okay this is the March 2024 regular meeting of the fair zoning of adjustment adequate noes to this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board's reorganization in January this year the board adopted its regular meeting scheduled for the year notice of the schedule of the board's regular meetings was sent to and published in the Asbury Park Press and was also sent to two R times in the star Legend tonight's meeting was listed in the notice of the schedule of regular meetings that notice is also posted on the bulletin board in Bur Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute in addition a copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the lural clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance of the statute adequate notice haven't been given the board secretary is directed to include the statement in the minutes of the meeting before proceeding with the formal meeting tonight I'd like to say a few words to the applicants are experts in the audience about the role and authority of the faen zoning Board of adjustments the board is a separate and independent Municipal legal entity and its limited Authority is specifically set forth in for ordinances and the New Jersey municipal landuse law this quasi judicial and nature and the members of the board are unpaid volunteers appointed by the mayor and Council the zoning board does not enact the burough Landings laws and regulations the bur Council does that the zoning board does not enforce the land the B Fair Haven this is the responsibility of the burough code enforcement officer this board deals with appeals for Relief and the requirements of the bur's land use laws or denials by the zoning officer an applicant is never entitled to a variant also known as an exception to the zoning regulations but must meet specific criteria required by the by the New Jersey municipal land use law and the fair ordinances by satisfying certain required standards of proof the board has no authority to wave these requirements the burden of proof is always upon the applicant to show that he or she is entitled to the specifically requested the applicant must prove that a deviation from the regulations will advance the purposes of the ordinance and that the deviation would substantially outweigh any detriment to his own plan variances relate to the future use of the land and are not intended or authorized to remedy temporary or unique personal situations roll call please show Mr here here Mr here Mr Ryan here Mr here charer here Mr mret here Mr here please United States to the uh so we have um a recusal for the uh one item in new business we have tonight so we're going to move to the administrative items quickly first and then we are going to go to the uh Padre application great uh minutes from the February 1st meeting I made one change on it I believe um and I will make an approval to to I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from the February 1 meeting yes yes Mr yes Mr Ryan Iain Mr for yeser yes Mr CH yes Mr yes resolution GUI a in place I'll making a motion to approve the resolution I submitted Mr yes Mel yes Mr richond yes Mr Ryan Iain yes Dr yes Mr yes yes so with regard to the to the River Road uh resolution we've received comments from applicants Council uh only later this afternoon today I had a few comments we have to marry those things and get to uh a final document so I'm going to suggest we not move forward with that resolution right now uh we talk about so now okay so um I'm not sure whether everyone's aware interestingly the mayor was not aware but uh maybe two years ago uh the environmental commission started to uh request that we meet regularly um to discuss environmental issues across the burough committees so they have been sort of handling this as a round table um and in conjunction with that um the most recent one that I went to there was discussion about our environmental resource inventory this is an environmental thing um I had the document circulated to everybody we have a 2017 document I believe and we're updating it now um the EC is interested in knowing whether or not there are any members of the zoning board that have any thoughts or comments with regard to the U to the ERI um and so the reason I circulated it because they asked me to I have to too bad canel is not here probably be a little tid bit about the river in there yeah well Al can do that did you take a look at it Al yeah did you have any comments or thoughts um it's an inventory doesn't seem that's more of an observation it it seems to State all factually I mean it's like a Wikipedia yeah about Fair Haven frankly mhm um it stated a lot of facts there were some things in the you know animals and birds and things in the town that I thought were sort of kind of obvious misses but it's not all inclusive it just gives you a general idea of what here and says check this reference for whatever else there may be um mentions a couple of endangered or protected species that appear in the town and there was mention of storm water but it's all and and I guess the transportation sort of seem to discuss you know some infrastructure but other than that it just seemed like a recitation of facts that there was no there's no opinion that I read in it um so it's it's a good piece of information not just the resource so I I think the reason they put it together is because U when you're working with the state and other organizations they give um certain um credit to communities that have um assessed their environmental resources I think it's part of that process I know that Fair Haven has received Awards um over the years and I know that it's because of the hard work that the environmental commission put in so I think this is part of that process um through uh all the different things that I've done uh I think that these um sort of collections of information and facts about Fair Haven a number of them are appendices to the master plan um are useful resources and when you have people that know it um writing it down is really good because people forget and then when you transition to new people they've got things to work with um so uh I'll close out by saying that if anybody um has an opportunity to uh think of any comments or suggestions as it changes um if you get them to me or we can independently circulate them to EC before that I will let them know that we raised it and that there were no suggestions with regard to improvements or changes good good all right we're ready for uh pedrick and you would like to announce exuse myself yes okay I declare you ready it yes ready right am I pronouncing the name wrong is that why no I'm sorry I okay you bring you up first before you get you bring all your Witnesses up so they don't interrupt you everybody in that's going to say anything anyone thinks they're going to have a comment anybody have a comment step forward you raise your right hand you saw [Music] the testimony before this bo be the truth truth the truth yes yes um my general direction everybody can sit down my general direction follow direction of your Council but before you start testifying make a mement please State the first last name tell your last name we recording this if it becomes necessary that way if we have transcript we'll be able to identify speaking of and your commission Council I'm going to Mark several things that I have by way of exhibits if you have anything additional we'll talk about that and those to what I would like to do is Mark the A1 for applicant one the zoning board application guidelines part three and esro agreement um dated October 4th 2023 s say is day one A2 is the addenda list of variances waivers requests and legal justification some three pages just listed as September 2023 A3 is the zoning officer denial letter of August 2923 uh A4 is going to be the completed Land Development checklist some 11 pages drop down A5 are images some four pages some dated assum they're in about the site may6 is going to be the survey prepared byeric American layout and land survey dated June 12 2023 some 15 pages and sealed copies I'm sorry strike to 15 uh A7 is going to be the architectural plans title DWI 23 Hance Road prepared by James T Daly architect and Associates some three pages hot plan floor plan elevations dated December 6 2023 um then also we're going to Mark as a zoning board exhibit zb1 is November 21 2023 CME engineering report over the signature of Jordan Rizzo zb2 is the January 9 2024 CME engineering report over the signature of for and Russo um we're up to A7 any other exhibits Council uh was A7 the plans are we on a A7 were the architectural plans titled wire 23 plants Road prepared so I'll hand these out first are these additional What's mar one's a photo um please describe that'll be A8 this is a photo of the subject property in the existing residence um Tak approximately when it uh around the time of submission the application probably the week before okay Pi existing correct it may or may not be among those that was committed with the application but um it was in a PDF file of that I okay Mark that as A8 anything else H A9 will be a colorized elevation of The Proposal this is uh representing the front elevation that on sheet 83 of the plan um that this was colorizer was prepared today by dark Jamesy so this is prepared by daily yes and date 37 any other um I think that's all for right now if um if I need well I I'll offer an apology to you Council I was not in