call the meeting to order uh this is a regular meeting of the envir environmental Commission of the buau of Fair Haven accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming servicing and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road bar New Jersey public participation for this meeting on June 12th 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and we be called on if we time Sean just before we move on um there is a question about how the appointment of the chair goes forward therefore I'm going to suggest that we recognize you as the acting chair until such a time as we would determine the appropriate shair there is a process by which it's done I haven't heard from the mayor but typically the environmental commission elects the chair from the body the mayor has elected to use his judicial power to appoint directly yeah there's a the provision what I read was the he's going to have to send that to me okay I'm going to want to see that and I I I want to see because it's again standard practice not no objection to you sh I'm just say I I have no knowledge of that and I didn't receive anything that would indicate that that was the reason yeah I think there's a fair amount of deviation you know standard practice deviates from the rules like for example for example chair is only supposed to be for is one or two years yeah and you know we never honored that so um which I think is a bad practice either change your rule or the rule I apologize for this I'm a petarian at the college Council where I am so I know my rules and I'm so I'm careful about it because if we have the wrong body sitting that can invalidate the activities of the body that's why I'm asking this question okay so we just need clarification I'm going to accept that statement now but I do want to see clarification that that is acceptable appropriate practi the statue we have that thanks just send it over all right I'll finish up no notice of the meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times in the star lger on January January 22nd 2024 probably June uh posted in the burough website and bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the environmental commission secretary directed to this statement in the minutes of the meeting Alle to the of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all sure SE Bailey here Jesse Murray here anna anonin here William dorer here K Flanigan here Susan glob here Gary Patterson noted who was the absent Peters yes also present Cil Olson and B secretary Christy LaRon you have a core on thank you um I believe the everyone have a chance to read the minutes from last meeting which was April have there any comments or concerns with the minutes as they were shared yeah all right um do we vote to motion to accept the minutes from April 10th second thank you yeah all right moving into current business um Jesse update on theal resource yeah so we were supposed to have a meeting on ER smaller group but there was too many of us because everyone's too excited to be working so uh smaller group will be working I believe Anna Susan and Kelly are gonna meet and then I figured you and I can meet separately about mapping Stu since that's kind of gonna be built into that so sure we can meet separately and then you know either talk together here or you know I can meet with who you know whoever from the smaller group yeah we could kind of Workshop toward SMI and then get it back to YouTube to to that works brought this in this is the super GPS have I shown this no this GPS is accurate to the size of a pizza box so we want to locate anything this is University it's about a $5,000 unit if you can get one but um we can use it we want to talk about things we want to locate in the burrow so we can do that and then feed don't RSE that that's so if you need to find some yes I'm currently mapping the trees along campus we have the biggest campus in New York City at 204 acres and we have probably over 1500 trees but we have no clue where they are and they're condition so this is going out my students are going out got 15 trees so far in Pard a tree inventory again this is accurate smaller than yeah they have one in the works um with a I believe it's a grant we may have contributed some but they have 2500 trees or something that they're and it's I don't know if it's that fancy of a device might be just on the iPhone but they are maybe you want to check with with the the Sha Tre commission yeah whatever they're doing I mean I'm happy to help maybe you can augment you know because there's more than 2500 trees but that's where the number came in can you can you give us for X doll Mount the answer was 2500 okay yeah well I don't know how they're do it so I know it's it's an extra own company no that's cool yeah with the mapping though I mean not just for the ER but um thinking for other things I know we've talked about maybe even just besides incorporating the ra but like I know with this I know we want to include all the storm water and Rain Gardens and everything anyway but if there's anything else we can think of a figured a good just a mapping if they're going to do that if the Shaker commission is going to do that Brian one of the things we want to make sure we get out of the contract is the Roy data you work with it you know I mean a lot of times they want to produce a product and give you a product and then charge you if we want the data the software that we can download yeah we just needed Excel file with the XY coordinates of all the trees so if they were doing it they should be able to provide that to us I think the um I want to say the U natural areas committee was initially trying to GPS invasive species areas too and that was a product a long time ago I don't know if that's still planned or don't going on but to have maybe some invasive species patches around town and open space areas is something else to think about but I figured maybe this could be kind of a little separate yeah we could do it as so that's good but that's where we're at right now the it's great is there a date we're working maybe backwards from or working forwards to not yet cuz since we're all going to be doing it ourselves I think it's a matter of figuring out how much we would like to add to it um I know we've looked at other towns Eris to see what they've done and um it's a matter of how much work there is to do and how we can divide and comper it so could be determined but hopefully we'll have a better idea once we all get back together again and see how much we actually would like to incorporate yeah given the financial constraints and we're going to do an inhouse you know slow down the process but hopefully the quality stays the same you know that's the idea yeah we have a Target date of when we're getting back together at least to exchange info like what's the overall schedule yeah I think at least um if you guys can meet um before the next meeting or within the next two meetings or so um just given your schedules do sometime during the week three kind of figure that out send it to you guys for that yeah that works by the next meeting yeah yeah thanks and are you working towards like a like a outline and it's like kind of predetermined or just using the old version and trying just it's a matter of updating the old version I don't know if you've reviewed that at all um but yeah it's it's it's supposed to be updated every five years and so we wanted to take a look to see what exactly has been done but since the last version was completed and where you know what we want to add in um and really kind of see just from there what needs to be added so we already have we're planning to use that base and just adding to it otherwise it' just be a lot more work we want to start over again so um yeah I feel like it's in good shape I mean especially comparing to rumson's I mean theirs is living online but it's it's still it's written it's still relev but there's just a lot that's non digestible so just add to that I mean some of the good news is that we haven't changed as much as the town demographically you know like there was other areas like you know in or something has a lot of new building lot of construction so at least in our case the town today doesn't look radically different in say 2000 yeah but we want to update with new information that would do appropriate that priorities that folks from different committees and commissions have been identifying as um things they would like to work on um so may not get to write an invasive species plan maybe that could be some Target goals like we can have as a section of here Taro goals that you know fits into all the open space and whatnot that on I think we thought that one things we think about the ER as a way to communicate to the council where are the stress areas where are the areas that we need to do something more I mean I think that's really kind of what we're thinking it's a way to put in stone what the needs are yeah long term and short term okay so it's the name inventory it's not just like a static list of what's in town it's actually a bit of a strategy summary as well yeah environmental strategy of yeah where again like where the stressor points are like on our Shoreline areas there's a lot of work that needs to be done invasive species is a big topic so things like that where there could be decisions made through the council to do through the town this document is highlighting all the environmental PES okay so would it make sense to come back in July with like at least like an outline of what we want to cover in the next version so we can all have a view of that I think that's the the point is once because there I know Kelly has had comments I know I had comments on it I don't know who else has initially but I think we were trying to highlight all the pieces that need to get updated so I think that's that's something we can discuss at the next meeting is here's all the pieces that we've identified as needs to be updated and's going to work on okay so a game plan in July so that's kind of what I'm hearing yeah for the first yeah first iteration and if anybody has not read it thoroughly and given feedback or comments to us um that would be helpful as well because we have already read it and given our feedback and notes some people on this some people on this committee is newer than others and so um I don't know if they have provided feedback or com things that are not yes so that would be helpful before we begin to meet care from everybody and Christy can you remind me did anybody else ever get back to us from the environmental Round Table of any feedback that do you not no I didn't think so yeah okay all right something we could always ping them with too we identify things yeah we'll keep you posted on great thank you anything else on [Music] that uh storm water management is the next item uh yep so um we had uh the theme of the environmental commission table at L live day was based on St Water Management um we created a trifold brochure um sler fo in Fair Haven I I regret that I don't have any on me we did use it at um the Rumson uh rally for the Two River eest um last week and I I don't I think many of them were used we only had 30 of them pred um because we didn't have a budget or we didn't have them through the printer um so but it it seemed to be great it was very tied to um DIY lowcost initiatives you can do to curve your storm water on your own property there were some examples from um Fair Haven so that went over very well from the feedback um as Jesse mentioned we're trying to work on mapping out storm water and Creek overflow there are some Creeks that are um need to be highlighted people don't can't see them from the road because they're overgrown um but it's just part of the ongoing process to um help improve our storm water especially because um uh so far this year there has been highlights at the shway River yach Club at the outfall there the bacteria accounts have been um over threshold and uh so we just want to keep an eye on out out for it and want folks to pick up after their pets um reduce fertilizer you know and all that other Jesse do have anything I think that pretty much covers it for right now is the did you with a pamphlet have any of the other like the planning or zoning they've seen that at all no I it was a very last we had to get it printed before L very quickly so just a job at good thing to just like circulate to them can circulate to them yeah okay was that the is it sort of a relative of the the planning forward thing that we you know started a couple years ago or a year ago maybe um yeah but there's no Financial stuff that you wanted to input because it's just I didn't have that stuff um it's just bring Garden um native plants um there's quite a bit I could circulate it to here and to other boards and just get feedback that help um but I do think it's a worthwhile and useful piece of literature and that can I do also think eventually um a larger informative work stuff or or you know meeting just for folks to understand a part what's going on River too um some of these outfalls and what they can do their part um is really important so you know why the bacteria has increased at the uh um mention in um so last year it they did have people come out and it was based on um dog waste animal waste pet waste from Upstream really yeah so last year I went to about 25 different homes and just knocked on their door and gave them some literature but um it is quite um that's where it coms from you know people don't realize just Liv in half mile mile the river everything goes into the so PA maybe something when they do the community eass put something in there reminding people of this happen I don't know if that's print out literature for me and well just say like we get the daily things and just on the sign that a while yeah but you know when you get hopefully the more you get out there yeah and it seems like Haven has an increase in animals last years yeah I mean there's a a tremendous amount like a lot more than we used to have so um yeah and you know the whole idea about SL right get it into the into the ground before it goes out and then the rain the amount of storms we have and the amount of run off that we have has definitely increased as well um we have a great photo courtesy of a leas of M front overflowing is which is um you know just it's happened a couple Tes year course right it's relatable so um but that's why I think a ler make it fun but educational kind of understanding why this needs to happen right you know because we are a Coastal Community so what you say what needs to what is it that needs to happen does everybody has to play a part understanding that because you don't live right on the river that you live further in you have to understand what your actions and how they affect the PO and people crab there and people fish there and people swim and they kayak and everything and um understanding the what is in the water it might look clear but there's a lot of bacteria and a lot of veins so just yeah and some of the some of the management issues I mean M um you know one of the things you can do and part of the question we're having is are the rain events becom more frequent and they become more tense and so in that case that puts a load on the system for the high flow and one of the things you probably could do is improve the outl with multiple pipes Brian and I were back and forth about see saying make a big yeah you get the same flow through four little pipes that you get through big pipe you can lay them all so you don't have to mess with you know you just lay them all in the line together and take the flow out in a much longer area so that may be a necessary long-term Improvement for the outle hard to hand this significant rain events you know I think it all relates to some of these larger projects that I think the town needs to focus on and that we've been trying to stress it's like living shorelines the rain Gardens um we've had these really good that you know reports for a very long time people or outside organizations willing to work with us and you know if you can decrease the flow and again my 200 acre campus I've been working because we have combined sewers since that time and every gallon of rainwater I can keep out of the combined sewer is a big deal because it doesn't overflow into the into the river so you know what the challenge is what do you do I mean part of it is can we stop some of the rain from system right have on so much stress we need mitigation along the way I'm just yeah we need to look at that yeah we're g to have real extreme you know short stroll EV from a visual like point of view have we considered putting you know those like like level signs and like security grants have we ever put a sign that's at all of the river banks and been like this is a high this is a really high bacteria time you know it's like a red we're