all right we like to welcome everybody to the Wednesday July 10th 2024 planning board meeting pursu to the open meeting by law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible the city Charter section 9-18 mandates that all Municipal member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for citizen input on the planning board specific matters at the end of the meeting there was a signup sheet that is located in the back of the room anybody that's interested uh I'm going to do a roll call Gloria Pico present Beth Andre is absent Mario luciola here Mike faras present and I John Ferrer I'm present as well also we have Dan agar city engineer Craig Salvador with former government TV and Nina krugger the city uh administrative clerk first item on the agenda on the old business a street acceptance Draper Street request acceptance of Draper Street extending from from glob Mill avav to Atlantic Boulevard referred by City Council on May 14th 2024 so board members if you remember at the last meeting I had requested that we table the matter so that we could get a report in from the Department of Community utilities with regards to the existing utilities that that are in that that section of roadway we did finally get a completed report from them back today and they have an estimated cost of approximately $50,000 um um really for maintenance items um for things that we normally see in any of these utilities or any street that we either own ourselves or um or or take on the pavement itself and the roadway itself is in excellent condition no no issues with that so that there would be no cost to the Reconstruction of anything um this memo that they've sent is is very thorough basically bringing up a few little outstanding items to being brand new so with that like we did the last time we sent a um a recommendation to the city council and in that we listed what the anticipated items or expenses would be so one of them for instance was if you remember um Gate House Drive um which was a very narrow Street there that that connected um rock not rock Prospect I think and whatever the next one up is French so we had sent that to them with a recommendation but with the understanding that it needed approximately $100,000 in repairs to bring it up to even a decent standard and for the first time the council voted not to accept the street so past practice has always been it's just been a rubber stamp once it gets to them and and I don't think anyone ever alerted them to the fact that you know we accept streets that don't meet anywhere near our standards that we're basically taking on to repair for no other reason and because there's no one else to repair them so the private homeowners on the street are responsible for the repair of their own street so it's always been the practice of city will accept it and they'll fix it we can't go fix it until it is our own right so um we started to practice with dealing with ours that when we sent the recommendation yeah we have no issues with it being recommended for a number of reasons but understand and that when we do this is the anticipated cost that we'll have to spend soon so what happens when people ask for a road to be accepted they expect once the road to be accepted that it's immediately going to be repaired well that's not the case it gets put on the same list as all of our existing streets which are 30 40 50 streets on the current list that we have that we evaluate for different reasons before we decide to pay them um so it kind of I think it's sometimes it's disingenuous to the people who are asking for the acceptance um but I try to let them know that ahead of time so I think we're doing um a good service to both the city and the council by giving them a positive recommendation but with the understanding that there is work to be done now for that $50,000 are they going to put money in escrow or no no is that we we again none of this work has to be done okay this I mean they go through this with a fine tooth comb and find whatever they find being efficient this these sewer structures this piping it's all relatively new when they had built the condominium down at the bottom of globe Mills app y yep so was all relatively new so even when you look into the pictures it's all concrete structures ladders so so there being there's one cover that needs to be replaced this is in better condition than 99% of sewer and water utilities that are in the city um and the surface itself again normally we just look at is the surface what is the line what is the grade what is the condition of the pavement well there are underlying costs like these that we need to anticipate um so what I would recommend is that we send a positive recommendation uh but again narrate and enumerate the items that are listed here um so they can make that make let them make the determination of whether or not they want to take on streets that you have some work to be normally when we're accepting streets it's a brand new subdivision Street or a subdivision Road where we've had construction inspections and monitor do the construction process the city is a little bit different where we have so many older streets that were never accepted and that's where the problem was that's all I can offer anyone have any questions anyone want want to make a motion to send a favorable favorable we have to ask favor oh I'm sorry even though there no one here still supposed to ask n's cracking or what yeah just ask anyone in the audience that would like to speak in favor there's anybody in the audience that would like to speak in favor or against this oh she's coming on the corner no so we're we going to do that practice