yes we have four that's all we're having tonight um m is supposed to be here but for and Chris mccave is supposed to be here they said they were but you do have a for on we will start meeting uh call to order at 7:33 p.m. this is the reorganization meeting of the sh Tre Commission of the bur of fair in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this meeting on January 3rd 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until there's time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment and raise hand Buton and will be called upon at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the ad par press the two times and the Star Ledger on December 26 2023 posted on the burough website the bton board and the municipal building and has remained continuously closed as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the sh commission secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting okay roll call Chris l here Mike D'Angelo here Leah bani here Peter deatti cannot make it Mike hoey Chris mccab would be here Kevin McGovern is unable to attend Jill suin here Bonnie tvia here and councilman Brian Olen Chris McCade is here okay rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand One Nation God indivisible andice now I'm calling for nominations for chairman for this year share commission and I'm me Chris second Vice chair I'll Nom Michael D'Angelo second second all in favor any opposed all right uh Mr chairman you can resume the meeting yes yeah chrisy the L on do he cast a v well thank you everybody vot the approval of oh I'm sorry I'm taking back apologies uh [Music] assume everybody had a opportunity to look over the part meeting minutes I'll make a motion to approve motion to approve the minutes second you're delaying all right we're moving on to project updates the tree inventory Grant you'll Sol it right so Brian I have a lot of catching up with you to do but we'll do that maybe separately um so what what do I want to say about what's useful for me to say since our last meeting so since our last meeting um we've received a um a proposal from Davey which was the vendor that we've been you know benchmarking against I would call it um and then Christine I also had a demo of their software called treekeeper um their proposal is as expected um much more expensive than it was two years ago um and I had asked them to give us two um different uh Scopes one being a partial inventory with uh a year of the subscription to the software um that would only CA that would fall within the parameters of the grant which is $115,000 and then the second one which would be a full inventory which would require um you know the burrow to kick in uh in order to complete it so uh the second option uh would be for about 5,000 trees where the first option to keep within the um the budget of the grant would be a th000 trees so a significant difference but also a significant price difference um the so number one is the Thousand trees th trees correct yeah do we have Anya how many trees that so they just stop counting it they just stop counting yes they just stop once they get to a th000 trees they stop yes is that even help yes okay because it would be we would um prioritize sections so and then we would move on to complete inventory in the future they count and locate them like put them on a map yes it would be on a map um and it gives a whole slew of data points so the objective just really quickly so you're a little bit up the speed the objective here is to inventory all of the public trees in Fair Haven so and put them into a tree management software program so that we could be more proactive in um maintenance managing can canopy um have a planting um guidance and plan um and also kind of put value on the trees so a calculated like carbon capture um just kind of uh to bubble that up to a dollar value of what tree kind of means to the town which would tie it nicely with um an ordinance so uh that that's the idea and you know you know the thing that's driving this the Big Driver of this is that any other grants that we want to apply for um a tree inventory is a requirement so and also uh moving forward we have to redo our for Community forestry management plan and a Tre inventory requirement to be certified so has to be done and it and by all accounts it will be helpful even with partial inventory so do they like pick the V keys or on certain streets we're g to give them streets to go on so um and we'll work with Nick trinsky to kind of and you know that department to kind of prioritize which neighborhoods we go first or which Parks um I think at one point he said uh like River ropes would probably be the priority and then maybe Marda Park um and then move from there but that's that is completely out discussion you do it you do it every year until you get the whole count M well yes I mean in theory we'd be like to be able to do it every year you can only apply for these grants to do an inventory every two years well periodic yes um however there's been and I could give you the history like uh we're hoping that that changes and that we might be able to apply more frequently um because the the the dollar value of this grant has reduced significantly this year because of the requirement for the Community firry Management plan which is new okay so circling back um the total value of doing the full inventory is $49,000 so that's a that's huge obviously huge difference between $155,000 Grant so I I can't imagine that that's going to be in the town budget this year but hey ask we can um just in terms of really quickly because I don't want to take up too much time here the data fields that we will be collecting um it goes by they take computers and they go up to each individual tree so they have Foresters on the ground they would have a precise location um you would get the species the um the size at the you know the dbh size um they would be noting whether or not a tree is a multi- stem tree they um put in the condition of the tree they put in primary maintenance recommendations they um note any defects in the tree they assign a risk rating which is super important um in terms of like if a tree if it looks like a tree might fail if it's gonna if it's GNA you know and rating that and then saying okay if it does fail where would it likely Fall is it going to hit a tree is it going to hit you know a power line is it going to hit somebody's house is it going to fall into a park like what's the risk associated with that and then what would the like the damage be Associated so they kind of wind up with this rating which is a a um a universal or I guess I should just say a United States rating on how to risk risk assess trees um they would kind of put stuff on the list that needed for like further inspection and then they would note utility lines um they would obviously give you the date of the inventory um and that's it but as a result all this would go into the software and you could look at it as a map or as a list and you would like click on the dot and it would give you all that information about your trees and then you know um there is a public facing uh platform so that anybody could go in and kind of see what's happening in Fair Haven and then there is a user you know a a more private um aspect of it where you know you're not obviously going to put you know out to the public that there's a high-risk Tree in thec Carter Park like you're just going to take care of him and be like it's good but uh you know so there's you know that they could customize how we would want that to look um because this is made for Fair Haven so anyway that's that's vendor number one um I don't have any other vendors to talk about yet so uh we will um keep this continued next month and hopefully I'll have you know a few more people I have a question just make sure I understand so it's 49,000 for the full inventory and we have a grant for 1,000 15,000 15 15,000 Grand but it only does a th000 trees that only does a th000 trees corre yeah that's a th000 trees and the software for one year and the software we'd have to pay for every year is $3600 regardless there there's nothing in between it's either 1,000 or 5,000 we could do like 2,000 we could I just didn't ask for that no but I mean if we got money from the bur for a little bit more do more trees absolutely yeah and um and they give you a price per tree Beyond you know if if it takes you know if they could finish a block and 10 more trees we would say finish that block I assume to pay you know the the dollar per tree to finish the block because that would be I I would imagine that would be a bizarre choice not so my doing it right that we have 3,267 public trees roughly is that they they are estimating based on like looking from a canopy perspective and they're estimating 5,000 but um you know I that kind of as you say that kind of brought me to thinking a couple years ago maybe a year ago when we two years ago when we first started talking about this I wanted to do a gut check on the first proposals we were getting because I had the same Ty you know same type of question like how many trees do we actually have how do they know um and we had talked at one point about getting volunteers to just basically like count the trees in a park like you know go count how many trees are in marar park I don't care what type of tree it is just 1 2 3 five 78 9 10 and and maybe pick a few key blocks to kind of just be able to have a better estimate of what we truly have um you know it might be something worth considering again and it would be go it would be something that would go against our or go towards rather our um match requirement um so you know at a volunteer as yes yeah so I haven't like flushed that out and totally it was just something as I was looking this proposal again before the meeting today like thinking like maybe that's worth revisiting um so we have a volunteer hour match maybe for the