board for May 15 2024 um we'll come to order uh roll call Mr Pera here miss cadero here uh and my name is attorney Gregory brilliant and I am the chairman of the board um pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting and may transmit the meeting through eding media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are are being made where the proceed unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledg imp permissible there is a signup sheet that is located in the back of the room which has been given to me and we do have someone that wishes to speak now this is this two people or one two two Okay who wants to go first mrva first Mr the Silva yeah both of you come up for the wcky can you both state your name and address um for the W Manuel Sil four Falon lockway Su Mass Linda Pereira 99 North Ogden Street for River Mass to The Honorable board members I have recently communicated with Mr dilva the business owner of the Cornerstone Lounge located at 222-226 East Main Street this proprietor has been working tirelessly to open his local business since the property was purchased in 2021 he has obtained a liquor license as required from the city of for River in both November of 22 and November of 23 at the cost of $3,500 a year so that's $7,000 he has also expended funds towards the licenses and fees required by the Board of Health which was $385 he has been leasing a parking lot and the cost was to be $11,000 then there was some media coverage on this issue and they've went gone up to $2,000 a month um which he has to acquire to get lenser so Mr D Sila has spent more than 351,000 given the 30 U 44,000 he's put into the business over the past four years and the doors have yet to be opened as a city that's working towards economic growth and development we must help those who have followed all the requirements issued by their governing bodies by allowing them to operate and Thrive Mr D Silva with my support request that the special meeting on the licensing board be held prior to June 12th to address the ongoing challenges he has faced and to work together with the board to remedy the situation he will be traveling aboard from June 12th to July 10th to see his mother who will be tur turning 95 years old I know you have regulations that you need to go through I understand that but if we're talking about developing the Flint any new business that opens there is going to be required parking we will never develop the Flint it's it's just we're not able to do that but he did um call me today and spoke with me and said that you know the board was meeting today and I said I would go down and try comment counil PR does Mr have anything to add to that do you want to add anything to that yes um like should say um we had a meet to Susan the the ladies the one of the parking law she ug to me to pay her like a 250 monthly uh weekly and I mean like $1,000 a month but after all this things going on I don't know why she increase for 2,000 I don't mind pay 2,000 cuz I want to my I want to see my door open in the meantime it's been two years I've been giving money to the city I hav got no returns and I even know when I'm going to get a return um I was I was thinking today to come to set up a meeting to say I'm going to pocket the license because I'm kind of stressed up this things all this money I already spending there um I I'm only speaking for myself I wasn't here when you got your license but I but I personally I I've been called not only by by C by a few people about this matter and I would I would like to see us have if we can make it out here so I can see so I can see what it is and make a proper determination because I too I'm of the again only my opinion that I agree with you with the Flint but I also agree that there's just many many restaurants and bars in the city that if we're going to hold everybody to a standard of parking many of them are going to be lacking and I I don't want to take it out on this gentleman who's paid for a license for two years so if after this meeting we can either tell Miss aash and get a get a date that we can meet and have one me uh one item on the agenda I would be but all the facts I had heard there was a zoning issue um but but my belief is that and maybe I'm wrong Miss say when people apply for a um a liquor license I used to do it a lot don't you have to a sign off from the zoning board that it's okay for the zoning parking doesn't always come into play but doesn't the zoning board have to sign off on that who controls who controls okay well we'll we'll get to I would like to get to the bottom of it and I promise I think if we can all agree we can try to get a special meeting before you leave uh out of the country to try to get you settled away cuz I understand you're ready to open other than this issue right in a while because every because last time I noticed is only input I have everything in the wall because every because last time you I was told it were two things holding up parking and then he still hadn't got in fire department approval all the permits are up on the wall okay so I think that what we'll do is if the board members will get we'll try to get a special meeting before June 12th I'll make myself available I think some of the other board members will and we'll get to the bottom of it okay all right thank you I appreciate it okay uh first agenda item and we have many of them one day liquor permits first item is a Troy City Brewing 16 anaan Street Michael Ferrera dates being requested are June 6th July 4th July 6th August 3rd August 10th and September 21st good evening members of the bo Michael ferer 69 on Street um I just do have one request um on the food truck uh dates if I could just amend those um I just went off the last year's dates instead of this year on the letter so the June 6th would be June 13th um July 6th to July 11th August 3rd to August 8th okay so June 13th yes July 11th and August 8th July 11th to another say that one more time yeah so it's June 6th to change to June 13th yep uh July uh 6th to change to July 11th and August 3rd to change to August 8th and the