in a red zone right now so it's like really almost of Costless people in the area you're going for a walk and you don't see like a red warning especially the kids are going down there like has that ever been a consideration we have these we have these um Realms that we we don't want to be in like a heat advisory but after big rain event it should be should but this is right in one of the things that we've talked about before it's like that started becoming monitored just a year ago and that's when the results went out and that's when the O action put it on their thing as one of the Beach closings um but I I I don't believe the outfall forth Creek you know all the other outfalls in in Fair Haven are not right as regular so if that's an advocacy that we want and you know um who to talk to do we get ask know we can get that on there it comes again from volunteers that are taking water um you can ask ask and call the D to come in and take it but I don't think that's regularly they do their own sampling along on the river sure um but yeah that's the other part is it's volunteer work that's done so at the the yacht club when it had elevated levels how how did we know that did we call someone in to measure it was it observed was it I believe a neighbor there who had just recently moved had asked to just get it tested and then it became um as to she's trying to who ask us to do it or the town the D oh okay and um and then clean ocean action but that material so that they put that on their social media and website as of each Clos just like you might get in sebrite or Mama Beach or whatever there's yeah sewage outfall that as a beach Clos in um so I I you know I don't know this is where I I know the na stard municipality committee had informed us on a lot of this stuff as well um so yeah I think um bigger like broader information dissemination like the town does not have a town Instagram which is I think lacking that would be a really good place to post this information so people could have quick access to it um something to kind of just talk about you know but like the more people understand that it's not just the houses on the river we always hear about the fertilization of The Lawns on the navis it also has to I mean I'm on I'm to back and forth gr you know that's I think having a good map of our water story where people are in location to water source and how the water is actually flowing will help kind of yeah I just think not a lot of people are armed with that info and I think the town obviously they there's no presence online for this there's no centralized location to be able to find that so that would be something that Facebook page it's the Facebook yeah a lot of us are I sell things on Facebook but that's about it but I think Instagram would be probably a smarter but so what are and sorry just um in that in this case what are we trying to do we just trying to make them aware of things they can do to do differently yes because it's all impacts our health of the environment right and so understanding that everybody has a role to play and that we are closeable environment everyone comes to Fair Haven one of the lures is for the river access to it and everything and so I think as an environmental Commission of this town advocating for the health of the river and informing residents of what that is is a huge part of our role and how do we Sor how do we do that now that's what we're trying tode we don't is that what is that is it a gap like it does happen now or it does we've been working on trying to create educational programs for the past four years I've been on this commission we've been trying to prioriti living shorelines and other Coastal improvements for this town and mcarter the tring and some of our waterways um it gets blocked by Council a lot um and RMC definitely also well we've had um living Shoreline project at D Normandy Park for years um where there's allocated funds in there to be used for the educational the um the design the AR the engineering design we've had ALS as a partner who was willing and able to help us find grant money um that there a vote you know that you were took the photos of your verions down at the no I know there was a vote to not do a project it's never brought up it never makes the agenda it never gets put we had ALS come here and present to us we had Nick um Bensky talk to us um but everything gets stalled because it just never gets moved and pushed we had that on all of our year reports that this is a priority um but it never makes its way on the agenda yeah so the I can talk a little bit about Council I mean it took 10 years for mcarter p right yeah right right so the pace of government is what title of this what I'm going to say is took 10 years from lter pond I've been working on the tree ordinance since I started in January where almost there the person dels on before me worked on it for over three years like it's super super slow and I and it's shocking right I'm I'm new to the seat because I'm used to business right I decisions in the home my wife and I talked and it's done um things are slow I mean I get I understand that but you should still be bringing it up as early on and I know the past couple meetings when things were brought up especially with the grants and talking about the living Shand in Normandy and 21 Fair Heaven Road it would have been nice for you to be advocating for us in your position and you weren't and you were pretty much siding with everybody else and so that's kind of I mean just even just bringing it up saying hey I know this is may not be um number one right now but still keep bringing it up I know Tracy was always doing that for us she's still doing it for us even though she's not early ason so I mean that's that's a huge part of why you're here with us too is you're understanding that this is a huge deal for us and even seeing theorm now it's it's not in a good spot and that to kind of lump that together with 21 Fair Haven Road is not a great idea because there are two completely separ entities that bulkhead is going to be failing and that is that could be a total litigation issue so like it it's important so what happens is like we'll just rewind the tape John says to me we need to have four pipes and you say we need to do the ball cat and someone said something over here like what am I supposed to do with that am I supposed to write a resolution am I like I Look to this body and the governing body looks to this body to help nail down the issue and and it sounds like on Normandy maybe there is something but like go deep on the pipes and and tell them no no theorm thing that's 2017 we've always talked about this living airlin part of it again part of it when we got into it everybody wanted certain things and some of the things were build earlier on is cheaper and I'm going back on counts number of years you know and then when they showed up you know the ticker the sticker price went up considerably you know and that becomes a problem because when you're sitting down and saying okay what do we do next that's what we always should be thinking about here what do we do next what is the first thing like I've encouraged this body and I encouraged the historic commission the same way when I was in Council to keep a prioritized list to keep talking to the anoun and if something doesn't move forward it's not it's not a negative statement it's just we need to keep reminding them that this is we think is I mean did it in our annual report right I mean we're doing Grange right Grange is going forward I believe so is going forward on against the require or recommendation this your chair when I was on this body your chair was shared the information you complained about and he didn't share with this body and Ralph and I got into a major unpleasantry because I provided the information for you and he didn't share it with you because he was an abing owner and had a particular agenda okay so the reason he didn't share with you is not very pleasant the other thing is that the amount of you know impervious cover over there in my head is very minor compared to the other problems we have in town and you think about the number of Acres of pave street we have so you know you got to look at it and say okay one of the key problems is that bulad is it's and we got to get to that we got to get to the buul range before it collapses and we have more problems but that being said every day it's always a question we got the street sweeper in town I fought the street sweeper for 10 years 15 years when I got off they threw me off Council guess what that was I don't know 400 I don't know how much the street sweeper was I don't know Brian but it's not a cheap thing and you know you got to make your decisions what do we do next I would not have B the street guarantee you that I think we're getting a little off topic here but and maybe I'm seeing as like just a fresh set of eyes I'd like to kind of harness to me storm water management seems like a a gargantuan topic and so I guess I'm just trying to understand what can we do to take steps whether it's us directly or through the Green Team educating at the Grassroots level versus going up you know through the governing body with a document or or a position that says this if we're going to stand by one thing year it's this one thing and we're not going to actually talk about like the other things we might talk about but we're only going to put our effort into this one thing because if we don't fix it it's it's also mandated by with the new ms4 permits so it is brought down from the state that we had to improve and our storm water management and our our orgrams and become compliant on that I think we did that yeah to the basic bare minimum right and so or we compliance yeah I know I'm just informing him aware of the that it comes grassroot but it also comes top down too I'm very frustrated with the D because they have a lot of cran Downs where they show up if they do something first of all they waste their money writing an ordinance instead of saying here here's what we can do when I was on Council we spent $25,000 on the stor W management but we had to mirror the state's rules right if we didn't mirror the state's rules they wouldn't approve it and I'm sitting there going could I just spend the 25,000 on real physical infrastructure so that we actually improve the water quality instead of making another paper document that's going to waste resour kind I talk about paper documents that's part of my Consul it's a good it's a good seg way so I met with Nick Pinsky since our last meeting and um it was a great conversation and the thing that was the most notable to me is we're talking about these documents and I I said you know what I would like to do is get a list of I think I've shared this a list of all the documents environment related that the town should have what's the pace that they need to be renewed how much they cost and start Feathering that in the budget so theis every 10 years and 20 grand was set aside 2,000 bucks a year there's a mechanism to do that reserve it so at the end of 10 years we have the money set aside and we can pay for it like what's a schedule and during that conversation he started pulling these these documents off the shelf and they were underlined and noted and highlighted and I I was I was happy but surprised and he said so we talked about it he said these this is these documents are the best way to communicate priorities to to me to my department so instead of like what happens to him is people call and say hey there's flooding on this street you know go fix that and he talked about you know sort of having to send his staff running in lots of directions and it's a little bit more effective from his point of view to have a idea of storm water management sort of best practices or all the rules and so on in a document and then that's how it's communicated to him and he can best decide the best way to execute that plan across the whole town rather than trying to run in a bunch of different directions and I think that's a great a great idea and I I think that the EC would be a great a great body to sort of be the keeper of records of like what are all those documents we're starting to talk about we talked about ER today um but having that list and and keeping them in front of Nick and the governing body and the bur administrator um seems like a smart move to me I don't know what the appetite is but I think that would be well received I mean certainly for Nick that gets his that gets your priorities in that document that he is using on a day-to-day basis and so are you asking us to compile that storm water and and all those other environmental documents into like a big plan like that what we want as swarmm water so I have a list so the things that he uses are the master PL probably out that's probably outside the EC the master plan the ER free inventory storm water um and then I added tonight mapping and water story but just like what are there things that I'm missing in that list when you say storm water what what's St Water Management plan no where do he where does he get that from didn't he have a break down of all the pipes and everything and how everything a lot of maps office um and I you know I want to be respectful of his time we probably met for 45 minutes um but he didn't show me a map of all the pipes but I wouldn't be surprised if he does have that I know at one meeting he broke everything down about this and this and this and how everything go I'll put it this way if one exists he has yeah I was just another thing I was just going to say is I get it and Nick is great he's so very knowledgeable he's he makes time he came to the ALS you know meeting we had the literal Society but shouldn't this also I mean Nick is Engineering in DPW right I mean but shouldn't storm water and all these issues be on the Forefront of every single decision that's made in town right so even the 21 Fair Haven Road like that is right on the like shouldn't this be part of that discussion shouldn't he's using that storm water management plan when the DP D the DPW is involved right I'm saying but that's when the DPW is called on but I'm saying from a larger Council perspective and like governing body right I mean shouldn't and and so like yes it's great for Nick who's also very knowledgeable about this and and understanding about this but I'm just wondering and and maybe that's something we can talk about whether we get these materials for him but you know I think often times we come into trouble when these issues are not brought to the table at the beginning right and then we're trying to compensate or go back in in time about that so I'm not sure what you're asking but I'm not an expert on storm water um I've lent lots of money to St water systems but I I'm not an expert in them sure and I'm not in position to look at a project and say this is a violation of the St Water Management plan that's what the DPW is for that's what Nick is for okay I think my role and our role is to make sure that Nick has a good one that it's fresh and that it flies and that it it reflects the priorities that we have as a town as a DC as a governing body that's what I think and give it to him sure that's fine but then inviting it to the council and inform people about the importance of storm water right and how do you get that to the larger public right or how do you like you're not an act you're not an expert on storm water that's fine I mean a lot of people aren't here either but we know that we are mandated but we also it's a requirement it's what we have to do as a clal community right and so I think that this just because you're you know you're not an expert but you need to know that it's so important for every decision you make on Council whether you agree and push something through or you ask questions about it or not and so I think that that's the importance right when we talked about education everybody needs to know how important these issues are is if you sit on Castle there's a lot like the police department and maintenance of the fields you know so environmental maybe the top of our heads but the people who play baseball worry about those fields and want to fertilize those fields so that could be in conflict with us and who wins in that game I I can't tell you definitively I guess I guess I guess what I'm is a fres set of eyes I was trying to get at is is what I when I come in I guess I'm looking for kind of those artifacts like maybe what Nick has and and to me like I said storm water seems like such a big and important topic whe I mean we by the waterway so it makes it even more important um but I I guess that's what I'm looking for is it our is it our role to produce something that is like a strategic or a it could just start off as like you know best practices that can start off as you know to your point John when we start looking at we