my office a little bit hectic me of these days I did not get back to you as you can see we had a qu so yes I apologize for not getting back quite quite all right I do appreciate the phone for not no problem at all thank floor is yours sorry Mr chair before we get any further though um Yin is requesting three checklist waivers I'm not sure if you want to address them up front or if you want to just go at the end um I don't take any exception to these they're outside agencies planning board M County Health Department and S I don't personally see that any are going to be required for this application I'm sure the applicant would agree to uh get the app get the approvals should they need them um but these are a checklist requirement and is requesting them as part of the recomend any those to board no exceptions any concerns from the board all thank um so this application for 23 hands road is as you gathered by this point um as you can see from the exhibit uh the existing conditions exhibit that I marked as a eight uh that's the the property as it's presently improved with a 2 and a half story single family home uh my clients purchased in 2020 uh the lot itself is is under sized which you you'll note in the materials it was created by a subdivision in 1964 um and the mammoth County records that I've reviewed indicate that the residence was built that same year uh it's in the R30 Zone um it's it's in a unique area of Hance Road which I'm sure you're all probably familiar with as you drive down hands towards the river um and you pass leis Point Road um it's there's there's several lots that have a a a cart way behind it a priv I think it's private rway um that ends right adjacent to my client's property just to the south of it um and I only point that out because of several of these Lots along the frontage there are irregular station sizers many of them nonconforming um as is noted you know that's that's a different condition we have and then right right beyond my client side guys who move towards the river uh on their side of the street is I'd say it's marked by one or two very large properties so um that that's a little bit of a different situation than my my client's property um the applicant is here tonight we proposing a covered front porch uh that's going to have a metal roof on it uh also doing an existing um facade overhaul on the front here which is noted when we look at A9 um and we need a few variances we need a front yard setb back variance to um the exist the requirement is 50 ft we currently are at uh 48 feet to the Second Step face and whereas we're proposing setback of 43 feet to this the Second Step face I I just note on the plan it's measured to the the first step face which I guess Mr Rizzo is it is the Second Step face the one you measure to for the purposes of the ordinance correct that's how I noted it yeah so I just wanted to make that clear because I don't want to be up here asking for the wrong relief for to be closer to the road then we actually need to be so 43 feet is the uh is the setback that we would requesting the variance on um the other variance relates to the impervious coverage on the lot uh 30% is required in the zone existing 32 .12 on the plans and 32.6 one is proposed so um that that's a slight increase we 118 square feet of additional impervious uh and what we've done also that you probably note on the plans they've reduced a sliver of the driveway by 5 foot width 40 approximately 40 ft length to reduce the uh some existing coverage there um to minimize the impact of this um also with respect to that they're proposing to plant a hedge row along that driveway where they move the pavement uh so that you'll pick up 40 feet of planting um along that driveway and then also along the proposed um drop porch there's a number of plantings proposed on the plan um the existing lot area it's under sized is 22478 square ft a minimum of 30,000 square FTS required um and I'm I'm sure it'll be asked we've asked the neighbors we the letters that have the certified I'm sorry feel do we have jurisdiction yes speak that your to no that wasn't no R me though no no I say it's Good Housekeeping before I start keep going rather that notice is properly established uh but the no for the undersized lot I've sent out the certified letters to the two adjacent owners uh we've received no response back so I thought you're just being subtle um and that the other existing conditions lot depth we're at 150 where 200 required in the zone so um that's kind of a summary of what we're here for and the relief we need and um I will call my my one plan witness Mr da sorry while he's coming forward um in 2020 when your client bought the house are the existing improvements specifically with regard to the pool and the patio area were are those all now in the condition um as they were when they acquired the house or they done any work in the rear no nothing we've been the person speaking is yes nwire DW R thank you oh so what I'm sorry excuse me what the question has there been um Improvement done to the back of the house yeah why don't you step forward to make sure that we pick you up on the microphone I'm G to ask my question again I understand you purchased the house in 2020 and my question is whether or not you've done any improvements to the specifically I'm interested with regard to the patio and the pool area in the back or are all those the driveway as well are all those conditions as they were when you bought it in 2020 the patio is as is the driveway was milled and re forward and you just replaced it in place and the and the fence on the left side of the house there's a six foot vinyl fence that's called out on these ples was that there as well that was there already okay that's good thank thank you so much no do you want to um state your name by credentials is J T daily D appeared here for probably past 25 years so um in the past so um liced architect in the state planning expecting to give planning testimony though no no no oh I thought that he had said okay we've accepted Mr da before as an expert in architect if you to S today you want well it's it's as Mr s said you want this the site plan you all have so um where do you guys it good place really it'll be obscured by somewh or exactly um so so this is the area that got removed uh in the driveway here's the new porch com down 7 ft off theing house and then these are all the setbacks we have there I guess the most important one being the 23t to that second step um Mr rard remind me while we're going to the Second Step it's to the first six six in so the the first step is too short then I believe the ordinance isn't it in or or above correct yes yeah so that's the S plan that has to do with the lot coverage it is an undiz lot um that has a lot to do with this um and as the owner testified it is pre-existing except for the forage so um lot lot coverage issue is a percentage of the existing lot so it's not related to the fact that the lot's undersized right no no it is undiz lot so but but the lot coverage issue is related as a percentage of the existing lot doesn't relate to the fact that it's an undersized lot right no no um I'm just saying it's for the Zone it's undersized such that you would expect more coverage in an undersiz L in the same size Z um one one thing I just want to point out or I ask you to point out on the plans um I I pick up as a little bit unusual uh and perhaps somewhat of a benefit and it's situation is the distance between the property boundary and and H road where it starts and there's a drainage feature can you just point that out on the plan for the board well you do have a um a drainage Inlet here Street drainage Inlet um it's just been indent where the curve would be normally and uh I believe what happened with the c here now like um there was some curve work is my understanding but recently recently yes you know I think the point being it's quite big set back here more than is typical of any town I've worked in so that's about 12 ft from the property line to the curve as opposed to say 5 ft is pretty typical for a sidewalk and and then a um utility strip so um so that's a little oversized here in this neighborhood but so just pointing that out you know the fact that that's a large setback there which impacts the front so the point being made is that you have an appearance of a more than con set back although I recognize we the burrow might eventually pave that put a sidewalk there and oh not likely we told by the not possible possible but not like well then that votes more in favor for what I'm suggesting very pers thank you keep going Mr daily I would say that's all the L stuff I mean we talk about the patio back here that all pre-existed we did we made some effort to get rid of some lot coverage obviously try to get down to closer to at least what was existing this this is 210 s feet in here got just for scale the that driveway is close to 17 ft wide of the property line so two cars could pass almost all of that drive here yeah no no no it's wide but two couldn't pass there no it's not that I asked him to scale it before the meeting yeah but you would have two cars pass at 17 ft I'm just saying about that maybe coule miles hour the point is you could you could park on the side of that and drive a car past it and we also discourage parking in the front yard set back right no we don't have that by by Ord and and that that driveway is 40 ft wide for I don't know how far before