meeting of January 18th 2024 will reconvene and call to order at 7:34 um here at Thomas Edison school room 19 3701 folon Avenue Caroline New Jersey uh there are 1 two 3 four five seven me sorry guys not a ask uh 1 two three four five six seven eight eight members of the public in attendance um missuso can you call the rooll Mr balowski here Mr Bon here Dr berini president Miss Brown president miss fich pres Mr Rosenberg here Mr Spindel present M Yurman present Mrs Mayhan present we have a the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of the public public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is dis discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of this act the fairon board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having a date time and place thereof distributed to the persons on the approved list posted in the Board of Education administrative office and sent to the Bergen Record and the Star Ledger the announcements posted for the regular monthly meeting along with the date Place time and thereof was distributed on January 5th 202 4 please join me in the flag I flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all um so we have Matthew pal Mar Memorial Middle School student representative Zachary Powell TJ Middle School representative and Prima you got it marotti FN high school student representative my M name is official since so I hear you um um why don't we start with our middle school students who are going to share their representative reports thanks to the both schools for organizing activities for students during the months at TJ the PTO sponsor Dan nights for grades five and six as well as win dance for GR seven and drama is not the only thing there at the middle school and no we're not talking about talking about your typical Middle School drama we are talking about drama club both schools are busy preparing for the upcoming performances and we hope you're able to join us this year memorials presenting into the woods evening performance states are March 2nd and 3D and tradition continues as we once again invite fourth graders fourth grade students from forest and Crest in West Morland along with members of the community from the Falon Senior Center and Falon for all ages to join us on February 29th for a mat mat performance this year the TJ drama club will be present the new our performance dates will be Friday March 8th and Saturday March 9th at 7 p.m. in addition we will be hosting performances at first and fourth graders on Thursday March 7th at 9:30 a.m. any board members assisted in attending are is asked to contact the TJ office for last week and this week students and staff at Memorial honored the remarkable Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King J as a school Community we've actively participated in commemorating this influential men in addition to our inspirational morning announcements students and staff have contributed to our annual dream Towers project by writing their own dreams on clouds these aspirations will be proudly displayed on the towers located in the main hallway right outside the auditorium each year teachers physical education and Health Department organizers organize a volleyball tournament for students and faculty in February and teams are invited to donate to a select charity as part of your this year we are pleased to share that in partnership with the TJ PTO we will be continuing our support of pediatric Cancer Care with donations to to the Jackson and Val get ready for a belly warming event at Memorial Middle School this is our February Memorial this February Memorial will once again trade touchdowns for tins with our annual Super Bowl challenge it's a schoolwide showdown where we're not tossing footballs but stacking cans of soup so grab your grab your ladles Dawn your aprons and let's tackle hunger where the real MVPs are the ones bringing the cans for a good cause all cans will be donated to the Falon food P I'm janary 17 2022 former TJ student Peter Cisco died of complications from C in his memory Peter's parents have dedicated themselves to helping other families who find themselves caring for a child with cancer through the Peter Cisco foundation in the spirit of giving Mr and Mrs Cisco have also organized what has become an annual blood drive which will take place on Saturday January 27th 2024 in the TJ gymnasium so learn how you can participate on schedule an appointment please visit the TJ website and C the at last month's board meeting we talked about our volley for charity event we wanted to leave you tonight with a quick update Memorial was able to donate almost 500 toiletry items to the American Red Cross and during the annual epic battle of the eighth graders vers the teachers once again the teachers were victorious however as a member of the e8th grade team I would like to mention that the teacher had the teachers had a ringer on the side and Mr Haney who rumor has it play Collegiate Level Volleyball it was all but it was all in good fun and for a good cause one last final comment we are already preparing to the March Madness basketball event where we will once again donate to donate to a charity and hopefully crush the teachers this time so teachers you should start faing don't say warn you all right first of all I want to say congratulations to Mr Bowski and Mrs May Physicians and Miss Brown it's great to see you at the table um so this week has been a little bit tense because it is the week before midterms foran High School um but it has been pretty fun because we had our delayed openings thank you Dr jio and has it maybe GNA have no school tomor she's really good she excellent see I wouldn't want to disappoint the kids putol spoons don't be your table under your pillows yeah the spoons I I cubes I've learned about a lot of traditions pressure is tough in this room tonight I'm smiling um since our last meeting we had our December spirit week which is a huge success feedback from our general assembly which was um this past week was very positive um and one of the highlights teacher and student swap day um and for reference our general assembly is during school day and it's comprised of all our homew room Representatives our executive committee which are appointed um and our general assembly which are elected um officers um and this week we are very busy with their class Council Drive um so all all four class councils from the four years have been collecting non- perishable food items and other necessities to donate to the Fine Food Pantry that is in tandem with uh the effort from the middle schools for the food pantry um and this this week was also the classes squish mow fundraiser um a squish mellow is I sound stupid every time I try to try to describe it it's essentially just a tiny uh stuffed animal but you'd be surprised how much money they will high school will pay for that so it was a very successful fundraiser um and the yeah yeah and the purpose of this was to have a study buddy going into midterm so we were able to send it to any staff member student member um going into MMS next week and finally there is a National Honor Society volleyball tournament we have all your charity on the 26th uh which is a uh huge effort from the National Honor Society where we get a bunch of donations from all local businesses um and any families and friends and we uh it is a a joint event uh for students to destress from our midterm exams and also have some friendly conversation um so because it is January and we've been uh very busy with midterms that is that all I have from my report today but it's great to see you all and I'm excited for the new year I say something congratul ation on your Dr Martin Luther King a can can you tell USS about I was interested so um so it is from a school nomination um and they pull 20 kids from um from the state from various counties um but I was from B County so it is basically for um academic excellence and community service along with your resume like Student Activities um Dr bati nominated me for um and yeah that was with the certificates were for it was a really nice ceremony in honor of Dr Mar Lu King Jr um they had assembly woman sioban stter speak and she gave the keynote speech and she was very inspiring um it was overall a very nice ceremony about like the future and how like kids can do more to um keep his legacy alive um because it was his 95th birthday celebration right the only other thing I want to say is thank you all the schools for everything you're doing for our community especially the food bank stuff because it's a very it's very needed right now thank you guys so much for joining us um you are welcome to stay but at this time if there are any moms or families that want to grab a quick picture and then you are welcome to excuse yourself um should you choose go ahead I took one already there goes the eye roll smile don't roll your eyes move the paper move the paper and get another photo move the paper from the thing so you get the plate yeah there you go I really he won't yell at Mrs May yell at Mom thanks well done thank you guys all so much um please feel free to stay um any chance those squishmallow are they fairon logo squishmallows I I think I would want one of those if sow is a giant squishmallow it's she's an adult like why don't I know what this is than you guys so much congs awesome question when they're presting are being I know I was thinking that when you were saying that that we need to well can they sit here and face that way I don't see why not well the only thing say is they're presenting to you they're not Community you know but we can still hear it but they're not being televised only the back of their heads that is a actually going to transition