##VIDEO ID:DI5Fyhbe-zs## [Music] over [Music] overy hey hey heyyy [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] black [Music] he [Music] he [Music] city council please come to order cler will call the RO council is kadim hereon here har here Kilby uh here Perera here hty here raposo here Samson here president here what were you going to a good St pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit this meeting through any meeting attendees are therefore advised such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or UNP perceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible motion open public hearing second motion to open the public hearing has been made and seconded all in favor I any oppos motion carries item number one is a joint poll location Massachusetts electric company doing business as National Grid and Verizon New England for a new for one new jointly owned poll location as follows on current road they're going to install one jointly owned poll 1-10 in line between existing jointly owned pole 1-1 and pole two on current road pole 1-1 will be placed approximately 55 ft east of pole two and 75 feet west of pole 1 -1 poll 1-10 will serve as a junction poll to supply six 30 current road blun Fine Foods with the new overhead service in accordance with plan number 309 7882 six are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents at all you know the gig good evening Roy 1250 Brighton Point Road Somerset representing National Grid um yeah National Grid is looking to uh install one new jointly own pole uh in line between pole 1-1 and two current road um um just as uh president said um this will be serving uh a new service the fourth service for blown fine uh blown uh Seafood Fine Foods um that's it thank you very much are there any opponents any opponents to this public hearing seeing none we'll move on to item number two Massachusetts electric company doing business as National Grid and Verizon New England for one new jointly owned poll located as follows on kilborn Street there will be one jointly owned pole location one jointly owned ankor relocation and one jointly owned pole relocation this petition is being proposed is proposing to relocate a jointly owned pole number 11 and anchor approximately 45 ft Northerly of its current location on kilborn Street towards dwell Street and the installation of a new jointly owned pole number 11-50 on kilborn Street approximately 45 ft south of the current location of existing pole number 11 this relocation of poll number 11 and anchor and the installation of poll number 11-50 is required due to the planned construction of the new entrance into King Philip Estates and Princeton Circle in accordance with plan number 3085 4208 are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents at all good evening again Aaron Roy 1250 Brion Point Road Somerset representing National Grid uh this one's a little more entailed um this one is for the the new development going in off of Kilburn Street Princeton Circle King Philip Estates um pole 11 existing pole 11 and Jo anchor um sits directly in the middle of the new entrance so this existing pole and anchor are looking to be moved approximately 45 feet North and adding a new pole pole 11-50 45 ft South in order to make up the span between polls 11 and 12 um pole 11 will be the new uh service poll that'll feed into Princeton Circle um feed the I believe 15 uh 15 Lots or 14 lots that are uh in that development thank you thank you thank thank you are any other proponents any other proponents are there any opponents are there any opponents to this public hearing seeing none we'll move on to item number three to curb removals Kyra cadero 363 High SE Street for removal of curbing as follows the existing opening is 8 ft curb to be removed is 24t there's no curb to be added combined opening prop after alteration is 32 ft the vacant parcel is currently serviced by an 8T curb opening the applicant proposes to expand that existing opening by an additional 8 feet while also creating a new 16 foot opening to provide a horseshoe driveway scenario The propos Proposal is being made as the city is in the process of reconstruction of High Street the total opening for this location will be 32 ft the vote taken by the for City C Council on July 16 2024 to approve the removal of 16 ft of curbing for a total opening of 24 ft will be rescinded are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents at all seeing none are there any opponents to this public hearing any opponents at all seeing none we'll move on to item number four Angelica Penfield 71 Ash Street for the removal of curbing as follows at 71 a street existing opening is 23 ft curb to be removed is 2' 4 in there is no curb to be added combined opening proposed after alteration is 25 ft and 4 in the exist existing pel is currently serviced by a 23t curb opening on as Street the applicant proposes to extend the opening by an additional 2 Fe 4 in the total opening for the location will be 255 ft 4 in are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents seeing none are there any opponents to this public hearing any opponents seeing none we move on to item number five Antonia davalo 680 Bas Street for the removal of curbing as follows at 1342 County and aslap Street existing opening is 16 feet curb to be removed is 14 feet there is no curb to be added combined opening proposed after alteration is 30 ft the existing parel is currently serviced by a 16t curb opening on elop Street the applicant proposes to extend the opening by an additional 7 feet on each side of the opening the proposal is being made as a city is in the process of reconstruction of alsop Street the total opening for the location will be 30 feet are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents seeing none are there any opponents to this public hearing any opponents seeing none we'll move on to item number six auto repair shop license James Andrew 139 Langley Street Apartment One doing business as at 508 Auto Sales and Repair for a license to operate an auto repair shop at 59 North Quarry Street lot-1 d106 assesses plan are there any proponents to this public hearing any proponents Comm on D just please state your name and address for the record and the reason you're a proponent thank you hi uh my name is y falto I'm the father of the of James Andrews and basically what we ask him for is a uh allowance to open a uh automotive repair shop public automotive repair shop it's been an automotive repair shop before there's two bays uh one lift so far and uh yeah we just wanted to open a auto repair facility that's it than thank you very much are there any other proponents to this public hearing any other proponents seeing none are there any opponents there any opponents Madam cler do you have a we have a written uh a letter of opposition okay already copies of that letter or do you want to you looking to read it now or we just give copies we we can supply a copy of the letter okay there's a letter of opposition I'm sorry I there is a letter of opposition a letter of opposition number six number six correct we can congratulations okay are there any other opponents to this public hearing any other opponents mtion see none I will entertain a motion to close the public hearing has been made is there a second second second all in favor I any opposed this public hearing is now closed can you have go right into the city council Finance meeting can you have that letter before we vote on that tonight do I have it yes yeah just make a copy yes we'll take a quick recess before the regular meeting [Music] call the road councilor kadim here Dion here har here Kilby here perrera here ponti here Roso here Samson here and president here pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit this meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and they are deemed acknowledged and permissible first we have citizens input time a number of individuals have signed up each individual has three minutes to speak before the council first we have Bill Lacy subject matter performing arts program come down bill please have a seat speak into the microphone thank you Mr President thank you hi Bill good evening members of the council good evening my name is Bill Lacy I'm not a resident of the city of Fall River in fact I live in New Bedford your sister city motion motion rules to wave the rules has been made in seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries the reality is as I signed your guest book uh I included the address of 160 Rock Street Fall River that's home to the Church of the Holy Spirit it's emerged Parish of three prior Episcopalian parishes in this city for the last 32 years I've been the music director at two of these parishes who have merged prior to that though for 38 years I was Mr Lacy every morning when I taught in New Bedford I was a music teacher I come before you because the Church of the Holy Spirit has an interesting blessing that I'd like you to know about we have a performing arts program that was launched three years ago that is suffering from attendance difficulties because we have a blessing of endowments but inside um our Charter it makes it impossible for us to advertise which means as we do our work we look for help and frankly tonight I am here looking for help from you let me tell you what this is about quickly from September through June we invite children from grades three through 8 to attend two rehearsals each week in our star maker theater this program is completely free there is nothing that is charged to any Resident sadly right now even though we're located in the city of Fall River all of my children come from the town of Somerset and that's simply because we have no way of penetrating a city as large as Fall River the somerset public schools did us a solid saw the benefit to their children to their families and said yes we'll distribute materials for you I don't know that that's possible here but what I do know is every single one of you represent neighborhoods just like the neighborhood this program is in within those neighborhoods or parents whose children want to do programs like this but as they look outside as as to what's available it's very easy to spend $100 minimum per month and sometimes much more for a child to be involved in Performing Arts our program only does two things we're involved in song and dance we create a show troop this is not musical theater we don't stage Productions or miniature Productions of well-known musicals what we do is we select thematic materials you have 30 seconds left motion to wave the rules for additional 3 minutes motion wave the rules for additional three minutes as a made in second all in favor I any oppos oppose motion carries you have an additional three minutes in this past year because it was an election year and everybody is kind of hohan in America we did exactly that we did a tribute to American music because it's our belief that what we do with those children should reflect the best of our past so we never sing or perform to any modern music we go back decades and when we do that we take children back in history and let them experience some of those same feelings that we did it gets better though parents have absolutely no Financial involvement whatsoever in this we we're fortunate to have Higgins Billings and dery endowments just the interest on those things alone will last forever but we can't advertise so it's almost like being at C and you have nothing but sea water around you thank you thank you Cony to J do you have something you want to say can't what they're doing be advertised on the city website anything can be on the city website so the reality is it has been there it has drawn us no new children from the city of falber the city helped us out in the past they've put it on a website this is not how you get to children and families with a free program and I think we all understand that the very first thing I allowed for was that I spent 38 years as a public school teacher I know where free programs belong excuse me I don't want to interrupt but you're un limited time so I want to um so what what is it that you feel you need from us to be able to get your information out where it needs to be thank you first of all we would have to say that none none of you have gained the position that you have if you're not aware of people around you and people are aware of you so the very first thing I would ask everybody in this room who's an elected official is that right at the top of September or the very end of August allow me to send you Flyers that you could post on your social media websites along with because this matters a statement from you if you post something people glance if you say something about it people pay attention Okay that seems like a simple fix with that I yield thank you coun counc SE five C have you m have you contacted the school department so the one and only thing that we were we were um suggested to do was to get in touch with the city because at one point in time they had arpa funds and we wanted to get on a list that list would penetrate your school system we were denied that because and no surprise it was a financial program you have money so you don't need it we wouldn't take government money offered to us one of the things you should do is contact the school department I'm sure that they would pass that out I would ask you to do that okay the school committee then go in front of the school committee and speak at citizen input time there and they'll more than likely pass something like that out the other thing is there's a girl that works upstairs in the mayor's office her name is Samantha if you call Samantha she'll be able to help you to get that out and certainly send brochures to us because we can all put it I mean I I can put it on Facebook or other people can do the same and I I think it's very good what you're doing um for the children and I thank the church for all that they do I know we have our Saturday kitchens there they're having a carnival this weekend again free um I think they do a great job but that's my suggestion to you and feel free to call and see if we can