other ones are correct correct yes I I just heard you say Mr fer this is a food truck it's the annual for food truck festivals at the gates okay so those three dates now what about um July 4th is the city's uh Fourth of July celebration last year with the pier being open the new pier of the noron pier um they had some festivities down there with food trucks and again with the bear Garden so they but all these involve a food truck pretty much all of them all have food yes and food trucks and then um the beer garden is what we're requesting okay and is this something you've done in the past exactly we've done all these in the past they're just annuals and whatever police requirements you have followed correct these are all City events uh except for the last two the um August 10th and um September 9th there are Brewery events we do we actually shut animar Street down um and we set up a a bear Garden in the street one's the October Fest and the other one's a Rock Fest and and Mr that's all handled through the city right shutting the street down that we don't do we don't have anything to do with that right we just give the liqu permit um I have no further question any other questions from the board I just have a question the August 3rd date is now August 8th correct yes okay and it's September you just said September 9th it's September 21st oh I'm sorry 21st okay I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for Troy City Brewing for the following dates of uh June 13th July 4th July 11th August 8th August 10th and September 21st of 2024 second those dates correct yes okay any questions on the motion hear none all those in favor I oppos motion carries good luck uh in case anybody's here for B pal that has been withdrawn the next um item on the agenda is item C that is day of Portugal 22 Pont delata Boulevard Kevin Santos looking for one-day liquor permits for June 6th June 7th June 8th June 9th and live entertainment those two different per we hand them together well obviously I I do know obviously that this is a a yearly event now what year is this Mr Santos it's basically it's been the same for the last seven years same uh same layout okay so we're basically keeping everything the same with some recommendations from the police department the mayor's office we've also seen things change as well so we see hours of operation um so on the I don't have it in front of me but on Thursday should be 5: to 10 yep on the Friday should be 5 to midnight Saturday if I'm not mistaken 3 to midnight yes we've we've met with every uh department head fire department building department Health Department then you do clean up to clean up the next day you guys will take care of everything correct yes um I think it's a good event for the city um so I I I really don't have any questions members of the board no do we have to take two separate motions that's what I was going to say two right I apologize no that's okay um the department does just have one thing that we' like to say um just requ Mak sense do we have to put those conditions um so no we don't have to put it on the on the license I can but we never have they they aware of it well why don't we put on on the license that way it's it's documented in case we get down there and people are saying well show me where I can only get one drink or something like that so it's right it's on the license can only get one drink that's I make that recommendation yep makes sense and we also we've noticed in the past people leaving the area to go to the restroom so can't leave the gates with the drink in your hand there's going to be security private security police officers nobody leaves the gates with anything they hand well I would entertain the first motion to um give the one day liqu of permits for June excuse me June 6th June 7th June 8th and June 9th for the hours as stated by Mr Santos on the record and that the record also reflect that there will be a condition such that um there's enough there's enough absolutely over the age of 21 one drink yep so so how I just want I don't want you guys to get in trouble because what if somebody goes and buys three drinks for their family that that that would be allowed so basically what there what we're getting at is that you're going purchase a beverage they're only serving you one beverage at a time so if you have two other family members that want to get beverages they're going to have to get in line with you and have them serve directly themos having come yeah it makes sense to we're also on the same page we want to avoid any underage drinking people pass the drinks around we're on the same page and every day will be a different color bracelet so everybody be ID will be checked every day all right so I can say I'm opposed to that the only reason is we have only a c amount of volunteers bartenders the lines get long you know if I want to buy for my family I'd like to buy three it'd be one thing to see I was asking I I don't I don't know any other way around it it's because the food session is so far away so that's that's the only thing and we did shut down we we used to have like a uh type of Afterparty after midnight we shut that down so you know we're definitely trying is it going to be a major problem we like I said we're here for a family event we wanted to make it as could we compromise with two drinks I think it's reasonable but I don't want to go against the police department I think two drinks is reasonable to buy it you know if you're going your husband and wife a post up with the um behind the bar saying two drink maximum y you know wife and husband come back or something we will be having a meeting with the deputy chief Hoyer again on the 29th so you know we can review that as well so and this was actually his recommendation he asked that if he said um I think what he's just trying to alleviate obviously is that there are multiple people absolutely purchasing beverages for themselves um Can Can we um Mr chair can we um can we amend it later if um Deputy does consider the to if because if the recommendation is coming from him and and and through you you