service right call this meeting to order this is the Fair Haven shade tree commission meeting agenda um sorry meeting for March 6 2024 Sunshine Law notice this is the regular meeting of the shade tree Commission of theen in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act public meetings may be held in person or by me communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom platform being broadcast through burrow Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on March 6 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions comments which will will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and Star Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burough website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required on its statute with adequate notice having been given the shade tree commission secretary is directed to include this state in the minutes of this meeting chrisy would you like do roll call Chris LaRon here Mike D'Angelo here Leah beani here Peter deatti here Mike Hoy here Chris McCade Kevin McGovern here Jill Sullivan here Bonnie tvia also president councilman Olsson and burough secretary Christy Larson you have a COR thank you all right you join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God individual with liberty and justice for all everybody get a chance to look over the prior meeting minutes second second second I'm right all right let's move into business project updates show off the njf tree inventory Grant update okay so um since last meeting uh where we left it is that we were pending a demo with um our top vendor arbu Pro um with uh Nick Pinsky and um David Dave Carl and we since have done that um and the feedback uh General feedback was that um that they thought that this would be a useful tool um however they were concerned about the um management like of it who was going to be responsible so there's been a little bit of back and forth um between myself and um Christie Teresa um Rich Nick Josh the whole expand yes um but um and and to be clear uh we the the expectation would be that um the staff uh for step would be managing this software um however I think once we get in there what what they will find and hopefully I mean I should say hopefully they will find is that it would become um easier to do easier to use than what the current process is of managing just risk trees on an Excel spreadsheet um this is cloud-based software um and basically what um should happen in best practice is that as maintenance is done um onsite for example um a limb is trimmed off of a tree um the person that did that cut that limb off the tree with their phone in hand would be able to go onto the map that they would locate them right away they'd say you know pick this tree I cut a limb off the tree sign their name and it's done and that populates into um our maintenance records um and then there would be no need for that person to go back to to row Hall and report back to Nick or whomever is managing that um spreadsheet to say yes I cut the limb off this tree and then that person have to go in and say Lim was cut off the tree um and I think you know the most um important part of this whole project and the um the use of this um Asset Management tool is really that we're looking at the inventory as a whole um proactively um um being able to plan for maintenance and plan for you know looking at our canopy as a whole the health of the canopy the diversity of the canopy um and not just um reacting to problems so um I think that that's like you know if that message wasn't clear before I just putting it up there and that is the goal um of using this software um the good news is is that um like I mentioned last time is that the first year of the software is free so if it's a disaster oh there's no money loss there and you know we could make a different decision um go forward but um you know I the requirement to have a tree inventory is something that we need in order to remain accredited and I can't imagine that that is going to go away um so once we have it we need to maintain it um and again the Hope being that um it would become a tool that would ease the burden of time um on the staff uh and um yeah so with that said um I would like to call to a vote if possible um for us to approve to recommend to council um arbu Pro um there is a copy of proposal want to see it here thank you um by far this was a the best proposal that we received um in terms of cost per tree that they would inventory uh with this proposal here they would reach 2600 trees um they would include a year of the software uh they would actually do the summary report for us which is something um that was not included with the other proposal it was something that um chrisy and I were going to try and do ourselves or get Sherie involved um so that's very nice um and subsequent years uh the price per year of the software from year two onward is less expensive than other proposals we we received um and like apple you know this software itself there's not a huge difference between the functionality so um all in all uh this would be my recommendation that this is the S this is the program the uh company that I would recommend to do the inventory um they can do it within our time frame of the grant which is also important um and and it provides the software the management software that we were looking for so question chair can I have a couple questions what's the cost of it the we have a grant for $115,000 and this is 14,950 14,950 that's to do the inventory and the first year of the software the you know the uh the yearly subscription after that is 2750 2750 and then if you committed Beyond one year there's a discount per year discount at three years and 20% discount at five years so any subcription 2750 and the um you said to remain accredited what what accreditation with um the uh Urban and Community forestry so we need that for like insurance purposes to the trec City USA um have our management plan approved it's how we take all our cus what's the C EU you need it for future grants too right yes it's yes it's do you I know that um over a certain threshold I think it's 7 or 8,000 there has to be a couple of bids sounds like you had another one I have another one yeah okay another one in on paper it's um it's for the same $155,000 except it only was doing a thousand trees right yeah also have to check with there's a I'm learning there's a bunch of rules about how the only ways we can spend money is to follow certain rules yeah Teresa told she approved us yeah I mean she appr she didn't she approve what we were doing great yeah that's good to have her approve yeah and I'm sorry you might have said this already but um have we spoken with other municipalities who who have used Arbor Pro no we haven't I mean that was actually something to do but we have no I have not um there is a list of them though yeah in New Jersey recomending would the um would the future funding for the software does that come from our group or that comes from Town's budget that would have on the town budget unless yeah I was just CU I mean I guess you know I I think that um just circling back to I don't want to dismiss um the concerns of the of the end users and stuff I mean I think that um you know it's a valid point it's a valid concern but I think that also the the setting up of the software is something that um as a shadeo commission we could help do um you know that just as a side note I you know I I I absolutely understand where they're coming from but yeah the concern being obviously the time commitment is it it it doesn't sound like though once it's once we're ramped up and running on this thing it's not like a daily no you know I spend abely it's only when maintenance is done um and it it would run reports on you know reports as needed on like you know if there was an area of concern you could run a report of what was the trees in that area the maintenance in that area it could it could list your um you know when the iny is done the trees will have a risk assessment so you could better plan for um you know what what your priority should be maybe you know this year and next year like if your level ones are for this year and then you could like reassess your level twos and rerank them um so I think it gives you a a longterm picture um but you know even I know that a lot of the uh tree work that is done is done by uh other vendors in Frontier they could have a log on to this so they would be also able to say okay I removed this tree and it's not something that you know our gr employees would have to do it would be part of what our vendors could do and they would have like a restricted access to it so great and you need from the council what just approval to go for the grant we already have the grant Council already approved the grant which included the software um so now we're moving forward to recommend the vendor to execute on the grant so Council to vote on that to to go with ARB all to vote you approve yeah any other questions before we oh I I second uh I think you put you put I'll second that all in favor all closed all right we're going to move on and recommend that uh to go with our thank you so much Joe for your dedication that was so much work massive undertaking Jill yeah we really appreciate it you're going be a you