[Music] over [Music] over hey hey heyy hey hey hey hey heyy [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] like [Music] Committee on Public Safety for the city council will come to order today is April 29th at 5: p.m. roll call here here uh pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advise that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by these by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible any citizens input no citizens input so we'll go with um the first item is is we're just going to take it out of the uh off the agenda a little bit we're going to go with number 10 right so going to take number 10 out of order uh seconded all in favor I Mr Bentley Paul sorry thank you good evening good evening how are you I'm doing well how about yourself I'm doing well the chief and just uh introduce yourselves with name Street number sure Brian bent superintendent director of diamond Regional Vtech high school I'm Paul Goin chief of police Stephanie Marthur director of traffic and parking Ste all right thanks for coming down it was just uh you know these items were still in the subcommittee for Public Safety and we just wanted maybe Mr Bentley just give us an update on the uh um the traffic and safety concerns around the diamond vocational and also too um with the new school being built if are there any issues that you might see for forthcoming well in anticipation of coming tonight um and what was done back in 21 when this was asked for uh I do have something for the members of the subcommittee to take a look at please and I will pass that out um we had a full-blown uh traffic study done and was presented to us in um August thank you of 23 it was presented to us and this was a traffic impact study on it was done by Niche and engineering and it was uh Co co-sponsored by Castle boes who was just put the microphone closer to you so absolutely thank you so uh getting back to what I was saying is that this goes back to 2021 uh in anticipation that there would be some questions about traffic uh Niche engineering did a full-blown traffic study for us it was a traffic impact study um and it is quite comprehensive I've given you some outakes from that but the full report is available for you to review if you'd like to see it it's in excess of 200 pages but I believe what you have in here in a cut down version of that uh does answer almost all the questions they looked at traffic flow with the major intersections uh what impact it would have on pedestrians traffic bicycles uh and they did all of that on Eastern Avenue Bedford Street and Locust Street which are the streets that are right near our school okay any um questions Mr gilby right now yes just looking at the recommendations at the end um conclusions recommendations 12.2 looking at the recommendations uh under existing conditions there are no bike Lanes along Locus Street St Haven Road and Bedford Street linking the school campus uh to the bike infrastructure on Easton Avenue nether sidewalks or crosswalks are present at the school driveways to provide Crossing except um the Stone ston Haven Road driveway the school May the school may be considered improving pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure to encourage more local students to walk bike as opposed to driving or taking the bus um further improve traffic operations at the school so your population of fall R residen is what 70 and in the school 76% 76% full yes um what what are your are your plans to address that is it in um the specifications for the school when a school's built that uh like Meridian Street the syvia school sidewalks will put in infrastructure a lot of things to encourage sure that area students walking back and forth to school sure the area right on ston Haven Road one other point sir the U Mr Bentley the um um the the drop off pickup Point as we know at the new dery high school there was some horror shows at initially with regard to the uh release of school and um horror shows meaning businesses some businesses were complaining the you know so now when um parents pick up their kids at duy they actually some Park on Langley Street some park close to BCC and the kids walk so I totally understand that major it's a major recommendation because it's only one item you follow what I'm saying I do so go ahead I do so with the way the school is going to be configured it's going to be in the back well off of ston Haven Road the current School sits where it sits uh and is the front and then there's the sidewalk and then the ston Haven Road uh where the current School exists will become our athletic fields the drop off and pickup point for the new diamond high school will be in the back where our athletic fields were there'll be a dedicated Lane in there just for car traffic for parking and for bus traffic so it's going to be well off the ston Haven Road line as far as sidewalks are concerned the existing sidewalks are on Stone Haven Road on both uh the East and the west side on Bedford Street does have a sidewalk on it I believe on the south side of the street not the north side of Bedford Street gading up to uh uh Diamond does not have a sidewalk it's mostly grass and on Locust Street uh neither of that neither sides are uh paved or have sidewalks on it is that in the plans uh to it's in the plans to consider it again we're looking at what would be the best traffic flow once the building opens or getting close to being open so it's under consideration it is not in the it's not in the current plans to build or ask to have it buil yet okay so it's not within the budget of the school as it's currently constructed that'd be a good way to say it yes that is correct okay um of course we try to stay fiscally as responsible as we can we know the the large burden I think that the taxpayers are taking on soon with regard to the school we want to do it right so where would the money come from if you found that um that side sidewalks according to this recommendation needed to be put in so I'm just gone by the recommendation I understand and uh Council Kilby we haven't gone that far into that project because that's still about years out uh the way that is going to be configured uh with the drop off and the pickup points is going to be removed from the flow of the traffic on both Locust Street Stone Haven Road um we haven't gone that we haven't dug that deep into looking at what the traffic flow would be we're more interested right now as where we are and looking at the construction that's taking place right now um and we're still about three years out anyway from having a completed building so would the money come from if it was needed it would either have to be out of regular Appropriations which would go back on the four communities um and it's right now we haven't considered that again we're Bound by how much money that has been appropriated to the construction project which is $293 million um if it's within the designs of that if the design can be within the confines of that budget we would make it probably something I have to say probably we would make that happen for safety and for safety reasons okay all right um thank you for the for the honest question so um I mean you're the superintendent there how many years you been there 30 what how many years You' been there Al together now this is year 42 yeah oh my gosh so I think you're more of an expert than I am in terms of the needs um but do you in your opinion as an educator and as a someone concerned about safety for kids do you think that would be the SCH now do you think it'll it'll be the current configuration of the building actually is more it loans itself to more safety concerns than what the the new building will as we sit closer to the roadway uh in the current configuration every day when there is dismissal we have uh 16 buses we're now going to go up to 17 buses for Transportation uh does become clogged but we have uh not a lot of Walkers and most of the Walkers go on Bedford Street and that's our fear there because there is no sidewalk on one side of the street okay and there never has been uh but that would be something obviously we would look at for safety reasons we would okay those my questions for now thank you so Mr Bentley um excuse me so you know my two boys go to Diamond so sometimes I drop them off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon it's it's very hectic in morning and afternoons yes um with the new school and how it's going to be configured you you they're still going to be driving in from ston Haven to If the parents drive in to drop their children off but it's going to be they're going to be dro dropped off down further where this where the football field is now where the football and baseball fields are