we ready i' like to open the uh meeting of the April 10th 2024 planning board pursu it to the open meeting by law any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any media attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or Transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible the city Charter section 9-18 mandates that all Municipal member bodies develop and adopt rules or policy for public input uh public comment we have adopted such a policy which in short provides for citizen input on planning board specific matters at the end of the meeting there's a signup sheet that is located in the back of the road going to do a road call Gloria Pico pres Beth Andre Mario luciola is not with with us at this moment Mike faras here I John forer I'm here also with us we have Nina Krueger administrative clerk we have Dan agar the city planner engineer Chris pereno sister planner and from F4 TV we have Craig Salvador number one under new business form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land file number 24-15 73 applicant North Congregation of Jehovah's Witness Fall River Massachusetts Inc uh a property location 100 nor Eastern Avenue assessor map l-9 lot 84 do we want to do these all together or a B and C it's all one okay it's all on one plan number one so there just three separate own okay property location 142 nor Eastern Avenue assessor map l13 lot 9 Ona Roy Lorenzo and Michelle L Costa property location 141 seavo Street assessors map l-13 lot six owner John laru John P laroo um so Mr chairman and and board members upon review of the plan that was submitted to us a week ago uh I had spoke with the the applicant's attorney and asked him to make some plan revisions uh so that this plan could be aord Ed an an anr endorsement we received the revised plan today at 136 n is that right uh it was it was around 130 okay um and then upon reviewing the plan again still has many deficiencies um so what we're dealing with here is a private way London Street so it's not a city street it's a private way where AB budding land owners own to the center line of the street because Jehovah's Witness uh church at 100 nor Eastern Avenue has utilized almost this entire right away for their parking lot they had come up with a land agreement with all of the parties to resolve the land issues and ownership so I understand what they're trying to get to but the way that the plan was presented doesn't meet the requirements for an anr endorsement specifically um they don't reference the fact that London Street is a private way so if it's a public way then we have nothing for them to subdivide I agree that it is a private way the plan needs to show that I had also asked him to show us what are the existing lines of ownership then show me the parcels that are coming out of each parcel so that they can be conveyed correctly he didn't do that either he just showed all of the parcels that they end up with after they subdivide so then the subdivision is not needed right that that's just a no new ways of line plan he didn't present it in a fashion of this is the rectangle I own I'm cutting out this Tri triangle So the plan needs to show that and be very clear how that's done I had also asked that he add a note to the plan with regards to people's rights to the private way we've talked about that a lot now right so just because you're changing the ownership of the underlying private way that's fine but I want to make sure that there's a note on this plan that no one's rights to the way for passing or repassing or reconstruction whether these land owners or the others that are on this street are intended to be affected so we want to get that and then lastly I had asked him and this is just a blanket requirement everyone's land affected that's being subdivided or conveyed needs to sign this application it was only Jehovah's Witness that sign the initial application so you can't allow someone's land to be subdivided unless they've acknowledged it and a party of the of the application so I wouldn't I would offer that you should not endorse this plan that then gives the opportunity for the landowner to do two things submit a new revised plan and we can deal with it at next month's meeting or he could attempt to go and get a certification from the clerk that there was no appeal and the board decided not to endorse it so I don't think that'll be the case because that's only going to create title problems for him down the road so I would I would offer I would not sign it and then we can send correspondence to him tomorrow morning explaining why that did not happen and explain to him as two options so you I'm going to have to in on this I did not re rearch this it a few hours to research it I didn't know if you had or if their attorney had that private way belongs to whom did we give notice to the original owners of that area and and that's the question I asked him you I've gone to land court for one of these you you need to give us proof of who owns the fee in the way have they assume that it's the abiding landowners there may be one landowner that owns the fee in the way that own owns nothing adjacent to the way well chances are whoever subdivided this area still may still have the fee but I don't think it was a subdivision it's a way that was laid out many many years ago hence the research and I didn't that may be the case but that information needs to be provided so I'm actually going to motion we do not approve that's the motion I'm going to make we do not approve this plan because I would hate for it to lapse and in 20 days it gets approved because I think there are many issues like I said it could be fine but I don't know I don't have enough uh in F to to approve it or to uh vote Yes a b the agreement between the neighbors yeah what does it say and like you pointed out we all need to sign the application so as a board member I do not agree with this so I'm going to make a motion we reject this okay in our plan excellent so we have a motion to we have a second that