south of gford Road East of Gage and west of gat road kind of goofed up because I didn't have an address for that property uh property owner is RC Lake Thomas Zan is the uh applicant for the property the property is approximately 13.72% uh by the First Assembly of God um the property is located within the joint planning area for eustus Lake County um it is a voluntary annexation it is contiguous to the city limits uh notice was provided to Lake County on January 26th with required notices being published in the newspaper February 6th and February 12th um as well as following our own plan development regulations for notices with the sign posting and mailing to the property owners within 500 ft of the property uh Peter land use has been reviewed based on Florida Statutes as well as the city of used is comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations the request is to Annex the property and change the future land use assignment from Lake County Urban low which is allows up to four dwelling units per acre is primarily a residential land use classification to City of used as suburban residential at five dwelling units per acre which is again essentially a residential land use G classification um the requested Suburban residential is consistent with the assigned future land uses in the area and is generally compatible with the Lake County's Urban low um this particular property uh does have utilities available to it um basically coming from the coolage street Improvement project I think is where the main connections are going to come from this particular property does have some concerns when it comes to the environment um the property I'm going to move to this uh does have Wetland on the Southeast side of the property with Associated flood plane extending up from again from that Southeast side of the property approximately 7.2 Acres of the property is outside of wetlands or flood plane um with approximately 3.8 Acres being involved in the Wetland area and a total of 6.5 acres in Wetland and flood plane back to the utilities map uh yeah again as you see the property to the Southwest was the associated or not associated directly with this but was a past annexation for the First Assembly of God um and that property is involved in the area where we have the coolage street improvements going on uh the property does have existing canopy which pretty much covers the property um property is located in a moderate recharge area with at a rate of about approximately 8 to 12 Ines um per year um at time of development most of this stuff will need to be addressed as part of a environmental or larger scale environmental as well as hydrogeologic determining the wetlands the flood planes as well as the recharge and what the actual impact is um soils types are Myaka Sands as well as swampy Sands these are all typically moderately to poorly drained type soils uh subject property again is adjacent on the southwest corner uh requested Design District is Suburban neighborhood that is consistent with what is in the property are consistent with the properties that are all already within the city of Us's Municipal boundaries uh staff is recommending approval of ordinances 248 249 and 2410 for the annexation assignment of future land use and assignment of Design District for the property that is all I have for it any questions from the state commiss yeah just one from from me um besides the owner that was held for the LPA were you contacted by any other owners surrounding this property not at this time no okay thank you anything else do we have any cards on this item Tom no cards okay is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-8 seeing none we'll close P oh we do have one ma'am she wants to speak she wants to speak okay good evening my name is margerie Carol Buckner and I own property out there on cooler Street and I've had it for over about 50 years and my concern is are you planning on putting out um pipelines alone here to run from coolage all the way back to bat Avenue I can maybe speak to that I mean it's not related to this annexation uh project specifically uh but the city is planning to run water sewer and eventually do uh Road reconstruction along coolage that would run from baits up to getford so yes there will be utility lines and Road improvements along coolage okay and then they're also planning on doing a development for housing I I think the plan would be that the the the property along coolage would eventually be re redeveloped or developed for housing yes okay cuz that's my concern cuz I'm right on the corner of coolage and Grant so that's my concern is what you going to do with with the property there CU it's all wooded area and I don't think I think there's a a family that owns a lot of property there also cuz we also had a meeting a couple of years ago into varies about the property being used as development and that's what I'm concerned about yeah I like when the utility lines go in and the road is built I would expect that there will be some residential development in that area oh okay all right thank you thank you do we have anyone else in the audience that would like to speak on this item saying none we'll close public comment we have another no that was Marie that was marer we're good thank you commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-8 what's the will of our commission so move thank you I'll second it thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I the next ordinance is 2409 and it's an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida amending the city of usus comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 163 3187 of the Florida Statutes changing the future land use designation of approximately 1372 Acres of real property at Al trinate key