[Music] regulations will now come to aut Madam clerk will you call the rooll here here here pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make a video or audio recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Trans Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible first item on the agenda is assist and input uh second item is the minutes for May 23rd 2023 motion to approve second motion was made by councelor Ponte second by councelor Kilby discussion seeing none all those in favor opposed so voted auto repair shop license William Sanchez ABG Holdings LLC DBA Lambert auto body and Auto Sales 103 Shavon Street motion to take items three and four together motion was made second and all those in favor right opposed so voted item number four is the auto body shop uh license renewal William Sanchez ABG Holdings LLC DBA Lambert Auto Body in Auto Sales 103 Savon Street okay uh detective do you want to come down can you just state your name for the uh William Sanchez thank you um M cler what St this one just okay great detective do you want to just bring us up to speed with the issues with the police department so the only concerns that we really had was just that there was some discrepancies in the information provided on the application okay um versus the background check that we had conducted and there was um an issue with the license being non-renewed the license what I'm sorry the driver's license being non-renewable typically just means that there's a money that needs to be owed to the state some way or another okay and then we also have uh either fees or back taxes that are owed to the city well I spoke with Ian on Wednesday there was nothing there like when I I already had the paper signed off on and handed it in so I don't know what that is it didn't make sense I spoke with in after that so they already signed off one I handed and spoke with in after that so in reference to all the fees that I need to pay to renew my license it my license was not non-renewable like well in 2025 it expires but there were some tickets and stuff that I had to take care of anyway so that took care of all that stuff and and so you got a certificate of good standing from the treasurer's office well I already they already signed off on the paper you know what I mean so I handed that in with my application you know what I mean to sign off on whatever tax issues so when I handed an application about three weeks later I handed that paper sry M they do it they they don't okay that paper you bring sign they sign that paper you sir M motion pending tax middle of the tax second motion or refer to full Council right is at the motion with a positive recommendation subject for both items subject to uh getting uh certificate certificate of good standing right second discussion so the only issue was the license nonrenewal is that in the back and the um inconsistency in the I had change so I'm kind of in the middle of divorce so I moved to Fall River I was living in Cambridge okay so I had to change my address so I did all that all right any further discussion good luck just make sure you keep up when you do your renewals you keep up with all that and you won't have to be here so thank you you get with was just good luck to your business appreciate Y no we we have it I'm sorry all those in favor I opposed so voter motion carries unanimously thank you thank you appreciate than you thank you detective correct item number five is the auto repair shop license request for change of restrictions Carlos Jakes uh Jake Auto Sale LLC DBA Jak's Auto and repair 182 Stafford Road how are you how you doing uh name and address for the record Carlos AZ 21 AR Street Providence Ro Island 02907 okay is it Mr Fado yes can you just speaking the microphone state your name and address for the record my name is Ronald Fado I reside at 160 Stafford Road um so the restrictions you can you just talk a little bit about what you're looking to do for terms of the hours of operation so I'm looking to uh extend the hours from Monday to Friday to 7: p.m. I know it's currently uh 6 p.m. and Saturday to 5:00 p.m. 700 p.m. and then Saturday to what was it to 5:00 p.m. and what's it currently now now uh right now I believe it's 7 to1 the restrictions is it on each day uh no just for Saturday this was the Restriction that was put on the license um so this is actually a new business that I'm actually going to be opening up there oh sorry the the license was transferred over to me so I'm looking to to get the hours changed before I open up for business should ask permission sorry no CC K you got the floor okay so um the Monday through Friday is not going to change no Monday through Friday right now is currently to 6 but I'm requesting to please have it till 7:00 p.m. okay Saturday you're requesting till 5:00 so right now it's 1: so I'm requesting it to be till 5 so an additional four hours um so my reason for that is is that um um a lot of customers on average probably are going to get out like around four or five um so closing at 6 is I feel like it's not going to give people enough time to get to the business so I believe you know s is is more appropriate and on on Saturday um also 5:00 p.m. I think is a reasonable time a lot of people are off on the weekends so if they want to come um to do any auto repairs um they're most likely um a lot of people are going to come on Saturday so I think it would hurt the business closing so early on a Saturday M um the third reason is I'm actually live in Providence so you guys know about the bridge um I currently own a dealership on Second Street Central City Autos sales and um just from my experience um if we try to close at 600 or leave at 6:00 we get stuck with the traffic so it's a lot better for for me to leave after 7:00 to avoid that traffic with the bridge right now are there