okay good evening everybody I'd like to call this meeting uh on Wednesday April 24th 2024 6 PM it's the meeting of the superintendent search committee I'd like to call it to order Deb can you please take the role miss austino Mr almea here miss Sheen here Mr Costa here miss kzzi here Mr coocher here miss lar here miss oen W Miss Perera Miss Rigo Miss Shaw here Miss Stewart here de do we need the open meeting more I do have it can I please have thank you uh thank you Jeff pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attend attendees May therefore advise that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or UNP perceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible a salute to the flag please I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation un God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you open session I'd like to hand hand it over to you co okay um the mayor hello Mr Mayor would you like to say hello would you like to say anything good luck godp speed you'll be [Applause] fine I've provided you with some materials tonight we're going to talk about what goes into a search how the search is working what the resources it will have will be and uh nothing today is going to be confidential when we meet again you will have a chance to have seen the applications that will be coming in and we'll be able to talk about the candidates in a officially and legally called executive session so uh I want to first of all before we start are there any questions that you want to make sure are addressed tonight we're going to try to get to everything that we can but there may be things that you will have on your mind that you will want to to POS and stop me at any time if that question comes into your mind and we haven't got to it so perfect okay uh I have provided you first of all with a um an orientation guide my cop when you step back I think maybe we can do some um introductions oh would you like everybody to introduce themselves I'm I would I forgot there was a roll call and I thought that was it so I'm Glen coocher from the school committee Association and um our job is to facilitate your work uh we work for you you do not work for me so you are the client we are the service provider and the major decisions that occur in this room will all be made by the search committee not by me thank you we'll just go order sure so I'm Kevin almea the Chief Financial Officer I am Chanel Stewart I'm CPAC president M larv uh Vice chair of the school committee Mar Costa former School committe member and Community member Sandra austino ESL teacher at dery high school Rebecca I am a math coach interventionist at Sylvia Elementary so Chan I'm the social studies instructional coach and a Community member Deborah cabal those admin assistant for the school committee and Maran sha I'm the principal at Sten school um if you could pretend you're all angry with me and it's okay to raise your voices we have a lot of soft spoken people in this room so uh I want the camera to pick up the sound and I'd like to hear you as well so uh with regard to this particular resource we're not going to go through every part of every page but I do want you to understand how the search will work uh and um what I think will be happening during the course of of action number one the chair is the servant of the body not the master that's Robert's Rules of Order and the agenda is the property of the body so whenever we're meeting if there's something you want discussed Channel it through the chair and the the administrative person who was responsible for assisting us and it will be taken care of uh but any issues or concerns that go that you might have that you want to raise with someone should be directed to the chair whether it's here or whether it's later secondly uh the minutes will be recorded and we will probably have two sets of minutes one will be the confidential set of minutes that will have all the information that transpires here and the other will be uh the same document but the names of the people who are entitled to privacy will remain confidential the reason we have a search committee is that the attorney general who makes the rules on these things does not allow the school committee to act as the initial screening committee a minor minority of members May participate but not a majority so in order to have uh privacy for the candidates we have the search committee which is allowed to go into executive session following the open meeting rules most of the candidates would be reluctant to put their name out uh right away they'd like to have some opportunity to be interviewed and identified as a finalist before they agree to be a public finalist and that's very important um you might not know this but one of the biggest challenges we have in this process is that candidates can be stopped by different interests do we have any principles in the room I oh you're a principal okay at what level pre- 12 pre- 12 no no okay so you you've been a principal at oh what level of I oh 14 year I I I don't mean what grade did you complete no 14 14 okay yeah well chances are if you are ad and how many administrators who are not principles and your position is the Chief Financial Officer the Chief Financial Officer Financial okay so chances are if you have suspended a student from school or counseled somebody out of the profession or recommended budget cuts that cost somebody their job they're going to remember your name and follow your career and if you apply for the superintendency they may just start calling the school committee to tell them that Satan is bringing this candidate to Fall River and we do have uh candidates who are stalked by disgruntled people uh and those candidates were only doing their job and in most cases doing their job courageously but if you've ever said no too apparent chances are they'll don't not appreciate that and if you've ever made a difficult budget decision that's what you're here for to take the heat off of those of us on school committees so uh that's why confidentiality is important and the rules of confidentiality do apply now do any of you provide services to someone who has the expectation of privacy um you you run a a program where programs where the clients may be entitled to pry okay no on a limited basis yeah because of the nature of the work most of it is public record because they're adults but there are some documents and information that would be held in the Privacy students and teachers have the same rights to privacy as you would with your doctor or your religious leader um your attorney whatever it is uh so you want to be respectful of people's rights to privacy there is no such thing as elected or appointed officials uh right to confidentiality in other words your attorney has attorney client privilege your doctor has clinician to client privilege there's no such thing as appointed board member