all right going to call to order the special ed alternative Ed and early childhood subcommittee of Wednesday May 15th please call the RO Mr Mr Cory here M here we stand for to the [Music] flag first to the open me law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium and these are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible do we have any citizen input time we do not we will move right on uh to the agenda I think we can get this done in reasonable order I just want to make sure we get through all of them is anybody opposed to moving the last one up to the front 3 point no4 I think that should be a short discussion anybody oppos to that um you with that yeah I'm fine so we're just going to move 304 up for a discussion I ask that this be put on to make sure everyone's on the same page related to how we um students are admitted to both the alternative school and uh stone school so over the past history of uh my time on this committee there was a clear process in place as well as the assistant superintendent was in charge of the as the final orbitor of that so I'm just looking for an update on if that process is uh still going on that the assistant superintendent's involved or do we have any issues there because I've heard stories that are not in agreement with that so we still have a process in place referrals from to um we have to file the legal guidelines we actually have had attorney Joyce consult with us and work with us with the referral process yes our assistant superintendants are still um the uh I would obviously Dr b as well as Miss Oben chain because we have a lot of students that are on IEPs they would be that if it's a student on IEP it has to be a team decision so legally it can't be somebody that just says we're going to for a student you have to go through a process and you have to have that that meeting um so we still have those processes in place both of those assistant superintendant are also uh consulted and will make that determination with the team if it's something that is a referral in regards to sending a student from let's say from one of the middle schools to RPA um they at the table we have uh regular rotation of meetings where they discuss the students discuss all the interventions that have been in place before the students is finally referred so if there's a disagreement the assistant superintendent makes the decision the the assistant well this can there be a case where the the assistant superintendent might feel that a student yes belongs there and the principls of the school make the decision without them no no principal can make that decision without um central office uh input and it hasn't so that hasn't happen we don't do that I mean if you're if you've heard differently then please let me know but typically if I will say principles will advocate in their on their behalf one way or another but it's with with us the reason why this came up in the past was we were having situations where students were coming directly from Outer District not outer District special ed and then we were having them go directly to the alternative school and never hit dery at the time and then we talked about it and then it was sort of agreed to that they would be more collegiality they would get together but when that type of situation happened the assistant superintendent would be the one making that call nobody could say it was only one or the other and I could I just want to make sure it's clear to everybody that the assistant superintendent should be making that call not Mr woodwood not Mr dearis not the principal of another school it should be the assistant superintendent signing off on every one of those so that we don't get the situation where why is the kid coming from wherever and he's just automatically going to the alternative school I know exactly what you're referring to um absolutely and we did have a couple of those situations that is true if and there are some extenda circumstances where students might um be transferring in from a out of district and we look at all of the information and they go that that happens at the pace right where uh all that information is gathered if there's a determination that um that child or somebody who might be overaged unaccredited whatever for whatever reason that it was determined that that student would go to RPA as instead of going through dery I'm not going to lie to you that did happen we did have a couple situations and we put something in place and we reminded people of the process and that the assistant superintendent needs to be consulted and needs to go through them they need to do the final approval before that happens to the process that is happening now process for the stone school the same thing stone school is a little different because it's it's based on students IEP so that is based on what if if the IEP uh clearly states that a child requires a therapeutic setting then they would be sent to that's where their placement will be would be but if a student let's say a student is at um a talet and the student is there's a team meeting if if it's determined that the student it's got to be the team that determines that that student needs a different setting and then that placement will come as a result of the team meeting and certainly Miss and we don't change so with that you can't change an IEP just to meet the needs of a school well nobody it has to be a team meeting so absolutely we've gone over this many a Time the same thing so students in eth grade they go to one of our middle schools our middle schools are not a therapeutic Day School right then how do they get it in nth grade automatically to go to Stone School so my concern is just that we have to have the assistant superintendent involved in all those decisions because I you know I've said this for years we have a problem with how we filled up that school with students that aren't necessarily A therapeutic day school placement but we change their IEPs to meet the needs and so that they can get to the stone school we can't do that in some cases and not all cases is my only concern and I feel much more confident when we created that the assistant superintendent signs off on it that's a safety net for to just say yeah they checked it out and it's not just two principles not saying I don't trust the principles just that the assistant superintendent is there for a reason so if you're saying that's what's going to happen I think that there's some principles at the tap no principal um has the unilateral power to say this student is going to Stone or this student's going to RPA by themselves that decision cannot be made uh unilaterally and that decision cannot that's a district decision at that at that point and you're saying that the assistant superintendent absolutely any questions other than that please any other questions on that Mr Cory you have any questions on that issue no I just want to um clarify on the referral process should be a policy that's that's my only question is there a policy written for this the transitions from middle school to to a referral for RP is there a policy I would say it's a protocol yes so it's Pol like policy would come to us protocol would be from the admin but they have a written protocol exactly yeah that's that's and and I remember it being written I just want to know that it's it's being practic that's all it is and it actually we had to um update and adjust our process and protocol um with legal um advice so we yes it we have to review it periodically and we have to adjust accordingly all right no other questions thank you for that we'll go right to 3.01 update on prek Early Childhood Madam superintendent yes so as you know we've been through uh various subcommittees as well as full committee uh in regards to this early childhood um uh situation and uh as a result of our compliance uh uh issues and um efforts to expand um prek uh options so uh we were tasked with going back um to review our you know as you know we did some uh since the last meeting I believe that we um uh did some parent forums we went before the committee we visited Bishop Conley as a potential option we also looked at PACE uh to create a a a pre there um and uh have gone through all of those um options have reviewed our data have reviewed what it would cost for a um uh to staff and and build out each prek uh classroom um and as a result we are coming to you uh to share some of our findings um so we've expanded prek so certainly I'm going to say that anyone from this task force that is here feel free to jump in um because this is uh from all of all of our work our Collective work for the last two years including uh the add we've added 12 classrooms 12 prek classrooms I think that um Miss feries has um been very clear from the beginning uh referrals have been up in the last couple of years um students are coming in with with high high needs and um she uh sounded the the alarm and said hey we need space and we've opened up um multiple classrooms uh last year the year before I remember when I first started and it was one of the goals and somebody said to me how about we're going to expand prek by how many classrooms I said I can't commit to how many classrooms because we don't have space we can't really Target that we looked at multiple different areas in the city looked at potential spaces we also have expanded our own physical space within Faller Public Schools so this is compliance driven um we have students whose IEPs at when they age out of early intervention at 3 years old we are required by law to provide them with services our prek classrooms we have different models um we are trying to fulfill those requirements and even look to the Future because ideally we would love to