okay good evening let's call this meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. already a minute ahead of schedule fantastic let's join me in the SL United States stands Nation indiv with libery and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of February 26 2024 is available by Callin phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for the public for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raiseed hand button and we'll be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in a schedule of meetings which was adopted by resolution number 202 24-13 sent to the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on January 4th 2024 posted on the burough website the bulletin board of the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the burough clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting Allison may I please have a roll call Council M Paul yes name Miss yese yes Cole Yesa yes paon yes thank you uh starting off chief M govern you had a request uh man counil I respect request tonight they move forward with a resolution to hire Michael Richards Michael star's career inport as a class one and then as a class two and then about six months ago seven months ago went to high police for as a class two special I'd like to welcome the chief from Highland here and of Department in and he's my friend hope be mad at we stole him from showed up tonight but Michael was one best specials and we took up from him to be a patrolman here in fton his parents are here his grandfather and family here and I ask you tonight to trickly move forward thank you uh so we are discussing resolution 2024-the have roll call yesi yes yes yes yes also yes I I Michael Richards Michael Richards do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I and that I will Faithfully will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform the duties perform the duties of patrolman of patrolman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank [Music] [Laughter] you so yeah oh man so happy [Music] thank you mayor coun I appreciate thank you thank you guys then I'm just kidding just continuing along here resolution 2024 56 executive session Personnel litigation contract negotiations do I have a motion appr second Alison may I please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you all right at this time uh we will be moving to Executive session uh we have a few topics so we are going to have to clear the room when you can come back in we are yep um do I have a motion to reopen uh the general council meeting motion second all in favor I anyone oppose okay thank you um next up we're going to just skip over environmental commit mission report we're waiting to see um if our chair shows up and we're going to go to Girls on the Run event um is anyone here from the girls on the run event okay um more important all right uh as this race is getting bigger every year uh we want to make be sure the vendor addresses all the issues relating to the setup the cleanup including trash disposal as well as PD approval and participation and communication to the residents on the on the route and closure considerations that accurate Teresa I'll do it okay the chief just asked that contact him in so they Logistics of the race right right now we're just approving the event yes sir okay do someone have a motion to when when is the event we multiple Towns come and run we also uh increasing record increasing the fee right Kristen record increasing the runners day we I that's still for debate decided to increase it I think I think there was mis communication right go back right real questioning why I'm in support of it if we increase the fee I just want know where the increase funds are going that's that's that's it's gone up that much trash remov s got um do we have a motion to approve motion second all in favor I anyone oppos thank you we you have a request from the Fair Haven Business Association to post thank you signs the first week of each quarter um I just have a question is that just for calendar year 24 or is it yes I think that's yeah any other questions motion to Second all in favor I anyone opposed thank you uh we have a la sign report from the foundation of Fair Haven for the ho down event and Fair Haven and Fair Haven day one of those events is coming up and the other one is you approve down 25s in advance and then the Fair Haven day is June 1 it's the 8th but they ask for a week to collect their signs got it will the foundation follow up with like the the the signs will be up from May 15th to June 15th I'll be absolutely anyone have any questions no anyone the number of signs is the same that we're used to yes motion second all in favor I anyone oppos thank you uh proposed Farmers Market uh Andrew you can speak on this um I believe there were some recent email exchanges to look looks looks like we're in pretty good shape fantastic shape um I believe yeah we have two members here tonight uh they've done they've gone above and beyond um Insurance met without my approval um they're I don't know if they secured security Insurance already um we have to the only other thing that remains open is we have to just discuss with the uh Chief with regards to street closures and only other concern would be the DPW whether the DPW is going to be responsible for moving garbage or if they're just going to moove it at at the time of you know closing of the event yeah so um I to come up there am I an2 bat Road Al casey6 uh it spoke with mg what's today Monday uh Thursday all good schedule locked in on his calendar we'll Circle back two weeks before just to make sure that we're set okay closure will be at the arbor bites essentially so after you know we'll have probably two two people working there okay um that we can work all of that out as far as DPW we've given Teresa our word via email that we will and BPW itself that we won't be using them so um our plan is to in our contract with in our application for the vendors it's Affiliates that they are responsible for the removal of garbage directly in their plot okay any garbage that accumulates by the town or by the attendees um will have garbage plants out there luckily um we're in the process of raising some money that we can include some sandal and garbage P um fa is in the finals sorry and uh that's kind of it in terms of we told them that we do not need DPW okay so you can take my word on that I hope and um you spoke to the chief regarding parking yeah Chief hasn't brought up a concern on parking I mean there's ample street parking on the back there it's you can't park during school days so Saturday is not um it's not a legal issue um the encouragement for us from a social media standpoint will be to make sure that the town takes advantage of the walking options the biking options heavy encouragement there um we're obviously going to get traffic from people that are not in town so we can outline the recommended places to park we're doing this a lot on Instagram we'll start moving Facebook to get to a different demographic we don't know how to operate Facebook anymore and we started on Facebook so we've got a little learning curve there but that's kind of our Hill decline but we will start to circulate a lot of the information that way as well so that people not in Fair Haven that are not on Instagram get that information okay it's really going to be driven by word of mouth and just say you know in town we encourage you to walk bike out of town here are your options for parking so uh insurance is set we are planning a um art show at Bicentennial Hall in April on the 19th to raise um money overhead for the for the police officers for all of the things that we anticipate cover our insurance those types of things um it's uh going to be uh at Bicentennial hall right before the um renovation so it'll be kind of a last time to see it in its original space we've got an incredible group of artists that are signed on a lot of local artists we peruso who lives in Fair Haven people from the area so we're just trying to figure out ways to make sure that we're engaging Community kind of cross category and that was one of them so we're really looking forward to that as well and would you mind like as it gets closer with the marketing aloh call that you put out just that you know we make sure it addresses any safety concerns misperceptions Etc have some ideas around that obviously the communications committies Kristen and Michael um but I just think the messaging is really important to educate uh especially to you know teach and follow yeah absolutely and on that we're you know like we said in the beginning no dogs like we're being we're going to be very strong about you know making sure that people understand this is you know our town you're coming to our town you're taking advantage of something that we're doing for you so it has to be you know a bit of a a qu proo terms of the respect that people that come to town now thank the what is the date of your art show the 19th it's Friday ail April there what do we decide with regard regards to the pass through from yeah sickles yeah you mean from yeah C to M Temple you're talking about the farmers Mark a foot past yes yes did we talk to we talked to mgn about that fence and we gave McNeil a heads up that this was happening and that we would like to use those locations and I'll confirm but I believe I have in writing that they were like we'll just make sure that that fence is open for those dates so that it doesn't planning decals abely yeah once we once we get closer to date We'll order signs decal deals um we're hoping to utilize a lot on River when you first drive in to make sure that there's a a sign there that brings people into town you know encourage River Road parking like um Etsy spoke about you know that's a great place for people to park so that they can go for our loans um have you know even people who are not very even residents may still choose to ride their bikes sure um and with that in mind you know like I hope we have a lot of people on their bikes or walking but um stickles has a very large bicycle parking area and I assume that will be made available but perhaps that's part of your Communications just like you could be Coral there's wor than walking around you're like try shop at a pH market so the good part is is there's two entrances so people can come from the Oakway or from the Fair Haven roadway so um yeah that's a good point we've got a lot of social media that's ons on both sides actually too they the that's right that's true they have a lot yeah both uh we are rain or F barring any a lot of our applications have come in we've given our vendors the opportunity to pay up front at a discounted price and a lot of them are taking advantage of it which has been really nice um and we've decided that you know if there's catastrophic weather we will cancel and refund them we also have a really good turnout from local residents who have reached out and are taking advantage of our small business Collective so we'll be circulating them in and out we've cut Bakers and artists and um giving them a platform in a place to sell so excited only other item will'll have to coordinate um the burrow table with whatever we might yeah and Library as well the library so between those um we've got a few additional tents it has to be tented that is okay our own stipulation so we can't you know break from that but we'll figure it out perfect yeah great job thanks job you guys we're excited if you guys have any questions I mean we can get anything your way but send you some yeah does someone have a motion to approve they're fighting stuck in with the second all all in favor anyone oppose thank you thank you ready yeah uh we're going to move to environmental commission 2023 annual report we have our chair Brian RS thank you Mr mayor council you um all right so I guess you all have a copy of it so I don't have to get too deep into it right um working on the ER which is our environmental resource inventory which we're going to continue to work on uh Jess Murray is uh captaining that storm order management that's one of our big things to address in town I think from all perspective especially people that need snorkel when it rains short Glide management um so we've been working for quite a few years to um sure up the shoreline at um Roar Park the foot of the Normy that I'd love to get that done this year if we could um green team collaboration Kelly's here um we've been working very well with uh with her and her team mcau Pond finally after a decade and a half we got to hydro rig part one part two should be completed um by the end of of the uh of this year spring r deer mitigation that's another one if you want to arrich that one um even people that are not you know the big thing is the only way to really combat the deer is to put on and sponsor a hunt in town um and a lot of people you know that don't understand it will get a little freaked out I get it um they that don't have the background that I do um it's a very effective program that is work throughout the stat state county and other local municipalities um so I'd like to get powers who's the biologist from njd here to present to you and answer any questions the public might have that like did she do that or no am I miss excuse me didn't she come and or she was here she presented to the EC she has not been present she could do it as a small group she doesn't want to get bombarded by obviously it it's a big topic and like I said for people that don't hunt or don't have um ideas on you know it it seems like a big scary thing and it's really not um but it is something that we definitely um need to address but I think but but I think that's more the reason why since most people aren't educated on it that we need to do the education to bring them to a place that a vote can be rendered yeah the big thing is that people right away oh isn't there another way to do it you know can we trap and move no can we sterilize no um they've tried salt licks and everything like that um and it's not been effective um so that's why the only Predator that they really have is humans whether it's a car or you know hunters and I want to say one thing to put it in context the experts say that our Natural Area can support a population of what five yeah so we have about 200 um so that's how that's how they estimate when we we already you know I guess this has been going back again six or seven years um when we did the initial study it wasn't as bad as it is now but we kind of had the foresight that it was going to be because of the breeding of deer decades ago it was like one per family unit you know breeding and now it's like three or four because the habitat can support you know can or cannot support it it's they can't support it from our perspective because we're feeding to De you know all our plants and shrubs and so on and so forth there's what's called a browse line if you go into any property from the floor to about 4 feet you'll see it's all Barren and that's the deer eating it uh I know we have about eight or nine next to my office um when we did a walk Tracy was with us we counted a dozen or so just in the in the bird sanctuary area so it it's not it's not an issue that nobody knows about and unfortunately unfortunately the only way to combat it is to to have a hunt or we just deal with it um and I'll update the governing body with 30 seconds last year this came up in a very significant way I would say it sort of bloomed and I don't remember the issue was we were dealing with like an invasive issue an ordinance coun woman got hit by a yes yes yes so a lot of issues converged around at the same time and the issue what are we going to do about the deer came up really from the public from our residents the governing body at that time decided to ask the environmental commission to take steps and to help educate the governing body on what's next what can we do and so that's how um as the Le worked with the environmental commission to have Jody po official Wildlife RS come out and they I I was one of the people who got the education that Brian's talking about went into it very skeptical came out um knowing a lot more than I did going in and Michael I know you had a similar experience so what we reported that back to the governing body at the end of last year or mid last last year um June yeah right in in the middle of last year and um it was decided at that time the governing body wanted to speak directly with the fishing Wildlife um Representatives so that's where that currently stands in terms of the governing B's role