##VIDEO ID:hIr612Lb120## [Music] over heyy [Music] heyy hey he heyy [Music] [Music] he [Music] back [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the uh Committee on Public Safety will come to order this September 4th uh 5 o'clock pm uh can we have the uh roll call Council Dion here councel Kilby tart here uh pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by these by those present and are deemed acknowledge and permissible for item number one uh we have uh citizens input uh do the David and Maria do you guys want to come up I can oh okay that's fine there's no citizens input all right on item number two is there a motion to approve the minutes of April 29th motion to approve seconded all in favor I uh item number three is a resolution to convene with the former police chief or representative of the administration and area residents to discuss safety issues in the area of 181 South Main Street and Old Second Street guys want to come down good evening gentlemen evening we all know who you are but just state your name and oh yeah okay Seth aen City administrator PA Goin chief of police okay um what I'll do first is I'm just going to read the resolution that was uh uh authored by vice president Linda Pereira whereas the residents living at 181 South Main Street have expressed concern with noise lights and elicit activity after hours from nearby clubs and Alleyways in the area of 181 South Main Street and old Second Street and whereas residents have filed reports with the former police department but feel more needs to be done as the issue continues and at times there is no police response when the complaints are filed according to these residents now therefore be it resolved that the Committee on Public Safety meet with the chief of police a representative of the administration area residents and other interested parties to discuss the public safety matter we went over this uh I think we did too uh James and I invited um the people uh from this particular address um but we couldn't get in touch with them at at that time so there's no one here representing them but um I will we will definitely be in contact with them uh after this meeting but um how Chief why don't I let you speak to this this is a this was actually taken I'm not too sure about the history Council Leon might know more than I do but I know this is a matter that Council resolution filed after the meeting of I think 2023 and um I think it might have got acted on a little bit in public safety but I'm not sure because we're just kind of cleaning the public safety up from last uh last um uh Public Safety Committee but if you want to uh just chime in here have we getting any um reports in the past year as to the uh any issues there at that particular site so so this is a constant issue this is one that we've been on top of obviously since the resolution came in last year um last year I think we only had uh maybe 10% of the volume of police officers checking that area um so it really wasn't getting the Police Service that it uh really needed um this year uh since since the beginning of year um we've had over I believe um I think it's 70 plus or 80 plus uh incidents where police officers are stopping getting out of the car walking the Old Second Street making sure everything's fine but to be honest you looking at the calls it's still just it's a constant uh presence that's needed there's a lot of homelessness issues that uh where people are congregating there at night and we're shoeing them away and then they're going to either the parking deck or to some other location and then obviously when the officer leaves there's some reoccurrence so um it's just constant pressure that uh we need to uh take in that in that area and and this are we talking this is bord and West area so Old Second Street uh is right right across the street here where they have Farmers maror that's right where they put the benches so obviously the benches uh tend to be a little bit of an attractive Hazard um just so you know uh from this year so since January 1 uh we've had approximately uh I think 81 total calls for for outside service but keep in mind 70 of those calls are specific to police officers being proactive in stopping and that's generating a a call for us but right now since the beginning of year it's been about 11 to 12 calls so it's up that Alleyway correct correct and that's a so I I do I remember being on the council years ago that was an issue then um and I I think the biggest complaint there and I'm not too sure because I didn't go drive by there but at night is are there lights there Seth um at that particular location so not that I know of um so I I don't think we might not be responsible for it it might be the owners of the building next to that that that housed the yeah I don't so I remember when I was in the corporation council's office I had a very brief conversation with the owner of that building that uh is you know that runs along the length of Old Second Street um and uh you know he was very upset about the presence of homeless um you know tried Dev a ation with him uh which wasn't terribly productive uh regarding you know just the law around this which is you know the difficulty that we've talked about over and over um with you know moving people when you don't necessarily have a place to put them you can shoe them away from loitering that's that's certainly an option uh and that's an important option uh and I think the 70 plus calls which aren't really calls but rather proactive policing uh you know since the start of the year is indication that the police are doing you know the best they can in proactive activ L you know getting people out of that area um and then 11 other calls from actual residents um you know but the you know the apparently when that area when that alley was created and it was it was no longer a street but it was it became an alley and then the benches and Planters and other things were put there the what the city did is made sure that as long as an ambulance or a truck or a maintenance vehicle could get up there