##VIDEO ID:u-XeWgygWjM## all righty uh welcome to the community preservation meeting uh held at one city council hearing room one government center Fall River uh it's uh Monday the 19th 2024 at 6:30 um pursuing to the open meeting laws any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attend is are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those pres and deemed acknowledged and permissible we'll start with roll call to my left Michael FAS Alexander Silva Kristen Cana Olivera John brand James Hornsby Rick Mancini yeah okay uh no citizen input oh well we're missing tonight uh the park board uh City counil appointee and um Joan Joan Bentley is on vacation uh can I have a motion for approval of the minutes from June 17th I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from June 17th and I'll second that okay roll call vote I don't believe I was here for that just say please Alex Silva yes posting yes John and Rick Mancini yes I wasn't I wasn't here technically but I read over the meeting and I watched it okay next is a request for extensions first request is a for Art Association hello hi everybody hi my name is Dana Barnes I am the past president of the greater Fall River Art Association presently I am the Director of Finance of the same organization um I'm here to request an extension of the first grant that we got for our porch um we have struggled to get a contractor we thought we had one and we did a a little bit of of a deep dive into the credentialing of him and we found out that he is not um fully licensed to do the job we have two bids out to or two requests for information out to two different people um and we are still waiting to hear back from them it's it I'll be honest it's a challenge trying to get a contractor that can that can um do that job because it needs to have that structural component to their license but we're pretty confident that we're going to be able to do this we have started this grant we have the um the granite is done um and it looks phenomenal the leadline has been replaced and that's another absolute plus we also have had um uh CIVC do a little bit of a combination of uh of drawings of the porch because we are having a lift put on the porch so what we we're trying to do rather than um have the porch um be all done um and then have to come in and and dig and you know refurbish part of that porch to get the lift on and all that there is some combined drawings that we we just got to be able to make a a a a more cohesive front entrance rather than trying to to do peace meal and stuff like that so but I am absolutely confident that we can um get this done um we need our we need our porch so um I don't I I I would appreciate some extra time it's just been like I said just been a challenge trying to get a a contractor to be able to do it but we are working diligently on doing that does anyone have any questions I just have I'm I'm just curious where is the lift going to go the lift is off on the if you look at the front porch it's going to be off on the uh left hand side behind like the um Rosa Sharon that's there it's in that section over there and I'm and I'll be honest I'm a little bit glad that it's not happening right now because the house right next to us he's doing he's dropping in some electrical and he's the whole side is all dug up I can't imagine two of us trying to dig on the same side to do this could present a challenge for lack of a better but yeah the lift is going to go on the other side and then they're going to work the back um staircase and things like that because that really needs a little tender love and care as well so just one quick question I was assume that this is going to make uh it ADA Compliant by having yes the first floor will be fully ADA Compliant and the we will have a inside there is a bathroom that will be ADA Compliant um and then there is also uh what we use presently as a first Flor classroom that will become an ADA Compliant studio for an artist should they um they need that and we'll just move the classroom out into the to the main for you somewhere all right so can I have a motion to Grant a two-year extension I'll make a motion that we extend a two-year extension to the OS oce thank you okay all in favor hi hi I okay thank you thank you very much I appreciate it very much all right next we have the Antioch School oh hi how are you uh my name is Diane carer I'm the vice principal at the antiac school uh we're asking for an extension unfortunately we were supposed to be done by now uh June the shingles haven't they were back ordered the shingles didn't come in on time um so the architect or the construction contractor he's ready to go it's just a matter of the shingles coming in and what waiting on our permit um so shingles are in as of August 8th they're ready to be dropped off at the school now we're just waiting on the building permit and hopefully get going and get this process so it'll be the four sides shingling um and then part two will be the second um grant that we um just did for 2025 okay s been any questions from the board just a quick question what time frame do you think they'll be starting and finishing I know it's a hard one to we wanted we wanted to be done before school started in September um so he's working on um like drop off and pickup time where he'll kind of use that time to kind of go to the side of the building and like start tearing down that while you know we're dropping off kids and that type of thing but we're hopefully he's saying like mid- October okay to be finished me with the siding yeah with the siding and then uh we had have a Mason that will be working on the chimney um he hasn't given us a date yet second part so you're not just and the previous shingles how long were they on um I've I've been at the school since 1999 and