yeah so I guess all right calling it to order then um can read the noce this is a regular meeting of the environmental Commission of the burough of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on April 10th 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the raised hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the two R times in the Star Ledger on January 26th 2024 posted on the burough website the Bolton Board of the municipal building and has remained continuously posted to Ard under the statute with adequate notice having been given the environmental commission secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting just in time PL of Allegiance you start right I PL alance to flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible andice right I wasn't the last one all good all right the call Anna an here here Susan Gary patteron here John Peters here ran rice here also present councilman Olsen and secretary Larson you have a thank you everybody here approval of the March 13th meeting minutes any questions directions and motion to approve I abstained I wasn't thank you current business all right um I know I I watched the meeting since I wasn't able to make it and I know there's some discussion an ER subcommittee there's some emails going on WE unfortunately didn't weren't able to meet prior to tonight um but I think next Monday works frombody and if there's anybody else that wants to be part or help out with the er um John I know you mentioned maybe last time that you'd want to be a part of that too or interest or just with maps solely yeah I'm happy to help out just give me a guidance okay great thank you um I guess we can coordinate time know Monday I don't know where what time I think Seven's a good time for me that work for Monday evening yeah is that the request yeah seven next Monday should be okay and then I guess just like the location um Chris you know if Bisal Hall will be open by chance or yeah I can look upstairs and let me know all right if not we can just we'll coordinate email then and then um you can use my office if you want I don't charge a lot okay are you guys right are you you want zoom I have zoom it sounds like from the last meeting that it's gonna be something that we're gonna undertake but I think we just need to get a group together to figure out how to divide and conquer um I was I did review the um the romson ER and I really liked the end of it how they had that whole section on suggestions so I think I'm kind of leaning towards like maybe we can have just some like minor updates to the actual report and then just maybe have that section on some highlighted um suggestions and recommendations like um rson did I really like that I think that might take away from all the initial like appendices and things that we were talking about doing and adding to it um since we don't have um a consultant working on this um so I think maybe that's found the way to go for right now and then with those suggestions maybe that can lead to in the future maybe get a consultant to actually pull some of these documents together that we want to do so those are some thoughts I had initially but um looking forward to chatting with the group I guess on Monday and have some more next meeting and if anybody wants a copy obviously you should all have a copy of ours but if anyone wants to take a look at that from too prior to that me we have that is this the one right here just make sure no that's Ruckers so the er um it's posted obviously it's on our and Christie's also emailed it everybody oh here it is the annual report of the department not the annual report no the 2017 document the 2017 Department resource inventory oh here it is resource inventory all right that's it all right if you're missing anything just I can all right so guess we'll have some more updates at the next [Music] meeting uh storm water management Jesse and Kelly um so I know talk has been about just getting that document that brochure do it yourself kind of call effective suggestions um I have that um but Jesse and I will be yeah and talk about that further it up but that's all I have no we've been me to no together we're gonna connect we've we've been busy yeah it's been czy uh RoR Anna and Kelly again um ring Garden for we [Music] have I haven't we haven't kind of together well we haven't but we're um I know the last conversation we had at the last meeting was that we believe will be able to earmark some funds from the Estuary art show that's happening next Friday at um by Centennial Hall and um it was uh out outlined that the am Church the current Church would be a location for a rain Garden so our thought process was we could um you know potentially build one there with some of the money that we rais from the art show so I circulated that to the group that's in charge of the art show everybody was obviously on board um once we're done with the show on Friday it goes through Sunday we'll have a better idea of what we um come out with and what we can all to it so I'd be happy to give you guys an update once that's done what's the location again CH so it's um it's on the it's one of the Rucker's uh recommendations from the 2017 report it's right on right outside the am church right on um by and one of the thoughts too was because they've been so generous to the town for using their parking during the construction that it might be a nice you know way to help out you know pay back and beautify help establish a a green garden there which was also recommended to help but it's just a nice testure as well I remember there was some back and forth with you and Teresa and me about uh burrow property so that the issue with the anjac rant that for $1,500 for a rain Garden that we were telling to talk about is that it has to be on public property yeah and so this is not on public property but perhaps as Anna mentioned using some of the funds from the Estuary whether we have funds in our budget we want to include um whether it's just volunteers and donations um if the EC wants to get a ringu out there and wants to kind of take action on this report that was delivered to us seven years ago it's still valid and haven't we haven't done anything but the no wood rain Garden on that of the 12 or 10 locations we did 11 yeah this was this would be a good way to kind of check that off the box and it seems like an appropriate time um after you know with the completion for towards that police station good y definitely keep on me if you need me yeah because the requests come in 10 at a time and I only do one at a time so they get backlogged so just keep don't don't let me drop it sure sure and we um and obviously rain Garden you ideally want to do it um either in the spring or the fall but it looks like probably