all right call this regular meeting of the park board to order today is Tuesday July 16th 2024 pursuant to the open meeting law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible roll call Nick yes name uh Nicholas ailio Victor farias Amber Burns BJ McDonald citizens input anybody Nancy no uh I have a motion to accept the minutes from the June 5th regular Park board meeting make a motion to accept the minutes from June 5th second motion made by commissioner farious second by commissioner Burns all in favor I oh do we want to take those make a motion to let that um I make a motion to take items M and N Out of Order second motion was made by commissioner Burns to take items M and N Out of Order second by commissioner FIS all in favor I so the first request um is for the P basketball clinic at britland Park Wardell Street on 8:23 from 3: to 8 anybody have questions on that no as long as there's there's no um other conflicting uh events I date yeah good no I did have a a question from um Christian MOSI um he may try to contact them and work something with them to maybe be involved in that I don't know if he reached out to you as of today no I think that would be outside of this though right like that yeah that would be them collaborating on them that's between them so right now as it stands I do not have an event there and this is an event that I believe has been done by Mr Pereira before he's just now um he may have been last year involved with an event that location this year he's a member of the board of directors at P okay and he want to do a poli athletically organize it um yeah then I make a motion to approve and then he can work out the details if she needs anything additional I think we have everything that you need he's going to need the liability the you know the sign offs depending on what the event has if he doesn't have food or whatever I'll work that all out we question what I'll have the insurance so once it comes in I'm waiting for it to come in for my agent Y what about rain dates because it is summertime um there will be no rain date the uh plan I was told will be to uh go inside to an auditorium a gymnasium in the city Okay so so alternate location okay all right I made a motion to approve second motion to approved by commissioner bur seconded by commissioner FIS all in favor I I motion carries and then motion n Mr col I don't know if you have anything to add but this is the request for the pal pickle ball league and the use of the Kennedy Park courts on Bay Street um there's a request the request in here is for Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. Wednesdays from 4:30 to 9:30 Fridays from 9:30 from 4:30 to 9:30 and then Saturday and Sunday from 10: to 1: so I guess I guess the question that the board had asked to was rosters um like yeah so there's a couple things I guess right off the bat the typically the parks 9:00 curfew that the lights go off so when they're permanent out they make exceptions 9:30 um my first question on it was more more so also when it comes to permits typically it's rosters leagues you know game times I know pickle Ball's a little bit different uh than you know a typical soccer league or basketball league but um I know that but if it's a league it's a league so they should you there should be like a schedule yeah so I guess that would be my first question is how does that work the first the first answer is this is we wanted to get permission first before we commence the registration process uh because once we commence the registration process we'll have the names we'll organize the divisions and then they'll be presented to Nancy but this was the first step in the process to see if the park board would be okay with having an official organized program and is that what's the age group uh basically I believe it was uh 14 15 and upwards roughly okay so you have like a middle school high school and then like an adult league too and we played by age groups so we at three divisions and uh more like with family oriented in the Police Athletic League it's for everybody uh all ages families know we have adults we have so I guess what that and I guess this is where the board was heading with the days depending on the number of people that would dictate the number of days necessary the times necessary so I guess the step one would be yes we have no issue to you moving forward with all organizing the league and then once we get that information back with um scheduled games and rosters then we would be able to determine how many dates yeah or days and times typically like when when leagues come they already know like they've been here before but if they haven't they'll give us some sort of like a mock like League plan so we can't just say yes and then you guys build it off of this because let's say you only get which I I don't think this will happen but let's say you only get like 10 people we can't permit out all of these times for 10 people when obviously other people wouldn't be able to utilize these are high playing times too to right to and I think the other thing probably consideration is maybe if it were during these times depending on how many registrations you get and what the schedule looks like maybe the permit is for two of the Four Courts or maybe it's for you know based on your numbers and what's going to work I think we're more than happy to be flexible I think our hesitation from or my hesitation from the beginning going back to last year when the courts opened is just trying to balance the public use of the Court versus you know the exclusive use that's given by a permit so there's a there's a fine line between the exclusivity of a permit versus a public park and that's the only public pickle B you know courts we have add some of that and is that yeah um no um I already have um um a pretty big um input of people from Far River that are interested in doing the leagues already um one of