welcome to the uh Community preservation meeting being held at one government center in the city council hearing room uh it's 6:00 March 18 2024 um pursuing to the open meeting RS any person may make an audio or video recording of the public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium atts are therefore advised such recording or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and deemed acknowledge and permissible we'll start with roll call uh Joanne we'll start with you on Zoom yeah Joan Bentley present Alexander Silva present Kristen canara Olivera present John brt present Rick Mancini present and we're missing uh an appointee from the mayor's office the city council office uh Victor Ferris from the park department is not here and we're missing someone from planning and also in attendance we have Sandy Dennis from uh admin and over TV we have Craig yeah okay all righty uh any citizen input no okay uh can I have a motion for the approval minuts from February 8th and February 12th I'll make a motion that we accept the minutes of uh of March 18th and February 12th February 8th and February 12 February 8th and 12th February 12th okay yes correct I'll second correcte okay roll call vote Joan we'll start with you yes Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes chist Cana Oliver yes John Brent Yes Rick Mancini yes okay next uh on to the scoring round uh we didn't get our figures in exactly from the state uh but we have an estimate of what we do have coming down so we're going to be looking at funding 1.9 now out of our 1.9 we uh 1.9 million yeah just 1.9 million um we do have to take off the bat uh Administration 45,000 uh we have uh a 78,000 bond is for fy19 the bio Reserve conservation land acquisition projects and then we have 221 which is the uh fire Museum and the fire station and then we do not have any housing so we have to take out one 190,000 and put into the housing category because we have to put 10% of the uh in the four totals okay sorry John what was the first number that you gave uh 45,000 for the uh Administration thank you okay so let's move on um to our first project which was um scored our highest which is the um um Antioch Antioch it's the fold one right here no you just that one unfold the page unfold the page y okay all right all right schol all right and school um this uh located on 16 618 Rock Street Fall River this is Phase One of Part B project uh they're looking for a total funding of $1 16,27 um do we have a motion on the floor to fund I'll make a motion to fund Antioch school for 16,2 $70 and I'll second that motion okay uh roll call um we just have to say the category and we have to specify excuse me can you also um read out the description of what you're going to f I thought we' do that after we okayed oh okay or do you want to do that before we do the O uh yeah I we might as well do it before okay then yeah all right all right so the Antioch School exterior project would fall under a historic preservation category and in that we would be okay face you want me to read it Phase One Part B exterior restoration uh which includes the Roof Dormers and chimney restoration yeah so would be the nine doers uh red seedar uh siding all masonary work and uh painting material labor and lifts for the project so we do the motion uh motion now to fund that and uh yeah items okay again I'll make a motion to fund Antioch School for, 270 okay okay and I'll second the motion for the 16, 270 okay uh we'll start with roll call Joanne muted you're muted and under historic preservation thinkk you yes historic preservation yeah sorry Joan Bentley yes Alexander syv yes Kristen Kow Oliver yes John BR Yes Rick Mancini yes okay on to our next project would be St John Baptist St John Baptist is a they're located at U address Center Street is what you're looking for no that's the mailing address is that that's the church address okay it is okay that's uh St John Baptist is 339 Center Street just want to make sure I got that right um uh this is under historic preservation they're looking for 55,000 to finish the window restoration on the stained glass which that down you looking for the project description yeah I get it um so uh the phase two is H for restoration of the stained glass and includes replacing the existing wooden uh wooden window frame with the copy wooden window frame uh reusing as much of the existing stained glass as possible replacing in uh any missing or broken mismatched colors of the stained glass and installation of a clear plexiglass sheet on the outside the window can I have a motion to fund that in the start preservation for 55,000 I'll make the motion that we approve St John the Baptist did you have a question Jo she was making the motion oh okay make a mo I think Joan made it do you want to Second it sure I'll second it motion I think she was making the motion I don't know if came through enough for the public uh we'll start with roll call then Joanne Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen k Oliver yes John brt Yes Rick Mancini [Music] yes okay next uh going down the line um we have the Union Belt well do you want to explain how that they're all the same score that they're all the same score score same score score yeah uh we do have five that are the same score we're going to take them as we go down listed on our agenda sheet here um so we'll be hearing the first one is Falls in is the uh Union Belt um that's how we want to stick them in order um I don't know if that's the best I think it it probably depending on our feeling as a board I know my personal preferences but I don't want to speak for everyone well on the agenda agenda they're listed completely different than they're listed on our scoring sheet yeah that's just the list though so yeah yeah so I don't know I mean I think we should talk about all five we are going to talk about all five yeah yeah like the the five R Union Belt Christ the Rock Church the Fall River school department administration building two projects