attend public meetings may be may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road be Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on December 13 2023 is available by calling phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent excuse me to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and the Star Ledger on January 26 2023 posted on the burough website the bulon board in the mun municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adquate notice having been given the environmental commission secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting let Pledge of Allegiance FL FL of the United States of America thank you hey Brian yes I have to leave at 8:30 I just want to let you know that I'm hoping to be done way before that let's go thank you yep all right um roll call Michael here Kelly Flanigan is due to be absent Jesse Murray due to be absent Brian Olen here G Pon here Jonathan Peters here Brian W here is due to be absent C Nicole said she would be here so likely momentarily thank you um so I'd like to have anybody uh well did everybody get a copy of the minutes for the regular meeting from November as well as the special special meeting to at the end of the month do we have any corrections or additions do I have a motion to approve one question okay is it called a Noah Grant is that yes okay what do that stand no National OIC right get to do a bunch of I see that yeah the other one is USGS which is US Geological Survey motion to approve so move second what's that it's Noah all capitals correct yeah right that's that's why it looked weird to me because it was just called like like the name yeah lettered agencies in Washington okay so um we were going to use this meeting for the ER Workshop but in that um Jesse is not here I'd like to push that to our January meeting Brian can we just file some notes to people is that okay yes either inate like textual adjustments yeah okay y just to get it rolling you know I like to write when I read all right um Green Team Michael do you have anything sure um we did the Sports Swap last weekend and it went really well we had a great we had a lot of donations a lot came the day of I think when people realized we were having it they brought them a lot of people took swapped for other old other stuff and uh our plan is now to have it twice a year we're our goal is to have one in the beginning of the spring so maybe end of March early April and we had a great um help from Mrs amabile from the nolwood uh Green Team we had a couple n Wood Green Team students there we also had two high school students with the environmental um their environmental Club help us out and uh it was yeah we have some ideas for how we'll make it better next time but we were really happy with the results so and we held it at nolwood and yeah that was it yeah you had great weather we oh it was beautiful it was a perfect day um we were hoping that it would be coincide with basketball but not all of basketball started that day so it wasn't many people for basketball but yeah it was really great reception too and we're looking forward to another one that's awesome thank you anybody do you have anything else oh I do have something else so the no green team we also were with the n and green team today planting the um the oak tree the oak the whatever the acorns um so the eighth graders have been planting them and some of them have sprouted already and so the nolwood Green Team um was repotting now potting them out of the sprouts and so the ones that have bloomed we Ed today and they did a great job with that so yeah lot of a lot of Oaks happening so that program is where the eighth graders will then take them at the end of the year and take them home with them so very exciting that's great thank you um so deer mitigation that's me I don't have anything um to update I don't have any updates on that Gary do you uh no I mean the last we heard from Tracy it was gonna go they were gonna I don't know you guys were looking to have um what's her name yeah so I reached out to Jody right I reached out to Jody uh powers from the D trying to coordinate um to have her come and um present to council yeah so that's the next the next step right so whenever I just want to say people Hunters that I talked to are very excited they think it would be great and obviously it' be good for the environment so I don't think you're going to have a show your applications once we get rolling I agree living Shoreline and pocket Parks I don't have anything to up I don't have any updates on that um Tracy just texted me she's on her way so maybe she'll have an up update on that but I don't think so um Brian do you have anything for storm water management I do not okay navyn River I do not have any updates M Brian when's our next meeting of of the um of the two rivers oh for the nrmc is hold on let me look at that should be it'll be the 21st so I don't know if we'll push that of December right correct yeah it's always the third Thursday [Music] all right [Music] y Brian was looking for possible content for the focus and I wasn't sure if you wanted to include anything about the storm X in there gotten any results or um anything worthwhile publishing or putting a picture in there definitely all right so we can work something I'll out to you okay thank you um so mcarter Pond they did the hydro raking it looks really good I know they got a lot of material out of the pond um I believe and Tracy might be able to speak to this that they're they may come back to do some more but I'm not sure yet because that has to go through you know counil approval and and such um you're correct right hi tra hi sorry I'm late that's okay restation the area I guess after they're finished I mean it's one of those things it's a work of progress right yes yes compaction there but yeah think of Tex are they going to do anything like with Fant or anything like that yeah