e e e e e e e e e e e e her just you know it took me like 20 minutes before I left sh it good evening everyone the public has been duly informed of this meeting in accordance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 by posting at least 48 hours in advance a notice on the bulletin boards in Stevenson and Church Hill School a notice to the Township Clerk a notice to The Herald news and the progress please stand for the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all at this time we'd like to call upon public comments on agenda items only please state your name your address 12 P Drive um for future meetings it would be helpful if possible when there are policy changes if the redline version can be included in the minutes so we can see what the changes are to provide comments if any um and the other thing is for the transfer report where we're transferring on the budget line items is it possible to have that attached to the agenda too okay that's perfect that's it thank you very much Rose anything else on agenda items okay okay so under Personnel certificated to approve the employment of Caitlyn uh bour as listed we have a retirement of Sandy Rivera we' like to wish her uh much success and enjoyment in her retirement I should say not success but enjoyment best wishes uh we appreciate her 20 years of service here um that will be effective June 30th a resignation we have for Marissa Marino uh I'd like to approve the home instructors as listed for B to approve the grant tutors and their positions uh the mentor teachers to be approved Mentor just one uh and for the administrative leave we have that as well for number seven uh for B one we have the stien approval and C to approve the substitutes and that's it for personnel motion motion second any discussion none Miss jandoli yes Mr fiti yes Miss Street yes Miss alai yes Mr D Pasqual yes okay under uh curriculum program to approve the summer 2024 program outline uh under B to approve the field trips that are listed for CED to approve the uh attendance at the workshop as well as the reimbursement uh we do have one that's coming out of Ida and that's it for curriculum and program motion discussion Sue on field trips do a motion first who's second motion second so on field trips who's funding these field trips so that gets split so the parents are paying basically for it um there are a couple field trips that are that the board pays for but not field trips like this these are field trips that the parents pay for thank you very much call the RO M joli yes Mr feti yes Miss Street yes Miss out High yes Mr D Pasqual yes under policy to approve the second reading and Adoption of the following policy and under B to approve the hi investigation results as reported at executive session on February 22nd motion second any discussion no M dandi yes Mr feti yes Miss Street yes Miss alai yes Mr D Pasqual yes okay thank you um page six of the agenda um I'd like the board to approve the minutes as outlined on February 12th 13th 22nd and 25th um bills and claims is outlined on the bottom of page six um transfer report for the month of February board secretary's report is approved for the end of February approve the tenative budget for submission to the county office uh stated on page um seven and on the top of page 8 um I'm asking the board to approve um the advertisement for the relocation of the data closets at Churchill School on J the maximum travel allowance um this is also for the budget submission the travel related expenses for the budget submission on page eight and contracts for Professional Services for JCT for 40 hours of Professional Services not to exceed $5,600 for emergency technical support for our servers um on page page n it's buildings and grounds as listed on the bottom of page n may I have a motion motion second any discussion call the RO Miss jandoli yes Mr fiti yes Miss Street yes Miss alai yes Mr D Pasqual yes thank you Kathleen anything on their old business anything under new business okay we'll move on to committee reports okay yes okay so for technology we have a few items to share there were some damaged Chromebooks from Churchill School that were actually Churchill and Stevenson that were sent out for repair uh the repairs included crack screens broken keyboards battery is issues we are in the process of obtaining quotes for a new door buzzer and alert system so that the principles and secretaries can visualize when a door is opened there were some firewall adjustments made at Churchill School to ensure that the students were not accessing any unwanted websites uh several of the Chromebooks are now out of warranty so they are combining I guess different parts and pieces to make them working such as keyboards trackpads and crack screens there is a new open registration system in Genesis so that parents can register their children online rather than in person and the process has begun to set up new Chromebooks for the fourth graders at Churchill that they will use through sixth grade to make sure that they are in proper working order so that's on technology you want to move to Personnel sure okay so I'm just going to move right along so Personnel committee met on February 27th in attendance was Dr Celli Dr Trabuco Mr Santana Miss cfone myself and miss Street um just Staffing and recommendations for next year were discussed and there were some questions regarding the Staffing of our nurses just to clarify we have two full-time nurses and two part-time nurses and those nurses alternate each school they spend a week in each school and then alternate um just the RNs clarify just the RNs just the RNs the School nurses don't rotate so Stevenson school nurse stays a Stevenson and Churchill stays a Churchill so we have part-time RN um and then those are the ones that will alter alternate weeks so this way they if they cover for a teacher a sub I'm sorry a nurse that is absent you know the students know who they are thank you there was also a blast that was sent out to families regarding the need for lunch AIDS recess AIDS