them's like already almost filled up just from me kind of throwing it out there and how many people is that um 32 uh that's just for like one of the leagues um so basically like you said if we can move forward with it then um I would start garnering more interest from other people cuz I didn't want to just yeah go crazy this is my what you have to understand if you gotted much interest from this public league that's going to take K away from the what you have right now or are those people that are in presently playing with you right now looking to go over to this pal League because what's going to happen is when you establish a league now the Open Play may become less and I think what we're really going to try to avoid is people playing in both leagues um so most of the times that um we're going to use the courts um since I'm there most of the time anyway um there isn't that many people on those times which is kind of why I selected those times from just what I've seen um so I'm trying to make sure that I'm not conflicting with anything like that okay but what I'm going to say there is your league is very popular on Tuesday Thursday correct so this is what I don't and what this board doesn't want to happen Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday goes to Pal and then Tuesday Thursday is now your particular group and we have no open time correct that's what we have to try to avoid okay and that was their main concern we have no issue and I know the board has no issue with China but we need to leave open time and if your league if you pick these days because you know your league primarily plays your your group because it's not a league whatever plays on Tuesday Thursday now we've just monopolized every day so that's what would I think the best thing would be get the schedules in we get the rosters you're going to see the names you know who they are where they're from if what gr you know ages they're from and maybe he don't need all this time maybe he would need less time maybe he'd need one day on the weekend not two days on the weekends so I guess that would be yeah cuz that would be also part of that question is you know Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday if you sign up for the league are you playing are you signing up to play five days in a five about of seven days is it you play once a week just once a week so I think I think maybe we would table this until the next meeting and then in the meantime that gives you guys the chance to Garner you know and put together what you're thinking as far as times and age groups and signups collecting the people that are going to be interested we're going to meet again the first week of August so it's only a couple weeks away so it gives you a chance to kind of iron out some of those details and then come back and then we can figure out you know from there what the fairest thing way is to and Nancy I don't know if like if you have like what people typically do but like you say you're only going to be playing one day out of the week which and I'm just going up like there wouldn't be a reason to section off five days if you're only going to play on it one cuz then like she said that then there's no time for anybody who just wants to go I think what he's what he's saying is if the 14y olds will play on one day the is that what you're saying just play another day so they're going to they're going to play different days that one 14y old won't play three days in the week they the 14y old League might be a Wednesday night right yeah it would basically go um like Monday like the morning one would be like 55 plus um because there's more availability because most of those people retired um so that would be like the Monday and then um like the Friday there's different kind of skill levels for everything so Friday would kind of be like the Intermediate and then s the Saturday would kind of be like a little bit more advanced intermediate um so it's going to Encompass all the ages in the league but it's just going to have everybody playing the same time we we've just on past experience like with britland Park we give up blanket permits and then if it's not used or it is used you know so I think that's really what we're trying to avoid and make sure that people want to go down and play so in the meantime no one has a permit so that that doesn't mean that you won't be able to take your group and say okay let's this this is we're going to yeah you want to have a tri out you know it's not like choking you from playing for this next two weeks okay but what it's going to be able to do is allow you to get an idea of how many 15 year olds you have I'm sure I'm going to bet that you're going to have a lot more 55 year olds than you are 15y old but but hey I don't know um but at least this way we'll be able to say okay this is 55 plus on Friday nights and we know that that's who's supposed to be there if we see two 20 year- old kids like uh you're not in the league no and I think that's really what we try to know and understand is we just want to know what's going on in the Parks whether it's pickle ball or whether it's softball I mean I thinking back to the thing we had with like the Easter egg hunt that wasn't an Easter egg we just want to know you know who's using it especially specifically when there's a permit given out understandable well uh start registrations commence and I will communicate directly with Nancy on our progress each week as we go forward until your next meeting perfect so sounds like entertain a motion to table I'll make a motion to table uh next meeting so motion to table was made by commissioner farious second and by commissioner cilio all in favor hi hi carries letter for the next board meeting or well no this just gets tabled to the next one what you're going to need to provide for the next board meeting would be your list like your roster names remember I had sent you this is