there's an airator there um however I don't know the total number of airators required there were two one's broken there's some finger pointing but um a vacum will be able to final formalized sale there should be two there should be three there should be so that we understand we're getting what we need right another one the one thing I can I add something about marter yes um when this was approved at Council one of the things that was discussed um was that there' be a de briefing and that some of that debrief would be presented here um with the idea that there's probably stewardship guidance moving forward so if folks that live in that area want to choose to plant to you know for Bank restoration their own property we they'd have guidance as to natives for example or if um people are using fertilizers that we actually have some you know scientific guidance from um Alan's office directly to the environmental commission that could then be communicated to the immediate neighborhood through probably all the ason who would probably I know someone who would be happy to help coordinate Communications around that sort of thing but um I just wanted to flag it so that that happens I'm this is my last DC meeting as ear aison so so I'm going to be mindful and attentive to that but whoever is the leison are you beis SC you got a scrum with May it's like a rug mat you know you but anyway so I wanted to put that out here just so that this body knows can I make my sidebar pitch it would be great if you stayed it would also be great either one of you I would no you know I mean just because it's always great to have some continuity and linkage you know what I mean like if when you go in Council you're going on with knowledge yeah and so you're not going to come to this room and say I'm the liaison and I don't have any clue of where this body is which is help I mean if you want to keep it I'm also you know you that's not my choice so yeah I don't get to have a maybe talk to nobody wants fin nobody want that I did just get some feedback about the Carter Pond that it looks really good it does it does um anything else on the pond um there's nothing formal with although there there is we can anticipate additional work but I can't speak to it yet because it has to be put before Council as you already touched on right okay great thank you um Third Street Trail I don't know I think there were some more trees planted I have not I have not walk through there does anybody have an update there was a there was a volunteer day that Mark and and uh Bonnie organized and probably other people as well but we had 30 40 people it was a really good I stopped by quickly yeah we hacked uh weeds and pulled out dead dead trees and the pouring rain yeah it was raining but it it was a great turn and there were a lot of Ages which I really liked families kids um was fantastic um and it's it's uh amazing when you step back after 30 or 40 people have done something for a couple hours in the progress so it was I I I think I see Mark Mark said I online talk about what he's got more color and background than I do Brian's better right that's fine yep go ahead Mark you're on mute there you go uh I think Brian just said it perfectly and just we'll keep I think you know went down to Bonnie introduced me to this gal Cathy I forgot her last name down at Jackson Woods um and there's 13 acres uh down I think it's Long Branch not right Long Branch not West Long Branch absolutely gorgeous what she's done in five years um and she gave me a tour it was just like a Love Fest I must have hugged her a couple times it was just unbelievable what they've done down there talked to Brian about it they had a couple they had a solar powerered Air Raider $15,000 a cost they've gotten all kinds of support um gotten all kinds of Grants and uh I know that the mayor of Long Branch is totally supportive hope I'm not expressing any bias but what the hell it's going to come out anyways especially on a day like today it's just critical to have the support from the mayor and uh from the council and what can get done when you have these volunteers that'll put work in and um you know so on Third Street Trail we had that volunteer day I think we're just going to have to do more volunteer days not because we need work to be done on the Third Street Trail but because there's so much enthusiastic support in town from people like Brian Olsen that just had a great time there's a number of people that came out and just had a great time and actually four people felt so guilty they called because they didn't show up because of the rain like oh my God I can't believe you guys did it in the rain and they called me last week and said hey can we volunteer next weekend which was last weekend and so we took those guys out and did some more work on uh on that beautiful day Saturday so the demand in town from volunteers that want to work and help and improve that piece of land and a couple of the other pieces land far exceeds what I ever thought it was so I think we're going to have to do more volunteering and uh it would be great if we got support from the administration bur administrator the mayor and the councel and I don't know if we will but I I know this much we have the demand from the people in town markn Peters is that do you hear me yeah okay so um I thrown out and I have three I have one council person and two elect so I can talk to them and say one of the ideas you and I talked about right was having a liaz on to the environmental commission and that that would then allow you to help structure up what like what the plan is and I think that would be the way do you still in favor of that Mark yeah I think that's sort of what Tracy has arranged and that's I think that's where we are right Tracy you have a SLE point of contact for you at the environmental commission or is who's going to be the aison right I don't know I offered to do it if