let's this meeting to order at 7 pm we're going to start with a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from bur Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of June 24 202 24 is available by Callin phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time including the schedule of meetings which is adopted by resolution number 20243 and sent to the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on January 4th 2024 post on the the bur website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the bur clerk is directed to include this statement in the MST of this meeting Alison may I please have a roll call Council memb Cole yesi yes yes yes yes we have administrator Cass attorney so CFO Britain and incoming administrator for okay thank you all right little pping circumstance on here [Music] um wow February 1st 2011 re so I'm G I'm going to keep it brief um I don't know how you did it truthfully uh the just the scope and the detail and what we 13 and A2 years 13 and2 years um I'm not at 3 years and sometimes my head's going to explode and the amount of information and projects and um just complicated tasks that came your way and you did it with professionalism and Grace and I think the entire bur is so thankful and debed to your service I see your really your career in in three huge uh moments one obviously helping us gu guide the Bro of fair to a hurricane Sandy I mean you know I obviously I was not even close to my role I don't know what was going on but I can't even imagine um the second phase I think of uh your time with Pro Fair Haven was Co again I got the very tail end of the co and that was a lot I can't imagine what must have been like at the very beginning when um you know it was much more complicated obviously and then the third part is she had a deal with a mayor that had no experience whatsoever and act like he somewhat knew what he was doing and that I put that with the other two TS as well um I have a proclamation here I'd like to read um and if you could I'd like you to join me yes I think we all thank you for allowing her to as well I'm sure it wasn't easy for you um so this is your Proclamation honoring your time and pro administrator whereas Teresa s k Grande began her tenure with the burough of faven on February 1st 2011 and whereas Teresa has been a vital part of the community offering her time and talent as administrator for the burough fairen and whereas during her tenure she successfully led the br's employees and residents through major events such as super storm sanding and the covid-19 pandemic and whereas the buau of fair and governing body buau of Staff boards and commissions and volunteers will miss the logic wisdom and invaluable experience Teresa kagran has contributed to everything she has been involved with and whereas very few people realize what a tremendous responsibility it is to lead and manage the municipality now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council of The Bu of fa that extends its deep appreciation and gratitude to Teresa cath Grande for her selfless public service to help make faan a great place to live and which to turn her family many years of health and happiness we all want to hear a few words from Teresa but before we do that I just want to say for the first time in three years the key to the city just want to say first of all I want to thank my family uh my extended family a small part of them and um my dear friends are here too um I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful family and so many wonderful friends it's a a big part of why I'm retirement so I spend a lot of good times with them um start with my husband um and my children I had amazing career and I could never have done without their love sport um I will say that I respect every member of the body I've ever served with for the time they've given to this community in a volunteer capacity people have no idea what it takes to sit on the governing body and to give your time and dedication to to a community um I would think hope to think that my time here has served B well I know it's a very different Community today than when I walked in in 2011 there's many things I'm proud of um this was a great great posting for me a great way that to spend my 13 and a half years of my career um I was very active here and on the state level and it really it was really very rewarding um I have an unbelievable staff here I'm proud of many of them I hired myself the exception of rich and Allison um and and they they do amazing things um it's a very small staff but they're extremely dedicated hardworking and they really serve this community well um I I think so highly the residents of Fair Haven all of our volunteers that that make this community run so well my sister-in-law Helen's here she's been here she lived in Fair Haven probably more 50 years if I was [Music] guessing and when we we raised our children together they were contemporaries and when when they were young I remember so much admiring when she would tell me all was going on in Haven and I thought what a great Community you know at the time never knowing that I would end up here and work here so you know it it's really been my honor and my distinction um I hope to be invited back for the ribbon cutting on the facilities and when you dedicate 21 Fair Haven Road um the purchase of those two Riverfront properties meant a lot to me um because they'll be here long after all of us are going to serve the future residents of this burrow I thank everyone for coming tonight um and I I couldn't be more blessed and more hum it's a nice thing Teresa you want to bring your family and friends up for a picture before we okay um we're now going to move towards Workshop