uh welcome to community preservation meeting tonight uh one government center in the hearing room um it's uh 6 o'clock June 17th Monday uh pursuing to the open meeting laws any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium to therefore advise that such recording or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unreceived by those present and deemed acknowledged and permissible uh we'll start with roll call to my left Michael farious Alex Silva John brt J hsby Rick man and we're we have uh Sandy Dennis administrative assistant in here and Craig from F frtv and we are missing uh Joanne Bentley from housing and Christine oler from um the city mayor pointy and we're have an open seat in um the park board and city council uh any citizen input no okay uh can I have a motion for approval minutes from May 20th I'll make a motion minutes I'll second that all in favor I that's St you right yep all righty uh next we have um sign locations we haven't been able to find all of our signs but I think we found uh what we come up with s 10 yeah two large signs 12 were putting up yeah have 12 we we tried to cover uh um most of the city as possible for those that are watching we have a a small a medium one going at Antioch on Rock Street uh Central fire station we have one going medium the Children's Museum we have a large one going up um Father Kelly Park we have a medium sign going up uh store St an's church we have a medium uh Kennedy Splash Pad Overlook uh we have a medium going up uh Maplewood Park we have a large one going up the Maritime Museum we have a small one uh we have a medium one going up at the North Park uh uh stairway uh let's see we have a palaski uh park splash pad we have a medium going up we have one at the school administration building um a small one going up and then John the Baptist we have a small one going up and uh we were looking we have signs but they've got to be somewhere so uh we don't want to order the big ones like we have now the plywood uh what we thought we'd do is order some uh uh like the political signs they use yard signs and I use those come in a few different sizes we were just going to probably grab uh a dozen or two dozen for additional you know this makes it easier when uh a smaller project or they don't have a big yard space like the Dr Fisk house uh um Lafayette House you know this would be a nice little sign to put there there is also one in front of the Historical Society am I correct we're going to be moving that one because it's been there okay and then when they start their roof we'll put a small one out got in front you know I almost went by there and fixed it I was like oh my it's knocked it's the wind knocked it over a little bit but if it's getting removed then I won't do that do you know yes what do the sign say um the sign is a u it's pretty nice sign it's uh has four pictures of uh I think we have uh the abig gril the uh I think there's the gates to the uh no the gates to uh they're all CBC project yeah there's four different projects then it just says a project done by CPC oh okay and then we put gives us you know and where is one uh right now Historical Society has one up fine I'll there that's coming up and we're going to move them around yep I'm in the planning uh field and I uh have an office and a home right near that and I have lots of friends who uh are in this business the planning board planning business and such not and uh they were quite impressed by seeing that um especially didn't say what they were I'm yeah it's great I'll ask I'll only try to ask this question oh that's okay that's all right um did we ever find the sign that was at the Armory is that included in the total it might be inside the Armory we looked in the Armory there was no okay that was a bigger one one I thought about asking the uh uh DCM uh there's a problem with the the um North bar ground uh uh you know being broken into because there's no activity down there that maybe CPC could store signs there and a couple other things and have a little activity there at least we would know where our signs would be instead of located who knows where gotta so but yeah uh deed restrictions uh I'll let uh Rick catch us up on this but uh it looks like uh John Coughlin has done a fantastic job with the historic the housing and then regular kind of uh condensed to make it easy for every application so did you want to no the only thing I was going to say or add to that is that the generic uh previously uh when these deed restrictions were put together there was too much emphasis placed on that given project within the deed restriction it became confusing to handle where did it go it was it was just shamble so now it's been standardized form is going to be able to be applied to most of our de or just about all of our de restrictions we got the housing and we got the preservation for historic and the signature will be by it doesn't it doesn't specifically give a name on there just says the CPC chairperson M and uh and then the grantee signs it so and it's just the grantee so the sign is I mean the paperwork is very very generic very good and I think it Fly okay can we review a copy of it when it's ready just like pass could send a copy out I emailed her the latest edition I thought you got a copy that's why I don't think I got a copy of the new one yeah I only see I only saw the older ones were the older ones that were filled out the new version no that we s okay yeah I only saw the older ones yeah yeah it might also be worth um including it on the resource link page of our website eventually so people know what they're kind of getting into sort of thing ahead of time okay that would be good yeah uh because this year we're going to have when they sign uh Grant application they're also going to sign the deed restriction so that's be everything done in one shot so uh let's see any other questions on the deed restrictions or anything um so in terms of having everyone sign we we have do we have anything scheduled for the current projects those letters are pretty much drafted