call me this is the Fair Haven shade tree Commission meeting for May 1st 2024 sorry Sunshine Law notice this is the regular meeting of the shade tree Commission of the burough of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the opening public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road fa New Jersey public participation for this meeting on May 1st 2024 is available by Callin phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and the start Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burough website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the shade tree commission secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting roll call Chris LaRon here Mike D'Angelo here Leah beani here Peter deatti mik absent H Chris mccab absent Kevin mcover here Jill Sullivan here Bonnie T cvia here also president councilman Olsen and secretary Christy Larson you havea Corum okay please join me and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all everybody brues the prior meeting minutes motion to approve approv second second good okay minutes approved getting right into it resident tree buying program yeah so we had another successful um tree buying program we uh sold or ordered 52 trees um which was really um really great because we did 56 I believe in the fall and I kind of expected a pretty sign significant drop off you know after the initial excitement over it um the winner we want to rank them um was the American holly we had 15 orders for that and then um if you group the flowering trees together there were 17 but no individual tree there um you know took took the prize uh the sugar maple we have eight there um I think that you know one thing that we're waiting to see how it works is there was one res who um purchased a tree to dedicate to a loved one and that's going to be planted on the Third Street Trail um and if that doesn't cause any you know I guess uh problems with um burnbrook it could be something that we could consider to open up um like a dedication program going forward um these have not been planted yet uh they're going to be planted um within the next couple weeks is the time timeline uh they're just waiting to get all of their um orders out to the nurseries first before they they come around to us um but it's on it's you know as far as I know it's on schedule this is kind of what we thought it would be like a miday planting situation um and when they are ready they will reach out to make sure that it is a date that's okay for the borrow as well so TV on that could you just let me know because of the Tre on Third Street I think I have to maybe show them are it's going to be pled yeah yeah yeah of course um yeah as soon as we know when they're coming then can work it out yeah um okay that's that very good did they plan them all last time on on one day or was it a couple days two days two days yeah so I would assume that it would be probably two days again similar quantity okay so net positive of 100 metries in about six months that's pretty good well done well done Jim thanks um roll right in roll right in okay so the tree inventory Grant um so last we spoke uh we were waiting um for the official approval from Council which we received on um at their March 25th meeting uh so the vendor was Arbor Pro was approved as per our recommendation um so where we are now is we are waiting um for Arbor Pro to finish up a current job and then we will have our like free job K kickoff meeting um I have the name of the project manager that will be managing our project now which is of course different from the salesperson that we were dealing with before um so we've been in contact um I kind of expect that over the next couple weeks to kind of be able to start at least talking about what that date would look like but my sense is that this will happen relatively quickly um I would expect that our inventory be done before the end of the summer which would be amazing um because uh that might open up an opportunity for us to if we could close out this grant um to kind of roll into another one um which is not a steward the stewardship Grant which is the green communities Grant um and it seems to seems that they're structuring these grants this year in a way that would allow us perhaps complete the inventory if um we wind up with having more than the5 200 trees that are allocated in this grant that we are already awarded and at the same time um update our cfmt all in one um so that those guidelines have not been officially released yet it's been communication um between uh the the grant the granters and chrisy and myself um but I've I kind of have that in Arbor Pro's ear as well because clearly if we wanted to pursue this we would want to continue this subsequent inventory with the vendor that we started with so that you know that's a little bit fuzzy at this point but it's something that we should keep our eye on that's that's where we are very you good yeah thank you sure all right next item is uh the Gentry Drive micro project um this started on Friday of last week um Arbor Day and um basically basically what it was is the the sidewalks on Gentry for those of you who aren't familiar if you ever walked down the street a lot of them look pushed up um at the you know at the base of a tree two to the roots the trees planted very close and they shouldn't have been planted there but we can't go back 30 years time but so now they're correcting them um they um I reached out to our Lea on when this when I heard this this was happening I saw the markouts uh Brian quickly uh sent out a few emails conversation was had and uh the ball got rolling pretty quickly uh I walked the site on Arbor Day I ran into Rich Gardella had a nice conversation with him he had already been instructing when I walked up on him um He was discussing I guess with a Horman um he was having a conversation about them cutting the roots too deep at some spots I guess the plan was to really remove the sidewalks and kind of grade over a lot of the roots where they could um so he and I discussed that he said he was going to assure that that continues to happen um I have being there I I kind of bruised the side every morning it does look like they are doing a pretty good job from what I can tell um and the sidewalks that have gone in now you know do have a a bit of an incline to them a nice grade going up over the root walls there are some trees there um that they haven't gotten to yet that are I mean the roots are just massive and the sidewalks are really badly pushed up I as not a professional tree tree expert I can see there it could be a bit of a problem but I think from what I'm seeing so far they seem to be uh being as careful as they possibly can um I know also uh Sher did walk the site as well I did get an email from her um read it to just uh she said I met with Rich on site this morning this was Monday to review the side what repair work there were two trees of concern that had more than just minor loot pruning the pinoke located between 33 and 29 Gentry was hit with machinery and a section of the bark was removed I recommended this wound be traced to remove any rough edges or loose bark to give it a chance to heal extra deep water in should also be provided to the tree to help with Summer stress uh says here she missed the house number but I think the other Oak damage was house number 2 5 uh she's asking Rich to confirm that the contractor told us that the resident didn't want the sidewalk curved away from the tree and to make it straight therefore more the root plate of this tree was removed the contractor should try to clean up this cut as it was Jagged um so again as may know I live there I'm walking it I'm taking I'm keeping a close eye on it it does look like they're doing the a you know very careful job doing the best they can um does the res know for the First Street does the resident know that there's damage and it needs sense of order and my followup question is if not will you do it every morning I I will go out there I will get a couple hose extensions I'm at 62 on wait over here but boys do yeah I might I might find out who lives there and maybe make mention of it to them because all these trees are just sit immediately right somebody's front yard so this wasn't this was they bang the trunk with a truck you said uh not this tree uh where the let's see root damage the 33 and 29 G tree that was hit by the Machinery um this one was an oak it was near House 25 so keep an island that one need yeah that one needs the um that my question to you uh Brian the contractor here when I read it it almost seemed like they were kind of taking orders from the resident about how the sidewalk should go um I don't know if that's good question think about that yeah that angle where should they take yeah I think the most jurisdictions that was owned by the local govern got I can think is it imminent that they're doing this I that that part is already done but um there should be some clarification on that you know at this contract because there's still more work to be done um they haven't I'm on the side of the street that backs up to the fields they're on the other side of the street and doing the that side and the cold the sacks right now so they're working I would say they're they're in front of my house now on the other side of the street and they seem to be kind of going that way and I imagine they're going to work their way back down on my side of the street there's still plenty of work to be done I mean it is a question I mean so because they want a straight sidewalk a tree is going to die that the whole street enjoys walking down the side mean it's such a nice Street to walk down because the the trees on both sides I mean it's so nice and cool and wonderful and is it that I mean do they have a garden there or something is there a reason that you couldn't just go around it I don't know I can't really picture the house so I really don't know what's going on I would love to see trees accommodated every once in a while particularly really old one okay maybe they shouldn't have been planted that close but right right is a tree yeah I mean there was in fact like a plan especially here um you know was this tree a particularly large you know root structure was the damage significant and was there a plan to go around it and then the contractor just listened to the resident and said no I want a streight so they did it so that's kind of and it yeah it is I'll take a look at when I get a chance is there a policy like with DPW who whoever Rich sidewalk people to consider that I mean I've seen the sidewalk bent around a telephone po it's like I mean they do it um like why can't they well here I mean you also have to consider somebody that probably go into well in this case no it probably go away from some of these yard but then it would really cut into the I don't know what you call that little strip the strip right right yeah the strip of grass between the curve and the side yeah we plant trees yeah right so with the sidewalk I imagine obviously this tree is probably on some's yard so it would go out into that oh so still big deal I don't know I don't seems like small deal small deal but there's just grass there anyway so yeah just be if there wasn't plan to go around it and then they they last second changed the plan because the resident said no go straight so um that's it it's the update I have I will be walking and watching Green Team and Natural Area update um so the Natural Area had their volunteer weekend last weekend it was um lovely the weather was great they had 25 volunteers on Saturday and 32 on Sunday um lots of kids and you know pulling I and pulling out they pulling out garlic mustard which is an easy job so everybody could have you know even if you had a bad back to do that um but it really was great they had a lot accomplished they had you with wheelbarrows adding the um the pths a lot of pths got very soggy with all the rain we had so adding quarter War which is pieces of branches and then chips over top um and the so this the seedling handout that