um and then it's a matter of making those arrangements to the Govern body care take it out I kind of recall us wanting someone to come in here and say no that's what I thought yeah there was some Mis communication um that uh Jody had said to us during the E meeting that she was more than happy she doesn't want to do a pacem mail so if we can get her on the agenda I can reach out we you know whatever also had she also had a concern with presenting she doesn't want to get bombarded right so as you can imagine right yeah I mean you know however she wants to do it we leave it up to Jody um but I you know it definitely has to come from her I've it's not easy for me to not be the expert but I don't have all the initials behind my name uh in that context um but somebody that's been doing it for 20 plus years it's definitely effective there's never been a civilian Hunter accident in the state of New Jersey or any I don't think anywhere actually but I know definitively in the state it would be B only Lottery yeah so there is a way to do it very very control um that you know I mean even the pars County Parts they're not closed when we bow on there's two class twos that are shotgun they're closed up let's just start with getting jod schedule and we can F into meeting perfect uh navyn River that is uh my um domain obviously is most of you know that that is my backyard front yard um we have made great strides in working with with the um other municipalities and the state again uh New Jersey D Bureau of order monitoring um it's a shellfish area so it has to meet certain criterias for uh shellfish it looks like we're going to get an upgrade then I get all choked up that we've never seen in the history of of the data that that starting to keep data but going back to the 60s so it's a very very stringent um um level that ask this is only for people not young people like oh what about the pesticides that's not what we do um not that that's something that doesn't concern us but this is just from a FAL call form uh standpoint that it looks like within the next year to 18 months we'll be able to have an upgrade that we've never seen that's huge Ser shellfish in the river um which helps us all and it's basically the collaboration and this this will be a study and we've already Bill hindorf who's become a good friend of mine he's he's the uh scientist um lab rat as I call them um who spearheaded this with me and it's going to be basically a nationwide study and can be cast out to the to the country on how it's worked so little Fair Haven has a nice little um arrow in quiver in our quiver Fair Haven partnership so the big thing you know we we put together this environmental round table which comprises of um every committee commission board in the town we try to meet quarterly um and we just collaborate you know what do you need what do you need you know what do you see from us what do you need from us and then it goes back to council um we do need somebody there as a representative for Council to bring it back to council um otherwise it kind of doesn't work um so that's been a good collaborative effort on all our parts and I thank everybody for umri to that do you have a Leone or you requesting a Leone it should be it was the EC on so was trades so it's because I never heard of the r table before we never knew it existed well I did it says it started in 202 it started 22 I they meet only quarterly roughly and during the council reports I would touch on the fact that they either had a meeting or were having a meeting but they may meet three times a year oh what you should be four how many meetings have you had had three I think well we had a meeting in February so it was the first one this year so we've met we've met this month uh and then we'll meet again um you know three months thereafter so uh in sometime in May and then go down the line that way um so yeah I'm going to keep that a regular quarterly meeting I'm I'm all for collaboration but when you have this type of Round Table unless there is process with all the different stakeholders and communication Lan it it will kind of be a little little bit of like a round robin so I mean I'll defer to you Brian but I just would like to see if if this round table is meant to centralize the Natural AA advisory committee the bird sanctuary the Third Street Trail right and other entities I think seen in here I think that's great I love it I'm on board right however I think we need to have process and understand what that looks like what the expectations are between the round table and Farrow and Versa and uh Council I just think there's a lot more that needs to happen there than just running around it's it's a work in progress It's it's an idea that I came up with uh that Ralph um you know was at the time the chair and it slowly you know started and ran with it um and it's you know it's a work in progress and Brian and I can sit down and go through it and you know it should be some minutes taken and uh and then reported back to you all to see you know because a lot of our needs are the same right whether it's zoning board with storm water management or or or in Natural Area or whatever it's it all kind of comes under the EC um so we're the kind of the presiding body over the you know that's why e round table so yes it should be definitely more of a collaboration with that and and you no doubt right and I think that should happen before right we continue to have it how was the information filtered to this governing body after the last three meetings but we never heard about the round table so that's what how did the information come to us in the in the council report in a cursory manner because the the conversations but how did we know it was from an environmental Round Table the last year and a half I how did we know that it was a product of this group with different committees all collaborated so there was what just to clarify one thing the EC um is in collaboration with all the those groups at their EC meetings they also organize a round table quarterly and sometimes also quarterly which is fine right so but uh that that Round Table includes more than what is listed here because these have to do with what the EC is in collab who the EC is in collaboration with because at the round table it also includes like a w from the planning board a w from the zoning board uh B that wouldn't my question is how was that information filtered into us and us know where it came from only at the only in my Council report in the last few um saying I'm saying your Council report comes from the environmental commission you have other information that comes from this round table how were we to decipher over the last year and a half what came from the round table and what came strictly from the environment there's no wrer there's no written report or report out it's a fairly informal discussion I called a round table and I in my reports I would just simply touch on the fact that there was a round table they convened in discussion struggled around you know I mean if we're going to get to a point where we're asking for liaz on I agree with councilman M there needs to be fils here we need to you know even maybe even set it up as a subcommittee of some sort you know if we're going to go that route so I think we need a lot more discussion here before we we can discuss it or you want me outside of that to me truthfully like not that I don't value opinions but until we do that it's a group of people just talk right it is and and and I'd like you know if Brian could attend um what I what I propose is that we have them all on the calendar now so we know ahead of time instead of saying oh you know it's it's April now let's get the EC round table but it's not but it's not an EC round Table Right and I didn't know that planning board representation zoning board representation stdc representation this is far larger than an environmental round table I'm all for collaboration but I am uncomfortable that goes against the very fabric of how our entire governing body it's conflict it ends up sing like a second governing body correct because you have a planning board liaison a zoning board liaison a land use liaison STC liaison and those are all different Liaisons and committees and groups and now you have one where there's representation from all these bodies that that could potentially lead to a a conflict well there's no le there's in the meetings I attended which is one I think you started it yeah I was your Le was there was only one liaison there it was from the host body since I was the liaison for EC I happen to also the shade tree and you know Green Team and so on but I was the only Council WEA on in attendance totally I I get it right I'll get off the point but it's it's it's the fact now that Planning and Zoning are both in there that changes the entire the entire Dynamic that's all I'm saying it stemed from a really good place because you know and I being on the EC we were hearing a lot of feedback that we wanted each group each committee and commission to look at things through an environmental lens and understand what their issues are so the environmental commission can understand them and that we're coming together but I understand your point that we need to have more process behind this is and to make it of value to any everyone who's attending and to actually be able to make some of this stuff happen 100% so is that just so just just just to be clear though that some of that is already done in the form of having a member that sits on the planning board that's already un envi committee so for instance that used to be Mr Olson now it's Mrs anthonin that they sit on the multiple words there's always there's already that cohesion so so to set up a secondary task force voluntarily um again it's not that the opinions are our Valu the fact that this body did not know about it I don't this is the first time I've heard about I've mentioned it every single time first time I heard about it was three days ago T Mage um with Brian on the E and Green Team and I'm at the round table um this truth has shown up to one of our meetings before so she had last year so she's been at it it is a representative from E of wor the historic Association as well just to get and we're not talking about different government thing only the Under the Umbrella of what the environmental commission contains so pretty much the number one thing that we all are on agree on is storm water and I'm not talking we're not talking about zoning or planning outside of the realm of storm water management and in fact that that's where it also came with idea that Brian Olen and I from zoning EC also planning board come up with a trifold of how to educate residents on lowcost options they could do on their homes on to reduce storm water management so it's just Under the Umbrella of what has to deal commonalities regarding to the environment so if a bunch of you have a discuss from these different groups then that information should be brought back to the environmental commission and discussed in a meeting and that that meeting the liaison should be able to take that information recorded reported back to the governing body we don't need we don't need that's exactly what happened we haven't had we just talking about a request for a liaison separate from that no no no it's been the EC liaison so there's no need for a liaison for the rent that's what I'm saying no there's no it's not espcially it would be the EC leaon which is what it was with Tracy corre and under my support I would touch on the fact that there was a round table or that a round table was coming up generally because the discussions are circular and amongst themselves and it's very informal there never any action policy or strategic you know just a round table discussion want B to see what council report I'm sorry it seems like they weren't I I really did my best to make sure I I never knew that there was this round table to the extent and the thing that makes me extremely nervous is the planting and Zoning Board representation I so many question is Todd so I'm surprised I think what they're seeing for the first time is that a description of the Round Table touched on the round table that it exists and that you met i' I'd rather truthfully I'm getting a little uneasy with the conversation i' rather um Third Street Trail um you all know what's going on there the one thing that um that we I was hoping we'd have more support um and I understand that the Dynamics behind how this the trail became and and these individuals started to work on it uh we had some budget monies and we wanted to try to support it couldn't but we we can work through that um Harding bird sanctuary um I haven't really been involved much over there um this is just action plan GL volunteer clean up stuff like that so that I'm going to leave that one alone Natural Area advisory committee um they've you know they put in their requests it's it's not really under it's under us but it's a subset of us with the naturala advisory committee um so our goal goal is for 24 budget request you know um we don't have a large budget we've never really had a reason to have a budget now we do because we support the green team so that would come out of our budget um for various items that they do for um you know love your live day and such like like you know um events like that um Council also the commission request so so the East so I just want to come back to that right just want to dou so if from what what I hear then is the EC is absorbing the Green Team and the E let me finish hang let me finish right so you just said like we need to have a budget now right love where you lived day right you're hitting all these different things we have a budget right so is has that budget always funded the Green Team Green Team is relatively new two years so um right so what I'm trying to get already under the green team is under the E the green team is not a the green team self-funded everything so now they're trying to all the volunteers we were all self Green Team so green team was was fully funded self-funded self funded and underneath the EC yes okay and based on what he just said he now wants the EC now wants a budget dedicated to support things like that that green team does no what we do with our budget is up to us based on you know what our budget is there for we've never really used our budget because we don't we use the green team as example as boots on the ground right they're out there doing the signs the level you liveed day and stuff like that where the EC is really just an oversight right of of all these various things the green team is under the EC and always it has to be that's the way Jack has set it up um so basically if we you know Kelly will come to us and say hey we need money for the um stickers right for the for the recycl right so that shouldn't come out of somebody's personal pocket if it can come out of the EC budget and we approve it it goes to council you guys approve it that's how so he's just asking for more money because yeah I mean because again the love way I live J that was we've never asked for it because we never really used the budget totally get it right I'm just trying to wub my head right and so I'm just going so then but what that then would mean is right then that all these other entities under here know would make their financial requests to the EC and therefore the EC would manage the budget for every one of these entities and then go from there right so that's well not essentially right if you can either have your foot in the pool or out right so well I understand it but we've never been in that position until now we've never been in a position where these other would come to the EC and say hey we need money hence we never really use the budget so that's why we've never asked for an increase in the budget because why increase the budget do you don't use totally right so the fact that it hasn't been done yet right my recommendation would be that there's further discussion to figure out what the organizational structure is going to look like to support three four five different entities now taking their financial direction from the EC it's not just let's put it here and then start doing it right like we have to figure out and have that down so we don't enter up into an area where you come in to make a request and we feel blindsided and we say no right so I I'm not trying to overstep but there's a lot of process gaps here that I think need to be closed to set this up to the greatest success 100% so one of the things I'm trying to do in