session tree appeal from 65 Harvard Road um or the sorry I got to get a name here sorry no the canes so the Cane's in attendance you guys can stand up if you don't mind um we all got a packet here of information it sounds like uh you're asking um for an appeal on the Tre was an O on an that's in your yard um do you guys before we start discussing is there anything else you want to share that's outside of your letter yeah I gu just real quick um like you know we moved here in back in 2002 tree was there we still have a swing attached to it the kid plan you know like M the kids taking a lad get a better FL laded we really like the tree um but over the years it's Fallen apart you know branches are dying the branches are falling and they're falling big branches are falling we've had branches this width this High the ground we've got dogs and our kids running around um cases yesterday in the storm we going to hang on the garage and just enjoy the rain but we were afraid of some Danger from the tree uh we've been told we can prune it we've done that in the past I don't want to go cycle every few years pruning it you know wait to get scared think it's going to fall we reached out to um a tree company a few years back and said you know we want to get rid of it we got an never came back to because you're really we're still we're reluctantly do if we are and fear branches coming down and the tree coming down it's already over a power line we're out of power right now a few minutes ago because trees in the woods um it's fall in our neighbor's yard it's it's it's a it's it's a scary situation us even though we're told it's Health it's from what we've see and what we've experienced we disagree um so before other members of the governing body questions I have two myself my first one is um I understand what the ordinance would call for but what would you plan on planting if you did take the tree we going to have a a landscaper come in because there's some some bushes that we want to get rid of need a put a tree there we have a neighbor tree that's right here they sort of ining on each other um we'll put in something just because otherwise just have a fence there you're looking to put up one new tree are you looking to put up multiple trees are just trying to get an idea I think at least one that um the Lander say all the back to the we have so many trees coming in over the wires there now for a yard that is really we don't have a large yard it's a very small yard um my other question is you mentioned in your letter here that you had Frontier and rummer come out and look at the tree and both of them said that it was Hazard outr space did they file a report for you did they present a report we we did a report based on rumors we Frontier was one that we never follow through with okay and the brummer report I I thought I saw the application did you get an actual report from them no you didn't get a report they just told you this tree exactly okay those are my questions anyone else have any questions here uh I have a question are you comfortable with replacing the tree should you be granted the variance to take the tree down with what was suggested that's not a problem no something I mean probably not another oak tree that's going to get as tall as this one is and take over the property but we would definitely place it something may so it's not wor of buing on neighbor GRS are going through each other right now U I did get a chance to go drive by there and take a look at your tree um it is a very nice mature oak tree I understand why our ordinance protects it it's technically a protected tree because of the species and the majority of it um I have to say there's not a lot of information to support removing the tree the data and Analysis that we were given suggested the tree ped regularly will continue to thrive and do well um absent any findings that suggest that it is potentially doing harm I have a hard time supporting an appeal um the tree expert who prepared the report doesn't recommend removing the tree because that's not her role either she tells us that if the tree is healthy or hazardous um the recommendation would be to offset a removal of this mag with a 4in caliper tree and I don't know how familiar you are that that's a pretty big trade um so in certain times of Year you going to plant a 4 in caliber to not July and August but I'd like to hear the rest of discussion from my colleagues um there's not a lot of information the findings to support removal so have two things that so if you can you can't see from the road where you probably looked it you look at the back of it there's really there's very two branches off the back of the tree they're all on the front and one side so everything this Tre of fall is going into houses um the other thing is we did prune it about six years ago significantly we're back in the same situation um it becomes a financial thing too you know we move our Cotes are about 4500 to 8 to prune it it's like 4,000 to 45 and we're doing this every you know few years it's reached the point where it's just not really doable I'm not sure and I don't know how liability incurrence works but if the appeal is denied and the branch falls on us on furniture dog you know who's liable about liability for for sake because it's it's a protect the tree I mean you know frankly I think it should be tabled um the report by Sher is two three sentences um she I know she's not available she was called to a last minute land use meeting um so I would ask that the appeal be tabled for just until the next council meeting and so that Shar can be as well on Christ hasn't had an opportunity to see just give him my advice yep thank you um two questions if you were given um if you