hook you up with somebody in the school department if I could just leave by telling you that you'll have distributed to you a frequently Asked question page about program on it there are contact information just for myself thank you Council Council hot thank you Mr President Mr Ley thank you for coming here tonight um I was on of the school committee uh just recently um and a lot of people would come to us and asking like various little leagues and other leagues like that how we can get in touch with these students in the schools and they would send out emails excuse me digital emails to all the parents um and and so I think that's something you can there it is yeah I think that's something that the that the school department will gladly do with for you you're exactly right it's to penetrate the families themselves yep but this was a good start I've learned something but but if but my my point is I think one of the my other colleagues mentioned that if you go to the school committee and do citizens input there their meetings are once a month they just had one last month last night so there'll be another one next month if you go there and also too that's when school's starting so that might be a good opportunity for you to attend that meeting citizens in and they'll talk to whoever um is in charge of that I can't remember who does that but that's something that they they'll be glad to do for you thank you sir sure I'll close with this Council we have one more Council want to tr I would like to wrap triggered me make a comment thank you sir uh about 20 25 years ago a doctor J shackney Who's now retired started the Katy Brown educational program uh dealing with um abuse of uh children women uh domestic abuse and they actually go into the classroom and teach so it's a nonprofit they've really did a great job getting into the school system so that's that's an example but the only thing that pops in my head is the the religious part of this for instance you know there's many Catholic schools and in the city you can try that I don't know if that'll fly um but you know there is some strict rules with regards to public schools and religion and maybe I'm off base with my comment but it's just a thought that but that's up to the school committee not not us um so I would definitely think it's worth your while to to go there and uh maybe they can do a distribution thank you councelor I'll set thank you thank you Mr thank you very much next we have CJ Ferry subject matter dictatorship representation dictatorship dictatorship repres I'm sure he'll explain it to us okay thank you thank you council president City councilors I have said this several times over the past several weeks months I really feel as though this city is under a dictatorship we have city councilors which don't represent the people they represent the sixth floor we have school committee members which don't represent the people they represent the sixth floor if you would have seen last night's school committee meeting you would have been appalled you would have been appalled at that meeting I wasn't getting my way so I'm going to do to take the vote anyways and that's the way it is and nobody's going to tell me otherwise that's a dictatorship we are a constitutional republic you people were all elected to represent the people not represent special interests not represent a particular person not to represent an Administration but to represent the people chip and I have said numerous times about part of the first of the Massachusetts Constitution that you do not serve anyone but us you are our representatives and it's tough because a lot of times we get statements like we got at the last city council meeting from the city administrator don't listen to these people damn you're wrong you listen to these people because these people are the citizens that voted you in office you represent the people the city administrator the city Administration even many City councilors don't like what's heard but you have to hear it and you've got to take it to heart and you have to say well this is one View and you get many views so you have to weigh them all out and there's no question about it I'm not the be all end all I'm not Methuselah okay I'm not going to cut the baby and have to figure it out but you have to make sure that your votes represent the people and represent the best interest of the people namely what we really need to have our best interest represented is the fact that our city financially is hurting and I don't necessarily mean the city of Fall River I mean the people in the city of Fall River when you go to the grocery store and your grocery bill is $80 and you got nothing for groceries you have a problem when you've got a rent that's $1,400 on a in a Triple Decker because the property was sold and you can't afford to live there anymore you got a problem got 25 seconds and these decisions that this city council makes with approvals of tiffs and ties and other things affect those people and it affects the wellbeing of our city our neighborhoods and the people I want to thank you for listening and remember represent the people thank you thank you thank you next we have Robert Camaro subject matter government and warws uh council president I respectfully ask for a point of personal privilege it's want to make a uh just a comment because I've been around a long time and and people love to make rumors I want to make sure that if anybody notices I'm not having cheek implants uh and my eyes are swelled up I have I had an allergic reaction to and people may not know this because I did not know that that English ivy is as contagious as poison ivy I would have noticed sumac or yeah or it's down I've been on medication for like four days already so so I didn't get this sparing I got I got an allergic reaction I thought it was Botox but that's all right yeah oh yeah some I knew somebody say that thanks Mr President plain hand yeah I'm glad it wasn't an allergic reaction to the city council CJ kind of CJ kind of touched on it he talked about part of the first but I'm here to talk I very rarely you know I've been around a long time I've seen wrong numbers I've seen a lot of things and I just send you the correct numbers and say my piece but at that last meeting um we heard about disrespect and things but I was uh I was not happy with the comment made that you don't have to listen to those people in the audience and I'm not going to say this just because it's a personal thing it's a legal issue CJ fer uh referenced the Constitution that you swore an oath to part of the first five which says you are our substitutes and agents and you are answera bles to at all times it doesn't mean you have to agree but the four people who presented that night were citizens of the city of Fall River you it's not optional for you to listen to what they've got to say it is mandatory it's your legal fiduciary obligation to listen to people whether you agree with them or disagree with them because you were elected to represent them and as I said in that letter I sent you an informational background Sean kadim was counselor Kadeem was 100 correct to it's your job it's fu Aries to listen you don't have to agree but you got to listen and that was butress the constitution is Reb butress by Baron versus Kanda and it said it butress the absolute rights of the people to speak freely to politicians it's also an not to say that government officials cannot silence members of the public based on the substance that are input during quote public input unquote periods of government meetings that's what we're in here today that's where we were last month and that is de facto silencing when you say ignore them don't listen to them and it also said the ru they ruled that civility codes that limit criticism of public officials are contrary to multiple provisions of our state constitution which provide quote robust protection of public criticisms of government officials listen I've been doing this a very long time I don't get angry too often but I am angry because I heard I was offended by somebody's eyeball roll well you know something I've been eyeball rolled and got the stink eye by a lot of people in my time because for the things I've said and I've reciprocated but I never disobeyed a law I ran a union for 25 years and won virt every arbitration every jlmc case because I follow the law and I listen to the other opponent that's Hegel in case anybody doesn't know who Hegel is theory of dialectic materialism okay thesis antithesis and synthesis that's the only way me move forward and I'll close not a quote this time with hen's Razer a lot of people know what aams Razer is it's the simple explanation is normally the best this is one of my faor I don't agree with the ending the word that he used but obviously he was he was a philosopher never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity okay but to me that's the wrong word the difference between ignorance and stupidity and this is right out of the dictionary means not having the proper knowledge in a particular field and I think that we have some people here that came from the private sector they're not representing a a a business that can convince that was another word that was used it's my job to convince it's not your job to convince it's their job to give you accurate information for you to make a decision you convince people in court you don't convince people at the council thank you very much thank you thank you next have ktho subject matter local government thank you city council president thank you city councilors um I'm here because I do not like the state of my city right now I don't like the crime I don't like to see people suffer okay I've been through a lot personally trying to speak out against certain things housing um why are we not allocating this weed money towards housing silence right nobody's got an answer for that right so hold on hold on what do you mean we're not we goes to the general fund and then we allocated it for everything no this is my first citizen input just okay but me you're asking a question since so I figured i' just let you know what happened with that money goes to the general fund accordingly throughout everything that we need to we need to figure out something to help the people instead of all these illegals that are coming in I'm not going to keep going on and on but some of you people recognize my voice some of you people may recognize me I apologize to some of the city councilors um for some remarks I've made back in the day but coming from where I see things in this city how we are getting gentrified how people that are not even from here this country I mean are get get more benefits than people in our veterans do and I'm going to becoming a little bit more maybe a little bit more seasoned coming here and being a little bit more vocal at my local city council meeting where I was intimidating was intimidated by coming here uh years before so thank you I appreciate the time councilors have a good day thank you very much next we have Kelly mcon subject matter illegal encs good evening how are you guys sming good I hope I'm smiling for a reason first things first I'm I'm glad to see the city is actually following some ordinances and laws um I was blessed to get a call last week from the clerk's office not the call that you asked for me to get um regarding my dog that she wasn't licensed they actually City Hall actually called me at home on my phone to let me know that I have an unlicensed dog I apologize for being a rebel didn't know I was I was supposed to be doing I went right down that day paid the $10 followed the laws and ordinances and I'm glad that we're doing that so I just want to hear the good news are we going to do it with the illegal encampments are we going to do it with all the other legal things because I got the trash police every week for me not worried about it I do my due diligence to make sure my barrels are right my neighbors not so happy they've gotten tagged um both of them on the side as I me and others so I'm glad that we're following audiances I'm glad we're following laws I'm glad I'm happy I apologize for falling short however I'd like to see it done Citywide so do we have anything no thank you we have ordinances counc to we have ordinances coming up yeah I just want to say that um we do have an ordinance in front of us regarding encampments praise God we're on our way with that is that going to be spoken about tonight or it's going to get referred to ordinance it's an ordinance committee that'll approve it then it'll come back to us we're going to have ordinance meetings regarding it and you councelor yeah sure Council t7 cilo your hand up you yield okay and we will have an ordinance committee meeting before our next council meeting so we can put it through so we have an Ord I just want to make sure sometimes I'm a little slow we have an ordinance we have an ordinance that is coming before us tonight okay on the encampments and we have one on housing and um abandoned houses Etc we have two ordinances coming in so those will be referred to the ordinance committee I will have a meeting on both of those to come back to the council for the next meeting to be voted on I'm not going to just let it sit there I know we want to move things yes I was out there cleaning today my street and I filled up the barrel with well I hear you and I think that honestly people of for River need to take a little bit more Pride cuz I am sick and tired of driving around and seeing weeds coming out of everybody's sidewalk that's not government three minutes please let's just let's just finish this time you can file a resolution about let's clean up the weeds I hate them okay thank you I yield are you all there with this or I just want to make one more comment if I I just want to make the point that this is a draft ordinance corre it's not an ordinance on the books legal until it goes to ordinance right so just so people know that so the next step goes to ordinance comes back to the council and then we have a law all right how long as long as it takes the counselors to decide if they're going to implement that ordinance or make