uh we'll call order the for of Li board meeting Tuesday June 18th 2024 to my right is member Michael Pereira and Melanie cadero I'm Gregory brilliant the uh chairman um let me just read this pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of of this public meeting and may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advise that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived and unperceived by those present and on deemed acknowledging permissible the city chter section 9-18 mandates that all multiple board members develop and adopt rules or policies for public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for citizen input on licensing board specific matters at the beginning of the meeting there was a sign signup sheet located in the back of the room nobody sign nobody signs up okay uh one day liquor permits St Anthony's band club 1040 Pine Street John Perry for the dates 712 713 714 could you please state your name an address for the record Sir John Perry 264 Winter Street and representing St Anthony's van Club we're looking for full liing license for September I mean July 12th from 5: to 1 July 13th from the same time 5 to 1 and July 14th from 5 to 12 this is your normal yeah it's a normal annual Feast annual Feast that we have every year full you want a full no the the one we usually beer and wine beer and wine okay that's I just that was going to be my next sorry about okay and and Mr per you know about all the requirements relative to the police details yes you're all with that they'll send them if they have them if they need them okay if they're available right okay you have to request them you have to request yeah I have to go down and tell them that way yeah okay um so this is an annual event so uh that being the case um we could entertain a motion to uh Grant the one day liquit for St Anthony band club I'll make a motion to approve the one-day permits for St Anthony's band club for the following dates of July 12th July 13th and July 14th 2024 can I have a second to that motion second anybody here in favor anybody oppos hearing none um all those in favor all those opposed you're all set Mr Perry good luck thank you uh who is the person I asked for oh for the chelse um no you'll ask for the detail the detail line so you'll just call the regular police line and then you'll get be directed to the detail line and they'll schedule your details for you how soon do I have to call for that um I mean the sooner the better I would yeah like tomorrow yeah yeah as long as there you know within a reasonable amount of time but I would suggest earlier that right I don't want to cuz what happens is you don't put it off and then you forget and the next thing you know is the day before exactly okay thank you very much you're welcome Mr Perry next agenda item is an entertainment license for associate do cultural assana 120 Koval Street Lewis melum I know he's not here we'll put it to put it to the end of the agenda to see if he shows up uh article four excuse me item four transfer of license I'm going to do my best is it aish I don't know Mr brilant but we'll find out right nowel will expand upon the Locust LLC DBA Highland miniot and Liquors 623 Locust Street uh crell K Patel thank you for purposes of the record my name is Peter selino I'm a lawyer with offices at 550 Locust Street in Fall River to my right is Mr Patel could you state your name and address for the record kral Patel um home address or sure two Country Hill Drive nor Dian Mass 02764 uh Mr Patel is the owner and operator of the Highland miniart uh just east of my office at the corner of locust and London the address is 623 Locust um Mr Patel acquired the business in the real estate in 2015 at that time the full package store license was put in the name of Aisha liquor Inc he does business as Highland miniart and Liquors it's a full package store license for accounting reasons when he did his taxes this year as accountant recommend ended that he switched to an LLC from the corporation and as a result the applicant in this transfer application is a related entity known as Aisha and Locust LLC and we'd seek to do business under the same style as Highland mini Mar and liquers so this is strictly an accounting move the shareholders ship is 100% the same it's Kenny Patel the Corey check form Etc is all Kenny Patel and and as I see in the file because at the same owner there's no additional police approval required and everything else Mr seleno is going to say the same yeah no change of hours no change of location within the store and he I should not for the record he also spoke the officer Monas detective detective Monas yeah and she said nothing else needed to be done yeah it's in the file it's noted in the file all right um I don't have any questions because obviously as attorney seleno was stated it's for accounting purposes it's just basically a name change of sorts for whatever reason that is so um it that being said uh I'll entertain a motion to the transfer of the license from Aisha and Locust LLC DBA mini M and lick is 623 Locust Street two what's the new entity that was the new Aisha liquor Inc is the holder okay and Aisha ersan Locust LLC is going to be the new holder is the new holder okay what was that Aisha essand loc LLC there's another word in there the symbol you want me to hold oh oh oh oh I apolog yeah sorry no problem Mr I don't know I didn't know what that one meant so I apologize problem can I approach yes all right here you go is it file I I get what he means now who means that oh okay that's how rich people say okay so I'm just motioning to change it from I should lick an ink to that name I should lick an ink I'll make a motion to approve the transfer of license from Asia liquor