were already doing the police department and the community center the next step is to redo the fields and redo the park and redo the the basketball court sure so you know when someone gets involved in that like what should they go reference to say are we doing it the right way right and or they reference would they reference the Rucker study would they ref like what would they reference to know that they're or ask for U recommendations or opinions feedback from us or or from the shade tree commission or anything that's not about importance about inable surfaces rain Gardens native plants sh you know a bunch of different things that happy to work you know so that it's not just it does feel like there's certain disconnects the example obviously is this this project at the end of aen road I don't think there's one represent one representative from the environmental commiss that's been Green Team or green team that's been appointed to back door education or environmental and that just feels like a massive opportunity missed I was in the planning board meeting as with Sean we are redoing and this goes to planning board update the last planning board the last planning master plan was done in ' 91 it was reexamined in 2016 we're up it's been 10 years we're up and I was like we have to make sure that the environmental commission is a part of this conversation I think that this group for whatever we've been trying to work out what we are we feel I think a little left out of the conversation or a little like cut out of the conversation I I think it's very it's a huge opportunity missed to not have anybody on that do we know did do people know if um people from the gree Community applied we do okay a good app but either way I think it's a good point whether you app or not like having a Le on or having I think it's weird yeah so open space to check that before I ask the mayor totally fine I know for a fact that people have yes um so that that's a good point I'll ask so those are the types of situations that I think that are just they just keep happening and we're looking at things in retrospect and being like Oh The Green Team or the the EC could have weighed in there you just we're supposed to be supposed to be silos we're supposed to be providing environmental recommendations we're designated from the state of New Jersey right like having an environmental commission is is it is from the state of New Jersey so we are an extension of the state I understand that we are the bottom we are just doing what we do to get by from those I I'm very passionate around the fact that we should not be doing the bare minimum that gets us through the regulations of the state we are what we're doing for storm water yeah it should be it should be we should be the people that the state looks to to have these types of surrounding communities are doing great things and you know and it just feels like maybe they have a better seat at the table if for some reason there's no appetite no appetite a a stigma against it I think that just needs to be done and you know the EC needs to be like heavily incorporated into these conversations a little bit more you know it's not just dear mitigation if that's a town these These are important aspects that I don't think a lot of people so know and I mean I think everything you guys said makes a lot of sense so like you said we something you said that made sense to me was like we provide that point of view just coming back to storm water are are we you are we the experts in the town and that that they should like the council members should come to us for Council for advice um the expert Nick pensy is our storm water coordinator for this town but policy but for the environmental P like adding in like rain Gardens or things you can do in your Mall the piece where we can bring in the people not the you know engineer but what can you do on your own like that educational additional environmental piece to add to the engineering part well I I guess I guess and that okay that helps I think earlier I said I was kind of splitting it up it's could be more than two ways but one is like the Grassroots educating people of the town and the other is being involved in things like 21 fairen road but I think I think there are they are slightly different ways of engaging yes I think less me truly myself this group at this table of these people are the most qualified people to be weighing in on those just from their backgrounds their education like you've got right here an incredible group of people I don't think that the town incorporates this group enough into those conversations I don't know what I'm doing here but I'm learning a lot but truly it has felt like we've got the most educated group for some reason they're not involved or Incorporated well so I think the way to communicate that though is through a sort of water management plan through an tot paper you know saying to me oh we need to we need to have four pipes at 21 very you know what am I what am I going to do with that am I just G to chim that in I think the people that need it will right I guess that's what I guess that's what I'm trying to think of like I'm trying to understand you know some of the frustrations I can sense from the past and use something like 21 Fair Road as something that in our future yes and so if that if that group of people and let's say none of us were in or team or anyone else were involved is there a document they can pick up that would at least start the convers up shite book of any sort maybe yeah like recommendations I mean you you gave an very specific example about rain Gardens and things we can do like on our own Lots I feel like that's much bigger right that it's a park it's literally bigger but it's also on the coastline there's a lot more involved there so you know it might be that we need a very specific tailored point of view a white paper on that property like that would make sense to me this is how this property should be developed or this is how we think you should consider developing this property given like it's be on the coast the living Co TR to create a bullpit that's already broken and so that's I guess that's kind of what I see as an opportunity for me coming into years is just trying to help us coales a lot of great ideas and find a way to to engage and communicate that with other people and if you don't want to write like I get it it's a lot of work but I think we need to find we need to tease it out what's the right way to engage and maybe this is a good example of of that I'm open to others if you guys give me a document or something that white paper have thought of I will give it to the council I will make sure that they all see it but I like I don't I don't think I can say I'm not an expert enough in storm water these things to to sort of override what Nick might be doing uh and then the other thing I would like to do again is figure out what the list of all the reports we need and I'll find a way to fund them yeah that goes back to the one of the first things I asked when I joined do we have a strategic plan do we have a prioritize essential in many ways you know if we write it correctly right it really represent I don't know if that's a prioritized list in there from what I read I'm talking about an annual that could be budgeted that we could say hey four pipes are going to cost that's our that's our this year we're focusing on for pipes that's what sha Tre does natural are pardon me they have that process on this we've just had our annual report on of the projects that have been like the most important and that's kind of what's been brought up the Council of our year and it's kind of been built on that and it's you know a lot of ideas we've had and maybe one gets to the table um but I mean that's that's kind of in our summary I know we've tried to pull together budgets and whatnot but in the past two there's there hasn't been budget so it's been we can have the ideas but there havn't been budged for it um for for certain things so it's we just kind of have are list I think I think honestly with the updated erri is a good place to start putting in a lot of these priorities I know I'm pretty sure romson does it and there's like what their priority like here's some actions that we'd like to work on that should be focused on and I think that's a really good good place for us to be like we have all these topics that we're constantly discussing they should be in there so it's it's physically written down I don't know if I going to read it again because people don't read anymore that's why I feel conversations are very important to have or easily Gable material because again times time to do all this is you know tough with all of us and and again who who is gonna be I mean I'm sure Nick would probably read something we give to him but or is who else is going to be actually digesting and reading stuff unless you're in it right the council would have to be briefed on it and would have to be knowledgeable because we're ask we're basically telling them how to spend the money the right way no but only if the mayor sends out that agenda that that literature sets the agenda right so if it doesn't get on the agenda nobody reads that fair but to me the storm water issues wouldn't be on the agenda considering the the the flooding at Colonial Court the Overflow at marter Pond like the new right it's peace meal and it's targeted but it's not holistically looked at on what can we do better it's only so that's my point that do we do that we discussed and talked about some different ways to do that but if it doesn't become a larger or we're not called to the larger table of that conversation well I'm telling you if if we put I think we are the larger conversation the council deals in specific issues spending money and fixing problems I think we deal in the big picture like we are dealing with we have no we have no power we are a uh we cannot set the agenda We cannot put into we have to get Council to approve actions we have to get the mayor to put it on the agenda so that Council can vote on it but vote I guess that's the point like to vote on what right so we have to put something in front of them to say this is what we want you to do this is the action we want you to take okay we're advocating like two years right didn't we we we accepted the bare minimum storm water regulation and we had a year or two years to make amendments to that to make it more robust did you give a list of amendments yeah we had some that remember that just remember don't s us all the same because heroy has combined sewers dumping into the river and how much can Fair Haven clean up its water at what cost their residence when per Amboy and Bon and Jersey City are ding no because it's it's the same water source and again we can help but at some level I don't want to make it difficult for people in town and again I don't like heavily engineered Solutions because one of the biggest hold on one of the biggest Caron produces in our society is concrete so why can't we use bios swells and grass as opposed to a hard concrete structure which is going to be brought here by diesel which is going to have a tremendous C footprint so we're arguing about what's the right technology I'm on the low Tech end of the again I want a easy low Tech storm water buffering La discharge yes and other people wants that will be in the storm water management plan that Nick reads when he's going to do when he's going to look at a project right we we don't agree here hands are dirty that's real I agree oning lines and like low you know we agree some stuff but that's important because we're not getting to the council because we don't agree right here yet well so I'm going to take that in a second but just coming back to what you said so the Amendments we did share what amendment we I we shared they yes we shared that white paper what clean ocean action and who else wrote that with that water Institute the water that was it passed by the AC like has a formal vote to go to the council to make recommendations yeah I don't I back don't remember honestly but we had the idea was let's pass a bare minimum because we were under the deadline we waited forever to do that and we were going to be non-compliant say pass a minimum with the idea that within one calendar year we would make it more stringent correct in my recollecting that right I don't think that was my understanding my understanding what came to my table was this thing that had a lot of dry Wells and stuff like that and I was like no no no no no and I thought it was excessively hardscaped focus and I think that was what was one of the challenges which hardcap like the gra project no I'm talking about when you're talking about Soul management somebody's doing expansion on the house they want to manage to store more I want more discharge rain Gardens and minimal structures right the the ordinance that came to us had drals I think it wasn't an ordinance I don't believe it was an ordinance suggest suggesting a yeah it wasn't supposed to be an ordinance supposed to be just it was white paper on recommendation yeah the problem is recommendations in my experience turn into you shall as opposed to you may you know what I'm saying so when I looked at that I looked at that thing and was way too hard and my well it never came back on our agenda we we can put it on let's look at it again and make sure we convey to the council what we think we should do so so there is so sorry just summarizing in 2019 there should be some document that summarizes our recommendation to be above the minimum for storm water management we didn't have a document we personally did not come up with a document the state we were given from like the bare minimum which we had to adopt that was a document and then we had a white paper on other recommendations to be to go up to the next level and this is all through sustainable Jersey too because we could have gotten more points for that for that application to adop adopt a more stringent um and there were different levels it wasn't all or one it was a it could be peac mail but I think that what what would have been good I was on that you see that so poin fingers of my what would have been good is we've digested all this information we've compromised among ourselves this is how we think this should be implemented and either amend it or get it into a plan that Nick uses I think that would have been effective um as opposed to here's a white paper from clean ocean action well does that mean that's what our residents want does it work because per Fanboy like I don't know um and so I think it'd be super powerful to get stuff into Nick as a council member I'm going to defer to Nick if he tells me XYZ on storm water I'm going to say yeah that you know unless it's something glaringly obvious um he's an expert dayto day that's what he works on okay so he's appointed by the the burrow to be our coordinator right but is this also something that we are trying to ask and ask him to do more and above and beyond because we think that as a clal town we should do this is this supposed to be coming from us or is this supposed to be coming from the larger body I think that I think that if we if this group took on those reports and communicated priorities that's what Nick is going to go by okay [Music] and does the council have to approve like an ER no I don't think so I think it will be adopted and it makes sense it should be adopted resoltion to adopt so that might be a time where there's some compromise possibly um you know I knocked down I love the environment I knocked down 500 do not everyone is as passionate about the environment in town as we are real are they passionate about water access and I'm just saying a broad range right saying you're right but you know the environment when you put it one way compared to like access to water and fishing and crabbing and boating and everything else you know like if I spent if I think about the number of hours I spend on that Cil over 15 years I can assure you that the environmental discussion was not the major top I SP a lot of time talking about believe Haven field is part of story oh my got it I'm just saying that it's not the main it wasn't by the way the discussion of brush was not about the environmental effect it was about why is Mrs Smith got you know leaves not picked up and what's the problem on Third Street and oh my God you know I mean we have to always balance into our heads that not everybody is where we are I get it but as more and more these storms and that's another thing right we wanted a map of where this flooding is happening people have been putting you know so tell me what does it take to get the map and I'll I'll get it in the budget or well is there a directory right when people call in and say hey there's flooding on my street and I live so and so like just the frequency and the direct location