have you know I know that it's not a secret everybody said the governor has you know said she wants it would be ideal for us to have every fouryear old to have access to full-time prek that is not a fall Public Schools initiative that's a city of Fall River initiative right it includes all the community providers and as well as us right so that they have access to it um we have uh space at 251 we looked at that uh originally we actually are housing uh I think it's 11 classrooms 10 classrooms right now there um some in six down in on the ground floor and four on the first floor we said that that's not an ideal for a prek expansion because um kids would have to go up to the second third floor and ideally those little ones it's ideal situation it should be on ground level um for easy uh erress so our current landscape we have 33 preschool classrooms which is an increase of 12 classrooms we have 16 classrooms that are located in four of our elementary schools I know that we heard a lot about that when we first brought this up and people said why I just put them in your schools we do have them in schools we we are maxed out we have them in our um and our community schools also have some pre prek classrooms we have seven classrooms that are located at the church Hall at 300 Eastern Avenue we're currently renting that's a temporary space and we have 10 class classrooms at 2501 those 33 classrooms we have 609 students that are receiving pre Services 19 of those classrooms are full day and we have 14 classrooms that are halfday sessions serving Kids 3 to five depending on if they still need two years before entering kindergarten students with disabilities as well as children four and five without disabilities so at Eastern Avenue all along we've known that was temporary as we looked for space class size there one of the one of the drawbacks there is that those classrooms are smaller that was a um former monsor school um those typically are classrooms you can go up to 15 we're not able to do that because of the class size we have 12 Class 12 in each classroom at the 251 our classrooms are currently located on the ground floor as I said for um and we have um classrooms on the first floor um as the building is populated and in next year five of those classrooms will be will remain there and we will move the four classrooms that are on the first floor we'll move them out as we populate that with the K to 12 model um let's go to the next one so uh we also visited Bishop Conley as you know uh it was vacated um um and uh that was at the time when we were exploring I want to make that clear that was not an option because there was talked that they they were there was other plans for that building since our beginning of this work it became a viable option we went to go visit the ground floor ample space um for us to do that um we could easily have uh move those classrooms from Early Learning Center potentially moveed two other classroom from one of the other buildings uh as we make space and how's that for a year while we work on the pace and we own we own the space and we would have to build that out and build an Early Learning Center there and then we would bring those classrooms together can I stop you for a second and anybody else please ask questions as you go feel free so we can try to streamline okay I got a cou one of the questions that this slide proposes to me is what is the cost so it's some We buried within but I think it's important to talk about what is the cost of the Conelly as well as the create an ELC at PACE for the 2526 school year and where are we going to get that money and is it sound that we have it because I as we go through this don't want to be going into well we'll find it Well I'm sick and tired of hearing the mayor say he's going to get money to fix that roof for for over a year now I don't want to keep saying well we'll get it if we don't have 3.5 million I identified and how we're going to pay for it then I don't want to go for the you get what I'm saying so I think those other pieces are buried within other documents but as we go through the slides I think expounding on those Mak sense any thoughts so um the Conley piece is 121,000 a year all in all utilities and everything the document that was sent to you was uh the first rendition uh there is a second rendition that I received today from the dicese that actually has that number the last number the price was less but it had a 20% um Rider to it or an add-on which was all the utilities so he had had a conversation that we don't want to be from month to month to month figuring out what we're going to actually pay so we included all of the utilities um using the formula they've used for other rentals um and which is gets us to 121 All In on conle what does that mean all in when you say all in uh our total cost we have to fix anything do we have to retrofit bathrooms or anything because this is a high school right we're talking about pre- kids are we putting are there bathrooms that are so we're just using we're just using the portable piece that would go under the toilet to get the right height for the student making walk steps get exctly it's just it's not a walk step like a little stool it's the same thing we do yeah it's fine it's what you do when you rent a space and all that I get it CU it's not our space right okay which is why we're not going to do that retro um how about Pace when we're talking about like building on adding something what's so how long is that going to take to be done so the pace piece um just give you some dates so the opening bid um for file Subs is today 14th today 14th yesterday today the 15th 15th so yesterday the uh file sub bids were opened and May 21st is the bid opening for the construction side so those bids will be looked at probably 20 days and then award a contract to that by the city um to start the roofing piece of that project working concurrent with with this particular piece is a design for the fire suppression system once the fire system is uh designed and ready to go out to bid then we will be able to start our work in that particular piece so we are purchasing um material once we get full approval to move ahead with the pace reconstruction um and um we will be purchasing quite a bit of money using some of the funds we have left for this year and then next year we'll be putting out any contracts of outside people to get that work started after July 1 so so we will have we will have classrooms available for move from um 300 North Eastern Avenue and also the classrooms um that we need to move uh over from Cony and when will that be ready that'll all be ready for the next school year okay and we're not just putting on a roof we're also ex expanding things so we're we're uh okay you see my concern cuz I feel like I've been waiting a while for a roof so the roof the roof I don't want to get on anybody just saying I'm a little nervous it's not going to be ready in time construction you know can you know it will be I I all right I've heard the constru I trust you sir just saying I'm a little nervous we will um move that particular piece forward um we have uh as far as funding sources we do have funds left over this year um from um from projects that were under and um we have some uh money left in our budget that we're going to purchase the supplies ahead of time which is what we can purchase now and then after the the first of the year then we will start um with the heavy lift after the first of the new fiscal year we'll start with the heavy lift of uh getting in there as soon as we can get the building permit which will be with the design of the sprinkler system so Mr Cory any questions on that no NOP I'm fine I hear it uh my question is it's just the money yes we were told at the meeting it's going to cost three and a half million it's and I for one member I'm not speaking for anybody else I haven't been told that we we have 32 million left over I'm just saying we haven't been told we have anything left over right we just passed a budget where we said everything was itemized and in but we don't have any more erer funds because we said we used all those in the budget so my thing is where are we going to get the 3.5 million and I was looking at Mr alme is not here but I would ask him where is the 3.5 million going to come from before we go through this whole process because I for one do not want to invest this necess neily at the detriment of all these other programs because we don't I just don't think we're going to have $3.5 million left over next year and so we are bringing some of the work in house so $3.5 million based on a square footage price of what that kind of work would require us to go out to bid for there are going to be items that we won't be able to do in housee but there are a good siiz chunk of that $3.5 million doar that we're going to bring inhouse which again will be labor already built in there will be some old the time uh for those two those people in our in our ranks to do this work um and get this work done in a timely fashion um but we do have some funds both leftover funds and then funds early on in the year that we can delegate to this project we have a couple of things that are coming in better than we thought they were which is 251 uh some of those numbers are much better than we thought they were going to be um finishing up the second and third floor so we're going to have some funds from that and a couple of item other items within the money that um we've already allocated for other projects for instance uh some of the funds that we allocated for different projects um within that 3.2 million I think it was the last money that the city had owed us we do have some funds in there small um maybe a