into our superintendent's comments um Dr J here the floor is yours thank you very much uh good evening everyone um and uh as far as the superintendent comments tonight I have a number of updates that I'd like be able to provide first I'd just like to thank uh the parent Community for coming out at our first coffee and conversation on January 11th it was very well attended we met for about an hour and 45 minutes here in room 19 very Rich productive conversation I really appreciate the parents input uh there's going to be a communication going out again tomorrow uh we will continue with the district level Communications uh and actually be promoting it even more for next month's meeting which is actually at 10: a.m. uh and then in March we'll also have another 7 PM meeting um and then we really appreciate all the feedback from the parents one of the things that we'll be doing in the coming weeks as well sending out a survey as I had mentioned around thought Exchange meeting with the PTA Council next week and we'll be launching uh thought exchange survey with the parents first and then we'll be in person at the PTA meetings and then we'll be rolling it out via email in the coming weeks to the whole community and once we do the parents then we'll also go to our high school students for sure and get their feedback and possibly even our um some of our middle school students at least the seventh and eighth graders and uh making sure that the survey is age appropriate um to make sure that we're just hearing from them what the strengths in the areas that they want us to focus on I think it's really important to go to our students because you know they should have voice and agency over their education uh now I'm going to update on a number of other things um and I just like to preface it by saying that our team uh has been working diligently um as always which is the foundation and Bedrock of this district with our faculty and staff and in May and June we're planning a number of presentations uh regarding the progress around number of different initiatives in the district so so one of those uh presentations to the board and to the public will be around the uh entry plan superintendent entry plan around the strengths and the areas for Focus moving forward um some of the other areas that have been topics of conversation prior to my arrival as superintendent uh is going to be focusing on the requests for New World languages so as you know a number of months ago last year uh the request has had come up several times uh for the district uh an inquiry in order to explore Hebrew as a language as part of the process I've met with the team here uh we're in the process of developing a process and a survey uh by which we are going to engage our students at the high school as well as we are considering engaging our students in Upper Middle School to ask them what languages we currently don't offer that they would be interested in and that's I think where we first have to start um we may have a great number of students and families who are interested in Hebrew but we may also have a number of other languages that rise to the top for consideration so there will be no new world languages for the 25 20 24 25 school year at the earliest if there is interest there's a whole process that we would have to engage in um not only from identifying which courses have the highest level of interest but also how do those courses apply to the workforce in the 21st century how do we uh then make a decision around uh identifying which courses would Merit adopting and then getting board approval on plus developing curriculum budgeting recruiting and hiring retention of staff so there's a lot that goes into the planning so at the at the earliest not to mention the master scheduling component which we are in the throws of right now now January through say April May at the latest to to develop the schedule for September so a new world language is not happening for September we don't have enough time for that is it possible for September of 25 it's possible we'll see where the next six months takes us uh and we look forward to being able to provide an update to the board through our committees and through full board discussion uh in the coming months so you can expect more on that later as far as Career and Technical education program that's another topic that's a board goal uh one of the three board goals and an area that has been a topic of conversation at the board level for for several years and what we're doing right now is we're conducting an analysis of where we're currently at so what courses do we currently offer that address the CTE standards uh and course programs uh what's our current student involvement so are there courses that we're currently offering that's in our program of studies course bulletin that we have requests beyond what we're currently filling so we may have a high amount of demand from our students uh for certain courses we currently have but we're not able to fill them because perhaps we don't have enough staff so that's another component that we're going to take a look at because we could scale that that's lwh hanging FR right there um another thing we're going to do is we're going to be surveying our current high school students uh we're going to start there with what courses under CTE and for that matter courses across all disciplines do we currently not offer that our student body would like us to explore I think that information is going to be helpful to have constructive dialogue with our education committee and utilize that once again for purposes of budgeting curriculum development staff Recruitment and hiring um and making sure that we could build a program and and when we're thinking about what these Career and Technical Pathways look like based on the student student interest um if there's enough student interest there developing introductory courses for our students looking at our current spaces within our building that we could enhance and renovate um and then also to be able to take a look at uh what other Pathways we can create so if there's an entry-level course what's the subsequent course the level two a level three and Beyond and what are the Partnerships with our community businesses that we can engage in so the team's working on that first step is going to be to identify what courses do we currently have in our handbook in our course bulletin that we can tap into and and expand upon and then what new courses do we need to look at uh and then building it internally and then if it requires you know improvements to Capital structures or Capital Improvements that's something that we can then plan for more longterm you know one two three years down the road that takes some time another topic of conversation as you all know has been gifted and talented um there was the audit that was conducted last year um most recently Dr lactina has engaged the uh members of our gifted and talented committee and in December they they had a follow-up meeting uh subsequent to the uh audit and the recommendations that came forward from the presentation in the fall with Meredith Thomas and uh the recent meeting in December was in an effort to establish with committee members the the mission the vision uh and the belief statements for the gifted and talented program and to the next steps will be to continue to take a look at the recommendations that are set forth within that and then being able to identify what next steps will occur for the remainder of this year and what recommendations will occur for 2425 so Dr lactina and the team um are planning a presentation in May or June to provide an update to the board and to the public and then last but not least uh big topic of conversation is always around and M manuso is smiling because she knows what's coming enrollment capacity study uh and taking a look at the projections in the district so she and I and other members of our team have been very busy um had very very fruitful conversations with our principls and our central office admin team over the past two months regarding where our budget process is what the needs are from our princi I and the supervisors within our buildings what do our current enrollment projections look like for next year and the year after not only within each classroom but within each school and then also moving up our students from elementary to middle and middle to high school so we can project out not just what's going to happen in September but then what's going to happen in three to five years uh a lot of considerations uh I can tell you that as I know there have been uh through the referendum and capital Improvement there have been additions on the buildings I think we're all of the mindset that if we need to build additions we will but that should be a last resort what we're doing first is examining how are we currently utilizing our classroom spaces how are we utilizing our building space our building usage um are there programs or schedules that could be modified in order to accommodate our space issues if there are any and if there are any where do they specifically exist so there are a lot lot of strategies and problem solving that could be engaged and imployed um before we start building additions I'm not sure that we're quite there yet uh in regards to needing to add on to buildings and if there are we'll be able to analyze and assess that and part of this that uh our team and Miss manuso are working on with our Architects is looking at that capacity study from a couple of years ago and we're going to be engaging the demographer with uh getting some more accurate numbers because that's you know almost 2 years old now now and we want to be able to make sure that