would be super helpful for people to understand how do we do that what I mean who who you mean and down every time someone complained about flooding yeah someone called on Council last night flooding on I mean having a recorded log and Geographic pinpoints and you can see the heat map right the hot areas where those are and then that can help and should help guide governing body you know and in decision making as well then you and the more and more the frequency that happens that almost kind of prioritizes that okay so the so what I'm hearing I'm gonna a little bit so what I'm hearing is you want Betty and to keep track with a a map on every time someone calls in and then the council's supposed to digest that map no okay tell me what I'm saying if she keeps a log and just put it in a spreadsheet right and if we see that and become that becomes a living document right and that becomes a living visual think about GI you know like people adapt better to visuals and understand it and every time you can see and click on it it's easy to make a map with that information right John you got to then get the the actual locations but I mean if you hear repeated access show talk about the address let's talk about process so am I going to as a council am I going to call Betty in and say Hey I want you to do this absolutely don't you think of the burrow the council thinks it's important to keep that but but we don't talk we don't tell the staff what to do that's the B ad ministrator too many too many chefs in the kitchen is at the phas um you know it's not right for me to call the chief of police or this or that like I was very hesitant to sit down with Nick I didn't want I was respectful of his time what I think we do is we put in a document that we in the storm water management plan we want to try to monitor the hospitals and then that is maybe passed by the council gets to the Bur administrator and the bur administrator gives it to Nick and says this is important and the Nick looks in there and says oh we need to keep track of that and they figure out is it bettyanne is it Nick is it something else right I think it you're overthinking it I think it can easily just be like a Google form and say Hey you have flooding just tap it in there and that can just go to a document that people can access but I can't just tell Betty in I'm not asking you to tell bet in I think it's like just hey look there's a QR code you got fting right there I and this is not we don't have to like create this right now I'm just thinking don't you think the town would want this information the question do we know or do we have process of addressing problem there's two different things and I think if you talk to the chief of police and you talk to Nick and Rich they probably can help us Identify some of the problematic spots right and then say okay so what's the Strategic plan what's the game plan to address them and what's the marks right and then that's the prioritization right yeah I think we know where flooding occurs I you you already through out too right it's not a big place just and and we could be wrong but we won't or we may not be comprehensive but we won't be wrong you know what I mean like we'll know where there is flooding but it may not be every every you know part of of the streets that's flooded I guess we've been on this for over 30 minutes and and I think it's been helpful um I'd like to just get to a point where taking an action for going forward on storm water management I'm open to what I'm hearing is is kind of what I kind of came in with this understanding is there's a lot of ideas but there's not like a kind of a a galvanizing like this is how we need to move forward so I'm happy to to kind of lean in and help drive that but I don't have any of the information I'm I'm not I'm very much novice in this so what I think that I think that the group that's getting together from what it sounds like a paper trail is the most effective way to get in front of council so let's try it if knck been working so far in our opinion we let's play play it and do it the three of us will sit together we can pull out some top highlighting things you guys can vouch for it we can put that into the ER that can be the living priority document that's the priority document it has all the background information as well as the top level stuff that we need to move forward quickly and I don't think that the idea of focusing on one project a calendar year or a year is a bad thing I mean I think it's better than nothing so that we can actually start to like the living shore line it's a it's a it's actually like probably a risk at this point like a legal almost nearly a legal matter I think that should be our I think we should agree that maybe we should focus on figuring that out like in the short term and what that looks like we would shape it and a lot of these things are very related exactly living shortland so how does that what does the ecosystem look like within that and how can we tie it together and say like once we figured it's not not necessarily Lal but from a positive light like once we're doing this let's tie in all of the places around that but I like let's let's figure out a way to leave that conversation because I agree I don't think that I don't think that this group is getting a seat at the table hard stop period I've seen the conversations that Josh had that there like the surprise that there was a committee that was meeting everybody was like wait whoa whoa whoa what's going on so for some reason it's falling on De years can we just agree that we're going to start submitting paper documents to make sure that it doesn't fall in De ears because it really should be the priority of this coastal town storm water management all of the all of those things that intertwine you won't have Fair Haven without any of that stuff so we can drive the conversation but we need your support and advocacy there of course I love the idea of paper trail and so I'm going to add on one thing so think of powerful it is two scenarios I call Betty an and say I want you to keep keep hot spot on that yeah or we get it into STM Water Management plan which is adopted by the council goes to Nick through the B administrator and then if that's not happening it's a much different conversation to reach out to B administrator and say hey s Mar management plan at page 63 says we're supposed to be doing this um you know what what are we what are we doing to move towards that direction that's a much different process I think much more effective than like there's it's a it's an abundance of good ideas we overflowing with good ideas but they're sort of just scattered and and it's hard to Corral them so we'll just be really specific in the ER about what we need in order to manage this just be really and that's the paperwork that should be adopted that should be the gold part that's a part of it gets adopted into the master plan exactly that's what happened last time that's what happened that's what happened the last year but with the living Shoreline I mean I go back I was in the team what to Nory right and there's rip WP there and I need to understand you're say it's not a compliance problem I think it's an issue about how we want to long-term stabilize the bank and I'm you know so it's not like we're sitting here and there's some issue that's changing it's been that way for 50 years probably 75 years but it's eroding and we want to manage this over the long game and I think that again my initial remembrance I have to go back I'm getting old but it was like I think it it wasn't loral but was one of the ones out of Sandy came in and we're going to get it for $50 and volunteers and you know then it suddenly went to $50,000 and you know so there's been a lot of scope creep and stuff like that you know so the question we have everywhere no no but we have to also scope creep is different because that say we were going to have a flower pot and and a geranium and now suddenly we're going to have a bone s garden you know this is a whole different game so we need to go back and look at it I don't really know right now the last version of it was not encroaching much into the water more so just really helping to stabilize the above mean High Water Area yeah I thought it was strategic planning and stuff like that but it went off you know down there including rain guarding ground down there but then they just recently put um sidewalks down yeah so that doesn't help you know or you know and so you know just understanding and I guess it's just getting it again in front of council right with the long term so if if someone could share that with me from I put down here 2017 that was the shoreline budget with [Music] ALS okay I have all the documents if you could sharing that with me um we could resurrect that it sounds like that's maybe a first on a list priority list we start to to pull together we to be yeah so that's one action we'll take this and then it sounds like you so the subcommittee on the ra you guys are happy to bring this topic into that it should be and try I'm not saying it shouldn't be but I'm just saying oh yeah yeah no absolutely I think that's I think the point of with ER is getting our top priorities in there um and all the environmental you know whatever yeah extrapolating from that and that that should be definitely put into the for sure we can do like an executive summary at the beginning so people will read that and I think I think and I was thinking of that too executive summary here's all the things that we've updated this version and then here's this extra piece here that we've added this time to take a look at here's some our priority that's great thank you uh the rain Garden Project next on the agenda um well this was uh stems back from our for some of us that wanted to have the EC do stuff um per year and and to actually check things off the list and so we' had that workers study for quite some time and one of the Ring Gardens um that we wanted to put in with our budget um for the am church right there we were thinking that might be a good project because of everything that think so meable with the new police station being right there and their parking lot that it would be just a great um way to thank them and then also to help the environment around there so we Anna and I have spoken um I know we have not yet spoken with am yet um get it sounds like there may be a grant I don't know if you heard about but there might be some Landscaping money coming to that area generally once the police station is wrapped up so there doing a cleanup on the 22nd there which is a Saturday at am some light Landscaping I think it would be a good opportunity to look and figure out what where the position could be but I think we should wait until the fall once they know when that's all wrapped up and once there may be a grant coming to actually like make that a grant from where I'm not I don't have any of that information I just kind of spit this out to someone and i' heard that there was potential some money that they could pull from for that so if that's case then we should push for a rain gar there like we'll just kind of be able the be heightened to it because definitely that's a place to do it it's been recognized by Ruckers so questions is there and just the history is is there is there how do we get to to the am and not any of the other 12 or 13 locations that were in the the report uh because some of the locations have already acne as know void it was before it was before the construction um some of the other locations um we wanted to do mcarter um that's being used and there's still another um iterations and so we just saw it with the um Nativity Church Nativity was an issue too we thought about that um but we just thought with the way that construction's been going on there it' be just a nice way to bring you know um pay back do some pay back that organization and is in like the other burrow properties like the firehouse but those aren't on beh private and oh so am is public no it's not fire compy wanted to do it ask and say hey do it there I'm not and then the new like um the new police station Community Center is there already plans to incorporate some of these ideas into that I don't know that plan that's true there's a large retention Basin in the parking lot fields that maybe handling some of the church in nativi water if I'm correctly so if you look at that that's a spec retention based not that I like it but it's what it was designed by the d That's yeah Nativity we already looked at and it was going to be too much of an issue to try to do something I think it was intive way that where we wanted to actually put the ru by that be and I did speak to somebody at Nativity and they were thinking themselves Nativity doing they've done a lot of good work and they put they are thinking about that they they put in a whole native plant um Garden on the outside of nativity and so Kathy Hendrick was very on it and I was sping to her about putting some more plant that yeah L that helps slow the flow into that too so like I see storm water manag plant saying you know these are the ruer sites you know we want to work towards putting a rard and as many as possible at one year whatever yeah I guess my I don't the fresh eyes reading it you when I look at the the fire department and how much of up there lot is paved you know acne how much it's paved Nativity how much it's paved and I compare it to the am it's not paved there's just a couple of sidewalk pieces and the rest of the they have a gravel parking lot right so I was just I was trying to understand like how to me it would seem like all those paved areas that Ruckers highlighted would was prior to it was the old so so but yes I mean we kind of came off of it because some of us are also on the stor Association and um from Farmers Market and byall we just thought we can collaborate and it's a collaborative effort between the AC the stor Association farmers market and just kind of get back to the community it's Church um because it's right there as well we are trying to not prioritize locations but we're just trying to like check things up the village we have not touched any of those locations um since it's been published seven years ago okay no school RAV the pach show that the two ring Gard that exist and on larger pieces of land not private you know residential land okay very cool all right that's helpful um and then I guess with that there was a not or I there was a comment in earlier minutes maybe Anna you brought it up about having funds for the management of it going forward yeah once they built from my understanding it's kind of like a hot potato of who manages it so um personally I think we should do less of them but to manage them so if we identified X spots we should commit to four and just have them maintained instead of building new ones over time I think that would probably be a better way you know they're helpful but they're also not calling but of where you you have it on private land like a church and you get buying from a church and then they have these clean up of days and becomes a community event and there's the main team the maintenance right some with the school they have the rain Gard team exactly it's just the rais in the peach one where just there's no maintenance CU that is [Music] public so is it DPW that's going through and making sure that out BPW was there I walked past it a few weeks ago and they they cleaned it up I thought the garden k at one point like think one year it's not it's not an annual thing now okay so rain Garden project so is it the two of you someone is reaching out to am next to yeah gaug their interest Y and buy yeah we'll talk to them on the on 22nd June 22nd okay um and then this kind of gets into the Green Team update but just the do you have a budget set aside in this year's funding for it already we have we have a budget for the E that just um for the green doesn't have a budget it's all part of the budget yes uh so and I ped to you earlier today so we have a budget of $4,500 for the year right would any of that would that cover ideally would like to have that covered I mean to be used right um but we all have to be on the same page with them okay and it depends what else we want to use our budget for printing SL water brdge is also part of a budget um so we can we also in yourr I've gotten donations and you know services that have been donated um so and that's something I will fight for is you know I I'm not an expert in a lot of those other stuff or more management for example but budgeting yes right so I got the shade Tre commission money for um invasive species control in the budget this year and I'm happy to to if there's good things that we're going to do and we're organized and pointed in the right dire not right in the same direction um I'm happy to advocate for that kind of stuff cool um