what we asked for for the beginning I every week so it would be your names and address of players um a schedule of times like if you're going to use these Mondays um I put that in the letter the times so I'll have the and you'll be able to put those people in like you know four people are on a court at a given time this is doubles this is singles we will be able to know yeah and then that way if you don't need the full 4:30 to 99 you know maybe if there's not enough people maybe it's 7 to n or maybe it's 4 to six or whatever that way we can just work it out based on the numbers I have one question for you just so if this comes up so I know I don't know what the ratio is but I know I made a joke before the meeting started but what does the ratio need to be of uh Fall River residents versus non-fall River residents there that's strictly board determined um that's you know that's definitely board determined we do like a majority of I mean you know we had teams where you know eight teams were for River two teams were not I mean I'm sure they want it to be more than 50% yeah um but I guess it would I just don't want that to be yeah so try to have as many Fall River res as possible CU that'll end up being an issue for other leagues because that's something that we've cracked down on if there you have 60 40 and they're non-resident it's always it's been an issue in the past so I don't want it to end up coming back on us like well you let them do it why can't we do it yeah we we are based in the city the Police Athletic League and officially Police Athletic League of for but we have members uh from new Beford different programs they come from different places but we've been in the city since 196 I don't doubt that at all it's just when you get the roster it it'll say please athletically but it's will still have where they live so that's the part that gets cuz it's on public record so itend it's not anything that that you wouldn't get awarded that time it might just have less time then they need to leave some time open for follow residents but I would say the most more information you can provide names addresses times dates and what it looks like like how long like if you sign up I would imagine I'm not a pickle ball player but I imagine you're not having you're not playing one game right it's probably multile games so is it typically like if I signed up to play you play for an hour you play for two hours you play Four games like it depends on how many people are there and then the amount of games so like most people want to play like six or seven games maybe like eight I don't know um but they all vary in length depending on and so even with the structure of the league I guess that's the other thing that I don't know if I fully understand is if you sign up it's still kind of informal as far as like the there is no master schedule you know like when you're in Little League you get a schedule and it's okay the Red Sox play the Orioles on Monday and then they play on Wednesday like I'm assuming this is kind of time slot for each this particular league would have that his particular League like the one that's we have not permitted out I don't think has well I think that maybe we just want to clarify that because I don't know like it with this the PA of the police League now if I sign up and you know you say okay be down here at 5 o'l um are you gonna be there till 10 yeah is it just kind of whoever's there matches up and it's you know you're kind it's GNA be structured it will be structured leagues um so there's a lot of different ways to run the leagues um there's like ladder leagues there all kinds of stuff um I don't know if you guys know but um I'm going to structure them so that way either sometimes people are going to have set Partners or sometimes so just run a different variation of League um but they are going to be structured leagues we're only asking because we're going to get these ask these questions eventually so we just need to know I was hoping you were asking cuz you guys wanted to play we might be the champions We don't want to we don't want to do that to you guys um Helen left I think she wanted to play yeah 55 plus one day morning all right so with the motion to table was made and seconded all in favor motion carries so you guys will just get Nancy some info in the next couple weeks for and we'll have this on our next meeting to you know better understand how much time you need okay thank you all right thank you take care uh make a motion to uh return to uh a regular scheduled program we'll go we'll go back to item a um better safy than sorry so he give us a second on that second to our regularly scheduled program motion was made to back to item a uh by commissioner farious second and by Commission commissioner Burns all in favor I I motion carries so item a is the Bristol Community College soccer request for britland Park they have four games they're looking for it's September 17th um October 1st October 8th and October 22nd they're all Tuesday afternoons at 3:30 so just a question because I know we have uh next couple of motions about you know claiming britland Park M obviously they play in the rain but you know Mass assachusetts uh fall is crazy it can be tornado warnings there can be thunderstorms for three straight days who's going to be in charge of doing rescheduling if there's any rescheduling that has to happen is that us or that's you Nancy typically Nancy will just coordinate that okay I just I I could just see because the dates are so tight and they all like it's reserved every day during the week so like God forbid if a you know a thunderstorm came through for three straight days you got three games you got to reschedule and you got to find room for them so no they have to come through us they would submit again and those daily things I wouldn't normally bring that that was my only concern because I I looked at it previously and