Inc to Asia and Locust LLC second uh motion made in second anybody uh speak in favor of it anybody opposed hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed granted thank you members of the board appreciate it thanks everyone you're very welcome thank you does this mean they get the variant or they have to get it I got it it's in oh okay get variance yeah it's right here okay um item five class two license Timothy Pinto 193 197 Oak Grove AV how are you can you please state your name for the record please uh Timothy Pinto go ahead Mr Pinto um so I'm essentially just here trying to add a license to an existing business I already have uh Auto Repair so I just want to do the auto sales side of it do have you gotten a DBA yet no okay that's why his name is on there yeah we wait name yet so he wanted to wait so Mr P I I I'm right down the street from you okay my La say 111 so I know where are you going to display the cars like like you have that Big T high fence that right now so it makes it a little difficult a lot of my sales will be online you know what I mean more online based and somebody wants to come look at it they can come see it I do um well my father owns a property across the street too so maybe in the future if I need to do something with that for display um but more so right now would just be more online based cuz I don't want to disrupt the neighborhood they wanted the fence up for the prior owners that had it and I don't want to make anybody mad and I think I can work work with it um I don't know if you guys have a copy of the site plan but for the um variant they had made a site plan looking for because I just was wondering because you want 20 cars I'm just trying to I have nothing against you do I'm just trying to figure out how you're going to do it so that's what was done prior the license that they had an auto repair license that expired in 2014 Auto or Auto Sales both they had both I know you just got Auto Repair now I'm sorry auto sales and it was for 20 cars so I just went off of the record from back then and in the that I have it in the car I should have brought it with me the um the site plan shows where they can fit you have a site plan I do I have it in the car I can go grab it if you need be um I was trying to make it time could print it so I do it a different way no that's okay I'm just trying I I it's not like I have like a big objection but it's right up the street and I know the property I I knew the former owner I know your dad yeah you think um it's just I just wasn't sure where the 20 cars are going to go and and I have no issues but I do know there was issues with the Nabors before right yeah and we've everybody's cool nobody Johnny's all set across the street awesome perfect so um do do we normally have any any viewing of the of the site at all no I mean no not normally I mean you could always I listen I the guy's over there you're more comfortable I don't know what it can fit that's why bring you this you I'm going to grab the site plan my cars right outside you guys mind I apologize I just like to look at it if you can run and get it it's just got a big high fence and I don't know how youd love to see a car if he's got to put everything behind that fence and there is already on Avenue yeah what street is this this me no no it's it's a couple up um on the left there used to be Auto auto repair used to be a gilly used to own it from Su got his last name on doesn't look C though no no it's about it's about three blocks up it's on a corner though it's not Bey cuz it goes Beady London it's the next one might be Tobin right in the corner and he owns both sides and I know they open up across the street and they put an electrical um or Plumbing business and Glenn had some problems with it as being a pre-existing non-conforming use I just don't know where he's going to put the 20 cars that's all and I got no issues but I don't want them out in the street that's my issue if you want to move that around I don't know if it's that's across the street okay you can move the oh okay all right you okay see where's he going to put the cars he has all those car that's it no that's that's the that's the dry cleaner go around the back I thought look like sparkle was there right that is Sparkle right next door so there's no like those bays are right there this where that's not big over here I'm here all yeah that's why I don't always putting 20 cars that's the west side but these are all facing this way what if he's lining them up but that's already what he has in there for his actual business so where's he going to put the 20 cars the those are pair cars you think yeah well they are I mean I go by it every day I mean he looks like he's got a pretty decent business he's has cleaned it up a little bit cuz Gilly didn't Gilly just leased it whoever was in there and he and he bought that too right there one that little building yeah he bought that one too that goes all the way down the End of the Street cuz if there's ever a car in the street they're going to go bananas they always do they just rid this [Applause] road yeah please thank you I'm going to show you on this picture while I'm asking the questions see you only have unless I'm reading this wrong you only got five spaces designated to sell cars so at the variance meeting they didn't want to I lock me in to how many for repair how many for sales because of what I do most of the cars that I sell are going to need repairs they fall into both categories I'm buying them as Repairables fixing them and then putting them for sale so at any given point I might have two to fix and 10 or 12 to sell and vice versa so they don't want to lock me in to that 100% that well I well I don't want to I don't want to like