happy to move on sure your mitigation has Gary me next to it she I mean that's that's in council's hands now really talked to the mayor last week about it um and he is um talking to Rumson and little silver mayor if he hasn't done so already to try to coordinate that the three towns the peninsula is doing it either at the same time or close to the same time so I I haven't heard all those conversation plan yet but that is something so again coming up to speed on things I didn't see like uh any I mean I saw it in the notes I saw that you guys had someone here that same person went and presented a council I think it would be helpful if we produced a recommendation the council adopts I agree we State the problem we State you know what ideas or Solutions we consider you know the expert you know testimony from DDP whatever capture that into some sort of memo white paper that then goes to De for deer mitigation that also in the Ann report and that's what we presented for the annual report I thought that was done I think it was pretty General was very specific or maybe theual report was I don't know I just I feel like done this it so where would I find it let me check the in word for it's um it's on the annual report number six FC recommends Council evaluate de mitigation for their functions so they so they would evaluate I think we have a point of view about what they should do do we not yeah so we should share that point of view I think it it was right Brian really that pretty sure we already did that there's paper though there's no but that was when um the D came and spoke and said this we need a managed hunt yes yes they went through all the options right for the whole town it was great right I watched it on Zoom yeah but I agree with Sean that something that says I could go to go to the council say that EC thinks this is what we should do I think that would be great and that's not in there on the annual report they there was never like a specific memo it was Brian Bry driving the D presentation go the council level which happened um there was a separate memo in the any report that Brian Rice um gave to the governing body in February or March J mitigation was listed as like the the six um like it was on the list saying that we should have a Controlled Hunt says that NP fish and wildlife employees areas of fair value with burough Forest Health Rel to a de population they assess areas of fair and Fields that can hunters and discuss hunting option programs F fhc recommends that Council evaluate dear mitigation program options okay should we just we just do a resolution memo together and send it to them and say we agree with the Controlled Hunt that it needs to we Mo to that but think about like should it be in the fall the spring um should it be just one weekend should it be no the said it can't just be one weekend I'm saying think about the specifics if you want like a specific plan and I can bring that say this is right but we are not the ones to do that I think that's it I think we want to say we're supportive of deer mitigation plan because of the negative environmental impacts of population we want suggest we're in agreement what we heard about the May trying to coordinate the HTS and the third thing is that we want supportive of what the D recommends that's they're the professional experts yeah no but we're Rec we're recommending you follow through the fall hunt if that's what the D feels whatever their program was I was confident and also what the stable population should be right because whatever the d feels the call us to go to is what's sustainable in the long but now if if the mayor is waiting to talk to the other town and get them on board is there anything that's been in action already that started this or is it I haven't heard what the conversations were yet because that's just going I don't think it's prohibitive to have a coordinated effort if the towns fall apart then you still move forward with the D's recommendations right they're the ones that they have I don't know if it's grants or something but they're the ones that help to pull together the actual plan like they have the template and they work with the town and they do all the vetting and the and everything it's we would do that thing we we do things like it's going to be on this day or it's only going to be on Saturday in the morning or it's going to be you know so those are things that are within our purview but yeah once we tell them what we want to do they will implement it but they also give us recommendations I mean I don't think it's just a one andone for year it's a yeah like I think the recommendations what I heard the recommendations are we think the Hunt is the best versus um birth control versus trapping versus right um but I didn't hear them saying that given your situation you should do it in this spot this frequently down to this level that that comes with the actual plan itself and getting into the weeds like that the whole presentation wasn't just buying just yeah just buying first and then you be working with so I'll just make the motion that we move forward with the deer Co plan and that we're looking to the council to do it as soon as possible obviously that's appropriate and the D and take process what their recommendations are with regards to the deer management as to the ultimate size of the herd and also did you get all that chispy I want something yeah no no no let's make a resolution if you want more details second the deer mitigation program do the negative environmental impacts and you defer to the NDP and their recommend their expertise in the area of deer management as to the actual structure of the culling and the size of the herd and also timing what the most appropriate timing and we're also supportive of the mayor's effort to coordinate with other municipalities with other municipalities whoever we also think we can move forward if if it doesn't turn out to be within a reasonable time of because I think time is have to I don't I think if you miss don't you if you miss the season you have to wait till next fall because we missed last year so so I think it's like the urgency year to get on the agenda talk about it so we'll move it off the contract yes this should be a non cost a low cost thing right for the town to do so the budgetary constra thing it's all coordination inertia and but I also think priority I also think it's if you know and I don't know I I imagine you guys are very well versed in in that conversation you heard the presentation you heard the other options council's now heard the same I don't feel that the wider public even knows the conversation that's happening and when people find out that we're to start shooting deer in the in Fair Heaven woods they going to be like that's crazy why are you doing that so I think if if there's a if if the EC is it sounds like we're unified which is nice but at least we have a hey we've seen it we endorse it we understand that there's other options that we considered that went to council they considered it they've endorsed it they've engaged the D like at least it's a you know it's the start of a of a conversation I think one of the things maybe that's an opportunity for us to write up at one page just saying why we support this course of action so that the council doesn't have to take all the heat but that we're trying to look at all the different aspects of the environment I think that's really what's helpful when I learned about it the way you guys looked at it was very helpful to understand yeah and that also that should be posted you know month in advance of the hunt to say this is going to happen everybody should understand that you have to make choices and just the number of you are way above what we can sustain yeah I asked the Natural Area shade tree and I believe Brian to that meeting to support s of joking that I'm literally going to have blood on my yeah right so like and people the first reaction it myself included was what and then you start to educate yourself and learn it's like well there unfortunately there's no better option um so a paper like that would be great and if we we motion it I mean it's you made we agree by acclamation weate second any abstain any against I will work on drafting something and send it to before we do thank you I thought we would send it to Gary since he's not here it's fine you say no I mean at the end of the day we're trying to communicate well and also we don't want to leave the council H right and I think also communicating to the general public you know unfortunately there's a lot of emotionality it's not related to the real facts of what you have to do it's an unpleasant reality yes but we don't have any wolves in the state of New Jersey yeah and I don't think we're bringing them back and we have massive amount of fridge which is be all right thank you um next one coming back Kelly Green Team update um yep green team has been busy this spring um we start did a lot of gardening and planting starting with the native pant allat garden with school and the PTA there and the kindergarten the fourth grer um which was great and then we moved on to completing our sustainable Jersey Grant the Third Street Trail pollinator Garden we haven't gone by and seen that garden and the education sign there it really is spectacular um we had the ribbon cutting ceremony on loveely live day our annual um celebration of all things that are all and great in um in including a lot of the environment we tried to high we wanted to highlight the the amazing work and efforts that multiple organizations and groups have done on the Third Street Trail by recleaning that area the trees um and also to celebrate the 50th anniversary of be Haven fields which is such a great story for this town um and so we thank you councilman Olen and councilman Cole and councilman cot and delli um we had a great turnout from Council who came and helped us cut that ribon and celebrate um all stuff that that we put on it was a wonderful um for those that came I mean thanks Jesse and Anna that came I think it was very well intended it was kind of really super sweet to see kids and fairy wings like hopping around through the um Woods there's nobody on screens the library had this fantastic um b craft and B books and um there was just wonderful things we had storm water action there composting um Natural Area historic assciation the firehouse or the volunteers it was just wonderful it was a it was a great afternoon and the weather WEA was beautiful those bit there yeah really good fortunately the Mii van did not come that talk about but it was um the sign I think came out awesome and DPW I have to give them credit they tremendously getting that sign in and um getting that path ready for for the event um just same we ever do that again we need some wagons to help bring stuff back and forth yes thank you and just a a better plan with the tables because that was uh donated by the firehouse there was some complications that so it's just you know again a little bit more support make it more of a community event not just the Green Team Soul event you know and I think that can go a long way helping to publicize it helping to get people there helping to celebrate um because there is a lot to celebrate in Fair Haven and and the volunteers and people who put their time into it and and the natural spes we have I mean imagine fairen without fairen Fields be completely different in our town and I think and that's why I think why it's so important too to have people part of that conversation see the table at the 21 faan road to these are you know decisions that are reached so much more than who lives here now but for next Generations and doing it well and doing it right and um because I mean just seeing the kids build TPS in the in the past there and it it just is a is a wonderful resource to have that I think people take for granted and there are some people that had never been to the first grade tra yet and it was just wonderful like come see what Fair Haven has to offer and this is just a part and hopefully that will generate you know it has generated like what's happening with the bird sanctuary let's get that next right and so just getting different location too I think it's kind of nice and smart that you guys change locations this year right I think maybe we all has been getting for for all good reason it's been getting a lot of attention there is grant money that's going to be fixed up and that's wonderful that was our original intent doing it three years throughout there bringing awareness of this area and so now the Third Street Trail there's more trails that want to be carved out I talked to markon today there's another um Eagle Scout that wants to add on possibly to the pollinator garden and so it just it generates Community involvement interest yeah so I thought it was um it was just a wonderful day so thank you and um we submitted that to stable Jersey Grant so we were done with that and we are we had um a booth about storm water what goes into our River at the eest in r at Victoria Park on June 1st um that I heard went wonderfully um talking about from other stuff that goes into our River like um construction of dust right like all that white dust from like ASAC Trend that you go out there and you just see it there and it's like well it's not sa it doesn't just go away those are microplastics right so just thinking about some of this other stuff that goes into the river that people just don't realize um and understand and so um that is all part of storm water management education so you know we're just working on trying to get that word out so we are taking a little Hiatus um as a busy spring so so we willame you um I would love for anybody else on the E to join the greeting because um it's just a it's great strength the numbers um so anybody's welcome to attend and get involved so that's it the sustainable Jersey grants is that is that funding something specific that was funded for the uh pollinator Garden that was a $2,000 grant that we got through the psng foundation looks great yeah thank you does yeah the the whole entrance there come along way um so like I said earlier we have we environment has a a budget of 4500 um we have until the end of the year to started I know I guess I don't know but I my understanding is that the environmental commission doesn't always it correct environmental commission has a small budg I have the whole budget here any wants to look um it's mostly dues and bees and um sort of administrative things and we've paid those for our this year already so effectively the EC has drained our our portion of that budget yeah and so the balance is available it's like 30 you know $800 anyway um so if you I guess my point is if you have have um ideas projects things in mind let's make sure they're on the table at our next meeting if you don't let's find a way before because we don't have a meeting in August by the time we get to September we need to know how that money is going to be spent otherwise it gets very hard to spend this before the end of the year um just in as a FYI to you in your what happened last year and your path that we we don't get approved agenda until like mid you know our year and our big event is prior to that and so love where live day was completely funded out of you know mostly volunteer Printing and and you know that stuff so that's one of the issues with that and then also um I know Christy when I asked you to like about the Staples like you know where can we go and get printing of like brochures right or posters or things that like are education materials um and we don't have a uh a account account right a vendor vendor I think few promos she use for door hangers the door hangers promos but they're very um yeah they have trouble using them yeah okay but they were really really nice too yeah and moving forward but like you know um I know that was with what happened last year we didn't get our we didn't find out about our budget until in the fall and then we were scrambling to spend the money so the budget start to get formed in September I believe so that's the time to start thinking about it or maybe before September um and then my understanding is I haven't been through a September yet but my understanding is the department heads and so on everyone sort of submits their request and then it's tallied up and then we have to get the Gap right but then when does it become approved to actually be used for the F right when does it happen us when did it happen we just we passed it March was April March what month is it now July it's Jun May and that's why we never but we do an inter budget go off last year's levels to and that's very common in New Jersey um so yeah I don't I'm sorry felt like you don't have it you know it starts over in January one there I mean we have drawn down funds already before this meeting we've already drawn down funds