couple hundred th000 maybe maybe 300,000 which is where we're going to stop buying some of the material and then we'll continue that right out for the first of the year so my only concern is that I can appreciate what you're saying but as far as we don't have any of that info we don't have it listed we don't have it very clear so I'm not going to be voting for anything and in the full meeting until we figure out what that is because it can't be well we'll grab a little bit from here then we maybe grab a little there's things on that list that I ne didn't agree with to begin with but now we said we're going to pay for them so then we shouldn't be like when we say we're missing though we don't see that stuff we get no information zero so I'm asking these questions now but if I had the backup I'd be saying oh yeah you said that this was the case you know so when I ask some questions it's for that reason I think we need to know do we have the three and a half I don't know where the city is going to get the money to pay for that roof so if we vote for this and the city says they don't have the money and I'm not say they already made a commitment I'm just saying that goes south lot of people make commit they don't well I'm going I'm going to I'm not nothing against the mayor I believe he said it meaning he wants to do it absolutely but I'm just saying then that project is over if the roof does not get done then that project isad the water that's what I'm saying so what we're saying is we're AF we're going to say yes for Conley yes for this and all of a sudden next year no roof no nothing no Conley no this where do those kids go and with that being said this is a nice plan for the kids the the the scholars the prek that we have now now looking forward to next year do you see it being the same number or do you see possibly an increase like we saw this year I do see possibly an increase and now my question would be that's kind of a stupid question I asked you I knew the answer where are those kids going to go yep so within the space that's available at Conley there is room um based on the number of referrals we have the number of children we have placed in classrooms this year and the number of open seats we are projecting to have available next year from kids moving up to Garten uh I think as I've said a couple of times I'm anticipating one to two additional um classrooms yep there will be space at Conley for that and not Conley though I'm not talking about this coming yet no no and then moving forward um I thought we were taking all the kids from Conley I'm talking about the year after so this year they're going to be in Conley next year when we take them all out of the two spaces we've rented and put them in Pace yes right and they will all fit they will all fit and so when Ken and I walk now the year after that see I'm thinking ahead of the game I like to play ahead of the game not behind the ball so the year after that where are we putting the kids I'm just saying it's nice I'm not saying I didn't answer now but I'm saying this is what scares me is when we're always at capacity always at capacity then this is a conversation it'll be a conversation I won't be here every year somebody's going to be here and it's going to be a conversation every year we have to get ahead of and this is nothing against the work you've done you know I think all the work you've you've all done has has been amazing but I have to I have to voice my concern and that is how are we paying for some of the things that we want to pay for and if we can't pay for them what's going to happen are we going to be able to rent Conley for another year if the roof isn't done if this is the situation do we have a plan B for keeping these kids in Colley for a second year or keeping them in Easter a for a second year I'd like to know there's a plan B and then beyond that if we do have a a um I'm sorry my mind is everywhere if we do have a Governor um who is then going to come come in whether it's 2 years from now or three time ticks mhm like next thing you know I'm going to be 50 you know what I'm saying time goes by fast so what happens then if she comes in and says hey we need more now what do we do so it's like to me renting space and and and hoping we can fix a roof in time and do this in time when we all know we already have space is disheartening to me I'm not going to fight it anymore I'm not going to reiterate what I've already said cuz anybody can watch a previous meeting I'm not wasting time but but that is still the way I feel but that will conern Sol the problem you're bringing up no but it won't but long term but we could we're going to be right back we could worry about Pace we wouldn't have to be so worried about Pace right we could say well if it's not ready we still got this yep but if it's not ready what do we got we got nothing we got to go back and negotiate with Conley or something because we would have no way that building this plan is telling me if that building isn't ready if that roof isn't ready if that $3 million job isn't ready then come next year these kids aren't going to have anywhere to go so I think we need to think of a plan B before right that's all I'm suggesting um I do think obviously I'm going to vote for Comm or I'm going to vote for these kids to be where they need to be in September because I'm not just going to stand stand in front of what needs to what needs to happen but I'm just voicing my concerns but those are very valid concerns and right from the beginning we've said this like I I do think that the school committee has to figure out whether they're going to invest in a new building buy a building build a building I don't know for long-term planning we yeah we can't go from rental to rental or we will be doing just that and we all know that space is at a premium everywhere you look um so the hence I get concerned with spending three point on this is it worth it or should we really make a big plan to do something more substantial that may cost a little more money but in the long run won't be 3 million here 3 million here fix this here fix I don't know I don't have the answers believe me to nothing pretty much in life but I'm just throwing that out there because this is these are my thoughts where are we going to be a year from now where going where are we going to be two years from now you know that's all but I mean I guess if I don't know if Tom you have anything else we can to vote agree with Miss perea on what she's saying the frustrating part for me is going back to February when we first said this when I heard that we were going to be out of compliance I said we had 30 days to come back with a plan that would have taken us to mid-march at that time we still had plenty of time to make other decisions on schools or whatever you and your team and your task force came up with based on the data and the information the best plan was to use the tany school to do that because it was under our control it was singling all those reasons we already talked about then we went fast forward to the school committee school committee meeting happens it got tabled by the school committee it's very clear to me that what happened when we walked into the school committee meeting I was told by Lisa Limu Point Blank that the mayor already said he's going to table this so I believe 100% certain the mayor already said he was going to table it he tried to get the four votes I believe he already told the administration we were going to table it and we weren't going to go anywhere so it cut table my frustration has been since then I've been hearing that it's my fault because I gave 30 days state of administration technically speaking now it's over 90 days and we're still sitting here discussing it that's the problem is because now we this this sub subcommittee or the full committee is boxed in a corner again because it's the middle of May we have very limited options now to tell somebody you're going to make a move like move a whole school or do those so you've eliminated by sitting on this for 90 days whether you did stuff or not it's now put us in the spot now we're stuck the best thing to do would be to take what you own and at least say we can know we can do that as a guarantee then you add to the maybe if that project took two years and we weren't counting on it this plan that I'm seeing here is basically forcing our hand to say this is what we have cuz we lost the opportunity to do the other things because the parents complained and nobody wanted to push back with conviction and say this is the best opportunity and this is the reasons why we all got afraid and the mayor promised that Union that he was going to bury it let's just call it like I see it not we all but he promised that that was was going to happen said we all were afraid I said no no no so what happened is we meaning everybody here couldn't come back so the real sensible thing to do isn't this one but now we're stuck but now we're stuck with that and that's the part that's a little bit frustrating for me if I could just jump in one second because it's on the same line as you know the way I felt I made it known however the piece that I didn't have in front of me which has been brought up in all of these meetings is that we have classrooms that are exploding across the district major major issues to grade two bubbles all of that stuff so by by the tany piece happening the way we said it would happen and turning into a prek we only make the situation worse because we negate getting westall as an elementary school CU all that happens is body shift from one building to another so we have a preap situation that we took care of and we've destroyed the opportunity by any classroom flexibility