awesome all right all right good evening everyone I'd like to begin tonight's meeting of the Fall River historical commission it is Tuesday May 21st 2024 it is 6:00 p.m. um pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible uh make it a roll call please Elizabeth dblock here Rick Mancini here Connie Soul here Joyce Rodrick present and Jason bushard nqi here um John Lima and Ashley Duna are absent tonight um and we do not have any open seats um all right so uh item one um John had actually yeah John had forwarded over the minutes from April 16th I sent those out and it's in your packets as well um are there any questions on the minutes from April 16th I I'll make a motion to pass minutes of the last meeting I'll second that motion all right I have a motion by Rick and a second by Connie um to approve the minutes from April 16th roll call vote uh Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Cony yes Joyce yes and Jason Mard and Rocky yes thank you um number two to review and approve the minutes from April 30th that was our special meeting yeah they're not ready yet okay okay we will table this until um our June meeting okay okay do we need a vote on to table that I make a motion to table the uh minutes from April 30th to the next June meeting I'll second the motion all right I have a motion by Connie and a second by Elizabeth um our June meeting let me just double check the date is the 1 2 3 it is June Tuesday June 18th um to table the minutes from April 30th uh Ru call vote Elizabeth Yes Rick yes uh Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason bishard araki yes to table those minutes thank you um any citizens input no okay um I do not have any I did not receive any notices of intent to demolish um we have a few inquir I'm sorry correspondences so item number three I received on April 19th uh 2024 um an inquiry regarding design restrictions at 636 Rock Street it's the William W Stewart house which is in the highlands 40c local historic district um the inquiry was from Holly bronhard a real estate agent who has listed the property on behalf of the owner um and I U actually I met with her brought over a set of design guidelines with her um and basically just explained um what our commission would be reviewing should somebody purchase the property um and um I did um I don't I don't have the date unfortunately I'm sorry um I did meet with her um at a broker's open house um to answer any questions from any agents that uh were looking at it because there were some um questions about the difference between a national district and a local historic district um so I believe the house is still on the market but um uh it was owned by it's owned by a nonprofit currently I think people Incorporated and um I believe it's listed as a single family residence um but uh yeah it's a fantastic house if you haven't seen the um the photos online um so I did that on uh uh after the uh April 19th when um she had reached out to me um so um let's see next um I received an item four an inquiry on April 24th regarding design restrictions on 252 High Street um that's not in the local historic district that's the William Deval house uh in the corner of I think it's Cherry Street in High um and that is in the lower Highlands National register District um I did inform carry that there are no restrictions except for the 6-month demolition delay um um let's see uh item five uh another inquiry on April 24th uh regarding historical status of 60 Garfield Street um I sent over uh confirmation to Carrie that the property is not listed on the register of significant structures um so and then uh let's see um item six I received an email from uh Jim Su with the Fall River preservation Society um on May 15th um and they are going to be award ing on May 31st a preservation award um in house plaque at 528 High Street um that's the um it's the Alfred Butterworth house that had caught fire in 2022 um I don't know if you've driven by the house recently it really it's night and day um it looks really good um so they're uh presenting an award and he has invited uh on behalf of the preservation Society uh members of the historical commission to attend um I forget the time I'll have um what time that is I can let you know or forward the email to you um but it's on May 31st I think it's at 1:00 um are you looking it up yes okay for we is that um I think it's a a Thursday I'm sorry I oh I'm going to be away what am I thinking oh it's a Friday does that seem right the Friday no it's a Thursday it's a Thursday the 30th okay how come I don't oh it's the 30th hold on I will take a look I'm sorry I thought I had the time listed one moment um 528 um yeah don't I thought I had that I will 5:30 p.m. 5:30 thank you on Friday May 31st thank you 31 you're faster than I am okay all right so um I'll send over the email as well um but um that'll be nice to have representation from the historical commission since we've we we work so closely with the uh the owners to um you know retain all the uh character defining features on the house and I mean it's um considering that it was deemed a total loss and the house is still standing and looks it looks fantastic yeah um so any questions so far on this okay um so under new business um so I received uh item number seven I received um uh a request from the of the historical commission from Pamela Liberty uh she works with um uh Roso it's uh is it Keller William no not Keller Williams I think it's remx one of the real estate agencies anyways she was looking