[Music] over [Music] over hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] come come to order the committee on ordinances and legislation come to order the clerk can call a role here here here pursuant to the open meeting law anyone can make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or trans submissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible um has anyone signed up for citizen input no um okay item number two on the agenda to approve the minutes of June 22nd to approve seconded motion to approve by Council reposer seconded by Council H all in favor I item number three on the agenda uh traffic handicap parking Bay Street West 20 100 ft to Woodman Street Brow Street East 170 ft North to Hotwell Street and Walnut Street West 83 fet North of Grove Street motion for emergency Preamble seconded motion for an emergency Preamble and a second roll call please yes yes yes motion to pass to all readings second motion to pass through all four readings made by Council reposer seconded by Council H all in favor I item number four a proposed ordinance traffic uh miscellaneous it was referred on 7624 15minute parking on DOA Street North 84 feet west of Blackstone Street motion to pass through first reading motion to pass through a first reading second second motion by councelor opposer seconded by Council hot to pass through first reading all in favor I item number five proposed ordinance the trolley fees anybody here Seth Mr Akin is here attorney Akin is here I don't know if he wants to talk about the trolley fees good evening Seth Akens City administrator thank you so um as you know there is um in Chapter 2 of our ordinances um a section referring to uh buses and trolleys uh it doesn't set up fees in order for the city to collect fees to support the maintenance and operation of the trolley uh we need to be able to assess uh and collect fees um the way in which we're doing that is through um an app that also has a tracking mechanism in it so anybody that would use the app and there's QR codes that are on all the L literature and going to be on the signage and everything else um that when you purchase a ticket for the trolley you can also track where the trolley is in any given time uh so it allows you to know how long you're going to be waiting for the trolley um the standard rout tickets um and I think there's nine or 10 stops uh at this point on the standard route uh there's the adult and child ticket um uh and then special uh events or tours so I I think Troke which is karaoke on the trolley uh is going to happen in August um there's talk of uh standup comedy on the trolley there's talk of the the um Cathedral tours uh and a number of other things that will be rolled out in the next couple months weeks and months uh and then finally the the rentals for weddings and big events with uh large groups um which would include uh the these of course all include you know the driver but the full day uh is that driver uh the um uh the appropriate passenger endorsement and Licensing uh to do that which isn't everybody um and uh the rental of the trolley cleanup of the trolley maintenance of the trolley uh that's all been factored into these costs councel reposa thank you so two things um first on the standard trolley route tickets I'm curious if was considered at any point to have a rate for seniors as a part of the the rate structure I think the the rate um the feeling was that the rate was low enough uh where a senior rate wouldn't be that much of a reduction um so if you wanted to reduce it you know let's say 20% it's a $4 fee instead of a $5 fee um and you know I me we certainly could do that um but I think the the feeling was we were already trying to suppress the cost for everybody so to um to do a senior rate or a military rate I mean you can really start to chop it up in quite a few different ways uh and that $5 rate uh for you know a significant amount of ability to ride throughout the city uh for the day uh I think the feeling was that it was it was already pretty low okay can you give us an idea of what the estimated costs are to run the trolley for a day sure um so you're looking at um I mean your gas you know you're probably looking at uh maybe $150 uh in U gasoline uh that the trolley takes you have um for a full day um $5 to $600 in um uh paying the actual driver um you know when you actually look at everything you know including benefits and their uh base rate uh what a cost to get a CDL driver with a passenger endorsement um and then we factored in a per mile uh maintenance uh cost so we tried to make sure that rather than just looking at the consumables the rate of the driver plus the gasoline we were also looking at what we thought maintenance on the trolley would be uh a lot of people don't realize this because it's in such beautiful shape and our our DCM guys did such a remarkable job uh restoring the wood and and getting the signage on there um but it's actually a an older trolley uh and so I think we we're just aware that maintaining that uh you know could get expensive so we want to make sure that we're always budgeting to maintain so $150 for gas $500 to $600 for the driver and then what's the per mile repair cost you guys came up with uh I don't have that up top of my head I can get that information for you that'd be good um my bigger my bigger concern and issue is with the trolley rentals how many seats are on the trolley I think it's a 30 seat trolley okay so one of the things that I I was I had brought up to the mayor was the use of the trolley for the Youth particularly schools so I I'm going to throw some numbers of you just from my own other life that I live and what it would cost to get students in Fall River around to different things a halfday school bus that seats 47 you can get for $200 okay a full day in Fall River about 300 so I noticed on this list it says Charley rentals it's just a base 8 Hour 4our type of thing could we look at possibly a school rate which would essentially allow schools in Fall River to rent the trolley to take students around in Fall River to different you know local places because I think one of the things as an educator I know that we always want to go out for field trips outside of the city but we have so many things available in the city we could go to sure and instead of renting a school bus we could rent the trolley instead to the different sites in Fall River even in the same vein as you mentioned before about special Trolley Tours could we then maybe do a reduced rate for students as part of a field trip to go to the children's museum or the Historical Society or Battleship Cove what have you um so I I'm proposing that we look at putting in under the trolley rentals a base half day and full day school rat for locations within Fall River and again you know basing on my own experience in renting school buses my thought is it should be comparable to that and again we're giving the option to students of our city you know their parents or taxpayers would then be able to access some of these things that we do have in the city that to be honest I think a lot of Youth don't know exist because they don't have the access to it so yeah I mean I I think um you know that certainly on its face makes a lot of sense the only concern I would have is that um when you think about the base full day and base half day most of those um are anticipating a weekend cost right so um there's a trade-off the driver is more expensive because you're paying that driver an overtime rate right but they're available you're not pulling them off like a DCM J during the week they're they're less expensive because you're paying their day rate but you're pulling them away from a team of whether it's you know concrete or asphalt or street sweeping or any of the things that somebody with those particular endorsements might already be doing um so you know in a way you you are potentially taking away from the DCM Mission during the week uh but you have a a cheaper driver right um because you'd be doing it probably you know I would imagine because it's during the school day you're doing it during the business day um so yeah you could probably do a reduced rate uh I don't know that it would be a $200 reduced rate um but uh you could probably do a reduced rate that is uh certainly less than what the trolley rentals are um because I think you're also anticipating what's cleanup you know the thing about weddings and bachelorette parties and whatever else is there's there's an anticipated cleanup um that's part of that that that may not be well who knows I mean you know you never know what the kids get up to but uh if everything goes as it should be uh with all the right supervision it shouldn't be that bad uh so you could probably do something along those lines um for the uh the full day and half day okay so I would like to propose an amendment Madam chairman if we could um and again it's the will of the committee if we want to proceed with this or t a little bit more um I would like to propose an amendment to the trle rentals where a a base full day 8 hour I would say 8 hour but a full day rental a school day rental for schools be I'll throw out 400 and then a base half day essentially you know like a 8:00 to 12 12:30 type of thing for a school rental be let's say 250 second it I'll put that in the form of a motion okay so there's an amendment for that an amendment for the full day or six hours it would be six hours right well school day is