and substitute teachers so the internal protocols now reflect that you can substitute teach in the building that your child attends you just would not be able to substitute teach in that child's class and if anyone is interested you can reach out to Dr Trabuco or Mr Santana business administrator interviews are ongoing as well as superintendent interviews and I will to Anthony thank you very much Pascal Angela so we've had 63 applicants for the superintendent position uh it's been an ongoing process over the course of the last three weeks and and we still have a couple weeks ahead of us before we can kind of narrow down the selection it's going very well it's uh it's definitely extremely tasking um we're interviewing on Sundays uh anywhere from 3 to 5 hours we've done that for the last three Sundays with this Saturday and Sunday uh included it'll be over four or five days and then from there we'll narrow down the selection from you know first round interviews to second round interviews and then finally a third interview where we'll hopefully get the uh candidates into the schools to walk around and you know kind of get a feel for Fairfield as a district so things are going very well um and we're we're very hopeful okay so Dr Celli uh Miss Morano John porino from buildings and grounds supervisor and then Rodney Watkins from thear and Rino met with Anthony and myself for a buildings and grounds meeting um look no surprises here right we have some some fixing to do with the schools about 9.3 million in repairs over the next five years uh the good news is for the boilers and the The Churchill roof replacement those are already budgeted for this summer and next summer uh but there's still a lot to be done at both of those schools some of those repairs would have been covered in the uh the old referendum that didn't pass but we're looking at them now and that 9.3 million just to point out that is based on today's pricing so the the architect will look at other districts and say what what is our average price and that's an estimate right so three years from now if we go to do something that cost a million it could cost more than that uh but that's part of our Five-Year Plan uh once we finish the budgeting and finish finish deciding how much we could spend each year we'll we'll determine how we can address all those issues uh we are waiting to hear back from psng we have a meeting an initial meeting tomorrow uh to see if they could potentially replace some or all of the boiler issues that we have for much less cost so maybe there's some good news there um and then once we have this the the budget finished and our 5-year plan put together together we'll we'll put a presentation uh for that Anthony ande Joe just uh to point out that the money for the roof is already allocated for it's there and it's allocated for it's not funding that we're going out to get we already have it and it's specifically for the roof project correct correct okay great thank you immediately after the buildings and grounds meeting we had a finance meeting because just makes sense and it was myself and Anthony and Miss Morano and Dr selli um first I want to just thank everybody that went out and voted and and pushed for the vote last year in November because that truthfully without that we'd be in the same situation as last year we would be in bed physical budget shape um probably be looking to make cuts and we'd have a basically a repeat of what we went through last year so thankfully we can avoid that um tax levy did increase two 2.26% uh the 2% cap is $281,000 of that there is an additional health benefit enrollment adjustment that the state gives us they have their own Cal Cal of about $43,000 our state aid another uh calculation from the state just based on enrollment and some uh number that they put out a budgeted number that went over by % so we're a little a little bit more than a million dollars in state aid for this year um our capital reserve only stands at a million two so going back to the $9.3 million you have to use capital reserve money we have $9.3 million that we have to fix worth of stuff and we have a million two right now so we have to find way to build that save some money and uh hopefully we can get things done a little bit at a time over the next 5 years um some of the things that the district's thinking about in the short term besides just the um the the the Church Hill roof and the boilers uh we have teacher negotiations we have a new salary for a new ba most likely in July but sometime next year um new superintendent and other costs that just go up over time and some unknowns right so add add add a placement um for students that come in and have to be sent to another school district that all cost the district money so you can't budget for unknowns but there are some things that uh we're thinking about in the short term um long term thinking down the road we are close to the 5% free and reduced lunch program which will cost the district more money if we have 5% of students that are in free and reduced lunch so that is something that you really can't plan for but we'd have to have some money ready to adjust for State mandates that come with being in free and reduced launch [Music] um the tenative budget was passed uh a little earlier it is tenative there are still some things we're talking about working through and just so everybody knows you know since June it's no secret I've been here and I've been pushing Miss Morano and Dr zelli to find more efficient ways as efficient as possible without you know obviously cutting class uh teachers to make class sizes bigger to run the schools um and they've done a pretty good job and I think we've we've talked uh over and over and over again the last couple months about what we're going to do and one of the items that's still open and it's highly probable to not be around next year is the subscription busing so right now even with subscription busing the district pays $350,000 for busing overall so there's busing there's some that have to be mandated there's