will be here uh this is a regular meeting of the Fair Haven planning board adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this past year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of the schedule was sent to you and published in anbury Park Press on January 6 2024 and the two River times on February 1st 2024 that notice was also posted on the bullton board in burrow Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute a copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the Burl clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given the board secretaries directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting um let's uh let's start with the roll call please Mr Bon here Mr here Mr Mrs P here Mr Newell Mr P Mr Rob here Mr ni here Mr Anderson here Mr here Mr Bailey here Mr here uh let's um rise Legion pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so I'd like to start um with the uh with the administrative uh items first or the administrative item first uh and that's the approval of the March 19th 2024 meeting minutes which were distributed to everybody prior uh prior to the meeting um I I don't have any comments other than we did we did get those attendance that that attendant stuff right right Shea just the names and stuff were were so so that was the only comment I I really had um I I I was not present at the meeting so I'm allowed to approve the minutes I mean I I watched the meeting and and so i' I've you know done my homework on the meeting so I can approve the minutes is that okay okay uh so I'll I'll move to um to approve the minutes if there are no comments second second Mr B yes Mrs Bush yes Mrs yes yes Mr oh sorry yes okay yes Mr Bailey yes Mr yes uh let's go through the uh the proposed uh burrow ordinance 20 222 24-5 which amends Chapter 30 form of notice to make the notification of project hearings more transparent for the public speak to them go ahead basically um your role as the planning board would regard to any ordinance that touches upon your develop regulations of the master plan coming for the board usually what happens is May Council have a first reading then there's a 35 it's 35 day wait period within which the board can review make comment um we don't approve or displine we just act sort of as the board as the Mayon council's legislative committee with regard to land our role strictly constrained is is the ordinance consistent with the master plan and or zoning ordinances however we have also at least on this board that most of the boards that have after we may make that conclusion yes it's consistent if there are other things that we want to bring to be and council's attention usually that goes into the into a writing that I have additional areas of concerns Andor comments um I recently had one with regard to placement of uh this also involved Capital review there was a placement of a monument the board was a little bit concerned that the way in which it was designed certainly the monument was in the right location certainly was insisted with the master plan and zoning ordinances but they were a little bit concerned that it not appeared to be Ada accessible not strictly within our role but we added that as a con this particular chapter this in which brought to our attention because we found out I believe was from one of our one of our our staff members that said that they received a notice but the notice in that instance only referred to lot and block it didn't refer to the street address he brought to our that to our attention and said you know I don't even know what my block is and it just seems to me it would be more transparent if we required both in the way in which the the statute and our reads is it actually gives you an either or I believe the underlying purpose for that or the original reason for the either or was simply because not so much happens in not really applicable to Fair Haven but when you have a major subdivision you don't yet have maybe a street even a street address so all you have is a lot and blot what we've done is added the and so that now it's going to be lot and block and the street address so people can see that and really you can see the way in which they designed the ordinance the darken letter and there's a struck struck that's all that's happening I would suggest you that notice is one of the clear requirements that you have with the Vol ordinances not so much a master plan issue but notice is part of what you do for the hearings I don't see anything uh at least from my point of view that is inconsistent with the master plan or inconsistent with the zoning ordinances or uh regulations yeah I I agree I I didn't have any comments to this in fact I thought it was actually probably better right I didn't realize it was an need war and so it's so much better to have the street address and if there are citizens that want to come to the meeting they can visit the you know it's easier for them to find to like get a visual of this of the lot and it wasn't that we did anything wrong that's actually how the statute reads in the municipal V LA and we had pretty much cut and pasted the C and put it in but I think it was a good catch by I think it was Joe it uh brought to our attention um made recommendations for modification mayor and counsil have acted upon them so um I I'll I I mean I I don't does anyone have any comments with with regards to this otherwise we can we can make the motion to carry as as drafted yep uh so I'll make a motion to carry as drafted just draft a one page paragraph one one paragraph one page writing that it's consistent with the master plan so any ordinances that want dire that's the direction I would receive from and that is the direction second yes I'll second yes yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes yes Mr Bailey yes Mr yes great uh so let's take up now the uh the draft resolution from uh from last month's meeting so I I didn't have any comments on this like I said I wasn't present I reviewed the meeting on YouTube and and