you get to the front yard setback there you talk about this area yeah so did you consider it all removing more of that to come in into compliance the lot coverage so that you wouldn't need a VAR at all for that you're removing that you're removing Square fet I agree with Mr if you're moving 200 square fet why wouldn't you try to conform to just to eliminate another one you're VAR which is well no they Park back here correct right so why do you need all of that part what I'm saying turn into there's no garage yes there is two sideways Gage and and you're talking about shaving some of this off here the Cur I mean I I feel like you could shave a considerable amount at least five F feet off the width of the driveway portion of it and a significant amount of that space to the right hand side as it flares out there to to possibly bring it almost into compliance here I don't know what the use of it is now but the point is that you need something from us as far as variance for the front yard setback is concerned it's an opportunity to put something else back into compliance if you're already talking about chopping you know talk about all the ways of compliance because that's for for the board's reference 5 27 square feet but I'm saying has have you considered the fact that am you're saying they bring it down to the 30% right I don't know what the numers I'm asking if if if any disc we've had discussions we've had discussions and um certainly something willing to consider doing uh in the context of seeking the board's approval tonight yeah are there any plans to install drywalls as part of the new construction there there's no plans currently but as part of the relief I was going to actually ask what Mr Rizzo would suggest uh I I would think if we were seeking the variance and not bring it to Conformity that would be something that we'd also entertain to offset it so there sensitivity with regard to lock coverage obviously close to the river um I'm very familiar with the property and and I know that that driveway has been there forever um and I recognize that removing something that's already there particularly when you've remed it and replaced it doesn't feel like a particularly good use of money um I would just suggest before we move on um that an opportunity to put existing water or new water that's going to be um Shed from the new roof into the ground provides a benefit um to both the homeowner and to um to the community that would to an extent offset some of the issues related to lockup well I think the be willingness to do either or of the suggestions and I guess you could the board can let me know what their pleasure is on that yeah thanks okay Mr chair can I about some context on it real quick sure um you can see in the letter in the plans uh the increase in prvious coverages is minimum 32.12.3 2.61% whereas 30% is required but to put into square feet is 110 square feet increase from today net right after the removal net today from today and then 585 square feet um from the requirement the 30% that's with the the strip they're taking out right that's that's net and then for dry Wells we were to go that route my recommendation would be to take it from a roof as you mentioned not to take it from the driveway or the ground um it's definitely recommended to take it from the roof where it's clean and you're not going to you know with the ground you want oil from and stuff and dirt getting in there and clogging it so it's better to take it from somewhere on the roof or the you know the you know canopy of the for are closing yeah so so let me just ask the question so if you were to carve out the 500 at amount of feet out of the driveway and you did it out of the the southernly side well what would it look like what would you be left with well it's out out the driveway the road is 17 ft um and then from there it gets as wide as 50 feet all the way in the back that's after the 5 ft's already taken out um I mean I'll like you discuss how they use it today um if they Park Vehicles there strictly for maneuvering but 50 feet from the garage um seems like plenty of room to maneuver in and out of the Crouch that's all it's useful if you start taking Square P to the South that you're gonna have to maybe do awkward almost like K turn type of thing get into the garage right SW no there's there's plenty there yeah what's that the minimum is 27 or 29 to make that turn they've got 40 plus I think 30 is comfortable if that's strictly what it's used for the question is yeah I'd like to ask I I also having a tough time visualizing but well we're talking about shaving like this here and possibly even over here a little bit you know like thin thin this up right here like that yeah I think you take take it from the fir portion there to nots considering that parking in the inside the front yard set back is discouraged I don't think we're parking there because so much area so take that curve back to the front yard set back um is this is just my opinion but I'm I'm asking if that's something that could be considered and what type of SAR you think be recovered from I think that's too much I I don't think you can get there I mean I think that you would be yeah I'm just asking if it's been considered I'm asking you don't think there so maybe I was just going to say maybe the compromise was bring it back to what just another 5T off the right driveway back probably yeah you absolutely can but I want to make sure he's done and then and then we'll yeah absolutely you good that's I'm not asking you to to sign off my question was more was was more of it considered and my statement was in my opinion looking at it there's a considerable amount of pervious service lot coverage in that South Western corner of the property there um that I feel that you could potentially work with especially considering the fact that parking within the front yard setback is discouraged anything certainly within the front yard setback even the new front yard setback I I would feel would be an easy give I understand that it costs money to demo something like that in the end the money is not supposed to be the consideration of the board compliance with the the ordinances is and then and in this case having an opportunity to correct something or at least get closer to instead of farther from a requirement when you you're potentially getting another ask is it's it's part of the balancing that we do completely completely understood I think uh the response to that and I just spoke with the applicant is that we'll remove the 500 square feet well no no I I understand this is I'm just suggesting what they allowed me to represent the board uh and and I recommend it to them you know we're not going to that out here tonight and there's impervious from the backyard there's the driveway obviously uh if if it can put the issue to bed or Bo that the board finds it acceptable we will uh take it out on the plan if if the board grants approval post approval give it to Mr Rizzo to review make sure it's confirmed that we took out the right amount and then we'll bring it next to Appliance and it's proposed to come out of the driveway aing it it could come out of driveway it could come out of the backyard pool patio it could come out of a walkway in the backyard I I think we should look at porch since that's what we're here for but I would also like to have a discussion maybe at the end about whether or not there's a practical way to remove some and to put the drywall in because to me I think that the the reality is that we'll recognize they'll recognize the benefit of that dry well where I don't think just based on my experience that trimming even 500 Square fet will have the same impact as taking most of the roof water and getting it underground um but but let's let's do it all at the end once we understand what you're proposing go okay thanks okay so that's that discussion um why don't to put up the elevation yeah this is the plan are you proposing anything on the interior currently no um no that's not just we're sliding the front door over a couple feet but there's no yeah the square footage space no additions are subtractions to the house any is to the existing structure corre correct does that bay window Remain the bay window remains yes and the door is just to make it symmetrical yeah so it's not lined up exactly Square on the house right now so most are just replacing windows that are existing that hold from the 1960s yeah appear thank you and here's a plan of the same thing a blow with that and it gives all the square foot the floor so you get your first floor second floor and there's a little bit of a basement level there um so that's on sheet 82 and yeah CLE the material it's going to be you're proposing yeah it's a masonary porch with decorative boms and keeping with the house for square um and you can't really see it on the front elevation but that that P is going to you expected it's a m versus Mr daily what size are the columns you using are they 8 by eight looking at yeah there would be like a firm C column these pre-made columns and then here's the front elevation just one that color up second so well these are all elev here so this is the side where the driveway is with garage door showing the forch sticking out to the left um and then we have that's the back elevation rear there's the opposite side that's the north side and you see the brick down the bottom and then of course you got your front elevation here so