you wanted okay so I mean one of the ideas was confused what well right now Mark is working on this area right and the question is you know like if I show up if I show up in Fair Haven fields and I decided I wanted to dig out a baseball you know uh base and replace it you're really out of line if you're not officially approved that you can do this right so mark it would be helpful I think to have someone who liais on with the government between so between between the environmental commission and the Third Street Trail correct the group between this Council I'm like well no no just back up one second so if you have so environmental commission has this sort of broad prview that includes um right our natural resources broadly speaking and Third Street Trail is space preservation well it also fell off it I've had this fight many times with Public Works which is things get maintained like they line the fields and stuff right but some just fall off the edge and this they fell off the edge for years Mar is you know has grabbed it and Bonnie have grabbed it and now we just need to have an official structure so that they can get things done and he SK a little more sorry like formalized if you will to so it's a little more leg I hate to use that word no it's not it needs to be kind of brought in in a in a way so I'll I'll just tell you what has been um I'll just explain it best I can um so the legislation that set up the environmental commission speak specifically to the perview which has to do with the cataloging and identifying natural resources assment conditions and then reporting that to council so that's everything that's Fourth Creek that's Mond that's schwanger that's Third Street that's you can comment on the brush grinding site you you have this within your purview to report out on any and all of that stuff and but first but however over time committees have been formed you have I bet it back up this commission is has has been authorized it's legally formed and there's law that surrounds it and there's enabling legislation which your statute that is then in place to speak to your powers and authorities you have a secretary which ties you directly to the central office to streamline Communications and if you needed to tap our resources whether that's um a storm water management you know we have to have these administrative functions in place because they're certified it's required by Statute that the B has them but those resources are available to this body on an athl basis should you need a consultant that's a perfect example Tracy right like so say Mark says let me get the rest of this it takes me so long and I'm sorry no worries but um so over time these committees have been for whether it's the Natural Area advisory committee or Third Street Trail or I mean I could see a committee forming the thing is there's there's no connection to the central office there's no there's no staff resources whatsoever there's no budget there's no Authority because it's it's not there's no legal entity it's just a committee was formed those committees whether it's the bird sanctuary and the garding club or Third Street Trail should all kind of be here in some reporting form whether it's a a zoom call and five minutes because for example the Natural Area actually had a really great resource for the community the county park system and that should be made available to the entire community of Fair Haven because it's guidance and stewardship for natural resources that could benefit other areas my point is that this commission has a direct line to the governing body um through leison through it secretary like technically Mark doesn't have official standing so let's say he requested DPW to come in and move can't five cubic yards of mulch whereas if we have a liaison liaison can call a public works and say we need to move in the Third Street Trail area 5 yards of Bulch can you schedule it it's going to be delivered and can you schedule right the spreading well even the liaison technically can't do that but the commission has the authority to ask their liaison at an upcoming council meeting to address that because technically only the governing body should give staff Direction goes to Teresa and then to the Departments one of the serious problems we have is that we have well-meaning volunteers on all sorts of boards committees and commission who reach out directly to departments I just spoke to the two Council elect and told them my rules on how I only talk to five people in the burrow at councilman that only spoke to five people and okay but then how do you want to structure it right I think I want that's well I've given a tremendous amount of thought because I'm devoted to our volunteers I want to make every hour they put into this town feel rewarding not frustrating it's very frustrating to volunteer I've heard this is frustrating them and I'm trying to help I know you get from you so is the structur is the idea to make it like the green key that's sort of under the EC uh well uh part part of the E right but think a bit more like if the AC had a map and you could see all the natural resources that are present in Fair even if you had like a field operative reporting in from Fourth Creek headers and down at the river like let's say you had a field operative from M Carter let's say you had and they and they could report in in five minutes and just talk about the latest thing so um I thought a little bit about this I didn't realize I was thinking about this way and I agree with we should do whatever we can to empower the people that have the energy Mark Bonnie Etc I 100% agree yes I would I would defer to them and encourage them to talk to like green team members about how are they more effective or less effective because you're going to get benefits by coming under us but you also are going to get burdens can't do this you can't do that and as long as they think that