this timeline will probably be better situated for the fall because you have to get the Buy in to from the church y it's their property um see what the funds are um and it might just be better to do it in the fall anyway because of um that's go dormant so it's a great time of year to do it it's not as hot you don't need as much stress you know with water in and everything and that way we can have a plan yeah sounds good I'm trying to let my wife into my parents house hey an can you just remind what what time is the Art Show do you do you happen to know like I know it's but it's the 19th from 5: to8 um and then the art the uh you can go in throughout the weekend if you miss that and come see well we're leaving the art up all all weekend in this Chapel so aome thanks great thank you did you say the art show is fish or B it's historic sorry yeah it's the same yeah it's at B sentennial Hall but change and that's the 19th next Friday Friday and that's adults only Friday correct that's correct it's adult Saturday and Sunday is kids okay tuxedo yeah Formal Wear yeah the art is for sale sale will benefit the market my neighbor SP command yeah okay thank you um know speak that Kelly's on fire yeah Green Team right that it Y and then you're good um yeah stuff happening with green team um is love where you live day we're getting ready for love where you live day and we really um would use any of the help from the EC and and from volunteers that we can get it is for Sunday May 5th from 1 to 4co De Senco Deo we will have do bit there selling um oh Mexican food okay and Mexican band so it's gonna be a great time why not it's a big celebration and it's thir Street Trail yeah it and the thing is it's going to be on Third Street Trail um different from bent bent is a wonderful place it's getting a lot of d love and attention but there's other places in town that need this love and attention um Third Street Trail has been a tremendous story of revitalization community effort volunteerism in this town and we want to celebrate that and show people what the before and after what has actually happened and taken place um who have been the the leaders of it the volunteers of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts um the baren club all these great people that have come together it is also the 50th anniversary of Fair Haven Fields when the community got together all groups did purchase that lot so celebrating that you know foresight and um that decision so it's going to be a great hopefully let's pray for great weather um we will also showcase a pollinator Garden which is the other po right the sustainable Jersey grant that we got that pollinator Garden will be planted and um some of it has been started but we hope to PL and have people help plant it that day as well how what is a PO Garden why to have it how can you do this at your house um some of the other um things are we're going to try to show people about invasives how to clear invas from your home as well um so it's going to be a great Community event and we are hoping for um any volunteers from the e or around town um to come by and and take a look it should be a fun afternoon are you going to have any before pictures like play yes because I mean they say pictures worth that like it you see the before and the after L um and there's just it's a beautiful spot and I think a lot of people Overlook it don't even know that it's there um and the potential of what we can then do with the remaining aage that's there to be cleared what about the bird Sanctuary so the garden club's invited she Tre all the Committees are um and we're still working on reaching out and kind of form that plan but do B is in should I will break out my S yeah seis actually I'm par Modell um thank you yes navn River uh we did have a meeting um and basically you know the water quality is continuing to improve um I don't I can I don't know if I have any data prior to the last time I shared it but if I do I'll send it to everybody from the state um but we're still on on pretty much on point or you know on schedule to have an upgrade unless something happens um that we can't plan by when um I don't know that's that's the tricky that's the tricky part as you know so it's done on a geometric mean so it's over a threeyear time span but uh it's looking good you know um the border is clear which doesn't mean it's clean um and we've taken care of some of the issues in our town in terms and it's all around people just picking up after their dogs even people think that they can just leave it on their own Lawns but most you know if you border a creek everything flows into the river so it's an educational thing um but I'm I'm I'm going to say within the within the year yeah um so yeah so that's really all I have on the river and mcarter pond I do have a resolution here from the town that was passed to award um the second I guess second phase of Haj raking project to aqua clear so I can share this with everybody but U I don't know when they're going to do it did they say anything in timing don't know so that going to cover the whole area so most so the from um pretty much the North End of the pond to probably about Midway 3/4 of the way to you know to the end of it was done so now they're going to do the back part okay um of the pond so we will see that done don't know timing but I guess as we get closer we find out but that's the resolution if everybody wants to look at it so that's good news uh dear mitigation we are on the agenda for May's meeting 13 right May 13 um so probably a good idea for some of us to show up at a meeting and um you know kind of give our you know I don't know how much we're going to talk about it but it's really to have Jody and her team from the state come in and and educate and and share you know some of their thoughts and and past um projects and you know that they've done with other towns and it's really again it's an educational thing um so we want to invite um some of the other like stakeholders to this such as like Rack or the Natural Area just to give them a heads up that it is happening so that's be educated yeah I think definitely reach out to U Carolyn from the Natural Area uh committee and let her know about it um DJ I don't know you know the rec committee but yeah it's definitely a good idea sure Reach Out impacts I mean I was just the baseball field and the te running right through the middle of the baseball time like you know so it's just I'm sure there's yeah yeah the um yeah I've been pretty vocal with the Shay Tree in naal area and the the point I would make is to have the Environmental Group supporting it I think goes a long way because it's counter it right to kill beer it's kind of anti- environment but when everyone can talk about how they eat the