uh let's call this meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. please rise for salute to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible and all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of May 13 2024 is available by calling phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by Tone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in schedule of meetings which was adopted by resolution number 20243 and sent to the Asbury Park Press and the two River times on January 4th 2024 post on the burough website the Bolton board and municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the bur clerk is directed to include the statement this statement in the minutes of this meeting Alison may I please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes Olson yes all right thank you uh starting off we've two proclamations one is for National Police Week Chief here yes sir and and we're going to follow that out with national public works as well you could join me up front all right so we have a proclamation here it reads it's for National Police Week May 12th to 18 2024 it reads whereas National Police Week in America was created to honor and recognize the sacrifice and contributions made by police officers and communities both large and small and whereas the 15th day of May is known as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which May 15th Falls as National Police Week and whereas every day Public Safety officers work Tire tirelessly to protect our citizens enforce our laws and keep our neighborhoods safe they report for Duty knowing full well the dangers they face and the sacrifices they may be called upon to make during the week of May 12th to 18th 2024 we pay tribute to the thousands of men men and women who serve us with extraordinary extraordinary bravery and we remember the hero who have laid down their lives in pursuit of a safer more just society and whereas the members of the buau of Fair Haven Police Department playing a central role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the burough of Baran whereas it is important that all citizens know and understand the duties responsibilities hazards and sacrifices of their police department and that members of our Police Department recognize their duty to serve the People by safeguarding life and property by protecting them against violence and disorder and by protecting the innocent against deception and the week against oppression or intimidation now therefore I Josh Hal mayor of fairen Fair Haven du hereby proclaim the week of May 12th to 18th 2024 as Police Week in the buau of fairen and recognize the police officers of our community and Country who Devotion to duty bring safety to all that they serve thank you right follow that up following week we have Proclamation for National Public Works week May 19th to 25th connecting the world through Public Work whereas Public Works infrastructure facilities and service are of a vital importance to a sustainable community and to the health safety and well-being of the people of fa and whereas the support of an understanding and well-informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of Public Works systems and programs such as streets and highways public buildings street lights leak and brush collection Parks storm drain systems and maintenance of all public spaces and whereas the quality and effectiveness of these facilities as well as their planning design and construction is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of Public Works officials and whereas the year 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works meet sponsored by the American public works Association uh with a theme of connecting the world through public works now therefore I Josh alurn mayor of the bur of Fair Haven New Jersey on behalf of the governing body encourage all fair and residents to recognize and extend their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of our public works department contribute to the health safety comfort and quality of life and the bity thank you okay um before we move forward here here with the uh NJ DP gear management plan I just wanted to take a quick moment um to formally congratulate our new CFO and I don't know if she's here is Nancy here Nancy's been here for a few years now and she's really uh doing a great job for the burough Fair Haven we wish you all the success in the future and uh can't to be can't wait to be along for the ride with you thank you Nancy um all right next up we have a uh mjdp is here for a deer management plan presentation Brian and Megan I have that correct thank you mayor thank you council do you mind swinging in front here just because uh folks that are virtual won't be able to hear you because the owl okay sure I just want to be able to see my lap well actually guess see that well you could put it on the table it's now I can see so where should I right in the middle you can see [Music] the um yeah just want to get um on that under slideshow again and then from beginning in the top left sorry display again okay um yes thank you mayor thank you Council uh so I'm Brian Shan I'm biologist New Jersey fish and um Megan M is here believe it or not she's a northern region GE biologist and that's where you belong if you were South you'd still be with Megan our southern region so um we're going to talk about today we're going to try to get um a collective understanding for why we make the recommendations that we do so a lot of times the public doesn't really understand why we say the things that we say um and why we you know make the recommendations that we do to the local communities um a lot of people think it just doesn't seem to make sense see if that works that might not be so I'll just have to say next we'll forget about that okay good I'll just try this um so yeah so what informs de Management decisions and next there's going to be a lot of oh that actually did work was that you or was that me you oh sweet very good um so what for steer management decisions so primarily um first and foremost we're thinking about demon help there no not next pleas okay so little too far might be a little delay on this I'll just say next and we'll avoid some of the uh you yeah I think I know the presentation so she's okay with me hitting uh it might it might be okay so if you could head back for me twice uh if you could hit the left Arrow key about three times oh it's still G more times sorry okay we're here so human health so the biggest one we're thinking about you usually is your vehicle collision so that was a picture taken in New Jersey um I believe for that one it did Kill the driver so we're obviously thinking about people and their help TBN diseases unfortunately New Jersey does have a lot of them um you know I have many colleagues in in my field we're a pretty high-risk group some my friends can't eat red meat I have other friends who've had B py because of limes disease um and then there's other deer related diseases so next um following human health we're thinking about ecosystem health so for ecosystem Health we're thinking about um how much generally we're thinking about how much deer are browsing on the plants so um if you think about uh your Forest uh there's you know there's young trees growing up and before the trees get tall enough to be above the height of a deer at its standing height or even on its F legs when they're desperate or really like that plant um it creates that little browse line that you see there so um so before those trees can get big um they're very susceptible to Deer browsing and if they browse too much it can actually alter the composition of your Forest so if you think about a forest um growing with time if deer are selectively choosing some species and not other species it actually can change the outcome of what your Forest looks like um so that can lead to a loss of biodiversity a spread of invasive species which deer tend to not prefer you can hit next um and then of course public feedback so um in some parts of the state we do think about them for the desire for the resource you know people like seeing them um they are you know a beautiful animal um and so there is like you know some economics behind wanting them but today we're obviously thinking about the economic impacts um a lot of times this can be like backyard gardens uh some of you may be experimenting that now uh in other parts of State we're thinking a lot about agriculture in that example you can see where deer were excluded from that soybean field just the amount of damage that occurred all around it so um examples like that can be very palpable it next I'm gonna try to concise you can hit next to just saying next so that that leads me um to kind of introducing this idea so a lot of times people um are thinking that uh you know fish of wildlife you know we're looking to maximize the number of deer we are deer biologist so we want the most deer possible um that would kind of be the ecological caring you can get next that would kind of be the ecological caring capacity the social caring capacity is the number of deer that we can tolerate as humans you know there's only so many that we can really tolerate you can hit next to TWI time the ecological carrying capacity is literally the number of GE that a habitat can support so um the ecological carrying capacity or the number of deer that a forest or a Township can support is always going to be higher than the social caring capacity and we can even think about that for the health of the deer as well we'll talk about that in a bit next so in thinking about you know this upper bound of the number of deer on the landscape um it starts to you can hit next it starts to raise the question of um what are the factors that limit the deer population size we talked about some being just the number of uh you know the the food resources that they're competing for um getting into some of like the basic biology of the deer um you can hit next we can start to categorize um some of the things that influence deer growth or decline rates um one big category is is birthing and development R so City that's like the number of fonds an individual mom can have um the gestation period that is next the gestation period is um the time that it takes for them to have that pawn um the sexual maturation so how long does it take for a fawn of the first year of its first year to be able to reproduce um so of those things if we're thinking now like about managing deer none of those really seem like great options to mess with too much um whereas fund though we're all familiar with birth control that is a thing with Wildlife um so we're going to we're going to scratch the other ones and we're going to talk about profundity in a bit birth control in a little bit you can hit next so right now um we're talking about all the options so everyone leaves the room knowing what the options are and why we're focusing on the ones that we are uh you can hit next again so survival rate if we you know we can influence birthing rates in some fashion we can influence death rates in other Fashions you can next again so we can break that up into natural deaths or human cause death you can hit next again of natural deaths there is sence or just them aging out you know at a certain point we all go um disease um so uh you know uh the you know the wild spread diseases we are not going to talk about introducing diseases intentionally you next and then predation rates you can hit next and so of those three predation rates um that's something that's a Hot Topic in Wildlife we're not really going to try to make them die naturally earlier we're not going to spread seed so we're going to talk about pration all bit you can H next so human cause you can add next again collisions obviously we're not looking to increase deeral collisions to reduce the deer population though that is among the most common ways that we manage our deer very passively but that is a way that we currently manage the Deer uh and then of course lethal removal intentionally killing them in some way or another next we got more of these hit next again these can lag a little bit yeah that's probably you can hit next probably didn't next like three times that's prob so um so immigration so thinking about you're just leaving or coming in so immigration dur leaving the township um so there's natural dispersal and then of course we can trap and relocate them you canit next we can't really influence natural dispersal um the mechanisms that would drive that are a little unethical so but we will talk about traffic and relocating as a potential option it seems possible next okay so here's our kind of core options from the last what we went through so um and I'll actually PA in in northern states uh one of the death rates that natural death rates are die offs in the winter so just winter mortality um you know too cold lack of food too much snow pack they can't access food um you can hit next of these we're going to kind of move through um kind of our our least favorable options um the things that we are not recommending we're going to wind up towards what we are recommending so um of the pros for animal predators you do have less human intervention so that can seem very appealing for people if we were to you know let's say release Mountain lines in um increase Wildlife diversity there are more mountain lines uh cost efficient once instituted youit next um so these are fairly obvious for this municipality um it will complicate Wildlife conflict now so when when we're talking Predators I'm sort of joking about that's obviously not usable but things like coyotes we do have a very robust population of coyotes in the state already and they do kill quite a few fawns every year um they kill adult leer occasionally as well so we do have some of this going on um the other big ones are bobat black bear both of those will kill um both like sick de um but will definitely kill Pawns in the spring um and uh but uh in terms of introducing them the options that we have of what we used to have in New Jersey are wolves and an so it's part we're not really talking about um so with animal creds you have a reduced control obviously you know you're trying to elicit this uh the wildlife worker for you um there's a good chance it is not going to stay in your municipality I'll say that you know certainly not in this one they want to go where they can have big home ranges they have complex habitat requirments so you know when we're thinking wolves or mountains we're thinking potentially hundreds of miles that they're going to be roaming for them to be healthy and happy um it's costly Prime and um on top of that you know you have to acquire those animals and then on top of that uh these large predators are very susceptible to Deer vehicle delions so you uh we a few years ago we had a mountain line come from North Dakota made it to Connecticut before you can hit next again so we're getting closer here um trapping and relocating tra and transfer so um so this does have a lot of support um you know for people that don't want to harm the animals um so that's a plus for this and you have a high level control and when I say control I mean you can throw lot of money at it and you can get results by doing that so you can hit next so um you need a destination and that's actually increasingly problematic um I'm not going to go into the weeds with it but there's a pretty devastating disease called chronic wasting disease that it's pretty much banned to move cids or species of deer around the country can't cross state lines without a special permit to do so um unintended mortalities so um unfortunately sort of a common theme we're going to be discussing is um in some of these efforts to avoid Haring deer there still ends up being a lot of Haring deer it's just accidental and it's not always very pretty um so uh in some studies most studies that you read trapping and transferring deer um it's a very stressful event um you can look up capture myopathy um that's what occurs to deer and they can die just from the stress of it up to 30 days later dying uh tends to be somewhere around 5 to 10% mortality from capture and disease transmission that we just talked about disease and obviously next and you can hit next again so birth control we're definitely getting closer so birth control is like a hot conservation is worth discussing so um it has high animal rights to support again you are not actively uh killing deer removing deer um and you have pie control again you can toss a lot of money at it and you will see um results from that um you can go to the cons so sort of along the other lines it requires capture so that also that's a lot of effort um but also anytime you're capturing the deer like I mentioned that capture myopathy that becomes a big issue um so uh in the studies