for that and then the Fall River Children's Museum you know I I'll personally say that I have a preference for public and nonprofit projects you know so that might not stack with the opinions of everyone else but you know okay we can go in whatever word you like how about okay we'll just go in the order of how they're listed on our agenda that the public has however you want that fine yeah how I me however you want yeah sure so the first one would start with the uh the fall rer school department which would fall under historic preservation that is on Rock Street no the first one is PR through our church oh that's get tucked up there yeah forgot they were 12 okay first uh first 12 is Christ of Rock Church that's for tower repair and repointing Tower here and repointing um they're looking for 500,000 uh discussion well with they're they're looking to repoint the building but there was also a strong comment on the amount of water that was entering the building and they were going to get a structural report to us I guess that was going to give us a lay of the the land if there was any water flowing in because the statement I thought was 2 in of water when when it rained that accumulated in the basement uh that's a lot of water for just repointing requirements so there's probably a a larger uh larger problem there with water gathering around that Foundation that I would think a report would be able to determine for us uh so if I was to make a suggestion I would just look at maybe $100,000 to look look at taking care of the water situation um and then go from there next year once that's resolved yeah I know they are having problems with the Leaky basement so if they would could take care of the drainage problem it might take care of some of the towel and then uh we go from there any other comments but was that in the application when they said they were getting a lot of water in the basement yeah so we could say that the 100,000 would be used towards um uh solution to the uh water problem in the basement they're pay whether that's redirecting the gutters or didn't they say they were paying for the structural report themselves yes so we don't need to fund that that's what you were saying right uh they were they were saying that they were getting a structural report in we haven't seen the structural report uh our funding would be to assist or look at the results of the structural report and try and cure those issues you know yeah not to pay for the report but to pay for a solution we all saw the letter that they sent over about the initial fix that they could do depending like you know as a result of our conversation with them should I read it or yeah bring that forth yeah oh let me just find it sorry I wasn't ready okay um so this was the letter of the committee received um it's a little lengthy uh after our last meeting when we were asking about you know partially funding the project and the impact uh that would have if you know they had to wait to do more work if it would undo the work I think was at least the question I was kind of posing uh so as outlined in the funding application the total project estimate to stabilize and restore the east and south elevations of the bell tower is between 750 and 950,000 uh Christ the Rock Church is requesting 500,000 to completely restore the East elevation of the Tower as it is the most immediate need of stabilization understanding the CPC funding is limited the church confirmed during our presentation on February 8th that they would be willing to accept partial funding of the amount requested partial stabilization work on the East Elevation could begin starting from the ground and working up upper sections of the East Elevation would remain unrestored until further funding could be made available and and to complete the work subsequently we were asked our opinion on whether any of the repair work would be damaged if incomplete as a result of only being partially funded although the structural engineer will need to complete his assessment of the Bell Tower and provide his recommendations there are uh areas of the tower that are in serious need of repair and we are in the belief that any work however limited would be an improvement to the current conditions I have discussed the cpc's above concern with the historic masonry contractor Who provided an estimate for the work a proposed approach to stabilizing the East Elevation that would seem to afford the maximum benefit using a lesser funding amount would be to grout solid grout solid existing holes and openings that exist uh within the gaps between the exterior stone veneer and interior brick masonry backup wall and filling existing holes will not only assist in reducing the extent of water infiltration into the tower and slow the pace of further deterioration but would bind the sections of wall together additionally uh helical ties would be introduced to effec ly pin the exterior stone interior brick masonry wall together the intended effect of grouding the wall solid and installing the helical ties would be to create to create a monolithic structure the number of ties needed would be significant spacing of the ties would be about 16 in in the center both horizontally and vertically uh helical ties would be recessed in the mortar so that they would not be exposed to view um then it's noted that the approach oops the approach uh proposed above is intended to stabilize the tower however it should not remain incomplete for an existing period of time to prevent damage of the work performed the walls should not be left exposed to protracted freezing thaw cycles repointing of the exterior stone veneer and interior brick masonry would still need to be performed although it is understood that its completion would depend on future funding availability we would estimate that any remaining grout work and subsequent repointing of the walls should be fully completed within a year of the initial stabilization work and that was by Michael Kean of cotex Architects so