good evening everybody this is the regular meeting of the Fair Haven historic preservation commission adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of the schedule was sent and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 and notice to the Two River times on February 7th 2024 that notice was also posted on the bulletin board in burrow Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute the copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the burough clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given board secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting and we have a roll call Mr PA here Mr strond here mron here Mrs mull Mr schutter here Mrs here Mr okay so we'll uh we'll dispense of the old business and we'll get right to the new business we do have an application and council is here for 775 River Road block 49 loot three come on up good evening good evening I'm Brooks F my appear on behalf of the applicant tonight with me is architect Mr who I'm sure is familiar all and the principal of the applicant Mr um this property is a 775 River Road and we don't quite know how old it is um Mr Monroe thinks that based on his observation of the way in which the building was originally built and has been headed on to over the years maybe somewhere in the range of 1900 give or take we don't really know for sure it's it's um a newer building than let us say my office building which is the 1860s um and any event it's a very attractive building and I think if you uh look at the proposed plans for renovation they'd be very attractive to you without further Ado I'd like to ask Mr Monroe to kind of give us a general ideas to what changes the applicant ends the um so basically the uh the first floor of the store was retail and knew it's a stair there's three doors straight ahead when you walked in uh you went right up the stair to office which was one time residence and then there was two stores other side so uh originally this porch you can see the original columns were there probably 8 in round column there was three equal bays in the front it's been enclosed over the years they added ltis front a it they kind of closed in the front and and and modified that and we're looking to clean that all up um so the in the big picture we want to have one space downstairs with just one door and then we're going to rebuild the stair off the back of the building right now it's you have pictures of it in there it's not very dilapidated it's falling down was in the packet but that's the rear of the building and get it all enclosed in the packet that I handed to you for the submission the cover the cover page is what the proposed um look the front elevation is going to be um you can still see in the forch the some of the ceiling was the 6 in Center bead which is pretty common the ceilings the the cloudo siding was about third about four and a half four and 34 we're going to go to like a 5 in um what I'm proposing is we're going to remove obviously the the awnings the windows off the front um I want to make this look more like it was an enclosed porch unless like someone just stuck windows in it and closed it so I basically uh widened up the enclosure around the front door and made four columns there three equal Bays got rid of the small windows and makes larger format Windows um on the porch so it feels more like it was in closed porch which I think will historically feel better than someone just took a porch and put a wall in it and smashed the window I think this will be a more sensitive way to do it um we're also going to uh there's a lattice below the the PCH we're going to going to fill that in with block and we're going to put brick on to match to the chimney we brought a sample of brick that's here we were looking at Stone but I suggest that brick might be more sensitive what the building was we know the brick chimneys are still there and we're actually to put the brick all the way around um you see you do see when you first approach the building picture you do see the front the side we're not really changing the sides that much we're going to we're going to put a brick base in the front and brick base in the side we're going to put a 5 in hard white clabber siding Hardy Board to mimic the wood siding which it'll last a little longer um we're going to use a white half round gter we're going to put shutters up we had shown a panel shutter I think a shutter is probably more historically correct so we're going to put a Luber shutter up with actually the real Hardware sets on there with the S CL and the hinges and the S hooks um so it looks like it's just to work we're going to restore um this trim band up top of the cornice was never quite white detailer got lost over the year Brooks has a building next door got a nice handsome cornner line comes right down the window with some Coral I'm going to mimic a smaller version of that so so let's talk into that building a little bit um and we're going to roup everything with a black granite asol jingle um throw some flower boxes in the front there seasonal flowers and then I did a landscaping plan I was told that we cared about Landscaping uh so I I consulted the native planting chair for Ron Garden Club and we're going to get rid of right now you come down it's kind of crappy there's one step which is always a Trier and then there's three steps which is a Tripper I'm going to rip that all out and do two and two um get rid of the the rotting wood board along the street put a nice brick Edge down there um and then I I did a a landscaping plan it's a little bit using but it's symmetrical there's basically 12 by 12 12T X 12T