it's never been touched yeah okay so they were read they weren't done by Philip Brion okay no it's been a while it's been a while we've had the roof in the windows done since I've been there thank you so you're um it sounds like you're not going to uh progress with the project like wait um till any breaks for it you're just going to go once you get the shingles and it sounds yep go right on throw right on through I don't want to postpones anymore we just you know it's with every storm that we've had we've have shingles coming off we have the wood starting to rot in the front we just we just want it done so okay so can I have a motion for a twoyear extension I'll make a motion for a two-year extension for Antioch school I'll second it okay all in favor I no NES okay thank you so much you're welcome good luck next we have the uh Barnabas uh Blossom Workshop I don't think uh Mike laosi made it but um I don't see a problem with giving this one A two-year extension could you just read the reasoning for the public uh sure the uh Reon reason of the delay is in part by need to prioritize architectural work at the anonda farm bioreserve Discovery Center as you know the department closed on that purchase in June 23rd and hired an architectural team T2 out of New Bedford completed this summer um much of the uh acquisition dilcy to copicut water land Reserve acquisition is complete uh this includes land surveying appraisal development 21e hazardous material assessment uh however the Wetland restoration plan must be completed and approved by Conservation Commission before the parcel can be restored uh this uh process has meant with unexpected delays uh so that's the reason why than so could I have a motion for twoe extension is there a reason why they're not these parties are not showing up to make a presentation um Mike leasi is normally here so there must have been something that uh came up and I I see three others also the four of a fire Museum Central fire um that's out and he's at the new um meeting at um diamond diamond so should we table these until I don't see a problem with I mean what questions do you have that uh I mean they just got done with the uh surveying all that the plans and it has been in front of conservation uh and we haven't signed off on it yet so it some the delay May well come from the Conservation Commission yeah they have to be very careful 's a couple things I got to did you expect the Conservation Commission to come through fairly soon oh yeah that he's working on the uh things that were we asked him to so well that should be no problem I mean at least for these I I'm not sure sure about the other ones but at least for these two projects they gave valid reasons so we know why and and the fire Museum I understand that's been going on for quite a while Cal Fire well let's just do let's stick to first so can I have a motion to Grant a two so I do have a question for this one but I wouldn't necessarily hold it up for it do we know so for Barnard Blossom Workshop do we know if they hired the same architectural firm for all those speak on of the mic I'm having trouble understanding you yes is that better y um so uh I was just wondering and we might not have the answer for barnabus blossom Workshop if they if we know they hired the same Architecture Firm for all three of those projects and that's the reason for the delay um it's just the need to prioritize the work at ater Rond de and bar reserve it doesn't say like you would assume that it's the same firm but it says T2 yeah it doesn't say if they're doing everything cuz if it's not the same firm that's not a reason really right uh well their plan is to get the B Miss Blossom Workshop back on track as soon as possible I guess it depends on why they had to prioritize it yeah that would be my question you know but like I said I wouldn't necessarily hold it up for this because the water department is generally very good at falling through on their grants is normally they are right on the ball yeah may maybe a question into Mike about the firms for the three projects just for clarification but like I said we can vote on if the committee okay agrees all right so can I have a motion to Grant a two-year extension I I I I actually have to abstain from this because we were part of the team of uh T2 Architects uh once we took this position on this board we uh stepped away from that but I don't think it would be fair for me to vot on that okay recuse yourself yeah I would like to recluse myself from this to leave you actually have to leave yourself okay um I'd make the motion to Grant the extension for barers blossom and copet water uh shed land acquisition um maybe with the caveat uh that we get that information regarding the Architecture Firm for Barnabas Blossom okay second right roll call vote Jim Hornsby um Alex Silva yes Christen Cana Oliver yes John Yes Yes Rick Mancini yes all righty next we have the uh Fall River Museum um yeah we did we did that with the we did both yeah I mean it was on the same on the same page same thing um I guess we'll take the three uh the for Museum Central fire station and father Kelly's Park we'll do those separate do them separate yeah okay uh can't hear you Sandy um want to take the fire Museum and Central at the same because they the one Bond the combined Bond oh that's right so I would take that as one thank okay so we'll take the fire uh Museum and the central fire station together uh uh Al Al Vera couldn't be here he's at the diamond school for the uh planning of the new school so I guess that came uh before this year uh does the board have any questions I know the uh Central fire station is one of my uh projects I over uh look into um they have a problem with the um the shingles so they're looking at something a little more cost effective um fire museum museum