can hire yourself cons we're GNA move on to the resident tree buying program Che again okay so that that launched on Monday um it went out in the burrow Buzz um and I don't think we have anybody yet so I would just I would just ask um that if if all of us individually can um post the uh document the the link to your personal pages and share um in any groups that are related to Fair Haven um just to get going I mean I'm not completely surprised that it's a little bit of a slower right um movement uh I think on three weeks a long time for people to order I I suspect that it will happen at all at the end like it always does uh but if we could just start talking about it frequently um so it doesn't come as a shock when everybody's like in the last two days y yeah sure saw your post on Facebook is that right yeah yeah I posted it to the Fair Haven group but I'm not sure it's still did anyone else see that I wasn't wasn't sure Tak off it's there you saw it okay I saw it yeah okay good I saw Dave Dave liked it or forwarded it or something like that comment well I posted it to our Fair hav our Facebook group but I also posted it to the Fair Haven group yeah I think I did too or I forwarded it in as well but if everyone could just see posted see your personal yeah um pages and like talk about it too neighbors multiple times I mean once a week right you run it in the buzz or is that I'm just wondering it goes out every Monday so for the few weeks of sales it be every Monday cool can it be in that front little thing the the digital sign up front is it possible to add that that's a good idea yeah we can you a great idea yeah anything else all right uh Green Team and Natural Area update Bonnie is obviously not here she did leave notes for me so I will pass season along in her behalf I'm also going to combine she's got her notes here um regarding the Sal salot tree so I'm just gonna combine CN F on the agenda um hey Chris um she did make contact bnie made contact with uh principal Schwarz over at the sickles and um former that we are going to make um tend to plant the uh Salem Oaks on Arbor Day which is Friday April 26th so if you're able everybody show up I don't know that we came up with an exact time yet but sure that's coming um the Green Team update uh we're looking green team is hoping to move love where you live day uh to the Third Street Trail this year to celebrate the volunteer efforts in town also so by Centennial Hall appears to have uh some Ada work scheduled this spring um they're hoping to engage the kid in outdoor activities in the woods and um spotlighting the town commissions and other environmental groups and good work they do pollinator Garden is moving forward they had a $2,000 Grant from Sustainable New Jersey they're going to use it for educational signage and it has also been uh approved to be used to purchase uh additional native plants Natural Area oh Natural Area we're moving ahead with the restoration of the northwest corner near the uh cell tower the committee will be discussing plans for uh recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Natural Area at our next meeting in on March 12th the Natural Area will host a volunteer cleanup week weekend on April 27th and 28th where they will distribute 100 seedlings that she uh Bonnie's going to be picking up from the njt as part of the New Jersey tree recovery campaign um so she's asking to keep those dates in your minds and uh hopefully we could help it move on to community outreach left um yep we have 177 Instagram followers um you know we posted about the uh resident tree buying um I've made the Arbor Day post uh I feel like there was something else that we had discussed um I know from the minutes from last month uh Bonnie suggested an a an IV removal post I've actually made a couple maybe I'll just repost them um with the instructions on how to remove it um I did I did wonder what you guys would think I mean I'm when I you know I take my dog for walks a lot and I just see some trees that are just you know choked out with Ivy and I think we kind of mentioned this um you know what are thoughts of like having something that we can leave on their door just being like hey um we noticed there's ivy on your tree and it might be hurting it uh and then instructions I we did do the door hanger uh was that a year ago already I believe it was a year ago yeah um but um I don't know I just wanted to pick your brains see if you guys had any thoughts on how besides posting on social um because it is it is pretty it is pretty pervasive the iy's growing on our we'd have the hangers and obviously just singling out the the ones with Ivy or should be just a townwide yeah like even like even bill could like if he sees that have him in his truck and like throw it on the door or I don't know Bill's not here today so you can't even ask him but just wanted to throw something out there um we have any ex I'm almost inclined just to go and cut it down myself sometimes when I see it around me I hear what you're saying I yeah yeah do we have ex I don't have I don't have I don't have them personally did I to you guys or you were hitting about like you I don't know if you I or too yeah I definitely don't I mean if I did I don't anymore but I I might have a few I um I don't know yeah the uh what the the door hanger that we have wasn't specific to Ivy was it there was problems and it had yeah it had like different side it was iy right the TR pardon me on one side it was Ivy and the other one was I think tree triy like you said yeah or like do we just have like a letter with we like that we put in the mail just we identified their property with and not to sound threatening just more like educational about it because a lot of people don't know are we just more work I don't know what I don't know I just it just bothers me because I see it so much and I think a lot of people just have no idea maybe we should revive what we did last year with the door hanger do we solve the template chrisy would that be something to could you ever do like a volunteer task force type thing for like kids and some of us or something like that go around and they did the Third Street Trail and cut all the I off that I mean this is private property so it's a little bit different obviously but if there's a particularly bad street that you're walking by every day and you're like there's a lot on that street maybe we can do something about it right it's good yeah I mean the kids were the ones that put out the door hangers with the with Joel's skills with uh the volunteers um trying to think of how you without peing Jud or pushy right just put them all over do like a townwide distribution we did last year because I see the same thing and I'm like oh I wish I could go cut that Ivy up well I like the idea what if what if we did what if there was a group that were IV specialist you know Chris I'm looking at you and um you know we put something out like if you need help removing Ivy from your trees like you could schedule aide a lot right to take the edge off the my neighbors watching me which I agree with and might rub people the wrong way you could do something like have it be a letter from the tree to the homeowner you know dear owner I'm suffocating you know of this is Haring this is how you can help me you know actually catch their eyes for sure like that you didn't know I could write did you I like that that is a cool idea good one a lot of people just don't realize that A and B A lot of people would not be opposed like my next door is an elderly gentleman and he can't do it himself like you know yeah I may have missed this but do we have any of the door hangers left from last year we have some but I don't think we have enough yeah maybe I mean we could kind of do it on our own too and just walk around when we see something maybe just bring a door hanger with us and knock on a door and especially if it's one of our neighbors that we know it might be you know at least this a start I mean it's a problem that I don't know if we're gonna get completely a hold of but you know to do our part I see it too Le I mean I see it walking around you know the Hansen Grange area and I just want I know we're walking the same area maybe follow up if I can find any extra of the door hangers um maybe we should look into get a quote print some color and hand them out so everyone has like a little stack if that's what you choose it just be like a letter in the mailbox that's a start maybe some resources right maybe resources for you if you can't do it yourself or want to do it yourself you could we could help right call X could we add it in the body I'm sorry go ahead could we add it in the body of one of the email the town emails because you know that's another way to reach people and it would be free that's goodidea so full it is but I like read it it's a new paper it's Mar we can kick off the register your pets we should done that in January oh we should ask the we should we should ask the firemen to put it on the firehouse like I that like the idea of letter from your tree I I kind of that's I'm gonna let that cook in my head see it way to like a letter format color print out no door hanger yeah put put it in their mailbox yeah it's good idea I don't know if we have to be uh we disclose who we are the actual producer