changes to the ordinance or whatever comes out of that meeting there is no set time but as things are referred down to this Council and we send them to the appropriate committee for discussion they get worked out there and then once they agree on something they present it to the council then I get support from the counc first step is first step is tonight that Yi thank you I appreciate it thank you item number two is a resolution convey to discuss potential use of the Bristol County American Rescue plan act funds to purchase an automobile vehicle for the greater for River Art Association adopted June 11 20124 we're going to hold discussion come down please thanks C hi Cara hi attorney how nice to see you CC seat 7 counc proposal before attorney hum speaks I just want to clarify for my colleagues so I filed this resolution kind of caught before the horse per se um in preparation to do a Bristol County arpa application however some of the details have since changed so attorney hum's here to kind of explain what has changed and where we're going to go from here so I'll yield to her thank you um and this sort of is a precursor to what I'm going to speak about later so like 25 words or less I can Double Di here um uh so as I told Andrew Bristol County Treasury has a deadline their original deadline was June 30th which has come and gone um for the deadline for the applications and they extended it to the end of September um my understanding is is that that any application that you've put forth that that has to also be encumbered by that time um and so it makes a advancement of funds almost impossible to do because you wouldn't encumber something that you don't have approval from Bristol County Treasury um and it also runs up against that December deadline for obligations as well so I um it's my opinion that we should be doing one Big Ed advancement um to use up the funds and then move that money the free up that money in the city arur fund so um the artmobile because it's also a vehicle um needs a qualifying title one project to fall under this was the same thing I explained with the public service and safety equipment um application that I rescinded um and so this is an impossibility as is the uh veterans van so we have the veterans van but I'm also asking later to resin that um and we'll reimburse uh that through the city arpa I don't I'm trying to simplify it but it is actually really confusing I think we got it c seat five count do you have a question I do I know you said that you're resending the veterans then however we do have a grant for that then correct so that's actually that I heard that we ALS we that's there is a grant that is avable um and I don't know if that they were looking at that to do another van so I we've already bought we've done the entire procurement purchase we have it um so with my request to resend tonight we would just make a contract through the city arpa and then we would pay um the veteran service office back we'd reimburse them with that City arpa money for what they pull out their budget I didn't hear that there was grant money available for that I did hear that as well for that not for this yeah all right thank you attorney H counc C2 thank you Council hi good evening um so how much money are we talking about in terms of Bristol County uh funding how much how much is left when you say take one large amount and move forward with it yeah so um just I'm giving you yeah take your time um more specific so if you remove if the resending happens which I'm pretty much begging you guys to do because it's the right thing to do and it needs to redone um the resending the veterans van as well as the skateboard park so we have every intention of doing both of those um we need to we would be left and and I'm sorry I'm getting ahead of myself we have two applications that are still pending and those were for the Capital Improvements for information technology which um that process has has been has switched for from a reimbursement to an advancement back to reimbursement so those are are pending um assuming those go through um which I hope that they do um and are approved we would have um 1,633 1881 left and so the water main project that you saw I put forth because I know you love water projects um uh those that would be I I tried to look at all of the projects and look at the ones that I knew had satisfied procurement um and Paul ferland is excellent procurement he certified I knew that was done um the work's been done this is a project that started back in 2021 um it's all incumbered and most of it has been expended um so I asked him to pull some stuff together and send to me um and I was thinking about this before like if I had a crystal ball and I could have seen to into the future when I started back in 2022 and you know if you knew now which you knew you knew then which you know now um I mean I think I would have probably and like 16 million to water you know like one project one application done cuz this um this is a lot and it's just been such a sort of grueling process and I think the goal posts have kind of changed at different points um so this is just in my opinion I think it's it ensures that all of our funds are not wasted they're expended we get what we need and we can move forward with some of the projects that we talked about back with the city okay so my last question is um and thank you I feel Vindicated I really do um I would have called you I want to do it on big grand stand here that was great no um so my last question is so the 200,000 we resend it at the last meeting where does that come into play in all of this 200 uh that was from the veterans uh the 250,000 and then we had to send it because you weren't going to be able to expend it and so that is included in here and so all of that my idea is that that 1.6 mil part of that whoa I'm sorry is going to go back to the city um and then we can re-evaluate at that point and I know that with your project um councilor Roso um I met with the Art Mobile um the the the board members for the art mobile and had a great conversation on Monday about it we're putting some stuff together we'll submit that to the mayor and sit down and ask him about that okay great thank you with that I yield thank you thank you all right thank you very much Ken for coming down and explaining that appreciate it thank you thanks for all the hard work you do too what next we have Ryan gagman subject matter Art Van and greater Fall River Art Association come on down please is she Dana Bond and Dana Bond I apologize it up good evening good evening council president members of the city council um I get we got an invitation to be here tonight we' met before you a while ago so I'm not sure if you guys have some questions we met with Cara yesterday but we were extended this invitation and I hate to waste Council time but if there's anything you wanted to ask us um we're waiting to hear about the funding basically I think that's where we're at and we did meet with Carrie yesterday so if you had any questions about the van can you try to speak into the microphone please makes a big difference pull the microphone closer to you pull the microphone closer okay better a little better can you hear me now so anyway uh I'm not quite sure why we're here but if you have any questions be happy to answer them Council T eight Council Samson I don't have a question just a statement um I think your project is great and I'm looking forward for it to going through so however we can expedite this and make it happen for the city I think it's great and great job so with that I yield thank you c c c yeah I don't think anybody has any questions it's it was rescinded it'll come back and they'll figure out a way to get it to have that so I'm really happy that you met with attorney hum she's very good at explaining things and sorry to have you come down today um without any questions you know I pick up the phone and call you if I had a question yeah I was like I was kind of confused but thank you for taking the time to come down can I just what we can do not that I need to talk but um I'm the past pres of the association um one of the things that we have tried with the association is to try to get art into places where kids are and adults are um this is a multi-generational um kind of a project we're not just going to kids where they are we're we're going to be um the goal is to go to places where adults are maybe like Prosper um nursing homes I know for a fact that townhouse clubhouses like wants to be the first person on the list to come you know when we when we're able to get this so it meets a great need um that the city I think should be able to get itself wrapped around we're not we're not talking like we're going to um blow up anybody's budget I don't think um but the benefit that the city would get by having it it be around and about through all of the City events all year long I think is is um a very positive thing for the city and I think that we as um me as a city as a as a per a resident of the city I'd like nothing more than to take this van all over the place every single corner of the city to do what we need to do with it kids love art our art classes are full and they still are are clamoring for more so we're looking to be able to provide some art for for people who want to do it so thank you very much people appreciate you thank you very much thank you thank you good night good night next we have item number three fiscal year 2024 quarter 4 budget report it was referred on July 16 2024 we're going to hold discussion I know we know who you are could both of you just please state your name and what department you with for the record so in case it's First Time watches at home Seth aen City administrator Bridget Alman uh director of financial services counc seat six Council py thank you Mr President um so I I just want to say um uh compliment to the administration on the inactive uh Court um items that are on in this uh in this quarterly update um I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation for looking at Globe Street sucker uh sucker Brook driveway and Government Center roof replacement to repurpose some of those idle funds um it's been something that I've been talking about personally for a while I know with you um and I'm happy to see this quarterly report shows $65,000 of idle money so you've you found over $313,000 to repurpose for other things so I I appreciate I and I and I know that's the next item on our agenda but it somewhat speaks to the quarterly update um the only question I have though is that it remains $291,000 available essentially in idle money in the capital projects um what sticks out the most to me is streets and highways Department homeowners of $24,000 if you go to your um quarterly update under inactive capital projects what is the plan with that 200 $4,000 so the the the next item on the agenda and the the money that's already been found U is very much the product of CFO alond working with the department heads uh sorry to interrupt it wasn't found it was obviously here for a while because this goes back to so don't I don't want to correct say I don't want somebody misquoting you saying that we found money because it's been here a while it was capital projects that were idle I just want to clarify that for the record so the inactive capital projects my specific question is the $24,000 so anyway I would I just want to say that the the first batch that you're seeing here tonight uh as the result of CFL Alman working with each of the department heads in response to this council's um recommendation uh and there was a lot of hard work that went into that she did a really wonderful job I know that these are being looked at now the balance um and I know that um the CFO can speak in a little more detail to that but I just want to give credit where credits do um they've done a really good job doing taking that first step so that 204,000 we're actually doing some more research on that because it was money transferred from a few funds in there's some journal entries so we're trying to trace that back to the exact Bond so that I can then repurpose it because it has to be of the same like if we borrowed it for 15 years 20 years 30 years we have to repurpose it to something similar so that was one we still haven't um well is it just out of curiosity is it similar or like longevity projects so if you repave a street for example and and you plan to do that as long as the purpose of that uh Capital fund was to do streets for the life long no no it's the life so if you do something so if you do something that has what they consider a useful life of 15 years you bond for 15 years you have to then repurpose it to something that has a similar useful life that's what I meant to say I just didn't say it as eloquently as you did um so here's my thoughts we have $291,000 available and I understand there need to be you know length issues when it comes to the capit projects but I really want to get these fire stations fixed we've been talking about it for a while this Council years ago really really put our next not on our nexts out on the line but we we got that Veterans building done that needed to get done um years ago I really want to get these fire fire stations fixed is there any way I know that there's some some additional funding through grants available and that's in the works can we repurpose any of this to start fixing some of these stations so it depends on what we're fixing at the station so I I I can give you that answer and I'm not sure exactly what you're what you're looking at to be fixed just generally speaking I mean if you go down a Center Street to the council's point anything that has a 15-year value you repaired should qualify correct well I mean I I would I would say yes or no because these are all a number of idle projects but I just I I'm not expecting an answer today but I would appreciate it if you could get back to me and the council to see if the 291 in the combination of all these scheduled funds that are sitting idle if we could use that 290 or percentage of it or some of it to redo some of these fire stations yeah we can get you that answer uh