how would we break that up 750s on the high side for us well the Grant application was for what 500 500 yeah so uh in terms of I I'm considering a partial funding application um I think I was is when I was doing the math I I I mean it's I think we all know it's a tough year um I was trying to earmark earmark 100,000 for this project um to start that gring work I don't know if the board is of the same line of thought those those were my comments just a moment ago I concur with that and that would allow uh some preliminary ceiling of that uh Tower and of some of lower level masonry work that's required uh which would buy everybody some time including this board hopefully next year we have better funding so I'm in total agreement with your recommendation and then they've mentioned that they wanted to try and fund as much of the project as possible so perhaps they could look into the the the groundwork around it you know of their own accord in the meantime sort of thing yes Jo did you have any any thing to add well i' I've been kind of just doing my own math as to uh knowing that we we're not able to afford to fully fund every project as asked um and I I just have my own spreadsheet that I had done but I don't know is it if it's appropriate to um like just say what I was thinking uh no go ahead Okay so um for do I'm going just go through my list is that easiest with all of them or no we can only talk about this project right now just this project right now Christ Rock CH the rock yeah just yeah so um again based on what I was looking at for some of my other numbers I would uh like to see 250,000 put towards Christ the Rock Church I don't know if we like everyone has you know their own kind of amount I'm trying to keep a certain amount in reserves in in my own head um and I think everyone has their own same number so I guess it's where we kind of meet in the middle we're compromised on that I don't know if we can do the full 250 about 175 well I I would most personally I would stay with the 100,000 and go along with even the recommendations that they were making about partial gring uh to try and contain the water influx into that building uh and then let's let's then better evaluate whether that stops that massive amount of water that the claim is getting into the basement and then go into the grouting because that's going to be kind of expensive when they start grouting and pointing the building the thing of being such a tight year I mean getting the work done this year I mean they can always come back and apply again in September for what needs to be done but they're seeing it might change the whole scope of it right it might yeah yeah I agree okay so does anyone want to make a motion for partial funding did we have a total that we were agreeing on or put I mean you and Rex seem to be thinking 100,000 um Joan wants 250 I'm I'm fine with 100 because I think we have to be you know we have a lot of other things to consider as well and I think that it's a good way to um at least sort of mitigate some of the problem get and then see it does and then see where we go from there yeah because whatever their numbers are if that takes care of some of those issues may not even need to be the full amount that they're even requesting just depending yeah well I'll make a motion that we take a vote on allocating 100,000 to uh Christ the Rock Church for this initial uh um expenditure and then have them reapply in next September right and this is is in preservation man this is Preservation and I would just also note that uh for all applicants that the uh Grant Awards last two years and this could also be an opportunity uh once you know funding is secured for them to look for matching funding too in the in the meantime depending on the necessity uh of the work but I'll second that motion longwinded second uh roll call vote start with Joan um Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christen can Oliver yes John Brandt Yes Rick manen yes okay the next 12 on the list would be forward school department the uh Rock street ad building uh looking for 260,000 this is for um um historic preservation for uh 78 window replacements uh woodwork restored Windows uh and miary work I did spin by and look at the first window they had uh sent as this sample and the window does look uh very nice it's a completely wood designed nice de period of time um so um it will look nice the only thing with that I would say would be um was that the one where they had requested for staff yeah I was yeah saying on this one that they have uh they had uh out of the 260 260 they had um 30,000 they were going to pay personnel and I thought we could we could bump that out since it's a year and they said the project would still continue so if we bump that out it we just be paying for the windows and the construction cost sounds good to me yeah that's okay with M okay I mean it's a everyone I think knows it's a tight year the all the communities in the state received less uh CPA matching funding than in previous years just so everyone knows so can I have a motion to fund histor preservation 230 for Windows I'll make a motion as stated uh the reduced 230,000 amount for the fallover school department administration building 260 oh sorry 230,000 uh for the window project I'll second that okay roll call vote Joan sorry Jo Bley yes all right Alexander Silva yes Kristen Cana Oliver yes John brand Yes Rick mancy yes okay and then the next 12 was the um FL school department ad building on Rock Street where uh 60,000 to redo the porch uh the front entrance railing um and restoration of the door frame uh this one too had a um a person personnel and I thought we could back that out I mean they're on staff I mean and I I I I spoke with uh the school department today and I said you know it's it's a nice project we didn't do it last year because of uh paperwork uh requirements coming in um that no what are you looking for the I'm looking for the uh Personnel money oh the amount of Personnel in that one 