probably should keep it at that at this point you know but if there's some way you can communicate with us prior when when's the first event this is not till when when are you meeting with huh uh Tech I think the May 29th should be when is your next meeting with the deputy should be May 29th on the day that you're going to be starting your first event no no the first event be the 6th of June oh okay I'm sorry why don't we and a motion that that we will we will um we will grant the one day liquor permits but they will be further subject to a final determination from the for police department and whatever that final determination after your meeting the uh um the members of the for police department will notify uh notify um carrye and then we will put it on whatever it may be and if it's two if you guys convince him on how you're going to do it and he's comfortable with it then it'll be part of the record if for some reason wants to commit it to one just let you know that it'll be that but we'll give you that opportunity to meet with them on the 29th knowing that our decision is to Grant Subject to any specific conditions that the for Police Department G may give at your next meeting are you are you guys at the you guys okay with that okay with that great I'll entertain a motion to that effect Mike are you okay with that I'm fine yes thank you okay I'll entertain a motion to that effect I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for day of Portugal for the following dates of June 6th June 7th June 8th and June 9th of 2024 subject to final determination by F frpd second uh anyone anyone in favor of that anyone opposed motion no all I'm sorry all those in favor I all those opposed um motion's granted now can we entertain a motion to allow the entertainment permit the live entertainment permit for those same dates and hours as um given to us by uh Mr Santos I'll make a motion to approve the live entertainment permit for day of Portugal for the following dates of June 6 June 7th June 8th and June 9th 2024 second um all any questions on the motion no all those in favor I all those opposed granted Lu thank you very much Mr s if you can just make sure that and I'm sure the the police department would just make sure we coordinate what it is before then after you meet with um side is it the teec side uh deputy chief I apologize I do know that email 53131 61 and 62 good evening you please take your name for the rec course Andrew raposo 1166 New Boston Road I'm here as a resident I'm here representing spto Church 311 Alden Street it's the feast yes sir annual event yes sir uh so that's a Friday Saturday Sunday what's your operation Mr um proposal uh Friday is 6 to midnight Saturday is 6: to midnight Sunday is 6: to 10 okay um you obviously know the the rules relative to the police department and that have to be there um anybody have any questions on this as it's an annual event okay no question I'll entertain a motion to uh uh Grant the one day per for spal sanal church I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for Spiro Santo church for the following dates of uh May 31st June 1st and June 2nd 2024 second any questions on the motion he none all those in favor I all those opposed granted thank you Mr thank you folks have a good night next is St Anthony of pad Church 4816 Street Morris o gin on one day liqu permits for May 18th and May 19th and then 615 and 616 yes my name is Emanuel madas on 42 striper Circle North dond I'm presenting for the sanon church for the feast on those dates is it two feasts two feasts one is in uh this weekend the next one is in June okay and this is annual yes and what is your hours that the feast will run sir it's F we um on the Saturday we'll start at 6:00 to 10 on no 600 to 11: on the Sunday 6: to to 10 both of them same thing both okay and you know about having to get the police details yes okay um any questions on these entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for St Anthony of pwa church for May 18th May 19th June 15th and June 16th 2024 second it any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed good luck thank you f um I'm G hopefully say this right PA Resto LLC 1335 1345 Pleasant Street Tamara nant one day liqu permits for 518 and 520 sorry sorry withdra I apologize withdrawn it's that's what that has been withdrawn my apologies I didn't it wasn't looking at this s that's my fault um we have next is G we got Canned Heat craft beer 52 Ferry Street Christopher Martin one day liquor permit for June 1st 2024 good evening you please state your name and address for the record my personal address or address is Rock the Dock event for the City Pier um Samantha Barbosa is the event coordinator it's from 12: to 3:00 p.m. is this an annual event um this is the first this is the first year that we are participating this is a big event City City Event okay everybody have any questions on this I'll entertain a motion to Grant the one day liqu permit for um can heat craft beer I'll make that motion to Grant a one day liqu permit to can heat craft beer 52 Ferry Street for June 1 2024 I'll second any questions on the motion no hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed good luck thank you next is St John's Holy Ghost Club 1975 Pleasant Street Leonardo Doo for one day Li liquor perits for 614 615 616 my name ISO Andre 86 Marian Street uh leado wouldn't be wasn't able to be here today so I'm here instead I'm the vice president okay is this some type of feast as well you correct uh it's uh on the 14th from 6:00 to 10: to 15 is from 5 to 10 and then on the 16th is from 2 to 6 is this an annual event uh it has been yes last few years for for years but in this location a few last few years okay so you know about the all the requirements relative to the police correct we did call to contact the police department they just have to confirm the dates uh the times um any questions on this petition um yeah so 1975 is that the school the cord school yes oh yeah all right yeah are you going to be using the building as well as no just the just the grounds just the grounds yes and