of the letter a good point probably do have to give us some maybe that could be your project at love you live day having your table and doing right you put something on there that if you're elderly you need help you know contact the sh Tre commission that's a good idea that's a really good idea yeah um that's all I have okay thank you Le and happy birthday oh thank you today couple days ago it was Sunday Sunday happy birthday birthday happy birthday thanks all right moving on to Christmas tree replacement Mike Mike is here are mik we got some 12 do we have does everybody have a copy of the quote in front of them or we just read through it um from my end Christy can you share it I believe so thank you that' be great so couple things I'm not sure if it was discussed last meeting but the trees have been removed at this point if you went by Memorial Park um both the Christmas tree and the tree next to it have been removed moved so that's the first step um we did get a quo from compell farms um to plant a new tree so if you have it in front of you or I can just kind of go through it Bonnie was helpful in getting their W9 and such anyways it comes with a one-ear guarantee under certain stipulations which we kind of have to SAR away um so thanks for sharing that Chrissy um so on it looks like what showing there is the two options so the options are whether we get a 10 to 12 foot Norway spruce installed I think in both cases we want to have them install it because if they install it then they guarantee it um or do we go 8 to 10 which would be $1,700 and the 10 to 12 would be 2,200 installed like I said it does come with a warrantee um under certain stipulations which they share with us which which has to do with uh the page that's being shown right now uh as far as how much watering should be done how the watering should be done so I think a few things hash out with the DPW on that as far as you know when you read it it says owner no time shall use the following to water their softscape including automated Lan lawn sprinkler system um so you got to have to have them read through it because obviously the owners is going to be on the DPW to help us maintain and water properly so that it the roots uh taken it grows um it's my understanding that the next town council meeting is scheduled for I believe the 25th of March at which point the budget is supposed to be discussed and further said I think it's my understanding as well that monies have been set aside for this so I think for and Chris you can correct me if Chris you can correct me if I'm wrong it's really up to us to vote whether we proceed with compell and whether we use the 8 to 10 foot or the 10 to 12 um and then proceed with trying to get this plant in the spring which was suggested as the best time to do it that's correct we should move to a vote or quick discussion what do everybody in favor of the definitely installed I think makes the most sense of course um have a question sure so I agree with the installed um I think everyone prefer a larger tree but I have in my head the idea that a smaller tree might survive a little bit easier um is that what I mean I I don't know if that's true but that seems plausable to me I think I for some reason I have the same yeah notion that I understand it will set in better it end up being healthier in the long run yeah and maybe even taller in a couple years well it's it's it's also cost savings but I don't think you know there's a difference personally right because the range is 8 to 10 10 to 12 so if you get a nine as opposed to 11 then it's not going to be noticeable and I think by the time you hit the holiday seeds if it's water properly and The Roots take properly you should start to see some growth in it um and like I said you know and this is not a one-year option like we talked about earlier you know doing a cut tree like they do in Red Bank and then throwing it out this is for the longevity of something that can you know grow over time and that's why we if you recall remove moved uh the tree that was adjacent to it closer to the river so that this would give it the ability to kind of have more of a presence over the years did they um what was the what were the findings on the soil because it seemed like tree after tree wasn't taking did they and weren't they soil sampling like what ended up being the result of that so can tell their point to us was the soil is fine as far as like overall right without having a uh a degree in it but the landscaper said does grass grow there the answer is yes and then their their point was well a tree will grow there fine um one of the things that I need to still Circle up with is you know obviously when you grind a stump you're basically grinding wood chips into the ground um trying to understand better from the DPW can they remove that and replace it with some kind of soil as well um you know which is not a heavy I could do it myself um but you know from the the soil findings it was you know a tree could grow there it was just it seemed like the tree that was there was just not getting enough water and it also was just it had some kind of a disease on it but the Norway spruce is a different species and should have be Fuller over time and grow both up and out a little bit as well uh I have a bit of a dumb question does the 10 to 12 over the 8 to 10 does that include the root ball or is it from the bottom of the train I don't that's a good question actually I can yeah I'll call and ask um it's a very question difference yeah absolutely I would imagine it's from surface I would assume that it that makes sense I would think would you say you were stumped by that question meeting ajour everybody thank you good night my boys call me the trainer think we're don't they sometimes put in a lot of like high quality soil when they put a big tree in like that anyways all around it or not necessarily I mean you know I can get the understanding of the installation and what's included but usually you put some kind of soil you don't just drop it in the ground existing put some kind of a uh a potting soil and stuff like that um and they are hook for it so for years yeah the other thing too is if you read about if you read about um the maintenance agreement it says that it's null and void if we use any kind of fertilizer by the owner um you know one of the questions I can ask them tomorrow is you know what kind of fertilizer is expect for this is there any and and do you supply that so I you know I didn't get the answer on that so just we're talking about sighting the tree in the same place that it roughly the same place as it is now or roughly the same place but we'd Center it more between where the existing Christmas tree was and the tree that was uh subsequently taken down to give it more room to grow if you recall the existing Christmas tree was kind of close to a um sidewalk probably I guess it's like a I don't know how to I guess the better the best way I could describe that pie of land is like an aases triangle so you try to center it more um and then you know before we plant it we would obviously bring in the Veteran Park committee uh at least a couple representatives to just you know put a cone out here's where it's going to go do you agree or you know um if not you know move it this way that way and so on um is the town going to be allowed to Salt those sidewalks or is DPW going to be like I mean I'm sure they're cognizant of what is going on but like there may need to be some more care in terms of what is done to those sidewalks because they are quite close right I don't know yes and no I mean I don't I know I'm not sure what the uh the maintenance is of the snow storms we get if we get any but we can always ask that as well or asking to be cognant of the fact that there's new speed species there that we're trying to uh maintain I mean I don't think they I think that if I I've never seen them you know clean up any snow it's there but I would imagine they use a snowblower originally okay so they're not like salting the public I don't know good question keep stop stumping me I mean how far would I guess those are those are all things that we can we can ask about but I think the whole idea was and you know not to rush it but to get it approved with the budget and move forward um was kind of the the the next step here because I know we're not having a meeting in April due to Spring Breaks apparently that's what my understanding is so that would put us into may as as far as you know even having the approval process done so if you guys you know it's up to you guys if you want those answers before we vote on it but uh I think all those can be uh controlled you know because everybody I think has the same goal here of having more of a a town celebratory holiday tree yeah I agree with you Mike I think we should you know if you could find out those answers that' be great and but I think we need to have a quick discussion know what size we want to how was it how was the tree that we took down I mean I know it was sad looking but it was pretty tall though right I would say it's probably I would say it it's probably 12 to 14 feet if I had to guess maybe not that high I don't know it was it was tall but skinny obviously and um you know if you recall the the town and the committee basically put a lot or