for the grant yes we have a 25% match requirement that we are meeting through volunteer hours and our employee hours when they work towards this they you know put their like chrisy puts her hours towards this when Nick does his demo he but you know whatever doll to do a ton of paperwork for the grant agreement finances so that all those hour AG go I have no I have no question that we will have no problem meeting that match requirement based on just even just based on the two of us so I want to make sure I understand I'm sorry I keep asking but $49,000 to count the 5,000 trees that's the cost of the vendor and the grant is for $ 15,000 [Music] um for 1,000 trees and so if they if they only if they cost $10,000 to count the th000 trees they stop on we just get 10,000 deferred is that do they give us a dollar amount or do they give us the number of trees it's 49,000 for the Thousand trees 49,000 for 5,000 oh it is yeah yeah so that's the vendor cost and then the grant comes in and says we will give you $15,000 Grant or we will count a th000 trees no they give us $15,000 $155,000 Grant and so what if they could count 2,000 trees with that $15,000 does that make sense this vendor cannot they will not count 15,000 they will not count 2,000 trees for $15,000 they will count a th trees and and give us a software package for it's for $155,000 though the ,000 is the is the vendor limit not the grant no I'm sorry thousand trees is the vendor saying that I asked them to tell me what they could do for $155,000 like saying that having the in having the software is not negotiable and that is 30 that's $3600 is that on top of the I'm sorry is that on top of the 15,000 for the 13 the 30 no that's including that's it's 15,000 total will give us 1,000 trees and the soft wire for one year okay by the vendor what that's the that's that's the first vendor so we'll go and get other quotes to see if someone could do better so it's $10 a tree yeah yeah that's great that seems like a lot it's completely in line with what every other vendor I've talked to so far really all Yes actually the other one was more yeah three years ago it was like $6 a Tre yeah yeah and are there are are there certain um vendors that are approved by to to use for this inventory they have to be a certified arist or Forester okay this is not something volunteers can do that is just very specific in the I think that I if there's a certain list of no no there's not but they have have their proper certifications there's really like two big players in the um in the software uh there's this one and then there's um another one called um tree plotter and uh there are Consultants that can use these software pack packages so we could go to Davey um and just buy the software from them and have a different vendor use that s you like do the inventory for us um and then they would put that together so it you know this is this is one person this is one um one company but like I said they we've kind of been benchmarking against them because they've been the ones that have been willing to go along with me on this two-year Journey so um you know this is this is where we're starting so when we in trying to justify the expense we wanted to go above th um once we get this inventory then we want to get Grant grants to do what plant more trees that we need because you know this are inventory yeah any planting grant that you want to go after is going to require you to have a tree inventory now when you go in and look at that it doesn't say you need to have a complete tree inventory so this partial inventory will kind of like get us there right um but the idea is that a complete inventory is going to allow us to better manage our our our trees in the town like that is the goal like instead of let's get off the Excel spreadsheet let's like actually be able to um rank what's most important I mean this this we could have them identifi planting sites like it's yeah you know a tree comes down and then all of a sudden it's just a stump like you go in there and somebody with their phone on the on the um program will say okay the tree came down or you know we trimmed this tree we pruned this tree you know it's it's a really like live way to understand raises up our right now it's just a sheet of yeah with not a lot not most information no and it's a it's a way to actually assign maintenance projects to people so Nick or whomever is responsible for that could say to the DPW okay I need you to do X Y and Z on these blocks today and it like kind of send them out and then they could go in at their level of authorization within the program and say taking care of this notice this whatever I mean there is a way to even open it up to the public to put into requests I I don't know that we would want to do that but um is it is a complete like management yeah program do other towns nearby have they G through this that we know some little silver where they've used a vendor and County trees um Red Bank has uh little silver has not and Rumson has not yet um but like I said if you want to be like to be certified under the uh New Jersey Urban and Community fire Street plan you have to have um you have to meet certain requirements and this is going like once their plan expires they're good for for five years the next time they do it they will have to have an inventory in order to remain certified which you know does that mean so for us that means if we PID let's just say $49,000 fell out of the sky we had the 5,000 counter it would be good for 5 years and we had to spent another 4 9,000 in 5 years or no no the the no you would kind of maintain it so the inventory is at a point in time and then as you plant trees that's not to say that somebody that's planting that goes in and plants an oak tree Bonnie um that you know someone couldn't put that in there like you can go in and say I've done this to the tree or I've planted this tree or the trees has come down but the all those data points that I talked about like looking looking up at a mature tree is not something that anybody sitting in this room is qualified to do um especially like a risk assessment because you would never want the liability associated with like me going in and saying yeah it looks great and then it's you know it's not so as long as we once we do the inventory if we maintain it then that bit of information is good for future grants and you know I'm just trying to understand yeah totally and it's it's only as good as we are in maintaining it so that's not to say that you would never have to do an inventory again but in theory yeah you know as long as you keep up with you know keep up with the maintenance also because if some you know if the maintenance list is super long and there's recommendations to check these trees every year but if we don't check them then I don't know how good that inventory is I mean we could still say we have it but you know what is the value associated with that data if we aren't maintaining it hopefully it will put a bigger focus on the maintenance part of it now that we spent the money and we have the information hope yeah and I I I remember while thinking through not um that is it Nick that is he does he need to be trained on this software with he be the one that's going to do this hasn't signed yet he was going to take that demo with us and then he was out sick but he would be the one I think that would have a kind of like the perview and know I mean I don't think that there's any harm in more than we'll see when we get to that point yes I mean I think he is an important or maybe it's not I mean assuming it's him since he maintains the the other spreadsheet right now but right you know before we make any decision on what we're doing or getting down to like recommending a couple vendors like whoever is going to be ultimately responsible for this needs to be on board um may I ask if we since we did get this grant um is it more likely for us to be able to get it again next year they said um no we can apply NE we right now we can not apply next year so like we can't apply in 2024 we actually can't apply until this is complete the good news is that you know with with this the the work itself does not take that long so once it gets rolling like it's not going to take it's not going to take them months and months to do this it's probably going to be done in six weeks okay um right now we'd have to wait until 2025 to apply again if I or maybe it's two years from when we got um we got it awarded I'd have to it might be 236 you need to get on their agenda like I mean I I would think they would do this when the tree has leaped out and they can better tell what species it is know right now they're booking into the spring yeah I mean yeah like do we have to get on there you know are they getting hooked up they could I mean this company is big enough where right now he said that they they're not booking in New Jersey in the Northeast right now because it's cold and they have enough business in the South so they send their team down there because it's you know they're working outside um you know I I would I would guess and I would assume also that like looking at a tree when it leads out is better yeah but um but that doesn't seem to be an issue you know because they're professionals yeah um anyway so that's that but um I'm happy to chat more about this and you know offline whenever um okay yeah to be to be continued on that yeah that's a lot of thank you so much sure okay you're still up so um we are we all set for the spring tree buying program so in the fall for the first time we did um a resident tree buying program where we partnered with Fern Brook nursery at of Bing town and we offered maybe 15 20 trees um from their from from their inventory and um we were kind of like the middleman to mediate like to to put like the information out there so that residents could buy directly from Fernbrook and then they came in for like two days