or School Committee Member uh confidentiality rights it doesn't exist so remember whatever you repeat could be getting in somebody's way in violating somebody's privacy rights so you want to be mindful of that uh we will be get we do have contact information on everybody so we know how to reach you we may be Distributing uh inform inform electronically to you and uh we have posted the position the position has gone out to about 1300 potential superintendence agencies that work with superintendent graduate programs that train superintendant the word is out and Fall River is a community that is known everybody know of course people are always confusing Fall River and New Bedford and they don't know which one is East which one is West anything above 495 people are confused but but U Fall River is is a known community and it's a respected community and the district has a good reputation so you don't have the kinds of things that that could be problematic that would make people want to stay away and we're optimistic that by the time the search closes you'll have a number of decent candidates uh also one of the questions I always get is you know how many applications do we have so far but you have to understand that 90% of the applications come in in the last five days so we've had situations where we have three applications on Friday but when we close the following Friday we've got 30 applications the procras the superintendent applicant laot is a procrastinating a lot of people and things just come in Lan so uh we will be giving you a link to a cloud which will hold all the applications as they come in probably send that link out to you uh debie I'll send it to you okay and you can distribute it to the search committee members that will allow you to go to the link and see what's come in and if you want to start reviewing the applications early as they come in that's fine uh we will close the search at 3M on the 30th of April so nothing else will be accepted after that point now there are some people who may miss the deadline and it's not their fault uh occasionally our server goes down their server goes down power goes down they put something in overnight mail to one of the overnight carriers and it doesn't get there overnight that that'll be up to you to to figure out it rarely happens but it does happen from time to time and you will see the complete submission that everybody sends in um how long how long has it been out for it's been out now for three weeks okay it will have been out for about four and a half weeks once the searches was uh is closed um I can't stop you from going to Google but just remember that not everything on Google is accurate amen so the the uh the references will be done by the school committee or its designated agent so we will take care of the uh of the references okay uh now as I say there are people who lost their jobs because they did courageous things so there are superintendents and the majority that hired them are not the majority serving with now so they lose their positions and they're outlooking just because you were a superintendent and are not now you shouldn't make assumptions about where they are or what they've done uh but there's a lot of information out there more than we ever had before and uh there's more social media I said and we have a person that does social media and and it it's uh it's a challenge social media has replaced Jin as the easiest vehicle for making more mistakes more quickly than you could imagine so U there is that uh the open meeting law applies to you so that means that the meetings will be posted so the public will know when you're meeting and the public can come in and and watch you either uh on film or or uh in person the key parts of the open meeting law are that the the meetings will be posted your discussions and deliberations by a majority of you have to take place in this room so it's not a good idea to be going to dunin donuts and talking about the candidates now the law says a majority of you may not deliberate anywhere but the meeting so this is a group of 11 so theoretically five of you could go to dunan Don and have a discussion uh we would discourage you from doing that please keep it all in this room there will be also a uh a separate confidential archive that the school department maintains that um is secure for keeping the permanent record of the search which uh will the the people who you do not move forward but only interview are entitled to confidentiality indefinitely so that's why the minutes of a meeting where they're present to be interviewed will redact their names the people that you elect from Those whom you interview to go forward to the school committee will be asked are you willing to accept statal statal status as finalist you understand that every everything's going to be public and I usually like to ask is there anything else I need to know because if there's something we really need to know when you haven't told us if I didn't know that this candidate was fired from three previous jobs because it's not on the resume this would be the time to tell me because if you become a finalist and you haven't disclosed things we are entitled to know that will affect your ability to uh be seriously considered at other times um um dos and don'ts I talked about oh oh um the uh the chair is also the spokesperson for the search so if there are media calls uh the fact that you are members of the search committee is not confidential people can call you if they like uh I just encourage you to refer any media calls to the chair of the search committee uh same thing with us uh occasionally someone will call and ask ask questions about well how does the search work what do you do it we'll answer general questions that are not specific to Fall River uh and we'll we'll be able we'll provide you with any assistance that you may need with the call should go to you okay um that said this is America you can talk to anybody you want you can talk to anybody in the media that you like it's just not a good idea to uh to be that close to it uh what will happen at the next meeting uh I hope we will have the applications in by then we will schedule your future meeting so that you know what dates you will be meeting uh I think we'll tonight we will start the process of identifying who might prepare what questions for the interview uh we recommend 75 minutes for an interview this is a very important decision uh and in 75 minutes you could ask 12 to 15 questions and that certainly would be enough for everybody to get a question in and some people to get two in and um I think there's an urban myth that says every candidate has to be asked the same question in the same way in the same order uh not really the case but it certainly is fair that all the candidates are asked the same questions no would that be up to this panel that would be up to this panel uh it's also