some that's subscription based it doesn't cover everything it costs the district $350,000 that should have been cut in my opinion for a while and that's what we're that's what we're faced with now so with all of the potential cost down the road um you know thankfully this year we're fine because of that vote in November but with all the additional costs to come and the unknowns that are out there there is a high probability that there will not be subscription busting it would only be mandated for students outside of 2 miles from from their school uh Anthony you have anything to add uh just a couple things so after spending some time with uh Mr feedi and Mrs Morano to say thank you is an understatement because if the questions did not pass it's safe to say and we went over just some of the calculations earlier in executive we would be in a worse position than we were last year looking to cut anywhere between five and seven teachers so it's a true Testament to the Committees that went out there the HSA the Ed Foundation the community members rallying to get the vote passed without that we this would be a totally different conversation in much worse than it was last year so you thank you very much I just want to point the one two that we have in cap now is after the $800,000 that 880 whatever the exact amount is for the roof so that's after the roof money was taken out we're at 1.2 so when Joe touches on you know north than $9 million in repairs of $6 million would have been covered in the referendum um we have a tall task ahead of us to bring the schools up to date and make them safe uh one thing that Mrs Morano did which I think is extremely admirable is when she budgeted for the roof she also budgeted for unforeseen so if we do pull the roof up and we see that there is a molder there needs to be remediation that money already factored in there so that we're not going back out to the community and saying hey we have to tap our cap Reserve more than what we've allocated it we've already built that in there and if it comes in less then it's great but I think it's it's worthy to mention what Joe said these are all based upon the calculations that our architect firm is using now that are schools that are currently getting this work done so he's using the quotes that are being quote it now but if we do work two years from now and flooring now is 250,000 it's most likely it's going to be closer to 325 based upon the increased rates so there's a lot of things that you know we're taking in consideration $350,000 is what the district is subsidizing and busing if we were to take that number and pass that along to the community per the amount of kids on the bus it would raise it roughly $1,300 per student so whatever you're paying now plus an additional $1,300 so we're taking everything in consideration um Joe's been working with Dr Celli and Mrs Morano tirelessly in regards to numbers and budgeting line items and uh like Joe said I think we're in a good place without those questions passing it would be a much different story we would be having right now a different discussion so we're going to continue to work and see what we can do and and you know really be student centered and make the tough decisions that are what's best for the district just not now but three years from now and 5 years from now and seven years from now have anything else Joe no that's it thank you Mr Street yes um so CPAC met a couple of weeks ago and Miss cfone gave a presentation um the difference between IEPs and 504s it was very well attended by many of the parents so that was great to see I'd also like to just mention that a lot of the staff came out some of our child study team members speech teachers OTS so it was really nice to see them supporting this um the next meeting they will have it'll also be a parent meeting will be April 9th at 7:30 I believe it's going to be in the Churchill library and they're presenting uh special ed parent rights and it's going to be given be given by an attorney that they're hiring so that's April 9th at 7:30 uh the HSA just wanted us to mention that on March 23rd that's next Saturday uh a week from this Saturday their Color Run um they'll be hosting a coloron which is also a fundraiser that they're doing and the Tricky Tray will be held on March 15th tickets will go on sale next week they'll also be accepting donations and sponsorships so please look for at their website if you'd like to donate uh be a sponsor or get a ticket that's all that's it thank you very much I just 15th I'm sorry May 15th May 15th yeah I just want to say and acknowledge Tracy Rippa who's a co-president on the CPAC thank you for being here and while I'm there our co-president of the Education Foundation Kristen the Patria thank you very much touching on the HSA uh just recently I spoke with uh Kathleen in regards to our maintenance budget which we actually have some money in and right now the school board is has approached HSA in regards to um giving a facelift to some of the fields in town so fortunately we have money in a maintenance budget which can only be used for maintenance so our kids are playing in these playgrounds we're really taking a serious look we're going out and getting some quotes to kind of give them a facelift make them a little safer and that's going to be in conjunction with the HSA who is willing to partner with us and uh provide some of the things that you would need uh when you're giving these fields a facelift whether they're benches or or trash receptacles so we're very excited uh that they're extremely willing to work with us uh we think it's equally as important to use the money in that's in maintenance for maintenance because it's the only thing it could be used for and because particularly in Churchill our kids are playing on these fields on a daily basis so to take a look at what they're planning on uh I think we could do a little better so you know that's in the works as well so thank you very much to HSA for that okay then I just want to touch on negotiations so me and Miss alai