2024 come to order um the members of the board to my right Michael Pereira Melanie fedo and I am attorney Gregory BR prior of the meeting are pursu to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting and may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings and Transmissions are being made whether perceived or UNP perceived by those present acknowledge and permissible City Charter section 9-18 mandates that all multiple member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public comment we have adopted such a policy which ensure provides your citizens input and licensed board specific matters at the end of at excuse me at the beginning of each meeting there was a sign up sheet that was located in the back of the room do you have any citizens input no everybody here is for actual okay we'll start with item number two on the agenda which is one day permit entertainment Belmont 34 Franklin Street parking lot Priscilla par and the date of that request is for August 18th 2024 I believe correct can you please state your name for uh name and address for the record please Priscilla porer and my home address you want or the business 25 Watermark Drive ton Rhode Island okay Miss party could you explain a little bit about um what you want to do on August 18th please we have a lot of documentation you submitted to the board which I thank you thank you it's with the guidance of car who I always go to to ask for what would be appropriate and then we follow through okay um your your diagram is uh very good shows where the band's going to be and it looks like tables and various boots I I think you may have heard just people talking before the Mee not discussing the uh petition itself but your your um your diagram and I'm okay with the diagram I guess there's some some I don't want to even use the word conern concerned but there's a wall I guess that separates the old santand Bank yes um which is closed now yes you don't obviously not going to utilize that property correct no and Adam I brought who's an assistant manager at the club to explain any he has gone above and beyond and he'll tell you all the other placement what what is going I see roped off what are you going to so I purchased the black you please give your name and address as well sorry my apology sorry Adam Young and 35 North Court I purchased just not chicken wire but the uh plastic chicken fencing and poles that we're going to put up along the whole wall and then in front of it we're going to have booths with staff so nobody can even access the wall the boots will all be blogging it the raffle the swag uh drink tent stuff like that we also have Canned Heat maybe coming putting a tent I'm going to put that there in the dunk tank so no one should be able to access the wall and there'll be a a temporary fence put up I mean I'm content have to get very busy thank you questions from the from the committee on this at a whole um I I know you you're very diligent when you talk about the police details for the the for these incidences but I'm I'm concerned with the uh what's your inside capacity inside is 77 okay I I've been there and it's gets tight very we've all been at the Belmont club and it gets real real tight so I I would ask you know I would entertain if you could hire a fire um firefighter as well that evening for to maintain the capacity on the inside well we do have doormen working all entrances that have counters as well yeah along with police detail for that day but I'd like I'd like to see a firefighter there that's that's my I'm not going to approve this without a firefighter condition I mean I I don't have any I don't know how you go about it he knows he can just call the fire department they do a process all right that's that's a valid concern of a board member Mr I'm not against it whatsoever I just like the safety cuz it gets packed in there you know it does the whole bar this way the seating area when you first walk in across the back area in that front room I'm in in air where you can't even move at times I'm socially you know what I mean something but so as as a block party event um wouldn't the majority of people be outside this is for outside I know but they're going to be inside as well no not until after this event is over so the inside's not going to be open so that's that's that's different the inside's not going to be open during this the inside will be open during but for the bathroom so people can go in and use the bathroom can someone sit down in a in a in a chair and have a beer yes then it's open so yeah I'm just going to ask that what are the hours of the event I you 11 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 11: to 8 yes so pretty much 9 hours yes sir our only concern is being that we're raising money for Charities we're trying to keep the cost as limited as possible so bringing on another firefighter on top of a $700 police detail would be price I understand do that at this point well that that's my concern that's my safety concern is is the capacity on the inside understood so um that's not a concern of mine and I understand it's a charity so I would probably not require that at all since the majority of the event is it's going to be outside until your regular what business hour is 8:00 p.m. I have all 10 of my employees who were there for that day along with the two doormen along with our police detail I have gone out of my way to ensure that everything