up to the chair to call on people if someone wants a followup so if somebody asks a question and let's say somebody asks a question about what's your experience with collective bargaining and somebody says oh I did contracts all the time well that's not enough how about a follow-up question like yeah but but what do you think about collective bargaining and you won't know the follow-up questions until you're ready to until you hear the answer that you want to follow up on so we encourage you to ask follow-up questions and they wouldn't be scripted because you just don't know if you get the answer uh we do encourage you to look for depth from the candidates to show that they know something wrong with they're talking about and to push back if you don't get an answer to your question when the candidates ask us give me some tips for this interviews for these interviews I always say you know brief is good uh watch The Edge you speak you know you don't want to be getting into the phenomenological Logistics of counterintuitive uh strategies for helping every boy and girl know everything they can do uh and uh answer the questions those are my three rules of of what you do uh we will um we will be asking you to identify those areas where you think questioning is important and to talk about the topics then your homework for tonight will be to draft those questions get them back to me I will aggregate them and get them to you for the next meeting so that you can finalize the questions and go through the candidates uh I'll just tell you a personal preference or personal belief that group editing is a crime against humanity and that uh we happy to work with you offline to assist you in getting your stuff done what you don't want to do is walk into a room and say okay who has question one let's talk about it and then 3 hours later you're ready to strangle everybody so if we can uh do that that would be most helpful uh it is important that we schedule at least three usually four evenings for interviews I would suggest that you don't talk to more than two people a night because you know if if you if you talk to two people and you're able to start at say you can start at 5 you go 5: to 6:30 take a half an hour somebody comes in and does 7 to 8:30 you don't want to be the person who comes in at 9 to 10:30 so again that would be up to you and and uh we we should accommodate all of your schedules for those of you who can't get here till 6 or whatever if you miss a meeting you should probably uh not participate in the deliberation when that candidate's name comes up you're certainly not disqualified if you miss a meeting too many people too many people are getting viruses and colds and and everything and you can't predict the the unpredictable so uh there's that um the Attorney General does not allow questions to be written developed or reviewed in executive session now if I may make a gratuitous editorial comment to the folks at home and everybody here I think that is a ridiculous rule how can you have a confidential interview if everybody might know the questions ahead of time but does everybody know what executive session is oh yes executive session is a private session that is literally really remains a secret and during the executive sessions you will move to into executive session for the specific purpose you'll take a roll call to go into executive session you will explain to whoever is is watching or viewing um whether you will come into public session afterwards and the discussion in the executive session and the person with whom you are interviewing it remains confidential now I will have for you when you interview you'll have a you'll have a booklet like this and let's say you've got 15 questions you'll have a booklet and on each page there'll be a different question room for notes it will be a personal work product so that you can have it if you want to take notes and remind yourselves of of uh of who you're going to select when you come together to pick the candidates that you'll interview uh usually I find it helpful to do a straw poll ahead of time just to see where everybody is coming from and once you get a sense of where everybody is initially then you can start discussing whom you want to interview that's your call as to whom you wish to interview you might say you get a dozen applicants you could interview them all or you could interview four or five or six of them uh I would suggest when it comes time to name finalists that you pick the people that you feel you'd be comfortable having as your superintendent now if for some reason you've identified three people and you think you need four and you don't have a left-handed applicant in your finalist pool and some someone says well let's take him he's left-handed we'll throw him in the pool don't do that to him if he wasn't good enough to make your your your final pool don't make somebody go through the public process when you know that person isn't going to get hired because nobody wants to be known as the person who didn't get hired in Fall River so that uh so what I what I want to get going to uh in terms of the work uh is to start looking at the question topics that you might wish to pose and looking at dates that you might want to save for your interviews now in terms of oh I've given you this question guide we have hundreds of questions that have been asked you can use these you to worry about being accused of plagiarism they're all public sector many of these questions come from interviews that we've had that were really good questions uh uh so I would be more inclined to ask you what are the categories of questioning that you think would be most important to pose in a superintendent search now inside the cover of the uh question guide I've got like almost 60 categories of questions that people might ask but you know it's appropriate for fall so what I would do is I would ask you to identify those questions that you want to ask and they don't even have to be on this list they can be they be anything uh and someone should take responsibility for drafting the question getting it back to me so that I can just put them together if you need help uh you can call our office now Jim Hardy is working with me on this search Jim is not here tonight but you will see him as well as me um I'm going to give you a phone number for me which is 617 733 0497 and my email address is g k o o c h e r at mc.org for Mass Association of school committees if you are trying to reach me cell phone is best um I don't know about you but I get 250 emails a day and quite honestly if we don't know who's sending it we don't have time to open it so if this is a Fall River related email to me or to Jim and Jim is the letter J and the word Hardy h a r d y at mc.org so in any one of those cases uh please call and and uh if you do email don't hesitate to follow up not a problem and um Saturdays and Sundays are