it's going to be a typical traditional Feast it's going to be food correct party with Primo 59 Water Street Shannon raposo one day liqu fense for 6124 6 excuse me 6624 742 24 712 24 8824 82 242 24 I don't see anybody here can we table that she's going to try to possible there's a lot of I know so we will we uh we will just put it to the end of the agenda right sounds good okay that's right uh next is St Cecilia band club 293 Almond Street Natalie Silva um for one day liquor permits for 72624 7272 24 and 72824 name and address for the Rey Natalie Silva 158 Highland Avenue in Westport mes is this this your normal Feast this is our normal annual Holy Ghost Feast okay um and what's your hours on those particular days Friday it's going to be 5: to 12 yep Saturday it's going to be 5 5 to 12 and then um Sunday 4 to 4: to 10 okay and obviously you know the requirements with the details we've done it before any questions on this request entertain a motion make a motion um to Grant the one day liquor permit for St cilia band club 2 93 alond Street Fall River for the following dates um July 26 July 27th and July 28th of 2024 I'll second any questions on that motion hear none all those in favor I all those opposed good luck thank you good luck thank you bye okay now we have uh article three class two licenses appc multiservices LLC 334 342 beff Street first question I have is how many vehicles are you requested I because we got a big spot right now I I I where maybe before we used to have 12 V 12 spot right now but right now we get a 20 20 spot that's what they offer us over there we we share the same location as far Pro as what fire Pro the fire Pro okay fire yeah they have a big parking spot then that's the only thing we got over there where is it yeah in front of Dave T right now is y yeah okay um okay is is it I I don't know the size I'm not going to lie I don't know the size of the lot has anybody looked at the size of the lot yeah it's a yeah cor yeah definitely room there there's room there's a lot of yeah there a for yeah I I don't anybody having a problem with 20 Vehicles no okay no um any questions on this request hearing none police have given their approval to um Mr Charles I believe yeah there's been no objection filed by the forign police department so um it looks like all the file is in order um I'll entertain a motion uh make the motion to Grant a class two license um to appr services for his um for his for his business thank you so much I'll second hold on any questions on the motion having none all those in favor I all those opposed thank you good luck man I I am I can't vote on the next one because I've represented this person in the past but I'm going to just set the stage for my colleague here has asked me to do this is number four it's a request for a fortune teller's license psychic readings by Taylor 121 Bron Avenue um I will just say this for the record that there is uh there is no objection filed by the for Police Department um and there's nothing in the file to indicate any issues with it um so at that being said I will now let Miss cadero just take over for the purposes of getting whatever information hours of operation and and then um can you state your hours of operation 9 to9 UM Monday through Sunday Monday through Sunday so seven days a week yep um I'll make the motion uh uh next we have onetime extension of ours Bard and light Marina Inc one fa Street Michael L look like you're injured getting old good evening jeez uh Michael lond one Ferry Street Fall River Massachusetts okay I I have the letter of the request basically saying on Friday August 2nd um you want to open at 6:00 amm for breakfast and the full bar during this event so this is our 18th year of our charitable Poker Run for high performance boats and this year on the Friday before we're hosting a uh Manu facturers Fun Run bringing boats from all over the country and we've engaged with Wei sports radio and they're going to do a live broadcast that morning from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the morning and we've uh partnered with the Greg Hill Foundation for the money's raised that half of the funds will go to the Greg Hill Foundation which is pretty popular as well is um make a wish last year the event we donated $75 ,000 so this is really in light of being open for for the radio show while it's live on here I I just have this little sticky Mr lond that says you can't serve alcohol till 8: am. okay no problem that's by St I think that's a good idea okay so um I think that's by state law but otherwise I I have absolutely no objection with this being open but the alcohol is what they're telling me to tell you my wife rest me to 8:00 p.m. so but uh any questions it's a great event they raises money for good causes so anybody have any questions on this nope hear none I'll entertain a motion I'll make that motion to Grant The one onetime extension of hours to border L Marina I'll this event any questions on the motion hearing then all is in favor all is opposed thank you very much okay good luck good luck with it the pr come I just heard it uh before we get into the old business new business we're going to go back to the one day liquor permits and here item I which is potty with Primo um 56 Water Street uh Shannon reposo looking for one day looking permits for June 1st June 6 I know this is a new operation so I assume it's the first year you're doing it uh this is through the catering company so we have uh we have done other events for the city in the past okay and and and just TR this can you tell me a little bit about what is this food trucks again this would be the food truck event it would be uh just wine and sang grea You're going to be serving wine in sanria yes okay this going to be in front of you new your establishment is that what happens uh this will be down at the gates if it's the food truck festival I think some of those are the food truck festival gates to the city one might I think the nature each individual they don't have that more than likely these all going to be covered because I think the nature of each individual