that was really the sole requirement um and so so it's it's obviously maintain that ability to do that um and aside from that there's not a ton we can do other than the proactive policing that the police have have been doing um you know just to stay on top of that and make it an unwelcome place for people to loiter um I don't know about lights or noise or the clubs or or what the reference is there and that may have been a 2023 reference but as far as I know you know it's the folks that congregate there that make the noise you know especially in the winter where there's heat although they did fence in that area where people were sleeping yes um so they've they've made that less inviting um there were folks sleeping on the heating area uh there was like a generator or something um you know and so that is now uh less accessible uh so I think that problem is mitigated a little bit counil with the just as a point of information that parcel of land is owned by the city because it goes with the Third Street Garage right so it is owned by the city it's not owned by the individual who owns the apartment buildings okay so you're talking about the walkway up there up there okay I mean may maybe that might be if it's not lighted if there's no lights there at night we might might maybe can you know hopefully get some up there that might you know mitigate anybody from uh you know just staying there for a long period of time and I know that that when the benches and the chairs and whatnot were implemented in there it was it was very good and it was good for the residents but it's I think it's turned into a little bit of a kind of a living room for uh people that in the summer summer nights just hang out there maybe too late chief during the day obviously it's it's a little bit more difficult because people are there during the day right um and it's free open public space people have the right to recreate in that area uh that's what it's there for but obviously there are limits to uh what they can do with their activity obviously drinking and uh doing drugs obviously is not allowed there right um but that's what we're combating and that's why we've had the 90% increase in police proactivity in that street um obviously that's compared to last year so um obviously this is still an issue um I would suggest that we keep this open uh and and see if we try a maybe a compounded different tactic you know layer uh something else on top of it and see what we can get yep I agree with that um and chief just to you said that there were like maybe 10 or 11 calls thus far this year correct what what kind of calls were they were they pretty much loitering and um you know they've had some fights uh you've had some homeless people uh who are being allow uh I mean somebody was living uh sleeping in one of the alley alcoves if you will um I think uh you know we got to call like 6:00 in the morning somebody was sleeping out there um but you know like I said it's a lot of uh different calls of noise or um seems to be no noise issues a lot of it um coupled with homelessness issues okay um I think maybe make a motion to uh I'll make a motion to table I'll second that all in favor I I all right thank you on the uh the next item on the agenda um is number four it's the convene with the director of traffic and parking and a representative of the for Police Department to discuss possible plans to remedy the vehicle vehicular bicycle and pedestrian safety matters within the area of the Pine Street and Robison Street intersection St down David you want to come down I'm going to read out the uh resolution that was authored by councelor Andrew raposo uh whereas the Pine Street and robas intersection has been the location of many traffic accidents as increased overall concerns regarding Public Safety and whereas the intersection currently only has stop signs on the Eastbound and Westbound of Pine Street and where as many automobiles bicycles and pedestrians commute within this neighborhood as it is nearby to a large Hospital historical Cemetery Veteran Center in public park now therefore be it resolved that the Committee on Public Safety convene with the director of traffic and parking and a representative of the forward Police Department to discuss possible plans to remedy the vehicular bicycle and pedestrian safety matters within the area of the Street and Robison Street intersection so welcome if you could just give your name and um address Dave ala 210 Robison Street okay Stephanie MacArthur director of traffic and parking hi Stephanie so on this particular issue I know I think I was talking to councilor Roso maybe about a week ago and I think he did say that some things have been already remedied do you want to maybe get into that yeah of course okay and then we'll he hear from David of course so essentially I think the issue is the vehicles traveling Southbound on Robison Street Street um right now there is a bus stop on the west side of Robison Street and I think it's the also the traffic that is heading eastbound on Pine Street because what's happening is when there's Vehicles parked too close to that corner on the west side of Robison Street anybody traveling East on Pine cannot see the oncoming traffic heading south on roison so I think that's where the problem was so on the west side of Robison Street currently there is a bus stop there so essentially you can't park within 60t of a bus stop so what we did in traffic we did put up a No Parking here a corner sign uh we did it about 52 ft from the bus stop cuz the bus stop is essentially right at the corner it's probably about a foot in from the corner so we did it 52 ft no parking here at a corner essentially any vehicles that were parked there prior to that sign being put up they were still illegally parked and should have been Tagged so that sign was just reinforcing the fact that you can't park within that bus stop um we also put up some solar stop signs both East bound and Westbound on Pine Street um on Robison Street we also put up some solar uh Crossing signage as well hopefully to slow