so the funds are there um you would have access to them through your spring events thinking about next year but certainly if there's anything we want to do in the fall like we should I guess what I'm trying to say is we we should start to think about it discuss it if not now next meeting and then have a plan you know for how we want to spend it by September my understand if we don't use it it's kind of hard to get it back the next year if it falls out of the budget U all the corporation hard to get it back in because of the cap if it's appropriated and you don't spend it it still was appropriated and next year should live so the difference between spending and the budget making um and the the riskiest thing is to have it fall out of the budget but the money that we all approv this year was primarily for Green Team for L where you live day for we didn't get to spend in time so that money can go towards next year's L where you live day since it's already approved or would have to be approved in next year's budget that's I mean that's a New Jersey W that's not my discretion so but it's in the budget now right so that gives it inertia for next year but then we can decide on reallocating those funds to a different L say the ring Garden I would think so but I would Nancy the rard underneath the Green Team if that's does fact to be specifically for L I have a check with Nancy or environmental commission miscellaneous and I'm not saying it has to be the Rain G I just I was using that as an example if if like you said in the earlier part of the conversation if what's going on if Normandy is really important and we can use some of those funds for an expert for a study for piece of technology for you know something to further that the plan's there I 000 is allocated in a budget there right the design needs to be slightly modified since more of the bank as heot as as he wrote it another surday that so that is a my understanding is that is a capital budget which is different than the budget so capital budget is um a different an um and that just because it's been approved doesn't mean that it's funded so you still have to find the funding um I'm not saying the funding isn't there but it's a it's treated very differently than an operating budget which is what we're talking about 4500 that's an operating budget and we have I know Teresa has a a big list we have the town has dozens of capital projects that have been approved via Bond ordinance um they're in various stages of funding um so that's a that's it area I'm trying to chew on now okay so maybe a little bit more clarification just so that we know moving forward if like if living T is going to be our priority and our goal like understanding like we don't allocate the money for that and then right or like that $77,000 that we've all been knowing that has been part of it is that really there or is it not there is it usable you know yeah so again it's there's a difference between it being approved that's that's a legal term for a bond ordinance and a bond Council a capital capital um action and then funding it is different and that can be grants it could be U from a governing body allocation it could be U bonding okay um and so I don't know the status of the funding of it you can't you can't spend it until it's funded right but wasn't it part of the settlement there I know there was $20,000 um my understanding is there was $20,000 that was given as part of the settlement I don't well I know that there's like as as of money part of I don't know if it's 77 okay okay because I didn't think it was a bond I thought it was just part of the settlement with the mar okay thanks so that's on budget um planning board Anna anything nothing more than what I mentioned about the master plan re examination well the redo of it and we're going to start talking about it for 26 so so that's the deadline that we can go within it will be I hope our priority to make sure that the EC has a sa p on that for sure so that it's um you know considered in the enti that affects all of us and then some so we have are you anticipating we ask for someone from this group to participate in the crafting and I think would be I don't I'm not going to step on Fred's toes on how that goes it would be my recommendation that we in some capacity bring in someone who's knowledgeable to all the aspects of the town to have an input on that whether even like Nick or whoever does the plan I haven't I was not around for the first one that was made or you know whatever but I don't know how the process is but I do think that it should be heavily considered that someone from this group is involved in that in some capacity was anybody that a reexamination in 2016 John were you guys involved yeah to some degree I mean again I think we talked about some of the issues and again I think it's a very important document for us because it really is the way that the planning board communicates with the council gives them PRI and then how the variants are applied all of that different stuff so do you recommend someone from the EC as in a part of those conversations oh yeah I would think so because certainly the developments that are going to overlap right and obviously the the ER is going to is a resource if you will for the people doing the planning document right adopted into it that's our so we're going back to a very old fight but I'll give it to you now okay which is okay some people think Fair Haven should be be a national park and I'm an urban planning guy and my thought is we should be a livable sustainable Community because there's going to be people here and how do we make it you know and that's where the planning document kind of you know runs into each other because you know the question is what are we trying to do with our housing stock what are we trying to do with affordable housing what are we trying to do with our sustainability right you know keeping the down walk even kids fighting to school you know that was in my things like I get less aggravated about the national park and stuff you know what I mean like we're not going to be pristine natural environment we're going to be limited envirment but we could be a the the planning document should reflect a vision of what should the future look like right you know and I I don't know how well it does at this point that's a question right does it does it address climate change issues does it address coastal flooding well does it address liability sustainability you know it's the opportunity to redo soup nut so whatever it looks like now we would be starting that was just the reexamination I mean there are things we do that make me crazy like picking up Crush I have a compost pile you can eliminate brush tomorrow I could care less because every ounce of diesel that we spend to take it to the colck and then bring back mulchin to town I nuts but you know that's one of those things the livability right which is maybe we make peace with that say okay we're going to exper some diesel we're gonna have some cin footprint because it's important to maintain Gardens and you know that's a compromise right and I don't know how old the planning document right now we could take a look at it together yeah do we get priv to the plan look at the original right it's all in line I mean I can s but do they ask for like I mean we we asked for our ER we asked the environmental round table for recommendations right and not the planning board zoning board R committee shry Natural Area those that's where I think it was beneficial having an environmental BR table not saying environmental commission brown table just environmental round because there's a lot of overlap right and so that's where I think like okay we share our ER we ask for input and valuable feedback they share their master plan or you know and then we give food back I'll give you a very expensive thing that makes me crazy we do full Restorations of our streets could probably live with Restorations not restoration you can treat them the surface you can crack seal stuff we don't have to replace everything it's very expensive to do we have 95 streets in town some of them are key you know H Third River Ridge you know but other ones could be a little more shoty if you will but actually that's a good for the environment right because if we don't renovate them we just do some crack ceiling and po repair and say look this is one of our goals that would be a great way to cut the budget and also be environmentally responsible they they're doing repairs right now I appreciate it but on the other hand you know so unless that's in a report that Nick is reading yeah or or you know or in some other form it's it's just a good idea you are 100% right because the engineers and I do this a lot yeah we talk about different things and my point is they want you know up to what's called the ashto standard and I'm sitting there going we could be fine with f we we could work with I mean I don't want trip hates on the sidewalks I don't want shying potholes but I mean you know maybe you could just Seal Co Street and looks a little more sh I mean again the problem is everybody wants it to look like Beverly Hills right and then you're like that's not really diss stainable way to go right I agree with that I think that's a good thing to talk about during the master plan I mean I don't I don't think that we need to be spending that much money on road improvements in a small town like that accentuates walkability and pedan friend yeah I be party pooper but the number one issue I heard about not being on doors was streets H holes be that was everybody and again we've made a lot of progress when I first got on Council in 2004 um Forest D would just collapsed because they didn't replace the culbert underneath it and it eroded out and the road collapsed so I'm glad in 15 years I didn't have any I don't think I had any collapse you know what I mean but that's like and it's an endless cycle I mean if you want to talk about a repair the collapse almost collapses um Norwood right in the back of Norwood what is it on Bo of ENT property is it on town I always I don't know but it's getting bigger and bigger you cannot miss it there's four different cones and it's a big single what's my name is it the parking lot it is the parking lot at storm TR that I think is that looks like that looks like the Border B that's always I don't know but I think it started with the storm drain I don't know it could be a great I'll take collaborative project no no no no collaborative no no no no they love to collabora but they don't put up any money figure it out opportunity neighbor and coming back um I think just you know you mentioned DC being involved someone brought up the environmental Round Table being involved I think that's it's probably brought it's you obviously are you know the link but think about how that that planning proc process master plan process updating you know how do we get the people from the environment table on it too yeah I'll talk to Fred at our next meeting and see what the game plan is for our to redo it um it's two years out but it will come quick so start to have those conversations it's like 24 meetings yeah or less so but yeah I think it's that's great thank you y uh Brian anything else on your plate you want to bring up yeah so a couple things uh first shiy pod Christine did you get this maybe you can share it if U you next day or so so there a person wrote to the mayor that lives on Shippy Pond which is privately owned I did not realize that oh yeah um and the nut of the message is since last summer the pond has been completely taken over by water chestnut from our understanding this is a highly invasive species which can very easily spread between waterways rapidly destroying ecosystems and potentially be highly damaging to Fair Haven Riverside PS in terms of visual appeal and fishing boating growing where it to spread further uh you'll get the whole email um I just want to get it on your plate I am not a water chestnut expert if it can be treated how it's treated how it spreads but if there's an idea or it's interesting to hear about Shippy Pond has Public Access and they've attempted many time few times in the past I've seen an attempt to drag us into their problems if they want to talk about public access but I get interested in you know spending public money on their maintenance something we could talk about but it's the private it's a private problem it's like your backyard I mean what do you do about poison ivy in your backyard I don't figure it out yeah but then what about when it becomes like right the bamboo in your neighbor's yard that goes into your yard now it's like your problem good question you know and so it's like that water chest night if it enters into other places well then who's going to clean that up I think you would find that there also would be real discussions about how we would manage it if we're going to enter into their property what if it's a good question we get into these things about driveway and sidewalks and the question is where does burrow property end where does private property begin and just I can just think of this it's nice to say go to the mayor but what is the Shippy fond I would ask what is the Shippy fond Association say about this yeah I think they're working on it yeah it's in there we should that SCH will cite them for having an invasive species that they should M I'm quick you know us about yeah on it right now good excellent there you go let's site him and say Yeah clean up this chest so what he said what they wrote In Here Is We believe We are beginning to mobilize other direct neighbors to assist situation and shippies but realistically will require coordinated multi clean up an investment plan I thought the town should be made aware of this both in case you that you believe that this should be a situation handled by the township rather than an infl residence Association and put you on the alert for potential sightings of water chestet elsewhere very right should back to them and say clean it up quick because we one more water so I know I know fish spread from D feet they when they land they pick up the egg to the next Lake I don't know if this happens that way but just um point I don't think you guys have enough to do so I thought I bring that up no no I think we should just site them I think it's a good point I think we should site so and say you have an invasive species you should deal with it because we don't want to be dealing with um so the second thing is the budget next year we're talking about a little bit at the beginning of the meeting I'll save you the Gory details unless you want them but the Garbage Contract is blowing up on us um the increase in the budget is going to be enormous and it's going to crowd out a lot of other things um one of the things that's being considered is reducing the recycling pick up from every week to every two weeks nobody wants to do it but it's it sort of comes down to do we keep it once a week or do we get rid of you know things that are really important I'm making this up a police officer right but you know really starting to get in Cut not cutting fast cutting follow so just be aware of that and then last I did get uh from the mayor during the meeting the authorization um to Appo Sean I can email it to John I can have it email to everybody or I can read it right now if you want I just want to see the enabling legislation I got something from Alison which I appreciate you can send it it's a different it's a change in the way we're doing things and if we were out of compliance with convention that's fine I just would never have known it because no mayor's always allowed us to select our own I also just on that note and it's I've worked with Sean now in the planning board I'm like you and I are the last two in I I feel I would feel personally much more comfortable if it was a co-chair situation because and Sean like you're a very smart capable capable person but this is some complicated stuff this isn't really just like I mean all of these appointments are and I think they're incredibly important there are people at this people that know a lot more than myself I'm the first to recognize that I would never be the chair of this I personally would feel more comfortable Josh would consider at least appointing the co-chair I think the appointment seemed a little out of left field I don't think that the option was circulated to the rest of the group not that they would have all accepted it was it was circulated to some to some but there are people who have been on here for a long long time and I think that the consideration should have been given to them before someone entirely green was brought into the platform and that is no disrespect for you it's just I know that the way this place this operates I know that we are getting kind of getting a clean house Brian had been in a position