these early meetings with each of these groups is help clarify what their purpose is what their mission is mostly for me um so you know I'm familiar with AC but I I wasn't as familiar with shade tree Natural Area and so on um so it's a good time to to discuss how all the pieces fit together E's powers and Duties are spelled out in the well there's State Statute that sets that makes it possible to form an EC but then um it identifies their poers and duties which are collaborating local informal bodies just kind of like what this whole discussion has been about as well as um U the power to ask for maps and actually shall cause to be prepared Maps that's one of the last things I see here which I was excited about I want steal your thunder it's the last thing on here but um one of the other major Powers is to maintain the the environmental resource that's a duty is to maintain the environmental resource inventor so these three functions kind make up the purpose and power of the EC um that's why there were all these parts you know over over the years it seems the burrow has formed P resolutions to form in formal bodies that have some sort of jurisdiction um say for example with the bird sanctuary or the Natural Area or you know Third Street tailes yet another animal um but the environmental commission is the only governmental mechanism that actually speaks to those powers and duties as a place for all of that to exist in one one which is directly supports your point about getting it a little cleer um but but out of the friends of F and the the only as far as I know the only one of these where there's a committee that's um appointed by the mayor as part of the government is the faan fields natural a I don't appoint a Harding bird sanctuary committee or thira years ago that's all I know they they appointed the Garden Club but liaison to these other entities right the Natural Area the green Fus I think it's all under the umbrella of the E It's all under the e no green team Leon of team is is a subcommittee it's a they all fall under they all fall under Natural Area they all water the Natural Area and the Green Team fall under the uman is the natural are is own committee the Green Team uh is a subcommittee of the environmental committee the other two as far as I know don't have committees maybe they do but not as far as our government is right there's no organized committee for Third Street trip so then does is EC then going to provide the authority over these organizations like is there even then a need to have like these separate committees or are these different what do you mean what do you mean by Authority so like the Fair Haven Natural Area advisory committee Comm b i justor okay so based on the structure of what we're talking about here right that the EC is this overarching governing body in a sense that oversees all these different areas then to me the natural progression is then the Fair Haven natural advisory committee although it is a committee right that naturally conflicts saying the EC has control over it or whatever we're saying has over it then they would never come to the governing body as only the fairen natural are advisory committee they would come as the Fair Haven Natural Area advisory committee with the support of the EC I I tried to point out that I didn't think they were supposed to be where they are that's that's what yeah so there's some confusion there because Carolyn had showed up to one of our recent meetings um and you know wanted some budget you know and I I was unclear as Cod you do they have their own budget or is it bless you or is it under our budget that they B I don't can separate two big words here for a second budget and Authority do not exist corre the environmental commission has no Authority they're a cataloging policy body that exists specifically for this entity's benefit government created that piece of government to advise us at our repass so if we are interested in knowing the state of our environmental areas we would go to the EC and seek their Direction what is the priority what's rising to the surface what's in over the next three years what are the issues that's their function not they don't have any Authority but he just but but he just stated that with the green team example that their budget would be under that that's that's s okay but I'm then I'm you guys are losing me then with what green the green I'm lost a little bit too Drew Drew Drew let me I just so you know 2022 we were requested when the Green Team came on to increase the environmental commission's budget in the amount of $2500 the governing body did so we repeated that again in the 2023 budget so the increased lift came in 2022 when the Green Team came into uh existence and the additional funds uh that we used for some of the green team's activities were also in the 2023 and we we noted that in the budget at the time so one thing that's that is important that we're talking about this is there are very different types of entities so the EC has Sunshine laws public meetings someone that takes minutes the Natural Area does not have any of that it's a committee um so it's very different and I'm not convinced that they all fit together why I'm sort of being quiet it's very confusing to me and I need to talk to a lot of people and think um because it's where the lines are murky for me yeah I I from my standpoint I've never had the natural are come to us for budgetary well reason I got actually I don't mean to muddy the water even more I've made comments to everyone that if any of these I think the Third Street Trail fits in more with the faan fields natural 100% with the environment Nei have a single Municipal resource attached to it there is no and and let's see I have given this such a great deal of thought over the years that I was the lean for two years for all of these you know and I studied the mechanisms of powers of Duties the the statute that form them as well as you know the fielded many of conversations from the natural Third Street Trail they don't have a pathway to connect with the governing body only boards and commissions that have been formed by this body have either a staff person or a municipal resource officer of some kind like a Sherie or you know we Bill Brooks that was the shade tree commission resource these other groups they're fantastic human beings working and volunteering they don't have a way to communicate what they're doing and the status of the progress they're making and or the resources they may or may not need with this body there is there's there's no way for them to connect um except for once a year when they prepare an annual report and some tens are on the agenda so by you you know the environmental commission is the only governmental mechanism that specifically states that they have the authority to collaborate with informal bodies that's a direct language and the purpose of that I think is specifically for this kind of situation there are lots of great volunteer groups who are hard at work but they don't have their resources or the mechanisms in place to connect with government meaning this body so isn't that isn't that the role of AO that's they don't have that's what saying the environmental commission has a leas on the natural are so okay but just for a second try on all of his hats for a minute and just imagine because I've done this separate conversation so my position here is let me know who's under my budget because when I go back across the street the right 12 minute it's 350 people asking me for money all right I'm I'm a giant piggy bank it's their money but I have um so let me know and then there's more clarity for all of us who you know falls under us especially from a budgetary stamp don't leave out the last thing the last thing what what am I doing the goals you've got a request for um produce a map of fair Heaven's open species natural researchs where am I which is a really important one because we don't have which one um it's number to under your goals oh Council request yes commission request to produce a map so um we do have a map Guru and uh Jonathan Peters so he he is totally you know he's all end of this thing um I'm in the chart he's all in the match so um he we're going to collaborate more with Jonathan to put together why where I I don't understand where the where the council was put to this Rich do what's the stat of our membership with the County GIS I'm sorry go ahead yeah what's the status of Fair's membership with the County GIS M we worked on it a while ago we kind a while ago can we set up to reach out to their in house personel but is our membership up to date are we Brian you don't see a role for us in this discussion for the maps themselves can we do this offline the last Point let's do that we got a lot it's not that but if you me we don't have I'm good so thank you for your support and U I'm going back to being homeless um I'd like to thank Brian for presenting um as well as all the work that the environmental commission and um all of the friends of the fair hav and environmental committee have put in in during the year 2023 and continue to put in during 2024 very thankful uh for all you um okay moving along here here we go all right uh we are moving on to sale of burrow property on henrion place this is uh strictly to discuss the corner lot the corner lot only um I believe that Andrew was going to explain the process now as far as what's entailed yes so we will be uh providing legal notice uh for the sale of the property located on the corner of Hendrickson and Allen Place um once we do that legal notice we will have to have a resolution authorizing the auction of the property um putting out you know forbid uh to purchase the property we have to have a resolution accepting the bid and uh you know awarding that bid to whoever the successful person is at the auction [Music] um time frame we're probably looking at the sale of the property probably in the next six months is the goal so hopefully by the end of the summer the property is sold and we have someone that's looking to develop the property um I have cre the legal notice yet and I will be you know working on that after we tie up a few loose ends on other projects in the burrow um but we're just about ready to uh you know put it out there um real quick questions uh if if we start the process in the market for Real Estate were to take God can we pull back do we have well if Point once we post for the actual WE Post can we set a minimum bid threshold like a a reserve in other words you can't you know you're not get it for $100,000 you I have to look at that but I believe so yes okay that's my question do we use the third party to work res in of sale or do we do it ourselves I'll be represen the bur and the sale the last time we did it we set a minimum based on um appraisal was the minimum bid anything else good um uh moving along mcarter Pond Hydro R phase two [Music] um yeah I can speak to him there all right um this is on the agenda um the buau passed ordinance 202208 in which they appropriated $200,000 in the capital Improvement fund for two separate projects identified as Hydro raking and related upgrades to Marda pond with any remaining balance to be utilized for invasive species removal and public land restorations in a havenfield natural area to date the total spent on the mcarter pond Hydro waking phase one is $16,728 3,279 available from the original $200,000 ordinance authorization decision on how best to proceed with M Pond is really one that's related to purchasing and timing for phase one we obtain quotes from two separate vendors and pay the disposal fees directly to MTH County landfill if the governing body wishes to move forward with phase two utilizing that same quote process then we would have to wait until November of 2024 which is required under the one-year time frame to quotes again other words when you use the quote process to keep it under the $44,000 clock is a continual one-year clock it's not a counter clock so we couldn't go out for quotes in the spring of 24 because we just went out in December or actually took them in November I believe you want to go out for quotes again and use the quote process you'd have to wait till next November otherwise your options are to go out to bid noting that as part of the bid specs the governing body can determine the scope of work whether you want to do a portion of the pond the whole Pond whatever the case may be in Hydro aing considering that it would be challenging to get the bid awarded to start the work in the early spring I would recommend either Rec quoting it in November or putting it out to bid over the summer we presently have additional monies in the 2024 draft budget which would allow us to allocate another $200,000 to M fund and any other project that the government fit if you choose to do so uh this would also enable us or uh enable to use all or a portion of the remaining 93,7 that was appropriated so utilize the Natural Area if that's what the governing body chooses to do so do the same thing in the Natural Area if you so desired you can get a per DM quote or removal of invasives H you could figure out what that is and then you know get two quotes and then ultimately you know as long as you didn't award over $44,000 you can do it uh in that you know in that mechanism for that same remaining fund so they're really your options you can continue with Carter pond on the quote thresold and and wait till next November or you can uh P together bid specs decide what those bid specs would be can we can we uh would we be able to go out to bid during the summer and if we don't like the bids that come back still go out to quote in November um as long as the scope of work was different I believe so that's a you know more of a legal and a personing question that we could that bridge when it came so the only reason you could reject a bid is if it exceed there are several reasons but the most notable one in this case would be if it exceeded the budget that you had in place if you only had $100,000 in one hour came in at 150 reject all bills hey T that 106 is that the balance of that 200,000 no the6 is what we SP the 200,000 was the amount that was auth we used we used 106 93 is left that's what you understand what I'm saying are we losing any money by like is there a does it co charge us more money or like does it cost the burrow more money if we which way is better for us it's hard it's hard to say Mell you know when you go out for quotes you get two sometimes three quotes and you pick you know the lowest quote um when you go out to bid you know sometimes you you get Fortune you have five or six bids and you go with the lowest bid you get a good rate sometimes you get one bid and it's higher than you want to pay and and you know if if you don't reject it based on funds available you want to pay more than you would like you get a bidder that doesn't really have a track record but are we losing any benefit to like waiting too though like are we making things worse and we're G have to do more work later I actually is is it possible and maybe this is something we work with the EC on um I I believe that there's some rules in place in in the pond where if an area is transitioning you can't Hydra it but if you go in there you manually cause it to no longer be transitioning you could then Hydra it after the fact so my only question is do we take the time this spring and summer to maybe seek out some volunteers um Betsy I'm sure we'd be more than willing to go in there and the waiters maybe with some shovels I don't I don't know what it entails this my expertise but go in there and detransition the area to get it ready for November and and maybe we get a better result for the entire p i 100% on board my only concern with waiting till the fall is the transitioning that's happened I'm not good with Geographic right whatever the north TI closer right like so I 100% on board and I will help support putting that together personally with Brian I think there's a couple things and not you want to comment on um what what what we should acknowledge right up front is marter p is not done we need there's more work to be done there we also have um an outstanding called housekeeping item the bank restoration simply the cleanup along the banks that didn't happen after phase one has been on hold until we do phase two but the idea that that was going to happen well at least in my mind that that was going to happen sooner than later we that piece of work would have to be addressed if um if we decided to wait do use volunteers and and then go to rec quoting I'm