where they've done this they do document of a significant you know we'll say like 5 to 10% of the deer um that they captured and released um died from captur really deer really not good um in captivity um wild deer um it does require long long time scales so for um the kind of consensus and what the data has shown from efforts to do various forms of birth control and we'll get into some of the different types um um you're talking like 10 years before you see some results um and it's usually pretty minimal um for uh and at that like 10e Mark you're kind of expecting to still have about 60 to 80% of what you originally had so um it's and you know we're talking on a scale of this community I'd say we're pretty safely talking you know very easily tens of thousands of I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if it if it crossed that hundreds of thousands Mark obviously it's a very different scenario but just to toss out a number um for that you can look into this project on Staten Island they're up to like $7 million trying to do this so that's a bigger area we're talking about a small area so it's not Apples to Apples by any means um I would encourage you guys to look up uh the effort in Cincinnati um Ohio they have a um non-lethal birth control program they give very honest feedback um about some of the things they struggled with um and they have a pretty unique situation um so again birth control um it's important to consider that uh yes you are reducing the number of bir births but they still have to die and typically what happens is that um deal collisions increase um in Staten Island um looks like up to 100 you know two up to 100% increase uh in Deer vehicle collisions in the couple years following um their the beginning of their program so that attributed to um mate searching activities so if you can imagine you are a buck looking for a willing um mate and none of the mates are willing because they're sterilizing by some means or another um those bucks are going to continue to look for a mate um in some cases the the the females the do's will not know you know that they can't successfully mate and they might still have those drivers and that can extend that breeding season longer and longer do they continue that mate searching so um in the places I have instituted this with a lot of Roads um typically the deer vehicle collisions increase dramatically and so any shortterm uh change in population largely can be attributed to those deaths not the birth control but the deaths so are they primarily male deaths uh they're both um some of that with the dose largely with with males yeah largely with males um but it is it is a bit of yeah because um the depending on the type of sterilization that's done the do can still have pretty high rates of me surging activity you know they never get bread so they never get that um you know hormone fulfillment that they've completed that task um um so it is inefficient you know comparatively to what we're about to talk it's lethal management um and it's quite costly as I've covered so you're you should be considering uh in the ballpark of um $1,000 to $3,000 per deer that you're going to sterilize um versus we'll get into lethal it's it's much lower now um oh in Cincinnati Ohio they they have found um options where they had volunteers volunteers veterinarian that made themselves available they still had to spend a lot of money up front to get it going um but it looks like they're going to be able to keep the project going um with more volunteer efforts so I don't want to say that it's all doing Bloom but it's very important that you can fully consider um all the implications of going this job um lethal management that's um you know full disclosure that's our recommendation so you can hit next um you can hit next again I'm usually the one hitting next so I apologize yeah you're fine um so uh generally it has public support um the public wants to see action taken um obviously there is always going to be you know a portion of the public that does not support it you know it's it hits home at a lot of ethics and values um but generally the public supports it um it's far more efficient than the other options you have high level control again you can add effort and you can get results and those results are immediate um it can Pro briide local food um so an important principle that we definitely think is important is that um it's called want and waste um so it it kind of started with Teddy Rosewell back in the day um where this idea that U animals being killed for their hides alone and the meat being left um it you know finally started to bother people um and that's considered a waste so actually um with certain permits that we issue it is mandatory that the that the meat from the deer get donated to uh the hungry to avoid that um and it's inexpensive uh if you're incorporating volunteers a lot of volunteers pay to do that service um and so that can help with some of the administrative costs up front if you're developing a specific plan um and trying to have a high level regulation which I would recommend for your municipality you hit next um so the the cons it does require um thought you know it requires Land Management buying so you know the the superintendence of your park or however uh your parks are managed um they do need to have a little bit of buying the police department needs to know what's going on who's doing what and where um potentially a couple Parks might need to be closed for a week or two um if you want to have a high uh renewal rate for those couple weeks um and obviously so this one of course potentially it's why we have some of the people in the room it um you know people uh some people are just simply ethically opposed to it so that that's always the case um and um it it's a completely valid um opinion to have about it you know it is the the killing of an animal so it's a Sensi of subject so you can next so I'm going to take a break from talking about lethal management and I'm just going to talk about some of the other non-lethal options that we didn't already cover things that don't get at the reproductive biology of the animal um it's we're just talking about things like fensive so um you can hit next like probably nine times um so uh I'm not going to really go into this list I just I tend to fall so the um that is the title of a paper that I'm pulling this from so dot partnered with a local Department of Natural Resources to do a study on what works and what doesn't along our roadways if dear vehicle collisions is the primary issue you can hit next probably like four morees um that's one more time and you probably good um thank you um so we'll just talk about fencing so uh fencing along the roadways it was found to be the most promising solution uh it that doesn't really make sense in this commun when we're thinking about fencing this was a study done um at West or this was a a review a literature review that was conducted for western states and really we're talking about uh migrating elf migrating mule deer um that you're diverting the migration path um to an underpass um by fencing off that highway so it's a little different here we're not going to fence every single property um and fencing you need to be very careful with fening uh Bergen County has a lot of issues with uh deer getting hung up on fences which is probably the worst option for deer management so um you can hit next yeah if this is okay so Bic question sure do do any of these impact the migration patterns okay so a good question yeah so uh so yeah we talked a little bit about immigration and U immigration and immigration so dear New Jersey really you can ignore the the concept of migration that's really uh we're talking like Northern deer um where there's big altitude changes um so like deer up in the mountains might come down to like Suburban neighborhoods um for you guys I would think that um in the in the summer and fall deer will find a lot of forage on more natural things um and then you might expect increased in the spring and winter a really increased um presence of them in like back yard Gardens and things like that where we're um you know they eat it we plant it the next day things like that so um but in terms of any like large scale migration uh deer in this area I would expect to have a home range of you know no bigger than a quarter mile you know so the deer that are here are your deer for the most part um does that make sense yeah no it makes total sense so yeah circling back um C coming back to this so um if you consider that there is no management of curring Cur and your neighbors are not managing the deer and then neighbors behind that are not managing deer we have some cities wondering through no bats no bears so the only thing that is removing deer on a daily basis um in any significant way are cars and so if you reduce your deer vehicle collisions at a significant scale and that's all you did then you'll have more deer and so you know the um you know the rates might be a little different de a per car um but you're probably still going to see a lot of deer vehicle collision certainly a lot of the other issues that you see would probably go up because you'd have more deer and that just kind of makes sense you it next um we'll talk about some caveo to that um but it's definitely something to be aware of some you know like I said a lot of these have the theme of you know these gors towards the deer what we you know as humans think like we project on what the deer want um it's not really best for the de all so yeah you can hit next a lot um just get that box pretty full um so again I'm not going to talk about each of these individually um but um uh so some other options um particularly we're talking about like preserves and things like that um is sticking a big old fence around that preserve um and trying to keep the deer out so just protect those plants in The Preserve you can H back a couple times um and so again if you think about it the number of deer in an area we Define we would call it the density of the deer in the area so if you fence out a large proportion of your municipality the number of deer Remains the Same the area they have access to is less and so you have an increased density of deer in the areas that are left so again it's just not helping out your your backyards it's not a holistic approach to deer management um you're kind of thinking about one specific locality you're not really thinking about your need um and then repellents just you know I'm sure a lot of you have experimented with repellant in your Gardens and if they are hungry they will eat um so you can head next um certainly some of these Technologies you know with with time maybe some repellant would get better and maybe some of you have some that work for you um but it is not a population level tool so uh circling back um to lethal management we've kind of covered all the other options um why don't you just hit next like four times so actually get the third box up and we'll just look at it all so um these are these bars on the bottom they're a visual they're not from a study I just made them um so just keep that in mind it's not not really bad on the bottom um so unmanaged hun we're um we're really think of like um you know as fishal Wildlife we have Wildlife Management areas where Hunters can go any time they don't need to call somebody they just go and they can hunt there and they can you know lethally manage the deer there likewise our state parks um a lot of land uh that is more suitable to that type of hunting again nobody knows who's who's there at all times we have regulations um but you don't have to check so that's on managed hunting we'll just kind of Move Along that's not really going to have so manage hunting um so that would be where in this in this column that I made um I it would likely be volunteers sometimes they pay you to apply for that um permit to do that um and it would have a lot of oversight so those volunteer Hunters would come along with our um State safety certification they have to take an online course and go um display proficiency um with their weapon um and um so they're vetted and monitored um we would help you with fish and wildlife background checks um and uh basically you just want to know who's where when is the idea um and those people would likely have additional regulations that we don't impose on these big state forests but you guys would probably like to impose on your local parks for you know there the public spaces where this might happen you know examples of that might be we'll a bit but examples of that might be you know they can only go on a certain days a week um or maybe you close the park for a week um 75 ft from a trail uh they have to be elevated so they're shooting downwards um archery only is probably what we're talking about so there's a lot of things it can be lengthy um it's probably a followup conversation on find tuning the program for you guys and then there's contracted hunting so just separating it out um you can have contractors without a special permit for us they just have to do what um our regular hunting um regulations say but um a lot of places in the state choose to get a special permit with us called a community based deer management permit that allows for special um exemptions to regulations um and special methods of tape we would call it um so maybe different weapons maybe you trap the deer and euthanized them um uh so you know different different tools um but that's an option and so again you know with these we kind of start with low um low efficacy um and then as we manage it more and more and we you know toss maybe more money at it um it gets more and more effective but you know obviously the cost goes up um so we you know this is probably getting Into the Depths and weeds of this is probably another conversation but you can hit next probably three times no that's yeah actually 14 okay so we talked about a little bit um so the state has a lot of regulations on our deer hunters um we are not Colorado we're not New York we don't pretend to be um so our Hunters um are you know they they have to know a lot more than in other states um so we have uh we already have state mandated uh safety zones where any potentially occupied dwelling whether it's occupied or not if it's potentially occupied they cannot shoot a bow within 150 ft they cannot shoot a firearm within 450 ft and that includes the projectile heading that direction um and some special things for school playgrounds and such again they're probably not really talking about those areas how far does an arrow travel depends how um it depends on the weight of the bow and how high you point it but you can think you know uh if you're being extremely negligent and it's a high power though let's say it's like three 400 yards um if you're shooting from a tree stand and the deer is below you um um then you can expect that it would go 20 minuts so um that's you know of course anytime you're talking about any of these things you you know there there is you have to kind of trust humans a little bit with these tools um so whether you go contractors or you go with uh volunteer Hunters that pass our safety exams um you know certainly there's little trust we all get in our cars every day and you know sort of trust each other when that's happening so um so there there is you know there's of course always a human element um I can say this that in New Jersey we have never had a non-hunter farmed by a hunter that's just never happened um occasionally unfortunately people hurt their friends while they're out with each other um with accidents um so you know that has happened in New Jersey it's not super common but it happens um but in terms of a a hunter Department a non-hunter it hasn't there's also a ton of like safety stuff that if this is the route that you guys choose to go you can build your own program so like what Ryan was saying about like being elevated like most of our County programs require their Hunters to be in a stand a minimum number of feet above because a hunter is not going to take a shot that they know is not going to be lethal so and then that Chang like R saying the trajectory down so that's why I would say like if you wanted to you can make the 75 foot thing from foot pass because if if the hunter is being responsible and if they've been vetted for our program and then we re background check them before they party her program they're not going to be taking that shot where they're going to be shooting over a pathway and they also know that they're shootting into a pathway they're going to set up their back to the pathway so they're shooting away from yeah and most most programs that we work with now and develop they're all bow because it's just safe safer it's quieter there's less like destruction with it and just it's