and they planted the trees in the residents ground the residents directly paid firm Brook the trees are guaranteed for a year it was it was well received we planted 55 trees um and it's very reason reasonably priced uh 380 froch shet trees planted um decent size like 10 foot trees and um so we're looking to do it again um so I spoke with uh Tanya at Fernbrook who is the salesperson there um unfortunately their inventory is lower than it was in the fall um so the especially on flowering trees the selection is kind of small but hold on so we have three flowering trees available um the red bud red red bud Mero the winter King poorn which is we did offer that in the fall um and the ivory silk tree lilac those are the three flowering trees that have they don't have any cherries they don't have any dog Woods she said maybe in the fall they just they've sold out they sell to their um their uh wholesale vendors before they they sell for us um so that's what we're going to offer there the Evergreens we're going to do the American holly again which was we offered in the fall um pretty successful we had eight orders for that the hillspire Juniper um the Robusta green Juniper and the elegant uh gold tip abite which we offered in the following at 15 orders that was our best selling tree um so the shade trees I have seven here uh and we want to get down to five so I thought that I would just um throw it out basically to you um to to um to eliminate to um I have my my thoughts on it um we have the red sunset maple which we offered in the fall the commemoration sugar maple the European beach the Skyland Skyline honey Locus which we offered in the fall that that one didn't do so well the Kentucky Coffee Tree the sweet gum but a fruitless version and the swamp white oak which I noted in your thing you put two big check marks next I had picked up the book at the super the shry conference yeah and I gave to Jo and I checked all my favorites so my recommendation would be um I to get down to one Maple I thought we would do the um the alternate the sugar maple instead of the red sunset since we did that in the fall um they're both native they're about the same size the sugar maple is slightly bigger um the other one that I would cross off off that list is the Skyland SK line honey Locus because we did in the fall and only one person ordered it so um that would leave us um the sugar maple the beach The Coffee Tree the gum tree and the um swamp white oak um and most most of those were Native is a ball doesn't have balls the gum tree it says it's fruit yeah so interesting I've never heard of that hybrid yeah it's um yeah it's the fruitless version I don't I don't have the and that's native too well I think the Kentucky Coffee Tree is a great tree um the only thing I remember um Sher when we were discussing trees at Sportsman's she kind of was against the sugar maple because of the warm like climate change was back in or something I don't know just might be worth I don't know if they don't feel that way then I'm I don't really know that much about it but yeah I mean she seemed I mean she seemed pretty you ran this by her no no no no I'm talking with um I'm talking with um yeah yeah okay and the beach is what kind of Beach European that's only non-native um so that's where at that would be my if anybody else has any other thoughts I could um this is I just pulled up on the screen fruitless gum tree I can show you yes I'm comfortable Bonnie making the call getting rid of it yeah i' never heard of that but Happy Days sweet gone this one is the one she's yeah native okay is there anything those trees that's better or worse for the uh the invasive bug the oh the black uh uh I think the only thing they know attracts them is the tree of heaven right I don't know um I wonder if any of those are resistant to it or you know I don't know that wasn't discussed it's a good question it certainly asked that you one way or the other between two I'm sorry what you say so that if one's resistance seen a listing of ones that are but it would be an interesting yeah where's the beach we're talking about they don't have this do we want to contemplate this and then so we can yeah move through the agenda or um I mean if everyone yeah yeah yeah F Bonnie do you want me to offline Jill we good the I dispense if you know which one of well I don't know you my glass I can't my check I don't know this is what they have we don't have any other options so like that we can't I I the only thing I'd be looking at the honey L is just because it is a native tree I mean it does yeah I hear you but nobody wanted it yeah nobody wanted so I think we should try something and let's get another couple trees on the ground okay you know that that that's my thought there I I knew that was you know it would be your preference okay yeah and this is May that they're talking about um May so I'm gonna I'll put together that um that PDF file that we can email around but I'm G I would like to hold off on getting it out there just a couple maybe till the end of January beginning of February because I don't want it to sit for too long because people forget about it and everybody does everything last minute and they won't be getting these in the ground until May and she just needs it from us by like the end of March so really we have a bit of time and something sitting out there for six weeks is not good we promot it as like earthday is coming up or something an honor Earth Day even though they'd be planet in May or Arbor Day or something Arbor Day if you'd like I mean I don't know I'm something it's just not going to be anywhere close to that no it'll be yeah yeah so thinking Springtime yeah like springtime planting hon whatever like that's happy to real quick here's some pen say adults this is plannerly adults prefer tree of heaven or cultivated grape but they will switch over to red and silver Maples and occasionally to other trees such as Sycamore Willow and River Birch in the ball the pests rarely feed on Oaks and it does not appear to like common birs okay so we could do the sugar maple instead of the red maple that we said the red maple right uh it will switch over to red and silver Maples okay so we'll do the sugar maple then perfect thanks we just should we run anything by Sherry just to determine make sure that there's nothing wrong with or if she has any recommendations it's fine I could give her a call I mean it is what it is in terms of like I said they don't have anything else so I mean it would be we could eliminate something if she thinks it's a bad idea um no there's no one saying that we have to offer five k trees which just what we did yeah I think it's um I wonder if any of people that planted would take pictures with Tre yeah we could post them that's a great idea I you could do that yeah on on social Instagram yeah we have got you mean as part of this marketing process yeah they might have grown those people who sent to me then maybe back in September now let see yeah I will out unfortunately they'll look sad and yes there a lot of people but a lot of the Hol and stuff like that yeah yeah the with the berries on right now though pretty yeah the berries look good right now yeah okay I'm done all right well done Green Team and Natural Area okay so I just want to First did everybody get this in their mail today okay thank you christe lison who helped the Green Team get this has been s sitting there we've been trying to figure out a way to inexpensively distribute it um and I guess you figured that out Chris did a I did yeah so um anyway just you know tells what is acceptable for recycling and what's not that's great we're hoping to get that word so the idea isage yeah well there was you discussion about magnets and yes so you can put this on your garbage can or you can just put it tape to your cabinet I mean I if I had my garbage can I might not to my kid [Laughter] face Buzz were instructions if you put it on your can put it on the lid and maybe prep it with alcohol first so that my my lid disgusting from everything falling yeah that was very exciting thank you Christie make sure you put that in the minutes um uh the squirt swap that was um earlier this month um was very successful um they're going to try to do it again the spring maybe coordinate with the Rumson environmental commission which is basically their environmental commission is their Green Team um I think that we need to get the word out that you don't have to bring something to take something it's just the idea is just so don't throw it away just give it to somebody to reuse that's the idea um so hopefully it will start to catch on um the NW green team has we've been working with um them um a lot they're adorable um Jen and Bill's great and um they helped with the Homegrown Oak project the project where the C kids picked up the acorns and then took them over we had um I got a chocolate of dirt from risers who is just wonderful once again gave me back of my Jeep full of dirt for um we put some of the little Oaks that had sprouted Roots into the pots and the Green Team helped us and they just watered them today at their meeting so they've been really great about that um and and what else we're still um working on a sign for the pollary garden it's it's been planted we're going to get some more plants in there or we're going to encourage people to divide their Natives and which is what know a couple of our members did um and the Natural Area um we put some trees in there some of the bar root trees um we're still trying to figure out what we're going to do with probably planting grasses if the dirt is not it's amazing how I don't know what was there by the cell tower what if that was just a dump or if it was from the nursery but if you dig on thirsty Trail dirt is fabulous beautiful it's easy to grow and this dirt is just full of stuff and over by cell tower so we're you know might just throw grass down and see what happens