um attended another Neo negotiations meeting we are working with tirelessly with the teachers and the attorneys um to come to a new my God agreement thank you sorry come to a new agreement and we have another meeting next two weeks two weeks and hopefully we will make more progress thank you very much anyone have anything else in regards to our committees okay with that being said we'd like to move on to public comments on non-agenda items only how are you just please state your name and your address Melissa Padilla 7 Henrietta Drive um all right so I'm gonna start and if I can um also refer to Dr trabuco's recent email I know you guys spoke about the budget with Church Hill roof which is awesome news I'm glad that's already been included um my question was for Stevenson schools so um they had uh Dr chbo had sent a a wonderful email and he said that um The Roof is under warranty and with every L that they leak that they've been able to repair it however is under the warranty just replacing it because if if you can't repair it you know I didn't know I don't know legally what's in their warranty but at some point will they replace it is that in an upcoming budget and who is really making sure that there's no molds because I know they said that the roofing company has reassured us but I have been in there personally for the book fair smells a little musty let's just say but so I just want to know if there's someone actually following up or really like on top of the roofing company and if that's in the budget thank you thank you very much any other question while you're up hereas okay so I could just touch on Dr sho's email uh I don't have a child in Stevenson but Dr Celli was kind enough to forward it me today so basically uh when there's a leak it's under warranty we call them they come out and they fix it unfortunately what's happening is when they fix one area we find the leak in another so they are responsible for coming out and continuing to come out to repair them now obviously I know John Pino is on top of them he's up there on the roof on a daily basis trying to identify the the problem areas and make sure that when they come obviously they come and they tackle the repair areas because they don't want to come back as well over and over and over again now Dr Celli if I'm not mistaken when we have water that leaks through we are monitoring that to make sure that there's no problem no visible signs of mole or I mean they have to test it they can't just say that there's no mold yeah right so they're testing so they like removing ceiling I'm not there to see it so we'd have to we'd have to get that because I I know me personally the house has a leak like all right once I see a ring spot you have to take that sheet rock down right you have to actually remove it to see what's behind it and see that's why I wasn't sure if we have someone on top of them making sure they are doing their job like you said and Mr bino yes and we'll confirm that and if if you want before you leave you could just leave us your email address and after we talk to uh John we'll definitely reiterate uh his communication to you thank you thank you very much anyone else the roof uh josus 22 long Acres Road um is there a possibility for us to replace the roof I I don't didn't hear you touch on that like completely not doing Patchwork like if it's like a lemon law if it's not working anymore just get rid of it and put a new roof can they do that so I'm going to without seeing the contract or having it in front of me I'm going to say that it's probably not advantageous uh from from a financial standpoint if we're responsible um I don't know to what extent other than the pictures that I've seen recently which are concentrated in you know three or four areas that are really bad um we rely heavily on John to fill us in and when we had our buildings and ground meeting um it that wasn't even a topic of conversation just other than the fact that there were some issues they were addressed ing them as they came along so again you know we can dig a little deeper and speak with the custodial engineer that's on site and kind of get some insight from him and take a look at the contract and see how long ago they were contracted to do it what it states what the warranty States and then see where we can go from there and if it does warrant a continuous problem we will forward it to our board attorney and say Hey you know this is a problem it's ongoing they're fixing one area it goes to another what can we do it's definitely an Avenue Worth uh exploring great thank you that's it that was easy today an easy one I have a few follow-ups um first I just want to say that you obviously have the community support not just in getting the school out of a dangerous financial position last year but just generally if there's stuff we need to do repairs we need to make increases like we're all listening so we hear you you have you continue to have our support um for the 9.3 million does that include the roof that yes it does good knock that and the boiler yes um and the boiler yeah at chur the roof at Churchill and the boiler church and Rose just to touch on the $9.3 million obviously when you're dealing with an architectural firm they're giving you in my opinion the highest possible cost possible because and Kathleen you know the proper wording when it comes to a School the company has to be bonded right so it's not just everyone can just come and work in a school but more often than not what a lot of districts do is they go to this cons con Consortium which is state approved vendors who come in and they give you a price well we've asked our business administrator uh and our architect to open that up to public entities public roofing companies boiler contractors that's why we're exploring the p and opportunities so that we're not locked in to just taking whoever's in this Consortium and utilizing them and to actually make it advantageous for the district to have three or four people bid so that we're not stuck with the highest bidder we can go out to