8,000 of CPA funds was designated for personnel 8 8,000 so what if we just do the 50,000 for back porch 52 or 50 we just round it off the 50 sounds reasonable they said they going to do the they were committed to the project Comm they have Diamond helping them so I think there's a little bit of wiggle yeah that's the labor the labor is being supported by diamond and it it's a it's a good project in that the diamond students are going to get this good hands-on experience they're going to turn those spindles themselves uh over a diamond so they they're going to be doing the actual construction also so yeah it's a money well spent I think it I think it's just important for the public to know that not all the work will be done by Diamond students I think you mentioned this they'll be guided by school department staff diamond staff you know consultants and stuff so yeah they're they're just going to spit it you know put some of the work with that what a great experience just to have our local kids doing local Hands-On historic preservation exactly mhm yeah Jo do you have anything input or anything okay so can I have a motion for uh the fund uh the forward school department under historic preservation on Rock Street for 50 I'll make a motion to fund the fall over school department on Rock Street for $50,000 okay I'll second that motion roll call Joan Joan yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen can Al yes John BR Yes Rick mayy yes and remind me this one already has a deed restriction on it correct this one has a deed restriction on it yes okay I think they all have so far so far all of them have had the deed restrictions on them yes um it's too late wa we do have to no Christ the Rock won't we do have oh yeah Christ the Rock won't so we we need to add the funds in for the Beed restriction to that want take that back and vote into 65 it's it's it's 500 for the attorney and then it's something for the registry okay want to say 125 to be on the safe side um just round it say six at 650 to the funding of Prest rock that would cover okay okay go so we we we finished the vote on the uh Rock Street right we have yep but we need to make a motion to also to add an extra 650 to CH The Rock okay so I just want to make sure we've rounded that project off all right so I I will make a motion to add $650 to Christ the Rock Church for funding to cover the cost of the preservation restriction uh I mean the deed restriction did we want this to be the standard 15 years or any length longer I know I had brought up the possibility of longer stuff but and speaking with the attorney uh and because I'm we're going into that looking at all these deed restrictions U it's a 30 years seems to be the average number that's being used I thought that's what we thought well I've heard different things since being on the committee I think since I've been here it's been 15E deed restrictions but maybe I was misinformed yeah but the recommendation from the attorney was used 30 years was and not not to exceed that number I would to me it makes more sense especially for the amount of money that we're giving yeah it doesn't make sense just to put a 15-year restriction it's more indicative of a community investment and a community commment partnersh a long-term partn when you're looking at the amount that might get in fund so yes yep yeah okay so 30 year restri 30 years all right we got a motion a second second roll call Joan uh Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Christen can Oliver yes John brt Yes Rick Mancini yes sorry so right now we're at what was it [Music] Joanne oh right now we're at 595 920 yep okay so we got that uh next next is the Children's Museum uh B Children's Museum which is a project we did a few years ago uh they're back uh North Main Street under a store preservation uh looking for 385,000 uh they uh looking to fix the uh water repair restoration um let's see the things that would be here uh needed for the roof area uhmed need to stop the water uh INF infation as uh three known locations two at the front one at the back the building restoration will address should include the uh degraded missing motor joints window uh repairs uh uh casing trim where joints meet the stones uh let's see southwest corner and west side of the building roof drains and gutters associated with these areas are also intended to be included um comments on this um Dan anything on this one um uh I again knowing I'm sorry Kristen what was the amount we had left 580 No 5 595 920 is what we're up to right now that's what we've spent so far 5.95 so about 600,000 is what we have left no that's no that's what we've spent far is what we've spent yes and we started out 1.3 1.2 we're at about 1.2 give or take yeah I think it's 1.2 38 is yeah I mean this one looks like it's probably going to be a partial yes yeah yeah I don't know what anybody else is thinking I'm thinking partial yeah yeah well because of again we we have a really tight budget and uh with the Project's looking for gutters and drain uh uh looking for some window repair u i I would I would think more on because of the restraints we have my my thinking is let's stop the water once the water penetration is stopped the wooden you know the the conditions of the windows are not going to worsen and and and things so right and they can come back yeah so they're initially looking for 385 420 uh it is beautiful building it's right on Main Street it's it's a showcase building um I I I would say I don't know i' probably looking more like 250,000 would be a recommendation that I would make uh to work on the slate roof and get the building sealed and contained what do you think Joanne sorry I was on mute again um yeah I'm I again based on the funding that we have I think um a partial of a a partial is what we need to do as we've done on the others so you know I'd be in favor of that doing a what did you say 250 250 yes yeah I think that's uh that seems reasonable okay that if we did 250 that would put us at 846 so 