going AC the front press up the front nicely this would be uh for and batten down the bottom here sliding with the door go then you got a nice set of white steps here um and then and then the bushes or ranges and box Woods would you confirm the height of the porch uh it's three steps so that's uh just a little less than two feet right around 2 what's the depth of it 7 ft seven yeah it's 8 it's 8T and then from the the Box bay window that Juds out and that point and six so it jogs I mean it's eight but L off the F so you've really made an effort to make it as small as you can make it you're not going to make it any smaller now no because it's a cting porches you know what it is they have children and stuff they it's a very neighborhood focused Road they want the kids you know be able to watch kids out the street playing and stuff like that so they can sit on the porch with a couple chairs and stuff to put furniture on the porch 8 is you for the furniture and then walk I think what he's saying is you made an effort to make it as skinny as possible recognizing that eight is generally the minimum to maneuver problem correct so right correct that's what I meant yeah thank Mr Dale I'm interested in the original design of the house because I see that you've got those short windows upstairs which seem to be perfectly suited for this new roof is this house originally designed for such a thing and it wasn't installed I I think it was to be honest with you and and there are some in the neighborhood that have something like that that are on the same vintage you know 1960 l so I wouldn't that at all actually um it's really interesting the way it all comes together without having to reframe the whole second floor right very high up I mean of course we adjusted the page to just go on the windows but they are shorter they're not your typical yeah um what correct and Mr sardo I know that the the rear was an addition years ago was there a variance granted by the zoning board for that or is that as a matter of right I don't have the public on that did I know that30 though so I mean we're under far under the cap and the ratio um so if we building onto the back it wouldn't have probably needed a VAR it's interesting how you got over on lck coverage the pool's been there for too man pool's probably not original I driveway's probably if it's really that shape it's the same one that was there 40 years ago yeah oh right 40 years ago yeah that's an old pool yeah it was was really old I'm sure it's been redone trees are remaining in the front correct yes so the roof extension the roof extension over the porch does extend into the front door set back you mean the roof itself you mean the overhang the Eve are you talking about now uh yes your typical W but not further than step so no no step that's correct so no railings and don't need them for safety because you're low enough right correct the building code is such that three steps and what is it 30 Ines is minimum before RS or required and you designed it and determined that it's going to be useful at 8 because when you put a railing it really makes it super tight so as far as I'm concerned it really can't be any narrower for sure why did you decide to extend it beyond the house just aesthetic oh on the end here that that's just to give balance with the garage and and and give a extra seating spot there that's a little deeper and and so you weren't and and also because they projected out the bay window like it's it's harder to sit in front of the bay window when you have these portes like and my discussion with the African as well I mean there you can see on the the side elevation on the top left there the north uh there's some steps coming down so that gives you a quicker access point to your backyard as opposed to having to walk um you know out the front around the driveway and all the way around there's some utility to that as well what else you got that's about it unless you have more questions what yeah know that's why I wanted to make sure it was time to get to that um so let's so let's talk about the the the luck coverage issue because um I think that sometimes we're focused on numbers and the Practical reality and it's just it just doesn't always line up um the way the the the driveway with the way the driveway aligns with the with the garage door and the way that all of that functions um I I don't think that you should that you should offer up something that May wind up becoming a problem um are there areas in the back patio that have been considered really out question which became a 20-minute discussion but was really about what you thought about and I would I'd prefer to hear that you'd actually thought about it and you know that you can do it did and I I thought of the drive well we thought it could dve well the you know to me to me uh we don't have that up right now but um you know shaving along the this the Southside Edge at at the the entrance way um and and making it a little narrower and then cutting in like that but you know I was told by the abant but I have all this great Belgium Block here I'm going to rip that up and I said I I see your point so what about back here we talked about how much area that might be or how much something back here would be or could trim around the pool so we looked at a bunch of bits and pieces that we could pull um and I said you know that you might be prepared to be in that discussion so and we never really settled on what would make compris the square footage but we were talking about pulling you know something out of here and cutting this way yeah I I I think you could do that without too much disruption the Belgium Block would obviously be something to be done if you did it on the other side you're going to have to reconnect the walkway it's not aligned quite right you don't have curve Cuts but you have brand new curves so you're set at that 17 number right yeah this is all blocked in new right so it be like it would have to be soft cut and reset super disruptive is there apron there as well concrete apron the belgi the does the curve along the road go all way the driveway no it's just stops it looks like I don't think they're set at their driveway but there's no curve there it's just around the the drain it's just around the what I'm saying set I just like it's the Belgium Block is set that's all I meant that and and is there a Belgian block apron at the street yes yes yes yes I just I mean can I if you come forward we'd love for you just a little just a little idea like how we use space as a family I have three kids fourth grade sixth grade and seventh grade they all play in multiple newwood Fair Haven Sports whether it's basketball lacrosse football it's all all baseball the way we use this driveway is that like there's a going to be like they use it as like a key like it's like a half court and they use it as a basketball we have kids coming over and let basketball lessons all the time I invite kids over to do that so the reason why we're like holding back from really wanting to cut too much into the driveway because we really use it as a family I'm more likely and happier to pull back on the back patio surprisingly enough we use the backyard less than we do the front yard they like to be in the front yard we you know have a relationship with Marty next door Mary across the street they come over they will sit and have a cup of tea with me on our little makeshift um porch right now and like talk to the kids and hang out my kids do their snow removal every time it snows so we have a relationship with the people around us you know that live alone um so we spend the majority of our time in the front yard whether that's on holidays or whatever so I guess that's why I'm hesitant to pull like back away we we've also spent a lot of money on it um and it was thoughtful in that we just filled in what was there we didn't change it um and we're happy to come like you know back to where we are right now by pulling away some on the backyard or I love the idea of dyal I think it would benefit us so tell me do your renovation plans include um new sing and new gutters the whole house the whole house not currently we're waiting to see what basically we is in the budget once contractor comes back to with us with numbers definitely the front of the house definitely new guts definitely new windows I don't know if we're going to side the entire house or we're going to do the facade and try to clean up the side so the issue with regard to depositing your roof drainage into a dryw is that it needs to go to the right place and so the obvious place for you to put a dryw is along the Northerly side of your property you could trench um look very similar to what I did in my own house but you would trench it but then you what you would need to do to make it effective is you need to get take all of the roof leaders and run them all that way if they're not run that that way now that making that commitment tonight would be committing you to doing the gutters but if you were doing it from scratch if you were going to put in new gutters you're going to run them that way anyway drop all of that water into that single dryw and you would have um a tremendous impact on on what you're shedding uh that in my view and I think mathematically would far outweigh what the the the detriment is of the additional 500 s ft of the overall coverage um back to the beginning did you say you're redoing all the gutters you're