new trees and they you know all the damage they do um and having those groups locally supported at the meeting I think would be helpful for anyone on the council that's nervous about I'm going to vote Yes I'm going to vote to start as soon as they can right than because the damage far out ways um but I don't know if anyone else has hung up on the concept or not but that I think that would help a lot concerns they will definitely reach out to everybody more educated about it and and and yeah give them a heads up this is a good thing for the en% it needs to be done and it's the only option you know fortunately or unfortunately and we going towards a good cause on top of it yeah well that was my thing is that when I you know first thought about it was to really promote it as a you know good thing for the environment and then also yeah giving back to uh the community you know and not make it you know a hunt just to kill and you know for their own use uh so Gary do you have anything to add hi hey how are you um no I think think uh I think everybody's generally in support but um I guess it's just the logistics of the Hunt is that is the you know thing that we have to work out on our end um you know people are concerned you know about safety or you know or a you know or a deer whatever with an arrow stumbling into somebody's yard dying in the you know so I don't know if if they're going to get into any of the you know the logistics of the uh and how it's going to be done I'm sure people will ask about the St they'll ask and I can sign in you know I I know you know I have some of the statistics in my head in terms of you know if there's been any accidents between you know a hunter and a civilian which in the state there hasn't um you know but that I think that's going to be the major concern is the safety of it right yeah I mean I think you know all of us here are kind of in agreement you know that would be beneficial but that would be the first step to convince everybody that it's beneficial which I think should be not that difficult but sorry is it fair that I could say in the council meeting that the environmental Commission supports de is that is there anyone who opposes voted on it I think I support yeah I think we feels like it is but want to make sure yes you are favorite I would leave it as more of a mitigation plan versus a hunt I don't know if that's more yeah you know whoever that is versus a hunt so sounds better yeah I'm sure that you know any individual who's anti- hunting is always going to have isue and I've dealt with it my whole life um but I think it's an easier topic and an easier you know s sale when you're talking you know when everybody's getting you know have experiencing damage from the deer right um it's not just the fields so um once people understand it's really the only option you know it is what it is I think wasn't Christen that struck a deer in her car I believe so yes she's on the council so she had a personal Incident That's our current mitigation plan by the way right cars cars yeah yeah well that's pretty much it pretty much it side of the road yeah it is and um yeah it's yeah it's an issue so um um that's really all I have from the deer mitigation side so it was very good to see that it made the U you know made it on to a council meeting and the agenda simply go out the Thursday before um so I can forward the link to you know all the you guys and you can feel free obviously forward it to whoever great thank you yeah and I would say most of the people I've spoken to it about like just you know in person have been supportive of it you know but the concept of it anyway yeah the details or another thing anyway um planning board update and um yeah not really much to report from planning board we did a uh we discussed a minor subdivision last week so uh was an interesting an interesting proposal that was brought to us um did seem like there was some clear cutting on one of the properties that be was being sold so that I was hung up significantly on that if I'm being honest with you because um as the liais on to the environmental committee um some pretty large trees were taken down without approval um it kind of made me think think about the repercussions of something like that if that's you know if there is a fine that is you know issued to someone who preemptively takes down trees without seeking approval from Council or if that's um you know obviously maybe not in our hands but um yeah that was really kind of all that we discussed it took up the majority of the meeting last week uh I think there's going to be a few more things going uh on at the next meeting regarding even that same property so I can you know report back if anything happens but I do wonder who's responsible for clear-cutting those trees uh in a property like that the owner um was uh kind of pointed the blame on their landscapers which was super disingenuous um it just seemed like they were trying to pass the buck I I think that it might be time for us to consider some stricter tree ordinances if you know people are coming in and they just think they have the ability to cut down you know pretty significant large tree coverage in their yards without even knowing that it was right or wrong so that was really what I took from that last meeting Brian question yes do we know who the contract the landscape contractor was I I have not heard about this no again I think it's something we should query about because landscape contractors who work in the community should be aware of the laws and ordinances and if the owner is going to throw them under the bus and I think we should go after the uh the landscape contractor and throw them under the bus and maybe they'll turn around and throw the owner back under the bus but I you shouldn't just let it pass uh as a behavior you know yeah I think that there you know you can kind of you could see right through that that that was the that was who was to blame for it um but I agree I mean if all of the contractors in town are aware and it seems like the majority of them are like you cannot just cut down trees in this town it's a it's a process it's a massive process yeah I thought chrisy they have to know the rules don't they have they're that work in town in order to be to do any work in town you're supposed to be registered and when you register you get we get their certifications they're to go insurance they get our calendar when they're allowed to put stuff out um and then if you apply for a tree removal permit we proos check that to make sure their their um tree removal company is registered so that they know that they didn't apply that's that's the that's their it's their job though and that's their their job you know what I mean in a sense that we turn to them and