night big night all right call order this is the regular meeting the fair hisor Conservation Commission adequate notice of this meeting sorry adequate notice this meeting has been given pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time the board reorganization in January of this year uh the board adopted regular meeting being schedule for this year notice of the schedule was sent and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 and notice of the tour re time on February 7th 2024 that notice was also posted on the bulleon board in burrow Hall and is remain continuously posted there as required by the statute a copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the Burl clerk the copy of the notice has also been sent to such members uh of the public as who have requested as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given the board secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting uh can we get a roll call Mr pav here Mrs Drummond here Mr Anderson Mrs Mullen Mr SCH here Mrs Mand Mrs Bora here Mr Smith here Mrs Nick here here okay so um it's still on our agenda but the very annual commission chairperson advice chairperson elections I believe we've done that already have we not I think we did that two sessions ago I thought yeah yeah I just noticed that now on the agenda but we did do that oh my goodness yeah okay uh thats we'll jump right into the new business which are the two applications that we have and the first one is 15 to Normandy Avenue block 49 Lot 25 Claire Perry and sleeping pet come on up and we know your house well because imagine IM it's all good I don't know you know how much of it was disclosed when you guys bought it whether they mentioned how they work with us we rent all the minutes and then made them answer questions right you were probably wondering that maybe you know you weren't that trustworthy as to what was happening and you when you look through some of the things the Incarnation that we went through but everything worked at Great and they you know they did everything they said they were going to do and we were very satisfied and think they were happy to in the end as well so welcome it's a great house they did a great job with it um so the application indicates that what you guys are looking to do is to rebuild the chimney um and there's uh some plans and specifications that have been submitted along with a 31124 report of will very detailed report of Wily's chimney service outlining the issues that you guys have the chimney uh some structural defects some safety issues and uh and what the uh recommendation is in terms of rebuilding so tell us tell us what your applications will yes so the chimney was painted white which is um and some of the bricks were repaired with cement which is the moisture inside the chimney is causing those bricks to Pop um and so we were advised that we need to replace the chimney and we'd like to do so with brick that is more consistent with the brick surrounding us okay um just a couple of questions I you're not going to have any kind of side venting it's going to be so still going to be vented through the chimy and there's a liner being put in as well there's I believe probably an old terracotta liner in there but that's not sufficient there I'm not a code expert but multiple contracts have told us that there should have been a steel liner in there that that will be put in now but that's one good to know it's one of the main reasons it's one of the main reasons the chimney is deteriorating is because all the moisture is just sitting in there and then painting the chimney I've now learned is it not a good thing to do the moisture is there a fireplace that's connected to the chimney no there must have been at some point but there is and so natural brick not like some type of we have we have souvenir we have two more sa you yeah I mean you know to some extent you know because it is not necessarily change but there's a demolition component or rebuilding component and I want to be certain that it was not side vented or something like that because not as much detail was presented I think with the applications what I see here what I reviewed um sorry to have to make you come in because I think it's all you know obviously recreating something that was probably original to the house uh in a form that was original because I suspect that it probably wasn't painted originally yeah um we think so so yeah I'm in favor of the application I don't know whether anybody has any other comments or thoughts oh looks good to me everything right any comments or thoughts from the audience yeah okay none being heard I will uh make an application that we approve uh the application of Claire Perry and Steven fet to allow them to um rebuild the chimney I guess it's on the north side of the house pursuing to the plans and specifications as outlined in the submission so um I'll put something together I'll email to you and to everybody who has to get it and U you should be good to go thanks I'll second that yes I forgot to take it to a roll call my apologies yes um yes Mrs Dr yes um Mr SCH yes Mrs P yes Mr SM yes and Mrs yes all right now you're official thank you guys thank you guys well that's great I learned a lot my house is over 150 years old it's been painted white there's a the um the Chim the Chim Terra so good luck next application is 774 River Road Block 52 Lot 4 Jones Hollow Inc and that'll be the U rear second floor Edition we have a record now so I guess make it just put your appearance on the record good evening all book spawn arts and I'm here on the app of Jones Hollow LLC which is the owner of the property before you in this application and with me tonight is Mr Leo Pato who is representing the company tonight and can answer any questions you may have uh we have submitted to you the application including some I think demonstrative pictures of the building that we're considering those of us who have been around for a while will recall what this building looked like before Mr deado got his hands on and really brought it up to snow it now contains a financial services office and a small Second Story apartment which uh takes up roughly half of the group space and would expand that to make it a liable space rather than a very cramp space and there's kind of like a family story that goes behind it I ask Mr de to just briefly explain why he got into this project to begin with so so I had a conversation with my wife my daughter might be working at riview very possibly continuing her education and um she brought up maybe my daughter living there up on top of 