I think DJ it was agreed upon in the council to try to Spruce it up with like you know box gifts around it and stuff this year to kind of make it look better and they did a good job it look good put some tinsel and some popcorn strings you know um what does everybody think as far as size I think I I I get the point about um the smaller tree might take better but something inide say go all in here we're gon to go we're g to do it I mean no B go home I I guess in my my thought like even though I I I do recall I guess Bill talking about the smaller tree having a bigger a great chance of survival like I I'm I'm am I perhaps incorrectly like I'm thinking like that's where you're talking about a pretty significant difference where maybe if you're PL planting a 5 foot tree versus a 20 foot tree that maybe we're not going to see that discrepancy between a 12ft tree and a 10t tree I don't know I would I would I say if we are we paying for this we are yeah is coming out of our yeah bigger one CHR I thought Chris Chris it was my understanding that the reason why we delayed this um was that it would be part of the Town budget so I'm not sure I don't think the shade tree committee is actually paying for this I believe Teresa um and and I'm this I'm 99% sure that Teresa put funds aside in the budget this year for this tree replacement so righted under the shade commission budget yeah okay got it it grows like two feet a year it says uh online so up to it can grow up to five feet uh but under perfect conditions but so it grows pretty quickly yeah you got to remember too if we planted if we plan it by the end in May you really have seven months until or six months until you're really thinking about decorating for Christmas for the holiday season excuse me I thought like they really don't take off growing for a couple years like you know the first year it sits there second year it settles in third year is when you actually see like have you heard the expression they have to have you they spend two Christmases together and then they start growing like that's that's what my neighbor always said when I planted trees um oh yeah I that kind of goes along with what you're saying Joe do they are they going to um like when they plant it they provide the soil and all the things that are needed to plant it is that right Mike yeah Mike's going to find out a little more detail on it but we're kind of I think under pretty good at something if they're on the hook for it yeah I think take right the war they're local and if we ever have any you know questions I think that you're in Middletown on kees Lane um I think yes I'm sure that they'll just dump it in like you know take whatever's there and scrape it around but I will find that answer for you and us um but you know the warrant the guarant the warranty I think is key as long as we can meet the uh maintenance in the contract with itself you know which which specifically says how much water it needs how often it should be watered um you know I can go to DPW tomorrow and just ask them is this feasible and like I don't really understand the whole thing of like uh an under like uh no time should I use an automatic lawn sprinkler system um but I can ask about that I don't think it goes deep enough as my understanding if you use a sprinkler like it's um it doesn't get into the roots I've been told that before when planting stuff about a sprinkler system can't just reine yeah doesn't work when you're first for the first you know year they usually stick DP drip line around it low right me to I could C that contract like to um Nick and Rich for review if you want to yeah I think that makes sense but to B point we should vote to get process agreed so it'll it'll be June by then then it's too late right so we want to make a motion to purchase the 10 to 12 foot Norway proofs installed for $2,200 subject to our questions being answered I mean we have some I think we have a few outstanding questions sure and I think Mike's going to get the answers right away it's going to be another month at least if we get the just for just for Chrissy just for my own head once I get those answers and I'll I'll try I'll try to get them completed tomorrow how do we share those with the committee right you would send them to me and I could send it to everyone okay if you can't that would pass for if you send it twice and does matter just don't reply all everyone got it I do that once I got yell at everybody in favor of uh Mike do you want to make that motion and sorry vot uh yeah sure that it I don't know what he said motion to approve your recommendation what do you well I motion to approve the purchase and installation of the tree um with uh some of the outstanding questions to be answered in in giving in coming days good and we'll do the 10 to 12 what do you think Mike on the size I just you know Leah brings up a good question I think 10 to 12 especially with the with the guarantee with the warranty everyone in favor 12 four live looks like 10 to 12 all righty move forward then 22 install Mike thank you very much thank you thanks Mike thanks moving on to Arbor Day Mike d'angela yes we're often running towards Arbor Day Final Friday in April I know that we don't have a meeting the first week of April but uh nonetheless our biggest and brightest holidays at the end of the month uh I passed on information to Chris and Christie uh from the last meeting because I couldn't make it uh that we're going to have again sponsoring event uh at the library with the children's librarian uh for several age kids at different times and that's for sickles age kids I think prek all the way up to 3D and there are different times which I think Leah and Christy you should have those um times and the date and um as far as the poster contest I kept emailing Joe Heath and I was like I wasn't hearing back from her and then I realized she retired so uh now I'm in contact with Peggy dangler and she told me that uh Sean uh Sean approved the poster contest again for this year here so we're often running with that uh posters uh will be started very soon and they will be due on Arbor Day at nollwood um I'll have them ready for the May probably third or fourth meeting that we'll have the first week of May we'll R we'll review it uh announce the winners and then we can have them come to our meeting at the beginning of the meeting in June uh to give the $50 Canyon pass gift cards um I also I think we mentioned a couple meetings ago about doing other things I know Bonnie is probably working on a tree planting program um but also if we wanted to incorporate the resident tree buying program um if people do apply for the you know apply for a tree or or do uh want to have a tree then maybe we as part of our Arbor Day celebration provide one free tree to anybody that is interested and I know we brought that up a couple meetings ago I don't know if it was discussed at the last we did discuss it at the last meeting mik kind of thought that it was a lot I mean I I think it was more like maybe my concern that there's so much information with the the logistics of the resident tree buying program that it might have been a little bit much to comprehend to say you know you might get your tree for free after you have you commit purchasing it I think we kind of well I was concerned that's fun that's fine yeah yeah all right so any questions aror uh I can make a graphic for the library day um I already started another one um and it's kind of so I that would probably if I could just have the details on that I'll make a graphic for it sure I'll I'll send that to you I'll email it to you thank you you thank thank you thank you do we have any pictures by the way we feel like I feel like sorry not to not to claim jump here um of the of any trees that were purchased last year from the resident um I think it might be nice I find it that'd be nice all right sorry sorry think one of the cherry trees think so and maybe we can look at that list and see if there's anybody on there that wants to submit a tree submit a picture of their tree like six months later that's yeah um I wonder if we culated that the commission if people like knew personally somebody that um they feel comfortable reaching out to I can think of a few people on that list that I wouldn't mind I could easily ask but I can ask they have older kids it would be better if there was like you know picture with like a cute little kid yeah right loron had sent one that's what you guys have yeah yeah I thought there was there was one though we definitely had one with a kid in it though too I think that was a cherry tree I I'm remember I vaguely remembering that and um I can ask the folks who won the territory see if they if they want to post something or submit something and a CO that one okay yeah I think might have I can send it over to you guys and just once again on Arbor Day we're going to be planting the salams and sickles Park um Friday right yeah yeah Fray is that open to the public or is it just for the children um so we were trying to coordinate something with uh the principal there to have the kids out around the same time that we were going to do the planning they talk to talk to them about the salok and its significance but um Bonnie wasn't really able to connect with uh principal Schwarz or she wasn't