just that's where most people are going these days but it's hunting is saf for the most compact Sports yeah yeah it's actually kind of odd but yeah it it is um and and a lot of that has to do with like the culture around it um you know just you know you know Hunters should hold other Hunters accountable so there's a lot of that going on but then on top of that of course um it's high penalties if people make mistakes quick follow quick follow question when um if I was a hunter and I got certified in Bow and I'm a Hunter certified bow that participates in one of these programs are the requirements the same or if I'm going to participate in a lethal Management program the requirements are slightly more as far as so that's another so like it's going to be the same or more stringent okay it's never going to be less stringent than our every Hunter is required to go through Hunter Ed um and like Brian said it's one of those things where if you make a mistake or you like mess up in some form the penalties are kind heavy um you can lose your license you can have your Firearms confiscated like there's stuff that goes along along with it that's another part that like if you guys decid to go forward with this that you can require more um more testing so a couple of our like mer county is a great example they have a proficiency exam so like merer County um they put their new there's an extra Prof proficiency exam that goes along with 100 so you have to come to their program Executives Pro to them that you can shoot accurately and then you're put on their probationary property for a year or two and if you're being successful and achieving the management goals then you can get moved to the more higher profile property but only after you go through that vetting process so it's very and you guys are in zone 50 so this is going to be it's like one of our most invisible zones so you this is going to be very much like build your own program you guys can basically do whatever you want you can limit how many people you're going to put permits out for like it's going to be very much whatever you guys are comfortable with and we will help build it so what Brian's talking about tonight is very very broad if this is the path that you guys decide to show down we are going to hold your hand the entire way through and we can talk about all of the mining details that go into it but yeah it's you're always going to at a minimum have our safety where they have to take online test and then they have to do the field course so there's always that minimum for that but it would come from you so we would help you with with developing those um and find out the things that you're uncomfortable with and and maybe you go as far as uh you go to the site and with the you know with uh the police you have them demonstrate that they can safely climb the tree and safely shoot at a Target um in that designated location so you could take it as far as you want um and so it's it's going to be kind of hard to see on the screen um but I kind of like showed the safety zones I'll make it a different color in the feature but it's like that kind of black patch Mark around houses um so we can help you develop these Maps where we um where the hunters will be able to see on the map the area where they can legally be and then uh potentially uh law enforcement because you don't have a lot of public open space law enforcement can go inspect the tree stands um and see that the you know the correct ID number is on the stand and the stand is in the correct location and maybe facing a direction that you'd expect them to be facing so there's a lot of things you can do to control I have another question sorry question yeah yeah I was GNA say that so we can we can get through it um but if there's like clarifying question um so yeah there's a lot you can do you can hit next three times um and then this is just showing off a few of the many pages of merer County's program so again you can cop you can start with somebody else's program and pick and choose what you like and don't like and we will have you know meetings with you guys to develop these rules and regulations you know we uh there's many uh many municipalities throughout the state that already have this up and running um so we're not Reinventing the wheel this is something that's working um in many parts of the state um including that contractor rule um so I um myself and Jody Powers the deer project leader um we filter through the community based gear management permits um so if you wanted to go that professional route um you know we I'll be long you can hit next we might be oh I just left Bergen County in there you can probably I'll probably it so um I don't know we we probably want more time for discussion I like to go through like the history of deer management a little bit but we've never I've never gone to that part of this presentation usually we need more time for questions and yeah so so that yeah that's it if anyone actually I guess we'll start with Council and there any questions I just have a few questions my first question is so let's say we uh say let's go ahead with the hunt and um we're successful I think someone had told me a crazy number like we're supporting 80 deer or something like that but we can only support six was it something like that it's in that ballpark um it's really hard to know and I like th those numbers uh if you're trying to get at like that Target we know we kind of went over that um a lot of that is the uh cultural caring capacity so as you manage the deer and um the number of deer decline so will the negative deer people interactions and so that can be a good way to gauge how wellow you should go um you know extermination is not is not the goal but we want to get it to just an acceptable level so it's not that goal is kind of tough to say but yeah um in places that are unmanaged you know 100 deer in more rural places 200 deer per square mile is not uncommon so we are in an unmanaged area so you have a high number so so where I'm going with that is I assume that rumson's right across Ridge Road has a similar ratio so as soon as we knock out a bunch of deer here aren't the Rumson deer just going to move in and we're going to have a similar issue are we just creating room for another municipality's deer like what what is happened elsewhere it's it's an interesting I get this this is probably the first question I get every single time um and I would just like um without being like I'm saying this polite but the solution is never just to wait for your neighbor to do something um I would really discourage you from thinking that way um local leaders who are taking steps like you have to educate yourselves should be the ones leading the charge and maybe that oh maybe when Rumson or your other neighbors see that you know you've taken action maybe they start having conversations with you and maybe take action to answer your question directly um there is some amount of density dependent immigration that can occur so when there's a lot of deer in one place and there's less deer in another place uh there's certain times of the year that deer will get kicked away from their moms and they and a lot of times in certain cases the density if you have a lower density they could line up there that's already happening um a lot of their deer come to you and vice versa um I would say why would you want your gear winding up somewhere else and being someone else's problem so you know I I don't think the inaction of others really validates inaction from ourselves you know it's just we want to be the good neighbor you know if they're not being good neighbors we w't be the good neighbor and that's kind I encourage you to think about has any other local municipality been a good neighbor so far that particular this area um there are a number that are having conversations with us uh we had a meeting with with cver for an example um uh a lot of them that are slightly farther Inland that have larger property sizes are able to kind of get away with it more passively because they have some uh you know wealthier land owners that have larger plots of land and can do that de your management to an extent but uh generally no I mean we we find that um uh human density small property lot sizes um and frankly more affluent parts of the state tend to be the least likely to take action on these things have you ever coordinated two or more municipalities doing the hunt at the same time now me personally I've been doing this for two years um so uh we do that uh up in Bergen County I just had a a meeting a few months ago um they have one municipality who said the same thing when are you guys going to start helping out he invited them the other surrounding municipalities and you know we had a presentation to uh 12 of the Mayors and council members of those different municipalities and have and have really uh good feedback three or so of them have contacted me about moving forward with it they don't seem to be approaching it as a group um it's separate um that's not to say that it's not possible it's it's very possible and a lot of a lot of times it's Partnerships between like County Parks and a municipality um things of that nature so certainly it's everything's possible everything's on the table and uh how is it physically is it physically marked off when The Hunt is on around the outside the perimeter of the area yeah for for you guys I would 100% recommend while while uh like bow hunting is certainly discreet um I I would not recommend you know shy from public Awareness on it the public should know there should be signs up we actually have a grant where we can provide signs um uh that just was up this year and it'll be available again for next year um and uh yeah just that you know when they walk when they Park they can see okay deer management is occurring on these dates stay on the trails you know people leas your dogs people want to know that um not that that's necessarily a big concern it's more so a concern that they're disturbing the hunter in that process you know they're volunteering their time and you're scaring deer away that's really the concern there um but certainly um being open with the public about where it's occurring is is probably parent last question creating uh talked about shooting from up above is safer how are those nests created is that something that a hunter can do on the day that he gets there or is that a more permanent yeah it could be either way um certainly some municipalities it might be beneficial if you request that they keep their stands up for the season it's just assuming that there's not going to be any uh vandalism of that but um it might be nice for law enforcement to be able to go inspect that stand like I said and inspect that they're in the correct places that they have an ID number printed on them um but no actually you know as technology progresses a lot of hunters are bringing in their tree stands it's called um they pack in their tree stand um and they remove it with them when they're done for the day so both options are completely viable thank you um Brian yeah so I you know I i' I've learned along the way we've got to beat some of you follows last year and I would very skeptical I I canot provot it I it's an urgency to this issue that affects our public health safety and W we have a lot of really beautiful Parkland that's suffering my question for you is um because we're on a peninsula with a sort of urban cap at the CI Urban at the at the base are we in a better position to effectively call that deer population even without our partner certain things seek out our partner should not be the will of the woman body but because it's more contained do do we have a little Advantage there there's certainly an advantage so um we talked about um frankly we talked about a lot for our endangered and non-game species but habitat corders are critical for the movement of wildlife if there's a reduced number of corridors then there should be um less of those animals finding their way in um and so yeah I think absolutely um there also is um a u an effect um like a I'm not going to say it right it's like a founders effect where um it takes a while deer time to learn what it's like to live in a place like this you know we we see regularly that deer look both ways to cross the road just well when they do um so there you know there's a learning that goes on we walk right past them if you do that in like Stoke State Forest in Sussex County they're not doing that so um certainly the deer here um they are you know live in a small area there's less movement between populations so I'd say absolutely um you're at an advantage that and um but I'd still say that some amount of immigration from neighboring areas that have similar Landscapes is still probably a problem thank you is there a minimum area that you recommend for this type of hunting like you have very of a natural area but that's a pretty small area yeah so an advantage is that deer moved throughout home range so um while it would be advantageous if you had some um slightly larger property owners that would be willing if you have that um that would be willing to assist but um I think I saw some no shaping heads um the deer will um move through those areas periodically so um if you allow for um you know longer Seasons with the hunters or probably more likely several different period periods of hunting deer will move through those areas and so you can you can have a a Township wide effect on just a few small areas um certainly the other part of that is that bating is allowed in New Jersey so if you guys had a handful of smaller Parcels that you were like this is where we're going to do this you guys could put out bait to pull the deer into those areas so that you don't have to spread the hunters out as as much then we did a s here last year and there there was we went to a handful of parks and there there's definitely area to hold Hunters um but if that's if you guys wanted to be pulling them in specific areas just so the huntings only happen in one or two parks Bing is definitely an option that we can use so just a followup question right so you said that the deer are within a quarter mile of each other right that's like their uh so their home range is the area that they would live um so uh and move around throughout the year um so um yeah so you could um it it a home range you can think about as like a like a polygon laid over the landscape and it's it's going to include houses it's going to include everywhere the deer walks throughout the year and it's about a quarter mile you said that's a a rough estimate it's been documented down to like a tenth of a mile even less in Suburban areas so it can be extremely small for these deer um so yeah so the reason I'm asking that right so we have around 1.5 1.6 square miles of land so how many spots right are ideal across that much square mileage to have a effect right on the deer population within the entire municipality yeah it's it's more complicated than just that question it's going to involve looking at a map of your open spaces and your more green spaces um of the municipality if you can sprinkle out the deer management throughout the municipality fairly well you're going to see better results than if you have it more adjunct but you'll still see decent results if you have fewer places then maybe you want to have um more hunting activity in those few places as then um instead of opening that park for a week you might want to open it for several adjunct weeks throughout the year um some something like you know it's it's a broader discussion but just to answer your question kind of soon how often is my question and what happens to De pardon how often we would we need to do this and what happens to the deer so yeah so U um it would be occurring no matter what you do it is not a one andone one of the advantages to Leal management is that once you remove those deer that year if the if the political temperature of your municipality changes um you have a turnover and boo sitting there um you still that has still accomplished that that goal those deer have been removed and so you still accomplish that short-term goal there will be short-term positives from that and some longer term positives um but no matter what it is a continuous thing on some scale effort is going to be it it's an interesting little balance but when you have a lot of deer it takes a little bit of effort to find those deer and remove them or do whatever what you're going to do to them as they're pure deer it might take the volunteers a little longer to um be able to remove the deer um but regardless over the time scale unless you extricate them and keep them out which is just probably not going to happen with lson and others um you talking like once a year every six months it needs to occur annually