and in addition to that any of the work that's already planned in the fire stations I think it would be helpful for the council to know that because Community preservation funds are being brought to bear on the center Station uh for some exterior uh as well as some uh HVAC and then EMS uh at the same time uh is doing some additional ventilation and improvements of rooms so there's some combined projects that are happening right now at least at Center uh and we can get you a status on on whether or not that uh those uh dormant funds might be used to uh either complete uh some of that work or bring some of the other work uh up to standard and I appreciate that I mean I would reference the capital plan that we have um going from June 30th 2025 to June 30th 2029 um I know police have some requests some Capital needs I also know that fire has some needs um looks like some appliances that need to be replaced in some of their stations it looks like some windows need to be replaced on Center Street in the west side of the building it looks like replac 44 windows at the globe Street Station um that isn't planning on being done until 2029 um but there is I guess the start of some fire engines I'm not expecting to repurpose that but if we can start chipping away and reference this Capital plan as a starting point for some of these idle funds I think that would really go a long way and I'm only using the fire departments because um it's it's I'd probably the calls I get um would probably be more so fire related in terms of needs building wise with the exceptions of the schools that have mold in them and all these other problems that they're running into I I think the fire stations would be a good uh use of that if we can so if you could get back to me I'm not going to file a resolution um but if you could Circle back to me and the council maybe send an email to the clerk I'd appreciate that absolutely because almost $300,000 would do wonders in some of these Capital needs that we have so I yield thank you C to did you have hand yep good evening um yeah just a piggyback on that I find it interesting that some of the money you want to repurpose 76,000 comes from the fire stations why don't we leave it with the fire stations but I guess that's a discussion for later um so where do I be in um I noticed as I was going through this on page 14 under the police department during budget hearings I had talked about reducing uh the budget for electricity in the police department and streets and highways um as it turns out the police department only used 65.6% of their allocated money so had we reduced the police department's budget by 50,000 it would still have come in in the black at 2,570 and you would have expended only 75% of the money as opposed to can I respond sure so what I so again this this book was prepared on July 11th and we are still in the process of getting all like the final electricity bills wouldn't have been reflective of this yet so I would have to look at what has been encumbered now for back to June 30th to see where that actually Falls so we're in August and you haven't gotten your June bill yet saying in order to meet the charter requirements this this was prepared on July 11th okay so when do you typically get your June bill um actually all the electric bills come in on different dates they all don't come in on the same date so I I don't know when the police one came in and when they entered it but I will I can look at that and get back to you yeah I'd like to know the final numbers on that and the streets and highways as well on page 22 I had suggested reducing that by 75 ,000 um you'd still be in the BL for $31,250 so basically that's $125,000 that could have been used perhaps for something else so there is also some changes happening to the um solar pilot agreements that we have which is going to change how these net the net metering is happening and where we're receiving our credits so we won't be seeing as the same dollar value of credits going forward so our electricity bills will increase and that was just something I became aware of today okay the all right so if you can as we move forward the point is well taken really I mean if even if the July bills come in astronom in the in in budget 25 we're still not going to reach 100% so it's there's there would have been a savings there absolutely understood all right thank you um so let's go to expenses page two uh City Administration salaries permanent $171,900 Services the original appropriation was 30,000 the transfer is 35,000 the revised budget was 65,000 what um were those services that were what was what were those funds $65,000 used for so when we reallocated um training to work with the auditor's office and um as we were still under staff there there that's what that was for okay so did this money go to outside uh entities did was this part of who who who where some of that is Who provided this training Etc so Clifton Larson Allen provided some training and again also um Ed aak caponi was working with our city auditor so between the two it was $65,000 I mean there's a few other things in there like shredding and some other things in you know I don't think that took up much of the 65,000 however um um in the purchasing department so this shows the salaries permanent were 10 12,352 I have the page from the uh fiscal year ending June well the 225 budget actually you know what my error I took the wrong budget book because that's at 120 so the person working in purchasing I guess this is where my question comes in um the 102,000 who so 69,4 180 was paid to whom because that's higher than the person in that department salary yeah so so who else did that money go to so we have um someone that's stepping in and assisting with um managing the purchasing like all the bid specs and and filing all that and we also have another Union person in treasury that we actually have doing some stuff in purchasing so we allocated some of that salary from treasury to purchasing so we have two people who have been paid out of salaries in purchasing who are from other departments doing work in that department yes plus plus the clerk plus the clerk the fulltime clerk bless so moving forward are we going to have a purchasing agent or are we going to keep peac mailing this we are not going to keep peac mailing this um we actually met this week uh to discuss us uh how to move forward based upon the conversation that we had in front of this Council maybe I don't know six weeks ago eight weeks ago um regarding the need for a purchasing agent and the fact that um the the plan that I had put in place that I hoped would work was not as effective as it needed to be um and so there is likely going to be a request for this Council to authorize the creation of essentially a project manager position um so not a full purchasing agent the the person in the treasury Department would be doing the actual purchasing she's trained she's qualified she's excellent has proven herself um and then the the project manager would assist with um reading opening drafting of bids proposals all of the the sort of higher level clerk work with the support of the clerk that's in there uh so the idea would be a a three-person purchasing department with the creation of an one additional uh role three people one fulltime two part-time two full-time one parttime two fulltime two fulltime one parttime the part-time being somebody already employed by the city yes that's one of those people that received additional monies for doing purchasing uh and over the past year she's really uh done an excellent job and proving herself at you know really sort of understanding how the process is supposed to work she's been great and the $75,000 salary allocated in the 2025 budget is going to cover both of those people um right now that $75,000 salary you know what I'm at a loss because I don't have it in front of me but um I don't think that I don't think the answer to that is yes but I do think there is a way in which the intent is to divide that up um when we propose the role we'll bring down a fiscal impact proposition so you can understand exactly what it is we're looking at doing and where that money is intended to come from okay but I don't I don't have it in front of me right now I mean I I wanted to answer your questions I probably spoke a little bit out of turn but at the end of the day you don't have the total breakdown or you don't have the right I have the page from the budget book if that there's no intent to go over budget right there's no intent to increase the budget but I need to be able to explain where the where we intend for the money to come from and right now I don't have that information off top of my head okay thank you um let me see so page five assessor's office one two 3 fourth line down again other services uh we expended $68,000 in that office that money went where to whom to What entity so I would have to get an exact breakdown but I know we use um like rrc some outside Appraisal Services for personal property we pay an attorney out of that line for certain things um and there is another um consultant that does the bridge between the assessor's office and to to do to bridge to so we can get to the tax bills so there's a few different I don't have the exact breakdown um I wasn't prepared because I didn't know that that's what you were going to ask for but there's a few things that are paid out of that line okay so basically I would really really appreciate it if I could get a break break down of the things that I'm asking about tonight because this whenever it's just other services other services and then the answers are vague we don't know who's getting the money where it's going what it's being spent on doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy the two major things are going to be appraisals uh but the other thing is representation before the appell at tax board so when there's an appell at tax case um where a taxpayer challenges uh the city and the city has to represent itself before the ATB we have Council for that so those are going to be the two major ones but we'll get you a breakdown okay and that would be outside Council outside Council it's a very ATB is a really specialized thing and there's only a few lawyers locally that really practice in that realm I wouldn't do it I I don't know anything about it I think attorney Kilby is telling me he wouldn't do it either it is it's very Niche no and I don't doubt that it it's just I I would prefer to be more specific and and be more knowledgeable of what's really going on um um in our within our budget that's all um page eight on the Law Department um other Professional Services I'm going to assume that was Outsourcing because we have certain cases that we needed to Outsource give me a second I'm finding it okay uh so this is uh it doesn't have a heading because it starts on the previous page other Professional Services correct yep um so that is comprised of um three things that's comprised of outside Council for some litigation um some investigations so uh there are times both in internal Personnel investigations as well as external investigations pursuant or in support of civil cases uh where we hire an investigator uh and then finally we I believe took on this would have appeared in the fourth quarter as well um services to help us deal with public records requests um because with some of the the changes about year ago or two years ago with regard to police discipline records um and some other uh changes that post the the police officer uh standards and training association has put in place the amount of public records requests has just uh probably multiplied by five or six um so we have services that help us with that actually honestly I think um I think public records requests has gone through the roof in the last couple of years in every Department it's absolutely incredible but we have the we have them filed filter through law to make sure that there's any exceptions we're citing those exceptions and if there's anything that's has to be sent out with redactions we're doing that redaction um page 11 which is the very is the next page right here on on the uh Elections office um their budget went over by almost $29,000 what was the driving force for that so there's a ton of overtime uh that comes along with um and anytime there's there's an election because we now have um mail and voting um you we have extended voting hours uh and those have increased uh significantly over the last two years um their overtime has gone through the roof the thing to know about that is that the vast majority of that actually gets reimbursed by the Secretary of State um so um not the Secretary of State the auditor um the auditor's office reimburses elections offices for uh much of their overtime and stat associated with complying with the elections law um the overtime line item only represents 7,000 of the 28,000 um you have salaries permanent that went over by four uh 40 let's see well that went over by 43,000 the bottom line once everything gets shaken out is 28,000 um what's prf SL ADM um Administration so there's uh there's part-time people they bring in during the elections to deal with all the mail and ballots and so it's like a additional Professional Services admin okay so that's additional Services that's not overtime doing some of your mailing your ballots etc etc right the overtime is just the folks that are trained to actually do elections work the other folks are are doing the more uh ministerial stuff and lastly page 28 let's see prevent care public health health department um salaries permanent original appropriation was 6882 then there was a transfer of 63829 which brought the revised budget to zero but then 63829 was expended why would that happen so I did talk about this with the auditor there was some of this has to do with a reclass I mean there was people that moved around and then like where they were actually expending them so I believe that through payroll it was being expended here and and there needs to just be some journal entries to clean this up that's part of our year end process that we're working on um so you're going to see something