it's just interesting that it's not and it's very swampy anyway but we'd love to get it to look pretty and put new trails in there for people to walk around um and and that me so that's that's it all right thank you Bonnie community outreach yeah uh we have 177 followers um I have post I mean have post for graphics I've made and have not posted been under the weather and kind of catching up on all things sorry thanks um so yes so I'll be working on that and hopefully we'll have some more posts with one of these um people that have planted and when do you guys think I should start posting about the resident buying again I would not for a while for a while order by L and March end of March end of yeah so I'll I'll send you I'll send you all that info yeah and it'll be pretty much the same are the price is the pricing the same is just a different with tree right yeah it's going to look EX exactly the same maybe I'll change it a little yeah um I like I said I in my experience like asking people to order something and giving them too much time is the worst thing it it's doesn't work like yeah so um stale and Leah and Jill perhaps we could uh tie in the tree brry program with orber day I think that's a good tie in it's it's the same same time year um perhaps we can promote both at the same time I think that'd be a nice little time for the community when is Arbor Day this year the last Friday in April 26 I think yeah 26 okay thank you I mean maybe we could like on Arbor Day post something about like how many trees were purchased and they're going to be in the ground soon we could tie it in that way you know make the announcement of how many trees are going to be put into Fair Haven as a result of this and kind of since they're not actually going to be planted on our day right we could could do something along that lines to how about this maybe we have a contest if you buy a tree if you go if you join the the resident buying project perhaps one lucky winner gets a free tree and we pay for it like that that's a good idea get tree get right that's what you said free tree or an extra tree another tree get two for one what you know say say 50 people buy 70 trees uh one lucky winner gets one of their trees for free yeah we announce it on Arbor Day yeah I like that a lot that's good idea just a thought good one yeah it's a great idea I think it's done but we probably have to order that extra tree no no they're just saying like if you ordered five trees and you win one of your trees is going to be paid for by us oh get right you don't pay until they plant it in your ground yeah so I'll just I'll let them I'll let them know that that's probably going to be that'll be our plan because then it will come like it did last time y but also they would have to give us a PO instead of paying that day which is fine they do it last love a list of ERS you can just pick them out of yeah we we could like live stream it yeah get on our Instagram here probably fresh the internet yeah we would go viral um I do oh I did make a thank you graphic for our the community appeal but I couldn't remember what was raised oh I have that I think it's 2430 I'll send you the exact amount thanks uh and that covers what I have all right thank uh Christmas tree replacement and I see Mike oh he was here he was here nice oh he dropped he was here um Chris you on those emails yeah he did send me um an update here let me put back up was okay um all right so the update for the Christmas tree we're working on replacing our what has become affectionally known as our Charlie Brown Christmas tree trying to get something a little more vibrant or hold on oh he's back in all right Mike if you can unmute are you there yeah here yep how are you there you go Mike we were just about to do the uh Christmas tree replacement uh segment of our meeting here you want to speak to that please yeah sure so excuse me I talked to Chris uh Teresa today via email and um I asked her what the pro what the plan is now because obviously we put off cutting down the existing tree and decorated for the season um I think DPW did a good job of of making it look as good as possible um and she came back and said that they have a contractor that will be removing the Locust uh tree um I asked her for timing on that and she didn't come back to me as of this afternoon and then uh she asked for how much we thought a replacement tree would cost for budgetary um um reasons because she wants to put that in the SDC budget for this year um so a couple things you know Chris and I caught up this afternoon real quick is thing to come to mind is she said the DPW take down the existing tree and the other tree will be taken down by a contractor uh Discovery construction a subcontractor of them that's a CH menion and then I guess the next part is um figuring out how big of a tree and how much it's going to cost to put it to replace it with and from the soil samples we also need to figure out uh how we're going to remediate uh the soil that is there um because it seems like that soil was not really ideal from a growing perspective so um you know I we when we went there with the the park committee there um there was a number of us there teres was there somebody from DPW uh the park committee as well as DJ and it was mentioned that you really got to the DPW say you really got to dig it out you got to take all the roots out and you really got to dig it down and replace it with good soil in order for it to be effective and grow and that was one of the reasons why the existing tree there uh didn't didn't survive so uh I'll pause there but I think that really the deliverable now is to get a timing on when the trees coming down to understand who uh and I could take this back to Teresa who can remediate that area in order to uh put in good soil for the tree to grow and I guess for this group is you know I know that have the tree buying program um is that Nursery able to price out a replacement Christmas tree um you know I don't know whether it' be 15 feet or that's too tall to start um and then I guess understand if we do buy the tree from where we do buy the tree from the cost and and what what they do do they just plant it do they help us remediate do they have the service will they bundle that all into one so I'll pause there um I I did uh mention to burn Brook that we were going to be looking to replace our Christmas tree um and she did say that she could they could help with that uh but I kind of left it there a couple conversations ago um so I I'll I'll ask her again and I could ask about um site remediation and prepping for a new tree if you'd like that be great I can connect you mik could be prefer to to I mean maybe Mike would you rather speak directly to them since you've already then I mean if anybody I think I think I think if anybody else wants to speak to them as well if we can organize it properly then I think that wouldd be great just because you know um there's definitely a lot of experience on this committee that I don't have when it comes to uh planting trees and so on so I think that if we could have one or two help out and you know I think like I said the two things is really identifying what kind of tree to put in there how much it's going to cost and then um you know who can help us remediate the area to make it a a soil compound that that'll allow it to grow for years to come no I like I'll introduce you to them over um over email and okay that'd be great I could I stay on there for now but I think um it's best to probably have one point of contact for a project with dealing with a vendor but um they're really knowledgeable so I'm I'm sure that they could help you okay that'd be great thank youe I also um because I was driving past moson Nursery I went in there to look at something and I started talking to the owner and um I I explained to him that we were looking for a tree and he said oh there's place right down the street and that's what they do and I so I drove down and they had big Evergreens and he said you know know there I I have I've been trying to call the guy but he hasn't called me back I think everybody has winter hours but I could um you know check into that more and I did Mike I had sent you that from Capelli I was I go I like go to tree nurseries all the time um and it seems to me I talk to the people at Capell which are up in Middletown I talked to um CA Farms because Bill Brooks had recommended that they had a bunch of Evergreens at the last meeting um it seems to me like the price is about $600 for like a 12T tree if that's what we want and then they will deliver it and plant it for another $3 to $500 um I don't know I didn't ask anybody about uh remediating the soil I think you have to be really careful because trees don't like to settle they want their root the root Crown to be above level so you don't want to go down too deep um I guess you could put in some dirt but but well that's why yeah we have a expert do the planning there risers has tons of dirt I mean they're really nice to work with um I don't know but I mean it we have a lot of very close local nurseries with big trees around here I don't think it would be a problem and I don't think it would be that expensive to get it I mean if we wanted to put it in our budget I can't imagine it would cost more than $2,000 to go I mean you could get a 12 to 15 foot and I also I Mike I at the last meeting plus like delivery labor well that's the yeah the planting that was all all included um a g who works in Fair Haven who I was talking to G who works in Fair Haven but lives in Gold has a 12 foot Norway Cru that's beautiful that she wants to remove from her property she said she would give it to us she would be happy to give it to us her son is a lieutenant in the Air Force she said oh memorable Park that would be great it would be perfect um we would just have to pay take it out um so I I was going to ask this guy also what that would cost I