they going to go down the yes they'll be there'll be dedicated roadway in there okay uh that was taken under consideration for the when the construction of the building of how to mitigate some of that traffic um it's worse now because there's no parking on the school property a lot of it and it's very very congested uh and it's a lot of one-way traffic um but it's working just because it has to work to get our students into the building uh the new uh configuration we'll have it going on both sides of the building to go in with a turnaround for the buses dedicated just to bus traffic justjust the traffic uh for passengers dropping off their sons or daughters uh is another one so it it should work out now the you said that the um the uh school is going down where the football field is and the all the other baseball fields so up top to the as you drive in to the right there's the large parking lot yes is that going to be um I'm sorry oh okay any votes yeah okay okay but before we can reconvene um is there a motion on the table motion will lift from the table I apologize I should have picked seconded a roll call or all in favor I okay so my point is that now is that this the uh is that going to be part of the fields that larger parking lot as well no the larger parking field the larger parking lot that is dedicated for students will remain main as it is right now it's barricaded because there's a road just for the construction road where the trucks go in every day that'll be eliminated which will add approximately another 120 parking places uh so that will expand for student parking um and where the current building is that'll be totally destroyed it'll be Dem demoed and that'll be where the park the fields will be for football baseball softball will be in the front of the building but the parking will still remain behind it okay and as far far as with and apologies for not really knowing the the act the um how it's going to be structured built but I I I've looked at it but I don't really recall remembering about the fields but the football field is that going to be a but New Haven Road but will that be settled down back it's going to be it's going to be pushed back more the existing building where you'd have to I'm doing this from C because I know but where the carpentry uh shop is right now which is the main part uh when you drive down that lane there's a big big Square that's there that's graphic Communications and and carpentry that's where the football field is going to be okay so there's still going to be room in there where the grass is is going to mostly remain uh and the football field and the softball fields and the baseball field will be down further okay and as far as the um the trucks that are going onto the uh property for building this the diamond they're are they coming in from uh Eastern a to Locust or are they coming in from high they're coming in right now off of however they get to the building they come up on uh Eastern Avenue there is signage that's placed in the in the median that's there that says Diamond construction traffic and it pushes them all the way down to Bedford Street if they're on Eastern Avenue they would turn onto Bedford Street up to the top like heading towards the water department taking a left onto ston Haven Road and then are right into the dedicated construction road that they buil and that entrance is at where Locust and highin meet where they drive in to the the current entrance yes it's at the the current entrance is at where ston Haven Road is uh it's off of ston Haven Road oh okay so if you're coming up Bedford Street traveling towards the water department y okay you take a left there okay you would travel oh maybe a couple hundred yards and there is the entrance right there oh okay so there's the main Diamond entrance with the electronic sign is the student parking lot AB buts that and then there's a dedicated construction road that is blocked off uh with Jersey barriers for them to travel in okay great all right um now uh Chief and uh the traffic department is there any uh comments or um that you'd like to make and have there been any issues as far as uh since the first of the year we've only had three calls to that area and they've all been for minor car accidents I've had zero other calls regarding any other issues regarding traffic okay I'll make a since it's an ongoing construction project I would make a motion to table this we'll second that all in favor I thank you very much Mr any questions I us to reach out absolutely will and as a parent too absolutely his son behaving okay they don't have a choice they know they're under scrutiny thank you so much Chief thank you take care all right and also um on item number two is there a motion to accept the minutes from September 12th 2023 seconded all in favor I and then we're going to go right now into uh number three for the establish oh right yep motion to lift from the table is seconded all in favor I we have the uh Fire Chief and who did we get hey chief how you doing doing well how are you I'm doing good thanks for coming well we just wanted to uh have you down here we had like I said we had some items in the uh subcommittee for the public safety and uh Mr aen can you come down as well please and um we just wanted to maybe uh get an update on on each one of these uh the first one is to you know the capital plan for the fire station buildings and that was tabled back in 2021 so so um as far as the the work at the Stanley Street Fire Station um the biggest concern I believe uh in 2021 was there was a massive roof leak and there was water getting into the basement um and the roof was addressed that is no longer leaking the basement they've attempted to address but there is still water getting into the basement um as far as the overall uh I don't know if a study was done that was before my time okay um if it was done I don't have knowledge of it as far as replacing or repairing um but it would be very difficult in my opinion to um to get that station to meet nfba compliance to have female firefighters we can't currently assign female firefighters or female paramedics in that station because there's just not enough room to put separate bath shower facilities and separate dorm facilities for females forgive me this is the Stanley stre stany Stanley Street as far as the center Station goes um there's a plan that's been in place that um is in facilities to uh to repair the facil side the Bedford Street side of the building um CDA money is um being used for that CPA CPA money I'm sorry um and then there's EMS has uh made money available to do Renovations on the interior of the building um and those projects are funded and um in the process in the planning process right now in engineering okay um Mr kby you have any questions no just I think um the spirit of this resolution was just to get your opin opinion in terms of the um the overall um physical structures that you have throughout the city I don't want to give put you on a spot and see a scale of 1 to 10 but I mean all of my buildings need some form of repair yeah um some are major than others um but they uh in the last two or three years there have there have been funds put into the buildings more so than I've seen in a while and we're on the right track in my opinion okay that's good to hear oh go go what are your uh top three major needs that uh building wise in terms of so we're in the process of installing HVAC systems in the building mini splits in the building said this already I'm sorry yeah no no worries um so I think that there probably needs to be some sort of uh the center Station definitely needs a lot of work but the good news is that that a lot of most of what it needs is being planned uh is in the process of planning um but just as far as um structurally I believe all the all of the stations are pretty sound so I don't have many concerns about structurally anything else would be um just some Comforts in the stations uh the Flint station is getting old I know it's uh it was built in 1987 but it needs Windows all my stations for the most part need Windows I think the roofs are all pretty good um but um flooring Windows lighting that kind of stuff just upgrades and that kind of stuff okay so probably would be uh Central then Stanley and um and then East Avenue yeah yep I'm showing how old I am but I remember when I was a tennis court yeah exactly I do too yeah yeah was a beautiful station was built it still is okay are you thank you okay so um did we want to uh as far as number three goes while he's do we want to deal with that right now Mr Co or um do you want well I I think we can give this Lea to withdraw yeah U we've gotten a brief description I think we uh so we keep communication with