our live birth study uh with our you know zero to 5-year-old children is as accurate as possible and then make sure that we have accurate enrollment projections so then that way we can have a really solid recommendation moving forward around how to uh address any enrollment issues if there are any and the conversations with our principles has been really helpful to make sure that we're taking a look at those numbers and I think we're in a really solid place right now so you can expect more in May and June um so I wanted to share that because you know without the board and the public hearing it um it's easy to assume that nothing's being done but there's a lot being done um and the result of all of that work and Analysis will be forthcoming in May and June so I wanted to share that with the board and with the public to it so thank you and uh that concludes the superintendent report thank you very much um my apologies if I don't say your name properly um we have a presentation for the 2223 audit uh by Mrs wab than you for having AIT all the board members should have a copy of myage instruction administra outl Transportation maintenance expenses are reced that budget is sorry I'll speak a little louder in here in here um so you have the local Revenue which is principally the local tax levy so the final budget was 97.0 N5 million the actual Revenue was 9985 million there was an excess of about 2.75 million and that excess was due to a variety of items and one was an excess intuition revenue of 328,000 miscellaneous Revenue excess of 774 th000 interest earnings of a little under 1.5 million interest earnings on the capital reserve 101,000 and transportation fees for individuals of 49,000 so for state revenue or state aid final budget 17.5 million actual 20 million6 I see I have a little typo there that excess is due to the fact that you had excess extraordinary Aid and non-public Transportation it's sometimes difficult to anticipate what you're going to get for Extraordinary Aid because the state applies a percentage at the end of the year and you don't know until June or July what that's going to be and then federal revenue is Medicaid transportation program or assistance program or what we call Semi was bued at 60,000 actual 87 excess Revenue 27,000 so there was an overall excess in revenue of 5.87 million which is very good next we have Appropriations or expenditures the final budget was 128 million and the actual expenditures will3 million4 um unexpended 15 million included in that 15 million is 3.2 million of inces what happens is sometimes there's purchase orders which are placed for goods or services before the end of the year and they're not received the goods or the um services rendered so they get rolled over into the next year's budget and then truly unexpended was 11977 million and then underneath we have the fund balance which started the year at 44.9 million and these are the compon how we get from the beginning fund balance to the ending fund balance through the budget process you withdrew 478,000 from the capital reserve to Debt Service and you also withdrew some money from the capital reserve to support projects in the budget of 5.2 million then we add in budgeted interest on the reserves of 2000 additional 2 million of surplus was used to support the budget liquidated the prior incumbrances of 6.1 2 milon we add in the excess of Revenue and unexpended budget balances and the fund balance in the general fund at the end of the year is 52 million but if you be kind enough to turn to the second page it's really important that we go [Music] comp have the capital reserve at June 30 23 .6 million if there was an increase of a little over 5 million that was due to a yearend transfer of 9.45 million the board has the ability in June of every year to uh do resolution to deposit funds in the various reserves so um as we saw on the other page interest earnings have really picked up during the year so the capital reserve had 103,000 in interest there was a budgeted withdraw to Debt Service as I mentioned on the previous page of 479,000 and there was a net budgeted withdrawal of 4092 million now I say not budgeted withdrawal because if there's money that's not spent of the budgeted withdrawal we get back in and then so the capital reserve very important especially within a 2% budget and use that for the local share of projects in the range facility it's always very good to maintenance Reserve um the district has 5.4 million those can be used for projects in the allow maintenance or M1 program that increased 500,000 and that was due to the year end deposit for that as well then you have an emergency Reserve that pretty much stays steady with a little bit of Interest earnings the emergency Reserve is a little harder to get money out of it can be used during the budget process for an excess and health benefits above 4% or for security improvements otherwise you need to go to the commissioner of education for approval and they're looking for um to get that approval would be something that would for a thorough and efficient education then we have the unemployment compensation trust a couple years ago the gby um moved this activity into the general fund that's used for unemployment [Music] claims and then um we have that's was calculated at June 3022 which you're using it in the 24 budget of 1.75 million then we had calculated excess Surplus at 63023 of 8.6 million so that will need to be used in the 25 budget then there are what we call some assigned funds those are the encumbrances I mentioned on the previous page of 3.2 million and then we have unassigned and the unassigned is 7 million it's at the maximum now you will see that there's a difference from June 30 22 to 23 the Department of Education had allowed districts to have unassigned fund balance of 4% for two years but that was moved back to 2% at 63023 and we had had this 2% for many years at one point in time back in the day it used to be six then they moved it down to three and it's been two for quite a long while overall the district is in a very I do have an pageal f2.9 million 2% that's 2.28 million I have ENT of above of 250 some districts they're calcula that might be under 250 so they allow them up but obviously have a large school district here so it's the 2.28 million then if you had a um excess Revenue above the budget amount for non-public Transportation or extraordinary Aid which is the 2.44 million you can take the 2.2 million and the 2.4 million add them together and come up with the 4.7 so that's your total maximum un assigned fund outs then we do another mathematical calculation where you take the total fund balance subtract out all the money that's been assigned or restricted for specific purposes already which is the incumbrances the maintenance reserve the capital reserve the emergency reserve the unemployment compensation reserve and excess Surplus from the PRI year and then we get an amount which is the 13.3 million We compare it against the 4.7 million and if there is an amount there below you do have excess surplus of 8.6 milon like I said you're at the 2% then if You' be kind enough to turn back to other areas um we have an Enterprise fund the Food Service fund or the cafeteria which is considered um Enterprise fund or business type activity you're supposed to operate like a business and be self-supporting um it has something called net position that's another term that the gby who sets all the accounting standards for us tell us we have to use but it's the same thing essentially as fund so that net position increased 1367 million to 4114 million and that increase was due primarily since the uh seamless summer option which allowed for the students to have a free lunch ended at the end of August we're back to the normal school uh food operations so all the districts saw a big increase in daily sales and um as well as a decrease in operating expense so that's and that also has the Food Service fund a very healthy that position fund balance then you have a couple of long-term liabilities or longterm dat Deb you have serial bonds of 38475 heing which finally mature in FIS year 44 compensated absences payable which is a required calculation of the unused vacation of the staff of 626,000 which will happen is when the budget comes around each year and we budgeted for how much you think that the retiring staff payout will be so it's not as though that's due and payable at one specific point and then you also have 18338 million in net P liability for the PRS pension system the public employees retirement system that is the pension system that district is responsible for liability for um of course you're only paying out the bill that you get from the Division of Pensions each year um that's unlike the teachers pension and annuity fund which the state is responsible for and the PRS pension system is typically staff that are um secretaries AIDS custodians uh bus drivers so can I answer any questions on the financial yes so I just wanted to double check so the district has $52 million in excess the total general fund Surplus is the 52 million grand total the grand total of all right yeah the excess Surplus is just the well the excess Surplus being used in 24 is the 1.97 million and the amount that you'll have to use in the 25 budget is the 8.65 and one more thing how much did we spend last year on healthcare costs well there is around that oh nobly ofs it's proba like expert on it include and vision whatevers that the District offers but what we have here asent how much was thaton thank you just thank you very much for for the presentation just a just a general question I my experience seems like a very solid budget and fund balance so in your opinion compared to