bid narrow down to two or three qualified vendors figure out which one is the best and more often than not the most reasonable and make a decision based upon that so that 9.2 could be 7.5 or 9.3 could be 7.5 or it could be 9.3 but we've made the decision to in that buildings and ground meeting to everything moving forward because we have a lot of things coming up to get multiple bids and multiple offers from from each from each group that needs to you be addressed um Jo I thought the update was perfect awesome um so that includes the roof uh will there is there a potential for any state AIDS or grants for some of those projects uh I don't want to to speak out a term but I believe that's project by Project based uh and we'd have to cross that bridge when we get there I think we've already done that for the two that we've already uh talked about so the 93 is like worst case scenario and then if there happens to 93 is worst case scenario if we did everything this year yeah if two years from now if I went back and said hey that 93 really cost us 96 it's because we did right and Kathleen what did we get in regards to state aid for the roof oh on a total budget of million very generous yeah yeah um and then I don't want an answer on this in the moment but one thing that came to mind was like might it make sense to just package this into one ask and just tackle it at once what do you mean just yes oh oh here's the thing here's here's what I'll say if you do that that's what certain folks did and banked on and now we're here yeah that's all I'll say yeah that was banked on no plan is it is the approach we have right now but it just feels like look it didn't work the first time yeah we're in this place now where we have to spend $9 million out of our budget and not necessarily the referendum like if if you have our support and the community is hearing everything maybe it's worth trying again again I don't know the cost of doing it the timing all that it does take time and it also it also is a big risk because 9.3 five years ago might have been six so yeah well I think it's also noteworthy to just reiterate some of the numbers you know three years ago we voted down a $28 million referendum that would had the average cost of $256 per taxpaying home in Fairfield that same referendum to date is closer to $60 million with this with the 500 because of interest rates with a $585 cost per household and like I stated earlier $6 million of what is now 9.3 would have been covered in that referendum so you know that we definitely need the community support but like Joe stated it takes a lot of time and it also takes a lot of money yeah to go off for a referendum so it's it's difficult to hedge the community support yeah when you vote it down six to no c yeah last time I hear you yeah um what would the estimated Transportation cost be for just mandatory busing so if you cut subscription there's still certain students you have to right what do we expect that cost to be so the 350 goes to 250 if we cut subscription no no the 35050 goes to but I think what 350 is the cost of just subsidizing subscription just subsidizing busing and if I'm not mistaken Kathleen what you shared earlier was because we're going from so many buses which I think now we're at 11 or 12 to four or five the busing company is goes out for a rebid and the average cost of the Reid can be anywhere from10 to $15,000 more so if we were paying hypothetically I'll just use a round number and please don't hold me to this if we were paying $990,000 a route now it's likely we're going to pay 115 and we're at we're at the mercy of the bus company so even if we do cut subscription busing that $350,000 now becomes $300,000 but over the course of five years that's 1.5 million with interest and so on and so on and so on you know it's a it's a very difficult decision because we're struggling with transport your children or educate your children by keeping teachers around and offering more programs and keeping the teachers in the district it's it's very diff it's very difficult yeah no it was helpful to hear that it's the entire 350 that we'd be saving I yeah if it was just if it was 100 I mean yeah it wouldn't even be a question would you yeah okay thank you thank you question to to Rose this question so um obviously we've talked about this before when you remove busing then there's uh logistical issues at the school we know there are still people that are using the buses which eliminate the am amount of logistical nightmares that we've had and we did a really nice job in the beginning of the school year of quickly turning and getting the kids in and out of the out of cars and not having lines down Fairfield Road so I'm just wondering how much of that money would then have to be redeployed to logistical support and help and so the whole three thou 300,000 would not be saved I know you get the 50,000 off for the the cost of buses going up because we're not using as many and then there'll be some hit to that number as well based on what you need to do from a logistical standpoint because it it will get worse than what it is today from a logistical standpoint we at this moment are not 100% so until we make the decision to say okay listen this is something that we have to do for the best interest of the district financially fiscally right because we all take a a fiduciary responsibility to do what's best financially for the district right right so with that being said when the board decides on that then we will tackle all of these nuances you know Logistics so on before care after care um how the parents who are going to be greatly affected by this and and let me stress I'm one of them yeah no I my child takes the bus mine too right and and I'm the one that that's home so this means that I have to me myself personally I have to make accommodation to not only drop my daughter off which now she takes the bus home but also find the means to to have her picked up so once the board unanimously decides that this is the route we're going to go and believe me it it's