to um have some sort of a lecture or seminar about architectural Styles um that are per um that are are specific to Fall River um or just the maybe the surrounding area and also the differences between the historic districts and the statuses and what um what that entails and um and it's not necessarily aimed at just her the agency that she works for but I believe it will be um from what she had said it's going to be uh she'll be inviting other Realtors and Brokers from other groups which is great um and I I told her I said this is this is excellent because I can't tell you how many times we've met with homeowners who have purchased houses in the 40c and they have they did not realize that the property was has design regulations so um I said I would bring this up with the board um and we can discuss about I don't know I I guess it would we would probably have it here just because it would be it'll be a special meeting mhm um any thoughts on that what we can do that's a great idea I still have a bunch of old architecture books from school okay with Styles so I can dig up some of that do you have the the field guide mhm okay perfect um okay um so uh are you looking for motion to get that held here or so well I we would have to have it would have to be a public meeting um because we will be meeting as the board unless we only have like a couple of us but I think on the safe side just to have it here as a special meeting I think that's fair enough um and appropriate um uh I guess this will probably be in the form of I guess a PowerPoint would that make sense yeah yeah and I agree I think having it here would be good because it' be televised and then open to the general public so not only the Realtors but the general public would have the ability to to get informed share the YouTube video on the Facebook absolutely and that would be um it's it's good Outreach um and uh and a seminar that we would be holding ourselves so we have the expertise in that in that area um okay um what do you think would be the logical like I guess the time frame to get this going not next week no I'm going to be a way out of the country next couple weeks um so do we want to aim for something maybe I don't know I think do you want to have a special meeting or do you just want to expand a regular meeting have a very condensed normal meeting and then I think a special would be fine just because when if we do an expanded meeting I depending on what month it is I don't want to run into is it the end of July that July or August that we have um the um with to do the continued letters of support so that's going to be a lot of you know a lot of um for for the realtor that'll be a lot of unnecessary waiting for them um and I do know we have a few things that did not make the agenda because I had already produced the agenda um and it was filed and we have um uh things to review for won't be here for the July one okay you won't be here for the July um so let's maybe do like August you well in the time it's going to take to put together a a PowerPoint I guess we can probably do something with and put photos up my mind's already going like I already know I could drive around FL over and take pictures of some houses absolutely and get like uh examples of different styles that would be fun um okay so won't be a together if you want we could do it together if absolutely no I don't think it'll be a reg meeting just to be on the safe side um because I don't know how long that would be um if it's not the J July when is I trying to remember when um the funding Cycles are it's j January April maybe it is July uh for um is it quarterly historic tax credits yeah um yeah so July would make sense okay um so let's maybe do like either um July's going to be busy anyways on my end so I think if we did it if we pushed it back maybe like the beginning of August I think that might be okay um and it gives her time to um put that out out there with her team members and make invitations and so forth to other people um yeah okay okay do you want to establish a date um let's look at um I let's give her some date range well that's a good idea mhm um so like as of now I'm fine the first two weeks of August um and then I don't know what that's my lest calendar so far is it full 15 items on my old disc but I can talk something okay well yeah I have conflict the first week of like the first full week the fifth through 9th why don't I do this why don't I reach out to her and find out what would be good good for her um and see how long it would take to get some amounts of T and it does not have be on a Tuesday it could be a Wednesday or a Thursday cuz this room also has to be available true that's that's right there's a lot of coordinating yeah there's a few um I mean we could do it out that yeah yeah I mean worse comes worse we could also use the atrium um that's true all right I'll ask her for an availability um that would work with her office and maybe there's a time that's like slower for them I don't know um and in the meantime um prepare presentation yeah we can do photos um and if anyone has any input and wants to help put you know we're going to be I think Elizabeth is going to be doing the photos I can help as well if yeah we've got things like this that I dug up that who we are why preservation is important so I can make copies what do we do etc etc so that that already I think there's two of them are they not two different ones yeah I've I have two different ones exactly Okay so we've got that and we've got this yeah