not Central yeah you said Central fire station the shingles for the roof the roof yeah okay yeah they they had a bid come in at 900,000 and 700,000 they weren't expecting to be that high so they went back to the drawing board was that for the I apologize I have to recluse myself again because I've done pro boner work for the city of Fall River fire Museum and I just want to be part of this so I will leave the room okay so was that for the composite ones that we had looked at okay so they're looking to get something else okay and that was a little uh behind too because they did not get payment for their architect for almost a year yeah I want to say so um count that in when you're thinking of it uh so can I have a motion or do you have any questions on those two projects no I don't I don't I'll make a motion that we accept an extension on the uh fire fire Museum and Central fire station I'll second okay uh R Alex Silva yes Christen can yes John brt yes yes James Hornsby Rick Mancini yes uh then we have uh Father Kelly Park um they're rasing for it's in the construction phase um what does that mean like what they're actually I know they had bids I know they had bids come in for the lights okay um not sure how much the bids were uh but uh they did have uh the bids come in so is it in construction phase as it says or is it in bidding it's it no the bids are in so doesn't look like it I went over there well I guess now they're in the construction phase are getting ready to start it so they've chosen a they've chosen a FR okay that Mak two more sent then can I get a motion for a two-ear extension on that sure move move it move move approval okay second second sure Michael Ferris yes Alex Sila yes Christ K ter Oliver yes John BR yes James Hornsby Rick man s yes okay uh next we have something different uh uh out of cyc funding I thought we might look into um CPA does allow us to uh have other funding periods besides our annual funding so it does fall within the uh guidelines of CPA and the reason I thought about this one was um um we have a project that's coming up it's going to be affordable housing which uh is a is a major thing in Fall River with affordable housing so if we the reason for taking it out of cycle get the funding and the purchase of the the house done quicker and they could start working on it so this time next summer somebody could be living in uh new affordable housing um does anybody have any questions uh comments when uh sure Al yeah um so just generally uh regarding out of cycle funding I think we should be very careful with kind of how we proceed with this because um as if if what you say that the CPA does allow for it of cycle finding we have to kind of have it coincide with the information the process and the schedule that we have had available to the public that they are currently um you know in the process of going through um so I don't think this would be something we could change necessarily this cycle nor do I think it would be right to change something this cycle especially since we're literally about to open up eligibility funding applications and every other applicant has been waiting for the schedule that we've advertised and posted and that's posted on our website under the city plan um So currently our Fall River Community preservation committee does have a mechanism for out of funding cycle uh out of cycle funding um some of you may be aware of it because I think some of you have dealt with it um it's an emergency application uh essentially it kind of helps an emergency situation applicant jump the line to you know settle a problem that is deemed an emergency however the gray area is that that emergency is you know at the will and discretion of the committee um I could remember previously one of the most recent emergency applications that the committee received was from the public library when the roof was leaking um you know I remember that was contentious not just among the committee but among the public over what if that constituted as an emergency because it was essentially deferred maintenance um at the responsibility of the City over the years then when it reached the point of no return you know you say it's an emergency but it's an emergency of your own making sort of thing so I I don't necessarily see anything wrong with uh the process that currently stands um but I if if the committee would be open to having multiple funding uh periods throughout the year um like I know some communities award grants two times a year rather than just one time a year that's something we can uh codify and make you know aware at least for a full year or or the full year before the funding applications actually open um because if we were to you know take an an out of cycle funding application this year at this moment two weeks before eligibility applications are due I think it's wouldn't be right I would say to the other applicants or the public I just want to second I've got notes on the same situation uh and the out of cycle I would be real concerned at this point the way our program is set up and we have a system that works very well uh but being out of cycle we would have to we probably open some sort of Pandora's Box because anybody would come in that any of our uh citizens could come in with a proposal and say oh I'm out of cycle but I need to get this done right away so I I I really have these projects are great but I'm really concerned with out of cycle and and I agree with with Alex that if we want to put that and influence that into our our system then we could vote on that and get it into next year's cycle well the thing is you're talking we have the the the money for n CPA housing right now we always have a hard time spending our housing money so that's why special excuse me John excuse me John sorry no no I I just heard