the city administrator and and he's our conduit to the F department so I I got the the information I need so motion of lead to to draw I I'll second that all in favor I do we need a roll call that no okay so number uh number three uh sorry number four is to to discuss the fire hyren testing I think we got to bring Mr Fillin down y motion from the table it's not okay Mr Fillin how you doing good you so um I guess Chief you can you can start it off but I know Mr fillan's got uh has a say in it yeah we actually spoke this morning I think we have a good partnership between the uh fire department and the water department in this in this area um what we try to do annually we we actually hit every single single hydrant in the city uh our each apparatus in the city is assigned a certain number of fire hydrants in their district and what they do is they go to check to make sure that they are functioning um one of we look to open the hydrant make sure it flows water and make sure it drains for people who don't know because we are in the Northeast and we're subjected to freezing weather the valve that opens and closes hydrant is below the frost line so when you turn the top of a hydrant there's a stem that goes down opens up a valve lets water in and then when it closes and shuts the water off it opens up a drain and allows the water that's inside of that hydrant to drain out okay so we check to make sure that the hydrants are both filling with water as well as draining so that we don't end up with frozen hydrants in the winter we also make sure that the the Caps are all operating all three caps on the hydrant are operating any deficiencies we find in that we report um through a computer program actually and U the water department addresses them and this this has worked out well for us in uh in the past and is this it's year round and every year no so we we'll start our hydrant Pro program we don't do it in the winter for obvious reasons we don't want to be uh to be opening and closing hydrants in in cold weather so we'll I think it actually rolls out sometime this month okay we'll start I and and um and our we don't put a date uh on when it has when when they need to start or how many they need to do they need to have it done by September and is there any like priority in the within the within the city is is do you put uh certain hydrant ahead of others and because of maybe because of the the neighborhood might be a little more densely populated than others so typically just for efficiency sake the units will start on a street do that entire Street and stay in a grid so we don't really because we know we're going to hit them all and that they've all been done every year we don't really put a priority on any gotcha okay Mr F yeah so uh a hydrant flushing program people call it hyd hydrant flushing program it's more of a water system flushing program that we do uh by anually uh we take about uh 4 to 600 hydrants per year uh we have a total of over 2800 hydrants throughout the city uh and we go and we do a flushing of those hydrants um that we take and we hook up a flush box uh we open up the hydrants uh almost full flow uh and allow the water to uh to flush out uh primarily one of the reasons that we that we do this is to actually uh scour the water M uh to remove any rust or debris that may be in the actual main itself not necessarily the hydrant it is also a good uh function test of the hydrant um so that's something that we do by annually uh we do have a crew uh of one dedicated uh maintenance employee and two as needed when work comes up uh four uh hydrant maintenance uh so typically the hydrants uh as the chief said uh the actual valve is down at the very bottom of the hydrant uh 4 to 5T below grade uh the top part of the hydrant you'll see a flange that's usually within 2 to 8 in off the sidewalk area that's a breakaway flange so if a car hits that the top of the hydron will break off we're able to send the crew out there I repair the rod that goes down that operates the valve as well as repair the the top reattach the top piece of the hydrant um so that's kind of H how the how a hydrant Works um and like I said our biannual flushing program runs through the hydrants we do it on a rotating basis uh all the information in relation to our hydrants is kept in our uh asset management software uh which we were just switching from a fulcrum software we're now on a utility Cloud software and I think just a couple of weeks ago we had the fire department in training them on the new software so that they're able to enter the information if they find deficiencies within the hydrants they can enter it directly in email gets sent to our staff so that it can go on the list for repair excellent Mr Kilby any questions no questions any uh motions do we want to leave to withdraw this or yeah this has been around for some time we yeah might as well leave I'll second it all in favor I thank you Mr Fillin thank you Mr F thank you letter item number five oh item number five is the convene with the fire chief and any interested parties to discuss updates of smoke and carbon monoxide alarm systems for Residential Properties this was adopted in 2023 Chief yeah so uh I think a lot of the confusion with um with smoke detector uh laws they're pretty pretty clearcut and there's actually very good information online uh through the state with uh with what's required based on whether you have a single to or a multif family um I think the confusion actually Lies when people go to try to do it themselves and they go uh go to Home Depot because Home Depot sells um most of their detectors are not mass compliant so you can use them in your house you can use them as extra detectors but that they sell ionization we you cannot you can use ionization in Massachusetts when you go to sell your house and we inspect it they have to be photo El electric okay so that's where a lot of the confusion comes in the ionization detectors also happen to be much less expensive so people naturally go in and they say oh I can buy the $60 detector I can buy the $30 detector so that's where a lot of the confusion comes in I will say that we are um as a department we're pretty um we're pretty Forward Thinking with uh with helping people out we have information available in our lobby for anybody that wants to come by um as of today we just sent sent out we have a letter that um explains the law and I have examples of that that I can give you okay I also have bro the brochure that we make available to people um when they come in uh and that letter is available via email or uh or mail or uh to come pick up at our headquarters at any time um we also today spoke with the city Fire Marshall we're going to make that available at all the stations he emailed it out today to the stations to put on their computer so if anybody comes in they can just simply print that out and it also lets them know how to contact us um or we'll let them know how to contact us if they have any other questions okay Mr kby I the only question I have is U so I mean it's Monumental task for comp to establish compliance right with property owners so usually the compliance is through a building permit or a sale so what happens is anytime you sell your house there a certificate of compliance that needs to be issued by the fire department where we come in it's only good for 30 days so we come in and we check your your entire house and make sure it's compliant as far as the smoke detectors go um most uh real estate agents are on top of that and we don't have a problem at many of our properties a lot of them is the the uh for a sale by owner or some of the smaller uh companies there's some discrepancy in the law when you get into some of the older buildings as far as um do they they need to be hardwired or can they be battery powered and what's what's acceptable so there is some then the more complicated issues we're more than happy to help people out and give them any advice that they need but I would suggest if you're selling a house and there's any question in the city of Fall River just contact our fire prevention Bureau and we have one um investigator one inspector that is he's a a residential specialist he can talk you over the phone and tell you exactly what you need to do um and then uh we come out and and do this ific of compliance did you show Department to um random random spot checks uh no so I know it's that's a difficult thing so so anytime we go to a as a district Chief um anytime I went to a call for alarm sounding if there was any kind of an issue with the alarms um we would notify the building department it's actually the building department that's responsible for enforcing the smoke detector law um so anytime that we were in a building