were given approval to take the tree down what's the timeline on the landscap are coming we haven't even got to that part yet because we not we weren't sure the S just been up in the air I mean we don't want to have the big space of nothing there we want to get that I would I I based on I went to look at the tree yesterday and then I hear your point um I also spoke with the new Council on who's not here on what the philosophy is around the new shet tree ordinance which is to say that the goal of the new ordinance is to is I'm just saying that that doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with it the goal and the philosophy of the new ordinance supports taking the tree down and so can I speak yeah but I want so therefore I would be supportive of taking the tree down as long as we are guaranteeing that you're putting up a new tree in a timeline that is reasonable so I'd like to guarantee that you're going to be planting a the tray with an arrangeable amount of time that's know but i' like like it before I grant the request is what I'm saying but her attorney so's suggestion perhaps is get stap sure I mean I don't know what timeline you're looking at I mean if you so kind of to PE back a little well question first what about the new philosophy in the new ordinance or what about the philosophy that hasn't been approved by us yet says advocates for taking it to now I can answer that okay so I've learned over time this is a perfect case for it that at a certain point someone wants to take the tree down they're scared for their family they're scared for their property I'm going to be honest I'm not going to sit up here and say you can't take your tree that I'm going to choose the the potential loss of human life over and and the potential property rights of the owner over the tree I don't want to get rid of the tree it looks like a beautiful tree but at the end of the day it's their property if they're saying that they're scared I lived there the Hurricane Sandy a tree fell on my house yeah we were scared we were scared forever you know we're still scared I live on a street where I can't take the trees down I have sycamores in front of my house I can't take them down so at a certain point it's a losing battle so from our standpoint the way that we win is over time we plant more trees than we take down that's why my first question to them was how many trees because if I heard that one tree was coming down and two trees were going up that'd be something I would be really excited about because over time we want to build more trees than we have right now what's what's what's the what's the saying the best time to build to plant a tree is 20 years ago you got to start somewhere so with the new philosophy over T we might have to take a little trouble can I just add to that what what what resonated with me the most is that the idea is almost like a succession plan that you would have in a corporation which is that we have young trees we have medium trees and we have old trees we constantly have cycles of trees and so instead of band-aiding old trees where at a certain point they're all going to fall down we constantly have cycles of trees that are growing that's the idea conversation clearly so to me that made sense and so therefore support is taking the trees that that to me made sense so we're we this new ordinance and also just want to say so it's still coming to us to make the decision absolutely regard to what board with the Tre still coming to the council I feel like why why are we made ultimately I don't know that we are really oh no hold on I thought you I thought you were asking the question whether we're going to make the decision on the ordinance okay as far as the appeal I couldn't even answer that question because I haven't seen it right so um just after storm there's so many branches down everywhere so my concern is what do we do I mean there's like we had huge branches fall down my concern is the precedent that we're setting um I'm not saying no at all I just I feel like this is going to keep coming up so then will everyone come to us they tree and then we'll let them do um plant smaller trees because ultimately the big trees are the ones that absorb more water we're having storm water issues that'll all play into all of this so I just if this is a oneoff fine but is it a president you like that's what we have you've already said the president I've been here three years I'd say we probably had 20 tree appeals we've never turned it on a tree appeal that's the point because because and I'll tell you why too because I could Mees up mess up the brush and leaf schedule i' I've used this before I can mess up the brush and leaf schedule I can sleep fine I can mess up the Garbage Contract we've been discussing I'll sleep fun if their tree after we say no holds on a child and kills the child I'll never sleep again so at the end of the day it's a losing battle well we did Define the tree appeal for the zova at the now BP station and they authorized limited pruning and it was called Lin tailing and they destroyed the tree so in that case the applicant was here not here to so we were better off taking the tree down is that what you're saying no we should always have the applicant pres we should always have a technical advisor this police sh present and frankly if you ask me and this conversation is gone a little sideways sorry but um this body should not be hearing tree appeals it's my opinion that the shade Tre commission should hear Tre appeal is that the new the new or we redirect that doesn't exist nobody has seen I believe that's Direction I mean respectfully speaking our burough attorney has said we should wait for the next meeting would you like to make