say well you should have known and and then I I the question is who should be paying the fine for this the homeowner well it could be and again this question is really comes back to should that contractor be allowed to operate then should it be something that should be yeah I mean I think say okay can't work by the rules the shory commission has been working on a tree ordinance and we're we're still working on it um no but there's one in place you know there is one in place Brian I mean they they just decided to violate it but I was going to say that the the the two versions that are uploading both contemplate a penalty for this kind of activity yeah no I got that but I think again given the fact that they're registered contractors they should be the question is can they maintain that status if they violate the rules if they're registered sure and I have another question though too I understand this tree ordinance which is taking a lot longer than anybody wanted it to be to be revised um and in as a result our pre ordinance that we have right now isn't ideal it doesn't offer a sign that would disuade people from cutting down as much but I do agree with you John that I think that threatening their ability to do work in this town is is also a loss of business is a major step back and deterrent for somebody to do this type of work but the second also it's also going to tune up others who might think they should do this sure right I lost my license to do stuff in fairen you know they're it's no joke yeah it gives more teeth to it but you know apart from just the tree I want is there any way the environmental commission weighs in on that tree is not just in terms of a tree but the benefit of the storm water the benefit of the cooling uh shade effect the benefit of the cleaner air that all falls under the office of the environmental commission if there's any way that whether I don't know if it's like our input on that or you just make it a broader picture or like just the value of what a tree is to the environment of Fair Haven which is so much more than just that living being right I mean because we're talking about storm water and the river and just because it's clean does it mean it's a clean River and also the cooling effect and the air quality which we can get into air quality in Fair Haven and and what that index is is a whole another story those concepts are all talked about in both versions okay but I just wonder like does the does the easy weigh in on any of this should we I don't know do we have a part I don't know whatever who enforces so we have we have a code enforcement officer in town one of the uh members of the police department whenever I you know see something or get a call I call him right away and he's extremely um he's very diligent and he gets it uh so I I was not aware of this and you know it's going to be he said she said right it's going to but at the end of the day the homeowner has to take the responsibility right yeah know Brian but if they did the work illegally Brian if they did the work illegally then the contractor does have some role in this right absolutely but the fine and you know right now as the ordinance stands I don't believe that there is any fine no I'm not worried about a fine I just want to pull their ability to work and I don't believe there's any uh language in it that says that we you know have the authority to not allow that contractor come into town I don't know that well have we seen you know right I they agree to abide by the rules right in the signing of the signing of the agreement to work either they're a working illegally or B they're breaking the rules we said they agreed to work by yeah I have to look deeper into take a look at it right yeah I think it's just worth it leaving that experience I think it's worth it to um to to take a two to like a two-pronged approach to this like the homeowner completely disregarded the processes that were in place and I I told him that when people want to take trees down it is not an easy process and rightfully so they call in to they come into Council they speak in front of council they have plans and the fact that he was Brazen about this shows that he doesn't care about any of the rules that are in place so you know if that's the mentality towards this it's it's just an unacceptable precedent for for that to set and I think that we need to be more severe in the way that we're handling these even one-off situations you know leaving that I was like this is this guy just didn't he didn't care even if even if he even if he does get fined I don't think he would care but that's not the mentality that we should that's not what we should just allow it has to be stronger especially because more people are coming from out of town and they may not know the processes that are in place so you just have to I think that we need to step up and and put a little more um just put a little more severity behind this I don't think it's G to stop I wish this was the first time I've been to the rodeo but I've been around this one a few more times so yeah that's why I'd argue that we just want to make it difficult on the contractor because then maybe the next person will have a harder time finding someone to break the rules right yep yeah I agree it's a good different approach is there anything in there Brian I mean I know you're been you've been eyed on it and working with Shade Tree on this so I don't there is a requirement that the contractors have to be permitted but I don't think I don't all the mon ter fines run to the homeowner I don't recall anything and and there's an older version right that that still um is there the newer version is um a model ordinance created by the New Jersey shade tree Federation uh stay input from many people and that's the one I'm more familiar with it's like six pages the other one is 23 and I read legal documents for a living and I have trouble understanding it um and it's may be good but it's is really hard for me to grasp it so there's a simple solution just like with our dock building business the customer can say yep I have a permit right well I need a cop just like any other building project right we're doing our house I couldn't do anything until I gave the contract to the permits most contractors go get the permits themselves so should be in there that the contractor has to have a copy of the permit and then they know if they don't have a copy of the permit they'll not F the work that's it the first stop will be through the shade Tre commission that once they um you know agree on something maybe we can share it yeah that would be good I mean that's I know the last the last one went to zoning and planning and different groups and just it's valid and that we're all stakeholders in this