not sure yet we are doing the gutters do we don't know if we're doing all of the sting you could do the big gutters right because the little gutters don't do the do yeah um so Al I would suggest to you and others that I would love to see them commit to putting in a drywall and running all of their roof leaders to the North or frankly wherever you're going to put it I think that's where it winded up and um and I just to the extent that the driveway has already been done it just it just isn't moving me to do that I I much prefer to that water go up the ground Mr this is being considered I just want to um throw in that the commitment to the drywall would also be a commitment to doing soil test to make sure the SE high water table is low enough you have draining soils and then providing a detail and engine detail to say that it's big enough okay to hold the capacity of the RO not makes sense well so Mr R let's talk about what that would mean so um if they wound up finding out because of where they are relative to the river that they don't perk the way we would want it to perk can you alter the design in order to capture it at a at a higher level don't s it is so long water table's low enough they can excavate out to a depth where there is soil that drains well okay and replace it I mean that's even more of an expense but it's doable you talk about where they are relative to the river they are relatively close to the river sure but very high at the end there they're very high high I mean like 20 ft High basement St yeah hey drop off I I I don't want to I don't want to put it on the table have them commit to it and find out Bea testing that they can't do it and then wind up with this problem uh maybe we could do it in the alternative if if if if we have the the drywell option and if for some reason it doesn't perk out or test out the commitment to reduce the the the square footage on swear is a backup plan I think I the board decides board decides me personally I'd like to see something done so at least the number doesn't increase I mean I don't think it's a lot I mean what's the difference 110 square feet to keep it from increasing from the current condition I think the challeng not a lot I think the only challenge is wherever they take it from it's going to be a resetting of the building block and it's going to be again we're not supposed to make decisions based on the cost right but it was just m and repeat and is now it from sounds like it lined off the curve with melding block is that correct we're we would consider taking out from the back which could it it's still it's serving the same purpose right so if you're taking out from the back or you're taking out from the front you're still taking out you're creating more privious space so it really shouldn't matter right is it is it pavers the back is pavers and has that been redone or is it no okay so if you were to if you were to commit to removing 120 ft or what have you you think you could move it from the back without any major imposition that's where you prefer to move it because you haven't actually done anything back exactly if the dryw I would prefer the dryw because I think it would be more functional that's not yes it's amazing the extent to which we're negotiating right now but what what Al has negotiated into this discussion is the removal of the 120 so you stay at a net zero so you're not increasing it from what regardless of the drive yes that's that's just my my comment it's not the whole board's comment right no no no and but I wanted to understand your reaction to that it sounds like you could take it out of the back I could take it out of the back if the drywall would serve the purpose then I don't see why I would need to room you know to take more livable space away from my family just because yep right so I really don't want to agree to something like that I'd rather see if the drywall does the job and it's possible to do it and if that's the case then I see no reason in taking another 120 square feet away from I think I think that's a fair point and to the extent that Al tells us that the only way he'll approve it is on that then we're going to deal with that when we deliberate so all that information is useful thank you okay thank you so much just make sure that we're clear on the record at this point your preference is to the rear no and again so the guy who's going to write this we we've experienced that this evening see the guy who's going to write this resolution assuming that you get your approvals I think the chair was suggesting if you could do dry Wells and and say you know make sure that you're capturing as much as you possibly can since you're going to be doing your guns anyway if that suffices is it is it that you're saying you'll also take off dry wells plus or is it either or I think here's the stages because the chair finish my S the chair is concerned and he expressed it very clearly if you commit to the dryw and it suddenly becomes enormously either impossible or enormously costly I don't think that's what the board is is intending to do what they're trying to do is make sure that they're improving drainage up S at one end of the table an observation as to how you could do it without losing much because where parking should be Etc another suggestion for a triwell another suggestion for out of the back um and I guess what I'm suggesting is give us your priority well think Noel said it better than anyone I think she's saying is Priority One preference one is to do the dry well connecting all the leaders as Mr leader said or suggested to the north side of the home understanding by the way that it's still above and still requires a variance yes okay uh that that might be a net benefit still with the slight increase um two is depending on how this goes with the libration goes that there'd be additional to bring it back to Flat right so it's dryw plus 118 square feet and then I guess in the alternative if one or the combination of one and two don't work that we would then be in the position of the alternative of taking out the more impervious because the dryw and the perking won't work the quantity of what we' be taking out whether that it's yeah I mean if the drywall does the job I stick with the drywall if we think that it's not doing what it needs to do and we need to take the 120 out of the back then I I'd be willing to do that but I I'm not to do it just because I'm not you know I it the drywall's keeping the land dry the property where it needs to be then I see no reason to take out another 120 square fet the purpose of my question was not to commit either party to anything at this point in time but to get reference okay and while we're being over clear on this um the dryw for the entire roof the house not just the additional for understand in which case I and I don't have an engineer but I just suggest do you come out way ahead of the functionality of the drainage in the yard compared today to what it is is it at Improvement significant sure absolutely even with the8 feet of additional impervious it's it's 2,000 square feet plus your minus that's what you're that's what you're putting in you're you're putting 110 more square feet on the ground and you're putting a lot more water but you're not you're not going to get it all and and I and I've already realized that because of the way the house is built you're not going to be able to get it all to the north um you're going to be able to get the front and you're going to be able to get a portion of the bat and what I was going to recommend is that you submit a design and just let us look at it and just do the best you can do you don't want to do multi it's a whole different thing um you just need to get what you can get efficiently moved to the north and and I certainly all that I meant um but you got a straight run in the front you've got some straight run in the back I don't have a picture of the back um but it's certainly where the addition is the garage you're not going to be able to get that up and over to the north but I think you should also chat with some people about the cost of because I heard you mention that you may not consider siding the sides in the rear depending on where the budget comes in and it's is it is an expensive right thing um it's it'll be great but it it it is not a cheap thing to do so just put it out there thank you understood those numbers by the way that includes remove the removal of the 210 square feet yeah everything we're discussing that's that's set in stone on the plan we're that we didn't talk about so the photo in front of me shows the house immediately to the north and it's way way back um but the house immediately to the South is the the old uh Victorian right proud of you it's kind of in front of your signicant street I guess I was going to get to that and I know this is not well I do have a photo of that house if you'd like me to mark it in or if you're already are well aware of what it looks like and how far back it is yeah I I would because we normally ask the questions and even though I think we all are reasonably familiar what why don't we get it on the record and also have the leg of a flag lock behind them on that that's the right South Side as well on the map it looks like it's in addition to the dve I don't know oh yeah that is interesting you talking about this I'm talking on the key map that I'm looking at on the front of the plot PL it looks like there's that's the