later on tonight which is a transfer from inspectional services for minimum housing to uh Health uh and Human Services so minimum housing moved from inspectional services to health um they're agents of the of the Board of Health they ex they execute the health code so we move that with the approval of the council um we did that without actually moving the line item in the budget um so that to me uh and I'm going to verify this and I'll let you know um but it looks to me like because that happened in the fourth quarter without us then making the the budget change which is an oversight on my part um they then lived in health and human services without health and services having the budget to do it yeah because it was taken out of their budget and then put back in their budget so we have some dispute as to what that looks like so we'll find out for you so that was what my understanding was when I looked at it but um the CFO feels like there there's actually more to it than that so we'll get you an answer I apologize I'm unclear okay yeah because that originally was in the budget and then it was taken out of the budget and put back in the budget right so to me if it was going from here to here it would have been a different sequence that's true that makes that makes sense um the ALS the milk inspectors also moved um at the beginning of the year uh the beginning of the fiscal year um last F year so that may attribute to it so it's a little confusing I apologize without for not having a clear answer I'll get you one yeah so I guess I mean the way I'm looking at it is if if people are moving into my department the money is not going out of my department right and that's what happened I don't believe it went out of her Department I think I believe it just moved to a different uh org within the health department so I will get you the answers on that I mean that's part of our year end cleanup but we did have quite a bit of movement around on the org chart within the last year so sometimes you know a pay will a will automatically have something associated when it charges and I think there was just a disconnect so that's part of our yearend cleanup okay thank you with that I yield thank you councelor counc 7 Council propos just a quick question is there a central key that defines all of these codes that we could get when we review this budget book essential key as essentially that defines what each code line item is outside of the the titles because I know to council Deion's Point some of them are just like letters They Don't Really reflect is there like a key you can give us so there's not a consistent key we're actually Wen I'm we're working on uniform making this more of like a uniform chart of accounts yeah and actually yes the auditor and um the budget um person is they're working on changing and elaborating on some of these lines so the way this was printed that wasn't completed um we're looking to hopefully get that better so that these descriptions will be better for quarter ones okay excent I don't know that a key would actually be helpful weirdly because there there's a there's a limited Universe of of labels that go with line items right or even or even a more clarified like the CFO just said a clarified chart of accounts that yeah that may be the the better way to go like actually have our departments sort of identify what they mean by these things because different departments May mean different things we're trying to normalize that if if we could do that that would be fabulous yeah so right like right now like I can't run like you know electricity across one code for every department so we're going to we're trying to fix that so that you know electricity's object is across the board got it um so that way we could look at things like big bigger picture things yeah that' be analysis but excellent so you're plan out for by quarter one well we're we're yeah I mean I can't promise that it'll all be done but we're we're already looking at um printing like with a long description and improving these descriptions cool thank you y thank you councel debb no further question uh Council T5 Council Vice pres I just have a comment to make um as far as the purchasing agent goes I think we need a definite purchasing agent I don't know you want to call it a project manager or whatever let's call it what it is because it gets confusing we have a project manager now and Mr Al Vera you know we change the names of people and I don't know what the heck anybody's doing the other thing is in the assessa office with all of that that's going on I think uh councilor Dion asked you know who comes in who does this stuff and Matt Thomas does most of the work within the assessor Department um and he's paid is he paid through a 1099 do we have a contract with him to do certain things to So within the assessor's office I believe he's a1099 how about everywhere else so tax title he's paid out a tax title at a tax title right um within the Law Department I believe he has a fee agreement with the law Department um so it's it's so it varies in different places it varies in different places I think the fee is the same and it's it's incredibly low for what he does the only variation is tax title tax title is a whole different thing because everything comes out of tax title yeah the tax title I know I have all of those here with that I yeld thank you thank thank you counc could you just me a favor could you give us a total of what the Matt Thomas's income would be of all the things he does for the city and all the different departments and all the different wages being paid sure just present it i' just like to see that from 23 Mr President I don't care 23 24 whatever well from 23 till present was 148,000 okay thank you C she just saved you some time to that I'll just verify just to make sure appreciate it that that could be I can show you all right there be no further question while thank you for coming down actually could you do the same for our friend Ed I Capon as well just curious how much he's made there as well know before that either thank you so is that official okay thank you I his name po minutes ago all right they just informed me that Ed I Capon is no longer working for the city although his name was mention sure he's happy to be retired I'm sure he was sure I'll be back yeah next we have transfers and Appropriations do we need the CFO for that only if you have questions yes she is in accordance with the provisions of chapter 44 section 32 of the Massachusetts general laws I recommend the follow Appropriations to your honorable body that the sum of $169,600 being the same is hereby appropriated to Health and Human Service salaries from inspectional servic salaries due to reorganization of City departments so moved motion to adopt has well that would be a full Council you there it's there I'm sorry it's already full right yep hold a discussion yes so these are for discussions all three correct in accordance with provisions of chap item 14a in accordance with the provisions of chapter 44 section 32 of the Massachusetts general laws I recommend the following appropriation to your honorable body that the sum of 22,500 being the same is appropriated to the city council expenses from stabilization fund due to new outside auditor contract awarded no discussion C T1 you have a question that yeah I guess my my question would be why we are using the stabilization fund versus The Reserve fund could you come down please because my understanding it was going to come back it was going to come back so I think we had we had a line item still for the reserve it's like 800,000 or there's about 200 there was 200,000 left in that but we also have um the contract with askme is going to be coming down with the fiscal impact so I so that you're using the yeah I was going to use that okay all right I Y thank you thank you coun any other questions item four 14b that the sum of $322,700 pass she has she has the uh letter of opposition excuse during the public meeting there was one individual that had uh opposing one of the I think it was the auto body requests six so she's just going to pass out the LI of opposition that's on our full Council agenda correct okay so we can it's on our full Council agenda right so we could address that then right we can we can refer address it [Music] [Music] [Music] city council please come to order the clerk will call the road counc Kad here Dion here park here Kilby here perrera here ponti here reposo here Samson here president Kamar here will everyone in the council chamber please rise for a moment of Silent prayer please remain standing for salute to the flag to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit this meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised such recordings or Transmissions are being made or perceived or UNP perceived by those present not deemed acknowledged and permissible Take 6 through n together second motion to take item six seven 8 and N has been made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries CL item six is a communication from the mayor in proposed Bristol County arpa funding in the amount of 1 million 63388 for the water main replacement project adopt second motion to approve has a made in seconded all in favor I I any opposed motion cares item seven is a communication from the mayor and a request to resend the Bristol County oper proposal regarding lafette Skateboard Park Rehabilitation which was approved on May 14th motion to approve second motion to approve this made in second all in favor I I any opposed motion carries item eight is the mayor's communication and request to resend the Bristol County Opera proposal regarding the veterans van which was approved on January 9th motion to approve second motion to approved has remain and seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries and item number nine is the mayor's communication and order to transfer unexpended Bond proceeds totaling $33,600 and one cent from the following projects to assist with structural repairs of the Pearl and Third Street garages the first is the amount of $ 139,140 for the government center roof replacement the second 97,7 of. 198 for suckerbrook driveway Crossing and the third is $6,890 for globe in Flint Street Fire Station roof indoors motion to adopt has made in second on the motion Cony to yeah this is where my question came in we're talking about um um capital projects and needing windows and different things within the the fire department but yet we're going to transfer unexpended fire station Monies to a different project why wouldn't we keep it within that to do the work we need to do in the fire stations want to come down set motion W rules you need that second motion W rules second all in favor any opposed C I mean to move it out and then look for monies later to put it back in doesn't make any sense to me but perhaps so from what I understand Seth Aken City administrator from what I understand with regard to roof and doors um those projects were completed um or uh well I'm not giving you an option they they were in some instances they were completed the roof the doors were actually um p PA for uh in part by EMS so EMS uh because they have uh ambulances rescues at different fire stations I believe they agreed to pay for six of the high-speed doors uh you'll notice like The Red Doors on the center Station um those go up in a matter of seconds uh as opposed to the old doors which also go up in a matter of seconds but more seconds um and so with the doors I don't think the money was needed with the roof the there was leftover monies um and and from what I understand the way in which that money um was set aside it can't necessarily be transferred over to some other project at a different station I don't necessarily know exactly what the reason was but I know the reason it's left over is because it was either um extra and it wasn't entirely used for the roof project or didn't need to be used for the door project but but the monies can be used on parking garages that have no doors and windows that's a fair Point um so from what I understand um there's something about the structural aspect of what's being done to both the Pearl and Second Street garages uh that has the appropriate lifespan um and there's no sufficient design work done yet on any of the fire requirements that would we'd be able to show hey you know here is a project that has a 15 or 50 or whatever year lifespan whereas we already have the design done on the second Pear Street garages Project's ready to go um so we can transfer transfer the money um the bond proceeds and use it based upon a project that we know not only its purpose but we also know its lifespan based on design and again this and this has nothing to do with that I I that I oppose doing the work because obviously both garages are are Revenue source for the city so it has nothing to do with that it was just trying to understand was it Apples to Apples Apples to oranges and why yeah why add a step right like move the money and then have to find other money to move back um but from what I understand that in terms of shovel ready projects um there are the the ones that are would apply to fire stations are already funded uh with Community preservation funds and EMS funds other projects there's certainly an acknowledged need there's just no design work um and we had the work done on Third and Second Street ready to go it's needed um and I think there's also a critical need specifically on Pearl Street uh from us uh of a structural nature yeah because I believe they they're still not able to use the third floor that's true right okay thank you with that I yield thank you counc seat six Council party thank you Mr President so I I want to again compliment but my compliment is I appreciate you looking into these idle funds but I did say that the fire departments do have Capital needs and to my colleagues point and seat 2 she is making a really good point and there's really no certainty coming from you because there's a lot you don't know the answers and respectfully to some of the questions that she's answering you so what I think the appropriate thing to do is um and