comfortable with the quoting process we have a lot lessons about putting this out to bid that we'd have to really take that apart maybe at committee level and come back to this body with a recommendation um that I'm looking at Drew thinking that's something that we can get into um I I can't even make that decision right now I just I agree with you on the bit I like the idea of dredging to stop the transitioning to prevent that happening and maybe that's a stop Gap until we can get that because we also have an executive session topic that might be impacting this as well so so I want to talk about the TR said did I hear correctly that there's the unspent money on the project 93,000 uh can the Natural Area tap into a portion of that I believe the key number is 44,000 for some projects that they want to do to in bases at the last meeting we talked a lot about various projects uh is that available and if so what what do we need to do to to get them to that be able to tap into that well you would need the the governing body to uh otherwise uh give their blessing to it they gave it in so in so much as when they did the ordinance the ordinance allows that to happen yeah because they named both projects at the time we talked about do mcarter Pond and then if anything was left over would give it a natural era well it would be used for removal invasives which of course occur in a natural area many other locations in car that's true but I'm I'm fairly certain the ordinance did actually State invas speci Wood public land restoration fa Fields naturally it was particularly for that I remember that because that deviated from what I thought was the spirit of of the motion at the time and know I because the invasiv issue obviously invasives don't follow boundaries like stay in the Natural Area they're everywhere you you certainly could amend the ordinance Tracy but that's how it was written it was written so if I bring by bring an ordinance or resolution excuse me to the next meeting is that is that will be the next step if if the governing body decides to take a resolution and say that they want to allocate a certain amount of funding towards that they certainly could do so we have the funds in place but then we'd have less funding for hiding yeah yes that's true state we have we have 20,000 already funded for the phase two in the we actually I didn't say it's already funded we have a draft budget that has that amount coming into through the capital and proven fund it's a it's an offsetting um I thought we have 93,000 available that was from what we allocated in last year's budget J you saying there's a new allocation of 200 in 2024 we have the final $200,000 it doesn't ex we don't have to use it that's we don't have to use the $200,000 in the 2024 budget right now all we're talking about is the 93k if we approve the 2024 budget and that line that end's in there it is but as of now it's not aren't we looking for ways to reduce the 24 budget we're looking for ways to reduce what's within the Appropriations C right and this iside correct because that's part of a different fund correct and there is a whole separ we have on outside of cap improvements we want to make with some excess Reserve we have but that that conversation should not be conflated with determining the fate of the original intented this money which was due Hydra raking and thenis whatever was left in basis are we all okay all okay with with the plan to potentially put together a group of people to study whether to manually stop the transition and then with the plan of November going out to hopefully do the whole part finish all can we do some working sessions a little bit more granular on on how to actually tackle the volunte if we find out we can't do that then we're going to have to Pivot the plan so yeah yeah there might be St some of that yeah and in the meantime who's doing the volun you want to take volunteer event since it's EC and then Trace will take November yeah since it's marter engineering DPW yeah and then we'll come back at the March meeting to see what we' come up since then okay we be along Solid Waste and Recycling bidor before we sorry there um did we Al did we want to do those things before we discussed the use of that 93 for some portion of it for the removal of invasives in par them keep that separate until we do those first two things right right now we're only yeah we're focusing we're focusing on the hydro raking of thearter which um will help us to determine uh whether we can use those funds and we also got a work out the budget make sure yeah um all right we're talking about the draft bid specs here Dre I don't know who's rich I'll take a lead in on this um as you know U we've been meeting with um an internal our internal group myself uh Rich Nick Pinsky Nancy Allison and TJ who work on draft specs we also had um the mayor and the engineering and Public Works committee join us via Zoom for some discussions we also have had multiple drafts go back and forth amongst the group and um we're here tonight to see if we can um at least get some input from the governing body not to talk about the bid specs detail but to make some decisions that'll help give us guidance um know uh rich and Nancy are you know have items they want to go over and I Council Roba has I believe something he's prepared that you have in front of you he like to talk about and that's the lead in Good evening I I think the first thing we want to just talk about is why are we here tonight we're here because the current contract for trash collected in recycling collection is ending June 30 so we've had a three-year contract with two one-year extensions so we bit this last time I think in 2019 so here we are and we're kind of late in the game here you know approaching March obviously we've been working on this outside of this forum but we're also looking at ways to be somewhat creative understanding where Trends are going with cost looking at what the burrow needs are to continue this service and as it relates to the curd Sol pickup recycling the trash in our Parks the trash containers in our downtown the recycling center also looking at the various changes that are happening with our new facilities as it relates to the community center coming online at some point new PD the new layout and function of DPW and all the other stuff that kind of comes into play with this so what we were kind of tasked to do was to put together somewhat of a proposal I believe you have in front of you um looking at how do we really did this uh this project as we call it obviously there's a three-year option and a five-year option and then you have the option of doing a three plus one in one Nancy could speak more to that because some of that is public contracts law on purchasing we obviously as Teresa had mentioned we worked with uh Drew and the mayor and Tracy had logged on to a zoom call I believe it was last week and we've also spoke about this at our DPW and Engineering liaison meetings and then obviously the the office uh continue that dialogue as well so if you want we can go through some of this if you have questions on how we came up with this I know there were some other documents circulating on some of the other ways you can do this and also we want to point out is we did look at other towns and municipalities we looked at recent bid documents we looked at how they bid the projects because as you know Trends do change um technology changes the way you do things change um we wanted to kind of capture all that so the other thing is we want we needed to collect the data you need to look at the information that we already have tonage of traction recycling that we currently collect the number of cans in our parts the number of cans in our DN towns the number of residences you got you have to you have to go and look at census data dat the number of households all that comes into play the number of cans that our business district generates meaning the businesses on River Road and some of the other interior streets that have businesses all those cans somehow get collected and when you bid something out the bidder needs to know that information so they can appropriately attach a number to what it will take to provide that service now in the prior bid we had a appendixes that had mapping and the zones and information on all the streets and the number of cans and how many were automated how many were not automated yes we have all that information we're taking it a little step further to give them additional detailed information um actually tomorrow I'm scheduled to go a weather permitting take a deeper look at some of the downtown for example we need to introduce recycling into the downtown right now it's just trash so so those are the tweaks and the balances that we're trying to come up with so having said that we've developed this document um we basically we proposing and it's not a traditional bid where you have like when you see me come before you and say okay the base bid is this and these are Alternet or these are options a lot of this is Bid And structured where you can actually spell out the options you want and the options are going to include x y and z and then you could bid it in such a way where you have option one option two option three and then you can also include alternates for those addons for example if you want to add additional bu collection pickups or or whatever it may be um so having said that we all know what we need we need to collect the trash curb side for the residents and the recycling it comes down to frequency is it once a week is it is it first keep it as is we know what we have now we have once a week curbside and it's considered Solid Waste or trash and then during the warmer months we go to that twice per week pickup right now we have recycling 52 weeks a year we have bulk collection where folks can put their stuff out at the Curve 10 times per year we also know in the bid we have a need at the recycling center for the vendor to bring a truck remove the dumpster with the co mangle recycling bring it out to the disposal station and bring back an empty dumpster simply because we don't have that truck and we don't have the method to do that and then we also have the downtown and our Parks the parks in the downtown we have the figures on how many cans there are many of which are non-automated so it's a different method of collection you're not going to see the larger trucks pulling up to fa Haven fields to empty those cans you're going to see a different vehicle whether it's a a smaller garbage truck or some other type of vehicle where the guys getting out or girls getting out and running around the fields and you know collecting those cans and and disposing of that material and what is the frequency of that that's done um weekly and then during the warmer months we have it spelled out that they they do it the same frequency up the curve side okay so having said that we've and and this is a this is a proposal kind of a first shot proposal for us to present to you where we try like to look at it and obviously feedback off the zoom call and and other discussions what is the need of the Burl what is the need of the burrow while looking at the fact that we know the cross is going to go up looking at the other bids from the other municipalities we know that we have the data to support that some cases up 50% and in some cases up to 50% so the first option whether it's a three five or 3+ 1+ one talks about um solid waste collection trash collection once a week for 52 weeks for residences the same for commercials and Commercial businesses the third piece of that is or parks in downtown one per week for 52s recycling this is where there's a change recycling would be twice uh every other so right now we've got 52 weeks of we a gear this would go to 206 then you've got recycling for both the parks and then also recognizing we're going to add recycling to the downtown that would be consistent with the same as curb side recycling every other week we call it by we and then both pickup and once again this is coming off some of the feedback feedback that we've gotten going to four times per year so basically quarterly March June September November and then the roll off service that we need at the recycling C C and that would be cost per pole as needed the 5year contract would be the same structure as with the three plus the one and the one and then this is where it gets into the alternates alternate well the first thing we have to say is what alternates do we need and you have to rank your alternates based on priorities as per the finance laws and public so you have to you have to rank them in the order that you would want them and you can't pick one and three you can't bypass two to get to three so we can rank these however we see fit but from from our standpoint the alternates would be the second collection for the parks in the downtown which would be basically from that may to like end of October window so you're capturing the peak season of any sport then your trash collection both from residential and the business district to add that second collection as we have it now during those summer months which is basically mid May to end of September and then also um plugging in the additional cost if we were to keep recycling every week so then you'll have a figure on the the additional 26 weeks for um recycling collection to compare those numbers now once again this was just a draft that we kind of formulated there's other Alternatives you can look at I know the three of you guys were involved with with some of the feedback and the call and the zoom call that we've had and and even discussions we've had through the um the aison meetings that we we conduct I know Nancy's here she's got got some data too you need any figures on Tage tonage or Trends on cost from from other towns what other towns do we compare ourselves to we looked at Belmore Islands eat town' got figures NE City not like R little we didn't have any recent information from them no we tried to get information from other towns that have recently gone out because make a big difference makes sense okay thank you and we also tried to like eat to is not at all similar to Fair Haven but the way that their um bid is set up we like that it was more detail we got a cost per unit basically which is is good to know so we have some idea um and then we look more at like Belmar Manasquan smaller towns not as much business as eaten Town may have for like overall pricing rather than unit pricing when you're talking about adding recycling to the downtown you mean where there's Municipal garbage cans you're adding a separate garbage can for recycling right now the downtown has no recycling means but that's what you're talking about right so will we be replacing the current receptacles with dual receptacles or we be putting an additional receptacle as part of this exercise we're going to look at the best fit that works within the downtown not to um cause any issue with pedestrian flowa considerations the width of the sidewalks we need to look at even placement of the cans whether or not what's out there even makes sense um having discussions as far as with our business district folks to see what the wants and needs are looking at the numbers um that we have based on the number of hands but to answer your question a more Consolidated type unit that would be dual trash and recy is this the idea to add recycling to downtown is it environmentally driven is that the reason we're discussing this or is there another reason that I the reason for me is the fact that we don't have it we've done all these improvements within our streetcape we have a bid that's growing out as it relates to Solid Waste in recycling Now's the Time because it's got to be collected the timing is such that it would work what are they currently do we don't have it I mean people take it with them put it in recycling con the reason I'm asking and I am I'm not an expert on this and it's based off a 60 Minutes episode I think I watched like s years ago but I I I was under the understanding a lot of these Plastics are now just being shipped over to China you they not even being recycled so that that's the only reason I'm asking the question and I could be and I'd love to engage with environmental Committee just to make sure that I'm you know I I could be well off on this but I also don't want to install and spend a lot of money and commit to something based on environmental impact if there's no real impact so that's not really a question for you rich I'm just talking out loud if we're going