this is good evening everybody this is a regular meeting the Fair Haven historic commission adequate notice that this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at this time of the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice that the schedule was sent to and is published in The Advocate depart press was published on January 26 2024 and notice to the tour of times on February 7th 2024 as well as supplemented by published notice on July 11th uh 2024 to advise of the hybrid format that notice was also posted in on the bulletin board in burough Hall when is remain continuously posted there as required by the statute a copy of the notice has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the burough clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have been request as have requested such information uh in accordance with the stat adequate notice having been given the board secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meetings uh can we get a roll call Mr here Mrs dond yes Mr here Mrs M here Mrs here thank you so much Mr Smith here okay I think what we're going to do is we'll uh we'll we'll dispense with old business right now since obviously we have an applicant that's here on an informal and I see hadle professionals here so we'll get you guys in and out of here as soon as possible uh that application obviously is uh the one made by Brett and Annette fedo 66 to Normandy Avenue lock 48 lot 7 the work proposed is demolition of an existing structure and uh construction of a new 3000t home so we'll have you come on up and we'll hear FR um hi everyone I'm n this is Brett um so just for some context so the house was built um in 1948 um so it's you know not really historic by any means we bought the house in 2020 um when we were looking at baren Breer up on Lewis Lane um we had very specific areas that we really wanted to live in and my in-laws always used to take a walk down aav road with their coffee and their dog and they just fell in love with the neighborhood um so we knew our goal was really to buy an old storic home but we bought this home and we love it um so we wanted to try to figure out how to make it make sure it fit obviously the aesthetic of the neighborhood um we did a bunch of research we read um through the mammoth County Register of historic homes to understand like the architectural um details that were um prevalent in the time period when these houses were built um I put together there was a little deck just basically um the homes that we drew inspiration from um my one of my favorite houses 36 be Haven Road Brock Morton house um that's where a lot of our inspiration came from and then there are other houses just around some of the little silver shuberry where we you know we've always seen them and said they're interesting um so we pulled those from the regar too so just to get a better understand understanding of the architecture of details of those homes and the time period um that they were built in um so for this house um we met with Tony and we kind of went over what our goals were um currently our house is a small Cape um the other houses next to our house are taller um so I feel like we're kind of a little short house with these taller houses so we wanted to make sure when we were building this house the scale of the house is kind of in line with the other homes in our little short walk um so we kind of put some thought into that as well um what else yeah I mean I think I guess the other things that we were were thinking through outside of what the mentioned were like if we kind of you know look at the house next to a handful of the others right we have a a kind of share driveway that kind of bumps up to the park right across some hilles and that turned into kind of a road a lot of the days um so you know we have three little kids and another one coming um so you know when we were looking at it and looking at the the lot I think part of what we always like when you kind of go down fa Road everyone has wck fence and those are blocks in the streets um thought it would be fit in and also be safer if we kind of shifted the house to the left and then kind of enclose the whole thing with like the white picket fence and then our house would match the house next to us which is House on the Left drive light on the right um so I think those were at Le some the other things that you have thought out and we were thinking about ultimately what we're you know hoping to know accomplish if what do you have what property you have oh yeah so we got a survey actually the survey with us um we got a new survey done um so we are Z our zoning is an r five so we're we're actually 50 50 but by 115 so our lot is actually really long in the back um so we know we have to go in front of zoning we know this is bigger than what we're zone for we know we have a whole thing ahead of us um but we thought scale-wise and based on the like formula that this house the house to down from us is about the same size and is a a little bit taller than this house you'll going back the yellow house you'll be going back then um we'll be going yes we're not any really we're not any wider we're just going to go back I have a 50ft frontage too and I have 15t driveway and there's not much left to go so we're not we're going to go so what thing actually I did fail to mention is probably in talking about it looking at of again Hillary you probably do have a you probably conflicted out as a result of being living across the street but I think you know obviously Hillary's voice is uh well taken in terms of her input for the commission so for the purposes of this which is an informal obviously I think that you don't have to recuse yourself and probably for V ultimately do just to that's what we generally imposed on our in the past let me just ask you about the driveway you did mention it I was kind of listening halfway though uh the property line on your north side is the is the driveway on your property or is it partially or is it like what is the