about seven and a half so we but in the terms of this we'll call it 8 hour call it 8 hours yeah it won't be that long but yeah correct for 400 and a 250 half day 250 and then I'm I'm going to extend that because the next line is about exceed ceeding the base rental at 130 I would make the proposition that it would be an additional 100 if it were to go over the four hours yeah for for again for a school a school purpose so it' be for the each hour additional if it runs over it be to be at 100 instead of 130 the only thing I'd say to that is if you're doing a full day mhm at once you go over now you're doing overtime so you're doing time and a half for whoever the driver is and that's when you're into that weekend rate so just be mindful of that so so all of a sudden your hourly costs um you know probably goes 40 something dollars an hour MH uh just for the driver yeah which I understand but I would imagine a field trip you know again planning them you know if you if you're going to be back at school for 12:00 you're going to be back at school for 12:00 you wouldn't anticipate an extra hour just for fun per se you know what I'm saying sure so you yield I that's my motion and so there's a motion you've given it a second yeah on in on a second yes um Seth how how um I mean are we how is the like we booked pretty solid for the summit I means or um it depends on so the the rentals the full day rentals of stuff that is starting to ramp up we have a wedding we have a couple other things booked um the uh I think the trolley uh this is going one step up to the event tickets that that was just starting to be publicized and the interest in that is very very high um and then the trolley route tickets those are starting to ramp up um I think that the incredibly hot weather over the last couple weeks didn't really help us much um but I think people are starting to get excited about it and use it um so I would say there's a lot of interest I I don't know exactly what the numbers are right now youd probably get a better crowd maybe to like late summer fall I think you're right yeah I think you're right all right thank you Council work can I ask followup question sure Mr Reen I'm just curious as far as the driver you mentioned pulling away somebody from DCM so does the trolley not have a dedicated driver no no okay no was that ever in the plants to have a dedicated driver no okay no it just it wouldn't be used enough to have somebody that their only job was to do the trolley because I think the the initial idea was let's see what the interest is let's plan weekend type things yeah um and if it ends up being a nine to five seven days a week well that's a different animal yeah uh and we'll pivot if that's if that's where the interest goes okay so it all depends how far it goes then those decision be made okay I Y thank you you're um ATT aens when you're looking at the cost of Maintenance drivers gas Etc what's the insurance like now that we have young children on the trolley as well with no seat belts yep is there a requirement for seat bels there is not for young children there's no requirement like a bus school bus doesn't have it okay but um what is the insurance who how do you is it the city self-insured on that yes y that's kind of concerning fair enough uh the city self-insured which is why it's important that whoever drives it has a passenger endorsement right um that's at least showing that we've done our due diligence and making sure that the drivers are qualified um you know they're going to observe you know very careful speed limits and turning and all sorts of other appropriate measures but you're absolutely right there's there's no way to avoid every potential bad thing that could happen I mean most of the time when there is a field trip of some sort there are adults that are with the children it's not that you're going to put you know a group of eth graders on the bus and say okay we're going to bring you here check it out and get back on the trial there's going to be somebody there but ratio limits um and is this going to be operational all year or will there be times that it's not or will it be weather permitting type thing so I think it's weather permitting but at this point I don't know what the plan is for let's say December January um I don't know uh if we know yet how it is when it's slippery out uh I I don't know that we want to find out you know in the middle of a wedding um so I think we need to find out a little bit more about the trolley that we have to know what we're going to do in the Colder Weather and then when you talk about you know special trolley tours for the trolley just to drive around the city and you know Hop On Hop off kind of thing there needs to be some designated places to say P Street is Restaurant Row no there's three restaurants there and on Sundays they don't even open um or they've open at night um but is a special TR tour would that be going to the Lizzy Borden house by Maplewood by the cemetery have we talked to the Friends of Oak Grove Cemetery to do a whole um Tour on that that you know Lewis Latimer's there that you know um Lewis how is there um besides just Liz bord and we have a lot of other historical significantly historical individuals who've done stuff in this city um one of them was a owned a lumber yard I think Slade's Mill or whatever and his Tombstone is a tree trunk that looks like a like there's things like that but if we're not engaging with some of those others the highlands I mean people go to Charleston and they see these beautiful homes they are nothing compared to the homes we have here like who designed the home who built the home dery is a replica of the um city hall in Paris how many people in for River even know that so are those considered special tours and when will those be run versus just a ride around the city so and hop on help off so I know that there's special tours in development right now so Highlands uh is one of them and there was actually and I think you alerted us to this uh there was some great work done years ago with uh scripts and other things for special tours um and I know those are being used I don't know exactly the timeline for Rolling those up I mean there's a lot of different things around the holidays you can have a character event so it can be mommy and me or Daddy and me or mommy and daddy and me whatever and go to the children's museum some people once they've been there and they see it they may want to get a yearly pass as some place to bring the the children and then maybe go to the Carousel or go to the library Dave Melo always has something fantastic going on at the library but if you did that like as a tour for a specific day who's going to be in charge of doing all these specific tours and having a calendar of of events to say what tours are going to be happening I I just you know you and I know my feelings about the need of a CH director yes because tourism it generates dollars it does and not out of the pockets of necessarily the residents of Far River but brings other people in sure um yeah no doubt um so right now uh because the city was not able to collect money Viva Fall River has been doing a lot in terms of setting these things up and working with us on what have they set up fill me in in terms of actual you know the trolley schedule the QR codes there's uh pamphlets um the the little program that you can do the mapping and see where the trolley is they've been working with uh with Sam and our in our office uh and the mayor and Jasmine who did uh the grant part uh she's phenomenal Jasmine she's great she's amazing um and Sam does a good job she she's just got too much to do yeah but I I I will say I think she really you know every day is is putting it together doing amazing work uh her work in the Fourth of July was was fantastic uh so we have some really good people and um talk about the 4th of July I got called about the food trucks and ruts at Vietnam those weren't food trucks that was a boat trailer I'm sure of it I have the evidence but we'll talk about that some other time um anyway uh bottom line is is there are some great people at the city who are able to to do that work um up until now it has been a lot of work with Viva Fall River um that's a partnership that that we found to be very valuable but it's not going to be exclusively their territory it that's not going to be no no okay I mean I kids $20 depends on what it is you know they could do a family package if they have a special event I think it's a work in progress at this point so I think going with what councelor um Rosa said to put in that Amendment at least it'll give some opportunities we know what transportation is like in all the schools um that school and some kids may never have gone on a trolley so you know Council proposing yeah just to respond yeah so I my part of my Amendment would be schools that are in the city of Fall River with the understanding that the using of the trolley would be within the city limits so you know like I said children museum Historical Society things within Fall River that normally I think they wouldn't be able to access and I think this would give an opportunity for the schools to access them with something on a on a smaller level cuz you know I think I think you're taking a a class of 25 students you can take them on the trolley versus getting a 47 seat bus for 25 students right you know it makes I think it it makes sense on the educational side where you can bring