they don't have that do that more than likely these are all going to be covered I the nature of these particular city does yeah the city already has a covet city has a covet okay um I I I can you just give the hours of operation that you're going to be out there that you think uh for all for all all the events if you cank yeah uh typically I think it they most of them wrap around dusk I I don't know the food truck festival start around 3 or 4 and then they wrap around like 9 9:30 uh some of the other ones will go a little bit later like the one at the City Pier but typically we're wrapped up by 11 and I don't think none of these events go too late okay so it's going to be in conjunction what the city's going to run M okay um I have no further questions any questions from the board Mr Primo are there any right in front of Primo now is like they gonna be right in front of yours no no not for these events not front indidual that would be all Water Street stuff that's all separate the separate this is more through the catering company and offsite events all right great thank you I'll make the motion to Grant the one day permits to no he's because he's a caterer he needs now get these when it's not a private event when it's not a private event yes yeah okay okay good yeah yeah so I I'll make the motion um to Grant the one day permits to party with Primo 56 Water Street for the following dates um June 1st June 6th July 4th July 11th August 8th of 2024 excellent thank you very much second hold on Fell are we missing August 24th I on August I'm what' I say no no August 8th and then the 24th below oh I see I'm sorry don't no I I didn't see it on the in August 24th I'll second motion made in a second um any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries thank you very much thank you good luck thanks okay now we have uh agenda item six which is old business new business show cause hearing Mickey Doyle's Inc 380 Rhode Island Avenue uh four of a mass briyan Andre please State your for the record name and address for the record sir I'm Brian Andre 387 Orwell Street okay you're here um on a show cause hearing brought forth by the city of for Police Department mhm um so I'm just going to initially turn it over to the for police acci that happed can I just interrupt one second he wasn't DJing my bar that night he actually was at another few drinks SLE attention with someone who was at your bar drank a few drinks left got into a car accident hit multiple cars says he doesn't remember a thing the last place he remembers being was at your far um just because of the past history we had to you know look into it further found a few other um a few other dates and incidences that have been have occurred in the last year year and a halfish since we've been here um and I know you came up with an action plan for us and you presented it and everything but it just seems from these calls specifically there's about five six calls here that basically just say you know you haven't been keeping up as well as you should with that action plan um so basically just here to address all that all right so um yeah people are there after hours are usually just workers I've read this they said every time they come I always open the door for the cops no matter what I always invite them in to come look at whatever they want to see I had eight they always say eight to 12 people are in here after I was it's my workers just trying to clean and get done with and get out of there the Mato thing he was the mat alera DJ he wasn't DJ at my bar he didn't have a drink at my bar he was at an elar all night DJing okay and then the other one with uh Jen syia how how do you know that one you going to show a picture oh yeah there a pictures of him he was promoting the other bar has a date on it yeah April 12th he he got to act on the morning of the 13th thank you sir Miss I wasn't around can I see those you can as well I I don't I I wasn't on the board in 2022 when you got a 28 day suspension okay and even before you showed the pictures I had a little bit of a reservation regarding the police report because the gentleman got in a car accident looks on South Main Street okay so I was even going to give you the benefit of Doubt for that to be very Frank with you so thank you for the pitches but that that wasn't going to be my main objective here tonight I went back and I and and I was provided this action plan and and it's pretty entailed okay relative to security cameras being upgraded higher and armed security time the police department comes in and I think since I've been here it's only a short time I'm I'm very supportive of what they do and where these things go I don't think they just bring people like you in for nothing I really I don't I just don't want to bother years and years ago and I don't think they do it for nothing so I'm as where I'm coming from with this you have this action plan I want to make sure that it's being done so so I'm not going to be in a position here tonight to say I think you should be shut down for any particular length of time to be very Frank but I am going to tell you that through the for police Department through the through the city of Far River hopefully the building department this action plan has got to be utilized it's got to be put in place and I mean it's got to be followed in my this is just my opinion I'm not going to speak for Mr P M cadero so where I'm coming from is I'd like to I'm not going to use the word probation but I want to put this this matter on for a status hearing maybe in three months some is here it's not the easiest thing to run a bar in a summer in Far River or anywhere and if this is not complied with or we get a number of calls then I'm going to be in a position to take action um I I I I'm not going to do that today as far as my personal opinion um but this has got to be done before somebody gets hurt I I really mean that and I think it should be done a lot of the establishments but you know there's a there's a whole host of things and I know some of the things you can't control because it's that big parking lot you know