##VIDEO ID:0sk-damf-K8## uh have four members so we do have a quum um but obviously it's a slim quarum so I don't know whether anybody has a position one way or the other whether you want to roll the dice and uh you know we know both of the applications you know I can't say one way or the other but you know we're very familiar with them haven't seen them before so um it's completely up to you I just want to let you know that that you know it has to be a unanimous vote you don't have a couple to spare uh like you would if we had more members that were here today so just with that being said I'll uh Kick It Off by indicating that uh this is the regular meeting of the Fair Haven historic commission adequate notice of the meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted a regular meeting schedule for the year notice that the schedule was sent and was published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 uh notice to the Two River times on February 7th 2024 as well as supplemented by polish notice of July 11th 2024 to advise the H of the hybrid format uh that notice was also posted on the bulletin board in burrow Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute and I'm looking for the rest of this because I don't have it says a copy of this uh open public meeting's statement is being directed to be made part of the record here in I'm directing the secretary to do that correct I think that's the that's the okay very good all right so we have a roll call Mr yes Mrs J yes Mr Anderson here [Music] Mr Mr here okay so the first application we have under old business is is the Brett and Annette federo matter 66 to Normandy Avenue block 50 lot 5 the work that's been proposed is demolition of the existing structure and construction of a new 30 foxman 3200 square foot home uh for the record this is an application that had come before us I believe on on July 27th on an informal basis uh there was a fairly significant um give and takee between the applicants and members of the commission discussions on a number of issues um that I see have been specifically addressed and I do see a modification at least to some extent on some of the elevations that have been provided uh we have Mr koras here who was the expert that presented testimony and presented um illustrations and elevations and plans and specifications on in July and he is poised I believe to give the presentation again so that being said we will hear from you all right um so I I think Art thank you for bringing everyone forward from last week or last month I should say um what we did post that conversation was kind of go back with ourselves with Tony and reflect on all the feedback that we got and try to best incorporate all of that uh into the drawings and plans that you have in front of you now um from you know the pors the siding uh doors doors and kind of a handful of other pieces um I'd say the the couple changes from there that you'll see um that maybe in addition to what you spoke about before um number one the peak in the front of the house it previously had pulled in and now it's it's flat and I think that however you guys want to say it I think that properly reflected a lot of the other drawings and historical building that we used as inspiration and then secondarily in the rear of the house um the Gable um on the right side of the house there wasn't one there um and we put one in there um both to match what we've seen previously around the neighborhood and a lot of the pl so um that's a little bit of synopsis on kind of what we've done and we love to hear any questions comments or feedback and uh the second piece that extra Gable and back you proba most likely cannot see that from the street anyway but that is what it looks like in a few houses up the block from us um we just kind of felt like one side had the peak and the other side didn't so it seemed a little bit unbalanced so we kind in reflection we thought that that would be best we also have the drawing how it was originally done with the front peak in case you do we kind of went back and forth um if you do want the returns we're open to that um but we thought based on the houses that we've kind of drawn inspiration for the non returns may have made more sense do you have a picture of that by any chance of the returns of the non returns that's that's the one no no do you have any of the inspiration pictures um in the um yeah in that PowerPoint um smaller yeah yeah pretty much all the historical examples we look at none of them have the returns none of them have the returns in that like little PowerPoint in the back ones is kind of the houses I've drawn inspiration from um and so one of the ones that we really liked in I think little silver and then one on the one on Fair Haven Road that kind of looks the most like our what our house is going to look I didn't have that um so we D mold molding is going to travel around the entire facade and the sides of the house I'm sorry the dental molding on the eaves is going to continue around to the sides of the house as well yes is this one of the houses yeah well that's theed that's ined think on um Spring Street I think but the other one I think it's further back there's keep on going one in keep on going I think it's do you like it with the flat roof yeah I do I think so much better it's so much more period correct I think and with the topper elements it's going to look really good well yeah and then also for the record I see in the submission that you made that there were a couple of elements that I know that uh among the things that were brought up were the siding the roof uh the porch material um it's not yeah so I got samples of the sing except they kept sending me um not the smooth so I have the color of the S it's the color but I like requested it multiple times and they kept sending me the cedar mill um so this is the color version is for some reason might be as I said under materials under materials