for a long time this was you know it's it's a it's a new start Teresa is leaving that's a new start like Fair Haven has an opportunity to kind of move forward from some things in the past I would like to be really intentional about that and in my personal opinion once this is considered and I can talk to Josh directly but if you want of Lea I would feel more if this could be considered a co-chair situation so what I think no perhaps you can just read us was the resolution was this a Town Council or or New Jersey statute membership of EC's yeah I got that but is that state statute yeah it's just New Jersey njsa okay that was my question says uh the mayor shall designate one of the members to serve as chair says chair minist careair person right and presiding officer of the commission and there but one of the members right one of the members well you can designate a new member I mean that's that's not the challenge I just didn't know this new member see my version doesn't have state law it just has the numbers so I mean I'll Advocate publicly why I think Sean is great for this so um my view of the EC sort of what I said before is it's a lot of passion a lot of knowledge a lot of caring but not a lot of Direction not a lot of focus and that's what he has dis SP dispassionate he levelheaded um he's project oriented and I think it will move the EC ball farther than if we had if we didn't have those skills so I say give him a chance go I was just GNA say um it would be nice from people on the committee just to and we've all did this in the beginning of the year to give our background and to reason why you wanted to be on this LA and I think everybody explained their background around the table right now perhaps because he hasn't met us he doesn't know we are and and again I think it was more of a shock factor to be honest with you no I mean I didn't think the mayor was going to appoint I I had given the mayor some counsel guidance about talking to us because I think it was a very significant move to do this and you know I think again I didn't know we were going to to be with me that's just I I don't I didn't get that one that they were going to appoint a chair I thought it was going to be going to appoint a new member and then we're gonna have another election come back here discussion so tonight I was kind of surprised that's all but I think it's ni so everybody talk to you and I don't think anybody I don't think anybody's opposed to you I think back there I think it's more of a process this whole Situation's been crazy in my opinion I think it's just been like one I didn't even know if we were ever going to meet again but I do think you know there was a process we voted on Brian in the beginning I think that was the way this was set up and we voted on a CO on a vice chair on a vice chair so I don't know it just feels like there were it just things got bummed I it could be a little more intentional so that's my so there's there's more to the story what you all see understand there just transparency I mean transparency I was approached yes I didn't want to say that I declined because I know did not have enough time but also I was expecting that somebody else that has been on would at least be asked and I know they weren't so and and even just or even just to get the opinions like Hey we're looking at these folks to join again nothing I don't know your background I'd love to hear about it but I mean just to get the since we that's what we've done last that's this is definitely not about Shan no it just really was a situation when I you know I talked in Council of the mayor to some degree you know and I and I Bas I didn't talk him directly but I gave some advice and I basically just said look it's a very provocative thing to take the chair of the commission you know what I mean we've been operating we didn't take them I got it I got it I'm not gonna you know again I can parse words too I mean I'm just GNA say I'm gonna say that it's it's just when you take the chair out of a committee you know if you suddenly bump me out of my committees on campus everybody's going to wonder why you know it does happen I'm not say it can't happen but you know then it was the situation we went then to an appointment of a new chair and I was just kind of like oh that's a double kind of move you know what I mean it was like we taking out the old chair and we're put in a new chair and I'm like okay yeah so so really more than anything I think everybody's just kind of We're just trying to adapt that's a organizational I don't think anybody's negative feeling for the record I'd like to sort of re re visit the bidding here so the chair resigned we the mayor approached Jesse she declined um there was discussion about another member that was approached a while ago that also declined but that was under different let's let's that was under way different pretenses I was not going to that is complet and I'm shocked that you bring that up right now right I said there was a discussion that there was a member that was approached a while ago we didn't approach that person now okay I was approached a while ago but that was under different pretenses and I was not going to up take anybody from a position that was already in place and voted in would I have appreciated another phone call or like other people on this committee all this all those discussions happened after the EC chair resigned none of it was people right okay so we had we had an opening and then we started talking about it and we approached Jesse and then we started talking more broadly and then it was a discussion of where I shared my thoughts of like what does the EC need to move like what they have so much good stuff but I've been on EC for three years now and it it feels like like the list of accomplishments is pretty short and like what will it take to get that list populated to get us moving and I think the skills that Sean brings will move that skills that he brings would be but to go from nothing to CH like that jump to me is it's a little I mean I'm a newbie me since January and I'm still learning I'm not saying much because there's so much to learn so I just imagine being in that position of trying to learn everything it's a lot I actually think this is very civil discussion because I'm at the University and we're living through the Palestinian Israel protest I was just a commencement on Friday Pro this so everybody here is being real civil because there is a lot of you know there was a rock thrown in the in the lake and there a lot of you know we're all kind of just sitting here trying to go I don't think anybody here is angry I don't think we're upset we're just kind of sitting here going okay how do we move forward I think that's and my question really at the beginning is about due process because I want to make sure we're doing it correctly by the books and as long as we're doing it by the books I'm not going to have any objection but I think it's nice to to talk to each other and start to think about how we're going to work together that's what I think and to know the background I mean sent out a nice letter and all but I know nothing about you and your interest and background environment and so somebody who's going to lead the charge you might have all the skills that's great but I also want to know what you can bring and why you wanted to take this on and what your motivation is and so I mean because everyone else here has been requested to to be on and I don't know if that was a case Center or not and and so you know and so I would just like to know and that's how you get to this maybe a bit of the sense of my style I you guys are all volunteers um and you have to respect that you've taken time out of your day and away from your family to come here tonight and and discuss matters that are important to our town and maybe not important to a lot of other people but you know are important to be town so um I respect that I appreciate that and I think that's where my passion lies for service to the community and so um long time ago I said you know to Josh I'm happy to serve in any capacity I can it's resulted in Brush and leaf committee a year or so ago it's resulted on planning board with ana um and the environment for me you know if I had to sum it up in this town it's it's a tremendous value to the town it's a tremendous value financially to our property values it's a tremendous value to my preferred way of life being outdoors being active I have a daughter who plays lots of sports um I'm running um and Fair Haven fields on on a weekly basis so the the value that that [Music] are space that's been set aside for open space brings to to me and what I think to the community um not to mention the value being near the water you know I've always lived on the coast like wouldn't know how to live in the interior of our country I certainly couldn't live on the west coast because then the water would be on the wrong side but it's always you know Coastal communities I have another another home in Ocean City um you know which is right on very close to the water as well um so anyway that's the short answer the long answer is um I'm uh I very much love the the aspect of my own property and gardening and and I've been taking advantage of the U the programs to bring trees in you know through the through the the buroughs program um when I first moved here one of the first ways I got involved in the community was the cleanups in in the Natural Area with Mark um bringing my own chainsaw and youa where that was another five point we get there later that Happ but just you know you're talking about you're sharing you know the Third Street entrance and and how that's been updated and remember like it feels like just two years ago it was a picket that you couldn't see through and now you can and like you said there's trails and so uh I wouldn't I wouldn't I'm not a self-described tree hugger I don't you know I that's not how I see myself but you I drive an an electric vehicle because I thought it was important to set an example that we need to reduce emissions from our vehicles um you know we we try to live a very try to minimize our waste um going out in the trash like I don't need a second trash collection during the week I would I would gladly give that up if that helped our budget um but moreover I'm just really I'm really passionate about preserving the space that we have um so when I hear about you know 21 Fair Haven becoming available as a park I get super excited about that I think having more public space on the water is better it's better for all of us um and if if that means that we now have an opportunity to act and and exercise our intelligence our experience our Collective energy and will to do something positive that will drive that that project specifically forward but also you know create the ripples for future um future Generations like that's awesome so um I believe in the power of this organization I believe in the power a policy I know it doesn't sound super exciting when you're not you know boots on the ground doing stuff but if we're not out front setting this is how we feel about certain things I think it's really hard to get people to inv and so that's you know when I was approached I I thought the the megaphone of of you guys and your passion and and me and kind of what Brian you know said I thought it made a lot of sense um and I'm happy to you know continue to to demonstrate that on a on a monthly basis on a regular bases in between meetings and how we prepare and how we make these the most effective as we can um um but yes I am new to the team for sure you know I'm just going to say well I've been like I said I've been here since January and in my short tenure from what I've learned from these two girls about their passion it mirrors what exactly what you said that's how I feel you know and to me personally I think they should have be given given the opportunity for that position yeah I have to agree I have to agree I mean I this is third or fourth meeting I've been to that we've had and listening to Kelly tonight with her passion about everything I mean it's amazing and that's how I feel may he is yeah good I think that they um like what they do for work is also significant and it would drive this they have a more holistic approach to you know just kind of they're more nuanced in in what these what the details include I think um Jesse you and I've spoken about that Kell you know that to be true as well um I have to I have to agree with you on that Mr da and like I don't have any background but I think we all can be cohesive project managers when it comes to this sort of thing I think we can all start to drive this forward I don't think that's a negative but I don't think that should be the the one differentiator for what would cause the appointment of share yeah I don't think it was the one differentiator um so when I was in business school um we had a i Bo and I approached the school and said I was on the accounting team in high school very cool and used to do tournaments it was crazy um and I said I want to test out and they said the accounting class is not going to teach you accounting it's going to teach you how to manage accounts different there's a different skill set between knowing how to do something how how to manage projects harness energy that's what Sean braks um so I don't think that he knows any less about the environment than me for example um but I think his organization skills are outstanding and the way he conducts himself The Voice the demeanor all that stuff is going to help all of you be more empowered I think but but I hear you I understand no no I think it's just a the conversation to have we got to the point that you know feel like we didn't really have much control over right it's been confirmed that it's not really up to us but I do think it's important you know it's something to consider in my opinion trree all right so can we take an action I guess through you which action well I think the the collective voice of the the commission is to consider a co-chair [Music] uh well first of all I don't know I don't know if that's you know I've learned I don't want to this is not a cop out but I don't know if that's possible um I'll be honest I hope that it's not possible because I would rather just have Sean to the chair but I don't know um I don't know if that's possible um I would like you guys to give him a chance that's what I would like but if you know if everyone who tells me that you want me to Advocate to the mayor uh for something you know I I would feel obliged to do that I person like you to see The Advocate to the mayor that we have a say in who we think we'd like to see his chair I question um the effectiveness of a co-chair I mean we are an organization that's been apparently labeled as a list of getting things done so that's that's mine yeah by you and so I just wonder if that would be aous any kind of process and I think maybe what I'm hearing is people are not happy that they either weren't consulted in the decision or didn't have more say in it and I think that's the message maybe we want to send to the mayor because we're talking to the wrong people excuse we can send it to no I I just think more than no but you're always welcome mayor I mean I would welcome the mayor if you want yeah I think so I mean it would be good I again Josh you missed some of the earlier commentary but again no one has expressed any negativity about Sean and and also I think it's just anytime this kind of change occurs it always causes waves and ripples and so we're all we don't know you you know we haven't even introduced our so you know and and part of it is we also Dove right into the meeting tonight and we didn't even say hello to each other you know what I mean so there is a level at which got to get to know each other right sure you know so we're just about to go around the room and get to know each other okay all right so does anyone have any questions for me I mean I am here you wife asked me a question be happy to answer it but I I can speak on behalf of you know I kind of heard Brian talking about why she almost chos um I I would say what he said times 10 I mean this this is a leader that's why he was chosen for the chair for the position and I don't feel um in any way as if I need to be apologetic for the decision of course I'd love to have this conversation and and get your feedback as far as why you're apprehensive about it and I value that feedback but you remember I was in the same position I came in as mayor I had no expertise whatsoever I I think my one attribute that I brought to the table is that I thought I could leave now people might dispute that three years later but that that's what I brought to the table is I could organize a meeting I could get a consensus I could keep people moving in One Direction and um you know listen I I'm I'm I'm not going