motion yeah I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying so I have a motion by Gloria a second by Michael all in favor I I I okay nay NOP okay so that's rejected excuse me number two form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land file number 24-1 1574 owner applicant Brian a taera property o location 327 Chicago Street assessor map e-17 lot n Mr chairman and board members I can offer that the plan presented to you meets the requirements for endorsement of an anr subdivision plan meets the the requirements of these regist of Deeds this was the subject of a zoning variance that allowed the subdivision of this parcel with the setback shown on this plan all of the dimensions areas and setbacks as shown on this plan do comply with what the zoning relief allowed for zoning relief is referenced on the plan as well so I would recommend that endorsement be provided I just have a few questions then sure and I apologize I can't read this text but I did read it when I reviewed it um it seems to me that the existing condition um is making it into a non conformed setback requirements and on this plan on the right hand side there's the zoning reference and I apologize I can't read so the zoning reference that that you're looking at yeah those are the that those are the zoning requirements for the zoning District when you look at the general notes to the top of the plan which is even smaller on your plan it references that zoning relief was granted which basically allows them not to meet there's a plan requirement that you have to list the applicable zoning yeah but the note references the zoning relief that was granted okay and that was granted by the zoning the zoning board appeals yeah do I have a motion to approve I'll motion the form a motion by Beth second second by Gloria all in favor I opposed okay that's granted number three form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land excuse me file number 24-15 75 owner applicant Marino Z Benavides property location 74-78 pelum Street assessor map F-22 lot 14 uh so somewhat similarly to the last one this is a a piece of land that had uh multiple existing structures on it uh went through the zoning board of appeals process where the applicant was allowed to cut out what is shown as lot two on this plan which is a completely conforming parcel to the zoning district with 75 ft of Frontage and 8,000 s ft of area they were granted uh zoning relief for building setback um and multiple structures being on the parel for lot number one again if we look at the right hand side you'll see there is a zoning reference table that that is the required Zoning for the district but then again in the general notes you'll see the a reference to the uh relief that was granted in the book and page of what it's what it's recorded in so again plan meets the requirements for endorsement any questions I'm just going to ask just a general question it seems to me like we get zoning it doesn't get approved and then it comes to us and because if they made some changes to it then we bless it and it gets passed back down and then it gets approved by zoning y so I I guess what's the overall goal of having these zonings in place these setbacks and requirements and these are minimum requirements so I'm just trying to figure out why and again I I'm I'm I'm Pro good development and if there's some minor changes here and there but um you know it just it seems like this is the constant uh we get something from zoning it makes they make enough changes to it so it goes back to them and then they Grant it so they first deny it goes to us they go back and then they Grant it and I know that you've asked for minimum changes to it and again I I uh I respect your professional Judgment of this is a minor thing here there or wherever but we constantly always are not hitting the goal of these minimum requirements for setbacks and lot coverage and as I say there's a plethora of of issues that that sets off just wondering why General concept wise the city of Fall River was dealing with Antiquated zoning bylaws that have been existence for a long time okay on top of that we're dealing with many structures that were constructed prior to subdivision control law prior to zoning yeah um so for this for instance these buildings were all constructed prior to subdivision control or and Zoning um if if everyone followed the requirements of the zoning ordinance there'd be no zoning board of appeals there would be no need for the request for variances special permits or the like so every property owner is afforded the ability to appear before the zoning board of appeals and argue their hardship discretion it's up for that board not this one to make the determination if if zoning relief should be granted are not granted um that's not the role of the for Road planning board um so what happened on on this one particularly the history of it with going backwards and back and forth the initial application to the zoning board of appeals was to cut this into three lots leaving each of the existing structures single family homes on a separate lot while cutting out a non-conforming lot and building a duplex house on that okay so they were denied that it was withdraw oh they withdrew because they knew it was going to get denied so so this one didn't come for a re-hearing so then during that process they they look at it they look at the discussion of The Zing board of appeals and what the concerns were they reapply with something more reasonable that the board may or may not still deem to be permittable so they went through the the petition again filed the appropriate fees and gets heard again as a completely separate application they afforded that right than what was previously denied or sorry with withdrawn without prejudice and that's a process by which it gets here at at this point in time the anr process and I've explained this to John before the anr process as long as the proposed configuration is in Conformity with the granted relief you have no