I think it's all the issues that we kind of addressed so they covered in the heading materials yeah although as you just pointed out what it's shown here is is it it going to be collab as opposed to shingle yes so yeah so you said that they didn't have the sample with the smooth yeah yeah that would that would be the only C out there that he said last time he said were going to you wanted the smooth so we said smooth and I kept requesting the sample of the smooth and they kept sending me the CER Mill and I was like okay well that's all going to S like so yeah so it's the Hardy Board playing smooth do you have any additional and it looks like you picked up on the things that we discussed including the Rick double door in the front yeah a nice that's a nice addition with the Trans yeah I even people across the street not Hillary's house but diagonally across they have that double door that looks like that so it would be nice yeah yeah the uh the flooring of the porch um there was some discussion about mitering it but we're going to run it straight out I think that might be a little more hisor I say I leaving it yeah well which are you going to do um tongue Groove tongue Groove and we're going to leave the ends exposed we won't put a nosing on it so the exposed ends but it's all going to go in One Direction what type of material is the flanking going to be on the m and um is there any issue with not having any kind of rail or anything I guess cuz it is a little bit higher um they would not had one historically do like some like like land landscape architect I think the way you have I agree I agree I'm just CU it's only because it's a bit elevated you know a couple of steps so I didn't know code Wise It's required the POR is okay but the the steps would require handrails for risers but we can always do someing or keep oh I I think that's nonissue but like I said you got to be code compliant and all these older hes that were built prior to that you know if they sold one had them added so you see a roof should look excellent yeah especially you know the features of the you know Gables and everything talk to me about the shutters I think I saw something that they're we were talking about if they were going to like actually close like we said they don't need to yeah but you're going to have the they're going to have the hinges in they have the hinges and the little s little shutter dogs yeah M hard yeah I mean I think be an amazing house I think you did a great job you here no I don't use the term it here but took all of our suggestions into an account I think it was a little bit of a collaborative effort based on what you have now which I think it's a better design you know more heads put together make it better make a better design I think the house is going to be beautiful and and the current home is a non non contributing it's a cake from I think you say from what 19 yeah it's not GR any other any thoughts comments from the audience anybody have it zooming in we also live nor while up when is the Pro time we we have to go see [Music] again no questions or comments on on Zoom she no okay uh with that being said this is an easy one I'll make a motion that we approve the application uh as presented um with um Al also the representation that the front porch be tongue and groove mahogany and that the Hardy Board Siding which will be a clapboard configuration be smooth as opposed to what's being presented here uh but otherwise that it be approved in its entirety as presented also that motion Mr PA yes Mrs germond yes Mr Anderson yes Mr yes so much which one of you guys is the 516 where you from from City from here okay there we go yeah my wife from the area you know when you guys go to the uh zoning board you know I don't know how much TR I don't know you have trouble or whatever but you know you know we obviously unanimously approv this without any real give and take the second go around so if you need our assistance you know you can do you can you can come to us informally shoot me an email or shoot us an email we be happy to chime in because we like the application so apprciate thank you [Music] congratulations very good the next one we have is Chad diet 36 Normy Avenue 48 our guys guys so we've seen you guys before yeah we're in the new business category tonight but almost old old new business yeah so what happened you had some issues at zoning where you modified the yeah so so we were approved last year on what was more of a full second floor Edition over our garage which is approved by us by approved by you guys um so we're 36 we're few houses up from these guys um and um yeah we were in front of zoning uh three times um you know they have a pretty full plate so each time it's a couple months to get back in front of uh zoning and um I would say initially there were a lot of questions about the history of the house itself not from historic nature but just in terms of how things came together in the form that they ultimately did um because the house um as it stands now is a little over 3100 Square ft and it's in the R5 Zone which is a 2200t house on a 5,000 ft lot this is a 3100t house on an over 10,000 foot lot um so I I just think there were a lot of questions from the board in terms of like what was actually approved over 150 years or whatever since it a little Shack in the corner to what was most of the house was built in like 1993 and um so we we just had a few goes that I would say the second time we went back was with a little bit more of an understanding the third time was probably a more uh fome compromise in ter terms of trying to reduce the um overall massing of the house so in terms of what we have now instead of a full second floor Edition over the garage um we're looking more like two large Dormers one on the back one in the front it still achieves our minimum objective which was to get two bedrooms in that space where there's effectively already a bonus room right now