other districts how does Falone stand very strong very strong that's okay that's what I thought just want to make sure thank you there any other questions okay absolutely I I would like to stress the fact that um Financial records were in excellent condition we need very very minor and we have one we have relates to special education extraordinary Aid that and the um application is very involved so weed that there were certain costs that were over reported and certain that was um mainly to do with the salary of the AIDS you had the ability to use either an average or the actual cost G that was providing the services to a particular student the application is rep on all these individual students so like I said it's an undertaking and then we had noticed that certain other types of different Services overated others were understated but um just this district is very responsive if we offer any suggestions they very much quickly are addressing them we will be coming out in May when the application is due to take a look at the current years to see if we notic anything and that will be before the application is submitted and I feel very confident that will not be recommendation next year and then the other permit that I wanted to mention and I don't see this is a bad thing and it's very common in any District that participated in the senle summer option over the last couple years but you have what we call Net access cash resources in the service fund milon but I think it's great gives you the opportunity to buy things that you need for the service fund I mean I work with some districts who actually have to fund the cafeteria from the general fund money so having more money rather than less is a positive thing we always include a couple of suggestions to all our districts one of them is on the covid-19 funding we did review the covid-19 funding the funds notice anything but uh they are coming out and looking at these grants and they're very um tough when they come out so and then the other one is about that we've offered to all our districts is the Food Service management company they have a monthly operating statement and we just suggesting to all districts that you do that on a monthly basis I know Melissa does that so it's not issue here but we all those in our report and then we had noticed uh we had made a suggestion that um missuso at the same level of treasure um it was at the required level and that I know has already been addressed so like I said anything that we suggest or bring to their attention that you know could possibly be an issue is always addressed right away and that's very impressive so like I want to thank and Med called their help we ask a lot of questions and everybody's trying to get their own work done at the same time and really appreciate their help but overall very excellent audit just a similar question having only one recommendation in audit is is outstanding in my yes yes it is okay great thank you any other questions please I just wanted to um obviously thank you Heidi um I wanted to specifically thank my right hand Melissa for during such an outstanding job on the audit um the business office special services um you know it really does take a village to this is a large budget it's a big school district um as uh Heidi said everyone has been really responsive it's only our third audit with nissia so I think it's natural that as we have different sampling we are going to uncover things that have been done the same way for a long time that just you know the process needs to be dusted off and revamped so um I agree with you I don't look at any of those things as negative things but rather just a Growing Experience you know we're happy that you um take the due diligence to really get into the weeds and look at our financials and help us improve so um thank you for another great successful year we appreciate it thank you thank you so much thank you very much so we are going to move into the public portion on the agenda items only please limit your questions at this time to the resolution on the current agenda please provide your name and municipality in which you reside and sign in comments are limited to 3 minutes and specify the resolution you are referring to in your question or comment this is not a dialogue between the speaker and the board all comments will be taken at once and when public comments are complete the board president The District administration will respond as best they can during the public portion of the of the meeting for other business the same will procedure will apply the floor is open Mr B guys have nobody here hold on let me start the clock start the hold on definitely start the clock me start the clock definitely I just wanted to uh started two things I just name name name and address please isal I live in and I'm Cen of years you're not getting my address uh no in all seriousness I wanted to um congratulate all the retirees again once again we Los some teach that have been 31 26 years yes I did read the agenda um so again it shows you that type of school district we have that most teachers that come here stay here that's tribute to this distri uh second thing too is I want to thank um all the schools and some personal for their donations as you can see uh again once again PT and PTO do a tremendous job help uh give back to the kids a lot of different things and and the last thing is on um a lot of the activities the kids are going on it's great to see the bridges kids and Son of kids going to different locations to learn about how to live life on life's terms um I will say one thing and the reason I say this is because uh recently my wife lost her aunt um and they have a 42y old uh child not child man Sean and he's down sitting um but the thing is Sean knows going through stuff like this how to be able to live on his own because it's be part about his mom so those those activities are very very important for these kids glad to see have anything do have anything on the Google Doc refresh yes uh well it says that we have Olga Ginsburg but I do not have an actual oh I'm sorry uh would you like me to read it into the record please Olga pburg noted I would like to thank Dr denisio for hosting coffee and conversations meeting it was such an amazing opportunity to provide Fe feedback and share concerns ask questions and meet other parents sorry I can't see the rest I actually don't have access to but she said that it was very warm you could see it up top yeah it's at the end and I can't I only have view access yeah I only do as well I don't know who owns it I'm sorry thank you Mr f it says a very open and welcoming but I can't get to the rest of it see I can't get I don't have editing access to see the whole comment oh wait I'm sorry I got it I'm sorry it was such an amazing opportunity to provide feedback and share concerns ask questions meet other parents a very open and welcoming environment I highly encourage all the parents to attend the next session scheduled later in February and March thank you again Dr deio and that is all we have on the floor okay great um or comments Mark yes I have a couple of uh comments tonight first I wanted to thank Danielle and Melissa and the rest of the business uh staff for the excellent report that we re that we just received uh I'm talking about 7A right now regarding uh the new hes I've made mention of this in the past and I'm going to make mention of it again in the past we used to receive a bio on each new teacher Hy the bio gives information to the board members why a new teacher may be starting on step seven rather than on step one or step 12 rather than starting on step one which is a significant amount of difference in pay that that person is going to receive so it's more of a clarification when the previous in uh superintendent was here they provided a booklet for us that was given out prior to the board meeting I didn't think that was sufficient because if you had a question on any of the new hes there wasn't really sufficient time in order to get a reply so I'm requesting again that on the agenda for all new teachers being hired that there' be a bio written on that person telling past uh history of positions that they've had which could possibly then justify why the individual is on such a high step number two 7B regarding resignations I see that there for this month is the high amount of resignations uh I'm just wondering whether or not it's something that the district is doing and the district district is responsible for I'm wondering whether or not the district compiles information why specific people do retire because if it is something that the district is doing perhaps we can improve upon that to retain more of our individuals the next one has to do with uh monthly updates that Dr dionio spoke about I was going to speak about this and I'm glad that he uh spoke on some of these items before there are many topics that come forth from the board members as well as from the community that need monthly updates and if monthly updates are not given whether it's a sentence or two sentence to me that's a monthly update if they're not given then it can be Mis Mis uh misconceived as not working on on it at all so I am asking that monthly updates no matter how insignificant you think it may be are given so that the parents know that something's happening for instance community service I've been asking for a community service now for God knows how long we had an education committee meeting on last month there is no update given to this board or to the community on where we're going with this community service to me it seems and I and I hope I am wrong and I'm not trying to insult anybody but to me it seems like put it on a back burner somebody will