I just offer this as a friendly suggestion to my colleagues is to U address uh the Govern to approve if we can the transfer of the roof in sucker Brook driveway but I think we should refer the globe Street in Flint fire station roof and doors to full uh to the committee on finance have the chief come down um and find out if there is a need to keep it within the fire department within that purview sure um because I'm look again I'm going back to the capital projects glob Street Fire Station needs 44 Windows now I'm not sure if that's going to be any CPA funds or CPC funds or Community preservation funds are going to be used or any kind of grant that does project out to 2029 in your Capital plan so I wonder if we could chop some of that off there I can you know the um uh slated in 2025 is $15,000 of fire station Appliance replacement for washer and dryers and then going into 2026 we need to replace an integrated an SBA breathing apparatus and we need 68 windows at their Center Street East and West side of the building so if I could just so that we can do this the right way and do it once um I'm going to make a motion now that um we refer nine I guess c c Street and Fire Station roof and doors to the committee on finance for a more elevated conversation I make that in the form of a motion Mr President second motion has and seconded all in favor is it the hold on I'm sorry motion me second on the motion Council to1 I realiz you had your hand up um I guess I would I I think all three should be uh referred if we're going to hold it up just because I again I don't know what the total cost is for the uh PE Pearl Street Garage I don't know if it's the entire 33,000 that's needed or you already have some money appropriated so I what I'd hate to do is send $76,000 over there and it not be enough and then we've got 76,000 that's been transferred over and just sitting there and not being used and then we're back before us trying to transfer that 76,000 out to a project so um I I just prefer if we're going to f with us over just let let's do all three and have those conversations in terms of because listen we may decide that the 7 6,000 should be uh sent over to the fire department so motion to refer item nine to the committee on Finance in its entirety I'll withdraw my previous motion second motion to withdraw second all in favor new motion is to refer the entire it item number nine to the finance committee yes motion has been made second second all in favor I any opposed motion carries so just so I understand is it the council's intent to direct where that money goes once they figure out the status of the projects just just so I I can have the right people here yeah yeah no if I may yeah sure I believe I believe his intention was to have the fire chief come down expl towards what the need fire dep yeah to the president's point that would be one person that we'll have to invite but to uh colleague and see one's point I think we just need to make sure our CFO is here and maybe um the whoever's responsible for city hall repairs to come down and make sure nothing's needed at I guess City Hall so that that would be the only two people I think just just to be clear I think that identifying Pearl and Second Street Garage is an acknowledgement of what the priority projects are at the city that these are the things that that he's identified is need to be done first uh and then the other stuff is certainly coming down and we're trying to forecast and plan but I'll invite that entire group we'll get the fire chief facilities um CFO uh I'll be here just in case sure I I got a I I got a question do you remember I don't think you were here but didn't we transfer those to the Redevelopment Authority and they transferred them back to the city yes yes right because if we were looking for the revenue opportunity and the parking garages bring that but I I recall recall that jel and his people sent that uh move that over to the Redevelopment Authority and then what what happened after that did we move him back in point of information and I guess the question is I'm sorry and I guess the question is should we reh have that conversation again um to bring them back to the Redevelopment Authority so I was on the Redevelopment Authority at that time um I don't remember what year that the city um put it in the rda's hands I believe it was prior to jil's Administration but don't quote me on thater all right during the career ad the other career Administration the first and the RDA um I don't remember if the city asked that we transfer back or if we approached the city and said we'd like to put it back in in your your hands and the city decided that yes it could be it was a revenue Source it was worth taking back worth the investment to bring them up to code and so uh the vote was taken by the RDA to transfer and the city accepted it okay that was back in the second career Administration took it the career too all right I yelled thanks to my knowledge there was structural damage on the third floor they couldn't AFF to fix it correct no one could afford to fix it and AD had no funds to fix it it was going to cost them more money than they were taking in so they gave it back to the city they didn't have to they chose to granted it not I say they had to or not just said they gave it back right could I con one so so I guess my colleague point in terms of and hearing what the administra administration is saying in terms of the priority obviously being Pearl Street it is um I I I think what would be helpful and I think what my colleague is looking for is is part of the capital plan coming down you know we obviously get a wish list of items that that they're looking for for Capital items from each department obviously when you look at the bottom line it's well into the to the hundreds of millions of dollars to to actually fund this if we could I guess even for the next Capital Improvement plan get what the uh anticipated funding mechanism would be in terms of or I guess what we feel uh we want to fund for the for the fiscal year this way we can we can have those conversations because I I think part of that would take take some of this away to to say Hey listen you know obviously it's Pearl Street um when we go through I'm sure there's a number of capital items that are on the fire department and we can tick off but we've we've got to be able to you know when we're checking off these these boxes compare it to other departments and see how obviously what what's the real needs are and I think it just makes it easier when we're making these transfers so you know a total plan and you know this is what we would like to see funded for you know fiscal year 25 26 whatever it may be how much is it how much is in a checkbook no no but I think that's that's part of it I know one of my colleagues is like why are we going to CPC so we potentially use CPC money to leverage some of the capital items uh use some of those turn back monies and things like that so I agree how much money we have in checkbook how much we going to spend and that way we just know on a on a whatever the fiscal year is is how much we anticipate and and whether or not we're going to go out to borrow for for additional monies I just think it would be helpful for us on that great any further questions coun you yield councelor um I just have one more on do you yield Cy one oh I'm sorry I do thank you C thank you this question is for you Mr President so in the early part of the uh council meeting I I wanted to kind of hear from the administration on what their plans are for the rest of the idle money so do you feel it would be appropriate to have that discussion at that time in Council then or do you want to prefer that I file a resolution because there's another almost $300,000 so because it's all coming from there I don't think there's a need for you to follow resolution because I think we can Sur open to have discussions on I just want to make sure you're going to allow it because it's really it I've never stopped anybody from discussing things that are relative to what on the agenda there that's fine I do appreciate the heads up though we'll be prepared for that if you can be for that meeting then it gets referred because I'd really like to dig into that a good point thank you I Y thank you counc counc T2 yeah I only have one more question uh would we also want the director of traffic there where it involves the the two garages and that falls under her pre uh purview see why not yeah there's enough seats I think we're fine okay with that I yield thank you thank you any further questions thank you very much Seth for coming thank you madam clerk item number one is a communication we end up voting on that just want sure it was referred to finance yeah no did we do a full vote we had discusser the motion it was seconded but we didn't take the vot had discussion we didn't vote because we had discussion prior to the vote correct motion had to made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries certain vot on it now item number one is the mayor's request for the confirmation of the appointment of Alexis anelo to the zoning board of appeals as an alterate member roll call Mr President yes I'm going to beain from this vote no problem thank you counc coun you have your hand up to yeah I just had a question in regards to the open positions on different boards and commissions the city's website reflects a list that's updated as of April 2nd of what is currently open um I'm probably in the Assumption it's old at this point so can we get an updated list of the current open boards and commission positions that are available because what's on this agenda what's on the city's website doesn't matter match you your celor I was just looking for an answer yes thank you I you want an answer from the CLK or from me I nobody said anything that's why I think she noted ahe thank you Alison I yield thank you councelor motion to confirm has been made and seconded did it motion to confirm has been made and seconded roll call on the on the motion roll call I'm a motion to confirm councilor's kadim yes Dion yes Hart yes Kilby yes herera yes HTI abstain reposo yes Samson yes president CRA yes item two is a is the mayor's request in an order approving a conservation restriction with the trustees of the reservation for 1046 Blossom Road most do adopt motion to adopt as a made second all in favor any opposed motion carries item three is a communication from the mayor and an order accepting a donation in the amount of $25,000 from the estate of Joseph felberg motion to adopt second motion to adopt at the Mee second on the motion count five we do send thank you few letters to everyone thank Mr John felberg very generous on behalf of this very generous motion has a remain seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries item four is the mayor's Communication in order accepting a donation in the amount of $1,000 for the children's section of the for of a public library from Richard and Deborah Danner motion to adopt ad motion to adopt as a made and seconded all in favor and opposed motion carries and they will also get a thank you letter excuse me Cony too yeah I just have a question um in terms of accepting cash donations um it was very nice barretts on the waterfront paid for the fireworks this year but yet that was never sent down to us who barretts um Barett Waterfront hosted fuel the fourth Mondays from April 29th to June 24th where 20% of the food sales were donated to the city to make this year's celebration shine brighter than ever a big thank you to Barrett's Waterfront for their generosity you councelor yes C you want up yeah just point of information I think Community Development agency typically pays for the I know I know funding comes from CDA um so it might be in their budget not necessarily the city's budget for adoption maybe we need to know go to because it said it was donated to the city we're talking about the library right now con can we no I understand that but it's cash donations we're talking about so feel free to file a resolution to find out how those things are handled and where they went Mass General law I know it is but are you saying it happened or it didn't happen it happened they gave the money and they didn't send it before the council so that's what I wanted to get to the bottom of the council just said Community Development I think I just I think we're all thinking right now no one has the answers I think we're all guessing and speculating mam clerk item five is the communication from the mayor in an order accepting a donation of historical furniture from Sally Lawler motion to adopt motion to adopt as a made in seconded all in favor I any opposed Mr President is that going to the Historical Museum is that going over to Michael at the Historical it didn't say specific I don't want a historical piece of furniture in City Hall that should be no at the museums very pretty piece of furniture but I'll call tomorrow and check keep going good idea coun motion to accept made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries item 10 is a communication in proposed ordinance regarding the membership of the historical commission motion to refer to ordinances motion to refer to the committee on ordinance and legislation has been made in seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries what's go to item 11 is a communication from the mayor and uh communication regarding the anticipated timeline of a proposed ordinance relating to short-term rentals motion to refer the commun ordinances wait a minute seconded motion to refer to committee on ordinance and legislation has been made and seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries we have the communication from the mayor regarding the anticipated timeline of a proposed ordinance relating to unauthorized camping in public property motion to refer the committee on ordinances second motion to refer to the committee on ordinance and legislation has a remain in seconded all in favor I I any opposed motion carries item 13 is the mayor's uh letter and order appropriating the sum of 169,50 do transferred from the inspectional services salaries