846 uh 846 out of 1. too yeah just to and um if you just want to look over your sheets to see how you fall and see how that looks for you yeah because they won't need a a deed restriction they already have one they already have one so we want to make a motion for partial 250 yeah I'll make a motion um to fund the children's Museum under historic preservation uh for a partial funding of 250,000 okay second I will second that motion for 250,000 partial funding okay roll call vote uh Joan Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva uh so actually before I second before I vote uh are we distinguishing which part of the scope the funding is for well just uh like you wanted to so because we should say in the motion cuz I I was thinking along similar lines of Rick um but we should specifically say the roof slate gutter copper and flashing repairs um good point that like it was broken down as 195,00 and then there's design oversight cost and contingency so the 250 covers that I don't like funding like you know you need to have the design and oversight funded in if you want the project done same thing with the contingency so I'm fine with the 250 number um we that into yeah I just wanted to distinguish it's for the roof slay gutter copper and flashing repairs which is the water infiltration Shing of the building right that's where the primary focus should be yes uh so that that part piece of the project yeah if that's what's required then that's request sorry Alexander Silva yes Kristen G Oliver yes John BR Yes Rick seny yes okay next 12 would be the union building Union Belt Union Belt uh they're looking for um 70 Windows um this is a to me a pretty good project for our area downtown uh it is private yeah it's it's historic preservation uh he's looking for 53,000 uh do we have some comments or uh well yeah my my comment would be that um during the presentation uh the real cost of uh installing those windows was extremely high when when he's when he look at the amount of Labor to uh remove and and then the casements actually his request was only for the purchase of the windows not exactly he was supporting the rest of the construction project um and and the building is extremely historic and and and uh it's actually I think the only building in this area that survived big fire one of the only ones cuz I think I think maybe the the only Mill building the only manufacturing building that survived the fire yes uh you know that in itself is historic and it's in that Third Street which the historic commission has just gotten on the National Historic register last year so uh it's a I think it's a a good project and unfortunately again we have to come up with a a number uh because we're if we had that that number would exceed our our actual funding we it's not possible for us to exactly um if I I seem to be venturing all the guests today but if if we threw out a number of say 300,000 that would pretty much put us at our Max yeah the most we could do is 350 that put us uh 1 Point uh almost 1.2 so 300,000 would be a good number reasonable number I'm actually thinking lower um this is a private project and I do think that the city should show support that the development is happening and you know I what I would say is a a good direction for the city you know historically preserving a very valuable cultural resource um I just want to note that this grant won't make or break the project he has to have these windows installed to get the tax credit regardless of the grant um I think I I'm for giving a grant to support it to show that the community in the city does support that this type of development um get like in another year where we had more funding I might entertain that number I I'm actually leaning more towards the 100,000 and I think that's fairly generous considering everything this year I'm not comfortable depleting our reserves to near zero balance confirmed I would Hur personally like to keep around 200,000 in there just for emergency applications and the off chance that something terrible happens um I think that $100,000 is a very good show of community support for this project and the bottom line as presented is very tight and if so this should make a big enough difference that I think you know it shows it shows the support that the city has that's my opinion I was thinking like my own personal thought was more like 200 okay um for for similar reasons but think all good points 200 um yeah I mean it is an investment I mean it is private but private normally buildings do maintain a little better than the nonprofits in the city buildings so or money would be you know maintenance on it would be there so I'd be remiss if I said that nonprofits and private buildings have different goals and purposes yeah but yeah okay so what's your thought on that Joanne um I think I'd be more willing to split the difference and say 150 um I I am while I think it's a worthy project and I know there are many um buildings that this owner has renovated in the city uh and they look very nice um it is a private project more so than you know obviously it's a private project not a public project so I think I would be more in favor of again splitting the different okay all right so who wants to make a motion for so we have 100 we have 150 we have 200 we have three and 350 do you want to cut it down the middle and do two I'm I'm one voting member you know how does I'm at 100 so that's that's my like you know I'm just one vote though that's that's where I am you know I think that's that's as high as I'm going to get I'll say that well who's going for funding on it or well if we if we if we split it it's 150 as Joanne recommended uh and that's splitting the numbers uh well that's splitting my number and Alex's number that's true yeah it's also splitting to 300 and half also huh that's true that's true well okay well then that I mean I guess 150 kind of makes sense considering like if we split his and mine if we split the 300 well let's let's try it I'll make a motion