road okay oh no there's a driveway and then there's there's a lock behind okay Mr sard what is that what's 10. y so when I was talking about the subdivision in 1964 uh it was all one Big Lot big house back here uh at the time subdivided to two lots to make this lot run and this I don't I don't know why they left that as a flag I guess presumably if they didn't have somehow didn't weren't going to have access to this they left with that yeah but I mean even if you look at the old subdivision back then this is there so so but there's other landlock Road hold on one second is is that is that a driveway or is that um just a green space Oh no this this this right here on the key map is a RightWay and then it traces back in the opening what is this is the driveway it is a driver this is the driveway for my backyard neighbor okay so it's your driveway your backyard neighbor driveway and then the right away got it everything run right next to each other got it who asked the question you did oh I no I'll up here just what was the relevance to the question did we answer the question is it just what the proximity to the next house on the south was and I was just saying that there's I see one two be adjacent okay three between you get before you this photo give a little moreor orientation everything so we're at 810 I believe uh yes sir believe something thank you that's got a whole tool done earlier this week last time wow I took a look at uh at Marty's house and Marty's house that fores to the second step is a approximately 24 ft setb to the word okay so as opposed to 42 43 ft right so so a typical consideration right guys is that we're looking at the encroachment on the front yard and what the potential impact of the neighbor is we've got the prevailing front yard setback ordinance now we know that that's a focus of the burrow and what we have in this case is immediately to the north we have no house immediately to the South plus a flag plus a road we have a house that sits more than 20t or about 20t in front of what's proposed that's all I wanted to get on the you go one lot further and you also another one that's not quite as close as this but also in front yard so I I think the point you're eventually getting on is there's the ordinance that talks about the the 200 surrounding ones that you can modify the FR that back but I would also suggest like you drive down the streetcape to the left of you is the R15 Zone those are all 35 ft approximately and then you're looking at the right hand side of street and there s regularity of of between 25 and 50 feet in in the in the area of this home so that's interesting so across the street to the West those houses are all in R15 um is is it is it so 35 is their setback you don't actually know what any of those houses are at I mean if you look at some are more some are some are at 35 but they're I would say closer on average I'm looking at like an aerial from Google overhead right but that's not really approximate I'm trying to help you but I but if you don't really have anything to to Bas it on meas let's let's not do that but but it is R15 so it is not the same requirement is this it is less and to the to the extent that we're concerned about the neighborhood um this is not inconsistent with what the requirements are I drove there today and they are noticeably this house of course we all know is essentially I mean 24 ft that skip measured seems it seems on top it seems even closer than that and then the houses across are fairly materially closer to the road let skip just curious did your 24t measurement come from the the side of the street came from the side of the street and I paced it off so very but there's 10 foot of RightWay quite a bit so it's proba closer to 15 in reality that's right and we're using this measurement 43 not apples and apps this would be 53 or 55 correct from that same distance this house is reasonably far back from the road and the houses across the street are I think set back a little bit further than what this house would see but you got more of these house sticking out sticking out into the road and compared to Mor LS this is maybe 20 30 ft for there there is one though if you were to stand in front of their house and look I guess to the left towards River Road there is a house that comes out a little it's probably about 35 but it's obscured but some Landscaping the house on the right is the one that's set really far back you know it's Ty a long thing on the side I think it's it may even be for S so that one is very very far back um I it's this house does not appear on top of the road and I would wager that even with this forch because of the right away it will still be feel significantly appropriate foration yeah since we're clearly moving into deliberation did you have anything further that you wanted us to know or here before we do deliberate I did not okay uh are there any members of the public to have any questions or would like to make any comments with regard to the application let the record reflect know okay then we're going to deliberate and stop this chat um I I look I I I think it's fine they can spend a lot of time on it um I I like that we're all agreeable to doing that um what I would propose is an approval and I would structure it this way and then I'll let to tell me if I'm crazy the first thing I would propose um is that the approval be conditioned on specific to the lock coverage variants that it be conditioned on their ability to install a drywall that would be subject to review by the engineer um and that they designed the replacement gutters to put as much of the roof um water to that dryw as is practical you can only do so much with water it's gravity fed um to the extent that they were unable to do that then I would um I I would otherwise not Grant the variance and that would leave you to the the need to remove the 500 plus square feet um you could um we would bifurcate or come back we would bifurcate the the requested variances so I'm proposing to Grant the front yard variance for the porch straight up and then I'm proposing to conditionally Grant the lock coverage variance on the installation of the drywell and to the extent it can't be done it I'm proposing it wouldn't be granted they would have the opportunity to reconcile it by removing it 500 from wherever they can remove it and then they just don't need the variance the I think the wrinkle to that was your suggestion that you would prefer to see them remove 10 and something and I get that to keep them at a net zero um I don't think given how old the improvements are in the back and the front that it's important enough to me um because I'm focused on driv I mean as as an estimate if you take from the right hand well as you're facing it the right hand side of the porch all the way to the north and basically everything from the right hand side of that bump out in the back all the way to the north and put it into a dry well I mean what ballpark square foot is you think you're off seven so I i' given Mr shardo a a 2,000 square foot number so if the footprint of the house um to the extent that you're draining it into the dryw right is is a measurement that's what you're going to offset so I use 2,000 I just threw that out maybe it's 1500 um you're going to get the entirety of the front roof pitch from the peak to the front you're getting all that and then from the back I don't know Mr dily can you confirm is there a straight um is there a straight um gutter line and then is that addition in the back underneath it with its own gutters it's a one story in the back we don't have any elevations in the back Pi well yeah well it would be reasonable to get this this second not where this is but um this gutter back here that's on thatth side easteast the session and then the yeah so get like three qu of R three4 of the main dwelling not not yeah look I'd be surprised if it wasn't a total of 1500 sare feet it's a lot more than 500 for children um all right now I I just I know we don't set precedent when we Grant variances but to see numbers going up when they don't have to is you know something that I'd rather not do but if we're taking back more than that uh through the possibility of running all this to a dry well and I'm you know I'm comfortable with that without taking the additional 110 I think you're 100% right but with a practical layover I get to the this makes more sense and I'm not saying you have to I'm more interested in whether or not your condition is is the drywall and if not the drywall then then bring it back to 30% coverage or or back to existing 2% my no my proposal is to grant them the variance for lck coverage for so long as they can install the dryw and get all that water underground and if they cannot that we revert back to not giving a variance with regard to lock coverage and they can figure it out if you feel different way we could talk about that um but I I I guess I understood that they were willing to go that far if they had to yeah no I'm just and and I don't have a problem with with cutting it back the thing I'm just curious about is when you say I'm not going to give the loot coverage variant okay do you mean at all do you mean they could the opportunity would be to knock off a half a percent to take it back to the existing non-conformity 3 2.12 as opposed to 32.6 or you saying what M what Mr sh said earlier I want it back down 30 yeah no that's actually he's saying back down I don't know that