you know what's the division line I'm not actually seeing it I didn't really look at the so the driveway um it's for the for the for the two houses and it's basically combined into one drive so if you look at it from where it starts on our property line then butts up to where the Park is it's 24 ft something like that 22 25 ft so you your property is 24t over no right down the middle who in the back there so I was that's what I was kind of curious has nothing really do to the app have to do with the application but do they have an easement or a right of way or do they have property line stretches out it is okay interesting okay and so you said you're G to shift the house to the left I imagine that's North that's the are you gonna push the house back all we were gonna match it to the welling's house right next door so the house lines will be the same and the lines same okay yeah so the first reaction is you know it looks very very nice it's obviously a huge upgrade uh but you know in your house as you mentioned it's it always worked because it's a cape and it's you know kind of Timeless a little bit obviously not a historic contributing house but what you do obviously when you start doing a you know a simulated historic house you then bring with it probably some responsibilities and you know accuracy with regard to the construction and things of that nature so I'm sure you know that because you don't want to have sort of a house that's halfway seeming historic and and you know just Corners cut but I'm looking at it some details missing but there looks like you guys have paid a lot of attention to a lot of the details in terms of just the the structure itself and facade and so forth yeah and that's why I we're here for your feedback like that's why we want to be back before we yeah so you emailed both myself and Jay uh probably about a month ago and because I knew it involved a demolition and obviously the construction of a new house in a prominent part of the historic district I figured this is the best way to go the informal route just because there's obviously going to be a lot of give and take and uh you know I'd hate to have you come on application especially when time starts getting tight and then there's just some detail that's missing and we can't vote on it or you know it just doesn't work out um so yeah so I think um the things though that we would need to see at least I could tell is the type of roof material that you're looking to do the type of siding that you're looking to do uh whether or not the the window configuration is actually as depicted in the illustrations um the material being used for the windows uh the front porch material um and whether or not because it looks like it maybe it's the simulated brick the chin but I did see an illustration I thought kind of looked like it was siding or something so that'll be probably P well either P or a real bre okay am I right that this Sycamore Avenue shuberry house was a pretty big inspiration looks very simar yeah you like the Italian idea yeah influence yeah yeah yeah and what would be uh the porch be be done in the top of porch we were going to do so for the porch we're going to do a wood we were saying like mahogany or something not like a tracks like a a real wood porch and we want like a want like a really like heavy wooden door um and then for the siding which we'll find our for modation put we were and you can say not to this we were hoping for um Hardy Board plank um in Arctic White um if that is not the right shade I just saw it like the Heritage collection on their site um and for the roof we're having a marital dispute but I think SL versus C I think we um it was it's it's 90% we on Cedar but we yeah you're gonna do it I guess you have to do it right Cedar is and Hillary make her hit so beautiful with all that cedar so I and actually do have um I know it's not contained in your submission but um an Italian 8 style house directly well next to her's house the front sort of juts out a little but it is sort of a similar you know it's kind of It kind of speaks to that house a little bit Yeah Yeah like the porch on that one is very similar here on the side and has the peak on top a couple just quick questions and thoughts um uh well when Joe and I we're talking before we we actually started and it's just a small thing and it's B something that's we usually um discussed during a lot of the applications and that's on the The Rake Returns on the bottom um you know I I think we generally try to avoid the park chops um on the The Rake returns mean just keep flat is that you mean well there's a couple different ways I mean either uh hipping H being the uh the rate return yeah well you're pointing at the right place yeah they are H unless I'm okay up here they look like look like the flat oh that's here that's the only that's the only spot all the other ones are so yeah hit or like you said do a wash or do a you know like a copper wash I think I think that little would do a lot also considering maybe lifting this that's and on on the same attct you you were saying about the thin brick on the chimneys great the the termination of them uh is is the dead giveaway which shows up here there's probably some ways that you could either with a you know top with brick but they did on yeah either where you do the the out on the corners and do something or or even what do you call it like a a copper shroud yeah you know you kind of hide the pipes and all that because it it just I mean it's just not a big thing but suddenly makes it look like a real chimney you know as opposed to diffuser and uh and you're going to talk more about the materials next time and I heard already and that's we're we're good of course we we like the smooth out rather than the you know the fake wood grain because that's okay yeah and true Tony's right there too with that it would be on the um uh front porch uh because you were mentioned having a wood covered wood porch and and obviously the original had intermittent peers with