a motion I B I'm not going to go against our bur attorney he protects us so I'll make a motion to move to the next meeting and we get the required information that's needed in order to move this guarante from you guys all all in favor anyone oppos I apologize that you have to come back um we did think that uh our tree expert was going to be here tonight but she had a list so I can call in so when's the next meeting July 8 we'll have it on the agenda for July 8 sorry sorry appreciate you following the process want maybe a report too a report from that could help would provide a report that would be helpful or Frontier if frommer could provide a report that might be helpful as well okay very thank you than thank you all right uh next up is to amend the fee schedule uh we're talking about potentially adding a recycling can tipping fee which we don't currently have um and the discussion on do we want to maintain the Tipping fee for for tra I couldn't find it so you said that and then I saw under so just just to elaborate a little bit um if if for some reason our uh if our appeal to the state falls on dep ears and we're forced into a decision based on the appropriation cap um that would potentially lead to recycling being bi-weekly which I think we uh communicated um to the burrow on many occasions at this point uh in that scenario we obviously don't want 1,500 different cans being requested by our residents to make up the difference so the idea is to put some sort of fee on that there's one on trash right now is it 300 no we increased it for 400 so it's $400 for an additional trash can now right now it's nothing for recycling so the idea is to put a fee onto the recycling can um so that if we do have to move into that direction only the people that absolutely need to have that second can we'll request it and can we just double click for a minute I'd love to double click me too um if the first thing I want to say is is there are so many different variables associated with the Tres and Recycling and if there's any questions please reach out youve had to open houses and it's just there's there's multiple layers to Echo what the mayor is saying this is not a means to generate revenue and correct me Rich Teresa Nancy um the the bid is based on the number of homes and so if there's not a mechanism in place to prevent the the I'm going to call it abuse of a second can it could potentially skew the cost that comes back to the burrow so if we went and there hasn't been a decision we're waiting on the state um if we went to bi-weekly recycling 2200 homes in in Fair Haven and let's say a th000 people wanted that second can for recycling that would significantly impact how much it costs and we're already the current contract is 98% over what it was last time is that fair AR tipping fees outside of cap though that's the G that's the waste that's not outside and the purpose here is not to be punative and honestly you know you might even consider something higher than $400 you're saying to yourself that your tax basee supports trash and recycling pickup cycling is no longer you know something we get revenue for we pay to get rid of it and you know if someone is need of two cans The Tipping fees for that house are are significantly higher than they are for a house that only has one can and you're paying those tipping fees so this is really trying to offset what the burrow is going to pay extra to get rid of the extra trash and recycling from someone that has one can versus someone that has two and to also keep us from violating the contract correct because they have to pick up a certain number of cans but if you but if you have I'm not so sure $400 is going to do that but if you if you end up having 2,000,000 homes that want an extra can your trash contractor is not going to pick up a th000 yeah so how does that work because wouldn't we be violating It Anyway a th a th000 homes are not going to request an extra can if we put a fee on but how is charging them offsetting because are they then then it's not offsetting the bid to me it's not even about offsetting it's about not violating the contract it's a fresh contract but are we giving them more money for it because are are we then going to say now we have more cams to pick up like they're not going to know that the the idea there's people right now that have more than one recycling can that once we put the fee on are probably going to give that recycling can back the goal is to kind of stay right where we are they pay for the recycling can which is $55 but TR say trash can they're both $55 and then it's a $400 but we're basing we're trying to stay even but we're changing our pickup so the reason people are going to want two is so they can put two out every other week so that's not changing we're gonna you I don't think we're going to be able to keep it even because the need for that extra pickup isn't there so they're putting I think there's people that have more than one can that don't use it they just it was free they you know they they need it for a party they brought in a second can and we know who has the extra cans a list of who has extra cans don't do for trash I'm not so don't have it's important to discern if we have a secondment what what can be put in hands and what can be put outside because now we're saying boxes can now be put outside right no no not saying that at all is one of the options if we um in the next six months until we have the recycling center the transash company's willing to work with us we're not even there yet that's a totally different conversation okay and uh I I don't have a problem with charging for an extra recycling can and I don't think and I could be wrong that we ever received any push back on