we've got some we got presentations that they we can we can get yeah comine it in fact I I believe uh and I I'll I'll speak to Kristen but I believe that might already be in a PowerPoint presentation yeah okay and if it is see if we can either get a loan or acquire and I think it was done in a way too that we can just swap pics so whatever pics you want to include and stuff okay okay cuz we' were doing that with the neighborhoods right MH and swapping pictures excellent okay okay um okay perfect um all right so I will reach out to Pam for a list of uh to see what her availability is and go from there okay um and then uh was that any other questions on item seven okay um so item eight um so we were um I received a request to for representation of the historical commission to attend the South End Association at its June 6th meeting um do you have a little extra info on that um is that the Business Association this associ it's a neighborhood association neighborhood association okay yes and what they're doing is they're in in this particular case uh there's I guess Chris's restaurant has been really making a lot of Headway out there in the neighborhood and there Alan Sylvia is very interested he a representative for that area and he's very interested in getting signage mhm to to to designate that as being the global village the globe Village that was originally called Globe Village okay and so he wants a little bit of from us a little bit of history on that okay and I've got paperwork here on that also uh and he wants some sort of a presentation one on the historic commission what do we do what are we about but also try and give them a little bit of history on the Steep Brook I'm sorry I got steep Brook on my brain on the uh uh Globe Village okay and the original five corners it's called Four Corners now but it was originally five corners and the history of the area and the tunnels and and supposedly a buried treasure up there so you know we can go through all of that history on on that date okay and but that they're going to put it together with local business people to come in and learn about their area and learn about the growth and what they want to do and make the transition into it being known as now the globe Village mhm it's not a historic district on with a national register um so there is opportunity to possibly talk about we're adding projects um to talk about possibly um having the area surveyed um and see if it is eligible for as a national register District um so okay um I think it would be I I think it is important to also uh stress that um that type of a project cannot be fast-tracked um um so as we're I'm you know we're seeing with the downtown expansion it's uh kind of halted at this point um but there's also a lot of waiting on the state level too I think there there's just a lot back and forth um so but if that's of consideration that's something that we can at least we can chitchat we can chitchat before we go up there yeah because I think that I mean it could be it doesn't have to be us that does the um the the the survey work at all like um for example the Third Street commercial Corridor that was done by um uh Tony Cordo because he had the two properties over there he spearheaded that uh small historic district so this could be something that falls in line with um the South End Association if they wanted to apply for a grant somehow to get that type of a study done um we would ultimately work with them because that comes through our commission um so you know we would automatically be involved in that project um but that would be a good a good way of like honoring that area Clara Fallon who is the administrative assistant for Allan is the young lady who's trying to pull this together she's she's the push right now so maybe we could just chitchat with get more data I plan on going there next week and giving her some paperwork that I found okay on I think I have it on my calendar too so on June 6th so I'll be there um just in case um so you and I will be there um and then if anyone wants to go we just need no more than three so we don't have an open meeting violation um so I think two would I think two would be fine or three but um yeah nothing more than that okay um anything else that we should bring to their attention that we um that I don't know if they would I don't think the area would even qualify maybe it would as a local historic district I'm not 100% sure but um that's kind of there's a lot of history there there's a lot of history but it also depends on how the how intact the the historic fabric is and yeah well the King Philip Mill was there and half of it's gone sure right yeah spearheaded yeah and the beauty is that you know that was part of K in Rhode Island originally so you got you got the change the Transitions and so there there's a lot of good history that oh yeah the presentation is I think be very interesting okay um okay well you and I will talk yeah okay um so let's see um anything else any questions on that no um all right so old business um I in your packet um I did receive the signed um acknowledgement from uh M Veronica Dunn uh she owns 31 Summerfield street so this we had made um uh I had nominated the house U for inclusion on the register of significant structures um back in February um which we had approved um but because the nomination was not made by the owner or representation of the owner um we we have this acceptance form so I sent over the letter that stated that we um that the house was nominated