don't know if he'd be interested she would love to see the tree moved and saved she doesn't want it on the property so that's another option so many I mean if nobody else has an issue with it I think it's something you can explore but I think you got to take into consideration sometimes I mean the little amount of work I've done in my own yard you know landscapers you know it's going to be to take the tree out move the tree to replant might well get Tre but I mean absolutely I think also the risk of that is is if it fails we spent all this money to move it and there's no guarantee associated with it well that is a good point yeah I think that would be and that would be disappointing both these other yeah they were all one year one yeah that's true I don't want to dis pointer but I mean I I really think we got to look at the yeah best interest of the right finally getting this tree yeah anything else so I guess no that's really I mean I I gu like I said I asked for Teresa for timing because I think obviously um the fall is probably the time frame or spr spring is probably the time frame when we want this completed and planted correct that would probably be ideal the idea unless it was before the ground well I mean taking the tree out though I mean let you we're going to wait till the ground unfreezes if it ever does but I mean like I'd like to understand for I'll talk to T tomorrow caller just find out I would imagine that I'm not sure you know what tree uh removal companies um Calenders look like but sometimes I feel like they're a little bit dull in the winter so hopefully we can press ahead and get that removed and at least get one step done um you know move towards the finish line of getting something in the ground over time taking down trees today all right thank Mike Sal o trees GNA try my best to get a hold of Mrs Schwarz and um plan something for that week of aror day um to get the Sounds in ground yeah I think last meeting we read that if she gets back to with the kids if she is able to we'll anyway we'll just go ahead should I just plan we will be there what day maybe I do you I was going to ask in conjunction with that I know we had done the treat giveaway and everybody kind of like is it even worth it I don't know I feel like I've been talking to all these people that grew these trees from little teeny trees and such great stories that I just wonder if we want to try that again and maybe during that week when we're plan to sale a mo you know explain that this was a little teeny tree and now it's this big and hand out I I actually Googled and the the New Jersey third grade seedling program is suspended for 2024 is that but they said the um the TU seedling order is coming out soon is that which what we did before the TU order with yeah and Ruckers and yeah that's what you guys gave out that first year of Love Rel Day last year you did the giveaway instead the raffle right and then there's another one the Community Tree Rec recovery tree program that's beir seedlings oh and who who's that ARB this the ARB um and are they when do you when do you get them I was just thinking it'd be kind of fun to give the kids I mean you know the kindergart is collected V corns it's just kind of maybe do something like that I think this was something along the lines that we we talked about last year I think Mike you'll remember the seedlings we got we didn't do it last year because we decided that previous years most of the seedblings just never made it to the ground like they were handed out I believe and pretty sure no plant of them or very very tiny percentage of them I wonder if you put them in little pots with dirt and gave them out that way would that be better you think so they don't dry out and they put them home and they plant them somewhere I don't know well yeah that's we you know Chris is right we did lose a lot of them and if you and Chris mccab is on too and he had a bunch in his house that he tried to keep alive for several months and that was tough to do the problem is they tell they tell you the state tells you when they're going to distribute those trees so you can't really you know guarantee a time if you're trying to you know coordinate with an event um they they'll tell you a time frame usually a week around Arbor Day but I think the past couple of years we actually got them after Arbor Day oh so again it's there's so many variables with this I've been reluctant in the past couple years and to uh pursue it because it seems like the first couple years we tried it it's not what we anticipated how much were they free or they cost you just have to go pick them up which any of us do but and chrisy do you know it says a thousand is that up to a th like two different things for the first over they were $90 to buy like a few boxes that were handed out this is a totally different program to the Arbor Day Foundation um and these are free and oh it says and does it say when they would um you would think we have to apply by January 26 uh oh it says available between April 4th and April 25th so that's a so dat before day before orb day right 26 is it yeah and you just have to go pick them up there's no deliver and then they'll tell you ahead of time usually they'll they give you they'll say there are three species available um usually there's a flowering tree um there's like a more of a usually a larger tree they put in there like an oak um and then like an evergreen type tree that's usually the smattering of types of trees or species of trees that they'll provide um yeah I'm not completely against it U if we have I you know I feel if we have you know designated you know places to to give them to um um with instructions and maybe the potting idea is a good idea but uh again I think we had a lot just in buckets after our last giveaway a few years ago that ended up being perishing wul well I I don't know where they ended up I mean they were they were uh kicking butt in my in my garage with the fluorescent light they all flowering and doing really well and then I don't know where I dropped them off to somebody and that was kind of the end of them I don't know how many actually made it uh from that point into the ground but um yeah it was tough because a lot of people didn't have the yard they didn't have the ability the amount of space needed for some of the Oaks too so but it seemed like everyone was taking the dogwoods yeah the dogwoods are definitely the favorite lar is that the can I just look at that I mean well if um could we think well so we have to order them by the end of January so we wouldn't we have to make a decision a thousand's a lot but um but it says up to up yeah just multiple of 25 are the kids um going to be watching each plans Sal Lo that's we hope to we hope to I was trying to figure out how because they have a little newspaper the fourth graders I think so we thought maybe they could come out and I don't know how you get all these kids to dig the hole that's the only but maybe they could have a schedule of watering it or yeah I don't know if you have any ideas on how to coordinate this yeah I'm marinating on this um Bonnie has reached out to yeah I mean you were there when I walked her right yeah and um and she's all you know very interested in it but just trying to coordinate so yeah I remember there's three of them and they're all on my porch trying to keep them see um so yeah I think you have to realize the reality of it is is you know if we go in with the mindset that we're probably not going to get I would say 95% of these trees are not going to survive but if you get five you know 5% in the ground that will grow and flourish if we're uh if we find that acceptable then I think it's worth doing I mean if if we you know add to the total population it's not unlike nature right some some of these seedlings just don't survive so if two or 300 yeah the why not why AR we that's the if that's what's because I think maybe you can't get them all do they you have to take it Oak I mean I know you love the Oaks but that's if that was an obstacle in the past where people weren't taking them because they're too big why don't we buly the small trees think we had the option I think they gave us three species and we always request the dog Wass because they we knew they those went well um but I think they still gave us an evergreen and and some type of Oak actually a couple types of Oaks I don't I don't remember how uh how that process worked because I think Dave Becker always went and got them you know no idea was if you just could grab you know they were like in the white paint buckets or whatever uh so I don't know how the process worked at that uh at the delivery or the acceptance of the delivery so we can also coordinate with the Natural Area I mean they could use people just popping them in there I mean they could just pop trees in everywhere um they are small you know people think of tree they don't think of the the the sticks that the these guys are are very you know they're they're like uh Christmas pencils they're not you know these big trees that's gear food right there but you got start abely the SE tur try to make well [Music] um what do you think you want to go for it don't you mind I do can we apply for Chris do do you know can we just not cost anything right this not to apply no I mean we're applying you don't even know if you're going to get them so this is like a oh first there is there is a number we can we can request we can request want 200 300 something more that's a lot find out 100 I mean if we have like maybe if we like targeted Maybe the kids that come to see the tree be planted can take home a plant or tree you know do you know the other thing I was thinking you heard about this this farmers market that they want to start up at in um part of part well right there on the street on Willow Street I was thinking we could have tree hand out yeah okay maybe yeah but we have to figure out a number