charging extra for a trash can and I think people people are reasonable they know that they're going to have this extra service I think $400 is a minimal amount of money to spend over a 12 Monon period for the convenience of having that extra can but again residents have to realize we have an ordinance that prohibits those cans from being seen from the street so they're big hands and people are going to have to find a way to keep them hidden I I have a question for the group um the $400 if we were to vote on the are we going to PR rate it rest of this year are we waiting till January 1st how would that how would that work I it and say starting ju there any issues with that that no there's no issues I I frankly don't think 400's high enough I make it six it would be but that's up to you I think 400's all right I I think it's enough where if you don't absolutely need that can it it hurts a little bit to write that number and that's really we're not trying to raise money here we're trying to make it um you know for only the people that absolutely have the have that's that's what we're and if we find it's more expensive to have that we can adjust the r but forgive me for but we're ask we're getting more money for that the burrow will be obtaining which is okay but I still don't see how that changes how that fits in with the bid because we're still going to if if more people get the cans we're still going to have more cans so then you're we're breaking the contract either way and I think people are going to give cans back but you're going on the idea that they're going to do that so do here is on ideas I mean you know I can't do a survey of every single person in the burrow based on something that hasn't even been decided yet with the state we're just planning and if the trash has has a $400 um number and it costs more to get rid of the recycling why won't we do the same thing for the recycle again I'm not clst to $400 I just don't see how that helps the bid Rich the the Delta right where we have 100 cans and then 20 people sign up extra garbage how's it done right now if the garbage company goes around and has to assess how many extra cans are there right now it's not an issue we have a little bit of breathing room in the number of units that we have but to add to the conversation if 500 homes ask that correct and and and the logic and the logic Rich correct me if I'm wrong the logic is is we have a tipping fee right right now for trash only and it's not being abused to have a second can to where it's causing to the tra company correct it has not been an issue okay so with that logic and with that proven Daye in the last five years it we don't know if recycling is being abused or not because it's free to have an extra can correct so purchase the addition can 55s 55 bucks right but recycling costs the burrow more money to dispos Garb so that the thought process by adding the Tipping fee for the recycling receptacle is to make sure that folks that truly require an extra bin have it and we don't put ourselves in the position that when we do renew or redo our our do the new contract execute the new contract that we don't run a foul similar to how we not run a fou trash correct correct okay it it is but I still don't think it gets us out of that being a problem but would it be a bigger problem if we didn't do that is that why we're discussing well I mean there are other so you know as the environment that I am I think that this might be a good time to also as we're looking at everything looking to composting and other ways to get rid of some of that waste because that is full that is weight that can be put somewhere else so if we did some kind of um composting thing or emphasize the need to compost that could help us too I think there are other ways to look at this I'm not opposed to the charging and I want people to be able to get rid of things as they can I just think there might be some alternatives to look at if other ways to if they composted they we'd need less cans that would be so we'd be in the same exact situation less people would be requesting the second can if we compost trash no you you're talking about compost and cardboard right well you could do that you can do mix you can compost cardboard you can compost wa but if we're doing about composting waste how does that help with recycling only the carboard right where no one's recycling pla no one's recycling you know starch color that's not what we're talking anyway I just think yes but I you also may want to consider if you go with once a week trash all year long as opposed to twice you know in summer you you will most likely have more people wanting to Second garage can I agree with that I I think at that point too we can like uh Betsy said we could pivot and raise that number if we had to but it'll be the same exact discussion it's it's setting the the uh the number at a level where it's uncomfortable for someone that doesn't need the extra can again that's all it is it's not it's not to raise revenue it's not anything other than that so that we can adhere to our contract good does someone want to make a motion motion what I'll make a motion that we uh Institute a fee of $400 for a second recycling well this is not you're gonna have to introduce it it's it's not on there all right so so we'll put on in the next meeting a new at the next is is [Music] everyone are there objections just so I can make sure that I have everyone's what we um don't want to get what do we do with like the current recycling bins there if we don't have an inventory like how do we go about I thought she said we know how many we don't know who is recycling out there I mean we scan in what we sent to ppw for request but there's years and