disagree with you but they did lock you in it says parking configuration specific spefic to plan submitted so they did lock in did they lock it in okay at the meeting they had said they were saying we they didn't want to make that's that's the only reason why I was asking I I I don't cuz it's got customer parking then it's got employee parking cuz another thing we had brought up at the meeting uh was a customer parking customers literally pull in front of my doors block the driveway park on the street no nobody ever follows any of that protocol even if you have anything labeled they block the doors they they you know I just I just personally have and it's nothing about giving you a permit to sell used cars I I can't go beyond what your variant says because it says parking config configuration specific to plan submitted this only has 1 2 3 4 five there should be 20 something spaces on that total up the to I know but it only says propose sale use spaces I might have given you the old revision oh no well it might have to be TBL to we get that from the from the zoning board because I'm not going to I'm not going to give him more and I do have a copy of the old license that was issued there for 20 cars that's not a license well it was um but is that all of them a decision for 20 vehic variant first variance was done so and then these I'm guessing they left alone to be repaired this is a I didn't count this in these three are for customer that's employee but as far as proposed sale dotted line anything in dotted lines is proposed sale even that's only 13 that's 16 16 minus the customer parking and employee parking 15 16 minus customer and employee how many does he have for for sales 16 I think they I don't see the ones that that say repair right now it just says sales used spaces and that's when we kind of said at the meeting they didn't want to say something Mr PTO so you mind y you'll go right ahead Mr PTO you U so how many do you use on an average day for your um repair I could I could have one car one week and then 10 I've had 18 20 cars I've had like 26 cars in the park one week is an odd what do you think the average is like 10 I try and do one to two or three CS of De what we try for we don't license we we ask him to change his number to 15 for sale and five for business I mean we can't we don't have the authority to do that is that the I think we we just you guys can come to an agreement and he can sign on on where he put how many cars for sale buiness and 15 for sale 10 and 10 I don't whatever you think it just how does that I guess my question be how does that lock me in cuz if I buy cars that a repair and I'm going to sell them that technically falls into two different categories I would say until they're on the sales line they repair so that would be in the five and then once they are repaired and you not you're not going to sell them I'll take it apart correct cor so so once they're you know ready to sell they move over to the 15 I'm just throwing those numbers out right in the second you change the numbers with the chair's permission you know see what the chair just can you just this is and I know it very well but yeah come on up this is see how you this is your lot right here we we didn't take a picture this just came online yeah so you have those other cars in there I'm just trying to figure out because if we give you 20 spots to sell you can put 10 more to repair we don't then you'll have 30 cars on the lot I know that's that's what I'm trying to that's what I'm trying to like balance I understand for The Neighbors yeah cuz they can't you know had no complaints I try to be quiet and clean about everything you knowest but copy this is what I went off of this is from a while ago so so that's where I used to get the number of the 20 was where I start okay but you this is your new variance decision is that the new one no that should say 2008 yeah but this is 2024 sorry no you don't 2008 when he owned it for 20 Vehicles so that's where I got that 20 number for that's what I was trying to get at that's what I used as my reference and that was well well listen Okay so but that's not what this says again Mr Pinto again in all due respect this says you get a maximum of 20 cars for everything employees repairs rentals and sales I'll make a motion I I'll well not me but I'll I'll approve that that you have no more than 20 vehicles on that site well cuz like uh um commissioner cero just pointed out to me there are 20 sites it's all squared out in 20 SED out in 20 sites three of for customers one for employees so the it's your vehicle employee right and three customers so these are people going there sticking repairs on your vehicle let say my car you check it out and then you go back that's four so 16 for sale but but some of those are going to use for the cars you're working on correct so we I think we should come up with a compromise of how many you want for sale and you you're locked to 15 Mr brilant correct no I mean I mean 20 well he's asking for I just saw on his thing he's asking for 20 he got this from the prior variant he says but all I'm I'm not disputing that but it says all vehicles related to the business shall be stored on site with a maximum of 20 cars on the lot including employee repair rental and Sal and that's what we used to make that for sale I mean for now you can always come back look at your father's property as well 10 for sale and 10 for business customers walking in you I if you're mechanic and uh and a couple more for cars you're working on and you can actually put 20 cars on there for sale I mean sh 10 and and Mike why why don't we just say this just Why Don't We Just say What the language is here you can have a maximum of 20 cars whether they're for