at all because we'll have nothing left the only the only thing I have to say with that is that I think eventually and this is my opinion and this may not be fact this is what I'm thinking could possibly maybe happen is that eventually we're going to have to use tany for prek so my thought process was to be fair to everyone why not move that group of teachers who have formed relationships and who have worked together why not move them now because eventually I pretty sure we're going to need that school and I could be wrong right I could be watching on TV 5 years from now and oh look we still don't need it that's Poss that's possible I just felt it was going to be more likely the other way and I felt like we were putting off the inevitable and really in the long run making it worse for our Educators that were there that was my opinion but honestly like I said before I've already given my opinion on it and to me it's a moot point I'd rather move along with the agenda and just do our job um but I will say I don't think the mayor tabled it because this is why I say that because it takes a vote so our colleagues decided to do it and that's fine that's why there's that many of us you know I don't need to agree with with everybody it's it's not a problem for me um but it is is now I agree with Kevin it basically put us in a situation now well I guess I got to vote for what I didn't want to vote for but hey that's what politics is I guess I'm I just want to clarify all I want to say is the mayor didn't vote we all voted we had a vote what I'm saying and I'm not afraid to say it for the record is I walked into the meeting with all the tany school parents there and Lisa Lemieux who's the head of the Union told me Point Blank that the mayor told her this was going to get buried and they had a plan in place to bury it from the beginning and I think that's disrespectful to not only us but to all of you who worked on it and the task force because at that point you all made a recommendation as soon as the dust settled boom it's tabled everybody ran for cover mostly everybody ran for cover and that's the pot that gets me because now it's to my fault but at the end of the day that's all I'm saying about that with but when we look at this I personally have said for the record that we should be moving each year one grade out of the tan so that we can have some play in the future to either have expansion or whatever I said that all along so if this year we didn't have we have two kindergarten classes that if we make those prek and we don't have K there anyway we're not telling anybody you can't go there you can finish your whole career at tanzy I think that is an addition to this a piece of the puzzle that I think can it's late now but to me that should have happened because we know as M Pera said I think and Mr Pico to his credit has said this at some point in the other we're going to end up at that school because of the fact of where it is is things sprinkled within I just think that we shouldn't abandon it as part of your task force I think you brought it up at the original meeting because of putting a bunch of heads together and thinking about it and I don't think it's invalid just because the school committee voted to table it I think you still have people that had a good reason why they suggested that and Miss Perera articulated some of those those reasons why we had a situation that just got brought to me that we have a for named Shane who went to tany school and measured two classrooms and told the two people in there I'm measuring these classrooms for pre-k Shane the carpenter truth and advertising I'm not hiding nothing went into tany school and told two teach that he was measuring for prek is that true that's not true to my knowledge first I'm hearing it right now you can't say that I not telling you m so that's what presented so now what that happens so now what do those teachers say those teachers Wonder well this is must be a done deal and I'm saying well I looked at this stuff and I don't see it I just saw this PowerPoint now for the first time but so that happened just so you know and the conversation as far as prek at tany is still continuing because in this presentation there is an option for us to put more trailers at tany so that we can take on another two to three classrooms of prek there which that school would be a now a pre five which would give us more flexibility at tany and still allow the tany piece to stay in effect another piece that's we're going to have to do that and one of the things that needs to happen that we heard over and over again is that we do need to rezone redistrict we have to look at our boundaries our kids are all over the place I think that's part of our long-term plan uh we are looking at uh different vendors to do that with I think that that needs to be a process that happens next year absolutely and then that work because that's going to be very tricky work difficult work um but some zones are overpopulated some are underpopulated and uh where we situated schools uh you know the the parameters are so wide right the boundaries are so wide so I as a city and as a district we need that work needs to be taken on for next year that's a process that needs to happen because that will be part of our long-term strategic plan it has to happen um over here it says so the Conley's pending school committee approval did that come through us are we supposed to be referring that to the full committee tonight cuz it's not on this agenda right we would be yes it is the last slide it says we're looking for the last SL oh I'm sorry I was looking at the agenda so it just says discussion not a discussion vote okay we are looking but we can make a motion to do that to the full committee if I don't know if you guys have done our FAL questions if not no you have any questions at the present time I do yeah I want to weigh in it's it's first of all it's a little bit difficult for me to hear all the proceedings because the microphon is just not picking up everybody's voices with clity but I do want to say I'm sorry I'm on the other side of this um I want to I I do want to preserve tany as it is because um that's been one of our examples our school is a great example for parent involvement and success rate and I think there's I think you guys working on other Alternatives as far as free care is concerned I trust the administration's position on buying into Conley because it seemed me a viable solution to get us down to the next step I don't know what the governor's proposal is going to be in a couple of years and how that's going to affect us in a couple of years that I cannot answer however right now I feel like we're getting down the road with some type of alternative so I'm going to support the administration's plan on going into con Le I don't know about the $3.5 million I don't have an agenda in front of me but maybe we can get an answer on that shortly I and I will say Mr um almea uh had a commitment this was added late he already had he has a commitment for his child so um but we were we knew that we probably this was going to be on the agenda for the Monday for the 20 20th I believe is our meeting so we will uh I'll have them break it down uh certainly you know it's a valid point about the money and it's a valid point about the concern the roof he'll break it down he'll get it to us before the Monday meeting we'll do as backup for uh his work but he'll get it to us before the Monday meeting like we're not going to walk in on Monday and see it please cuz has he told you that in discussions of that you've had cuz obviously we've met up with this that we have the money yeah we we said that we would have to peace meal and and allocate some monies to make room for it for that work we know that that figure out we we'll wait see it yep so I would continue to go down I apologize but I think we got the questions answered so keep going down the PowerPoint because there's other questions I was just going to say can I just go to the last slide and ask CU yeah we respectfully would request that in order for any of this to happen the committee would have to it would have to be referred to the committee we as you know populating Stone we talked about that in order for that to happen the committee was ready to take vote we said no we need to talk to parents so we'd like the committee to take a vote on officially allowing us to move Stone over to 251 uh Bishop Conley if the agreement if that's uh something that's agreeable to the committee we would like it referred so that's so MO two motions so motion to refer to full committee the moving of um our Scholars to the stone school from Stone to 25 from Stone to 25 sorry from Stone to 251 that's a motion anybody want to Second me can I have a second brother so can you can you say that again a little bit L can we just hold for a second second cuz I think we we'll get to those at the end my question was on the slide that says about the cost benefit analysis okay so I think that's important to have passed out because I'm seeing that I don't know what that means like there's some things will included some things are not like what I was looking for on a cost benefit analysis is to say here's what it cost us to get whatever classroom at the uh whatever School here's what it costs and it's I think it's pieced together but it's not really clear to us of what that means because we can't do it without the transportation we can't do it without I don't know if health benefits are included or is it not like you know what I mean like y they are so so when Mr Al put together the cost for the salaries he did include benit the benefits and so for the classroom itself the teacher and two par professionals