Authority not to endorse the plan yeah I mean I I've seen this plan before I I do I do see that they've made some efforts to at least abide to some of these zoning uh setbacks and restrictions and and again some of them are put here and there which is not a huge issue that's I was just trying to come to some type of um overall understanding of why do we keep on getting these after they've been rejected and then when they're changed so again it sounds to me I mean does does the city need to go by and and um update their zoning to this they need to change they need to update the zoning across the city MH um so we can do that a number of ways we can pay a consultant a couple hundred thousand doll to revamp zoning entirely and try to get that passed through the city council with one Fell Swoop probably not the easiest thing in the world or we can continue to Chip Away areas of concern and as part of the discussion I gave last night was to try to limit the amount of petitions that come before the zonan board of appeals seeking relief yeah um and there have been multiple edits additions revisions modifications to zoning as we've gone along but they never address the underlying issue of having so many existing non-conformities that you need to address we don't often deal with vacant land right in the city of Fall River it's usually something that's got some convoluted construction of houses garages multiple multifamilies and then the law is the only thing that can be applied to trying to subdivide it and and we make sure people go through the the process that they're afforded and we make sure that they do it correctly okay thank you any make a comment on that mik I hear you but we are dealing with the exceptions to the rule as Dan said and yes sorry I was put wrong but um we are dealing with the exceptions to the rules and the zoning I agree the zoning I think our zoning ordinances are not realistic for the city we have we like you said yesterday we have uh you know three units on a 4,000 postage stamp and that's okay so when the person next door has a 10,000 foot lot and they want to put two single family homes they petition for variant for an exception to the rule and and and they they make the argument does not derogate from the neighborhood or the feel or character of the neighborhood if any neighbors object I know the zba is always very attentive to the you know neighboring input so we are dealing with exceptions to the rulle so when we see 4 five on a monthly basis how many thousands of homes we have it's there they are the exceptions and furthermore some some of the properties are grandfathered in as you know he always explains and prefaces with you know by law they were done before you know the zoning bylaws went into effect um but yeah we are dealing with the exceptions here I think I think what happens too is and it's it's very specific to Fall River New Bedford if if you do a lot of work in New Bedford you only see proposed subdivision plans that involve some form or fashion of existing structures like I just said there's not a lot of vacant land when we're dealing with vacant land very rarely does relief get granted so we're always trying to do the best or board does to do the best with the deal with the situation at hand other municipalities that have raw land you don't see the amount of zoning relief because there's no reason to Grant it so if you have a vacant piece of land and you just decide okay I want four Lots instead of what I'm allowed by two those normally get denied by the zoning board of appeals because there is there's no grounds for the granting of a variance unless it had to do with shape of the lot soil conditions Topography is there something gerain to those lots specific even financially specific to those pieces if there was the presence of ledge that the cost of construction was so insurmountable for that specific piece not the zoning District in general then relief can sometimes be granted as well you guys just happen to always be dealing withr plans that have been through the variance procedure you never get to see something clean right that that has the ability to meet all the requirements yeah I think like last night's conversation that we had with um the wtod um district and what you trying to accomplish in there that is an updated zoning and so that's something that's again um projected for again the Rarity of um ra parcel of land or or basically pad sites but again I'm just trying to get this you know figured out and what the city perhaps needs to do or needs to invest in is at some point again we tackle these Case by case my only concern was is that you know maybe one gets approved and one doesn't get approved that you had a set a certain standard already uh identified and and so again when we go and do these types of projects all over we do a lot in every it's a very similar situation up there as well there's not there's not raw land that's available it's subdivision of existing uh conditions um but they do actually put stuff in there so I'm just trying to get it to a a sense that you know we everybody is on a on a uh uh a fair playing field when they come and do a subdivision and again I'm I'm Pro good development and if it makes sense and there's no really um adversity especially amongst neighbors um that these things happen then you know so be it um but I think that's just not really clear and U I think that's maybe something that the city needs to invest in at some point in the future any other any other comments do I have a motion to approve make a motion we approve the anr plan as submitted since it's been variance by the CPA motion by Gloria second Michael second all in favor I I opposed okay that one is granted number four form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval a anr plan of land file number 24-1 1576 owner applicant tetrol real estate LLC property location 1446 D 1454 Pleasant Street assessors map K-12 Lots five and six so this is actually the com combining of two parcels and the reasoning behind