to make a material change to our process here I want to make and we're going to do it for environmental reasons I want to make sure there's actual environmental reasons that make sense it's great to do it and give ourselves a pad on the back but I want to make sure we're giving ourselves a pad on the back for a reason so that it was a Washington Post or New York Times article and what happens is plastic is shipped southeast Asia um and it's either it piles up and it's either burned or push in the ocean yeah I mean you know I and again I think we need to probably dive into more information than just land on one article but if if if we look at a lot of data and that's the feedback we're getting I'm not personally recommending that we get a rid of recycling but I'm not sure that we need to add to it yeah by the way that's just Plastics aluminum there's a there's an economic system that makes it uh rational to recycle the plastic is not I believe I believe 85% of all aluminum is still in the system from 1980 you're right aluminum is something that's so and maybe that's the answer maybe we add aluminum recycling to the downtown and we byass Plastics but I just think we we don't have much time here I'm just what do the other towns do do the other towns have downtown recepticles for recycling that yes but I I think if you just look at the numbers for Fair Haven we normally have 80 to 100 cans non automated between our parks and downtown about 12 of those are within the downtown so it's small percentage of all facilities and Parks so I don't think the number is gonna skew the bid too much but I just thought maybe now's the time to at least have the dialogue and discussion we know that the receptacles even in the downtown need a little you know cing up as well we have clean communities funds we have mechanisms that could fund some of that but just wanted to and would you foresee the trash can filling up faster if it's half and half because we haven't looked at how many gallons or volume of what the size can would be versus you know a sear to do that and worth spending time on it but I understand why you can't keep the answers because there's a lot of variables so we how many years ago did we get those original trash cans and Planters 10 2009 20 long time so the chances of us being able to even match them a remote so yeah we're 15 years in yeah so I mean the vendors still exists the brands but um and they're pretty big they take up a lot of room pretty big there's other products out there yeah so we would we would have to consider going to completely new receptacles you maybe that and we have a mix of receptacles out there too we've got the older stock and then we've got the 2009 style so you've got to mix and I mean we can talk at Great length on right we don't need to have that whether they should have a plastic bag or a liner or a lid or you know a blue cover I mean there's a lot of different stuff silver powered compact but I I do have a question and we I know I've had I've brought this up before about that our federal Parks or state parks or County parks are all car carry in carry out why is that not something we can consider and then we wouldn't have to worry about trash receptacles if people were responsible you know when you go to Sandy Hook or you go down to the Pine Barons you whatever you bring in you're bringing out that's the law well that brings up a good point it's not necessarily something I can answer but I can answer it this way it's part of the bid we're looking at making trash cans and recycling cans in AR ARS more efficient for both the user and for the person emptying them and what I mean by that is location and placement by putting a can out by third base of a ball field that you can and see from the parking lot may not make sense it make it makes more sense to put it at the entry points of those Parks similar to what you're saying carrying in and on your way out you throw your quality cup in the trash and then the truck and pull in the parking lot and be on its way bu 300 yards to the back and even from an enforcement standpoint a lot of these cans we can't even see whether they're overflowing or not whe they were emptied or not and as you know that's the majority of the complaints that we get yeah so pictur as part of the project I didn't bring all my sketches and numbers with me tonight we mapped a lot of this out um our facilities and parks and we met with you know folks in my department DJ's office administration looking at the 80 to 100 cans that are out there also keeping the Aesthetics in mind because as you know every year for whatever reason or season next thing you know there's 10 tots out of fair even Fields where did they come from they're up against the concession stand they're in the middle of playground they dragged out the ball field how does this happen where are they coming from so those are the things that we're trying to reel in as part of this bid because it's a numbers game we have the data we know what's required how do we balance it so that's my point on Parks and the downtown usually that user information can inform design decision whether we realize it or not those us are trying to make something work that doesn't already exist there so maybe there's some good Ino um I first want to to commend everybody Rich Nick Nancy Allison Teresa um for for the initial draft I I think it um is a step in the right direction for that creativity that's required um I'd like to provide just two data points and then there's kind of five pieces I I'd like to try and close out this week um and and I'll provide kind of that feedback so since 2020 inflation's up 19% % just to give you kind of contacts that's the latest number right and then the recent anecdotes is that these trash excuse me Solid Waste and Recycling bids um are coming back on 50% increase so with that um there's a few things that I would like consideration to look at and for the engineering BPW team to meet further this week with the hopes of trying to get the bids done in such a way and authorized out to bid we could do the first meeting March great if not the second meeting because the bid has to be out for 60 days minimum has to be um so I love like the can location and the optimization and what that looks like can we decrease it um I would like um when Kristen and I met with Adam Hy to talk through like recycling he mentioned a myriad of other levers that we potentially could leverage such as the county getting rid of e-w for free or grants that exist I just think it's something that we should do the due diligence on when we come back here um I'd like to understand too if there is a similar um process where residents well not res excuse me where we can have garbage um picked up manually right whether it's at the parks downtown brought to DP dub and then disposed of I know there's transfer stuff there we got to talk to and everything but the same way that residents can be recycling there the same way we use it as Recycling and then a a company comes in remove it I just want to understand that um I do think we can add in additional um menu item pricing in here um and the only reason I say that is is because these three options don't help us discern how much once a week hold toown pickup would be versus picking up the town over two different days and the reason I want to highlight that is because this has been something that we've talked about the company B level of we might exclude certain people who can do it only twice a week versus once a week and the more um the more flexibility in the bid I think is really important to see who's going to bid on it um and then the last piece is I I wor this way is um I'd like to to see some additional analysis on FTE support just call that um we have a lot of changes going on we have the new facilities coming online right and I just want to make sure that that we're thinking through that so my request is I'd like to work with Tracy and the mayor and Rich and Nancy Theresa Allison Etc on these five items and see if we can come up with an updated component here to hopefully move towards an authorization of did um I'd like to add a couple of thoughts to that because I I you know structuring a a bit document I know we'll be in good hands I know that my main goal in in terms of what we get back from any biders is if this body is able to I think Drew you said this already but to be able to discern if we know costs are going to go up we have to know as you rightly said what is the base what's the minimum non-negotiable base bid we we have to provide in terms of services and that everything else has to be so clearly um articulated in the bid document that we are able to understand if we're going to add something it's going to cost this and it's going to be worth it and we need to be able to explain it to our fellow residents so I'll just leave that there in terms of the bid document whenever I'm I'm of course a little concerned about the cost increases that I'm you know I believe we can anticipate I think you've done a lot of really good homework on this and it's um it's concerning because it's already a tight budget um so in every situation where you you're up against the w it's usually opportunities so I like to think about this in terms of goals and um I think that there's what's been taking shape at least as this body continues to meet whether we're talking about rush and leaf or storm water or um now garbage and curbside Book pickup it's the one thing that kind of comes back over and over and over again is we want our streets clean we want it to be environmentally clean so that we're not seeing lots of debris wash into our River fog storm drains contribute to micro floods here in there um we want it to be visually clean um we don't need cans out on our streets every day at the week we're a little town um and we need to be functionally clean because when there's piles of stuff or cans in the street you know it affects the route the joggers strollers Walkers um and bicycl s have to choose and sometimes their choices are not really safe so I think um even though we're looking at an important piece of contract and it's going to be expensive I think we could probably also look at what opport what problems can we solve and with that in mind um and I appreciate what Drew is saying about giving get making sure we don't isolate biders who can only do it in two days but I would prioritize a single day trash pickup in that there's there's one day when those trucks come through here and they pick up all our cans and they pull out of town um I think the added you know it would be beneficial to not have trucks large trucks moving to residential neighborhoods all throughout the week more or less um so as we're thinking about what's best for fair hav and how to structure this bid there could be some there could be some upsides it would be very very advantageous to minimize trucks reduce the number of days we have cans on the street and think about how we can make it cleaner overall there really environmentally and functionally so it's not all bad news if we can all if we can accomplish some of those um we accomplish some of those goals and obviously hold the cost down as best we can um and that was my contribution for tonight on this I know can you Allison tell us what is our when do we need to introduce when do we need to have this in front of the governing body for to authorize the bid next the 11 no later than ideally March 11th so go B March 11 because it goes out and then you have 60 days before the return of those bid responses back the review of Bri attorney depending on how many resp and then the time at the end for the transition if there is a trans transition from one vendor to another we can't we can't tell them one week okay now the Lista is going to pick us up and done there's a learning C there's going to be a transition in time that's needed there okay they need to ramp up and are we anticipating new are they currently we've we've um increased the budget to what we an anticipate um unfortunately right now last year there are exceptions to the budget I'm not going to get too far into that sure last year they allowed us to take garbage and recycling this year they're stating no however I was recently on a um a webinar with somebody from uh D LGS and they they are aware that people who took the exception last year for garbage and recycling now a number of towns are going out to bid which is is costing causing large increases so potentially they will look at it on a caseby casee basis okay so Colleen is already aware of that um once we have some more information she will re you know she'll talk to the people that she needs to to to see what we need to do to be one of those people that one of those broke towns that's reviewed so there you know fingers crossed we may still be able to take some of it out of cap okay um but for right now we are anticipating that it's all going to be in cap okay with the caveat that the last year exception was added to our cap base okay so trying to understand the impact is going to be the taxpayer but it's all G to depend on I know sorry I last year exception came out of our cap base a percentage a percentage of the increase came out came out of the cap and That Was Then added into our base cap have this year I the question is whether or not we're allowed to take a percentage again this year well we have that different discussion yeah okay sorry so the work that remains what I was going to ask for with some feedback and Direction based on what we're proposing just look at this look at the line items that we're we're proposing obviously we're talking about going to do the whole do the whole burrow one that was that was just discussed and then to Drew's point we can add an option to keep the way we are way we have with disol literally so I I've been to give you that direction we want to pick away at some of those yeah so I've been I've been doodling on on this one right and I think if we add one two three four Lines within each of the options we'll get all the data that we need so for automated solid waste collection for residents we can do times one time per week at 52 weeks one zone or at one time per week at 52 weeks two zones right there would have to be a whole another option for sure then yeah but I think I think we could very easily tweak this and then you can have a three-year contract 5 3 plus 1 plus one and then that would solve every single question the governing body has asked as far as being able to Define it um so I'm more I'm more than happy to to to to send it to everybody and and it's aligned with the feedback every's got not all of it no I think this is 85% 88% especially with what Richard is doing right now but I think it needs very very small tweaks to get all the information we'll need because what was great about eaten Town eat and 10 said hey resident we spent X on our contract if we did this it would have been $543,000 more if we did that it would have been $300,000 and we want to be positioned with that so I think Rich Nancy Allison Nick and Teresa are 85 88% there I think there's literally four pieces of M get us there my only my only feedback personally I'm probably be by myself I don't see a need to add recycling downtown personally um I also think that we can uh shorten up the two day a week alternate um to just be for summer for Memorial Day to Labor Day um you know May 15 it's you know starts to get hot but it's not it's not brutal and and September I think there's been a few times I've even said to myself oh we're still two days a week like just not feeling like we need you think we need that's for the residences not the parks for the for the residences right so um on Alternate to we do I'm assuming that's the dates we do now right so we do May 15th to September 30th I'm just I guess I'm eliminating two weeks on the front end and four weeks on the back end so you so we we'd have to I understand way the alternates work but my concern is now if the mayor doesn't like or anyone else doesn't think we want the recycling in Parks downtown and we don't use the alternate one then we definitely aren't doing alternate we wouldn't be able to use so if you maybe want I don't know if we want to separate that well aren't you able to do alternate you can change the alternate priority you can change yeah this is just a suggestion as far priority just but not after we put the bid out we have to do it so there's already recycling in the Box correct no but it's just the it's just the downtown so that's why we would want to keep because if it exists then we we need to keep