774 there is no laundry there's a very small closet and it's a studio so I'd like to expand that put a bedroom up there possibly hopefully if she works there she might be housing there so that it started out you know a little project and it's turning out to be an addition to get a laundry space and uh a one bedroom now this would expand the sides of the building back to the rear of the first floor is that correct that's correct and the siding would be similar to the siding that now appears exactly so there would be a continuation of the style of the the that's corrects I believe Mike Monro the architect designed it for the front to look exactly like the back um we're using the same material and just expand the building what is the material what is this board party okay a party PL correct and how about uh the EES and the um the and the um the bracket so I believe Mike Monro Drew those in as well on the back of the building where it does peak yeah um to match the front and we'll do our best job obviously those are you know 50 years old but we'll do our best job to get them pretty close to what they with you know I I don't really remember this building I mean I do but I don't remember how much was done when it was renovated when you did the renovation when did you do it and was there any kind of modification sure extensive renovation building was tilted I think I remember on Melanie's side who is a great tenant of mine and um we worked well together so the building was tilted it wasn't taken care of and we brought it back to life was it a foundation or structural issue Foundation was perfectly fine it was just the bones of the building um we had some structural issues on the second floor um they did Renovations there prior to us taking over the building that were um that weren't very good to say the least they were holes cut for air conditions and stuff like that that weaken the structure of the building so that's why it's yeah I think you did a great job I the building was excellent you know I think the you know the style is the sort of Italian a sort of bracket style I think was it was terrific and um when when the application first came up and it was you know whether or not it's Vis you know to see it from the street you clearly are but only on an angle because it's so close to the neighboring structures and uh my first thought was you got to keep and capture that sort of Eve that wood workk that we have going straight back so that OB be something that we we need to do um it also seems from um the uh the build the uh plans that is the roof going to go straight back all the way to the rear or is it going to be sort of like in I believe it's peaked two separate feet separate Fe is that because I did notice that there's a sort of a railing some kind of structure on the second floor the third photo yep so that railing um the air condition units are behind that so we are going to I guess Mike is planning on just to shift that over a little bit um and continue a railing he's going to cut out a little section for those air conditions and is that also the reason why you're doing that separate Peak because you have you know AC there yeah there is an illustration of what the rear would look like on page two of the plans yeah I'm A2 yes I am looking at it and I yeah so are you creating a a this the second floor that is a new section you're actually building on that flat roof correct and then to the left of it you're going to C in the railing where the air condition unit and then so the new part will be that yeah it' be that gable roof the peak roof and um that'll be Cathedral inside uh to get maximum space on the interior where the sort of first Peak is where that jog is that could be the existing roof line on the west side so it's will stop at the existing roof line okay um let's see I'm not sure that I understand the question so this original Peak right here on the right side yeah if you're looking at the structure on the right side it's going to be matching that matching the existing Peak there yes it's just going to be and you're going to replicate the existing corales and we're going to do we're going to do our best to make them look exactly like the fo balls are you doing it on wood or out of Fon or something I don't know that would be a I'd like to do them out of Fon so they actually last and hel hold up and you know wood is M maintained and we have to maintain that you do it just take a mold exactly just ASAC well ASAC would be the yeah um questions of thoughts fromion questions and thoughts from the public so as I said I think oh I'm sorry the the drawing for the uh the rear it it doesn't show it exactly the same it's it's showing almost like a little pork jop on the so that's a window that that goes in the back and in front of that window will be a railing that houses two I'm on the right side looking at the eve right side okay right side Eve and the the return is on on the drawing is looks lower than the way it looks on the uh the rest of it like if you look at the drawing for the front yeah it's raised up and it's into that freeze board with the cors on the screen that's on A2 it's the bottom bottom bottom left then it goes down right because notice the the way the roof pitch comes down and then it swings out probably where there was a Yankee gutter at one point exactly and and then that flat is brought you can see the the uh the detail of the coral on the side it's it's also patched in the front when you look at it from the street you'll see it looks like a wing or a triangle yeah that is patched we had a patch that in the beginning right you eliminated the Yankee gun that's correct but you're going to replicate that on the back is my my question however he drew it I'm sure that's what he wants he wants to make it look like the front the the drawing just doesn't show that exact L to make you see what it shows a flat it shows the flat down the flat down I I wasn't really paying that much attention to that El because I don't think it's visible from the street yeah I don't think it's yeah so I was mostly concerned yeah mostly concerned with you know what you can even see at an angle going straight back and it's going to look when look down continu the Hardy Board will continue down the freeze board will continue down and all that will look the same yeah it's it's it' be hard not to replicate it and make it look right exactly I'm curious about the the front the front window is that just the architect you're doing the window looks like it [Music] goes the front the front window is not they not touching the front oh I drawing inacurate