that was the owned parel um grandfather independently there was a building that had been demolished after it had caught fire a number of years ago it was in the process of converting the existing multif family building rehabbing the entire thing and then the adjacent parcel that's currently vacant was to be utilized for parking so they were granted zoning relief for the amount of units to go into the building provided the amount of parking on the adjacent piece went through site plan review through site plan review uh we required that they combine the two Parcels of land to ensure that the parking facility intended to be conveyed with the apartment building stayed with the apartment building and wasn't to be utilized for anything else so this is just removing the existing lot line that uh currently divides these two fil is that where the old hardware store was that cire was Hardware it's right next to the is the Netto Insurance like over up a little bit is it Net Insurance that's up a little bit down there it's almost directly across the street from the porn brokers Place y yep okay any comments on this one this is a perfect example of what you would want to say I mean you know um they're basically getting they're changing their their um their lot getting rid of you know a lot line and basically creating what is needed for parking and such not so they don't have to do all these variances to it and again the existing conditions they don't have the setbacks they don't have the front you know the side the the the front setbacks or anything of that but this kind of it it's productive um the solution that they come with yeah we don't we don't see many of these yeah no I know no I know usually try to cut this one up even more no I know like that's exactly you know what I'm trying to make the point is that you know there's all of these different impacts you know whether it would be parking or you know emergency services or whatever it might be or impacts the schools whatever it is you know but this is a this is a a good example and this is probably I hope this individual is raising the quality of what that product is I mean especially on a street like Pleasant Street where there is no parking yeah I mean that's why a lot of the buildings I know you know they've got grants for the storefronts and such up in uh in that area and pleasantry and the Flint but there's just I mean I've looked at a few of them buildings you'd love to get into it like where would you even Park I mean there's so many of them up there you just can't do anything with it so for for for this individual to open it up like that I mean we wish all they would all but you know in this day and age with the the cost of and the the value of the property everybody's trying to cut it up and get twice as much as they can if possible no I'm I'm very cognizant you know as I say we do a higher end type of product but again maybe you're introducing that into this um so hopefully stimulating economic growth any other comments do I have motion to approve I have motion to approve motion by Michael second I second second by mar Mario all in favor I I opposed that one's approved number five on the agenda form a application for endorsement of plan believed not to require approval and our plan of land file number 24-1 1577 owner applicant MD massud ra property location 159 and 165 Hunter Street assessor map i-7 lot 65 so similar to what you see uh often before you for endorsement this is the subdivision of a PO land family dwellings constructed prior to 1954 now I want you to have an understanding zoning requirements do not apply to this to this parcel of land when we're dealing with existing structures in fact there specific zoning ordinance specifically written into our zoning ordinance that allows for this subdivision to take place so this isn't because people can't comply with zoning or the lot can't be as big as what's required in the district so this is the circumstance where we have something constructed entirely before subdivision control law and um zoning and our zoning specific I want to say it's 86 423b maybe whatever section it might fall under um allows this to take place by special firm that is it we did ask for one slight revision to this plan where they the survey area left off just the frontage Dimension uh for the access easement that provides uh a wider access to to both properties my favorite yep I know does have 18 square feet it does have they added a frontage of 18 square feet right on this plan from the last last one did they add the what you were asking no all I asked for was the dimension of 4 feet 4.12 feet which is the distance of the easement along the frontage line not the frontage itself just the easement and it's so that when an attorney as you know wants to create a legal description and all of a sudden that Dimension so rather than referencing the plan that has no Dimension if you wanted to actually write the meets and bound description of the easement then you would need that Dimension so you re you think we should wait for that or no no it's here oh it's here yeah okay this plan came in yesterday no today today okay let's upd so we we try to review them I mean the deadline is only a week before the meeting we try to get to them within a day or two and at least alert applicants to add this add that and hopefully they get it in before the meeting other we don't sign any other comments on this form a motion to approve a motion to approve motion by glor glor by Beth second I second second by Mario all in favor I I oppose for me is approved number six on the agenda proposed zoning map Amendment Amendment ordinance discuss and send a report to the for of city council with regards to the proposed ordinance to extend the Waterfront and Transit oriented development District WT Tod as follows easterly from the easterly side of Deval Street to Westerly side of North Main Street and Northerly from the north side of Walnut Street to a point approximately 640 ft north of the Northerly side