any complaints um I'm sure you could speak to that next but that's up to the chairman yeah so I believe the restrictions were placed because of concerns from the uh the neighbors so that's why the restrictions were there but this is a new owner this is a whole new business yeah I just I just purchased the building um like a week ago so any questions for the applicant before we go to the um I'll hold off okay M Mr Fado originally when when the people at uh as the garage sorry there we sat down just like we are now and discussed the hours of operation and the reason for why we asked for the hours that we asked for was so that we as as can outside on our property and be able to enjoy it as well uh I understand the the business aspect of it uh you know it's a new business he he wants to try to get some income coming in but I also understand that you know I would like to be able to enjoy my property as well uh as far as the one hour uh issue on I really don't see a big deal with that uh to me that's acceptable the Saturday thing I think that we're pretty much in the same type of situation uh you work all week and you know you want to come in at home and sit outside on and enjoy your property I don't know what the the noise level types will be here uh I'm well aware of what power tools and and all that the noises they make and you know create uh so that those are my my my biggest concerns here that I can at least enjoy my own property yeah uh in the past we certainly you know we haven't had a lot of problems years ago when I first bought that house I can tell you that garage was a nightmare was a nightmare and uh we fought we finally got it some help and got it straighten out all I know is I just hope that that we don't end up in the same type of situation yeah and I just want to add to it I'm pretty sure you know what the building looks like now it's it's an eyes sore for the neighborhood so I'm actually right now in the process of you know painting the building nice um you know I'm going to do the nice asphal so it's it's going to look better for the neighborhood um it's going to make your neighborhood look a lot better and you know hopefully add some value to your house um so this is going to be uh primarily a dealership um so you know I hope that there shouldn't be a lot of noise level um there is going to be some obviously auto repairs um but I mean I'm not sure if you're if you're open to um you know trying it out and then if you ever have any issues you can come to me or ask to speak to me and and if there's ever any noise I can tell them to keep it down um you know obviously you can't control like the noise of power tools but if anyone's like you know any noise that we can't control we'll definitely try to control that for sure I I just to it's so difficult to to try to explain to people time there's people talking down at Liberty's Bakery and I'm sitting in my house and I can hear their conversation because it's reverberating off all the houses around that that's our concern about the noise aspect you know and uh I I'm willing to you know give on on so many hours on Saturday I you but still I'd like to keep it reasonable as possible so that we can enjoy our our property as well great councelor do you feel it's uh not reasonable to extend their hours from 1 to 5: I I would like to I wouldn't mind extend it a little bit but I I think know five know again by the time he's packing up the go it's already changing from daylight to evening and uh so we don't really get the the chance to enjoy the day outside but uh I I I realize the difficulty it is when you're buying a new business yeah yeah yeah and what I just wanted to ad currently right now so where I'm at right now on Second Street um I don't have um a repair shop there so just the reason why I requested this is because I know from experience when I have customers buy vehicles a lot of times they want to put the car on the lift they want a mechanic to check it out before they buy it um so we're going to be open until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday on the dealership side um there's no restriction on you know on that on that side of the license but on this one there is so it's going to kind of be it's going to be difficult to tell a customer hey I you know you know I want to buy this car but I want to check it out first you have a mechanic shop going I say oh no wait I can't cuz the hours are different so I kind of wanted the hours to match up cuz I know that's going to be an issue people are going to be like hey you know before I buy this vehicle you know I'm ready to buy it can I can can your mechanic put on the lift so I can look under it um so you know not allowing me to to stay open past one is definitely going to um going to hurt business when you purchased this building in this real estate did you know that there was a restriction on the license when you purchased it I did not know I didn't know until it was transferred to me and I picked it up and then I seen the restri so you purchased it with the expectation knowing that you are going to be able to be open however long essentially you want to be yeah yeah and I know um I mean obviously you know I didn't think I was going to be open till 8 or :' I I figured you know what um other shops are you know what their hours are usually most shops are open till 5:00 P p.m. on on the weekend on Saturday if a neighbor has a question or they're concerned about noise M um is there going to be somebody in charge of the site so that they could address their issues with you or with management within your establishment yeah they can certainly talk to one of my employees and have them reach out to me or you know they can reach out to me directly I'm also going to be you know be there as well um I'm probably going to be there uh in the beginning I'm going to