onto the city's register um actually had a very nice phone call with her she was thrilled um and um she learned a little bit of history about the house that she's she's born and raised in that house um so um and I believe she even got a plaque or is going through the preservation Society to get a plaque for her house which is nice um so I sent over the information for her and then she signed this sent it back over to Carrie um so this would just be and she has accepted the nomination so this will be a formal vote to bring the uh to have the house listed on the register okay um okay okay well I'll I'll I'll make a motion that we accept the lady Aaron M melon house at 31 Summerfield Street up on the significant structures list thank you I'll second that motion motion by Rick and then second by Connie to accept the nomination acceptance form for 31 Summerfield Street uh R call votes Elizabeth Yes Rick yes uh Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason Bard and Rocky yes excellent that's great that's one yeah that's that's and I had to update some of the forms because they were very very old um but um no she was thrilled um yeah she had some nice nice history and uh talks about when her parents had purchased the house and yeah so it's it's it's an adorable little cottage and it's one of the more I think architecturally intact ones on that block of Summerfield so yeah perfect okay thank you everyone um so item 10 um I also sent over a copy of the annual report draft of it um so to preface and I do apologize how long it's taken to get this out um so I was looking at the most recent uh report that was filed um and that was um by um uh Kristen and Cana in 2019 um so I don't know why an annual report wasn't filed in 2020 or 2021 um and then 2022 I don't have enough information because I took over as a chair uh in August um I don't have enough information to create a full annual report for 2022 um but so I was looking at her 2019 and I took a lot of info from there at least how she had set it up um the earlier um annual reports from I'm talking like 2016 and even earlier than that were very detailed um and but I do appreciate having a more simplistic uh report if we have more activity then yes I would throw in in more maps and especially if we're looking at expanding a district um so uh with that said um I know you just received this um but is there any initial questions on it at all um any grammatical errors I I would say that we just hold our comments until the next official meeting that'll give us you yep thank you for doing this too a lot of work oh you're welcome um I did um the part that I mean not surprising I guess the part that took the longest uh was listing all the certificates and the letters um and some of the letters I you know they're they're not NE there's like three some of the properties there's three of those letters because we um they're continuing projects that get the um the for tax credits um so but um I mean everything I everything is very well organized in in my my little filing systems so um uh yeah the only actually the only thing I did have uh maybe um I just wanted a clarification on the oh a moment um on page eight um at the very top this is regarding the design guidelines um I thought it was a $50,000 Grant from CPA to the preservation Society but then I saw a reference for $55,000 um do you remember offand I actually thought it was 50 50 okay 5 let me yep all right I will maybe I'll email Sandy and ask for um just a confirmation on that um okay um and then I can get I have to paper I can pull that right up on pull that right up okay excellent thank you um and I don't know if I had anything else on here um we had the one National register District that was added and that was the um Third Street um so I did list those uh on page at the top of page nine uh items one two and three um so and I'm updating I'm updating the um the register as well so I'm hoping by the end of this month um the register of significant structures uh will be updated on the city's website so I'll have that the last time I was updated was in 2017 um so I've been going through and making comments and I have reached out to Christ for a few of the updates so um the I don't want to mess up with the um the spreadsheet it's very detailed um but we're getting there m with it um um okay the cover the cover is really striking it's a great photo not Dory I think I was uh I was playing in traffic trying to take that photo I tell you there's no car there was uh there's like a little island in the middle of Eastern Avenue and was kind and it's not very big so I was standing over there with my phone to take a photo um but that was that day that we were able to go in uh when Ryan um uh was it Erica uh from Erica or Emily from Ryan Emily um had let us in last summer before you move on yes I would like to see a bibliography on the report similar to the preservation society's document database M so that people with this report can go to the documents and get a link to the actual uh site where the document is you mean the list of letters that were submitted yeah I mean I think there I think you need one more heading I think what I'll do is document resources or whatever you want to call it bibliography document resources um I can put in a disclaimer that because there's a lot of letters I mean just the letters of support and opinions there's 37 37 um so what I can do is I can put a little disclaimer um that because everything anything that I send out any that we approve