of whan street so as you're all familiar with that to sitting through that evening um what you're being asked to tonight is to basically just reaffirm what we had voted months ago and then take in the testimony that was provided last night presentation in parties in favor parties against and make a recommendation either for the city council to accept or deny the proposed map Amendment so that year is being asked to make that one vote this evening there is a draft letter that we have put together that we will submit to the city council tomorrow so that they can continue on with the process there are other hurdles to pass for the zone change to to take place but our hands will be done with it after that it's a report but it's really just a recommendation of of what the findings are so I don't know who has the draft copy but if you wanted to read that um into the record if not you can just make a simple vote to um recommend to the city council that they adopt the proposed MTH Amendment uction last one so we can just make a motion to uh without reading the uh the entire letter Dan or that's up to you yeah you can you don't have to read the letter into the record normally I wouldn't wouldn't have written that until tomorrow after you made the vote but I fig in case somebody wanted to I mean I I know we were all present at at yesterday's meeting with this the city council and uh I personally thought it was a very productive uh productive meeting I want to thank you because that was very informative and detailed um as to the description of what need to be done uh had his pros and cons with a couple of comments uh from some individuals obviously Ken fola was was for it um I think it's a great idea I to move it over just one man's opinion but again I thought everything went well I thought the I thought it was well perceived by the city council um and again I think that was by and large to uh the preparation and the detailed description that you provided them I think that that's were really uh uh sold everybody on and it was it was you know cut and dry pretty much I mean it was it was a no-brain if anybody would any any kind of construction like Michael and stuff knowing where boundaries are and you know the expansion of them you know to go just to go to North Main Street so we don't have that wall barrier of the tracks and such um you know I thought that was uh I thought that was very good uh very good presentation do I have any other comments I just want to uh uh give you accolades as well because again I've done these uh types of developments and the hardest portion of that is where that line is defined because usually it's kind of on the other side of the tracks is left abandoned and one side is going to prosper uh this actually eliminates that it brings development uh to the east side of uh the new railroad tracks up to Main Street and then it gives you a a logical uh Landmark as the bottom of the foothills of Seven Hills on the highlands um as your barrier um for development so it made a lot of sense uh it does open up a lot of um opportunity I think economically and um hopefully we'll see the uh the benefits that Prosper throughout the city of Fall River so nicely done my uh my point for last night I think first of all I did an excellent job thank and the explanation to at least to me I speak for all of us was the unknown of what you explained and not try to compromise everything would fall in order to better for the city and better for the public in the city and um what it to you thank congratulations great job well before you before you vote I want to acknowledge Chris's work and Nina's um Chris put together the PowerPoint need a help you know all the notifications and letters and I mean there's a lot of work that goes into something like this and TJ Sullivan in my office for doing the M preparation I used to tell you know in past practice I would always provide accolades to you know 20 staff members that allow someone to look polished when they get before somebody so that's the easy part when the when the information's there sure and you're just regurgitating what what's been given to you to say then you can do it by yourself so I appreciate everybody his efforts for sure and yours as well for for showing up on a night like that and having to sit through a city council and school committee meeting which not necessarily so excited well then I'm going to recant what I said and Chris good job good J second Motion One Thing comment that I thought was you know was brought up and I know there's always uh negative entities associated with it you always have the folks that are out there knocking down what potentially could be something um prosperous for the City I I would say that you know uh and you you actually addressed it you talked about the affordable housing component of it this is just defining where this zone is when the individual developer comes in and and proposes what they're going to do at the end of the day there's an entity of that you know I know it's all talked about you know the market rate the market rate but again working on a lot of these cities that that could be something that's a selling point for the developers whether it's a you know 5% 10% whatever it is um and again those are built in equations to Economic Development as you know and uh could help address in that District but um again I I thought you handled that U very well um and even stated that that this is not the site plan approval process it's to to identify a zone so they don't have to go through that and that you also get the credits again there are a lot of towns that I work in that are pushing against this and even the 10% affordable housing we we're not one of those communities so and I think what's in the argument so when people approach you about creating affordable housing we will and now let's look at time frames in short order maybe it's 10 years it's really short right in your you know grand scheme of things depend how old you are listen we are going to exhaust our