pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible roll call ncy hno here Rich Wilson rich gonzal is here time 10:01 10:01 a meeting open at 10:01 approval of the minutes and executive and open session for February 16 2024 I'm have to just table them all right I'll we motion to table the the minutes until Mr Wilson's back I second it roll call Nancy Hino Rich gal yes motion to table the minutes till the next meeting invoice proof list we don't have one all right there is none monthly report see so we just had our second motor vehicle exercise commitment and our eth from 2023 good good can I have a motion to approve the monthly report motion to approve the monthly report second roll call Nancy hno yes Rich gonzal yes motion passes 20 Z to approve the monthly report um item number five and six two excise commitments commitments two and eight so there's multiple copies there so sign sign all the copies first yeah did I get all that y item number seven executive session discuss abatements exemptions per submitted list pursuant to g3a section 21A 7 GLC 59 section 60 review ATB mat is pursuant to list GC 38 section 21 A3 since discussion in public would be detrimental to the city's legal position uh we will reconvene following executive session motion to go into executive session second roll call Nancy hno yes Rich Gonzales yes motion passes to Z time 10:05 10:05 in executive session again okay we're back uh can I have a motion to go back into open motion to go into Open Session second uh roll call roll call say my name oh I'm sorry Richard gonal yes uh motion passes to zero time 1110 11:10 sorry about that I'm waiting okay Mr chairman I move that the board of assessors authorize the assessment of the attached pels to owners unknown pursuant to general laws chapter 59 section 11 for fiscal year 2025 since in the in spite of the reasonably diligent efforts the assessor's office has been unable to ascertain names of the respective owners of said Parcels appearing as of record second a second that motion roll call Nancy hot yes Rich gonzal yes motion passes to zero time I'm sorry about the time but two it's a long morning 1110 1110 sorry about that stop it I have a lot of reading to do there you go thank you Mr chairman I make a a motion that we approve the following fiscal 2024 statutory exemptions number 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 and 89 I second that a motion roll call Nancy hno yes Rich consal yes motion passes to approve the statutory exemptions which were read all right you ready Mr chairman I make the following motion to approve the following fiscal 24 batement applications number 1 5 6 7 8 10 16 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 31 34 35 36 37 39 41 42 43 46 48 57 60 63 64 71 80 87 88 89 90 991 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 117 120 131 132 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 I second that roll call NC I know yes M gonzal yes motion passes for those abatements read Mr chairman I make the following um hold on please are these personal property approvals approvals yes okay um uh I make a motion to approve the following personal just the first one I'm sorry second one's a denial yes all right so first one that's all right that's all right the following um personal property fiscal 24 personal property abatement approval number three second uh vote roll call Nancy hno yes Rich Gonzalez yes motion passes uh make a motion that we approve we we deny the following personal 2024 personal property abatement number four second that motion NY hno yes gonzal yes motion passes to approve the denial Mr chairman I make a motion that we deny the following fiscal 24 real estate abatement applications number four 14 15 17 18 38 40 44 58 59 70 73 74 75 76 85 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 114 115 116 118 1191 127 128 129 130 133 and 134 second that antio yes Rich gonzal yes motion to pass the denials which were read here you go thank you okay um so we had um article number eight discussion and vote on regarding owner unknown we did that already uh yes okay and then uh not item number nine all other relevant business not known 48 hours in advance is there any there's none none okay item number 10 next schedule meeting so I was going to propose April 17th if that's good for everyone that's great good good yeah all right 10 o'clock 10 o'clock 10 o'clock okay all right item number 10 which we completed item number 11 let's adjourn can I have a motion to adj to adjourn second uh roll call Nancy Hino yes Rich Gonzales yes motion to adjourn time 11:15 11:15 thank you everyone