just as long as we can fit them in we fit them in you know kind of on a first first basis okay so it's it's up to them to contact you and okay gotcha all right that's all I was concerned about CU you know anything can happen mes weather it does can we make a blanket motion for a through C or is that not a thing we can do that can with it being you know I'll work out any type of conflicts and if there is something that is we could take it through D too I can read all those are all together those are all for the use of britland Park N when when uh I created the agenda Nancy and I went through and there is one conflict um between diamond and Argy on September 18th so I think Nancy's just going to have to be the intermediary there between the two schools to figure out uh what the best course of action is to kind of handle that um so all right so I make a motion to have um Nancy handle brista Community College request for britland Diamond uh request for britland Argy request for Britain britland and Emerson Montero request for britlin go why can't I say britlin um so that she just works out the schedules makes it work and then if there's any conflicts that she can contact them directly so the motion was made to take items a through d uh to approve contingent on you know scheduling and working with Nancy to make sure she has the necessary documentation that motion was made by commissioner Burns do I have a second second second by commissioner Cecilio any other questions just so the board knows I did receive Fall River Youth Soccer we gave everyone till the 15th but the agenda had to be created prior to yesterday and I did receive it prior to the 15th so I will work those dates into this as well okay that works all in favor I I motion carries item e to the right page here is a request from Mark Conrad require uh regarding improvements to Griffin park on Fourth Street um the n speaking with Nancy the basketball the graffiti on the basketball courts has already been addressed um the doggy bags in the park have also been addressed and we've been working and I know Mr Olivera has it on his agenda to address maybe some of the courts not only at Griffin Park but all of the courts throughout the city that's something that is being looked at uh we know that there are cracks in the basketball courts we've got to figure out how to pay for getting them fixed and you know which ones are going to take priority is going to kind of be contingent on which ones are worse so as far as the basketball courts go that's that's the update there and then the power outlet in the park I had a conversation with Mr Aliva and Nancy regarding trying to get him an outlet in the park but there's some logistical you know issues there and Mr alv can correct me if I'm wrong but it's kind of like he uses it a few times throughout the year for different community events um right now he's bringing in a generator um but he'd like to have an outlet in the park which I think makes sense the problem is it's only a couple times throughout the year so to yeah get an electrician out there to wire it to secure it to you know not allow people to use it when he's not using it and to justify it I think is a little bit of an uphill battle um um but I don't know if anybody else has any thoughts I was going to say typically everyone uses generators when you have an event the only park that has one is Kennedy but I think that that typically isn't even used um this one it's only for like the basketball like when would they did the basketball leag they would use it every now and then but um they didn't have a generator for that they did and then they started using the the outlet there oh there is an outlet I'm outside the building yes yeah other than that every other see that was that was a simple thing because there's an electrical building there and the outlet was just put on the outside of the electrical building there's no building there griin Griffin has no building no you know box no anything so there's really um uh not a good not good logistics for that type of thing and as we said for one or two times a year there's so much more that we have going on that if I don't know that we can justify the expense of that so um I will relay the message yeah I feel like the cost of that versus fix in the coure would probably be and then the ongoing issue with it because you got to make sure if you're putting it out there that it's always secured and that people aren't you know using it when they're not supposed to be using it and all of those things so like there's a lot more to it than just sticking an outlet there um so I think we can just place this on file n's addressed you know the concerns that we can address and uh if we ever can put an outlet there I mean it's certainly something we're not opposed to but logistically it's it's tough okay so um yeah just I make a motion to um place on file and then Nancy just communicate with Mark second talked about motion made by commissioner Burns to just accept and place on file seconded by commissioner various all in favor I I motion vares uh item f is a request from Renee Brown regarding the backpack giveaway at Lafayette Park on July 26 from 4: to 6: p.m. I don't have any other additional anything else to add any discussion no I mean as long as nothing's going on right have a motion to approve make a motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner farious second second second oh okay second by commissioner Cecilio all in favor hi I was trying to do someone else it's okay motion carries um the next one is just a some concerns from the veterans regarding some tire marks and destruction I guess of the grass over by the Vietnam Wall down by Bicentennial Park so I've spoke with Victor I've spoke with the mayor's office um Samantha from the mayor's office reached out today the mayor's office is working closely with uh the veterans to address this and get it fixed