but um two functional bedrooms um for our daughters um we actually just had the four weeks ago so now it's a really more more important project um but um yeah there's a real use for it now um but um in terms of what was approved we were approved with Dormer on the front and the back to get the two bedrooms um it's approximately 100 square foot increase from what we have right now um one of the conditions of the resolution was to come back before this board for approval again um we fully intend to continue um what we agreed to last time which was to incorporate some of the historic elements into the house which is not really historically contributing in its current state which would be some of the roof returns um and some cover finishes um and also incorporate that styling in the new part of the house so Al has the I corre I saw you submitted a part of our portion of our uh ruling the last time of our memorandum of action the last time right and I think that the one thing we sort of stru and if I remember it was that the the addition kind of evened out the house a little bit yeah and now you know what we perceived it obviously is a non-contributory house in the historic district has kind of made it a little bit more balanced and especially since you guys were incorporating some of those historic elements would only you know add to the the vision of the house um what I don't see maybe you could tell us is it exactly the difference because I saw I see the new elevations um I just can't conceptualize what you had before and what you have now just to kind of clip that together and I'm sure everybody else probably has the same yeah so I brought the originally U appr plant so I can go through that just as a refresher um Chad did a great job summarizing so uh the original plan was to get two two kids beds a full second floor Edition so you know full height bedrooms other than uh a small kind of accent D but functionally trying to get a full second floor so really the goal is to kids beds uh a bathroom some storage and a little bit of attic space since then I'll have a basement um so that was the four plan these are the details that we going to incorporate the only thing was 're probably not going to do this apron under underneath the window as was no resolution um this is the originally approved PL so you can see it's basically a full twostory addition uh dropping the plates around uh kind of a a pop of gable Dormer to some extent so so this is the original originally presented or originally approved plant from the historic commission we're going to do a TR Sal on the front just to Gap the scale between the top of the garage door and the uh bedroom windows above um so basically all the heat P other than uh the Trish was uh conceptually going to be the same the new addition uh Flor plan is reduced to two beds a couple closets but basically trying to make it look more like a story and a half and have the bedrooms within the Dormers and really the goal was it from the zoning board standpoint the main issue was how far over on habitable floor area you were and there was really no way to get that that close back to within the parameters but what we did was said we can at least drop the amount of increased uh cubic volume of the addition so and again scale-wise going to Dormer book while still giving just enough for the bedrooms the bedroom is only 11 by 13 and they still have some clip Corners in the uh in the ceilings so you're not moving the the building closer to the street are you going to leave it back way back yes all of this is being done above an existing one-story garage and replacing kind of probably unom and uh really unusable uh bed existing bedroom that's within the attic above but it's really short it's it's just and did I hear you say there was there will be no basement there is no basement in the house yeah one of the original goals was to get some additional attic space but by dropping the really one and a half sort of really don't have attic anymore so those are some of the compromise we were making to get you know the Zone Bo plus and going forward um and then also and we basically did some reconfiguring of the Interior second floor bathrooms in order to make up for some of the functionality we were losing in the uh in the proposed Edition but yeah all this is within the footprint um and and overall it's a smaller B than what we came uh in front of you house last time the elevation so the difference is kind of do comparison here um so this is the previously approved this is what was approved as zoning so again it's it's a little it's it's an oversized warmer again to accommodate the uh bedrooms but that allowed to really have more of a one and half half or half story Edition uh visually at least so um again detailing at the um you know the roof returns and the window detailing would all stay the same as we discussed you know a while back yeah that's about it so it was built from the in it was modified from the inside out because of the floor area they wanted to live for for a variety of reasons when I could revisit that issue so the modification for the exterior was based like said from the inside out I want maybe I don't want maybe say the opposite too like it was like how do you pull the volume in as much as possible and by doing that was by basically dropping this roof was really almost extruded up here before dropped it down and then what could we fit within that and the real goal is at a bare minimum to get two extra bedrooms or replace one bedroom with the real true bedroom insulated up to co right and an additional bedroom be on that so yeah I would say now it now it looks more like a one and a half story garage as opposed to what was previously a two story but I think from a balance standpoint it still looks significantly better than it than it does now yeah right the um concerns that we had the last time or the uh sort of what we liked about the application last time