down the traffic knowing that they're approaching a four-way crosswalk so those changes started July 18th and we completed them fully um I'm sorry they started July 8th completed fully by July 18th so I don't know if it's been any better I'm not I haven't gotten any complaints since um so I'm just perfect Q perfect um there was actually one um after the things went up on the on there um I just talked to the chief a few minutes ago um very professional and you know gave me some you know input about what what he's done and what you have done already um obviously you know my main concern is obviously Public Safety for everybody to make sure that nobody's you know getting hurt and stuff like that um the the only reason why I brought in the the the resolution with um for I asked with councilor reposa was because there was one incident that I couldn't sit back any longer and let let allow allow to happen when I had a older man get hit so bad that it spun his van and it landed in the store next door oh wow and if it wasn't for the barricade he probably would have went through the store and it hit so had that that his airbags went off and he actually rolled out of the out of the the man while I was smoking in pain like literally in pain the the veteran Center came over to helped him everybody was trying to help him everybody don't touch him don't touch him you know um but I do have to say the response that on the timing of of the of the ambulance that showed up was amazing I I couldn't believe it how fast the the paramedic showed up on that point of of that call um police was obviously there um um and it's not the first time that you know the police have said that that this has been an ongoing situation with with that area um I tend to probably a little bit disagree with the with the the corner of where the bus stop is um and all now it eliminates a lot of it where now becomes a parcking issue because now it's where now you get the veteran Center on on Pine Street where it's loaded with cars and now you got all of their traffic plus you got you know the housings are you know that is in that area that's trying to park and you got on both sides where now it becomes traffic where you know two two cars can't go by you know at the same time on that street with the with the with the with the two-sided you're talking on Pine yeah yeah with with the two-sided you know pocking yeah um so my my thing is I just like to try to make sure that this doesn't try to you know you know happen again um obviously it's Citywide you know everywhere everywhere is getting it but you know like I said my my main concern is to make sure that we try to you know you know get it rectified and another thing that I'm concerned about as well is the and I'm sure it's probably a staffing issue is a Crossing God on that on that corner as well um because there are a lot of little kids that run across those streets and I've seen them almost get hit as well um and like I said these kids sometimes don't really care you know they'll walk you know they'll walk in front of and they don't care but it's still a safety issue and we can't just let that fall on De here you know so those are my main concerns is I want to try to make sure that we can try to eliminate a lot of that and like you know like the chief said we only had what five I think he said we you know when we talked off about four or five correct yeah this year we've only had four accidents in that area um one since uh you know July 1 was was the third one and August 24th was the fourth one uh but last year uh last year we had a total of 28 car accidents there um so this year year to date I think we're about seven I'm sorry from this year in time frame we're 89% uh down compared to last year so you know we only have a total of four this year last year was 28 so obviously maybe some of the corrections that were made may have helped um so we'll go we'll go from there but I did speak with um some of the neighbors and uh Mr baz who owns the gas station there uh they're not in favor of changing any directions or any one-way uh you know Corrections uh they're not in favor of that uh we did speak with uh signal man uh the commander of the signal unit uh in my department uh Chris Hathaway we talked about you know what would it look like to have more lights there but keep in mind you already have you know one set of Lights at the bottom of that hill and uh I think you know another intersection up there is also a set of Lights to loc to start thinking about money uh in that intersection just for the lights not the cement or the traffic study or anything else that has to get done first um we're talking about maybe somewhere in the area of $300,000 uh just to put up a some lights there um but just to give you an idea of what it would cost if you know that was a decision that was to be made in my opinion I would I would spend that money then then lose a life you know that's would want to lose a life nobody nobody I mean there's no amount of money right that compares to a loss of life so yeah I mean nobody's making nobody's certainly making that we're just saying this is this is a price point this is what it would cost to be in the ballpark to uh talk about lights in that area right um but we're down to four um we can we also have some additional speed signs um that have been pretty effective with at least people lowering their speed um I know some of the neighbor is different from uh Miss author's assertion um some of the neighbors believe that the problem and issue is the northbound lane the speed at which uh people are coming up that hill make it difficult for people to make a proper judgment um so we're going to try to uh immediately try to get one of those speed signals up there that's you know flashing showing you your speed hopefully that gets people to think about the speed and maybe slowing down coun Deion so when you're talking a traffic you're talking a regular full yellow green red traffic light correct which sometimes s when you have too many in a row it causes more problems than help you may