be there a lot and then eventually as I Look to hire people um but yeah if any problems anyone could always reach out to me that's not of you know make sure everything's good and Monday through Friday you're looking to move it from 6:00 to 7: yes all right so my thoughts are um initially is that I think the Monday through Friday till 7:00 is a bit of a stretch in my opinion I know it's the part of Stafford Road that is a busier part of Stafford Road it isn't essentially a larger residentially gifted area it's very busy on that part and there are other commercial uh tenants in in cars so um I mean I think running a mechanic shop till 7:00 on a Tuesday night or a Monday night I think is a little rough and I know it's only an hour so I mean my position is I personally don't have an issue uh with the extension on Saturdays till 5: but I think Monday through Friday till 7 is a bit of an inconvenience to the neighbors Behind The Establishment and on Stafford Road and I would urge that if at any point if it passes the full Council that if there's ever a concern of noise that you notify the clerk's office immediately and we'll see if we can have a hearing before the regulations committee again again if he come you I'm not saying he's going to misrepresent it he's a new business owner we want them to succeed we want them to be successful but we also need to be cognizant of if you reach out to them and they're not listening to your concerns then you bring it to our attention and we the chair will convene a meeting and and have a discussion about this going into next year so um so my those are just my initial thoughts I'll throw it out there and see if my colleagues have any comments on that my thank you Council so um so you you you predominantly do sales you stated right currently yeah but this is why I purchase this building because now I'm going to be doing both okay it's just it's a lot better because um so there's no noise in sales no no besides the car is turning on you know customer talking on the lot yeah someone's not mad about the price it's that's yeah I mean uh maybe just throwing it out there we uh lot of Veteran councils here we U there's always um quite often than not there's a clash between a business and a neighborhood in terms of noise it's always it's so you would it be amendable or would you allow um in your neighbors for sales to go on for that extra period of time and no body work oh sorry it's it's no it's not body work it's AO repair just repairs I have I have just how many vehicles would be on the property at any given time I gu how close are you to the property you butter yes there are other bu but just and how how many neighbors do you you I know St Bon your your residential home in there and he came to you guys you didn't go to him you know what I'm saying so he's looking for something from an existing home there as I think Council P said so I'm just trying to um think if just do the sales till a period of time so I'll just if I'm I'm ready to uh point of information Mr chair yeah I I was just going to say he he's he's looking for the repair piece to tie in his other his other sales cuz that cuz that's going to hurt the business like on a Saturday to close that one to have to turn down people that need you know repairs on their vehicle at one o'clock on a Saturday it's definitely gonna GNA hurt the business well I'm I'm prepared to uh support Council P's compromise and if you if you have a language there can I just mention I I thought I thought Mr V said he was okay with the six to to seven his concern was the Saturday that is I did one hour difference on from Monday through Friday correct right is that is that was I'm sorry what was your biggest concern was it the weekends or the or the night during the week it's it's more on the weekends and it's only Saturday because obviously Sundays we now understandable now if if the um I guess if the committee was to to meet you halfway at 3 o' would that be beneficial it it would help a little bit Mr fata would that would that work for you try sure motion to refer to full council with the restrictions of Monday through Friday 6: p.m. Saturday 3:00 so you don't want to extend the the week dat to 7 personally I mean what are your what are your thoughts I thought he said he said he was okay with you're all right until 7 o'clock during the week Monday through Friday Monday o' all right fine motion I'll remend my problem I'll amend my motion to refer to full counsel sorry I just want to say can um is four o'clock I mean is that still pushing it too much 4 o'clock on Saturday sorry minutes yeah you seem very reasonable I listen I I'll cave to that as long as we run any understanding that yeah no and and problem like I said yeah you come to me if there's a problem I just think we should we should just try it out to see CU like I said I'm I'm a new business I don't I just don't know what they were doing I know this was implemented in 2016 I just don't know what kind of noise level what they were doing at the time but I know they would do any they were they were the greatest tenants in the world they a will I hate to see him go Motion to refer to full councel uh Monday through Friday 700 p.m. restriction Saturday 4 o' second motion was made by Council Ponte second by Council Kilby discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed so voted motion carries unanimously as Council P stay to keep in touch with the clerk if any and like I said if you have any issues come see me my name is Carlos Carlos HZ so if I'm not there just you know ask to speak to me okay okay good what's your name talk to Victor vior Victor okay motion to adjourn cheesecake for Christmas motion adjourn was made by Council Pony second by Council Kilby all those in favor opposed so voted committee on regulation is now adjourned thank you folks --------- [Music] regulations will now come to aut Madam clerk will you call the rooll here here here pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make a video or audio recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Trans Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible first item on the agenda is assist and input uh second item is the minutes for May 23rd 2023 motion to approve second motion was made by councelor Ponte second by councelor Kilby discussion seeing none all those in favor opposed so voted auto repair shop license William Sanchez ABG Holdings LLC DBA Lambert auto body and Auto Sales 103 Shavon Street motion to take items three and four together motion was made second and all those in favor right opposed so voted item number four is the auto body shop uh license renewal William Sanchez ABG Holdings LLC DBA Lambert Auto Body in Auto Sales 103 Savon Street okay uh detective do you want to come down can you just state your name for the uh William Sanchez thank you um M cler what St this one just okay great detective do you want to just bring us up to speed with the issues with the police department so the only concerns that we really had was just that there was some discrepancies in the information provided on the application okay um versus the background check that we had conducted and there was um an issue with the license being non-renewed the license what I'm sorry the driver's license being non-renewable typically just means that there's a money that needs to be owed to the state some way or another okay and then we also have uh either fees or back taxes that are owed to the city well I spoke with Ian on Wednesday there was nothing there like when I I already had the paper signed off on and handed it in so I don't know what that is it didn't make sense I spoke with in after that so they already signed off one I handed and spoke with in after that so in reference to all the fees that I need to pay to renew my license it my license was not non-renewable like well in 2025 it expires but there were some tickets and stuff that I had to take care of anyway so that took care of all that stuff and and so you got a certificate of good standing from the treasurer's office well I already they already signed off on the paper you know what I mean so I handed that in with my application you know what I mean to sign off on whatever tax issues so when I handed an application about three weeks later I handed that paper sorry M they do it they they don't okay that paper you bring sign they sign that paper you sir M motion pending tax middle of the tax second motion or refer to full Council right is at the motion with a positive recommendation subject for both items subject to uh getting uh certificate certificate of good standing right second discussion so the only issue was the license nonrenewal is that in the back and the um inconsistency in the I had change so I'm kind of in the middle of divorce so I moved to Fall River I was living in Cambridge okay so I had to change my address so I did all that all right any further discussion good luck just make sure you keep up when you do your renewals you keep up with all that and you won't have to be here so thank you you get with was just good luck to your business appreciate Y no we we have it I'm sorry all those in favor I opposed so voter motion carries unanimously thank you thank you appreciate than you thank you detective correct item number five is the auto repair shop license request for change of restrictions Carlos Jakes uh Jake Auto Sale LLC DBA Jak's Auto and repair 182 Stafford Road how are you how you doing uh name and address for the record Carlos AZ 21 AR Street Providence Ro Island 02907 okay is it Mr Fado yes can you just speaking the microphone state your name and address for the record my name is Ronald Fado I reside at 160 Stafford Road um so the restrictions you can you just talk a little bit about what you're looking to do for terms of the hours of operation so I'm looking to uh extend the hours from Monday to Friday to 7: p.m. I know it's currently uh 6 p.m. and Saturday to 5:00 p.m. 700 p.m. and then Saturday to what was it to 5:00 p.m. and what's it currently now now uh right now I believe it's 7 to1 the restrictions is it on each day uh no just for Saturday this was the Restriction that was put on the license um so this is actually a new business that I'm actually going to be opening up there oh sorry the the license was transferred over to me so I'm looking to to get the hours changed before I open up for business should ask permission sorry no CC K you got the floor okay so um the Monday through Friday is not going to change no Monday through Friday right now is currently to 6 but I'm requesting to please have it till 7:00 p.m. okay Saturday you're requesting till 5:00 so right now it's 1: so I'm requesting it to be till 5 so an additional four hours um so my reason for that is is that um um a lot of customers on average probably are going to get out like around four or five um so closing at 6 is I feel like it's not going to give people enough time to get to the business so I believe you know s is is more appropriate and on on Saturday um also 5:00 P p.m. I think is a reasonable time a lot of people are off on the weekends so if they want to come um to do any auto repairs um they're most likely um a lot of people are going to come on Saturday so I think it would hurt the business closing so early on a Saturday M um the third reason is I'm actually live in Providence so you guys know about the bridge um I currently own a dealership on Second Street Central City Autos sales and um just from my experience um if we try to close at 600 or leave at 6:00 we get stuck with the traffic so it's a lot better for for me to leave after 7:00 to avoid that traffic with the bridge right now