and I took show dinner yeah I dinner every yeah we switch back and forth let rip Christie hi I'm I'm nobody all right we're gonna call this meeting to order at 7:32 this is the reorganization meeting of the environmental Commission of the Bureau of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River roaden New Jersey public participation for this reorganization meeting on January 10 2024 is available by Callin phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute the time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to be questioned comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time this meeting was noticed to the Asbury Park Press to River times in the Star Ledger on January 4th 2024 posted on the burough website the municipal Board of the municipal building and remain continuously posted to as requested under this with adequate notice having been given the environmental commission secretary is directed to include this statement in the minut of the meeting all rise to the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance of the United States of America the stand Nation indivisible here William Dorner pres KY Flanigan here Susan gloz absent Jesse Murray here Gary Patterson here Jonathan Peters here see you H Brian Rice here Ralph windram see if he's Onie I do not no um also present councilman Olsen and burrow secretary chrisy Larson where will now be accepting nominations for EC chairperson I'd like to nominate Brian second second third any other nominations please like to take a roll call for the nomination Brian rer chairman Anna anonin yes William Dorner yes Kelly Flanigan yeah Susan gloz absent Jesse Murray yes Gary Patterson yes Jonathan Peters yes nice v no I'm out voted though congratul right thank you it's my pleasure and quite an honor pass the vote nomination for vice chair Jesse second any other nominations roll call for Jesse Murray for vice chairperson Anna anthonin yes William Dorner yes KY Flanigan yes Jesse Murray sure P yes John Peters yes Ryan rice uhuh congratulations Vice chairperson Brian you may now take over the oh thank you good evening everybody Welcome to the first uh meeting of 2024 it's uh kind of our reor meeting so um what I wanted to start out with the new people that have joined us Anna welcome William welcome and Susan is not here but I thought it would be best to just kind of introduce ourselves and tell us who you are and what you do and why you want to be here we should also Brian we should also introduce ourselves right that makes a lot of sense just because they I said everybody oh okay great would you like me to start yeah okay please um my name is Anna I'm a lifelong resident gr up on buav Vista and moved back to the area 2016 into Fair Haven 2018 um I have two young kids and I'm just really looking to get involved with the town and make sure it continues to be a really great place to to raise a family and um I'm also on the planning board so I just took over a few weeks ago so I'll be sitting on both on to the all very new stuff for me but I'm looking forward to getting involved and we're also my friend elely and I are um starting a farmers market over on Willow Street in a few weeks so in a few months so we're also working on that which I think we can tie in almost to everything in bare Haven that is currently in existence so excited about that as well super stok thank you yes I'm involved with that as well from the business uh yeah the small business ass Business Association so welcome we'll come knocking on your door soon for I grew up very too but you're a lot younger than me so we run in the same circles got kill probably good thing for you Kelly hi I'm Kelly flan again I moved here with uh my family in 201 17 I've got four small kids in um The Fair Haven School System I I am the chair of the green team in town as well and when I'm not volunteering on the E or Green Team I'm an adjunct instructor at Brook jail I teach in the environmental science department orography and um yeah so I um am also Critical with the sustainable Jersey and our status on sustainable Jersey so um yeah I'm very big on the environment I think faon even has such a special and unique environment and it's really important it's a draw to this town I think it's important for us to keep it and improve it if we can thank you um Brian Rice um born and raised in town fourth generation um I've been on the E for way too long but I enjoy it every year so I'm back have a business in town a couple of businesses in town um my big thing is the river being a waterman um so I have rice wealth management and then Jersey Devil um fishing as sport fishing as well as the Jersey Devil kids Fish Camp probably some know from that and the environment is key to me obviously and without that we have nothing so that's why I try to leave this place better than what we found it that's my bottom and I'm Jesse muray I've been in town since 2016 and pretty much joined the EC right after I moved here grew up locally though born and raised my B and my whole family is pretty much all still still around too but um I background ecology and Marine Biology um it's what I do for my job so it's kind of like I love it love being where we live so you know being involved and just kind of doing that why I'm here so why I've been here thank you okay um Gary Patterson um lived in town since 2009 um have two now College age students um and I think I've been on the environment commission since 2016 or 17 I think one of the first things I did was the ER which I think we're going to talk about updating now so I guess it's been a while seven years um uh I'm a civil engineer is my occupation so in that occupation you know I encounter some of you know some of the same issues here as far as storm water and you know impervious cover issues things like that my name is Bill dner I've been a resident of Fair Haven since 1986 my youngest daughter went to school with Anna Murphy uh I'm a retired police officer from the friendly City of La Ranch and I'm just getting involved in Fair Haven after all these years sweet and simple thanks B um Brian thank you for your service and now you are the Eon to the council congratulations yeah thank you I think it's really great that we had two people um that were elected to council and both of them came from the environmental commission I think it tells you what the town thinks of environment absolutely and I wanted to thank M Michael for her service and she'll continue to work with you on theth right I hope so um John Peters hey John Peters former councilman been on the environmental commission for a while moved to town in 1999 so happy to help out I'm a water guy just like Brian uh that's a big deal for me and obviously I like to work on this and I'm looking forward to helping out on the environmental resource inventory this year thank you John and John is a past council member also so thank you for your dedication to the tab thank you so much um so let's go through the um real quick we're going to do things a little differently this year and this was spearheaded by Tracy I wanted to thank her publicly for her service to the EC she's um been a very instrumental part um in helping us and the council and uh liaison um to them from the EC so I wanted to thank Tracy um so what we've done is actually TR like I said spearheaded this so we're going to have monthly field reports from our field reporters so the Natural Area is Carolyn Ferguson Carolyn is the head of the Natural Area oversight committee and she is in the audience uh Third Street Trail is going to be Bonnie or Mark depending on who wants you know Bonnie okay Mark over your shoulder to Bonnie uh so I just had Bonnie or mark this is it was prepared by Tracy I don't prepare these things mcarter Pond is Elise Casey who is here in the audience she introduced yourself thank you welcome welcome um we uh did the first phase of the um Hydro ranking which has been a 10 plus year um Crusade on my behalf um and we're going to do some more in the back on as well in Spring schanker Susan Russell I don't believe is she in the audience somewhere um she's going to be our liaison or or field schanker bird sanctuary Lee Davidson or a designate from the Garden Club so I guess I'll reach out Lee um talk to him Fourth Creek at the base of the river so there's two ends obviously to a creek um so Jared banck uh I don't know if Jared is in the audience somewhere Fourth Creek in the area of the headquarters which is Dan scalco and we reach out to him and then of course naving river is going to continue to be me we do have Shippy pond on here Shippy Pond is um is connected kind of with schwers um it's a private entity so I don't know if we need representation from them or not not if we do then they'll speak up um on their behalf so um once they start reporting asking information see so we'll provide a baseline to build up upon that um I'm going to hand this over to um our very competent assistant and thank you again for coming aboard Christy for this year um and we'll reach out to them via email and then they'll get our emails um and be involved that way um I don't have the email addresses so um but I do have their phone um that's all I have from that end so we have approval of the December 13 me meeting minutes has everybody seen them that was here and proofs any cor Corrections additions I obain you obain you weren't here okay so can I have a motion to pass the approval of the minutes for the December 13 meeting please I was here you w hear okay you were here I can make you can make a motion yes go ahead I'll make the motion there you go so um all all in favor I so Curr right so uh going to current business Green Team Kelly okay um well we just had a really um had a publication an article out in FA living I don't know if you saw that but that was like the work in the brain child of Bonnie and Mark and the audience and their fantastic project homegrown oats um which we did with both sickles and Norwood school and we're continuing to do so um it's a fascinating learning project um I was great yeah that touches on there's so many things to love about it honestly and I've already we've gotten a lot of feedback from it but it's Works critically with the green team of no wood and the Green Team um in Fair Haven as well um the no wood green team is led by Jen Annabel she's doing great stuff so we are working with them um on the next couple um items uh some of our green team members might go in there and talk about um food waste and waste free Wednesdays and different ways that the kids can get involved um we're trying to set up a green team in the schools as well to get them set with sustainable jourey um in terms of our first meeting is next Wednesday at 7 o'clock all and are welcome to attend um I am missing a fellow um green team member on EC so I do love for more EC members to you know if you can get involved um the green team is a branch of the EC it's kind of stems and is supported by the EC for those of you the new members that are on that don't really know what it is um we are almost the we are like the boots on the ground um where the EC is a policy Branch we actually provide and plan a lot of Education materials workshops um we host the love where you live day every year that has this will be the third year um where people from town can come out and find out about the environment ways to get involved how to volunteer why we absolutely love where we live in Fair Haven um we work hand inand with the Third Street Trail the Natural Area the schools um The Garden Club and so we're kind of like that branch that puts on these events um and and helps out um kind of a little bit more Grassroots um if you'd say we are so our first meeting is next Wednesday at 7 o'clock um I just have to confirm I think I'm hopefully it's at B sentennial Hall um and we a big thing that we're going to be talking about um well and this is where uh just come to the EC is we are starting to plan for level where you live to and I'd like to get the budget some budget items prior to no money for you um to to what happened we'll be talking about that coming up um and then of course we'll keep you interested with things that that you know come across um I think a big term of ours is we'd love to get into storm water management education especially these past storms there's been a lot of flooding um so this is a great way where having policy from the EC but how does that infiltrate and and get passed on to the residents and so that's where we are that Branch to help um organize or try to um facilitate that so that's I don't really have much concrete stuff to present right now thank you one thing you brought up was Zero waste and this is something I was watching I watch these outdoor channels all time there was a young woman who lived in the woods so remember where it's coming from but she was living off toally in the land she filled up her waste for the year okay that went into a landfill were two Mason yards that was they were like rappers from Candy and stuff it was crazy but um and you look at you look at our garbage can right and you're like man I just took that out two days ago and she had two little Mason GS it's crazy pretty cool so um I'm not going to get to that level but it would be neat to uh to try to get to that thank you um near dear mitigation um we are going to have a program in place in 2024 we have met with the D multiple times um this is a project that goes back kind of a long ways also um I'm going to get Jody here from the uh NJB to speak with Council answer questions and we will have a program set up that's my big thing for 2024 as you all can see they uh they eat a lot and do you have like a deer management program in town or anything that's what we're doing that's what we're working on okay so it's basically going to be a sponsored hunt like we do in the other Parks right yeah that's what they do in Pennsylvania yeah Jersey does it all you know they they eat various counties so that is and it works ER Jesse um not many updates I know goal is to I guess from our Round Table to get some input so I think we still need to do that um for new folks um