getting back to her so we don't have anything really formal scheduled right now we're kind of hoping that as it gets closer and word gets out that maybe they'll make time for the kids to come out and watch every day a drop off I I can ask Bonnie if she wants me to ask her when I see her okay go that' be a good idea helpful 2024 shade tree tree planning plan um again we were discussing what we want to do our schedule is kind of coordinated with uh Peter's calendar of important dates and things like that we wanted to um donate some trees during this uh purchasing oh right the um resonate the tree and you know something along Third Street Third Street Trail um any other public just from like when we when we picked a couple locations last year when we we planed on that were replacement trees yeah that was like the giveaway that we had done um we had SP right we had somebody um I guess take photos and we voted on the areas yeah this is different this is different right this is us maybe taking more active role like using some of our uh our funds and um getting some trees on pcking on to the order for the tree buying correct yeah um so I did um I did confirm with um Fern Rook that they would be willing to drag some trees down their tree Trail so that's good news and um the resident that wanted to do the memorial tree Memorial tree is going to purchase one of those and put it there um so that's an option if we want to consider that uh I think we' also talked about um adding to uh the community Fields right yes last time yes um but we'd also have that if we wanted to think about that for more than a moment um we also have that opportunity with the fall program if we wanted to like kind of say that that would be a project we'd like to consider we could probably you know say all right let's count how many spots there would be or or right I mean we can do it now too obviously but since since we have to submit that order um at the end of the month to get on that you know kind of so that' be I guess kind of brings us to the whole point of the calendar as well definitely get that in there and make a selection for the October planting it would be have purchase in assuming it's as similar to last year um we opened it up in August and we had a couple leeks we submitted our order I think by Labor Day is what um I'm remembering correctly and then they planted the last week in September um yeah that's a good idea and we'll obviously have more clarity on the budget funds and yeah that's true yeah all right we'll keep this on for um well we'll keep this on for the meeting but next few meetings but maybe keep an eye out for areas that anybody might think I think Chris I had sent you an email about the followup about the um Community oh Community yeah because somebody had brought up that location and but it sounds like um there may be a second phase post police in that area yeah so they just didn't think it was smart to plant trees in that Park that makes sense yeah there's a lot of ideas swirling I guess what that next area might look like but I know some so somebody also mentioned Maple so if you have like a distinct spot maybe we can arrange for a meeting to go on site with um Rich there make sure do you mean Maple mention map oh was it I I thought that was the people that wait the people on Maple back up to yeah soap it was it same same are where the they put the trees Again by the by the playground um you the well the the basketball court the playground the slot that whole area I guess handful of years ago down took out a bunch of trees and kind of left those people just Expos exposed pretty well and if I Mike and uh Chris do you remember that were did the town actually tell them that they were going to replace those trees and just never did I know we talked about this a lot early yeah I I'll have to go back and look at my notes but I believe uh it wasn't um it wasn't doable at the time time because of of other other projects or things going on I have to look at it but it was put on hold I do remember that yeah that was the whole Trail and everything remember and then the trees were went nuts with the trees potentially being taken some of them got damage yeah yeah yeah and then I think for a number of years I guess really they were they kept saying that no there's going to be construction Police Department Community Center blah blah blah and that went on for a number of years and they just kept I think we just kept rolling that excuse over even the playground was new though right didn't they put in like a whole I thought a branch fell I thought a branch fell near the playground and that was the that kind of started off the that's what it was had to take them out because for that reason I thought I think that there was some sort of disease or something and like but it just kind of like eliminated the whole line of whatever and took away all there yeah and all their privacy and um I know the I remember years ago handful of years ago when I started they people came to meeting I guess their yards were kind of flooding through as well because something yeah that's right agree with that so it seems like we'll have a when the construction is finished we'll have a window of opportunity to do like that's when the dust will settle and we'll be able to start looking for places plant trees if they aren't already designated right for trees to go we probably should come up with some other locations for this year yeah it doesn't sound like that's going to be a great option yeah so I mean I guess if all you know without any other ideas we could go into a third sheet Trail but it' be nice to spread the spread the right they treat it looks great but it's getting a lot of love now yeah um all right yeah so like I said we'll keep this line item on the agenda and we come up with something in the meantime if you guys see something save the next meeting we'll start collecting a few few choices vote on uh moving on to uh Peter deani in the 24 calendar yeah so just to reiterate the idea was to just get our kind of key events on a uh calendar or a list of dates and uh and so from the last meeting I updated the the the list of dates from last time um and is that is that up on the screen I okay thank you um but we have for March spring resident tree buying program uh plant list du March 29th um presenting the annual report to Council in March which I think we still have to clarify if that's actually going to happen uh April late a Arbor Day and planting the Salem o at sickles um be Haven field Natural Area cleanup day May Lev live Day on May 5th um August is the fall resident tree buying program PL it was due uh we're still not quite sure when yet but we're going to clarify that that'll be sometime in August um September plant the Tree near the playground by the community center um and I think that's we're really kind of pushing that now right yeah yeah October subit our annual budget and then December Community forestry management plan deadline December 24th and 25th which I think I still had what is it it's officially due 24 I keep asking the same question it's due 2024 but it's postponable for a year or something like that like a one year grace period per okay expires our plan expires December 24th I see yeah very Sparrow though tree expert has been keeping our eyes open I guess they're going to announce possibly um Green Acres Green communities grants that might be available for us to hire professional to write one help wrri it keep I I think yeah I think I saw that com through uh we had dates to be determined um plant inventory and also the tree ordinance will plan to attend that council meeting when when it's scheduled um so this is what we have right now and again the idea is to keep these dates out in front of us and making sure we're keeping an eye on them um if anyone has anything to add now or you can send me a note I will update this and um we'll do it again next month or the month after anybody have anything we're good with continuing ed right what was that we're good with continuing ed if we they haven't updated the um the amount of credits for 2024 yet the only data they have is through year end 2023 um but I I mean eight credits required per year and tons of people went to the MTH University talk and I know Nick pin Pinsky did the model furance webinar yesterday um I'll keep you post on opportunities how many what do we have now sounds like was that Mama thing like three or one it was one but so many people went um but I'll um send you guys anything that I see from across do you get the NJ UCF emails directly no I do you do okay okay cuz usually that's stuff have they sent one recently I don't they don't send them too frequently actually like once a month maybe not sure if I'm getting me need plant is the uh is the cleanup day the Saturday the 27th of April yes okay any what that good that's all I have all right Peter thank you very much tree removal permit data Christy Lon I it Downs that have been fil not too many so far so um take a look would would it be um okay to forward these people specifically the um tree I can send everyone who even took a perment out last year the year before why not right yeah that would be great that'd be great good idea CHR I think we asked this before is this the is this completed or is this it's completed