that in there just it wouldn't be downtown I know so should we sear parks in downtown or is that I would really like that committee to discuss carry in carry out because can are we limited to three alternates we have four no no you can you could put a strip out the second half of one uh recycling to downtown make it open we have to agree to put out the bid by March 11 so there's there's not really much room right because it's two weeks from today right yes I'd also like to while while we're talking about the fars in downtown and I I think it D tells with what we're talking about right now is the these are the 80 to 100 unautomated which means it's two people in a truck one's driving one's dumping off one's picking up the can dumping it in a truck and they all they go to the next one of the of the 80 to 100 unautomated cans there's some in the Parks and there's some in the downtown um if both of those which we know because we get the calls and pictures from people you know we know that those need to be picked up certain times of the year need to be picked up more often than once a week particularly summer and through the fall as as yeah so I want to get into the minutia on that but we can say that once a week isn't adequate for much of the year in in those areas so if those were carved out and we brought that inhouse which I know it's kind of a big deal I'm aware of where we are with epw we also talked about steps we need to take to share up DW not cre it's the more one of the most important departments we have that Services the burrow and our residence so but if we imagine that that was a separate envelope of responsibilities that was managed more on um if we handled it inhouse our crew would know what activities are happening when what's what events are taking place oh the wck programs are really kicking in we're going to need to monitor that sensibly out to do the Canon that the the the service can be tied to that brown level um knowledge and I'm suggesting that that be part of this so that our DPW coup could pick up those trash and recycle as we have it available and bring it back to DPW I understand there might be some issues with that but theoretically that would be such it we would deliver better services to our us complain all the time and fairness that it isn't adequate enough to pick up and um it would clean up that base bid in hopes of getting a really hopefully High to number as possible for what it would take to minimally pick up trash recycl a week so I'll just throw that out there now obviously they'd have to the say the contractor would have to go by DPW pick up the bill of all the stuff that's picked up throughout the week once a week they'd have stuff at DPW collect that as well as the residents trash reable would we have to buy a garbage truck no so but there there are some um some items that that may like be discussed around that the first being that then we possibly and this is something that we need to research because transfer station I realize that um which may require permitting from either njd or the county uh so that is one thing and we don't know if that would we would be able to determine that and get the permit if we decided to go that route get the permitting in time prior to the bid um because we are so late but the second item that does come up is where are we putting this and thinking about what garbage comes from the parts the majority of it MH M um it it is at pet waste so you're bringing that to DPW putting it in a dumpster that is not watertight so water can you know water can get in there which then can also create odors that are hard to manage the water leeches through the the waste goes into the ground water so there's other things to I think this is what the definition of a transfer station encapsulates so you're not cleaning anything we don't already know i' like to know is somebody will get into it we just came up with that today okay so we have not as of yet that would be important the logistics of it I I know I won't let this go if if a large percentage of the waste in our Parks is pet [Music] waste that should be the responsibility of the owner of the person who brings their pet into the park do you have a dog no carrying that around know that's youro when you have a dog you're responsible for that dog you wouldn't take a diaper and just throw it away would fling it no fling it sorry I was talking about putting it in the receptacle well some people just It Whatever during the summer months there's a lot of garbage there's a lot of um porch bottle food pizza boxes I think it does depend on on the section of town on the dock the summer you know that's that's the problem with the garbage on the dock fairing Fields it might be more spring fall sports sports driven based on the people that are it's September and October for soccer and baseball and then it's April through May right those are the problem ones so the C it's pretty it's pretty well known we know what we know what we got to do okay so just just to recap and where we're at here okay it sounds like we have a good base okay sounds like we're going to explore potential other addendums to that base you know get to where we need to be we're also going to find out additional information about the transfer station we're going to consider Betsy's plan take in take out see if that fits in at all with placement of cans maybe for instance less cans less opportunity to just drop things um is there anything else we're missing here as far as to go forward no you said we have to have this done by March 11 is that right that's our next gives us enough leeway because if we go to March 25th then the bids would come back by May 25th and then we have you know Memorial Day weekend and so March 11 is our next meeting so but we don't have authorization we don't have to be out to bid on March 11 we need to vote at the next meeting to go yeah um can I can we just rule one thing out um because that's something I need to do um we need to do okay um are we is the governing body right now we pick up garbage twice per house per week in the summer is the governing body on the same page that we won't extend that to the other months I we not going to pick up garbage twice per resident per week for the year all year for the year all year long I don't think anybody no and if you going to do it I put it as the last ultimate I just want to I just that will really help kind of clean things up a little bit um okay in a perfect world let me say this out loud in a perfect world I would love that for our residents I just don't think with the increase in pricing of the garbage it's realistic yeah we've also never had any complaints really well a a little bit but it's it's not it's not widespread right right just want to put it out there and then for bulk pickup we're at 10 per year are we all in agreement with reducing the number three yeah I would do three our last feedback we were was four Once a quarter all right we'll do four do we want to put do we want to put in the alterate additional ones to see what the extra you might be I think as an alternate we should put it I personally just to see what the cost would be so then we can so that takes care of to go to what I'm sorry what was the alternate so the base bid would be three or four I can't the both pick up four in the base bid alternate four additional times per year just just for the record my problem is not the cost on it right there's nothing to do with the cost so the timate plus four to me I'd rather not even do that I I think again I think our town looks like a dump 10 times a year there's just stuff everywhere it's unsightly we're living in a world right now where there's people that sometimes you don't you don't want committing crimes in your town based on car theft and stuff like that and you don't know who's driving through your town I don't see a reason to extend for that many times so I I I hear you and the beautiful thing about what we're doing right and that they've put together is that it's going to be a menu item and we will be able to have further discussions on what we agree to do but at least we'll have all the data and it won't hold up the bid process it's still going to be alter priority still going to be an alternate correct I I just don't want to I just don't want to money the yeah money the waters and make it more difficult for these companies to bid on this unless I'm wrong I maybe I'm by myself I just I if if there's no support for it up here my concern is that we're essentially it's going to be seen is taking away a service because it would be taking away four pickups so I would at least like to know them six I would like to know the dollar amount that goes along with that if we are making that decision I think the increases are going to force us to have to cut back and but let's find out but as we hopefully as we perhaps need to decrease certain things there are pluses like cleaner streets safer to Traverse and brushing for is going to get introduced at the same time this is going to be very confusing out from Communications lot y awesome you good great job truly you guys did a phenomenal work all right moving along for Maple Avenue improvements Teresa yes mayor um when we if you the governing body will recall when we awarded the bid for the uh DPW facilities there was an alternate in there for the Maple Avenue improvements which were designed as part of that project um the cost came in in the high fours 400,000 and that far that exceeded what the B Engineers estimate thought the road project should cost so the governing body ultimately did not award that alternate however um we still need to do the road Improvement projects on Maple Avenue we don't currently have enough money authorized in a straight um Bond ordinance uh for roads to cover the engineers estimate So What We the finance committee talked about um at our last meeting was that um we would have we would propose to the governing body that we have Bond Council amend the original facilities Bond ordinance um to include the Maple Avenue improvements we will not be increasing the total debt authorization in that Bond ordinance all we'll be changing is description of the bond ordinance or the scope of work to allow us to award the Maple Avenue bid and ultimately what you're doing here is you if you had wed the alternate it would have come out of that bid anyway because it was part of the facility's bid but since we did not award it and we're peeling it off we just need to change the language in the bond ordinance noting that we are saving money in so much as that we going um this route putting it out to bid separately um but we're not in increasing the facilities Deb office governing body so Teresa are you saying that just by changing the language we can accomplish yes Avenue and we don't need any extra money because the money's already in the original bid that's not original Bond original Bond ense would like any other Bond ordinance uh Bond Council would uh draft it for us we introduce it probably at our next meeting and adopt it um at the following meeting there'll be a 20-day stopple before we could actually um authorize going out to bid for that Pro all good thank you U moving along public comment on agenda items only uh please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record um please do observe a time limit of 3 minutes I'm just mentioning I'm going to be a little bit uh tighter on these 3 minutes moving forward we've made some changes to the agenda you'll see the committee reports are also not there so it's not targeted in any specific situation or individual just trying to tight up tighten up these meetings um so that we have more attention towards the end of the night thank you no per stand I just want to three items one is brush the brush ordinance I just had some comments and in the interest of time there's some verbage issues there's some conflicts contradictions and issues that I think should be addressed before the ordinances actually pass so he has a copy of it anybody copy if they want I do want clarification or I would like to know in terms of the definition for brush it's very stringent and speaks only strictly to tree liims branches and twigs and makes no mention of any other Woody yard waste and I think there should be some inclusion of other Ys such as such as wood vines or a dead shru that you have or whatever it happens to be if it's not a twig a stick or a limb it it can't be removed yeah but isn't a Vine wouldn't a Vine be an invasive is not even in year in terms of whe Bas or not we're talking about Woody oration and we're saying that we have a whole definition on yard waste but the other thing conflict in here we say you can't put yard waste in your brush but then when you get to the section on prohibited materials to be put in the trash it's now prohibited from being put in tress that was fixed I sent you a text earlier an email earlier a couple of things about that oh okay yeah we so there's there's a couple of things and you have them that's fun the other thing I wanted to know the trees that were removed from the site on Hendrix is that the site we're talking about selling is that the same one in the same site it it is okay that is correct so Who removed the trees the the a tree you mean who actually who actually physically removed them well I want to get you who paid for the tree REM the burrow Fair been paid for the tree remov I guess my question is why why would we remove the trees prior to sale of property why would we have to develop we're looking into what happened here what transpired and how that came about yeah I mean I want talk about the huge trees I okay developers buying the property Bill your your feedback on is shared by me personally okay but we're we're in the process of getting to the bottom of who what where when why and you know I'd rather have a tree removed that that a lot he didn't ask about the hab lot he asked about the corner line correct well it's a it's a subdivided lot so so the one the one lot which is where the habitat which I don't really want to discuss because that's not an agenda is that an agenda item no it's not an agenda item so I don't want to discuss that lot but the other lot I share I share your concerns the the first the first I found out about it was probably when you found out about the other thing is I just want to mention the the issue of deer mitigation I just I I'll be on the record that I think it's a critical issue that we have to address three Deer born in my backyard last year and I ended up with LED these twice in the last two years so it's it's a real issue people don't want to talk about it and and yes they're wonderful and it's great but I did a lot of research and we are Way Beyond what we can sustain people if you you're a deer lover and you want to say that the deer we're here before us there's 100 times more deer that were're here than 100 years ago so thank you and I know I fed them all from my y thank you Bill thank you and and we will we'll get uh to a meeting anyone else in the public yes um we're both members of The Advisory Fields natural Comm right and um just is into the whole discussion on mcarter pond and what is left over and reading the resolution that um was just found about how it would appear that that 93 is available for the fairen field Natural Area advisory May to use current bases we just had a um professional come in to advise us following the park system recommendation we want to get a second opinion on what to do in that northwest corner that was just cleaned out and this is a group called weed Inc they came highly recommended they worked at Country a lot of other areas um and they gave us a plan for for which pretty much followed what the park they recommended treating the area and then de seaing it and we really want to restore this to be part of extension of the Natural Area trails and I mean right now looks awful um because they just took out all the invasives and um so we want to restore it we would love to be able to access some of that money that would appear to be available we have you know already have a budget um of what he expects the you know cost to be it's probably um $1,500 of treatment Follow by $44,000 of receding the area from the fall and then some treatment maybe next year of about another $1,500 and then you know it will probably need some trees planted or mother you know work but um we did already just kind of get this whole thing put together and um would love to see some funds approved yeah so we do have this project weed Inc it's our specialty removing invasives uh the DPW has