as a board um ICC Carrie um and Carrie has copies she should have copies so um uh I can put a little disclaimer in there that if anyone's wishing to see or or gain access to any of these public letters um that they can reach out to the historical commission's office at City Hall and they could contact harrie I'll just put the phone number down okay um I think that because otherwise I'll be putting put biblography oh yeah I'll be putting a lot of little subex everywhere um yeah because there's yeah um okay um I could add on like the um on page nine um the properties that were added to the National register as part of the Third Street historic district um I could link I could put um I could put a reference to the Form B that's filed on the Mass on um the mass historical commission's website I can do that um those are also very detailed and large so I don't want to um include packets like that in because this will be hundreds of pages um but I can include um I can yeah I can make reference to that um would it be easier to just make reference to our administrative assistant in the historic Commission Office yeah she wouldn't have access she wouldn't have copies of those form B's at least uh but she would be able to direct them better um rather than just I see that coming back to meed well I see that coming back to me that's just it so um I can the ones that are available online I can make a I can put um a sub text at the bottom I think I'm using the right terminology and then anything else um like for example on page nine the properties that were subject to a demo permit but they were not listed in the register they can call Carrie for that um they can call um the licensing office for that um so I can put a little disclaimer after each SE nice and simple and if people are interested then they can make that phone call yeah because yeah everything any letter that I sent out uh Carrie was C seed and um so she she should have copies um about a link to download the design guidelines yes I can do that too that is on page [Applause] s seven yes okay a link of the significant structures list if we're going to be putting links why not also the last sentence on the conclusion I'd like to strengthen that last sentence it is hoped hold on one second I don't think we want to give the city a chance to Hope I think we need to just tell the uh note that the city and its boards and agencies will utilize the efforts and its tools for the betterment and the future of the city this report will assist the city its boards and agency in utilizing its expertise and tools for the betterment of the city this report okay just don't hope okay I know I want to get a little more positive sure and some of the the past annual reports did not have a lot of there are some I feel like opinions that probably should not have been put in some of the letters but yeah um okay so the last sentence should read I'm sorry a little positive this report will assist the city and its boards agenc two and it's tools for the betterment of the future of the city this report we'll we'll do that to utilize instead of will to thank you all right I'll make some edits to that and then um and if there's anything else any there if there's any grammatical errors or anything like that please let me know I was pretty good about checking it all um okay yeah okay any other comments on it at all this is easy the the adding of the links and so forth I can do that good J looks great good job thank you oh you're welcome thank you um okay so and then we will review it as a board at our June meeting um all right um item 11 um an update on the bank Street Armory um I have well um so I reached out to Linda con Pereira um just for an update where it stands on the ordinance committee and it hasn't been brought back up with the ordinance committee I think they're still reviewing um with uh Corporation Council I think there there was a qu there's a concern about transferring the building from The Parks Board to the historical commission um in the mean um uh aside from that I uh was contacted by Mar hugan about seeking um Grant funds for its rehab I don't know if we're not that's where I'm a little I'm a little confused on because I don't think we're at that stage of we're not in a position we're not in a position seek grants if we don't have authority over it right um so um I did say I would reach out to his grant writer um Jasmine Pereira um and she gave me a whole uh very detailed email about um the process and um so I I had to follow up with her about possibly just meeting and just um because it it would be good for for me to also understand when we do apply for grants for other things for the historical commission and would she be assisting like an applian for Grants I mean she's giv you the information to like apply yourself no she would be no so she applies for the grants for um for any agency or board from from yeah um so but I don't think we're we're not no we're not there um there's no Direction yet as to who's doing what and what's being done so right we have to wait and and I thought my recollection at the last ordinance meeting I I thought that was a it was a 30-day window put on a response it's over 30 days it was a 30 day yes and it's over 30 days and it's the ordinance committing meeting today that wasn't brought up no it would have been brought up I think yeah it would have been around today's meeting so I'll so there's no update on what the delay is then no okay um yeah so that's and I know we as a board we've had