years and years worth we we don't need to solve it right now Jos I just want to raise it that maybe when we introduce the ordinance we for how how how is it requested then like contact so do we have all of those forms on five they only go back okay thing we need to consider Bas the TR they come Carina and I think most definitely definitely yeah we we I think the last time we spent close to $20,000 on can we can we find out in advance of the next meeting how much it would cost right now if we had to run a new trailer worth of them up here including the freight and figure out what the per cost per trash can cost would be please good and touch on engineering DW see what Che it over yeah okay um next up is burrow Hall lower roof there's a resolution under the consent agenda to authorize a bid um I don't know if anyone wants to I can certainly take it um I sent the the bid specs and and what we had got from our ring professional um we've had issues with the lower B Hall roof for quite some time we had significant leakage in my office in the downstairs offices in finance laay bathroom the guys said patched and patched and patched and it's our Roofing Consultants opinion that you need new roof on that um the bid specs ready the that they were sign by the grouping consultant Rich can jump in here but at the end of the day they're not a PE so rich would have to sign them as a PE and put our front end on um on the bid to get out to bid that Faison offic Rich yes get a copy of the inspection report there wasn't a separate inspection report I sent that to to to Josh after the last meeting he came in he did the inspection and what he did was he updated the bit St as opposed to writing a separate report okay okay okay and why did that happen instead of preparing a of existing conditions honestly Tracy I don't recall at the atend the time I I don't know if that's just the the scope of work he felt that that we' asked them for I don't honestly I'd have to go back and look at old emails and refresh my memory it had be couple years ago will you prepare a full report that you will deliver next Council yeah I can see Chris Young just Jing down was there any water in anywhere when you guys got again on Monday or today from the storm not not that that's a I see water from the storm today but I didn't do a thorough inspection I know it's not wasn't my office I know we had water in Nick and Joe M office the other day I went down this morning and there was guys were roof depends on which way the wind's blowing I think they were on the roof taking the water off the roof though they were sing it off the puddles oh they they do before and a regular basis we don't get they squeegee and squeegee it on the flat because the well because it's a flat roof or because it's a failing flat roof it's a failing flat roof if they didn't do that it worse think we got water inside then we have water in Jo Way's office right it's coming getting yeah totally I just want to make sure that we're not the new plan is not going to be still an issue because it's still flat like are there we're not going R into this it's just that it failed over time okay we're not fun with it as long as not the same those funds already set as you have you have an ordinance that approves improvements ofall you delay this maintenance all right moving along Public public comment on agenda items only please try to observe a time a three minute time limit uh please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record is there anyone here that has a public comment on agenda items only only agenda items no Alison is there anyone on Zoom yes sir okay moving along approval of minutes May 28th uh regular meeting executive session June 11th special meeting executive session June 19th special meeting um do I have a motion to approve motion second Alison may I please have a roll call M yes yes yes yes yes yes anyone have any old business no all right let's go to new business consent agenda we're talking about resolutions 20241 166 through 175 I do want to point out to the public here uh we're going to save that pump and Circumstance for our next meeting but let's give a quick quick welcome and a round of applause for the incoming B administrator Chris okay before I ask for a v beer is there any uh any resolution that anyone wants separated um not separated mayor but for 174 can you just double click um why we're extending and and just give everybody just a quick update 30 seconds um sure we so as discussed in the spe meeting um of which we just approved those minutes uh we were able to um ask our trash company if they would were willing to go month to month it's it provides us time uh to get a more definitive answer from the state as to whether they can move um some of our expenses outside cap that's that's what this is about so um as soon as we get an answer from the state will then obviously make a decision uh based on what that new contract will look like and uh we appreciate the vendor work can I add one thing so it's a extension of the same contract same services at the old price for 60 up to 60 days up to 60 days and when you award the new threee or five year will start from that point and still be the same thank you mayor any other uh comments or separations negative actually that I want to say you guys like thank you for reaching out to the county I think you bought us some time on this really kind of big decision so thank you for do that make a motion to approve 20241 166 through 175 Alon may I please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes okay next up Department reports May 2024 uh we got the tax collector the police department and the budget status is there anyone that has a motion to accept the reports are submitted