okay you're in a tight timeline and things need to get done quickly so uh what I used to what we used to do was uh ask you to have your questions in and I'm making this up but say you got them in by a week from Sunday and then you're going to close well this Sunday oh no they actually going to close a week from Tuesday today today Tuesday okay so we might want to have your questions in by Sunday and we used to say Sunday at 7 o'clock because that's when football ended but if you could get your questions in by Sunday at 7:00 then we can put them together have them aggregated and I can get them all back to you so that you can plan for the meeting when you finalize the questions how many questions are you expecting from each of us well I would it's helpful not to have to consolidate someone's questions um but if we can get different topics one or two questions from each of you so so I'm making this up but let's say the the subject is U Collective aring uh you know you might have a question that opens up with a main question and then you might have a followup that comes after it um but if you've selected two topics you can certainly come back with that or if you're doing something as broad as leadership ship or curriculum it's entirely possible that we might use them all so I will Aggregate and put in order all the questions and then you can do with them what you like so if that's okay if you want to spend like five minutes identifying the topics that you feel you would like to either see asked or that you would like to draft for um I just take five minutes and think about that super how long you been here since 2010 but I've been in this role since 2015 I can have of these and if you send me an email instruction tomorrow I can send you the electronic file with the questions okay it's just sure you might minut and then when you have an interview meeting the agenda is question and since the agenda is exempt from the open meeting law we can work on the agenda in that way correct okay res you want to have the people who couldn't make it call me you want me to call them or how do you want it's whichever is easier for you I know Shelly said she would be reaching out to um to you tomorrow okay um but the other two I don't know I mean I can send them an email tomorrow you might send them an email and just say if you want they want to talk they should call me okay for we' got about a minute and a half if that's okay for we good maybe another second do we have any social workers in the room any mental health professionals in the room I was I was made aware of the concept of wait time in other words you ask a question and then you wait till someone speaks up some people believe you should do it for like 10 seconds and then others say sometimes it's as much as two minutes so would anybody like to offer a topic just to get the ball rolling I will special education okay uh now I'm G to have to learn your names which I Chanel Chanel Shane with two l oh I'm sorry r s h okay all right so one of the things that I was thinking about prior to tonight's meeting and and having participated in other search um other searches is that you know really knowing what the district's looking for and so the survey was important I I just reviewed some of it but you know I thought that was important like what is it the district's looking for what is it the community is looking for in its next superintendent and so some of the things that came to mind is special at social emotional learning um um strategies to deal with homelessness that clearly is affecting our district um strategies regarding budgetary issues for transportation those sort of things sort of came to mind now i' I've chosen some of the categories based on that all right so um but I tried to tie it back to what is it really that the district is looking for like what do we want in our next superintendent here in fora okay um and those are some of the things that came to mind um that I know you know even you know cultural sensitivity and diversity you know back when I was on the committee I think it was 30 close to 30% of our uh population were were not english- speaking so I don't that number's probably grown and so you know how much experience does a candidate have in those key areas is what I'm trying to draw from my questions because then it'll for at least for me give me a sense that that candidate understands some of the challenges that's going to come along with being in that position so experiencing key areas in those key areas that have been identified through the survey or from the district and so you know whatever those are I just threw out some that I know being familiar with the district that just because you're throwing it out doesn't mean you get to draft the question correct so if you want to give me what those titles are I will write them down and I would defer actually I put them out there on the table but I would defer to those who bring that knowledge and background to the table to sort of choose or select those questions I wouldn't pretend to choose a budgetary question because I know I have the expert here with me who clearly could draft a question budgetarily that would draw that information to have us all feel comfortable that they knew the process understood net School spending in Grants and and you know all the funding sources so I'd let Kevin do that but um you know social emotional learning um Concepts or strategies for homelessness um ESL um you know diversity cultural proficiency come to mind I'm sorry you didn't even have to wait 10 seconds for me to stop not quick and again in previous experiences it's really the strength of the search committee that was so diverse that those individuals around the table brought that background and so they were able to draft those questions to make you know the interviews okay really directed towards what it is the district was sort of looking for and it's next superintendent U I'd like to just add to that um I was thinking I I would like more time to read this the the uh the survey results I didn't get to that and I as well was also just circling let me also say this after you leave here today if you come up with an additional topic that you feel is important and we haven't listed it here feel free to identify the topic and add the question and we'll put that put that in the yeah you're going to leave here you're going to go home you're going to say things that should was say but if you've got something that you can share immediately right so I'd like to just add to that um it was mentioned special education uh as well uh I'm on that train but add alternative education as well alternative education and uh some of the uh you know there's been debate back and forth about Core Curriculum versus life skills and I think our our district and our students are just lacking something versus life skills yeah yeah so so Core Curriculum Core