have some bottleneck issues that's why we would probably do a study for us see that would affect what about if you had um the yellow in two directions red in the other direction as opposed to a regular traffic light we didn't we didn't price that out as far as single lights but I imagine that you probably wouldn't be too far off but I can I can get back to you on what that would look like cuz that would be a situation where you wouldn't be it would be different than having the regular light and keeping traffic there for probably two two minutes at a time sure you just have people who would have to slow down with the yellow light so they'd have to pay attention and then the ones that would have to stop before they proceeded just an option sure all right so I mean maybe going forward we'll uh um I think we should table this as well because uh we want to keep this active and see um what you know what's going to maybe happen with with the uh um remedy that Stephanie has uh secured there at this time but maybe just keep an eye out on it and um obviously you you know how to contact me um I'll know you very well now yep exactly so have you yourself seen seen a difference since those um things were well the only reason why I say I kind of disagree with it is because of the fact that um we have less this year but we just started it and it's already and it's it's only and it's already what July August no se I'm sorry September if so it really I don't know I I don't know if that's if that's fixed it because obviously we just implemented it now sure well that's what I say it's only been six it six has happened since we've already had that so I can also put up some additional you know dangerous intersection signage prior to approaching the intersection and hopes that it will also slow people down with that um so I can definitely get that up too Chief my main concern is obviously is is the kids as well across those streets what would you consider or to be a reasonable amount of time to see how effective this is moving forward now that school is started Etc well i' I'd love to see a sample size of at least a month um you know let let's put out the what I would like to do before we put out any other signage because sometimes you know signage it gets a little cloudy because you have so many signs that it's just distraction so I would like just to get our flashing speed sign in northbound lane let's take a look at what the speed is what what type of you know what's the amount of cars that are coming through here um and let's see where we are from there what what does it look like in a month um you know what's the data show us after that month if we're still having more car accidents uh and we'll go from there and in terms of um someone to cross the children so that's me so that's me essentially uh so that's definitely something I mean the closest school over there would be that element elentary school um do you notice that there's an influx of students is it just in the morning is it just with the park do you notice it like on the weekend no as well or is it morning where the kids are coming in and you know gr that some of them are with their already with their parents sure but a good portion of them are with you know by themselves and obviously they're not looking they're just running you know so yeah so that's that's definitely a discussion I'll have to have with the school department um I know there is additional locations that they just recently added on um I can definitely see if this would also be an intersection that they would consider as well that would be good with that I'll make a motion the table I'll second it all in favor I I uh number five is the uh thank you guys thank you very much d uh number five is the uh convene with the director of trafficking and parking and a representative from the forward Police Department to discuss speeding on Indian toown Road Maria you want to come down I'll read that resolution that that I wrote um and I wrote this based on the uh talks I had with Maria um we've actually been talking quite a lot um and also to Stephanie's been very helpful in that area Ju Just recently as well but the resolution is whereas residents who live on the on around Indiantown Road have expressed concern regarding speeding in the neighborhood and whereas Indiantown Road connects residents and Vis visitors of fall to numerous nature preserves trails in watershed area whereas the quality of life and safety for residents pedestrians and drivers are most import now therefore be resolve that the Committee on Public sa safety convene with the director of traffic and parking and a representative of the for Police Department to discuss methods to improve Public Safety and decrease speeding in the Indiantown Road Maria welcome you state your name and address my name is Maria Susan I'm Indi for River okay um and let's maybe we can just uh start off by Stephanie Maybe just giving some of the uh examples of what we've done all all absolutely there uh so again this was brought to my attention probably about the middle of July um I did send my maintenance crew out there there was um there was some signage that was out there but it was very old very faded yes so we did replace a lot of those signage those needed to be plac yeah yeah they were they were old they were faded um so they 34 years so how long is it how long have they been there they're all dated yeah they are I do have to say I have to agree with you on that um and also the speed limit signs that were up there were at 30 miles per hour I did reduce it to 25 yes um so that was effective I made that change on July 25th is when my maintenance crew went out there and did that um and we did that based on the Mass General Law chapter 90 section 193 so we could make the change in residential areas um from 30 to 25 so I did that on it was also done on the 25th um in the main areas I also added some slow signage I don't know if you noticed that um starting from Blossom Road to Mohawk Drive so again like the chief said previously you know to put up too much signage