and we had the opportunity to get in we would notify the building department um and that's more that's really where we do would do our quote unquote spot checks interesting okay just learned something all right um motion Mr K Y Leaf withdraw second a lot of these items and reason we're making these motions Lea withdraw is kind of a cleanup exactly right and uh a lot of these uh resolutions have been on for some time and I think the councils will find file the resolutions uh just looking for a uh you know an explanation anytime more than happy great job Chief thank you appreciate it uh my y uh all in favor I thanks Chief appreciate it very much have a great night you too uh item number six is the discussion regarding ways to improve resident safety regarding speeding within the northeastern a and Bedford Street area uh we need to make a motion to lift this from the table to lift second it all in favor I Chief's back traffic okay again with this was just uh maybe just get an update um through the uh the traffic department and the chief uh regarding um the uh North Eastern Avenue you know the speeding um I will say this as just a resident of Fall River and traveling up and down that particular area of the road it's improved immensely um it's been very very good I don't know if there's been any issues with you Chief or with the traffic department but um we invited a couple I think neighbors from the last time but well they they couldn't show up I don't think I just where we left at the last time um when we ran the numbers from the uh box uh traffic box that we put out there uh the issue was ultimately that the numbers did not correlate that there was a traffic issue along the NTSB standards so we still although the the concerns were there and obviously we heard the neighbors um we still did some spot enforcement um with we've got signs out there I promised The Neighbors in that group that we're going to get them a speed uh speed flashing sign uh to go along with the 40 other signs that are out there uh but we've done some spot enforcement uh and some uh some results have come back uh the times that were there uh we've given out a few citations I think uh 20 to 60 citations in the last three months but uh what I the feedback I'm getting from my uh men and women is ultimately that when we put them out there for four hours doing spot enforcement that uh it's not really worth a bank fra Buck I mean there's just thousands of cars uh that go by there that are following the uh the law and I think we gave out the last time we were out there I think we only gave out about four tickets and I think the highest speed was about 55 so uh the signs maybe um but it seems that people are following the rule but there are I mean it's just one of those things we have to continually be out there uh continually uh do some enforcement but um as far as a major traffic issue um compared to other spots City the numbers just don't uh pan out but I mean obviously we're working with the neighborhood and uh I've been in contact with the neighborhood liaison uh countless times and uh you know they're very supportive and we try to do what we can to help them okay and Stephanie anything to add I mean we do have quite a few am out of signs um heading both North and South um there is one solar powered um heading north um between Locust in New Boston Road for the 40 mph um I know that the residents were requesting one heading south as well well um which I've been in contact with Chris Hathaway over at the police department to get that sign up um for 40 m per hour signs we have nine signs one of them is solar powered both North and South um we have heavy residential area uh to please slow down we have five of those all this is all within about a mile and a half radius um and then we also have a children at play to slow down so we have a total of 15 signs in between that mile and a half radius so I mean do I do agree with the chief I do think that it has helped um I know that I've also gotten some complaints about Bullock um in northeastern have that intersection there being a few accidents over there right um but same thing like I said as far as signage um we do have ample signage on heading both North and South yeah there's no doubt they definitely do and residents help helping out too with their signs God sence uh there's no good question about it but you know the chief said some um as far as Northeastern Eastern a area what we're talking about correct um do you think there's other like what other areas do you think we should maybe focus on or is there any throughout the city well there there's uh multiple spots I mean obviously we just talked about ston Haven Road we could do more there uh we also have Deval Street which is uh heavy construction we can also do more there um Meridian Street is always an issue industrial park is always an issue uh these are traffic issues that from time to time always uh pop up and we do our best to allocate our resources uh to each of these spots it's uh sometimes based on the Manpower that we have it's a little bit uh like playing whack-a-mole you know just kind of moving around as as they pop up if you will yep absolutely Mr kobby you any um no I'm just a little surprised that the U the neighbors who may they not available but the neighbors who uh who for right re for the right reasons um I live on East Avenue and I drive by there every day and it was definitely it's a concern so um hopefully it's been alleviated but the best people to listen to are the people who who actually live there so um by way of an update Chief and and Madam um I'm I'm I'm happy that we got that but I'm I'm definitely not ready to uh give this leave to withdraw yeah I I did stay on uh school will is still ongoing the new school's being built but chairman Hart I know you know while you put it on in terms of yeah I will say that um the one of the residents did text me that saying that they weren't able to make it I probably I just forgot to tell LA on that but um but they did say that the um that the traffic in around there and the speeding has gotten much much better so they're happy about that but you know obviously we're not going to give this leave to with draw we'll maybe come back maybe in a few more months I haven't received as uh as many messages on social media uh to my city council line to my office line that I have I had in the past asked either so um but um I don't I don't I think the neighbors would still like this to remain open so we can have some you want to make a motion accountability yes so motion to table this item um future discussion and all in favor I uh the next one number seven is to convene with the administration and police chief to discuss firearm violence in the city sir would would it be I know from my spot would it be okay to take it out of to so we can handle all the certainly yes yes yes yes yes Stephanie absolutely can take item n is it just nine or um yes eight and nine eight and N eight and N I'll second that Corporation counil yes I was going to have can can come down just right now just eight and nine all in favor I thanks for that Chief good recommendation like a blind squirrel what's that okay a motion to uh take eight and nine out of voter and we'll take one we'll take eight separately right okay I'll say I'll second that all in favor all right all right so number eight we'll go convene with Corporation Council and police chief to establish the plan for motorized street bike safety measures and this is a resolution that was in uh 2023 a chief knows about I'm sure uh Mr that you've gotten a little uh affiliated with it a little bit and it's just um it's just maybe to just get a quick update from the T yeah second it oh okay second all in favor and um I guess so just maybe just get an update about it um obviously we don't want to have a strategy session here in the public that's yours we're not in the Huddle so uh go ahead Chief sure I mean I think the conversation resulted uh from uh 22 22 uh when we had a significant increase in ATV and dirt bike usage on the streets um obviously we convened uh we we did a ton of training inhouse um we've done uh a lot of different strategies out in the street um that have proved to be at least uh successful at the time uh in 2023 our calls for street bikes and ATVs uh went down significantly uh we I don't have the numbers in front of me but um just the issue wasn't as prevalent as it was the year before now going forward uh it's a new year uh just like cutting your lawn you can't let it go uh you got to keep changing your strategy and you just got to stay on top of it last year the strategies that we used uh sometimes overt sometimes covert uh it seemed to have worked U and you we did seize a number of