you know two adults 25 kids to the battleship right for for a half day type of field trip so do you you Council so I think that your Amendment needs to be further Amendment amended that it needs to be a school in Fall River and the trolley can only be used within the limits of for river is that it is so I guess the question is right now does the trolley leave the city limits it can for special it can for the special rental yeah but that that yeah there has that has to be identified in the application okay so but it would be up to the to the city to decide if if a school or if anybody were to request the trial let's say to go out of the city the city has the ability to say no surely right okay so I don't I don't I don't think I'm going to add that to the amendment simply because I think think I'll leave it to the the city to decide if you know if a school wants to take the trolley to Boston I don't think they probably not going to entertain that um well the liability that the Council of prayer raised that that would be my biggest concern it's putting it on the highway for a long distance uh I just think you're asking for trouble whereas around the city you know moving slow you know where you're going you know um and we're talking about a situation where you know point A to point being and back again yeah versus you know outside of that so I mean I I can add I'll add it to the amendment that it would it's a school within Fall River for a trip within the city limit the city limits is there a second on that back do you yield I do Council you have something to add I'll second it but now that you you're mentioning this and um and as far as the liability goes uh so if there's weddings there's going to be I'm sure there's restrictions that you can bring on onto the trolley and there's waivers okay so yeah there's there's things that need to be signed as well as restrictions um the other thing too is I don't know if other schools outside the city they may want to use it and by changing by so if they want to use it which I don't even know if that's possible I'm sure it could be possible um I they could rent it like a trolley rental but it would cost it would be that that would be back to the oil prices yes y okay yeah I'm just okay that's fine I just wondered if there'd be a little push back on that cuz there there a school as well it's not our school no I got you I hear you I'm just wondering did you second the amend I so all in favor do you want to add something else before we vote on that um do we want to vote on that further amendment can we have the clerk read it completely please yes so I have an amendment to insert a school full day rate of rental for $400 a school half day rate of $250 both of those would be specifically for schools located in full River for tours with in the FL over City Limits and then also um the rentals in part three I believe at the bottom there under try rentals would be $100 for schools within full River instead of $130 okay so there was a motion made a second all in favor I item number six is uh the property maintenance attorney Ry and could we also have um Mr Fury come down attorney Ramsey if you want to start with um this ordinance and sure what Allan Rumsey Corporation Council for the city of Fall River um in reference to the property maintenance maintenance ordinance um it's a complete revamp essentially um what we have we had nuisance chronic nuisance properties in section U 4616 we had maintenance of vacant in foreclosing residential property and uh 42-1 and so what I think would probably work best for the city is a new Property Maintenance ordinance where it's all together I proposed it would be in chapter 10 I think you have it before you but if you look at it we start out it's just the uh definitions included things like that in the beginning part of the property maintenance ordinance but there's essentially three sections within it division one is where we have the registration maintenance of vacant and FL cling residential property kind of the second part of that division two is the blighted properties and that's more of the minimum housing type things and then the third section division three is nuisance properties and nuisance can be anything from the police um criminal nuisance properties fire department if it's a fire hazard as well as inspectional Services can come in for cause something a nuisance for being dilapidated and finally uh inspectional services or Department of Health anything that would be a serious threat to the public and that can include things like uh pools of stagnant water overgrown vegetation that U May Harbor rats dead Decay trees things of that nature so that's the suggestion have all of these things anybody who has a property in the city of Fall River would find it easier if it's all in one section there are of course a few things that would need to be changed which I have I think was submitted to um this board things that would need to be deleted or removed from prior sections because it's all going to be in the new section Mr fiori if you say your name and F fii minimum housing director Mr Fury what are some of the problems that you have when you go out especially I mean I know we we've spoken about people that just let their grass grow crazy and then there's rod in there a dead cat or something and but we don't is there anything in here that would assist you if you look at these ordinances are there things here that would assist you in being able to do your job uh not so far as your average overgrow no um but yes these would assist me great in total would assist me greatly okay um some some of this is um was because we have two vacant um property ordinances now 421 and and um 1097 and they have they have conflicting um Provisions that presents an Enforcement issue issue yeah um because one excuse me one um 421 is just residential 1097 is any building right so when it comes to a residential property which is covered by both if they have conflicting Provisions it it causes an enforcement problem so you see a problem it makes it a little B more difficult to try to solve that problem uh as far as the um the nuisance property this is I think a a very large Improvement as so that there are more ways that we can attack more properties than we can now because the ex the existing ordinance is not exclusively but mainly geared to to the police department really designed because it's about occurrences so many violations right it's but there are properties that I think would pass the duct test in almost everyone's eyes but it's about the condition that they're in it's really not about three incidences in two months it's just as they sit and the current ESS does not really address that and this one does oh yes attorney Rumsey what Mr Fury is talking about with two different ordinances kind of competing at one another what can we do to straighten that up out well I think this dust straightening out I've worked with uh F very closely he's been he's been great and been giving me feedback on what his department needs and I've tried to address the needs of his Department as well as what the police department the fire department needed as well as inspectional Services because even like people that are dumping things illegally I know father travaso Park this past week Somebody went and dumped a bunch of stuff there and there's no cameras there but there's got to be somebody on Alden Flint Janks that there has cameras do we work with do you work with the police department to say hey this was dumped here I know you can go through the trash and see if there's any signs of where it came from but do you also work with the police department to say can you pull cameras see who has cameras here to how are we how are we working with well my office our purview is private property right so we we have conferred with the DCM Compliance Unit and they're the ones who directly work with the police department because they do public property they're responsible for dumping on public property so we may identify a problem we may have to work together with them because some of it is on public and some on private so we have two different cases going but if it's something in a park they they generally would be the agency that works directly with the police department as far as setting up cameras things like that okay I mean years ago part of it I know part of my job when I was a kid was on Saturdays to sweep the gun and get rid of the Weeds on the sidewalk nothing in here you know says that that's the responsibility of the landlord of the homeowner but years ago you didn't have to do that because all homeowners did it they just did it today they tend not to and it makes the city look dirty um is that something that we could put in to say hey it's your responsibility to clean this up or no with the ACL you say you can't have them do that well the issue is for issues like that it's whether you know it's public health safety type issues so you know you're going to have less ability to have any real enforcement if it's just a visual idea but once you get where you're pulls of stagnant water which of course right it can you know mosquitoes things of that nature then then the city has much more leeway into enforcing it but so it has to rise to the level of nuisance I'm not sure what you just discussed is I just think it's pride and unfortunately not everybody has pride in the city they live in can't disagree with that statement I'm just it's not necessarily