sections on either side of the front keep that fairly symmetrical um but it's a mixture of um Native hydrangia zelia metal violet blue bra um basically it's a habitat I want to make it look like it was plantings that would be there 100 years ago it's Habitat for Eastern gold PL which is the state bird the metal Violet is a state flower we're using some of those blueberry W is a state fruit and it's also habitat for the black swallow tail butterf that's going to all fit in there yes but you can see all the circles in there and it's all it's all designed to be the right height and colors and you know you put a lot of thought into it we're going to rip out there's a lot of overgrowth in the site it's never been taken care of there's Ivy and Old Maple trees and stuff we're going to put an oak tree back there and clean that all up and we're going to put some grasses back for a low maintenance uh area off to the side but basically the whole front of the building should be nice it should be symmetrical I think it'll be a compliment to the building and I think the approach will be nice we're going to do a nice brick walkway with herring bone pattern in the middle and I think that'll be an improvement when we're the concrete walk in the one step that's too deep and tell the board about the way in which you organize the steps I think that's a big yeah right now you come three steps right out of the building and then you take like three or four steps and there's one over si side step right at the street and generally one step is always a Tripper because people don't see it a lot of times so you want to do two if you can so I'm splitting it two and two and it's going to allow us it's going to allow us to actually drop the grade right on the street so we can actually landscape right to the street so we don't have to have a little over chaining W there we're originally going to build like a a little brick wall there and it seemed like a little bit too heavy-handed I think it'd be a little more natural if we just made it all come down a little quicker it'll look it'll look more natural easier to build and uh I think it'll fit in a little better um we are uh that's basically what we're doing this s cleaning up the back of this site I know we don't care as much about the back but we're making a barrier free accessible handicap spaces and we go before the planning board for that putting ramp in the back of the building there was only one bathroom this building even though there was three different four different tenants so you had to go outside to go up the door a second FL bathroom which was crazy so we're put a real bathroom upstairs a real bathroom downstairs um and uh I think it's going to be a much better use it'll be actually be less intensive use parking wise I think it'll look nice and that's basically our whole application I I gave you a picture of the front a picture of the rear what that basically look like I gave you the existing floor plans for the first floor and second floor I gave you a marker drawing of what the apartments look like on second floor it's a one bedroom apartment it's got some nice cathedral ceilings back there we're going put some power ties these some exposed we're leaving the chimneys that go up to the roof uh so those are still going to be there um we're not use them for anything but they they look nice in the roof what about the railing for the front how are they going to look I'm I'm not going to need the railing I'm only doing two steps and two steps oh okay so if you have more than two steps you're required to have a hand rail this is actually a guard rail which is not required unless you more than 30 in but I'm going to I'm going to burn the adjacent braid on the side of it it's be up against the brick so it's going to feel more natural so we shouldn't have to we shouldn't have to introduce the the handb if if they decide they want to add a small piece of broad iron it'll be be a hand ra and not a guard ra and I think it'll match it'll match in much nicer than the than the than the rod iron one that's there right now um and what did you say about the shutters are they going to be the original uh shutters with the shutters would be led shutters LED shutters okay removable L the old fashioned yeah the old fashion hard that's what what's under the vinyl siding now is it a clapboard or is it yeah you can see the original siding is still in those porches so in that enclosed porch you can go there today we were just looking at it half an hour ago on the inside on the inside and shows the original the original columns which were a little bit small but that was probably the prettiest part of the building was the porch uh and then the uh it shows the 4 and a half inch cab sighting it show that the center bead you know normal 6 in Center bead which we're going to try to mimic on the on the eaves and probably keep it the ceiling on the porch we may take it out and put it right back just just to see there's a lot of damage in the building it's never really been taken care of so we you're going reciting it what using a uh is it a 4inch party board yeah 5 inch yeah 5 inch party board okay one question I did have also with regard to the EES because I see existing it's you know that's sort of uh 1980s is I shouldn't even say 1980s which we were talking about before the um it's like the vinyl sided the vinyl eaves that have sort of a crease in the middle um I see you're doing gutters and and doing some other things is that going to be maintained or is that going to be modified is it be something be done on the EES uh we were going we're going to modify it and because I don't think