balance is favorable I'm for it but if they if they think that it's not because it hamstrings them from doing from being Nimble or whatever yeah you know just I want to be mindful of it I think that's a fair observation and the green team would say it's a double- edged sword I think yeah but um with with good leaon most of those rough patches can get smooth out you think you have to be careful because again I do a bunch of things in town that I think are WR okay so what if I suddenly wake up one morning and decide that this is wrong and I'm going to redo the S at the end of range or I'm going to move the rocks on the boat ramp just because I think they're wrong we're getting way off track all right well well we can't do that that's public land no but that's my point is you need to have someone say yes this is good to go or not yeah so that's the other piece of this how do you coordinate the efforts of all the on the ground troops um and one of the vehicles that really one of the only Vehicles we have is through um an annual report and a forward-looking action plan for the year ahead and that's a great way first off for everybody to get their you know act in order for the coming year whether your Third Street Trail and you want to do three volunteer days or if you're the Natural Area and you want to lay some new Trails um it should should be based on guidance and it could be in a report and go to council and Council can agree in one meeting so maybe March 1st we should ask all of our groups together that's fine 2024 and 2025 projection of what they think they want to do that's a good idea and then have them come here and submit it to us and then we'll submit it as a package to the council yes and that way then we'll say okay so this is what's been you know approved in vetted and then if they show up and do something that's on the list no one's surprised no one's surprised and the things that might require staff support would then generate an intake form hopefully intake form can get a little simpler but if you do need DPW staff they're going to have six months lead time because it was on a schedule and planed right you know stuff the council approved and they can arrange for that you know it does and we have expectations that they're going to arrange for it well that's the reason you go to council so that that direction comes from the governing body and you know that that takes volunteers out of the frustrating position of having to ask for things that they don't have the authority to ask for like goinging and it takes our staff out of that position of having to say no without offending anybody or maybe coming off to rough or sound unappreciative because that happens you don't want anybody in that position either one of those positions so at the bur Hall is there any is there any schedule currently for DPW to be involved at all in the thir Street Trail no not that I'm no and again that would come from the governing body to Teresa as lead staff and then she would communicate that to Rich and Nick and then they would so they're supposed to be procedure yeah so all right so we'll work on that which is what we talked about today Trace yeah so we have four basically I four is there more there's more green team thir yeah Natural Area Fair Haven fields and so green team is more like uh like gorilla style task force that is about education and awareness and they form they're very numble and they form Partnerships where necessary to kind of convey messages whether that's with school or um American liberal Society or it's which is wonderful so and then but these other groups can function more like committees we we don't have to dictate how they function necessarily but I don't want to hold them to meeting schedules or anything like that but you got you got Third Street Trail a natural area both both of them have kind of had conceptual conversations about this and it feels like a good fit um I think there's going to need to be something for mcarter pond just so we can stretch the investment that we're making now finally you might want to have a resources commit I'm a waterfront guy so Brian and I would probably the water it could be Waterfront water assets one like Shanker p i mean no one's even looking at that you know like it's it's on the radar it's on the radar that's not under a committee bran right no so what maybe that does all the water front and water water resources the other piece of about you could do it that way but like I have over the years taken a phone call or two from people there's a fellow who has a family they live on Fourth gek and he called because he's very concerned about um the um deer population um the public health issues associated with that and and he wants to do something so there's that's a f not converted that's somebody you can say well I was counting the deer over the weekend and it's he he's going to have insights because he's living there he cares about it and he can it's not going to be you know you know SE scientific or technical but you're going to get anecdotal information and then have a point person that you can so that's another way so that it can be linked geographically and maybe more doable for just a question does I know the the the fairhead appeal tends to report to the Recreation Commission committee and and then there the question is does the natural are report there as well the Natural Area does not and the shade tree commission no the shade tree commission is it own entity separate the only thing that we the only thing we have now is the round table Yeah to get us all together and and you know kind of work as one depending on what each committee needs and that's really why it's set up that way and then you have the municipal River um right I'm trying to think is there what are the other oh the bird sanctuary by resolution the the Garden Club of Fair Haven is um task with stewardship of the bird sanctuary