okay looks good if you want to yeah I was saying that's a nice Improvement we're just adding at 22 by8 I believe R in the back okay to look like the phone and Michael do an excellent job of getting it to look yeah um okay so I'll make an I'll make a motion that we approve the application as presented with sort of some contingencies attached to it that uh there the U use of like time materials including ASAC or Hardy Board as has been represented on the front of the building that the EES and brackets be re uh presented in such a way or that uh they replicate that which is existing on the facade and on each side which is currently visible um the best possible and also those brackets will we will uh allow for ASAC Sun synthetic material as long as they're matching okay so on the freeze board I I could use the exact material on the back it's maintenance free and that's why we want use I don't know if you want to any second on that I know it's it's a lengthy application but I think it has to be a lengthy motion but I think it has to be that way to fit the application Mr Pao yeah yes Mr yes Mr Scher yes Mr yes Mr s yes yes thank you very much appreciate what's the history of the building if you know well when I first came to Fair it was occupied by a tailor um thereafter at some point it became a um a rug cleaning operation Le but the original when was the original structure built and had there been any kind of major modifications I I can't answer that I frankly don't know it's probably late 18 early 20 Cur I would say this surely the 1900 probably the 1903 test M or 19 yeah yeah is there any basement what's the basement is there basement's brick it's it's it's in good shape I mean we we Chang as many you know beams and upgrade it as much as we possibly can anticipating one day maybe there will be a second story up next right uh concrete floor too FL well great congratulations thank you all very much nice uh Hey Joe I have a I have yane gutter on the front of my house and it's all rusty and it's not been taken care of now someone suggested I take that off and put just a regular gutter there and I don't like the idea but what do you think about doing you can use you know some guys are using fiberglass and reining them to fiberglass I know they've used T they put it I don't know they keep filling it with t and then all of a sudden it's not running pitching correctly right so I don't know redo it in metal that was extremely expensive right I uh I'm sure everybody's had an opportunity to look at the um March 26 2024 minutes I'll make an application that we approve those minutes all right yes yes yes wasn't all right VI liaison okay we've been we've been um very busy actually um um since the last meeting we had the Estuary was held at by Hall last weekend and that was an art show that was held there and um the art show the data of it was phenomenal but I I can't stress enough to this commission what it was like to have a historic building for three days where folks walked in and out were looking at the art but were asking questions brought their kids in who were asking questions the art show interpers the the photos that actually hang in byall of um the African-American community and it's use of byall so to a person they would look at the art they would look at the the black and white photos they would look at the art they would look at the photos they had questions we felt it's hard to put into words what happened last weekend and we feel that it was a pivotal moment for all things historic and fair even even moving forward and having events like that where it's organic it's not a of course here's a lecture telling everybody about the history of Fair Haven people walked in and were feeling it so that was great the pews uh historic pews were brought up as display um opportunities for the paintings um we talked about those use their original um built by Danel Williams Nathan J Williams yes Nathan J Williams so it was a good event and um then we had our regular meeting there uh this uh last night actually and the big thing on the table is the ada8 plan is going to go board we believe it's feels like all of a sudden it's rapid it's going that to bid and the work we've been told by um government is that it'll start in June I think May June um and that of course is to build the ramp and the extra bathroom and then after that comes this the process for the the um Grant application the plan which was talked about last time and that's a grant that the association is funding to apply for um planning services so sort of to um put more formal approach to our plan for byall and then um think anything else Pat I think that's it and then we'll be planning for the garden party but the next thing on the docket will be to see how those uh how the ramp and the bathroom look um so good stuff great um the next item on uh for administrative is the historic district designated no parking space I receiv the email on that a while ago and Tracy councilwoman Kohl's brought it up yesterday um I'm not so certain I have to figure out uh exactly what our role and position is going to be on that I have to look at it again and maybe I'll table it for a month because I'm not certain whether it's the proposal of additional parking no parking spaces in the historic district or whether they're existing and whether there's a question as to whether or not they were brought to our attention before they were painted clearly they were not it was never an issue that we ever addressed we never had a formal application and we don't ordinarily just take action for things that don't come before us so um I will do a little bit of digging on that and uh I'll table it for a month and we'll we'll address it next month so did it come up because of of the lack of of parking spaces or on the corners or where where question because it's a modification of something happening in the commercial area of historic district that isn't quite histor okay so there's going to be that take between Public Safety and policing and that sort of thing versus you know what powers if any or what position we have with regard to those parking spaces I mean any park you know when the historic commercial historic district came about that were buggies and wagons and things of that nature so I don't know any parking spaces are really historic but we have them and it's not like we're all those buildings on on Riv River Road they were actually houses I mean people's homes because I when I moved here in ' 85 they were trying to get everybody out so they could make it into a commercial district and people didn't want to