tonight that there's $ 249,900 uh so that's all we would have to expend that's our housing budget yeah that not counting that's what we've occurred over the years yeah that's our balance that's that's now we will not have the additional money till June or or July of 25 so there's only 249 uh, in there yeah okay but I my concern is that we're opening up a a Pandora's Box here with anybody could now ask to have an out of cycle request and if it's not in our system what do we do do we deny it or do we allow just anybody to do could ask for an out of cycle uh funding because if it's it's not the funds aren't there that's it's a different story I mean here the funds are there I mean that's but they're not en the funds are less what we have is actually less than what they're asking for yeah and so currently the way it's done out of cycle is an emergency application so I don't I'm not aware if um these being emergency applications or not but that is the mechanism that is you know available to the public right now and I would argue that just because uh community housing money is available doesn't mean it's you know burning a pocket ho through our pocket it's actually earning us interest and you know some may argue that you know you could save it for a higher impact project or a larger project something that would you know constitute a significant impact for the community um so that's at the discretion of the committee it's not really an operating um you know member random to just spend any money that we have I don't I don't agree with that okay yes um I'm Tor um I really appreciate as a as a new person on the committee I really appreciate the importance of doing things fairly in terms of applications and following the schedule at the same time I'm well aware that we have an enormous housing crisis and it's probably more severe in the area of people who used to pay $6 $700 and now are hit with well my parisher is hit with 1,200 U and that that is precisely the amount of money that she gets yeah in cash okay now she saved by public housing but a lot of people working people are not saved by public housing because there's a long list and besides they're not eligible and I'd like to look at this look at it a little more If This Were If This Were something to improve St Luke's Church I'd say do it let's wait on it okay but now I see Mr Dion here is he here for the the meeting yeah and maybe he could F see I want to find out if we want I want to find out if we if we don't do it tonight when how much does this hold it up I also know that the September 1st deadline yeah will tell us if they're going to maybe it will will tell us who is not applying it won't tell us who is who will make a final application yeah but it will but it will tell us for example that a large housing nonprofit housing Corporation will not apply because they yeah don't submit an eligibility thing so I can't well I was just wonder I don't understand what will happen if we hold it up that's what I don't know the one thing also about this is the house is going on the market for sale so it's like buying open space you can't always put it in can we keep it to the general agenda item that's part of the problem item no well we're just doing aor cycle funding and specific okay that well I'm just trying to explain why I wanted to be I thought the city took it by eminent domain no the taxes that's what it says in the application we're talking about the yeah I'm talking about the autocycle right correct yes yes yeah say I could Norm I support on Ral cycle thing but I don't want to kill the project okay well we won't kill killing the project uh okay how about we vote on is there a motion I I would motion not to do an out of Cycles uh funding source until after this application process and we we table it until next year if you're going to do that you know you have a cycle where if there's an emergency you have that Avenue but this particular case I would say let's just let's um forego it for now and then put it on the docket for um the up after the applications for next year and I'll second that motion but can I also add um just before we vote that we would we would also be proactive I think and not waiting till the end of the cycle like there's nothing stopping us from amending our plan currently if we did want to discuss you know two award periods per year or changing the emergency application you know maybe making it like not emergency I guess um but I think that's risky as Rick was saying but under the uh rules we have it would see there is no emergency application here so that the applicant could if we voted to table I don't applicant could um apply on an emergency basis next month yes yes if if we don't hear it tonight we'll be uh it'll be on and I just think we I mean I'm obvious that Mr Dion isn't talking but I don't don't what I don't there's no overall layout here and I mean we've got this is one of the problems with I can see with the form in my first meeting here there's no overall layout as to what's happening that's how they're going to be so when they come in they're all going to be like this well we'll help you through that part but normally when somebody presents something they come and say that well we're not to that part yet we didn't get there yet that's next what do you mean we're not to that part we're just we're just talking about the a of cycle if we were willing but voting on the on cycle depends on what's going to happen to the project well and therefore we need to know a just a quick overview we're on six yeah so we're just talking if consider doing any out cycle fun oh I see okay we're not talking about this no we're not talking about this is seven we're talking about it generally right now not specifically we're talking generally well okay generally uh I mean generally doesn't I