ability to fill market rate housing okay so at some point in time there there's going to be a Tipping Point so right now everybody's saying oh rents are going up rents are going rents are going up rents are going up because we can't meet the the demand for market rate once the demand is met for market rate and there is a demand it's only going to be limited to so much that will open up opportunities for rates and rents to adjust accordingly because that's where that that there were no more people to rent market rate to so they're going to have to do something to the you know different tenement units where I grew up and those rents right now they can ask whatever they want cuz there's no other options right so once we once we get a certain amount of housing stock in I do see I think you'll see a dramatic change in in the rent values on on some of the other properties in the city before we make uh before we vote on it I'm going to U I'm going to read the letter from uh from Dan to the city council just so we have it on record uh this is dated April 11 2024 it's just a draft just this is just a draft should I should read it for the record because it's your words it's it's my it's my representation to the city council of what you're you're saying tonight this report is pro is provided to the city council in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 4A Section 5 on April 9 2024 the planning board had a joint meeting with the uh city council opened a public hearing for the Waterfront a proposed Waterfront and Transit oriented development District map Amendment the public public hearing was held at one government center in the city council chambers due notice was given in in accordance with the requirements of Mass General Law chapter 4A Section 5 and with the ordinance of the city of Fall River the hearing was open on April 9th 2024 at 7:05 p.m. at which time the director of engineering and planning Dan agar delivered a comprehensive presentation detailing the proposed map Amendment testimony was received received by public and the hearing was formally closed subsequently a meeting of the planning board held on April 10th at one government center in uh in the for uh first floor hearing room the planning board deliberated and voted to recommend the attached uh draft ordinance for approval to the city council should I read the second part I mean it's no there not there so do we have a motion to uh to to approve this and and and forward this to the I would approve it okay so approved by Michael second Gloria all in favor I opposed I as well opposed approved so this propos only map amendment to be sent to the city council number seven receipt of Correspondence review and discussion you can take these all together if you want we just going to place them on file okay 78 9 and 10 you just need a motion to take them all together I have a motion to take 78 n 7 8 n and 10 together motion motion by Mario second Gloria all in favor I think that's Beth Beth Jesus good Lord okay um we see the correspondence review and discussion of the acceptance uh of the Bradford dery textile school for National register of historical places from Mass from the Massachusetts historical commission at 78 review and discussion of the notice of application for special project designation permit extension SL modification submitted by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority for the South Coast rail Improvement project nine review and discussion of the nomination of the home for the aged people for the national register of historical places for Massachusetts historical commission 10 review and discussion of the nomination of the Wyoming Mills for the national register of historic places from the Massachusetts Massachusetts historical commission we have a motion to place these on file motion we should no discussion correct no you don't need to no we're just placing these correspondence on file so I got motion by by Beth second second by Gloria all in favor hi oppose before you go on to the next one and I know I keep asking about this um I know these things come in without specific addresses right which drives me nuts so if we can at least on our agenda even though it's not in their description of the letter that they sent if we can somehow in parentheses or something put an address or at least if we can find out what the address is and put it on here as well okay I can do that I can't believe they don't require an address on their on their paperwork but apparently is say for the national historical places you're saying yeah yeah because they refer to them by their historical name but and they don't put an address I know goog some people don't you know Google Earth doesn't recognize I I looked up these I'm like where the hell is this it's down the road from me I'm like okay all right number 11 approval of the minutes from the February 14th 20124 and March 13th 2024 meetings so for February um I was yes B was not okay so be was not so we need to do them so we'll take them uh we'll take them out of we'll take them separately do I have a motion to accept the minutes of the February 14th 2024 meeting where Beth was absent I make a motion to approve the February 14th meeting motion by Gloria second by second by Mario all in favor noio I that was Michael oh what did I say you said Mario wow I'm having trouble today boy he's a good looking one this better be sh birthday is coming up I'm having problems today every day okay okay now so everyone in favor yes yep okay no opposed now we'll go to March 13 2024 minutes of the meeting do I have a motion for the to approve a motion to approve those minutes from March take your time John by Beth motion by Beth second take your time guys you wait for me yeah anybody anybody can second second hurry up all I name still freshed my mind Mario all in favor I I oppos okay citizens citizens input we got nothing right and number 13 do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Beth second second by Michael all in favor I on a side note um