because you know to your point if we wanted to give the kids that came out well we were hopefully planting these salm oak trees we wouldn't want to send we wouldn't want to run out yeah send kids kids oh there are okay and four grades including kindergarten I guess that's a lot that's a lot that's that's a lot that's a lot of buckets water sorry kids no trees no tree for no tree um they're going to be shoved in a backpack like that's we we have 26 so we want to send in the application for 100 and maybe by then if we do get them we'll have a plan for at least we'll have them it's 100 I can plan 100 you might just be doing that I would be great for social Med I buy you a um all right so you want me to complete this application for 100 for 100 saplings have them delivered to Bonnie's house come to my house well they don't I'll go I don't mind you um okay do we have to pick what we want there wasn't a selection on the application it just this is what you might get is that is potentially oh okay okay got it we can discuss okay if I have any questions while okay um mcarter Park tree review um so in between uh this meeting and last meeting I think it was or maybe um I went with Sher Spiro and Nick and Dave from the DPW there are three very long large trees in marter park that they are concerned about um and there is prepared thank um basically um one of the trees is unfortunate it's it's spectacular it really is it's a beautiful tree it's gigantic um there is May three maybe two but possibly three large cavities at the bottom of the tree they're kind of going right in through um both Nick and Dave and Cherry um agreed that they're going to do everything they can they want to manage that tree right now they want to trim it they want to make sure because it's it it appears healthy but there's on this um I foret which number slightly Northeast um it's the largest yeah um I think that's the one I was going to do for the uh big big tree CH not anymore it if you look at it it's healthy but they are concerned about the the cavities in the tree at the bottom of the tree at the base of the tree um so they're going to keep an eye on it probably going to do some trimming on it um and uh as you can see that Sherry's recommending further risk assessment for that tree um there were two other trees right neighboring that tree one of the trees and Sher recommends definitely that that tree should come down it's growing on an and I think it's just because of the the area that it's in it's being kind of overshadowed I mean it's a it's a big tree but it it's growing like this maybe you've seen it you know where that Turf area is of marter Park it's right kind of right in front of it and it's I mean it's got to be two feet around and it's growing just like this so there's big concern that that is just gonna come down soon um but the overall uh feeling was that they're they're going to just keep a very close eye on these trees they don't want to take them down but I'm sorry one of them is definitely going to be coming down I forget which number this one was uh so here is curve trunk to the tree number one yeah say and how many trees what is the plan to replace these trees uh we talked about that and they were in agreement um I mean obviously there's no plan right now because there never is right so I brought that to their attention um that's something that's why we're discussing this now this is going to be a I think a perfect example of um you know us coming to the council to one of our grievances if you will in the past is that you know the town does work um takes trees down but there's never there's always a budget in place to take the tree down but there's never a budget to replace the tree um I don't know what the ratio of tree to coming downward that and zero they're never replaced by the 10 so we want to that's one of our our goals for 2024 you'll see it in our um annual report that we really would like to see the uh the town make this every time the town Tak the tree down the town should repl the tree and there's no yeah that makes sense so we just talked about those Tre I'm missing something we talked about trees you know in the garage and and dying and all that um can't we use those to replace this what what missing there's I would be a little worried because the kids running around you would have to protect all them over there but um I think anything you have to something bigger yeah yeah I think you have to um yeah um you know again this this could be an opportunity for us to you know donate a tree to the town through the buying program um but it is I think it's a a perfect example uh the town needs to plan because I mean these these trees are magnificent and it's it's a shame that they I mean it is what it is they're they're at a point in their lives where they are going to have to be addressed um but you have to have a plan in place to put trees in the ground is it Our intention to replace it with the tree that we are taking out the same thing um we haven't gotten that far oak oak sense they've clearly in that area it's gonna be a big difference because there no other trees they're just big huge trees and it's not going to have no shade if they go yeah they're all right next to each other all 15 20 ft of each other yep what but so that's a situation where if you could if you have to cut these treeses down if they could make like a something to walk on like KS like put it back make benches out of them do something with them reserve them in the that'd be just so great they you're not totally losing it you're I agree I mean I that's a making something out of the tree like a path or making something as a bench kids love to climb on things I know you need the special person that can make something out of it but be nice to do something make something bring to their attention you want to talk about the I was reading this thing which I've noticed because I walk through that Park every day these three small Maples that have the yeah yeah because that seems they're right on the right on road there right I mean there that that was the other opportunity I think we have to plant some trees well that's what yeah that seems like the a perfect like in andout there for those trees that's with um if we want to do that in the spring mhm I yeah I me it's obvious when you look at them yeah yeah yeah she said they yeah she said they they'd be okay but they're just never going to reach that full potential because I think it was the think the deers got pitim oh with their R yeah Decay organisms have entered the buff rub Blues so they'll just give continue to decline yeah I saw the Heber Woods that they took basically snow fencing you know and they just encased all their young trees and seems like a very inexpensive way and a very necessary way to you know necessary thing to do if we're going to plant some new trees particularly in that Park have that in there does this commission have a view on deer thinning up a deer herd that's something we've talked a lot about in the environmental Commission it's obviously not easy to do but in the in the long run it's good because they a disease and then St destroy the trees trees yeah we haven't really discussed that but yeah I mean they are destructive and yeah no predators no hunting so well I mean would we support if I know they are talking about a some sort of program I don't know yeah we've been talking about it um we had an expert come in it's very managed um safe they use a bow and arrow and it's from high so the arrow goes down it's not a rifle shot you know through the neighborhood yes um but we haven't been able to pull the trigger where is that primarily done like in the Natural Area and that's it I not so I did learn that a private you do it in my backyard your own backyard do it you can yeah if you but you have to have there's restrictions yeah it has to be a licensed person somebody's been through a train um but we haven't it hasn't crossed the finish line but I'm I'm a big fan of it because they do a lot more damage I mean I love deer don't get me wrong he's little but they do a lot of damage sure no I think should we offer an opinion at this stage of the game something you an endorsement or not no I'm totally for it I having worked on all these committees that are being destroyed by that's why all the invasives are we have no understory in our natural areas because they've eaten all of it so then the invasives come in they rub all the trees I mean they're just there are too many of them the problem in the town that is the problem and the only thing they have no Predator except us so that's how would you message that like that that is what that bu on my face like how on Earth would you there's a there's a scheduled hunt and people apply uh they have to pay for the permit and there's a bunch of rules like um they have to donate the meat to food shelf um there's a lot of a lot of things with it but there's people that will apply for the permit to hunt for the sport and pay a fee and donate the meat okay um it's very it's very restricted and like yes that part's taken care of right I don't remember if the police are involved or not but it's it's pretty serious like you know 7 am on Saturday and there's no people allowed right in the area but apparently it's there's really no alter you can't they I'm not I'm not I just am thinking about the blow up from that like you know people that are dear lovers well I be supportive of this but like you know maybe less informed but reactionary it certainly needs to have public it's right that's why it hasn't happened right right yeah a tricky um all right moving on to the tree removal permit data Chris any I have no data because there is no applications yet this year and as Bill announced at the last U meeting he Sher Sparrow will be handling all the permits from now on so next month I'll probably have an update if there's any applications to share with you um separately