it's depicted in the illustration no we're doing everything else we wouldn't do something old in the yeah I I wouldn't think that that would be maintained but again there wasn't any detail on that so what's the idea on that um we're going to mimic uh the center bead that was on the porch but would have been naturally in the soet I think there so okay is that also going to be at a Hardy Board as well or or or Center be as as product that it's will last forever it's painted up it'll look nice all sheet yeah instead of just a clipon piece of Cappy you know it'll be a much more substantial the idea to make it look like the center be yeah board that was there I mean it's a great plan I mean it's be huge Improvement I mean everything you guys picked up or exactly the type of things that we would sort of be pressing an applicant on uh you indicate also and there is a description of a fon um the corales uh I hope that and you said you're going to mimic something another building hope it's not the one to the left if you're looking it's there's not many good examples there are a couple across the street that are kind of uh are indicated in I think your fifth photo sixth photo that are sort of an Italian eight style if you kind of see them this photo I'm talking about that's yeah we did that is that sort of the style that you yeah smaller version of that I'm going to get I'm going to see how how wide I can get that that corner board and bring it right down on top of the windows and make it for the window head trim I think it needs a little bit something there I'm hoping I can get it up to 8 in and then whatever it feels appropriate there has a little bit of detail in there um would you look do a singular Coral or double Coral I'm thinking singular be fairly small you know but uh I know there's examples of both um my only fear about the doubles I think I need a little more hype to make that pull that off right so this story being I know you're not touching the side what's the story behind that I don't knowy looking yeah I wasn't sure that I mean that looks like it's a 1970s window I never mind I try to keep something from every you know every for the you keep something from the building I debated moving that around to the back of that window this one this one yeah you think that's from the 1970s because there's a lot of houses like historic district that have an identical house identical window that window is old I'm going to take it move around the back to uh on the back elevation I have a a laboratory that think B is the parking lot which I want to Little B privacy and I can move that window there is that anywhere located near stairs on the inside cuz that's generally where that window exist that they used to put it backs up to nothing it backs up to nothing I don't know why it's there they put a I can leave the window there I don't no no I don't think you know it's sort of oddly placed really notice it it's not very the side elevation is not really purposeful it um and then I see that you have this accessory building in the back um that looks like it's probably rone in the 60s or 70s it looks like the only thing that's different is the flower boxes I'm looking for photo versus also the roof l oh okay we're gonna I think I showed you before and after picture of it so we're just we're just going to fix it up we're going to make that match the same siding and roing and then put a little hip roof so it looks like it all matches um you know I could have done a g but the pitch doesn't match to front so I could just leave it a hip at least make all the materials will match the front and the back so at least complimentary and uh yeah right now it's it's two separate office spaces it's going to be combined to one put the bathroom in there so is some portion of that you think original to the house I don't think so I don't think so but I mean I I don't know for sure um there's definitely the piece to the right was added on afterwards and uh but it wasn't added on very well so and what's what's the manufacturer and design of the GFF in are you guys you're proposing uh that's G be a huge improvement too yeah this this is this be kind parage house right now I bought a sample of it this has a not the right Jo on there but that's something but we can we're still looking for Brick so we look match something that looks like it's old and misfire a little bit um okay and again keeping the Chimes is uh excellent as well yeah certainly you got some question yeah I think generally speaking um this is going to be a big Improvement to the structure in terms of the functionality and and the appearance of it um the back just you probably already know it's not in our jurisdiction anyways so but it seems like it's going to be have a lot more utility and it makes a lot more sense um had a few quick questions one is um the with the shutters um so you're you're going to use hinges and and not not drill them into the uh into the siding or you can have the actual shutter dogs and and pivot hinges we're we're going to buy the operational great the operational ones mounted they'll be fixed but we're g to really use if we can operate them okay great and and and uh what do you see those being made out of um I think they come like a black a black what I think they PC or they wood or they yeah I mean it's it's hard to find a good the nice design plat us have to go to a wood one yeah um I mean Tim timberling makes some but I think they call it uran if that was an issue for you where longevity but it's also at a premium price so I'm not pushing for it yeah I mean we only need three sets of them so I think we we can afford to put the