##VIDEO ID:B0YIAkCuvPc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone hope everyone's enjoying summer the public has been duly informed of this meeting in accordance with the chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 by posting at least 48 hours in advance a notice on the bulletin boards in Stevenson and Church Hill schools a notice to the Township Clerk and a notice to The Herald news and the progress now please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right public comments on agenda items only how are you please come up state your name and address okay Mr Pierce that's correct as of right now yes correct I'm sorry extraordinary extraordinary oh extraordinary Aid yes that was the award for last year so in our budget we had zero we budgeted zero because you never know what I'm just ask yes you can use it for next year's budget we were going to appropriate it tonight into next year this current Year's budget um actually pulling that resolution I'm withdrawing it because I want to be able to speak to uh Mrs cfone and um Ryan tomorrow about a better use for it so it could be used yes and then am it's the same amount as last year 9500 one last one behind Churchill yes it's behind Churchill um Can someone help me out with the paving Anthony would you mind jumping in for a minute sure so uh we were approached by the police department recently actually in the beginning of the summer and uh they expressed a concerned uh since busing was removed on how that would affect the traffic flow on both Fairfield Road and Hollywood Avenue so we've had several meetings with the chief of police chief mana and the township and uh we've worked diligently uh over the past month and a half to come up with a plan that would suffice that would take an additional 60 cars and put them behind our school in the flow of traffic in which we use now uh utilizing the walking path that is there now and adding uh a separate Lane separate in between the grass coming around in a circle and pulling back out so when that was proposed uh it seemed to uh be sufficient enough to keep officer Carmine and the police department uh happy so that we can remove those cars from the street did we have arit our architected yes how much actually um because of the board and the situation that we're in we were able to get that for nothing architect donated that drawing for us he was generous enough to uh provide the drawing uh to the district at no cost yes thank you very much Mr Pierce anyone else on public comments on agenda item only okay moving along all right I'll start with Personnel uh anything placed in this consent agenda items a through C we'll vote upon in one motion uh do I have a motion second I did yes yes yes yes curriculum and program again anything placed in this consent agenda items a through M will also be voted upon one when one motion is there a motion motion second yes Mr yes Miss Street yes and Mr D Pascal yes policy anything placed in this consent agenda item a will be voted upon in one motion and do I have a motion motion second roll call M Jan DOI yes Mr feti yes M Street yes and Mr D Pascal yes okay um on business section the bottom of page eight I'm asking for a consent agenda on items a through p with the exception of e I'm asking the board to withdraw e um for the future board meeting May I have a motion motion second um roll Miss jandoli yes Mr feti yes M Street yes and Mr Pescow yes and I abstain from um n n thank you thank you everybody contracts administrative then we Skip One did everything okay so I'd like to take this opportunity and I'd like to welcome Mr Lindsley uh Wall-E is going to be our new business administrator so welcome to the Fairfield School District we're very pleased with our superintendent selection and we look forward to working with you in the future so thank you for being here tonight if anyone has any questions or would just like to say hello Mr Lindsley will be here uh for the remainder of the meeting so thank you and congratulations welcome to Fairfield said he's available all night if you okay anyone have anything under old business anyone under new business yes yes how many not all busing State man that how many I believe four so how many students are mil Lo so I think this I understand that but I don't know where that number comes from I could only tell you and I don't have that information from the office of no I know that I know that you don't give it think we fill out a report every year around October 15 it's called the DTR so you don't know how many but you're picking four BU we selected four based on the preliminary numers that went on yes and right now that's we I don't know the numers change RS and afters and also the bus has to have enough seating to facilitate the two and return trip for whoever's utilizing Tiny Treasures so please keep in mind that number and again we don't know what you're looking at we obviously will get you the the correct numbers but if it okay so yeah yeah and unfortunately we don't have that information for us s sounds about I gotta be honest it sounds about right so I I was interested to see where you what you were going to say next yeah what I'm saying is last year I got the I got the contract and the bus contract was 5 okay that was for the whole contract for not the special ed just regular right the parents