I you know I got this pick up the 100 seedlings from the state and I had picked them up early thinking I would get the best pick but they were all picked out at you know you got what you got so I got 25 yellow and 75 Red O and then I had planned to have it the event at with on the volunteer day and then the state the fell from the state called me in a panic saying no no no no you have to have it a week after because you have to have it 10 days of of pickup I guess they don't trust people to keep them alive um so anyway I had to get a friend to quickly fill in and set up a table some trees Rob o' Neil stepped up for me uh so then I handed out some more I mean you know I had the sign up and we had some people from out of town um but it wasn't hugely attended so we still have some trees if anybody wants one but they were nice looking trees this year they were in a little tube they were trees with leaves and they weren't just sticks they were tubes they were in tubes that's new yeah well I think they might have I don't know if they I I think that's why he was particularly fussy about what happened into them but the problem with a a tube there's an acorn sitting on top of the tree growing out but that acorn's there and the squirrel wants it so I had to protect these things under a thing because the squirrels were going to rip the acorns off it's kind of like removing the placenta I mean it's like you know so really it was very hard to protect them sticks might have been easier but anyway were you what what thank you for the visual well I'm sorry but it was a big deal you know I just put you out there with a like a BB gun no I had this I have a pod that closed that I had to keep with then when I handed that I i' say to the people you know you have to protect CS in the ground or it's gonna be anyway um so it was now I have this recort to fill out and I'm you know interviews and all the so it's kind of interesting it's I don't know if this is what it was always like but more involed um Okay so that was great now um the green team is hosting love will you live Day on Sunday from 1: to 4: um we have a bazillion different every organization's going to be there with a table and a theme and lots of kids groups and um you know like I think weiv RS and like a lot of different different groups are going to be there um we're setting up all down you know the entry will be on thirsty Trail and then setting up through the woods um one of the big themes is 50th anniversary of be hien Fields founding um so they're going to have um a display of some history and sub shures and just explaining how it happened and which would be nice um so we have a shade tree commission table I don't know if anybody was planning on coming um I meant to reach out to you because I think without a meeting last month and I miss for in March because I haven't been here yeah so um well what I was thinking is that you know Leah had posted something about Ivy um the last uh cleanup day we had on thirsty Trail was Ivy clipping so a lot of residents came in and learned how to do that and there's lot of evidence of you know this the I being cut off and you can see it dying up it's and there is a great big tree that came down because of all the ivy in one of the storms so so I thought if we set up a table next to that and could kind of show this is what happens when you let the ivy grow in your tree and you know people we could even have clipp people want kids want to do it I mean everybody loved doing it I also feel like I people don't seem to me to understand how important it is to protect their young tree when they put it in I mean how many trees you see with the bark all rubed off I mean you know um I see the the business next to bentel Hall they put in those new Maples every single one of them trunk is damaged just all need to from the deer from the deer in the fall and so I was thinking with the red Tre program we really need to tell people that that's an important part they want to say this truth they just put in so I thought we want to do something like that at 3y CH and I don't think people realize it I don't think so either I mean yeah so I would say like one quick thing to that we could do there on that line is um just um perhaps have one of those two whatever you recomend and then um a QR code that links directly at Amazon on how how you would buy it like immediately right then and there buying this from Amazon because everybody has Prime um so that's any other things have like quick fixes maybe we could have you know QR codes I'd be happy to make like those um those things those QR codes for whatever um unfortunately I'm at I have a wedding this weekend so I can't be there but I would be happy to contribute in that way if there's people that could man I don't know where I mean there's there's that black stuff with the slit that we put around a bunch of the older ones I mean even just chicken wire if you if if it's a big enough tree I mean because they're not they're not rubbing on the tiny but if you just make it so it's not satisfying to scrape off their velvet I mean I put burlap on a bunch of trees on thiry trail we just ran out I was so tired of buying f um and that in and of itself just wrapping that around with strings help protect the trees so it's just something um On a related thing I'm sorry to interrupt Brian are we still moving forward with the uh deer control deer control yes may I think she's coming to talk to us okay and I know there's I think it's unanimous support on the council to get done it's a question of know how and when she she um she she's a state person that she came to she came to the environmental commission last year I think and started explain the process to help people understand that it's saved you know no one's going to be accidentally shot right hunter that kind of thing yeah um so that's May 13th gotcha and I would love for people to you know show support either at the meeting or other ways I've been sort of joking that it's literally blood on our hands if we vote to kill the deer and that's goes against your gut but I think every one town has sort of figured out in the long run it's the best thing to do sure yeah it's actually the best thing for the deer too right because there so many they're going to get hit they're getting diseases and things they I mean they look road going to die yeah I mean they have said that we should have 20 in our town and we have over 200 I mean it's a huge problem aot yeah on the L where you live day there's been some shatter um in the sort of filed under nothing's ever as easy as it seems moving it to Third Street Trail um is causing um extra burdens on DPW is that all figured out well because it was a burden okay it it was this was proposed a long time ago this should not have been a surprise and and it wasn't I don't know but anyway I think the fire company is going to help us out okay from the house in case so that's good yes it is never easy never easy easy but anyway so I don't know what you think about if if any is anybody available to help out at the table from 1 to four one you know hour two I'll be there I just don't same here I Sunday is a big work day for me so um I'm going to try to come by I just don't know exactly when yet okay I'll be coming back from the college pickup but I'll try make okay okay I have some sports but I got to times okay well you can come over soon as I get back from my bball okay and then if we you know get the QR yeah just tell me what you what you want and then I can make it I can make it pretty if you yeah yeah I mean I um cuz I'm not really sure what our display is um do you have those handouts and got them yes I have the the pl handouts um yes going native which all about native plants you can plant in the garden that's good that's great do you have a lot of those bunny do I have a lot yeah do you them to hang out hand out or I have yeah so I was going to put them on the table great um I mean obviously we have we have a lot of native plant discussion because um we just put the pollinator Garden in on thsy trail and have been monitoring the gear and it was all supposed to be plants they didn't like but there's of course I think they just come over just to paste everything so so um anyway we're hoping so really don't want to fence the whole thing up but so um maybe so I just reach out to Sherie and ask her what she recommends that way you don't have to worry about it and I need get this done like yeah tomorrow I mean the best Tre protection that that would be good coming from our professional that would be wonderful and then I'll just if I sorry just um if I just create it and and put it into a PDF can I send it off to someone to print to get it there you or someone you can send to me and I can get it okay and then I thought maybe you know Dave Carl giv me some information from ruers on Ivy um if anybody has any other I know Leah did you have I'm here I'm sorry I have to plug in my computer's dying hold on um but if anybody has any idea about you know visual or I mean I could have you know obviously it's pretty visual when you see the IV and what it's done in the uh I'm sorry do we have any um I don't know anything we posted that on on um our Instagram right the ivy removal how to remove in how to remove Ivy yeah I can I can use that graphic and do like a handout did you do that yeah yeah I can just print it I I I'll I'll try and find recycled paper because it feels um well depending on how many you need like you can send it to me and I could print off oh great I'm only here I'm not here there Friday but if you can do it tomorrow before tomorrow I actually have the in my house right now because someone borrowed them is um acrylic frames that are the booster clubs that I was going to I was going to run back to the school but we can use those um they're 5 by seven and um 8 half by 11 so anything we could put it into the frame as as I have to get them back they're actually they're not mine but we could they're pretty sturdy um Pi them up or at your house yeah okay so anything that's printed if you print like Le if you print that graphic within those parameters we could just into a frame okay yeah it's just printed if that's the case I could probably just print whatever I need because it doesn't need to be on like sty CER if we're gonna throw it into a brain yeah that would be great um I mean CHR this I mean so this is an educational thing that the shade tree I mean how do we document that do we take picture like don't we have to submit that for you know our tree City thing don't we have departments for educational things or yeah yeah if you take pictures and send it to me I can put them in the okay because they do ask for some like we'll be taking a picture of this later they like pictures like that yeah send me and I'll I'll file it away for then I report must if you noticed um Nick hung up the new Arbor City sign for Fair Haven we're at 23 years I think like the stickers that are replaced every are now at 20 212 yeah sometimes you have to like scrape it off with them that's great prepare for our silver anniversary 25 silver silver no silver 25 golden is 50 diamond is 75 right yeah very good 10 um you're talking about IV awareness I just saw that yeah Kevin community outreach the UN left Bonnie yeah that's okay community outreach hi yes we have 185 followers um on our Instagram we had more engagement this month we had more likes um and oh the mayor posted a picture of the Christmas tree I wish I had done that I I had it I sent you you still can did you send it to me I'm so sorry no I think I didn't press s copy it off of Facebook and put it on yeah to share it yeah I'll just share it I'll share it picture of him with pardon me oh oh okay uh yeah no mayor Halper posted or Fair Haven mayor yeah uh posted a picture of the Christmas tree 12 hours ago so I'll just share it to our to our Instagram how about that um uh okay so uh we did some posting this week or this the last couple of weeks um we had our Arbor Day at the school with the planting I don't want to go into other things but we were