regular meeting of the Fair Haven historic commission adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to the open public meetings act at the time that the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of the schedule was sent and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 and notice to the Two River times on February 7th 2024 the notice was also posted on the bulleon board in burrow Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the STA statute a copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the burough clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have been requested uh such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given the board secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting can we have a roll call Mr Pablo here Mrs Drummond Mr Anderson Mrs Mullen Mr schutter here Mrs mandia M Sora here Mr Smith and Mrs NCA okay so U we're GNA switch things around a little bit the first one I'm going to bring up is 763 River Road semolina pasta shop come on out yeah can so the first thing I got to tell you is we do not have a quarum uh so there was one person who fell ill we're having some issues with people that are moving another person has resigned so uh and other people are away and what have you so um we can discuss it but we can't take a vote and approve your application tonight because we don't have a quorum okay so um and I feel particularly sensitive about that because I know you guys are in business you're trying to open you you know I don't know when the planned opening is um well I think I if I can can I get away with opening without signage am I allowed to open without signage maybe like well here's even I'm going to I'm going to actually do you one better than that and I say that because we've looked at the sign the sign is of a of a configuration and style that's very similar to a lot of different signs it's similarly you know configured within the historic district um I can't imagine and even the three of us talking about it informally I can't imagine there really being a problem with its approval okay by next month you're going to have a quorum of people and I can't formally tell you yes you're approved but I don't think that you're going to have any type of an issue so that's as close as I can give you to sort of if you need to uh order it if you need to start moving forward with it whatever you have to do but you know I can't give you the approval to do that um I don't know if this would it be okay if I put up just an A3 sign like now open S Apostle shop on the sidewalk temporary thing I'm hoping the open April fit Friday so absolutely I mean and then I'll just hold off until the next meeting to get all all this approved that I mean again it's it's up to you however you want to handle it I don't know whether you guys want to comment on on the signage and what your thoughts are and this idea of doing it I like the sign i b i based it off of the ink sign which was approved Underneath It Black you know white with black border around it and just just the lettering to kind of just keep it clean and simple and Yeah so basically what we would do is we would you have to affirmatively tell me that you're changing your application to an informal application meaning that you're not seeking us to take a vote and then next month when we have a quum we we'll take a vote is that okay with you sure yeah and and again you uh I can't give you the Authority or the approval to do anything whether that's the temporary sign or opening but you know you pretty much can the temporary sign you're not going to have any Flack from this Commission certainly opening is not something that you know we have any interest or you know would are you to take any position on so it's kind of business as usual if you again if you want to order the materials that's up to you okay with you know yeah and in fact there are other small businesses in town like Canyon pass they actually use their sign board very effectively for special occasions in addition to the reg so I think you going that route anyway is actually a nice way to introduce everybody to we were actually talking about it this weekend I saw Joe and I said that you know I probably have to recuse myself anyway because I'm so thrilled that you guys what you there can we get the right 10% disc so so that's that's uh that's oh wait wait a second I'm getting a call back yes just off the Record hello yes the January actually we have to wait till P gets here to approve the minutes we have some people from the historic Association here uh both uh Elise and Tracy did we have uh any reports from the historic Association on Bicentennial fall hi hi wait do to introduce myself we know that you're releas Casey um okay I think Katie's going to touch on this too but last night at the council meeting we had a brief update about what's happening with ball and um which is kind of nothing right now um uh they filed for a six Monon extension on the grant okay um and we're waiting on something from DPW and I I don't know if you got any other updates that you wanted to add no um yeah so everybody knows I I'm sort of have liaison rol to the association but when we have the president of the association here that can have a report and that I'm kind of giving you that FL time they haven't gone out the bid yet so there we're just kind of waiting okay and uh off the Record we were speaking about an email that went out by Teresa cigrand about uh the pews some of the pews are in the basement some of the pews are um are up on the main floor maybe tell us a little bit about it and what the thoughts are about those pews and and different ideas about preserving them I assume that's the intent that yeah that's the intent we had brought them up um a few weeks ago three of them two of the original shorter ones and then one of the longer Ted foot um we brought them up we cleaned them rug pads were put on each footing and we had two people come in to give us quotes on the restoration and cleaning of all of them so both gentlemen saw the ones up soup and the ones in the basement and we're waiting on quotes still from both them but the intention was to have them displayed at an art show on April 19 um just to lay some sort of you know artwork on them and carefully and um no no intention of having anyone sit on them or having them all brought up just maybe six or so in total and I think that might be getting denied right yeah and I think the the between the lines purpose as well as the original blueprints for the restoration ation of f Chapel actually by Hall back in the 80s showed those pews all of them actually installed in place and from day one the association has never had that as the goal for this current view of it because we know this is a multi-use building that'll be which