best one there if you want a really good one you usually have to go for a wood one especially if get do moveable yeah you have a little flexibility you have like that solid that's what my Builder told me I should use timber Timber Lane and I have like almost 30 sets of Windows shoot me and so um and I and I think the idea of trying to bring that the the front what was a porch more back into that character makes a lot of sense um uh and but uh my one point or thought there was that the uh the panel things that kind of look like columns obviously much wider than what would have been there originally and and I guess if there was any recommendation here of doing something to th up maybe the C do a some kind of panel before you hit the window if you needed that kind of pH because it um it does look a little I'm going try to narrow them up I agree they could be a little bit narrower I think it would be more in proportion I don't know what that might be you have a dimension something you know that that you know 10 in yeah I started penalizing them just to make them look like they're more broken up but yeah they're probably like 16 inches right now they probably closer to 12 or 10 I I think that that would help to pull off that yeah that's not a problem yeah actually said the original columns were very small I was surprised what they so like probably n in and then again the corales you have is 8 in but probably need a little bit more detail you know since that's such an important element the house is going to be so visible um just a little bit more detail it's going to be an Italian a style we call them an S which I know is just that traditional s Coral can we get some kind of a again I don't want you guys have credibility in terms of which doing and I trust a lot of what you're doing but just in terms of our decisions in the past and having to get a little specificity both probably with the size or some limitation on the size of these front panels and then just some description as far as the Coral's more than just a 9 in s so what can you tell us that I can put in a memorandum of action that will kind of I want to give you flexibility but but I also have to have some limitation there speci specificity in there as well yeah I could I could get that something to you within a week or so or less if you want to tell us now we I'd be happy to just inte I think he needs to do some research and find out how big the freeze board is up there I really don't know i' got to take some more measurements on whe where they you know pbl or modillions you know they're a little bit different shapes [Music] okay yeah um any other questions comments thoughts from the audience I really like what be a nice addition Fant I make a motion we this applic we we put we put a little bench out there a little bird bations onction that information with with the c that um thinner uh panel or non- panel peers will be immigrated into the the front porch and then some detail as far as the coral to be supplied but again I don't want to limit you um so um I'll I'll second the motion Mr P yes Mrs drumond yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Scher yes Mrs Bora yes guys be great app excuse me when when are you starting we have to go to a planning board first also but we were going to demo so we're actually we're looking at fixing all the inside stuff now but great good luck it's going right now yeah Hoops to R it's going to be great I it thank you all very much thank you [Music] it's nice they doing enough not only make it look better but also make it more sustainable in terms but it's going to look so much better oh my God it's going to be great I'm so happy in the landscap look too right okay so we have old business which brings us to the ladies that are sitting in front this most of our old business has to do with bis Hof that's chapel and our old business that we really had ongoing in Tracy block by a column here but uh had to do with um the pav restoration plan and the uh restoration plan um the competing restoration plan was presented maybe we can get an update on that I know there was kind of a flurry of activity that went on after our last decision so was it determination whole permission wasn't all those emails for obviously there Sun rules that pred that but um uh our myself um she was probably on some of them if not all we um we made every effort to create a new opportunity for this body to receive the two proposals so that you would have a chance to review them and provide comment in the form of a recommendation or a question or really you know um or even take the next step and speak to the professionals on your own or your secretary could do that for you and then for any related position based on your review uh unfortunately that window was not provided and um I will I can tell you that um it's certainly within your role to be able to comment on those sorts of professional documents that are going to guide um ongoing work but um the the cost difference between the Goldstein proposal and I will say the Laura herwin proposal um who was part of the gy firm what the difference between the two P gold proposal was about $6,200 um so we were sort of was sort of a losing their h i I don't know that I could have been able certainly understand the the nature of those two different professionals um and I would have really liked you to have an opportunity to weigh in your Michael you were on that that's right well I think the context also was that because there was such a disparity between the two Co the cost of both proposals um that there was a comparison as to the scope of work and whether or not they were actually