ATVs and dirt bikes from the street and I don't plan that uh that this summer will be any different okay Mr Kilby please yeah I uh course as you said Chief you summed it up properly the weather is getting warmer I've noticed someone of an uptake um uptick um in this recently has are are um arrests being made at all do you have the um this year do do you have the ability I should know this the answer but is there there have been of we don't we don't we don't uh we don't um try to catch people right we don't chase we have a we have a restrictive Chase policy that doesn't mean a no chase policy we have a very restrictive Chase policy okay yeah so yeah there's been a lot of uh throughout the years there's been some horror shows with regard to that I totally understand um so it's uh so going forward and forgive me once again if you if you said this so as the weather gets warmer as we're into the spring uh June is right around the corner um so and what are your strategies to um if it becomes an issue again sure we we've Ed a layered a layered approach sure we you know once we see that the issue starts to rise again which I'm sure it's going to pop up again just like it does every summer last year we had a great year this coming summer obviously we'll be out there we'll pick and choose our times we'll be looking at open source intelligence as to when people in bikes and ATVs are going to congregate um but at you know we'll try to mix and layer our approaches differently like we did the year before um when we just try to stop them from a very uh overt uh standpoint it didn't seem to work when we did multiple operations we were a little bit more successful we had some arrests we had some seizures um and we plan on kind of going back into uh that uh over and covert layering again this year um but keep in mind I you know I'm not really comfortable for operation security to really go into the entire strategy I really don't want to tip our hand okay well once again it's an issue I think we we have to be aware of um we have to be on top of and it's interesting how um um it is really never been at least in my experience as an elected official and a a city in the city it's never been a huge issue um up until the last five six seven years eight years you know I don't but just so you know it's just just to kind of give you some context it's not just Fall River I speak all the time uh I happen to belong to the mass major Chiefs of Police Association um and you know it's City uh police Chiefs you know similar size or or greater and everywhere across the Commonwealth people are having very similar issues I speak uh often to Chief Olivera New Bedford it's exactly the same and and you know when we talk about crime stats and you know what's going up what's going down um as much as we talk about you know what's happening in our city and think that we're in a bubble the truth is we're not it's very a very Regional type of uh issue how each Community looks at it and handles it is also very I would I often think of that in terms of it never was a a huge issue like it is now I mean and um and some of the when you you're driving down Bedford Street or driving down E Avenue or driving um you you just see um young people you see a girl in the back guy in the front a teenager in the front no helmet shorts on and they're going on sidewalks and they're it's just um it makes me just I mean yeah in 202 we certainly had the safy to themselves in 2022 we certainly had a little bit of that issue in 2023 fre um that issue kind of really kind of subsided um we've made some some really good lockups there's been some jail time for some of these people so hopefully that continues okay than that attorney thank you um good evening everyone uh Corporation Council really doesn't have a lot of add on this I know that Mr Rumsey is in uh touch uh with our chief uh the police department is considered to be as aggressive as they can safely um I think it's a uh the policies that are in place ensure both safety to the public as well as safety of those that unfortunately might be transgressing by bringing those bikes out there but um we are and we being Fall River are considered a fairly aggressive community in regards to how we police other other communities seem to want to emulate the uh the efforts and maybe that has a lot to do with the fact that we've heard there's a lessening of the behavior let's hope that this summer brings the same uh but uh at this time I don't see any reason to craft uh any more severe measures that are already in place and uh but we will if that changes we will change uh our our handling of that as well yeah I agree absolutely 100% and chief is does it um are there certain areas of the pockets of the city where it happens more often more times than others or is it just it's quite spread out and we we obviously uh track it throughout crime mapping um when we do get a call obviously we're pinpointing on the map where it is and uh we're trying to be as analytical as possible whenever we're you know planning an operation or putting some other layered approach in place okay all right uh Mr kill you have any other further questions or you want just finally add that um of course I'd like this to remain open as well the resolution I'm not sure who sponsored it but it does State um the police chief establish a plan so I'm sure he has that plan in place um and I would just uh once again ask for a motion to table this item I'll I'll second we can revisit that and I'm I'm sorry attorney for that I've known you for many years welcome aboard thank you um your reputation pred you you're a very very solid very good attorney I've known you for many many years and I was very happy and excited when I um when I found out you working for the legal department so thank you yeah you're a good guy and a good attorney so and and on that on that second if um you know if other councils need to know uh any kind of strateg or anything they feel free to call it Chief he's got the door wide open always open and I've met with him on numerous occasions so that's that's an open door policy there absolutely any Council wants to call me uh and and believe me they do they can feel free to call me on this uh issue as well okay all in favor I fa I uh the number let's see which one we going on thank you attorney oh I'm sorry yeah Wilson left the table seconded oh do we have to I knew we did all in favor right I was the director of um traffic and chief of police to discuss large commercial vehicles traveling on Wilson Road we also did invite uh some neighbors right but they choose not to be here but um Stephanie do you want to start it off so um I've actually visited the area quite often um I do know that there is an ordinance as far as the tractor trailers traveling on Wilson Road um unfortunately the signage is mainly needed on Route 24 um those tractor trailers if they're following that GPS if that if that GPS is telling them to take Wilson Road they're going to take Wilson Road they're going to write they're going to bypass Innovation Way um so that's I think the issue is there's not signning on the state highway there's not signage on Route 24 North or South for them to take Innovation Way so oh yeah yeah good where where would you uh think that should be placed I mean it would have to be again I would have to be placed before Innovation Way heading south and same thing heading north it would have to be placed prior to those trucks taking those exits cuz that's what the problem is is they're passing the Innovation white exit and they're going they're being directed right to Road okay so my recollection on this resolution um there was one particular uh very nice lady she lives on the corner of Wilson Road and Highland Avenue and she was down here at the last um um the last time this was taken up so um and there was been no communication from her I have not heard from her no okay no well I'll uh I don't want we're passing these things quickly they're important right so yeah of course um so just so you're aware counselor I mean if you recall during that time period uh there was some construction going on down there which was also we have an ordinance about commercial vehicles but keep in mind obviously there's some exemption to some Vehicles you took the words out of my mouth and also keep in mind in June re we reissued the policy and the ordinance uh with our people we had conversation with Mr hler up in the industrial park hoping to warn his drivers and let them know hey this is the ordinance and they're not supposed to do this but it is one of those things from time to time that probably need some spot enforcement uh from us as well but just so you're aware from uh for the entire year uh up until today uh we've