able to post some pictures of uh uh Chris lson and Bonnie trivia with the kids at sickles which is good um I am uh working on I guess I will I was thinking doing a protect your tree from Buck rubbing just a few minutes ago maybe we should do a graphic about that um because I I didn't know about it until fairly recently and like maybe explain why bucks do it and what they're doing and um how it harms the trees and how to protect I don't know just a thought if anyone has any other ideas for graphics that might be a good thing put in one of his frames too um if we find something print up right those three trees right on faen the road by m yes picture of those Sher has said need to come down they're not um my yard where the bock rubbed it pretty good I can send you that there we go I'll take it I'll take it Kevin if we could take it yeah some pictures sh no cuz I didn't know in in one of the land keeper guy like you know what did that right and I'm like no idea like see this was like a while ago but I I didn't know about it like I think most people don't know I can send a pi Leah can you put like do a little coll I don't know I just say this of tree damage yeah oh yeah there's three by I'm telling you the parking lot by B Hall like you see these I was I was so excited oh the trees I find one oh everyone I mean it's like they what is that and I was maybe even putting the picture of the buck actually doing it so you know saying will be like [Laughter] what point gotta go check out their meting um I also I made a graphic as a thank you note or it's like a thank you note um graphic for donating to the um I can't think of what it is community appeal thank you guys um question on your opinions on timing when that should be posted when is the the money comes in it's usually December isn't it that we get that letter they Report with in the late fall I think the donations run through I remember them running like into the summer but I didn't know when it was an appropriate time to post it it's been I mean I have it it's made soon and often yeah thank you to those have that have donated if you would like to support we would love to have your cash not too late it's not too late it's not too late okay um so I think that's uh all I have for community outreach um and uh yeah I think that's it okay we good thank you L IV awareness project me and Kevin you and I have probably done about the same amount of work on this one um the idea was sort of born in the last meeting and I think we're trying to figure out what would be the best way forward yep you know what the best way forward is you to make up something for me to display at the table you found yeah but does that think about it is it's on the back it is not front and center but K I think maybe we this was you know what we talked about before we did these handouts last year there door hangers there is you know um the ivy on the back Ivy kills trees Ivy competes with trees Waters and nutrients and take blocks sunlight then um and then I still one through four how to safely remove I so wellow it up put it in a frame yep and then um um you know I think the door hanger project want me to hand them out at the table or you want to say them let's no we can hand these out but I think we should save a couple I have I have the graphic I can try and still in my I'm sorry can you make a big just blow up that part about ivy yeah it's it's still in my it's still in my canva account I'll just I'll just make it so that it's not a door hanger if you want to send me whatever tomorrow Le I can do the color printing for body frames that would be awesome and by 11 they're like normal size so Le I've seen you you know walking near me uh on Hance and Grange and there are a few offendors in that area so I was just going to get some of these and just maybe put them on their door on the door again or talk to them because I think you've seen it as well on that yeah I have for sure and Kevin we can get together online brain kick it around I wonder if we could do something like old school or something where the kids are old enough to like appreciate a little bit and just talk to them about it like that parents pull off a little bit Dad starts early there is a whole bunch along the fence line Atwood there's also poison ivy a lot of poison so you have to be really careful there don't want responsible for that head to school out on Monday for nond um chrisy what time I'm sorry to interrupt what what time do I need to get this stuff to you by tomorrow to but um bet can also help okay just give me little tomorrow TCH okay thanks Leah yeah all right now two big items one right after another Mike's not here so Bonnie Christmas tree replace take it tada all right good does has everybody seen it picture you can see should we walk over there now just kidding we should have had a meeting the who Newville um but it just so happened that um I guess mik could touch base with me you know can you find out purchase order of the contract or whatever so I called them and or I was over there because again I I dropped my styrofoam off of miltown recycling center which everybody should do um and Andy Capell the owner was there and I said um so you're going to plant her tree next week and he said yeah I'm trying to get on the schedule I said you know it's Arbor Day week and he said what I said it's your business you don't know ARB day I said ARB day is Friday if you could do ARB day be so great so he's like all right let me see what I can do so then I right after we walked out of uh sickle school I got the text he playing the tree so it worked out great um and um I had gone to look at it to make sure it was okay and it so I'm hoping and Dave Carl turned on the hose um so I was over there Sunday I gave it a good drink and Dave I think ordered it yesterday but he's going to set up an independent like a specific drip line around the tree um so that we'll get lot of water which hopefully that is the key to it not hopefully ask well I mean I said to him I said you know if we need to I mean it's really not that hard you know you put the hose and you go for a walk and then you come back and you turn it off you know it's not like it's a big deal to do um so tomorrow mid 80s tomorrow yeah where's so you know that strange old cement like it's kind of behind the flag it's just this thing and it looks I think it was a water fountain and it's broken but all they wrap the hose around it so right next to it there's a little Bas and you have to kind of reach in and the you can turn the hose on there okay it just reaches so you take the hose out put it right next to it and you're supposed to turn it on very very low like a you know a dri on yeah and then let it go for an hour um well we just have to be careful not to push all the mulch away so you can turn it on that's they said phone you know time on your phone so that's super close to my house I could do that really yeah okay I mean I could do that you know well dur during during the summer like I'm I'm GNA be away July and um that is when I'm just worried most if it's you know 95 de for two weeks it's just a couple times a week right yeah I mean it's just I yeah trees need a lot of water times a week I mean I would say at least three yeah okay okay my DPW Nick said DPW is doing the water that DP line is set up okay so there's a DPW employee who lives very close there's to even do oh really I didn't know that okay I'll definitely reach out if you need more help but for now okay and the watering agreement was signed and return it was not signed yet but it will who's signing that no be signed there's we're not sure it's happening box okay because that's our onee guarantee that that has to be signed for our onee guarantee to be in effect so it's important just saying it's saying you understand what yeah you agree that you will make sure it's water properly she was place that specified yeah it looks great when that's done we'll be nice and secure by Christmas a good sh good work now Sal O So Sal Oaks went in on Friday um on Arbor Day um this shorts was so wonderful and so excited about this she had you know we planted the tree I invited Dave T since he Babys have them for two years I thought it was appropriate be held and Kevin was there Chris and um Leah showed up we don't want to talk about she was on the sidewalk she not she wasn't close enough to be a for I like the um I like the sign that she put on it's good yeah so Carolyn Ferguson made that sign she just you know and um so I visited Salem o down in Jackson Woods in Long Branch and they have a nice Stone Bo that you know it might be a thought to put just I mean there're two you know we have the original that Dave got and then he picked up a couple more um so we still have one little one that stay on my porch that um we talked about to Normandy and then DJ was like no people want to use the field um so Dave Carl just casually said what about the when you come into town right before schanker on the right that little park that's kind of Ratty and nobody has any attention you said what about there I don't know so right when you turn come um enter Fair Haven on the right you know the schanker pond so right before there's just an open area it's not a park call Park well it could be a park if it had a pretty top side yeah but there's nothing there and as said they don't spr any chemicals there they don't really do anything and they they could use to be cleaned out um but I don't know what you think about that if is it I'm still trying to so it's right like by the pond like is it how accessible is that for watering it would not be it have to be watered so I'm up for I don't know if that's the most prominent spot for well let just remember it's going to take 100 years for good point I mean it'll in 30 Years it'll be sizable but um it's baby um hopefully they'll yeah he protection I mean the other it's like Fair hidden Fields somewhere um I mean obviously you don't want Acorn right next to one the baseball fields um you really have to protect it there too that place right but if you put it near the playground um and you put fents around it there's the concession stand right there there's [Music] water about excuse me how about how about the new lot at the end of Fair Haven Road might be a little while but is there a spot there yeah that's that's a good idea the only thing is um how close that is to a big storm and yeah I mean kind of to Normy that was one of the also somebody pointed out is that under threat under big storm you know come up over I mean eventually they should both have living shorelines and try to I don't know I don't know it's an idea but once again in a position trying to figure out where put this last one um should we offering to a resident that be willing to care for it we have two oh did you want it what I thought you were sorry it was planted in my yard for a long time but I didn't wased in my yard and I did and then I started getting worried it was going to like root too deeply and I du put back in the pot I just for me to accept I no there's two in half I come on all right well if you if you want I can just put it somewhere and take care of it and do it on my own with nobody's particularly cares I'm not I don't have room in my yard for um another I'm abely I just can't think of the spot really right now um it's going to that one was the smaller yeah so hold on them for another 10 years or so the only the only other that I thought about was um next to the Community Gardens there's like an open area where sticks and Sprouts used to there's a little open spot right there and that's next to the community garden and again there's a hose right [Music] there nobody nobody really cares do you want me to just who cares I like I like thege yard idea you are volunteering right oh you oh we have a very small well it could go around the edge of it could go I was Poli station over there yeah I have a feeling I mean I hope they're G to put it they they they took out a great big loop tree there yeah um you can put it right behind those people's houses that we've been promising to put