possibly with a thank you motion with a thank you second all in favor I anyone opposed okay we're at the good of the burrow portion of the meeting please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please observe a time limit of three minutes uh is there anyone in the public with a bit of the burrow comment 263 fairen Road um I'm here tonight to express my concern about speeding and pedestrian safety on Fair Road um yesterday afternoon uh June 23rd there was a hit and run accident right outside of my house uh totaling both of my cars and almost poti killing my daughter husband and her friends um this person appeared to be speeding this also comes 30 days after another incident we've all witnessed on May 23rd where we were in the front yard across the street at the neighbor's house and another distracted driver most likely speeding slammed into a fire hydrant his feed away from where the kids and us were standing um I've lived there for four years and since the day we moved in I haven't felt safe um we see speeding every day all day long the first thing I did when we moved in I put a perimeter spanning the entire front of the yard and um I have two very small kids which makes it a constant very scary situation um I spoke with I've been in touch with Chief McGovern who has been very cooperative and I'm here tonight to request the four-way stop be added to the intersection Dogwood marter and bead Road um I understand that work on the road is beginning shortly I'm requesting more signage more sidewalks more crosswalks more stop signs anything to help slow down um the cars um I walk my kids to school there every day every single day we see people speeding um the lovely man at third and Baran Road Sergio there's not a day go by that he's not hollering and yelling at people and some people just they see him and they just keep going they don't even some people just don't even stop every day I see something yesterday was almost a very tragic situation and I'm here to ask your help so sorry well uh thank you for coming in and thank God that it wasn't a worse result um I had a few conversations on this today just want to let you know we hear you we are designing that road as you know as we speak the burough engineer just heard you as well um it's something we're going to talk about in more depth the only one thing that you said there which um maybe Rich can clarify I'm not sure stop signs can be used or maybe it was the chief that told me that I'm not sure stop signs can be used as a way to slow down traffic by NJB standards am I right on that rich yes um so it can be used for other traffic situations when I spoke to Chief it would be more of a pedestrian saf like in a historic district I just want to be clear on record okay um can you clarify the difference between that I could maybe the chief or Rich could so he awarding but we still get a stop sign well I'm not the one I'm not the one making the safety recommendation the chief is along with the person that's designing the road to the standard so they would make a recommendation to us but I think they know the concern and I spoke with a chief today he's 100% in to help support and do what we have to do so appreciate rais and more sidewalks yeah I'm so sorry this is the first I'm hearing about I'm sorry yeah I just want to respond to what you shared um I saw the after effects and it was very very very scary um it's amazing what a car can do to two cars that were part honestly so only one vehicle was moving but it total three vehicles um which how fast it was going they might have I don't know the I don't know if there was feeding it sounds like in all likelihood there was um that we do know for sure that the driver was distracted and um distracted driving is dangerous driving and it's illegal um I did have a chance to talk with the chief today who who was out of town at conference and wanted to be here um he's spoken obviously with families in the neighborhood um I know of those conversations because we' spend some time together today on it and um he's committed to working with Communications to put together a public service anun it's about distracted driving dangerous driving and kind of connecting to people understand yes you're only two blocks from your house and it seems like a good idea to Quick Check directions or text or you know adjust that thing that's your own seat next to you but when you take your eyes off the road that's the moment when things can become dangerous so um he's planning on connecting with Communications committee to talk about what sort of public service announcements can go out along those lines and just just civil right just I want to protect all of us right it's an active investigation right now so we can't speak to what may or may not have happened or anything like that and I just want to say that to everybody and I wanted to add one more Dimension to this um and Rich can push it out if you want but um a big part of the planning work that's been in place in paren is our our pedestrian bicycle infrastructure which over time gets implemented as Road Improvement projects occur and the active Transportation plan identified several pathom pedestrian enhancement components for fair Heaven Road between River and ridge that will go a long way to alerting drivers to the presence of pedestrians um it doesn't solve everything but it does help change the character of fa Haven Road in a way it'll make it feel safer and of course curbs sidewalks Street treats all those things are information for drivers then accuse them that they're not on some freeway uh straightaway but I personally just also want to say I'm so sorry that happened was very scary I'm sure I'm glad everyone's okay and and you