um and um probably at the get-go you probably want to be more liberal and you probably want to um close if you're going to close the parks or just let it happen you you want it to occur our seasons are open about 6 months um I would I would be I would discourage you from opening it less than a month and it could be adal periods um uh and it will kind of depend on how successful they are from different so of course it's do people take venison like what happens yeah with the deer yeah um that's part of that wants and waste it's a law um if somebody harvests a deer they have to retain all the edible portions of the deer so they take the deer with them you can require them to take even the guts with them so um part of the process so part of the process to you know it's like you know from butchering an animal to getting to the edible um it is removing the guts typically on our state lands the guts are just left in the field um and um and that lets the temperature of the animal uh decrease much more rapidly than if you did not do that and so it's better for retaining the meat but you could still require that the hunters remove that um so that there's no no like chance of a dog like that bigger Open Spaces you guys could also work with um we have a a partner um HHH which stands for hunters helping the hungry and they actually have a refrigerated trailer now so if you guys have like a week two week span where you're really pushing that those are the two weeks that you guys want to take the most out they'll come Park the trailer here and they can the hunters can drop their year off and then HHH takes it with them and they'll donate it to a local soup Pantry so then also giving back to your community for doing this too so they they donate millions of pounds of Venice every year yeah if you go with Contracting pting that's legally required if you're getting going with volunteers um the volunteers are doing it for me for their families so you know you might want to let them keep some of it um you can work that out with whatever it is so it sounds very safe that the measures that you've taken um is there anything sort of belt and suspenders where maybe you have it during the school time when the kids aren't AR you know not on the weekend but you during the week school hour do you do that kind of thing absolutely also just um deer are what's called cusc so everyone knows like Draco are internal um we are dial cusc means most active in the uh Dawn and DUS and so um The Hunters are going to come out before sun rise they're going to be sitting and waiting for the sun to rise um if you allow it in the morning um they'll Harvest through year in the morning and then um they'll probably be out pretty early if you close the park um then they might be out all day and that might be very advantageous for you um but yeah certainly you know kind of the world is your oyster you can do you can make what restrictions that you want with it if if you perceive any of these safety issues you could you know do as much or as little um to stop uh the public from entering these Parks if you think that's necessary um in yours it's probably a nice idea I don't think it's really ever super necessary because frankly uh it's deer and people look quite different um it's more so disturbing the hunters in all honesty and being respectful of their volunteer time um a lot of times they're taking off work to do this so um it's kind of interesting to think of it that way what that really is you know if there if so um yeah that's that's kind of how I encourage you to think about it but certainly you can do only during the the middle of the day um something that is somewhat popular is to have it um occur in evening only and that way when the hunters are moving the carcass you know it's night time people can't see as much but again you drive past Deer carcasses every day and don't think twice so I kind of encourage you to you know just be a little bit morecome just last question thank you for entertaining you all um how long has fish and wildlife been supporting the lethal management programs and how many municipalities have participated since then great yeah we just been asked at the last so um in ter I think we were founded in the late 1800s about the 1860s I think um so we've been managing our Deer uh lethally since then funny enough the history thing that we didn't go over uh a deer biologist back then would be thinking about having more deer because we nearly extrap them with Market hunting for their hives um so they were shot uh to near Extinction up in Northwest Earth we had some deer we had no turkeys turkeys were reintroduced I believe we moved deer throughout the state to reintroduce them um and then with urban sprawl and just changes and the way humans interact with wild life um it's kind of turned into the opposite where um you know hunting seems like that kind of dirty thing that happens in stok St forest and not here um so uh in terms of the number of municipalities um we don't have a good number for that because a lot of municipalities passively allow it um even to the extent that they just simply don't prohibit hunters from going on the mun for lamps to do that so it is like that unmanaged hunt in a lot of these areas it is more of a formal program and I would say it's on the order of probably like 30 or so if I had to just guess on a like pretty strictly managed hunt um we have about uh five to seven Community Based permits you know on that high end where you know people are paying contractors a lot of a lot of the cases are paying contractors uh to do that s service um but that's kind of the ballp part um it's you know uh it's hard to answer some of these questions because it is it's very tailored to an individual Municipal so but I'll say conversations like this on thank you so much thank you do you want to open for that's up to you I I think I think we'd push that to agenda items only but I don't know if you guys can hang around for oh yeah we can wait till the end uh if you want for it won't be the end it'll be uh we got to get to a workshop here okay yeah that's fine thank you um we're going to go to Workshop session Eagle Scout project concept Jack Rodriguez is here [Music] hi sorry hi I'm Jack Rodriguez I'm a voicey SC a part of the fair Tru and I'm going to be presenting my e project for essential approval uh to start should I just put this uh to begin I just like to explain what an Eagle Scout project is uh it's a project to gain the rank of Eagle Scout in the voice SC community and it's a project to benefit your local community in like a positive way as sort of a donation thing since all the money will be fundraising fundrais supp this uh it's more of like a donation to The Community uh so my Eagle Scout project is going to be a bike repair station there should be a picture in all of your packets I'm sharing it to thank you uh so there should be a picture in all your packets of what the bikar station would look like it'll have some like uh what's it called um tools yeah tools on wires sticking out yeah that's what it'll have tools on wires that you can pull out to be able to fix up parts of your bike uh and it'll have a stand so you can put your bike on it like that this would most likely go in faen fields uh under the overhang and concession stand in the concrete area it would there is a couple other locations in fairing Fields I could put it we could put it but it would like the main area that we want to put it is under the content stand for a couple reasons if we were to put it like next to the bike rack to the like uh side of the contest stand where there's a grass area this will be a lot more like money to dig up put concrete in and then nail uh and screw it in while under contest we just kind of like nail it into the concrete along with that that the overhang of the consan could also like protect it from the elements and make the lifespan of the stand last longer and there's one more thing oh yeah um about the maintenance of the stand according to like the Boy Scouts uh FR Eagles scy project we're not allowed to have like a warranty or like kind of maintain it since it's supposed to be like a donation to The Community but there wouldn't be really many repairs that you would need to do on it it would last like 10 to 15 years it's just kind of like a metal pole that sticks in the ground so uh the reason that I'm doing this is because in fairen there's like a big biking community that we have so I think it would be a very like beneficial project for all like people Fair them be able to fix their bikes like on the Fly and in Fair Fields uh at the contest stand is a place that a lot of people with their bikes would be so it's a very convenient area and a very convenient project for people and bikers in Fair Haven and the last thing to be able to move forward with this project just be get approval from the council so we could like get this new good job great job so are are you proposing um I see the bike repair Station cost is roughly $1,100 yes and then you wrote installation materials have been installed in soil is roughly $500 are you covering both of those or is that 500 part of the 1100 that 500 would be added on so we're planning to fund raise $22,000 we can have some extra left over if we need any like materials that we haven't accounted for at this point so we're planning to raise $2,000 but the actual station that we would buy would be $1,100 got it and and I see best locations is that the location you want the most is North exposure number one is that what you're proposing underneath the awning yeah under the awning next to the water bound is the main area we wanted and then another reason that that would be good is because there's like some surveillance cameras there so so if anyone were to like if there were to be a part of it that may have broken we be able to see what happened sure do you need access to electricity I see you have an air pump here oh that's just going to be manual you'll just like pop it like this so we will need electricity for that Jack have you ever used one of these yeah the actually the reason I thought of this idea was I was hiking in haror woods and one of these was there next to one stance like for a map uh there was one of these stations there so that's where I got the idea from I love this you can't put a price tack on not having to put your children's bike in the back of a car and drive to Shrewsberry bike chain yeah uh I love it is there um is there a reason to take a spin cast parks and W um obviously this body will make decision but is there the DJ of parks and W want to weigh in on the location oh yeah we were going to discuss this with uh h on the like the specifics of the location in FA Fields so we could probably if if there's support approve this and then also do what your sugges if someone wants to make a motion or someone has more questions no I'll make all in favor anyone opposed great job I'm sorry absolutely um in the meantime uh sign request for fairing Farmers Market really cute sweatshirt thank you not specif no Neon that we just I think the one okay yeah um so we're 10 days just about 10 days out very F good so um we're excited about it we're planning some signs to put around town um a kind of different varying degree of um sizing and location and uh some of the print on there so what you guys have in in front is what we would like to get approved um we have is that right that's okay that's okay um the print out that the the you have is what we're looking what we're going to be looking at that's our our website that we put up so um we have quite a few street signs that we're looking to get approved as well as a few banners similar to the thma dreams banners that are up right now same locations same size same printer we have some wooden like authentic farmers market that we actually sawed and painted that we would like to use as well just to kind of tie in that feeli um the majority of them would be pretty uh basic no uh specific dates because there are multiple dates we'd be able to reuse them some of them would be interchangeable we could swap in with the next dat is our plan is to hopefully put them out the Friday or Thursday before to continue to generate the buzz um so anything in that packet is really what we're looking for approval on tonight did you say Street find or no did you say Street I uh a few of the the yeah sign be able yeah when you said you're going to put them out before do you mean the day of signs or the Advanced Sign well we would put one maybe the A-frame signs to make sure that the location is clear to some people coming in then there are the ones where the dermer's signs currently are at the entrance of Fair Haven and then the one field in there so that that would go up when it got close to the date that's right is the same with the wooden signs you only put them up those the wooden signs would be day okay say Advanced signage that's not those would not be Advanced not ADV no those are clunky big pieces of wood the advanced signage would be the dermer dreamers sign locations same size same spots just and then the a frames would probably be out the night before us so none of this stuff stays up from May 25th until October yeah the wood ones where were the wood ones GNA go right in the market so that's what I thought so there was the the clearing that was done behind sickles so that has a little area we're going to set up a few signs kind of connecting that path put one of the wooden signs there and then the gates of the old mcarter estate we would probably put one under there the wheelbarrow some chalk sorts of different stuff can I ask aoup question okay so um just going in your presentation you said identify and um amplify no parking locations on the resident Street wouldn't that wouldn't that really get up to the I yeah that's why I figed that was a previous I just we added it in case something we need to do but and then the other one you said that um located the entrance of mcarter Park and beside frame it yourself do we have to get any approval from frame it yourself B property oh it is okay that's it when do you anticipate removing all of the signage Saturday that's Saturday of the so we go up a day or two before the market and we come down the day of the market just on that burrow property there there's an agreement in place though that the owners are to maintain that uh landscaped area just FYI so we say it's burrow property but that entire area there there's a there's an actual agreement with all the businesses um and it's from 13 years ago Smart Start frame it Fair Winds and the burrow proper so it's not bur it's burrow TD you want to explain it it's burrow owned but the actual maintenance of the landscap and is not the burs responsib just cleared it out company just the we actually worked with the the own there and they hadle yeah just want to like just want to clear so should we check with them um no they're aware we sent them an email they know why wanted yeah we've been in there we were Frank yourself a few days ago so my only comment on the on the sandwich board signs that you put them up you be very careful many of our sidewalks are narrow and and you can't block pedestrians or people with strollers that you're going to have to pick locations where that won't be a problem you know like you could actually you know if you want to T one here in front of Hall but then you put it you know off the pathway supposed to right in the sidewalk itself but I'll I'll be walk dou the real time anyone have a motion to approve I'll make a motion all in favor anyone opposed congrats we're really excited for all right next up a request from the fairen PTA to hold a Color Run event on September 22nd 2024 hello back dayun um so the Color Run was something done by the Education Foundation previously it stopped um right before Co pretty much if in that zone um the PTI has identified some social emotional learning say deficits but need for encouraged group play at resets of both pools and um looking to be able to provide some funds for enhancements to encourage group P such as the Gaga pit that we already did but it brought up more ideas from people of other things that we could add at both schools um so we discussed with the previous people in that did it about the Color Run and bringing that as a vehicle of having kid participation and raising the funds to add to their fund at so we're looking to do that on September 22nd um Stephanie wantel will be the person in town in charge of the race and she has met with those that did The Color Run in the past to get all the information about how it was one they previously got approv for a th000 Runners we don't know that we would actually have that but we just went back to what did they ask for and did they get approved for um so I thought can I ask a question um so I've seen