which they don't have step they don't have they're wonderful wonderful I'm remember I love these women yes but we have to be careful about what what we want to have happen there I don't think there's any birds living there anymore lot of deer lot of deer my wife will my wife will bring her uh her her um what is it Merlin app out there and we'll find out probably seen the how do you get birds back you need you need you need need berries you need you need to createit but it starts with food and feeding the pollinators okay I know I asking sort of the same question but for that was there a time when someone was maintaining it I have no idea I don't know know is I don't even know why it was ever called a bird sanctuary I don't know I don't know the history of it I think it was just that you know they just had to name it something when we ended up with that property but I I we could look into the history of it but I can't see it as an actual Sanctuary for birds I mean it's right in the middle of you know a very busy area right yeah I don't know if anybody's a bur my wife's a burer so I wonderful to have a m she's out and about and and I can tell you that we're on the Flyway and we probably should be looking at it because this is like Sandy Hook is like one of the top spots bir country come all over so maybe some habitat maintenance you know again I'll go out there with Merlin and find out what's out there there's a lot of stuff in fair but I can tell you that there's all right so um now we get to the annual report do we have I know we sent or christe sent out an email to the various committees have we gotten a response from everybody Christie you know I passed out a draft um and I emailed it to you since you're not here in person um I just basically copied and pasted what they sent me from um the Third Street Trail and the bird sanctuary I have not heard back from Carolyn with current information she is work on okay today she called so like like I said I I you know I this is just a draft things that I put together it's your commission so please edit add subtract write what you would like we don't have a budget on here is there a number that we all right I have that thank you I didn't have it done in time when I sent out the email so there's paper copies there I just Haven is it your's exra some reason I can't open it you sent me a link yes I send it to you it did it not come through it came through as a link to Microsoft online let me see if I can log into I don't think I can all right I'll try again you have it as a PDF so um the one uh whatever you guys want to do obviously VI L I'm going to be very supportive of the my suggestion is that somehow the the 2024 piece is put a form and I don't know what that form looks like except I'm I'm familiar with action plans which are Ted to a month you know you may not have the exact date but um in April there's a cleanup in Natural Area and Third Street Trail and then maybe you know I'm making this up because they're going to know what's best I don't but if it's in a form that can be readily understood by Council and there's a lot of things competing for council's attention as you know Jonathan you know very well who needs to be super simple so that it can be hopefully readily digested appreciated and with minimum resources like approved we get one time like look at it done approved move on like what two per group I would say you know just to talk about like what are the key issues on Deck right like what are the action plans for 2023 what are the action plans for 2024 right and then maybe some issues about what you're thinking you you have in terms of needs and support right yeah and that you know basically also maybe just a beginning paragraph that's an overview of what the group is trying to do that would be a great that would be great um annual report and look ahead or action plan the action plan is the only piece I was speaking to because um the simpler it can be I think the easier I I just think it will be for Council to understand that it's want of approval even if they want to kick it to the next meeting fine but you don't want to hold up these volunteers right you want them to get this is this is good reasonable fair and it will help Fair Haven and that has to be like straightforward um I'm right that down okay good reasonable that's this the ones you want to hit right and fair right no but I think a two pager I think two pages just about the right amount because you do one page you really can't explore topics a little bit I think you really each group should try and put forth a little vision like we're here now where we're gonna go yeah I I would say that vision is here there's one Vision I don't you want to have an individual Vision it's functionary in that it's functionary in that the the people running the Natural Area their vision is they're going to try for the next two years to deal with their invasive species say whatever it is right and then and then how they're going to achieve that is they're looking to partner with bouth County e parks and you know blah blah blah whatever it is but I mean in sense that not to say changing our you know environmental resource inventory but just saying okay okay this is where we're trying to go right yeah I think that has to be embraced here yeah no that's going to come like how of get pre-digested so what gets to council is just the stuff that we don't have to worry about having to get on the agenda later in the year no see what I mean no no no I think it's more about right we communicate they're going to communicate and then we'll have a structured again my my favorite when I was on you know Council whenever we were doing Capital plan was tell me what you want but what you ask for is what you're going to get and don't come back later and tell me you want something different because you told me what you want so these will be like this is what you want you know