trees in since I started on the Shad commission and which one by the playground yeah apparently I don't know they had trees taken out that playground oh andever since then they were you know they one they have no shade they you know drainage issues or whatever the town I guess when whenever it did happen they said they were going to put some stuff there replace some trees but then we were waiting on what's going to happen plans right yeah so I mean the new community center like putting something next that I don't know what's going to go where the tennis cour was are they putting any Fort there they going to put a little Park area not plan is do you know sure see um maybe we're not I mean I like that area just because I feel like and everybody says you know it's I mean again you know the kids great grandkids will get under the shade but I mean it would be nice to find something there okay or any other ideas let's go we can but hold on to it I want to say it's so funny I told as I'm walking I was referring to the trees as um will and Harry just because it was the air and then the SP fair that we got and I said that to Marilyn and I guess some of the kids heard and they said oh his name's Harry and I thought I just sent M an email and I said you can change the names's not actually the fair anymore very cute all right good work uh AR day yes happy belated Arbor Day to everybody hope you had a good one I think it was one of the mo most momentous Arbor days we've had in some time uh we had the sickles age Library event earlier in the week and then you could see the poster submissions from nolwood there which we'll take a look at a little bit later and thanks to Bonnie and others we have we had a Christmas tree planted and the Salem Oaks which was just great which I think we could all put we could put into the ARB day signature uh evaluation when we we submit all this stuff and we did all these things on rer day so thank you very much to excellent um the 2024 shade tree planting plan um spoke before it previous meetings like to get a plan in place to maybe take advantage of the Fall ordering um from Fernbrook um you know open to ideas and locations um I already have my sites on those three trees on fairen road that I I think we could replace I think they'd be nice uh to do um I was thinking that you know I can coordinate probably with the public works and do whatever is necessary to have those three trees removed um but I think we could also at the same time just move ahead if they they don't get taken down we could probably just plant in between them for the time being if if it came to it I'm just trying to think of something that not get stalled we could just keep moving along so we would buy trees for public property through Farm Ro so well I think that's what we were discussing and like plant them um I would also throw up the be in that same neighborhood um where the new crosswalk is from sickles into mcer park there's that those two spots grassy spots there that by the C yeah it's I tried dig in there it's like it's like black top under there oh it's like this deep oh yeah bummer bummer yeah I thought it was going to be perfect place yeah okay all right sorry that was my but maybe know maybe inside just inside the park right there like I don't know but just I think when they did you know this what they're talking about they like little cut UPS with the the like the concrete sign there well there's the there sidewalk where it's kind of like two little grassy areas that there's the parking areas on both sides now like the new the new parking spaces that they put in on below there but they but when you walking into the crosswalk from the park there's a little bit of a sidewalk to get like past the parking lots the parking spaces rather and there's like a little perfect grass area on both sides that look like there should be there I don't think they would grow but I mean I don't know the Carter I mean you know the same it's just like the bird s where like there are no no baby trees I mean there's some that's they somebody planted I 15 20 years ago this by kind of behind s somebody put in a bunch of oak trees and a bunch of service Berry that look beautiful but that back end um that back corner is just dirt and um um I see these little teeny Acorn little oak trees growing but they're growing in dirt and they're I just said da Carl you're not going to mow them down are you because I don't know like they need to be protected it's like the Next Generation but it's never going to happen right unless somebody protects them that's that's a good location too because it's kind of it is kind of it's just so Barren over there but I would question whether I would think we probably would want to go down that road like we did with the um Christmas tree to kind of like test the soiled that's for sure yeah super drying it is but you know what they should do is start fencing put all the oak leaves there let them decompose and the dirt would be restored I mean Dave Carl even said that he would like to do that but it's BL have to I mean they have all the perfect mulch the perfect restoration ingredients to fix that soil if they just left them in a pile I don't know it's no I don't is that not allowed to is that I think they've just always done it they've always just blown up the leaves out and thr them away yeah um but if they I don't know just I always look at that and think what if if you even just fence it off I don't think any kids go back in that back corner do they play back there they do but you know I think if you if you Fen it off then obviously they wouldn't but yeah they definitely there're yeah any in but I think it's yeah sh remediation program um I have a question on like as we're thinking about this what would be the budget knowing what fir Brook fir Brook charges let's assume they might raise their price they didn't this time but you never know like it was 380 a trade so we should probably start with you know what we have to spend and take it from there like how many trees we should be finding locations for right um You have about 5,300 in the sh tree trust in the trust from that okay and and if you're if you're planning them depending on where you're planning them have to be spunds if it's private property for sure okay all right so 5,300 and you have no July meeting for shade treats it's your summer recess because it falls on like July 5th or 4th so you would have to vote on the funds you would want to spend in location in June because if the ordering yeah okay make sure that goes on the agenda for June then um right yeah of course I'm just so you can decide today or next meeting let's see what else how about we vote now yeah how that what else do we need that money for is there anything else coming out um 250 from posters not much 10 well obviously if you do 10 trees that's less um is that we I mean it's great we could do it but we also have to come up with locations 10 locations so we do that I don't know we couldn't come up with a location to S Mo just now so um these are a little bit bigger though yeah um I you know what corner always and the baseball Corner the of Cedar and Third Street where you have the big spit gums that come up and I look at everybody's by the baseball sitting on those bleachers in the boiling hot sun and I think okay I get it you don't want something this stuff's dropping on the field but don't those people want not want shade there like on that corner would they would that be a good problem where would you put it I mean maybe not a big tree like a you you don't want anything falling on the field though yeah yeah cuz that's right behind the back stop yeah I know those sweets almost got cut down yeah on the other side like but then again the the the basketball court comes into play too because that other feeli is and those bleachers are in the blazing sun too yeah and you could put those trees between the playground and the that whole place is so Barren I feel like it needs like a ridge between the two F yeah but I mean you can find trees that are um like medium size and like a tupo or something something that doesn't you don't want fruit you don't want acorns you don't want like Maple I mean was all right the little wings and then now you know per might be able to recommend some again the basketball court the issue is like you can slip on anything with the hard stuff so thinking those little helicopter things you know I think also you have to keep in mind that you know the nature of this program is that they we don't really have much of a say in what you know we're not going in there and picking everything from their inventory like they are they're doing their you know after their selling season they're going through saying okay this is what we can offer and in the past I mean I don't know what it's going to be like every year but the past couple times it's not been like you know to get to many trees you offer 10 trees like maybe I'm picking from like 13 like it's not not a huge um assortment so I mean we might want to come up with to get to to get to 10 locations we might want to come up with 15 to you know base it on what's available the other place they the new TB DPW they're taking those trees down um you know there's Third Street there's that swell and then there's like these trees that were put by the fence there are a bunch of them that are rootbound um there's some Norway Maples they're taking those trees down that might be I mean when is the DPW going to be finished do you know Brian say January much oh next but planting I mean after this past year planting trees in November is like the best October November and all that rain and you know doesn't get that old anymore I think it's like to take advantage of that but I think they're really taking down all the like they're taking down on uh what's the other street that borders the DPW um Allan Allan I think they're taking those trees down too I think they're on Maples going to take down cuz I side of it on the front where you bought the [Music] cardboard along the line they're taking them down I think they're taking down a lot Sherry BR I walked with Sherry a year and a half ago or something and she they're taking a lot of those down there is a landscaping plan I haven't seen it um I imagine okay so paying for that I think so that's part of the B if the I haven't been that involved in it that's that's yeah I feel like that area should be Tak Care by the 10 okay right I and when it's all said and done and we want to I know SP donate one there but the school does the school count someone had asked for a tree at no at spon field near that new um that thing called with yeah what do you think the what pit that it's the new game by oh is that the thing belt in the middle the little circular thing somebody right next to the basketball court right it was it was a boy scouts project supposed to be like yeah dodgeball but more PC oh yeah I think it's you kick instead of throw something it's pretty popular yeah kids like it but I I can't remember who said gosh you really could use the shade tree there I don't know where you put it I mean I didn't really look at it I can't imagine why putting it on school property as long as they want it that would great all right so that's one location may maybe we're not said I'm all favor you know all the funds but you gota you got to know where of the people that were promised trees that you said from like a couple years back or whatever before I yeah so that's that's like another three right that's on the community center so you know where the basketball court is the community center the houses that back up to it yep um in fact I think I was there the other night I think even the fence is gone now for the one property the chain L fence it's like their fence or they they came and gave an appeal probably was like two years ago we wait on what happens but I think that's going to be a separate project once once once we get a little more information what's going on yeah I mean I I me I guess we don't have I mean trees obviously I think like it's but