repair or yeah it can't exceed that so if you go there and there's 20 cars and you tell them they're all for sale they're all they you're legal yeah but you can because but can't have 21 cars a car po even even a c i mean the customer I guess they can pop spot walking in custom they want as long it's legal spot you know but you can't have cars on okay to be preped no no I never do that and sometimes the tow truck will drop one off and that was I know this has nothing to do with this but that was a problem that I had with the license for my repair shop that it states no Auto Repair which this should resolve hopefully um that I'm not allowed to have vehicles dropped off on my property the original license the license that I had I can tell you why I was involved way back then because that was the two Haru brothers and they used to bring cars in in the middle of the night and and the the the neighbors went crazy yeah which we don't do was about bringing people in the middle of the night getting tow trucks going in the middle of the night and all the neighbors went yeah of course of course and I try not to do that you know what I mean but it's kind of difficult I can't tell tow truck I had to drop the car down the road in the middle of the street and then push it all the way you know what I mean so I was hoping I don't know if I have to do something different to maybe fix that properly that's not us though right or it's on my license city council right it's on okay it says on my license like the restrictions I guess section they had a lot of restrictions back then well that was a long that was even before well Gilly always owned it but the huru brothers came in did business is there correct yeah but I would entertain a motion to allow your class two uh with the specific condition that there would be no more than 20 cars maximum inclusive of sales repair employee I I'd use the language from the old uh variants employee repair rental and sales Vehicles you know in this way if if you if you come if for some reason something happens contact krie and I I'll go out there on Mich I'll take a look around I just I know the the the neighbors up there MH were really really yeah and I've I've made piece with all the problems that they had from the past gu I guess you have CU I work on their cause you know what I mean so make a mo go ahead so I'll make a motion to Grant class license to uh JY pido um 9397 Oak Avenue for 20 Vehicles maximum all inclusive to C is sales employees any else you would need those 20 very happy that you Contin your business St thank you thank you I'll second uh anybody in favor of the motion anybody opposed all those in favor all those opposed all sent thank you so much okay um asso what what is that what do they want I give you oh wait a minute I might have put one in the file I apologize you might have given me two of the same thing I might I gave you one new one and one old one I can always pull those up at work so that's okay you gave me that one you gave me this one entertainment license I can't do this without nobody here what is that what is that place Street yeah that's what it is to when is it for It's All the Time Entertainment oh I apologize well you want to make a motion what do you normally do with table them or what do you do with this you could approve it if you guys saw fit it's not a request that well well I don't like to have here say what they I agree it's checked off but the entertainment is but clearly it's live music but I want to know what the heck in that that is it's like a kind of bands and things is that what he wants live music yeah I I think we'll table this want form motion yes please make a motion that we uh that we um table the entertainment license for the social do cultural Barian Club there 120 Co street I'll second anybody in favor anybody oppos hearing none all those in favor all those opposed granted excuse me yeah the motion is granted to table all right it's 525 it was scheduled for 5 510 yeah I just give what an estimate it doesn't no that's okay because it's still beyond that right yeah okay all right well at this point in time what I'm going to what I'm going to do is I'm going to have the police department give a brief um synopsis of what happened then I'm going to put the I'm going to ask that the all the police reports as submitted um be put just be placed on the record and then I'm going to give a recommendation what's going to be done he should have been here so uh officer G detective G or or whoever is going to make that I apologize good evening Sergeant David G this is walon we work uh uniform nights we watch on Tuesday June 4th at 12:26 a.m. we were dispatched to the area of America Street in the 20000 block for reported shooting one 1911 caller reported seeing a male running through the back lck behind um Mickey Doyle's and Family Dollar towards America Street and a vehicle chasing him shooting at him multiple shots were fired we then received some we've there were no victims on scene and the vehicle had fled the area East on America Street towards Stafford Road um about an hour later a male individual checked himself in the childood memorial hospital where he was uh had suffered a gunshot wound to the lake uncooperative um but after we saw a video of the incident we were able to confirm that it was the individual that was at the hospital so with the board's permission I like to play some videos that we have please with reference to the reports that we will place them all in the record can I I I have one like and I said this to the clerk the blood and two reports I know one's yours Sergeant gabir I don't know is there a back way to get out of there is that what it is like in a where's that where's that m back it's in the