thought we were talking about the particular housing project which is what you're talking about from my my understanding of the out of cycle funding it's for emergency responses is that correct by we have in place right now so if you were to just say that there is a priority that you're giving another project then just have them do the applications if we want to do that in the future then we can introduce a cycle of a funding source when a project comes up maybe before the applications are um approved but the reality of it is is that that funding source the out of cycle funding source is for an emergency and and again you're right the the the the library and the roof and that could have been uh identified as maintenance or lack of Maintenance but that ultimately was an emergency there were other ramifications associated with without doing that work that would have brought more harm to that that building so I would say that this cycle needs to stay as exactly what it it mean it's meant for for an emergency if something needed to be done and you had the funds that you would address that now until this application process is done then we can talk about if you want to do more than one cycle of applications or funding in the future but up right right now it doesn't meet that criteria so I don't know if it meets the criteria or not I don't know what's going to happen if we don't vote the money tonight will they lose the house will the house be sold to somebody else no it'll just come back in September okay so we'll move on we won't beat a dead horse uh it doesn't there's no motion no second so there was a I was a motion to deny um the uh out of cycle funding and I'll second okay uh roll call vote uh Michael Ferris yes I thought we weren't talking wait a minute I thought we weren't talking about specific projects we're not we're talking about just general opening yeah so we'll never reply any no no no no no I I don't understand the motion this this we're not changing the process right now this is not about a specific project fine that's fine yeah that's fine that's the what it mean maybe we can say that I think I did yeah okay well I I didn't hear it that that's okay we'll get through it what is the motion the motion right now is to reject the out of cycle funding that's it and and keep in place our emergency funding yeah that we okay you could say reject any non-emergency out of cycle funding for FY 26 to be very more specific okay we're we're going to reject any out of cycle funding that are not emergency related until or or table it until after the applications and then we'll address that process it's just the process okay y we have a motion in a second sorry just by that language we couldn't start the process of changing the process until after the application period which would be a year or so generally oh is it okay yeah like I If if we want to start before so the is the September one is that when the applications are supposed to be so that's so uh this FY 26 funding cycle is about to start with the eligibility applications due at the beginning of September and then I think Sandy has a schedule of what it currently is okay um then usually in October the hearings are conducted January 15th around there um is when the funding the full funding applications are due so it's the full application let's just stick to the yeah I now I understand what you're saying the time frame okay so we had roll call vote uh yes from Michael F Alex well I sorry I would want to change it um before the end of the year so I would say no to that motion sorry good now I'm confused so you're you're basic we're not going to have a funding round is what he's saying we have to talk about it and put it in okay so I'm just going to do it for um I'm going to say uh the out of cycle funding is to be rejected and only used for emergency purposes and at the until until until we readdress it um the next calendar year thank you y okay that I'll second okay okay now I Michael FAS yes Alex yes Kristen kin har Oliver yes uh John yes no Rick Mancini yes all righty uh let's see um okay uh can I have a vote to approve the CPC Coalition membership dues I'll make a motion to approve the CPC Coalition dues yeah for the year I'll I'll second that also okay uh roll call V on that Michael ferish yes Alex yes christon K to aliv yes John BR Yes Yes Rick Mancini yes just just one thing do we need to just address number seven and say at this point so we don't even need to discuss it we've addressed it no not not number seven specifically the applicant has left and it's it's done yeah since we didn't approve the out of cycle funding so we don't need okay so don't even need to acknowledge it okay then next we have eligibility funding round so hold on to this package because we already have it before September 1st so um this year with uh passing out uh our funds in July I notic a lot of the folks uh that had outside projects uh were getting their money but the Project's not going to started because by the time uh they get the uh contractor and all that winter sets in so they don't get anything done so what I wanted was looking at doing was bumping up um our procedure our our guidelines uh we still keep the September 1st as eligibility date um the same as uh our old one and uh then we start hearing eligibility hearings conducted uh uh starting in September 16th and um I think we have the calendar there or do we not have the calendar no it's in there it's it's there September oh that's December and January well we'll be doing uh eligibility hearings do those in September have them all done by October then we're going to move up the uh funding applic ation due by December that gives everybody two months to get the final application in then we'd start hearing uh deliberation um in January um we'll conduct a funding