our quote uh teres is aware of it um the DPW has is supportive of it they feel like they use techniques and Equipment uh that the DPW doesn't have that this company can come in and do it much more efficiently and reasonably priced um for this year's portion of it it would be about 66500 the viral already has the quote it's ready to go um you know we've looked at that original ordinance and it was allocated a piece for the hydro raking and a piece for mlo invasives it wasn't really worded that one goes first and we get whatever's left over um so if you were willing to consider spending the money we do have a project ready to go uh for $6,500 this year that would make a major step in our restoration area um it's all about uh removing invasives it's exactly what it was designated for um so we just wanted to put that on the table see if it might go as the leaz on I do think it would be money well spent I mean they're willing to to use a community appe money that's how much they believe in it I I do want to point out that um in order to qualify as a capital project it would have to be um you know a large scale you know invasive removal as opposed to just uh spraying uh a herbicide spraying a herbicide would not qualify his Capital so we we'd probably have to split that up into what we could do under capital and what we'd have to do Under the current fund budget or under um the appeals money I just be 100% clear 1500 of it is for herbicides 4,000 is for seeding which prevents the uh invasives from recurring I I think I saw the invoice you sent over or quote I should not the invoice the quote that you sent over from weeds in their Pennsylvania company correct can I just ask a question is this a one-time deal or would it be something you'd have to do every year um I think for next year they had recommended coming back for spot treatment I mean obviously weeds don't just we when they came um invited um the Garden Club we went over to the bird sanctuary and looked around there with him and he gave them a little budget for the knotweed that's in the corner there we went to th Trail at that I mean so we were trying to kind of involve everybody in this project I mean I'd love to get the parts looking at that hatch of over by that's awful of not weed I mean so but the intention is not that it happens every year um it is the idea is that it gets seated that blocks out most of the weeds the invasives from recurring anything that still pops up gets spot treated next year and that's the end of the plan um after that it should Su stance okay based on the expertise we've got well we will discuss it along obviously with Brian the Le on we we need some more information which I think we discussed earlier tonight on mcarter pond and what the plan is there I'm not saying that one's prioritized but the more information the better as far as trying to figure out where the funds are going to and we'll continue the discussion thank you anyone else in the Public Public comment hi Stephanie Adams 230 Oxford um Betsy I love your idea of carry in carry out um thank you I think you know the problem would be enforcement it's hard to get the kids to even bring their stuff to the cans um but you know maybe with some sort of communications program as always the Green Team would be happy to help um the other point that I wanted to make um some of us volunteers have had this conversation with the buau about ways to reduce plastic waste at the fields and one of them was to add a second bottle Filling Station down at the bottom of the fields down by field excuse me Field 4 or field three we've um we've talked to baseball about it um we've talked to Residents about it there's a lot of support I know that we also were trying to throw in a hose bib to get some water for thir Street Trail but the issue remains one of the best ways to cut down on plastic waste is to cut down on people bringing in water bottles Gatorade bottles you could sell powder packets at the concession stand so I would just encourage um the governing body to reconsider that um I know I've spoken to Rich about what it would take to actually you know you'd have to do some digging and um you know spend some money but I don't think that it would be honorly um expensive to do and I just wanted to make one other point on the recycling collection you mentioned maybe doing in every other week as an option I think this is a three-year contract but I don't know if that makes sense during this year when we don't have access when we're actually having to put cardboard in our cans as well that might take up too much space to for for residents to only have a collection every other week so just wanted to just to clarify we don't know the length of the contract we haven't put it okay so there's different options that we're looking at okay so maybe for the year that could be three two option two one year options it could be a five year there's there's different things that will explod contract all right just just something that this year when card's going in the can might be an issue and also dear love that you guys want to um hear more about that there's a real Health concern um with they're wild animals they're living way too close to us if you start looking at wasting disease people are asking questions is it dangerous to humans so I think that you know it's it's really time to still bit the problem so I appreciate you guys considering that thank you thank you question step I have a quick question so that if we did just I know there's a lot of background with the water Filling Station would that also be a water source for third tree Trail it could be yes but we had looked at different scenarios one was portable water yeah that would need to come from the concession stand you have to put in a this a water that's on the baseball field where no wood plays I think that's well water we also looked at just using well water for a hose bed for trail but the reality is bottle filling station with a hose bit solves both problems great thank you thank you Stephanie is anyone else in the publicise Casey 263 very um so going back to mcarter p real quick you said 6,000 spent was it for the whole Pond half the pond or what got done I'm I'm I'm not sure uh it it's about 25% just based on the Aerials that I looked at that's a with the whole 106,000 spent on that 25% yes it was for the vendor for 10 days worth of activity and and of course for the we took out 165 tons of of vegetative waste and that had be disposed of oh that's interesting and there's 93 left over for the remaining 75% now we have another phase coming would be a phase two oh that's a 200 okay for the 2024 budget be 200,000 more as far as potentially the 2023 budget was $200,000 $6,000 has been used yeah and there's and then 24 is 200 well okay there's more work to be done and what what portion of that work gets done this year and how much that cost I think those those were your two are you asking how what portion of the pond is complete I saw watch it I live on the pond so I watch it it seems like from the parking lot to like basically the halfway point is what they tackle yeah I mean they did a little bit more on the inside of the pond past that halfway point they didn't do the and then they didn't halfway in the pond there's still some edges that I don't think they really completed either but we knew they weren't going to be able to do that whole we went into this knowing that this was 10 days I think and we were going to learn from it and you a grasp on how much it will cost you so I guess I'm missing a piece here what's your as far as well so if they did half of it technically like the remaining would be the same cost no they they're not sure yet I mean it's still in some of the ponds in more transition than the part of the pond that they worked on okay so so we don't have a real grasp on what the remaining costs would be NE I think that if we asked our professionals to give us a you know from this to this we could probably get to some sort of estimate but if you're asking right now in the moment but mayor on that note I would like to break down the 106 because I thought the 10 days was like 30 or 40 Grand and then did we spend 66 Grand on punish of removing we'll get the information we'll get the information I imagine it also includes some sort of engineering fees as well check check okay um you good anyone else in the Public Public Court natural committee at one point we did offer to take the spoils from the pond and dry them out in the Natural Area in the former Nursery area was that no longer appropriate or is that something that in the future could say cost or we don't know we'll have to talk to the engineer that was test with the project okay great thank you thank you thank you anyone else in the public one if you do read through it the he starts off with saying the number one problem in be hens here that is the problem that has led to all the other invasives I mean he walked through the bir sanctuary and he said you have a lot of it's it's one of the oldest virgin forest in New Jersey they said yes you have magnets and trees but you have no baby trees here everything so nothing is going to be those trees naturally ever un let we do something about it so he has list after list of um deer programs in all different counties and towns in that report that he sent along with it who has the study if we're interested in reading it for ourselves how can we get the report he prepared well I can send it to he sent it to me have it he yeah he gives well I sent it to the DPW haard Nick and um Dave who they came to to listen to him I them here we we look forward to Bringing JY in and having that discussion you're good yeah thank you I believe everyone in public good yes Liz mcneel hi mcil hey how are you 193rd Street um I just had really just one question kind of I guess multipronged about the garbage I know I and I had to step away for a few minutes so maybe you talked about it but I did you look and see or do you all know what Rumson does as far as their trash pickup do they do it twice a week once a week do do they have the same schedule we have now or it's seasonally we get it you know in the summer we get it Twi we get garbage picked up twice a twice a week the rest of the year it's once a week I mean are we on par with them you can probably online we did that study I don't have it in of me I couldn't answer off the top of my head what they have but we did do the study and we also looked at whether there was any possibility to do some sort of shared service with them right to um you know further drive down cost but the the issue becomes the T the ending you know the timing of the end of their contract oh of course yeah versus what we're trying to accomplish here yeah no no no I I wasn't even going to go there I was just more because someone sort of whispered in my ear they said you know Rumson pays less in taxes and they get garbage picked up twice a week and I was like oh okay um so I just wanted to see if you all had seen that for yourselves yeah we go ahead oh no no and then the other thing was that as a resident of Third Street I would really appreciate it if you would I just want to dissuade you from turning the Third Street DPW into a transfer station um I I heard some conversation tonight about you know exploring putting garbage in the DPW and I mean if you want to come and live in my house once there's garbage in the DPW you're welcome to come I'll switch with you and you can live in my house and I'll live in yours I mean it's really having having gone through it in you know in a much bigger Urban environment where they moved to DPW mov to transfer station into a very very dense residential neighborhood it is it is it's it's not pleasant for the people who live around it so that's there mayor I pulled up the answer to her question Rumson uh picks up garbage twice a week they pick up recycling every other week and they have curbside pickup by appointment only twice a year oh that's interesting oh we go twice a year yes but it's it's January through October so but you canu whatever you want right pickup I like I like that that's great anyhow that that was more that's more the like you know the taxes are not the same you know we pay more in taxes and what do they get and what do we get kind of um it's just not Apples to Apples though it's not they have they have different size homes helping to subsidize a tax roll um but but we understand you know we all want to get the most for our money and uh the the comments are definitely appreciated sure well thanks you guys I really appreciate all the work you're doing hi Chris Hemstead 53 Willow Street um question about the farmers market the last I I I think it we had heard we had um spoken with the team that was trying to put the farmers market together very you know great idea I think everyone's really excited about it um but there was a lot of unknowns about the location and and one of the things that from what I remember at the council meeting was exploring the possibility of using the park and and having less impact on the traffic on Willow Street um I guess did did was there another meeting that was done or or um is there's there been a traffic you know plan done I mean I I saw the video on the Instagram and it's very nicely done um but given the experience we have with the school traffic uh and and the issues of block driveways and and block traffic there's obviously a heightened level of concern um about a hasty decision to use the street over the park so I'm just not sure where that went so we've discussed this pretty much every meeting the last six meetings um in the public forum the chief of police is not here right now now um so I I can't have him speak as far as the the traffic plan um but what we did discuss was we were going to start the farmers market in the uh Street on Willow and if we had uh if we had a negative experience based on that then we could certainly pivot to move it to the park if if uh we felt that was the um best scenario for the burough fa wasn't going also discuss the the ruining the grass there I think teres had wa in also for some other reasons that's what and that's why we said we were going to start on the street yeah was though that was the reason was the concern for the grass there was a whole bunch of other reasons but that was definitely sprinkler heads yeah there was a bunch of reasons this was talked about last meeting I think okay I didn't see it on the agenda last meeting that's why I didn't um log in and I but the school uses the park for recess and for play activities that would be about the same amount of foot traffic as the farmers market not this would be at the Western end of park there that's hard to say that it would be the same yeah I I I can't answer that Chris I you know Farmers Market sets up and people walk the same path as they go from 10 to 10 um you know I think I think kid kids are running all over the park but I just don't have the expertise to tell you the impact of um people on the grass I just think about the fair Fireman's Fair when everyone walks the same path yeah good point the end of the fair it's all beat up yeah that's a good point I wouldn't disagree um the other the other thing that needed to just make a quick comment was if it's a wild success okay if this is if everybody's Gaga I imagine they will be but there could an an inclination to try to increase the frequency from once a month to twice or three or four times a month like they do in Red Bank you know like which is fine in in Red Bank but I don't if that's the case then obviously we would you know I think we would have to really take a higher look at the the consideration of the location I I agree with you I do I agree with you um I don't personally I think the beauty of this in smalltown Fair Haven is that it's once a month but I also don't want to box myself in and say that it would never change because I don't know what future governing body members would want but I feel comfortable putting on the record that um if we're going to put um you know more of a impetus on our residents in that area then we're going to certainly have to look at uh the way it's set up and the approval uh Chris was for the once a month for six months May November May through November so this first inaugural year will be the the six times and then you know whatever changes that the farmers market wants to make you know going forward you know that'll obviously be within the public and you know you know for comment and uh for discussion so okay great now I mean really they've done a great job with the with the