is still accomplished in terms of balancing out the main section of the yeah it definitely brings some visual weight in detail the roof is p up a little higher than the existing but the addition of the dorm is you know I would agree T of balance it out at least more than it is right now and you know from what you see from the street is actually and the pictures that you guys have um right it's h the tree sort of and the house sits on property line such that you only really see from to the right of just left of the circular window at the top of the house over to the right so that whole kind of left side is chopped off so it's probably even more unbalanced looking now than it even shows up in the picture what do you think that faad modification I think they put the same sort of effort in that they did last time uh and you know obviously take some of the bass away and I guess that was more of a concern for the so many people but I I think that it's going to work out well um and you know been careful probably just two questions one is you were going to take away the at the the bottom of the windows but you're still going to keep a seal or yes okay because that's one thing that we we try to do is wrap the casing around and not all they don't pure frame it at least come down to a real sill so that that's good to hear and and I think it's somewhat self-evident that you couldn't align the eaves because of the proximity because you had to make the um Dormer wide enough to uh accommodate the bedroom there that it it this was getting too close to the other eve and that's why that dropped down a little bit oh yeah yes um yeah I think the goal was to just bring the volume in as much as we could that's what drove that okay yeah I mean it's a little bit off but I I think it might even look more off if it was the same alignment at this point with that width of the dmer at least that gives a little bit more breathing room that was more I I think they've gone out of their way to you know make it as as charming and and um uh you know adding that other detail to the uh the Gable returns there on the existing house as well as the proposed addition expansion really I think is going to be a nice Plus for the neighborhood particularly given but you were saying I think your first view is of the garage coming down the the Drive WI yeah that's any thoughts or comments uh any commission m MERS or anyone from the audience any um comments or thoughts from anyone who's logging in Via Zoom none okay Jay I don't know if you have any qualifications or any but if you want to make a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve the application as as submitted this evening yeah and incorporating by reference I would assume any of the qualifications that were contained in the prior approval um again vote Mr P yes Mrs Drummond yes Mr Anderson yes all right smooth sailing this apprciate we don't go back yeah and and you know um just some of the things that you were talking about like partially unfinish the size of what's there I can just imagine what they started looking at you know the history of it become you know may not have any answers might be a number of Prior owners and it's like how do we get to where we're at right now I'm assuming that they um you so you were saying that the the square footage was substantially over for the Zone but you weren't they have a caveat here too where you can upzone the the property if it meets the standards of the next yeah but but it didn't meet it didn't quite close and so that I I think the fair Z board always do good with trying to figure out how to almost make your argument to some extent for you and they were they were trying to work with that and we like all right I think everything from a qualitative standpoint everything made total sense as it was before a line except that square footage number and just really kind of stuck out on the zone and was a was a tough one to get around do you guys get what you want with the scale down yeah this this is probably the minimum that we can stay in the house a long time don't feed the kids too much yeah they don't like to eat anyway what's the width of your property um it's almost like a flag lot's narrower than you know what it is on on there 464 but then it widens out to about 85 okay so it's FL 155 deep 155 ft we learned that we have a very unusual probably too much detail there's a lot of discussion on like does the driveway the the pole portion of the flag L should that you can count so we got in the whole thing of you know and it's it's slippery slope when you all right like you said you almost got to take the whole gamut if you're going to go to another Zone which I think is fair but no I think what you did was a great compromise and I'm happy it works for you and you know obviously they they have something they feel a little bit more comfortable I think so and the house turned over a lot so hopefully this helps kind of yes much better moreable well you know I think just adding those bedrooms are I mean so many people come to fa Haven for another the reasons but the schools and being able to have a you know a family there is um is really going to help the long-term do so well right now there's really only two real bedrooms up there so now we'll have a four bedroom proper four-bedroom house so whoever lives there hopefully we'll live there forever but whoever lives there in the future will be a good family home I forgot to ask you what what was the approximate date of the house do you know um so we think the back left corner maybe like 1880s 1890s because it's been there a long time but um the bulk of the structure as it stands now is from 1993 oh but the but the listing the real estate listing says 1954 from somewhere in the paperwork but I don't we can't really find any evidence of 54 unless something was built that time we did do some work underneath in the crawl space and the people who were under there were saying