and participated in color runs and depending on the age of the kids you know it can be a very short run which is just fine also contains the color everybody's having a good time what's the vision so they had a fun run and a longer one when they did so they had a kid one and an adult version the and there is a discussion of just going to a kid and not even the full long run that the adults did um I know the one that I participate in on over Memorial Day is about a mile total um but that is something that is still being worked on on how long the actual longer run will be but the kid run was just within Fair Haven Fields so that they were safe and contain do you have a rain date um yes so it will be the next weekend is the expected rain date we've been working with um speaking with the uh fa Haven Foundation has October Fest that Saturday and whether or not it would we're and we were even considering that to be the initial date um because we're trying to stay further away from Harvest vest if possible because that's October so um the discussion that we had with the people running October Fest was that it would possible it would be a little tight but it would be possible based on what would be left behind the next morning it's just not ideal so we're going to hope that it doesn't come to that so the the request would be the event on the 22nd of September with the rain date for 29th September okay a time um no they did the fund run at 9:00 amm this like we're basically just following the um about two weeks ago Stephanie met with um the people that were in charge of that and this is running through all of their back information on how they did it yes I have a question yes so your rain date is the 29th correct now I know October Fest is scheduled for the 28th so do you and it's not always taken down no that's why it's not our ideal date but um after discussing it with Susan and where the barriers would be and what space we would be using versus what that would be it would be she said it is doable it is not IDE right but you don't see a con no and and it was better when we went back and forth it was better to still be dealing with cleanup on Sunday morning versus being in the way and then having the color there the morning before which is why we were sticking the Sunday Street closers DPW support so I'm working on Street closers for Girls on the Run currently and I was holding off to see if this so I could do both but it would be if the they used to use the same route the girls on the run was when they did the full race but that was a full 5K and we have been discussing whether or not you really want to do the full 5K or to cut that down 100 yard dash but it would be the same what 100 yard dash yeah and DPW support yeah that was that was all fine because in the past it was fine they the main color part from what I was just described to me because I asked this question was that it was they did like an enclosed area that you like basically went into a a sectioned off Zone to get colored when you got colored so that it contained where it was so what actually is the expectation of DP what what is what is the I mean most I understand that just filters in one day RS Go I mean are you expecting to come in and vacuum the color that's not no and it is it's just hosing it yeah my and my understanding was that it was never previously we do anticipate paying a fee like other I mean that was part of the discussion of the budget that we might have to pay okay well I guess for all is I didn't see I wasn't sure there was a need but if you think there is it sounds like you're still working on it maybe we need um I it's just following what was done in the past the best event my kids has ever ever experienced it was the first thing he ever did in Fair Haven and still talk about it um it was very contained and I live across the street from Fair Haven deal my understanding was it was not an issue but that they were prepared to because I think for Girls on the Run there's a fee so I had brought up we we need to budget in that there would be that participation fee which is supposed to go to cover any of the needs that come up I know we call that we power walk should had a in the past I think it might depend on the timing if you're lucky enough to get some rain it color disperses pretty quickly from what I would call yeah we trying put show what's the word very very saying was it explained to me that it wasn't an issue the reason they it up just is we're we're being careful with where our DPW crew gets deployed on the weekends and I don't actually think that there is a DPW need for the Colorado yeah I'm saying it's not great they'll be porter potties rented so they want to be using the bathroom that's in the budget I know that CU I checked on that what is the actual color just have a curiosity is it toxic is it non tox it's okay for they wear sunglasses and they get a t-shirt the T-shirt kind of gets colored but then even when you wash the t-shirt it's I mean iur but weird sunglasses yes they all get everyone gets a pair of glasses to protect their eyes will it will this group report through the parks and rec committee like following we went to perfect I just didn't know that and that was and it had gone through parks in my first so that's why it was kind of easy even when I brought it up to W I wasn't actually on the first me when it came up but when it came up it was it was there was information back from how it was done in the past and it awesome was approved very very successful yes my only my only request in full support my only request would be if anything deviates if you can bring it back to the governing body please if we're going to change anything that would be super appreciative thank you I'll make a motion Lauren you need signs are you doing any kind of event one sign so right now we were we were going to put in a separate request because I didn't think I could throw that in at this time but we were going to put in a a separate request for the um September 6 so it's after Labor Day do a separate that's all right thank you I'll make a motion to approve second all in favor anyone opposed yeah thank you thank you putting that together Bicentennial whole repair plan councilman law Barbara yep so um as the goverment body knows Tracy and I um have been working really hard on getting the four components of the big Paul um plan overall going and the ultimate goal is that b Centennial Hall is in a maintainable state after the ad upgrades uh after punch list items um and so we went back and we got um years ago 10 12 years ago there was a a 10year maintenance plan done um that looked at both the historic and non-historic components and so we went back uh to the original author as well as another entity that supported and got two proposal stud so um we wanted to raise that here we've been talking about it tangentially a little bit um in our governing body meetings uh the proposal differen is one was 1500 one was 7500 and so um with the governing body support we'd like to uh make a recommendation for the next meeting to have it approved um and when we look at our schedule we're we're looking for um our bit call efforts Ada punch list and the repair plan to be done before the fallish for the holidays for the holidays um so it's kind of aligned with all the other concurrent things so we didn't want to just you know put it on consent Agenda One not1 bring it back here put some hot you know a focus light on div get ahead um the only thing which is what we talked about with the stakeholder group um these two proposals for one product are pretty different in their in their Fe which we really want to hire the lowest most um inexpensive proposal we did talk about that professional's ability to do the research to guide us with historical U design things in particular something like the pain color for B sentennial internal and external and I don't think we track that down so I guess what I wanted to say here is let's do that before there's a plan to put it in front of council for consideration just make sure that law of Berwin has the either perhaps Teresa you may know does she have the capacity or theing kind of research gu us as to things that color it's in there that is very very proposal when she shot back the yeah they both were but when she shot back the proposal I mean she I mean I'll let you speak to it it's fine I I I Concur and she she also I mean she's presented the you know she helped us in the past when we were looking to put things through shipo and she has a lot of experience with historic building so you feel confident about I'm confident in her abilities I really am okay the research piece is a unique one doesn't necessarily mean everyone that tells that but if if that's the case I agree that's our recommendation to move forward right ask good question um we we just approved an application for a grant didn't we just do that like that $50,000 Grant that was going to help us uh create a plan for Bicentennial Hall is that not so different type of plan right okay that's that's where my what what is the difference between the two so this is a maintenance plan what you need to do to maintain B Centennial Hall given its mixture of historical and non-historical components the grant was down to the programming I don't want to speak for Michael Tracy but but the grant was focused on programming that you could put through b Sentinal Hall uh use of the building what type of use could it be for the public and the community Etc so two very different types of Grants there's no chance of of any contradiction between the two plants no there's no redundancy what your this is like the physical work that needs to get done now and then that would follow up after after all this work is done and after a maintenance plan has come up has been figured out then we figure out the actual use of the building okay so so the grant will not include anything on maintenance no okay or development it's just it's just programs that are or the actual use of the building and whether if we decide we need better a AV system can it support it how we make that happen okay as long as there's no conflict between the two no yeah what's the funding source versus cap I I actually uh have to double check on the soft cost in the ordinance that was approved for by centenio Hall but I'm fairly sure to be soft cross available it's not a it's not a significant amount of money so if if that was not the case from a timing perspective I'm not so sure it make the 2024 budget I think by the time they do the punch list and get some of the the repairs done it might make the 2025 budget but I'll double check with bom Council I I'm you know they they've dropped that or several years ago but I'm sure there was some level of s to them and we we we I'm operating under the assumption that it's covered under the bond ordinance specifically for bent Hall that talks through hard cost and soft cost not withstanding the um 88 Grant right so the 88 Grant was 100 whatever thousand then the other facilities cost specifically for bisol which included soft and hard yeah 374 whatever it was so I'm Opera under assumption that this comes out of the bond ordinance that's been the plan all so we'll get those answers before the next yeah I mean if it's not on the agenda next time then that's not the case we have to think through that can I just clarify though timing on because we're of the mind that this is going to hopefully possibly by Fall so it would fall within 2024 correct yeah right why we need to get confirmation there okay um next up public comment on agenda items only uh please observe a three minute time limit I know that there's people here probably for different reasons if we could just because uh our friends from mjdp are here can we get to the deer stuff first and then we'll move on so if anyone that has a deer public comment please come up state your name and address for the record um and please limit uh your comments the three minutes hi my name is k Ferguson 7 Court I'm the chair of the Natural Area advisory committee uh we have a number of our members here they were very excited to listen to the presentation tonight um uh we have shared information with you but I just want to restate some of it so that the public hears our story in combination with what was presented uh so for the last three years we've been requesting the council to take some sort of action on deer overpopulation especially as it's affecting the Natural Area uh so we really want to thank the council and thank you guys for making your presentation because this is something a has been eager uh to work on um if the Natural Area we have observed destruction uh We've observed it the members of the committee uh the employees that care for the park have observed it and also the M County Park experts who advise us have observed it and what we've observed is the destruction of the under soy and then also what you described which was the destruction of the young trees um so in a normal occurrence trees in that area fall all the time every time we have rainstorm or Windstorm large trees fall uh what should be there ready to spring up are small trees young trees to take their place but what we're seeing is that the deer have eating these young trees and we wind up really with no trees um so really without some sort of action the future of the forest in the Natural Area is at risk um we've also heard people make similar comments about the Harding bird sanctuary um and that's a little more easy to observe you drive by you just see trees and you don't see anything underneath it um so the Natural Area advisory committee does hope that some type of action will be taken um and we just want to share one thought uh we have the restoration area in the Northwest which is currently a cleared area um and that is it was previously cleared of vines and nasty uh buy trees and stuff but it's now a clear open area and you know that we had the gentleman weeds ink out to talk to us and he observed that that might be a good place to hold a deer hunt if one were to be held held um it's surrounded by very tall trees and it would be easy to put deer stands up there uh he suggested that it's kind of a a large enough area but it is contained or could be contained and um it would be easy enough to bait in that area and then uh have people in trees uh working so uh we think that's something that you should at least consider and we want to make sure you know about that and that's than thank you thank you anyone else have a public comment on the deer issue um Caroline has covered most of this so I don't to say very much um I just want to stress the significance of sustainment provided by the existence of an underst it's sort of the centered feature of the Natural Area it allows it's the critical feature of the natural um sustain e sustain ecology it's also extremely important for the enjoyment of people in the pl because without it you see directly through to the houses to the other Trails people walking on the trails you hear the people and you hear the noise that's gone so I want to be just a little bit more explicit on the final point when can we expect you guys to be ready to to take this on uh I don't want to overcommit and under deliver but um I've already been asked that question since njd presented U my best guess is we're going to put it on Workshop as soon as you know we we find the right meeting to do that I would I would say um it'll be sooner rather than later but that that means it's a workshop so you need to get support from the governing body for a hunt before we actually move forward but the discussion as to whether we're we're going to have support to move forward is going to be happening soon I urge you to include the Natural Area folks and I I think you asked the question of break down that Parks we have roughly 100 acres right 45 for the Natural Area 32 for the creation area six for the bird sanctuary and it sort of tails off there two other large ones I guess quter Park and Center Park but they're below six and then it fils off so there are not a lot of small areas that aren't those so that's going to be an interesting I think designing the program would be the place should should the governing body determines that it's a good idea to go forward then there's a phase of work where you're designing the program along with the technical advisers they PS there a ro for I don't want to get ahead as mayor said but and I do think we need a long-term plan yeah it's not just a one shot deal right I believe in Immigration and I just don't see how dear know which street is between and which street isn't that's thank you thank you anyone else on dear no well let's uh let's give a quick Round of Applause to Brian Megan presentation the public agenda items only hi um Jack I'm specifically here about um number 125 the resolution