to talk about you know where the committee was I want to talk about where the Comm the commission where the commission is going that's what's much more important here is what does the future look like so another example it's different the library Board of Trustees okay we had five or six members that were in those positions for years I'm talking 20 30 years the same people and I sat at this table and they told me if you make changes here you don't understand you don't understand we have an entire new group have you guys been up to the library lately it is unbelievable the difference in there the energy the excitement that it's brought I really do believe I'm not I don't want put too much pressure on Sean it's not going to happen in one meeting but I think when we're sitting here 12 months from now the feeling in this room is going to be collectively different than it was prior to prior to this move okay and that's not a knock on anyone that's just saying I think that this group needs this type of person right here the lead it moving forward yes Josh I mean I think that from my perspective I think we all want to see a smooth transition we have concerns about the Ming River Municipal committee right we want to make sure we have a good transition there and I also think that with your your offering here I mean now we have a strong leaon with the council and therefore now can look forward to having a much more positive and strong relationship with Council sure and getting things done so I mean I think I think that's the biggest thing it's just that figure out a way to have a good transition yeah I mean he he has my full support I I won't share private conversations I will say the chair position was offered to the current member I already said it okay Sor I was I was hopeful I a positive way Jesse you know I wanted you to take the position I totally respect that you I'm I'm ecstatic to see up here and contributing still in the position that you are um all things considered looking looking forward into the future for this commission um I think Sean's going to be a fantastic choice and you know if if anyone want to talk to me about that individually I welcome that conversation I'm certainly not running from it um I will tell say it's the right decision and um if I was if I was a blackjack dealer I'd be sliding my money into the middle of table on this on this so you want to address the co-chair concept that's I didn't even hear the co-chair so there're some some members of of everyone is expressing a desire to maybe have a PO here considered that and I said that I'm not sure if it's allowed I hope that it's not because I believe in Sean I don't I don't think it's necessary but I'll have those conversations with everyone off one if they'd like to I uh you know based on the the bylaws of the commission mayor sets the chair that's what I've done um I hope you all support that appointment give him a chance I'm the first person to admit if something doesn't go right my initial question was just I didn't know the legislation was different than our normal process in the B and so therefore I just I want to see the legislation I still and John B up a good point that if if it wasn't the right way that that could invalidate what we're doing sure cor that's all I wanted to clarify because I've had numerous fights at the University over people being not correctly appointed and what would happen is people would try and select a committee that's not legal and then pass pass rules and it's like no no no the wrong body the wrong body I get to go to court the last two years um I I was presented that I should be appointing the chair in I chose that's fine just different than I normally I've been I want to explain my resistance to co- is nothing against any of you um I think what this commission needs the most is leadership and Direction and a co-chair believe that uh and saying if it's not working you know I'll I admit that you changes have happen I suppose you know I'm not trying to try to you know suggest it's not going to work but um I think having a co-chair would make it harder to point One Direction um we did pass a resolution supporting the the council adopting a deer management plan that's in line so that you don't have to the council doesn't have to be the front people on decision that we support you and support the process following the D's process to get a herd of the right size those are the things that are good we we interact with each other and actually solve problems together you want to know about us I love it I'm Bill D I've been resident for 38 years and a wonderful town went to school with my daughter that's all I have to offer went to scho earlys here I'm John Peter the former B council president and I served the council 2014 15 and big water person well as I said I'm a boater fisherman you know sailor you know riverette so and Jesse Mar I've been in town since 2016 I am a marine fisheries habitat biologist an ecologist that I do for my career and also I'm in town know a little bit everything with the environment excellent uh Kelly Flanigan I've been years since 2017 um I currently um I teach at Brookdale um in science in the Environmental Education Department I've got my doctorate in scien um I've Environmental Education is my is my passion um I'm co-chair I'm chair of the Green Team and um you know very firm believer in Grassroots um education public in getting in initiating change um when I'm not uh on here I do enjoy being on the river paddle board surfing um water so like the environment is a very big very big part of my life yeah no I grew up here I'm a lifelong resident get to raise my family here we know each other from plan board I did the same thing I reached out to Josh he probably regrets taking the email that I sent him few years later but I told him I'm at his disposal with anything I'm very passionate about the town I started the farmers Mar at so that's awesome that was awesome they sold that did you they sold everything it was empty EMP St GNA get back again Saturday Saturday yeah so that's my I'm just trying to find ways I love this town I left this town I came back and I realized I just love it more than I ever thought so there are ways that if I contribute to helping it Bono I'll do it I love a free job so Susan and um I don't know how long I've lived here it seems like forever but it isn't raised my daughter here she got married moved back raising her kids here and uh as far as my green creds let's see I'm a lead accredited professional if that means anything um and with a specialty in interior design and construction I have a degree in business and design and I was asked by the state to sit on the um residential remodeling guidelines scen guidelines and then I was asked by my alma moer to write a course on sustainability and teach it at K so I did that for about five years and now I'm making art and it's environmentally focused fantastic sounds like you should be on the planning board I know a up the master plan I mean I gave my my intro a little earlier just just newer to town 2019 kind of right in before Co um I have a daughter that's um at Norwood um I grew up I didn't grw up here but I grew up in a town it's almost carbon copy I grew up um near grinage Connecticut and water you know waterfronts a lot of a lot of rivers a lot of River Front um properties um I spent a lot of my summers at the equivalent of like the Fair Haven Dock and you know we at a beach and all that so um it's it almost feels like I moved when we moved here kind of like I moved back home in a way there's a lot of familiar smells and and the way our our roads are deteriorated on purpose um you know it was like home so came up the way to save you money yeah John LS more pool I'm recommending po not always popular but Economist is good um I just I know it's getting late there was a couple things on my list when we get to new business um the we don't have to sort of solve it here but I want to get it a back on awareness um so brush and leaf I mentioned you know we were on it I think it's great to see the gray containers being adopted by some um it's sad to see some people still dumping soil and and leaves and whatnot on the street um I feel like there's another phase that is something you know or the green team could consider um which is like another round of awareness and education helping people understand um how best to adopt um you know what's been what's been put forward um so like iess said we don't have to solve it tonight but I just I wanted to get that out there is an important item for me because I do believe it has a lot of downflow effect literally on on storm water um especially in the neighborhood I live in the the historic district neighborhood where you know people are still doing that so um I don't know if that was something that came up in Prior meetings as far as kind of picking up the Baton from from that committee or or what you know Council adopted but i' certainly like to see us examine some options there um in the notes I saw something mentioned about a fourth Creek cleanup I hear it mentioned tonight um is that something also worth our in our agenda for future we did we talked about there's a lot of invasive Japanese not weed there's a lot um there's a lot of plac let me share the we study with you we'll I'll put that on my list for next week it we yeah because adal treats not weed which is what is eating up [Music] so it wasn't I guess the clean up wasn't necessarily litter was more like the invasive species that have kind of fill I think a little bit both I mean there was a complaint that it does look trashy when you look down there and there's you know um it can be improved I think on both sides of that yeah I wonder I back up to it so I was curious you know is it does it kind of fall into that that category of a ring Garden Project it came up in just casually yeah it was no just talking about clean I think maybe Bonnie might have brought it up Bonnie once we get there she we didn't get the public coming yet are we on new business or we are a new business can I just say quickly that um I'd like to go the mayor here here so it's great um h Road got eliminated from the projects that were done the bo ramp and the gra right and I think we could do something a little less you taking the Third Street model where we can get some Community involvement and improve the ends of hands on the river which some just basic volunteer effort and I like to work on getting that organized and put together a plan a basic plan of how can stabilize the bank and also make a nice seating area really past that gate yeah because that's been one of our areas of Public Access I'm on the west side of town we're kind of short on the west side of town so that's an area now my wife yells at me and I thank God I'm W counsel because now she can only yell up me limitedly but that's that's like when that got eliminated oh the thorn in my side so I'd like to do something she on so you're going to work to get put put together put together a basic plan I think we could just put in a couple of railroad ties and and a little Gra on the bench have a decent looking area people can enjoy the Waterfront is it off completely or was that just a off the so the reason if I recall and this is a wild moment yeah is it was it was pulled off for financial reasons um we had a grant a matching Grant of 250 if we spent 250 um and at the time we were looking at the BPW and the police department and just that that that would have went past the matching threshold so was just cash that we were spending to do it and there was also a little bit of um residential push back they started branding at Pilot Beach something like that yeah know we got a problem with that we're already talk to orig originally when they were first designed there were sidewalks going down hands and then when the project was done there's no sidewalk so that those Parks were designed originally with the idea of the walking model on the sidewalks going down to the pocket parks on grent hits so um I'd be happy to I'd like to figure something out that we can get an interim maybe an interim solution or maybe it' be permanent you know when we're all done maybe we all be satisfied low impact right I think we we were agreeing low impact and perhaps the first rendition of the engineering plans was high impact a lot of pavement yes and I think that is one of the reasons too let's figure it out I'd like to do something as opposed to just but we sit on that big whatever that is that there it's like a water source or something yes well it's a it's a alol still more alol but no but it certainly should be safer it should be more enjoyable it's it's an access point so I'm looking for nothing a bunch of well we could talk we'll figure something out living sh could kind of go into that go into Allure we'll figure it out any have any business I want to point out Josh you didn't hear from me right not a word correct he doesn't hear from me I never I never say anything yeah that that caused a lot of storm in my house but I do call I just said I'll deal with you mean oh my wife is smart in the dark she's smart and she's tough got two out of three don't know I know but then you got the way she yeah that was a problem just got to pick a new par I know um one of the thing I had the next meeting is Wednesday July 10th um which I cannot attend 7:30 um so I'm happy for the meeting to continue if it must or if is it possible to find an alternate date for our July me I will also be out of the country that day I can send out a an email to try to collect some dates if you want to send me some potential dates first yeah even Tuesday the day before the 9th um you keep it close to the date but as long as it doesn't like impact other you know we don't have the meeting all right so we'll touch base tomorrow and then we'll I'll out to make sure they don't conflict with any other B meetings thank you all right um open up for public comment if anyone online has a question please use the raayan feature and I will bring you over Bonia hi hi well I feel like I had to say something after the Fourth Creek cleanup um H welcome Sean I'm um I'm awfully glad you um told us a little bit about yourself um that was really helpful and um glad to hear that you worked in the Natural Area and I will make it my goal to turn you into a tree hugger um so the the Fourth Creek cleanup that I guess I was talking to Kelly about I that parking lot that slopes down from Fair Haven Road through the burough parking lot through that other parking lot below and it everything just washes right into the river it's just awful to look at it's all Vines and invasives on both sides I actually think you need to engage the insurance company on the other side to perhaps do a cleanup there and then across the street it's all invasive Japanese not weed and it's I mean it's kind of like shippy's Pond I mean the sooner you get to it the likely you know you're more likely to get rid of it um and I think it's ofely nice that the people at shippies kind of you know made people aware I don't know that they were looking for money to pay for it but um that's definitely a problem that Chestnut weed um anyway I just I I do think that it would be great to maybe the beautification committee could organize um a volunteer cleanup I mean that certainly would be a way to beautify this town yeah Bonnie I sent a picture of it I think if you and it's it's a water source it's a cool it's a really it's almost like if you're walking in one of those small like a Manchester Vermont and they have those rivers that go under the bridges like that is something that we can bring here but we it's covered entirely by by NA and overgrown so it could be a really fun easy cleanup project for people to actually recognize that there's a water source running under River I think that would just be an easy fix there's a sign there that designates that it's a watershed that goes to and that was say you know just a quick cleanup not we is so invasive we have it in our yard but like there are treatments that we can do to come back on it significantly so that people can view something we should that's just addressing the knotweed problem in this town is something I would love to see the EC address it is all over Fair Haven Fields by the Gentry it is just it's in the bird sanctuary it's popped up in another part of the bird sanctuary on um Ridge Road it's by bis sentennial Hall it is um it's it's just it's a rural problem um and it only gets worse I mean we address bamboo and Japanese not weat is Japanese bamboo um so it it really is something that should be required to be addressed um because it definitely doesn't stay on your property so I would love for you to maybe think about taking that on okay thank you anyone else have a question please use raand featur there are no further questions meeting motion toour y thank you