is going to be monitored and I am going to be present the entire time right thank you the one thing I I have I I agree with Mr perrer is this if there's going to be many many more people on site because I assume you're going to have more than 77 people on site it it does become a potential issue if if a large majority of them for whatever reason want to go inside if it's a hot day if there's air conditioning I know I will have to control that by being at the door and not allowing any more than those 77 people because you be in violation of your yes exactly and after 35 years of taking care of this business of my grandfather and father I am very concerned about doing everything as I think I I have done an extremely good J we provide seating for 110 subside as well for additional shade and seating um te moment do does your department get involved and M you might know this as well from being on would the police at all get involved in terms of making sure there's not more than 77 people in there otherwise they would be in violation of their license I don't I don't know because because I understand if it goes over then it's a fire hazard but they would be in violation of their license would right would you guys monitor that I understand this concern and I I do understand it because there's going to be a lot more than 77 people hopefully if you're raising money on site but would you guys at all monitor that I mean there's going to be an officer there on detail so I mean it would really be because who would normally enforce that would be the police that that is the building department like you have to make sure that you're staying at the proper capacity but they the fire department the police department they have the right to go into the building at any time and make sure that things are up to par MH so they have that right we pay our staff to monitor at the door our doormen at the counters and monitor bodies inside I do know you guys do that no we do yeah in the three years I've been on the board um the amount of one day permits um for special events like this there's never been a request for a firefighter so that's just where I'm at on it and I do understand that and but I do think it's a point well taken if there's going to be more than if this huge excess of people but um I I would just Mike would you be amenable to maybe making it a note to the policemen who are there no because I I I think the police officer is there for security and certainly that is security as well but the police officer there is is to be a deterrent to um criminal activity to fights you know to make sure that people are not intoxicated and and he's going to have if it's it's one detail um he's going to have a lot on his hands you know i' I've personally worked these not this event but events similar to this and I wouldn't want to overburden the police officer with also being um have to be D um visual a diligent to how many people are in inside that um facility it's very difficult to do you know I know um we um we do get one day permits for um for boxing at the Police Athletic League and they they do hire a firefighter for that that event because it gets packed in there as well um I that I just have a concern I mean um and that I think that we should make a condition of this event that they would have to hire a firefighter as well okay all right well um is anybody else out there in favor of this petition anyone oppos hold someone's going to have to make a motion in a second and then at that point in time I may have to um can you second it I can if if it's a necessity the mo necessity means that I can step down as chairman and second a motion because I it appears that we're going to have a conflicting motion just make a motion you just make the motion the way you were going to make it it's fine you can make it that's and then and we'll vote we can vote all right so um i' like to make a motion that we approve this event with the condition of um a a police officer as well as a firefighter to maintain the um Integrity of the um the uh people inside the the capacity of the um building to be upheld throughout the event for the N9 hours we have a second no um I am going to uh step down as chairman for the purpose of making second in that motion uh any questions on the motion all those in favor I I all those opposed two to one it's granted to be out that the police I will do that because you insist on it being done but I do want to make this comment after 35 years of caring and taking being careed to see that people are behaving properly having enough door people on there and doing extensive overseeing of my business I am doing this for the Children's Museum and for a girl who is paralyzed from the neck down the purpose of this is to truly raise funds for this individ idual who's in her 20s and for the Children's Museum who I did one of the first fundraisers for them I don't do these things lately I do them because I'm trying to be help really helpful to the community and in particular to one individual I I don't know that I have any I I should have maybe pleaded my case earlier but this isn't just to make money for the business this is for the Children's Museum and this person who is paralyzed for the rest of her life at 20 some years old and I wish that there could have been understanding that my two doorman and the police officer who was going to be there would have been adequate for this event