curriculum oh Core Curriculum yeah I'm sorry it's the Fall River I'm sorry but um yeah so um I I maybe something that has to do with life skills and uh being incorporated into curriculum oh okay and uh Community engagement that was uh the communications portion and uh you know our goes back from what Mark was saying we're going to be looking for somebody that uh you know that has to be very versed in what Fall River is right so uh right now we're living in a district uh in an urban community that is uh it's a little violent for for our young ones right now you know um I also serve on a youth violence prevention uh task force and we're we're we're KNE deep into uh listening to our our kiddos talk about this and you know I'd like to see a a bigger Community engagement as far as uh you know I guess effort with I mean we're do we're making strides and I don't want to take any anything away from from the superintendent and her staff right now what they they've done they they've made strides in working with the community but I want to I want to see uh that work continue uh okay okay so that's that's my import I would add um also diversity ASL um curriculum teacher retention second out curriculum what was the teacher teacher retention retention oh teacher retention and also nutrition sorry nutrition you know I I I absolutely agree you know with and I think it's some of 15 in the book recruitment development evaluation retention you know I I I'm a strong proponent and an advocate that I really believe that our adults in our system should really mirror the population we serve right so we're in a business of educating kids when we sit in front of we put adults in front of students I would like us to become more diverse as a district and I know we've made some strides but we continue to fall short I'm not sure if it's in recruitment or retention but I really think we need to really make that an emphasis in the next superintendent to we really should be matching up our adults with the population we serve in our classrooms and so um you know if if we can get a candidate to maybe could speak a little to that strategies they may have about recruitment efforts they may have been involved in um that were successful or maybe not successful why those things just come to mind but those okay that that's an interesting Standalone topic when did you fail right you know when did you succeed why and how right I mean you you could go in that direction too from the you know I want to come from a perspective where it's sort of a behavioral-based interview so rather than just tell me your strengths like give me an example when you've you've used this strategy what was good about it what fail fell short what did you learn from it what adust Ms were made I I want I want someone who's going to present an interview where they're going to use their thinking cap I want to draw from experience not just tell me what's in your resume I can read what's in someone's resumee but I really want them to sort of quantify for me what is it they've done and and be frank I I went down this path and and it wasn't as successful as I thought it was going to be we had to rethink it or we scrap there that kind of critical thinking is what you know as I'm approaching this is what I do that's what I'm looking for I'd like to see something around um social emotional well-being of students but also of Staff I'm going to make that I'm going to make students and staff separate categories there okay and something around Vision what the person's vision for the district is because you want somebody to come in that has some understanding of where we are and where we need to be and have thoughts about how that's how that's going to be meant can we add on to that question though why F why the district why no that's here actually question number 20 yeah yep you know um this is uh a really some of these things sound very simple but a question like that gives you an opportunity to decide whether this person is telling you the truth your parents of middle school students I understand they're particularly talented at that uh telling whether you're telling the truth or not uh but we've we've you know some people will just try to BS and oh I well actually we're on television so I'll be more careful but we did have somebody who once said at an at an interview my entire life growing up and so and so I wanted to be the superintendent of this community and then at the next meeting of the search committee somebody brought in some video from YouTube where the same person told another Community I always wanted to be the superintendent of this community they me as soon as they were done being the superintendent in the other so yeah I bet I would love to hear questions about um I don't know if it's leadership or management style because I would try to dig into is this person more of a leader or a manager because there is a difference and is that style inclusive of bringing stakeholders to the table consensus building um how they resolve conflicts that sort of I know that's a big topic but getting them to sort of explain their thinking as to um dealing with such a big organization and how you resolve issues with the many stakeholders who are at the table and how responsive you are to what's your communication plan respond to those people um you know I will throw out the collective bargaining issue because I think that's a very real issue for every superintendent um now uh and then teaching and learning was another one okay when I say depth I have had people ask answer the question on their collective bargaining experience yes I did 12 teacher contracts eight custodial contracts we organized the cafeteria workers I did four of those contract I did about 25 contracts so believe me I've had my life experience in collective bargaining I know it inside out right it doesn't tell you much exactly about what they think that the thoughtful candidate will talk about what you think of collective partment what the opportunities are what the theory is and whatever so if you ask that question and you don't get the answer the follow-ups are very important I mean we've had some very positive experiences in the collective bargaining process over the years in this district and I would hope someone will come in with a positive attitude about like you said the opportunities in the process so you might also sniff out how much homework they've done about the district and whether they know that you may have had some Innovative things a good experience or a bad experience or what's going on with your uh you know the kada 12 ISS the your Early Childhood issue or the the um districting issues and all this stuff others so I was you know being the money guy I was going to say budget and finance and delve into whether or not the candidate um what kind of districts they're familiar with where you know where they've been and you know if