and I think a lot of times we forget you basically you have kind of 11 meetings a year and that's if you have a part for every meeting and it's not always easy to get the momentum traction you need so those months go by those meetings go by quickly have to be really clear about what you want to accomplish um that's not anyway straight forward Brian I'm sorry like down here my computer's kind of like a shell so it only does like the the link to the file you're not able to open it yeah no I'm not able to open it but I I'll I'll get it tomorrow yeah okay sorry about that I um all right [Music] so yay what's that yeah where you're requesting and and Jonathan is wonderful as your Mount are I there's a sort proprietary issue that the council got to take ownership of them app and budget for it and I don't requests open the map budget request fori you can pay I'll give you my Consulting rify you but I'll give them to you no the data is publicly available I mean I don't know I don't think it's that hard I don't know what they would I gave them I already gave you map of all open space um I can give it to you again I'll send it out to everybody all right no problem now what you might want to do is you might want to annotate the map I think it I truth with some information would be awesome but no I mean like in other words you might want a list of what things are like Fields Fields is Right 32 45 acres and has you know whatever it's 45% coverage whatever but that's all information just to add yeah you have the it's funny I didn't see that that there's a completed maap so I'll just yeah no problem G yeah one thing is that you say that we're eager to find out the results of the hyding project I guess we that can be updated because we know the results or oh we don't we can't know the results until we don't have all of the uh I I I believe the findings are going to be pretty simple how much was removed what's the new volume of the fond um but any information is good information it'll be part of your ER so you'll need it but also um again in case there's going to be communication with a I'm calling it a field oper you can call it whatever you want but if there's a point person in Carter the area of Larter Pond and I do have somebody for you if if you want to do that um that person can talk to their neighbors and circulate fers with their kids and you know talk about whatever the guidance is from the environmental commission based on the information you get from avakian's office after the hydro leing like we can put them me mechanisms in place so that that happens I'll do my part for that but then it'll get here that's my hope is to get it here so you guys get that information right this commission all right so um I don't have it in front of me so I'm at a loss here but we will I will uh compile it put it together if there's any addition please send them to Christie and uh what's that yes please send me all your edits okay just for everybody's information I'll be sending out a deck to everybody at Maps Okay could be edit and change and I want to be quite clear here that my Consulting arm owns the copy of GIS that we use it's not the university property and I also probably could arrange with the university to donate it to the fair as a public service so I don't know why you can pay somebody if you want but um I'm like okay uh just tell us what we want we'll do it I think that's huge because yeah I have been told n o so many times and without I said pretty sure it's not that hard maybe someone's brother-in-law has a GIS firm who wants to who wants to make something for cash I'm more from you m nothing I don't know what to say Pi up garbage too people people pay a lot of money to do so I mean I'm will to do it for us I think that's awesome you want to do is get counselors or governing okay here's the other thing here's the other thing I think for the front of the the um environmental resource inventory I'm going to make up a highly decorative light on that of the town so that those look real cool like our front piece so okay I'll make one up yeah we're gonna have the work workshop in January so that would be good I'll do I'll have some stuff you can work with cool thanks John all right uh planning board update Bri we meeting last night and I couldn't make it so I have not been able to connect with them um so I have to pass okay and do we have any more updates councilwoman Cole I have only one I was going to do the organization stuff with you guys but we covered that cover yeah and only thing I would add to your annual report in terms of accomplishments is your round tables right I don't see that on here it is on here oh it is Partnerships environment it's number eight oh Fair Partnerships okay the only thing I would addly the er um just that we added we're working with different commissions to get feedback committees yeah we'll do that committees boards and commissions really and commission I do have I do have notes on the it's here I haven't made any upates I just IED I know there's a change ially okay on to new business we have any new business I don't um I just quickly I I circulated to everybody the um the carbon footprint which will add to the transportation section um we just the numbers are just new I'll tighten them up with the school board and and and based on that we can get a pretty good carbon foot foress of the daily and then annual that's awesome reductions caused by us having kids bik and walk with school plus the health matter I mean the other thing is I guess we you talk about the active lifestyle right I mean every kid that walks to school or bikes to school is going to get exercise too the same calculations will allow us to look at that that's based off the San Francisco method I use is off the San Francisco Bay Area Transit Authority they have a shifting from driving to Transit model to track yeah and in that case in transit you have to put in an