right the trees are not just under the office of the shade free commission which I know that they are but like they they just they Stu too and having this you know maybe a different new approach of than putting it on the contractor or you know having that as a a punishment it's a simple thing they have to be registered with the town and they have to have a per yeah look it right it's like a zoning it's like a building variance a building violation what I said same thing yes same thing contractors will not do the work unless we they see the permit why should this be different and should be any different all right [Music] um Council update councilman Olen um let's see so we took a couple more steps with the burough administrator and the CFO so we're a couple steps closer it feels like we're we're getting close I know anything can change um that's sort of exciting um and then the brushing Leaf um the changes we're going to have a couple open houses here at burall Thursday uh this week and then on April 27th same kind of thing with the deer mitigation um I can tell you I have heard an earful and I'm sort of tangentially involved you know people don't like change um and so if we can get support from groups like the AC you know with friends and neighbors and come to an open house this is going to make the storm water problems a lot better it's going to keep things the pipes from getting plugged up by removing a lot of material that just sits on the streets so I can all Mo all of it um but I think it's going to go a long way so any help that you guys can give will be appreciated because a lot of people don't like to change um I'm personally of the mind that we if we implement it and then a year from now we if it changed again people would be mad about that too so change it's the initial change people are getting need to get used to it and but having having support from groups like this would help um would they be interested in having a table at love where you live day having representation idea um as there's a lot of brush that come from there you know just people coming in talking about how this is beneficial to the environment they might need to wear helmets but Drew Kristen okay um so the last thing is I want to talk about the budget um so we introduced the budget this last meeting and then it will be up for vote in the next meeting um it's my first budget I've learned a lot about the process um and working with uh our CFO and Teresa and Nancy um I was able to get some money for maintenance for the the Natural Area to battle invasives and I'm thinking now that I've been through it once it's a little bit easier for me to understand and I'd like this group to think about what we could do for next year's budget um there's three ways to spend money you get it in the budget at the beginning you do an emergency appropriation or you do a bond ordinance the last two are very hard yeah the first one is not the budget starts getting formed in the fall so things that's why I asked about the ER if you know if we're going to to a consultant that's the time right to bring that up and I can work to try to get it in I will tell you that um we have a couple of restrictive policies imposed on us by the state and one of them is our Appropriations cap which is the amount of money we can appropriate this doesn't it's sort of connected to what we spend but it's not not directly and we have very little room so we're bumping up against that ceiling all the time so is hard to get new items in but once they once they're in um they can be sticky and so something like you know5 or $10,000 or what making up a number for professional consulting services for the EC you know would be something that I think would be good um it just makes life a lot easier if it goes that route rather than you know the more difficult route um so if you guys want to think about I wouldn't do a big list because then that we get it'll be harder we have the money and we had to cut $550,000 out of our budget back in line with the with the regulations um so think just put that on your radar and think about it for the fall I'd love to be your Advocate and get some resources for you great thank you I just have a question going back um to love you day now does the EC want to have a table at L day and have a representation um talking about whether it's storm water in the river or rard or just thinking about what presence you see to have and highlight um anybody has or just think about that like what volunteers can come we'd love to have you like and if we want to kind of highlight storm water you talk about like the importance of clean up dog Wass and and again people still don't realize and we had that issue last year where I was hand delivering info sheets to the neighbors that lived on the creek that were where the waste was coming out and creating these you know High bacterial edings and the river you know so just again just kind of reiterating that um and how important it is um so if if that's what our team wants to do or talk about River and you know the storm water and highlight that um and then I have another question too Brian yes um what was um you mentioned AquaClear yes well it's um what is that so the uh I have a bunch of stuff there so it's yeah it's Aqua Tera environmental I can pass it around that's the vendor that's the vendor there's only from what I understand and the research that I did years ago there's really only two um there's only two companies in it's aqua clear um in the state that you know that does this process of of HRA raking sure the one we hired first we all know we have for that so is this the group that did this the second correct so from my standpoint there's only one that that knows how to that is reliable okay to do this work um so here's the if you want to look back okay all right uh [Music] um yeah when the first company came in I saw him unloading equipment and I was from there it was all brand new so gives you a little you know what's this button do yeah yeah so you want the guy with the old beat up shuck you know you know yeah um pants are all worn out yard so that's yeah thank you um yeah and so if anybody has any input on L day or anything but I think you know is it Wednesday suay Sunday May May yes may F 1: to 400 p.m. in the afternoon um rain date would be the 4th I can help out I can't talk about deer mitigation because I don't know enough about it but I can certainly talk about storm water perfect yeah and do we have a table we can do all so we will be having um DJ and DPW will be supplying tables so I'm trying to get a count on tables and then we can um display I believe we have literature on dog say we we can get that that brochure the storm water brochure you know that would be a good thing too to have a