assesses board member Richard Wilson is participating remotely pursu to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recording and Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible before the chairman calls the role of members participating in this meeting remotely I want to remind the members that texting and private Chats on Zoom are not an acceptable method of remote participation I also want to make sure that all members can be heard when they they are speaking and if any member cannot hear another member please let me know finally I want to inform members that if their remote connection is lost they should attempt to sign back in if your remote connection is lost we will note the time you are disconnected and the time you sign back in welcome everyone I'd like to take a roll call Rich Wilson Rich Wilson roll call please can Rich can you hear me Rich here yes Richard gonzal here time 246 246 Miss hno is not here you cannot hear me yes got yes we got you yes yes thank you item number one approval of the minutes for February 16th both open and executive session asking for a motion Rich can I have a motion to approve Rich a motion to approve move to approve the minutes I second roll call Rich Wilson yes I'm making the motion right now can you hear me yes I approved it he second it I second it take a vote Hear Me Now Rich Wilson yes yes Rich Gonzalez yes motion passes two Z to approve the minutes of open and executive for February 16th and we're going to we on the agenda we're going to table we're going to table the 18 Thank you Rich item number three invoice proof lless I don't I don't have it there is none no sorry Rich do I need a motion to pass the the invoice proof list I've already had had a chance to look at it it's true yes I got him I got him he needs to make a motion I need to make a motion to approve can't hear Mr chairman I'm I have I move approve the in I second that I second that move to okay second it thank you vote approval roll call Rich Wilson I need a yes or no yes Richard Gonzalez yes motion passes two Z yes thank you second the move to approve yes yes thank you and the monthly we're gonna no monthly Rich there'll be no monthly well executive session I item number five executive session can I have a motion to go into executive session to discuss abatements exemptions per submitted list pursuant to GLC 38 section 21 A7 GLC 59 section 60 review ATB matters pursuant to GLC 38 21A three discussion in public would be detrimental to the seal City's legal position we will reconvene following the executive I got something in my throat can I have a motion Mr Wilson do you make a motion to go into executive session okay Mr chairman I move to go into executive session okay Rich second roll call Rich Wilson I have Mo I have MO to go into executive session right so Mr Wilson you have to vote Yes to go into executive session now can I have a motion he made the motion you need a vote Yes vote Yes Richard Gonzales yes time time 251 251 in executive I vote Yes okay vote in favor to go into open session let's vote in favor to go into Open Session his name yes okay Richard Gonzalez yes time 306 306 back into open okay Rich you're on motions please yes okay Mr Wilson can you make the first motion please on the abatements okay shall I start with the with the a person property uh on the abatements yes move to approve number 200 that's the second roll call the on on the abatements I move approve voting motion to approve 200 second Rich Wilson how do you vote Yes Yes voting yes for number 200 Rich Gonzalez votes yes I vote Yes on number 200 Richard Gonzalez votes yes motion passes two Z yes yes next one Mr Wilson okay Mr chairman I vote to approve uh abatement number can't read it 81 and I said can somebody CL the first one on the list it sort of blotted out on my screen 81 81 it's 81 1800 to uh no the one above it 24 real estate number 81 number 81 Rich there just one of them there's only one8 okay I move to approve it I second that roll roll call Rich Wilson yes I move to approve it Richard Gonzales yes motion passes okay I'm sorry I missed it that's okay motion passes two Z next yes yes okay Mr Wilson do you have a motion to deny any of the abatements okay next I move to deny the following numbers number 82 yes I'm about to do that okay is Backlash it's 80 8 I'm sorry number 98 number 122 123 4 125 126 and 135 I second that rich I second what you said roll roll roll call Rich Wilson how do you vote do you do you vote to deny all right yes Rich Gonzales yes Mo motion passes deny yes motion passes 20 to deny what was read yes okay yes exemptions Mr Wilson do you have a motion on the statutory exemptions statutory exemption yes please yes I do move to approve the following number is 89 90 9 yeah yes 89 90 90 90 91 91 92 994 95 96 7 98 99 100 101 I second that what you was read and approved exemptions can may I have a roll call Rich do you vote Yes on a roll call yes vote to approve I second that yes all in favor passes passes okay next on the denial Rich there's one denial okay I Mr chairman I yes Mr chairman I vote to deny number 102 I second that number 102 I second that 102 I second that yes could I have a a roll call Rich Wilson to deny to deny Rich Wilson yes okay Rich Gonzalez yes motion passes two to deny number 102 what do we got next Mr Wilson do you have a motion on the revised and omitted I voted yes to okay do you have a motion to make on the revised and omitted to Revis admitted one and two does he have that CBA yeah he does yes I made a motion toy okay yes now on the pink sheet the revised and omitted the solar Fields that's actually number number one and revised omitted number one and number number two two that's number six on the agenda it's number six on the agenda rid I see it these are for the uh Community uh for the Commerce solar yes do you make a motion to um issue the revised and omitted bills one and two yes these are two approved yes yes I second that yes can I have a roll call Rich Wilson how do you vote Mr chairman I move to to Rive the so yes yes Rich Gonzales yes motion passes two Z on the revised omitted can we do the CPA exemption we also have Rich a CPA exemption can we do the CPA CPA one CPA one no cpa3 I'm sorry cpa3 yes it's it's number CPA yes it's revised number three yes I move to approve it I second that may I have a roll call how do you vote Rich Wilson do you do you vote yes on the CPA yes Richard gonzal votes yes Mo passes two Z on CPA is that it Mr chairman if I may wee yes I vote Yes communication errors we were having um but everybody seemed to be understanding what was going on through but we do apologize for the choppiness of it yes I agree I'm I I apologize sorry about that item number seven all other relevant business not known 48 hours I don't I don't have any Rich do you have any unknown business none with that item number eight next next meeting Rich we would like to have schedule the next meeting a week from today at 2:30 uh no no April 24th April 24th Rich can you meet at the next meeting I I think he was talking about un unnown business delay Rich we'd like to schedule a meeting yes yes okay okay now what is the time somebody first said 1:30 what is the time going to be 2:30 2:30 hello yes 230 Rich 230 do you need a motion for that no no we're good what I will need a motion to agend 235 agreed all right may I have a motion to adjourn 230 okay right Mr chairman I move to aurn the meeting I second that roll call Rich Wilson Rich Wilson yeah how do you vote Yes yes Rich Gonzales yes with that thank you everyone have a nice day time time time 318 318 yes 318 meeting a j yes to a chair