presenting uh actual competing plans and that determination was made in the affirmative that they were in fact but it was just that big of a difference in cost that is the that's the just I went to the extra just to satisfy myself and really um our chairman to and his body I spoke to Mr P and confirmed that his scope of work was very much um like laor and he he did have a separate number from additional Workshop some public meetings because he understands the communities involved in this type of work um but that would have been on top of s 500 um so at the end of the day very difficult to you can appreciate obviously the necessity being fiscally responsible and that's a cost that you know doesn't really we don't know what the actual value is and the fact that this commission doesn't lose its uh guidance in terms of reviewing anything that that the gold need to presents in the future um it happened uh you know I don't think that there's any problem with that and um and again there it's not a loss I stretching imagination hopefully the work that they propos is going to be very good we can anticip anticipated will be an extension of what the P report has already provided and that is going to update this body and the governing body but also then that would help to guide whether it's fundraising or um work that's recommended by this body to the governing body that this document will help us stay ahead of deferred maintenance and items falling into sort of disrepair any time frame as to when that update is going to be received um we I don't know when I don't have an update I but I will get that for you uh there isn't anything yet we just noticed we've just released the authorization to go ahead so um any other updates with regard to FIS Chapel this week right this a state folder meeting yeah so we'll have more after that we do have did rece ka yet anything since you we do we did are in receipt of the June 6 2023 CMA Associates uh arborus report authored by yeah yes Sherry Spiro yes and uh looks like she did a survey and made some recommendations that all seemed very reasonable and taking into consideration the type of vegetation the neighbors and a lot of different things into account so it doesn't seem to be anything objection I'm sure that everybody took a look at that oh there is one update actually she report to you that um we had a site meeting with the um owner rep to handing the facilities to look at stepping out repairs of work that will be taking place at H including some of that in basic R but showers report um and know I don't have a date it's when all going to proceed but imminent I always a 30 varod so that right thank you very much um have any other old buiness I do not believe that we do you know I know the the zoom invitation yeah that that was an error because I was kind of fooling around with the technology um because I I had sent you a subsequent email to see if you wanted me to edit to the agenda to have a discussion about kind of pick up where we left off last week uh last month discussing the possibility of using Zoom moving forward quite frankly I thought that we were just on Zoom when when I saw that I thought the meeting was now see so the te technology that we use that I set up for these meetings is actually through Zoom the the zoom um website and you set it up as a webinar and what it allows you to do is Select whether you want it to just be your source of audio video so that's really what we have used it for it's just to source of audio and video so that I can pull it back up and refer to it when do minutes so it's like a one person one participant Zoom meeting using that yeah so I can see who says what and I can you know if I miss you know who who stepping in EM motion I can kind of see so that's what we've been using it for anything that's in person only we do have the ability to select to open it to the public and that for example is what the like executive I'm sorry the environmental commission does what the mayor and Council does so really it would just be me technically setting it up differently and then you would get that um invitation um as a participant and it was just a check box that I didn't I should have deselected that check boox so I was um trying it for the July meeting like okay how would I set this up for myself and the big the big question last month was really it came down to one issue it was uh open up Zoom to the public right but choose to meet in person I think the this body felt that I think we wanted to be here in person for meetings because of the nature of the kinds of things we review large artifacts I know it's doable I've seen it done but that we were I think we were discussing that we were definitely open to extending the the viewing of it to the public but that I don't know did the council zoom in called hyd so you do so some in person some the environmental commission chose to do what you're saying have meetings in person like one off someone can call in but generally it's open to the public to view but they have to be as a c as a committee how problematic is it to just have a zoom invite for members of the public to participate that it's not and and also just as a point of reference that the planning board just went through like two meetings of discussions about whether or not to use uh zoom and how and to what extent and the end result was that be for public only and that the members would not be using it to zoom in the only to participate in meetings for a lot of reasons that all kind of got flushed out um well I would think that if you have a situation where if you have a sickness or if you have lack of a forum you have