originally they they thought was that it might have been from food trucks on the 4th of July but uh in speaking with Samantha today from the mayor's office there was a lot of people down there on the 5th doing some cleanup it wasn't noticed that this had happened so and when you look at it they're kind of they look like double tires and I don't think most of the food trucks have those double tires so the other thing that she mentioned was somebody did say that uh there was a boolt with a big trailer that had backed up when they were trying to launch so we think that maybe the trailer um may have caused this damage they're looking into the cameras that are down there to see if maybe they can pick up a plate or see who might have been down there as of now this is all the information we have I don't think there's really anything for the board to do other than um acknowledge this and you know the mayor's office is working with the park department to get it fixed and uh potentially figure out who it might have been make a motion to uh acknowledge this and put on file motion was made by commissioner Cecilio second by commissioner Burns all in favor motion carries uh the next you want to take the next two together too if you have questions for Mr hacket you want to take those together we can take uh I make a motion to to couple H and j h and I H and I I'll second uh let's take items H and I together there a request for a slow pitch softball tournament at Father Kelly Park on August 17th and 18th and then also on November 2nd and 3rd there's also a request for a wooden bat tournament or a wooden bat League Saturday mornings from September through November the only uh issue or thing to note is you know the the lighting project that's going on down there so if that's going to interrupt we're still not sure as far as what the contractor is going to tell us so if the contractor deems they can't play while he's doing it they got to find another place to play if the contractor says they can I think that's kind of the approach we're taken it's it's the contractor s if he says they can play then they can play if they can't then they're going to have to make other arrs and I think Mr hack knows that and understand we we'll inform Mr Hackett that the the requests are approved with the stipulation that there if there is a chance that construction is taking place he needs to find an alternative so it might be good to have a plan B in place just in case so he'll be under that understanding now so he'll be able to make all to I don't think it's interfere that much with the the August but as you get into the fall it might but depending on when the contractor starts the contractor had said the lights would be available second week of August so that's about just when the lights are going to be there so I'm thinking that the first tournament he'll be safe but the construction depending on what goes on could be you know through you know September October he could be safe in November or all depends how smooth things go so he's got to understand and that that's a project that we have going on there and these things he does do these every year M so and and we've said it kind of every meeting that uh you know the lights are going up at some point you might have to would we have another park for him to play in Fall River or would you have to find I don't think that it would be to probably not going to be what he would acceptable to what he would want would we have another Park we may but I don't know that it would meet what he would want okay so that's that's something we'd have to I mean we do have Ruggles I think it's a little bit small we do have kopo it's a stone dust field not in the same shape because no one really plays on it as what his field would be so that's there are other locations and there's also um other communities he's got people in his that play from all over in his League I think they play in titon and League can make they'll figure it out it's a minor convenience for them to have you know brand new lights they'll figure it out it's only two days to so so do I have a motion to approve I make a motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner farious have a second second second by commissioner Burns all in favor I I motion carries um item J is there a request from the housing authority to post signs in the couple of s um for their free movie nights so Joey had reached out for that and he had switched a couple of them um afterwards but I think they might already be up yeah so I guess the question is they going to remove them when they remove them because there's been times where you see him just lingering out there and all the movie nights are done yeah so we we can let Joey know to make sure he uh that's it it's just it's not a big deal it's just you know they usually all come down around the same time in September they go up in June and they all come down couple movies I want to see and then all of a sudden it's past the date but the sign's still there you know so um I make a motion to approve I second motion to approve by commissioner Baron second by commissioner Ser all in favor I motion carries um there's an email here it's from it's actually not Jose Silver it's a Jessica Wong for regarding the dog park yeah it's for regarding the dog park on loc Street the conditions and some requested uh improvements I've talked to n Nancy and I had a conversation about this as well the the fence the broken fence and the locks have been addressed already I believe um and it's kind of we we can't put Turf down there like she's requesting um and it's kind of difficult to keep grass there when the dogs are just constantly there so I think the parks department does the best they can with this um but I don't know if anybody has anything to add to it um I mean I I take my dog to that Park so I understand what she's saying um but like even like we don't have a dispenser there