already has been used for many purposes that said once those sampling I call it the sampling of pews was brought up it literally was hit everybody like a lightning rod as to what the intent of the the historical significance of the building was um and that it actually serves a very practical purpose it's actually a lovely Place way to sit if and when they do get restored if that gets approved and it really is a a nice link to the historical significance of the the um Chapel so this wasn't a like practical we need places to sit let's bring them up it literally was those are beautiful um and historic pieces of furniture and for those that are listening in we learned that the original uh Carver woodworker um in the mid 1800s he was the descendant of a freed slave and he was also the first uh black man in mmad County to be allowed to serve on a jury in Freehold in the late 1800s and hiat and what's interesting and um the the Bible that burrow currently uses to swear in um like that was donated this this Bible was from the mid 1800s belonged to this Carpenter and it was passed to the family and the half Albert's family donated it to burough Hall so that's a long way of me saying there's some very great connections to the history and the association's goal is to generate interest and advocacy for this Chapel so it all kind of ties them together at this point I think we just want to get them cleaned and restored as the next step and they're in good shape and is there an understand or thought as that who's going to pay the uh the bill for whoever is selected to do the restoration um not exactly there's been um some ideas thrown around about uh whether that's historic Association like like an adopt the bench kind of um a new paper whatever that quote is maybe a family in be Haven can adopt the bench and pay the restoration and or the this work Association Pap do you have a price and how much price yet no price yet we're still waiting um wait till you get the price see yeah yeah and then see yeah we just want to see them clean up and loved and then properly stored whatever we're not using was that a request to uh prolong the decision on the grant was that granted is was there any response St on that yeah uh the grant you're referring to excuse me Tracy Cole the Le so Council liaison historic semi liaison um are you referring to the grant that came up at the council meeting last night uh well the one I believe the one for the ada8 compliance wasn't that wasn't that the one that they were seeking an extension that is correct okay is that granted that was granted um that was done internally for uh work reasons it wasn't at the direction of council um a subtle but important distinction um I hope to have more information about the status uh the remaining work which is not much there's a piece of work um it's not from the outside architect that piece of work thats incomplete is on the burrow so um I hope to have an update for this body Association um perhaps by Thursday which I convey to you what's the other one you're were talking about gr so right last night um last night the council entertained a recommendation from the grants committee to apply for a grant in the amount south of 75,000 north of 5,000 perhaps in the $30,000 range for a um uh a planning and programmatic uh set of services from a professional Planning Group that would work with the community to create a strategic or programmatic plan for bisen to identify the the high SP use of the facility um considering the burrow comprehensively given the other amenities that we have and giving the other facilities we have what is the unique role of Bicentennial hog again it's our only public historic structure um so there was a discussion a lengthy discussion and in the end it really it really took the commitment of the historic Association who was willing to pay the application fee of not to exceed number of $5,200 um we did get a second estimate which was more in the $3,700 range I expect the actual cost of the application will probably be somewhere between those two or not closer to 3700 um when the when the historic Association committed to the application fee the consensus of the council wasn't quick but it did ultimately um um determine that that that would be a good thing for the burrow and that the application would move forward we did not hire the although there was a proposal for councel we did not retain them last night because we have a little mechanical step in terms of how we get um a check from the historic Association to the borrow all the the nuts and bolts aside it means that on April 8th there'll be a resolution before Council to authorize to go ahead for the preparation um the work at the moment uh would be prepared by Colliers and um with the keep off meeting to scope those Services immediately following the 8th because the application is due the 18 yeah but the the key thing I just want to highlight is that it would be to come up with AIC strategic plan for problematic elements that would enhance the historic significance in the stories within that are true of that structure in Fair Haven um and that it would be a community-based initiative meaning anyone who cares to participate in the planning discussions about what's the rightful role of that building in our story today and our history um can participate so that's the idea with this grant I hope to keep you updated great anything else all right thanks very much okay round two we can bring you back up uh this is uh 763 River Road yes so uh outdoor signage on the street put on existing posts um 47 in wide 24 in high black border lettering to match current and papery sign white composite leather resistant same as the ink papery sign underneath it uh also have interior door sign um logo the logo size 24 in wide by 32 in high uh vinyl semi-transparent so on the picture the actual the white around like the wheat grass is actually going to be semi-transparent they just did that to show the actual cutout in the v the door sign that's going to be in it's inside it's inside there's the outside main door and then there's a secondary door on the inside I didn't figured I'd include it just in case and then uh outside window uh the entire window size is 999 in wide but 57 in high uh the sign uh size will be 90 in wide by 14 in high uh same material as the interior um vinyl lettering in navy blue with just the weak grasses on the edge of East Side keeping it in the bottom of the window so you can see if your yes so I don't think that we would have jurisdiction over the interior sign um so that you know that um would really be something that we' take a position on because it's not something that's the exterior structure um and I think that the sign the lettering the design the Styles consistent with other signs that we've approved in the