thei like you know low cost solutions that you can do rain Garden are rain barrel did you awesome all all the rain would be lot some do you want to talk about deer mitigation there um I can't do it I think dear we might want to say there is a a meeting coming up at Council to come learn more only yeah but only if they're Pro the thing negatives and then it comes so yeah so I think after the Jody's presentation it's very hard to not right agree I would say that if people sure you know bring up questions about it okay I'll definitely answer them um and anybody else that feels comfortable Oh They'll be there the deer will be there the other day I was I was U using one of my um battery power blowers and they're pretty loud and the deer just looked at Lally just sat there so okay well that would be great anyone else that wants to volunteer I think we could put a display on storm water yeah and we have that you know some literature yeah we have some we can print out some flowers and um for it maybe you could talk about the river too just you know their Trends and how to keep it yeah I get involved on social media with it and it's a big huge mistake because everybody you know assumes that it's bring dat dirty right and then I send out the data and you know I yeah one guy called me the dword and I'm like you don't even know me and he lived in like hton you know and and then so I went on this big thing on the head of the this that the other and here's the data forget it so um yeah I have to learn to not fish and get and get hooked yeah right um but any other updates thanks BR U new business I have that and I have two other um pieces of mail that are applications not that we can do anything but we can give input um for two docs one is at 181 Lewis Lane and the other is 48 gese so if anybody has any interest or you know input want to review they're right here I looked at them um I can't say much what are they approval yeah yeah all go but we yeah docks docks yeah docks um peers doc um yeah it's a it's a very lengthy process um to get permits through the state um but we have asked to just be able to just review them and is there anything about them that jumps out at you what's is there anything about them that jumps out of you I don't see anything no no so um if they're following the state yeah there's there's they're tight you know there's requirements for width and tight and it's over W this and that so um most of them as long they they're required to follow that when they're permits so and if they're going for a general permit then there shouldn't be any issues with it no so I don't see [Music] it I have another question for account or for you um has the budget so do we have any budget that's available to us right now yes well that could be used for like LEL printing cost any I've only seen for like um conferences and just Green Team money right so can I use that green team money for this I don't know you should be able to the whole point I know and this is where it comes year to year which is a frustration a lot of this prepar this is our one of like big event that we do and it's a lot out of pocket and then I can't get reim we can't get reimbursed and it's you know I think as far as I know we're operating still the budget that we were allocated you know for 204 23 um those monies have to be spent by December 31st though yeah soing for the new budget so this for the new budget I don't know how that works if the not approved well it will be in the next session which is before and we do we did do there's a a mechanism by which you do a temporary budget okay um between when the book Clos and when the audit is produced um and so I think that would be included in there it's some percentage of last year's budget okay so maybe Teresa or Nancy or maybe you know since ly Liv day now is like a real like in the beginning I think it was kind of like whatever but not like just unclear of where sure with new monies but now that it's been year after year that get the vendor set up okay and the process I do know the timeline I do and that's why it's very frustrating it's always around the same time gets past too late and then printing you know we do p printing like we'll go to Staples and print some of the big stuff but St well so if if this fall we get in next year's budget a line item to make materials for where you L Loop day then it's this St right that's should be ADV you we gotta bring it up in September you know not April it's the the thing that I've learned we have though and it's still we we have we have brought it up every single time there's budget talk in the fall and it happens this happened every year because the budget's not approved yet and we can't get the well I'm on the finance committee so I'm very much in the Weeds on this so said okay SE okay you just be I found that the process is very archade and it's hard to understand not many people understand it I'm just getting a but there should be some available that we could use tomorrow the temporary allocation vendor you for printing or if we need to yeah just call me thank you Chris and let me know what you need PR because you know I gota care youve got L I'm new so forgive me I'm just trying to understand the process of budgeting do we sit and do a strategic plan and and like give present a budget what our needs are elsewhere or is it based on past because this conversation sounds like when we need something we ask for so do we have a budget we have a budget we haven't in the past used it and that's where the disconnect comes we never really thought about it because we didn't have things to spend money right until the Green Team really came around and now the only want is money K yeah and so hold on John so that's so now we have projects you know to work on that need you know to be funded um so that's where it's coming from but we never really had a big like I said need for you know for a budget a big budget which mistake um so it's really only been to cover our dues training anything like that um and I think that's $500 that's that's you know set aside for that does it make sense to um use your activities that you're planning or anybody's as a basis to do a budget and then present it as of recently that's what we've been doing okay where is the budget can I see a yeah traditionally a lot of the large Capital items things that would the environmental commission would be concerned with might go through the public works department or into the capital plan so you know things like storm water management and such so the budget of was not typically to spend for large improvements that was typically done through the capital budget right right it it sounds like we're kind of going here for this money and going there for that money I'm just trying to understand