Rises to the level of a nuisance property we've done our best uh right I don't know if we can do any better now on some of the properties too there was an ordinance that we had that if you were an out ofch child landlord you had to have a sign with someone within a certain limit do you remember that uh Mr Fury I think Steve karra put that in many years ago do you mean any property yes the property that's owned yet that's not owner occupied that they have their name and number a contact for them oh um inside you mean right oh yeah that's um we enforced that in minimum housing and how is that working out it works pretty well I mean it's it's actually in the code it's actually in a aside from a city ordinance I wasn't even aware of a city ordinance we do have a city ordinance I think Steve camarra put that in that's that's because it's included in the minimum housing code now so that is a that's a violation if it's not there it is in this for vacant registration that's part of the registration process here because it's important to know if something happens that the we have the ability to contact somebody and especially now we've had a lot of people from out of town come in purchase properties and we don't really know who they are if you go on Patriots property and you'll see it's an LL see from Worcester or Chicago or Ohio but they're supposed to have somebody from around here for better for worse we know a lot of them I know you do I know you do Council reposo thank you madam chair um so to both attorneys I as I read through this I noticed residential what about commercial cuz the it even when I started reading the definitions when I look through this it defines residential property pursuant to mgl 244 it defines residential property but it doesn't Define or mention all of this in the sense of a commercial property well for blighted I don't think it distinguishes I don't think it distinguishes for nuisance either and and I'm going to tell you why this came to mind so um under blighted properties division 2 and then the subsection of procedure for demolition um when I read through all this I'm thinking about a house that is blighted that would be up for demolition but if it's a commercial property that should have been demolished a long time ago it's nowhere defined in this so I guess my bigger question is do we need do we have a separate or we do we have a separate ordinance for commercial properties or do we need to include commercial properties in this I don't think we need to include it in this um but I can go back and look at it for you I can't say I'm prepared to discuss the commercial property what we have on on board right now um I can look at it and report back to on this but I don't think it would need to be included on this okay attorney Aken I think that was maybe a question now to you was that the intention at some point was to address commercial properties that are bled vacant should be destroyed vacant is the is the key there because there's a different treatment of vacant commercial properties versus vacant Residential Properties um in terms of uh commercial properties that are blighted or or or ready to fall over ready to fall over that is already very much within oh I'm sorry that's okay that's already very much within the building code enforced by inspectional services so the building inspector um has a program and under the international building code um once you get above a certain square feet or number of units or there's a number of different uh things he uses there's a whole standard that he's able to enforce so this is where the more subjective stuff this this this particular uh proposed ordinance the more subjective conditions that uh cause risk to health and safety are Tred to be addressed whereas they think commercial properties are pretty well covered by by inspectional services and and State Building to okay that was my understanding as well um just that kind of not a loophole but the regulations were needed for the residential that the commercial was already all set as I said I'm happy to go back and look at it please it that would be great that would be appreciated Mr fioria just on for you do you have a sense of how many properties we have that are defined as blighted and then how many we have defined as nuisance properties as of right now no well nuisance properties fortunately do not really stay on the books for very long the pro the the point is to solve the the problem correct um I under the current ordinance and it's not that different from this um this ordinance the first step is to notify the owner that they've been designated as nuisance property and they have 10 days to come up with a plan to aate the nuisance um I I have a couple of those right now have not gotten to the stage where they need need to be fined because they are abating so if all goes well we don't have a long list of those blighted properties no per se uh we we don't have a list of blighted properties okay that was not really clearly defined in the law before this so it would be problematic to say well that's blighted or sure and what about vacant properties in the city um about 65 Residential Properties um I'm not sure of commercial properties many commercial properties are vacant only temporarily correct you know they're in between tenants maybe they're they're um they may be for sale but they're not necessarily listed for sale we don't know that I'd say um you know maybe about a dozen that are problematic okay but again if you have a property that's vacant because the renovations haven't started yet but it's changed hands recently we know it's not a long standing condition so that's not we keep an eye on them but not really we're not really designating them yet a developer buys the property it may be sometime before they get started on it well we keep an eye on it but we don't typically um uh put those on the list right away okay that's good if I may here um Mr fi we uh just you said 10 days for the nuisance which is not how it's written which I mean existing on is okay I guess my question is if you think 10 days I understand why 30 days on blighted but as it's written right now it's also 30 days for nuisance and it's it sounds like 10 days it might be more reasonable because the nuisances are something that generally can be corrected quickly so I just want to make sure that this board we can discuss whether that should be 10 days and make that change now if need to be i' i' make the argument we should I mean if it's already well known and it's you know attempts of been made to remedy the issue and the police department's been called and it it's it's a it's a problem to public health and safety then you know 30 days is is very nice of us but it should I I would say 10 would be sufficient so I'll make that in the form of a motion to amend it SE sure uh 10- 334 is that correct that's correct and it would be easy change to 10 days because you can always it does allow for additional time if inspectional Services the health department thinks that more time is reasonable oh yeah that's just for presenting the plan you know that plan is not often implemented on day 11 it has to be discussed we we want to get a a feel that it's a realistic plan um you know it's pretty easy to send a letter and say well I'm going to do this this and that correct um so it's I mean I think the point is that what's really important here is to have the engagement and the conversation with the owner uh that's the approach that uh that we take and I know the police department takes that approach try to work with you uh see what cooperation we can get um there have been times when I've helped a property to develop a plan because that plan wasn't quite realistic uh so the final plan wasn't in place quite in time but yes they should respond it responding in 10 days is good because it moves things along no matter know when that starts to be executed agreed so I'll make the motion to amend um 10- 334 by striking 30 days and inserting 10 days in the form of a motion second yeah second okay all in favor I I and then we should we make a motion to approve first reading as amended yeah we could do that motion made seconded all in favor I I I thank you and I will tell you that I did speak with Mr Hathaway um who is unable to be here tonight because he's sick and he thought that this um ordinance was good and would help if I can give this to council proposal I don't know if you need to formally make those changes as well those are the changes that need to be made to be consistent with the adoption of the new ordinance it'll have to come in for what yeah he's going to have to create striking those out so we can we can make a motion to send that to Corporation councel and he will send us an ordinance striking those out to make the changes right all right so I'll make the motion um to send a request to Corporation counsel to produce the ordinance to strike out to strike those out strike out the old uh pieces of the ordinance and that will come to us at the next meeting and then I'll bring it to ordinance can strike them out okay so there's a motion as a second all in favor I I'll give this to the clerk oh okay I'll keep it oh do you want it back it's just the way that it has to go to come back to us got it okay thank you gentlemen um the next item on the agenda item seven is um yeah 7A a one-year demolition delay and I don't know if uh Mr Akens wants to stay here for that or Corporation Council um but