allocation for um the actual cost of you know the energy use of the transit system in our case we zero yeah yeah nice all right so that'll be good for the AI thank you uh public comments I have something oh bu Michael um I know it's a little bit of a Hot Topic but I'm just throwing this out here that um the healthy Community planning report through the mammoth County 2022 Fair Haven burough it's interesting because it says that our um cancer what is it our cancer rate rate is higher than the L County average and the source is um non uh basically leaf blowers and stuff like that I don't know what that category is it it's directly they they know it's directly connected well they do it based on a bunch of different things like um transportation um let's see how they say I forget what they call it I have to go back but it's basically an air quality thing it's an air quality thing but our score is the like lower or stronger than the average or higher than the average based on not I now I have I'm going back it's been a while since I looked at this but basically the cause is not Motor Vehicles it's non non points so or could be non point yeah like you know low what is the lawnmowers and blowers so I think that's something you might want to look into definitely yeah and where is that where is that study this is the um it is the healthy Community planning report through Mammoth County Mammoth County uh planning Mission through the health department I have no internet right now so I'm sorry that I'm coming I just remembered that I wanted to bring this up but it is I gu it if Stephanie Adams is here she might be able to speak to look forward to yeah the report see if you can get that report oh here we go okay it's okay okay I'll send it what they count with yes you know I mean so my internet's kind of cing all right any other new business do we have any public comments Christie yes Brian I'm gonna bring you over good evening hi Susan how are you I have a couple of points that came up during your meeting the um and you may not know this the bird sanctuary has deed restrictions to it which is why you can't just go in and do whatever I haven't seen the deed but that's what I have understood over the years that it has been researched and uh it can't be developed it has to be handled very carefully it's also usually checked by somebody on the parks and wreck committee so they sort of oversee what's going on with the bird Sanctuary I know Rachel Griffin is very U good about checking on it I'm not sure whether she's assigned to it this year or not also as far as the entrances to Fair Fields uh I'm thinking that should fall under parks and wreck also because on the parks and rec committee you have DJ he's a town employee he should be able to facilitate uh dpd DPW assistance when necessary so I'm not sure uh H how to work that but uh those entrances both on William Street and Third Street lead into the active area I can't see the um the Natural Area committee taking it over only because they're on overload W with what they're dealing with because they can't get assistance from DPW for the most part may I uh add some thoughts for discussion on Susan's observations so those are great and so if we back up for a second this this body is um there's layers of uh call it oversight if you want to it doesn't have to belong to one entity or one committee or one so the role of the environmental commission is different than the role of park simra or um any other committee the idea is that this ND needs to account for what's happening there even if it's just for a snapshot of conditions even if if it's just for information flow so that it ends up in the ER and also gets to the governing body when there's something that needs to be communicated because right now that information stays sort of stuck in those committees and it never gets its way to the governing body and so you have really great volunteers working on the ground that feel completely disconnected um and underappreciated quite honestly by we'll call it the burrow but it's we we need a we need a straight line of connection and this body because of its authorities granted by the law can have a direct connections to governing body so in other words all those things can coexist at the same time Rachel Griffin could do what she's doing Garden Club can do what it's doing DJ do there and frankly that's more programmatic an operational with with the parks and W committee does and it would have to go to the governing body anyway so I think they're they're different layers does that sound like it makes sense you asking Susan or me no it makes well you and I we talked about that today so I guess what the I don't understand how it's not you know governed by some entity right we're talking about the tra the entrances so how do we facilitate that is that Council would talk to I mean I would say it this way if if the state recognize that local government needs to create special dedicated parts of government to pay attention to issues like the environment or shade tree or historic districts those commissions were granted special authority to focus on that so that they could raise the issues to council and bring attention to it if you think about it the council is they're spread thin getting on their radar is hard and I'm one of them I care about so many issues that never gets Council but a lot of them can come right straight from the boards of commission um but that's the idea that I'm lost my point I I said on a lot of committees at the University right and we have sub committees to do a lot of work because our big governing bodies like again I have we have 1205 person Quorum and we only meet it a couple of times a semester but all the work really gets done at the committee level and and it gets troubling when the big body tries work like other was the main body should be like we're charging you with doing it yes you need to do this