anyway I'm here because you wrote a resolution removing Brian for conduct on becoming of a volunteer he has requested from both the mayor and Teresa um a written explanation as to what that conduct was and it was never answered he was told it would not be discussed and I would really like an explanation as to why he's being removed and what that conduct is I don't think that it's fair that he has been a volunteer in this town for well over 20 years and he's being moved without any kind of a conversation or having a full understanding and I would urge every member on this Council to not pass that resolution thank you for your comments is anyone else in the public with a public comment agenda items same agenda item my name's G I do not live in Fair Haven but I am I do live in one of the towns that benefit from the work that Brian has done with the ne State River um municipality committee um I have a long background in fisheries management issues and conservation um spent 12 years on the Mid-Atlantic fisheries management Council as the governor's point B W look before that I worked on strike B legislation testify with the Congress and they've written about it many magazines um the work that Brian has done with this committee bringing it back to life that benefited all of the municipalities that border on the river and I think that they all I think that if you move forward with removing him from the committee you're penalizing all of us not just be ha um I know that the river has had a lot of pollution problems in the past and they've been addressed he know the people to work with he's brought on Cindy zip with clean ocean action he had great um relationships with njd the right people when he was doing research on what needed to be done he actually contacted my brother my brother is an environmental engineer with one of the most prestigious environmental engineering companies that works with clean water with remediation um the amount of time that he puts in the amount of resarch search you don't find volunteers like that every day especially people who are willing to not just put in the time to come to committee meetings but the intense research that's inter that's involved and preparing for it so I just wanted to say that I would like to see Brian stay where he is as in on the committee representing Fair Haven because he has been the driving force behind this committee and the success it's seen over the last five years true G thank you for your comments anyone else with a public comment agenda items only your neighbor rson I have a commercial shop up in Keyport we Harvest Blue Crabs just your name please Dennis kav and my real love the shelfish shelfish what I do do is aquaculture aquaculture in 22 he actually out landed the Wild Harvest in the United States they grew more than they caught now that probably doesn't mean much to you but down in seab and Highland there's a huge payroll there and those guys have to pay to get their Clans now if that case it comes up right now in this summer between the Kate May Fishman in the Supreme Court that fee that they have to pay may go away where's it going to go they'll end up coming to the Shoreline I live in Rumson be ha all those shorelines are going to be absorbing that expense it's a big big payLo ran was a dialogue I've been doing this for a long time I was able to get that 188 million for Mom's Park that was mad $250,000 was paid back to the fisherman for landing fees that was also me so I'm good at this but Brian negotiates we don't always agree but he was very productive before you cut him loose make sure fure you lose that dialogue you lose that dialogue and you get expensive real quick you ever thank you thank you for your comments Denis is there any any else in the public the public com hi M 66 GL Avenue fa Haven uh I've been in town now for just over 12 years I live on the river but I think more importantly I spent a ton of time on the river um and what Brian has done for the for the group I think uh some of it goes unrecognized um probably about seven or eight years ago they're they're leading the charge to make our River Marine Sanctuary which would have been a huge mistake and it was flying under the radar uh Brian and a group stepped up to help protect the river and keep it accessible for all of us uh a lot of people know me in town as a guy that drives around a blue truck but I actually sit on an international board uh that leads the that leads in the International gamefish Association I'm a trustee and we spent a lot of time protecting fisheries and I get the fortunate advantage of being on that board we're meeting a lot of people that are dedicated to protecting uh our environment as fishermen and clean water and Brian is as dedicated as a lot of the people I meet all over the world that are uh involved with doing so um Barry said was spoton with with his connections and his ability to bring people together uh it's a shame to lose them I think you guys need to reconsider that uh frankly without an explanation of why you're taking them off I think it's premature um and who repacing because I doubt who we're replacing them with as the credentials at Brian and it'd be a shame to go backwards the river after the Marine Sanctuary had a lot of water quality issues that some of you are aware of I think that hits home a little harder for most people um Brian led the charge with getting that under control and finding out you know where where some of the major sources this pollution was coming from so please reconsider it I know other people probably have other stuff to say that might be redundant to what I'm saying or you know but it's important to listen to what the people that are involved with the river that spend time on the river that know the river have to say about this so I appreciate it thank you for your time Mike anyone else with the public comment on agenda items only good evening Brian Rice 45 M Avenue I had to write this down because many of you know me that I get all the course I believe I'm here tonight because of recent disagreements as to Future policies of Fair Haven things like the public dot in the river of my life and I'm passionate about preserving these resources for future Generations I think many of you know my by line which is to leave this place better than what we found it I'm an outspoken supporter many of you know that clearly outspoken supporter of the public asset to Great greatest assets of the peninsula the water and the human and animal life that thrives around for that I am not sorry but proud for all that I've done and have accomplished for our community but I am here tonight disagreement about new policies now threaten my continued right as a passionate resident of Fair Haven to remain actively involved in shaping those policies for the future but just as I want to keep fighting for the river I'm here to appeal to this Council to reverse cours permit me to remain active on these committees one committee and the process of protecting these invaluable Irreplaceable public resources I would need to be completely unconscious and I realize through this proposed action tonight that I have clearly upset some of you who do not share all My Views and as and as to how we should set policy for the future I can tell you here tonight that I have never intended to hurt anyone and any else and diminish anyone else's opinion or to overstep my bounds I as just one vocal member of this great Community but the truth is I am imperfect and times I struggle to my wife's here still struggle to um those struggle to let me start at times I struggle to control how I display my passion and Lobby for what I believe in but those that know me and and for here in this room tonight know that what drives me is firmly planted in my heart and when the passion comes from the heart and the goal is truly a public good I would hope there could be more understanding and tolerance of the P personal flaws of one human just trying to do the best they can to lobby for what we believe in what I believe I've given a lot of myself for this community over my whole life and I'm here tonight in the in aable position of needing to ask you to permit me to continue continue to work hard for this community moving forward I believe I'm uni uniquely situated to support these Community assets and I believe that removing me from participating in these committees would be great disservice to our community I implore you to reconsider Ving me from contined participation in these important public activities and in exchange as it is me and I do know I have a part in this I promise to work harder to do better in managing my attitude my passion and Ching my which is only positive ways that will benefit and model for others in this community I truly sorry that we need to be here tonight I'm thankful for everyone who has shown me support come here tonight to hold me up I regret whatever has upset to cancel for the mayor and the misunderstanding as to my motivations presumably my words I'm happy to explain myself in Greater detail if there are specific questions as to how we got here and otherwise I ask you to please stand down let me continue to stand for the river and a research I can't thank you for your comments just a one one comment I will make to make clear is the resolution that's listed has nothing to do with policy um and no one on this Council has questioned Mr Rice's expertise a single time is there anyone in the public will be Comon on agenda items only Alon anyone online [Music] sir after listening to this and there are two people that you were removing from position I think it is fair to let everybody know the reason why you have simply shut people down at the end and thank them for their input but you have not given a reason Ruth is there anything else you'd like to share are you g to shut me down too without an answer not shutting you down this it's not a Q&A it's public comment okay fine I think you owe it to everybody to know why the decision was made and who made it thank you thank you Alison anyone else public comment couple I have Jeffrey man hey can you hear me okay yes yeah I think just Echo some of the others thoughts there I just would like to know why and if it's not a matter of policy on what basis is the decision being made thank you yeah I agree with Ruth and the previous gentleman like you know I'd love to know what the the burough Council and the mayor are doing to defend this decision and who do you have in mind that could possibly be uh more qualified than Mr rice I mean I think we deserve it so please uh at least explain thank you for your comments again this isn't about qualification and we're not uh discussing other um appointments versus this appointment Allison is there anyone else with a public comment no one is anyone El from the public again with a public comment yes I I have asked a direct question of council and mayor in we rest it in writing I've asked it here and I'm not given the respect of that response and I take great I don't even know the word that I'm looking for but I I I feel that it is extremely disrespectful that we can't get some clarification or a conversation out of respect for your husband I would not like to share the reason in which he is not being Appo that his appointment is being taken privately and you won't respond to us so I have no other choice but to come to a public forum as a resident I am asking you to let us know it's it's in the resolution it's for Behavior Unbecoming of a volunteer I want an explanation as to what that behavior is I believe that there are several people in that room that don't have the full context of what took place and if you did you wouldn't be making that statement there is a difference between what someone does their subject matter expertise their passion their volunteerism all of which I I we all commend Mr rice for there's also a how you go about it and as someone is leaving a commission in a committee who's supposed to be the person that everyone else follows suit if the majority of the people in this room knew what actually took place and I think you probably know Mrs R I do not then neither does my husband which why not accurate just talk to your husband about today that's not accurate to my husband about it today so thank you is there anyone else in the public with a public commment agenda item 15166 so your guys are doing this action you sir what's your name and address please uh Ted gasman I don't live in town so you guys where you live sir uh Loft what's your address please I'm not going to disclose that so my question is there anyone else for the public comment no all right uh moving along to approval of minutes April 8th 2024 regular meeting do I have a motion to approve motion second Alison please have a roll calls Council memb PA yes yes yes yes yes F yes uh April 23rd 2024 regular meeting I have a motion to approve motion Alison may I please have a roll call yes missell yes o yes B yes olon yes thank you old business uh public hearing on the 2024 May did I miss something executive I missed one I apologize April 23rd 2024 executive session I have a motion to approve motion second Alison please have a roll call Ste yes yes yes PA yes thank you uh old business public hearing on the 2024 mun ipal budget ordinance number 20245 amend Chapter 30 land use section 3.3 d11 notice of public hearing I have a motion to open the hearing motion second all in favor I anyone opposed is anyone have any comments or questions on this does anyone in the public have any comments or questions on ordinance probably button Drive is that the or to add what's that the or to and is that all it's so I'm sorry which which or and which and H instead of the word or the word is now and to provide both block and Street oh that's that one okay very good that wasn't the one it's hard to know them by code are you doing something with regard to the restaurant ordinance as well that I seen her regenerative I missed that earli no no no no no right thanks um is there anyone else in the public with a comment Alison no May real quick yeah we said public heing on the municipal budget and then linked it to ordinance number 20245 I think those are separate yeah they are yes they are all right all right so let's do let's do warin 20245 and then we'll go back to the municipal budget okay um just I'll ask again then anyone in the public with a comment on the land use ordinance and TR this is making block and lot and address both required when it goes out for the got check Alison anyone online I a motion to close motion second all in favor I anyone opposed do I have a motion to approve second Alison please have a roll call council members call yes yes yes yes yes yes uh thank you now public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget I just I'll start this mayor I I obviously when we introduce the budget we went into great detail I'm not going to go into as much detail now uh we do have our current CFO calling La joining us uh via zoom and of course Nancy relocated but she's over there um I'm just going to hit some of the highlights uh the burrow uh is utilizing a, $590,000 in Surplus in this uh budget uh still leaves us with a very healthy Surplus um as we go forward um we're also very pleased to report that uh tax bill paid by the average assess home will actually going down by $149 annually uh this is just a slight reduction it sends a strong message to the governing body prudent and it's far better than the tax increase please keep in mind that the reduction in taxes paid includes the allowance for an increase in the average assess home between 2023 and 2024 um as of this uh draft your tax rate is projected decrease from 0.343 to 0.312 which is uh 99.04% uh this budget also proudly appropriates $525,000 to Capital which is our annual $215,000 for Budget of capital $75,000 to buy a fully equipped police vehicle in 2024 and $35,000 for future Bond ordance down payment as well as $200,000 in art money that's offset uh by an equal $200,000 in Revenue making the budget transaction neutral um it was a lot of work with in this budget and uh certainly open the public for any questions or the government body sir can you just um explain again why the tax rate going down isn't enough to justify why taxes go down because um years ago um when uh you used to be uh have your house assessed once every 10 years um you could just follow the tax rate because your property value remain the same over time um M County participates uh in uh an annual assessment of property taxes where everyone's values change annually based on market sales so a home that averaged last year at a million might average this year at a million two so as as your uh you think about taxes paid by your assessed value times the tax rate as your assessed value goes up you know even if your tax rate Remains the Same um it