they if if they have worked in a district that spends it just net School spending and you know how they would manage to circulate those Waters and how they would manage collective bargaining and where we go with all that that's connected everybody yeah and I think to hop on that is that some of the collective bargaining and and net School spending it all pertains to some of the the relations with the uh where you got so side the municipal side you know superintendent would see well okay so now that raises another issue Municipal side relationships right right when it comes to net School spending I mean get the relationships we have some districts where the school department and the municipal side are at war with yeah particularly in the towns and the work doesn't yeah I've had the experience of superintendant whove just accepted the number okay when they're told and I've had others who' put their foot down and really advocated for what they really felt the district needed in terms of its funding to get the job done so I've I've experienced superintendent that said well this is the number this is what I'm getting we'll work with it and I've had others say that's great but that doesn't meet your obligation under the law and therefore we're going to push back and opportunity so you know you know how how the superintendent would a potential superintendent would navigate sort of those dealings because we're on television I'm not going to talk about how most superintendents can't count money because they're not trained to count money and if it weren't for a Savvy business administrator we would never have succeeded but we're on television so I will say other questionnaires yes um I noticed here that we have social emotional well-being for students um I'm not sure if there are questions in here regarding social emotional well-being for staff as well and just you know just connect to teacher retention I think that's something that we might really cons like I've got the first one what was the second one um just teacher retention just adding on mentioned earlier okay I was reluctant to go there I was hoping someone else would have gone there but you know I really think you know their relationships with school committees you know I I know that sometimes it's difficult for superintendant um to have relationships and so I I want want a little I want to know a little bit more about how they would be looking to develop relationships with school committee members what kind of support what kind of um they would want to be receiving from their committee um how they would handle members who who May challenge their Authority as superintendent or or sort of um want to you know make suggestions about how that position is is um is run only because historically I know that that's been a struggle I've worked with four superintendant and I can tell you that um maybe some days I would have been the person they claimed was giving them a hard time but um so I'd like to know a little bit more about how they would navigate their relationship with the school committee what is it they're looking for from a committee um are they looking for a committee to be handson um or to sort of um be more of a sounding board for suggestions they may they may have so a little bit about you know that candidate and how they would navigate the Waters of of working with the school committee now one of the reasons that I did not discourage you from coming up with more questions is because school committees historically Love The Leftovers so if you come up with 30 40 questions put into the categories and and you love them all you don't part with them you can pass some of them off to the school committee and save them time they do appreciate it anything else at this moment the other one I was looking at was transition planning and what a candidate would you know what the transition plan looks like I'm also wondering about accountability and assessments so with mcast um um I I think that's something that a lot of teachers would be interested in um hearing about probably in here so we've got about 30 items here um so what I would ask at this moment is there are people who want to accept responsibility for preparing a question or collaborating to prepare a question uh I'll ask you to to identify yourselves now and if there's something that uh is left unassigned um we can draft something for your consideration and then we can ask the people also who aren't here tonight to respond so um is there a copy machine in this building there is if I wanted to make a copy of this page and share it with everybody can we I think you should be able to read my writing okay and then we can uh in the meantime uh you're going to need at least one meeting to uh after the deadline to uh review the applications and or select the candidates you're going to get everything on May 30th April excuse me April 30th so if we started looking at May are there uh are there dates in May that work sooner the better well okay yeah sooner the better now this is this is where the challenge comes because we have a lot of schedules to reconcile okay um thank you man conceivably if you started looking at the stuff online as it comes in um would you be ready by like the 2nd of May to uh to uh try to pick the interviewees can I can I just throw this out there Glenn is there a particular day can we settle on we going to do this on a consistent day of the week that works for everybody or we going to sort of in other words just do Thursday nights work best for people Wednesday Tuesdays or we just gonna select different dates throughout I think it's the time constraint I think it has from my gathering from my understanding it has to happen before uh the 30th of May so I think it's ringing a bell I'm not sure if that's the actual date do you remember timeline listed so it has the um week of May 6 uh semifinalist interviews May 13 finalist selected okay I think we push everything back a week from that though that's this is the last one that I had yeah but I think that I think so I think you have the week of the 6th and the week of the 13th to uh get those interviews in okay so we're going to to Pi two days or conceivably uh if people tend not to want to do anything on Friday and they tend not to want to give up their Saturdays everybody's busy uh Tuesdays and Wednesdays are not good for me because Tuesdays and Wednesdays because I teach those two days at night wow well those are prime days of the week how about Thursdays it's um the Thursdays work what's the time we're looking at H what time what's the consensus on the earliest people during the week can be here because I mean I'm not saying Tuesday Wednesday but is it 5:00 is it 4:30 is it 5 it depends on time we're doing two a night correct you said I would say and you said 75 for me 5 o' I can do five Tu Wednesday a little later the better 5:30 5:30 but I mean I could make