forget about it and we'll go through the next year without having community service but I am going to bring this up every month I think there's enough concern from board members on this panel of nine to want to see that community service be implemented and it is going to behoove the administration to work more quickly than not because in another couple of months I'm going to take a vote to have it implemented in September and if you've been putting this on the back burner and you're not fully committed to investigating into whether or not we can do it we're going to be blindsided come September if we have the five votes to implement it in September so I'm asking please make sure that we follow through on these things the other one was as Dr dionio made mention of the World Language the World Language topic came to us approximately one year ago in February or March if I am not mistaken to be acted upon there was supposed to have been a survey from the students so that we could have more information on this there is no survey that has been done as far as I know yet we have now pushed this back to May and June so as you stated the likelihood of it being implemented in September is is nil we're doing budgeting at this time and it it's not really something that could not have been worked on in my estimation and we're really not being given updates now we're going to be giving it in May and June which is definitely too long and then there's a possibility it's not going to be implemented in 25 either which is totally wrong so I am asking community service I'm asking that uh the World Language be updated on a monthly basis so that we and so that we know what's going on and the last topic that I want to speak about has to do with hibs and I'm I I want to start off by saying that I am not making any any political statement whatsoever by the comments that I'm about to make and that this subject on Hib has really been haunting me for many years I want to comment on the 5B hi number five be hip cases in the past I've had to sit here and listen to the harassment intimidation and bullying cases on a monthly basis and every time I listen to them I cringe it appeared to me that the community fairon the state New Jersey and the federal government have a double standard effectively judging on what appropriate behavior is how can we as a board in good judgment discipline our students of Falon District by following the New Jersey Hib laws when we hear here on a daily basis politicians who make fun of the Indigent the handicap and political opponents with no repercussions whatsoever do we think that our students do not listen to all of this and wonder why can the politicians get away with this and yet we can't and we're disciplined therefore how can we as a board hold our students accountable for inappropriate behavior if our role models are not being held to the same standard thank you read okay so I would I'm going to be abstaining on 5B on the hip cases because I Denio did a couple of the his cases in before the meeting and then he did it after the meeting and I left after the meeting so I wasn't there for the all of it um I'm going tostain on 10g the fair loan Education Association settlement because I was not tribute to any of the conversations when they did the settlement so obviously I was present at my the next thing is I wanted to ask about I wanted to say thank you to the forest PTA linest PTA mils PTA Redburn PTA elizabethon sorry um for all their wonderful gifts this uh month um I have a concern about seven I'm sorry um 7 e number one which is the math curriculum um writing I'm a math teacher and one of the things I do is I looked at the new curriculum standards and I wanted to know what is the major changes and as I looked at the stand uh the district is Right today is approving just for the high school 2 uh 20 10 uh 201 hour that's equivalent to about seven months of full-time pay full-time working 35 hours a week uh for and I'm not understanding how did they come up with a 20 uh 2011 hour can somebody please explain and the according to the state changes are only for statistics and couple of other courses and couple of Standards I'm asking a question is that it no I have more questions but that was my first question I think we respond questions right okay my second question is exactly what subjects in the High School for Math are going to change their curriculum for I'm not understanding that I asked that on my write up it was just says all of it but according to the standards that doesn't seem uh the same thing so I'm a little concerned about that the next thing uh that's all I wanted to talk about today I'm sorry um Mich can you just repeat the last one what subjects are changing in the high school what exact what subject geometry algebra what's in what subject because it's 2011 hour thank you so that's a lot of ours if anything can please explain anybody else have any questions Mr bosi uh just one comment to highlight what the public member Mr Billo mentioned uh our retirees thanking them uh over a Century's worth of service all did you did you years you got right I'll leave it to that then thank you to them um Miss Brown um I just wanted to congratulate all the retirees as well I did not do the math so if I knew other people would um I also wanted to thank uh all of our PTO and ptas for their continued support of our students as a current member of two of them and a fourth grade committee parent I get to see firsthand the joy that these donations bring to our students throughout the year and especially to our students who are participating in their final years and their schools before they move up to their next schools um so I their donations are invaluable so I just wanted to thank them two points one I want to agree with Mark in a couple areas one to congratulate Melissa and Danielle and the entire business office having only one recommendation uh from the audit I think she left um is outstanding having such a solid fund balance uh for all the different areas is very very helpful if there's any crisis for the school district so again it's a lot of hours I know that so congratulations to both of them and certainly thanks uh for all your efforts secondly I I was appointed this year the chair of the education committee and I I will clearly state to mark that we will have Community Services the next on the next agenda for us to talk about to present to the board uh and also the World Language also be an issue that uh we may not agree on that one but we'll certainly talk about it in education but thank you for bringing those points up thank you uh hold on second anybody else have a please so um I also with everybody but everybody said I don't want to repeat um but I will talk about the retirees because um one of the retirees um was was a teacher of uh at R school for my son when he was in third grade many many years ago and uh Miss Ru and she was just an amazing teacher uh thoughtful help kids out in in many different ways and our family especially Jeffrey was blessed to have a teacher in third grade like m r and I thank her very much for that and then six want to talk about um the uh education U for teachers AIDS Etc uh professional development fantastic fantastic that we're having all these programs for professional development um so everybody just learns a little bit more that'll come back to our children District thank Rita I had two more questions about the yearbook first it said in my writ up it says that we spent 42,000 but I was uh that the district will pay I was just wondering are the kids paying for the yearbooks and why is it only 350 is that what it's ordered so can you please explain out of the 4 2000 how much is the district actually getting back from the yearbook that Miss Brown um I also wanted to thank Danielle and Melissa I had it written down but I forgot it so thank you guys do answer question uh I'll turn over on the math curriculum Dr Latina do you have anything that you can provide I know we provided some respons uh to the board questions a couple of days ago but I don't know if there's anything else based on the questions that you'd like to add um you know just basically that you know every curriculum needs to be looked at and reviewed to make sure that the new standards are in the curriculum um again their new curriculum that just came out October and everything has to be in place by September so we are getting a jump on it by doing some of our curricular work now in conjunction with the math supervisor he went on multiple days of PD with the State Department of Education to talk about what those changes are in the curriculum there are at least seven pages of um of information from the crosswalk between the two from 2016 until the 2023 standards um and then all that information needs to be changed in the curriculum and then put into Atlas online um and also you know there are cross-curricular standards from math that are in lots of other curricula as well so we need to make sure that those are are correct so these are estimated numbers that the math supervisor based on his knowledge his PD that he went to um what he believes is again an estimate of the time they are maximums um and if the um individuals that are doing a curriculum writing don't need it they don't use it um so that's you know basically what um you know what transpired to get to those those numbers um so we will be looking at every Math course that's off in the high school okay and then there was a question about the yearbook um that is actually part of the Student Activity fund so I don't that's managed at the building level so I have to ask the yearbook advisor I know on the board questions um it was asked like what's the board contribution to