what the process is maybe we could streamline line it and then present to the council something that that's reflective of what our needs are this past year that's yeah that's what we've been doing L um the issue is that there's a cap on all the budgets so typically it's 2% um 2% of of our prior Year's budget you mean we want to increase it unless there's some extenda circumstance we're going to bring it a you know somebody from the outside as a consultant for the ER stuff like that sprad was talking about um so yeah but we did have a budget meeting and everybody was asked to kind of come up with a figure whatever they thought they would need you know for projects but the big stuff yeah is covered under the the budgets of those departments DPW like that where would I find a copy of our budget I'm sure it's online should be and as soon as it's approved at the next council meeting I will circulate the budget and how it Stu out to you guys you're welcome thank you um what I'm asking is the the one that was introduced I I haven't checked if that's online I be shocking if it's not it should be the old one is but the current Bud yeah thank you thank you yes John yeah all right um oh fine any other new business public comment do we have anybody okay if you have a question please use the raisan feature and I will bring you over Bonnie uh hi everybody um hi hi um thank you so much for discussion the tree ordinance um really appreciate your support and your desire to make it stronger um good point Brian with um having the people cutting down the trees checking for permits I mean it's kind I don't understand why that's not required I remember asking one of the tree companies do you ask for a permit he said no and I I said like that just seems incred incredible to me um that that wouldn't be part of it um I know little silver is right in the process of finally getting a tree ordinance um I think they're having a public uh open house the end of April anyway they are trying to make a model tree ordinance so I'm very curious to see what comes out of that discussion um from going nothing to a model tree ordinance so I'd like to follow that um but it does drink me that maybe the shade tree should be putting a you know what is the value of a tree maybe we should have something at love where you live day um just trying to encourage people to see trees as the value they provide us all um the um what I also wanted to ask was um the storm WEA runoff you know Brian was I was driving down naving River Road and right by and I can't think of what are the what's the little um Club that's right um at the border of Rumson and Fair Haven um that's out on the water on naving River Road river River Road River Road the water pouring in from romson so it's like the low point and pouring in so it's pouring from rum Fair Haven One Way Rumson from the other way and I thought no wonder the water quality right there is so bad because it's like it's like a Vortex of storm water runoff I don't know that there's anything to be done about that but it did occur to me when I was in my car wow I mean because wasn't that where the problem was with the quality um well that yeah there's a creek there and that was the bad water was coming out of the creek well right I would say when these Storms Come in it's way more than just that Creek it was coming all the way down the road from rson pushing down the road rushing down the road from Fair Haven I don't know um and speaking of creeks Fourth Creek you know I was watching because I live you know right near the the bat the end of Baton Road the um public dock I was watching all the migrant all the birds flying in there and I was thinking that is such an incredible Estuary I feel like Fourth Creek should be a focal point for this town I mean I know it it runs right behind Burl Hall and all that pollution from that parking lot runs right into it I just I feel like it should get more Focus because it everything goes into Fourth Creek and then it runs right into the Nava syn and there are so many birds nesting back there it's it's like a really special place that maybe should warrant more attention by the town um I don't know this just kind of a request I guess that if you have any input or any influence um I mean with you know to go back to your point with the storm water the big thing is you know picking up after people's dogs and so on and so forth so that if the water is clean or somewhat clean it's not a huge issue but obviously you know and as much as we can cut down on the the runoff into the river it's you know it's better the big thing is what the runoff carries right um into the river everything goes into the river um no matter where it is other than the southwest corner small piece that goes into to the other River the South River so Fourth Creek um yeah I don't know I mean what what are your thoughts I know I feel like the Bur parking lot that parking lot right by Raven on the peach like what all the like from Fair Haven Road it just basically runs downhill past bur Hall around the corner carrying everything and anything right into the creek right yeah which is true for all that yeah true I don't know just it just looks to me it's feel like yeah Bonnie Bonnie and I both live on that and I think we I think Fourth Creek to us because of the proximity is important I mean it's a you know it should be important like she said to to all of us I do take issue um I often go down there with my kids and with my dog um and I want to be very clear I don't take issue with the program I take issue with the upkeep of the property at the Sailing Club at the end of baton um I know that River Rats um I I mean I grew up in fyan we all did River Rats it's not it's not the point the point is there are there's constantly garbage that's there there's constantly propane tanks that are empty and sitting about two feet away from the water Water's Edge the the general upkeep of the area is um it's pretty awful and there's no um tracking of those propane tanks so there's no sheet that says we have six propane tanks in this shed that's 2 feet away from the water if a storm like we had last week that's a storm system that sat over our town for three days comes in all of those are washing away into the into the Nava syn um there's a real lack of of due diligence over upkeeping a property that is um on the navasink river so I think that that's something that I you might hear me kind of lean into a little bit now that I'm you know that I've been placed on this you might not want me on that but it's true I think that Fourth Creek is incredibly valuable there are swans there are the bird life there is phenomenal I don't think we do a good enough job taking care of these really important waterways that we that we should