video so I'll show but but is there a hallway that went out there that's somewhere along the way somebody Mr Andre or someone had already clean but there were blood spatter spat yes to the rear of the the bar is a fenced in area on the deck that's where patrons go to smoke okay and the back door leads to the back of the business and then once you go in that back door you have the restrooms male and female restrooms go down the hallway and there's the bar area so they go out back to smoke and it was your observation that there was just already had just been cleaned up but there was still splattering of blood drops yes okay all right is this body camera this is body body camera here so this is when we arrive on scene this is the back of um the blood plasma place family Dolla and then Mickey Doyles America street is to the right is there any volume on it uh it should play a few minut so essentially this is uh one of the callers of 911 just telling us what He observed he's a neighbor that lives across the street uh this time we find several shell casings scattered around the parking lot along with one black uh sneaker also in the middle of the lot I think this is the part where we follow the blood tro right here so from America Street to the back door of Mickey Doyles there a trail of blood drops that lead from America street right to the back door and once you go in the building there's blood drops too because it showed that somebody had tried to wash it right yeah the floor was freshly it was wet still I so this is the back door of Mickey doy's defense in area is where they smoke okay hav never been in the place I didn't know that existed back there yeah it's a long car you're in the bar bars like I said that the last song came we had gentleman it's pretty big the bar it's not like a little tiny little neighborhood bar it's huge and there's a long Cara has bathrooms male and female bathrooms and then just leaks out out you it's it's like a it's a long car like a p if you're looking it that way a long car and then a big one it's straight through you walk in one side of the building and you exit on the other side of the building so I know and I look back I know exactly what you're talking so this is America Street and that's marker on the ground is the first showcasing we located that is the back of the uh blood plasma place there's the black shoe we assume the shoe was from a victim or whoever uh was running away that's the back of the I believe it's a karate place with one two three four five six rounds that hit the wall one of the rounds that's the garage door to Family Dollar the loading dock uh there's one bullet hole in the door that's the back door and that's the smoking area there's some blood drops going up those stairs to the back door the cigarette but that had some blood on it some more blood now this is the hallway that inside yes let me see I there's the hallway that goes to the back door so if you were to turn around that's the bar this is the hallway to the right is the woman's room and then the men's room and that door Straight Ahead goes out to that back door where the smoking area is so this hallway was just freshly mopped and where that number uh marker is is where there was the mop didn't hit all the way go all the way to the wall and there was one drop of blood there that was fresh and the other marker down the hall is where it was mopped but it the blood was still there it didn't it didn't pick it all up so when I had officer siberon went in and spoke to them because on the back where the smoking area is they have four cameras on the back of the building so he went in to ask if the cameras worked they said no they don't we had he asked him if there was any issues in the bar tonight and he said no nothing he goes did you hear any shooting he said no he didn't hear anything nothing happened it was quiet um he came back and told me that the cameras don't work so I went back to speak to him cuz the last incident that we had here the cameras did not work either it was a a fight that had happened um so I went in again and I asked the cameras don't work and he said no I says what about the four that are in the back he said no they don't work I said okay um so I said where's the door the the how do you get to the back so he pointed over here and there was Mr Andre there one male that was mopping up and a female bartender and I asked did anything happen in the B tonight and he any fights anything he stated no I says okay was there any um did you hear any of the gunshots he said no I said there was about 8 to 10 gunshots in the back you didn't hear anything and he said no so when I went to the hallway to look um that's when I noticed that now the bartender said that she didn't hear any gunshots but she heard people eying correct that was a bner that was in her vehicle behind the so she was leaving the business and I spoke to her asked her if she saw anything she said she didn't see anything but she heard people fighting gave the description of the males and said they were running through the back which was the same description of guys that we saw in the camera yeah did uh you guys Ober any um cleaning materials with blood on with mops no the male that was mopping had said oh there's no blood he goes you could check the mop the mop bucket and I says I don't need to check the mop bucket cuz it's on the floor so right now I'm going to have the detective come in take pictures of that so we go who's who's that coming through the paring lot right now that's uh just another individual oh nothing I'm going to try well I can just say this my personal standpoint he's not here but the fact of the matter is they if they found blood inside the interior of the building number one okay