may be a distraction so dri them exactly I I know unfortunately everyone's in a rush to get somewhere I am here okay I I told Paul I would come over I've been there for 34 years already so I was one of the first just speak into the microphone I was one of the first houses built there um when even before they put Mohawk Drive in mhm I brought the corn what okay you put signage on the corner lot on M hawk in Indi toown Road actually Shane revant was there yeah um he saw me go to the mailbox my mailbox is right there next to the telephone pole that you put the signage up I have fallen twice when they come down from above not from Blossom Road up top they fly down that road doing about 60 M hour there's a new neighborhood in town I did print it out cuz I wanted to see wanted to show you folks but here I am in this little corner of my little world and if you go find it further up all these new houses up here new developments mhm okay they don't get it it's a country road there's no signage up there also up here let me go a little bit further up which I think I even made a bigger one to come up here okay um there is a place there called the copicut little Inlet I think maybe the police officer you would know that they Park their cars and we have the PanAm guys come down and they bike for the PanAm we got a lot of bikers do they Park in the lot or do they park on the road very good they go up to the little section there just before the yellow Hill Road okay and they Park in there and they bike I'm sorry they bike and they go down to copaa because they do their practicing when they do the PanAm in August okay they have noticed because a lot of them have gotten to know me there again because I'm 34 years I'm a high high wa have bottles of water there if they need it you know what I'm saying cuz that doing their little thing for cancer okay they've noticed Maria what's going on why are these people driving like this is like Indianapolis 500 we we're afraid to come up here so I've noticed a decrease and we don't want to decrease folks like them we we put it on our B River website you know come to for River we have you know places to go bike and well you can't go biking anymore up there it's crazy um right across the street from that M Hawk Inlet where again it'll show here MH this is again I use me it's me yeah yeah I don't want to get any anybody else involved but this is perfect when I zoomed it out telephone polls here right in front of me is the gate that was put there so people can't go into the with cars into the woods in there okay which Mike laasia and I have been always in contact for 34 years now I would have loved to have a police officer back his car in there today no sooner did they leave the area today um I almost got hit I went to the mailbox I and I just had gone by all the police officers cuz you had I think five of them all on Indian toown Road one with a um the first picture that I showed you way back it shows you down here where the woods are yeah had one there and I know who they are unmarked one where the we just had a construction mishap okay um he was there with his little as I'm coming up from Blossom Road and I'm going it's not coming up from Blossom Road is coming from Indian Town Road down to Blossom Road okay when they come flying down that Road I came out I have a granddaughter that's 16 months old I come out in the morning cuz my driveway I did it on purpose I'm on Indi toown Road the house should have gone here but I did it this way so I could come out with my kids and not go into traffic so the driveway comes out this way when I come here if they're coming down this road that Road's getting narrow and narrow because it has not been replaced in 34 years the sides of it I mean I'm pretty sure you've been up there it's getting worse there's no place to go so if they're coming this way and I'm out here with my granddaughter you don't know I had to do the other day cuz the kid's on the phone he's texting doesn't seem I have a whistle now carry a whistle I blew that whistle so hard cuz where am I going to put my granddaughter I shoved her into this guy's yard to get out of the way because he wasn't paying attention he's just coming straight down the middle of the road and so so Maria so um with having said that I I remember going go over with with you on this and it is you know it's it's something where also too I I think you told me before the meeting that the police have been down there already there today they were doing did an operation yeah they did it to them but when I came home from school they would have noticed me I I have a white van I have nothing to hide I come down I have three grandkids in a car in a ball we call him ball spot Papa's ball spot has no hair all in a car and I'm coming from the school cuz I went to the school to pick up the granddaughter at Holy Trinity I have all three of them and I had noticed when I went down to pick him up there was a police officer on my right young kid somebody stopped to ask him a question and he's going like this go ahead and I'm going honey there's no room between your police cruiser me and this guy in his convertible mercedesbenz I know who he is very well they have money God bless them they have money I'm happy somebody has money you know if they're happy I'm happy for them right but Maria Maria but so what I'm what I want to do is make sure that we're getting every everything done up there and I think by from what Stephanie's saying we have and the chief has gotten the police there but but as well as far as any questions Council de do you have questions for the chief or um but also too Chief before I go to council thean have you do you have any um updated reps about the speeding up there or anything like that so yeah so we we've been in the middle of obviously the middle of the summer in the middle of processions in the middle of uh events in the city um so a lot of our signage and our traffic Vehicles were were tied up doing traffic uh issues um but you know we we have a very small sample of what's going on up there um I know