our ER is pretty much our our environmental resource inventory so all of our all the environmental pieces in town um kind has the whole entire inventory kind of what we have and it helps to make any sort of um like policy decisions with the town so if anything comes up like you know the storm water we have a lot with that anything along um the river so this kind this is like a report we have which we're supposed to be updating what every five years years but obviously we' ex exceeded that for right now so we want to update it but it's pretty much going over what we have um and kind of anything that we've done environmentally in town and so when anything kind of comes to the town if they're you know going to be building anything if we're doing any type of work um we can refer to this document to see kind of you know what what our thoughts or what our plans are um making sure that the environment is taken into consideration so um make sure chrisy sends it out to folks um to review it um we've just been taking comments now where we want to put updates anything that's been done since the last ER update in 2016 17 when we did it um but the goal is to hopefully have that updated this year um I know we're getting input from the other uh committe too uh just to make sure that everyone's pieces are involved I know we want to have may did a piece on um like endangered species management but stuff to so we can actually kind of build in some um different like types of policies and what not with the town so did we get um updates from the EC for members of the round table I know that was sent out it wasent out I don't know how many responses we received if any yes I provided about three Maps did they get out to everybody okay then you know the question is what do we want what do we need so if you want whatever we you take a look at those and you have any suggestions you Shell at me and I'll update them or we can talk about things you might want to know about okay if you just tell me take a look and see if we have the data absolutely and I think the idea too is a lot of the maps that are going to be in the ER you want to make sure that they're interacted on our web page too obiously the ER is intended to be available for everybody to view um but I know with the maps especially considering we're thinking about a lot of different storm projects going along in town um just having those Maps accessible and to be able to actually like click on them and like see them big picture for everybody I think that's kind of a good goal to have too so um you can load those separately I guess Jess to the website it's a question the size of the the document you can make them as a tiff or a PDF it's up to you yeah I think maybe what we'll have is we can have if it's possible to have like you can have the PDF of the report and maybe they can just be separate links or it can be highlighted so if you want yeah to the full size yeah exactly do we um I know we've talked in the past about hiring a yeah expert we have to come up with budget no that would be that would be provided by Council that would go um I guess what we would do is go out and there can't be a lot of firms that do this right to go out and get bids but I think that's a whole process that we have to go through Council right spear head that's you yes but you know yeah I heard a number 25 minut so it's not like you know it wouldn't fit obviously within our budget I don't know how accurate that number is but that was a number that was thrown around so I'll pay you five but you know if you um I could also reach out to like sustainable director to see if they have I'm sure I'm sure you know try to get a ballpark because yeah yeah there has to be some constant can look at for that espe not we're starting from scratch we have at least like the basic report layers of updating it and I know we did want to add in a couple different sections so that might be like the bigger piece of it if it's 25 Grand that's really can see closer I'm happy to do that better so we'll look into that but yeah so um for the new folks if you want to take a look at it anything in particular that you're interested in you want to make sure that's where is this on the website chriss's gonna email it out to the new numbers yeah and if you have any comments send them right back to Christie is it possible to get like any back information to get like a little history of what's going on with you know with with the committee Commission in other words what projects you're doing things like that like me as a newcomer I'm coming in here it's like I'm kind of like blind at this it's pretty much outlined on our you know what we're working on currently is is what we go over and the annual report will be completed chrisy are we pretty much I know we had to drafted it looked fine or we I was to see if the us tonight and then I'll send it to the May okay because I know I got a draft I can send that out as so there's a draft of the annual report and I'm going to present it in February if I'm not you'll have to because I'm probably scaned um when uh my birthday week um are are the annual reports like the previous ones saved somewhere just you know somebody bringing I think ban brought that up once you um present it to council whenever the mayor signs dat to the agenda we should start putting them on the website we should we should so yeah so folks can actually see kind of what's been going on um foreally for you that on the website I look but it's like how much information I mean a lot there and there's a lot of old information any tips on the website that you want toct I do can you give um can you update the navis river for the latest report that I provided from the state please I know that went back to like 21 all right yes and any any you have the one you have yeah that'd be great yeah if there's any updates green teams um whatever else you know let's get it all updated and make it as exciting as we can for an EC part of the website fairen but we should at least it's a good reference if it would be great if we could see the past reports they had the progress of the commission that's yeah absolutely but yeah with the though yeah let me know any comments you have anything you're interested in or you think should be included that might not be um and then all the other committees which a lot of you are here this evening or online please send comments um you know it's only as good as the data that we put in it and a lot of it we can't we don't have right and make it as comprehensive as we can yes I mean I gave you a Model results on uh walking back to school so we might want to just tighten that up by talking to the schools would you like me to do that and reach out to the school board and say give me your best numbers what do you think is going on on a daily basis and that'll give us an estimate of the carbon footprint impact yeah I know for a bat it's brutal at SI I can't get out of my driveway no and that's a brutal I was talking to people down here I'm at the national meeting of Transportation professionals and I was talking to somebody about our bike to school and they were just blown away that we would have 600 of our 800 kids biking and walking to school you know it's just unheard of in New Jersey the issue is sickles and and I get it kids and if you live on the west side it's you know I grew up on the east side but um you know it is unbelievable the amount of cars that go to sickles every day it's challenge because that's where all the little kids are and we centralize I yeah yeah y um so you I thank you storm water management that is Jess and Kell well one of the things I just talked with um Stephanie Adams earlier and we were talking about just our Green Team um goals definitely storm water management is an issue um it is a priority I think um just from residents as well and we've got people that live next to marter at the base of third street by Columbus Club I mean the amount of and obviously Michael there's just a lot of BM water um I did I don't know if you saw the brochure um so we've also tried to start up uh Brian and I got together um last November um trying to come up with ways that residents could or business you know land owners can um help alleviate storm water on their own property um and Steph and I were working together on a trifold uh bror that can be used for a planning board and also used for EC for any residents just says what you can do um on your own lot to help out um and I think just educating people more about storm water you know like we all this conversation came up earlier today right you you learn from a low a young age that trees are so good for the environment and what they provide and everything the benefits but storm water is a newer buzz word that people don't often know how it is related to them or how they affect it right and especially for being on a Coastal Community like Fair Haven which we are essentially a Coastal Community everything that we do whether we're a mile from the river or not doesn't matter it goes in and I think just keep trying to educate people about it simple lowcost effective ways that are win-wins for um themselves in the environment and so I do believe that um this year we should think about how we can get community U more aware of this how about a one pager Kelly like a white paper that we can Cate to people like make up a PDF of suggested ideas you know that they could download from the website just to one page or front and back and then have some links and explain why we'd like people to try okay will be handed out to the Planning and Zoning Board to give so right so we originally just did a a trifold rour which is kind of very similar too and we have um we hope to put in um photos from Fair Haven as well um examples of rain Gardens that we've established in town I also think and maybe I am you know but I think as an EC imagine doing a ring Garden every year right and being a part of actually doing something so that every year we do another project and whether that's with the EC and the green theme and the Garden Club or the Natural Area but collaborating but we spearhead this and I think um especially with finally mcarter Pond has been on our agenda for so long we finally are seeing things happening there but it is a mess on the side there and so I think this would be a great place to be like hey we just cleared up the pond now we're going to put a rain Garden in there we know there's flooding happening there how can we make something better of it right and kind of get a whole Community engagement project with it and um we've seen what the students and the schools have been so willing to help out with this homegrown Oaks project imagine getting some of these schools the kids there to help plant a ring Garden at different areas in town right but you know keep keep going with it I think we need to go and ask them if we can build one at MERS there's excuse me one say 2016 there's a record or maybe it was later than the night um it's on our website ruter did a study um of our storm water which was not nearly as bad back then as it is now I've seen places flood that I've never seen flooding in and for a rain event of 1 and a half inches it's 18.2 million gallons of water that go to the river from this town it's just a Mile Square you can imagine red B and so um I didn't mean to cut you up but um it definitely has been something and it's getting worse as the weather patterns change and we get more rain cuz before it was like one and a half inches that's a lot of rain but we' just had right so and and with you know trees and houses and lck coverage and there's just a lot more going on and I think people and you know just teaching about what a rain Garden does and why plants and native plants especially um you know the oak project too about how much not just the Oaks provide the carbon dioxide and that I mean the oxygen and and shade and cooling but they also intercept so much storm water right the tree needs to drink so many gallons and a mature tree and I just think that these are great learning opportunities for for students and for residents and they help to beautify and create more of our local ecosystem ran do we know our sites do we have a selection of sites are on the the recor study that's on our website let's take a look at it maybe we can make them up and start yeah the the one we tried to do one at the at the church at Nativity and it didn't make sense sense so that was the only one that didn't make sense but there's one at nights and we're waiting for them to um do their project they're going to redo their parking lot and such that would be a key one to do obviously as you mentioned the so you can do the two right you know C cor from each other yeah at mcarter and and uh that would be a great project and and the nights but um it's it's a huge problem uh even yesterday I'm doing a huge project at the house renovation addition the whole nine yards and a friend of mine is doing doing the um masonary stuff he oh we got to put in a something pit and I said okay where are we going to put the outfall for it I we just put it through the curve the street is no that's illegal whenever I drive down the street now we don't have winter anymore and you see a puddle in front of somebody's house that's frozen that's an illegal and and we're cracking down on that um you know it's just simple things like I'm like no it has to go into the dirt yes you know it's simple you go well how we going to do that I said I don't even figure it out dry Wells yes and we dug up an old dry well um it was pretty cool and uh so yes it it's a simple solution just a dryw well and and that's it and and that forces the water to seep into the dirt and it gets to the river but it's clean I like the idea of the kids teaching the parents a little bit too you know making it like a a learning experience for Yeah clean ocean action has the pamphlets know where your water goes yeah but we have good sign too Park and a lot of people go hang out there we have ringard there or even at the night like either sign did well the one in front of um what's the Raven and the peach that was the first one