he gave you that cost separate I and I don't want to speak for him because he isn't here but some of those classrooms are embedded in Pre to 8 schools or in pre- to 5 schools and so the the those hidden costs the administrators related Services some of that looks different depending on where they are they could be in a prek to eight school that has 35 classrooms and there's only one prek there it's I guess it might point a clarity for the Monday night what my thought on a cost benefit analysis is we have AO uh five classrooms at Eastern Avenue for those children that are at that school this is how much we got in reimbursement this is how much the rent is the Specialists are the this the that everything so when we do a situation like the that school are we making money or losing money on those particular classrooms then we have another site at some other place 251 at that school this is what it would cost this is what we get we have half day we have full day we have what does it mean when we have X amount so we can actually say whether we want to continue expanding or can we only do the minimum by law like that's what I'm trying to get at to figure out what because why would we need to create classrooms if it's losing money for one and if it's not mandated by law right if I'm going to take from another school for that so I'm looking for the specificity I guess is the only I wrote that down I just want to be clear fore K the reimbursement is 50% as typical students so we will break that down in regards to but the way that 50% I'm assuming that that's included in the 58 yes so it's trying to the slide's trying to show us that our prek program makes $80,000 a year that's what they're try the slide's trying to show us it's a little bit of a uh I know but that slide is not really what truth and advertising you show the public that slide and they're going to say oh we have a surplus of 81,000 in 3K that's not accurate so and I'll take responsibility for that because there was some um there was something written up by Mr ala that used the word Surplus and then came in on the back end to explain it looks like a surplus but it's really not and these were intended I I understand what you're saying not for public consumption to mislead but as talking point so that's like initially with like first glance yes um this is what it costs and this is how we reimburse wow looks like a surplus the talking point is not so much because there are some hidden costs including you know if we're looking at a standalone site um prek classrooms that are not embedded in other K to5 schools prek to 5 schools or prek to 8 there's a hidden cost because we have to add administrators because that becomes a school a standalone school there are related Services related service providers that come in there are cost of so even though technically on paper it looked that way we understand that there are hidden cost and that it so these were intended to be talking points to point that out I understand so my feeling on that is and I've said this in email can be as mad as they want at me about it the fact of the matter is it's over 90 days since we asked for a cost benefit analysis 90 days we have this meeting scheduled it's not ironic that we got this information yesterday or this information now if we had our stuff in order for 90 days we wouldn't have that if we had our stuff in order we wouldn't have a slide shown in a public meeting and to the school committee that says we would have an estimated surplus of $81,000 to me that's a problem because that should not have showed up like that what it should show up as is we did a cost benefit analysis and in order to do pre it cost us 60 whatever 67.8 million in reality so we're technically losing $2 million it's not equaling out it by $2 million probably but you have some you have some of those costs that are fluid I I I'm going to respectfully disagree you asked for a cost benefit analysis we gave you one before it wasn't what you wanted and you brought us back to the table to get a different one we gave you all the information as backup information like we do typically I understand yes we need some clarification we will get whatever whatever you've asked us we've gotten I think that what happens is maybe it doesn't look exactly the way you want it to happen yeah this is a big decision 90 days is really not that long Mr Aya I I totally agree with you it's stuff we have to act on but it you're talking about information that the city is going to have to cough up money we're going to have to find funds Etc and it's it's not something that you can have an easy button up answer in 90 days or even 100 days it's going to take a while we have to in hindsight we probably should have redistrict this District last year or the year before when we opened up the last school when we noticed oh we have some that are overpopulated some that underpopulated that should have happened you're right we're in reactive mode I understand all I'm suggesting is I don't think this was done thoroughly enough in my opinion and we shouldn't have a slide that says we had a surplus that shouldn't happen so we're going to correct you're going to correct it I'm sure you're going to sit down with your team and say we got to get you know a better presentation to the full committee because this is the theot the bottom line on 1.8 and funded by the city in transportation we we funded some of that stuff like they're taking it out of our some of our funds like that require is a whole another description of it but if prek is costing us $2 million overall at least if you add in the transportation it's a different discussion than what something else has to has to give now it might be that we have to talk to the state reps who I've also asked for you to have meetings with to say you're not funding if we say we want pre you can't give us half the reimbursement but how do we get them to change that formula if we don't prove it and we show them slides that say we got an $80 million $80 CES so I think it's just going to help us all to get to a better place to where it's not funding it we can't really expand and so I think that's important for Monday get us some better stuff I think the two votes are only needed are you saying is the 2501 and Cony is that yes as well as westall to be to be for us to open it up as an elementary school once we move Stone out we're going to have to open up W so the first motion was motion to refer do them all at once do them all at once yeah all right motion to refer the scholars at Stone school to 251 Main Street motion to refer the vote on the rental space at Bishop Conley and motion to refer uh turning the West School into an elementary second did you get all that Tom yeah I got all that motions made and seconded roll call Mr yes Mr Cory yes yes thank you next up is 302 the resiliency Prep Academy program of studies and is that Madam superintendent is that you or is that join us yeah Mr Corey can you hear me yes I can thank you okay very good got a lot of practice at projecting my voice I know that uh so I want to thank Drew for putting together the executive summary um he he myself and Mr Riley spent a lot of hours trying to hammer out this program of studies uh RPA has not really had a working program of studies for quite a few years now uh we were operating from dery which obviously is much longer um and not really accurate to reflect uh the more limited courses and programming that we have um so we're just going to go through some of the more large scale changes that the program of studies we proposing entails uh stop me when you have questions uh so first of all we're going to propose moving from a two- housee system where our seventh eth and ninth graders are housed together in one team and the 10th 11th and 12th graders are housed in a second team we be moving to three houses where the seventh and eighth grade would have a dedicated team n9th and 10th grade would have a dedicated team and 11th and 12 would have have a dedicated team what this will allow us to do is sort of streamline the different offerings for different age groups which present different alternative needs so most of the changes that we're proposing would live in the 11th and 12th grade house which is where we see a lot of the credit recovery needs as well as a pretty significant dip in student engagement so one of the first things that we're proposing is that the 11th and 12th grade team the courses would be fully semester IED so what that would do is it would allow students to gain credits more frequently during the school year as sort of a motivating factor and it would also take into consideration that we are transferring students in throughout the year so students who come in at the Midway point point or thereabouts um would still have the opportunity to earn credits in an endtoend class rather than come in after term two or after term three and already feel like they're failing for the year um so this question on that so I think it was that was brought up recently to go the other way is that in the past year or two like uh we used to be trimesters and terms which what got very wonky um so then we moved to completely trimesters that ended up not being a great move because too many of our courses were trimester only and we were finding that certain kids were gaining credits almost too fast because they weren't actually Credit Recovery kids but we weren't able to offer longer it switched to then it switched to what because you're asking to go two semester IED only for 11th and 12 so right now we have some single semester Credit Recovery classes for our older students that we're seeing good success with but we also have year-long courses for kids who don't have