to Health and Human Services salaries motion to adopt second motion to adopt has made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries item 14 are Financial orders the first that the sum of $22,500 being the same as hereby appropriated to the city council expenses from the stabilization fund motion to adopt motion to adopt has been made in seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries and the second that the sum of $322,700 file second we do have um um one slight change to the order um the engineer suggested that the wording be changed to Draper Street extending from glob Mills Avenue Northerly to terminus and southernly to terminus so if we could adopt as amended motion to adopt as amended that was a motion to adop a second seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries item 16 is the traffic commission making recommendations to the ordinances motion refer the committee on ordinances motion refer the committee on ordinances legislation has been made in second it all in favor I I any opposed motion carries the committee on ordinances and legislation at a meeting held on July 23rd voted unanimously to recommend that the accompanying proposed ordinance accompanied by an emergency Preamble be passed through first reading second reading passed to be enrolled and passed to be ordained with councilor kadim and Samson absent and not motion to adopt emergency Preamble second motion to adopt emergency Preamble has remain and seconded all in favor call R call on adoption of the emergency Preamble councelor is kadim yes Dion yes Hart yes Kilby yes Pereira yes ponti yes raposo yes Samson yes and president car yes motion to pass through all readings motion pass has made in seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries the committee on ordinances and legislation at a meeting held on July 23rd voted unanimously to recommend that the accompanying proposed ordinance be passed through first reading with councilors Kadeem and Samson absent and not voting this is a miscellaneous traffic ordinance motion to pass through first reading seconded motion to pass through first reading has been made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries the committee on ordinances and legislation at a meeting held on July 23rd voted unan ly to recommend that the accompanying proposed ordinance be passed through first reading with councilors cademon Samson absent and not voting this is the one-year demolition delay for City owned property motion to pass through first reading motion to pass through first reading has been made in second and all in favor any opposed motion carries the committee on ordinances and legislation at a meeting held on July 23rd voted unanimously to recommend that the accompanying proposed ordinance be passed through first reading as amended with councilors Kadeem and Samson absent and not Vo these are the trolley fees motion to pass the first reading as amended seconded motion to pass the first reading as amended has been made and seconded on the motion couny to yeah when this first came before us uh we had well I know I did made uh recommendations that children um that some of these these these fees be amended um so we have a special trolley tour a child uh so if if if a senior citizen wants to take their five or six four or five year old grandchild on a special trolley ride it's going to cost that person $50 I think that's ridiculous um I personally would like to see either senior citizen discounts uh children five and under are free no matter what the circumstance veterans um get a discount or just do a general if you're a resident of the city you get a discount um so with that said I would like to make a motion that this go back to ordinance for further discussion hopefully it'll be a full uh all five members will be able to be there instead of only three and um hopefully some modifications be made so I'd like to put that in a form of a motion motion referred back to the committee on ordinance and legislation has been made is there a second second and seconded on the motion Council T5 Council PR I chair that meeting and there was a lot of discussion about that one of the things that we felt was for the upkeep of that vehicle to pay a driver Etc that's kind of what it would cost $5 wasn't a lot and what we did do for for kids was and Council reposa said if any of the schools in Fall River want to use the trolley to bring a student group to some place in the city of Fall River let that be the dery lafette house um the Children's Museum anywhere in the city that they would do it at a a cheaper rate I think it was like $100 to rent um that the $25 is if there's a special event now I know that the trolley is having a trolley karaoke or something they're going to be singing there tomorrow night but if there's special events that they're going to be attending you go away for special events and bring kids and it does cost money you have to think of you know the insurance and the driver and everything else we we're doing it as low as we can possibly do it I go out of town to different events here and there we pay for some reason in for River you know we never want to pay for anything this is just a nominal fee it's not main you know it's just for the maintenance the upkeep we have to I mean sometimes I feel like you know we want to give tin and get gold it doesn't happen that way um and I think it was a unanimous vote so if one more member was there I don't think it's going to change the vote of how people felt after we heard all the discussion of the drivers Etc that's all I have to say with that I you right CC C7 counc yeah Ju Just to recap some of the because I I had led a lot of the discussion and concern about it um one of the questions I had back at the ordinance meeting was about the definition of what a special trolley tour an event was as opposed to a normal just take the trolley and go around to the different points of the city um so that was one of the things I did bring up your point about senior citizens and and veterans that was discussed as well but the big piece that was added to this which is mainly result of the amendment was the trolley rentals for schools in Fall River so the rationale behind it was you know if we want to take a group of a class of students to different local field trip opportunities to use their trolley for $600 for half day is double the price of what a school bus would cost to go around the city so that was the rationale behind introducing the um the school I'll call it the school rate per se um which is a lot more affordable for you know any school in Fall Riv to go to the battleship or whatever other historical places there are in the city um like on a 4-Hour rental which is in in school land that I live in you know an 8 to 12 field trip is completely reasonable for $250 to take a not only a class of students but also a trolley which is a unique experience to students in the city as it is so that was kind of the recap of that conversation i y thank you C Cy too yeah I don't have any issue with the the school rental I have no issue with that at all um but I know and you're right people go out of town and you pay whatever you have to pay wherever you go but I do know I don't know of any place I've ever been that children five and under are free I don't care what they're doing I don't care if you're in a park I don't care most two-y olds or one year olds they're going to be sitting in their parents lap they're not even taking up a seat and I get it's a it's a very small amount of money it's just the principle of it that bothers me um and you know people may and people living on $20,000 a year you know $5 to a lot of people in here you put a match to it that $5 bill means a lot to that senior citizen who's only living on 20,000 a year that's what I'm looking at I just feel bad I just think there should be a a I don't know I don't know I I I couldn't be collecting tickets and and and be taking money for two year olds and three year olds that that's just something I couldn't do and with that I yield thank you I kind of agree one thing I do want to say if it does go back to your Hors committee please give us an age of what seniors will be some are 55 and over some are 65 and over some are 60 depends on there 65 and over I don't or I just want to come back right right now there's I mean there's no age because there's no course for it but in different places seniors have different ages c seat six CC party yeah thank you um I think this just needs to be cleaned up I think a lot of the work is good but to my colleagues point this needs some more clarity in its in its ordinance so I'm going to be supporting a motion to refer it back to the committee on ordinance for some cleanup and get back here should be pretty easy should be simple you thank you cousin C7 I guess my only concern is by doing this what what's the whole going to be um for anything the trolley is currently doing guess it' be as soon as you have the meeting I don't know I know but it's I mean this has already been what's the try doing right now it's for free for everybody well that's one piece but if they're doing if they're planning any special events between now and when this gets passed now we're delaying something that we've been waiting all summer to get off the ground and go with so my my my counter suggestion would be that we could always amend this after the fact or file a resolution to amend it in ordinances after the after the fact roll call all right so on we can amend this right now if we really wanted to do that as well I just don't want to hold up a good thing with the season as it's wrapping up I understand but I'd ra I'd rather get it right than do it and then have to do it again because we didn't get it right the first time understood i y thank you Council C2 do you have your hand up again counc C1 you want to chime in you haven't spoken yet one uh so three you Mr President did did my colleague state that there was a a school rate yeah it's it's the the fourth uh section at the bottom says Charlie rentals for schools located in sorry I should probably read the header that's that's what we added um in ordinance committee yeah okay no because I was looking at each one and I was like I don't see a school rate rental but I get it okay with that I Y thank you thank you c c c cson so the trolley is having an event the karaoke on the trolley I heard today it's like a soldout event does that mean they're paying the rates that are here that we haven't approved yet is that what you're talking about it'll be is it it be for free there's no read so so that so is is it a free event because if it's these free events then we're not holding anything up well point of information isn't this uh pass through first reading so you still got multiple we got one more meeting yeah correct so okay correct that's why we can amend it no no I I said that but it doesn't it doesn't get finalized tonight I guess well yeah I'm going no I I understand that but uh councelor oosa was saying that there's events but there I heard future events well there's a future event coming it's karaoke on the try and it's like sold out so what are the rates on it just question are they the rates that we are approving or need to approve or can't be haven't been say yet maybe it's a free event so then then that that negates the you know things coming up maybe it's it's all free if it's free it's for me so I don't know I just my question nobody you know with that I yield thank you coun seat too it isn't necessary but then the other option could be that with the um encampment ordinance and this we could always have a special city council meeting just to vote on those two things Poss with that I yield okay just let's clarify a few things now all right the trolley event that we're talking about is happening tonight and it's for free there we go and getting back to barretts On the Waterfront they made a don donation to cdre and cdre paid for the fireworks had nothing to do with C4 very good that's why never came before us okay there's a motion on the floor to send this back to ordinance second there is a roll call roll call let's gooll call sure councelor yeah good okay let just let's go motion has been made and second to refer back to the ordinance committee all in favor or let's do roll call fine roll call on referral to the ordinance committee council is kadim yes Dion yes Hart yes Kilby yes Pereira yes yes Pony yes reposo no Samson yes president CRA yes motion carries committee on ordinances and legislation at a meeting held on July 23rd voted unanimously to recommend that the accompanying proposed ordinance be passed through first reading as amended with councilors cemon Samson abson and not voting this is the property maintenance ordinance motion to pass through first reading as amended second motion to pass through first reading as amended has been made seconded on the motion Council seat six Council party thank you Mr President I want to commend the ordinance committee on this because this has been needed for a very very long time um this has been something that um needed to be clarified I'm sure the Corporation Council had some work in this as well so um this is something that when it comes to uh buildings and maintenance and nuisance properties and vacant properties and responsible parties it has been years that we've been advocating to get this cleaned up and uh this Council and this ordinance committee did a great job job of doing that so I want to commend it and I'm looking forward to um supporting this as we go forward I yield thank you councelor Council C six I'm sorry Council C 5 Council proo I know this is going to the ordinance um you know we went to the ordinance committee on some of this stuff but two of the things I'd like to see in here is the blighted properties like if you go up Pleasant Street and there's broken windows and then they put plywood or something they need to do something with the windows the the people that own that property put a curtain dress them up clean them do something it looks terrible and the other thing is the Weeds on the sidewalk that is driving me absolutely Bonkers people need to