there was the one-year demolition delay I'm prepared to speak on it okay I did speak again I did speak to Mr hathway about this today um because he wasn't able to be here but he said to share with the committee the concern he has for one-year demolition would be something like the property that was at the top of Bedford Street in the water department there was aestus there and if you waited a year um you know to demolish that building then the city would have to pay funds to secure it to you know put plywood on all the windows and so that people weren't going into it um he said that's the concern that he has the amount of money that it would cost to secure a building for a onee additional frankly I have some concerns too pardon I I have some concerns too I mean I I believe that this was filed uh came to our attention by Alex Sylvia wasn't it was it preservation um so are you here representing preservation Alex could you come down yeah and Mr nrai as well Jason if you just state your name and address for the record uh yes it's uh Jason Bard naraki uh 45 Bigalow Street I chair the historical commission right and Alexander Silva 148 Purchase Street board director member of the preservation Society of B River nonprofit okay so if I may here attorney rsey you know I I I wrote the the ordinance because of the request of uh the city council or at least this committee that being said I did do some research on it and you know I think there's a couple things that's unusual about this so I just want to at least share some information with this Council and the council can do it with this committee and the committee can do what it wants okay um first of all you know what's the purpose of a Dem demolition delay I mean basically the purpose of it it's a poll so that usually the developer and the town can kind of work to see if there's a way to save the building corre so I'm not certain that there's too many municipalities that actually have this for City owned building so what I mean by that is you know although the demolition delay may make sense for a private developer come in um you would think that the city has already taken those steps you know it it's not somebody who's necessarily just trying to make a quick bu and doesn't care about the historical significance of the city you would think the city officials already have that so I'm not I'm not certain there's many demolition delays for municipalities at all much less increasing it from six months to a year secondly um as I said this is just numbers I picked off the the massachus State Historical preservation plan um currently there are 203 cities and towns that don't have a demolition delay at all um this is according to the most recent numbers here um and of the ones that have it it looks like there's about 150 cities and towns that do have a demolition delay of some sort and the majority of those are six months so as I said it's not my decision to make I just wanted this committee to understand that 6 months is I mean if there's 150 that have it 23 don't so most don't have it the ones that do most have a six-month delay um and as I said I couldn't I don't know there's nothing I could find readily available this show whether Municipal own seems to be an outlier as well so I I I understand what the historic U preservation plan is and I support it I I I don't know if it's really going to works for city- owned properties okay any have anything to add want go first or I'll let you go first uh hi uh so my understanding is that all existing demolition delays throughout the Commonwealth do actually apply to the municipalities if they own buildings that are actually on their qualifying lists whatever that may be some it's National register some it's local historic district some it's like for's list of significant structure uh so far actually does have buildings you know the Armory is on the list of significant structure and is subject to a demolition delay so that's a Far Over City and building so um actually I also checked how many uh communities have uh demolition delays in the state as well and the number I checked I think from the mass start commission had a majority actually at the 12 year 12 month Mark um it was close but there were more with 12 than that uh the impetus I'll add the impetus for the 12mon demolition delay for city-owned properties was more for a city to lead by examp example sort of uh thought mentality uh ideally the 12mon demolition delay like most other municipalities and communities throughout the Commonwealth apply to all of the properties on those lists not just municipalities um this is a way to kind of ease the public uh into the knowledge of what this demolition delay is and if you know down the future they want to apply it to privately owned properties you know at the best of community you know desire Then There It Is that's all um and the historical commission when it comes to um any city-owned property we haven't in recent time well aside from the water uh admin building um we have in the past approved waivers if there's a need to demolish the building if there's a a public safety hazard or some sort or if the building is just past its point of reuse uh we have been able to in the past approve um a wa to the demolition delay um so and that's within the current six month that we have now within the six months that we have now correct yeah okay and I mean I think it's a good argument to make that you know the cost of buttoning up a building that's a hazard shouldn't necessarily be the driving Factor um whether it's public or private perfect example could be the NB boorn school which was demolished early because the private owner refused to button up the building um rather than making a private owner button up the building at no cost to the city actually at a profit to the city uh it was demolished thank you Council reposa so clarification for me so the current ordinance speaks to privately owned structures listed on the four register of significant structures but the ordinance doesn't mention anything about city-owned properties so is that the rationale why this wants to come to be I I guess I'm I'm I'm I'm misunderstanding this um so no the demolition delay that we have now I believe covers every building that's on the Fall River register of significant structures that does include a com a combination of City owned and privately owned so there any city-owned properties that are not on the register of significant structures probably would be consider City Hall one actually now year requirement is is com 2026 I believe say the 50y year mark on the building yeah it's it's there structures and buildings are added to the register of significant structures at the will of the owner okay so if a if a building that's City owned is not on the register of significant structures is there a delay on it no no okay one of the examples that there would be one is if you go to the top of Bedford Street the initial water building that's up there if they wanted to knock that down then you'd have to have a six Monon or you'd have to you know because that's registered because it's registered it's older that type correct all right so this so what you're suggesting or what this ordinance this new additional ordinance is suggesting is just to identify City owned properties with a 12-month delay it wouldn't change the existing not identify it would be to increase the delay for existing and future any City any city-owned properties that are on the register the register okay okay that's what I'm that's the piece I'm missing cuz when it says it just says for City owned properties yeah no should be it should be qualifying City that on the four of register cfic structures that's I think that's the piece that's missing and qualifying we so the qualifications at least to get onto the Fall River register um it's very similar to that of the national register criteria and um so the building unofficially should be about 50 years old or more that's the the tech Tech AG I I guess I'm just getting at is is there a loophole here essentially a city-owned property that's not on the register has no delay that's at the bass of the city yeah okay so I mean that's probably something we should also look if we're if we're going down this route of looking at this we may want to consider that loophole if it exists of course but I'm sure I'm sure there could be an example I don't think it's a loophole it's just it's if it's not a significant structure there's no need for a delay okay and in process of that when it comes up to at least privately owned buildings um I when once I received the notice from um the licensing department um I check the register and I send a confirmation whether or not it is and if it's not it's a just they get their demo permit okay yep fair enough that's my questions I yield okay has there been a problem Mr nakaki with any building uh city-owned or in private well either either um the issue that we have right now is that it's more of the procedure of which so once I receive notice and I send that back over to the licensing department there's um especially if there is a six-month delay enacted um so it starts once I received the notice and I've confirmed that um there's no requirement for that property owner to come before us um to seek any alternatives um so some in some cases they'll just wait out the 6 months um we just had one recently on um I believe it was on Alden Street it's a vacant uh structure that's part of the um