that credit recovery need so you switch from trimesters to year round was the point this isn't going back again correct correct got it okay thank okay um the next significant change um is around graduation so in the hopes that kids would be completing their graduation requirements at multiple times throughout the year knowing that credit recovery kids who will be taking semester IED courses could finish midyear we could have kids who finish their graduation requirements over summer school we're proposing offering three different graduations over the course of the year which would be our usual end ofe graduation in June with another graduation at the end of summer school in August and one at the end of semester 1 in January so kids who are finishing not at the year mark would still have an opportunity for a formal graduation ceremony on top of that because RPA does not offer and therefore require World Language to the tune of 10 credits we're proposing that our total graduation credit requirement dropped from 100 to 90 so instead of asking the kids to take an additional 10 credits of elective to make up for that lack of World Language um we're proposing just limiting the credit requirement to 90 which is something that um wailing city in New Bedford just did I believe I don't know if they fully that won't affect like going getting courses in college or whatever they'd still have enough to then continue whatever okay correct okay what is the minimum number of credits needed to graduate so right now it's 100 no by the law it's uh my understanding it's a local decision set by each Local District so they have to pass what like what do they have to pass at RP three mats for this oh yeah do that come out to as far as credit because if we're going to change it quite honestly based on like cases that these kids have the issues that they're dealing with whatever if you're going to go from 100 to 90 can we go to 80 if you feel like the kid is turned around like why are we going to do more than what we have to to just say we should be giving every kid every opportunity to do what they need to do in order to graduate so right so you can just read it just so okay so we have a breakdown on the ACT ual document that puts the total at 90 but the breakdown would be 20 credits of English which is four years of English which is pretty standard 17.5 credits of math which is three full years plus one semester 12.5 credits of science which is two full years and a semester social science 12.5 finer Performing Arts 1.25 wellness and health 1.25 and then PE 2.5 or two courses Long end short end that ends up to the total of 90 so it includes the elect it might be something you can get for Monday so like I'm not trying to put you on the spot but what I would be curious of is what is the actual minimum that we can do well I think what she's saying is the minimum is 90 because they need to have this many math this many science this much Social stud add it all together you get 90 other kids in different in the different school they have a language requirement which brings on those 10 credits but at RPA they don't have the language requirement so what they were doing was just saying you don't need to take language but you got to take 10 credits of something she's saying eliminate the something and just give them the 90 that they need to graduate is that correct that is absolutely corre thank you it's correct but um oh you had to B me there is uh still in the 90 credits there is still elective credit so if you if you add up all of these like specific courses you get about 67.5 credits meaning the rest of the credits that the kids need um would be additional art additional PE we're also proposing when we get to the uh Workforce Development section opportunities uh for students to earn electives in different creative ways to get to that 90 but um there is still what is this school called an alternative school right correct well my point is just saying it's an alternative school so an alternative means we don't do things in a traditional fashion agre right so if we're going to change it now and I happen to agree with the changes what I'm saying is don't go just in a little if there's something else you guys think then go in even more because if that's the case then a true alternative would be based on other factors or could they be something to say student has had a rough couple of years and they're turning it around now and they're rocking and rolling they can pass the test they can do this and do that almost like Competency Based and then you say that person deserves a diploma based on something else rather than say you got to get to 90 credits cuz that's kids see it and they like I'm never going to to get there so combination of credit recovery I like what you're thinking all I'm saying is he went to 90 my only question was is 90 what you can go to lower he said it's a district decision all I'm saying is if that's the case then maybe we we do it a little more we thought 90 was going to be a tough self so maybe I think that's good but my concern though too is some you you know you have high school students who if you're going to ask them they're probably going to do the least amount possible and I would hate to give them the option of like not having art not having music not having because whether you think it's helpful or not when you're doing it it ends up you don't know what you're going to love doing so I don't mind I agree with M agie I wouldn't mind dropping a little lower if you think that makes sense to get kids motivated and graduating but I wouldn't want to go so low that we're taking all electives out of kids who might that might give them the encouragement to take a class they never thought they'd like or you know what I mean right so kind of to that tune one of the other changes that we are proposing is expanding the ways that kids can earn elective credits in that upper high school so instead of putting them in an elective that might just be art or music that maybe is not engaging to them it's just a check in the box um it's going to be that much harder to get them into class because maybe they don't care um so we're proposing that although kids could have a comprehensive pathway that they would do the live classes maybe that includes certain electives that we're proposing adding psychology weightlifting yoga Stress Management um contemporary issues history of Fall River yes those pieces we're also looking to add as sort of a flex pathway um school to Career internships um work study Workforce Development things that would give kids the option to earn those elective credits in ways that are much more individualized and alternative um as well as offering Edgenuity which we've used for several years now as another option so that kids have kind of a larger menu to choose from so they could have um a very sort of a more traditional looking where they come for seven periods and they take face to-face classes all day long and then they go home or they might um do a flex pathway where they come they have some classes in person and then the rest of their day is offsite at um at Job internship um could be spent with people Inc doing Workforce Development with them um that it's sort of like a mix and match but it would all give them those elective credits that still would bump us to that 90 if that makes sense way in yeah so along almost got it's because it's because the table's tilted right you saw my cup before Oh no have a how about this one he's like can I weigh in yep boom what's the policy on uh when we break Kevin oh he's there working on it the computer fell off the table can you see everybody now the computer fell we lost you for a minute you just talk loud oh no go ahead thing is concerned that sounds okay to me I'm glad you guys are putting your heads together to try to figure out some Alternatives but I'm really really keyed on that school population at RPA to develop job skills and accounting skills basic business courses how to run a budget what to look forward to when they turn 21 years of age in facing the real world that kind of thing I like the internships idea I'd like to have job Specialists come on in and maybe talk to the kid about future potentials stuff like that really we we cut the business curricular mod dery High School when mcast got instituted uh back in the mid 90s and I thought that was a big mistake because the business curriculum taught kids the Practical numbers for life and that's what I hope that the RPA kids could you know learn to develop as far as a sense of maturity and and skills moving forward what say you so we've actually got a few things sort of in the works already in that direction Mr Corey um so right now we have People Incorporated who has obviously partnered with us for a while now they've been running a weekly speaker series on Wednesdays where they have uh folks from different career backgrounds come in and present to the students about what they do what their job entails kids always want to know how much money do you make they answer that uh today we actually had former students we had alumni speaker series so we had a few of them come in and speak uh to the students about that which has started to gain quite a lot of success and then again in that same vein the Workforce Development pieces that we're looking to add are really the classroom component um and again sort of leaning on our partnership with People Incorporated for this is a lot of those things that you were just speaking about right so resume building um interview skills um professional etiquette um pieces like that yeah and I I pre and post tests and stuff like that I used to run a program like that back in the '90s in dery and um we really