on data the njf and Tre C the USA accreditation reports are due in early February so I may be contacting um you guys for any information I need to complete those reports on like what it's tech anual report in order to stay you know you know how you see the signs everywhere around town like Tre C USA 20 years we I do like I do report every year to keep Fair Haven right bre so it's a a report that collects a lot of data and a lot of writing so do you want to help sure well what like what kind of dat do you up with a lot of it I get internally okay but I'll reach out okay I need any help okay you know where to find should we Sorry going back a little should we say how many trees were removed in the year 2023 in our social thing how many permits fil how many trees were were cut down like people who per who got permits yeah I guess certain size is it something we want to publish or no yeah why not that's you I would just have to like I feel like you would have to Aster it with like very particular like so people it it could be misleading perhaps it's like this is on just residences whatever you want to do I can give you the and there I mean there were quite a few taken down on that list that were dead so you have to you know dead these were taking down construction these were hazards yeah I just think that you know when you realize how many trees were taken down you think oh my God we need to plant trees yeah still I mean I guess ideally we would know what percentage are hazardous what percentage we dead you know yeah I don't think we have that data and yeah it is in that spreadsheet spre um just wasn't like a final tally I think that's not a bad idea maybe leading up to yeah I think to everyone who took down the tree like we have that dat oh that's great I don't want to go too negative or like you know what I mean like but it is I think it is it would be um you know from a marketing standpoint do x amount of trees come down in Fair Haven every year help us maybe trying to create urgency and get people yeah use the old awareness awareness awareness maybe yeah maybe people will be more compelled to either donate to so that we can plant on public land or maybe more how can plant their own trees but I do understand like we don't want to seem like alarmist and and misleading with you know it's an unsafe tree needs to come down um but I don't know could you could you pair it with you know maybe a couple sentences about you know some trees have to be removed because they're dead some because they're dangerous some because of utility yeah I think I and then we tried to replace our goal is to be positive every year and these are the things that we're doing we're doing the the corn planting with the little kids and the Silver Oak and the Natural Area like comprehensive help us build c yeah yeah well we can think about it I I may I should say it for new but I just have a question about when a person has a concern about a tree coming down they hear the tree you know they see the truck they hear and they're wondering who do they call if they want to they call you and say is there a tree permit but what if they are afraid that they don't want to get in trouble with their neighbor you want their name I just tell you a fact right like we have the record of or not I and then you check with if we have the permit we have the permit okay if we don't then the code enforcement officer would go to the site and you sent him out you just okay and he does go out and check it yeah yeah yeah he would no that is um Brock steber Brock yep he's on PD oh okay he kind of goes out and checks things out there's calls about variety of reasons okay and he would obviously be able to see if there's action or if somebody sees it after the effect if there were stumps you be to see report that uh moving on the shade tree commission annual report um last meeting we distributed the annual report hand over to council and present at probably any comments the last meeting anybody think of anything no it's okay if anybody thought of anything maybe we could the next what by the end of Friday if something comes up somebody you know send a comment over Christie and CC me on it isn't the question kind of the budget like how much I mean we I mean we didn't really quantifier or come up with an exact number kind of we were tapped at our I'm assuming the 2% cap chrisy is still in what's that that's I mean that's for your operational budget if there's a special project I mean that's something that the commission I think should advoc keep Council separate well like the Christmas tree do we want to ask for it's that special and we talked about um do we need any money for yeah in the inventory do we want to ask need about $35,000 well I I don't know I mean should we see if they're open to I I don't you know if we don't if you don't ask you don't get but I don't I understand you don't want to look I don't think I prepared to ask for that Delta on the inventory yet considering that we've talked to one vendor like that would be something you know maybe next year that we would ask if we want to continue it or or but I wouldn't I wouldn't assign my name to that number right now without talking to other people I could um chrisy I don't know maybe we'll put in the report um you know that I'll remind Council that we have this coming up and we did get $155,000 towards it but over the coming years we are are going to there is going to be a I don't know yeah I mean do in a th000 th tree a year situation or whatever so it it will be something that we probably maybe not in 2024 but very soon we will have to have an increase in budget or I'm assuming the money would be I think we put har had estimated what this or Dave the cfmp cost does that's do yep that's do that's G to be like five to $6 thousand redoing that which needs to be done too and should we we ask that sure absolutely I mean that's that's a required thing so F five two for the tree I mean we don't ask for very much but I what about this mcarter park and and um putting some trees in there to want to put any budget for well we will have we will have that line item still in the budget that we had in previous years that we touched on later that we didn't use and I think it was 35 3500 yeah um so that will more than likely be right back in there um it would be great if we could get a better fee attached to tree removals and that could become a poot like that could be well but I mean that really I I think that should be stressed that's just such a great way to get money planting trees I mean it makes perfect sense you cut a tree down pay this just to to help keep the canopy that's I mean the the ordinance is in the report I will be addressing that um the um I guess I can skip a little ahead here at the end we would normally get a uh Council um your tree preservation ordinance update that's been on the docket for a while on the table there yep um that's something that we've been trying to I I guess it's still being discussed at Council I know you're one day in the job on but I but I have I have it here I've talked to the mayor I know it's a priority for him to get it done okay I asked him uh that I need a couple Medi sort of get my feed on the ground and and figure out what you guys want and you know and try to understand it y my goal is you know March February March something like that try to have it at least understood and then work through something yeah I mean the the our biggest you know uh part of it is getting collecting fees when people take down trees in their yard for construction or various reasons um there were penalties in there and you know all kinds of things that would go towards tree replacement that you know something that we can handle and run with and replace you know and you know hopefully replace some of the trees that the town's taken down or just get trees in the ground yeah I know from being on a planning board when people would come to the planning board for a variance a lot of time there was frustrating that you we'll give a variance but we want you to plant trees um and um so I think that precedent certainly there to have to have some sort of inflow of money related to taking down a tree and Al kind of an equity like you take down a tree this big that's one thing you take down tree that's this big like you should probably be required to plant a lot more trees sure and if you can't fit them in your yard then just put money in the pot so that we can plant trees somewhere where they're needed and his big his big picture so let's say we had a a world where I haven't read it yet but let's say people um have the permit they pay a fee and either they replace a tree in their yard or if they don't have room then they give money to a fund and then would do you think you guys would be able to figure out where to put the or would want to put to know where to put the new trees and how to spend allocate that money and you know say like M Park yeah that's we that would be IDE it's not as easy to plant a tree in this town as you would think there's I think there's resistance because there's a lot of concern of who's going to maintain it and water it and we need to figure that out a little better um right I you know just it seems like the public land it always opens it up too for liability in the future as well so no I always thought it was a watering thing I mean we have a water truck but the D is very tapped out um so anyway just are there trees that we can plant that don't need to be I mean they grow in nature without you got you have to water a tree pretty for at least a year or two they mean they just the roots are in a ball or you know there so you have to I think that's the problem with the Christmas tree I think nobody bed it but um for a long time anyway but it's just it's it's not easy to plant trees what I to do is to understand what you guys want and read this try than well I think it's yeah getting that on the