past is is an improvement looks good um I think it's it's a good application all around I don't know whether anybody has any thoughts I agree with you I think you it looks really nice the size is perfect yeah um any thoughts any comments or thoughts from the audience no okay so I'll make a motion that uh we approve the application in full both with regard to the exterior sign uh on the post and also the signage that appears on the uh window facing um River Road I'll second that okay can we get a vote on that Mr pav yes Mrs Drummond yes Mr yes Mrs yes all right great sorry about doing a little unorthodox but itk you welcome good luck uh the next application is um 772 River Road Mary Sheridan signage replacement of old signs three in total just going to get who you guys are so Rush okay and you guys are the owners of the business okay um you should have this if you'll just reference the two bottom ones those are the direct Dimensions it's uh a 19 12 by 11 by half inch acrylic they're all white acrylic so we'll be replacing on the front of the building you should be in the application as well this will all be removed and that sign will be up there as well as another one on the front corner and then in the rear of the building with the small one that need the 19 by 11 the um you're going to remove the sign where the two lights are on the second floor right that's going to be removed yeah and the hot yoga and the fireb bar will be removed as well it'll just be that one this one image and all the signs that uh the predecessor business there salt those are all removed already already yeah okay and is the um are these signs going to be um you said it's so it's just a flat is it like a decal that goes on I'm just not sure about the type of material that it is it's white acrylic it's like a plastic PVC almost with the little studs that go on the back okay and is there any texture with the sign at all or is itet it's just gloss and what's happening after stairs it's downstairs no but I mean is it being used is it still being used by the it's still the same business we're just doing we're just doing new signs we're just updating yeah um so I think that you know the building is a historically significant building um the signage is somewhat modern but I don't think that it specifically detracts from the building um and I don't see anything objectionable about the signage itself Pi probably would have preferred something that is um maybe textured or something like predecessor business had which were you know rais letters things of that nature but obviously the sign that we just approved and other signs in the uh District are the flat PBC type material so u i I don't see any problem with is that the is the inset around it remaining and there's putting in the new sign in that inset or you it looks like it's yes all the insets St all of the the they stay just this this gets removed and so it'll have like a a natur frame it natural frame the post sign that's there that's being removed is that just a flat sign too that's there now uh yeah I mean it's in yeah slightly raised same depth any any other thoughts I was just going to say just so you know you probably know that this building was called Liberty Hall at one point yeah Mike Mike gave me the history of woman being member because I know he he said he updated the whole billing for historical purposes that's what it was called they they used it for you know back in the 19th century for meeting some stuff yeah pretty cool very cool and they had they used to play The Men played basketball upstairs and they would have to take the the uh what do you call it the stove the pot belly stove stove that was in the middle of the room uhhuh they'd have to the strong guys used to have to pick it up and put it in the corner and nobody wanted to come they would play basketball upstairs and nobody from the towns around would want to come because the guys in front be Haven would shove the people into the stove so they could win that's like what she does now it's a different verion of what she does I just thought you'd like to know that it all makes sense okay that's all I have to say yeah I I'll make an application that we approved the uh sign as uh as indicated in in presentation second can we get a vote Mr pav yes Mrs Drummond yes Mr Scher yes Mrs Bor yes okay congratulations good luck guys thank you oh my God I had to somebody you come to a class I'm kidding I would be dead in about one minute no you wouldn't I would make sure you could be next to me so uh we have no environmental Round Table discussion because Steve isn't here um the report on the commission's interaction with preservation commission Fair of Red Bank last Wednesday I appeared before the preservation Commission in Red Bank they basically had had a change of government so they had a Hiatus of their preservation commission but now they're bringing it back uh my observations were that it's a much more formal board than we have here they have an actual attorney that also works in other capacities in the bureau that sits full-time on the commission they have a lot of uh you know their issues are a bit grander than what we have here in terms of developers a much bigger uh commercial district and you know constantly having to prevent Mass development buying up smaller properties both on the west side and which I think only has minimal historic preserv historic district um connection but on in the area on Wallace Street and Cross River Medical Center is an area that constantly fighting uh fighting development things of that nature to try to prevent so uh we I told them about our situation they you know apparently we have have a a reputation of doing the right thing and I told them also how we work with business owners and work with applications and applicants and frequently uh the product that is ultimately uh developed is much better than the applicants initially thought of when they came with an when they come with an application have a design maybe they're frustrated in the beginning because we don't ordinarily give just a rer stamp of approval but working with Joe working with Jay and um sort of changing the plans and coming up with something that's agreeable turns out more often than not to be a better plan and a better we didn't want to pay for a lawyer we had a lawyer right from the in the beginning in 93 when we started right was it 93 before my time oh okay so anyway was3 just well for my time my time we did have a warri thought what are we paying him for um okay okay um approve the minutes I I reviewed them I made a moot I make a motion to approve the minutes yes Mr Drummond yes Mr SCH yes Mr yes okay um any other thoughts comments things from the audience yes no thank you thank you you're welcome guys very good uh I'm kid I had my fingers crossed but