and my staff of 10 and myself I just think it's a little unfair as well we followed all protocol it's written it's never been done before as we heard so to just decide you have to spend another $800 to do the event when we followed the rule it's just a little unfair I think as well I don't understand the need how a firefighter can count better than us it's okay I want to uh thank you decision's been made okay so we go to the next agenda okay sorry I to voice my you have to say sorry okay uh item number agenda item number three Comm pict is Hot Chili Peppers Inc 1858 Pleasant Street w h could you please state your name for the record wanderson Penta I live in 66130 Street okay tell us a little bit about what's going on here uh so I've been applied for the license for the restant Brazilian food okay at 850 1858 Pleasant streets at Brazilian restaurant yes um what's the hours of operation uh 11 to8 um Tuesday to Saturday Sunday 11: to 4: see see there's a diagram What's Your Capacity sir 24 seats 24 seats do you have any experience in the restaurant business brazila had the same one for years yeah okay um anybody uh out there in favor of this petition anybody oppose questions from the board could I entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve the common VI Vic's license for Hot Chili Pepper ink second thank you sir um any questions on a motion here and none all those in favor I all those oppos motion good luck thank you appreciate it you have to pick up your license with me okay with do right please thank you so right now I have to not right now I have to make tomorrow right I think that's the second floor right fifth floor yeah all right thank you do you have your health certificate already yes I just need a copy of it if you could bring in okay okay I will thank you thank you and I apologize when you call me I was that's okay no worries she's Brazilian so she don't mind [Laughter] Pi Taste of paradise 1335 Pleasant Street maxo La yes hi sir would you please state your name and address for the record Max 908 play for massachusett how are you I'm good thanks before we get started what's act n I'm sorry AC of non renovable so I've actually spoken to him about this like maybe a half hour before the meeting so he's aware of what needs to be taken care his driver's license is currently active non- removal which means that he owes money um put to the state for an excise tax he's going to get that taken care of and there was also um a discrepancy on his address provided to us with what he has on his driver's license that he's going to get updated as well yes but from from this standpoint today so from this stand point today if you're comfortable with approving it pending those Corrections then the police department is is good with that as well good okay and what your hours of operation sir for now is going to be 12: to 11 12:00 p.m. to 11 p.m. because we just open so after we can do work fast what days of the week we you try to open six days a week Monday off so Tuesday through Sunday yes What's Your Capacity Teddy Teddy s yeah any experience in this yes what was it uh I used to sell food in bton with my wife so now we try to open our own rest here um anybody out there in favor anybody opposed um I like to t a motion I'll make a motion to approve the common Vic's license for pay Taste of paradise pending that the issues with your license are resolved and now we get a favorable you you send it back a favorable once the favorable once the favorable police report is in yeah okay second thank you I do have a question oh yeah 1335 where exactly is I'm trying to um is that it's at uh what what street does that the next intersecting Street Pleasant Street no pleasant pleasant but he's asking what the intersecting street is the closest one like uh you Street intersecting Street to your EST I just bought the restaurant oh but is it next to Quick a Shan street is it up further oh further yes yeah it is up a little further well I I iiss to I should have said something to the last gentleman too I appreciate you opening up a business in Fall River for in in in the neighborhood of the Flint neighborhood because we desperately need businesses up there I should have said that to that guy as well so I'm I'm definitely um approving this and I just I'm trying to for some reason drawing a blank with 13 where exactly it would be but I appreciate you and thank you and I I second the motion thank you in favor I opposed motion unanimously granted get your license stuff squared away and then Carri will take care of you okay thank you so much have your health sir yes say they doing next we have g g Haven Lu DBA Subway 499 Globe Street Melanie Santos you can call me okay um we'll push it to the end of the agenda she's not here then we'll be taken off we'll just table it I guess or whatever you choose to do table it or withraw okay we'll go to agenda item four societ soci cultural Siana 120 koville Street leis melon please state your name and address for record Lis a mum 577 grenell Street Mr mum I know I had a brief conversation with you after the last one when and I I apologize not being present is it every Friday and Saturday no they don't have to use it once they've got it they as long as they stick to the days and hours that they request they don't it's not like your liquor license okay he can have a band or whatever the case me one week and not have that's what I'm saying but the