I will also say don't forget the deed restriction all right right oh so 15650 under historic preservation and I would reaffirm 30 years yes okay I mean just we have to say it I will make the motion that um we U we expend and 56,000 15 15,600 $650 uh for the Union Belt uh renovation window Renovations I'll second that okay roll call vote Joan Bley yes Alexander s no Kristen Kenta Olivera yes John BR Yes Rick manen yes I'm going to say we're at the 996 and change can you repeat it was 150 what was the 650 156 615 yeah no 650 650 so 1 15 650 so that puts us about at 9 uh funding allotted $996,000 initially or post subtractions does somebody we we also have to remember if depending on when we stop there's no community housing so we have to put aside that's already came out that's why we got down we didn't we didn't not in commun I mean not I'm sorry sorry um outdoor space open space and Recreation we would have to take that into account as well so that would be another 190,000 if we don't if we stop funding here yeah we have to take out another one0 190,000 to put into open space Recreation well if we put the 190 into open space we'd be at one almost 1.2 right so that's where I'm Max that's kind of we still have funds from last year still on our reserves so how much do we have though and do we cuz I mean that's cutting it close don't know when we're going to get that money no what I'm saying that we did have we did stop last year I think with three counting I think we were I think counting open space the total we had we so if you count open States we've spent what did I say $996,000 570 I believe out of add 122 to that I think the total not counting open space allotment is 1 three uh four no five yeah 1.35 around so say this again one million and then 305,000 sorry it's 1.36 on million with open space if you take open space out that comes down to that around 1. 1238 number I believe this is just my quick math so we don't have the exact number it's putting us right at our limit yeah do you want to is it is it time to maybe just hold off on well I I think we would be at our yeah I don't think we could fund another project we wanted to have M no CU that basically I from what I'm looking at leaves us with $173,000 for like 173 430 after taking into account all those factors that is correct that's that's not much and I know we have money coming back but we don't know when yeah and if if we have an emergency see a request for emergency funding we won't have it yeah s you don't have the figure what we ended last year with they've given me nothing no no I know we last year we had the um we maybe maybe around 2000 in open space we we had we had that you have a full year of community housing plus a little bit extra but our num weren't coinciding with Finance so I don't want to say how much because I really don't know um I thought last year we stopped in at like 300 yeah but did we spend any of that we' had we we've had some I thought we did we had the Historical Society emergency application and then we've had a couple supplemental Appropriations okay so my guess is you don't have much in reserves right now okay it's it's probably not in general reserves nothing in historic preservation last I remember I think it was count I think it was not counting this year's community housing we had like 400 I think or we're going to have around half a million in community housing and then um with open space I think we'll have like the 190 if that's what we're putting that's what we're putting in and then the left over the 175 you were saying is General yeah it's General wow do do we need a motion to suspend any further allocations or well discussing if we um yeah kind of I personally was hoping to get maybe one more project in but I don't know about the funding now that's been already allocated um maybe go over the ones that are still left so the public just knows kind of how the rest of the voting yeah out okay there were two left right there was two left right funding that three left two left yeah no two no there's three no there's three three left cookie row uh we place the roof and the front windows are 55 which we won't be able to do this year um George maybe George Hollis house 105,000 for repair and install porch post and painting and we have the U pickle Crystal Community College uh the pickle ball court on Ellsbury Street uh for 28,45 those the projects right now that aren't in our funding and that was the order of scoring too yes by the order of scoring do we want to trim I don't I mean I I really was I mean I was hoping that we could get the Corky row they were next on the list and I really was hoping that we could get them sort of but they did not get their letter in on time either last year they didn't get their letter in uh till January hisor we just got the letter in yeah but they still gave it in from the historic told but we told them they could that's so well it's always good to have so next year so the school department did it last year too when they didn't get theirs in on time well it's cuz time was deliberation time was this meeting last year yeah it was it they they got it in before this meeting this year so if we're being fair by the standards that shouldn't be an excluding Factor right now it's just MoneyWise is is this is where the extra 50,000 I was going with for the Union Belt I mean so I was having some trouble kind of wrapping my head around this because the roof I would kind of consider falling under general maintenance which isn't necessarily CPC appropriate however it is a matter of you know saving this historic building and then taking into account how much they do for the community and how much they're committing to do for the community the community so that's why I was hoping to f fund this application at least partially um I was also like I said hoping to keep around 200,000 reserves and we've already nied to that so I'll kind of leave it up to the committee I guess well the cocky roll was next on the yeah yeah they were next