paid 26,000 correct and You Got U the state a was 74,000 yeah okay because took M so that leaves us at 196 140 so uh out of the budget out of the money this paid was like, yeah now3 going in traffic all over the place I think it's worth keep the bus so I can't speak uh as to uh why this decision was made we've done it in the past repeatedly but I can tell you that the ashall behind Church Hill is a necessity it's coming from the police chief that this needs to be addressed yes so what so I guess what I what I'll add that's a non-recurring cost I was just going to say it's a onetime cost the budget the budget every year would be affected by the gross do the gross dollar amount not a net cash out so that was the biggest you're talking $535,000 expense line budget which is how it was explained to me in this wonderful world of budgeting that we live in that number means the most yeah but you won't have that I know we won't now but you budgeted that year you budgeted a million that's the but you're now you're adding in the rest of the special and whatever else yeah but that we soone you get money for special when you opened this the first time I thought you gave them a nice breakout of how we got to that number I don't remember it off top of my head but I know the numbers made sense and the 535 now granted it's still going to cost us something because we have out of two mile radius I think the net that we would no longer have to budget in expense was 350 to me that's a lot of money it's been a lot of money for 15 years okay thank you thank you last year um the cost for the ridership for those people with subscription busing that really went up significantly that's how we got the 260 but you're you're also netting it it out and normally that's not how the auditor does it he wants to see you budget the full cost because if you're issuing a purchase order you have to budget the full cost of that expense that's correct right right that's correct but it's still an expense in a business world you you I got absolutely right but the expense is the is the expense and that's what we're trying to free up listen this affects me just as much as anybody else my wife's got to be in two spots next year before she goes to work so I I get it oh yeah that's why I moved back here I mean that's why you know I'm with you I'm with you I I I moved back here for this school district and I can't wait till we get to the point where people move here because they see our grades and our focus in this in this meeting every month is no longer finance and is about grades and performance cuz that's what we're trying to get to and we're we keep stumbling over dollars and I could appreciate it don't get me wrong but I'm so tired of talking about dollars it actually makes me sick I want to talk about education we need to free up this money it is safety the state La I mean the state comes out and says the safest way to transp not based on some of the bus drivers I've met in this town yeah the one that was on Route 80 last year the one well I I let's not even go there I agree but the one that was on Route 80 last year I'm sure those parents they not have a good night's sleep you from years ago and uh you know I have cousins that live in town and their their children are now in their 50s and she'll say to me but we had this years ago the cost of Transportation has gone up 100 200 fold but parents today like to drop their kids off at school they like to car pool so the ridership on the buses is not what you think it should be because they don't UTI all over there were some people that paid and still brought their kids to school so I'm one of them Mr Pierce I paid for the bus and I Dro my daughter off every day yeah I'm sorry that is handled through Sussex County for us that's what we do through um it's handled because we tier Our Roots with West Essex so they handle that and they bid it so you could work last year cont sometimes they do that if it's based on the CPI and if it goes above it then yes that's correct, I'm I'm figuring that yes bud I budgeted in two places for the special ed roots and for the um the regular mandated Roots but that's the combination two we have out of District so we we have one right now the one that's the cheapest is the one that's local that's the cheapest special yes they do there's one bus that's that's special ed in District and then there's the other specialed routs that go out of District yeah and as um anamarie said to you I don't have the cost yet because normally they send us that sheet and I sent that to you last year for you to see the breakdown I don't have that yet when we get it we'll give it to you last year had two buses local local we had two buses for special had two buses that we budgeted for and at the beginning of September they didn't need the second bus so that was cancelled okay I I I I'll I'll grant you that I'm not sure I don't have the numbers in front of me but I'll okay we know you got it memorized we know so right now we only have one one that's correct there's extra money that right now there is however however right someone can move in tomorrow that's good news isn't it I mean you're I know you're a board member for a long time that's good news I like the extra money thing no no I understand that one person moves in yeah but how much you need who knows right right