e I good thanks grab the rest of the stuff out of here did you I oh you gave it to them yeah okay thank you all right for for for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone the meeting is called to order at 7:31 the public has been duly enforced formed of this meeting in accordance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 by posting at least 48 hours in advance a notice on the bulletin boards in Stevenson and Church Hill schools a notice to the town clerk a notice to the Harold News and the progress now please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all public comments on agenda items only anyone okay thank you s okay uh under Personnel a uh to approve the renewal of the following certificated tenur staff for the 2425 school year for number two to approve the maternity leave of absence extension as listed number three to approve the 2024 extended summer year appointments as listed number four uh to approve the 2024 extended summer school year contracted occupational therapist as listed and number five to approve the 2024 extended summer year uh summer school year contracted physical therapist as listed uh for B uh number one to accept the resignation as listed number two to approve the employment as listed uh for c number one to approve the position title job description as listed this is done annually and that's it for personnel cred motion motion second oh I'm doing that all Andre is not here Mr FEI yes M Street yes Miss alai yes Mr D Pascal yes okay uh for curriculum and program a to approve the 2024 2025 calendar revision uh the only thing that changed on there was that we switched the back to school nights uh so that we could avoid a conflict with West Essex for B to approve the nursing plan C to approve the mandated review of the school district and uh School Hib grades so with that you have to score yourself on programs uh board policies procedures reporting Etc the maximum score that you can get is a 78 and we completed a 78 in both schools and that's it for curriculum in program motion motion second okay Mr fudy yes M Street yes Miss alai yes Mr D Pascal yes okay under policy a uh the Hib confirmations from the April 25th 2024 executive session number one to approve the following uh hibs that did not satisfy the ab definition of Hib and for number two to approve the following that did satisfy the ABR definition of Hib for B to approve the second reading of the policies and to adopt them policies and regulations and that's it for policies motion second okay Mr fi yes M Street yes uh Miss alai yes and Mr D Pascal yes all right moving on to business uh a to approve the minutes from the public and executive sessions from April 25 of 2024 for finance to approve the bills claims payrolls uh C to approve the transfer of funds uh D is to approve the secretary treasury report e is to approve the tax levy payment schedule for the 2425 year school year uh f is to approve that the ba is able to make transfers in between meetings uh under contracts G to approve the replacement of the network server for Stevenson School uh the work will be done by JCT Solutions H to approve the policy server provider agreement under buildings and grounds and maintenance one to approve the purchase of the office furniture I'm sorry that was I not one Jay to uh reallocate to approve the reallocation cost for the moving company um and we're going with gan's moving company for K to approve the replacement of the univent in room 16b at Church Hill school that's going to be done by delor Service uh L to approve the lead water testing which is mandated every 3 years uh for M to approve the installation of two window windows at Churchill School we are going with window plus Home Improvement products um and that's because so that's a higher cost but we're doing that because that includes the framing where the other cost does not okay so that's why we're going with window plus Home Products uh and to approve the building use applications as listed and O to approve the bus emergency drill as listed and that's that motion second okay uh Mr feedi yes Miss Street yes Miss alai yes and Mr D Pascal yes okay Mo carries that's it anyone have anything on their old business I'd just like to touch on a survey that's going to go out uh in the next 48 hours from Tiny Treasures in regards to busing um the removal of busing and how before care and after care will be utilized next year it's very important that you fill out the survey and answer it properly uh the results of this uh affect quite a couple decisions that the board has to make in working with um our Police Department our safety officers uh so on and so forth so please take the time fill it out and get it back uh in a timely fashion I believe we're extending it to June 26th so we should have plenty of time to review it the rates will be available so we would greatly appreciate that anyone else on Old business anyone on new business okay committee reports want me to go sure okay CPAC uh an upcoming event will be on June 10th from 6:00 to 8 at Churchill it's a summer resource night they're having local businesses and resources avail in our community for fun activities in the summer so it's a kind of like I guess they're going to have tables and a little bit of a meet and greet of different activities that kids can do families can do so June 10th from 6:00 to 8 and uh the HSA held their fundraiser last week uh many of us were able to go and attend it was wonderful I think they did really well we haven't received any numbers yet but I'm sure it was successful and their next meeting will be June 5th 7 PM Churchill school thank you Mel Jo no no and I just have an update on negotiations the negotiations committee met last night on May 21st unfortunately we've not been able to reach an agreement yet uh we are now at an impass but we will continue negotiations with the help of a mediator to work toward a fair and Equitable contract thank you very much nothing else on their committee great public comments on non-agenda items only okay we'll close that portion as well next meeting be it resolved that the next meeting will be held in person on June 13th 2024 Public Work session beginning at 6m followed by executive session with public session resuming at approximately 7:30 p.m. at the Fairfield Municipal Building motion second okay so this is to adjourn yes okay Miss Mr fedi yes Miss Street yes Miss alai yes and Mr D Pascal yes all right we thank you and good evening thank you thank you