and it's obvious there were gunshots outside something would happen inside that bar and the fact that he was in here on May 15th and once again all we asked of him at that particular day was to um comply with his own uh his own plan and it's still not done I I'm told that he didn't pay for the details he didn't call for details the the the camera is not working by his own admission he didn't even try to comply with the things we said and this event happens I I I personally um I personally am not trying to cut short your presentation a but I've heard enough and he's not here so I'm going I can say where I stand I'd like all of that put into the record I wanted specifically put into the record that blood uh splatters of sorts was found inside the building number one not outside inside the building um and that he didn't comply with any of the conditions we gave him um he's got a 28 day um suspension back in July 27 2022 so I'm going to tell you where I'm coming from and then the board can decide where they're at he gets closed immediately to the end of the year he gets closed effective immediately until 1231 2024 he only gets to reopen with conditions of all the items he put in his own action plan are adher adhered to all of them prior to any reopening and now when he does reopen his closing time what is it now I know you gave it to me what is it it's technically two um no but his by his action plan last call is at 1:00 and every P out well it's well it's going to be 10:00 when he reopens 10:00 he closes and uh and and that and and he can come back according to what I wanted he can come back on June 30th 2025 and ask for increase in hours I'm not sure please correct me if I can't make that in terms of my recommendation but that's my recommend he absolutely can't he he has to learn he it's right here okay basically I don't if you want to I think I can okay 10 p.m. you said correct when he and that's and that's effective up from January 1st 2025 to June 30th 2025 then then he's doesn't get an automatic change got to come back to this board if he wants any change of ours but he doesn't get to reopen unless his action plan is complied with in other words if he hasn't paid out details he ain't he's not reopening if he doesn't have every one of his cameras working he's not reopening he's on what whatever's in his action plan to a te must be complied with Greg on the the 125 to June what 31st June 30th 30th okay June 30th 6 months he's going to be under that 10 p.m. and then if it goes well then I'll entertain talking to him but so that's a year he'll have to close for the next six months months and then the 6 months after that 10:00 he doesn't he doesn't have the the right anymore to be open till 1:00 in the morning with these kind of things happening in my opinion I'll make a motion to revoke the liquor license license of Mickey Doyles on 380 Rhode Island a uh until December 31st now can I just interrupt you it's not a revocation it's a suspension suspension just it's just a big difference okay then I'll make a motion to suspend the liquor license of Mickey Doyles at 380 Road Island AB until December 31st of 2024 um he would then be able to reopen with conditions of all items in his action plan adhered to prior to reopening and a change of hours for minimum of 6 months up to including June 30th 2025 with a closing time of 10 C and his and his suspension is effective immediately tomorrow somebody go get his license I second that motion anybody uh hear in favor anybody opposed uh hearing none all those in favor I all those opposed tomorrow is a holiday for here so maybe one of the police officers could go get it have something sure all right so C I hate to give you more work I know you're very very busy but um for the next meeting next month you can do a continued investigation for this commission uh to I'd like to know the name of uh the distributor for this for this establishment the name of the distributor speak thanks the past I'm ex the last purchase of liquor made from that distributor on or prior to June 6th so anytime prior to June 6th and if there was if there is no distri in place I'd like to know where to purchase where he purchased the liquor um that was for sale on June 6th and two weeks prior okay so three questions the distributor last the last um purchase on and prior to June 6th if there's none we did he purchased the liquor that was on sale on June 6th and two weeks prior to June 6th if you can that back in thiso I me i' appreciate it and I just want to make a crystal clear he doesn't even get to reopen on January 1st 2025 unless every single thing in that action plan is done it's his plan as I put in the email to him once when he when he made the comment about are we going to put a a bracelet on cuz he sent an email to us prior to this last one and I addressed it that it's his action plan and it wasn't even ours so I don't know why he's taking that type of tax he didn't do any of it and I would have told him that tonight so uh any other new business come before the board we have to approve and sign them minutes please okay wherever they are I'm sorry I didn't I apologize we all sign on is me I think I put all three for this one and Greg and Mel this one uh that being everything uh I'll entertain a motion we have to approve the minutes so I'll make oh I'm sorry I apologize uh I'll make a motion to approve the March 11th 2024 minutes second um any questions on motion hearing none all in favor and I'll make a motion to approve the March 20th 2024 minutes second uh motion made in second uh any questions on a motion hearing none all those in favor all is oppos now I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I'm sorry I'll make a motion to adjourn second thank you