every time even though there's no one here yes okay that's so I know so does anybody want to make a uh a motion for favorable recommendation to send this back up to the city council I make a motion we um we send this to the city council to accept Draper Street second motion and Mike all in favor Gloria hi Mario yes Mike hi and I as well and I'll make sure that this memo gets attached and I little Narrative of just what the cost is and if they want to Reeder into it thenk all right number two under the new business form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land file number 24-1 1583 owner applicant dream big trust property location 943 County Street cess map k-19 Lot 56 so this is an anr plan requesting uh endorsement for a piece of land that is at the corner of County Street in Earl at 9:43 there is currently a dwelling located at the corner and an existing garage to the rear of that building the applicant appeared before the zoning board of appeals and was granted relief uh on April 18th 2024 and that is inscrib on the plan that you have before you and what that has allowed them to do is to cut off what you see here as Lot number two between 4,146 Square ft which is about 8 54 square ft shy of what is required by the zoning District so with the zoning variant in place the should Beed any comments from the board uh so I'm assuming they're intending to try to build on this it so the variance the variance allows them to build a single family okay and but we don't know any of the variant like set ta what that but that'll come in front of view in the future then it has to be buil in compliance with what with what the zoning variance allow for okay all right do I have a motion to uh approve the form may as presented I motion to approve Mike second I'll second it Mario all in favor Gloria hi Mario yes Mike and I John vote so before we go on to the next one um Mike I think if you look in your package you should have a copy of the variant decision and plan this one so from now on let's let's put this in everybody's package so that if somebody wants to see ahead of time do that so yes side yard setback of 10 foot side yards so met all the setbacks was just a lot a lot lot size forward we can a copy of Zing decision and Zing plan all right going on to number three under new business form a of application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land file number 24-1 1584 on app J and M Development Group Corp property location 0 NS hton Street assessors map k-19 lot 103 so this is a piece of uh real estate located at the corners of County Street Orton Street as well as County Street and Earl Street you all know it as the parking lot for oills okay um so believe it or not that parking lot that we all access in off of Earl um actually goes through town to ha Street continues through from from Street to street so again they appeared before the zoning board field requesting commission to subdivide the property and the variance was only related to the use of lot one uh which is going to be the construction of a of a three unit townhouse style building Lot number two would be built compliance with the zone for a single family home in the G District so both Lots as far as anr endorsement go meet the zoning requirement zoning relief only dealt with the use of that lot number one so what's before you is creating two conforming Lots the G District okay any comment from the board if not do I have a motion to approve the form a I make a motion to approve motion by Mario second I second second by Gloria all in favor Gloria yes Mario yes Michael yes and I vote Yes as well number four forming application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval anr plan of land file number 24-1 1585 owner JK WB Corporation appin R&D realy trust property location zero Tuttle street sessor map b-14 lot uh 15 I'm sorry b-15 Lot 29 So the plan before you is the subdivision um of again what you all know as the parking lot located at the intersections of King Philip Street trip Street and P Street not sure the name of the restaurant across the street now that was sold from the saw family that was the uh and I went to school I'm sorry I can't remember oh there you go L how many how many Chings did you go to there the same thing um so this is dealing with the with the parking lot across the street and uh it's located in the BL zoning District where they're required to have 5,000 square ft and 50 ft of Frontage these Lots uh all exceed those requirements so no zoning relief was required for this one this was an noer yeah we don't see many of these oh we have a good run tonight appr that that meet the zoning requirement any comments by any board members on this one if not do I have a motion to approve motion to approve and mik motion me second I'll second second by Mario all in favor Gloria yes Ariel yes Michael yes and I John vote Yes as well next would be the uh minutes of the meeting we'll have to table these till the next meeting um because myself and Michael were not here at the last meeting and Beth is not here at this meeting so we don't have enough uh of a quorum to uh to vote on a minute so we'll table that till the next meeting do we need a vote to table to table table minutes okay motion by Gloria second I second second by Mario all in favor Gloria yes Mario yes Michael yes and I vote Yes as well citizens input I don't believe we have any place is packed do I have a motion to adjourn I'll do the I'll do the sacrifice all right so we got a motion by Mario second a second Mario second second all in favor Gloria yes Mario yes Michel yes and I vote Yes as well good night everyone okay thank you guys