it for 5 I whatever you want okay so when does when do you stop teaching in June it's an adult class for parents okay um let me well what about Mondays it's Monday from Monday's work that's for me well I have a school committee meeting Monday's work one on the 20th oh so you we could we could do and 13th would work for me I don't know the six and the 13 and this was a a situation I spoke with the mayor about and we were supposed to be done because I'm going from the 27th to the 24th how about Thursday the 9th is that day to does that work for people does yeah right hang on a second Thursday the 9th how about Monday 13th yep yes MH so May 9th that May 9th is a Thursday okay and May 13th May May 13th is uh th uh is a Monday all right what about uh uh Thursday the 16th y um all right my son's got a a all right School event recognition but again I how about between the 14th and 15th or not for me well with and the seventh and eth either but if I have to fail one of those days I'll just ask what do we say about the second though thday the second work second work second work now okay that would that would be a good date to uh to pick the candidates okay then we start bringing them in on Monday on Thursday the 9th um would you want to do you say one on Friday at 5:30 to 7 or you still doing to R the weekend on the 10th is that what you're asking Friday it's yeah all right how about we have Monday the 13th what about uh Thursday the 16th so we get the second the 9th the 13th oh did we say the 16th we talk well we did before we mentioned the second so we just added the second to pick the candidates second to pick the candidates then Thursday May 9th and then Monday May 13th 13th and then probably need one and you said the 16 is not good it it wouldn't be ideal but all right then don't if that's going to hold up the process I can just May 6th is too early or after the oh what was the problem with May 6th was there any problem no how let's do 562 I can't do May 6 okay WR no okay um no seven no wa so we're at second picking the 9th the 13th and we if we absolutely have to the 16th because we're unsure how many candidates at this point correct um well do you do you want to [Music] save I mean what about Saturday the 11th I can't you can't my son's first communion I'll go to church 17th of Friday it's my graduation I'm sorry and I'm leaving graduate going for a week starting the 17th okay and the 14th and 15th are out I I can if we can't do another day I'll just ask them to get us up for me that one day can you can you do what time are you free we I we I teach from 5:30 to 7:30 oh okay yeah um what time is the uh what do you what would be the easier day to get a sub do you think the um doesn't matter doesn't matter Diamond Ovation you want to pick one of those days just in what week I would say either week the week of the 7th or the week of the 14th either one either one now did we rule out the 11th a Saturday morning early we did okay yeah good about the four is the Saturday is one of those four dates that that you could uh the seventh or the eighth is okay let's do it soon oh Mark just question the fourth about the fourth Saturday I I can't do the fourth okay how about the 7th Tuesday the 7th okay May 7th yeah that CA conflict it's it's all right we're not going to be here all like it's okay okay I'll ask them they need second 7th 9th correct so you have four available nights oh no you didn't do what did did we do the 16th no no so May 2nd so you have May 2nd May 7th to to select May 7th May 9th and May 13th 13th so you could conceivably invite six people okay yeah we'll have three now if you get such a great pool that you absolutely want to see more people then you might have to rethink one of the uh the conflict days yeah okay okay and conceivably then on the 13th you could interview two people and then deliberate as well and you would need another night of deliberation okay okay and was saying 5:30 Mark I could do five I mean whatever it whatever the consensus is I mean if it was pushed out a little bit it gives me a little breather between leaving work and settling into a night of interviews but I I mean I I can do five I mean I what how were we see five would work five 530 does five work yeah let the S of are better because I think all right well if you do I agree Glenn I I've been in interviews that have gone on at 7:30 8:00 after working 789 hours and one interview at 6:30 okay that's good okay now do people want to um are there any questions you've got the list of questions here in front of you and if you see questions that you think you can consolidate offer to consolidate and and take them but can I ask uh people to speak up if there's a question that they would like to be say the question editor for that now and if if you don't object to it if there are questions that are not filled in um we will draft questions for you to show you so I am all yours I would like to take seal you're taking y okay now we have two seel's we have an seal for right students and an seal for staff I would like to take both of those both of them okay now tell me your first name again Mary Mary with an Ellen attached yes can't stand Mary Mary and what was the other one here so and and TI okay Mary okay yeah that's also the one right above nutrition cuz I I believe you want nutrition no no no they both mentioned it there's another right above nutrition yeah that's Mary's okay and the on top yep I'll do the budget and finance okay you are Kevin Kevin I'll do collective bargaining who collective bargaining I'll do that a second okay I can take Core Curriculum and life skills okay hang on a second now Core Curriculum and life okay your name is so Chan so so Chan can you spell that for me yes s o k l i m oh okay okay I'll do sped and Y Fall River all right sped and you are Chanel Shane with two alter and which one W fall Riv I see okay okay I can do the diversity interested in your name is and the nutrition you Sandra Sandra you're doing diversity and and you're going to do nutrition as well hang on a second okay I will uh like to do alternative education and the community engagement right you are Mimi Mimi and you are going to do alternative education M that oh here it is and uh Community engagement Mimi okay can I just ask that Community engagement does that include parental engagement it will itcl that if not I was going to suggest maybe we want to how do we engage our parents Community parents St can I take uh teacher retention retention hang on a second you are Rebecca Rebecca teacher of retention and um could I craft something regarding leadership philosophy or leadership style let's see okay we have leadership and management style as think as same line but different topics you want to take them and can I brainstorm and think on it you can break them up yes okay so and we're sending our questions to you or to Mimi to send to you what is well you can