there are some issues at night but between 10: and maybe like six in the evening seems to be the the biggest issue with uh speeding that's what the data shows um I think over the Lo the course of the past week like the highest anyone reached was 58 um if you've ever driven that road that's really F fast on that road but at the same po point you know we were on the road today uh with someone from the office and 25 is is like you know you're traveling 25 it's because it's long stretch of road um like we have in other areas where there's a long stretch of Flat Road and you can see a good country mile um it tends to make you go a little bit faster um so you know the we did uh a little sting today just to see you know where we would be between these hours I think we gave out 12 citations um obviously it was more um education at this point I think it was mostly all residents of the of the area of the immediate area that we stopped today um I think the highest or the fastest summone was going today was 39 um so it's over um a lot of the other people were a little bit less but I think part of it also is part of the new change in the speed as well so there's a little bit of a change there but um like I said this is another small sample I'd like to take a little bit more of a larger sample but keep in mind enforcement in order to get to uh this area uh you have to go through Westport um yes you right you're getting off at the White's exit you're taking a left you're going all is it Old beit Road taking your left on Blossom Road and then you're all the way to the end so we're going through a chunk of Westport so on a given night um unless we're really taking really proactive steps you know it takes some to really get out there but we don't have a lot of calls for service you had what is the thing that says this is your speed correct all right you had it on where's my other little that one there I'm sorry CU I'm here you had it right here at this opening M and my husband says why is it facing that way should be facing had you turned it this way facing and then coming down you would had more data because that's where they come from I mean I I know people you're right when you go through the section of the woods that you feel like what the hell I said you want to do 50 over there be my guest you hit a dare you die I don't care but as soon as you get to the house there slow down there's children there's children there's people coming in and out of their homes and the roads got narrow and narrower M and i' I've mentioned that to Danya the planning person for our road yes is it Dan it hasn't been done in 34 years have you ever tried to go there during a snowstorm they PL the road they barely give us enough room you try to get back by there one my van and the school bus it's not happening I have to pull into somebody's driveway it's that bad then you get someone that's crazy that still decides to do 50 when it's a bad snowy day sure and you're you should see the things I see you know they've spun around at the bottom of that street bottom of my street and landed in the woods M because they don't it turns into a pond there so I'm on the phone with the water department who cleans the drains there cuz that's not seage that's drains clean water goes into the so but keep in mind we're having the the traffic there obviously the intent for us having it before the neighborhood yeah is because it's about a 90% uh effective rate in getting people to slow down doesn't necessarily get them to go the speed limit but it does get people to slow down and data shows but I'm saying even without the officers there the sign itself uh is shown that gets people to slow down but obviously you have to kind of layer that with some enforcement and because you're you're absolutely right you know we don't get a lot of police officers out in that area can't well I have two police officers that live in the neighborhood one that lives on my cool sa across the street we'll talk about that later one up the street street where all the people live right they start work early yeah excuse me there's one up the street that where all the traffic comes from um I mean he he actually sometimes turns in and just does our cool dis act before he goes into work which I think is great that he comes by the neighb waves you know but that's what I'm trying to say you cannot be there all the time it's impossible the city itself even though I live in a city of for River I understand that that's a wooded area it's not like living in the city downtown where you folks are overwhelmed including that Pine Street because I nearly got nailed twice coming going to the doctors over there so I get it that's that to me is important there's a nursery not too far from that intersection I've seen some horrible things on that intersection so I was kind of glad that that was on the docket today also cuz I drive into the city yeah and chief um do you have the uh as as far as what we've done in the past and I think they've worked like those um like you put on Eastern Avenue uh corre speed limit can can those fit can those is that a good fit for that a particular neighborhood up there uh I can check to uh the issue is we have to have a power source okay right so I have to have a pole that has some electricity to it anded but we do have um we do have some that can go out and I'll check to see if there's one that's that's fitting for that area Okay think I think I mean I think go ahead um so again do you think a 30-day um I think that's reasonable is reasonable moving forward sure and I certainly would have to think that moving forward also a couple of citations that hit people in the pocket is going to slow them down correct the fact that you're going to have some uh enforcement up there is is going to take effect like I said you know today just you know the hours that we're there we had we had 12 ISS uh 12 citations so and in what time period uh we were there between 10 and I believe four was my last time I I checked in 12 citations in four hours yeah but you know keep in mind the you know