we did just a very nice you know and that was that was sponsored by Verizon we got the money for that and they're not expensive yeah no I think it's just a good all overall experience what would you guys think of I love the idea of doing a rard every year something tangible what would you think about uh having the June meeting where the day is longest and actually do the rain Garden L to the [Laughter] meeting been hanging out Rich too long like we actually do family kids neighbors whatever Community EV like join us spend an hour or two I mean there's one thing about this town is that you realize that it's no short of volunteers right you put out a Sign Up Genius people will come out with and it'll be filled up in a you know an in right and um but I just think that yes we are policy and we are trying to get our storm water more stringent because right now we are at the very LAX level and there's a lot of the minimum level we at the minimum level and for New Jersey and yet we are a coastal town so we can and should be doing more and this is just a good way to lead by example lead by action showing that like hey if we can do it it's really easy you can do it in your own yard right and this is how we do it and so I think this could be a just an you know getting out in the in the community it's easy enough to talk about it in here but actually to right exactly so they're easy to do especially with as you pointed out the volunteers and the equipment I mean you know we show up with it one of our machines and it's done I mean it took us a no it took us a weekend to do the the two of no um actually I think it was it was about a day and a half and then we ran down to you know got the plants and then the kids came out and planted all the plants and stuff like that um so yeah it worked out well they're not hard to make it's not we don't have to hire an engineer no fense to do uh to you know it's a whole you know it's a shallow depressing and the big thing is to you know and we chest test the oil and make sure that has enough uh flow where it would be able to handle the water coming into it stuff like that um the one at Norwood the one the front one is funny because it's turning into a pond because people just dump stuff and so years ago there was somebody dumped a bunch of assphalt and stuff there so we dug a lot of it up as much as we could but still over time seeps you know into the ground but we had no way in knowing that so start big so yeah it's a good idea so June 12th is our June meeting we're going to do that and out in the field and dig aard great well if we even have it dug beforehand we can all um no no we do we'll do it with the I have it at the house right now just run over there it takes literally a half an hour but Jesse if you and I wanted to kind of talk about a timeline to so because I I could see an envisioning like you know even just working up to it like a a talk or discussion about like why storm water is important right you know like there's other things too so you're not just not just showing up and planting but like actually understanding what um so like so procedurally because it's on burrow property to get to Brian's question um I think we have to put together a proposal vote on it here and then send it up the chain to you you know through you to the count I believe but if you want to double check that that would be good and then just let us know and we'll put it together and we'll vote on it in the next meeting and also when's love live day love where you live day is scheduled right now for CCO Deo um I will I'll be there I'll bring I will be there with my it is a made up American holiday for whatever I will do that yeah that's that's a good opportunity though like fishing to promote love you live to day before then if if we're able to actually do the planting and do that in June yes that'd be good opportunity to to talk talk more and say oh and we're also GNA be doing this on this dat you like yeah you like to sign up sign up right here it's on my counter all day all day so if I book a charter perfect somebody else will do it you'll pay them um and so you know but right so we there could be to um perhaps there could be some grant money as well so I would definitely look for some grant money to are you g do that do you want to um I don't how to do that we could coordinate with the grant comme so Michael and Tracy are both on the grant committee and I'm happy to coordinate with both of them because they believe in this stuff as well too um so we can yeah put that into there but I do think um you know we can chat more let's chat more map out an area that makes sense and what we need to to move forward with that yeah but great I love this support get our hands stting on the machine whatever gets it done get it done I I don't mind my hands are usually always dirty but so um thank you um ER stor water nising Rivers clean we're good um we're still um pretty much on target to have it upgraded to a level that it's never when I talked to oldtimers um never seen so since they started the testing back in the 60s um so that's still that's our Target is to have that upgraded this year and we're very close to it um mcarter Pond I touched on earlier there isn't really much other updates on that I have a question yes I got a question from a resident is there a lot of activity happening around the shoreline as well that's mcarter yeah so that the north side is pretty much all done the south end that the real shallow end they're going to come back in the spring and hit that so let me rephrase it and that's the contractor not DPW that's correct the contractor is coming back to do that as we know we had two contractors so that's what delayed the project um so the north side is down should they just going to do the southide yeah they're going to do as much as they can the Southside the problem with the Southside a lot of that is not just you know it's dirt and they so the Hydra ring so everybody understands just takes that layer of vegetation and such off the bottom it doesn't remove any actual mud or you know dirt s you know such but again matal it's just the organic material so a lot of the the the south side of the pond has been just filled in by you know flow from that pipe of sand and stuff like that so uh but they're going to do the best they can uh with that it's going to be a lot better than it's ever been in my lifetime hopefully um so Third Street tra there's trees there um there's more trees coming maybe we don't know the council did not approve our budget request for trees thank you very much Council um but I think you've secured some funding to get some more trees I know there I've been on some emails I wasn't supposed to vote on that right I have no vote on for that stuff for the for the uh for Caroline's um committee I was on that email so I saw the email exchanges um so what you want to give a quick update go ahead or Bonnie or both I don't know who to call yeah so uh so first of all the council didn't reject the money true could you explain for public record what so for public record we we we um I I Mark contacted me no you contacted me I contacted you correct we talk well no you told you needed money for the trees I wouldn't have know so then right correct so I remember and so I proposed it to the to our commission and our commissioners we passed it then it goes up the line to um Teresa and I think the mayor they ultimately approved the POS and it was not approved on the town level they were supposed to approve it you mean well I was hoping I was we had all passed it so but the final approval come comes from the the town to pay it out of our budget which we had we still had money but we lose it now get formally could I get a copy of the letter of why it was rejected the email we understand I send it to wait a minute if you had funds in your budget and you couldn't spend the budget in 2023 yes about 1500s the council never decided that right that was indicated by the burrow administrator we have to put in a purchase order for the trees yeah we appr the only thing we can do is approve that purchase is vote and approve the purchase order on our level it has to ultimately be approved by the you submitted a quote and the quote was in request of a purchase order that's correct it never made it to a purchase order it did make it to a purchase order but it never got approved was it list because that was the administrator right that's correct it's like a copy of the record I'm send it to you now very good you have it okay so now we got that done supposedly um oh emails in your box good good I thought I sent it to you ear so th3 Trail we had a volunteer day the first weekend in in December um some very hardworking council members won new EC liaison I remember sweating profusely as he thank you Brian thank you Brian um that's right and then uh so that was a success in spite of the rain um and some people show up in white which is kind of crazy but not volunteer days let's not show up so uh so we'd like to do two more volunteer days we'd like to do um the first Sunday in February which is Sunday feary yeah we'd like to do the first one the first Sunday in February that be the 4th the 4th and again that's a 10 to one three hours come one come all I think we're going to focus a little bit on that day just on the English iy that's choking down um all sorts of trees we lost a Locus Tree on the Third Street Trail in December covered with English iy puts tremendous stress on the tree English iy is an invasive species wind comes up snow comes up wind comes up put stress in the tree it is also taking all the nutrients out of the ground starve the tree the tree comes down it's expensive for the town so we're going to focus on that day on removing equ which in the thir Street Trail think we might lost another one on the the trail that goes up to William Street this past weekend covered in engl driving and then we'd like to do another volunteer day uh the first Sunday in March same thing I think that's March 3D thir third and that would be 10 to one um and we don't know what that theme will be [Music] but I mean a lot of the last few UMES we've been we have all these beautiful native Coles and other native plants that are covered in the porcel area in the multi zone so just bringing them up allows them to go up you know and and just you know we don't have to plant anything we just have to preserve them let them live so trying to dig out some of that um is what we like to do and Ivy we're hoping to maybe educate people on taking care of their own treats how you cut the so your just know my um cool and then we'll be coming back to you [Music] I'm yeah we just get those dates to Betty an and she can put them in the focus yeah I mean I know last time we did this you guys yes yeah just said you going to do the date and then then uh liaison Council Cole mentioned it at the Govern body meeting so I you know you mentioned those two days yeah that' be great and then see if Betty an Brian betan can put it in the focus for 10 one three hours thank you thanks we have beer there will be beer m what's that c bag I used to put all kind of good stuff in my camel bags maybe day last in December that was raining it would have open a little music really I ask John amab if he'll come and play yeah one thing that um George Billingham you used who came and he he said they used to do that all the time when he was growing up and it be like a big bonfire like people like to come and do hard labor when there's a big EV you know drink we have a very accomplished musician who is supplying water to you I'll ask them if they will play for us on the deck overlooking the trip yeah and Kelly's got your it's an interesting point I don't know how we could ever get it through the governing body but if could we have a bonfire that day right I I know we can we can in Decker's yard I'm sure I can Arena down on B property in the rice yard too rice yard's not close enough but sure there's plenty to burn there right now planting okay we can do it yeah but our house won't be completed by that you can have a work party at our house afterwards so um but yeah you know just like little but yeah it was great I mean there was a lot of people here that were at that one and it's it wasn't easy but did a lot of work you walk by you walk through the next day and you're like wow that yeah so um great thank you I would imagine there's no planning board update and and there's probably no C is there a council update probably not but maybe yeah a little bit so we had our first meeting on the second administrative the next meeting is the 22nd um just so you know I will be on the the commission obviously the Shay tree fairen fields and the finance committee first Finance meeting is tomorrow still trying to get my brain around all that um I was thinking about what role I can play here and I want obviously I'm going to be the EC's Advocate on the council I love priorities so if you guys can think about like what what's like the first thing you want me to try to get through you know is it is there anything with deer mitigation that the council needs to do or the E ER bulkhead um um storm water you know what what is like the the priority obviously the rain Garden that we just talked about yeah I would say and this just off the top of my head dear mitigation we have to get that on their agenda to have Jody here for the council um we' already missed this season obviously but September is is the opening of B season if we can have something set up June at the latest but doesn't that require actually getting I mean that that's there's so much more Community input that you have to buy in for that and you have to no I want it all done I want it all done by June so that it's infor 24 budget now I believe we're starting yeah so you would need any budget requisitions ASAP to get them in for 2024 they usually adopted in springtime well what we're what I think we're all prepared to ask for is the 2% which is all we're entitled to and increase to the budget um I don't have any budgetary items now it's usually the green team that uses the budget we don't because we're more policy