professionals here in an application then I think uh you know members of the commission can participate but I would you know I'm not very tricky in trying to identify the okay well how many times and who what if two people are sick and so we determine who who's able to do that and and so kind of got a little and I would agree with you it got a little bit in the weeds it was the the mayor and Council it was an urgent technology that was needed because of Co they had to come up with a system that made sense and it made sense and yeah and ultimately the most of the members all but one maybe or two of the nine felt that it was an important enough um business and that they should and that they never had a problem so they were sort of trying to solve for something that wasn't an issue when you when you rely on Zoom or you just come remember being a zoom it kind of limits your discourse a little bit you not here you're not present you're not right right and a lot of what we've done here in the past has been that interaction yeah I mean I can think of a couple things that wasn't a p complete or a simple answer it was like some some real kind of dialogue and different eyes around the forth I'm wondering what what is the interaction between the board the audience and the public are the the public are they going to be on so at the end they would be so they would be you can even see my screen they would be down here you know down here yeah on the screen that they're but no one sees them right and they can ask questions so they would raise their they put like a hand raised motion if they wanted to ask a question so when you open it up to the public they would answer right so I would have to don't see them corre just the voice in the dark i' say there's nothing there's I in my opinion we move forward and we trial it there's nothing stopping us from doing to review at the end of the year and saying how did this work what would we change Sheila are you talking about out yeah that's what right now yeah you would see you if if they choose would see you and you would see them if they chose to but if not so I guess and I mean again I need to get some of the technical aspects fled out but I would I would I believe you turn on these monitors and that's a maybe we'll find out next next month I'm that's where we're at deciding whether or not you want to implement that for the next meeting and then I'll work through I'm not Z zoning boards and stuff during Co yeah and and also just with their interaction here with the audience it um you know I just think it you if you're going to have that kind of interaction it should be reciprocal where they're I mean rather than a voice in the dark right where they're just like saying whatever in like you know what what is this I mean I think there's something about um having that that you know if it's it's going to be that open it should be think they have the option to have their camera on that we don't do Council meetings and most the other meetings that are hybrid I think um most people don't have their camera on or that functionality maybe limited on side I don't have that part yeah and I think because my my day job is literally seven hours of meetings exactly like that where um started out with some video but now everybody's audio it's definitely developed whole different skill set how skills in how you interrupt each other how you use yourbody pants how how you convey emotion how you use that I'm going to share something in a chat visual to the point where when we actually see someone when they turn their camera on literally like so some so that's my point said try it out and it you'll see it's what everybody's cup of tea is with this and I have um participated in some of the bough meetings where you know you know who your comfortable the Chatters are and the who are the workers and there are some like older residents who have are able to do it they can even do it on their they can call in from their phone they don't actually have I think that the real benefit to this is just resident engagement and there might be people like even for me there are some meetings like planning board are not always able to attemp but could listen if I were so it does help I think for Resident engagement involvement true all right try it I think we just do it not really by way of application I don't think we we may want to modify too to modify so we're not need a computer to do this'll be here that's kind of a preced that we don't want to S want to kind of because get much more but obviously if we needed AUM carry appliation carry alternative carrying S I will make a motion to approve the minutes and I see yes my there is all that construction going on across the street sort of diagonally acrossing that sort of house with the big oh yeah roof I'm dying to see i' love to would be nice idea about what's going on there apparently they didn't have they didn't have I have no idea I mean I just I walk the dog there and I se all the constructure it looks like they're just putting up what was there so I suspect that was it usually we have lesser projects come before it does seem a little bit surprising all that's going on putting on siding Windows yeah roof yeah that you know just just happens do you have the authority to do we have to drop a letter say hey have you noticed you're working on this we probably do it's it's not fair toot I just assumed that they had gone before somebody not us but somebody they must have gone to to must what's his name the um Nick Nick yeah por shiny or yeah you just don't want to be surprised well I think that you know the reason looking at it it looks like they're just