the yearbook so the answer to that is that we pay for all of the advisors so like the yearbook advisor that's paid for by the general fund and that's the board's contribution um but I'd be happy to follow up with you on that okay any other questions or comments okay the floor is closed and can I get a motion for 3A move second second Mr balowski yes Mr bant thank you Dr berini yes Miss Brown was not I wasn't here miss faich yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss Yurman yes Mrs Mayan yes motion posy problem just right okay um so um can I have a motion for five A and B and we are going to uh have an amendment to the hivs and this is adding uh ls01 2023 this was a parent appeal in December uh and the uh recommendation is to affirm uh the prior Hib finding and that will be denying the parent appeal that did not appear on the de agenda so we're doing this to make sure that action is taken and denying par appeal appal M manuso can you call the rooll Mr baldowski yes Mr Banta uh yes on a andain on B Dr bertolini Yes except for 5B tj1 tj1 yes Miss Brown yes on 5 a abstain on 5 b yes on 5 C Miss fich abstain on 5B Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss yman yes Mrs Mayan yes I'm standing on LS 02023 motion passes can I have a motion for 6 a through D so move second Mr balowski yes Mr Banta yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Miss F vich yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss Yurman yes Mrs Mayhan yes motion passes can I have a motion on 7 a through e and G some move exactly that man come on you want to say anything to [Laughter] Ed I'll meet you in the hallway later is that a threat got it Mr baldowski yes Mr B yes Dr berini yes m brown yes M fa elovich uh no on 71 Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss yman yes Mrs Mayhem yes motion process can I have a motion on 8 a through D Some Mo second second up good job team that was me first not the other je Mr Bowski yes Mr bant yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Miss F elovich yes Mrs Mayan yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes Miss Yurman uh yes motion passes can I have a motion for nine a through C some mov second Mr Bowski yes Mr B yes Dr berini yes Miss Brown yes Miss felich are we doing 10 n yes Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes M Yurman yes Mrs Mayan yes motion passes now we're on 10 um can I have a motion for 10 A and C through K some move second there is nothing in this card can you P the roll Mr Bowski yes Mr yes Dr bertolini yes Miss Brown okay hold on yes on a c d e f she's sitting on T yes well you yes yes yes that's true got it Miss B El so it's my first [Music] one will the gallery please stand in have to have your remove Mr Rosenberg yes Mr spendel yes [Laughter] Miss okay motion passes okay we are moving into public and board comments on non-agenda items this is the Publican board comments on non-agenda items only please limit your questions at this time to non-agenda items please graide your name and municipality in which you reside and sign in comments are limited to 3 minutes this is not a dialogue between the speaker and the board all comments will be taken at once and when comments are complete the board president or District administration will respond as best they can the floor is open to the public point of order they they could make comments about the agenda they can make comments on whatever I am just reading what it says I'm just saying that is that correct I know is that correct attorney I I think the the the point technically yes you're correct I think the point is to inform the public that they may speak beyond the agenda my first time I just want to make one comment um it's great to see all you getting thank you do we have anything on the Google oh oh no Google Google now that I know how to read it properly Google doc user more you know no pressure off well there is nothing else on the Google Doc okay thank you for the back you're welcome um I will close the floor Lisa Mark Jean Joe Jean Joe Lisa so one that's coming a little bit late um on Election night I was approached by um a senior um who was volunteering and collecting votes um the same station I and she wondered why there's no more trips that go out through the community school there used to be a lot of trips to theater um going to like Lancaster for day or overnight and there's very limited trips that are happening since let's say and trying to get out of her like kind of where she was coming from and it was more or less what's happened in the last like five to 10 years that there like it's gotten less and less and say so she was just I'm just bringing out there that that was a just to clarify you mean trips for adults for for adult seniors and and we get like I know in my house we get um n Park but and they have some trips but um we had a ton of trips I know when you we back when my kids were in school we used to get the booklet and everything and so that was that people out there approaching so I'd be interested in doing that as that's point and the other one I'd like to make a motion to discuss or get an update with um with regard to um having our meetings not only on YouTube but also having it on um on on on TV because I know some of the elderly people don't have internet access and so it's better for them to watch it you know who get TV I just I could have that I didn't know I didn't know that was a second so we so we have a motion on the table can we got second yeah so should are we doing discussion so just so I'm clear the motion is to discuss this issue or provid or provide an update as to anything so fantastic and we have a second from RE so what I'm G to do first for you any board members are opposed to if not let know so we don't have to go do opposition I'm going to ask Dr ganio to share an update that was shared with um another member of the board who brought it up and then if we'd like to open for discussion we certainly can but I think an update would awesome thank you m m so a question from a board member did come up uh within the past few weeks I know that this has been a topic that's been brought up in the past prior to the question coming up actually uh myself with the IT department and our administrative team uh it it's no surprise that the audio quality on the YouTube video has not been great so we're doing a couple of things Our IT department uh I'd like to commend them they moved on it pretty quickly so at the last meeting the audio has improved because they made some internal adjustments however the the sound quality still is not ideal uh so we actually waiting for uh some new microphones that are going to be provided and we expect those for the February meeting um so one of the things that we're doing is we're addressing the audio quality component first here in this room to make sure it works correctly uh to our level of satisfaction the other thing that I suggested um is that and I continue to suggest is I think it needs to become uh once we get to that audio quality we could discuss it my recommendation would be to discuss it through uh multiple committees uh and have the board have an opportunity to have a discussion around uh whether or not to to move forward a motion in regards to uh televising it on the local television station um I'd leave that to the board but I think from a constructive matter to move forward I think that's probably the best path forward and that's what I would recommend let's do the audio first let's see how it sounds let's make sure that YouTube is working effectively and then bring it to committee discussion thank um so I'll I'll withdraw the the moot I go but my problem is since most of us are not in certain committees I'm only in one committee which is education and this is not going to be discussed in education obviously I would love to have this conversation as a course so we can right away know if we're going to put it on Fair or that because this is nothing it's not something sensitive or something controversial something that is like like so it's not like personal it's if it's on YouTube it can should be on fa alone TV especially since some of our seniors have difficulty operating a computer not everybody's perfect with using a computer and I think it's important to make sure that all our community are able to engage with us and one way is put chatting putting the TV on and seeing a beautiful our faces on stay with that we're beautiful so so so I would like our board to if they could decide to do okay so right now I'm just going to stop you for a moment the motion on the floor is to open this for discussion that's it and that was uh withdrawn by the movement are you uh withdrawing your second no okay so why don't we have a roll call vote on discussing this issue please this is just to discuss it now which we have done can I can I make a subsidiary motion to refer to committee yes you may is there a second on the subsidiary motion there's a second the subsidiary motion takes priority is there discussion on that motion or uh are we going to have a roll call on the subsidiary motion the question EXC can what committee policy I would like to refer it to because we need to change our okay subsidiary motion to refer this to the policy committee do you accept that amendment I accept that Amendment it's been called roll call vote please what are we voting Mr Bowski we hold hold hold the call we are uh having a roll call vote on uh moving this discussion to the policy committee everybody understand so a yes is to move it a no is to not cor yes maam okay go ahead Daniel Mr baldowski yes Mr Bano yes Dr bertolini No Miss Brown yes Miss fa elovich no Mr Rosenberg yes Mr Spindel no Miss yman or in our policy meeting