as Kelly pointed out so when you have some idea of what you all need that would be good do you need that by a certain date I would do it sooner than later yeah next do it by next meeting and then we'll have to vote on it and submit it to council I'll find out more tomorrow when I have the finance that's the first one I on so I don't know exactly what the is I know what messed us up this or was a little bit difficult this year was that the budget wasn't approved in time for love where live day which is our main event and so we had again it was personally funded by people of the Green Team um however there is there a way to kind of yes we can get a requisition yes we to use it prior to the budget being formally adopted adoption of the budget based on our 23 budget which we had money over yeah which tried to spend okay so yes we can do that okay is there any other things like this steer mitigation plan will that require anything from our EC budget will but the ring Garden if we wanted to do that would be required from the EC budget right unless we have somebody else to sponsor or we have a green or we have grant money and stuff true we want to know what we did under a grant for 2500 um and you the one at no the two at no we did under a grant it was $2500 hours um the budget came in much lower because of you know we did it kind of internally with with contractors that we use so once we found out that we got the grant money we paid them you I don't want you I want to get those stuff if we have the money um so but we can definitely go back to the vendors that we used which was right rice Associates and um and then we bought the plants from uh from Highlands so okay they were delivered by me and I charge it's a nice try Okay so going back to priorities then budget yeah anything for the budget should come in be um introduced at next meeting so we could vote on that and then send that to you I think so I think we want to do it sooner than later yes yeah okay um de your mitigation is a priority yeah it's a that's a priority of our um storm water is commensurate with putting together the white paper with ofi go to the Planning and Zoning Board ER it's j b um we have to see how much feedback we've gotten from the other entities in town to see how much of it we can update or you can update I try to find out ourselves information about that um right by next meeting I if it's 10 or 15,000 I can almost guarantee we will not get those funds to do the this year okay so do the best we can internally for now do you have other Cal updates I don't want to take from your no just on the priorities um so like on the shat Tre commission my priorties to get the uh tree ordinance through right so that's that's like what I'm focused on and hard for me to do two things at once so what I want for you is like what's the number one thing you want me to get through and when I'm done with that that we can all work on them your mitigation is mine I um uh we can work on all of them simultaneously but it's hard to get the attention of the council I think there's I'm shocked at how much stuff we're dealing with and so just two meetings a month it's two meetings a month i' yeah it's a lot of side meetings and I'm learning that I didn't realize that um executive session and so there's it's sort of overwhelming and I want to try to have sort of a constant signal into them this is a priority this is a priority and then um try to get I would suggest two things could I just give you my opinion I mean I think one monetary thing that's going to cost some money and one that's a policy thing like the deer thing doesn't cost the town any money no and you can't give him 10 things you're right absolutely no I I agree so I would propose and every weigh in on this obviously or the Commissioners is that de mitigation from a policy standpoint I do do we want can we vote on it I think that give me more we can have a vote can they not Del committee with our we share what our priorities are and what our budget needs might be right I just was yeah go I'm Carol sorry I was thinking about something else I'm the chair of the Natural Area committee uh I think most of you know Fair Haven Fields is the developed side and then the natural side uh the road splits it so our committee advises for everything that's on the east side the natural side uh the policy of the uh area is really to keep it natural we don't put any memorial benches and signs you know the ideas to have it be a natural space um we are um we've been able to work very effectively with the DPW over the years and get a lot done that really stalled last year and we were kind of redirected to this committee to become part of this as a fruitful place to kind of uh collaborate with the burough what if I might ask sure was the breakdown with the upw um the uh there was a lot of you have to ask for a permission but we won't put you on the agenda yeah um they're very cooperative and we have like a maintenance walk with them once month but in terms of actually agreeing on a plan and getting something executed like it's stalled so it stalled with this current administration because it was very good as you pointed out prodct yeah we've always been able to be very effective but really in the last year you know um we have no borrow employee support at all so sometimes we're just out of the loop or don't even get information about like get your meeting schedule in so we can put it on the right calendar any of that so we're you know we were directed to come here we're hoping that it'll be a more fruitful uh place that we can get some collaboration going with the burrow um our big priority is um the northwest corner of the Natural Area was for many many years has just been impassible it was filled with invasive trees there's something called Devil's walking sck that's covered with big thorns it Not only was impassible it was unsafe if you attempted to go in there um and it was a farm for invasive mines that just spread to set the middle area what that is it's by the cell tower cell tower it yeah so um we get donations from the community appeal or or the the borrow gets donations from the community appeal for the Natural Area the borrow takes our recommendations on how to spend that and uh we usually get about $5,000 a year and as of like the beginning of last year we had accumulated over $20,000 like nothing was happening so we really one of our goals was to spend down that money and to do something effective with it so we uh with the borrows approval we uh invested $20,000 of that money to clear the Northwest area sign yeah so I mean before you literally couldn't walk in any of that space and now you can walk through it the state it's in now is not the goal okay this the goal is to U make it usable and to make it environmentally positive we've established a good partnership with the m County Park system and they come out and they really give us very thorough advice they give us written reports um so they've evaluated that area and given us a plan for what to do and if anyone knows haror Park they just recently did a restoration project very similar there so they basically are giving up their experience with that um they've given us a very specific plan that says what they want is that area to be encircled with the trail so it's kind of segregated and then you work on the inside of the trail um they would like that I think it's uh first mowed then planted with natural grasses and then later in the season any invasives that kind of recur or pop up they get spot treated with broadleaf herbicides which is something that the DPW does kind of routinely um so our question is really like how do we make this happen um we put requests into the DPW before like we asked them to make a trail that uh defines the border between the church property and the Natural Area and that was partially done but not completely done you know that was two years ago um so we kind of just need a way to get things happening so the reason to come here is that we have a voice and Brian to direct to the coun you guys didn't right so any request would go to us we would deliberate it right we would talk about it vote on it and then it would go up the food chain through Brian but isn't Brian also don't you have a Le on to the to the Natural Area committee is there so then why I don't understand why come I mean you're on which I've explain to everybody and I get some Kickbacks sometimes is that every open space the environment comes under our commission because there's there other committees Advisory board so on and so forth they don't have any way to set policy um as Hy pointed out and so you're always under us anyway so if you need something though if it's going through Brian to council I would assume and maybe it's a bad assumption I hate assuming but that you would have a voice already to counil but it's an odd assumption too because we have the Natural Area has more money because because they they are under the Community appeal and we have we we're not so we we are under the government government they're not under the government we are because we're Team the green team we tried to get the green team approved that has nothing to do with the burrow the the um Humanity appeal and we did um fire off a letter to them to get the green team approved so that they would get their own funding and not have to rely on Powers to be in the town to get approval for a PO and all that uh and they were denied because they're spread too thin so Mone away as a follow based on the email that you just forwarded to me is that you don't really have jurisdiction over the own the money that's that's correct because it's burrow funds theirs isn't they can spend it wherever they to a point they can spended whereever they ours is under the burough budget theirs isn't right so have more flexibility in that and I think what we're looking for is like any project of this scale like eight people can't do this like this the town owns that property it's their part to maintain partnership I am flabbergasted but not surprised that this Administration and its own public record I don't care okay that they're not supporting you guys anymore and I don't understand that Brian find out why I can't well it is said that not supporting but I mean they had a good relationship with DPW and for some reason in 20203 how much work did they do for you as compared to very other years prior years I would say less and they do their routine maintenance but probably no special projects we asked for so they stopped the special project side of them so that's a big thing and like I said it's their part the B owns it 100% it's the town's responsibility and like really a project of this we would expect to sit down with them and say like all right this is what needs to be done how are we going to fund it we can be another voice we'll do a part or we'll recommend to community some but we can be 100% another voice but and that you already have representation from Council I mean it's going to come through Brian from us and from you and see what happens you know what we can do are there shared priorities so I mean deer mitigation one of your priorities that we can right so that and living there exactly and they eat all of our native New seedings that we're putting in there so I do think that by saying that this is priority from the EC the Natural Area third I think it's all priority all connected it's just it's good to collaborate and be on the same team and it's just what we're doing through the through the round table also but I think what Caroline know what Carolyn is saying is the lack of support to get anything done in terms of actual boots on the ground right I think what I think I thought what was going to like when you deliver the priorities of the EC I was kind of hoping that this Northwest restoration project could be one of them so so couple things I feel your oversight of all the I feel overwhelmed obviously a lot right focused on everything you're not focus on anything right so it's very overwhelming yes but I feel like I've been to one council meeting right but I feel like if I can go in and say the EC this this is a priority the EC supports it here's their vote the shry commission supports it if there's an overlap here's their vote the uh Natural Area supports it Etc that's that carry the Green Team support you know the more the broader the support that's formal 100% that will get more attention than if I just go in and say yeah we talked about and these 12 things are really important it's like yeah no kidding everybody wants trees right so let's go back to what we were trying to do before Christie and hold a vote for number one our priority for getting not policy because I think well two it's going to be two votes it's going to be one is actual doing something um a project and if that's uh if we all decide that that's the rain Garden at mcarter pond so be it if there's something else so you know speak up and if there's something that we want to hear more about then let's do that I don't you know and then vote on it I would just say on the rain Garden the real question is are we done over there you know you don't want to delay this year is it this year's event I'm not against it I'm just saying maybe we should wait until they've resolved some of the issues out there you might want to do something at mcarter you're not doing anything yeah at mcarter but are they done or is it going do the hyra raking in the South End but that doesn't that doesn't that doesn't have anything to do with the north side where the rainard would go oh you're thinking about the north side okay great that's correct that's that's I I was worried that we would be overlapping okay great we also don't need to rush it if you guys want to take we don't have to rush it next meeting tell me I'm just trying to push things forward that's all and I can say at the next council meeting that you know the parties we've got a list and we're going to narrow it down come up with it yes let's I I will Christine I'll come up with a list we'll send it out to everybody if there's additions um but I think we pretty much know what they are I think