are there any complaints um I'm sure you could speak to that next but that's up to the chairman yeah so I believe the restrictions were placed because of concerns from the uh the neighbors so that's why the restrictions were there but this is a new owner this is a whole new business yeah I just I just purchased the building um like a week ago so any questions for the applicant before we go to the um I'll hold off okay M Mr Fado originally when when the people at uh as the garage sorry there we sat down just like we are now and discussed the hours of operation and the reason for why we asked for the hours that we asked for was so that we as can outside on our property and be able to enjoy it as well uh I understand the the business aspect of it uh you know it's a new business he he wants to try to get some income coming in but I also understand that you know I would like to be able to enjoy my property as well uh as far as the 1 hour uh issue on I really don't see a big deal with that uh to me that's acceptable the Saturday thing I think that we're pretty much in the same type of situation uh you work all week and you know you want to come in at home and sit outside on and enjoy your property I don't know what the the noise level types will be here uh I'm well aware of what power tools and and all that the noises they make and you know create uh so that those are my my my biggest concerns here that I can at least enjoy my own property yeah uh in the past we certainly you know we haven't had a lot of problems years ago when I first bought that house I can tell you that garage was a nightmare was a nightmare and uh we fought we finally got it some help and got it straighten out all I know is I just hope that that we don't end up in the same type of situation yeah and I just want to add to it I'm pretty sure you know what the building looks like now it's it's an eyes sore for the neighborhood so I'm actually right now in the process of you know painting the building nice um you know I'm going to do the nice asphal so it's it's going to look better for the neighborhood um it's going to make your neighborhood look a lot better and you know hopefully add some value to your house um so this is going to be uh primarily a dealership um so you know I hope that there shouldn't be a lot of noise level um there is going to be some obviously auto repairs um but I mean I'm not sure if you're if you're open to um you know trying it out and then if you ever have any issues you can come to me or ask to speak to me and and if there's ever any noise I can tell them to keep it down um you know obviously you can't control like the noise of power tools but if anyone's like you know any noise that we can't control we'll definitely try to control that for sure I I just to it's so difficult to to try to explain to people time there's people talking down at Liberty's Bakery and I'm sitting in my house and I can hear their conversation because it's reverberating off all the houses around that that's our concern about the noise aspect you know and uh I I'm willing to you know give on on so many hours on Saturday I but still I'd like to keep it reasonable as possible so that we can enjoy our our property as well great councelor do you feel it's uh not reasonable to extend their hours from 1 to 5 I I would like to I wouldn't mind extend it a little bit but I I think know five know again by the time he's packing up the go it's already changing from daylight to evening and uh so we don't really get the the chance to enjoy the day outside but uh I I I realize the difficulty it is when you're buying a new business yeah yeah yeah and what I just wanted to add currently right now so where I'm at right now on Second Street um I don't have um a repair shop there so just the reason why I requested this is because I know from experience when I have customers buy vehicles a lot of times they want to put the car on the lift they want a mechanic to check it out before they buy it um so we're going to be open until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday on the dealership side um there's no restriction on you know on that on that side of the license but on this one there is so it's going to kind of be it's going to be difficult to tell a customer hey I you know you know I want to buy this car but I want to check it out first you have a mechanic shop and I say oh no wait I can't cuz the hours are different so I kind of wanted the hours to match up cuz I know that's going to be an issue people are going to be like hey you know before I buy this vehicle you know I'm ready to buy it can I can can your mechanic put on the lift so I can look under it um so you know not allowing me to to stay open past one is definitely going to um going to hurt business when you purchased this building in this real estate did you know that there was a restriction on the license when you purchased it I did not know I didn't know until it was transferred to me and I picked it up and then I seen the restri so you purchased it with the expectation knowing that you are going to be able to be open however long essentially you want to be yeah yeah and I know um I mean obviously you know I didn't think I was going to be open till 8 or :' I I figured you know what um other shops are you know what their hours are usually most shops are open till 5:00 P p.m. on on the weekend on Saturday if a neighbor has a question or they're concerned about noise M um is there going to be somebody in charge of the site so that they could address their issues with you or with management within your establishment yeah they can certainly talk to one of my employees and have them reach out to me or you know they can reach out to me directly I'm also going to be you know be there as well um I'm probably going to be there uh in the beginning I'm going to