mentioned bikes and I'm G to I'd like to Pivot to one other safety concern I have and make sure and I think it's the same type of thing we need to get um we're going to it's some we're going to have to address is the electric bites absolutely it's out of control so so so electric bites and scooters I'm letting parents know if you're not out there watching your kid and you think that it's it's a safe uh situation right now I've seen some things the last few weeks that are deeply concerning to me um as the mayor and I I think it's it's a it's a peg waiting to explode at this point so please if you have a child that has an electric bike or an electric scooter please look into safety precautions talk to your kids um they're flying around town a lot of them don't have helmets on and I think we have to have that same education as as the distracted drivers as well they're bothin our that is that is the police department Focus newsletter for this upcoming monf I think theying working on an ordinance yes hi andreao 33 will Street the n n um I just wanted to reiterate what Elise had shared we were um standing on the road waiting um for over yesterday when this accident occurred and my husband was actually struck by Lisa's car and thankfully the ambulance came and he's okay it was extremely scary and in addition to distracted driving and electric bikes I just thought my mental health therapist I know that there's an increase in drinking and in the summer and not saying that that was what had occurred yesterday but we know that in addition to distracted driving there's also a you know there's should be additional education about using alol d i just that could be helpful with the campaigns that are distracted yes Alles yeah sorry Sor glad to see you standing here anyone else public the Bur uhit my brother not she use to be a dead horse but I think volume speaks and it's my husband as well um more people that speak up I think just adds to the the scariness of it um I will never forget K Casey's face when she ran terrified from that car was standing above p with his eyes closed not worrying that he wasn't going to wake up and not kn those things is heartwrenching And the fact I woke up this morning and I have no information I didn't get a police phone call I didn't get anything it was just oh he's fed he was distracted and I think what I'm trying to get at is that there those that were impacted should also get information post something this traumatic and to explain to our kids what happened with no answers get the questions well mommy he was he was speeding mommy he did something illegal don't people have do illegal CLS get arrested and my answer back is they should but I don't know and of course my intuitive seven- old just keeps asking questions questions but I think the more all the story we were fine thank God but if at least is car wasn't part there that took the impact of this driver Frank Nicholas and Matt Casey would not be standing here today they would be either in the hospital or they being body bags and that just something that I I cannot get over thank you number one for interestingly for both incidents least mentions one yesterday and one ex the interest thing you know clearly not clear not 100% sure but I was not see both events both times um you know we think the cars were speeding I didn't you know see either one but in both cases the cars you know a month ago it ran over a fire hydrant which was a foot and a half off the road yesterday before it hit Elisa's car it ran over a speed sign and parment sign which again at least a foot and a half off the road brushed that and then hit hit the car took a picture of that sign which is since been replaced what I thought was very interesting is there were skid marks on the sides from the car trying to slow down as it was so it was you know who knows how fast this is going which is raised me to think that you know the sign in person certainly nowhere near the speed limit and they're that far off the road right and so that's maybe you know specific to Fair Haven Road that's a narrow road you know but maybe even speaks even even more powerfully for the need for somebody to speaked as slow people down the second thing I'll mention is you know we live on thearter which is you know perpendicular to Fair Road that thing a straight away and people you know people treat it as such it's we don't it's not nearly as bad as fair in road but we still get people just ripping that because great way you can get some speed going and there's nothing to stop so it's just scary can so two things right heard on design and second thing is the information so bets and I um chair the police Le on have to govern and see if we can within the confines of an open investigation and all that see if we can get some more information for you guys soonest so uh anyone else anyone else no Alison no one hand can you hear me hi Mark how are you good I am just so encouraged to hear the mayor quote the ancient Chinese saying about the trees I just I don't know maybe something's going on there I am super encouraged that's great news let's keep planting trees that's all I got thank you Mark anyone else um I just want to go on the record Teresa it's been an honor thank you forse second me too and I just all in favor but also I'm sorry to everyone who Liv through that yesterday it's really scary and you know I hope we all what's going ond uh with that being said it's 8:04 we're going to move towards executive session all in favor anyone oppos gasen we have a special moment for you for the first and last time banging the gavl we thank her so much uh our B administrator forever Teresa C Grande we have a motion to adour motion to adjourn second say all in all in favor bye