your taxes are still going to go up so uh we are very open in what the average hom was assessed that in the prior year versus versus the current year and we compare what that average house will pay in taxes even with the increase in value perfect thank you anyone else do I need a motion teres no because the ACT okay um nobody else in the public nobody uh moving along bur facilities update councilman La bar won the tape um last won the tape rewind the tape I double C before um so last year um we established a phenomenal relationship with fish Chapel to both enable um a short-term parking agreement a long-term parking agreement um through the the conversations that we had um fish Chapel um and the burrow entered into an agreement um to allow us allow a burrow to Leverage The Fish Chapel parking lot while construction happens um and then ultimately when um construction's done the burrow um would um uh redo that parking lot and maintain it um and it went through a multitude of factors the partnership um the the parking arrangement for the community center there was a whole S factors more than happeny to dive in if anybody wants to um so what we are revisiting now that we are I don't know how long 6 months into it eight months into it we' wanted to um finish the design of that long-term parking lot um and then we'll look to um take care of it next year um and so the proposal in here um is from the gold SE partnership majority of the work is from uh Rick leer uh and Lear Associates who's been um supporting us um in and so wanted to raise it here see what initial questions there were mayor um answer any questions um and similar to the the ball repair plan if there's consensus agreement like to put it on the next uh agenda for approval um this was not budgeted we didn't budget this in our ordinance um so the soft costs here um would have to come out of our Capital to correct me um and whatnot yes sir um it would come out as a page you go Capital but the difference in page as you go capitals we don't break into hard cut and soft Cuts because we're not going to issue debt for it so Bond counselor holds no standing uh we can charge it directly without this cost would come right out of P go Capital uh without the L that's a soft cost even though it is a soft cost unlike a bond ordinance where they break it up in Pay should go we can fund it directly and we couldn't put this in the ordinance right we could not put this in a bond ordinance as part of facilities because we do not own the asset and bond Council would right we frown upon uh they don't they don't mind us paying directly but we're certainly not going to issue Deb right we did pay for the easement right last year that that that did that but that's why it couldn't be in the and what what is the projected cost it's been estimated around 250,000 do we have it we have enough money should go Capital to cover it they yes okay you have to be very careful when you get requests for that that you be mindful that this you you we could certainly cut a for this $44,000 when you approve at the next meeting but the fact that you're going to have to actually do the work and pay it you have to monitor that pay as you go balance in the finance the committee we we've talked about it you know you just you're just adding $215,000 to this year from this year's budget and we have some left from prior years but you can't get overly generous and say oh yeah we're going to say yes yes yes to a lot of other things and then find yourself short when it comes time to pay the bill to actually do the to do the so we're going to approve 5 and a qu for this year P 5 and A4 or 550 no no page goes only 215 annually 215,000 annually 21155 and what do we have from I'd have to look at the prior year but I think we're well over five or something Brian off the top my head so we'll have seven in change yes and this one and this we're going to go out we go out to bids if you remember with the and the only reason I give this as a um as a tangential example is remember with um the DPW bid we rejected the alternate right because it pay go higher so this is another one the reasons why this separate by itself it's it's Rich can explain it better than I can right but it's asphalt it's curbing there's Landscaping there's storm order management there's electric right and all of that so it's it's it's better suited for um what those as team I'll say cool any other questions okay moving along new business introduction of ordinances 202 24-6 am chapter 3 police regulations to add section 21 entitled resident prot protection does anyone have anything on that questions no anyone have a motion to approve motion second Alison please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you um on the consent agenda just for your notes 20241 127 is stricken so we're talking about 2024 1117 through 2024 d132 um without 127 in the middle there um and no temporary appropriation Amendment right right if it do if it doesn't so nothing nothing to talk about there yet okay um and uh before we vote is there anyone that wants to um separate anything on the consented yes mayor please could you separate res resolution 125 and 126 sure and we've done uh is there anyone that wants to comment on any specific resolution before we well move to the vote can I ask a question sure so the 128 request to modernize Oprah did they just vote on that though didn't this actually just pass or what no I think no the vote is this week the vote is this this week I think can't remember yeah one of them has discussed it I don't know if about okay I think it may have gone to a vote today so wouldn't this be a moot point or we're just supporting it regardless right because that's the Senate Bill wish before the Senate today yeah so I think it might have been voted on today so does this matter like does this need to be separate any I didn't see it come through I'm not saying but I didn't see um so we're just supporting that we want this the new yes you're supporting the CL modernization of the Oprah statute with with all the specific details so have we all read every single but I understand it will facilitate now does it are you worried about an inhibiting access because a little bit yeah I mean I just I've read it I don't know okay I'm kind of on the I I think I I would need to know more to vote on this specifically h Andrew can you explain to me the it's it's it's pretty complicated um oper statute has been with us for a very long time it I I can summarize that it would I believe simplify the process however the transparency if they modernize it wouldn't be as transparent would you agree with that it's being AB Oprah is being abused by Comm vendors there's professional people out there that go and they just file o requests in order to you know enter into lawsuits suing municipalities in order to recover certain funds and that's a problem for sure but I guess I'm worried about a little bit concerned about the transparency for just regular residents who want to obtain information what hindrance is put on them like from what I understand could take longer to get information no what I didn't understand though is you said it it passed or it didn't pass I just got a text that says New Jersey W pass overhaul of States open public records yeah they passed it passed it so what does that for us mve that's what so we don't need to vote on because it would be in support of it's a res it's I want say it's an empty resolution but it kind of good right this unless you're going to use that resolution to send it to a state send or assembly person in order to show your support or yeah that you you know object to it's introduction so we don't need to agree to it for it to apply to us now now it's now it's because it's Alis said it's pass it does raise a question though do we have any Oprah related ordinances that are now out of date right because what we previously experience when the state changes its guidances our ordinances are out of date and I know from the zoning Board in previous experience that that caused some confusion with what was the standard and the legislation that they needed to follow well similar to like the storm water ordinance that will be discussed for the next you know you know couple months yeah it'll be a similar situation where we'll have to amend our ordinance to include it whatever modernization that the bill says I don't it's a state law we don't have we follow state law there's no perfect I just want to make sure there's I I go back to the um yeah thank you may before you go any further I did want to answer counc Olson's question um as a member of the finance committee he did ask where we are with piao capital I pulled up my spreadsheet um as of uh April 19th so this could be a little bit off but probably not much uh we had 32 I'll second it Alison may I please have a roll call yes human sing yes yes yes La yes yes okay thank you uh for 2024-25 2024 d126 do you have any comments before I ask for a motion 125 and 126 well one we address 125 first and then sure yeah it'll determine whether we even discuss 12 fair enough for 125 anyone have any comments I do mayor um uh this is the this is the proposed resolution to revoke a volunteer from a position um I I was sick at the last meeting just why I didn't pick in the executive committee notes because I didn't get to participate um and I know that there was a discussion at that time about this matter um I just very clearly want to say that um while I understand we discuss Personnel issues I exact I think it's so rare and unusual to have a reason to discuss a volunteer um I see these as two different things volunteers are different they're not Personnel personnel has rights um they're entitled to do process a Personnel that's listed on an executive resolution he would be noticed we receive ironic right notice which is not funny but anyway um so I'm I wanted to raise this I think it's important that we perhaps need to spend more time I would suggest and I don't know what everywhere else is but our fellow volunteers are not our employees they're not personel um as such I think it's important to put processes in place that may need to provide for removal and not saying that that pathway doesn't need to exist um I cannot support this particular pathway in the way that we're going about it I think there was a very uncomfortable moment in here and um now I know they're uncomfortable moments in government and volunteers and but I can't support this and I wanted to explain why um Cil please do not speak about anything regarding the executive session right okay we did we did adopt those minutes I understand but anything discussed in the can't discuss anything in an executive session okay whether we adopt the minutes or not okay so without saying anything about the executive session um I can you if you want to discuss maybe what get discussed in first in executive session but not specific to so having not attended I it would be impossible for me to discuss specifics um it's my understanding the executive sessions are limited to uh real estate eal issues and personnel which is reasonable given the business government has to conduct and it's in the best interest of our residents to handle those matters in close session to protect the interests of our resident um that said volunteers fall into a different category um and we may need to come up with a procedure that accommodates the kinds of actions that are contemplated tonight um I've been to every council meeting even through Co for five and a half years and I've never seen a resolution to revoke a volunteer I think it's bad for I don't see a reason to come up with something new [Music] um and yeah they needed to I needed to make that statement clear we we we rely on our volunteers we're at least 150 volunteer strong communitybased government that's how be in functions um we are all volunteers we're not person um so if you can explain to me what the difference between the the rules were T like due process essentially so the difference between having a hearing for the environmental commission versus the navyn rer my understanding is that somehow I understand I think they're different because one's a committee one's or one's a commission once I get the committee but so was he informed that well I'm trying to I don't know how to say this but he doesn't get due process for the navasink river he doesn't necessarily get a hearing is that correct correct um I don't know so mayit environmental commission is established by way of ordinance through our town and it's by advice mayor app points with the consent of the council okay he resigned from the environmental commissioner correct yes so with regards to naving River he is essentially only Aon was appointed there is no need um to have the consent of the council in order to name him on to the nisc river municipalities so essentially there was no need for us to do a consent to take them off then if there's no consent to put them on so cor that that's like the short so I guess I'm kind of wondering why it's in front of us then if he was appointed by resolution at reor it was approved by the Govern body regular okay so then so then why doesn't he get a hearing for that position versus the environmental commission the environmental my understand the environmental commission is set by way of our ordinance right and that's contained in our ordinance navyn River municipality committee is not so I'll let I'll tell you where I'm standing then I don't feel comfortable pushing this through based on him not getting sort of the fair hearing which was my understanding when they were lumped together so you also have to understand there is a volunteer handbook the mun Municipal access liability joint Insurance Fund volunteer handbook that was adopted uh in 2021 December of 2021 it lays out with through disclaimer and the nine plus Pages uh regarding uh conduct of volunteers ethical conduct political activity workplace um different protections as well as you know since this is established by the J which is the joint Insurance Fund this is what is I believe signed by every member every volunteer member in Fair Haven uh reviews this handbook receip for volunteer handbook manual date signature print name position appointment committee um so that language is taken out of there as far as personal and I was just provide this about three or four hours ago um and I was wanted to read a section with regards to Personnel uh Please be aware that this book contains a summary of several laws rules regulations and policies that are applicable to volunteers however this handbook is not intended to be a comprehensive description of every policy that applies to volunteers the burough Fair Haven Personnel policies and procedures manual a more comprehensive comprehensive document that is applicable to volunteers is also available for review has anyone seen that okay it's probably volunte no they sign this he's talking about the policy procedural meurs it's about 300 Pages that's just I guess it's like it's yes it is we saw it today how many pages is it I just ask I'm gonna say 100 top my head I have it sitting on my desk at least you know it's not exactly something a volunteer sits down and casually they're entitled to look at it and a lot of the pages in it trades forms yeah not policy you know here's the big difference it's it's not that they should I my my I've been working with communities for years and and volunteers we happen to be rich with volunteers it's not the typical case um I think we need to be very thoughtful about how we care for and nurture that resource we're lucky and I and I think we should extend as much courtesy kindness and encouragement as possible I think kindness is very good word to use as we move along I that's very appropriate does anyone else have any other comments on this no good does anyone want to call for a motion to approve second Alison I please have a roll call this is for 20241 125 council member no no to yes SC say something before I vote is that is that okay sure um I found this to be one of the most difficult votes that I've had to make on the side of the day is and I am looking at it from two perspectives the perspective of the municipality that we have took an oath uh to represent to the best of our abilities and I'm looking at it from the volunteer side the volunteer position our volunteers were appointed by the buau are there to represent our best interests and to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times to that end we also know the passion that our volunteers bring to what they do and their interest and their expertise makes Fair Haven a much much better place to live and from the discussion tonight and seeing um uh community members not just from Fair Haven but from other communities supporting Mr rice no one has ever questioned his loyalty or his passion