leave their homes and I compl so I'm not certain exactly what the question is or what the intent is and I will unless C I'm wondering if announce oh sorry Michael do Council Lees on um we voted recently on the um addition of no parking sign so there's new rules on for hi and Ro is that what this is we're talking as I said I got to take a look I knew there was an email that was circulated maybe it has something to do with so I think it has to do maybe with they're kind of wondering about the signage because there's going to be a lot of new rules about no parking after certain hours um it had to do a lot with like the new park and new and a lot of traffic down there so so is there a thought that they had they would seek our input or to be honest I had this is the first time hearing of it so I didn't realize that they were even coming to you that is my understanding art if I can just add I think based on the email that I had forwarded to you is that they just wanted the commission to have some inut on this the signage versus I believe it was I have to go back and look the email but um signage versus uh Cur maybe um indicating it at the curve level oh so I would think as much as I value our role that when it comes to like you said Public Safety that whatever if they're ugly yellow white signs with red writing on them I wonder how much jurisdiction you have over the style of a sign unless I mean right but it's coming to if it's coming before us I mean yeah I think you know a no a No Parking Spot with the yellow line you know people know that shouldn't be parking there I don't know that you necessarily need a sign to reinforce it especially when you have probably 20 those spots and the not even going to be the timing issue it's going to be the time there's like certain locations are actually different on different parts of the road to the hours that they can park so I think they're going to have to be really specified and my guess and without knowing is there probably are certain rules about how many signs you need to have distance spread out yeah so like I think you probably need more information anyway to know what they're thinking and even what the options are do you know what you know know what the timing of that is when they're you know I don't know I just know we moveed forward on proving the actual change I know from just if you take the broader picture everyone loves standing on River and looking down towards the dock oh it's beautiful and certainly we all know what it's like to be in New York City all the confusing signs you know that's the extreme so I bet that's why it's coming here because the aesthetic was I don't even think that in the email there was even a description of where they are figuration was of a generic description of signs you looking for maybe they want wood signs that you know good research to see how other historic towns you know I feel like if you're in Williamsburg or something like that they're very aesthetically accurate right that would be the jurisdiction sounds like to me it's more they're more interested in the on River Road with all the parking oh not down fa I don't know I don't have no idea all you mentioned the park well because yeah and because we made these new rues like this was passed recently these new specific rules about parking so I9 again without being on the emails and if you could Lo me in that would be great but Michael what was the the impetus for that is it that the the the business owners are worried about regular folk parking there to enjoy the park and using up business spaces or the other way around or again I think I kind of came in on this a little bit because I think it started out but this was sort of the discussion of the 21 fa road is my guess what 21 um the the property we bought next to the pier and I think that started a whole conversation about parking and more people coming down there and that had to do with the new dock rules with um this certain hours you can't be there now with crabbing and there's a lot so I think it had to do with just The increased traffic of people being on the dock all hours got it you can't crab there now you can crab there they just more too I think that that was all part of this conversation I can't find but I would I would agree with what Kelly said you said think we just need to see what the actual issue is and then in the meantime we can start googling and looking for examples of vintage signs if that's if it comes to that to offer as an option okay all right so we will revisit that next month and I we'll have a little bit more info on that uh next administrative is the Environmental Roundtable what's up with that yeah I think the I uh spoke about it after the last time we met and just basically said they're looking for comments to the extent we would have any about you know recommended changes or supplements to the the latest ER which was from 2017 um so I circulated that a few times you know among the group and talked about it at the last public meeting um that's really about it they were just looking for if anybody had any comments or thoughts about you know from a historical perspective it's probably not overly relevant but you know C if anyone had an ideas or thoughts they smart up me to open it up to someone texted me last night about the historic meeting last night the association meeting there was some discussion about banning or um leaf blowers or limiting them to certain days of the week is that a discussion about that I don't remember so I responded saying that wouldn't be something that they really would be concerned about but is there any kind of um maybe is there any movement in counsil or thought like eliminate or not allowed to no I think there's always an undercurrent of you know people who would like to you know lessen the I think everybody has long guys and people that work at home now everybody can hear the lawn guys exact and if we're going to do that can we ban the ice cream guy o00 get my kids first I'm just kidding it was parked outside our house for 20 minutes and I was like it was a little but but it hasn't come to I but it might have been a side conversation all right any other public comments anybody anybody comments or thoughts from the commission members no uh make a motion to adjourn I'll second okay that's you guys are the fastest meeting yeah Mond yes um Mr schlutter yes M Bora yes Mr s yes this is yes so to answer that question these were two applications your application and the other one too just they had to come before us because we can't kind of P me a lot and said well that's no brainer you just don't