the lolus work underneath or you know when they when they when they fell apart over time then they may have replaced them with the you know blue stone or something like that but um that might be something to consider in terms of um uh the wood porches really uh went from here to perer had a pitch they need to have that the openness so that they don't rot out so you're suggesting about ventilation the brick face underneath the front porch brick piers and then with the lattice you'd have ventilation otherwise you know the moisture is going to collect under the wood flooring and rot it out well there's two ways of doing the wood to it's either where it's tongue and groove and there's a pitch on it which is the traditional way of doing it um and in Tony's know he's he's all over it or you do the space decking with gaps in where the water comes through but as Jo is saying that that you know might be creating an environment in there that that might come back to to talk you later on so I mean as a board and we're not mandating or anything but the more probably the more uh historically correct one was would be to do the tongue and groove you know and you pitch it from front to back and and then you pitch it you know you would have a subtle hip in it to the sides and then the peers there and you know kind of aat of in and that's that's just a couple of small details I I I agree with hard I think that the big moves here all seem like they they're really um have you've looked around carefully and and Incorporated the scale and and kind of um you know massing and penetration the I'm going to throw one more detail I'm sorry sorry this is alling the choir too and because you've kind of shown it this way with the shutters if you're going to do shutters you know do it with with the working Hardware the shutter dogs you know stuff rather than having them drilled into it which really you know kind of cheapens the whole here's the other thing that will make this this will make this historically accurate with be a flat minimal thatch pitched roof over the front porch a flat roof even some of the illustrations that that you show although you see the thr house had been rebuilt but the one that primarily you're looking at that one in Red Bank that matches the scale particularly that was the style on the Italian to have the flat roof I know it's not it's not practical because you probably have to do a rubber membrane but if you are doing Ceder is probably you know equally expensive or lack of expensive maybe you guys can speak to that that as the pros and cons because that flat pitch roof would make it I think it's more consistent with the accountable style I think you're right um and and again these are just mattering of details that would you know take it to the next level of the storage system what you're be doing I guess in that case it would probably be a a plat uh copper right the for the for RO surface yeah yeah I'm fine the other thing that I don't want to lose sight of the fact and and again everything looks you know certainly a step up it looks great but just be conscious of the fact and to the degree that even side is depicted but not thoroughly is that you know you have a prominent position because you could see from the Normandy both by you know across the way from the park and obviously even on the Sid so the sides you get you know our jurisdiction is what's visible from the street so you know it's almost like living on a corner even though you're not really on a corner but there's going to be plenty of sections that they visible just keep that that in mind there are there are some interesting ins and outs and details on the side this is the side of it you I see I see yeah now I I'm looking at the illustration but any feedback on that that view on the side which one are you talking about the one no I think it looks actually I think as Tony said I think a in put on that to U be you know carefully composed and you know consistent with you know historic would the see how the the deck in the back has a roof line that matches the front yes in style if it went flat on the front would it also need to be flat in the back I don't think I mean they wouldn't have built a Porsche like that I think back in the day but I mean a lot of these homes were in the district were continually added on to over you know period of their good so uh times change material change and all that and and and honestly our jurisdiction is on the front of the building and what you can really see from the street too you know so and I guess presumably you could see a little bit of that but a see both sides yeah but certainly you could take a b check because that's what I was saying before is the park is on the Riverside on the North side so you going be able to see the PO side Goa um yeah and there was a time that we probably would have been critical about the dental molding too because that you know I know we had a couple of applications where we weren't that receptive to that but I I happen to we kind of all looked at it a little bit up in New England there's plenty of houses even with this style that do incorporate dental molding so that is historically accurate too introducing that so A couple of things so are you going to you know a lot of people now are doing uh all the holons in a dark color are you going to keep them white or inside the window yeah oh yeah white sorry the other thing was um a lot of the build a lot of these other examples there's a double door did you consider doing a double door with just this light up top I would love I I don't know I would love I just think it makes it look so oldfashioned but this might have to be a maybe a more narrow double that's I did I love yeah kind of where so be like glass up kind almost like a like that no lights on the sides no just the top I don't need my house originally had the double door but it been covered up and then when we T the part found like the original woodw and then they just turned into like a storm door yeah that's probably