some discussion about it um but I was um I was wondering if maybe we could discuss how we all feel about like if we were to vote on whether or not we want to move this forward um how we feel about it because um I feel like at that meeting uh the ordinance meeting um some information came forward that was shocking to meh so um I don't know if you know here we are sitting as a board if we should discuss if it is if if it is if that's what the board is like the will of the board I guess okay um that could be an excellent agenda item and then we would have the full board and that could be an agenda item and it's going to take some time there'll be a lot of discussion there I think so um because it is a big project and I think if we weren't if we didn't have the ability to I I I think of creating a subcommittee for example that would be able to dedicate the resources in the time for just that that property um would be ideal just because we do have our as a our board collectively we have a lot on our plate it will have a lot on our plate um and even to to to to understand what it would look like MH and and the support that we should be getting right at at when when the transition happens and what the what the ideal and in in our opinion what the ideal procession of steps would be um because I think that's where we probably where I think we may have left that out when we met yeah there there's a lot of and that's an excellent point Connie there is confusion and there are Departments of the saying well we didn't want it we didn't know we owned it or we didn't know we were part of it right so maybe just to just a thought that's coming down like the big cloud here uh probably if again special meeting but if the historic commission met with as many councilors that wanted to be present to discuss this along with the park board and and maybe get an Administration to repres representative here and then open it up for discussion so that everybody knows what's cuz my my interpretation and and it may be wrong because we haven't discussed it and stuff but there's seems to be hesitation to involve the historic commission which is is um disheartening I guess because it's such an iconic and important building so that's that's why and I would include the preservation Society with that too in that request and get get all all of these parties together in this room have an open meeting and then all of the discussion could be brought to surface and some sort of resolution right now it's too many independent functions organization I wonder where where the um individual's agendas are like I'd hope we'd all be in the focused in the same um uh ideal situation is to save the property and to keep it as public as possible right I don't think it's out of the out of the question to have a special meeting where and we host it where we have we invite members of city council preservation Society um the May the administration planning Etc um I don't think it's out of the question I think that's I think that's a terrific um opportunity to at least get everyone who's at least involved and you know it'll be public meetings so if there's any questions or concerns but at least then everyone's on the same page because I think that's what's happening is some people are running in One Direction other people are running in you read you know stuff on you know whether it's in the newspaper or you're reading it on social media and it just seems so disjointed and uh it's disheartening actually okay would would you want me to unake that pull a meeting together with Connie and whoever else wants to join and I'll bee that and get everybody together and you know naturally you're going to be in the loop and just once it's all pulled together you can pull a meeting and we can go be ahead then um sure I think I think the first step is to reach out to Linda um oh so if we if there's a way of like intercepting uh because she's in charge of ordinance I don't Michelle's not involved in ordinance anymore I don't think um and she had co-sponsored the the bill Michelle Dion yes she's not on um so um I think it's Linda and Paul councelor Paul Hart yes and and kadim yes um so I think that if you can reach out to them to um say you know and if you want to spearhead that perfect and then I can call the meeting would you like to do that as a team sure we need to do we'll get the administration yeah we'll get administration we'll get the uh preservation Society uh we'll get as many of our members uh get as many council is as possible because they're all going to have input into it and the reason I bring this up is because I thought there was going to be some clarity today right thinking it was going to be on the ordinance agenda and it wasn't so oh upstairs no yes not on our agenda but I thought there was going to be some clarity of which direction things were going especially because there was a timeline yeah the 30 days so okay and and I would also uh toss a an invite out to Dan AAR as part of engineering department and he then he's in charge of the planning so he could take care of the planning department but that that would that would be a wonderfully uh large but a good focus group to air air it all out and you know the park Department here just bring it all to the surface iron it out get some definition the May the mayor's looking to act on this so that's that's just it so yes and and it would probably be of assistance to the administration because it would then give them a clearer description of what it's going to happen