hearings we'll deliberate January 14th uh January will score and then we'll send Appropriations down to City Council in February and uh what this will do is get the money in the hands of folks that have the projects approved before summer starts so if it's outside project they can start they have the money right away I mean it does require a little more attendance on our part because normally we just meet once a month uh we used to do it in the old days we used to do two three times a month uh for uh funding and uh U El ility hearing so I think if we speed you know not speed things up but condense it and do more meetings that this way if we're hearing everybody in January it's fresh in our heads uh because we'll have the meetings right away and uh when it comes time to voting for the projects we'll have a little better memory and questions and our opinions will be you know a little fresher um so any discussion comments on that yeah I I would actually recommend you know typically the cycle for owning a an engineering and design build firm uh you know you're typically designing in the winter um getting it awarded by January and then you know sign contracts January February March so that they can start ordering their equipment and just like the materials especially like with Antioch beforehand and so the time frame is usually the summer time that you're trying to Target a start date and so that would help a lot of these any types of school projects historical stuff that when they're not in session so again like in in the in the case of Antioch school they're actually going above and beyond and they're actually doing construction while school is in session so that's kind of the cycle that I I would tailor for so I'm I'm okay with moving those things up so that uh one it'll be a lot more competitive on bidding because that's where most contractors they're doing the estimates and bidding you know uh in the offseason so designed and then they go out get a contractor bid get the materials and start construction right when the spring time start or you know it's the weather starts to get a little bit open so if that would help I think we would I would be all for U moving a a schedule of that nature yeah I mean that way in February they know if their projects passed and they could start really getting the the hard bits and everything squared away the other thing too when we normally where it would be January 15th that the projects are due um over like from my experience from what I remember that time from like December somewhere around the beginning of December through January nobody's doing anything because of the holidays so even the people that are trying to get their stuff in when they're you know late on things and that they don't do it so it's kind of a wasted time period so it makes more sense to get it in before like by December 2nd that way nobody's trying to chase stuff down at the holidays and then nobody can have meetings because well we can't and we you know so it it does make more sense even just for that reason I mean in two months they should be able to finish the final absolutely yeah they'll know cuz when when we have eligibility hearings if they pass eligibility we tell them you will need a letter from this committee this committee and then it's up to them to get it within that time frame and if they don't that's on them you know yeah okay any other comments or Alex no just I just wanted to say I I concure with the new the new schedule tightening this up I think is has a lot of advantages has advantages even to us in the way we're going to have the information current we're not going to have it delay it'll be be good current information being utilized on a regular basis plus what do we really do in January I just wanted to say I think this is a really good idea it's very proactive um good job John for kind of coming up with this and Sandy for kind of ironing out this new schedule I think it's very receptive to what applicants or what would be helpful for applicants you know we've heard a lot of feedback about timing for things and approval and we're always trying to improve this process um is it safe to assume this is for FY 26 the next year since all of these dates haven't been advertised for current yes um and I checked with the city clerk and these dates are the dates that this room should be available so I came up with these dates according to the other boards and commissions that already book this room so if you approve this tonight I will go ahead and I will actually B these dates yes all we're going to change is oh this is now so we're not so we have to change the uh due date for uh well the hearing dates be changed yeah so I I didn't know if we wanted to do this a year after like I didn't know if we want to change it this current cycle kind of how we were saying cuz anyone who would have been doing their research throughout the summer for this funding round they have all the initial dates in their heads uh maybe it's okay for us to ask them to you know move things up this early on since it hasn't actually started yet um if we can get that posted like you know on our City website and maybe as soon as we okay if we okay it tonight we would do it yeah and and if if we could have like this schedule printed out as a sheet for when they come in for their eligibility hearings so we can just give it to them too at that point and let them know and you know if anyone has any problems perhaps we can you know be a little lenient and whatever ways we can but I concur if we give the data to them on September 1st when they turn in their their information right that should give them adequate uh knowledge and and and get them to change their schedule appropriately I I see no problem with that starting now okay what I'll do is I don't know if it'll