the curtain Lofts that was never part of The Rehabilitation and um so they gave me the or corn uh so they've uh have asked for um a demo permit so I gave them the expiration of the demo uh demo uh uh delay period and they're just going to wait it out and that should be the case so in the case of say the NB board in school um we and I wasn't on the commission at the time but uh repeatedly the owner was invited to uh come before the historical commission and never once did they come in so it just waited out um so yeah there's no requirement um unless they're seeking a waiver then they then they do need to meet with us and then you can give them suggestions of other things that they may be able to purpose the build okay and if I may as I said I think at the first uh meeting on this subject and in my subsequent letter I believe that I sent to the city council and Corporation Council in May um really the 12month extension for the city is I would argue one of the Lesser important pieces that I think should be train changed and um I had sent you all a copy of the city of New bedford's demolition delay ordinance and I think uh kind of mimicking aspects of that procedure would really identify those problems because as Corporation Council Ramsey said that the purpose of this ordinance is to work with the owner to try and find out if there's a solution to some way save you know either the the building physically the history of it you know what may have you um and right now our current demolition delay ordinance does not do that as um Mr badaki just said uh people can just wait it out um they can make a presentation with providing no actual evidence you know just kind of hearsay and you know taking it at their word um new bedford's demolition delay ordinance actually requires that they bring information to the hearing um including a scaled map showing location of the subject building or structure and references to AB budding properties a statement of the reason for proposed Demolition and data supporting said reason and a narrative description of proposed development plans for the property right now we don't we don't require anything you know there's um a lot more we can go into here there's actually 18 steps to once the process starts to once it ends that the city of New Bedford goes through um their their requirements it just is a 75y old building it's not even on a list like Far River has you know so it's just any 75-year-old building in the city so a lot of communities have different rules different ways about doing this and far we can customize this to our own needs and desires um in fact the city of Providence just last week updated their demolition delay ordinance to strengthen it to make there be more of an opportunity for Community input feedback possible solutions to avert demolitions um they actually have I think it said in the article 2600 properties that are covered under their demolition delay ordinance last time I did a quick count of the F register I believe it was closer to 1,800 so you know it's not it's not a crazy it's not a crazy thing to imagine I think thank you does anybody have any feelings on that um no I I I mean I think I'll make a motion to uh for seven pass it through the first reading as it is as it is with the six months or the 12 no the 12 so as I said nothing currently written changes the actual procedure of Fall Rivers to make it more similar and thorough to new bedford's um I had sent a copy of the ordinances a couple Pages um like I kind of highlighted it's different aects but like like ideally fer would recreate recreate some kind of aspect of process I I think what happened is um I'm Sor what came to what came to Corporation council's office was a request to change it from 6 to 12 which is what was done as I said I don't I don't personally recommend it but I I wrote it um because that's what I was asked to do um so I'm more than I didn't look at yours because yours was a kind of you sent it to me and thought there's more teeth but it has to come from the city council or so it wasn't the request of the city council for me to do that yeah it was just well we can certainly request that in this meeting no sorry initially I had thought that it was fully asked to like to for the process not just the 12 the 12 year I think so that letter was just to kind of reiterate that the most important part was looking at the process I think councilor reposo did you yield Council I did yeah okay okay so I'm I'm going to make two motions the first is going to be um to amend this this language here to add um listed as a on the four of register of significant structures which I feel is missing from that um small paragraph there so that would be my first motion so right here let me let me make sure that that's the case counselor um just because I only added the end of it I don't have the beginning of it in front of me this is 38113 yeah let me look you have it3 yes no that's the sorry this essentially to mirror the language because it's because 38113 mentions a the building inspector should not approve any application permit to demolish in whole or in part any structure listed on the for of register of significant structures unless with respect to such structure they have been filed with him and his Department statement and writing so the beginning of 38113 as it exists I think does already cover what you're amending um because this change is just to add to the end of it okay so it it would the beginning of it starts out by saying the building inspector shall not approve any applic for permit to demolish in whole or in part any structure listed on the Fall River register of significant structures in less and it goes on so you feel that would cover regard it's any structure City owned private so I guess my next question is going to be so if we're going to if we're pulling out city-owned properties out of any structure listed on the four of a significant structures list so everything else that's not City owned would be 6 months City owned property 12 months right okay that's why this this language would just be added to the very end okay we're not we're not taking anything out okay so I'll I'll withdraw the amendment I I'll just make the motion to pass through first reading there's a motion to pass through first reading there a second what already part of that yeah I made the motion I'll second it sorry Paul PA in favor I I okay M Madam chair can I make an additional motion to request Corporation councel to review the current ordinance as it stands um for demolitions to then look at what Mr Silva is suggesting to see if we can strengthen our current ordinance when it comes to that um delay it gives you the ability to do that research for the committee be happy to do that make an formal motion second second all in favor I I I 7B and item 7B was the legal deed restriction on City own Council proposal yes so attorney R can you just um clarify to the committee in regards to why attorney uh for debt believe that it would be invalid to do this uh request because it's the it's the city council has the power right now to approve of sale M and if you're the suggestion that the historic commission comes in on every single sale of city property it it kind of takes away with the duties and the powers of the city council so I mean as thing stands um they can designate they have a way to designate property as being historic there's I know there's different levels um significant structure I think is probably the lowest level if I recall correctly from my days on the historic commission um so there's things they can do on their side and they can also come before this board you know when there's a city council meeting when they suggest that this property be sold but to automatically require it and then it goes back to them so that then they can do their job to say yes or no it's really um the wrong procedure it should be the city council uh's Authority and that the historic commission come before them and make their arguments to the city council I I think it just takes away the power of the city council okay right I you thank you is there a motion on the legal opinion is there a motion leave to withdraw um do we need to do that yeah it was kind of part of the other one Madam clerk I would say that if you felt the discussion on it there's no motion needed as it's not something that needs to Beed or approved yeah and item number eight is our last item and that is the legal opinion from Corporation Council regarding the bank Street arm um no we don't even have to accept L on okay so on this one um there was a request for an ordinance that allowed the historic commission as the official body to assist the park board with the bank Street Armory uh the problem is just I I I think the Assumption of the power of the armor is incorrect um and November 2020 I outlined an opinion as to where who has kind of control of the bank Street Armory and it's with the city council um when the bank Street Armory um was acquired many many years ago I don't it was not given to the park board as control it was city council who then um designated the park board as to assist them with the management and control but it was never officially given to the park board so this is General Corp corate um property the Armory remains and you know the historic commission wants to have a seat the table absolutely they they can talk to the city council and I think you have I mean the engagement has been excellent I I feel like