be there a lot and then eventually as I Look to hire people um but yeah if any problems anyone could always reach out to me that's not of you know make sure everything's good and Monday through Friday you're looking to move it from 6:00 to 7: yes all right so my thoughts are um initially is that I think the Monday through Friday till 7:00 is a bit of a stretch in my opinion I know it's the part of Stafford Road that is a busier part of Stafford Road it isn't essentially a larger residentially gifted area it's very busy on that part and there are other commercial uh tenants in in cars so um I mean I think running a mechanic shop till 7:00 on a Tuesday night or a Monday night I think is a little rough and I know it's only an hour so I mean my position is I personally don't have an issue uh with the extension on Saturdays till 5: but I think Monday through Friday till 7 is a bit of an inconvenience to the neighbors Behind The Establishment and on Stafford Road and I would urge that if at any point if it passes the full Council that if there's ever a concern of noise that you notify the clerk's office immediately and we'll see if we can have a hearing before the regulations committee again again if he come you I'm not saying he's going to misrepresent it he's a new business owner we want them to succeed we want them to be successful but we also need to be cognizant of if you reach out to them and they're not listening to your concerns then you bring it to our attention and we the chair will convene a meeting and and have a discussion about this going into next year so um so my those are just my initial thoughts I'll throw it out there and see if my colleagues have any comments on that my thank you Council so um so you you you predominantly do sales you stated right currently yeah but this is why I purchase this building because now I'm going to be doing both okay it's just it's a lot better because um so there's no noise in sales no no besides the car is turning on you know customer talking on the lot yeah someone's not mad about the price it's that's yeah I mean uh maybe just throwing it out there we uh lot of Veteran councils here we U there's always um quite often than not there's a clash between a business and a neighborhood in terms of noise it's always it's so you would it be amendable or would you allow um in your neighbors for sales to go on for that extra period of time and no body work oh sorry it's it's no it's not body work it's AO repair just repairs I have I have just how many vehicles would be on the property at any given time I gu how close are you to the property you butter yes there are other bu but just and how how many neighbors do you you I know St Bon your your residential home in there and he came to you guys you didn't go to him you know what I'm saying so he's looking for something from an existing home there as I think Council P said so I'm just trying to um think if just do the sales till a period of time so I'll just if I'm I'm ready to uh point of information Mr chair yeah I I was just going to say he he's he's looking for the repair piece to tie in his other his other sales cuz that cuz that's going to hurt the business like on a Saturday to close that one to have to turn down people that need you know repairs on their vehicle at one o'clock on a Saturday it's definitely gonna GNA hurt the business well I'm I'm prepared to uh support Council P's compromise and if you if you have a language there can I just mention I I thought I thought Mr V said he was okay with the six to to seven his concern was the Saturday that is I did one hour difference on from Monday through Friday correct right is that is that was I'm sorry what was your biggest concern was it the weekends or the or the night during the week it's it's more on the weekends and it's only Saturday because obviously Sundays we now understandable now if if the um I guess if the committee was to to meet you halfway at 3 o' would that be beneficial it it would help a little bit Mr fata would that would that work for you try sure motion to refer to full council with the restrictions of Monday through Friday 6: p.m. Saturday 3:00 so you don't want to extend the the week dat to 7 personally I mean what are your what are your thoughts I thought he said he said he was okay with you're all right until 7 o'clock during the week Monday through Friday Monday o' all right fine motion I'll remend my problem I'll amend my motion to refer to full counsel sorry I just want to say can um is four o'clock I mean is that still pushing it too much four o'clock on Saturday sorry minutes yeah you seem very reasonable I listen I I I'll cave to that as long as we run any understanding that yeah no and and problem like I said yeah you come to me if there's a problem I just think we should we should just try it out to see CU like I said I'm I'm a new business I don't I just don't know what they were doing I know this was implemented in 2016 I just don't know what kind of noise level what they were doing at the time but I know they would do any they were they were the greatest tenants in the world they will I hate to see him go Motion or refer to full councel uh Monday through Friday 700 p.m. restriction Saturday 4 o' second motion was made by Council Ponte second by Council Kilby discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed so voted motion carries unanimously as Council P stay to keep in touch with the clerk if any and like I said if you have any issues come see me my name is Carlos Carlos HZ so if I'm not there just you know ask to speak to me okay okay good what's your name talk to Victor vior Victor okay motion to adjourn cheesecake for Christmas motion adjourn was made by Council Pony second by Council Kilby all those in favor opposed so voted committee on regulation is now adjourned thank you folks