equipment to to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held through the zoom meeting platform only being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this special meeting of November 29th 2023 is available by call in phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opp the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of the meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and a Star Ledger on November 15 2023 posted on the burough website the bolon board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the environmental commission secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting um we have to take roll call right Christy yes did you want to do the pledge we can do yeah we can do that ready I pledge of allegiance to the flag the United States of Amica States of America and to the stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so um do we do roll call uh Michael delli absent Kelly Flanigan here Jesse Murray here Brian olon absent Gary Patterson absent Jonathan Peters absent Brian Rice here Ralph windram I see you Ralph all right you have a quorum thank you so um the basis for this meeting is to go over the budget real quick for the remaining of 2023 of which we have approximately 3500 left in our budget I have one item to propose which is the purchase of trees 10 Chestnut oak trees three and that's at uh$ 34.99 per tree so that's $349.90 uh three mulberry trees at $69.99 per tree for a total of 209 97 and two quaken Aspen trees at 10999 per tree to give a total of 219.99 along with welded wire fencing uh 4 foot high by 100 feet long for $19 and another I don't know why he has it twice but that's he wants two rolls of welded wire 4 by 100 so they're 109 each subtotal would be $997 186 uh shipping would be UPS Ground $142 3 to give a grand total of $1,139 189 this is a proposal from Frontier tree company um and as we all know Mark Olsen is the contact for this project prices include tax correct correct for the correct and they are Frontier is a I'm sorry that total in total was 103 1.87 no 1,139 89 sry about that and front uh Frontier tree company is an approved vendor already and it's my understanding that the trees will be delivered prior to the work party which is Saturday um is that the 3 yeah so it would be this Saturday so he would be a part of the part of the um requirement is that the project be completed before I believe it's the middle of December so this would qualify can you hear me yes Ralph we can't take receipt of any items until the purchase order goes through so we so just FYI right so I have it I have the proposal in hard copy and I can bring it over to the burrow in the morning if we approve it any questions or comments remind me where these trees are going to be placed third the third street trail yeah okay that's what I thought yes how big are they they're actually very they're small so they're called be root trees they've already planted a bunch of them and they've they've uh they have taken so they haven't you know lost I don't think they've lost any that's why the price is is pretty low okay now it seems Seems high for bars just thinking yeah I don't know I didn't I didn't price them out okay how much of our budget's left the exact number approximately 3500 okay yeah I have no issues with um getting trees and getting something protect them too and this time of year uh get it in the ground honestly is a good time of year to be planning stuff because it'll it's it's dormant and it'll go over winter and it'll ease up when the when the spring comes so okay thank you anyone else so do we have a motion to approve this budget item or should we go through the other budget the other items first yeah maybe the other too what's that yeah I have some stuff too just to add okay yep go ahead Kelly um so I did go to the Red Bank post office today and talked about the different options for mailing the recycling stickers so I'd like to have that included in this budget um the cheapest and maybe the most coste effective would be to um do everyo Direct Mail and that way um they are just we separate them by Roots um and there are seven Roots it approximately cost about $440 95 that's it so yeah that because what would happen is that yeah it would they're like the direct mailing that you know you you see those advertisements or whatever direct mailing and and um she said that way you just um the 2200 instead of printing 2200 addresses and stamping them and everything that which would be timec consuming you just have to kind of break them into um groups of like a 100 give them to the post postal service um the mail carriers and they will just put one in every residential and business household so I'm looking you can actually find the roots and how many totals needed so I have to set up an account for here and put it all together but my question is Chrissy how does this get re how does it get paid for like through when we do direct mailing through the USPS because I have to do this and pay for it you have to set up an account online yeah so you set up an account online and then you pay for it all online you bring it there and they take care of it but is it something that I can pay and then you guys can reimburse me I know that's frowned upon but it has been done in the past and I just wonder um or do we have an account for you know using the USPS like is there has this been done by other commissions I have to imagine it's been done by the buau before right a direct mail I don't know we do recomend like with all the tax bills that goes out of like I think the West Long Branch Post Office for some reason and the calendars but I will talk to Nancy in the morning and get back to on how that would work and I'll just add um hi everyone it's Tracy I I I know that betan does know something about this so Christy will be able to get the information and I'll just say Kelly I think it would be a lot cleaner to have this DEA do it than for you to you know go through the reimbursement rigal okay AG um but is this something that like I I would have to bring the recy you know I would hate for the St watching YouTube that we don't um so I would have to uh bring the recycling stickers to the staff and they would have to do that or would I you know I'm happy to help divy out the different stuff um the office I know we can I I don't know I I honestly don't know we haven't done that before so okay chrisy I can send you everything she sent me and she kind of walked me through it and I'm happy to just email that to you and the link um you know and um and then go from there I just want to make sure that this kind of gets included because this would be a a um a wonderful thing to use our budget for and get these stickers out