the policy obviously the deer is is everybody I've been getting emails from all kinds of people and people stop me on their Road and stuff they know I mean could could these priorities also like umbrella the Natural Area and the third so it doesn't have to be something as specific as we want to do a rain Garden at marter Pond corre it should be just a broader like natural resource management trying to get a dollar hopefully that doesn't have a clawback at the end of the year like it did in 2023 but a dollar number supp say policy Oh I thought he wanted a dollar for deer and then a dollar number a budget that they could allocate some to level where you live some to that's where we're getting into the budget discussion which we'll have to discuss that as well is where we want to allocate those funds that too broad Brian uh I don't know yet uh because I haven't been to a finance committee meeting that's tomorrow um that's be next meeting it is um I think from past experience that we want to be a specific as we can be so that the powers to be can't say well this wasn't on your wish I would agree no that's why I suggest you go with one policy item and One Financial item and then give a range on the financial that's pretty reasonable you know it's yes you got a certain number that's approximately right because you can ask for certainly money makes it more of a difficult decision but uh you should be able to ask for one item I would think in terms of policy certainly that it's not unreasonable to ask the council to do that and certainly from the perspective of One Financial item you have a budget precedent do I have a budget precedent have you historically said we did 284,000 we never used to spend the money because we didn't have green team to spend money but you had a lineup but we always had a lineup and we just never utilized it other than for our dues and such like that so there was never there was never a project or anything that we needed to use how big was the line what was last year 2400 or something 2500 but it wasn't approved until the correct but we can we can put together we can we can submit prior to approval got CL back well so well they get clawed back we just didn't get approved to spend the rest of the money that was in the budget my understanding of the EC is again it's policy so the bulk of the budget was like you said sort of policy education right but when it came to an individual project that we would that would be outside we would get funding from outside sources how it works right so like no what brainards they were finan they were they were under a grant so we didn't have to tap into our budget we could have but we didn't have to so if I'm I just head spinning a little bit to be honest with I'm trying to discern between a few things you just stood up there and this doesn't sound like a money issue it sounds like there's a surplus of money that you all have it's a Manpower issue that would be that would be not money that would be like what we would be getting together and saying this is a priority for us this is not about money they have the money it's about executing it like I think that's really a plan like we all have to work together right but but in your case as you pointed multiple times the burough owns the property yeah they're responsible yeah but be the stewards of that under your guidance they also have to make it you have the plan so the town should be doing it typically let me just say Brian we could work out that they'll do a part we'll do a part you know that's coming down to council is that $20,000 to pay the town to do like the DPW no hir okay you hired Frontier to clear out right they came in they grounded they they removed all the but it's it's a priority of getting DPW scheduled for that everything else that they are line items most of the line for the EC were typically not inside the budget of the EC but utilized resources like the DPW so usually it would be a request from whatever entity to the DPW to say we need to do X this case it's going to be a request from two entities us and the Natural Area committee to ask for x amount if we figure out how many man hours it is or whatever for the year to do your project to do the project that the town is responsible for because we own it to do and that can come from both entities and hopefully it has some more legs so to give some context the shry commission we met on the third Bonnie chime in if I miss something but I have written down that the priorities 24 on shade Tre I'm going to communicate this to the council is a tree ordinance that's a policy thing I'm going to push that through um and second is a tree inventory project that's a software there's a cost involved maybe with grants but it affects a lot of things and then third is replacing the Christmas tree the Char [Laughter] Brown I don't have a dollar um but those are so those are the shat commission narrowed that down to the three priorities that I plan to communicate and correct me if I if I missed them no you have a grant to do the inventory the tree inventory and we have to do that as part of the shade Tre Federation you know part of our certification um so we are we could do a bigger inventory that would cost above the gr yeah probably will not do that just do the basic get that pass that on later with the tree just get one delivered every year and be done with it they're never it's never going to grow there I mean I let the sh it's the fifth one minimum does anyone ever no okay I don't know that I don't know but they're not helping out anywhere else I don't know how often they water it I know the guys are there doing maintenance and stuff but again stop with it have it delivered just like R Bank does I talked to some people about it for four or 500 bucks a year you have a big beautiful tree lit up because they can put on the lights when they deliver it and you're done and you take it out at the end of the year just like we do at the house okay but we're getting off so what I don't know exactly how you work but if what your plan is is to kind of tell the bar like these are what we see as the environmental priorities for the year and some of them have Associated costs or man our cost and then we can even talk about costs like then how do we fund it is that grants is that Community appeal money does the B KCK in some if there was a list of like five priorities or so Christie's gonna we'll put together a list Christie and myself of the priorities you put you on there I'm just respectfully requesting that maybe the Northwest part of 100% should be it's just all that is is us making making another recommendation to have the burough support you in your efforts to do what they should be doing in the first place we shouldn't have to be at this place I think there this is there's so much overlap and it's all and and just getting our ER updated with that information as well and maps of this and a plan and like that you know that helps to prioritize once you have that all there for people to see too what this community entails yeah policy items some sort of you know Financial type item but also I think a support item to get something done I think that's like top three yep so that's you know we have things then we're also supporting that we want your prodject to get done as well we will but yeah draft it up send it to everybody and we'll vote on it febrary and so that will also go to our monthly field reports people the Liaisons because yes because they might have okay yep so any any items that we're discussing will'll bring the field rep into that discussion obviously via email to uh to review your part of the proposal to Ryan to send up the chain and our part does have like ordering a grass seed you know like stuff like that we'd like to know that that was done as promptly as possible that's up to the town right that they order and maintain it seems logical to me but again strength the numbers logic and yeah politics and government don't always coincide anyway thank you thank you um anything else from Council by new business I think we've done enough but is there anything else that we want to add to it um can I bring something up too theend yes thank you from new business sure yes new business there's two questions first of all um you know when we're talking about and this Maybe This falls under the sh tree as well but the Christmas trees the collection of Christmas trees and how it's especially rson if you go to Victory Park you'll see that their they they the shoreline right why are we not supporting program like that what you said what they do okay so what you want so um rumit right now if you go down to Victory Park you will see uh they collect uh Christmas trees I know Point Pleasant has the whole thing a lot of shore towns collect Christmas trees because they are a critical way to stop to make the shoreline even more robust against erosion they gather um and try to trap the sand they also have a lot of water so when there are things growing in the D they helped replenish it there's just a lot of benefits from it um but rumson's doing it this is a great way and they for a long time right hold on time out who had hold on because I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it tomorrow who has Christmas trees that weren't picked up yesterday but that's it they all get picked up a truck going around gasoline carbon dioxide I was going to say is if we have 20 trees thr them in the back of my truck I'll dump them on the beach I don't care at this point but but I'm just saying wouldn't it be a great way or policy right so e to create this policy and be like this is a great community in incentive let's build up our shorelines because the park at the bottom of D Normandy every week every month with all these starms this is a great way to stop that and wouldn't that be like a feel good this is easy not only now we have a liability issue with the neighbor well is that just telling the town that we're doing that and then I don't know L that information to the people that are picking the like then we just re it's all local guys we just say instead of taking it and and and chopping them up jump them on the beach you put them on the beach easy to do you back the truck right up the sand so hold on Simon so would that be a policy decision by the town words property so so what we would do is again set a policy and motion to send it up the food chain right to say okay for next year this is what we're going to do with 50 trees so in terms of timing I would say deer mitigation be first because that's now and Christmas trees next year we can work on that in something I wouldn't use it as Christmas trees I would say but this is Li lines putting the getting our shorelines stab l ized and this is an idea to use Christmas because remember we've talked about the living shorelines and we have 10 years the ALS is ready and willing to create a living Shoreline at the bottom of dormandy right now we've had these plans but this has not gotten council's attention either but as the more and more we prolong this we it is getting eroded eroded eroded there's a tree whose roots are exposed now we can moose those trees into the we lost them already and this is so when we think about priorities it's very easy to go to the other things but for me I think living shorelines is a is a big priority this was cost a lot of Waterfront pocket parks that you can apply living Shoreline principles to each and every one of them and I think it needs to be looked in that the original plan was approved was was ALS was doing it in conjunction with the town and a grant for $25,000 I will bet it'll cost you over7 to $100,000 to that job now because all the dirt we have to bring in because we lost it that's on Why didn't it ever do done well Town didn't want to do it but we have ear mark because the engineer was too busy to draw to finish up the plan to submit back to the Al Als other a question does putting trees require the approval we get in tou rson to see ask have your ducks in order to get all your regulations we could we can ask rson to see so I I did I talked to um um had a Robert we reached out to Heather Robinson today about that and she's the chair of the EC and she's finding out on her meeting tonight EC meeting tonight to find out how that started because was it the DPW that started it was it the E you know and so how did that implement it there's something that their Council had to do let me know yes because it just seems like it's a no Briner working together and collaborating this is an easy it's cost effective it'll probably save us money from it'll save us better people could walk their trees down right John we could walk them down and it would be a great way to do it you put it in a little red wagon you could would that be darling that's a great is a great story for why we love this that's right all right so um easy simple easy any other new business one oh well maybe but Mark would you would you want to talk about this were you gonna talk about the open space Grant yeah I was waiting for the next no this is all new business so feel free I hope you on the agenda business public comment no it's public comment so um that would be under public comment so hold on real quick do we have any that goair te what time up do we have any other new business John nope anybody all right so close it out go ahead Mark uh a bunch of uh first of all God bless chrisy follow he bailed out of the election campaign uh uh first of all we did you never finished your sence what was it you said and then got to the national area you it's just I'm feeling very much even in this in the my first meeting this is that is something that would impact the entire committee that we just need to elevate I mean it sounds like you're some reason the Natural Area 44 contiguous Acres yeah right there is a natural area committee Karen is the head of that and then a is on Ran So it's going to get back inpector with Brian there's the policy arm and then there's the advisory arm so if if you're confused been on the committee for seven or eight years and I'm confused what hell how Brian's been here and he's like we don't understand