so once we get the new templates we'll letters are everything ready all I need are the for project and then what I'm going to do is I'm the date here in City fall so that they can come in sign it I caniz themiz and then perhaps we could start backtracking this summer when it's a slow period before the next the next step okay sit down turning and get some advice as to which projects we should Chase and which projects we should just D because they go back 10 years okay then we'll pick up from there so the next the next meeting we'll have a yeah okay because we don't okay CU we don't have a meeting in July so we can expect to see some progress at the August meeting then and all right Monday ofs that have those rest have as they sign great yeah I remember okay excellent thank you everyone uh just one quick question I wasn't part of the selection of the new projects that are coming up uh where can I actually find where those are I'm assuming last ones that don't have anyone assigned oh thank you very much there you yeah on the second page here it's the blank ones right those are all the new ones okay thank you some are some are doubled up too but okay got you those are the new ones okay okay 3 okay thank you perfect thank you so I figured we' just go down the list of the projects and who's assigned to it if you want switch off on it or something feel free uh let's see the first one is the uh Historical Society Alex that's I'm still good with that okay the masso firehouse I'm good with that should be done I'll just double check with that though okay uh Rick you have the uh fire Maritime Museum that's a completed project that one's [Music] completed all right so did so who signed off on the last invoice I didn't sign I was there and he didn't have paperwork last time I the project okay yeah we'll just make sure the invoice isn't actually the money left over okay may I may I have a quick question I just to that was associated with some electrical services that happened yeah required at what phase I'm assuming you're overseeing that the work is getting done and you're signing off on this does that go back to the city for the building inspector to also sign off on this so will sign off on the building permit for they can use it yeah okay so occupancy or anything of that nature but that I just want to make sure that we don't sign off on something then all of a sudden it it didn't meet whatever um certification especially for electrical and plumbing or hbac or anything of that nature uh where damage could potentially be our certification is that the project has been completed according to the CPC requirements of our document okay has nothing to do with the quality I won't say that because we do watch some quality like historic preservation nothing to do with the work that's up to the contract deal directly with this get their certifications go through their inspections and they're done with it and so I'm just looking at it as it's almost as if you've done a ever done a construction mode it's you have to go through the process and you have to have not only the contractor do that work but also get the certification of occupancy based on it went through P pass all the approvals so that's why I was trying to figure out if are we kind of like the bank and we're overseeing the construction loan and we're saying yeah yeah normally they would uh it'd be nice if they would call the city signs off on it so we know it is up running and up snuff I mean because he could always say I'll come back when the city signs off and knowing that it is instead of paying for something that might not work so well that's that's why I'm saying because like in a in a construction we do large scale construction projects and one of the things is if you sign off on that one that contractor could be gone and it's still it's non occupied it's non occupied because it didn't get it it didn't pass certification from the city so I just was trying to make sure that you know are we putting the cart before the horse or in this case one has no bearing on the other okay all right yeah say we're say we're signing off that a project that received a historic preservation Grant meets Secretary of interior standards so in a perfect world we would would you know go there beforehand see what it's like before work begins you know take pictures photo documentary evidence and then you know when we're signing off on invoices for work we making sure that that work is not violating Secretary of interor Standards or any you know conditions we put in the purchase or the the grant award uh ideally the liaison you know all of us are being contacted at multiple steps in the process we implore uh applicants to you know reach out during the RFP process when bids are open like we'd like to be a part of all of that okay all right thank you all right uh article 97 protection Alex uh yep okay uh the preserving water department documents Alex yes lafette house yes what's still going on with lafette house anything I think no but I will double check it was I believe the leftover Grant was for accessibility improvements on the second floor or or that and there was a project on the second floor and I believe they're not accepting the grant for the ADA compliance because they don't need it and would prefer not to further alter like change the exterior of the house so that I believe is one of the grants on our list to be returned funds okay all right uh Central fire station that's uh me and you Alex that's Rick and I right or do you have switched uh I switched Rick out last time oh this list is just a little confusing then oh no that does oh me and you were in lock house that's how it's written okay all right yep and then Rick and I are Central you Rick are Central the Dr Fisk house is uh Christine how Kristen Kristen yeah uh I'll get that right in 12 years uh what's left there to uh finish out windows windows on a contractor all right form BS uh actually we answered some questions to the biders and there bids are due on June the 20th so we will have better handle on