replacing exactly what was there so to kind of alert Nick and then run through that whole process that the potentially was stop work order all that seems a bit little reaching but obviously it was something that's done that you know the proper amount of word then of course there would be a question as to why they didn't come with the commission first maybe not the most efficient way of handling it but the work is almost done already it seems how they get it permits without having to they're in the district I don't know again it seemed to happen pretty quick but new owner is it a new neighbor I have no idea do you know I don't know who they are you know house yeah I know the house but I I don't pay because I figured they didn't need to come before us and they they you know to that's that would be a first no I to get to it's just that's not thing when you go to Windows things like that well maybe I should take a walk down there walk anywhere not the house on the corner but the one just closer to the river on the same side that's interesting um it's kind of like uh probably like a 1940s is almost like a c cot type that's Scott Thompson's mom's so house yes yeah yeah yeah that definitely should have come for us we see how it plays out well like you said they just replaced Stu which that's what it seems like is happening all right motion oh yes we we have something from the audience yes Trac um does the commission have all of its appointees at the are there SC there any remaining vacancies I do know Scot there are two yes and I'm alerted uh the mayor that about that okay and I guess he's got a lot on his plate as far as different organizations and committees that he's filling and uh uh and I've advised some people that have expressed interest to me joining the commission as well okay and if ever we can help facilitate in our I'll just let Michael or I know yeah I mean obviously we'd like to have a Full Slate of people so if you have people that are interested you know absolutely promot and people that know a little bit about architecture I mean that would help that that will show up yeah yeah that's the bar is low I have one other small report they um and this is really just to continue to keep this commission advised of the progress at um 21 g Road there there has been a committee appointed um myself and councilman are on the committee to really facilitate me the process and this body will be kept Aus um of the committee's work as it's in the historic district we see several phases of work phase one the stabilizations for safety issues so um just so I think you already know you've already acknowledged that the house will be removed there'll be some light freeor to make sure that what's there is see um maybe even and then of course there'll be some back and regrading um it's not for public use and I I'm just going to take every opportunity to say that so um now or in the future right now it's not repu oh no it's not say yeah it's not safe and even after the site stabilization phase it still won't be for public use because even if it is it would have to be a degree at Le we don't know how to qualify that at the moment so um we'll probably have to get some legal guidance for that but um just on so that they're shared understanding it's not for at this time um anyway there's a there'll be a series of phases we'll make sure that you app of those phases um and more to come how do you how many people are on that committee so um nine residents have been appointed there's two Council people the mayor um and we've identified one of the first things myself and Council Al far that recently we've identified all the key um local County and state and non for-profit sort of bodies or agencies that we will have to keep in the loop historic preservation commission environmental commission the planning board will have a review role at a certain point the D3 commission we kept up to dat as any tree work happen there um the county obviously had Ro County Planning Commission has to review any conceptual level for things that are down the pipe but um the D has several agency oversight you know so and then even at the state level there's some others but are there people that that live in the historic district that are on the committee okay uh and a lot of the names are new to me so um I'll meet them and we'll get to know each other but I I know that there are at least one or two people Ro right around there those people expressed significant interest you know everything the use yeah so and a lot of people here Jay like I know that you understand this process there's a there's a planning process right what we do it's a lot of a collection and it's a lot of analysis to understand what um for example the traffic impact assessments could look like what are the parking means how does this affect the business desperate how do these things can what what how much intensity tilts things in a negative Direction what are we D these are all big questions that um require a lot of data and assessment work and so the first really couple phases is that and and nothing's going to happen quickly here Tracy were you on were you on the council when the same process was put in for the Williams robard Park was it the same thing it was not the same thing it was a different it was a different scale I why it is the way is you know this lovely par and it still has some wonderful things yet to come um but it isn't done um find out including public participation um this will have that's why I asked I didn't remember those phases during that okay all right anything else motion to close okay Mr yes Mr yes yes yes yes there's a7s hover on that