I'm not confused I know what's going on polluted that you would feel that they would be so disjointed from everything else and we were kind of told this year it was going to be a news thing where all the environmental these committees would kind of come together yeah I mean that that stemm from the Round Table that we organize and I think it's we have a stronger voice if it's kind of one fa and it's good there's continuity with Brian on your committee has the leaz on as well as yeah because Tracy this is um so I was going to say on ER Jesse I flip through rumson's ER it's a beautiful document it's 83 Pages it's from 2022 I don't know if you've seen it no it you get a chance you should take a look at it it's absolutely beautiful you could steal a bunch of that you we can also reach out to see who help them you don't need the they're right up on Fair hav pretty good it is it's a great document and thanks for so's been that way since I was a little kid no thank you for that I'll definitely take a look at that regarding the rain Gardens question just how many are there in town how many are there currently built there are two three there's two at no there's two Atwood and one no the both two Atwood are rain Gardens we combined it with a pollinator Garden okay but it was originally they're both rain Gardens on the the east side and then on the South Side the more one on the south side and then the one here which is the original one that was done when I started on this 20 something years ago and I think council is doing one with their uh with their projects I don't remember where specifically oh doing a rain no the rain gens are depressions and pollinator Gardens are you know plants and flowers and such which we yeah no W so the answer is three three okay so then the question is how many rain Gardens could a two square mile town it's one square mile so um there's not according to Z what do they know about us so anyway um com so a lot so to answer your question directly is 12 we built two okay there's the the other one as I pointed out Nativity won't work so there's really 11 viable and then uh acne there was some there but that was all renovated and redone with retention basins and everything there's no place to put one an AC me anymore either the biggest place is knights we found a new spot so let's take Nativity and move that one to marter so there there was 12 slated we did two at no one you identify 12 slots and you I didn't ruers it oh this was done a study done by r of of T of abruptors group at ruers it study is on our website face Gary doesn't even know Gary wasn't here no read Chris and Bron's group at ruter which is storm water management team they came over here they did the study of the flow and they identified 12 areas of Fair Haven that it would make sense to put in how many do you think your committee we're going to do one one in 2024 that's the plan so far okay just want to get those numbers um regarding mcarter did anyone report how much it cost that's up to council how much what cost the bid I know the bid was 120 Grand I don't know what was the final cost that's that's above our pay grade is that number ever going to be disposed sure it's a public number it's a public number it's on the bill list sure it's on the list it's on the bill list and you that's between new and Council it should that isn't enough yeah all right I to kick that one them regarding the Third Street Trail and the money that was the clawback money or whatever we'd be interested in doing that same Arrangement not the clawback part but same similar arrangement for trees in 2012 everybody's asking for money yeah geez I feel like I'm in my office 1300 it's not a lot of money it's not a lot of money n it's a lot of money but then we ask for it it's all of a sudden it's a lot of money um so you're you want to put in for the budget $1,300 for trees for the Third Street shop I'm not putting into question I'm asking to consider what is the what is that that same with that whatever 1300 but we have to do it differently obviously yeah you know what I'm talking yeah same but okay so we have to redraft that and you we'll put it in and it goes to a vote for the for coun for maybe should somebody should sit down and have a beer with the bu administrator and say B administrator I will never have a beer with the buau administrator um and then don't put that no my wife thees and I we don't have sit down and get a beer there's no reason to I don't know if Teresa drinks beer but um we basically need to put all together look at our budget look at what we have you know as earmarked for our budget if we can get a two% increase from 2023 and then it goes to a vote just like yours did in you know the end of last year to see what you know it's not up to it's up to the commission right okay and then the last last one was uh in the article in Two River times on Friday Mammoth County open space Grant they issued $6 Million last year um a five square mile Town adjacent to us have the largest piece of property is 23 Acres met Ridge park across the Ridge Road is a 44 acre piece of property Fair Fields adjacent to that is develop bunch of ball fields another 30 acres and then north of that is about 8 Acres which is the third street trail we got zero and I spoke to Mammoth County or the consultant to Mammoth County County who administered those grants we did not submit a grant and we have submitted Grant excuse me we not submitt an application for Grant we have in the past is your committee capable of requesting a grant from MTH County open space or does that go to Grant committee well it would go to the grant committee which Kelly is part of I'm not part of it I thought you were no I'm not part of it you should so so what what so I think that and and I don't know 100% but I'm going to go out on Lim that what would if you don't know you don't know that's okay I don't know I don't I know that there we have submitted grants through EC yes do we have a number and do we have a project that would fit in under the opes of the grant for M County open space so if that was brought to us we would definitely submit it we've gotten a number of them in the past yes we have and just I don't think Mark said this but in it lists the towns that got money and it's almost every single Town pickles Park two and a qu Acres got $90,000 it's totally developed so then I think that you got to go if we're going to say it's open space and we want to do it for the um for the what am I trying to say natural it's fairen fields for me okay so um and you have a project and and you have to know how much money we're going to ask for would definitely support to to do that sure but you have to you have to look at the grant you have to look and you speak more about it than I can so go ahead well I was just going to say I think the question that comes down to is who is the one that's looking for these grants right is it his responsibility to look for it and bring it to our attention is it our is it supposed to come through our desk who gets this grant information because clearly every other municipality on the peninsula and in our vicinity got it and applied for it and they were awarded it it I think it would come from us to the town and the town has to file for it but how do we get a a privy to when this say do we have to act like I'm I'm just wondered do we have to go out there and look for this trying to elevate it so it gets on to your agenda gets into the minutes and gets into Brian's ears that this I think there's there's money out there is here Brian hold on one second is she here no Oh I thought you said she was was because that would hold on one sec because that would come under Teresa so if we have she's got she gets a list all the grants who's she Teresa okay KAS well this is administrator she they get a list of far as I know of every Grant that's that we can apply for I'm sure so I think we should ask Brian I think I think we should just ask for next meeting for a list of the grants we've gotten over the last 10 years I care so much about the ones that we've gotten I care about ones that we can apply for I understand specific purp yeah why why that well I just think again we're question questioning whether or not we've put in for everything I think we should know I don't I don't have off the top of my head how many grants we've gotten I can tell you we've gotten a bunch but that's all I can say at this point off the top of my head you know that's true I don't know that we applied for the M County open this grant in 20123 so there is an opport in 2024 it has to be submitted by sometime in July it'll be ised in late October so I'm just trying to raise the awareness of the EC let get involved and try to identify some projects and try to get some that's what I was getting at I I would test out to your Council representative the aison and let him bring it up to the council to move forward with the administration the proper CH command to let Administration look into it that it's a recommendation from this uh and get us and get us a list of the gr this way official on we support they should can you vote on a formal resolution but you know it was all like front page of the Two River times and we were the and it lifted all the municipality so um it would be a good thing to have can we you can resolve to investigate we can do a res resolution to request request the um the open grants for 2024 and then will go to the list of our you know entities right yeah and see which grants we should apply for now this is a matching grant program too so it gets a little bit complic that's a problem not necessarily a problem because it is in this town not necessarily because you could have residents that might raise some money maybe you know it doesn't hurt to explore 100% no that's what I'm saying 100% that's all I got thank you just and this is I don't know being new to council but is there any collaboration or interface between us and the grant committee and other and the grant committee and other commissions like how what comes through them that they say hey this might be of interest or we you know some kind of discussion and collaboration back and forth like what grants are they looking at that hey I don't know I know throughout the year Christy does send us emails um you should get them all directly from an Jack now that I'm I just right but those are the gr that we have done right no no no they're saying that anj grants should be sent to us that are available to us and then we can apply for right but we have applied for them but I'm just saying what does the grant committee apply for and how because you know what I mean like what do we have to apply for everything that we want to do include this open SP Grant or is that the under the office of the grant committee start what your need is somebody has to say we identified a project it's going to cost $80,000 and I think you have to start that way but I'm just trying to wear raise the awareness of DC yes and liaison that we should be talking to Mammoth County and saying hey we can't just submit a grant just because we want money correct there has to be a project for that which we come up with a project 100% there's plenty of Pro s in the town that probably fall under some of the grant um details right that we would apply for but we have to know what grants are out there and I yeah to your point so come through an Jack and through M County open space are we going to vote on your resolution do we have enough to vote on resolution so if you want to make a motion yes sure yeah make a motion that we forward to our counc Aon to look into 2024 grants that are available at State and county level grants available or grants be applied for I don't care what we app I want to know what we you know it's like they get money for Fair Road so what is out there and what are the specific requirements for those GR exactly you know and can you meet the need all right so there's a motion on the floor to pass a resolution any discuss um well we have to vote on it so you want to call roll call chrisy please okay what was the resolution to look into to have the town give us the grants that we have ability to apply for from the county from count count St and Jack we can look that up and yeah we get that but we get that to know that so we're not missing out on potential opportunities for all different committies and commissions so um hi everyone is understood on that resolution okay uh Anna anonin yes William dorer yes Kelly Flanigan yes Jesse Murray yes Gary Patterson yes John Peters yes yeah R yes passes that goes to you thank you um anything any other public comments All right so the Fair Haven EC welcomes comments suggestions and inquiries from residents of fair hav you must wait to be recognized by the chair identify Yourself by your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to three minutes there's a young lady in the back yes young lady in the back Bonnie Bonnie went for team Batman um I would just say with the grants and the whole environmental and what we're asking for is it just seems like there hasn't been much of a focus on it I mean this band of eight people and is been charge of this 404 acre and um the DPW is wonderful when we are allowed to have them and that's really I guess we're asking for just the give us more time because they prioritize a lot and they're stretch very thin because they blow up a lot of people so it's I mean we understand um and it's no criticism for the DPW at all just them being given to us to you know take down dangerous trees and pick up stuff that the volunteers bring in all that so um you know they've always been wonderful um I was just going to suggest about the rain Garden um if you put it in in June you're risking that the weather has already turned hot right I mean I wonder if maybe an Earth Day event would be better in April right because it's going to be cooler and if putting in a order for plants with um Pand Nursery do you do that cie I I've done we do you can call it in put the order in you have to put has to go through the P has to go through the T so we give purchase order to the town they approve it and they