work but I'll send a press release to the newspaper Sandy what did you say she said she she doesn't know if send a press release send a press release to to the newspaper and hope that they publish it yeah and and perhaps we can at least put it on our committee's web page like at the at the top and then I mean even the I mean honestly even the city's the front web page they have a news section so perhaps we can just ask them to post it as a news item I think it is newsworthy and and valuable public knowledge so it could be kind of like on that front page too good point all right but yeah uh good I think it's a good idea okay yeah uh so G I have a motion to adopt the uh I'll make a motion to adopt the new dates for eligibility and funding for FY 2026 25 26 26 26 yeah you're right I I second that motion roll call or oh no uh do we have a motion second motion second motion second okay roll call Michael Ferris yes Alex syva yes Christ can aliv yes John BR yes yes James horns Rick Mancini yes uh project updates I don't have any uh I don't have Sandy any updates emailed to us I don't think anybody okay any uh new business okay can I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor I I I I I all righty --------- ##VIDEO ID:riOuDntk9Ek## welcome to the community preservation committee meeting held at the city council hearing room one government center Fall River it's uh Monday uh August 19th 2024 6 o'clock it's our annual meeting pursuant to the open meeting laws any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are there for advis that such recording and Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and deemed a knowledge and permissible uh we'll start with roll call to my left Michael farz here Alex Silva here Kristen Cana Olivera here John brand here James Hornsby Rick manini here and we're missing uh Joan Bentley she's over in Scotland on vacation we're missing a city council appointee and the uh parks department we're missing a uh a person um any citizens input okay then we're going to move right on to financial report hi everybody for those who don't know you I'm the C for the city microphone thank you so I was asked to just come and present um the the close of the fiscal 24 and there was $1.8 Million that was would you speak into of the microphone please thank you can you hear hear me now I don't know I this I couldn't hear what you said then oh I'm sorry so for the fiscal 24 there was $1.8 Million collected in CPC money where the search charge in the receipts that came was from the state is 1.4 1, 465,000 and the state trust fund was 293,000 that's the largest portion of the CP PC money that comes in and as of right now with the projects um that closed out there is just under $3 million sitting in fund balance and I think um everybody was provided one of the annual reports by Sandy and I just want to say that we conservatively budget um the revenue is going forward because there's been more communities that have come on to take advantage of the program as well so then that pot of money there's less that gets distributed to everybody so I don't know if anybody has any questions for me I don't have any the only one question I would like is our um administrative cost could you break that out uh as far as what we salaries advertising expenses like that is that possible yes I but I think most of it is just salary but I will I'll get that I know we have our dues and signage and stuff we do yeah Alex yep um hi thanks for coming uh I was just wondering if you could break down the state of the committee's bond payments and kind of what uh a picture of that looks like at this moment in time so I can get the bond payments that are CPC related I can get you the ammonization schedules we've provided those to Sandy in the past okay but um I don't know if you recollect like uh do you know if we're in kind of good position for some of them coming off soon or I think we have 78,000 getting ready to come yeah um I don't know that off the top of my head like I have to look at it I know there was one that was fine there was one that should be coming off after a few years yeah yeah um and then I just had another question regarding um The process by which uh unused CPC funds are returned to the committee or the city um or the committee I guess uh by what uh mechanism is that done is that uh return through a bylaw or can you just kind of go through the process about how so any of the funds that are not spent stay within the CPC fund they don't go back to the general fund so they stay within the fund balance and that's what's making up most of your like 2 point right now that's sitting in the unreserved community the CPC fund there's 2.6 million that was sitting as of June of 24 there's only a small amount that's left sitting in the open space fund and the housing fund balance has 249 ,000 there's actually right now no fund balance in the historic preservation amount so all of the money that goes unspent stays within the CPC so I just want to make sure we're doing everything that's required when uh funding gets returned to the committee um I think we're just kind of sending them letters right now saying that there's unused funds and you know if they've gone past its expiration date will be return to the committee and I just want to make sure all the mechanisms that are required for that to be you know unallocated I guess are in place and being followed okay so none of the money actually leaves unless it gets spent so the other projects if they don't spend it all it never actually left the CPC fund and what happens is we close out the budget and don't allow it to be spent so in your opinion does the letters that we send out suffice or like I just want to make sure we're not so once the letters go out and then we um have a meeting with Sandy she then we go