and as long as you do it correctly and do it with under guidance of what we want you to do do we're going to approve that because we asked you to do this so you know like we have this discussions going on at say our individual curriculum committees and then it gets sent up to the body to be approved but we're not supposed to repick it right and so that de delegation of authority is not the council not doing its work what it's doing is getting people who actually can spend the time on the grounds that's it to do it that's it so that that information and knowledge can then be pointed at for Council to understand like if if you had a conditioned assessment for all the natural resources in Fair human and you were going to pick three topish maybe one to say of all the things that we've been cataloging tracking and assessing for you governing body this is the one that needs your attention the most you know they're gonna listen to that no I'm a big fan of that they're G listen yeah no I'm the chair of my Graduate Studies committee and I was talking to the chair of our faculty Senate and I report to her and I see guidance from her as I'm running my committee but I do the real leg work on all of our programs because when it comes to The Graduate when it leaves my committee and goes to the main body it's really just affirming that due process has been done there you go right and you should you shouldn't be having to micromanage us whatever committee it is because they should have done it to what we've agreed they going to do great example we should end up with uh we should what the yield should be um a pre volunteer should be feel supported and appreciated staff will not be put in a position to have collect and find creative ways to say no or otherwise frustrate processes and ideally Council gets a stronger connection to all the things we care about but it just never it just doesn't get there um that's that's the that's how we'll know if we if we got it and listen I think it'll take at least a couple years but if we start then we can get better at it takes time but it should limitate a lot of problems can I just go back so I can clarify I just what I said earlier so they call them they're calling them non-road basically air toxins and these are qualified as mobile sources include air aircrafts obviously not an issue here trains lawn mowers boats dirt bikes construction vehicles farm equipment and more so yeah if you can send that that' be good I just sent it to Christie so she'll have it good thank you anything else Susan no that's it thank you next I'm gonna bring over um Mark Olson go ahead Mark hi Mark I lost my train thought uh um I'm too frustrated talk so I'll take a pass I'll pass thanks all right Bonnie bringing you over go ahead hi Bonnie hey everybody um do I have to say Bonnie tvia 115 baton um I just it it's I've been so um happy listening to the conversations you've been having this year I mean I really I really feel like we're moving forward we're starting to value our natural areas we're starting to focus on them and that just makes me very happy um you know volunteers there's so many willing Volunteers in this town and we just need support it's not like we need that much we don't need that much money or anything else it's just diff feel like we're encouraged and I think that if there was an encouragement from on top we would everybody would want to be a part of it everybody wants to be a steward of our natural areas we want to do it we have so much to take care of and um I love the thought of the thst Tre Trail I I listened to Susan saying that we should be part of wreck and I understand it's the entrances entrances to fair havenfield but but I feel like you guys understand the mission of th jail the restoration of a natural area um it's very different than a developed Park and so I I just hope we can move forward and you keep your energy um and this the round table and getting everybody together to hear each other and particularly environmental groups and they actually bringing all the other groups in to hear the environmental issues because everybody cares about it I mean we all care about as Michael said the quality of our air the quality of our water I mean groundwater and storm water is becoming a huge issue that we all need to focus on we have these beautiful Rivers I mean I just I just thank you for all your hard work I just want to encourage you to keep pushing um because it's important it's important to you know it's not just this generation it's the next Generations mostly so um I'm sure there's other things I want to say but thank you just thank you for all your work thank you for all your work yeah thank you do we have anybody else from the public you also have your hand raised but we I do no the three um Mark Bonnie and Susan if you no longer have a question can you lower your hand Mark are we coming back to you nope there are no more questions alrighty sorry I went five minutes over Bri wor we have a motion to adjourn no move second before you call I I make before you call I have this has been such an honor to work with you guys this commission over the last two years I'm I'm just so it's gratifying sitting here every second Wednesday of the month and um I I love what's Happening Here I love the work you're doing it's really important I totally agree with the Bine said I also think that there's an there's an incredible overflowing swell of enthusiasm for the conservation stewardship efforts whether they're on the ground and I think even at a planning level eventually at a planning level from the governing body I like to believe that that's something we're going to commit to but um I I really fully totally enjoyed it it's been my honor I just want to thank you for thank you Tracy for all your hard work dedication and is that it have a happy holiday we'll see you next year take care who you only one of you is coming back the as