on the on the bid list yeah and they were very close to the other four yeah yeah and it's uh I have a question m would we be able to um say we could revisit the coy r one once we find out uh if Finance can tell us exactly what we have left from last year uh no can we I don't think we can we don't have ination no yeah um I mean in theory they like because the grant the this Year's application process would be over so in theory they could submit an emergency application before the next deadline emergency applications for the public and anyone to know don't operate under the standard timeline because it's an emergency so it kind of supersedes that uh yearly timeline that we put forward and try to stick to so that would be to circumnavigate that if you I mean we could but I don't want to start a presence where then it's also is it well then you know and then is it an emergency yeah we have to judge if it's an emergency you know the applicant may not always like our answer sort of thing I mean we did that one year when we got back a lot of money but it was almost $800,000 we got back we thought big difference to open it back up but being this close and this tight I don't think we want to no be having another project um and the reality is we're really not able to fund anything that's left if we just want to be able to keep thing what we here sure I mean if we looked at it I mean we could uh um it's a a $55,000 request MH we could knock 30 off the the ad building windows we've already voted for those well we could take it back and decide I mean we don't want to do any Cuts so yeah but then you also running into the problem where that one was higher score as well okay yeah well that was a 122 so like I was thinking about cutting out the front window since it's not as vital to stabilizing the building but that's only 5,800 yeah it's U it's too bad there's not a 55,000 Surplus somewhere in there yeah yeah we'd be pushing it if we included it I mean we're that we're already below what we really would like that that we're comfortable with keeping right so yeah I mean we're a little over 1.9 but you know we take everything out we but it's you don't want to and you'd still have to add in the 650 yeah for a deed restriction well unfortunately with the restraints the way they are this might be just what it is I mean I I this has been a this has been a difficult year and a very diffic I found it very difficult in voting and reviewing all of this uh and and we you know we're dealing with taxpayers money and we're trying to do the right thing uh it but it's been it's been very very U uh difficult to make these some of these decisions yeah when you get when you're limited to 1.2 yeah and you have all these projects are pretty good and four or five of them come in at 500,000 bucks it really you know is past our yes we don't you know have the extra money this year um so I'll just say that if we did fund it it would bring our total to 1, 52,2 120 with the deed restrictions that leave us a surplus of about $150,000 depending on how comfortable people are honestly in a in a perfect world that's much lower than I was initially hoping we would have this year um but I do think that I will say you know it's a $555,000 grant request and I think it has a pretty high impact per the Dollar on the Community um especially you know it's hard to say if they'll carry through on all the community initiatives that they were detailing they're planning to do with the new facility and their application but it's that's that's I guess I'll leave it kind of at is it's a high I would think it's a high impact per the dollar for this smaller Grant award um is that 50,000 going to make or break an emergency application it's impossible to tell yeah I don't like to guess things like that too but it's kind of where we're are where we're at so s to say what kind you know emergency I mean yeah we could be 3 to 500,000 who knows I mean it is short money I mean um I would like to support the Irish Club I mean you know it runs deep in my heart but uh if we don't have it I'm willing to bypass on it but I think we could get by with it in the the budget you mean funding it funding it well I like the thinking of both Alex and yourself uh I would I I hear what you're saying and I see the Surplus uh and I also do not like to work at a deficit or close to a deficit however however if an emergency request comes in maybe that emergency request would just have to be smaller you know if we went with this so I I I like your thinking both Alex and and yours at this point and I see you nodding your head I I was hoping originally to be able to fund it anyway so this was on my list what's your thinking on this uh Joanne whoops sorry I had to turn the light on so I could I could see um I uh believe I heard that the window was 58,000 I mean 5800 for the window yes so would we be able to take out uh the 5800 and absolutely a lot the 49 to we could do that and then add in the 650 for the deed restriction so so and that's the other thing too so so a $50,000 including the deed restriction is that what yeah yeah I I I would say yeah and then and then you get the you get a deed restriction on it which we don't have right now and it saves the building from 30 years yes I mean on the uh keeping the Surplus I mean we're not a piggy bank and we're not the emergency funding right uh so I mean we like to keep it for our right acknowledgement that we have it if it's available but you know and in Fall River everything is an emergency yeah all the buildings are old all of them are not right no maintenance so I mean we could have money coming back to us we just don't know yet here do we take care of a building that is in need I mean I I wanted it anyway so all right so motion and historic preservation for make it all right I'll I'll make a motion to fund the Corky R club for $50,000 which would cover the issues with including theid reservation restriction money no I think you're right yeah 50,000 um to cover the funding for