order it and then we go pick it up right so but do you speak with them yeah yeah any of us can speak with I tried and they said no I we can't I can okay I think J I still want because what I'm what I'm wondering is we're putting in this p a garden that covered by a grant yeah s Jersey a thiry trail we need some more plants piggy back we have the money that you don't have to pay but just like putting it in with an order it might be you know good to combine it how many plants yeah because I went down there last time I picked up 12 plants it's kind of a lot of fuel to pick up 12 plants well I would have to go to I'm not I'm not talking about that I'm saying to your point if we're going to get 12 and we need 30 somewhere else send one truck yes yeah I think we could I don't have any we don't have any orders for plants yet but she we we will be because we have that pollinator Garden grant that needs to be completed by May and this is part of our right so we're going to be having to put in order so B is saying let's combine together order and I'll submit it to so Bonnie um a thought just came with I saw the list of locations that are signaled for the rain Garden one of them is Smart Start I don't know where exactly but um just kind of combining we're constantly trying to figure out ways to um drum up support for this farmers market and one of those is a pathway connecting River Road and small business district to behind sickles to Willow where the farmers market will be something to think about would be having the community in the spring to kick off the market help plant are there beds there that's what I'm wondering is where exactly it would be but to in collaboration with the green team you know to put people people can come by and stop and learn and just we're we're thinking of that cross traffic the cross street um connectivity and if that's a location that is necessary for it that's something that we could work on and signaling it out working with Smart Start to say like this is what we're doing it for you know just to keep that in mind while you're ordering the plans for all we have to do is uh is a have a meeting with Smart Start to see if we're allowed to do it their property just like we did when well the parking lot is owned by the bur yeah but it's still Smart Start so but that's fine I'm sure they're not going to have a problem with it and speak that parking lot that West Market lot owned by the burrow yes I understand that but the property itself where we're going to dig is is not in the parking lot right you have to see where the line is I don't I don't know where the line is cut Columbus you said they redoing their parking lot that yeah Ian would they consider putting in gravel is there any reason they have to have that gravel doesn't do us any good it's not imper it doesn't it becomes impervious over time so in order to do an impervious parking lot you have to use impervious coverage Oh's not imp at all go to Vermont it's actually worse yeah because now you have dirt and every runoff and all that so over time it compacts and you go to Vermont or any of these Town go to Brown dock or whatever these and you see the Sheep flow of the water just going across it it becomes so people put it down thinking they're doing the right thing but it's actually it's actually a detriment well then maybe I mean would there be you know a perious surface that they might be able I don't know a traffic that actually get is it really heav used yeah but you were they are thinking about the plans to include landscape and Rain Garden right so the parking lots real quick to do impervious coverage it's about 20 to 30% more cost and if it's not maintained it becomes we do perious coverage becomes impervious if it's not maintained so it gets you know salt and and dirt and sand and stuff that build up and it comes impious and that was also one thing going say about rainard easy to put in it's maintain yeah maintaining just put one in Victory Park you know they have a down off that little B bath they had somebody that they found that they did rainard installation it was a pretty big deal I mean putting in the pipes putting in the gravel I don't know that anyone here is qualified to do that that we might need somebody that actually is qualified to put in a there's no down spots in the Carter right it's not done did you have a down no there's nothing at thearters there's no down there's no building at the we did we did we did it all at no wood and it's all working just fine can argue with itead well I did just we didn't do that's maintenance doesn't all we're doing is putting in it the maintenance of it is not well it needs to be part of the plan it's not we're not going to do it the EC no one said they would maintain it with the kids days yeah that's fine that's fine but that comes under the Green Team No it's not always on the Green Team wait a minute wait a minute wait I know all about no they said they would maintain it with the kids and the green team so they have to take it up with J mile it's not something that I'm going I mean you guys can volunteer it's fine I'm not going to stop that but the maintenance of them it's at no they said they would maintain it never have like we can say that we're put those in and then that's it 100% but that's not right well said but I understand that but who's going to do it we should do it that's on us if we're setting this president to say that we need to put these rain guard when we talk to no what and you could look at a notes or we can go over there and talk to them they said yes you can put them here and we said who's going to maintain them they said they would the Garden Club might have said something I don't remember 100% but it was never said that the EC was going to be tasked with maintaining the Gard 100% it was part of the plan no would said they would do okay that's the plan that's correct I don't know at mccarter's pond it's gonna come under the town and you know what's gonna happen there no we can have or you say to the green to the Green Team and to the Garden Club and say can we work in collaboration pessimistic view of this whole experience it's not at all it's not at all it's realistic is the problem and if we talk to the green team right we talk to the Garden Club and say hey can we work together right just like we're trying to do with the roundt and everything else we will put together the team to build them will you do the M you can have volunteer days 100% you can have volunteer days to do M sure you can but how many volunteer days are you going to have where you run out of volunteers well we're gonna try that would be through the green team do that would be through the Green Team it's not just always the Green Team yeah I think that if we're if we are mandating the building of these if we're we're bringing in Ruckers like it's not just the execution of the Green Team it has to come from that's part of the GRE te we can say poliy apply a little longer here's here's a proposal is we have somebody on the EC that's that's tasked with putting together volunteers to do this or something like that so we have a organized fashion to do that yeah building one and if you're if you're setting up the build of these what is the point of building this if it's not going to be maintained that just seems that seems counterproductive it's the same as Old Town entirely right that's right but it's not it would be a little bit of a downshift but you could do you could do your rain Garden on U birthday and then every year do the maintenance on it it could be all part of that I didn't mean to say that it's I didn't mean to say that it's not 100% our job we don't have the manpower to do it so it go to a volunteer day however somebody wants but that's our job to set up it is it is it is 100% just like we you know we had the the stormx put down there at the faan dock and and it was one of my big things there's no sense putting a net once it's full it's full so we had to work with DP W and say hey will you guys maintain it when we insult sure because it's nothing that we're going to do you know I don't think that we need to be out like you know we're not that was my point yes but if we are we are responsible for these and it can't just be we have to you have to figure it out with another organization or however to figure out how to maintain them 100% it is set up at lwood that way okay that sense that one last thing um January 23rd at MTH University um is speaking um a wonderful native plant Guy enologist at University of Delware and it's um the shade Tre commission actually gets um we get if people attend um we get our um C so if you go and I highly recommend I mean I'm telling you reading his books hearing him speak it's so enlightening it is why I'm such a nut PL Andries um and so just check in there'll be a student checking and you can get credit for the shade question if you got it's free it's free on the 23rd of Jan in the Tuesday what time 7 7 at night yes uh just a quick uh mark 220 Cambridge quick public comment to new member anonin I think it's brilliant Anna Anna Anna remember Anna I think it's a brilliant observation 100% that and Tra I can draw a line to council Cole said this about 21 fa Road um maintenance is expensive and it just gets fluffed away so we make these commitments we buy you know it's a two square mile Town 1.5.5 1.5 some odd acres and the amount of money that this community commits to maintenance it's a little bit embarrassing take something like the bird sanctuary five acres gorgeous Acres people don't go in there it's disaster the Third Street Trail was a disaster the Natural Area there's it's all volunteer hours supplement always been an issue it is always an issue and I think she makes a great observation what's the point that's right not if you're not going to do the maintenance the point of a rain Gard is yes is to have the plants have floor I've said that for 2ome years Mark and maintenance is expensive we're going to buy another piece of oh we already bought it another piece of BR I know also the import having updated point out all these things and having a plan for maintenance that hopefully the DPW can be a part of so that's that's kind of all is it's all unfortunately we can't manage things on Hope but that's all we have at this point we'll see what happens new Administration but it's anal always has always has been thank you any other public comment uh yes um Dan gal I'm bringing you over hi Dad you can unmute yourself uh okay my name is Dan scalco um I live over at 33 mcarter Avenue and uh for the past few years we've been having some issues with the creek in our yard flooding um so we live behind the fair Heaven Fields um woods and the creek that runs from dairy pond in the woods goes through our property under marter Avenue Road and then goes out towards um the river and um so every time it rains now we've been having a lot of backup um going into our yard um and uh often times it's coming within like 75 to 50 feet of like our front door um and I actually grew up in this house and I purchased it with my wife about three years ago and the flooding from when I was a kid compared to now is completely different um I do know my my mother had been trying to also get this fixed um when she owned the house and um so I'm kind of just picking up in her her footsteps um where she left off I know in the past they have done something where they had um like jettison like water in there to try and like um clean it out um so yeah I just wanted to put that out there um Tracy Cole told me to uh come by leave my comments um so I'm happy to answer any questions um that you might have there we used to do Ralph used to organize it where we would do a fourth Creek Walk that's the name of the creek from dairy Pond all the way out to the river um we can bage point put together a volunteer day to do another walk because it it obviously gets clogged up in certain areas of the the Stream coupled with you know more rainfall obviously which we talked about earlier um so we can put together a um volunteer day to um walk forth Creek that's the Sewer Authority to scope it yes that that is that's so the so you're think so you're on the south side of mcarter uh yeah so I'm right at the corner of Maple and Mar Carter um and so that so if we so to John's point it's not backing up it's backing up after him John yeah I have a bunch of photos after after the cul running under MC yeah exactly so it's it's the Culvert that is that has trash or uh wood and just garbage in it it's just not flowing correctly um and so what ends up happening is it actually goes over into the street so if cars actually drive by you're going to be in like at least like six inches of water when it gets like really really bad we would have to put in I mean again it's going back to DPW and taking care of their right so part is that we should make a recommendation through Briant to have DPW go and check the lower Culvert let's call it from Maple right so to the north of you um and clean it out and if they won't then then then we have to get volunteers together to do it the town's job well it's the town's responsibility it is but well yes it's all the town responsib it's maintenance it's maintenance so so Brian you I guess make note of it please and uh just scratching his head so thank you um we will um send that up the line also see what happens okay is there anyone that I could just keep in touch with just so I don't lose track of this I've been trying to uh get this on the radar for the past few years can we get a follow up on this yeah you have my email address so just email me and and I'll get a uh we'll have an update from Brian uh if not by the next you know before the next meeting uh any inro if not by the next meeting to see what the town is willing to do to clean it out can I also suggest that you send photos I think um photos of this stuff is really also I do who can I who can I send those to right me you have my email okay I just you perfect yep yep this could be you know like the the photo we saw of the flooding at the the base of third street um of Third Street on across from the Columbus club