send them to everybody if you want but you should definitely send them to me okay because I'm going to put them in order and then send them back to everybody else now um just a little bit of U side information when you interview the candidates the agenda for the meeting will be the questions okay compiling the agenda is exempt from the open meeting law so I view these as agenda items as much as I view them as questions if you want to collaborate with somebody you can certainly feel free to uh to do that because you are collaborating on an agenda item that the body will deliberate on later so that's how we do that so can I ask a question Sandra you're going to take diversity so can we roll cultural proficiency into that into diversity does that make sense to do that one or or do we think it needs to be a standalone just for consolidating it depends on how you go about it right that's I'm that's why I put it out there just so that the reason I say that is because people are arguing many different aspects of diversity whereas cultural proficiency is Broad there aren't as many different ways to go at cultural proficiency as there are diversity right so um so leave it as a stand alone you want cultural proficiency yeah sure who just a question uh teaching and learning in curriculum is it one person for both of them I was actually oh oh um I did identify curriculum and life skills but I noticed teaching and learning in curriculum was right underneath that so I'm wondering like will I be able to consolidate yeah like you know what hang on a second if you want to meld the four yeah into whatever questions you come up with I'm going to uh that includes curriculum yes okay so GL can I make a suggestion we have a a number of search committee members that are not are not here and oh so can we leave some mhm that are sort of unassigned and see if they have some interest in drafting questions for those is that work or yes I we have I just don't I know we have Shelly who's a school committee member who may want to talk about relationship we we have six or seven that are out there so they the student may want to have you know crack at one of them more why don't we do this I can send this to them tomorrow yeah one of them is assess now the people who are not here the student School Committee Member School Committee Member and the other one is a parent but she also works for the district okay so um accountability and assessment uh here's what you have accountability and assessment I had experience in key areas and then you outlin the key areas so I can just scratch that box out since you have the the different areas that you're talking about uh transition planning um strategies for homelessness um I'll take that one too okay oh Kevin's col bargaining um uh strategies you've used how and what we can handle that one if you okay okay Vision uh the same thing we'll see if one of the the missing people would like to do that unless somebody wants to take Vision okay uh leadership and manag could the vision portion be tied into why here why Fall River um like what is your vision I would well you know what um I would make it if if that's the first question my far right now as it usually is Vision should be the second question okay oh anyone could could ask it okay no that was just okay uh under Med Med leadership and management style we have different subelements of management style Rebecca I don't know whether you whether you wanted to uh figure those all in or build them into uh build them into follow-ups but I would say that um if you did them in or if you couldn't get to them the school committee should get those if you can't make if so I'll craft a question and list maybe bullets as follow-ups if they're not addressed in the initial answer and then and then okay uh and then relationships with the school committee I'll Circle that for now because I have I mean what my suggestion would be is we get a another list with everybody's name on the side so we know and then the people that are not here if they just want to reach out to you Glenn and say he I'd really like to to ask this question but so and so has it would you mind having a conversation or can have a conversation with Mimi to see if I could let's just get like let's nail that down let's okay everybody pick one and we I did put dealing with difficult people on the bottom okay that you know School committees deal with difficult people all the time and sometimes our members are difficult so um for those of you who are on the school committee you're going to want to come to the workshop we do on dealing with difficult people but because we're on television I can't tell you what we really call uh but but that one would be same yeah okay all right and I will just say this again if anybody identifies any of the cultural proficiency or strategy by all means if someone else is that's something I'm interested in right by all means you can assign it to them that's fine I just I I just don't want to leave anybody if without an opportunity if somebody wants to uh offer it to somebody else or if it's if you stuck let us know right no no I I I'd be fine with I just stuck over that I I think you know some people may feel very strongly about this is the question I really feel that's fine I I don't I'm not tied to either one of those that strongly so I could ask another question and okay and be fine with it I think we just want to give them an opportunity to be able to have a voice on what they'd like to ask the the candidates that's all you've got the question assignments and we have the dates when you will be meeting and um does anybody had any have any other questions no was actually I'm going to stay on this topic as far as our missing members tonight uh are we going to get this list out to them tomorrow and and shoot an email and just ask them are you interested in any of these topics if you are please let me know I just want to make sure they they have a voice that's all okay one of the things we do when we do training for chairs is we all this always tell them never ask does anyone else have anything they'd like to say because then you get a comment and seven rebuttal which leads to seven more rebuttal rebt so where about five and adding another day where about 5 minutes early if that's the other parliamentary rule that I want you to know that the meeting is not over until you've taken a roll call to adjourn the meeting and the chair declares that the meeting has adjourned even though you've taken the roll call it's not over until the chair says that the meeting is you may need that someday there's something they forget to do and you need I can entertain a motion to adjourn so second second M thank you Mr almea yes Miss she yes Mr Costa yes Miss kzer yes Mr coer yes well no no I don't vote oh okay Miss larv yes Miss W Miss Pereira Miss rioo Miss Shaw yes Miss Stewart yes this meeting is a jour than