we should be prepared to talk about June what can we approve a Max can we approve up to 10 you do up to all right or you can approve vote on a budgetary number that will spend threshold um because then if the section comes out from the nursery and you're not satisfied you don't have to go up to that yeah um I would also just throw it out there right we so we have what was it 5200 Christie is said 5 roughly um you know we can spend it all one shot and then that's the end or you know we can spend a little and hope we get more each year through the community appeal um or through the fun we'll get that we get that but again yeah but those are things like you can't right now count on as absolute certainties so I would hate to you know spend all the money and yeah we did all this but then then we shut down for the next also remember that if we put in 10 trees we have to take care of 10 trees all at once so that's true another and I I it all sounds good but you know I'd like to pick a pick a task that's manageable in this way how about uh three Three Trees we aim to Three Trees I think you know that's easy I think we can easily do the three that are on Fair Haven the road right next to mcarter Park we already know that they're they're doomed um so I mean you three plus you know can we come up with three more you know two to three more locations um it would be I'm just thinking being that looking down the road when sail mokes are giant um there are a couple nice dogwoods there it would be pretty to put something they Maples there now right these three Dam shoes are Maples I think put some dog Woods put something but I mean I'm not I'm not the accusa or the um the cherry and but um I know flowering a smaller flowering tree would be pretty there you know that we could decide later but the money is all the same roughly offered they Florida I don't remember but it was um they just didn't I asked for one to share she just didn't have any so um and they were all the same price though right it was you know we can make that decision when it's time to order but yeah absolutely we should yeah that's it's out in front it should be you know pretty I mean I think you can just coming up with like privations and then based on the offering if it's the right tree for that location We could decide whether or not to move forward with it you know like it it's I mean if they don't if it's not great for the spot that we're picking if the offering is not there then we should not obviously put a tree that we don't believe should with that location so yeah make tree right place right exactly we have we should almost be having a working like a living list of places that would be kind of yeahi that we could you know just keep adding to or you know decide yes I don't know so would we put to a boat no less than three trees and up to 10 oh three oh three to 10 trees we'll make that commitment minimum three only so we need a we need a number we have put a number on that like a dollar figure 400 do we have to do it should we do it not to exceed you vote on not to exceed amount from the sh Tre why don't we just do it like not to exceed would $2500 yeah okay yeah sounds good the sorry we make a motion for make a motion to vot to spend funds which fun Brook the resident tree buying program the res tree buying second not to exceed 2500 not to exceed 2500 dollar us I second thank you to a vote all in favor hi unanimous to me all right so next meeting Let's uh let's come up with some locations everybody come up with one all right moving on shade tree calendar Peter deti all right uh not too much to talk about uh that's changed from last time um again this is just a oh yeah if you can pull it up that's great chrisy if you have it and again this is just a hopefully a way we can keep things on our radar screen uh just repeatedly uh reviewing this this list uh so we've obviously some of this is already passed but um coming up uh on the 5th is lovy live day um what's that I asking if they can see this a little small um I I'll just read them off uh August we have fall resident tree buying program uh the plant list is due we don't have a date for that yet I believe uh and we have uh select locations for tree planting so I think that's really the conversation we were just having um and I guess we can decide if we want to well I guess that's when we're going to end up doing that so we can keep it here should we should we put something on earlier for June we just did a vote so we voted to fund it location location yeah so we'll we'll we'll shoot to in June we'll have uh we'll try to settle on locations than a note here um and then October I still have this is our time to submit an annual budget um Community uh forestry management plan is uh expires at the end of December and then as I understand it we have a one-year grace period uh and then dates TBD the plant inventory tree ordinance planned to attend the council meeting and continuing ed credits due to be completed and then we pushed back to next year planting a tree near the playground of community center um assuming that we'll want to do that after the construction is completed any corrections or anything else we want to add to the calendar can't think of anything right okay all I have all right thank you Peter thank you uh tree removal permit [Music] data one this is there chrisy is this something that can be shared on the screen you're [Laughter] L uh so 93 total this year so far 106 10 Maples [Music] which can you guys see this thank you yes so they take 10 was the 16 that's great that's invasive which is 10 what is happening with the corner of um it's Parker and um that business it's kind of um oh it's a subdivision the guy where he wants he wants to cut down he already cut down trees without a permit and said he didn't oh the hardship it's a real hardship he owns another property planning Bo it was a planning board subdivision yeah we haven't received a pre removal application since that year that giant tree he wants to take out I we haven't received an application for that even where is this Parker what what street is that Parker it's Parker and and what yes it's Smith I don't think [Music] planting more than they Tak what is 35 range so is this Sher is the Sherry giving the um what the tree are she do that the trees being removed part who does that identification uh when they submit the application the homeowner writes it or their um the company who's doing the work if it's incorrectly labeled Sher Sherry does fix it sometimes time Che a it oh that's her jobs the applications find on them and she's the one who determines you know the the fee The Replacements Etc the fee that we don't collect we collect it yeah yeah oh just [Music] we have a lot more data but I some of it it's not on the spreadsheet because it's owner information that's I don't [Music] share what it say just plain removal is that new construction no it's just they want to take the tree out and it's within the burrow code that's you know doesn't exceed any freshh I mean when I'm looking here I mean I do see yeah new construction new construction but I'm most saying dead decayed Hazard Hazard dead Hazard well as long as Cherry is saying that that's true that's question 10 trees remove for a new garage and they only have to replace it with two I was just looking at that that's like I love to know that's yeah what address is that Parker your par I mean that is like Prime for into the fund that's a discrepancy talk about that next right yeah it's coming up stay tuned all right councilman Olsson Council and treat preservation ordinance update so um I sent the model ordinance to Chris did you yep well I actually have copies of it here okay so we'll hand those out to our there you go so first time in um and I talk about you guys take look at it put back in agreement and Fring the council well you still why is this so much better than what what Mike and other people spent a lot of time working on I understand I think when you look at that and you see all the things that are crossed out and then they're moved somewhere else or they're it's very hard to read through that piece of paper and I've said can't we just print it the way it's going to be in remove the just make it simpler to read think I have but I guess I no it does have the line it yeah it and so it just makes it hard makes it confusing to read it that's legislation they go I I know yeah I also agree that like it's um so much of that when you look at it is like defining like the shade tree commission and stuff before you actually get to what the word is and then when you get to that it's not as overwhelming I guess yeah um can I talk about um sort of the I guess the principles or the the framework that at least I'm thinking about I shared some this with yeah absolutely like so I think I can see a lot of work went into this and a lot of blood and sweat tears you know no no doubt about um this is the the one that you guys have been working on um like I said before I don't think it's will pass so the first principle I want to have something that will pass Council I think that's a sort of a reasonable place to start um and then something that's durable what I mean by that is um you know there's in a democracy there's tradeoffs right there are people in our community that think that property rights are all the matter and they can do whatever they want that's one extreme and there's another extreme that would say you know no tree down unless the government says it's okay I don't like either one of those positions so if compromise something that is acceptable to both sides I think that's durable so if you have one extreme or the other a future uh Council can overturn it flip it and then it goes to the opposite you B back and forth from one extreme to the other so that's sort an idea that I've had in my head that does respect property rights um but also protects the environment so it's that balance and um the way at least that I thought about that is I think the tree is individual property but I think the work that it that a tree does in the environment is sort of a shared resource so that's shade habitat you know water absorption carbon those type of things um and so big picture is one of the one way to compromise that would be to let people take down a tree on their property but they have to replace it with a new tree or put money into the shade tree commission fund plant trees somewhere else if it doesn't work on their property for some ratio you know and we can play with that ratio you know if it's a giant tree after likees more or contribute more money Etc I don't care so much about the detail to be honest I put some in there just lifting them I think from so this is you you've added to the one that so I filled in blanks I did a couple things I filled in blanks I lifted some of the tables that you guys had as a placeholder I think it's a good place to start and then another thing I did is I think I think a an ordinance that's flexible is better and what I mean by that is instead of having a dedicated tree officer um I switch that language to um someone with the B administrator app points so it can be if they think mine doesn't like that so it but it gives flexibility to Future Generations if they want that doesn't mean that they can't have a tree officer um or they could have the head of the DPW or the head of the Shak tree commission or you know but it should be a license it has to be a person that really knows trees we could put that in there we say can't just be yeah we could say um some of the Bro administrator points that has a proper qualifications or license or something the point of it is it doesn't lock people in there's flexibility so it can move with with the times that it durable so it doesn't have some sort of laaw um is that the big problem is that one of the big problems with the one that no I don't think so that there was that there was a tree officer yeah I don't think there's a big problem okay um I think that's um but again this is is my philosophy of a little bit more rigid I think that having things that are