and their backyard when they took that video of that flooding and this and then this goes paints our picture visually of why storm water is such an issue why we need to have maintenance education ring Garden it's all connected so um maybe we can gather these videos and put together a post you literally be a whole entire like appendex to the ER of what the maintenance plan is you know for all the open space of here's all the different things that again here's all our open space here are all the priorities of what should and we can have and Visually just why it's a priority for Council as well right and we have to have their Buy in to do it that's where that's where we're missing to Anna's point is the Buy in from the town to take the responsib I think at this point given these issues I think we should ask the town engineer to come to the next environmental commission meeting sure to talk about this yeah yeah sure and perhaps if he doesn't respond we can ask him to the next environmental commission meeting who is he no I'm talking about the the town engineer Rich Cardella or no my point is if we don't want to respond to these issues then perhaps you can come to a few meetings yeah yeah maybe three meetings deal with we should be able to deal with this at least know what's happening I'd like to know what's happening yes the town is doing several micro projects within the town how many of these projects are involved at store Mor management for example at the end of Buttonwood where it meets lynon those storm grates not hooked up to anything that's part of the project so I'm saying looking at the overall picture how does this impact the problems that we see today we don't have what's the maintenance schedule of them cleaning them we also they have to be cleaned out right but I'm just saying what projects are they specifically doing impacting storm water management and these issues that we that are coming up report right but it'd be nice to see that for example I know marter has overflowed numerous times I've seen it is that being addressed with their project as far as I know no and that's that's the issue with the Culvert being um first scoped and see but it we believe it's clear we don't know 100% And then it comes down to again additional you know more rainfall more rain events that we have today that the Culvert probably isn't large enough but again until we get an engineer in there but I'm just saying is we already the town is doing the reports let's get an idea of what the town is doing the town is doing no they they have they have to do a storm water water storm water management plan and they have to follow but my my thing is they already put out the contract for all these different storm Water Management areas yeah I haven't seen it yeah it was passed by the council a couple months ago so I'm just saying it was passed by Council so what are they doing to address these issues I think it's important that we should know that should be in the contract right well it should be there should be a contract should be a contract work in a contract right there there probably things that are not in that contract the point is I think we should get we just need to know the scope of work that's all we don't need to right finite you know detail okay thank you thank you thank thank you D oh there's somebody standing here in a white coat sweating and a sweater she probably wants to get out of here she's in it I'm sweating L I was sweating earlier I just t-shirt on she hey can you hear me okay yep right awesome all right raing go yeah this Ray 256 for Haven Road um I've been we've been living here for a little over five years now um and I've been meaning to join these calls for a while now finally forc myself in 2024 um I know it's l i just a couple quick comments number one the I thought the Christmas tree idea is a really great idea um that's a pretty interesting one I totally forgot that rumson's doing that so happy to help there wherever um you're looking for volunteers the other comment I was going to make is I am more than happy to help with um this rain Garden idea trying to figure out everything with the maintenance I think it's a super awesome idea um I think everyone here would be surprised at the amount of people in town who would volunteer to help out with these things um so happy to dedicate some of my personal time to figure out you know what that maintenance plan would look like so um I don't know what next steps would be there but you have my email I'm happy to help I have it we have somebody who's jumping on you right now you're GNA be part of the Green Team by the end of this night thank you right everybody you're gonna start yeah you're gonna start biding over you so sign thank you and you have my email Ray so anytime please reach out yeah I appreciate it thanks all all right thank you Ray yep sweaty hello not that bad back there my name isy I am ra neighbor I live at 263 Bar Haven Road and it seems like now might be a good time to bring up the videos that I sent Chrissy earlier as far as my hearton um let's go to the video tape am more than happy to coordinate volunteers being ready talked about this as far what's your email address yeah um and R and multiple other neighbors of ours would be more than happy to coordinate volunteer days and help any way we can with the bring [Music] that's let's go to the video tape okay well these are the videos of all right got you of the flooding right yeah the flooding that a bottom thir it make it larger I'm kind of play saying it's not supported you didn't pay the internet bill try again looks like an image oh yeah just you un it's going to play should be it's just a video see the two arrows the bottom underneath right right there that do anything but the video because the video is not populated are those the same videos we had I don't know if TR send it to you guys potentially picture essentially the same thing okay but it definitely overflowed last yeah I mean that would be the fourth time within the past year so any kind of storm water management plan assistance you need I'm also in for that you can issue life jackets yeah yeah I've just bought one I just bought one yeah don't buy anymore I have a garage filled in all right so that show that a it just keep overflowing just on that North End does it overflow into your property as well yeah yeah but mostly just on this North into Lyon right I think this is caused by Clogg no it doesn't have I don't think it's clogged I just think it's it's the amount of rainfall we get they can't handle the the Culver going under Fair Road and not to mention that there's concrete there's you know the dirt there nothing sinks in it's just embedded concrete as well too just the flow off you right all the flow nothing infiltrates the problem may be is the elevation no matter if we put a bigger pipe there your elevation now is not high enough right so you you could put a bigger pipe but how much you're only as good as the flow on the other side of that pipe so I dare say what'll have to happen and I'm not an engineer but have been around water forever is you'd have to build up a bulkhead on that side to hold it you could put in two pipes Ryan but I understand that but the the amount of water that we get you're you're still not you're only as good so you put in two pipes but it goes into one well if it doesn't go into one it's still notum you're not going to be able to get rid of that volume of water so you're gonna have to build a barrier or a bulkhead there to raise that level here's what happen no no hold on you're gonna increase the capacity the pond the people in that live on the pond are going to get pissed because now it's talking about the flow of the P right Gary doesn't matter John if you put in two 12inch pipes and it goes into a 6 inch pipe well don't go to six inch pipe what's so you have two TW go into a 12 it doesn't matter no carry it through carry right they're gonna they're going to dig up all fair to put in I mean that's exactly what has to happen it's not going to you know the pipes aren't big enough to handle the one I'm pretty sure Fair Road phase one is part the project that we're doing so that might be might be it being addressed I don't know I know they very optimistic I don't dise that but we have but this is the problem man is pipes can't handle the flow just no different than electricity the infrastructure that's problem no and last thing if you scroll down to the P that for what it's worth um once the hydr rain trucks left a they're gonna I would imagine I'll go out on limb that they're going to take care of that in spring when they're but only because we walk it every day and how it's that section that's when they first got there I didn't I hav to take a a recent photo but um it's basically unwalkable at this point walking stroller we can't we can't even it's we can't pass through there at all there's no sidewalk on there no sidew there so that might be the in the phase of Fair Haven Road they might be putting in sidewalks on that side I'm not sure I don't think so no I haven't looked at it so we have to we' have to address that with Town hopefully when the pond starts to rele these mounds and they when they Harden it's going to be really dangerous we have the I would um go council meeting and talk to him but we'll see her Council has a lot but again that goes into maintenance issue with the town well with the with the company that didn't I mean they should be clean break it and E it out they should they should grade it but this is where I think but again we have to ask the Bure administrator in the town to see what one who deal with them oh yeah it had nothing to do with us correct so so you understand it pres we get to a project we suggest it to um the council they go out to bid then it's their oversight it's not ours anymore yeah right that's how that but this mcarter Pond has been a little Pet Project like a our baby project here for a very long time well yeah but I seen it come full circle and this is why we're saying there needs there's a lot of potential for rehabilitation of that bank of that that pond um that can serve so many benefits not only just aesthetically appealing but also serving as a purpose of a of of a buffer of infiltrating some of this warm water and I think that um this could be a great opportunity for the E to kind of put in some of our practices and in real life there and it be like a beacon I mean it is a we wrote a grant for this um because that's where we wanted the rain Garden to be but marara park is a icon of of our town um stable yeah you know and and many people like for leisure activities for aesthetically for environment you know that's what it is it's Ice Pond it's an Ice Pond for the M estate and there's potential for and I think these these you know we've talked about the having like a friends of marter Park just educating people about why not using pesticides on your lawn or limiting that buffering like you do on your property as well people the property owners surrounding I used would be you're in the house not on the pond parking lot and then the greenhouse next to where the garden the rain Garden would go and then I'm the next one you're two two or three in uh yeah two in so you're on F even Road you're the second house in to the South yeah gotcha um okay so yes oh sorry uh do you think it'd be worthwhile with all these storm water ises to have the town engineer come to the next meeting to answer some of these questions Rich for well it would be Nick porensky is our he's the stor Water Management um Le well the reason I'm suggesting is because he's well right but he's also in charge of DPW and he also knows all these projects so I'm just saying he might be a we can ask we can invite rich and see if he would maybe we can go through our Council representative oh so I I think let's be honest I mean there's a reasonable expectation for someone to come that's all someone from the you know we have two engineers in town right i h both them come we have zoom so he doesn't have to yes to that can answer these questions on the council um you know I've written down I counted 10 things and the bandwidth just I don't think it's there that's why I'm trying to ask for you know your one priorities one or two priorities I can carry that more effectively than 10 things yes it just isn't going to get the band with but we can definitely Christie send an email to Rich and Nick ask them it doesn't have to go through Council we can ask them that can help you get educated those guys Valen Valen ran it could be worse you could send me no I'll go say hello I'm out nobody wants that go ahead Dan just reported a flooding issue is there a list of all of the people in town who have flooding issues is there a list of those people and and points where the problem is well the short problem is is the rain and not properly running off on the river I mean he's on a creek and yes so there's a blockage down street Michael who we've all heard Michael Dei it's run off I think it's it's the developing behind her on yes was not I just wonder if there's a masterless one he sounds like he's been trying two or three years to get attention I would say there is a list at the town I don't know that's up to the to now that the complaints would go to the bural not to the EC yes they just call the main office and then we so there's but but this is also why like asking for some of these photos and a directory of this especially as we're trying to educate about storm water we're trying to um make more stringent storm water policy in town and why it should be a priority for Council and maintenance Etc I think it's important for us to also catalog especially these people that are coming to our meeting and showing this yes it is it's on matter of public record once they do it right but also you know I'd love to have the photos and catalog and as we thinking about making our presentations our pamphlet and everything else Grant exactly you know thank you um motion to adjourn unless we have any other I didn't see any hands any other hands online no further public comment thank you motion somebody to make a motion