had zero calls for any issues regarding uh construction vehicles okay well in order to uh maybe be proactive I'm glad uh the prior meetings uh with all due respect to Laura she didn't she didn't bring up the uh the Route 24 issue so I would make a motion on this one to send a letter to representative Carol Fiola from your department um and probably and also maybe signed off by the chief if you feel like that's appropriate to uh recommend that it it might be it'll go a long way it be a somewhat of a a remedy to do what you suggested in terms of place a sign um stating where the trucks you know take it take Innovation Way not the Highland Avenue uh yeah cuz with industrial park we do have signs directing them to Innovation Way and rig right at syes and Caren at that fourway stop sign we have them being directed to Innovation Way and RI back and and Carol fola uh she's very very active she's she she's she's on top of things and it's a sign and if that little piece can help then um I would like um that to go to her and if she U She's Fit to follow up with the city council with um a confirmation letter yeah then that would that would be great so seconded um you made the motion I'll second it asking traffic well does it have to go to full Council oh I see yeah I would I'd like it to come from um the traffic department and from the police chief because right do you want me to write a letter yeah we'll just recommend the yes yeah that's fine all in favor all right um also too just the uh the um when they make that turn onto Wilson Road from coming in from 24 they that that that you're saying that their GPS is that however they're it's saying to take that that rout better it would have to be I mean we got to remember these tractor trailers these drivers a majority of them are not from the area no so they they're most likely following their GPS which is it just seems sking over worst way to go it seems to me anyway okay um I'm sorry Mr chairman could I amend that to also send a letter to the uh the major individuals on the corner that's um that has been a voice and concern over this a copy of the letter that correct so she'll get CC that and uh if she's not watching a meeting I'd like you to be aware that your committee council is doing that so motion adopt is amended uh seconded yeah I want here to get a copy please of that okay very good all right and um all in favor I I and motion to table this item as well please second it all in favor I all right thank you Stephanie um last one on the agenda here is the uh conven with the administration police chief to discuss the uh firearm violence in the city and this was adopted on um resolution on March 26 of 2024 well very nice yeah exhibits that's great yep okay chief good evening good evening again we'll change the numbers you back each other so I know we came down to speak about gun violence um first things first you know I've seen a few press conferences uh going back uh previous Mayors previous Chiefs and um we talk about gun violence and shots fired and um I think that's great especially when we're talking about ourselves uh and what we have for crime here in the city but I think sometimes we lose sight of of what a bad City looks like so let's spend a little time about bad what does a bad City look like um you look little Stones throw away down to Camden New Jersey who've had some low numbers and murders in the last two years um they've had 28 murders and 28 murders in those last two years uh down from some years where they had 25 murders Fall River um you know we're we're a far cry different here in Massachusetts so um gun violence when we talk about uh where we where we are today versus where we were um if you remember back in 2013 the city had a big press conference about the there was a third year of declining crime and in particular we were quite proud of the fact that gun crime uh had uh almost hit what we thought at that point was a u statistical trough if you will um but as you can see you know sometimes we talk about crime and we had a little bit of an uptick back in um sorry in 2023 up to 53 but statistically when you look at the numbers from 2013 through 2023 the numbers only slightly changed but if you actually look from 2006 to 2012 those numbers are a far cry uh in comparison so you know when we're talking about you know statistics are we really talking about what the numbers are here or are we talking about the feeling of of what what it feels like because I hear a lot of people feeling like crime is on the rise and crime is out of control and I've heard it uh quite a few times and Fall River is not alone in uh in this I guess Paradox uh which is the uh National lowering of crime rates but yet Gallop polls are showing that citizens are increasingly feeling that crime is On The Rise um it's just not panning out with the numbers but you know one of the changes that we talk about why you know at least one of the um I guess attempts to explain this Paradox is uh technology um and I've talked uh pretty much at nauseum about the uh topic um because you know we don't get our news from the Harold News anymore our feet don't hit the ground and we you go to the front door for your newspaper now before you feed even out of the bed you're reaching for your phone right and I've seen it um and we've had multiple conversations uh just to give you uh an example news break keeps running a um you know you see the a little eye up in the so it's uh an ad that there somebody's paying for uh there's a little little spot up on the ad but what they run quite often is breaking news uh triple homicide or triple shooting in Fall River it's from uh several years ago uh this particular thing but they're running it today as as if it was happening today so on top of whatever is going on in the city we have these internet sources adding more to it um and it was quite funny I saw this ad uh not long ago and when I saw I hit the comments to see what the comments were and the comments were from two days ago people saying oh this is horrible not more shooting right and then if you keep scrolling two weeks ago similar then the list gets long so I think sometimes um you know we start looking at crime in in a different way and why do we feel this way well you know if we're scrolling scrolling scrolling and all seeing is negative news is it even real uh like I said I give you this one example and I know I've seen others where uh recently you know what's what's happening on X Street you know and oh my God not again and you know I I get to the station I look uh I look up the call I found like a car might a car accident or what have you but this is what's changing is technology is changing um some of it real some of it not but even the real stuff um this is stuff that people were not exposed to um this is information exposure and how are we um in this current day how are we equipped to handle some of these things so I think I think some of it is along those lines but when it comes to shots fired there it is there it's laid out right in front of you um you know when we had an uptick in 2021 up to 47 I was in a Major Crimes division uh we went through operation Compass um and we're doing basically what we're doing now is we're putting all our leveraging all our resources we're looking at who are the groups that we believe are creating gun violence in our city and what we're doing is we're sitting down with probation parole what do you have on these people what are their conditions uh are they out on we're working with the ATF and the DEA we have operations with those two organizations uh to try to curb illegal guns from coming into the city um and we're also working with our own gun violence task force in the station who meet regularly and we discuss people places and things that need attention uh for gun violence so uh we're also and we're also working uh with Christian mclusky and the mayor's youth violence task force so hopefully we're going to get some movement from kids before they have guns and hopefully we'll work along those edges as well so you know we we're doing just about everything we can we're working with all our part uh all our partners all our resources um it's no surprise to me I know there's some people who have concerned that recently you've spotted the state police helicopter quite a little bit more up in the area that's uh no surprise to me that's based on our strong relationship with the state police Colonel M has been a a good friend to us we're working hand inand with the state police uh we're in Project SAFE neighborhood grant that we share for the first time ever with the state police where we're actually working together these are the types of crimes that we're addressing Mr K do you have anything um 2024 we're