that that back corner was probably from the 1800s just given like wasn't there like stove under there or something old stuff kind of so is there remnants from an original like because a lot of those houses were just like Clam Shacks um what there's some remnants from like it's built on like the house is built on original structure some old wood no the the 1993 part's all new like do there it's I think the old part just is consistent with what it's AG would have been so I don't think they put like a new structure on an old part I think it's just they left that portion and just tacked on what's there now you know updated the interior you think it was that back Bungalow and then it's weird it's almost like the TW story structor overlaps at the corner yeah into it do we think the garage was was another Edition uh the garage was part of the 1993 we actually had this house before us before you guys owned it they came like kind some understand the mass murder back in the 40 what did you call it the original Clam Shack what did you say that's what he of those were like was one one room yeah I think that's I don't like to say that if you just even look at how low the roof was and everything yeah yeah we one one of the original plans was that that little back structure it was definitely a one-story CL that's no Foundation just it just be no foundation on those things set on and so you can see in my house it's a it's a very big fireplace so it was that one room and then over it they have the two eyebrow Windows which they just opened up because you know so they could have another bedroom up there so you had to be real small oh there there was a Remnant house um I saw on Clay Street that would just be right on the other side this sort of C caddy Corner towards glesby that was taken down I think probably in the mid 2000s but it was like a one room you know upstairs there's only about a 5 foot ceiling height you know legitimately a Survivor cl cl Alice's house house yes everybody new Alice all right well great congratulations when are you when are you gonna start we can now that you said yes we're can the the baby's gonna baby's four weeks old so she's gonna sleep in our room until hope later in the fall we have to get our filming perit application and back work and then find building like bu we're started a project in about a month and a half so Reynolds construction good [Music] luck good one take care thanks Al Al oh yeah oh okay thank you all right so application's done uh we don't have a historic Association um liais on here this week but we did get some stuff from Tracy Cole U do we have you have anything for us from the um from the Town Council standpoint I mean we I know that we're I think moving forward with the Ada thatone else have did so that was good um the the grant is a little bit onh hold right now that process of the um the grant that was for specifically what the use of the building was going to be and what we could possibly need to make that happen um I'm not sure where that stands right now because we had the application was submitted kind of wrong or the the resolution we wrote wasn't worded properly so it hasn't come back up on the agenda so I'm not sure where that is so that's kind of in a holding pattern um I think we're still moving we are still moving forward with the black history marker or with the black the Heritage marker so that's exciting and that's kind of it I mean well that was the punch list and the Ada so um okay and I know I did um just for the record I did get an email from Tracy Cole who is um unavailable tonight um but she did indicate that uh the chimney on bonial Hall slid from its proper position and it would be helpful if some members of the commission would do a site visit to consider to what extent the chimney contributes architecturally to Bicentennial Hall what it slid um I I read it hold on quote that the um not the most descriptive and so would been the perfect person and go take a quick look at that in the field by default Jay you think you might be able to take a quick look at that I could or maybe that's because Joe's well he wouldn't have known about it because it only came to about 5 o' but it's something that obviously won't take a look and she asking if like can it be taken down well I think the question is that since there's some type of issue with the K some type of remediation or modification needs to take place and is it an original one or was something that was done after it was moved so I suspect that it wasque for the for the G the yeah so I suspect that since it was move the structure itself was moved and the HVAC and the furnace was put in in 1976 when the when the building was erect put where it is right now although it's not the same hbac I imagine that the chimney inventing ventilation would in place at that point um but in terms of the structure and in terms of you know what the chimney does or either a trct makes it attractive or detracts in the structure probably something that we would need to take a look at okay so we will take a look at it she also indicated that it's not something that's a major rush and so we will hopefully have some word on that uh at the next meeting and then she also indicated in the email that there will be a stakeholder meeting sometime later in September so um I guess we'll get some clarity on some of those issues yeah well everybody's got is busy some so unless there's anything else on B Centennial Hall either from the audience I was just going to say Jay if you can uh could you give me a call I'd love to go look at it with you sure you know I'm G see if Joe can join us as well I'll take a look with my own train it's right around the corner from my house I'll let you know if it's really sliding down the garden party uh is on um September 14th yes from 4 to 7 which some of that funds go just you know reservation so awesome and is there a rain date is rain date the 15th KN on the wood hopefully not