you can totally say that but what you can say is that you're granting the variance for the lot coverage provided that the dryw works out if the drywall doesn't work out they don't have a variance lot coverage they would have to come back with a proposal how much I do want to mention something and I don't I don't know the mechanics of this but if you grant the lot coverage variants right the backyard has not been redone if and when the papers in the patio get redone back there what happens then is that totally off limits right because essentially you're you're now you're now changing you can't increase it you got I mean you would if you were to redo the back like you're say a total n job on the back well then you have to recalculate how much l is and the problem here is that if you don't Grant the lot coverage at all then this addition of the porch that they're doing becomes the nonconformity right you know right because that's contributing to lock increase in lock so you you that's part of the 32.6 so you gota so you kind of have to come I can't believe I can't follow you guys sorry What's the total I I can't believe I'm what is the total additional square footage of lock coverage as a result of the B 110 square feet as plan that but that's the net number after they reduce the side of the 220 you mean just so it's basically it's 330 then because if you just add back oh no there's the fault at the back as well right either either way they're they're intending to cut that five feet off of right right hand side of the driveway but what I'm saying is yeah if they go to if they go if if we grant them the variance for the front yard setback and the dryw that the lot coverage is dependent on doesn't work they still can't build that porch yeah I so they would have to come back I'm going to fix that and I'm going to I'm going to change what I'm proposing because I I I don't think given where they already are and given that they're reducing by 200 and they came in that way with a net increase of 100 plus I I think it would be more appropriate that if they they cannot that that that Jordan confirms that they cannot install a dry that if they remove the 120 then they can have their lock coverage variant but I want them to do the drial I don't want them to choose to remove the papers instead if this property were in the R20 Zone which is more appropriate than the size of the property they can form because it's a 40% M coverage right yeah do all the b i it's funny Mr s didn't mention that but I think that that's a strong argument really happening I mean you and to take something out of the backyard when if it's if the property is appropriate with the R20 Zone to take something out of the backyard just for the sake of taking it out when it would already confirm with the R20 Zone what difference is you I agree with that yeah well but but what are you GNA do if that drywall doesn't go in you got to have this sort of we don't know so there has to be a plan I understand I'm generally in agreement I don't want them to take out stuff that doesn't matter right but but what what are you GNA do if they C done if they can't put it in a drywall then then it conforms based on the size of the property it conforms to the you are 20s on out out what do you think so you're you're I don't know we need the Dr do it condition it on the you don't want the dryw at all the drve oh okay condition on the drywell and don't have a backup plan just do it that way and let it be right that's what I would do and you know when I first looked at the driveway I thought the driveway was too wide but according to what the uh what the applicant is talking about they use the driveway they they use it so why make them why make them cut it back and if you if we often times go with another Zone based on this on the size of the property then they can form I I think that's and so and so why why make them run through hoops if they if they put in the drivew and the drivew works great all right and I and I would condition that that's that that is an appropriate idea or appropriate plan but if it doesn't if it doesn't work I originally came up with the alternative when um when when Jordan started getting crazy on what it might take in order to get it in and I just didn't want them to be committed to something that financially became bir best than um so along with your point of the condition here there there's a good chance drive going to work I think that this is just a secondary option in case it doesn't we have to prove that it works so they need to prove that it doesn't work not just that no be no longer want to install it because of X fery reason right yeah so so if if we go with where I started they would have an alternative um but if we stick with what skip is saying which effectively is do it condition it on the dry well but if it can't get done I think Skip say for a reason that they they prove it yeah I think that's right I think that that would need to be the the basis on which you'd remove the condition right right yeah I like that you like that I do I'm all for the conversation and discussion I think we've U it's a good plan it's a good porch um I appreciate the applicants points about the driveway and how they use it it's a community Neighborhood Place I pray I agree with Dr LA's Point let's let's get a motion so does everything else conform to the R20 yeah yeah the square footage the house at the setbacks and everything else it open absolutely all right Meg Mo and I and I like the uh I like the plan of the new house think an improvement all right so uh my motion is to approve the application um and so this motion would be based on the accuracy of the record and testimony board today construction plans uh the condition of the approval would be that the applicant uh tendered to the engineer um a design for um a roof leader replacement and drywell system uh which will address to the maximum extent uh depositing uh the roof run off into a drywell um a location where the applicant chooses um and to the extent that that becomes um unfeasible based on the engineering analysis that results um then on the engineer confirmation of that being the case um then it would be uh possible for the engineer uh to administratively remove that condition um on that being proven um to the satisfaction second yep yes yes ran yes yes um so just understand that if the dryw doesn't happen because it can't then there's no nothing nothing changes okay no yeah Mo thank you apprciate it I appreciate you ramping that so barely barely uh any it to discuss yeah let's discuss possible yeah thank Lu absolutely congratulations sure uh anybody else that's here have any comments or questions to the board we're going to close the public okay very good um okay okay so Sheila let's start by understanding what is currently complete and scheduled we have three applications scheduled for April correct okay anything scheduled yeah and three scheduled for May you're kid five beyond that and five beyond that not yet complete wow plus 550 Plus 550 and I know of another one that isn't in yet it's coming in in the next few weeks um W yeah yeah um so here's the to bring you here's the question that we tried to wrap up before you got here tonight Tom was so for April we have three including six SPS yep we all know that people have a tendency to drop off which is why we don't want to deal with two I know that one think that's going to take I don't want to wait we close to the no no okay no just there's no reason to be just do we schedule three in April Mr Sprouts expecting somebody to drop off I think we might be able to get two out of that that you know and we all know that the problem you schedule two and one guy drops out you have one out okay that's why you schedule three and hopefully you get two out it but what do we think about that six and SCS meeting do we think going to take a whole meeting well I I Who would know right yeah but but the issue is the clear issue is with three in April and three in May you got nowhere to put a carry and nowhere to put somebody at the bumps um in other words if you stop at stixon Browns which seems very likely and everybody stays on that last one scheduled for April can't immediately move to May or what I'm about to say is I think it needs to and I think what we need to do is I think we need to be prepared to take them in sequence alert the people in May that the dates aren't firm yet they're they're on they've noticed and that um that we're moving through the the the calendar as best we can that the people you wouldn't get to in April I think you got a bumped to May you're not going to put them in June what is what is the date of the April meeting again 11 so there is a small chance I may go back to the Masters this year and if I do I will not be here for the meeting dude to actually give us the reason I would say something we're on the record so I'll wait till we till we get Master when you say go to the Masters you can't say go back to the Masters so so hats hats for all so that's so on Frank's point so on Frank's point we need everybody here and so I I actually said exactly that to Paul when he told me that he wasn't going to be here tonight be ready to be here all the time because we are super busy and we need you so please um know that um I have a conflict for May sorry seriously yeah what's the May dat second what is the um what's the 120 days look like for the guys that are that we had on in May I um let's