four months into the year um do you have statistics for the first four months of this year first four months I think we're at 11 or 12 so we're probably uh keep in mind we had very mild very mild winter uh some we had some weeks where it was uh extremely mild um and this does happen where people are outside people are hanging out um and unfortunately uh crime crime has just changed um but you know these things do play into the numbers of people who are outside and the number of people who are associating with each other but we're we're about 11 right now so uh shots fired as of uh end of April 12 so I'm I'm just trying to be thorough here it doesn't uh reflect anything on on you of course not so 12 * 4 um multiplied by three what's what do we if it's stays the projectory stays the same what are we looking at for 24 36 36 thanks okay so we're in a good on a good Trend so far you know um now how about what corresponds with go ahead you were going to say something no go ahead I was so what corresponds with shots fired oh okay oh okay go ahead I'm sorry my my apologies so what corresponds with um shots fir is murders um well well people struck some sometime not not not quite um people struck not quite a direct relation ship um all the time uh it's it's funny uh cuz you would think that's a little cter intuitive I would think targeted you know it's a targeted type of thing so yeah so it doesn't like so um last year we were at 53 um 53 shots shots fired but we had 16 total victims throughout the year um but we had 34 victims meaning I'm sorry people who people who were were um wounded as a result of shot and how many was that last year 16 so the entire year we had 34 34 of those that were property damage only right 16 so just to give you just to give you an idea property sure but just to give you an idea a little context so I keep talking about Regional how crime affects Regional uh locations uh New Bedford had an increase last year as well very similar they were up to 67 with 24 victims so they had uh like very consistent almost with ours uh about their increase so um again the same question do you have any statistics for um shots fired at for for the first four months of this year no no not yet no no I don't have any year Well shots fired would be would be on a trajectory for 36 this year but uh how many murders this year uh we're at three how many um so three two following a trajectory we're at uh 3 9 10 12 I know if hopefully it'll be none no more we'll see yeah I mean it what was it in um it you know keep in mind it doesn't you know Murder is a very uh obviously it's the uh it's the big crime if you will um it doesn't always from at least from my experience because we've had crimes uh you know we've had murders in January February and if we did our basic analysis here by you know Divi uh multiplying it by the the quarterly number uh you know it hasn't always panned out that way so for the last first four months of this year do you know uh from January to today how many murders have we had in Fall River three three I'm sorry okay you said that okay and you how about for 23 over the course of the entire year and I'm sorry about these I don't know if they're hard questions but I I'm I'm just trying last year four four did did you get I'm sorry sir okay so it's it's in the uh it's in the book yeah and I'm not try to no no no problem it's in page7 make a big issue out of this but no but it is in page on on page 17 so that would probably that might help you so that yeah we just got this today but I'll I'm going to look at it yeah it's on the desk yeah um so three so far and four the last year in its entire I'm sure it's something obviously you're looking at it's my opinion it's targeted right it's sure just a um I want to say for the last 10 years and and I know you're aware of this but for the last 10 years we haven't had a uh single murder in the city of Fall River that has gone unsolved um you know we just recently H one of the last ones we had this past year is still active uh but I expect that that'll come to a close uh pretty soon um but we haven't had a single one uh in the last 10 years I'm proud to be part of that lineage and it really speaks to you know multitude of things but you know first and foremost the work that's done by you know our men and women in the street and our detectives and uh you know I also applaud the invest the uh the money uh and the resources that have invested in our U investigations from the technology of cameras street cameras that we've had have been uh invaluable uh the cell phone technology that we have I can tell you Second To None to the point where I know the state police has is at some point during investigations have come to us and asked to use some of our uh technology so we're on the right path to to you know uncovering these things you know unfortunately I would love to be more on the preventative side yeah I I'm TR you there I remember uh gosh a lesson I learned from Jack Souza my I my fouryear law law school partner together he said if uh anyone out there thinks that we're going to be able to predict when a murd is going to happen happen I mean it's it's we can't right um they have that they used to have the program under Reverend Lawrence for the the gun buyback correct and I just had a meeting yep and I just had a meeting uh I want to say two weeks ago maybe I could be I could be my uh my mind is is that on a table to do something like that again sure yeah we're planning that uh again for I believe November uh we're going to be doing another gun buy back or gun for groceries program um along with a multitude of other give back I'm sorry I think I said yeah they well we have uh some donations uh to for people to buy groceries so we usually do you know for $50 you get a a grocery certificate for $50 and if you give in a firearm okay and the last question would be the shop shooter technology um listening to the news um some communities like it some communities think it's uh well I don't agree with it they think it's racially biased or something like that yeah shots fired yeah so I mean I couldn't figure that one out oh racially biased technology I don't think it's out there well it it was it wasn't about the the the the technology being biased it was about where they put these sensors and um what you know I think there's two sides of the conversation there which is you know you have a hot spot crime or hot high crime area um you know in your typical high crime areas and we have poor people are um some people more marginalized demographically I mean that's for somebody else's argument but they're following where the shots are and they're saying we want to put these uh sensors in this particular area and what they found is that uh these areas are more uh racially sensitive that they're putting sensitive for me it was a ridiculous comment and I shook my head because I mean we were just talking about speeding because nothing to do with uh shots fired it's totally different thing but if there's more speeders in a certain area we're going to put so technology there so let me so let me take 2 minutes of your time I'll tell you our experience here in the city of Fall River was uh very difficult with uh it was shot spatter at the time uh they've since changed their name to sound thinking um they had a um a little bit of uh from my understanding some litigation uh there was some areas I think Detroit and other they yeah some some issues um so they've changed their name to sound thinking and they're still in business but there are other companies that are in business as well um but the issue with shot spotter is when it was here uh we ran into an issue where uh I know one one year I think it was uh February 14th uh date uh where there was a murder it was right under one of the sensors seven shots I believe and it didn't pick up any of them so from Community to community uh that has shot uh shot spotter or sound thinking now uh the results are are quite different for everyone um I believe there's a newspaper article written when uh just about when the time when we let it go uh it was only 50% accurate so you know that brings a host of issues for us when it's only 50% accurate number one taxpayer money we're spending I think it was 109 to $15,000 a year on something that only worked part-time so that's a major problem the other part is what it's doing to our officers they're you know risking life and limb to get to these calls because they're feeling that this is going to be somebody's uh safety but what happens is they get there and it's you know it's you know we we the system was supposed to be designed so that it would rule certain sounds out firecracker firecrackers um in know if you're uh think about in the snow when