for the river but some including Mr rice himself has questioned the motives and the way he's gone about protecting the river so I'm also aware that what we do is going to affect maybe Volunteers in the future who might feel that their efforts are not appreciated or they could be let go at any time so all of that has kind of made this a very difficult vote for me because I I I I would like to vote for both I'd like to vote for Mr rice and I'd like to vote for the municipality So to that end I'm going to abstain yes PA yes uh thank you uh moving 202 24-1 oh yes 2024 d126 it was 32 oh 202 24-26 of Point navn River municipalities Committee Member shaa Sullivan anyone want to discuss this vote I I don't know anything about this pretty can you tell us about love to learn more about it okay um you know Sean is a member of our community he lives on fairen road he was recommended by people um that I find to be good representation of character and skill um he has a deep affection for the river and the community and um for me when it comes to Sean he's got a 7mon audition here to see if he's the right man moving forward in that position so the term expires at the end of the year that's it's in it's a filling the expired term expiring term of Mr R does you have a experience specifically at the river that you just out of curiosity as far as the type of experience what type of experience are we talking about I mean I don't I don't believe he has a job in Marine he a Boer something yes he is okay I think he's a fisherman too does he and he has some understanding of the D's role and the role of the committee um I don't want to misrepresent what he has and what he does not have so that that' be a question for Mr O solivan himself again this has been on the agenda since Thursday so those questions could have been asked beforehand I can't answer for I don't think they were Irrelevant in showing you how that other vote was going go but disagree but that's okay right thank you that's all the question can I um can I answer your question yes am I if I voted no though can I vote for make a motion to uh Al of a roll call yes yes yes pain yes also yes okay thank you U moving along Department reports April 2024 do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted with a thank you motion with the thank you second all in favor I anyone oppos thank you uh next up in the meeting is the good of the burough portion of the meeting please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a time limit of 3 minutes is there anyone in the public go to the burrow yes funny I feel watch this whole thing which is happen bety thank you for this being so thoughtful about the whole all the considerations I mean I guess I we have the environmental commission with you can do whatever you want and it's just our town but watching all these other towns impacted by this decision we made that Brian is Brian and did something insulting or something um it just as incredibly dedicated volunteer and having spoken to other volunteers in town it is um unnerving that if so if I speak my mind or I say something that you don't like I can roked I mean I just I don't I don't want to cut you off I just want to make sure that I'm going to say it again this has nothing to do with policy zero but continue you can speak your mind you can speak as long as you're respectful you can speak your mind all you want well I'm I'm saying it's just me if I say something wrong I can just be fired right is that I mean no well it does say you can be like go with without C I'm letting you know you wouldn't be for the environmental for the environmental commission okay so there's a distinction between the commission and another appointment this is all getting a little muddy in my mind I still think we need to clean it up but just for clarity this there in the handbook it says you can be removed with or without cost let me just be some clear though about the environmental commission and we spoke about the last meeting is that the environmental commission ordinance it silent as to removement so we there then look to the state statute which controls the state statute provides for ways to remove the Comm member commission member and that's what we did let let me let me withw withraw that there was a resignation and that's why it was not needed for the environmental because he resigned he no he just resigned from there's no there was no resolution for revocation I guess I I don't know I just I he he is a tough I mean there's a lot going on with him but he does have an expertise it was demonstrated tonight how a lot of people respect his knowledge um he was a valuable number I I just I don't know no no one I'll repeat what I said before no one up here has questioned Mr Rice's expertise passion or knowledge not a single person up here and it is a loss to acknowledge what you're saying yeah what you're saying it's a loss just struck me listening to numbers okay I just as a volunteer just felt a little deating can I say something so sort of in response to that the I understand that that we the Optics are bad right we're we're not we're not saying things we're not explaining maybe to your satisfaction um and it makes us it makes me look bad but second speak for that the only way I could make myself look good and justifi is to he it and I that would that would um I think um it would be to my benefit and to Mr Rice's expense and I don't want to do that so I'll just I'll just absorb the arrows and if you you know people are angry I understand but I'm not going to I'm not going to air dirty laundry and I will say though if and Mr so look to you um it would be great if we could get some counsel along these lines so that this body doesn't itself in this position again and that are volunteers don't have to withand something like that we spoke again about you know manyan absolutely um because there are times when decisions will need to be made but we need a procedure that preserves everyone's dignity um and that's within reach I'm sure we can figure that out absolutely is anyone else in the public with a um good to the burrow com I do one bills short s just want to thank you guys for altering your um procedure on how you uh announce your change orders that there's now an explanation for some level just at least a level some explanation great step forward anyone else go to the burrow sure I just wantan to I mean obviously it just you know I think it's important to keep note of this um I think that the burough Council owes the public more of an explanation given the qualifications of Mr rice and the importance of the role um I get it there's something behind the scenes that you're not willing to talk about but uh it just seems and capricious you know the decision and it's it's unsettling as someone who's volunteered for the town and will look to continue to volunteer for the town in the future um as you all are as volunteers um it's just uh it's unsettling that it seems like there's there's this this power to make a decision uh that people clearly disagree with yet it's completely disregarded so just It's upsetting that's all thank you your time Chris anyone else Alison the B hi I have a question for for the whole council do you folks ever get correspondence from the residents the reason I asked this the reason I asked this is because years ago before you before you probably even lived in town part of the council meeting was reading Communications from the residents and it gave a better idea of what the thinking was of the residents and if you get two or three residents that write on the same subject maybe there's something you should be looking into and I think it the letters should be made public even if they're synop sized just to get a tenor of the concerns of the residents that moved them enough to write to you I think there should be a Communications segment of the agenda saying well we got we got three letters on deer and we've got uh seven letters on the speed limit and and eight letters on parking or lack thereof just to give you a a better idea on a day-to-day basis of how the residents feel about what's going on in town okay not not a bad idea I yes we get correspondents from residents pretty often um I think a lot of that probably has been replaced by people just going on Facebook and and posting their thoughts on their own and then obviously we have this segment go to the buau and agenda items only where people get to voice their opinions um but I mean I get letters and emails all the time Ruth and those are shared with the appropriate committee Liaisons um you know with the administration with uh police chief with BPW depending on what the feedback is thank you for your time Al I'm not finished I'm not finished okay my second thing is I'd like to give you folks a homework assignment I'd like you to in your spare time if you have any go through the property maintenance ordinances I think it's section 14 and section 16 and eliminate every ordinance that is not a direct health and safety safety issue because many of the things that are in there are based on Aesthetics and one man's meat is another man's poison you have if a person is paying their taxes they have a right to keep their property any way they want and not be legislated by the town and I those property or those property or Property Maintenance ordinances need to be window know down to things that are actual actual issues that are causing some sort of a public health or safety issue and the rest should be simply personal choice and if you read them you'll see that a lot of these are being they're the resolutions and ordinances are punitive and they're being used for codification to punish the residents they need to be winnowed thank you there's a third category to legally justify things like your property maintenance code there is public health Public Safety and public welfare which has to do with the collective benefit and often times they can drift into what you're calling this aesthetic area but it really isn't about Aesthetics it's about shared sensibility shared values and care and upkeep of properties that are mutually beneficial to everyone but that's that's somebody else that's somebody else's decision I mean it's government's decision it's the jurisdiction of this body I don't know that it's been changed in a long time what happened to private property rights that's a whole another discussion they're really strong um we appre we appreciate the call it's always nice to hear from you uh Alison anyone else I have good evening I'm a little confused uh I'm better finally I I I was sick the same night that um the council woman Cole was and mine lasted a long time anyway what she said about not attending the executive session on uh April 23rd um made me look at the resolution that sent you into executive session so that's why I'm confused because the only Personnel that was being talked about was Chief Financial Officer or B administrator position so there's nothing about talking we we announced that it was amended volunteers to include volunteers which is not an executive session matter I don't know that that's toally stated anywhere I've never seen law it's not something wew that's what I think the would the word personnel the word personnel is listed in the um volunteer handbook numerous thoughts thank you Susan for your call do you have anything else Susan no that was it okay thank you Alison anyone else no sir I have one thing actually get turn to be positive um I guess I'm about to speak right president um name 45 um on May 23rd next Thursday night two Thursdays we are having a fundraiser uh for the 12 you um boys diamonds team to go to coopertown it hasn't been done in some years and we're looking to get back on track it's a fundraiser to offset the enormous cost in order to go to Cooper down which where the Baseball Hall of Fame is um we are actually going reason I'm saying this is because my son is playing on the team as well as councilwoman H's H son and uh so if anyone wants to come out for a good night uh we have officer mik Camp Vanella uh the oldwood school uh he is a standup comic I guess so he will be per oh he a need so I guess he's good he'll be performing as well so what's the location at the I'm sorry at the Columbus Club on May 23rd from 7: to 10: p.m. very it all happens so so something so something positive I have something positive too okay good uh love where you live day got postponed from the 19th so now it's going to be this weekend on Sunday from 1 to 4 at H Third Street Trail a lot of people from the Committees from town will be there we will also have a lot of nonprofits and other resources so everyone come out anything else I should say bnie um and I want to get a feel for we'll talk after which council members are coming but um we will be some of the council members will be reading books with the library they'll be out there with Earth friendly books and neighbor so yeah everyone come out great council president K so I have I have I think what is the best news to talk about is Fair Haven day which is on June 8th and it's best approaching and now is the time when we start looking for volunteers we need a lot of volunteers we need volunteers to help set up we need volunteers to sell tickets we need volunteers to distribute t-shirts we need volunteers to clean up we need volunteers for everything and if you go to www. bearhaven day.com uh there is a special place where you can sign up it's listed in uh different time categories uh you can see exactly the spot that you might wish to volunteer here to work on for a couple of hours and we would appreciate everybody uh giving us a couple of hours and helping with our um volunteers I added it to the agenda for upon meeting on Wednesday too okay yeah thank thank you anyone else I just wanted to Second what Ruth said about reading Communications at the meeting um as somebody who I S Help from the council it often seems unclear how to do that properly um and like can you talk to everyone at once or what's the right mechanism for doing that um so I have used an email but then hearing something back is lacking so there's not really a conversation so it's hard to figure out how to do that right and honestly I think if did sorry I so I want to Second what Bruce said and I said has sought help from the council it is often unclear how to do that effectively like how can you know you I would send an email to the council but then I might get three sentences back on one of the points so it's not effective conversation sure um and it is sometimes unclear and then what does happen and people even advise you for this that we're all we all understand the most effective way to get attention is to go on Facebook so give us alternative that works better people won't do that you know well I'm not necessarily saying not to go on S no I agree but um but uh what I would probably recommend is just you know when we do settle on a new when we're getting closer to a new bu Ministry maybe the communications committee sits down and they develop a new plan that would I think that's probably the best way to do that' be great and I mean I you know there's certainly a good use for Facebook but there's also bad uses of it and maybe we can have a better path that will discard some of the bades of just want to be clear I'm not sure that's possible but we can't have a path that discusses for business outs I think that's the thing about an email makes you think you could open a dialogue but in fact you can't right because yeah you can't have a dialogue with the Council on an email or even a a subset Council get stcky the best forum is is these meetings really but then also like you don't often don't get answers back because kind of state your concern and go away so um some sort of productive meis thank you thank you car anyone else Alison no all right uh with that we're g to move to oh no no no no J we're out oh oh I did have something no you didn't I did I did I remembered that I was on the record as being against the gray can and I have taken a lot of heat on the gray can making sure everyone knows that but driving around the burrow for the first time I feel like in forever I'm not weaving in and out of leaf and brush I'm not playing Frogger to get from one side of the bur to the other so I want to applaud actually the the leaf and brush committee because I think it actually is going to be aor I was wrong I'll end on a POS I will not be at love where you live on Sunday the 19th because it's my 45th buddy anniversary the good news is everywhere now anyone else want good news you get Bill come on he gave you gave that's right all all right um we're going to move towards adjournment uh it is 9:49 p.m. to have a motion motion second uh on favor I anyone oppose we're moving to Executive session's no exective session we're moving done we're out what's up