or what the intentions is are of that that building so okay we yeah all right we we'll get you and I tomorrow or something next when you get time we'll get together and going away yeah um tomorrow all right okay when you get back thank you um all right do we need to take a vote on that at all or I think you're just that's it was just an update on Old business so it'll continue to be there until I don't believe vot necessary okay um thank you very much for taking that on um item 12 certified local government application update okay I got an email yesterday um so from there's no name it's just one of those default emails um all right so this is from the National Park Service it was addressed to Jennifer Doty with the mass historical commission um hi Jennifer I'm reaching out to you about the status of the city of Fall River certification application at this time our team is still dealing with a large backlog of certification applications and the City of Fall River is still behind several other applications in need of review presently we are awaiting a response from a CLG application we are working on an order to move forward with granting their certification once that certification is finalized the city of Fall River will move up in the queue uh we apologize for the extreme delay as has been previously noted to you our staff is still feeling the effects of Staff turnover around the start of the new year and multiple applications coming in at the same time uh please let me know if you have any questions for me thank you so much for your patience and your commitment to Historic preservation we apologize once again sincerely uh the state tribal local plans and grants division of the National Park Service so no news is good news um but it's uh I gleaned from that that there's uh it's a lot more involved so if there's any questions it's just a matter of getting those responses back ASAP so that's something that we'll be working on uh when they eventually get to ours so I had hoped we would have a more positive update by now but um and then item uh 13 Highlands local historic district expansion update so I had sent over the survey letter uh last month I had sent over the survey letter uh the sample um that Ashley had edited um to Alan rumsey's office to Corporation councel and the mayor and I did that just to be on the safe side so they are in the loop that we this is something that we are actively working on um so and I and I um Dan agar I had accidentally left him off the email but um so he had asked for maps which I produced um I produced three Maps one of the existing district and then two maps one showing the northern expansion and then another of the Southern expansion because it is quite large um and then I also provided him with the list of all the addresses um 149 addresses um so um then I received an email from uh from Alan Rumsey uh to don't send the letter out just yet they needed to just review to make sure that there's no rule or and anything that would uh prevent us from sending the survey out um because it's outside of the local historic district um but I did say it is all within the NRP District um so I sent an email back to follow up with him um he replied almost instantly actually um saying that um he said sorry and I got the email actually this morning um he said sorry for the delay from a strictly legal standpoint there is no issue sending out the surveys I do not speak for other departments and I do not know if they approve the content so I will reach out to Dan agar just to be in the safe side I don't know I don't think he would have a any opposition to it we are within our right to send this out because this is one of the the things we are T the duties of the historical commission um so I will reach out to um Dan agar as well as the mayor's office just so I can get their comments on it but once I have clearance I am running those letters to Carrie and I will look at those envelopes myself yeah so I thought like the only concern was some legal concern so since legal council doesn't seem to have concerns and these letters have gone out in the past I think we're ready to roll yeah we're ready go we're ready to go yeah so I I'll send an email just to Dan and the mayor's as courtesy saying we're moving forward yep unless there's you know if there's any questions and please let me know and ASAP yeah perfect okay so we should hopefully have those out before our next meeting okay yeah perfect um because that yeah the address is ready to go my labels are done um I did those just because it was a lot easier on my end to just do it myself um so I just had to bring everything over to car and mhm yeah that's it so then the work begins then the work begins yes um right do you remember um with the F the first go around um about how many how many houses did you have in your target area initially before we we downsized M um I I I want to say it was probably about the same amount that we're working on now okay yeah okay that's good to know yeah um and then um but our restrictions were a little bit different back then cuz you had mentioned like before we had to we couldn't go down the middle of a street correct where now you can so we had to take into consideration who was interested in being in and who wasn't and then either pull back and that's why we didn't did you did you bump it out as you Whitted it down but did you happen to maybe um after the fact like put send surveys out to additional houses that were not on the initial list did you was that