more I would like to also do the like glass on the top like your house has with the number written but yeah I would love it dou yeah uh and wood shutters I assume yes yes with with the hardware yes ni any particular configuration movable Louver solid you know not that it matters that much but just we haven't gotten that far probably the lers I guess but not necessarily I well yeah L right mine are movable because when the wind blows they I like off you're not going to have a problem you know fly so again just I'll just go over again the things that um you know so you're talking about probably 90% seed or on the roof material if you decide to use some other type of material like a shingle you know we'll just need some kind of specification on that obviously the the party board is something that we've approved the the simulated wood but as Jan mentioned uh smooth I'm not certain whether Heritage white is just the color of the style it's just Windows you've got uh well they're 8 over eight and that's what you're looking to do at least on the facade you know what that means pretty yeah I would say so again it's not I mean I don't know whether okay yeah oh the moments the grills and it would be either simulated light or not just kind of a snaping grill I know that you're not going to be doing something like that just based on the kind ofu definitely a exterior yeah GRS and I'm not say I'm not saying one way or the other that you have to do8 over eight or you have to stick with this but just that that's the kind of detail we'll need to see when you comeing for the formal application um and also I assume you be maybe doing either wood or AAC type um you know casings of the window would you guys have any input on that I I would imagine a something like yeah maybe the copper d d on the top yeah um especially where you're at right on the river you know you want to you know probably stay away from wood as much as possible the front porch material obviously may you mentioned mahogany um maybe revisit I mean to the degree that Joe had mentioned you know the issue of the brick and whether you want to do some kind of Pier construction or something like that with a l lce or whatever again it's not it doesn't seem like anything that's going to be a deal breaker but it's just something to consider um obviously what Jay mentioned about the uh the chimney and and how the specific configuration looks and the rake returns as Jay mentioned um and that's really any things that I could think of that you would need detail on any of the things that you guys would want to say yeah I had one question on the I assume the the I don't know what you call this is this going to be a stairwell it's a stair Tower and is it going to be one of those things that you know how some houses when you look in you can see the big chandelier hanging down and so is it going to be open from the bottom to the top it's going to have Landing so there there won't be a well from the attic down to the next Landing there'll be a little bit of extra um okay yeah that's the only part me that feel a little more modern test because I don't know I saw this house in um did you see when I had something like that yeah I saw a house in Red Bank it's kind of like on the river it's um Prospect at the kind of at the end and it had something similar to that um so I just liked that I thought I gave it some depth on the side um yeah and actually to correct myself it does not go up it it stops at the at the ceiling of the second floor so there's no opportunity for the big sh yeah it's just basically our stair like it's the staircase so I I kind of it's not that big of a house so I the staircase is kind of like hidden to the side um and so I just wanted to create some visual interest inside for when you walk up the stairs there'll be like a little bit of a landing like Window Seat um as you're walking up the our our neighbors on um Lexington at 134 Lexington very old house and you can see on the side the exactly what you're describing the it's a the stairs we there and the original colored glass is that see it going up and down yeah you you lose a driveway then how do you we're hoping to have the driveway on the other side of the house to near like our neighbor's driveway is on their other side of the house we're just hoping that cuz if we make it smaller and it's just her driveway we're hoping it's more obvious that it's a driveway for the Amazon truck drivers that are driving like it's a road down and all the trucks and people that are getting conf garage is way in the back it's almost like yeah she's all the yeah and her H you know our neighbor's house is in the back so that's how she gets to her driveway um but people also don't understand that that's two driveways versus like a street sometimes um so that's why we're just hoping and we wanted to fence in the property with the picket and so we thought they make so where would you your garage be then all we're not yeah we're not going to touch that it's going be great I mean it's a great design it's you know certainly an improvement on on what's there not the house is quaint and cute nice very nice as it is right now you probably were watching or looking at the construction that was going on up on the Nory um yeah because they you know that was a bit of a fight because that was a historic structure that was deemed to be you know on you know not stable etc etc but they they did a great job with reconfiguring it and I think it's a real addition to to the neighborhood so um and that's what this is yeah for sure so we'll come back we'll put in our formal application hopefully for the ne for August's meeting and come back with everything that we talked about yeah I'm hopefully captured all the things I mean honestly if there's you know um you can always email us email Sheila to the commission if there if you had any questions or or you have any questions now that's fine as well yeah I think we're good great thank you so much hopefully you can keep your fence I think I remember