workshop session yeah getting it towards because then it has to go through a series of to the planning board everything else pass you been working on I think the the ordinance started in yeah Mike the tree ordinance that project started two years ago correct um two and a half it was yeah it was it was the fall of 20 21 yeah yeah yeah Mike and Tracy and who else did you and Dave Dave yeah Brian be nice to you know get get this tied down at least this year if we can I think there's a lot missing Revenue that that we're missing out on um obviously enforcement is going to be the big thing though that's something that that we talked about at length at this committee so hopefully the council F figure something out when it comes to that um that so moving on uh planning discussion again for 2024 projects um we talked about doing a calendar uh Peter is not here today but um I think um you know obviously um things like you know Arbor Day and any projects we want to be in where we'll be putting a sale on o trees we got to pick a date we'll put that in the calendar and that will be the date and we'll just move forward with it um any other LEL year live day we can mark that on there um the probably like the deadlines for ordering the trees through the resident tree buying program um hope we will you know we'll set a deadline for the Christmas tree and hopefully that'll get H that'll happen um so things like that and anything else that comes in hopefully have a real schedule going into 2024 take taking into consideration that um like we said the last meeting Mark there's uh Brian I'm sorry um you know we're we're meeting once a month you guys meet once a month and then there's always you know a big time lag so next thing you know a whole year goes by we wanted this year we're going to try to be a little more proactive and stay ahead of things would we be interested in any sort of volunteer day activi some sort of shade tree volunteer something something I don't know I mean you know Brian came out to volunteer planting trees yeah thank you appreciate you coming um so nice to know we have a tree planter as our Le on I don't know I just was wondering if it's said a good example in town to have the shade tree commission doing something leading something I mean I look at one area that I think is really neglected is the bird sanctuary I mean it's just I know the Garden Club is supposed to be kind of in charge of it I don't know DPW ever goes in there to do anything just I don't know I just was trying to think of something that might be might be something to be able to put on the calendar one day yeah just I mean it gives the kids volunteer hours I mean they're always looking for that um have a little demonstration on planning or something I you know just just a thought [Music] um or coordinating with the Natural Area or thsy Trail or something just you know I mean there are lots of volunteer days but um you want to map out of volunteer day um I just wanted to see if there was any interest everybody think I mean we are going to be planning I think this year Salos going in going in marter going in at the um yeah the William Albert which par is that so that's on Normandy down by boo boero um you know the little park at the end there yeah we were going to put one of the sales there too when we got one that was our original every town in New Jersey got one and then Dave P went and got two more because they had extras and um so I have those two too so we have backups we have spares so um we were think about put two them harder and um I maybe we should put one of those over by where the big trees are coming out instead of where we were going you know like how big is they now are they're little I mean the one that we've had you know they're very small they're in pots I mean they want to get out of the pots right I'm just it's by the turf isn't it yeah it's by wait we're back to playing a waiting game I kind of like the idea moving forward and waiting down to see you know what they do I think well I mean yeah anyway that's true that's three so here's my opinion on the volunteer planting day I think that that is like a third street trail thing right now and you you have and the Natural Area thing and you have such a thing like it is such a going right like you have something going there I think you throw in another one it's going to be like I agree I think that we should do if we want to do a volunteer something we should do we should pick something else or you know we should have to shade tree in conjunction with or well that would be great I mean like I don't know that like to go ahead and say we're gonna take on the bird sanctuary it just seems like yeah it's just a lot I don't know just you're you're right I mean look both the Natural Area and thir Trail would love having the support of this sh tree commission they're really knowing I mean I know a lot of you bought trees on trail what they they do I mean a lot of a lot of us are there and help as Mark will attest to uh I don't know uh I'm not sure I don't know I think we do we do a lot of stuff and I agree that I don't think we should split our resources because I don't even know how you would start the bird sanctuary uh from what I've heard it's just such a massive it would be such a massive undertaking I think we should try to finish and continue doing what we're doing and not lose steam I mean I think it's like a promotion thing I mean there I I don't go to do that because I my allergies would kill me but I said my husband like but you know everyone's everyone does what they can do but there we could absolutely remote it and um you know like I said if you want to treat it like a seriously counted trees would be helpful that's a good idea maybe we should treat that rather than get so yeah and move towards that like to move towards closure on getting this inventory thing like at least done and like that would be that with the ordinance would be two enormous wins for the commission that and ordinance yeah yeah and the Christmas tree yeah uh moving on to any proposed new agenda items um I just wanted to ask chrisy I i' ask Chris if she would send you all out um yeah I will a notice that uh Doug Tom speaking at um momth university on the 23rd at night 7 and um they've been sing out I was asking if we could get um ceu credits if um I asked her she hasn't responded yet because we didn't we get them for a talk he gave um whoever I don't know that they made people attend during the day but I thought we all got credit like I thought a bu people she hasn't responded yet okay the woman who tracks all the CD it's just it's it's um he I can't he's such a great speaker um he is the person that turned me on to oats and other trees and J and the Homegrown National Park where the oak acorn project came from he's just a great speaker and it's at Mammoth and it's part of their climate Institute or or something you know pretty new that they formed which I think is great to support as well so anyway if you're free on 23rd 7 o'cl I think yeah you you you know enjoy it and um got a lot out it got my text from [Laughter] Mar um all right so no new business um public participation anybody agenda items Mike do you want to start adding Arbor Day for next month that's a good idea gotta get ahead on that one that's got to go you took great minds Christy I was gonna say that we should put that on the agenda for the next okay we'll do um I have a question are we continuing the quanson Cherry uh initiative on fairen road this year what's that we can't get we can't get we can't get we can't get them from from Brook for the spring but I did ask she said maybe for the fall okay so um that worked nicely with them so I think I I'll keep that on the radar for the fall for the fall yeah okay and then if um Peter wants to coordinate who gets where they should go again that would be volunteer him for something okay thank uh no public participation any me if you have a question please use the raise hand feature and I'll bring you over Mar wson go ahead can you hear me okay yeah hey so I just want to say what Bonnie was saying about if we did a volunteer day like the first weekend in March or first weekend in February and we just advertised that um shade tree commission was helping us whoever shows up you know you know mcab is going to show up and you know Mike's going to sweat one of the D'Angelos and hopefully Sean Sullivan shows up I mean and Bonnie will be there so that's great participation so just say if we could just use the shade tree commission name in our advertising you know we're doing a volunteer day and and hopefully you know with in coordination with the shade tree commission that's all just to use your name because your name has some you know gravity toss around town and whoever shows up shows up yeah absolutely yeah I think we're all in favor of that sure we did that the first it be the the first Sunday in February or the first Sunday in March haven't figured it out yet but that's all we want to do and then whoever shows up shows up that'd be great I don't know if you guys want to put that to a vote or gotta discuss it but yeah we vote we I think we all agree that yeah I I think we can in conjunction with yeah just keep in mind that um that break if you're planning that February weekend no it's the we I thought that was the wasn't that she I thought it was the 12 whatever that weekend yeah yeah it would be the weekend before that I think the break is the 12th and 13th so it would be the weekend it would be like Sunday the 4th of February or um Sunday the 3 of March one of those two days okayyy people it it was so nice last year in February amazing well but yeah by all means Mark go ahead all right great thank you any any other questions no other comments I'm going to make a motion to dur this meeting got the second thank you you everybody happy New Year welcome Brian um any questions just yeah email me give me a call um