went through and lined up everything that we asked with with uh with the resolution for those that were there um do you do you have any comments to this do we do we need any additional clarifications here any details that were omitted no I think it pretty much suiz so the only thing um in the conversation we talked about moving the line between the two uh Lots so like one would be a little narrower rather than equal was that specifically written in that's that's you have you have the New Dimensions and I think the fact that it was amended see if I can find P two P yeah um number two yeah so it saysed during the hearing those are the New Dimensions that were agreed to by the the result in that SP yes okay so anywhere in this is say dimensions are yes in paragraph two just square feet though doesn't you asking for the 50 so I remember you were talking about the um the frontage and feet along the front well the frontage didn't the I see what you mean it it it was as amended and it's Incorporated by reference with with a testimony there the lot size would pretty much Define how you're going to do that and we'll certainly take a look at the map when it comes in and make sure it's consistent okay here arguing given the square feet that are um that are listed in this resolution and given the current dimensions of the lot it will work out to 56 on the front of SM and that's the question yeah because I sorry when I read it it didn't seem explicit asume implicit with the square footage so uh I'll make a motion to approve the resolution second yes yes yes I particularly if you voted no for the application you're not allowed to vote oh I mean you're voting yes but I mean I'll vote no that Mrs an I voted no Mr bailing yes and Mr bler yes great um so we have some uh members of the public here and so I'd ask that if you have any comments uh with with with regards to the planning board or any matters um that you come forward now and and we can hear you nothing sir nothing okay um so we're going to um actually go into executive session and so um we're going to close the meeting uh to the public at this time yes and uh and and go into executive session let me frame a resolution do we know how long it will be in executive session approximately uh I hope not more than 30 minutes 30 minutes will we be taking the action of to close the meeting after that we were going to we're going to close the meeting after uh whereas in the public meetings act the Fair Haven Board uh planning board so almost going to close the Board of Education Fair Haven planning board has the opportunity to go into closed executive session to the exclusion of the public to discuss certain matters in which confidentiality is required in this instance deals and issues of matters of personnel um and to receive attorney client U privileged Council if you will the nature of those matters will eventually when there's no longer a need for confidentiality be approved in our minutes there are convenience taken during the executive session will'll be in there for approximately a half an hour after which no more action will be taken other than to a GRE meeting so it is now approximately 745 I have that motion motion second yes yes yes Mr R yes Mr yes yes yes sure I'll you close doors okay thanks I got Clos so uh so the reason for the executive session uh is to address the letter that was sent to us by the mayor uh as a result of last uh of last month's meeting and so um a few points that I'd like to make and then I'd like to open up um just in hear comments from all of you uh with regards uh to the letter so so first I watched the meeting um I I and struggled to find you know areas where the board was deficient in in its conduct or running of the meeting or anything having to do with the meeting I mean there are a couple of points I may have or I would have liked to have make I know I would like to have made are those stands already in your ordinances but doesn't mean that we can't revisit those so that they're closer to your fingertips starts I know Francis I have questions about trees like what could could an existing tree prevent you know a building from going up I I I don't know that you're going to find that in your ordinance I know but that's a question I mean I have yeah but but I mean I I don't know I haven't looked at that that topic we do have group that um yeah I brought it up to the environmental committee last week because I'm liais on for the planning board in the environmental committee and I just said you know my understanding of the EC is we've taken a pretty um low you know in terms of what the state mandates we are fairen is at the lowest end of that which I personally don't think is appropriate considering our natural resources around us that was the topic that came up that there is very little repercussion for people that clear cut much like four and that was something that I obviously had a problem with so I think it's now in the hands of the EC working with the governing body to figure out like what does this new tree ordinance look like what how the tree ordinance is sitting with council is it that's Dave told me Dave said that there's a tree ordinance sitting it's with them yet it hasn't come to us yet so there's still like work to be done in terms of what that looks like but there is none there is no the council would like the the the um Shak tree commission to just take over the trees and do it right get it off rather than have I think that's appropriate yeah when someone someone has denied a varant of the opportunity to take down a tree they have to come for Council they definitely should go for the sh tree commission it doesn't seem like a best use of your time in the time that I've seen it so it's kind of just in terms of how we get that beefed up a little bit and then it would apply to the planning and to the and the fines are minimum yeah yeah but just curious to see yeah so was all right all right um I'll move to close the meeeting second that's that thanks everyone thank you thats get all