you guys came in on a fence one time we did come in on fence we are we're gonna that we gonna congrats guys see you in August yeah the house oniv [Music] right so [Music] [Music] I know it's like on the one side she to the house on the right side street parking far back right it got 30t to the front of the house now what they're talking about yeah but I'm not what I'm missing is there put a driveway on the other side it's the opposite side of the garage I think it probably has to go far enough back you're talking about the driver putting the driver on the right side now yeah but I mean the garage is all the back on the left so that's I mean probably won't be connected obviously the survey only Shing like n and a half ft fence that's the minute you put a fence in that's going yeah you can see the surve the location and that Barn is now gone on the side too remember that Barn that was back there they came they tore it down oh they tore it down it was it was almost falling down I remember looking was really I'm surprised that you know looked like it was ready to collapse any day so okay we'll uh revisit that in August uh now we have business and we're going to get an update by Centennial Hall we've got the historic Association andr Lea on yeah I'm going to defer the report to either leis or tracyy 123 Grand and casy 263 fair so um couple things the first is that some of you who are on the stakeholder uh meeting got a notice the July and August meetings are cancelled um and I just want to confirm with you that there'll be a we're going to convene in September there we there you know the timeline has shifted you probably kind of all put that together already um so by September there'll be some more information that we'll be able to um get together and discuss but I can tell you today today as of today in fact um I want to credit our new bur administrator Chris York um who took it upon himself to really check on some deadlines and it turned out we had a really critical potential failure in our in our grant the funding for the Ada work and he was very quick to engage with the county and try to secure that funding and earn an extension one that we weren't technically eligible for um he was able to arranged for that we were able to secure a six-month extension um but the the takeway bottom line is the 88 work which is fully funded through the cdbg Grant have to be complete by May 2025 it's we know that's good news because um that's that that represents essentially a six Monon shift in the timeline that's what the extension so but that's what the extension is going to give us um and in the inama site visit PL go over the punch list items um we're just waiting on a confirmation of those item sort of a feedback report from the representative is going to work with the subs to get that work done and you know ideally and I can't confirm that this is the case that ideally those things happen in parallel and um by May 2025 or June we're all talking about you know a kind of ribbon cutting or celebration of some kind what was the main issue that uh prompted the extension um well there are expirations every month there's requirements from the cdpg office that you reported and ident you know report if there is a delay and demonstrate why so um internal things you could say nothing substantive though about the plan or about the actual configuration correct that is correct no everything is fine with the plan and um now it's um probably only you'll see in the in the council meeting um the the pack will get put together the advertising will go out and then we'll look to award the work hope in September so stay tuned um and do you have anything else on no oh yeah um two things uh the garden party well I'll let Katie discuss that but um I was in touch with the executive director of the M County Historical commission today um we're looking into potentially seeing if um marter Pond could be labeled a Historic Landmark and if that's ever been done before and how that might work um as far as protecting and preserving it for the future was that part of the original marter estate was pretty far removed I imagine yeah so we have to dig up some stuff on it bat R um but we're looking into eventually seeing what we can do with that pick up stuff from the pot's film he has some great um shots yeah the Vintage shots show where the in driveway and whatever Katie has yeah I just had one question does that mean the we had talked about ball shutting down because we thought that work would take place does that mean ball is open for the usual Community opportunities until said correct okay yeah very that's good um two more small pieces of um reporting for you the um first has to do with the grants committee and de um and that is in the state of New Jersey there is a black Heritage Trail and each of the locations along this Trail are marked with um a sign on the certain type but there's a similarity in the signs there's a similarity in the form and the shape and the amount of text on it and a brief description of the S advic of the landmark and we have multiple sites that will qualify um the grant committee with the authorization of the govering body um applied for usually we can't do that but as volunteers we applied for a um a sign Landmark sign at by Centennial Hall and they're very excited this they a favorable response to that they if on a zoom we asked for we didn't get awarded because they wanted to to see a few tweaks in the application all which were very easy to accommodate but in the course of that discussion it came about that we also have a landmark and the form of black school that used to be here which is there's no architectural remnants of it anymore but the landmark and the place of its former location is known to us and we plan to at least commemorate you know have some sort of marker there and they encourage us to apply for a landmark sign for that location as well so the possibility of multiple destinations black her to Trail here at be Haven is kind of exciting and I'm I'm