to the residents I'll call you in the morning Kelly and we could figure out assuming the commission votes you the best way to do that great so Kelly What's the total cost that would be about $440 .95 that's just um the estimate that I'm getting as I just clicked on Fair Haven and put all residential and business routs on there so that was saying um 200 2,227 mail pieces I'll I'll be right there plus the envelopes no we don't need envelopes oh really oh wow we don't need envelopes so this would At first she was saying you know you're going to need an envelope because it's if it goes in it's kind of sticker it might get stuck to something but then she goes you know what it might be better just to do a direct mail drop that's one of the things that the mail carriers have and every time they go they just put it right there they carry it with them in the truck and then they just put it right there and then they give it to you so there's nothing it's not I'm sorry so it's not sorted or anything all the campign materials right he'll just have a whole bundle for each route or she will have a whole bundle for each route and at every house he just drops it in there last minute wow that's great okay yeah okay yeah okay it's it's usually what they do with like marketing service you know like marketing and yeah I think they usually do that yeah they usually do that through mailhouse okay that's great it's a lot cheaper than when you and I were talking earlier today right because you avoid the um the envelope and the stickers that you'd have to print every address on okay so that and then the other thing for Budget wise um you know we talked about a tablecloth for the green team for when we go to these events um with our logo on it so we can set it up for um you know um that would be beneficial but I can't imagine that would be more than $100 right but we have to get all right so we don't have a um I never got a hold of Johnny um and I also don't know Christy maybe you can perhaps what what we use is there a vendor that we use for like these imprint um marketing you know these um for imprinting like a tablecloth or a banner or something like that we can ask EJ because I know he's that kind of stuff before D what about the company you use for the stickers although if you have a design I guess you also have to pay for the [Music] design I mean I could you could do that I could look into that and I can just need everything by no later than Monday the quotes and no later than Monday and it has to be an improved vendor the stickers were these like these stickers right these stickers you're talking about chrisy yeah I know that was like a marketing firm shade Tre used another company to um that was located in Redbank to do this door hanger project they might do stuff like that okay also um what's the one in in Long Branch or mammo Beach that we used before Henderson no um I'll have to find I know Pros get yeah Henderson promos right no that's the one in oh one in Fair Haven no I believe Henderson's in Atlantic Islands but I don't the one sorry anyway okay I'll I'll I'll um use some of those vendors and Henderson did the shade Tre door hangers I know the Henderson promos okay I think she Kelly I think she lives in Fair Haven because I think she's connected to grai okay all right so I'll do that and I'll check the one that we use for the uh recycling um for the table okay and does it have to be ordered or Price quoted directly to you like what what do without having a purchase order so I know that yeah I I know that but I mean like am I trying to get a price quote back to you or am I trying to get like an invoice and like set up the thing you know a quote a quote okay okay do we have a definitive quote for from the post office or do we need that Christie and that's the problem I you have to set up an account online so I got the approximate quote just from going as far as I went which was 440 but that's why I'm going to send this over to Christie and um hopefully her and Nancy can chat tomorrow about it and um get that all right so how do we vote so we have one definitive quote for the trees we have an approximate quote for the mailing can we vote on that I know we can vote on the the quote that you know I have from Frontier how do we vote on the mailing vote separately at any rate yes but how am I gonna how are we gonna phrase it for an amount I I think and um we can collaborate on this but I think if you just as Ralph has guided you know vote separately and you can you you can have conditional language in a motion if you if someone makes a motion to authorize to go ahead with the mailing as Kelly's explain you know it could be conditioned on um Betty and chasing a quote in time for um it to meet the purchase order deadline okay you could say like not to exceed amount yeah that's that's also a good idea yeah right we have plenty of money so yeah um if we're gonna say let's round it up to 500 right it's still within our budget that we have left yeah that's that's a good idea so do I have a motion to to um pass the frontier tree company order to order the trees I'll Mo motion I'll second it all in favor hi Michael hi so we can move forward with that how about for the mailing of the stickers under the condition that it doesn't exceed the remaining budget that we have left over which I don't foresee that happening is that a good enough condition Tracy at this point I I think that's reasonable it's a matter of timing at this point but as long as you've authorized the amount um I I think that's fine Christie do you agree I think so um I I think it should be um are we going to separate the tablecloth apron from the mailing or yes do you want to allocate you know a not to exceed amount for the Green Team items in total I don't have a problem either way I think both are fine too to do it that way if you want yeah so Green Team not to exceed 600 whatever amount whatever amount we have left over yeah yeah what is the so after the the trees right and let's just say let's call it 500 for the mailing what are we at chrisy uh roughly like 1,200 1100 so there should be plenty to get the tablecloth too yeah yeah or 12 and yeah and the mailing if that you know there's you know if that going over to now there's no way I know I wonder you know every time coming around love where you live day we always scramble because we don't have enough money to print stuff and I wonder if perhaps we take advantage of this money and this opportunity to do some of these printing of larger um informational posters and other things that we use when we bring to these different I'm just trying to see like how we can kind of plan ahead um so that it's not just out of pocket expense or the budget hasn't been passed yet