where are they really coming from I don't know and maybe you don't either but I do really firmly believe that you put this action plan and you gave it to the board so this has got to be filed to the te as far as I'm concerned because you had a 28 day suspension so I know this board doesn't give out 28 day suspensions very often I was on your side of the table many many times representing clients so if the if the police department is all right with that I I would like to find a mechanism work with Mr Andre and maybe put this on it's May our July meeting our August meeting whatever whatever the board may think to to really take a close look and then give you a report whether or not well if there's other incidents that you want to tell us um no so just just I think we would be you know on board with that there's just you know a couple other things um I know you were calling for details and they weren't getting filled but the last time you called for a detail was July of 2022 well from day one I've always said I as long as I'm open I want details every Friday Saturday no matter what right but you haven't called for them so there there haven't even been yeah but it's open when when I call they just say when do you want them I say every Friday Saturday as long as I'm open you still have to call every so I'm supposed to call up and ask even though they always refuse me every week you got to call every single time you want one you have to call I don't want to be that guy but I know they they were refusing me for a reason well well there was a refusal for a reason I'm told because the bill wasn't paid and well do I owe a bill what's the bill I'll pay that this week but yeah I didn't know I had a had a outstanding balance you obviously paid a lot down um but it's still $654 so but before the shutdown they would they refused nobody came there and I'm like begging I'm begging cops that I know if I um so and I'm in ag gree I'm G I want to get to the I want to I want to get to a good solution I want a safe bar I I I want all of that but it's I need help too where open line of communication when when a cop comes knocking my door I let them in and they're looking in in in the building we're cleaning and I'm like hey you can come in look around you see if we doing anything wrong I don't ever refuse them ever the one time with the my well you you are retired cob right Jordan silia's wife doesn't like me when she drinks I stood home that night she told the cop I roughed her up and I wasn't even there the entire night so when I got there I walked I Liv four house down I walked at it to see what was going on five cops surrounded me and said she said you beat her up and and they're like Cami right a handcuff I'm like dude I just got out of bed and came here to handle this well go ahead if I so there are obviously just a number of concerns I mean we're not um Target you in any way shape or form the reason that the details aren't being filled was that back when uh back in 22 was this when the 20day suspension was the primary issue was that there was a significant outstanding balance um you've made payments but the payments stopped certain point and do you know how much I all left I think they just sent me 654 prior to that were a lot more zeros at the end of it to be right um we get to a certain point with the police department where we are no longer going to fill those details if they're not being paid because obviously there would just be a continuous outstanding balance so the details stopped being called in around July of 22 you would continued making payments but I really think the last payment was probably around that time um so I should call try every week all right I can do that I think some of the other issu I'm going to make that I'm going to make that I'm going to make that a condition of moving forward it's got to be paid by the end of the month right I think some of the other concerns that we have and I think that this would also benefit you is to get some working cameras because if you're getting calls I gotas I do you have working and operating cameras inside it's it's I mean the ones I have to take down and and charge because they need to be working and operating at all times during your open um because then this will alleviate any allegations of things that aren't necessar happen because if we're getting calls for noise complaints and you're saying I'm only here with my workers then you can go back to show us when your last customer left and that won't be an issue any longer right but can I be like a devil's advocate when you say noise complaints there's not a house near there when we shut down I use my Bluetooth bathroom speaker to listen to music while clean the two houses right there both those people come to my bar so who who would be complaining about no you know what I'm saying I get it if it's if it's loud noise of course I shouldn't it shouldn't be loud noise coming out here but obviously the police department they take these calls with discretion so if it's one person calling in we're going to look into it especially if it's somebody who leaves a call back number that we can speak with to find out what their concerns are if it's a neighbor how close they are to your business if we're getting multiple calls from multiple different people then that's obviously something that is affecting just more than one person right so we take these calls in as they come with a grain of salt so we're obviously going to investigate them to the best of our abilities but like you're saying if you have a a booth hoot speaker going off I mean depending on what time of night you're closing you're supposed to closing your doors at what time 1:30 1:30 we we lock I mean you need to be keeping that music within entertainment off by then no I agree of course okay um one of the other uh sorry customers out of the building by 1:30 and last call is at one yeah so that's what so one of the things on there they came in knocked on a door we already had the door locked at 1:30 so now they're in my face they're saying why you got people here I'm like and there's