you guys have had the ability to but this is not under the control of Park board so the request doesn't go anywhere councilor so essentially to Mr noaki it doesn't stop the historical commission from then proceeding to look for Grants or whatever what have you to help with the Armory situation if if we are requested to assist um I think we have the ability to assist if that if if there's request yeah and I I mean because I think I don't know enough about this but my understanding is that our our person who runs the grants is doing has done all of this work and I think the work you guys have done is actually redundant um I know you know I wasn't involved in all the meetings but I know when you approach the the administration with certain numbers the administration had those numbers months beforehand um so I mean I would encourage you to reach out to our grant writer uh I know she's been working diligently on this among other projects but I think you guys are uh repeating the same efforts okay honestly but I think that in in honesty there are other corporations and companies and endowments that are not you know quote grants but just companies with different endowments that if a proposal is written because there is no proposal written as to what you want to see the Amory become and with that written then other endowments will give if you're going to have something that's Sports connected there are some endowments that give for sports if there's going to be stuff that's uh for music venue there's some that are specific to that some that are specific to Art some that are specific to tourism um and I don't think that we have vetted all of those out um and I think for the preservation or Historic Society to work with the city maybe there needs to be one committee that works with them on this and stays in the loop to come up with a proposal and all that to come up with a plan of what are we going to do with it you know if you're going to do something for veterans there's money out there for veterans too so you can't just apply without knowing what you're going to do to be able to Branch out to different endowments and different grants that are available counil reposa so I I think you know if my memory serves me right in this the recent conversations he had about this if because it's an historical structure correct if the city were need would need to go out to get grants to keep it you know standing per se and I'm sure the historical commission has the ability to get to go after certain grants for historical buildings essentially the way I read this is that we don't really have to worry about an issue with the park board because it doesn't exist well they don't have control of it and I think any that the histor commission could do to obtain grants or funding of any sort they can still do in conjunction with the administration it' probably a great resource for and to work in collaboration with the grant writer who's also worked on certain things um they said right now I think a lot of the conclusions that you came to um the administration knew many months beforehand because they had already done the same work um so you know in short work with them um but I don't there's nothing that an ordinary or designation can do that would somehow make more money available as my understanding I mean the building is historic and it doesn't matter who has control of it right now but right now it's just the general property which the city council would have to approve any sale correct I think the biggest piece is to come up with a plan of exactly what you're going to do with it it's not just go see Jasmine and see what grants we can get because you're only going to get grants if you know what you're going to do with it and then you can funnel out to different locations where you can get grants if they don't have it and we have it we can't as a city council we can't go to CPC and say hey we want x amount of dollars for this but the historical Commission of preservation can do that yeah so there's got to be a way to either come up with um a specific committee maybe a couple of counselors and historic and preservation do an isolated committee to work on just this one issue and I don't know it really wouldn't fall under real State committee it really wouldn't would it be Health Human Services would it be tourism I mean I I think I'd make the argument that maybe we we request to the administration a committee be put together um for this particular topic now they were past the idea of of a sale that was that was on the table at one point now we're in a situation where there is no plan going forward so maybe it would be a suggestion to put to request a committee be put together a representative from the city council represent from the administration the historical commission to come together to begin developing what could be a short-term long-term plan for the Armory and then as turny Ry said you know the work is already can be done and or has already been done to start moving it Forward because as of right now there is no plan as we understand I mean just to play Double's advocate here and maybe I'm overstepping my role here um the store commission might prefer just to independent ly approach the administration because then they they're asking for exactly what they want where if you have a committee and maybe somebody who's um wants to build apartment and maybe somebody who wants to knock it down I mean I'm not sure our committees in the historic um commission's best interest but you know I just as I said I'm playing Devil's Advocate only there I'll I'll juster the chairman um and the and the historical commission for we got involved mainly to um there were a lot of unanswered questions and the information that was provided at least with the building was outdated um and so the building had the last feasibility study was that was done was over eight or nine years ago correct and we know very well that the real estate market has dramatically changed since covid um and the state of Massachusetts may have additional monies available for at least for feasibility for an updated feasibility study and so um the historical Commission didn't feel especially with relation to the deed restriction that's on the property um that the the proposed sale and the rehab that was initially proposed was not in the best interest of one the structure and also two it did not agree with we didn't feel that it agreed with the deed restriction um and um the way that it was written out um so that's where we were mainly getting involved we wanted to update that information to see what the market would support um if it was a blend of it could be a blend of offices in the in the head uh in the drill I'm sorry the uh the head house and using the the drill Hall as Recreation or it could it be apartments in the the front half and you know Sports in the back we that type of information was just not clear especially because the again the information was outdated um and that's where um where we were uh where we got involved um would there be a way that um that the city council could say that we would like the historical commission and the preservation Society to look at developing a plan on what the use would be and then from there submitting Mr Sil what's your thoughts um I think I said this in I the preservation had previously sent um a kind of like a quasi proposal to mayor kugan in February regarding the Armory after at his request um and I think as I said in that letter that the first thing that the city really needs to do is decide what we want the Army to become you know as a community as a whole um so really however best to come about that information I think is always the strongest course of action whether it be public hearings by the committee of real estate um an actual event somewhere or multiple locations in the city to gauge Community opinion you know solicit feedback you know come up with creative ideas because you know once we decide what we want to be there we can help make that more of a reality rather than just kind of seeing what want we catch first in the wind um whether it's you know a mix of Housing Office something entertainment like the mayor originally invisions something you know it to be an economic driver for downtown a connector to the Waterfront Connor to the water there are a lot of different ways that can be you know pushed forward whether it's you know doing a little work here or there or really just showing potential buyers the value that we see in the building I guess is the easiest way to put it so would historic and preservation be willing to have public hearings and we would always be h i mean i it it would have to fall in the historical commission for public hearing but yes yeah I I speak for the preservation Society or just personally we would always be happy to help you know come up with a community solution however that is so I I that's that's my thing I I just I just don't think a uh another committee would be I think what what we just what you just talked about is probably the best way to go I think it answers the question I had yeah and also too I think um I think it I think you'd probably get more done um where where you two team up and um either you know do a tour of the city about ideas and and things like that and obviously councilors and other folks would go there's no about it you talk to first I would think to the administration about it as well so I don't I just don't think a committee