these are all compl numbers on the left okay including the replacement no no that those is what they're supposed to do okay that's right right um yeah it's a good idea well definitely targeting name um all right Council and treat preservation ordinance update councilman olon so um first thing is the mayor is trying to shorten the council meetings one of the things that he is having us do is rather than give a verbal update uh on all the Committees we're going to submit in writing uh and then that'll be distributed we're not sure how it's going to be distributed yet um so what I'm doing is I'm trying to take notes and maybe Chris can share the minutes I'll try to get it into some sort of condensed form run up by you make your edits then we'll I don't know if it's going to go for a buzz or how it's going to be distributed but rather than verble update it will be be that way which I think is good because that I don't believe shade tree they haven't gotten their own space at the meeting while I've been nearly Aon Tracy just sort of tacked it on to some other stuff okay um so there's things that you want to emphasize tell Chris great appreciate it um so I have the list of things that we're working on the budget we had so we had a meeting last night um it was our second or third meeting the last version I saw did have the Christmas tree in there so that's good I don't recall the amount um we're working on hiring a CFO hiring a bur administrator opening the police department the DP W and the construction we hired a couple DPW we made offers to hire a couple DPW workers we're still short Carter Pond's got some noise and we have a garbage recycling contract that we need to get S away so it's um quite a bit um once some of that clears U the tree ordinance is my focus but I feel like I need to get to the budget first um a theme on um trees is maintenance so that's invasives and deer um I'm optimistic that we're going to have a line item in the budget for inv bases for the Natural Area so they can do maintenance we're going to have someone come from I think it's the state it might be the county for a deer mitigation plan they're going to present the council um I think it's unanimous I mean people don't like killing deer but it's unanimous that they're doing tremendous harm you they eat the young trees there's you know nothing um growing in the forest to replace the old ones so if you guys support it that would be great I'm a big fan so we have some sort of D that will be done safely they use bow and arrow KN guns they you down so no's no one's going to get um how do they do that need so they will a deer stand probably and they shoot down so if they miss they just go ground and they they they have it worked out and in the county and the people involved have done it at other other places they're going to be speaking at the May 13th council meeting the de about this program if you're interested in De new rewards and stuff like that right yeah yeah the I don't quote me on the numbers but the order of magnitude is correct that our area could support a population of about five deer we think we have a couple hundred five deer that's all yeah that seems crazy there's nine that my mom's yard actually it's less than five but I say five just to myself some yeah pass about 50 I'm just on my way here so the point is there's no natural Predators they overpopulate and they get disease and it's horrible torture for them sure and they eat everything inside um I would encourage you to do the um the report your report to the council um I think that's that's a a good thing I think it's for the 25th right now because this Monday's at no wood yes I think Josh gave him the 2 23 yeah so we did have the EC one last time um the EC part was good there was some resistance to the Round Table um so I would deemphasize that um there was a little resistance on sort of what what that may have become um the tree ordinance so I'll share with you i' I've read it I read legal documents for a living I'm not a lawyer um this is very hard to understand for me um I want to try to simplify it um I think more of tedy's bir dress that's M dick um so the I obviously I need your buyin but this is the philosophy that I'm thinking sort of the the reality on the ground is you you can see it here really people get cut down whatever they want you know they they just say it's dangerous safety issue and then everyone says fine so that's the reality my view is it would be optimal to to sort of let people cut down what they want but they have to either replace a tree or give money to this committee then you guys could could you know plant the trees and maybe it's got to be something like if it's a big tree they have to you plant two or three trees you know there some sort of scaling possibly um but then that that sort of takes away the hand toand combat and the you know and people end up winning it you know they they get they get to take the trees down I know that's not a great thing to say to the shade Tre commission um that's that's sort of the compromise I have in my head between you know property rights uh and safety versus trees produce you know shared air and carbon removal and water and drainage so there's part of it that's shared part of it is individual to me it feels like a good comp compromise is you know let them do what they what they want within reason I suppose there could be some some guard rails um as long as they contribute back to the community and like them out either through nut trees or dollars y doesn't look like she likes it so um first of I didn't know we didn't know unless I missed something that there was resistance going on like it was there is there a real hold up like because there's some disagreement in the ordinance or was it just kind of like no we didn't get to it because to your credit that was the most breakdown and Analysis we have ever gotten in the past yeah few years at least a year um so I I didn't we didn't even know that there was a debate about the ordinance going on in in counseling I think I don't think there is one at the council um so I think you're previously as I was working with the town attorney okay and that's where this document came from um I think they put a lot of time into it um I'm a big fan of if things are complicated people have a hard time following them sure it's got to be simple put it on a Serial box and they can follow it um and so I want to try to trim it down balance between the community's needs and individuals rights um and this is the best solution it's probably not perfect but I don't know that there is a perfect solution and I'm obviously open to feedback but I don't think there's a big debate um I think I think that um there is a consensus again the meetings are you know four or five hours long and people are coming to us and asking you know can we remove this tree and as soon as they say it's a safety issue we all say sure you know I'm exaggerating a little but so just take that off let people sort of do what they want and if it if we find that's not working then we can amend it and tighten it up I do I do think that most most everybody likes trees and wants you know they people like there aren't there aren't anti my my my concern is that we have a lot of Builders um and we have a lot of people that are new to the area that have a different um they they may not appreciate trees as much my concern is when people cut down large trees that have taken you know a hundred years plus to grow that no matter how many little trees they plant that does not replace that Heritage tree and affects the entire neighborhood it can really and it it affects neighborhood's values like River Oaks is a desirable priser neighborhood for a reason it's because of the trees so my cons and while I appreciate that these are people's private properties um I think that unfortunately over the last several years we've over indexed in the other direction and we're kind of trying to like steer the ship in a in in a in a different direction and so the ordinance while wordy um is in line with some of the other communities uh that the attorney was working on um and unfortunately you know H it's like my my concern personally is that if we are a little more lenient um it's like when your kid it's like the kids when they take advantage of you because you like you said okay you said okay um I feel like we we need to be a little more strict because some people will break the rules um and then they'll get fined but uh I just think we've lost just too many trees in in recent history I really do I agree I agree as well um I I think I'm just wondering since now we know that there has been real discussion regarding this ordinance whether or not we have there really hasn't I mean the mayor just gave it to me sort of at the beginning and then I got buried in the budget and all this other stuff and I read it um and sort of bounced the ideas off the mayor sort of big picture um but has there hasn't been like discussion in Workshop or anything like that well I'm just wondering if there's been any changes or any uh proposed changes that we could review if they're because we haven't seen we haven't really looked it over in quite some time and like I said we were kind of under the impression that it was just kind of slowly so progressing towards I this