the motion is to defer the discussion of broadcasting on Fair Lawn TV to the next policy meeting so that the board can review the policy that it would impact Mrs Mayhem yes motion passes okay we continue with board member comment Lisa are you finished h mark yes Ron beat me to it because I had written we the Fairline board of education has shown that we can conduct the meeting with humor seriousness and most of all civility so kudos to all of us um Miss Brown me okay sorry Ed was distracting me I would like to congratulate um two young men who competed on the snowy January 7th um in the Bergen County Championship fencing Championship um both of these young men and I apologize if I'm getting the first names wrong because we only see the last names on their fencing jackets or pants um William ma who is a men's epe fencer at fairon high school and Liam bass who is a foil fencer at fairon high school um both of these young men um won their weapons individual championship titles um on January 7th so I wanted to congratulate both of them uh Mr ma won in men's epe after a very very very good bout against you know the fencer that I coach unfortunately for any but it was a very exciting bout and Liam bass um won the individual foil Championship medal um he's actually pretty exciting and it'll be exciting to see him uh continue to fence in the future uh he has been recruited by the University of Notre Dame to fence on their fencing team which is a really really big big deal in the fencing Community um Notre Dame is a Powerhouse in um fencing on the Collegiate level um and Liam bass Liam bass is too so I just wanted to congratulate the two uh of them for braving the elements getting on a bus and then spending the majority of their Sunday competing against the other Bergen County fencing teams so I just congratulations to them what m brown um did I get a name wrong no do you have any other comments or questions oh um no that's it okay um like I know no I apologize um we just got a weather alert WEA Al Mr yeah just got an early got derailed by all thein Mr gdowski the floor is yours thank you um so I first want to Simply recognize that this is School Board uh recognition month across the state of New Jersey recognized recognizing the board of educations across the state Falon is one of 581 Board of educations in the state um within Bergen County there are more Board of educations and school districts than there are municipalities uh so our state really loves local education and local rule in education um simply wanted to recognize my fellow board members and all the work that we put in for this um as some of the or I would say the only in our local government um uncompensated members of an elected body to serve a community uh the only ones that are required to do ethics training um so thank you um for the continued service to everybody and know that it does not go unrecognized um I wanted to also highlight that this year is faron's 100th anniversary so as of this month we have entered the 100th anniversary of Falon uh the buau of Falon founded back in 1924 was really founded on the uh desired to create our own School District to control our own school from Saddle River Township um so a lot of our growth as a community is rooted deeply into our school district um I will not be at the February meeting here at the board of ed so I simply wanted to highlight an upcoming event for the 100th anniversary the kickoff event which will be March 5th um at Burrow Hall where they will be recreating the first burough council meeting um um so I would recommend what he had something okay remember wow it was a fine it was cider and biscuits is that qualify for has to protected CL a student the protected class but I simply want to encourage all of us to take an active role in our bureau's celebration as well as our students to take an active role in celebrating our community um I will note that the first Board of Education was organized in 1925 June 30th 1925 so I want to put it on our Radars that next year we may need to recreate our first Board of Ed meeting so if uh somebody can find find those we'd be happy thank you and the last thing somewhere at file Banks um the last thing I wanted to Simply comment on uh Martin Luther King Day programming um I know that we do a lot of um programming prior to the day off since it is a district holiday um but I do know that surrounding districts have some sort of programming on the day of volunteerism uh to be a day of service uh one local town uh Bergenfield I had seen a lot um they had elected local or they invited local officials to come to it and celebrate Martin Luther King's um honor with students organizing the volunteerism high school students organizing the day and then the middle school and elementary school kids partaken in the service event um if we could create something next year along those lines possibly to provide an opportunity on that day off uh as a day of service I know we already do a lot around it um so I'm not saying we missed that um but if there's something we can add to enhance it I would love to see that thank you Miss so since this the budget season and since last year I've been asking for the administration to think of other enrichment after school activities for elementary school currently we have three and we eliminated one so I'm hoping that this year that district will provide a little bit more money than 50,000 since last year was 50,000 and the last year they said they will do some surveys and figure out what other things that the students like they did the survey I've asked for and if like what what have they come up with with the survey what is the summary I was told I would get that already five months ago I'm still waiting for it to be sent to me so I'm hoping that the administration can put more money into it and do more activ activities for the kids after school I remember last year we used to get about four to five emails a week about how their kids cannot get into the after school after school program because it was all filled up it was so popular and it was always I want my child in I let's open more let's open more things so I was hoping uh more sections I'm hoping that we can uh do more activities for them after school this is for elementary school only um last last month we were talking about CTA CTE and I was hoping the administration will provide us an update on when will the board get an A definition of what CTE means to the administration because I feel like my definition of CT is a little different than the administration's definition of CT so I want to understand where you're coming from with the course loads that are part of our district goals another thing I would like to dis I would like somehow this to be addressed is there were committee meetings yesterday but no committee uh minutes were ever supplied and in order for us to be able to have committee meetings and have trust and build there should be minutes right away in order since we had meeting today and there were things on the committee meetings that are part of the agenda that some of us knew some of us had to call some of us kind of figure it out I feel like if we going to have Community meetings they have to be minutes have to give have to be given at least 24 hours after but then after the meeting has transpired otherwise sometimes we wait weeks for the committee meetings and that's a problem because I don't know what week two weeks would happen and when you call someone say hey oh I don't remember it was such a long time ago so I I feel like it would be better if we can have our committee minutes 24 hours after the committee has um had the next thing I would like to discuss I've been discussing this uh with everyone on the board I discussed it with all the administrators on the board about the NJ well 1% for the health care cost our district goal says that we uh of mental health for faculty uh for our employees so the NG well is we save 1% of our health care and according to our auditor it's about $10 million a year so the 1% will be $100,000 a year so I would like us to I would like to create I would like to make a motion for us to discuss and get an update on how what can when will this program be if anybody has a position because everybody I spoke with said they love it it's a great program but nothing has been transpired at least not that I know no updates were provided so my motion will be to discuss and provide an update for thej well 1% can I make a subsidiary motion I'd like to refer that to the finance committee is there a second second any discussion on the subsidiary motion question if it if it's referred to the finance committee can we put in a definite date when this review will be completed and reported back to the board but the problem with so hold on respectfully um that's a question to the movement you want to amend your motion to impose some put on finance committee okay I can't after that I can't yeah you have the meeting and then we have to present it to the board as a whole but I think should be finance committee first read I agree we talked about this Atlantic City I agree I haven't heard a word from you about it since I talked to everyone know I know but I I haven't heard a word from you about it since when we talked about it and I I agree but there's a process and bring it up in a public meeting at 9:00 when nobody's prepared for it not really the best way to do it right you have a finance committee meeting I think it makes more sense we had Mr berini call the question roll call excuse me is there going to be a definite dat at the finance committee meeting which will be in February sometime I'll talk the that's fine so we vote Yes so we sense the finance correct everybody understand