P do you know is there I didn't sorry is there a rain date uh I know yeah I wasn't aware of a rain date doesn't say anything on here rain that would be a big problem because we we did have a rain date when we had another one remember we had a run and have it in by Centennial Hall yeah which wasn't the best but it was last year it rained and we all stayed everybody say seem to make a difference anyway yeah go like this so get your nice fancy clothes on anything else historic Association related or um by cinal Hall related so okay then we'll move on okay uh the next thing is the discussion of the Fair Haven master plan and reexamination update that I guess is kind of consistent with also input from the council as well because I guess uh maybe you can I don't know if you're working on that or not but um um we're up you know we've kind of we have to I I foret the date now but we now have to revise the master plan I think we've been I forget how it's phrased but like basically kind of putting it off for years essentially but now we actually have to put it so I think we're trying to get input from everyone so we can I think it's next year when was the last time the master plan was revised or written um I think it was yeah Sheila actually sent me a sent us a copy and so I printed it out it looks like it was uh adopted on August 25th 2016 that was the last re examexam however the master plan technicalities there which were explained to the board by the U the board planner who attended the last meeting and talk about you know sort of like the distinction between the update and you can do an update but unless everything is um adopted into the master plan it it it's it was a little more technical than I caught as I was trying to take all the notes but um they are embarking on that process and starting to do that over the next basically here half and I see that done by August of 26 2026 because incorporates by reference and it seems like in the modern um not revisions but the the bones of it were from 2005 yes and so what's asked of them I think in a nutshell is to go back and look at the re-exam and try to determine what has or what has been addressed if it has been you know and kind of go from there use that as a as a jumping off point I found it interesting because um 2005 they discussed heavily and I'm looking at page five for example um really working on the habitable floor area and that's when they went to you know the two tier habitable floor area and floor area ratio uh and there was litigation involved in terms of not allowing you know mcmansions which was a real problem in in the 90s and early 2000s so a lot is sort of addressed towards that on page 18 uh there's a provision with regard to Historic preservation and outlines and I'll quote historic preservation commission is purely advisory the nature of the commission as empowered by the or ordinance needs to be considered for a stronger form of oversight in order to provide better protection of the historic district so I guess there was some thought at that point 2005 we were ready an ongoing body 2016 uh not Revisited seemingly but uh there was some thought there that uh maybe more teeth be given to our world thought that was done well we are still advisory so it's not like we have relasing powers but there obviously that was a thought going back to 2005 also a recognition of historic sites and places also on page 18 the bureau's historic sites and places should be made more readily identifiable I.E PLS which is something that the association has been uh involved in hasn't really uh not really within our responsibility um although I imagine if the association were uh to do something with plaques or some type of a monument or something it would have to come before this commission and jointly we would I know that uh was some discussions about that and some ideas that were being bantered about as far as that's concerned um but in terms of whether there's going to be a change to our powers or expansion or delution you know that obviously is a council issue um and I imagine that's going to be coming up at some point when these things are Revisited over the next year and a half yeah and I think um they're G of sort of break it down into all the various elements of the plan and you know it's possible that with each member being responsible then or group of small members and you know it may be that is a component of that and at that point they may reach out to the board and ask you know maybe what your input might be what what you uh what you wanted before what has been met what you know looking forward if if there are things that you want to see addressed because I definitely okay excellent and uh and I imagine that um this a long process yeah a bit okay so what what is that you have in your hand it's the actual master plan okay so was that maybe I must have miss it was emailed I I can give you my copy and it's on website I can email you cop you want I'll give you theop just the things yeah take you I can download this is yeah and I just tab the two things that related to preservation highlight thank you thank sure absolutely um okay so I guess we'll hear from Tracy next week next month on that if there's any developments but it'll be an ongoing issue we probably keep it on as a as an old item of business and we'll visited to the extent that we need to go no but I um the next thing is the approval of the July 23rd 2024 minutes reviewed them and I'll make a motion that we approve them in full I'll second Mr paa yes Mrs Drummond yes Mr Anderson yes and Mr yes uh no uh again Katie's not here today do we have an environmental commission update no we haven't met since well before the last meeting it's okay all right um any public comment either live or via Zoom response being nil I make a motion to close the meeting it's okay Mr P yes Anderson yes I actually just prepared it I just printed tonight because I figured we' talk about it yeah just