but do we need with you can't we just do this as I got qualifying I got all kind of stuff it's only going to be about three hours 15,000 plus five don't speed don't speed how do you think I'm get it down to three [Music] hours does matter it doesn't matter what time you get there you're not getting any do matter what time I said which e e e good evening everyone Welcome to our local planning agency meeting it is 5:30 on Thursday June the 6 2024 is there qu PR present proper notice been given yes thank you so much we have before us approval of minutes from our May the 16 2024 LPA meeting what's the will of our committee so move I'll second it have a first and second any further discussion not not hearing any roll call please Vice chair Lee I miss Cobb I Mr Hawkins hi here chairman Holland hi all right and uh considerations Jeff you got first the one and only all right we have up this evening uh future land use assignment for 2024 C+ 5 under proposed ordinance 2427 this is will be associated with an upcoming annexation request property is located at the end of unimproved Blaine Street south of Maine Avenue um alternate key number is 173 4193 uh property owner is Den Dennis Martin uh the applicant is Eagle hommes Zack Huer um this is a request on approximately a quarter acre of property be annexed into the City and assigned a future Landes designation um as you can see the um Blain Street where this sits is actually at the very end it is just to the west of the I know it's a Church of God now I can't remember what the name of the church is I I apologize um again the property is approximately a quarter acres in size and bla street is not improved basically it is a dirt road coming in to access the church property um yeah surrounding is primarily uh single family it's Urban low residential to the South is um Suburban residential and the church is under the public institutional land use classification uh this request has been reviewed based on chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes our own future land use Amendment or element and chapter 102 of Land Development regulations um the existing land use is Lake County Urban low at four dwelling units per acre it is a residential designation uh the request is to come into the city at the Suburban residential um at up to five bilon units per ACR uh the request is consistent with the um surrounding area and what is going on in the area which is majority residential um advertisements were placed in the newspapers on May 28th um and June 3rd notices were sent on May 23rd um and the county was noticed on May 15th any response no okay um there is no flood plane there is no Wetlands associated with this um it is residential it is coming in his residential there are two underlying platted Lots which the owner more than like will ask to separate on the quarter acre so they will basically be rendered to be 260t by 110 15 size Lots um if they make that request right now there is an existing structure on the property um water is available um at the intersection of Maine in along Main Avenue um it is also off from Portland uh sewer is a ailable in the subdivision they will have to make arrangements to make those connections because regardless it will require an extension of lines to be able to get to the property um again there is no Associated flood zone for the property um it is within the wava study area side of the city um but again we have an existing residential lot or set of lots there is what is being requested um soils actually are pretty good with the Candler Sands they do per well um again we're directly adjacent to the city to the South and to the east um staff recommends transmitt of uh 2024 cs05 to the city commission that is all this is a piece of property that is one of those enclaves within the city it's right off of Orange Avenue right off of Ohio um and it's just one of those areas that we probably should be building in anyway the map that should be up the darker gray is the city the lighter gray is the unincorporated je do we know what they want to put in there um single family one I'm going to say either single family or if they're going to utilize the two underlying ploted Lots possibly duplex or possibly two single families okay cherry is more involved in the conversations with the applicant while she was here um they haven't brought that out as what their intent is and they'd have to file through the lot split process to I just want to make sure that if they're not 60 by 120 that's the standard house lot I want if they decide they want to do both you know it doesn't meet that 60 by10 or so you think what are the what are the setbacks again for the duplex or town home uh would be five foot on the side I meant not the setex I apologize the lot size the lot size basically breaking them out a duplex for two lots it would be a 90 foot by 120 foot they don't have 120 ft do they no because the lot is the underlying lots and even the existing depth on this property is only 110 feet deep just for me just make sure that they realize yes there are two lots but they don't meet the standard 60 by10 that just make sure that it's communicated with them before they decide to separate something out and possibly have to come to us for a waiver or I just want them to have all the information first okay thank you Jeff the road that's there it's a dirt road part of it is a dirt driveway pretty much are they going to be required to pay back they will have to upgrade to whatever to provide appropriate stabilized access to get to the property that'll be more of a conversation really with public because it's in city right I don't want that problem that we have right here off of uh Lake Eustace yeah I know which one you're talking about yeah got all right that all you got on it any other questions anybody want to address this at all in the audience all right what's the will of our committee so Mo so Mo I'll second all right any further discussion not hearing any roll call please please Vice chair Lee I miss Cobb I Mr Hawkins I chairman Holland I all right anything else Jeff at this time all right we'll hear this again at the city commission meeting correct all right we're adjourned thank you