see for number four would be six June 22nd Thompson has requested to move forward so they're past their 330s their 120 days that they have requested to move forward is um July 2nd okay so there's nobody in May that were on the that were up against the the but I understand when when when you come to them and you're out of time what you're going to do is you're going to you're going to hear from them and and basically establish that there's no way to hear their matter and ask them to continue it and if they don't agree to continue it and stipulate to the extension then you you have to open it and you have to deny it don't you I know it doesn't happen if you don't hear it you you certain open and your meeting ends when it ends so don't don't dare me your time to act is that the beginning of the hearing or is that the decision of the board you just have the hear you have to commence okay standard protocol is that when you're pressed up against the end you tell them that we're pressed up against the end we don't have enough time to hear what we would need to hear in order to Grant the variance if you force our hand we have no choice but to vote um against your application because the alternative is that they get an approval as a matter of right for failure to act but is that we don't have to conclude it we just have to start the here right but is voting against them at that point arbitrary because it's not on the merits it's on I'm not going to render that opinion in I'm just going to ask the question it rarely happens that's what you do and and it's not going to happen so I shouldn't have to worry about it we need to continue to schedule three we also need to recognize that if we get to a point where we scheduled three and three the way we do that the following two or three months are going to be a disaster that's just the way it is and you got five behind them so what's going to happen is do not schedule any more for June at all right now we're going to have to probably go two but if we get to April and realize we haven't made it through all three then we're going to know that we can't schedule for June because people things are going to get bumped back so we leave it like it is three in April three in May well hold on a second I mean is May done set for three they've noticed it's done well they haven't noticed yet but they've been advised that that's where they're penciled it well then no then un pencil them whoever's third whoever's third there pull them off they're not it's very unlikely I'd rather have a meeting like this than have what you're about to see which is just way too much to be whoever's got the longest so time yeah whoever was the last to come in tell them what for me tell them on their applications they deem complete and they're just to wait for advice so so so you can tell them that their application is deemed I told them their May unless it needs to move farther out because things adjust that's what you need to tell them and and and you can specifically explain to them told them May tell them that you you meant may be men as I said you stuttered not nothing is in pen it is this is where you fit in as of right now this is a two-part response the the response is as follows we have three applications for April it is it is it is unusual to be able to get through all three and it is likely that somebody's going to move to may we already have multiple people scheduled for May so that last person what you tell them the other side of it is if we keep you on it is incredibly unlikely that we actually get to you and you're going to wind up sitting here and alternatively which which is what weed to do is to move you back so that when we get you onto the agenda you're likely to be heard you're likely to be heard no no PR first yeah yeah now now we go to go to mad so speaking of that um the River Road matad application is um saying that they're ready Jordan have you and the planner received all the information you expected to receive received yes did you have questions or comments back to them that you need to work through I haven't looked at it yet okay um with regard to the resos I was very surprised to see from Mr aens a response I know that we've asked him for some time to provide those resos I think that we should not officially scheduled this special until we know that you've been through it that you're done and you're clear and that we have the resolutions that we want and I assume that Mr Akens can can facilitate that rather quickly but let's talk about the date that we would put it on um he gave you a week but the week doesn't work the week the week downs and it's primarily by scheduling conflicts the week comes down to one day on the 18th of April simply because I have other matter scheduled in the evening with other public clients it's not he gave us the we the 15th and when we went through it the 15th for me I have another planning board meeting the 16th we have the Fair Haven planning board meeting 17th I have uh Board of Education matter well you're good you're good you got stuff going you going to the Masters uh no I can't even promise anybody uh golf so I mean I could do the 18th of of Thursday Jordan I haveing that's right can't 18 push he well and he did but Jordan did advise you could have someone from the office and I think mostly what you're going to be dealing subject to what Jordan says is planning there's also a chance that the hearing I'm going to could be canceled as well case okay who's here on the 18th outside of georia that's really what we that's really the more important I don't have anything no master no no British Open no no I'm going on my son's field trip when are we going to be back we're going to Ellis Island or something I think I'll be back 18th is time with May 18th works for so the only person doesn't work for is you Doug's point is it's either oh Mark aens matters we don't know if I can sell or Sher that LE with one two 3 four 5 seven Max now granted it's not a d it's a side C these are all see on so we don't need seven obviously we want seven uh we could do it based subject to I'll just text them and see what the availability is wait a minute we're focusing on the week he's given us but there so much going on tell we so what about the what about the week of the 6th of May uh much better for me that works so here's the advantage of doing that we'll get through April we'll even get through May we could pick up a second piece of something at that special and we could set more than one in week of the sixth so the the regular May is May 2nd correct unless it's been adjusted that's what's on my calendar I have the six s eth available to me okay uh the the problem is the room and the zoom what's the availability of the room that we of the 6th and the week of the 13th the 9th and the 16th those are the only days available yeah because that's all right we don't yeah okay I can't do the I don't have the the nth and 16 how about the 16th 16th looks I can do the 16 and this is in May though correct May yeah which should be May 16th is second oh wait a minute what's hold on the PLAYERS Championship in May yeah I'm why this is a rough yeah May 16th works I just need to confirm with the office but I'm just looking at their calendar there's nothing here all right Jordan you get on the 16th I have an every Thursday conflict other than the regular schedu of meetings so but I absolutely something yeah I think we're gonna be stuck with them a lot of it's planning though anyway so yeah we have no choice okay so um let's go back to Mr Akens tell him that the week that he proposed doesn't work for a variety of reasons the date we propose is the 16 and that we've had trouble coordinating people schedules and the availability of the room you want to do that or you want Sheila to do that she do that Sheila can you do that for us y okay um don't copy me on the email um but copy dug uh if that doesn't work that rolls us to the 23rd is that the next available I'm okay to 23 is that the only day that really just Thursday's period that the room is available right ask that again it's only Thursdays I'm limited to Thursdays uh it depends on the week but between because uh yeah even the problem that happened Tuesday is that there's only one Zoom so when we got on on Tuesday we knocked the rec committee off they ended up having a reschedule oh that's even though they weren't using the room and yeah so yes the answer is yes by the way that's total nonsense that that should not be an impediment to having a meeting but okay no but that's what I was told even for future reference I propos Sheila can you send an email with all the special meeting dates yeah it's all on well it's all on um well once they're conf yeah once it's confirmed you can just send it because I want to it in well in advance you mean the proposed yeah yeah yeah there's only one there's only one May 16th let's just give him that option if that doesn't work we'll have to do it by Emil okay um there really is a lot coming down the pipe that is you're looking at 10 anyway um and probably more uh we're GNA have to do additional specials so cancel your vacations um no but we'll just just if everybody recognizes it I think it makes it a little bit easier but you know sticks and Sprouts is you know all over Facebook the other ones probably aren't near this Harry but um we got a lot coming up got the right crew all right anything further motion to adjourn all in favor oh 8:45 oh my