more flexible is better for the long run doesn't mean if everyone says no we need to have a tree officer I'm going to say okay then put it in does that make sense I would love the idea of all the towns around sharing a really certified person I don't know that Intown needs that expense or all that time but we all need one that's fine um the other parts are it's easy to administer um easy to follow easy to enforce um and that it's effective so like I noticed something I've noticed before that everything that's denied gets approved on appeal because people just have to say it's a hazard and so the practicality of of trees are people take down whatever they want if they play the hazard C I don't think anybody's going to going to say no no voting person's going to say no God forbid it tree falls and hurts a kid so if that's the reality um you know this model organ I think does a good job so this was designed Again by the New Jersey sha tree Federation and um I think it does a good job of balancing private property and environmental resources it's not perfect for either side but again I think if it's perfect for one side it'll be imperfect for the other and then it's at risk of being flipped those are the principles that I'm thinking about but look on one one voice you know your your input is hugely important um I don't think this would pass so I think that's sort of the nonstarter the old one again what what what are the sticking points um I think it it leaned too much away from proper rights that's my I will be honest I had trouble understanding I read it a few times yeah um and I I did have trouble tracking it and I read legal documents for living so not like an impression so it sound like it was I yeah it had a lot of like convoluted logic in it like it was over legal I think is is the way I'm describing I'm trying to criticize but that's well I could brainup so I mean when you're talking about property right so this developer comes in and buys this piece of property they don't actually like that's that's where I have the problem I mean yes it belongs to them and you're not supposed to single out developers but they're the ones that just don't care and are are don't care about her canopy don't care about her air quality or St water anything they just want to make money um those are the people I'm worried about I agree I I don't know that there's a way to solve that because you can't treat one another if we can come up with a way to do it I'd be all bored um but I don't I don't know path to that um I don't like going I mean one way to handle it is the government controls what people can do with their tree and I don't like that either I've been to Cuba I don't I don't think that's a good I mean sorry I mean well so I I can I can understand I can understand that um but I do like I I grew up here so this town looks very different because due to the large construction projects and just blight we've lost a lot of trees over the last 20 years and I think that we need to be more stringent to as a way to kind of gatekeep for people that don't who aren't real stakeholders because they're not they're temporary stakeholders right the they they buy the property they clear cut so they can build it easily but you know I it's infringing on the character of the town and it's certainly contributing to a storm water issue um so I I see what I understand what you're saying um um but I I feel like there is a way forward because other people I think that it's not I think that there are plenty of people in town that are upset about it it's not just us as the commission um trying to think upset about Builders taking down trees about taking down all the tree like yeah like clear cutting and you that the private owner and the developer are the residents in order to prevent the develop developers from doing that are they willing to put up with some more restrictions for the good of the town I don't know the other thing too is the town like there are things that I couldn't do doing my house I couldn't put a in an AC condenser in the front of the house not even technically supposed to have your garbage cans in front of your house like the T like the town does have rules about your property um I think that it's it's reasonable to have trees as part of those rules and I I don't know that I mean I I would agree that that's s the document is very legal but I don't think that what we're attempting to do is is out of line with what other towns around us have done you know there are pretty strict tree restrictions or ordinances and um this was modeled I can't remember M what this one was modeled after Bradley Beach is that correct yeah Bradley Beach and a little bit of I believe Jackson but mostly bradle Beach so it's not with it wasn't we weren't starting with nothing um Bradley Beach though is very different human totally yeah so I guess maybe um a comparison again on on like what other towns are doing without I mean I think I think you know where I'm REM what she's saying is kind of like we have we we because we can't separate Builders from long-term owners um I agree that there has to be some sort of Regulation or you know when a builder comes in don't they have to mark like they clearcut the lot next to me and they must have cut down 30 trees and put up like three right but I thought when they first come in they have to get approval because there's certain trees that they don't take down that are deemed by the town as you you're not you can't touch that tree so I don't understand the thing that's confusing to me is why is there no enforcement on the back end if you're going to clearcut the property why don't you have to submit some proof that you planted part of the co process actually for construction in order to obtain your Co the code enforcement officer Jo L goes to the property and make sure the trees are planted so he does I don't know how how long ago your case was but yeah that is how it's supposed to be why aren't builders and contractors why are we they're treated differently than the homeowners yeah right so I mean the ordinance applies to them as well we could we could do something like we could put the schedule of fees so that it's not linear it's exponential so if you take down one tree it's 100 but if you take down 10 trees it's not a th it's 10,000 that's not I don't I would assume that would be okay legally I like something just to give people people and contractors since we're separating for the conversation you got to give them pause got to give them something to think about before they go ahead and do it you know and at the end of the day like Brian says like if they if it is on their property and they do you know say it's a hazard they're going to do it but if we have a mechanism in place to just give them maybe they'll just chew on it for an extra few days or a week or something like that I think that' be think that's yeah and I think there there's you know um it's hard to say you're taking down a tree tree that is 200 years old even if we're replacing that with four trees it's just not it's not Apples to Apples like it's just not and um there needs to be the pause but there also needs to be the maybe that dollar value associated with that enormous trade what that actually is contributing um environmentally um and what that you know what that means yearly um and those those four trees just they're not going to do it I mean they're not they're just not the same bigger trees have more requirs either trees and so we can play with those numbers yeah but I think like all these like Nuance things get is going to make it um complicated again like you know if if this than that like you know it just I don't know that there's a way the measuring the IAL measurement of the Tre and you mind so first of all thank you because we've been batting this thing around since I think the fall of 2021 and it seemed to not go anywhere by counsil I and I think it was honestly you're right it was too complex it got too granular it got too owner on everybody and the fact that something you said and ibody picked it up that potentially we could be voting on it this summer you said that July I'd like to do July uh I mean that that's that's the biggest thing to me because it's now we're approaching three years and we haven't done anything and meanwhile you know we're going along with the formal orance which really had no teeth whatsoever so I I appreciate the fact that you're here and trying to streamline this and get this through um and you know it's not something that that uh you know I think it's something that we can work with uh I personally think that you know could be flexible enough that we can maybe change future we see things that aren't working but my main concern and my priority is to get this thing through and voted on in past because obviously for some reason like I said I think it was too granular too honorous that Council and it just was never it was wasn't never going everywhere so you're right we had to change it um my other concern is Section Five and enforcement I know that's kind of open uh but I think enforcement's going to be the key but if we can find out a way to enforce and I think that's going to be huge for our town Bonnie had a decent idea about having you know sharing someone but uh with other towns but again that might delay things I honestly don't I personally feel feel like I don't want to delay things any longer if you um sorry if you look at that um the the ordinance the sample ordinance that was sent by the njde for Enforcement Officers some towns have two role like two different people that could take that role so that could offer some flexibility it could be somebody that works that's already like part of the DPW but we could or it could be you know I don't know another person but like they had different examples of different roles that could that could be put in as the enforcement officer um and that maybe can offer some of the flexibility that you're looking for I think I have an old version from what I sent you I think one I sent you I did change that to the ORD should be enforced by person designated by the B administrator dides that say that on there yes give that flexibility you know it's one year at the police department and then 10 years later they don't like the police chief and they don't want the police chief to do it they can flip it over to someone else yeah and I think having that flexibility and this having you know like and using the phrase a living breathing document that we can change on a yearly or annual basis and revisit it especially you know as this commission we could take a look at what's working what's not but my personal priority is to get this thing voted on up you know presented before Council and voted on in past through because I think that's what the residents and citizens of this town really want because we have been you know kicking around for close to three to four years and I'm just you know just curious on the uh you know we just looked at the tree removal data that chrisy gave us like I wonder you know how this would affect you know say a couple these situations and one that came out to that J and I saw was a Parker Avenue where the 10 trees were removed with garage and two will replace two 2in caliber trees like how this ordinance would address that situation I'd be curious like so I'd have to read this a little bit more closely to see how that would work so my impression I'll answer that as best I can um it would depend on the size of those trees right and then it would drive a formula of replacing trees and giving Mon and that table again I looked at the one you guys had it can whatever but the idea would be that we could we could get an exponential curve in there and say you're going to take down 10 threes you're going to have to do the equivalent of 20 right enough money for the shap commission to buy 20 threes yeah and I perfectly fine with that like I said i' rather have something in place we could point to that rather than and if we if we think as a town if the council thinks or the commission thinks that