things at that point now who's going to be handling that now I will but what department you're going to go through facilities and maintenance no I'm going to actually what's what's happening is that the farm bees of Step the brook have been a donation by Roger Williams University and Professor Styles was so ened with the first half that she did for us in her reception that she's already putting a class together in the fall to do the remaining portion of Steve Brook so that's really going to not cost anything and it's not going to be any of these expenditures okay now Michael barier who's the Forester up in in the reservation of Bio reserve and I have been working on this project so we're teaming up okay and we're going to sort of carry the ball for this um Chris Pano has subsequently resigned and he's swans at this point and looks like Dan AAR he's tight he's busy he's got a lot of going he believes that that should go with the Department that so I think facility of Maintenance would be or the water department would be should be planning it's usually planning right yeah right now that's what's setting because that's where the monies were allocated in planning but he's got no interest at this point of spearheading that and getting right yeah Consultants out to the various sites so I think it's going to run very well away establish okay all right sounds good uh let's see the school uh administration building uh that's me and Rick um they haven't started anything there yet but that's we're good for that project just for the new members if there's any projects that you're interested in or want to you know take yeah take party ideally it's supposed to be one per project but like you know we kind of double up when needed so just yeah I mean if you see something again if it's a relatively new project then at least I can start fresh on it I don't want to okay but it's but I'm okay if you need help with something else you're just going to have to get me up to speed of where they're at yeah uh fire Museum um that's me you you want to get on that one too yeah I I actually did uh as long as I've got to be uh perfectly honest I've done donations work on the fire M are we talking about the historical fire Museum Street yeah aam fire Mach yeah so as long as that's not a conflict of interest I'm okay with doing that y so we'll put you on that one too um oops then uh the East Bay Bike Path uh that study is still being done and not completed with that last time I spoke so things of that nature I'm actually pretty familiar with I don't do City I don't do work in the city of Fall River except for the Waterfront project which is actually Mass do um so I'm okay with doing projects of that nature uh I've done them in the past so I'm very familiar with them uh but the um like you just have mentioned um now with Chris leaving the planning board um I wasn't able to attend the plan board meeting last week but uh there is going to be quite a void I can only imagine uh the amount of work yeah Dan has on his plate right now uh so any of these projects that are moving along I'm more than happy uh to bring my expertise into that so that's if you need help on it I'm okay with that um you want me to add to that yeah go ahead Adam then the uh Vietnam South witha that's Joanne uh koput Reserve water supply land that's me uh andrick and Rick um the quick rail trail that's finished out right that's completed okay the Niagara bike path no that's working you yeah okay who's working on that uh did you want to what are we doing well uh you want to explain a little B that yeah that that what that Niagara bike path is is someone put together that wants to get the streets painted and create a bike path through some of the back streets or up there in the tumia area tumia Street and up to the Niagara area and the last time I spoke to the Chris actually there was just no interest anywhere to go forward with this and I believe that the project is over it's two year I didn't I didn't think that was going to have any right so I I think this is closed this is one of the projects where the money is closed out okay so we'll just Mark that closed out they can always bring it back to us right all the bits the price cost proposals are it was going to be streets yeah that's all so the uh Southshore Kennedy Park overlook uh Rick on that one yes the last time I spoke with Al again uh it's got I actually saw the design very very good it's it's it's impressive U the problem is that the cost is increased significantly Yeah by by many dollars so they're trying toach rate enough money get started in there it's it's not moving at all did uh do you know who actually designed that who was I don't remember was that through Al Lima way back when I know ala Al ala yeah we we worked with um Al Lima many many years ago on certain projects it was Alma started it way back it's been changed three times it keep getting bigger and I don't know why it keeps getting bigger I mean because we meant it as passive you know you sit relax you know now we've got gazebos and and grows and grows and grows yeah yep uh let's see uh Antioch School we have uh Chris and then she's on preservation design guidelines those are that should be done those are on the website right now are the preservation design guidelines on on the website as well yeah those are on there I was just going to make a comment I know uh you probably read in the paper about the uh with the MBTA and the housing requirements and such not and I've I've pushed this on the planning board side as well like going through a proper site plan approval process but also also design guidelines to it I'm glad to see that these are here you actually on your board uh were handed a few copies yeah so you should have a copy so so what what I'm what I'm uh stipulating here is that this increase of housing that's going to be coming up if you have some criteria associated with it make sure you're set with them like that's going to be because you're going to end up see a huge flood of need or requirements for uh housing associated