request is going to be for every Friday and Saturday night is what we're acting on sure that's what he put I can't remember that's Friday andur it's part the year but we do like five or six a year okay but we're going to give it to you so you don't have to come in here individually right so every Friday and Saturday if you want to have it now to whenever um it's it's it's basically a a folklor group dancing and once in a great while there'll be someone singing until no no longer than 9:30 p.m. within our fence in parking lot okay oh it's outside yeah okay it's both in and out inside we got room for over 300 people but it's outside and parking lot mostly in fact we already got the police department to go a weekend in August well Sunday in August to march in a parade to the St Anthony's church on bethford Street nice just just from my edification I have zero problem with this how does that work if you have if they have an outside function I didn't know it was outside to be honest with you so just now so so do they have to have what do they have to have to have something outside well if they're going to bring liquor outside that's a different story as well they've been doing it for 20 some years uh it's the first time I decided we need a license because they never did before I know you told me that that's why I'm trying to make sure what what's going on and what you're at when's the next time you're supposed to do this August 9 and 10th Holy Ghost and you bring the alcohol it's from outside no there there's dinner outside and some people may get a a glass of wine inside and bring it out okay then that's that's bringing it outside well that's what happens in every house all I just want to make sure that they're they're okay in what they do so there's no problems in case somebody say something mhm so so what else does he have to do he has to get one day permits to bring the alcohol from inside to outside no excuse me the outside the inside alcohol you can't use that alcohol you have to get it a separate slip from the distributor for the outside ENT excuse me for the outside alcohol but he's not licensed right now to bring the alcohol anywhere outside he doesn't have a one day a one day permit for every time he does it that's what you're saying unfortunately is for the entertainment just for outside yeah right so it's only outside entertainment correct that's it so people are going there to eat and drink they're not going to not bring the liquor outside if we Grant the entertainment license and it's just for whenever they want to use it for outside that's also how are we going to keep track of what C you can't they have to be responsible business owners and not take the alcohol outside and or they need to get a one day permit As Time excuse me as I said they've been doing for close to 30 years without a problem you these are members that go it's wrong I'm not trying well I'm not saying it's correct because I'm the one who says that's not the way to do it there's a process uh but they haven't had a problem in 30 years because these are members paying members would you be uh opposed to just getting a permit every time you do it it's not a big deal no you know I mean you're going to have plenty of notice because you only do it half a dozen times would you just want you want full alcohol right yeah but that's only like two or three times a year so it wouldn't be any that's not a big deal but how do how do we get them back in here before August when is your when is the event August 8 9 and 10 I'm sorry I apologize you can't can you give them one right now why not it's not on the agenda I would have obviously no problem with it but we can't do it legally um we could hold a small meeting if you I don't have a problem holding a meeting for them because they're trying to do the right thing and that's why I think we should try to accomodate we raise funds we give thousands of meals during Thanksgiving we give thousands of dollars in scholarships to kids from Fall River it's one of the good organizations in a city yeah it is uh and it's all volunteer the Thanksgiving Kevin yourself um I don't have a problem meeting between now and the neither do I yeah do I that's fine we're going to have a special meeting for you sir okay we any idea when yeah I'm G to look at the tomorrow and give you a call okay sounds good I just get and L what we're going to do is we're going to give you the J do you have the other dates you're going to be outside for the rest of the summer there will be none for the rest of the year usually earlier this is the first one last one I not the first one no I meant that I saidong this is the last one yeah you don't think you're going to have one from now till December 31st the Holy Ghost is it okay the rest of them will be ins per we'll have the special meeting right everything everything else is inside I got no issues we will make we will have a meeting before appreciate that and we will do the one day liquor permit for you I just want to do the right thing I mean you know they've been doing it for years and there's never been a problem so they assumed it was okay and said no it's not okay what we're going to do is this though we're going to entertain the one day liquor permit and then we're going to give you an entertain now the entertainment like going to give the one day liquor permit right no entertainment we're going to give them the entertainment for in