quite certain M could probably have some other sites that might qualify um and we'll get some guidance but if you but I'll keep you prised at that we have to update um the applications and possibly submit a second September 6 the second one of course uh depends on council's authorization but they did already um authorize go ahead do some sort of landmark you know commemoration of the school in in another forms this would just be the same type of sign that creates the cohesion and the idea is there's a footbath to take you on the trail so there's a narrative that connects these and the Heritage Trail U marking it at B would just be sort of recognized in fifth Chapel corre yeah and the role of the congregants at that time you know they basically take the Snippets that become that small narrative that lives on the sign I think it's 72 characters um that's a lot of wor SMI you I how they get it condensed like that but I'm sure they're good at it because they're doing it all throughout the state so there's a lot to say about fiz Chapel but um they'll they'll hone it um I'm sure we'll get to look at it too but they'll hone it and um if awarded they we there's no money except they produce place and have a reception or R cting some point here to celebrate those right and I believe Tracy that um on their website is an expansion of each of the item each of the places on the trail that anybody can then click to to read more about it so I don't know if that's yeah so it's it's so that marker will be for everything that's on the black Heritage Trail y there's also a companion piece of information which as on the association we've been very hungry for an approach to beginning to digitize the historical significance are there any other markings now like in the area Rumson and red red locations uh do you remember the locations no I saved the article thinking the house Fortune right yeah and but there were I believe there were three in Red Bank um and the trail is throughout New Jersey um I understand there's an underground you know there was an underground railroad here watch point along the road we might want to identify something but there's there's certainly some other Landmark location really BR yeah cemeter yeah the other thing to consider too by the way is that we've talked weekly about the the you know the um movie The Green Book yes so on navn Avenue behind clousers there's a home there and I know that the current owner learned about this because an elderly man knocked on her door and he said I get the exact specific but that was a safe place for traveling um musicians artists um the VRE part of what Fair Haven's reputation was back then and Pat you can illuminate us more than I could yes I could but I know the current the current owner she's sort of like she got her the pat drum approach of all kinds of stuff in her basement and articles and I know she's hungry to do something what whatever that means some adding that to the list of areas fa he and that's significant I have a lot of stuff but and I just found something new the other day I was going through my paperwork in my bedroom that's up through here boxes and um I found now we have picture of the Albertina sambow and the seabird that's ours in Fair Haven and there was one I looked and it said Steamboat with little silver on it and I was like wait a minute I don't know anything about little silver so I started looking into it and there there was a whole P I have I went over to little silver bur Hall and I gave it to them the the black and white thing and they were so excited they couldn't believe it so little silver had their own steam wonder where it came in what wonder where it came in I guess yeah there was a picture of well you'll have to go and look at the photo because it was all kinds of stuff I mean it was it was not a picture that I thought you know would be like by the river and nothing nice peaceful River there was all kinds of stuff going on maybe like where what little silver returns into the ocean Port deep yeah so it was probably very very commercial um stuff going on there at at the time but anyway so I was excited about that all good stuff it's just one other item and um this would probably Mr chairman be something for you to consider or put on your agenda at some point was appropriate um the fair is anticipa looking to uh our master plan and in 2026 we're all get to have our updated master plan the planning board has had uh already three discussions Sheila and two discussion um and they been the examination report of 2016 so there was a 1991 master plan a 2005 re-exam a 2016 re-exam so it it's not a lot to read really um and there's um a section of it that touches on the historic preservation commission your world specifically and um I just en encourage you or suggest that look it over and discuss it um at some point in the process that'll be something that there'll be a conversation but um consider what's written there decide what it is you think is appropriate or I I'll just end by think forward looking um when you that's what a master plan ising do the most recent is 2016 you said yeah that's that and it was a re reexamination so um I know from myself a lot has happened since 1991 changed the world has changed we've had a pandemic we have a new weather system we have and usually when there's major variables that affect daily life um you know and certainly even without them you can conduct an update which is a more robust planning exercise a lot of public participation and um you know creating a a long-term view of Fair Haven so um and the planning board is coordinating their thoughts about re exam versus update um reexamining is generally reserved for like you run out of time and still didn't get enough done anyway so we'll just HT but I believe um you know personally I think we should really look to be doing an update um and in anticipation of that I would just encourage you to take a look at what's written now of the historic preservation commission the historic district um the