you know something isn't working or something's working well then we can change it on annual basis but uh yeah priority of getting this pass is is where I am like the idea the exponential yeah would that be added on to this because it doesn't this doesn't cover that what you're talking about that right the size of the trade the there is the the dbh is at breast height the diameter at breast height corre there's the size of the tree um and larger trees require more um repacement trees and the dollar amount there's also a pment fee yeah this one's not in this it's not in this topic I thought it was in I thought I looked at it in I thought I did see one before that had you I would say the caliper has got to be changed other the replacement TR but yeah you here's a ocean I have oceans um preal application um theyve got a a sliding scale so um a tree that is 40 in or more dbh they have to replace with five trees or $3,700 40 in 4 they have five trees worth $3,750 diameter I'm just saying they got they've got but I think that those yeah that gets your attention when you have to part about taking down a monster I want to I I want to um focus my energy on the philosophy and the format the details of if that's 3700 or 5,000 you I'm not yeah that's not my thing TBD is by sh Tre commissioner B town you want us to find this I think you guys should just started and then ultimately the governing body has to approve prove it um just keep that in mind um um and I can try to get Fe I wouldn't want to interu it if I don't know if it's going to pass right right so I I you know check with people um and make sure it's going to pass and if there's feedback that they don't like a number or something it just wouldn't get through then we can talk do you think uh a couple things one I'm you know looking through this here I see you know definition of a hazard tree so I think that would help people like you say want to pull out the hazard card you know this is going to help that um do you think it would be unreasonable to propose a definition of a tree you know even being on private property that really can't be touched based on its historic value kind of like we were talking about before not and and not so much like well if you're going to take it down you're gonna have to pay um you know maybe something it's got a big canopy it Shades multiple yards it's necessary for so the bear actually had that idea well at least he's the one that shared with me um maybe he got it from somewhere else but sort of a concept of um could we predetermine 50 or 100 Heritage trees in town that get special treatment M but they're designated ahead of time um I think that's better I wouldn't want than a scrum about if this thing meets the qualifications or not try like I want it to be simple I want it to be straightforward but even something like that you know we're going to argue what's the what's what's the top I I don't want to yeah I think that way it's like it sounds like you have to actually go out and identify it kind of like doing a tree inventory you have to literally go and identify one well we're doing a tree inventory so but those are public trees I'm talking like you know can be determined by a tree expert to be north of 100 years old or um you know it has significant uh storm water management um characteristics it's canopy shades not just the tree that where the the the tree the property is located but it you know could shade you know in this town it could shade five or six adjacent properties stuff like that I don't know is that yeah I think I'm open to that I think that starts to maybe a road support of the governing body um is my guess um but I'm not saying they say no but I think it starts in that direction of kind of getting away from the middle compromise sure um but yeah I think I think it's worth talking about see we come up with something that so you want us to come up fees and look through this and see it this isn't does it say anything about protection during construction and you know like put the vents is that somewhere else is that in land use or I did not see that construction yeah I mean that's a big thing that the so if you can find some clean language I think it's part of the zoning requirements um but it's so ignored I mean could be a reference say you know you need to the requirements or you need to follow zoning statute blah blah blah or a fine if you violate this solution of the zoning or something I don't know that would go into the tree fund I think if you VI what happens if you violate a zoning Rule now what so like such as the drip line and things like that that would go into um like a resolution compliance and these review letters from the engineers again this is if it's new construction you're talking like it's very laid out on what when you're able to get Co and past and stuff like that yeah so there's teeth as you can't get your certificate occup that's so they don't follow well like for example on a somebody own their house and they submit like on that list for example if they get approved like that it's on the list and it's a construction Sher writes notes and it's stated right in the letter to the homeowner when they pay for the permit and it will say like so and so trees must be protected during construction you do not get this um Co before your trees are replanted all this these little things that you had mentioned are all stated in a letter that goes to the applicant tree removal applicant in order to get the tree permit and then is it go to enforcement officer to follow up before they get their Co they're supposed to but and like just a mom and pop like that you applied or whoever on this list they're supposed to send me a picture of their screw well I guess I'm more we during the process when you see like the back ho is all of a sudden parked right on top of the tree like is there anybody W like just know driving by and just making sure we know there not that many construction projects but well actually lot but um I don't know but you do occasionally see somebody that's protecting their trees with like you know the orange fencing or something like that and you know yeah it makes it more difficult to do the construction because you have to go around the tree but it makes a huge difference like you know it's um that was definitely something that was addressed in the the post well I think that's um I think that's why we're here we're here now we have this model to look over read get familiar with and I think at the the next meeting I think it would be great if everybody had you know their notes their ideas and uh you know we could even just go boom boom boom what do you have what do you have what do you have what are the recommendations things we like things we don't like and I'm just thinking the best way to Move It from June to the July vote all that send it back to right do you guys want to agree on one among yourselves like work out the [Music] differences yeah it gets tricky with it gets tricky when you have when you add more in more person yeah um and then also I think you know for the fee schedule either we rely on I because I have no either and I don't know what fair but if we rely either other towns or employ the help of Sher and get her idea of what would be a reasonable fee schedule and your you know diameter breast height so we can put a table for you that is you know at least amendable to everybody or at least hopefully everybody on on the commission then yes yeah I did see there was a fee schedule there was I saw you didn't see one I did yeah in one of these ver one of the things early email I just sent their original or printed the original there's a there was a fee schedule in something you no emailed earlier didn't you email I have a mon there was a fee schedule was and it was I mean there was a $100 application fee for everything and then there was you know uh it was you take down one tree it's going to be again I'm guessing on numbers it's going to be $500 you take down two trees then bigger they get bigger the fee goes up right I'm going to circulate with your comments or if Brian if you just want to email Christy you can put it up on the screen I guess unless you have it Christie I don't have his comments oh yeah but that would be good if we knew Brian's comments that would be helpful yeah so here is there's a penalty schedule in here 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 that's not on your version not in the one we have the one from the state like the model me see if I can get Wi-Fi Wi-Fi building yes if you can email it to me I can share it or put it on the screen well you can email to everybody how do we get sense for all us to read it first before we avilable Fair Haven burrow secure Fair Haven guest yes no the um little silver just passed tree ordinance um which I think they did a lot of research and I have to be scheduled there they just passed a tree ordinance that includes private property and they have an independent group from the shade tree commission that's going to oversee that it will be interesting to see how this goes chrisy what's your PCH k l [Music] RN FH [Music] exactly is that is that on one it's in their [Music] care I think also also keep in mind too this is this a good fee schedule will also help you know alleviate some of the issues that we might have with the final version if we wind up with um make it sound all about money but you know if we wind up with more money coming our way we will be able to take bigger actions Bolder actions with you know replacing trees so that's something to keep in mind when you know like you know Brian's pointed it's not going to be perfect for one side or another but you know Mike's saying let's just get it past because if we do we're going to get the money will start ring in and we'll be able to yeah that's a compromise no one's happy at you that's how ultimately could work yeah I thought of it as if you put as grades once I gets an a then the other side has to get an F in the middle would be a c so The Sweet Spot is if you get both sides of right which is the bad great but it it's the best of the two that's that's what we call a compromise yeah minus um I just thought of something talking about the fees so I knocked on a lot of doors and a lot of people I heard many times that the town is becoming unaffordable for people and so I think it would be at least think about if it's one tree it could be maybe lighter for the individual the town and then have it have it ramp up I just thought of that right I yeah well I completely agree and that's that's a great idea because you know the individual resident as opposed to someone who's taken a lot of trees we are sort of you know making a distinction there but we're not and that's how I want that's that's how I thought we could play this that great I can't see that yeah oh is that the one oh so it's 100 that's a fee that's the application oh yeah because that's what we were thinking yeah can you just read them all chy what the price what the was or you you can email this we can talk about had well we could do this you know we don't have to do this now excuse it started at 500 lock that should fix it 2000 or something like that I'm sorry guys I have to hop off I don't know if I need to acknowledge that I'm leaving bye Leah good night thanks Leah for doing the print outs yep I already I already worked on some okay good night night Leah there you 500 for the first one so do you think that is too high just to have a placeholder I don't see that sh I just think the caliber replacement tree needs to be larger it's well we right now we're working with two now a replace just just well just even like the I'm sorry what are the calers of the firm that's exactly where SC those are two and a half to three okay like that's that should be more so we can make a fifth category you know no the replacement trees are all one and a half those up to three two or two and a half yeah if you get you know well not as healthy it really does younger ones do we want to steer people towards one or the other because you might want to think about