something that happened I'm just well we did this when we did the survey we sent it out to a very large number and based on the survey returns is how we dwindled it down was because we we didn't want to um we didn't want to uh you know anyone that wasn't interested in in being in the district we didn't want to cause anyone any stress or okay yeah but we did want it to go out there and then we want to you know answer any questions anyone may have had sure yeah okay um cool excellent so I yeah I I'm curious what the response will be so okay that's why the surveys need to get out there and this delay is is really unnecessary what was the time frame between setting up the surveys and then having your final review of The District I don't recall okay you're really picking my memory I wish there was a way of getting like an online like a if you have say if you have like a QR code you can go onto this um you know secure site but only if you have the QR code but then I just don't want to have I mean CP we had to send film actual film little films oh goodness that's how long ago okay um okay um and then sorry I'm just asking questions um but then after so when did you start doing the survey of the neighborhood because I a lot of the form BS for the Local District those have all been updated um so when did you start doing those once we dwindled it down once the surveys came back and cuz there will be some that won't come back and so you have to reach out and at least invite them to you know a meeting to any questions they may have or whatever so it's after that how long I'm sorry you want to in between um setting up the surveys and then starting the um uh doing the I'm sorry sting out the the survey letters and then actually yeah doing the Form B inventory surveys so we started doing the form B's right away okay it it was all volunteers that was doing it okay yeah and so we broke it down into different homes and we all we all did the work around my dining room table okay yeah that's going to be the the tedious part is doing the form be that's that's a lot so um okay great thank you um so we also hired someone um an architect that was to to overview to oversee and write some of the stuff yeah if it's an opportunity for the presed it not if it's a need for uh a grant to fund that then that's something that we'll have to we could speak to Jasmine and see if there's something available but it would be really nice if we get approv for the local government first then there's money's available there for that oh specific for for studies Y and the other Avail report at the end has to be done that's a that's a ton of work and we hired someone for that as well okay and I believe that this will fall under the criteria for the CPA okay okay so if that's the case uh if we had an idea what it would cost to get this type of a of a Form B analysis for the 149 designated homes or or a number 50 or something uh then maybe we could put in an application when do your when do your eligibility we start you start in June okay June July that's the problem with this the delay and sending out the survey and do you to get quotes do we need to put out and do we need is well is that how that work we could we could uh call an organization that does this and ask them what it would be to do 50 of these roughly what the number would be uh there are firms there's a there's a good firm up in in the P form firm I used to work there well they they should be able to just give us a swag method of estimating say you know if you know someone gee you know there's we do it for roughly xan uh ran does they only do tax credit they do well no I think they do it both but uh that might the idea is get if we could without spend expending any funds get an idea what it would cost per unit just roughly then exactly then we can apply okay all right get um who do you use asking a lot of questions today um back in was it 2013 14 somewhere yeah so we used um so who do we use to to do the report I'm not 100% sure okay I have an IDE that's fine um I can it wasn't like an LLC it was a private person oh okay yeah gotcha okay um a woman that I used to work with at pal she's still there that this was like 10 years ago that I worked there okay but um she's still there so I could reach out to her and see is that your task to get that number for yeah I can try okay am I asking about 50 or um say how many we have and then I guess just get like a cuz we don't know how many responses we're going to get back and how we're going to have to whittle down the area and all that so maybe get like a range between like the full the full shebang the yeah the full shebang the full the full amount 149 maybe halfway through and then a low a minimum of like say 50 cuz it wouldn't hurt to also just have updated yeah um okay um okay excellent and then that way because we'll have we work with you to do that part okay any other questions at all no it's very fruitful meeting MH lot of projects okay um so our next meeting uh is scheduled for um June what did I say this June 21st um sorry June 18 June 18th June 18th um and that's a Tuesday so so our next schedule meeting is for June Tuesday June 18th um unless otherwise noted but um it is 6:56 p.m. um I get a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting thank you I'll second the motion thank you Elizabeth all right motion by Connie second by Elizabeth um to adjourn at 6:56 p.m. um roll call vote Elizabeth Yes Rick yes Connie yes Joyce yes and Jason bardi yes all right thank you very much everyone