were able to orient quite a few kids toward that direction so that's the kind of development I'd like to see going on so I'm glad you guys are looking at it that way thanks I Yi is there any my partial motion one question before we end so the issue at the end of um said culinary Ox thing can we get an update on the current status of that so we last meeting we had we talked about if I can recall people link said they hired somebody then somebody didn't like where is it now and where is like are we hiring somebody and when because so I don't have all the pieces but I can speak a little bit about how the trajectory has gone um we were told to plan on running culinary in January we scheduled the courses we scheduled the students um we had no Culinary Kitchen ready um People Incorporated did hire someone and then because the kitchen wasn't ready they said hey please stand by maybe do some classroom things that person left because they didn't have the facility to use the kids were getting frustrated sitting in a classroom That was supposed to be culinary that had no cooking happening um I do believe there's some construction happening I don't know the status of that's really not my role the issue Happ been somewhere so for this year for this year that part of the contract and and program with people link is not coming to fruition um we are planning next year because it's in the budget for next year we do have somebody already in the pipeline to bring on uh for next year but the facility was not ready um is it ready now it's not yet ready will it be ready in the future but it will be ready it'll be ready soon so my only concent is that was a contract so like I at some point somebody said that we already paid them I'm like how did they hire no yeah we have not paid out people link so correct the money that we allotted in the current year would be something to as part of that contract to move forward for next year you know what I mean so then in July it's going to be in the budget what I would recommend is in order to have a program you need a person that's working in it you know what I'm saying so if you got a live person that you think so if you do have somebody that's live yes it would be my recommendation that we take the money that was allotted for people blink and either have a contract with them for parttime or something to help to build the as the place is being built so the person is going to get hir in next year use the money we have now to actually pay them and put them on a day or two a week or something we have a plan in place I've been working with Mr Riley about a way to bring this person on because they are ready to begin um their plan will be to come in and build the curriculum for the program um and we have a strategy to be able to do that and put that person up against a funding stream to be able to make that happen this year we are working with people link to plan forward for the future I think it's important to know that the two places in this program of study though that do come with additional potential funding is that the Workforce Development opportunities we will be coming back to continue to work with people Inc through their Workforce Development program that we've already started this year with them um to be able to create the 11th and 12th grade Pathways and really personalize those experiences for kids as we get the culinary path pathway off the ground we do believe that additional Pathways will come from that pathway but we need to get it off the ground first um in the first part of next school year in addition to that if you look at the that's optional correct so like that's optional as far as why we need people link to do it it is optional however that part of our partners that's just a separate discussion from this but I will but I will say that the partnership with people link this year the piece of it that has been 100 % successful has been the Workforce Development in the tutoring piece and we will have data to share with you as the school year comes to an end so that we can summarize what we did receive from that partnership but that has been I was just saying it's just not part of this vote because technically we can vote for this without anything with that we can I just want you to know that it will be forthcoming in addition to that the one piece of this that is embedded is in the the flex pathway for kids who choose the flex Pathway to what um Nicole was noting that will really become personalized Pathways for kids to give them exactly what they need to get over over the graduation hump that being said if electives or core courses are needed what we have learned about Edgenuity um is that our kids at RPA need extra support to be able to navigate those courses they cannot do it independently um otherwise they likely wouldn't be in the situation that they're in so we need to look at a layer of support within uity as we've talked about before even through the virtual school application around an an additional for built into uity students will have to apply for that it will not be given to everybody they'll have to demonstrate some level of Independence um but this will offer opportunities for kids to go to work to take on internships but still be able to get academic work completed with teacher on demand support so yes you are right this is not embedding a people in contract to make the program of studies fly however we will be looking for that support to go into next school year and we will come back to the committee with a separate um contract request if you would as it relates separate yes the other issue of genuity cost them a little bit more money a little bit I would negotiate with them because I don't think we're using all the uity that we're paying to that it's full us either so they can be be helpful because yes whether it's at the high school or whatever we're hold on one second so we're just paying a lot of money for like are we getting our bank for our buck and I know how it works and they can they can help you out if you need to in my opinion but Mr Cory go ahead before we vote well I just want to ask Nicole one more thing all of these things in plan the uity and the Workforce Development does that led to the 90 credit graduation requirement yes so that would be those would stand in as elective credits so obviously it wouldn't take the place of any core content classes but the electives where we have that flexibility it would gain them credits that way um and I do just want to add because you were asking about um exposure to business models and things like that Mr Corey the long-term plan for the colon Ary program is that we would add a cafe component so that kids involved in the culinary program would actually be exposed to the experience of running a small restaurant and all of the business components that would come with it obviously under the supervision of the of the culinary instructor great motion to approve to refer approve Mr Cory wait motion to refer motion to refer to the full committee yeah motion to refer RPA Academy program of studies to the full committee Mr Cory you second that second second all in favor I oppose to voted thank you last up 303 discussion vote to refer the following job descriptions oh sorry excuse me for interrupting I just excuse me one second I just wanted to I'm I believe that Mr Riley who's the principal was excused so I don't want anybody to think that he's just not here miss is taken over for him today as the assistant but Mr Riley was excused for a good reason so didn't want anybody to think that he wasn't here thank you for your help thank you 303 good guys following job descriptions Madam superintendent or design so we are bringing forth um three job descriptions um there's been a history of positions being included not included coming in and out of our budget um and job descriptions that did not necessarily match uh the work that our school counselors have been doing so if you notice um you'll see before you the job description for the school counselor the job description for the department head of guidance uh department head of School counseling and the director of School counseling that has grown to serve our middle school and high school counselor counselors um in addition to that we created a timeline um because there was some questioning as there historically there was a department head of guidance that position was in the contract and then removed from the contract based on um Mr word being promoted to the director of School counseling and so as time went on U Mr dearis recognized that the high school was still in need of a department head of school counselors and that um bringing that position back through position conversion at the time of the budget um was enacted a couple years back however it did not land in the contract so we're trying to rectify some of the steps that have been taken to ensure that all three positions live within the fra contract and that all three job descriptions are updated to reflect the current work of the counselors um and to ensure that we continue to provide a robust College in career experience for our kids beginning in Middle School through high school to support our kids um with as many opportunities come graduation as possible you'll notice within the job descriptions we've also shared um a chart that outlines the changes so that there is no miscommunication or just really so there's full transparency uh with the Union to show the job responsibilities and how we have made adjustments and so I guess with that we will ask if there are any questions any questions I don't have any Mr Cory um so Dr B uh what is the recommendations to try to fill a position at Derby for director of guidance uh well the