we're talking you know it was it wasn't the the people doing 50 it was people who are just hovering above that uh 35 36 s Mark um there's a lot of Education going on but you know you know you can imagine especially in a very small close-knit uh Community everyone knows the issue so when you're stopping these residents uh it's immediat like hey I don't know why you're stopping me I'm only going 10 miles over the speed limit the issue is the guy who comes who comes by here and does you know 50 or or what have you well that's great well that's who we're looking for but sorry you blew it but I think but I think it's important for the neighbors to know that you know obviously we we we listen and we've heard you and obviously we try and do our best to try to fix the issue one more thing for you if you could do it in all honesty I know that you guys are very busy I know how it it's hard for police department and I I joke but I know yeah police please have it tough I appreciate that it just again especially with the world being what it is now okay but my point also is up there in my neighborhood it used to be very very quiet you never heard cars at 2:00 in the morning okay I hear a lot of traffic from my street up my street and if I'm one of those people are very light sleepers so sometimes I'll get up and I'll see cars driving from up past where I live down I'm saying what are these people doing in the middle of the week at 2 3:00 in the morning up there and I don't need to say very much like I said we're going to talk about the sample size and I I think the council had an excellent recommendation which is give it 30 days because there is more the small sample size that we have I mean you're right on it at from Midnight uh to maybe 6:00 in the morning it it's it's not very well traveled no but when it does happen H whatever is happening is not not legal it's not and there's a couple of times now I'm getting and I'm I don't know if I mentioned it to you I don't know I mentioned it to Mike laash because I called him and I wanted to know if it was hunting season already because I heard a gunshot and I said can you tell me cuz he knows pretty much who goes out there and he says Maria it's not hunting season yet so I heard a gunshot and I was outside with my granddaughter and it was too close for call I don't know who they are and then I saw them in the back of my yard which is the the land trust is back there so nobody's supposed to be back there okay so we do have our two epos who are constantly out there and they do they do a great job uh you know environmental police officer we have two police offices uh and I can tell you that uh they're absolutely awesome they do a great job and uh obviously if you bring that forward um obviously they will give you that attention uh to take care of the issue can I get the name I don't see them that often as often as I I used to is it because it's not the you're going to see them this week don't worry about it it's the season women season right okay I'm only asking because I don't know I don't have a chart that tells me you know the SE I don't hunt so I wouldn't have those things I would even know where to look for them I'm not crazy about killing animals either but that's that's the point after this meeting I'm going to give you uh some contact I'm going to get your your information I apprciate and I think to schedule a visit and I think what counil Dion suggested Chief has agreed the 30-day window that's something that we can we can definitely come back and meet with the chief about that um so I think we'll we'll wait to see those those results and then we'll come back and um we'll have the results and we'll discuss it here um but before we uh adjourn because I think this is the last item on the agenda uh before we adjourn I wanted also to to bring up um the issue that we had last meeting here at Wilson Road with with the 18 wheelers Chief um I've gotten a lot of very good responses from The Neighbors about the um uh certain the officers on the uh on the on the force have been um stopping the 18 wheels that as they going on Wilson Road a good number of them so I think that that's working pretty good I can tell you I was U pleasantly surprised I had officer John AA who worked we did a little bit of mini sting over there for quite a few hours uh I think we stopped me know close to 14 uh vehicles um but without Direction um officer agar then you know not only stopped the truck drivers found out uh Which business they were going to and then actually proceeded to that business and talked to them about the issues that the trucks going to the business are creating so hopefully we'll get a little bit of third party policing involved the trucks going there so you know kudos to him that that was great you know out of the box thinking uh because we just wanted him go out there give tickets and send it send a message that way um after that uh thing that we did we also had conversation with uh Mr hetel who's the the president of the Business Association up there just to let them know that hey we're going to be doing this uh as as time goes forward and just also keep in mind we work with um the chamber uh as well to have Google change um the the uh the direction point for for industrial park so it was actually if you searched it through your map it would give you direction right to Wilson Road um so we had them move that um that was a little bit of a process and I thank the chamber for uh for the assistance in that because that was beyond uh our means yep and I think too that also representative Fiola was involved in in it as well correct she's putting those signs up on the highway really really helped as well no she did absolutely yep so I just wanted to mention her as well on that um um I'll is there any motion motion to table motion to table all in favor I I motion to motion to adjourn I'll second that all in favor all all right thank you very much everybody appreciate I appreciate your timeone [Music] hey hey heyy [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey [Music] [Music]