the roof not the window and the deed restriction okay I'll second that motion all right roll call Joan Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen canow oliv yes John BR Yes Rick man yes okay with that could I have a motion to suspend uh our grants for this year I'll make a motion that we suspend any more granting for this year's session I will second can we just so I just kind of want to speak to next year and the applicant uh so the the hos House application I think is a good example of uh something that we can see improved again upon next year so if I would if the applicant was listening I would not be discouraged same thing for the pickle ball court I mean literally the same thing um the it's good projects that I think definitely the applications can be improved um feel free to reach out to the committee anytime to you know solicit like advice on the application process like clear up confusion and questions like some of them had this year um yeah just they are good projects it's just it was a tough year okay uh made the motion second sorry Alex Silva yes Christ caner Al yes JN right Yes Rick Mancini yes okay um let's see Rick okay oh wait you did no I did I made the motion second and I uh with the closing of the uh funding um if anyone was listening to this meeting uh just remember that you cannot spend your money till you uh get the check um and you can you're still welcome to get to deed restriction you said the check well they can't spend to get reimbursed okay get the money and well until it's until it's approved yeah City contract sign yeah deed restriction signed Y and uh and you still have time if if you can find other grants that would be great too and for the people that didn't make it like Alex had said uh projects were good uh and uh for anybody out there that does want to put it on the private side and you want to restore your house just uh kind of to uh do the work and keep track let us know how much you put in so when you do come in front of us we see that commitment that you're behind your house and you're wanting to preserve it and uh and show and and if you could capture like some kind of uh neighborhood support whether it's like you know petition letters of support things like that things that you know prove to not only us but the community that the project is worthwhile that I mean you're trying to convince not just us but the whole city essentially yeah I mean you you got till September but goes by quick so uh if anyone has any questions just feel free to give us a call so can I have a motion to adjourn no we still have project updates and new business um that's right the project updates will be on all the time oh yeah right down there well we did the M uh does anybody have any project updates nothing new this will be a new thing on so instead of hearing it like every quarter or something if you have an update feel free just to jump in this part and uh give us an update yeah P CPC projects yeah I think I gave an update last time on the what Ty of Rowing Club they put the lines in and uh they're all set for the racing season when it comes around so I was excited about that I did not see him I did not scuba dive did maybe next time did you want to give an update or you no okay cuz the art association's here I just didn't did you want to give an update on that project we finally got a contractor you got to come up to the CU you got to give us your name temporarily soon to not be thank you Jesus just give us a quick one hello Dana Barnes president of the greater Fall River Art Association um we finally have gotten a contractor um for our porch um but we've also uh looking to contract him for our phase two which includes our lift and um the back porch and all of that stuff he's uh it's been a haul I will be very honest it's been tough to find someone to be able to do these things but we have um been very lucky in being able to get that and should be starting this summer I'm very excited so that's my update our gr our Granite is done the water lines are done so it's it's coming along but yeah we're working hard at it thank you thank you thank you any uh new business no uh we'll be I would say probably uh by the 1 of April or so we should be working with the attorney on those preservation restrictions uh and then it should go along rather quickly um it's getting signatures it'll take the greater amount of time but that's going to that should be well into motion by first of April because this year we should have when they sign the the contract AG the deed restriction all at the same time this way we'll be yeah CAU up and I and just to update on my side I was up at the state steering committee meeting um most of it is just state but the when you heard that we didn't get our figures from the the city on our financing it's just not a Fall River problem it's the state state problem uh one person handled the uh the accounting for CPA on the state level for 25 years she retired nobody knows how to do it so they're in the mess now of trying to figure out how to go about it so hopefully they work that out and we'll get back on track your microphone they might not have heard you well oh okay um but uh just still the other than that they are working on a uh since we do look like we're going to have lower funding um uh housing projects they looking at adding a little more into that category if you use the money for that the state the the the committee trying to get the state to give us money to like it would go generally to housing mhm you know so those we have one in housing as well yeah this would be to help us you know I I don't know if that's going to go anywhere because if we're not getting any money on the extra why would they do that but housing is a major problem and and CPA is one of the big Partners behind it so that's all I have for update so motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second roll call Joan Bentley yes Alexander Silva yes Kristen can Oliver yes John brt Yes Rick man yes okay thank you