be in charge of so that's again something I'd like to you know Blom on to Bonnie I agree with you on that yeah I mean even like who who is in charge of that area cleaning it up I mean there there's the insurance company I think is on one side of the bank right behind Burl Hall and Fourth Creek and it's just total Vines and a mess there's a little like I don't know fenc in garbage dump there like there's cans I I don't know it just it's it seems like it's kind of slip through the cracks and um environmentally it's not ideal so um with the dumpsters if you're referring to the dumpsters in the back of the Raven and the peach lot I've been kind of monitoring them it was an issue um I don't think it is currently but I'll I'll look over there and see that comes down to our enforcement officer who I said you know earlier he's very diligent so when I call him I text him he'll run out check so when you see something just you know let me know or or whatever um you know let somebody know in an official capacity and you know that those people that are responsible River Rats will be you know held accountable for well I guess I just I would love to see a um I don't know just some sort of program to address that um it just seems like a very neglected area and I don't know Brian that you're I I don't know if you could spearhead something but or just draw attention to it I mean I know you your office is right across the street right so you know how important it is um told about that that lot that is full of knotweed that drives me crazy um that I don't know who and it's just a pile of weeds I mean why why is that let allowed to be you know um I'm I've been trying to get old to the owner of that property for two years to buy it and I have not been successful but you know somebody who didn't grow up here and um who walk by there all the time it's it's really even hard to know that there's a creek back there right it's very overgrown you don't even really notice it except for like the little you know and you wonder if that could easily be hey the environmental commissions putting on like a cleanup day or a volunteer day like we're um right but like you know just even just to get more people like me who was like I don't even know this really is there obviously I do but somebody who's not on the EC who doesn't you know doesn't really know where that runs to or what the importance of is and I get it that that lot that parking lot body right there because of the slope and because of the enormity of it um I mean most of the time it's not even full but like everything runs right there into it and it is kind of messy in that area but imagine if you were to like clean it up and beautify it a little bit and people would actually see it there and be a little bit more accessible then they would be you know more willing to take care of it protect it you know so I I also when we think about what the E is and does and this idea of maybe the rain rain Garden but perhaps even just doing kind of a a cleanup or volunteer day um could be as simple as that like the Third Street Trail you do a cleanup for a couple hours and massive amounts of stuff gets done and people are in good spirits Coming Out imagine if we just like clean up day at the fourth gret everybody meet you know have donuts and coffee in Brian's parking lot and everybody just have a great old day do that you know very yeah I mean fourth freak is is kind of a sad area be you know growing up here and running you know my little boat back there and playing war games and stuff like that obviously you can't do that anymore because the town in its Infinite Wisdom built that um wall on the east side of the ramp and that's what caused the head the end of the creek to fill up um you know people have asked me if we could get a dredge that's not possible stuff like that but yeah we definitely should keep it clean and if the River Rats are not taking care of their property we need to you know stay on it and I'm going to tell you right now right as a river rat I'm going to say that it runs a sailing school and that's what happens at the end of bat Road and we can talk about what things or activities are happening there but it's actually quite a low impact if you look at the size of the propertys it's very large and the area of use is very small and way up the river right and it's also the public launch so it's not just yeah that's correct that's one of the big problems is the maintenance of the public launch that is not river activity at 400 a.m in the morning that is your local fisherman going out and doing their thing which is fine with me but that's one of the challenges yep the ramp right now is not and has not been usable for decades um so we we'll keep an eye on it like I said we we do have a code enforcement officer who's very um you know he's very attentive and and uh Pro you know he's proactive to a point but he can't be everywhere and see everything so and and I mean Tim Ross riverid is a great organization they come to our love where you live day every day it could also just be hey can you please be more mindful you know I don't think it has to be slapp them with fine I think it can just be um an educated more ask it's the same issue that we have with the ball fields when the teams play they leave bottles and and to the coaches have Coach responsible for but and to the coaches that's what we do at the end of practice now everybody pick up one piece of garbage one one p pick up your own and then yeah but that's and that came out from DJ and everyone and it's been successful so even just something like hey River Rats at the end of your Camp can you remind everybody to clean up your garbage it's something Kelly I love your idea of the volunteer cleanup day what if you got the River Rats um the kids and the families to participate because at the end of the day I I it pains me when I you know see all these kids in the water at you know they're falling off ship their little sale B and you know learning how to get back up and and I think they're in this water and if it's not clean that's not okay so I just wonder if they're they have a best interest in keeping Upstream clean and and might want to help somewh anyway I also really appreciate Brian going over the budget I think that the budget needs to be presented to every commission and every committee and and understood by every resident way better than it is now um it's it's a black hole that nobody really understands so any transparency there would be great so thanks Brian thank you B any other questions please raise your hand there in uh anyone from the audience no right anything else with that we will motion to adjourn before not wow motion to adjourn yes so moved thank you have a good night good night thank you that Happ