numbers 178 469 281 4128 and 281 4144 on the south side of getfor road east of kage Street and West of gat road from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of eus we've had presentation on this item are there any questions for Mr Richardson from the commission do we have anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 2 4-9 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor Commissioners Perce we have ordinance 24-9 what's the will of our commission so move thank you second thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I right the final ordinance is ordinance number 24-10 and ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to appr approximately 1372 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 1 78469 281 4128 and 281 4144 on the south side of Gart Road East of coolage Street and West of gat road are there any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson on this one is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number 24-10 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-10 what's the will of our commission so move Patra thank you a second thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I that is all all right uh coming down now to other business Tom you want to take this one uh I will um so the city commission considered a project called Kurt Street Town Homes uh preliminary Subdivision plat I believe the commission considered that second meeting in January um at the time there were concerns raised related to some of the uh parks in open space specifically that the property did not provide for uh Tot Lot and then there were also concerns that as a mixed commercial residential future land use uh that there were not U multi-uses or mixed use on the property as it's proposed uh solely as a a residential town home project uh at that second meeting meeting in January the project was uh denied by a 3-2 vote um the applicant uh has um made some changes to their plan uh and they have requested that uh it be reconsidered now we have a process here your rules allow so an item cannot be reconsidered for nine months unless the uh item is modified to the point where it is a different project or two uh you take a vote to considerer the item otherwise uh it cannot be reconsidered for I believe 9 months so um the applicant has made some modifications to the plan to include a Tot Lot uh and they've requested that it be put on the agenda for discussion tonight uh so you don't have any resolutions or or the Subdivision plat on your agenda tonight for approval uh what tonight is it's a discussion item to see if you want to consider rehearing the item at the next meeting or at any future meeting so uh we do have representatives of the applicant here if you're interested in ask asking any questions uh otherwise I would turn it over to the commission for discussion um I believe that it will have to be Nan or Emily that have to make the motion to rehear this uh because Gary and I believe we're guest votes on this so um my understanding was it was commissioner Ashcraft and mayor Holland that voted yes commission vice mayor Lee commissioner Cobb and commissioner Hawkins voted no I I think with some of the revisions that I've heard I think I think it's worth us Rel listening to I would request that it would be brought back you would request it you want to put that in the form of a motion just just say you make a motion make a motion to move that it be considered again on the agenda okay and I'll second it all right we have a first and a second do you have a preference as to what meeting do you want it back at March 7th which is our next meeting I'd like to have it back as soon as possible yeah just okay okay we have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cobb I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland I beautiful future agenda items Gary start us off um no no no future agenda items um and the only thing I'm going to report tonight is I'm excited about about the week I know we're going to be busy from African-American Harris prey to to Tracy bird and uh it's uh going to be fun I can't wait um and I encourage everybody to come down and enjoy all the festivities we have planned thank you n uh yes I had the um the pleasure last week of um late late Woman by the name of Kathy catus and she works for Lake County but she's also a member of leadership Lake this year and so she had to do two uh internships and so she had asked what it would be like to if she could follow me for the day and uh I said I would love to have that um bring your roller skates because we were quite busy that day um but I just want to thank uh we went to uh George vest breakfast and then we went to Million Cups and then I gave her a tour of City Hall and I just want to thank our staff everybody that was you know inhouse here uh talked to her and I just want to say thank you for um allowing the the quick visits and uh I I appreciate it very very much Lake 100 I mean it's another group uh leadership lake is a very very great uh program if you've never had the opportunity to be a member if you're ask I would always suggest that you do that it's a you learn a lot about Lake County you think you know everything and I promise there's something you can learn every single time um along I just Echo the comments of uh commissioner Ashcraft uh we've got the African-American Heritage uh banquet this Friday night we also have the uh parade on Saturday uh which is always a good time lots of candy lots of participants so it's always a lot of fun so please join us it starts at 9 10 starts at 10 o'clock and Gail's cooking breakfast for the whole commission thank you Gail but uh if you can attend please do it's just and then come to the festival afterwards you just when