the motion a vote of yes since it's to finance committee for February a vote of no would be we discuss it on the floor great but is the motion going to include February yes yes yes yes Mr baldowski yes Mr Banta yes Mr bertolini I'm sorry Dr berini yeah yeah either way Miss Brown yes Miss bovich no Mr Rosenberg yes Mr Spindel yes Miss Yurman yes m Mrs Mayhan yes commission passes M are you finished are my questions being answered about the enrichment CT and the committee meetings I one we'll be happy because committee meetings happen and I get so I just want to I can actually start um so in regards to committee um agendas and minutes um we are going to be working as a collaborative board to help you all better toggle our Outlook emails as well as our Google emails so our fairon as well as our fairon SDS emails um for those of you that do not toggle back and forth you are not receiving emails and Google Apps you did receive um the Personnel committee agenda and minutes for personnel at 9:15 this morning um I think I only sent that to you oh I didn't send it to the full board well then my apology so what we are going to do what you did note from I'll just question the reason the reason is because that was our first uh agenda minutes so um I as a superintendent and I have not had an opportunity to discuss it with our board president around what our process would be in regards to should it go to the and she's also the chair of that Committee in order to run it through the chair which has been my past practice in other districts before it then gets disseminated so being that it's the first agenda uh we are going to be establishing a Cadence for sharing those out at the board retreat as well I will be doing a training for the board to be able to teach some skills around how to utilize Google so make make sure answer any questions kind of work everybody through because we have a whole system in place in order to be able to just upload all of the documents and notify folks when those are uploaded in uh Google Drive so you'll be have able to have instantaneous access to those minutes I want to thank you because at that first board member up board meeting in 1925 thank you very you've come a long way you've come a long way Mr Spindel so we will be starting to share those out through Google um and with Dr diio support we are going to get everyone um as fluent as possible in regards to an update on CT I'm actually going to defer to our Administration however you are not the only one um who has that question I have met in collaboration with Mr Bowski with a variety of our um board members thus far and it does appear that many people have a similar question so um after I do finish meeting um with Mr valoy with any other board member who is interested all of those concerns and questions will be uh shared with Dr diio and the rest of the central office administration um so that some of that information can be provided back out to our board um when do you think we're gonna have that so I don't I don't know if you are prepared to answer the definition CT I think that no I think that's a conversation for another day through a committee and we could also do a presentation at a future meeting but CTE is in alignment with how the state defines CTE so that's essentially the definition right so when I referenced my comments earlier during my superintendent report uh as it relates to CTE and the presentation that we be doing in May and June it's tied to what the state requirements are um your question in response to um money for enrich a for school activities I do ask that you formally send a written email to the uh chairperson of I did that last year three times already right so and it was discussed and um voted upon last year so I'm just going to ask that you do it again because we do have a new um we do have a new chairperson for finance not discussed it was not discussed I brought it I sent it many times there was never enough time so um I I can um def I can identify that it was discussed um last year in education small and it was determined that at that point in time the the finances were not going to be increased my suggestion would be that as per our procedure that you send an email to our new finance and BNG and formally request that he has already offered to put something else on the agenda so I would highly recommend that we find that course of action to be the most appropriate one um did I miss any of your questions result of the survey for the enrichment when will the board get it it was promised five months ago so do you have I think the process is right that what you're reiterating is that that goes through committee so that goes through the committee chair um I will look into the um results of that survey and I will get back to you by Tuesday of next week um does anybody else have any questions the floor is Michael I sorry Mr Rosenberg um a couple things first of all it's it's it's good that we're that we're laughing and and stuff but we're going back it seems to me to what we were doing last year we have a new superintendent we have new committees we have a new board member we have a new president and vice president that haven't had the role yet got it government doesn't work that fast it just it just doesn't because there's PR procedures that have to be followed and it's not fair I don't think to treat people like that and as far as getting minutes out within a day I don't think that that's fair personally it's not fair it's it's we we have committees and they're there for a reason let's use them let's use use them um and then if you don't agree with what the committee does then you have a chance to um rebuttal at the at the meeting so um but but let's let's you know people have lives too and and our Administration certainly you never know what's going to come up from day to day the ad with the administration they might have every opportunity they might think that they have every opportunity to get minutes done and sent out and then a crisis happens in one of our schools because crisis has never happen in our schools right never never um so so the other thing I want to say is that we have 55 I have to look at the exact number 55 roughly 55 5600 kids in this District a lot of times when we see numbers of things happening when you look at that we what that was close 5644 when when you have 5600 kids in the district and you have 10 kids getting in trouble that's necess not necessarily a crisis it's unfortunate there's certain things that keep coming up which H with hivs for example example just an example um there's certain things that keep coming up but we we need to teach our kids stuff and parents need to teach their kids that certain things are not in this day and age are just not acceptable um but whether you're going to get that through the heads of the kids no matter what you do I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure I do agree with the community school that that maybe the community school we they used to do Broadway plays and they used to do stuff like that um all the time so um so I agree I agree with looking at with looking into that and um the last thing I want to say is I'm very impressed Dr denisia with the amount of stuff that's going on social media the positive stuff that our kids are doing every day um in schools whether it's sports awards whether it's colleges that they're getting into very prestigious colleges that they're getting into um and uh academic stuff I I've never seen so much come out of the district and um I knew that they were going on but I'm I'm very impressed with with what's going out from the administration thanks okay anybody have I know want to make sure that there isn't anybody that has not spoken that would like the floor I I agree with Michael and what he said however I do want to make one I'm not done I I do want to make one recommendation because I also agree with Rita so my recommendation is if you're going to have a committee meeting and those minutes are not able to be sent out to the other board members then in all honesty how can the other board members make a a a decision on no information being distributed so if that's going to happen then I would appreciate that the board agenda item be pulled until the following month when it can be discussed or it can be reviewed and that would satisfy Michaels and Rita's comments does any any body else have any comments questions mark did you make a motion there or no I want to make a motion to journ meeting second on the paper yeah okay so our upcoming meetings I really wish this was touch touchcreen um we have February 22nd is our next regular monthly board meeting here at Edison school room 19 at 7:30 p.m. on March 7th I'm sorry on February 24th will be our board retreat um at the high school library beginning at oh my God I think it was 8:30 right I I apologize I'll be in [Music] missing excuse guys I just want to get please let me just get through this one thing um March 7th 20124 is our tentative work session budget presentation at 7:30 Edison school room 19 March 14th is our tentative preliminary budget adoption at 7:30 and edits at school we'll be hosting cake for my birthday on April 18 2024 is our regular monthly board meeting at 7:30 p.m. Edison school room 19 May 2nd 2024 is a tenative public hearing budget adoption at 7:30 Edison school Route 19 please keep in mind there is a possibility of changes or additions um and these will be updated um by the administration or our next um agenda should that be required can I have can I have a we don't have close SC we do not and I believe a motion to adjourn was made motion tojn was Michael and can I have a second Mark Michael um weed have a good evening everyone stay safe Julie