take pride in the city where they live I mean I think you know all of us who've had homes we clean the weeds I mean government is not going to go out there City's not going to go out there and clean every sidewalk and clean the leads the weeds let's work together I know I heard the mayor on the radio Saturday and he even said I'll pay somebody a hundred bucks if you catch somebody dumping and you get a license plate or whatever I'll give you $100 out of my pocket so I hope somebody hears that if you see somebody dumping CU they make it just makes the city look trashy and we're better than that folks we're better than that but those are the things uh the next the next meeting when we go for passage I'll have an amendment but for right now I'll vote for it to go through first reading counc if I may the we also had some recommendations from the Law Department there were a couple of um items that just needed basically it was housekeeping just to keep all of these um in mind so those are also included as part of this thank you motion has been made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries whereas residents who live on and around Indiantown Road have expressed concern regarding speeding in the neighborhood and whereas Indian toown Road connects residents and visitors of Fall River to numerous nature preserves trails in the watershed area and whereas the quality of life and safety for residents pedestrians and drivers are of utmost importance now therefore be it resolved that the Committee on Public Safety convene with the director of traffic and parking and a representative of the the FL of police department to discuss methods to improve Public Safety and decrease speeding in the Indian toown Road area motion to adopt second motion to adopt has been made and seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries whereas the bank street omry is a a historical property owned by the city of full River that is in dire need of Renovations and Redevelopment and whereas the historical commission and the administration are working toward developing a financial plan for these necessary repairs which would include Grant applications and whereas all Grant orders must be adopted by the city council to allow this form of funding to be utilized now therefore be resolved that the committee on finance convene with the administration and a representative of the historical commission for regular updates regarding the renovation plan and funding process for the Revival of the bank Street omary motion to adopt motion to adopt has been made and seconded on favor I the motion C to I'm sorry about that no I'm sorry um I think this is a great resolution but I don't remember the historical commission um been I I I I don't remember them uh and the ordinance being written given them oversight of the bank Street Armory so how do we hold them accountable when they don't have the authority yet point of information do you C to C yeah so that that whole discussion took place an ordinance about the question about where and what's and what have you so that that was all kind of work worked out at this point that's what led to that resolution being filed but how has it worked out if in ordinance it still says Park Department the council Pera you want to I'll let you park department does not have it they found that it was not under the jurisdiction of the park department so we can send it wherever and that's why the administration and the historic will meet together at Finance to come up with the plan Park Department never had it they said they did but well they didn't say they did it it said we that was the you know the feeling that it was under them but it wasn't so we have the ability to do it we have the ability to do it do y counc i yield councel seat two do you yield the floor you all set or councelor you all set counselor I am point of information I I think the concern was is that the language was an ordinance the current ordinance I listen I'm just I just want to clarify that I I whether or not somebody has it control or not I mean if it's an ordinance if they don't have it we've got to change the ordinance because the ordinance would still suggest that they have control I agree counc C3 Council you had your hand up thank you Mr President I think too that what they're referring to here um at that ordinance meeting uh the historical commission director um did state that uh The Fall season is the uh season where they where they are going to be in re trying to get uh loans or something to that effect and I think that's why that that language is in here I don't know if it has anything to do with what we're discussing but that is why I'm I'm guessing that language is in there because that's their season to for Grants and uh Federal funding understood councelor thank you councel seat four Council K you have your hands up we also I just going to point out that it's a resolution yeah it's not binding on anyone on us it's just a discussion and historic commission has expressed interest many many many times and being a part of you know the process and what what will happen with the army so it's a resolution so I understood coun SE too and I agree with you I'm not disagreeing with you article three article three Armory 54-11 the board of Park Commissioners shall have and exercise all the powers duties and responsibilities of the Armory commission the border of Park commission shall promote the City Armory in a manner with which will be most beneficial to the city and shall Endeavor to maximize and diversify its use so the only request and I I did this in a resolution and asked take out border of Park Commissioners and insert historic commission that simple that well that would I don't think I yeld did I well it's okay I it's okay counc can I Y um well that that's an issue to take up right Mr point point of order Mr pres Mr Mr pres point of order this is nuts we have a resolution before us right now that it's going to go before the ordinance committee invite whoever you want all right this is so crazy we're talking about this for 10 minutes our colleague in C2 makes a great point please if I can call a question please Mr President and vote roll call thank you no problem mam uh motion has been made and seconded to adopt the resolution all in favor I any opposed motion carries that just went to the finance committee right yes yep yes resolution says to go to finance it's a resolution my my colleague said it was going to ordinance right a resolution says it's going to finance might get refinance might get to clarify that's it did I say ordinance you did I meant whatever and I didn't clarify it but that I know you meant it's a resolution f it y okay the next one whereas there is an ongoing housing shortage throughout the city of full River in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and whereas many commercial property owners are renovating Apartments to create additional rental rooms for individuals who are unfamiliar with each other not families friends or roommates that are in violation of city ordinances and state building codes and whereas there is no city ordinance regarding specific restrictions on rooming houses also known as lodging houses other than an annual license fee within the city of Fall River now therefore be it resolved that the committee on ordinances and legislation convene with Corporation Council the building inspector and a representative from the Community Development agency to discuss the creation of a proposed ordinance related to regulation of rooming and lodging houses to assist with structural Building Safety Fair and Equitable neighborhood development and the quality of life for all property owners and tenants motion to adopt motion to adopt has been made integrated on the motion C SE F just to put this in because what what's happening a few pieces of property if it's a three family with two bedrooms each they're going in and they're making four bedrooms or five bedrooms in each of the apartments and then renting out the rooms to individuals who don't know one another whether it was the shelter we found you a room you're there stepping stone um Catholic Social Services so you have all these people moving in and then there's fights and police are there that's a rooming house and we don't have any regulations on that we have to look at that it's happened two locations that I know of and both times there's been police responses made there I think a stabbing at one and you you if you're getting somebody a home getting them an apartment you need to have Services there too for some people and that's just not happening I'm just curious how do they convert a two-bedroom into a four-bedroom because you take the double paror and you make two bedrooms out of it so it's a two-bedroom now it's a four bedroom so so now you got a dining room and a kitchen a bathroom and four bedrooms that's how they're doing it a bu be eight bedrooms and then they charge everybody you know $500 per room they're making a lot of money that's not fair the people that are living there motion has been made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries M Mr President through you could I can I just ask the clerk to just verify we don't have something on the books or the state law because I I felt like back under the Flanigan Administration we we shut down a what was considered a rooming house um because they didn't have the proper proper permits on and I was on Bank Street so it's got to be something that was something state but not not here in the state isn't good enough Lauren checked it for me yeah okay it's not all right thank you I have to call Jo bisco no I I just remember there was there was one particular house that was a nuisance that was just doing he was involved in it and we right we we shut it down so okay Madam clerk item 25 is in order granting permission to Mass Electric doing business as National Grid in Verizon New England for jointly owned pole location at current road motion to adopt second motion to adopt as a remain in second all in favor I any opposed motion carries item 26 is the order granting permission to Mass Electric doing business as National Grid and variz in New England for jointly own pole locations on Kilburn Street motion to adopt second motion to adopt has a made in seconded all in favor I any oppos motion carries have an order um granting permission to Kyra cadiro for the removal of kurbing at High Street motion to adopt second motion to adopt has made in second all in favor I any opposed motion carries have an order granting permission to Angelica penale um for the removal of curbing at 71 Ash Street motion to adopt second motion to adopt has a made in second all in favor I I any opposed motion carries item 29 is the order granting permission to Antonia de carvalo for the removal of curbing at 1342 County and alsop stre motion to adopt motion to adopt as second all in favor I I any opposed motion carries item 30 is the order granting permission to James Andrews doing business as 508 Auto Sales and Repair at 59 North Quarry Street this is the matter that we have motion to refer committee on regulations second motion to refer committee on regulations has seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries have the police chief's reportes motion to adopt second motion to adopt as a remain in seconded all in favor I the opposed motion carries we have the um applications for the renewal of auto repair shop licenses at 196 grve Avenue and 178 Aberdine Street motion to adopt second motion to adopt has made and seconded all in favor I I any opposed motion carries item 33 is the request for the transfer of an auto repair shop license located at 1439 Plymouth Avenue motion to adopt second motion to adopt has remain remain in second all in favor all right any opposed motion carries item 34 is the warrant for the state primary election to be held on September 3rd motion to adopt second motion to adopt as a made in seconded all in favor hi any opposed motion carries Madam cler that's going to start 7 o'clock in the morning or 8:00 what the election 7 to 8 for the state elections just for the public to know cck item 35 are claims motion to refer to Corporation Council motion to refer to Corporation Council has remain and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries item 36 is a communication from Dave Pitney LLP on behalf of the American civil liberties Union of Massachusetts motion to accept place on file motion to refer to cooperation Council second motion to accept and place on file and refer to Corporation councel has been made in second and refer to committee on ordinance and legislation actually refer to Corporation second motion refer to Corporation councel m in second all in favor I I any opposed motion carries one day being C we have an application for licensed to conduct a one-day Bingo for the Children's Museum motion to approve second motion to approve that made and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries I have a number of drain layer applications motion approve second motion to approve the drain layers applications and the remain and second all in favor I any opposed motion carries motion to take 39 and 41 together second motion to take items 39 through 41 together has remain and seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries a motion motion to approve 3940 and 41 motion to approve item 3940 and 41 has remain in seconded all in favor I any opposed motion carries and lastly we have a communication from the Department of Public U utilities and a notice of a public hearing motion to accept and place on file motion to accept and place on file has a made in second it all in favor I any opposed motion carries Mr pres we have a two minute say to sign the de restri city council resar for 2 minutes get some signes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] city council city council will come to order reconvene there's nothing else to vote on so I'll entertain a motion to motion to adjourn hasn't made and seconded all in favor all any opposed good night everybody good job too good night night [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] heyyy hey