is like a 20 Page document but I don't I don't I don't want to do this would would it make sense to have the attorney do like write a synopsis that's actually understandable so possibly but I think it it kind of falls under the category of Goodwill my understanding is he spent a lot of time on this um and I'm hesitant I told Josh that I want to try to write my own version First and try to get it kind of done so he doesn't have to spend a lot his to be respectful of his time sure um so at this point I mean what would you want for from us to review your uh potential so I think at this stage tell me if you agree with the the philosophy it sounds like some don't that's fine um but if there's consensus that that's an an okay philosophy then I'll try to write something and then bring it here and we can talk about it um you know try to try to compromise and find something that works for everybody okay I mean that's that's what I guess I guess can we try and just stick with the things that we work to kind of put the guard rails on and and take the legal ease out of it I I feel like the attorney did write a synopsis at one point maybe a year ago like there was a smaller document kind of summarizing it and I've read that thing too and I agree it's a lot but um I'm absolutely not okay with saying take down whatever you want like that is and replace with few trees like that goes against I think the total concept of protecting and preserving our canopy like that's what we're here for that's like anti- shry in my opinion but um I mean I feel like we we all kind of bought into that already and to just abandon it is not just to to to I think you might have seen some blank stairs when you when you made your first point and I just from my perspective it's been since it predates me that the ordinance as it is now written has been worked on modified developed revised and our impression was that it was right it literally right on the edge of being being reviewed and approved I don't think the council would approve this well no we know yeah that's what but that's where we're that's where we sit right now so we're sort of I I think the well I'll speak for myself my my sort of trying to read where you were coming from was that I I was a little surprised that we're we're considering opening it up given that it's just been basically finalized and is about to be presented to Council and and I understand what you're saying which is I just read this and I'm not comfortable putting it in front of council right so I think that's where we're right I don't want to speak out of turn but that's 100% that's where I'm I'm coming from um I have no problem about discussing it more but yeah we were all caught off guard we thought this was we thought it was finalized we know it wasn't approved yet but that's what we was imminent what we were being told so to say it like we're just G Chuck this now and we don't even you know start from scratch none of us were prepared to hear that okay um maybe there's something to work with but I yeah I really don't I can't see any kind of wording referring to just go ahead and take it down whatever you want to do because well so littley maybe I I over over simp that but like this thing has a a tree conservation officer I don't want to have a tree conservation officer I'm sorry we couldn't even figure out what it was to be honest we we don't need more well is that like Bill Brooks Bill Brooks comes out and reviews the he's no longer with the bur yeah he's I'm sorry he's no longer the oh he isn't Again part of this part of this is you know there's the world that I want and there's the world that is operate in the ladder and I think a big complicated ordinance is going to be followed uh and so see if we can simplify it um again balancing property rights they are those people's trees they own them you know we don't um but we own the air and the water and the you know the environment together so how do you balance that sure I mean I think of it the same way as like you know you can't there's rules on what you could do on the property that you own with the house that you're building so this is a rule about a tree on your property too like you wouldn't go and say go ahead build whatever house you want I mean we kind of do but you know that's it's the same that's the thing is as soon as they come and say it's a safety issue it's like okay but there's people that are not taking down trees because they're not they're realizing that they are you know violating the tree ordinance they're not coming to you and saying let's take this down because it's a safety issue and they're just leaving the tree there because they can if there's no boundaries there and someone be like screw it and they'll just take down the tree without a thought I maybe we have different VI of people I don't think people operate that way maybe the developers I think that's a fair point I think people that live here don't want to take down a tree unless it's a safety problem or you know I'm a realtor and I'm just saying some of the people that are moving down to the area have a different feeling about trees so that is something that I that is on my radar um I will say it is helpful to us to know what you're thinking and what also what the council is enduring which is four to five hour meetings that's that's onerous um so I I I don't know guys maybe we need to just really take this next month to review the ordinance and really figure out a way to make it more palatable um and understandable um you know I don't you know I've already said my feelings on not not wanting to be a little too LAX but the long and the short of it is if it's if it's too honorous and it's and they aren't comfortable with it then we need to fix it I agree we should you know there's probably room to streamline it as Jill said get rid of some of the legal ease and make it easier to understand um and then it becomes easier to enforce yes we know there were some things in there that were we didn't even know how they were going to be accomplished like we never really got Clarity on the um officer the tree officer we never really got like yes that's going to be someone who was like you know like Bill Brooks who's going to be just constantly checking up on things or was that going to be at part of Sher spo's job or was that going to be a third person we never really were told 100% what that was going to be um so I think maybe there are some things we could streamline again but uh I think we're all going to need some time because like I said we we thought it was done um but if we could chrisy could we possibly all get copies of the ordinance the way it stands now and and we could review it and just have a better discussion I think and be better prepared for something that was like I said we thought it was we we thought it was over we thought it was done I was very happy to see Bonnie wasn't here yes because I would have been like just older um Mike oh it's very good discussion and Brian thank you for bringing it to us um you know it's it's it's it's another point of view and we always appreciate it I think the impetus behind this whole ordinance issue especially with the shade tree wasc not because so much of the residents and the protection of their individual trees it was it was really because of the uh the builders and the clear cutting and we saw saw a lot of big houses going up U with a lot of uh taking down of trees and no recompense and no replacement of the trees I think that's where all this came from um and I agree with you I mean I don't really want to focus on the resident who wants to take down one tree to build a porch or a pool or something like that I don't think that's I don't think that's the the idea behind this ordinance the ordinance was really to to focus on these Builders as we've seen over the past 5 10 years um the other concern that I have is that we've been talking about this since I think we started talking was Chris and Chris maybe I think fall of 2020 and here we are in 2024 and it seems like we're rolling this back again I I mean maybe maybe if we make it more pable to everybody then it'll go through quicker but I know that a lot of work has been done and I'd hate to unwind it and actually take this thing further and Kick the Can further down the road so is it the speed or the sort of the sum cost um you know the uh I would say both but you know yeah definitely the speed of it because it's like it's we're going on four years now I know that the mayor wanted to make this a priority in his primary in his first campaign and we still haven't got any traction I thought for sure by now we would have had an ordinance signed and in place by the council so the first thing he gave to me so it is a PR important um but like I said I got wrapped up in all this other stuff pretty quickly but we're we're starting to see daylight on a lot of this the budget is just about to be done this we have interviews for the B administrator I'm not so involved with the police and DPW um but once these things clear then I can think I can look and I want to collab and do you want to take a stab at like making it more palatable for your own View and then we'll do the same and then kind of like like maybe I could do it in plain English um and then you guys take a look at it again I think the