with this or the preservation portion or the historical portion of it or the open space so just I've been pushing to have that done throughout the city outside of this committee but make sure you've you know crushed your tees dot your eyes and you want what you want trying very hard and we could use all the historic commission can use all the support we can from the planning board so if you see something coming up that an issue raise fly yeah the the the planning board works really it's um a bit Antiquated I'll say how could you speak a shade louder oh yes I AP apologize that's I apologize for no no worries um yeah the the the planning board has little less to do with doing actual planning and setting stipulations for the city uh it really is just a review of what comes back from zoning and so I'll give you an example something might somebody want may want a subdivision of a land and Zoning it gets rejected it doesn't meet the requirements the minimum zoning law requirements so for instance sets back requirements Frontage and that type of scenario so they they do not approve it say for instance uh you need 10 foot minimum setback on sides between buildings well that's health and Public Safety protocol and it gets rejected then it comes to the planning board and as long as that that plan has been modified 50% 51% or more then we have to say it's approved mov D and so if you've ever watched me do the planning board I always give the caveat yes you've made the changes to the plans but it still doesn't meet the minimum requirements and those are public safety requirements so uh again a proper site plan approval process would go through your fire department in which they sign off on it and say yeah I can get my service my hook and ladders up I can get my fire protection whatever it might be and that gets signed off so when it goes back to zoning a lot of times they'll say oh planning board has approved this because it the the plans have changed but the reality of it is um they're still not they don't meet the minimum requirements of Public Safety and then they it gets approved and gets built and so why I say this is what you want and how you want it especially historical preservation and buildings and uh housing make sure you you know cross your tees and Dot your eyes and that will actually set the guidelines so with that I yield thanks our purview really is only the grants and the projects the applications that come before us so we can't really make blanket you know zoning uh requirements but we can do put conditions of the Grant in the in the grant award and that might be the best Avenue for some of the things you're thinking yeah we I've sat on both boards the planning and a historical in Sal in Boston and so for instance I'll give you an example if you go through and you're you know the house I'll just use a residential a residential property is um especially like in Salem uh you want it to be historical and what the materials are how you're going to do it anything that is publicly seen you have to meet those design guidelines if it was a piece of property that was facing in the backyard or whatever whatnot like I'll give you an example the uh wooden gutters in s the backyard you don't have to put the wooden gutters on everything in the front that you see the public sees you have to do that so that's the only reason I say that and there are some really good um there are really really good guidelines uh set in like Salem and uh Boston and new Pepper's actually coming up a little bit as well too so I just want to make sure that's um you know to protect yourself and protect what you want and yep it's how you go forward with it so let's see uh Art Association we have uh Chris and Rick on that one uh The Pump Station engineer design what how's that going tell you the truth I I do not know I I did hear some conversation on on the water board meeting and they were talking about again status of money get of but that's that's all I really know I will have a good report on that one in AUST okay all right um Maplewood Park that's pretty much closed out isn't it they had some grass issues but I mean the project itself is done okay uh Father Kelly Park uh how about we have Joanne and uh Jim you want to go on that one we're putting lights up at the Father Kelly Park that a good one for you you trying to me yeah I mean I know where the park is yeah we're putting up lights like we yeah I know what lights are and I put them up and last time I put lights up was in 1966 I'm I'm okay stepping in on that if you would like to we do stuff like that regularly yeah I'll work on it okay follow it yeah just now if I need help I'll ready well they just sent that out the bid so uh uh that's Nancy Smith at the park department so uh North burial ground uh was Vic and me so uh that's pretty much wrapped up um let they didn't do the gate yeah the gates are not reped Gates and uh but and then the windows the windows were already broken and boed up again so I mean yeah I did suggest to them to uh do the same thing that the fire Museum's doing with the uh the uh they're putting up a screen that's like you could throw a center block and just bounces off MH but if you have airf flow you can open your windows and yeah anything but there's not much moving on that out though that's me I'll I'll see on that one to go on um if you want yeah then with tppo r club we have just Joan Bentley but that might uh could use another person I could follow that okay easily all right they've already did the marking of the lanes which you can't see because it's underwater but uh uh if you get a chance to go out there uh give a call because they're not always there right I know I know been there okay and the L the lanes are white yep and they're underwater well they yeah they they sync them and then when they have the race they bring them up oh yeah okay that explains where they went all right I I just for your info I live right on the sure so that's wonderful they noticed they were gone yeah they're not gone under water and um St John the