uh the plows are going over the street they hit the manhole covers uh you get the back of dump trucks as the gate swings all those noises the system would pick up and it would be sending officers to those locations as shots fired um we worked we tried to make it work with that uh company uh this was under uh Chief duper um the the company came in they uh moved sensors around they did multiple things um for some reason it just didn't seem to work at some point uh they gave us three months for a free trial after they uh they sent a spokesperson up to meet with us uh and they they they agreed and said yeah we we wronged you I was in the meeting uh as a part of a committee uh that was put together they admitted that they wronged wronged us that they customer service- wise they didn't do the right things when it came to Fall River um they promised to fix the issues that they had 3 months later no word so the chief I think uh you know looking back I think the chief did the right thing I think that was it they weren't they weren't standing behind their product uh so we pulled the plug so I can tell you because it's I know it's come up um from time to time some councils uh loved it um were really enamored with the idea of the technology um you know so I kind of took a different approach I thought that if the technology exists and they are willing to play then you know who am I to uh stand in the way I mean we have to be able to experiment and if it fails it fails but I had a a conversation with uh one of the um representatives from sound thinking and I offered it to them if they wanted to come to the city and try to get the system back up and running and we'll make a determination after 3 months the pilot yeah we'll pilot the program and we'll get to see how it works and uh if the technolog is there then we can talk about it again so he then tried to to discuss uh the price approximately $109,000 the same price when we left so I said the the idea here is you know to see if it's reliability if you say your your product works then stand behind your product I mean pretty simple uh situation but uh they weren't willing to give it to us for free okay well that's a question I get a lot out there and um you explained it thoroughly um so those watching know that the reason that we no longer car that technology is uh or that contract is I mean 50% that could lead to well a lot of yeah when they came when they came here they said that there were issues with the topography uh being the Hills uh the layout of the city which is is odd because they do have uh system in San Francisco so I mean we're not uh we're not more uh hilly than if you will than than San Francisco um but that's my my my biggest concern about and I understand both sides of it but my biggest concern was with um especially when it comes into the summer months and you have the fireworks going off and that actually um shot spotter picks that up and you could have your your your your men and women going all all throughout the city with their heads cut off like a chicken with their head cut off it's it just doesn't it unless they unless that new system uh comes up to uh snuff and um weeds out all the other sounds which I don't it's very sounds difficult to do but um I'd be interested in that pilot too but with no with no money uh forward to it no commitment just so you know that the the company uh sound thinking uh they've been at the center of uh some lawsuits and uh some exposes uh and and um I'll leave it at that uh for those who want to look up uh and you know do their due diligence and and look at the company and and the issues that have other other communities have had I'll leave it to them Mr aan I know you've been there unusually quiet but first time but yeah I didn't think I had to invite you to speak but thr or something no I I really have nothing to add I mean I think it's always better just to let your subject matter experts be experts that she's done a lot of work on this uh made a lot of uh um I think really you know strong leadership choices to put right people in the right places and uh the results are really self-evident if you read the report U that's in that book yeah there's reductions in almost every metric n absolutely it's remarkable um it is interesting that there is no correlation between the number of shots fired and the number of murders uh in any given year um but I think the fact that um you know that we're that we're seeing overall reduction in crime uh is a really just it's a positive trend that can't be denied so no and I'll tell you it's a Monumental task for the Firearms uh part of it and um tracking down the illegal Firearms when uh so I I mean and I Know Chief you got everybody in the right places to do it I've got all the confidence in you and the department um and I I just think it's a very tough task and I think it's um something where you know you you you're taking it one day at a time and that's what I think you have to do one day one week at a time and doing what you're doing now um think it's going to it's going to pay off for us I just think it's uh it's something where you know you have um the an increase in just Le residents citizens um taxpayers uh there's a little increase in in purchasing of the fire firearms license in the city so and and that's a good thing um but when you have something illegally it's just it's it's a very tough task to to completely uh rule it rule it out but uh I I'll commend you here tonight um and I'm glad you you showed up with these stats and I think Mr Akin's correct with the reduction in the crime just says to a lot to the to the department so keep up the good work I appreciate the Accolade but uh just so we're we're all on the same page it belongs to the the men and women who who are out on the street and who are answering the calls they're the guys who uh men and women who are really doing all the work so absolutely agree uh anything else Mr kby I would just uh this is again one of those issues that should this resolution should stay in the books yeah yep I agree so um I also want to thank the chief the great job that he does for us and for the city um leadership in the police department I think is my understanding is uh going very well and um and you know this I think this was a very good meeting I think um you're gonna we we're gonna have some people say trust me uh that this meeting was um you know all roses you know but but um you know some people tend to bring up all the negative things and I think it's very important if there's some positive things going on and statistics that that go along with um the statements that you've made here today I think it's um it's U it's it's I appreciate you saying that the the you know it's always whenever we're talking about statistics and crime it's you know you have to tread lightly uh you know acutely aware that whenever we're talking about uh these troughs and uh in our statistics uh I also know that there's uh some people who are victims uh and it's hard to Champion low numbers when you still have victims out there and I know when somebody shoots a gun in front of your house that's a very traumatic experience for you so you know if I can say in one year we're lower you know that's that's great but the reality is there's always work to do and um I prer uh to continuously use my time efforts and energy into improving the City versus talking about stats or you know talking about a trophy moment for us um I think uh Purity is in continual Improvement of uh of our resources and our actions uh that we do for the city and I I I'll tell you on um a note I I love seeing uh the young police officers out there we have 13 more coming this summer so really hopefully we're going to really puts a smile on my face when I see that that a person a young person and when they he um covering the the City Council meetings I make it a point to ask um you know how you doing you like your job how's it going I love it I love it well and I I'll say why I just like I love helping people you know so that's the response I get nine out of nine out of 10 times so um that that's uh we got to keep that recruitment going and um I think the police officers the young police officers that are coming to us out of the academy it's almost like a different it's it's truly if I'm getting on a long winded dog thing here it is don't roll your eyes mistakens I'm not no it is protect and serve right it is it is so all right that's it for me motion motion toour no no no motion to table a motion to table on seconded all in favor I motion toj second and all in favor I meeting's over thank you very much everybody oh and thank you Lauren James yes sir [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] heyy hey [Music] hey [Music]