It's never enough that's true so there is extra money in transportation right now there is yes were you going to tell us what you wanted us to do with that or I thought Oh I thought you were going like because you're pointing out a all the extra money I just didn't realize we had so much okay thank you we're aware we appreciate you reiterating with teachers going to stay around we we don't have to cut teachers nothing you know we were here two years ago so that's extra money works thank you thank you Mr Pierce anything else on their new business committee reports anyone have anything yeah um I'll speak for Angela in regards to negotiations uh we're still working diligently with our teachers and we are going to do everything in our power to get this contract settled before the start of the school year for what is fair and Equitable for the teachers in which we cannot have a district without which we adore and which we entrust with our children on a daily basis so anyone else buildings and grounds buildings and grounds the you want me to do it yeah sure yeah so the roofing project was completed um there may be an additional portion of the roof that gets completed but that's to be determined obviously we've talked about the paving project um and up next is the boiler replacement which hopefully we'll have an update shortly on that have Mr Pierce come on you get you get three at night Mr Pierce you're on two come on right yeah no we did no we did not can I jump in on that show so the way it looks right now Kathleen jump in with the numbers about 70% of our roof is new at Church Hill right and we do have money that was allocated for that project left over and right now what the board is uh is dealing with since the Heavy Rain the last couple weeks the area in which was not repaired is leaking so I'll use a round number Kathleen if you have the exact number please let me know it was roughly budgeted around $800,000 for the roof I think right now we're around 620 if we can get the remaining roof fixed for the initial cost for half of what it was the board will probably proceed so we could check that box off of 25e warranty for Churchill from this day moving forward the life expectancy of these roofs are anywhere between 20 and 25 years the portion the 30% that's not done is 20 years old so it would make sense if we can to repair the whole entire roof for what was allocate for just 50% of it I think that would be a really big win financially for the district and for the school and and listen frankly for the teachers and the kids that are in that are in that building because it seems like once we repair one part of the roof another part's leaking and ultimately affects everybody affects our our children their education it affects our teachers so if we can you know tackle that project for our initial money allocated I think it'll be a win-win and one last comment Mr Pierce any money that's left over in that line has to go back into the capital reserve can you come up Mr Pierce just so for the people at home just hit the but there you go okay so um will you use an architect if do the roof again the the part that wasn't done so U if if again Kathleen correct me if I'm wrong the architect put the initial bid out Arco from Fairfield Arco Roofing is is the contractor doing the roof so at this point I don't think there's any architectural fees needed it's just finish the remainder of the roof yeah okay yeah um all right so you have extra money that that was there we do we do all right anything else on their committee reports public comments and non-agenda items if no one has anything I'd like to just take a minute and acknowledge Kathleen I think in order for a district to run properly there has to be a lot of pieces of the puzzle that fit and I think when Kathleen came in it was a very piece of steering Fairfield in the right direction and I think since then things have begun to fall into place to have a much brighter future for our students our teachers our community uh the board itself the foundations that work hand inand with us and I'd like to personally thank you and I know on behalf of the Board of Education we are so thankful that you were the inum that landed here and you being here and you know and Mr gupter joining us and Mr Lindsay coming on board I I really feel like we are the district is heading in the right direction and I know that sitting up here is not always easy and what we have to say is not always what you want to hear but I could tell you wholeheartedly that this board and the administrative officers that are in this room care about the district they care about our students they care about their Futures they care about our teachers and it was a blessing having you so good luck and we are we are going to miss you thank you I've enjoyed my stay here 100% I really respect all of you current and past and I look forward to w-e um moving forward in this position and helping everybody I do thank you thank you good [Applause] luck okay next meeting be resolved that the next meeting will be held in person on September mber 26 2024 public wor section beginning at 6 PM followed by executive session with public session resuming at approximately 7:30 at the Fairfield Municipal Building have a motion for adjournment motion second yes yes yes yes thank you all enjoy the remainder of Summer