Baptist we have uh just Rick yeah that's fine no problem that's a small okay North with t Pond seaw walls um Mike you want to get on that one too with oh okay you got two that line underneath oh okay gotcha okay and Ro Farms is me and Rick yeah Oak Grove the iron uh is that all finished that's one a lot of these have that given extensions that's why okay I think there was some funds right I they may complete but we don't know until we hear that letters went out to everybody on that to get back from them lot of things on this list that might exion yeah from what I remember this was one of the ones that Al Al wanted to check to make sure everything was done correctly before relinquishing funds and that was two years the wall that was I think it's the gate this is the gate there there's a yeah there's a video of of that particular gate so I thought it was done and it was uh yeah well it is yeah touch up things let me expain c Department people taking over these jobs and they're not sure where they are if they so they came to the committee for extensions and a lot of themin like the project you were asking about the pump house that's on the list so maybe it's okay perfect thank you um the veteran Center is uh Vic and Alex I think that one's they got a little bit of money there which I told Al that uh anything related to the roof gutters whatever MH otherwise I there was like 65,000 in that yeah I'll double check I haven't heard anything since I was jumped on this one okay then the uh Francis green that's Chris um the for River Public Library um still still open that's that's an extension a lot of these exion yeah still leaking still wasn't the roof no it's not a gutter the flashing yeah so the uh sounds like general maintenance an church is uh Alex and Chris yep okay um Union Belt that project is uh 70 Windows putting in okay um so for grab nobody's got that one I'll jump that maybe what I would suggest why don't you go through these four ones in here and if there's something that I know I can um okay real that I would be really good at I would be more than happy to run with anything of that nature so how about the Christ the Rock Church that's uhon they're doing masonary trying to see if the yeah the plans can seal up the water if that's the problem instead of me yeah I I can do above and beyond just uh anything outside of a building but I can whatever you want to assign me to un fine with put you on that one do you think we need two on that one or probably just cuz the new members might need help um let's see um I can go like I can go on if you want okay yeah yeah Rick yeah you put me and Rick will'll do probably only take one but my neighborhood so uh Corky row um what are you doing uh we're doing a new new roof there replacement just a roof replacement and then what are you doing at the Children's Museum they're going take that window window wasn't funded no we didn't do the window F that no that was cut to meet the yeah uh the children's museum were doing U masonary work flashings stuff like that yeah I I'll I'll take the uh the Children's Museum okay and again I think uh whatever you can teach me on the Christ the Rock Church what the process is that that would be great and it's very similar I guess one's M strength the other one's M two blocks from each other as well I'll take cor no I'm fine with traveling that's not a problem I just uh Jim you want to your two no not particularly okay let me start with two all right I'll jump on with if there's one that really need me I'll be glad to do it but I'm not okay no don't want to don't want want to bite off one I ear get your feet wet and then go from there yeah so uh in the children's museum will have Mike and two Alex sure close to me I could do Cory too if some no one well I've got Cor you on Rick so and Rick has report your own okay yeah as soon as you try and me I'll make sure that I oh no I okay make sure I know the process what I'll sure yeah and how much alloc and I'll give you all again you haven't gotten all of the paperwork that's going to be filled out we go overall you know these are it it seems it's like the same process on any of our big projects we you want an invoice what have you done but you've gone through my understanding is these projects have gone through you've assigned them they've won the portions of it whoever did the application they're responsible for doing the rfps they get the contract c s to do the work and we're just making sure that at the end of the day that work gets done but we don't have any insight or um oversight on who the contractors are it's whoever the applicants are they're responsible for getting the contractor to do that work and we're just making sure that because of these funding yeah that they're doing that portion of it okay uh project updates I think we covered does anybody have any uh new business we are doing our annual meeting uh in August not as big as we did last year anything planned for it Finance coming down can it be less of an invitation and more of a formal request thank you who would come down Cedric let's start with someone I mean because cedri let them know that we're not going to be asking questions we just want to update I might ask questions I don't see anything wrong with that either I apologize I don't know who Bri Cedric or financial Financial people okay gotta I didn't know if there were you were looking for a particular department heads last year they didn't show up to the agenda item to explain the committee's finances which is relatively important knowledge for the committee and the public okay good can we also ask for confirmation ahead of time so we're not sitting here waiting for them like last time for 30 40 minutes I will well the budget's all done right I think the budget is all done and pass so I will do my best to get them so just let me know if I need to start making phone calls every day to the same person yeah pop that Makey brid but okay uh do know for the new business can I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn have a second m I I all right