role that you've played in the curating and caring for this District um and I would even go a step further to say because of this body's role there's a there's a very clear um differentiation and perhaps there's other places where that could we that that could lend value so you know some things that think about and go other plac in town yeah I mean I I don't want to speculate or get ahead of of the process but we don't even have design guidelines in our historic district but many historic districts do I complement this body for being so well equipped to carefully in a very nuanced friendly neighborly way work with the applicants but in a lot of communities you don't necessarily have the skilled professionals on commission and you have to replace that with guidelines or other things and so you know just want to get you thinking about it so that when there is an opportunity to have a conversation either with the planning team we bring in or we asked to put some thoughts in the memo and I don't know what form of that'll take but um we've already had time to consider these things so Tracy I have a question for you because I know and I talked about this when I first joined here there is one piece of the commission that we don't really address and that's six item bullet which is um uh what does it me responsible for advocacy of historical things in general in the town not just the district not just the geographic spot and I agree with you I think there's a body of knowledge in this commission that just as a guideline just as informative because there are many historical spots in in Fair Haven and when we have buyers like yourselves that are interested in proactively whether you're in the historic district or not want to learn more about how to uh communicate with their Builders and choose Architects perhaps and I think sometimes people purchase homes in Fair Haven and don't know that they have choices in Architects and building that may just be just that architectural decision that could give that sense that that home is in fitting with in general the historical nature of Fair Haven so are you saying that that that could be part of the RO or is that outside of that saying that actually um you're still saying within the guidelines of the District itself uh I was specifically not speculating I'm encouraging you guys to think about your role the benefits has had on the district that is within your jurisdiction and just think about that we have a business district um the master plan speaks to The Bu district and possible benefits of design guidelines which would sort of be a way you know or an Architectural Review Committee um much like what you do here without formal design guidelines and again that's to your credit and your I think that's body piece here um which do is not easily replicated and also isn't sustainable so what would what would provide that if you know say say all of you are not here in 10 years how would your good work go on as a as as to postulate one them so can we put it on for uh as new business to just take a look at it and um is it possible for you to reduce it of course I mean it's I mean the 2016 exam certainly I can even forward that to you in advance through email and you can have the opportunity to review it at your think that's on the website it it is but I can send it to directly when when the um original historic uh preservation ordinance was for 1993 we did have guidelines back then because somebody you had to have some guidelines and so that's what we were using I still have a lot of those the paperwork home but um yeah good to bring that to a discussion yeah it's like so many these people are so professional about this now they know that it's all up here very very lucky I age with you but we do have basic guidelines um in the beginning and there's I think4 buildings in the historic district so in case you ever want to know thank you very so one more thing that we skipped over September 14th is the garden party and hot off the press the tickets I believe just went on sale today that website is live so you'll certainly see Communications about that um and I did click to look at the the mission or the the uh goal of the U garden party and you can see from the verbage it's expanded just a tweak it's not only the physical um caretaking of the physical uh part of this uh Chapel but also the I forget the wording but it was worded very well the the historical significance the sharing the history all that um so now that's been added to our Charter for the fundraising which is really terrific that's a good spring board for what comes next after the Ada work and everything right thank you ladies okay and yes so we have oh where did we go didn't have the gentleman that was sitting there yeah yeah I was hoping I wanted I want to the head to lead um okay so we have a new no because uh I didn't realize it was to leave I would brought up and then when you men when you looked over uh I realized it was new administrator oh wonderful had uh emailed and I i' welcomed to come to the U the meeting yeah if you could that would be great maybe he didn't say for the best part um in the meantime while we wait why don't we uh I know everybody took a look at the uh minutes and I'll make a motion that we approve the minutes second yes at previously Mr yes Mrs yes Mr Anderson yes Mr SCH yes yes no no all right maybe he'll come back and Shout so um for this 50th Anniversary um the M county is doing a town by Town Book again I haven't done it since like 2012 or 2014 I guess and um these three beautiful they wrote it and it was great well I end but I'm really excited to have it come out so just wanted to give them a little shout out they did a great job it was history but it kind of brought it into today and everything that's great about so when will that be out i' lost track of prti all rightless there's any other comments any other comments from the commission else I can't see motion to close looking forward to the August meeting yeah do some business all right