and out all the time all the time and a one day liquent for the eth outside right we'll have a special meeting for that yeah okay do it alline D you want to do this right now is what you're saying do the handle this one right now we're just going to handle the entertainment now okay and we'll just approve them Andes and so next year early January I'll put a scheduled GA of events for the year and come and see liqu permits for all your days right this way you don't have a problem you won't have to keep coming back understood all right I'll entertain a motion to to approve the entertainment uh license uh for ass do cultur Ciana um for both inside and outside use motion made I'll second all any questions on the motion heing none all in favor I I'll call you tomorrow okay we'll get a date apprciate thank you very welcome I'm sted this man is not here I when it come we discussed I is this like a normal thing though I was thinking about we just have is just wholesale do we have a lot of those licenses we do we do yeah we have at least 15 we going to do I'm not going to entertain no this one's kind of sketchy too I had to speak with the building department so I I go um table it or are we with I would table it I know that I was pretty sure that I'm very surprised that he's not here so when we table it they have to ask us to bring it off the table and just redo it or is it withdrawn no if we withw draw they going to refile no there's no sense in refiling it's only going to cost them $25 what table and we just I put it on the next meeting okay it doesn't have quite the same effect like with zoning yeah no I I was just asking how because we're going to do are we doing the same thing for Subway then yeah I'll make a motion that we table HG Haven C DBA Subway 499 Globe Street Melanie Santos a motion to table I'll a motion to table second any questions on Mo all in favor all opposed same I like the same motion for CT Auto Sales motion I'll second any questions on the motion hearing none all those in favor all those opposed all right that's it motion to adj no no we have all business oh I'm sorry um do I have a motion to approve and sign the minutes for April 11 2024 I'll make a motion to approve second motion made and second any questions on the motion hearing none all in favor all those opposed then could I have a to approve and sign the minutes of May 6 2024 I'll make motion to approve second motion made a second any questions on a motion hearing none all is in favor all is opposed motion andon granted then on C it's acknowledge receipt of outdoor dining with alcohol Baka restaurant 85 Columbia Street Lewis Benton cor forward to abcc now as as Carri explained to me we no longer like Grant those little outside things okay another process by which the city gets involved with planning excuse me zoning no building inspector traffic or parking who else myself and PD okay and then at that point in time if they meet all the criteria it just automatically granted and it comes to us just for knowledgement yeah we send off an updated um description of their process excuse me of their premises up to us okay so they know just in light of that well first of all do I have do I have need a motion to acknowledge it please motion to acknowledge um receipt of outdoor dining with alcohol Baka restaurant 85 K Street Louis Benton Court I'll make a uh motion to acknowledge second second any question on motion hearing none all those in favor all those opposed right can I just ask one question how how does this tie into the one day liqu perits like what about if Mr melum came and said he wanted outdoor D that's a different story then he has to come to the board and present fill out all the application online and give us the diagram the all of those people will meet at his um location I don't like he said I don't think that makes sense for him but it may not does it cost money I'm just trying to say no it doesn't cost anything so I'm just saying like for instance um the Belmont Club what would they be precluded from coming in and say they want to have it would be tricky because people park in that lot you know you have to you have to use reasonable for the I know but I just I was wondering if that gets around certain people having to come in for that are we going to anticipate that that may happen that someone says hey I'm going to have eight events outside next year I'm just going to go in there and say I want Al dining if they already have alcohol on their premises they can apply to have outdoor dining absolutely but if they're a new restaurant that hasn't come in front of us they just can't yeah all right I just wasn't sure if people will now start saying in the summer months oh I'm just going to ask for outdoor dining now and not have to come and get one day liqu cuz outdoor dining doesn't cost anything no they're going to have get a lot of them are going to have it because a lot of them don't have it they don't have alcohol oh I get what you're saying they don't already have it would only be if someone already had alcohol motion to we have to assign the minutes before we they in here I apologize [Music] there you go thanks everyone so if you want to just get that just one yeah I guess you weren't at that one so it was just us no motion to adjourn please I'll make a motion to adjourn second all those in fail all those oppos I apologize right by me you know why I'm holding got to go to the bathroom