recommend so I guess it depends on how we look at this some of the positions have been budgeted we have not filled so the department head of guidance position after last year the person who was in that position resigned we did not refill that position this year we essentially distributed duties to other counselors however we recognize that there is a need for us to fill that position at the same time we did not have a viable job description that aligned with the duties for that position so this was our opportunity to create that job description so that moving forward as we are advertising for the position the job description aligns with that to my knowledge um the job description that was in place was that of an academic department head job description because as we know there is only one guidance department head across the entire District so for whatever reason there was not a department head of guidance job description that was in place I'm not quite sure if the original job description got moved to the director of counseling at the time um it seems as though Dr Malone who was then Acting Superintendent was making some moves um that didn't necessarily have a job description attached to them so I'm really just trying to clean up what had been done to be uh put us in a place where the job descriptions are reflective of the work that is happening gives respect to the counselors who are doing that work but also um ensures that as we go out and recruit for all positions that those job descriptions truly align to the work that is being asked of them within our buildings okay so I'm just curious to ask as far as the sacks are concerned there's a lead sack position is could this be something similar like a lead guidance Council position that is not what we're recommending at this time um we've taken that approach this year with a lead not a formal lead but taking on that as like a pilot approach um and it really uh spreads the work across multiple people it does not put any one person as a point of contact for that department um up at the high school specifically and in looking at all of our expanded opportunities across Early College dual enrollment internships um College in Career Education and Training exploration and uh job shadow opportunities as well as College visits and exploration on that level um the job has truly expanded which is why we are feeling as that we are looking to put a um put that position back in Action it has been budgeted I think that should be known it is part of the proposed budget going into next school year so we wanted to be certain that there was a job description that aligned uh principal Demaris is there yep can I ask him to weigh in on this sure so we uh Carrie bulk filled this role for two years when she resigned we posted as Dr bronhard said it was not the right posting so we retracted it we took the time this year to see if we could distribute that work it doesn't work there's too many things going on to cut across the PE the work's getting done we're having a good year but we need a leader for that department so um the the appropriate job description is before you the budget had it in it's in the budget this year so it's that empty um and it's in next year's budget and I fully support uh that we need this position thank you any questions any questions so I've had some concerns about this posting a long time um having been here throughout this process the timeline that you see we actually voted in the Union contract to actually take two positions and in increased the pay cons considerably to create one position so we took the director of guidance and whatever Mr Woodward's other title was at the time two positions and we created one position that he was now going to be whatever was we were going to basically have him be the director of all of um the counseling for the district instead of the one at the high school that therefore can I ask a question can I ask a question I was under the impression that Mr Woodward was in the department head position at the time correct there was cuz that was that was pre that was post me being in that position there was no director of counseling in the school department at the time so it was Mr Woodward in his position corre that we converted his position to the director of counseling correct so we had a position called director of guidance at that time I believe it's the rule that school department has job descriptions for all positions so I don't know where that job description was was for the original director of guidance position because we shouldn't be having positions under HR and administration that doesn't have a job description but now I'm told we don't have a job description we've never had a job description for the title of department head of guidance at dery which Dr B had once served Mr Woodward had once served it so they served in a job that never had a job description is what I'm hearing here because they were from how I understood it and even when I was there at the time it was it and I don't know that I even looked at a job desp description if I could be honest with you back then but the department head position when it was formalized and I'm not even sure it was formally when I was there as that but I was given the duties of it at the time and that department head position when Mr Woodward came in it was assumed under the academic department head and and because he was a Singleton there were no other people in the district even VI looking for that job that was how it kind of went I understand under the radar however you want to put all I'm saying his protocol yeah is not we have jobs filled for years without a specific job description I think that's clear now yes so at that time in 2017 Mr woodwood was the department head of guidance at dery it was presented to the school committee and I was part of this at one point to say we're going to we want to increase Mr Woodward's role and convert and combine his position to call him a district person with the Union agreement that we were no longer going to have a department head of guidance we were going to elevate him from 2A to 2D which is about a $20,000 raise and then at that time the rationale was he was going to absorb the duties of the guidance person at apartment head at derfing the job description that I've seen or the Union contract said the department head of guidance would have a case load no larger than 25% of the senior class at dery so Union contract gets signed we think I think as a school committee member we just converted and just gave him a raise to a bit higher level position eliminating the other job and the union agreed with this and put it in writing so for the last four years I've been asking this superintendent the prior superintendent anybody that wants to listen to say how is it that we have a position that was eliminated from the union but it has been filled for 2 years now this a convoluted process of we approved items in the wish list and the budget and Dr Malone probably did some things he shouldn't have done not a surprise to anybody I don't think but at the end of the day today my concern was that we just said we were going to combine things and then now we're changing it so I think Dr B is now trying to rectify the situation the mar is trying to rectify it superintendent is trying to rectify so I get the idea of what you're trying to do all I know is it's frustrating to sit on this side and say well we'll combine those two positions we'll give this person a raise and then whether it's 2 years or 3 years from now but we now need another position back that happens way too often in my mind so some of my heach isn't about the necessary position so that to me is still not clear through this process the union needs to be involved in it because this is a situation that they're going to go through I think we should make sure in all job descriptions it says what the pay is so if a guidance counsel is paid at 1A it should say Union contract 1A and then the number is I've said this again till you know it should say the salar 70 grand to 90 grand it should show us when we're doing a job description why doesn't it say it's supposed to I've heard you say that several times all of our others we changed it so exactly that it's because we keep telling HR to do something and they don't do it and nothing happens that's basically the reason why but this is so I think clarifying some of the salaries would make sense the other one about the department head of guidance being guidance counselors and the 504 debate we had over the sacks doing them like I think that needs to be clarified as far as like who's going to be like the person who's overseeing the Sachs if the Sachs are doing the 504s should probably fall on the 504's them and it shows up here on the the guidance person so whether we agree or disagree on whether who's doing what it should just line up to do you understand what I'm saying it should line up to that if she's a supervisor of Sachs and the Sachs are responsible for 504s it should show the 504s are under her so that's something you could tweak I think for the Monday meeting and if we have any other questions we could always ask them but I'm looking for a motion to refer these uh job descriptions motion to refer motion to refer has been made Mr Cory do you second second second all in favor I descriptions so we'll definitely uh post those if you can clarify any of those questions anybody has any questions reach out to Dr be superintendent between now and the meeting does that make sense yes is there any new business before us today any no new business I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motions made seconded all in favor I still voted thank you all have a great