philosophy and then we give it to the attorney and say you know turn this into ordinance language no I like that's what we did we started with like bullet points and like are we the me this uh yeah but I think this I don't want to be um I think put it this way if if Fair Haven were a kingdom and Joshua the king this would work right but it's not yeah I I just it's it's great on paper right but in reality enforcement was always going to be an issue to it going sort of it's still an issue we it's still an issue well the way but we'll sounds like some changes are coming so I wholeheartedly agree with from a philosophy standpoint in addition to the stuff I said and it's my philosophy maybe that will be changed I agree with the builders trying to trying to capture that I I don't think legally we can separate Builders from residents but you can do it indirectly so I agree with that yeah and that's exactly what I think you know what we're trying to do you I yeah you can't do it directly it's it's illegal but there are ways that you can kind of frame which I think is what we were focused on you can frame this ordinance to uh gear it more towards the clear cutting and the and the builders can say that out loud of course but that's what we were thinking yeah all right so I think then obviously at our next meeting um what does everybody think is the best approach I mean time to re familiarize ourselves with the the ordinance that Brian's reviewing and then in the meantime you'll have you'll come up with some recommendations or the direction you want want to take it in I'll try we'll we'll be able to have a better discussion I think better yeah if it's not next meeting it would be the next one we're not meeting ail oh so may I should be able to do it I think this other stuff will be cleared up okay um but yeah chrisy again if you could just distribute the ordinance and uh in the meantime guys if we could just look it over again refresh our memories um I guess that is uh new agenda right that's one anybody else have any uh any more I think the IV thing Ivy project oh yeah the letter or door hanger yeah or the committee that remove Ivy taking I can't hear I'm sorry the the um what are we going to call it committee or are we going to are they going to be separate things handouts and committee or the handout is going to advertise the committee help you take down um why don't we do this I think if we first find out chrisy if we have any of those handouts left if we a sizable amount maybe we could first attack it that way and um distribute to our commissioners and then if we wanted to carry around first find that out or do we want to approve uh new flyers or is it that or is it that we want to put something in like the burrow Buzz for like people who need help you know some sort of contact mechanism work on I would just have to check on like if it was going to be you going on private properties might be some Insurance liability issues like waivers will be we definitely have some waivers like even though once you guys come up with a plan I can run it by the appropriate part okay all right I'm just throwing it up what um so we'll call it the uh flyer and IV committee do we want put theend what do we want to call this project there you go there you go way better way better are we just are we brainstorming for the next meeting is that what this is yeah I think we're brainstorming and um chrisy put my name to it and put my name to it too I'll I'll help out I'm happy to help out one big happy commission um anything else nothing else we'll move on to uh public participation okay if you have a question please use the raise hand feature and I will bring you over Ashley Cruz go ahead he there everyone uh can you hear me yes hey uh good evening my name is Ashley Cruz uh I live in Atlantic Highlands and I am uh the chair of our shade tree commission um I uh saw something kind of recently I think came across like my Instagram uh that led me to a recording of one of your Council meetings because I saw an agenda item uh which was like tree removals and I was like what so I went and watch the recording I guess saw how your Council meetings are being run and people are coming there asking if they can remove the trees um and then I heard y'all talking about uh an update to your ordinance and I was like oh this is awesome we are doing the same thing um trying to update ours and uh and then that led me to just joining in on your your meeting this evening um and something else uh I'm I'm new to being the chair of our commission um and someone from momth Beach uh Sandy had reached out to me um from their shade tree commission and and then someone else from like Colts Neck also but I thought it would be a great idea and um I'd love to you know see if anyone from your commission is interested in it but but having like maybe a quarterly or maybe like you know twice a year meeting of the different neighboring shade tree commissions uh since we all you know just to I don't know even talk about like what's happening uh because really we live in such a great little like Eco region all of our trees are friends with each other right there's no like borders um but if like anyone was interested in that um cuz again the woman from Sandy from momth Beach was was totally down with that idea um you know uh you can let me know now or uh send me an email I've also tried to um I did I have I've started a an Atlantic Highlands Shad tree at gmail account um it's ah Shad tree at gmail just to also provide some like Legacy you know content for when I'm not the chair anymore there could just be like you know stuff for everyone to know um but yeah I'm I'm really also happy to see um sorry about how many of you were not um you know aligned with your Council liaison idea about changing your ordinance um you know and also I'm not sure if uh sorry about that uh I'm not sure if y'all y'all know but um by May 1st 2024 we need to have our ordinance like in the works to be updated for removal and replacement stipulation uh per New Jersey D did you know that is that everyone yes the the state needs to um we need to comply with the tier 4 ms4 um you know ordinance webinar Nick went to yesterday I was telling you about yeah yeah exactly I I joined in on that one as well um and I was you know I guess definitely happy to see that they're mandating that everyone needs this you know remove and replace uh type thing but um they said so if someone um from your Administration or from your town did uh attend but you can also I can uh I think you go like just search like the tier 4 ms4 whatever the name of that webinar was um and there's like a a what did I liaison account liaison I can send someone an email I think we have the same person uh for the county uh case manager sorry that's what it is a case manager and that's the person you kind of need to like speak with and let them know like y'all are working on this um so like you know I hear you're not going to have this introduced to your Council by by May 1st of 2024 but if you just let the case manager know you're like working on it um I think you would be totally cool and wouldn't be like penalized or anything like that for not getting with what D needs us to be doing so yeah not aware of any deadline for an ordinance I know and I wasn't either I think it did come through on that like tree Federation email you know newsletter I think yall were also talking about it um like if you get those emails that come through every once in a while but um yeah and then I joined the webinar because I was like oh great model ordinance like this is what we're working on and then they said during it yes May 1 like everyone needs to like change I was like wait what uh so it was it was definitely news to me but yeah tier 4 ms4 tree removal replacement uh the model ordinance uh New Jersey does have a model ordinance so you could it's very like slim but mean that I just didn't realize it was air so model ordinance means that they just give this is what do right yeah it's like two and a half pages but I think you want more um and it's just for it just really speaks to if you remove a tree then this is what it is to replace it doesn't really talk much about exemptions um or you know requiring a tree risk assessment uh and things of that nature but it it is a guideline to base off of that has already been vetted yeah so um yeah again um I don't mean to like have this sound like a plug but um ah Shad Gmail um I've already started following your Instagram account um I just saw that yeah awesome I just followed you back thank you okay cool we have a Facebook account um that someone else uh runs I would like to get an Instagram uh going but I don't really want to be that person to do it so you know need to check with everyone else on our commission but um yeah thank you so much um and yall put in a lot of uh time and effort and I loved your the organization of your agenda so that's also what brought me here Ashley thank you very much for attending and thank you for bringing us that update on the uh the ordinance update appreciate yeah definitely my pleasure thank you Ashley thank you you got it take care any other questions please use the raise hand feature that is all all right make a motion to adjourn this meeting second all right everybody thank you very much