correct or we do there's no we had multiple dispenses they they break they bu them they break them off the fence we put another one back um the bags I I don't know why people want to take 10 bags at a time and bring them home can't keep that's what the bag the bags are for there we have people just pulling the B the stuff in there we actually had the police one time in AV have some lady empty out of a bag and said come on can you go put those back I go I mean yeah it's the bags are filled on a regular basis but you know there's 400 bags put there if someone's taken 50 by by by themselves there's not going to be enough to go around but we do go around and fill the bags and they I believe this week um I had a couple of dispenses so I know like either the end of last week or this week they were scheduled to put them back up on the fence I mean they they asked for metal dispenses we've had metal dispenses in other Parks they just instead of breaking it they bend it so unfortunately not everyone has the same respect as other people so um we do our best to try to keep it in decent working order um and like BJ said most of this has been addressed we can't address the grass we've gone there it is it's dirt yeah it's because the two dogs run side by side trust me my dog does the same thing just and they dig and you yeah yeah right and we've had to go there and fill the holes I mean I I I would hope that if this would help if your you see your dog digging a hole I don't care when your dog's digging the hole though please go fill the hole because then that makes it a lot easier for us when we go in there to maintain it because now we're not bringing in dirt to fill holes the dirt's right there when you dog is done back home it would be interested to see I know Tian I've never been but people talk about tan has like a community dog park that's like amazing but I don't know what it looks like I have to like or what they do well I think it's it's whole different you know they're probably in a place where they have to all drive there we have a lot of walking people we have driving people we Oz is centralized in the middle it gets a lot of use and a lot of people in Tian may have their own home where their dog is out in their own backyard in for River it's a thing where the dog park is where they're going to go because they might have this dog in a you know an apartment house or whatever or they don't have a big enough yard so they're going there I think the tivet in dog park is going to get it's more um probably less people yeah definitely less people and more like you know socializing of their dog rather than their dog to have a place to play yeah all right so I think for this board as long as yeah and I think for us as long as the fence is safe and not broken and the you know the latches on the gates are not broken and they all work we do our best with the bags and everything else might be open in a can of worm so maybe we could look into putting another one or like one of the parks that's not being used or something I know I just open the can of Works saying that I recognize that but um so there would be you we can have them spread out instead of all being in one par be less holes we can spread out the holes never mind roll back the tape um all right I make a a motion to place on file and I can reach out to Jess I'm friend of there so I can talk to her about it too if she has any other concerns yeah I mean we I have no issue with working like I've replaced those locks multiple times I was telling VJ I think some people too they're the the gates they're the locks like like on a pool where you they don't work like a regular lock and some people I think are getting frustrated because they're not they don't know which I've done it at a pool myself you push this up you push this down right so I think um maybe we're better off just put it a regular lash L and I think that's going to be it's much a times cheaper um so I think that may be the very next move is rather than put back these different kind of um latches just I think the the reason for that was because when it swings back it latches shut the other way you got to rely on someone to latch that thing down so I'll I'll I'll have them check the locks and latches again um but it's quite often that we need to replace them motion was made to place on file by commissioner Burns and second by commissioner Cecilio all in favor I motion carries the item L is a request from the Vietnam Vets uh chapter 207 regarding an MIA P event on September 20th at 1:00 at the Veterans Memorial Park on Deval street so I'm sure Amber's going to ask cuz she usually does I did reach out to the vso to um see if this was off right um and he had approved it and he did say yes he had no issue with it I don't want us to get in trouble again I know well it's a new gso too yeah yes see and he said that that they're going to work on something where everything will come together together they they were working on a plan so okay um but in the meantime he said we would go with the system that we had in place I would check in with him every time we had a um if I if it doesn't come directly from him okay um I make a motion to approve second motion to approve by commissioner Burns second and by commissioner cilio all in favor I commissioner FIS abstains from that vote motion carries um and then item O is just some information from Community Development regarding $80,000 in funds to the park department for fy2 oh motion to uh place that on file a motion no no questions second all right motion to place on file made by commissioner F second by commissioner Cecilio all in favor I I motion carries anybody have any inquiries anything they didn't make the agenda that needs to be discussed no we're good good Nancy any Ean Mr ala and Ethan I make a motion to adjourn second motion to adjourn by commissioner burn second by commission cilio all in favor I meeting a