a noise complaint I'm like music's off is just us and and the guy's like well why is there so people in I'm like dude I got a 2:00 license he thought I had a 1:00 license so he's like he's investigating my bar when I had a 2:00 license do you explain that to the offic are going to be but it was in that saying that I had people there after hours and it's like I told the guy we have a 2:00 license excuse me absolutely so um detective um the stipulation in his action plan or is his license referred to 1:00 last call and everyone out of the building no so his licenses till two um and just by by his action plan okay um I'll quote it Mickey Doyle's last call will now be 1:00 a.m. after the last call announcement the entrance will be locked and no new customers will be admitted we will have customers out of the building by 130 okay do you you other one agree you wrote that action plan sir yeah do you understand it yes okay so what these guys are going to do these two detectives they're going to they're going to make the people the police officers in that area aware of that action plan so if you violate that if if if an officer appears here 3 months from now and says well I got there and I observed people walking in there at quarter of uh quarter of two still walking in there or there were people leaving at quarter p 2 that's going to be an issue you're telling us you fully understand what you've you've developed yourself now is there a way I can get a cop that I can build a relationship with and I can go go get feedback back and forth these guys but that's difficult because obviously we don't always have the same officer assigned to the same sector every day I mean they there are some officers that are assigned to that sector and if they're working then they're there every single night there are other officers that aren't assigned to Vehicles so they're floating they're wherever they're needed no I get that so it's not guaranteed that you're always going to get the same officer every time that these are the hours of operation um and this is what they've agreed to as far as closing times and having any customers left in in the building so we can make that very publicly known to all the officers so that they're aware if they're responding there that this is what's happening um but as far as you I want them to come in get to know my work on front of the board I never sold drugs frankly someone don't like me I got called a drug dealer last time on front of the board I never sold drugs in my life I worked for St Vint home for 17 years so that hurts when anytime my bar gets put on Facebook the their owner as a drug dealer it's like that's kind of messed up so that's why I get offensive here some when I'm when I'm in front of you guys but it's like wow it's like people call me drug deals I got a 5-year-old Mr Andre at this stage of the game and I and I sympathize with if those things are happening but at understand go ahead but at the end of the day we have an action plan that you gave to this board back in 20122 and I I think I can be just Su stinct in saying follow this and I don't think you're going to have a problem like this says you're supposed to be giving Cy checks taking Cy checks for your new employees this says you're supposed to have all of the tip certifications for for us to look at this says that you're going to keep a security camera footage for no less than 10 days than clearing the hard drive things like this is like you just have to do it because you you gave this you gave this no I agree that's why I'm telling you as one member of this board I'm not going to go buy this I'm going to allow you pretty much to have a clear slate again like you just had 2022 but I am going to ask the forign police department to be very diligent at going over this and when you come back and I you want to do 3 months I I'll two months 3 months I I don't care the sum is here that's going to give a pretty good indication of how things are going to be handled in my opin back here in August I just have one more thing and I know this you know we're I'm supposed to address all these things so not again 's operation was that you guys that came yesterday actually I'm glad that you brought that up because I 's operation we already we already printed it out okay also just so I know what are your operations I tried to there a few times yeah sometimes well it's it's 12 to 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday it's 12 to 2 Wednesday to satday 12: or2 sometimes if I don't get a bartender in a I got a bartender if the older lady she has cancer so sometimes she runs late to her appointment so I have to go pick her up and bring her in so sometimes it's late okay and how often are you like there at the establishment um they're just pretty much 7 days a week okay how long though uh most well every night and then during the day I'm in and out all right your license has your specific hours that you asked for them to be open for um that is part of your agreement you have to be open during those hours um if you need to have them modified you can certainly go in front of the board have them modified but it makes it difficult for us to be able to go in there and correct anything that might not be correct that way moving forward you're not having any issues well because at a month shut down I I closed my kitchen for I still have my kitchen closed so that's why we're not like open early early every day okay so like she said you you know you can modify those yeah of course um all right so my my last thing at again we're not trying to pick on you or anything like that but back to that night of um the first incident that was brought to us officer delgado's here I don't know if you want to come up or not I me you don't have to if you don't want to um they they they were at your door at 3:42 in the morning you're supposed to have people out of the bar at 1:30 it just it's a little hard to kind of believe that people are still cleaning up in your bar an hour two hour 2 hours was in 15 minutes after um you know they they heard music playing according to their report