you're going down the parade route the the smell of the barbecue and all the food and the greens and it's just delicious so and then we've got George Fest next week and it's just going to be a tremendous week for us I know we're busy um but uh please join in all the festivities our staff works very very hard to make this huge event happen so thank you thank you n vice mayor yes yesterday I had a really pleasant experience I had come to pick up some materials here and as I got um to the end of the steps there was a group of school kids from the modern Schoolhouse and so I just spoke to them and and went over to talk to them and they were delivering casses to all of the women for Valentine's Day sweet and I got a card I wasn't expecting all of that so it was really cute and they were so adorable so I I really appreciate that I thought it was really nice to teach the kids um those kinds of um opportunities but anyway the chamber breakfast I attend ended it was great and congratulations to coach Johnny and to Stephanie and our new um king and queen I guess you call it royalty and um oh I have some information to you also for from U Miss Mitchell about the parade that in the morning at 8 I mean on Saturday morning at 8:30 stop at Prescott and McDonald to register and then proceed to the water plant area for to get involved in getting the lineup then and um then the other thing is I attended the services and um uh commissioner cop also for Marino tool I don't know how many of you know her but she was a a a just a icon in in the community and she served our area very well um she was the Catalyst for my being on the um trustey Board of the college and um I was sad but it was a a beautiful going home cere ceremony and that's it thank you so much Tom yes um couple of wait wait there's more my I want to talk about aib American Bloom we had a round table on on Tuesday and it was just great because we have something to offer this year and um we listened to the other cities and what they were um discussing in their new Ventures and we have added we're going to do the Clifford house but we've also added the cemetery because we've been working on it and Rick has a great um um project going so taras had done their cemetery and um and so I talked to Rick about it and he's willing to do that and then I found out that cl's doing going to work with their cemetery and so's leeburg so the next meeting will be all about the cemeteries and what we're plan to do about it so I'm dying to listen to that and um I've asked Rick to a funny no no pun attended right yeah about to get the gabble Emily so and Rick will do he's agreed to do a presentation of what we're doing next um the next meeting that we have and again if anyone's considering and would think about being a volunteer for our community group it would be great so um and I've gotten a lot of help from Ellis and she will always be there to um enroll you or take your name see Ellis and she'll help with the volunteers so thank you so much much I'm done for real for real yeah yes um a couple of items uh one we received a request from Project Graduation uh to fund uh Project Graduation uh last year we did $500 um I um I guess I'm asking for the uh will of the commission on Project Graduation and then additionally uh we heard the presentation from uh future Business Leaders and uh I don't know if the commission wants to give some thought as to uh any uh support for that um but um again uh Project Graduation I think uh $500 we did last year so um I'd be looking for some direction from Commission on uh any funding for either of those efforts you okay all right man it's in the budget some you budget we have um they are not in the budget specifically but we have about $1,800 in the budget that uh that we can distribute let's do 500 again for Project Graduation um future Business Leaders of America um we need to do something I think 500 for them as well I have a request yes after they go to the meetings and everything they come back and do and tell us what happened present presentation yes yeah we can we can have have some followup with each group um so okay thank you uh and then the other item um I will be out of the office for approximately two weeks starting on March 4th uh with your permission I'd like to name Bill how as acting city manager in my absence uh and just FYI that does include uh the commission meeting on March 7th that hair Line's receding on him I was going to say look how happy he looks look for discussion um I will be here uh we have a strategic planning session schedule for the evening on the 14th I do plan to be here for that even though that's within that two we period so I will be here for strategic planning if you cannot I don't worry I will keep you informed as to what's going on do what you need to do uh and that's all I have oh Lord here we go here we go all right Sasha I'll make it a less painful the uh presentation has just been spruced up a bit uh but it's essentially the same information we had last uh year so if you're okay with it um I can just go to the slides that were updated and provide those examples it will just be three slides out of the 30 I have given you a a physical copy of the presentation and there are extra copies available for the public if they'd like it as well so I'm going to go right to that portion this is going to be what I have is a an example of the violation of a reasonable requirement um for the notice provision which is part of the Sunshine Law and in this case it was Florida Citizens Alliance and the school board of Coler County the school board of Coler County delegated the textbook selection authority to textbook committees and they met in close sessions although the meetings were noticed on their website the public would