going to be it's going to have to be we all feel very uh very strong and passionate about this is something that we're all going to agree with because we know what's the best interest of the district financially or figure out a way to to accommod everything but like Joe said it's more likely than not I'll add to that figuring look it's like it's a Band-Aid right so if we figure it out this year I'm only giving you a year notice because next year it it would probably have to go that's really I know I'm not I'm just speaking in general yeah in general though it's like okay tiny treasure the after school program is going to have to be Revisited because there will be more kids that now have to go to after school program the transportation and just like Logistics of drop off and pick up and all that that's going to be have to be thinking about so that would be we would have to engage the town I would think at some point in some type of conversation so all those things take time all those things and if we're going to do this in a year yeah I mean I I just know from a logistically from a business perspective when you're going to do something in a year you start you got to start as early as you can planning these meetings having these meetings now so we should be starting now if that's the path we're going to end well we we actually have a pretty good Head Start Tracy because we've discussed this in the past this isn't this isn't news like for for those of you that are new to the board meetings you know that busing was discussed six years ago 5 years ago four years ago three years ago two years ago and here we are revisiting now so we kind of have an idea as to what needs to be done everything you're speaking of now we've talked about in the past we've talked about an executive and we'll continue to talk about it even further afterwards so we are exploring every single Avenue to see what is the the right decision put the writing is on the wall that it's going away you've done a nice job of inviting the community into committees and different things to to Rose's point you have the backing of the of the town so I would just encourage you to continue to do that so if this is one big decision that's going to be made maybe in some of these logistical scenarios or like maybe create some some dialogue about what what do the after school program need to have what parents can contribute to those types of committees I just all I'm saying is just think about it from that perspective not just that people are going to be upset cutting the busing financially this is a different situation logistically we've talked to the town I understand that you guys I just want I'm saying you're doing a nice job commun communicating and and bringing the information to the the the town and to the parents bring them into this so that you're ahead of the game and it's not just we're making an announcement that parents will have been a part of the process along the way thank you very much we'll take that in consideration I appreciate it anyone have anything else under public agenda items you state your name and your address sir Frank lamort for Susie Lane um so I mean I'm hopeful but I'm also still like very nervous after like listening to a lot of the things we talked about I just think we're still in a very precarious situation with the budgets and everything and financially so my what I'd like to say and I guess it's to Dr Celli and whoever the new superintendent will be I just think we should really be watching like every little you know like the STA I'm not I know Personnel is private but I think like Staffing important decisions about how we can I mean I've worked in business how we can change cut Corners with certain positions topheavy bottom because I just think that like you know every little bit counts I also curious and I don't know if you can share this or not but I've seen the like I had originally seen the uh superintendent uh job I know someone who applied so I was under the impression we were going to consider like a superintendent principal SL principal which I thought was going to save us some money and I think now the job description is just superintendent I just think that like little by little there's a lot of different jobs like that we could you know think about that are not going to you know maybe make a difference if we can combine some things because I just think like in terms of these salaries we know we know what we're going to be up against with what's going on but we need to find ways to to try to you know cut cut some cut some things or combine some things and we're only a two two School District I mean I I grew up in Livingston I mean they had one superintendent you know there was lots of schools lot you know I just think any you know a lot of districts around here so I just think we as you guys are approving the decisions on the minutes every time you know and I know you've put I'm sure you've put your time into the what you've decisions you've made but I think we just really have to be careful because uh we're you know we're in a tough position and I I'm not I I've been sitting through these meetings so I understand about the busing it's not a shock to me either but I also know too our town like isn't necessarily set up for walking to school and I mean I live on off a horse Neck Road my kids cannot walk here they can't walk here they can't walk to Churchill so again we'll have to do it but I just think we have to look at every little thing we're spending every decision we make because I think they're all very important and they all matter so thank you Frank we appreciate it does anyone have anything else under public non-agenda items okay with that being said next meeting be it resolved that the next meeting will be held in person on April 25th 2024 Public Work session beginning at 6 PM followed by executive session with public session resuming at appr approximately 7:30 at the Fairfield Municipal Building motion motion second do a roll call yes yes yes yes yes thank you thank you e e e e for