and they knocked on the door the lights went out and they saw people visibly like hiding all right if so can they get all all the cops get my number and they can call me if if if nobody's answering we can have your phone number add to your um in our dispatcher so that if there's an issue that Mr Andre did it at 342 and that's right you're going to get closed down and it's going to be a hashman all right no one's working no no one's cleaning up yeah but no nobody's ever come in and seen cash anybody at the bar or sitting there water and drinks literally the doors were closed it just seems a little but if you're little little suspicious I get it yeah if you're serving alcohol if you're if you're if you're serving alcohol to your to people that are working that's still against the law no I know I don't it's just when we close down I let the I I tell the cops to come in when they when they're at the door standing there looking in I'm like hey you can come on in the gentl was there 34 too I've never seen him you w there but most of the cops I come I open the door and I say come in but just I I can and and Mr per who wasn't police me can speak on but I'm just telling you for me 342 it's it should be not a soul lay okay to many things can go wrong if you're supposed to be closed down at nobody getting in at 1:30 that's 2 and 1 half hours later you I mean fruit flies get crazy so I make I've actually I've been in your bar both as as responding to calls and you know off duty I've been in there and it's huge it's it's a big box it's like it's like long it's I would imagine it takes some time to clean it and no one's asking you to come back in the morning one thing you understand the three people on this board are very very orientated to um businesses we want to see businesses Thrive I appreciate that's our history and that's what we do okay if you want to work with you just follow the rules man that's all you have to do you just you know say it's a lot of safety issues I'm looking at this call log and it's not just um you know disturbing caus there lethal weapons caused there who cares if it's a cop there's a Lethal Weapon going on I told the cops that night who it was well so the cop that that responded was a 911 call they came in I just St I'm going to give you a littleit I'm give you a little bit of a you want to have this dialog it's fine no I don't I appreciate if you want if you want to kind of make excuses hey you're going to be okay yeah if you don't all right you're not going to be okay as that I'm speaking for myself you're not going to be okay and that's it I told you right from the get-go I didn't even Mike O or whatever his name is whatever he is I gave you the benefit of Doubt cuz he was on South Main Street whether he was drinking at you whether he said he was there that to me is not enough for me not enough but if you don't follow your plan that you gave this board I wasn't here you don't do that then you don't Des then then you're going to have a I think you're going to have a problem and I'm just being very respectful to you being a bar owner is not easy and uh at that point in time put it back on for the August meeting you can tell them the date I don't have this complete schedule for me on me rather I'm sorry and uh I hope we don't have a problem appreciate we're not as Mike said we're not here to shut people down I know you know you're trying to do your job I get it so um do we need a motion to that effect to just continue this matter until yes please what is it August what 21st make a suggestion yes can we just uh outline specifics Andre so he knows exactly um what he should bring to the meeting in August perhaps uh some documentation about tip certification for his servers um Chris why don't you do this why don't you send him a letter that he can be expecting you can send it if I would request you send a certified mail so we can't say he never got there and put in in writing what we expect him to have and present to us in August and if the police department has any further things that they want to have him bring whatever that may be we give it to him certified mail and he brings that email me that instead email do you have a good address that we can mailz Carri said you guys sent me two things I didn't find out till she called me that's what saying about this certified meal if you want to do a by I had sent it certified and um Regular did you receive the email that was sent this week yes I got that's how I I printed plan that you presented providing that you're following your um action plan that you presented and then uh coordinating with the police department uh for the inspection all right and I'm going to make one further suggestion can we can we put in the letter that he provide that information for sometime in July so therefore if there's anything lacking he will have the time to get it for the August meeting we'll give him every reasonable opportunity to so I don't want to say we're going to send it to him a week before and he doesn't have time to do it so let's give him a date in July if it's a month before to provide all that documentation and if there's anything lacking we'll notify you and there'll be no excuses on August 21st 21st to uh to not have you all right fair enough I appreciate it okay your pictures yeah appreciate you being fair have a motion that effect to continue to August 24th sure I'll make a motion uh to continue this matter for Mickey Doyles to our August 21st 2024 meeting second any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor iOS Congratulations by re thank you could I have in say anything else just to approve the um minutes please something can we approve the minutes April 1st of the April 1st um meeting I'll make a motion to approve the April 1st 20 24 minutes it's okay thank you any questions on a motion hearing none all those in favor hold on Mike don't all oppos thank you everyone it's for Mel and Michael please oh God I look there some left motion to motion of AG please I'll make a motion motion made by another seconded by Mike all those in favor all opposed motion carries