we with the uh information on Instagram um I hadn't seen the Instagram site until tonight and it does look really nice um but uh you know I think there's a lot of excitement around it but we just want to make sure it doesn't get you know it doesn't go the wrong way that's all so okay thank you thank you thank you Chris and there is merch available interest in the merch Alison any anyone else Mrs Blazer Ruth hi Ruth good evening a couple of things uh the street skate uh the lamps that you're talking about on River Road you did streetcape East you did Street shape West now we're talking about putting up new lamps what happened to the ones that we put up during the street [Music] Scapes these are repairs yeah so so we're repairing existing lamps the reason I the reason I ask is on in the light of environmentally friendless friendliness and night sky losing the dark as it were I know when I flew into Santa Fe they have mushroom lights which illuminate the sidewalks they do not shine in anybody's window they do not shine up and they are just wonderful and I would suggest you consider mushroom lights plus they spread the light out in a further radius because they're dedicated to doing down light next subject the brush in the reading that I got and I ran off the changes to section 16 of our burrow code and according to what you had said uh you being the pejorative you you you've got a 10-day leeway for putting your brush and leaves out at the curb now if we've got four zones that means that somewhere in town we're going to have leaves and brush at the curb which to me I think defeat your purpose a second comment is that our little sister town next door little silver is doing completely rolling pickups they have done away with a brush schedule and people have not and Mos put their houses on the market I mean it's a lovely little town and things get picked up and it's neat and it's clean I don't think we need all this I really encourage you not even introduce this tonight until you've done more fine tuning on it another thing it doesn't address is that there's a total disregard for residents's physical or financial ability to carry out this program one of these things is that bothers me is that a lot a lot a lot and I read all of section 14 all of section 16 most of it is dealing with Aesthetics not with safety not with health Aesthetics how things look and frankly I'm not impressed if you didn't like the way our cans looked you should have picked something that looked nicer I think for seniors specifically you should or anybody should be able to put their brush their trash their recycling their cans out on their lawn and keep them there while they use them as long as the lids are down it should not make they should not have to be hidden like some kind of a Scourge thank you Ruth and uh oh no I'm not finished I'm not finished Ruth we're we're really trying to keep everything to three minutes here and we're we're up at four minutes here um do you have something you want to tou last the last the last comment is on the deer you're sort of saying we're going to do something well I'll tell you the day that everybody goes out in their garden and all their plants are gone there's going to be an uproar because that has happened to me twice this year if you want something that don't like plant basil my my my last my last comment is and you said this before when you were speaking that that you were dismayed by the bulk the town not looking nice when the bulk was out yeah that's important years years ago years ago and for many years every Saturday from 9 to 1 residents could take their bulk to the DPW Yard and there were trucks there and they were help because the bulk does not increase in Mass it just constricts as to the number of opportunities that there are to get rid of it and our town is I keep saying this and nobody believes me it's a small town it's not Newark it's not Jersey C it's not even Middletown and you we hire M but we hire on we hire on contract the people to run our DPW and it appears now that the tail is wagging the dog the DPW is telling the residents what they're going to do instead of the residents telling the DPW what needs to be done efficiently economically and whatever I think we have to start with fresh eyes at the DPW and get this straightened out from that angle thank you thank you okay uh moving along we have oh I just want to make one comment also that I forgot to make at the beginning of the meeting that during good of the burrow uh we have a time sensitive grant that uh councilman Cole will be discussing just want to give you a heads up on that um and push it to the next meeting but we missed the cut off to apply okay uh next up we have approval of minutes February 5th 2024 special meeting regular meeting executive session anyone have any questions on these motion to approve motion second Alison may I please have a roll call yes IM yes yes yes yes yes thank you uh moving along to Old business this is exciting um we have the police department Community Center did anyone see the steel up at the police department and community center this week wow love it um So based my understanding of all the feedback that's come in um and Chief and whatnot the color that has been selected is the sighting light mist um here if everybody recalls with the open houses that we had for the pan Community Center we honed in on the gray category and this was a further refinement of that um and the roof is computer computer gray um right there so um we're looking to give the green light to this and what that then will trigger is um selection of colors inside door colors Hardware Etc and then ultimately after that decision Point leading into the Finish boards so small um yes I participated in when look and that was my vote as well and um the one thing though that wasn't part of the discussions to um how we finish the Ting um on the exterior I'm just going to look at Rich I don't know what if we spe about anything specifically if it's a miter corner or if we're doing I really hope we're not doing a contrasting Corner guard down on you're talking about E8 PD Community Center the way the siding is that have to ask Eli it was in the design that approved yeah El uh okay I'm just going to get you yeah okay one looks good one s we have to V vote on this is this a vote or is it's just consensus from I'm the wrong person to pick color of siding you know I actually would have picked white but as we said it's hard to if that's the consensus I'm sure you all know public started with gray that's the refinement of gray colors that make the most sense alignment with the area Etc so unless there's any injection computer for the roof likeness for the siding next Brown will come with interior colors to the community center we're good Betsy disagrees everyone else is good okay uh new business introduction of ordinances 202 24-02 amend chapter 16 Solid Waste Management brush and leaf collect before motion is there anything anyone wants to say just a couple things mayor so we had two open houses um over the month of February um phenomenal discussions uh we've had refinement in the ordinance based on that um we've talked about the grace period um when it comes to we talked about um the seniors we had a really great discussion on Saturday and actually learned um that we used to have a more robust be of Good Neighbor program um so I circled up with Betsy on that and we're going to reach out to show McNeil to see if we can reinvigorate that there was one item on educating res residents on composting um as another means I spoken with Michael on that and we have a budget n um no cost educate residents on how they can take uh compost into their own hands Fair um and another uh item that came out of the open house was um refining what I'll call the marketing material I'm going actually create an additional marketing and educate um so overall it went well we'll look to do more open houses in April um before May um just to make sure that that continues we'll continue working with the communication facility pictures education letters recycling coach app Etc there's a whole slew of there I know Kristen stepped out but if have anything else on the communication front but well one one of the ideas that came out of that was maybe doing a sticker like we did for the garbage for the brush PL which I thought was a good idea we'd have to look at it up but I I lik that one veget pict and what goes in and exactly all that I just wanted to offer um and Ruth you might still be with this but Ruth is very active in the the a good neighbor program I know that because she recruited me I did my v and I my my daughter and I both actively participate in my program I think it's a wonderful idea yeah school well it was pretty active over the winter but it's a lovely idea and th might be helpful in um expanding it or or renewing it as it used to be year round anyone else have anything on this do I have a where did Crystal go had Crystal I did not even see okay do I have a motion to approve motion to approve second Alon may I please have a roll call yes yes no yes yes okay thank you uh moving along to the consent agenda we're talking resolutions 2024-25 66 um before I ask motion does anyone want to separate anything does anyone have any questions on anything the no does anyone have a motion mot second Alison please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes thank you we're talking Department reports January 2024 uh do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted and a thank you maybe motion to accept with a thank you second all in favor I anyone oppos okay uh this is the good of the bureau portion of the meeting please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name address to the record as mentioned earlier in the meeting we are trying to keep the time limit of these um good of the buau comments the three minutes um actually you know what before we get to that yeah why don't why don't you br okay and Michael we can on this um the gr committee met for the first time this year on Monday a week ago we looked at six potential grants that's what's currently in the fight line um with more coming in all the time um so more for the council's consideration um on the horizon but for today as the mayor mentioned there's emergency around one and this has to do with a this is a historic preservation related Grant application the grant is actually for a sign um and like all other municipalities who might apply for this grant they would be applying for assigned as well and this will be assigned in a significantly historical location um along the New Jersey black Heritage Trail so imagine if you will there's a there's signs throughout New Jersey that are part of this um black Heritage Trail and um landmarks such as Bicentennial Hall historic P Chapel um qualified for this particular signage and to as a suitable Landmark a local Landmark that would qualify for the new for the New Jersey black aage Trail so the council had you have before you a two-page we call it a template or an executive summary and I can tell you very briefly it's hard to read it while we're going through this but I'm summarizing it accurately in the this is it would be a sign at B Centennial Hall there a national and state um historic uh it's on the National Registry of historic places for the state and and um federally and it would be part of this Trail and the idea of course is that could be good for school programs and educational programs and duv tail nicely with the other work and local Investments that the community as well as some of what government is doing in that location um I know on the horizon the vice Centennial Hall um stakeholder group is talking about next steps and what needs to happen without getting off onto a tangent and the sign is a way to identify this Landmark as part of a collection throughout the state this uh picture here is an example of the signage you can see on page two and they create the signs for us we just give them the verbage we have yes we have to provide the documentation there's some guidelines around that they need U primary source data which would be um great to be able to have people who we might be able to interview say for example recent um that woman Elizabeth who's now gone thank you yes this is Blake um and then we have a lot of archival information obviously that would round out a very nice little narrative which has to fit on a sign of this size and that's what the application is for the um this is very simple and straight FL thing we have a ton of data and we have some ready hands available that can compile information that we can submit if we want to do this so um our friends from historic preservation historic Association Fair Haven have uh offered to assist accumulating that information and preparing the grant with um obviously should the council want to do this so that's what be for us tonight um I'll do answer any questions my only question do we get approval of the wording on the sign yeah um you know is there any corporate logo or anything because they're paying for this program nothing like that no okay it's um this is out of a um historic preservation commission and there's really no money right it's just the pl and we're listed in this state and National Registry of historic places which is cool I mean I just think it's just good PR for us it's a great reference oh yeah the deadline is like right as I to the will get to work on that start do we need to vote Alison on this for a resolution or do we need [Music] anything okay Mo approve motion second all in favor anyone oppose um yeah let's go ahead yeah 22nd so um the fire company had their spaghetti dinner during it they received a call of a vehical crash where poorly people were trapped this was over at Hansen Ridge um so group left the spaghetti dinner um got there nobody was trapped uh but the cars went on fire and they had to extinguish it um fire department did a great job and still hell the spaghetti I just want to highlight their community service they did great work how many Meats was anyone 27 27 no no how manys did they make and serve 4,000 I I want a number next meeting we got to get a number all right can I put on Workshop you can all right nobody was injured in this no they thought they thought folks were entrapped in it so the Chiefs and everybody left to get there they got there they weren't but then the cars went on fire they extinguished it wait till they left made an album spelled the spaghetti in oh hey that's not only one one joke though tonight right I would just like to uh remind everybody of the foundation of Fair Haven is sponsoring their down on Saturday night at the Columbus club we are nearing our goals but there are still a few tickets available there's games there's a band there's a cornhole uh one uh new development that I think is very enticing is that all of the participants that are pre-registered and who uh sign up at the door will be receiving a code for $5 off an Uber ride so we encourage everybody to take advant anage of this and to uh use an Uber we have many local businesses that have donated prizes and costumes all of the proceeds will go towards fa Haven day and some of our other community events which I would just like to highlight um uh the foundation is a firm supporter of the wall of honor and contributes money for um the plaques and the pictures that we put up we've been very instrumental in uh playground equipment for Fair Haven donations to the eighth grade dance donations to the PTA uh fundraisers for Bicentennial Hall uh paying for the framing of the pictures at Bicentennial so there's a lot of stuff that the foundation does for the community besides just Bear haen Day love it so if you can it is Saturday night at the colum B thank you uh getting back to uh the public please stand identify Yourself by CL St your name and address for the record anyone in the public with a good of the burrow no uh Alison anyone on lawn good of the burrow hi Ruth hey I just have an assignment for everybody in Fair Haven who hasn't read them read the Barrow codes paying special attention to section 14 and section 16 it's very interesting thank you thank you rud anyone else that is all that is all great with that being said we're going back into executive session time is 10:12 have a motion motion ex all in favor anyone oppos thank you just keep you get up at 5 am tomorrow right I don't actually I have 525 but ear at 440 again going all right uh does anyone have a motion to adjourn uh the regular meeting at 1108 all in favor I anyone oppos good [Music] night I'll stay