have to click through nine different links to access meeting information Additionally the notice itself did not indicate that these committee meetings for textbooks were open to the public and for that reason the Court held that the Sunshine Law violation had occurred as to the reasonableness of the public notice it was just too much work for the public to do and they didn't know they could attend those so that's an example which we didn't have before um I also have an example of the violation of the minutes requirement which we know we have to have minutes um they don't have to be an exact copy and the sound recording does not suffice now here we have uh Jackson versus city of South Bay the minutes from a March 3rd South Bay City commission meeting were not promptly available and uh public records request for those minutes went out on April 24th the requested minutes were not produced until September 18th the city argued the delay was reasonable due to a busy election cycle and the pandemic which had already pretty much concluded finding no excuse for the delay with a mandatory minutes requirement the Court held that the city violated Sunshine Law for not making those minutes available uh within a reasonable time and the only other update I have relates to public records uh which we do get quite a few of those um and it's going to focus on this slide so it's it's actually the the last bullet but I I'll go through this slide um we want to ensure that staff retains a copy of any public record that you receive and before you dispose of it so that we make sure we have a copy if you do receive a public record from a source that not staff you want to send the original or a copy to staff so that it can be kept in accordance with public records law we want to conform to the deletion schedule as provided by Florida Department of State so um want to make sure we're not deleting things prior to the proper time period if you're unsure please contact me um or and I can give you a link to that it's it's available publicly and lastly if we have a record that is available in a specific format the record's custodian cannot refuse to provide the requester with the record in the format requested or impose a requirement that the record be provided in an alternate format the goal is of course as want to be open government so if we have it available electronically or if we have it in a format that that particular individual is requesting it is our responsibility to do that and we don't have to conform to the a particular format that they have if we don't have it but if we do have it we need to make it available um to encourage the public and be informed as to what's going on so those are the updates from last presentation any questions no was that fast enough thank you for making it easy sure thing asking anything else if you would let us know how things go with the sharp spark attorney I'll reach sh out to them first thing tomorrow morning and let them know that we've got to come to some conclusion and resolution with this absolutely okay I thank you so much all right busy week ahead of us African-American Heritage Festival parade Saturday um we kick off Concert for George Fest is Saturday night weather permitting uh Miss Eustace is Sunday weather permitting and then there's events every night next week um it's going to be a fun week our staff has worked very hard to bring us some of the best entertainment in Central Florida and outside um it's going to be a great week so come down and enjoy what everybody's put together Carla Mitchell and her group have done an unbelievable job putting together the African-American Heritage Festival and I will tell you it is the best in the State of Florida um the parade this year is going to be enormous from what I understand and the festival afterward some of the best food you'll ever meet or eat so come down and enjoy it all um we look forward to seeing you and being with you with that said our meetings oh my can I do that yeah so I wanted to bring up one one thing um the form six uh disclosures I'd rather not talk about that well it's it's just a Hot Topic we've had um a number of of emails about it and um I just wanted to apprise the commission that some municipalities have actually joined a class action to challenge uh the validity of the form as far as constitutionality and privacy rights and and I'm not sure if the commission would like me to provide additional information on that to consider or not I know that two lawsuits were recently filed and they're allowing for other cities to look into that as well and other municipalities so is that something you would like information on I I I'm going to sit and watch this one for a little bit that's my just wanted to make sure I put it out there for those of you out there that are listening form six is what we have to we all since we were elected have to to file uh financial paperwork with the state of Florida the state legislature last year um got a little more invasive with what they want for those of us even making $10,000 a year or $88,000 a year on our level they want our full records of everything over $1,000 everything over $1,000 doll so our personal stuff anything that we have the State of Florida wants full records of it so that's what Sasha's refering ing to so um we we don't really like it but um we will have to probably comply eventually so uh what it's going to end up doing it's going to take a lot of good people and not and matter of fact people are resigning right now uh from office because they do not want to comply with the law so so that's where we are let's see how it plays out for a little bit and we'll go from there sounds good okay thank you all for being with us tonight this concludes our meeting and you're ajed