another committee would be would be good that's all that's all I to say yeah and I agree because I think at the end of the day we'll have to be involved at some point whatever what happens to the Armory but I think you're I think you're in a position the historical commission preservation Society to make those informed decisions to then present to us to say this is this is the study we've done this is what we propose these are the options and then we can act on them as we I I think us getting involved from the beginning I don't think is is needed to be honest attorney Rumsey how would the council be able to say we want to give the charge of you know looking at public hearings and coming well I think it's already kind of happening honestly I'm not sure anything needs to happen but you know the council wanted to have a resolution of some Port that some sort that put it forth that we that the administration you know continue speaking with the historic commission um but I know that's taken place I mean I know many years ago the idea was was some kind of uh Concert Hall that kind of fell through there was somebody actually paid a deposit I believe on it um that that fell through so you know so would that allow so in this case then would it allow the since it's being held by city council um is there anything preventing the historical commission from say applying for either uh uh grants from the state or CBC or anything like that to at least get that ball rolling yeah it wouldn't prevent that all grants just so you know all grants have to get city council approval I know it sounds crazy when somebody wants to give you money but if it's for a purpose you don't want I mean imagine if they want to think of whatever thing you don't want in the city of Fall River they want to give you for free it always comes before the city counc yeah and Jasmine's very very good at at trying to do that she's cor she excellent she's good okay so I I think it would be appropriate let let the historical commission some time to you know continue work you're doing and then maybe when you're in a position to to make a presentation to the Council of the progress the historical commission has made that at that point file a resolution app and come down and and speak to us on it we would love a time frame um so we have an idea what we're okay so uh your question you know what would a reasonable time frame for you be it truthfully depends so um I know Massachusetts State uh historical commission is opening up their Grant cycle I believe in I have to take a look it's either October or November um I believe CPC is also opening or CPC is coming up pretty soon coming up now too yeah um so once we have that uh because then we'll have I think the first question is and I I'll work with Alex too um to figure out what the immediate needs are um and what we're going to be applying for funding for okay and I would just like to add that you know in as far as soliciting Community input like it's great for the historic commission the preservation side you know host Community meetings but it really does begin and end with the city and the administration like you know having that buy in would really be a good indicator to the city like you know the city is hosting an event in the South End the North End in the middle to gain all like it would just be I think a much more driving force for people to actually think that their opinions are going to be heard well you could just excuse me you could you could possibly um you know have it at the neighborhood Ms for of course and um I know um I forget which um maybe it was the Redevelopment Authority they there was a a survey that was put out regarding the Flint um and then I think another survey that was put out for I think was it uh street art I think so those uh I and I prefer online surveys over anything uh we just had to send out paper surveys uh for the historic district commission uh or historic district in the highlands um and from the request of the state um so that would be great because everyone has access to that and we'll we'll have a better I think engagement so whoever uh work with whomever to put up a survey of some sort so so essentially we'll we'll wait until um the historical commission is in a position to to make that presentation so until then we just we'll wait on you essentially and you let us know not too long not too long okay you so you let the committee know yes when you're ready and then we'll put that resolution as a committee forward and I can ask um the commission um at our August meeting meting what they feel would be an acceptable time and I can and I will communicate with City Council on that if that okay and then we'll file the resolution from there okay and I I am willing to help out in any way that I can and if that means a meeting with the mayor and when we find out what exactly people want to do I know you're going to have veterans who going to say they need space there and because it was their building um you know and different things I personally think a tourism office there a visitor center there to link the downtown my feeling is that we need to have something there where people can come in get brochures know and that could be a trolley stop what have you um and I think that there's a lot of people in the city that would work with you if you think doing some sort of a form online maybe the city website maybe something can be done there so those kinds of things to Branch over I'm certainly willing to to help out with counselor proposal so Ju Just the want make a motion yeah the clerk made a good point I will make a chairwoman I'll make a motion thank you I'll make a motion um to file a resolution to have the historical commission make a presentation at a future meeting of the city council committee on Finance in regards to Future plant for the bank sh Armory and I put preservation in there too historic and historic and preservation so the motion is for historic and preservation representative yeah representative so you the chairperson be there's a motion second all in favor I seeing nothing the agenda motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you very much thank you [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Street openings less than five years um the request from the city administrator the first would be for 15 Robison Street motion to approve is there a motion to take items a through F together motion so made second motion made and seconded all in favor I I any opposed motion car you just read out items a through F please mhm we have 15 Robison Street 365 montop Street 323 South Oxford Street Oak grve Avenue in Locust Street intersection and Oak grve Avenue and New Boston Road intersection and the last um would be Palmer the Palmer Street Corridor motion to approve to approve has been made and seconded all in favor on counc C5 coun you have hand I just wonder why why are these emergency most of these cils new buildings in they're not emergencies no they're not emergencies they're just the um the 5year street opening requests they're not emergency though but are there houses being built there new constructions on the ones on New Boston Road the other ones right but I think that people should know and get approval from us before they start doing new construction because what are we going to do now say oh no you can't and then you have everybody else on the street complaining because they they just did our street and they're already making cuts and when they make Cuts they never put them back the same I've got one on Bedford Street they built a house and they put it now that all the trucks are going back and forth to Diamond bloody thing is sinking it's been sinking forever they should do it right it's crazy it's bonded progress I guess right you I don't know where that curb to curb and Flow Phil W but I certainly don't see it all right got to vote for it now because uh can't have somebody moving into a house and not have water or sewer or whatever right you your C aggravates me yeah I just wanted to say that council president want to let you know how I felt okay I think we all agree with it's frustrating it thank you so much Council C7 Council propos you have your hand up yes just for clarification purposes each of those items has a letter from Liberty Utilities specifying exactly what the issues are some are cutting off abandoned line service others are um for gas utility infrastructure and then the rest of them D through f are about reducing loss in unaccounted gas so they all have reasons it's in the letters in the packet but that's the communication we need to have with the gas company correct but those do that stuff before it's frustrating those are all in there I Y thank you thank you Council motion has remain seconded all in favor any opposed motion carries and lastly the committee on finance at a meeting held on July 16th voted unanimously to recommend that the accompanying order be referred to the full Council for Action this would be the ballot question regarding the new diamond high school roll call motion to adopt motion to adopt second second roll call roll call an adoption of the order council is kadim no Dion no Hart yes Kilby yes Pereira yes Pony no reposo no Samson no president CRA no the motion fails motion second motion to adjourn has made in second all in favor any oppos city council meeting is now adour [Music] [Music] he hey [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] m [Music]