and we can't you know like how we can eliminate being let me help out here a little bit because I I appreciate what you're saying um the if the um so when as the budget is being worked on and that happens in those first few really more than a few months the beginning of the year which is of course also when you need to do your planning for love or you live day um the the council adopts temporary budget during that time so love where you live day is now a known event we have known costs we have you know we're not dealing with a firsttime um project or initi itive and I think it'll be a lot easier um since as long as the costs aren't higher than what we've done in the past and don't believe they would be we can allocate to cover love where you live Day based on what it's caused in the past and it can be moved over to the temporary budget in those first few months as we are deliberating on the final budget you saying that's a separate budget or that's the same and we just have to get in we just allocate a little bit now allocate sorry say again Michael sorry just um you can just answer that you'll probably answer it keep going um so we're not allowed we cannot make any allocations now and so I think that you know if I'm in Kelly shees I understand she's trying to say well the funds are there let's get this stuff done so we're not trying to figure out how to pay for it in March you know or February and and what I'm saying is unlike years in the past we now know what level where you live take cost and um yeah and when we're considering the budget unless for some reason Council Cuts love where you live day which I don't see happening it's it's such a lovely little event and it doesn't cost that much money so um I think functionally we'll just transfer those funds um as we do ongoingly at every council meeting there's a temporary budget adopted every you know in chunks until we get to the point where we can adopt a final budget so you guys so people can continue to do what you need to do so sorry just to clarify this would not necessarily be coming out of the environmental commission temporary budget or just the whole temporary budget of the council yeah the whole burough budget is not adopted until like almost the middle of the year it's really you'll learn more about this it's very cers oh I knew it's the middle of the year but I guess I'm just confused about it'll go against our budget it will go against our budget yes correct yeah but if we if we're saying what we're spending all of it now then what I'm not understanding is how we know the money that'll be left there is no money left at the end of the year left so yeah so for next for next year we won't have the money for love where you live day I guess I'm confused about well we're spending a lot more of our budget now on um the Third Street Trail we're we're finding other larger things to cover our budget because we were not able to utilize it for love where you live day therefore we have the whole entire budget left and so that's why we're trying to find out right so next year we probably won't have this time year we probably won't have nearly as large a budget no we will we should left over left over no that's correct right we should be able to plan out through the year to we should be able to plan out through the year of what you need for the Green Team what we need for you know what we all need for the EC and plan it better to be able to spend the budget throughout the year rather than you know doing what we're doing now um you have a better idea of of the budget for your you know for the Green Team events we have some projects that we all want to do for the EC so we have to come up with that you know but that's another you know conversation for the new year we don't have to decide that now so that's that's that's for next okay yeah maybe not at this meeting but I hope that that has been on your mind so that the commission as part of your annual report your 2024 look ahead you're also contemplating a budget request so that that can get incorporated into the draft budget sooner than later right yeah okay okay so we have um did we agree on we're just going to whatever is as long as this is copesthetic whatever is left over then you know you got to get some definitive quotes to the burrow right away and and you know get the POS for the mailing tablecloth and what else was it that was it right there's always was a possibility to about reusable bags right this has come up before when we've talked about out um I know in the past we've had green team sponsor like design your own reusable bags do we want to have any reusable totes like EC or green team or something that um and I I don't know you know whether it's true I believe it's too late to do that now because we would have we'd have to have them completed have to have them in the next week or two so I have to have the tablecloth in the next week or two too correct okay not just has to be closed out in the next couple weeks what's the exact date chrisy I need the quotes by Monday and then work with Finance to get a requisition over to the company and then you assuming all this happens and then the company once they get the pur purchase requisition can start making your product whatever you decide it be and then they would get paid and they have to get paid before for year end you know so okay so it is your I thought it was some arbit like you need to be able to receive like the product so that we then pay for them before the next bill list which is the think meeting said 17 yeah it's tied to the council meeting okay Wednesday December 13th Wednesday that's right I thought it was the middle of the month okay Wednesday December 13th is when we need all these products or like the tablecloth and Etc right it has to be a completed purchase correct completed purchase okay and if it's a project it has to be completed by that date got it okay because then those vendors will get paid in 2020 does anybody else have any other additional ideas or um wants or means for the budget like is it just I'm asking about a tablecloth or you know and the mailings obviously I already sent Christie an email with that link so hopefully we'll find that information out the next day or two I don't have anything else no can you make a motion on that second part someone for our [Music] record motion for the Green Team items combined I mean I'll make a motion for both of those items like you know like we're we're saying you know not to exceed whatever is left after the tree purchase I second all in favor I I all right without any else to add the meeting's adjourned a motion to uh to sounds good night guys all right thank you everybody have a good night good night by Night by now good night