if it's 2 in how much would those cost and then adjust the replacement fee accordingly so they're sort of you know in the ball or you could try to push people one way or the other and then you also want to direct them okay so remember Bill Brooks brought up this if you put in too small of a tray it's under the two and a half and then it's not protected and the person can put it in and cut it right down so it's not protected anymore or something they could remove it they could just like take six months later or something like that say said that like you know I don't know about that it might be so it's two and a half that come from the I think you put two and a half there and how much are 380 380 380 install 38 stall okay so do you want to put to 400 or 350 well let's you know let's let's not like take this a part now we'll be here all night let's take this everybody digest it and then we can come up with our own ideas because you know you know we're not g to you know be able to take this all apart now no but I I loveing the back and forth and the ideas everybody has there's so many good ideas F around yeah so let's all digest it and then come back with IDE ideas is what I propose um couple Bol points to uh can I just ask one question I know that right now it's the um person has to get a permit but we know a lot of people cut trees the resident or the the owner has to get the per permit but a lot of people say I didn't know I had to get a permit they right I mean we've heard that I'm just curious is there any way I mean the trees being cut down from by a company that was approved by the town correct they have to be approved by the town yeah we they have to be licensed so why can't they just ask to see the permit before they cut the tree down why can't that be a requirement that the pr removal company says may I see your permit I don't you I'm thinking electrician or bber and they've asked you know do I want to get permit and I say yes and then they go with the permit so is that is that how it works no we don't have resident always res I mean there's a line on the application that has to be signed by the tree expert as well so if they didn't sign it they usually the applicant will get their signature at the time of when they get their quote their estimate to take the tree down they'll sign off on it but if it's not signed Sher won't look at it we have them come in and sign it email it but the tree signed it before they got before permission yes they're cooperating what the resident wants to do that's all that is for is like I yes I agree that she says these are dead and that's why we're removing them they're they're app pining on but we deal with the resident because they're the ones that pay the fees so if you don't get the permit should there be a big fine is that in here if you have if it's discovered that you cut down a tree no it's not um but it it's more the fees if you yeah if you take down one tree without a permit if you do it it's it's not like an over like lapping like if you didn't get a permit and you're doing work you're going to get this right off the gate I agree with it should be something but it's also kind of addressed at the same time it seems like in there is it like is it I saw that saw that in the one that was sent around but I don't see it on this there's section six violations and penalties $4,000 yeah have this is this I'll and this way we can all so you're saying $4,000 pound if you don't get it comment two comments in the numbers is this the one with your comments that you just yeah we'll check section five and I think that's where I put the enforcement the enforcement as designated by administrator okay yeah that would be that would be helpful because this yeah this is the one that was just like yeah yeah okay that was what I was looking at person violation of provision or shall be subject deine of either section schedule b or B1 or B2 and Brian you put your you didn't put numbers in here or you this is just what you were lifting from numers from the from another from the ocean no for oh oh okay believe that's right okay so I propose we take a look at this Brian um I want over step is all right if we individually email you with specific questions ahead of the next meeting so that we're all prepared to Sure discuss it in case we have any specific questions I think that's think that's good and I'll try to in it down and then if we get to a spot where there's seems like it's condensed send it back out yeah would you like that done before the next meeting do you think that's better or do you want to have open Forum discussion on it or I personally think anything we could do ahead of time yeah get it get done get it to you and then okay yeah so maybe get as much as we can that's compromise and there's a couple of points for disagreement we can hash those out yeah you guys can vote I think that's waiting for can I ask who is the the is it still the council that's reviewing appeals or is it still Council they want that job no they don't want that job I don't want it well so why do we not want the job I think there's not an appetite to have people have to go in front of you know of of a group and ask for permission because all they have to do is say it's a hazard so it's like like we vot we voted yes on it I it was my first vote Council was to chop a tree down and which I don't like but they said it's a hazard okay I'm not going to say no so it's like it's it's sort of futile I think so right now if if a resident determines it's a hazard to them or was it the their tree expert a tree expert and that's aard okay that is something you know talking about appeals like who's going to who here really is going to override a tree expert is any but I think it's when the tree expert didn't give them approval and they're coming right I don't think that they I didn't see that okay I member but so it's now still going to council it's not like necessarily sher's G saying it's a hazard it could be like you know atantic tree guy says it's a hazard do he can toate yeah well that's something we could address we read it and come up with some notes and come up with your ideas and we'll fire them off thank you Brian thank you thanks Brian there's nothing else any uh public comments new agenda items any new agenda items do we do you want to add reviewing the Tre ordinance the passes as the in part of the calendar you putting that Mee going forward we'll keep it on the agenda did last year but new agenda items obviously we're gonna our discussion for the ordinance next next meeting um something [Music] ear um [Music] keep that on there there was something else nice make sure it's on the agenda forgot what it was we were we were going to vote for a budget for the tree planting but we did that tonight I don't know if that's what's stuck in maybe maybe that's what it is because we and Brian you would like us to attend the May what the meeting with de medication I think that's for Gover body and publicly hear that in general the Environmental Group support this even though it's killing animals but they do more harm than I think that's good it's either us or we bring in Wolves yeah everywh they be [Music] weeked all right um all right CM we' brought you over hi did you want me to talk hello please go introduce yourself thank you we can't see you can you hear me yes we can okay I'm Kathy myam um I'm at 91 Princeton Road in Fair Haven and i' I've heard your discussion about the tree ordinance a bit and I just I just wanted to uh I'm all in favor of of uh trees and the environment but I just wanted to um just ask about keeping in mind uh having a balance um as you consider all of these points um two things that trees do have a limited lifespan and uh they they are going to age out um even our biggest most wonderful uh trees and so that homeowners are going to uh un fortunately have to come to you for asking about decaying trees or Hazard trees um at times and the other thing is that um I as I was thinking about the fee structures I was I was thinking about um the residents in town who might be in some Financial uh duress or distress hearing some of those High numbers um the penalties of $4,000 for instance um I think for some people in town that that would be those those numbers would be quite a hardship uh to be incurred if uh they you know were really not uh assuming these uh uh kind of entanglements uh uh consciously so I I just am wondering if you might keep those factors in mind as you look at these issues closely because we do have a a crosssection of people living in town and the only other thing I had that I was actually going to talk to had a question for which is why I tuned in was when uh if you had an idea about when the uh plants might the trees might be planted in miday specific dates for residents to know when when to expect a tree trees to come to their property um we don't have a specific date yet but as soon as we do we could email we will be emailing everybody that purchased a tree to let them know uh the good news is that you don't actually have to be home when they come as long as you mark where your tree is going they would like you to be there but um you know you could uh leave the check for them in your mailbox or something and they will plant the tree directly where you want it um if you're there they will kind of teach you how to take care of it um so you know if if you know if there is a conflict um you still will get your tree planted but as soon as they have their exact dates uh we organize the bur to make sure that you know the trucks that they bring in aren't going to be going down any roads that have construction or or whatever and um and then and then we'll let you know when they're coming but the last I was told was that it would be you know miday so I would expect him expect him soon okay um my concern was that um I'm I may have a conflict and I don't really know the size or shape what the trees are going to specifically look like I had asked the nursery if I could come and see what they might look like other than just what the description was um that was given but uh to know exactly where I might place these trees um but uh um I'm hoping I might be there when um when when they when they come on a specific day did you did you reach out to the nursery or I yeah I did call them to see if I could see what you know what what they were talking about as far as when they said a five or six foot native Arbor VY what it what it would look like if I could see what it would look like and they said no they you couldn't visit the nursery to see the a sample plant um she get say you get like probably a week or two notice but um what which you know what um because I'm just trying to see where I would place them there're those are particular those are you know more of the Bush shrub type ones yeah but that's a specific question I don't want to take time oh okay two Hol three I actually think that those two the trees that you ordered we might have offered those in the fall and you we can perhaps direct you to um an address in town where somebody had one of those planted if that would be helpful you think those are going to be coming in the fall no no no what I'm saying is that we did in in Fall last fall fall of 23 okay we offered this program and I believe I'm just looking at what you ordered oh okay the American holly was offered and I think that that Abra was also offered oh great so it I think they're very similar so um maybe we could just Reach Out to those residents and see if they would be you know okay with you pe at what they have um and that way you could take a you could take a look so we reach out to you um of course next day the next day or so to see does that work of course okay all right um we have your phone number number from your order form great all right thank you get you on the P thank you all right any more public participation Christ if anyone else has a comment please raise your hand that is all right make a motion to Adin the meeting second meeting adjourned thank you everybody thanks everyone take care Peter good night