through and we close out those projects and they just remain in your fund balance okay okay thank you okay yeah we just did that a month ago right M yeah what was that balance again in the housing fund 249,900 okay thank you y I heard that one no other further questions I thought that was supposed to be higher actually from this past Year's um appro I guess allotment for it is that up to date for FY 20 I was under the impression it was going to be 400,000 after FY 24 or something around there um I can check on what the appropriation for you are you thinking the 25 and adding the oh yeah maybe it was FY 25 because there wasn't any projects awarded in the community housing category so 10% of the funds had to go over to that and I think it added to around 4 so it that may I have to I would check on that but I think you might be including fiscal 25 and with the 24 okay could you let us know I mean somehow an email or whatever it is cuz I quoted the 400,000 figure to someone and I was wrong I may be wrong yeah she's just giv me end of 24 end of 25 is not fiscal year so yeah fiscal year so I didn't understand we didn't spend any in housing so that money will go to the 249 part which brings it up to almost four oh so so it is 400,000 no I I I don't off the top of my head I don't know what the appropriation was that you appropriated for housing did you add another 200,000 this year yeah I think it comes up to so then if you added the appropriation of another 20000 and then you have this from June of 24 left over you will by the time you get to the end of June of 25 as long as you don't spend any of it you'll have around 400,000 but you don't have 400 there's not 400,000 of cash sitting there just yet because the money has to come in over the whole year yeah oh okay so you're counting the the other extra monies okay I'm sorry I'm new on the commission and I really this is something I just don't okay have not learned about yet maybe I can just a quick question where are the funds actually allocated to are they into like a high yield savings account I'm I'm assuming they were all liquid but um is there just it seems like it it stays in there for a long period of time until it gets used I the funds it's my understand they're not in a separate account because what happens is as you're allocating funds for your fiscal 25 the city will front the cash on a lot of projects okay depending so the but all of our money um we have done this across um all of our accounts is we've negotiated with the banks so we have we are getting like the highest interest rates possible so they're over four some of them are in 5% okay perfect yeah we do have we have interest coming in every year yeah no that's what I wanted to do cuz you going CPC uh website and click it'll show you the amount of money coming in and the interest that over the years okay perfect and then we we will Pro if any of that is sitting in we do prate it back to the right funds okay so sounds good okay oh thank you thank you thanks nice meeting everybody you good evening enjo uh next is a letter from the chair um let me take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who continued support and commitment to the community preservation committee serving on this committee as though your hard work and dedication helping to make the community a better place I'd like to personally extend my gratitude to each and every one of the CPC members and efforts into coming together and accomplishing the work in a timely thoughtful and effective manner it is through all of our hard work it's helped the community preserve open space historic sites create affordable housing develop outdoor recreational facilities this community has funded over the committee has funded over 100 projects that include historic preservation open space recreation community housing has made a real difference in improving for Parks restoring preserving our historic buildings assets protecting preserving our precious open space and creating affordable housing although 2024 was a challenging year with funding this committee was still able to recommend eight projects to city council for funding our involvement on this committee is an example of the value that we can contribute an incredible unique opportunity of giving back to the community uh I look forward to working with the committee and our Community Partners in the next year FY 26 funding and I also forgot to put in there I would like to a special thank you to uh the taxpayers of Fall River with your hard work um we've been able to uh fund uh 100 projects which is close to 13 million going back into the city uh to help it uh rebuild preserve uh create more open space so uh thank you without you we couldn't do this let's see next we move on to election of officers where do we normally start with the clerk or the chair I think chair uh do we have a nomination for chair I'd like to nominate John Grant second any others yes Jim horn okay uh vote on that yes yes yes yes yes well thank you very much I look forward to the upcoming year uh Vice chair I'd like to nominate Chris Al I'll second yes call yes yes yes yes Rick manen yes and then uh clerk I would like to nominate Alex Silva I'll second I I couldn't hear uh Alex fine just made the motion it's just a question I thought she was s she's Administrative Assistant she's like a are keeps us all of us going okay yeah and she does the minutes or the clerk does the minutes well it it she normally does it okay thank you so Michael FIS says yes checking I'm learning yes yes yes yes okay with that Alex yes okay thank you very much all righty uh can I have a motion to close out the annual meeting I'll make a motion to close the meeting I'll second the motion roll call Michael ferrish yes Alex syva yes CHR K oliv yes John brt yes James Hornsby Yes Rick manen yes